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Chapter - 15 Boiler Metallurgy Definitions

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1. Definitions:
Steel is defined as an alloy of iron and carbon, which contains not over 2%
carbon and is cast in an initially malleable mass. It is obtained by refining pig
iron by reducing its carbon content by oxidation and other impurities. Main steel
making processes used are Bessemer process; Open hearth-basic or acid- process,
Baic-Oxygen process, and Electric-Furnace process with vacuum degassing.
During the steel making process primary reaction is the combination of excess
carbon and oxygen to form gas. If the oxygen is available for this reaction, is not
removed prior to or during casting by addition of deoxidizing agents like
manganese, silicon, aluminum, or some other deoxidizing agent, the gaseous
products continue to evolve during solidification of metal in mold and blowholes
under the thick solidified skin will be found. In decreasing degrees of gas
evolution, the products are called rimmed steel, semi-killed steel and fully killed
Molten steel in liquid form is cast into ingots and solidified ingots. After
discarding the top portions containing pipe cavities and segregated impurities,
they are progressively rolled in billets, slabs, plates, strips, pipes, tubes, angles,
beams, channels, rods and other shapes.
Rimmed Steel-costs less to make than semi-killed or killed steel and is used
widely as structural plate material or for strips for electric-resistance welded tubes
due to the outer rimmed portion of ingot being suitable for welding by that
process. Rimmed steels normally contain less than 0.25% C, under 0.60%
manganese, and 0.01% silicon. Satisfactory rimmed steels do not contain any
significant % of highly oxidizable elements such as alumimium, titanium or
A marked evolution of gas during solidification of outer rim gives rise to blow
holes under the thick skin on all sides and on rolling gas voids get closed and
welded but this structural pattern of the ingot persist through rolling process.
The outer rim is ductile and the amounts of carbon, phosphorous, sulfur, and
non-metallic inclusions in this rim are lower than the average of the
composition of ingot and concentration of these elements in the liquid core of
the ingot increases due to segregation in central and upper portions of the ingot.
Capped steel-The characteristics of capped steel and rimmed steel are similar, but
it represents an intermediate step between rimmed steel and semi-killed steel. A
de-oxidizer may be added when ingot is cast to affect a controlled rimming action.
It is cast with big end down bottle-top molds using heavy metal cap. Capped steel
has generally a thinner rim and segregation in the upper central portion of the

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ingot is less than in rimmed steel. It is not ordinarily used in steels containing
more than 0.15% carbon.
Semi-killed Steel is only partially de-oxidized with silicon, aluminum or both to
allow the evolution of sufficient gases to offset, entirely and in part, shrinkage
accompanying solidification. Since pipe cavities are minimized, semi-killed steel
is cast with big end down molds without hot tops. Most semi-killed steels contain
between 0.15 and 0.25% carbon and approximately 0.05% silica. It has a variable
degree of uniformity in composition.
Killed Steel is the steel, which has been degassed (mainly deoxidized), prior to
poring, so that the liquid metal lies quiet in the mould without presence of gas to
form porosity in the ingot. If certain deoxidizing elements such as manganese,
silicon or aluminum are added in sufficient amounts to molten steel in the ladle,
the metal will solidify quietly without evolution of gases. Killed steel is
deoxidized with strong deoxidizing agent(s) to reduce the oxygen content to a
minimum so that no reaction occurs between carbon and oxygen during
solidification. Shrinkage cavities (known as pipes) are formed during cooling and
solidification and this affected part of ingot is discarded Killed steels are cast in
big end up ingot moulds that supply molten metal to reduce secondary shrinkage
cavities. Most of the carbon steels containing more than 0.25% carbon are killed
by silica and usually contain minimum 0.1% silica. Seamless steel boiler tubes are
made of aluminum killed steel. Killed steels are characterized by freedom from
Acid Steel is the Steel produced from pig iron refined by oxidation alone (called
acid process) or Steel produced by oxidation in an open-hearth furnace with an
acid lining, i.e. consisting of a siliceous refractory and under a siliceous slag are
called acid steels. With an acid slag, carbon, silicon and manganese only are
removed. So the pig iron used must be cleaner not contain sulphur and
phosphorus in percentages exceeding those permissible by the specification to
which steel is being made. They are used in castings but usually not used where
welding is involved due to process not being able to reduce S and P originally
present in pig iron. Most steel manufactured today is in the open-hearth furnaces
with basic linings.
Basic Steel is the Steel produced in a furnace in which the open hearth consists of
a basic refractory such as dolomite or magnesite, as opposed to steel melted in a
furnace with an acid lining. The basic process permits the removal of sulphur and
phosphorous and in this respect is superior. Steels for carbon steel, C-Mo plate
steel, tubes up to 1-% Cr steel are made of such steel. Present day BOS and
electric arc furnaces use basic linings. High alloy steel components generally use
steel from electric furnaces.
2. Phase Changes in steel: Like all other metals, iron is crystalline in structure
and exist in one of the two forms of cubic space lattice so differentiated by the
manner in which atoms are arranged in each of the lattice, body centered-with an
atom at each corner of the cube and one at the center of the cell; or face centered
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cubic form having an atom at each corner and one in the center of each of the six
faces. The structure changes with the temperature as mentioned below:
2.1 Allotropic changes in atomic crystal structure of Iron during heating to melting
point and corresponding transformation temperatures are as follows:
o Alpha Iron –magnetic-body centered cubic structure-20C-768C
o Alpha Iron –nonmagnetic-body centered cubic structure-768C-910C
o Gamma Iron – Non magnetic - Face centered cubic structure-910C-1410C
o Delta Iron –magnetic-body centered cubic structure-1410C-1535C
o Pure iron is highly ductile and soft and is nearly comparable to copper in
hardness. Iron alloyed with carbon and other elements such as manganese,
chromium etc shows increase in strength and represents steel, which is an
economic material of construction.
Difference in solubility of C in alpha iron and gamma iron give rise to possibility of
imparting different strength/ properties to steel by heat treatment.
Equilibrium diagram shows phase solubility limits of carbon in iron, when infinite
time is available for equilibrium to be reached.
S shaped transformation diagrams for a specific composition indicates time required
for the progress of transformation from austenite to ferritic constituents at various
temperature levels.
2.2 Microscopic Examination of steel and constituent properties:
o Ferrite: A commercially pure alpha iron containing small amount of carbon
in solid solution (0.04 -0.05%). Soft, ductile and weak (40000 psi Tensile
o Austenite: A solid solution of carbon in Gamma iron (0.8% C at1333F, 2% C
at 2090F) High ductility, high impact strength.
o Cementite: Iron carbide Fe3C containing 6.67% carbon, very hard (650 Brinell)
and very brittle.
3. Heat Treatment Requirements and Their Cycles
Various steels used for pressure parts can be divided into following main groups:
(i) Carbon steel (ii) Light alloy steel (iii) Stainless steel.
Commonly used heat treatments are annealing, normalizing, tempering, stress relieving
and post weld heat treatment. A brief description and their objectives of the heat
treatment are given below:
3.1 Annealing: - This involves heating of the steel to above upper critical temperature
(in the range of 850-920 C) for sufficient time period, usually one hour per 25 mm
thickness for Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steels and slowly cooling it inside the
furnace to allow transformation of Austenite completed above 500 C to produce softer
constituents like coarse pearlite. Fully annealed steel attains minimum strength and
maximum ductility.

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3.2 Normalizing: - Heat treatment is same as above except that the steel components are
held in the range of 850-970 C and are cooled in still air instead of furnace so that the
material cools rapidly as compared to annealing and transformation of Austenite takes
place at lower temperature and result in globular pearlite, upper Bainite. Normalized
steel attains higher strength and toughness and lesser ductility as compared to fully
annealed steel.
3.3 Tempering - High carbon steels and those alloyed with chromium, Mo, V is very hard
when normalized and are not suitable for further fabrication. Such normalized steels are
heated again for achieving desired level of strength hardness and ductility by slowly
heating to temperature below the lower critical temperature in the range of 600-
730 C, holding of the temperature for sufficient time usually one hour per 25 mm
thickness and thereafter cooling in still air.
3.4 Stress Relieving: - This treatment is similar to tempering and except that, the parts
are cooled slowly inside the furnace. This treatment is given to the parts, which are
cold formed/ work hardened steel materials like pipe bends, swaged pipe ends. It
reduces hardness and improves ductility and toughness.
3.5 Post Weld Heat Treatment: - It is carried out on fabricated equipment / assemblies to
relieve stresses locked up in the material due to welding and other fabrication process.
Reduction of steel strength occurs by heating the steel in the range of 550- 730 C so that
the residual stresses produce plastic flow or creep and relieve elastic stresses. The ideal
way is to heat the part uniformly and cooling it uniformly back to the room temperature.
The rate of heating and cooling is low and depends on the type, geometry and the size of
the vessel being heat-treated. It reduces the risk of brittle failures of the components,
reduces the risk of stress corrosion cracking, and improves dimensional stability. The
risk of crack growth by fatigue or creep is also reduced. It also is useful to avoid brittle
fracture at low temperature. It is carried out below the lower critical temperature to
avoid excessive oxidation of the surface.
The post weld treatment is carried out by heating the component in the furnace, or
through local heat treatment by heating circumferential band encompassing the heat
affected zone and the weld zone. Heating a bandwidth five times the radius multiplied
by the thickness and lagging a bandwidth of double its size on both the sides ensures
sufficiently low temperature gradient.
4. Wrought Iron: Wrought Iron is a purer form of pig iron and is prepared by burning
out the impurities (C, Si, Mn, P and Sulphur) from pig iron. Wrought iron or pure iron
is soft and resistant to corrosion. Nowadays, wrought iron is not used industrially any
more in any great quantity, and almost all items referred to as "wrought iron" or
“wrought steel” is really made of steel (low carbon steel).
5. Wrought Steel or Low carbon steel: It is composed primarily of the
element iron, combined with small percentages of other elements, notably carbon
(generally less than 0.3 percent)
The process of manufacturing wrought steel consist of melting the pig iron in a
furnace, usually an “open hearth”, burning off the carbon and other impurities,
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then adding whatever amount of carbon mat be required for the desired grade of
steel. The finished steel usually contains small percentages of manganese,
sulphur, and phosphorus as well as carbon. Molten metal from the steel furnace is
run off into ingot moulds, and these ingots are rolled forged or pressed into plates,
bars and other shapes.

6. Carbon Steel:
Carbon steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with varying quantities of other
elements like phosphorus, sulphur, silicon, and manganese. For boiler
construction the maximum limits for these elements are [as per IBR regulation 43
Carbon ----------- 0.25 % maximum
Silicon ----------- 0.35 % maximum
Manganese ------0.35 % maximum
Phosphorus -----0.05 % maximum
Sulphur --------- 0.05 % maximum
Sometimes a carbon content not exceeding 0.35 per cent is permitted but subject
to the approval of the Inspecting Authority
Carbon steel parts subject to pressure and exposed to fire should contain a
maximum of 0.25% carbon for plate thickness 18-20 mm; for higher plate
thickness a maximum carbon content of 0.30% is preferred. Phosphorous should
not exceed 0.04% for acid steel and 0.035% for basic steel. Maximum limit of
sulphur content: 0.04%.
Carbon steel boiler components subject to pressure but not exposed to fire are
made from flange steels, which contains the maximum amount of the following
Mn-0.8%; P- (0.04-0.05%); S-0.05%
Reasonably resistant to scaling in steam and corrosion by combustion products up
to 540ºC, carbon steels are sensitive to corrosive oxidizing media at somewhat
lower temperatures if these are under high stress. Only killed steels can be
recommended for use in the temperature range above 480ºC. The fundamental
problem inherent in carbon steel is that its carbide phase is precipitated along the
grain boundaries upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 425ºC. This
leads to intercrystalline cracks and tube failure. Though some manufacturers
recommend the use of carbon steel superheaters to 500ºC, the use of carbon steel
is generally restricted to temperatures below 425ºC.
Carbon steels find their application in the manufacture of boiler drums and vessels
at pressures 6-12 MN/m2 and temperatures up to 450ºC. These are also used in
making tubes of heating surfaces for temperatures up to 480º-500ºC.

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6.1 Effect of individual elements in carbon steel:

Carbon: Carbon content is very important in determining the properties of steel.
It increases the tensile strength and hardness of steel but decrease the ductility and
Manganese: Manganese is a brittle, metallic element that exists in the ore of
pyrolusite. When making steel, it reacts with sulfur and helps to increase the
metal's resistance to cracking during hot working. Tensile strength and hardness
increase with the manganese content, but weldability decrease by increase in
Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a poisonous, nonmetallic element that helps protect
metal surfaces from corrosion Tensile strength and hardness increase with the
increase in phosphorus content.
Sulphur: Sulfur is a nonmetallic element found mainly in volcanic and
sedimentary deposits. Sulphur in steel lowers the toughness and transverse
ductility. Sulphur imparts brittleness to chips removed in machining operations.
Sulfur, in the form of iron sulfide, can cause steel to be too porous and prone to
Silicon: Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust and can
be found in rocks, sand and clay. It is the principal deoxidiser used in carbon
steel. Presence of silicon in steel promotes increase of grain size and deep
hardening properties. Its addition is very useful in making steel adaptable for case
Copper: Though it is not an essential constituent of carbon steel yet sometimes it
is added up to 0.25 % to increase the resistance to atmospheric corrosion.

7. Alloy steel: Alloy steel is steel to which one or more of such elements as nickel,
chromium, manganese, molybdenum, titanium, cobalt, tungsten, or vanadium
have been added. The addition of these elements gives steel greater toughness,
strength, resistance to wear, and resistance to corrosion.
Alloy steel is superior to carbon steel as they
(a) Retain greater strength and impact resistance at a higher temperature.
(b) Are more resistant to corrosion.
(c) Possess high-temperature oxidation resistance, creep resistance and stability.
Alloy steels are resistant to creep at temperatures up to 580ºC. Hence these are
used in making superheater tubes and headers and steam pipelines – the elements,
which operate under creep conditions. They are also used for making boiler drums
at working pressures up to 18 MN/m2. They are also resistant to scale formation at
temperatures up to 580ºC.
The chief alloying elements in Alloy steels are chromium, molybdenum, silicon
and aluminium.
Molybdenum gets dissolved in ferrite and increases the long-term strength and
creep resistance. However, prolonged exposure to temperatures exceeding 470ºC
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causes the transformation of the carbide phase into graphite and that restricts the
use of plain carbon-molybdenum steel to a maximum temperature of 425º-470ºC.
Elements like chromium, silicon and aluminium impart scale resistance to the
steel as they form dense refractory oxides of Cr 2O3, SiO2 and Al2O3 on the surface
of the components. Their coefficients of expansion are very close to that of steel
and they protect the base metal from further oxidation. In the making of boiler
components, low-alloyed Cr-Mo class steels are frequently used because of their
better creep resistance at elevated temperatures, less chance of graphitization and
good weldability.

Cr Mo Applications
0.4-0.6 0.4-0.6 Steam headers and pipelines
0.8-1.1 0.4-0.6 Superheater tubes for temp. 475-550ºC
Vanadium has a strong carbide-forming tendency and hence the addition of
vanadium (0.15-0.35%) the low-alloyed pearlitic class improves the creep
resistance of steel, which therefore can be utilized for making boiler elements
subjected to higher temperature and pressure.

Cr Mo V Nb Applications
0.9-1.25 0.25-0.35 0.15-0.35 - Boiler tubes and steam
pipelines operating
temperature upto 565-580ºC
1.2-1.5 1-1.25 0.25-0.35 - Preheaters and steam pipelines
subject to operating
temperatures upto 565-580ºC
2-2.5 0.5-0.75 0.25-0.35 0.5-0.75 Superheaters operating at
temperatures upto 580ºC
Chromium improves the scale resistance of steel. This property can be further
boosted by addition of a small quantity of silicon (0.4-0.7%) rendering the
pearlitic steel very highly scale resistant. If a very small quantity of boron (0.003-
0.005%) is added to it, the steel attains a high degree of refractories. However,
these steels are very hard and need special care during the heat treatment

Cr Mo V Si B Applications
1.5-2 0.5-0.75 0.25-0.35 0.4-0.7 0.005 Superheaters (operating
temperatures upto 580ºC)
Manganese improves the strength and hardness of steel. To it, if molybdenum is
added, the steel gains higher heat resistance (creep resistance). Nickel also
improves the strength and hardness as well as the corrosion resistance of steel.
Hence this type of steel is used in making boiler drums and feedwater pipelines
for supercritical pressure for continuous operation without the risk of creep.

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Mn Ni Mo Applications
0.8-1.2 1-1.35 0.45-0.55 Boiler drums (Working pressure: 14-18.5
0.9-1.4 0.75-1.2 - Feedwater pipelines (Pressure: upto 38
MN/m2; Temp. upto 450ºC)

7.1 Effect of individual elements in Alloy steel:

Chromium: When quantities of chromium are added to steel the resulting product
is a metal having extreme hardness and resistance to wear without making it
brittle. Chromium also tends to refine the grain structure of steel, thereby
increasing its toughness.
Nickel: The addition of nickel increases the ductility of steel while allowing it to
maintain its strength. When large quantities of nickel are added (25-35%), the
steels not only become tough but also develop high resistance to corrosion and
shock Nickel greatly increases the tensile strength, ductility, elasticity and
corrosion resistance;
Manganese: Manganese increases hardness and toughness;
Silicon: Silicon increases hardness and magnetic permeability, making steel
particularly suitable for electromagnets;
Vanadium: Addition of this element to steel promotes fine grain structure when
the steel is heated above its critical range for heat treatment. It also imparts
toughness and strength to the metal
Molybdenum: This element produces the greatest hardening effect of any
element except carbon and at the same time it reduces the enlargement of the
grain structure. The result is a strong.
Tungsten: Tungsten hardens and increases heat resistance. It is the main alloying
constituent in self-hardening tool steels.
8. Stainless steel: Stainless steel contains at least 10% chromium, with or without
other elements. Based on the structures, stainless steels can be grouped into three
Austenitic: Typically contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel and is widely
known as 18-8. Nonmagnetic in annealed condition, this grade can only be
hardened by cold working.
Both nickel and chromium substantially increase the austenite stability and
improve the strength and hardness without any appreciable loss in ductility and
These have high heat and scale resistance at elevated temperatures and hence find
applications in the manufacture of steam pipelines subject to a temperature of

Cr Ni W Mo Ti Nb B Applications
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13-15 13-15 2.5-2.75 0.5-0.6 - - - Superheaters

and steam pipes
at temp. up to
17-19 12-15 - - 0.65 - - -do-
15-17 8-10 - 1.5-2 - - - Steam pipelines
at steam temp.
up to 650ºC
13-15 18-20 2-2.5 - - 1-1.25 - Superheater
coils and steam
pipelines at
temp. up to
15-18 15-18 2-3 0.5-1 - 0.5-1 0.005 -do-
The austenitic class of steels over their high scale resistance to the presence of
high concentration of chromium which forms a protective, impervious, hard
chromium oxide film over the surface to prevent the base metal from further
oxidation. However, these high chromium steels must be stabilized by adding
stabilizing elements, viz. titanium (0.5-1%) and niobium (0.6-1%) to prevent
intercrystalline corrosion that occurs due to chromium carbide precipitation at the
grain boundaries under prolonged exposure to high temperature. These elements
(Ti, Nb) being strong carbide formers prevent the formation of chromium
Austenitic steels have high heat resistance due to chromium, which increases the
resistance to softening at elevated temperatures. Adding molybdenum and
tungsten can further enhance this property, which form high-disperse strong
compounds Fe2Mo and Fe2 W in the steel matrix to improve the strength and
creep resistance of the structure at an elevated temperature.
Ferritic: Contains very little nickel and 9% chromium or 12% chromium with
other elements such as aluminum or titanium. Always magnetic, this grade can be
hardened only by cold working.
Martensitic: These are no-nickel steels have chromium (11-15%) as the chief
alloying element with the addition of tungsten, vanadium and molybdenum for
higher heat resistance. These combinations of alloying elements produce a low-
carbon martensite or a martensitic ferrite structure in steel, which lacks the
following drawbacks of austenitic steel:
1. Austenitic steel is very expensive because of high nickel content.
2. Austenitic steels are liable to stress-corrosion cracking.
3. Austenitic steels are prone to weld-decay-formation of annular cracks closed
to welds during heating due to sharp drop in ductility.

9. List of the principal materials used in steam-boiler construction:

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Wrought Steel Bolts, Rivets, Boiler Plates, stays, tubes, pipes,

(Low carbon steel) reinforcing rings, manhole door frames, mud
drums, nozzles, manhole and handhole covers

Cast steel High pressure fittings, tube headers, manhole

and handhole cover plates, supporting lugs
Wrought Iron Stay bolts, tubes, pipes, rivets, door-frame rings
Cast Iron Valves, pipes, fittings when pressures do not
exceed 13.358 kg/cm2 (190 psi) and temperature
(400oF) 204oC
Brass Small valves, gauge glass fittings, parts of gauges,
Bronze Safety-valve seats and same purposes as brass,
when temperatures do not exceed (435oF) 224oC
Copper Plates and tubes
Alloy steels Boiler drums, superheater tubes, headers and
steam pipelines (higher temperature and pressure

10. Commonly used seamless steel tube specifications in boiler pressure

parts and applicable service temperatures.
Nominal Product ASME CSN DIN BS Temp.
Compositi Limit
T SA192 _ St35.8 BS 3059
SA210A1 St45.8
C.S SA210C P2S245 800oF
P SA106B _ St35.8 BS 3602 (427oC)
SA106C St45.8 HFS27
½ Mo T SA209T1 _ 15Mo3 _ 900oF
T _ 13Cr Mo44 BS 3059
1Cr P2S2620 905oF
1/2Mo P SA335P12 15111.1* 13Cr Mo44 BS 3604 (535oC)
11/4 Cr T SA213T11 _ _ 1025oF
1/2Mo (552oC)
T SA213T22 _ 10Cr Mo BS 3059
21/4 Cr 910 P2S2622/50 1070oF
1Mo P SA335P22 _ BS 3604 (577oC)

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Nominal Product ASME CSN DIN BS Temp.

Compositi Limit
T _ 15123.1 14Mo V63 +BS 3604
½Cr ½ CD 660 1070oF
Mo 1/4V P _ 15123.1 14Mo V63 +BS 3604 (577oC)
HF 660
18Cr 8Ni T SA 213TP
304 H
18Cr T SA 213TP × 10Cr Ni _ 1300oF
10Ni 321 H Ti 189 (704oC)
4C Ti 0.6
18Cr T SA 213TP
10Ni 347 H
18Cr T
5C Ti 0.7
* Contains Vanadium of ¼ %; + Discontinuing specification; T-Tubes; P- Pipes

11. Chemical composition of typical materials used in boiler


Material C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo P S max Titanium

SA 299 0. 28 max 9.14 0. 035 0. 04
t < 1 in t<1
0. 30 max in
t > 1 in 9.15
SA 515 Gr. 70 0. 31 0.9
t < 25 mm
0. 3325 t < 50
0. 35 t > 50

SA 105 0. 35 max 0. 6– 0. 35 0. 04 0. 05
1. 05 max

SA 182 F6 0. 15 max 1. 0 1. 0 11. 5 0. 5 0. 04 0. 03

max max to max
13. 5
SA 192 0. 06 to 0. 18 0. 27 - 0. 25 0. 048 0. 05
0. 63 max
SA 210 Gr. 0. 27 max 0. 93 0. 1 0. 048 0. 05
A1 max min
SA 210 Gr. C 0. 35 max. 0. 29 - 0. 1 0. 048 0. 058

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Material C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo P S max Titanium

1. 06 min
SA 106 Gr. B 0. 3 max. 0. 29 - 0. 4 0. 048 0. 05
1. 06 min
SA 209 T1 0. 1 to 0. 2 0. 3 – 0. 1 – 0. 44 – 0. 045 0. 045
0. 8 0. 5 0. 65
SA 213 T11 0. 12 max. 0. 3 – 0. 5 – 1. 0 0. 44 – 0. 03 0. 03
0. 6 1. 0 -1. 5 0. 65
SA 335 P12 0. 15 max. 0. 3 – 0. 5 0. 8 0. 44 – 0. 045 0. 045
0. 6 max -1. 25 0. 65
SA 213 T22 0. 12 max. 0. 3 – 0. 5 1. 9 – 0. 87 – 0. 03 0. 03
0. 6 max 2. 6 1. 13
SA 335 P22 0. 15 max 0. 3 – 0. 5 1. 9 – 0. 87 – 0. 03 0. 03
0. 6 max 2. 6 1. 13
SA 213 0. 04 – 0. 1 2. 0 0. 75 18. 0 8.0 0. 04 0. 03
TP 304H max max to to
20. 0 11.0
SA 213 0. 04 – 0. 1 2. 0 0. 75 17. 0 9.0 0. 04 0. 03 4× % C-0.6
TP 321H max max to to
20. 0 13.0
SA 213 0. 04 – 0. 1 2. 0 0. 75 17. 0 11.0 0. 04 0. 03 4× % C-1. 0
TP 347H max max to to
18. 5 13.0


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