B. Tech. Viii Sem. Important Questions 2013: Branch: Ece Subject: Radar & TV Engg.. Sub. Code: 8ec2
B. Tech. Viii Sem. Important Questions 2013: Branch: Ece Subject: Radar & TV Engg.. Sub. Code: 8ec2
B. Tech. Viii Sem. Important Questions 2013: Branch: Ece Subject: Radar & TV Engg.. Sub. Code: 8ec2
Explain the Block diagram & Working of Radar. Derive its Radar range Equartion. Explain also Factor affecting Radar range Equation. Explain the Working of CW Radar& CW FM radar.. Derive the Doppler Frequency. Explain the Working of MTI Radar. Explain the Working of Delay Line Cancellor. Explain the Scanning Radar. Explain the Mono pulse Tracking Radar.Explain the Conical Scan & Sequential Lobing. Explain the Radar Display. Explain the Radar Reciever & SNR & Noise Figure.
Explain the LORAN. Explain the TACCAN Explain the Radio Direction Finder . Explain the DME Explain the Navigation & ILS.
Explain the Scanning .Explain Interlace Scanning. What is Interlace Scanning error. Explain the Camera Tube & its Principle Explain the Image Orthicon & Plumbicon.. Why we use De accelerating Grid. Explain the Aspect Ratio. Explain CVS with Synch & Blanking Pulse. Explain the Monochrome Pictrure Tube with Diagram. Explain the Colour Picture Tube :- PIL & Trintron. Explain the LCD Display & CCD Camera Tube. Explain PAL. Explain SECAM & PAL Burst Error.
Prove that in TVC Transmission with AM B.W required is 11.25 MHZ. Explain the VSB-SC Modulation. Justify it that it saves B.W. Explain its Reciever & Disadvantages. Why we use AM for Picture Transmission. Explain Sound Mosulation Explain the Colour Signal Transmission. Explain the Frequency Interleaving. Explain the TV Transmitter. Explai the TV Transmitting & Receiving antennas.
Explain the TV Reciever with Block Diagram. Explain the Sync Separator & AGC. Explain the Tuner Circuit & RF Amplifier . Mention the IF of Picture & Sound wiith Explanation. Explain the EHT Generation. Explain the DBS & HDTV.