L01 Introduction To Deregulation 1
L01 Introduction To Deregulation 1
L01 Introduction To Deregulation 1
Prof. S.A.Khaparde
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076
1. Introduction
During the nineties decade, many electric utilities and power network
companies world-wide have been Iorced to change their way oI operation and
business, Irom vertically integrated mechanisms to open market systems. This
can be speciIically observed in countries like UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway,
US and some countries oI South America. The reasons Ior change have been
many and have diIIered over regions and countries.
For developing countries, the main issues have been a high demand growth
coupled with ineIIicient system management and irrational tariII policies. This
has aIIected the availability oI Iinancial resources to support investments in
improving generation and transmission capacities. In such circumstances,
many utilities were Iorced to restructure their power sectors under pressure
Irom international Iunding agencies.
In developed countries, on the other hand, the driving Iorce has been to
provide electricity at lower prices and oIIer them a greater choice in
purchasing economic energy.
The goal oI changing the way oI operation, i.e. re-regulation, or
deregulation, as we say, is to enhance competition and bring consumers new
choices and economic beneIits.
Under Deregulation, the Iormer vertically integrated utility, which
perIormed all the Iunctions involved in power, i.e. generation, transmission,
distribution and retail sales, is dis-aggregated into separate companies devoted
to each Iunction. The electricity bill Ior the end consumer now involves at
least two components: one Irom the distribution and transmission network-
operator responsible Ior the network and services, and the other Irom the
company that generates the electrical energy.
All this seems to be very straightIorward at Iirst glance, but there are
several complexities involved in restructuring and many issues have been
In the discussions to Iollow, the issues involved in the restructuring
process will be considered.
2. Brief Concepts of Regulation and Deregulation
Regulation: Regulation means that the Government has set down laws and
rules that put limits on and define how a particular industrv or companv can
Nearly all industries in all nations are regulated to some extent. Very
competitive businesses such as auto manuIacturing, airlines and banking are
all heavily regulated with myriad government requirements deIining what they
must, can, and cannot do, and what and to whom and when they must report
their activities.
Regulation oI electric utilities is not the only way government can control
the electric power industry within its jurisdiction. The other way is to own and
operate the power company directly, as a government utility.
Deregulation: Deregulation in power industrv is a restructuring of the rules
and economic incentives that government set up to control and drive the
electric power industrv.
As the terms suggest, they represent Iundamentally opposite ideas. But
neither concept is necessarily good or bad. Both regulation and deregulation
make sense, and one or other is preIerable under certain conditions.
3. Why Was Electric Utility Industry Regulated?
3.1 Original need for regulation
During early days oI the electric power industry, both government and
business Iavored utility regulation. The reasons are maniIold:
1. Regulation oIIered a risk Iree way to Iinance the creation oI electric
industry. Establishment oI electric industry required large capital Ior
inIrastructure building. At the dawn oI the electrical era, government leaders
were resistant to invest large amounts oI public capital in an untried
technology. Early electric businessmen like Westinghouse, Edison, Brush, etc.
knew that their technology was sound. So, it was agreed Irom both the sides
that, the businessmen would risk their money, not the government, towards
capital investment. In turn, the government guaranteed them a Iair return on
their investment through regulated rates. Government also assured
businessmen the local monopoly and a stable market. Thus, regulation
provided both sides with risk minimization they needed.
2. Regulation legitimized the electric utility business. Government
Iranchises and regulation clearly implied to a possibly skeptical public that
civic leaders thought electricity was a good thing.
3. It gave electric utilities recognition and support Irom the government,
which was necessary to solve problems like Right oI Way`.
4. It established a local monopoly. The utility leaders could Iocus on
building up their systems without having to worry about the competitors
undercutting the prices to gain market share etc.
3.2 Characteristics of regulated electric industry
1. Monopolv franchise: Only the local electric utility can produce, move,
or sell commercial electric power within its service territory.
2. Obligation to serve: The utility must provide service to all electric
consumers in its service territory, not just those that would be
3. Regulatorv oversight: The utility`s business and operating practices
must conIirm to guidelines and rules set down by government
4. Least-cost operation: The utility must operate in a manner that
minimizes its overall revenue requirements.
5. Regulated rates: The utility`s rates are set in accordance with
government regulatory rules and guidelines.
6. Assumed rate of return: The utility is assured a Iair return on its
investment, iI it conIirms to the regulatory guidelines and practices.
3.3 Structure of regulated industry
The electric power industry has over the years been dominated by large
utilities that had an overall authority over all activities in generation,
transmission and distribution oI power within its domain oI operation. Such
utilities have oIten been reIerred to as vertically integrated utilities. Such
utilities served as the only electricity provider in the region and were obliged
to provide electricity to everyone in the region.
A typical structure oI a vertically integrated electric utility is shown in
Iigure (1).
Figure 1
In Iigure (1), the money Ilow is unidirectional, i.e. Irom the consumer to
the electric company. Similarly, the inIormation Ilow exists only between the
generators and the transmission systems.
The utilities being vertically integrated, it was oIten diIIicult to segregate
the costs involved in generation, transmission or distribution. So, the utilities
oIten charged their customers an average tariII rate depending on their
aggregated cost during a period.
T & D Customer
One Company
4. Conditions that Led to Deregulation
4.1 Basic motivation: Change in power industry scenario
There are many reasons that led to deregulation oI power system. One
Iorce that led to the deregulation oI electric power was the change in
generation economies oI scale that occurred throughout the 1980`s.
Traditionally, electric utility systems evolved with the central station
concept because oI signiIicant economy oI scale in power generation. Very
large generators produced power at less than halI the cost per kilowatt oI small
generator units, and the bigger the generator, the more economical the power it
For the reasons stated below, the shiIt in economy oI scale was observed:
1. Technological innovation improved the eIIiciency oI small units
Ior gas turbines, combined cycle, hydro and Iuel cells over that oI
large ones.
2. Improvements in materials, including new high temperature metals,
special lubricants, ceramics, and carbon Iiber, permit vastly
stronger and less expensive small machinery to be built.
3. Computerized control systems have been developed that oIten
reduce the number oI on-sight personnel to zero.
4. Data communications and oII-site monitoring systems can control
the units Irom remote operations centers, where one central
operator can monitor a dozen units at various sites, as iI present at
Thus in many instances, it was possible to build new power plants that
could provide energy at a lower price than what customers were paying Ior
that coming Irom the existing old, giant power plants. It became possible Ior
the industrial and commercial users oI electricity to build and operate their
own plants to produce power cheaper than that oI utility and also sell the
excess power to small customers.
4.2 The reasons for deregulation
The reasons Ior initiating the idea oI deregulation in power industry are
many. Following are the main reasons:
1. The need for regulation changed.
More Iundamental than any other reasons Ior change was the Iact that the
basic needs Ior regulation oI electric industry had died away beIore the end oI
century. First, the original need Ior regulation, which was to provide risk
Iree Iinance to build the inIrastructure, did not exist anymore. Second, the
omnipresent electric system created, was paid Ior, decades ago. The revenues
gained by the electric utilities was invested to renew their system and the level
oI risk in doing so was less as compared to that existed in the initial era.
Being a proved technology, the risk involved in investing money in such a
technology was nulliIied. The electricity could be thought oI an essential
commodity, which can be bought and sold in the marketplace in a competitive
manner, just like other commodities.
2. Privati:ation
Usually the motive was the government`s Iirm conviction that private
industry could do a better job oI running the power industry. This belieI, oI
course came Irom better privatization experiences oI the other industries.
Deregulation does not necessarily have to be a part oI privatization eIIorts.
The deregulation to Iree up the rules nearly always accompanies privatization.
3. Cost is expected to drop
Competition brings innovation, eIIiciency, and lower costs. The rate oI
cost decline is diIIerent in diIIerent areas. The reasons Ior this are maniIold.
The overall experience all over the world is that the electricity prices have
4. Customer focus will improve
Although monopoly Iranchise utilities have an obligation to serve all
customers, that does not promote the pro-active attention to customer needs. A
monopoly Iranchise utility listens to its customers when they explain their
needs, and then responds. A competitive electric service company anticipates
customer`s needs and responds in advance. The technological advances that
will be applied under deregulation, address customer service. More important
gain oI competition in the electricity market is the customer value rather than
lowering the cost.
5. Encourages innovation
The regulatory process and the lack oI competition gave electric utilities
no incentive to improve on yesterday`s perIormance or to take risks on new
ideas that might increase customer value. II a new idea succeeded in cutting
costs, the utility still made only its regulated rate oI return on investment; iI it
didn`t work, the utility would usually have to eat` a good deal oI the Iailed
attempt, as imprudent expenses. Furthermore, why would a regulated utility
want to use new ideas to lower its costs under a regulated rate oI return
Under deregulated environment, the electric utility will always try to
innovate something Ior the betterment oI service and in turn save its costs and
maximize the proIit. By means oI this, the utility will try to ensure that it will
maintain its customer base in spite oI competition.
Some other Iorces supporting the main reasons Ior motivating the
deregulation can also be enlisted as Iollows:
1. OverstaIIing in the regulated electric industry.
2. Global economic crisis
3. Political and ideological changes
4. Managerial ineIIiciency in the regulated company
5. Lack oI public resources Ior the Iurther development
6. More demanding environment issues
7. Pressure oI Iinancial institutes
It is unIair to blame the electric utilities Ior their unwillingness to take
risks, and their lack oI technological progress and lower customer Iocus under
regulation. They were simply responding to the system oI rules set down by
government. The problem was with the regulatory system, itselI. It had
provided growth and stability when that was needed. But, too much stability
means stagnation and that was the ultimate result in the electric utility
Thus, what needed to be Iixed was the regulatory Iramework, and, hence
5. Overview of A Deregulated Industry
5.1 Disaggregation of traditionally vertically integrated utility
One oI the principal characteristics oI a competitive structure is the
identiIication and separation oI the various tasks which are normally carried
out within the traditional organization so that these tasks can be open to
competition whenever practical and proIitable. This process is called
unbundling. An unbundled structure contrasts with the so-called vertically
integrated utility oI today where all tasks are coordinated jointly under one
umbrella with one common goal, that is, to minimize the total costs oI
operating the utility.
One oI the Iirst steps in the restructuring process oI the power industry has
been the separation oI the transmission activities Irom the electricity
generation activities.
The subsequent step was to introduce competition in generation activities,
either through the creation oI power pools, provision Ior direct bilateral
transactions or bidding in the spot markets.
On the other hand, the transmission system having signiIicant economics
oI scale consequently had a tendency to become a monopoly. Thus it was Ielt
necessary to introduce regulation in transmission so as to prevent it Irom
overcharging Ior its services. The transmission system thus became a neutral,
natural monopoly subject to regulation by public authorities. And to overcome
the monopolistic characteristic, the trend has been to establish new legal and
regulatory Irameworks oIIering third parties open access to the transmission
An important point to note is that the restructuring process was however
not uniIorm in all countries. While in many instances, it started with the
breaking up oI a large vertically integrated utility, in certain other instances
restructuring was characterized by the opening up oI small municipal
monopolies to competition.
In brieI, Electric utilities are expected to split apart into unbundled
companies, with each utility re-aligning itselI into several other companies
that respectively Iocus on each part oI the new industry, i.e., power delivery
and retailing. This is known as Disaggregation.
Under deregulation, the vertically integrated utility, one giant company
that generates, transmits, distributes and sells electricity in coordinated manner
will become thing oI the past. To Iunction in an open access system, such
utilities will have to rearrange their operational organization to match the
unbundled Iunctions they must perIorm. Each part oI the company will need to
work in its new Iorm. Generation will have to compete in the competitive
power generation market place. T & D will have to operate as an open
provider oI delivery services. Competition will be present in retailing.
Generally, the governments advocating deregulation want competition in
energy production, and they want to see signiIicant levels oI customer choice
in the retail market Ior electricity. At the same time, it recognizes that it is best
to have only one transmission and one distribution system in any one area.
ThereIore, the purpose oI deregulation is to restructure the electric industry so
that power production and retail sales are competitive, while delivery is still a
regulated, monopoly Iranchise business.
5.2 Structure of deregulated industry
Figure (2) shows the typical structure oI a deregulated electricity system
with links oI inIormation and money Ilow between various players.
Figure 2
The conIiguration shown in the Iigure is not a universal one. There exist
variations across countries and systems.
A system operator is appointed Ior the whole system and it is entrusted
with the responsibility oI keeping the system in balance, i.e. to ensure that the
production and imports continuously match consumption and exports.
Naturally, it was required to be an independent authority without involvement
in the market competition nor could it own generation Iacilities Ior business.
This system operator is known as Independent System Operator (ISO).
ReIerring to Iigure (2), there is no change as compared to Iigure (1) so
long as energy Ilow is concerned. Customer does its transactions through a
retailer or transacts directly with a generating company, depending on the type
oI a model.
DiIIerent power sellers will deliver their product to their customers (via
retailers), over a common set oI T & D wires, operated by the independent
system operator (ISO). The generators, T & D utility and retailers
communicate ISO. Mostly, customer communicates with the retailer,
T & D Customer
System Operator
demanding energy. The retailer contacts the generating company and
purchases the power Irom it and makes it transIerred to its customer`s place
via regulated T & D lines. The ISO is the one responsible Ior keeping track oI
various transactions taking place between various entities.
In the regulated environment, the electricity bill consisted oI a single
amount to be paid towards the generation, transmission and all other costs.
But, in the restructured environment, the electricity price gets segregated into
the Iollowing:
1. Price oI electrical energy
2. Price oI energy delivery (wheeling charges)
3. Price oI other services such as Irequency regulation and voltage
control, which are priced separately and charged independently
but may or may not be visible in the electricity bills.
5.3 Different entities in deregulated environment
The introduction oI deregulation has brought several new entities in the
electricity market place, while on the other hand redeIining the scope oI
activities oI many oI the existing players. Variations exist across market
structures over how each entity is particularly deIined and over what role it
plays in the system. However, on a broad level, the Iollowing entities can be
identiIied as shown in the Iigure (3).
Figure 3
1. Genco (Generating Company): Genco is an owner-operator oI
one or more generators that runs them and bids the power into
the competitive marketplace. Genco sells energy at its sites in
the same manner that a coal mining company might sell coal in
bulk at its mine.
2. Transco (Transmission Company): Transco moves power in
bulk quantities Irom where it is produced to where it is
delivered. The Transco owns and maintains the transmission
Iacilities, and may perIorm many oI the management and
engineering Iunctions required to ensure the system can
continue to do its job. In most deregulated industry structures,
the Transco owns and maintains the transmission lines under
monopoly Iranchise, but does not operate them. That is done by
Independent System Operator (ISO). The Transco is paid Ior
the use oI its lines.
3. Disco (Distribution Company): It is the monopoly Iranchise
owner-operator oI the local power delivery system, which
delivers power to individual businesses and homeowners. In
some places, the local distribution Iunction is combined with
retail Iunction, i.e. to buy wholesale electricity either through
the spot market or through direct contracts with gencos and
supply electricity to the end use customers. In many other
cases, however, the disco does not sell the power. It only owns
and operates the local distribution system, and obtains its
revenues by renting` space on it, or by billing Ior delivery oI
electric power.
4. Resco (Retail Energy Service Company): It is the retailer oI
electric power. Many oI these will be the retail departments oI
the Iormer vertically integrated utilities. Others will be
companies new to the electric industry that believe they are
good at selling services. Either way, a resco buys power Irom
gencos and sells it directly to the consumers.
5. Independent System Operator (ISO): The ISO is an entity
entrusted with the responsibility oI ensuring the reliability and
security oI the entire system. It is an independent authority and
does not participate in the electricity market trades. It usually
does not own generating resources, except Ior some reserve
capacity in certain cases. In order to maintain the system
security and reliability, the ISO procures various services such
as supply oI emergency reserves, or reactive power Irom other
entities in the system.
6. Customers: A customer is entity, consuming electricity. In
deregulated markets, the customer has several options Ior
buying electricity. It may choose to buy electricity Irom the
spot market by bidding Ior purchase, or may buy directly Irom
a genco or even Irom the local distribution company.
5.4 The competition
In a deregulated environment, two levels oI competition exist, rather,
encouraged. At what can be termed as wholesale level, gencos produce and
sell bulk quantities oI electric power. Power is typically sold in bulk quantities
to other companies or very large industrial customers, through some
deregulated power market mechanism. The gencos bid their power at the
marketplace so as to maximize their proIits.
Locally, retail delivery is accomplished by retailers, who compete Ior the
business oI the consumers in the area by oIIering low price, good service and
additional service Ieatures. These are the companies buying power at the
wholesale level and arranging Ior transport to each community where they do
business, so that they have power to divide up and sell to individuals locally.
Thus, a restructured, completely competitive electric industry is a
sandwich oI competition above and below a power delivery system. This
structure can be conveniently divided into wholesale and retails levels. The
important thing to note is that the power delivery i.e. transmission and
distribution remains the monopoly Iranchise. This is shown in Iigure (4).
Figure 4
6. 1he Wholesale Power Marketplace
In order Ior a deregulated power industry to work well, apart Irom the
entities discussed earlier, two additional entities or Iunctions must be created:
Power Market: There must be some way Ior power producers to sell their
power, and Ior buyers to buy the power.
System Operation: The transmission system can move power Irom sellers`
site to the buyer`s locations, but it must be kept under proper control on a real
time basis.
Both oI these Iunctions must be accomplished in one Iorm or another in
every deregulated electric power industry. Both require objectivity and
equality oI operation towards all competitors. None oI the competitive
companies involved (Gencos, Rescos) can possibly serve either oI these roles.
System operation can be accomplished by Transcos and Discos, under some
types oI deregulated structure, but the power market is a concept that was
completely unIamiliar to the power industry prior to deregulation. For this
reason, deregulation usually requires that one or more new entities be created
in one Iorm or another.
6.1 The marketplace mechanisms
Under deregulation, some system must be put in place where competitive
sellers oI electricity can oIIer their product (i.e. power) and transact sales.
There are three basic ways in which it can be done: Poolco, Bilateral
Trading and Power Exchange. OIten these are combined in diIIerent ways to
Iorm a composite mechanism.
A. Poolco
There is only one buyer in this system. The Poolco is a governmental or
quasi-governmental agency that buys Ior everyone, taking bids Irom all sellers
and buying enough power to meet the total need, taking the lowest cost
bidders. The Poolco operator also has responsibility Ior running the power
system, and is thus a combined buyer-system operator.
B. Bilateral Exchange
In this type oI multi-seller/ multi-buyer system, individual buyers and
sellers make a deal to exchange a power at prices and under the conditions
they agree to, privately.
C. Power Exchange (PX)
The Government sets up, or causes the power industry to establish, a
trading exchange Ior electric power, which operates much like a stock
exchange. The buyers and sellers enter their needs into the power exchange.
For example, a buyer would say, 'I need up to 200 MW at 1600 hours IST. I
would pav Rs. 3.5/ kWhr`, whereas, the seller would enter his demand as, 'I
have 400 MW and would like to sell it at Rs.4/ kWhr`.
When they transact business with the power exchange, buyers and sellers
are really talking to the marketplace` and not the individual buyers and
sellers. As in stock exchange, the power exchange constantly updates and
posts a market clearing price (MCP), which is the current price at which the
transactions are being done.
Note that when buyers and sellers communicate to the power exchange,
they don`t know whom they are dealing with.
These three market mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. Multiple
combinations oI all three could be made to work. It is common Ior two oI
these three mechanisms to be present simultaneously. For example,
transactions through Bilateral Exchange are permitted in CaliIornia, but
Western Power Exchange (WEPEX) was created to permit buyers and sellers
to do business with the marketplace on a real time, next hour or day-ahead
basis (Power Exchange).
The details oI implementation oI these three mechanisms can vary a great
deal, too, Irom one political jurisdiction to another. For example, some
jurisdictions Iorce the parties to any bilateral power sale agreement to disclose
publicly the quantity, the place, the time and the price oI their deals. Others
don`t. This disclosure requirement aIIects the strategies buyers and sellers
adopt in the marketplace.
Likewise, the time period oI power sales trade through the PX varies Irom
one deregulated system to another. Many power exchanges permit trading oI
power Ior only day ahead and an hour ahead trading. Anyone wanting longer
term purchases must Iind an entity with which to make bilateral deal`. Other
power exchanges permit buyers and sellers to make deals oI power Ior longer
periods, even months or years.
But regardless, every competitive power industry establishes a power
marketplace` with some Iorm oI one or more oI the three structures discussed.
6.2 Energy auction and competitive bidding
In a competitive electricity market, the sellers and buyers submit bids Ior
energy buy and sell. The bids are generally in the Iorm oI price and quantity
quotations and speciIy how much the seller or buyer is willing to buy or sell
and at what price. AIter the bids are available to the market operator, it settles
the market based on some criteria. Once the market is cleared, all selling
participants receive a uniIorm price Ior their power delivered, i.e., the market
price Irom the buying participants.
In case oI an auction, where all winning bidders are oIIered the same price
without discrimination, and regardless oI their individual bid, is known as
non-discriminated or second price auction. This is usually, the price oI the
highest priced bid that is cleared in the market. The non-discriminated auction
provides incentives to bidders to bid their true costs and avoid guessing the
bids oI others.
On the other hand, in a discriminated auction or first price auction, all
bidders are not oIIered the same price aIter the market is settled. The bidders
get the price that they had actually bid Ior, in the Iirst place. A disadvantage oI
this system is that, it can give rise to gaming opportunities Ior the participants
thereby providing ample scope Ior over-bidding and pushing up the market
clearing price.
Once the buyer and seller bid the amount oI energy and the price, the
power exchange Iorms an aggregate supply bid curve Ior suppliers and
aggregate demand bid curve Ior consumers. The curves are plotted on the
coordinates oI, supply and demand energy and price as shown in the Iigure
(5). The point oI intersection oI the two curves determines the market-clearing
price (MCP). At this point, the supply satisIies the demand.
Figure 5
The MCP is the price oI electric energy that is paid by consumers at all the
places. The sellers are also paid the price equal to the MCP. Consider the
power exchange auction. MCP is the highest sell bid or lowest buy bid
accepted in the auction. Thus, a seller is certain he will be paid no less than its
cost oI production iI he bids its marginal cost, and may be paid more. II a
seller bids less than his marginal cost, he would lose money because his bid
may set the MCP. II he bids more than his marginal cost, he may bid more
than other sellers and Iail to be selected in the auction. II the seller`s bid sets
the MCP then he would recover his running cost and iI the MCP is higher than
his marginal cost, then he would earn proIit or contribution to Iixed cost.
Buyer itselI makes similar considerations.
7. Market Models
There are mainly two models oI deregulation presently preIerred in the
various countries all over the world. The Poolco model adopted primarily in
UK, and the ISO model adopted in Nordic pool and CaliIornia in US. The
various countries like Australia, New Zealand and European Union are
employing one oI the two models with minor changes to meet their specialized
7.1 Pool model
The UK model is monopsony, i.e., there is only a single buyer Ior all the
energy generated by gencos. The buyer here is a Poolco, which also operates
the system. So, UK Poolco is responsible Ior inviting bids Ior energy and
deciding the energy price Ior a particular period in the Iuture markets like day-
ahead market. It is also responsible Ior real time operation oI the system;
hence it also buys ancillary services.
The way, UK market works is quite similar to centralized unit commitment
and economic dispatch. The diIIerence is that in traditional unit commitment
and economic dispatch the actual cost oI the energy generations are considered
but in deregulated environment, the gencos place price curves oI each oI its
generators and the actual cost is hidden Irom general knowledge. Poolco being
the system operator and auctioneer as well, takes care oI network congestion
at the auction level itselI in a manner similar to the economic dispatch.
Participation in the auction conducted by Poolco is a must Ior all gencos. As
Poolco is the only buyer, there are no bids Irom buyer`s side; the auction is
single sided auction.
7.2 Open access model
The models used in Nordic Pool and CaliIornia are examples oI this
model. The energy auction and Iuture markets are conducted by an
independent entity called Power Exchange (PX) and the system is operated by
another independent body called Independent System Operator (ISO), who
assures equal opportunities to all sellers and buyers through open access to
grid. The buyers and sellers have an option oI entering in bilateral transactions
or be participants in the energy auction conducted by the PX. The auction
conducted by PX is double sided auction as sellers as well as buyers place the
bids. The sellers and buyers are allowed to place a portIolio bid, i.e. a
combined bid Ior many generators.
Figure 6 shows how a PX operates.
Figure 6
The initial outcome oI PX auction is an Uncongested Market Clearing
Price (UMCP), and Uncongested Market Clearing Quantity (UMCQ). Each
seller is also notiIied about tentative quantity it has sold. The sellers and
buyers then provide Initial PreIerred Schedule (IPS), speciIying the actual
location at which and the quantity oI energy that they would deliver or extract
Irom the grid. The ISO then perIorms the load Ilow and security studies on
this data and approve the auction. II it Iinds a possibility oI congestion, the
UMCP is changed to a diIIerent value on either side oI a congested line, this
being the actual price oI energy paid on each side.
In this manner, the PX is concerned only with economic side oI auction
and ISO the technical side oI the market.
7.3 Comparison between two market structures
Open Access Pool
Bulk oI the energy transactions
are carried out as bilateral trades
while there may also exist a day
ahead spot market.
All energy transactions are carried
out through the pool, which may
be organized through a day ahead
trading mechanism.
The ISO is responsible Ior market
administration, generation
scheduling or dispatch Iunctions.
The Poolco Operator is
responsible Ior the market
settlements, unit commitment and
determination oI pool price.
Participation in the market by
gencos is not mandatory
Participation by gencos is
The ISO is responsible Ior system
security and control, procuring
necessary ancillary services.
The Poolco operator is
responsible Ior system security
and control, procuring necessary
ancillary services.
Example: Nordic Markets Example: UK Market
8. Major Responsibilities of ISO
The independent system operator (ISO) is the central entity to have
emerged in all deregulated markets with the responsibility oI ensuring system
security and reliability, Iair and equitable transmission tariIIs and providing
Ior other system services. With diIIering market structures evolving in various
countries, it has been noticed that based on the responsibilities assigned to
them and their Iunctional diIIerences, ISOs could be placed in two categories.
The Iirst and the most common one is the pool structure in which the ISO
is responsible Ior both market settlement including scheduling and dispatch,
and transmission system management including transmission pricing, and
security aspects. Here, ISO is also known as Poolco Operator.
The other structure is that oI open access, one dominated by bilateral
contracts. In this system, bulk oI the energy transactions are directly organized
between the generator and the customer, and the ISO has no role in generation
scheduling or dispatch and is only responsible Ior system operation. The role
oI ISO is minimal and limited to maintenance oI system security and
reliability Iunctions.
In any market structure, the ISO has Iollowing basic Iunctions laid out Ior
System security: Operator must assure that the power system continues
to operate in a stable, economical manner.
Power Delivery: The operator should provide the power transportation
services requested oI it by buyers and sellers.
Transmission pricing: System operator must determine and post the
prices Ior transmission usage, oIIer to reserve or sell usage, track, bill
and settle with users, and pass on revenues to transmission owners.
Service quality assurance: The system operator must assure the quality
oI service it provides.
Promotion oI Economic eIIiciency and equity: The overall operations
oI system operator should obey economic eIIiciency and also it should
have Iairness and equity in it`s dealing and should not beneIit only
some players in the system.
The system operator Iaces many daunting challenges in perIorming them.
But it has many resources, including a large staII oI experienced power system
operators and engineers, a Iully computerized control centre, and a massive
remote data collection system to monitor, analyze, and control the power
9. Issues Involved in Deregulation of Power Industry
9.1 Network congestion
9.1.1 Problem definition
When the producers and consumers oI the electric energy desire to
produce and consume in amounts that would cause the transmission system to
operate at or beyond one or more transIer limit, the system is said to be
Congestion is a consequence oI network constraints characterizing a Iinite
network capacity that precludes the simultaneous delivery oI power Irom an
associated set oI power transactions.
Line outages or higher load demands are the causes oI congestion in the
transmission network.
9.1.2 Effects of network congestion
When a generator bids other than its incremental costs, in an eIIort to
exploit imperIections in the market to increase proIits, its behavior is called
strategic bidding. II the generator can successIully increase its proIit by
strategic bidding or by any means other than lowering its costs, it is said to
have market power. The obvious example oI market power is a non-regulated
monopoly with a zero elasticity demand, where the generator can ask whatever
the price it wants Ior electric energy. Market power results in market
There are many possible causes oI market power. One oI the main reasons
is congestion. Consider a simple example oI two-zone system connected by an
interIace as shown in the Iigure (7).
Let each zone have a 100MW constant load. Zone A has 200 MW
generator with an incremental cost oI Rs.100/MWh. Zone B has a 200 MW
generator with an incremental cost oI Rs.200/MWh. Assume both generators
bid their incremental cost.
II there is no transIer limit between zones, all 200 MW oI load will be
brought Irom generator A at Rs.100/MWh as shown in Iigure (7a). II there is a
50 MW transIer limit, then 150 MW will be brought Irom A at Rs.100/MWh
and the remaining 50 MW must be brought Irom generator B at Rs.200/MWh,
as shown in Iigure (7b). The total cost oI 200 MW in un-congested market is
Rs.20000/h and that in the congested market is Rs.25000/h. Congestion has
created a market ineIIiciency oI 25 oI the optimal cost, even without
strategic behavior oI the generator. Congestion has also created unlimited
market power Ior generator at B.
9.1.3 Wavs to tackle congestion
In diIIerent types oI market, the method oI tackling the transmission
congestion diIIers. There are three diIIerent ways mainly adopted to tackle the
network congestion:
1. Price Area Congestion Management
2. Available TransIer Capability (ATC) based Congestion Management
3. Optimal Power Flow (OPF) based Congestion Management.
The Iirst method is used in Nordic pool; the second one in US and the third
one is employed in UK.
1. Price Area Congestion Management
In Nordic pool, which consists oI Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland,
when congestion is predicted, the system operator declares that the system is
split into price areas at predicted congestion bottlenecks. Spot market bidders
must submit separate bids Ior each price area in which they have generation or
load. II no congestion occurs during market settlement, the market will settle
at one price, which will be same as iI no price area existed. II congestion does
occur, price areas are separately settled at prices that satisIy transmission
constraints. Areas with excess generation have lower prices, and areas with
excess load have higher prices.
2. Available Transfer Capabilitv (ATC) based Congestion Management
This is particularly used in US system. The US Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) established a system where each ISO would be
responsible Ior monitoring its own regional transmission system and
calculating the available transIer capability (ATC) Ior potentially congested
transmission paths entering, leaving and inside its network. ATC is a measure
oI how much additional electric power can be transIerred Irom starting point
to end point oI a path. The ATC values Ior next hour and Ior each hour in the
Iuture are placed on a web site known as Open Access Same-time InIormation
System (OASIS), operated by ISO. Anyone wishing to do transaction would
access OASIS web pages and use ATC inIormation available there to
determine iI system could accommodate the transaction.
3. Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Based Congestion Management
Optimization is perIormed to minimize generator-operating cost with set
oI constraints that represent a model oI the transmission system within which
the generators operate.
The generators send a cost Iunction and those wishing to purchase load
send a bid Iunction to the ISO. The ISO has a complete transmission model
and can then do an OPF calculation. OPF solution gives prices/Mw at each
node oI the system. In some countries zonal pricing method is Iollowed in
which the system is divided into various zones on geographical basis. The
zone prices determined by the OPF are used in the Iollowing manner:
1. Generators are paid the zone price oI energy
2. The loads must pay the zone price Ior energy.
II there is no congestion, there is one zone price throughout the system,
and the generators are paid the same price Ior their energy as the loads pay.
When there is congestion, zone prices diIIer, each generator is paid its zone`s
price, and each load pays its zone`s price Ior energy.
Thus, the OPF, through the pricing in the zones, perIorms the Iunction oI
controlling the transmission Ilows (that is, maintaining transmission system
9.2 Optimal bidding
For a genco to survive in competitive environment, it has to operate very
eIIiciently. But only eIIicient operation sometimes may not suIIice because in
the energy auction it has to sell its products at competitive prices to get the
maximum proIit out oI it. Several Iactors aIIect the proIitability oI a genco like
its own bids, bids placed by its competitor, total energy demands among
others, etc.
While a genco has no control over the bids oI its competitors and the
energy demand, it can make its own strategy to place such a bid that provides
it highest proIit at lowest risk. By risk it is meant that the amount oI regret
involved. A bid is called highly risky iI it can yield large proIit but its
probability oI being selected is low, so more oIten than not it will not be
selected leading to regret. A low risk bid is such bid, which may have lower
proIit earning capability but high probability oI being selected, so there is no
The methods by which the optimal bidding problem is solved are as
1. Game theory
2. Dynamic Programming
3. A genetic algorithm based method
4. Optimization based bidding strategies.
5. Markov Decision Process
9.3 Transmission Pricing
Transmission Open Access (TOA) is gaining attention in countries that
desire to introduce competition into traditional cost-oI-service regulated
utilities without giving up their existing regulatory structures. Issues and
concerns associated with TOA could be categorized into economic and
operational ones. TOA Iormats are usually resulted Irom attempts to combine
these two inherently diIIerent regulatory approaches: traditional
cost-oI-service regulation and Iully competitive market.
As part oI a TOA and competitive electricity market, 'wheeling' oI
electrical energy is one oI the more prevalent oI such unbundled services.
Wheeling can be deIined as 'the use oI utility`s transmission Iacilities to
transmit power Ior any buyers and sellers'. In the wheeling transaction at least
three parties are normally involved: a seller, a buyer and one or more wheeling
utilities, which transmit the power Irom the seller to the buyer. Pricing the
transmission service is intended to meet a common set oI objectives: economic
eIIiciency, revenue suIIiciency and eIIicient regulation. Wheeling rates are the
prices which are charged Ior the use oI the transmission network(s) and are
payments made by the seller and/or buyer to compensate the wheeling
utility(ies) Ior the costs incurred. There are two critical elements, which
determine the wheeling rates. The Iirst one is that prices are determined in
relation to real time situation and the second one is that prices are determined
through market-based competition. The costs oI transmission transactions
have Iour major components:
Operating cost: Production (Iuels) costs due to generation re-dispatch
and rescheduling resulting Irom the transmission transaction.
Opportunity cost: BeneIits oI all transactions that the utility Iorgoes
due to operating constraints that are caused by the transmission
ReinIorcement cost: Capital cost oI new transmission Iacilities needed
to accommodate the transmission transaction.
Existing system cost: The allocation cost oI existing transmission
Iacilities used by the transmission transaction.
There are several transmission pricing methods that are listed below. One
oI the important isues to examine in any pricing method is not only how it
distributes the cost, but also the degree oI diIIiculty the system operator will
have in determining the cost to the required level oI detail.
1. Flat fee
Flat Iee prices are the simplest possible approach to distribution oI cost
over a large number oI customers. Everyone pays the same amount. II the cost
is one lakh rupees and iI there are thousand users, then everyone is charged a
hundred rupees.
2. Postage Stamp Method
Postage stamp transmission tariIIs set a price on use oI the grid that
depends only on the amount oI power moved, the duartion oI use. In this case,
the approximation is to ignore distance in allocating cost among users, which
is eIIectively how postage is priced.
3. Pro forma transmission tariffs
In this method, each user must pay a capacity Iee, based on the installed
cost oI the transmission system as a whole, allocated on a per kW basis, as
well as other Iees Ior use associated with the variable operating costs incurred
at the time oI their use.
4. MW-mile Method
This is the pricing that simply sets a wholesale wheeling price proportional
to both amount and distance. A Iixed price thoughout the network can be used,
e.g., Rs.1 per MW-mile/hour, anywhere, anytime, or diIIerent rates can be
charged Ior diIIerent routes or times.
5. Contract path method
Contract path pricing calls Ior the price oI transmission Irom point A to
point B to be based on the cost oI a single identiIied path. The parties moving
500 MW Irom Koyna to Bhubaneshwar might choose a particular route
between the two cities as contract path`. Even though they know the actual
power Ilow will split itselI among many parallel paths, they compute the price
to be paid on the basis oI this one line. ('This segment of route has 500 MW
capacitv, and vou are moving 500 MW, so we will charge vou for the whole
cost of the line. This other segment in the route has 1000 MW capacitv, so
well charge vou 50 of its costs`) The price usually includes a capacity
charge to cover the capital cost oI the equipment, and energy charges based on
losses and other operating costs.
6. Rated Svstem Path
This method bases the cost on a computed set oI parallel paths Ior a
particular path. Here, a rated system path Irom Koyna to Bhubaneshwar would
be identiIied by load Ilow and other engineering studies oI the grid
9.4 Ancillary Service Management
Ancillary services are deIined as all those activities on the interconnected
grid that are necessary to support the transmission oI power while maintaining
reliable operation and ensuring the required degree oI quality and saIety.
In deregulated power systems, transmission networks are available Ior
third party access to allow power wheeling, and spot markets Ior electricity
have been developed in many countries. In such an environment, the ancillary
services are no longer treated as an integral part oI the electric supply. They
are unbundled and priced separately and system operators have to purchase
ancillary services Irom ancillary service providers.
The North American Reliability Council (NERC) together with Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI) has identiIied 12 ancillary services. They
1. Regulation: The use oI generation or load to maintain minute-to-minute
generation/ load balance within control area.
2. Load Following: This service also reIers to instant-to-instant balance between
generation and load.
3. Energy Imbalance: The use oI generation to meet the hour-to-hour and daily
variations in load.
4. Operating Reserve- Spinning: The provision oI unloaded generating
capacity that is synchronized to the grid and can immediately respond to
correct Ior generation/ load imbalances, caused by generation and/ or
transmission outages and that is Iully available within several minutes.
5. Operating Reserve- Supplemental: The provision oI generating capacity and
curtail able load to correct Ior generation/ load imbalances, caused by
generation and/ or transmission outages, and that is Iully available within
several minutes. However, unlike spinning reserves, supplemental reserve is
not required to respond immediately.
6. Backup Supply
7. System Control: The control area operator Iunctions that schedule generation
and transactions and control generation in real time to maintain generation/
load balance.
8. Dynamic Scheduling
9. Reactive Power and Voltage Control from Generator Sources: The
injection or absorption oI reactive power Irom generators or capacitors to
maintain system voltages within required ranges.
10. Real power transmission losses
11. Network Stability Services from Generation sources: maintenance and use
oI special equipment (PSS and Dynamic braking resistances) to maintain a
secure transmission system.
12. System Black-Start Capability: The ability oI a generating unit to proceed
Irom a shutdown condition to an operating condition without assistance Irom
the grid and then to energize the grid to help other units start aIter a blackout
9.5 Risk Analysis and Hedging:
Deregulated electricity markets are known Ior high volatility relative to
that observed in markets oI more traditional commodities. This presents
uncertainties to the participants in the market that they did not have to Iace
during regulated era. The participants in the market must Iind ways to deal
with these uncertainties when contracts are evaluated. There are many risk
Iactors corresponding to these uncertainties that can aIIect the eIIiciency oI
diIIerent entities oI the system.
9.5.1 Some Sources of Risk in Electricity Markets:
1. Supply shortage: A supply shortage due to generation outages can
cause electricity prices to shoot up drastically.
2. DeIaults: The deIault oI the participant to complete the transaction
can raise the issue oI creditworthiness and this also may load to
price hike.
3. Transmission Constraints: A constrained situation could reduce the
ability oI transmission providers to transIer power, which in turn
could Iorce market participants to request more power Irom the
hourly spot market, and contribute to price spikes.
4. Lack oI Experience: Market participant`s lack oI experience with
hedging tools could be another source oI risks in electricity
5. Price InIormation: Inadequacy in realistic and timely price
inIormation is another source oI risk in electricity markets,
especially at times when markets have major events such as
outages oI large generation units, deIaults and other Iactors that
could cause price spikes.
10. Deregulation and Current Scenario Around the World
10.1 Milestones of Deregulation:
- 1982 Chile
- 1990 UK
- 1992 Argentina, Sweden & Norway
- 1993 Bolivia & Colombia
- 1994 Australia
- 1996 New Zeeland
- 1997 Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica
and Honduras
- 1998 CaliIornia, USA and several others.
10.2 Latin America
From 1980 onwards, a major transIormation took place throughout the
electric power industry in South America. The Iirst to begin was Chile, which
made modest reorganization eIIorts in 1980, and privatized Nacional de
Electricidad S.A. in 1988, purchased by Endesa (Spain). Endesa along with
other utilities purchased stakes in the Chilean electric industry. Over time,
government owned power gave way to Iive generating companies competing
in the main grid.
In Argentina, the government separated generation, transmission and
distribution in 1991. The two state owned companies were split into almost 40
competing private generator companies, many with only a single power plant.
This Iragmentation was designed to assure that no one generator had anything
approaching dominant position in the marketplace. Transmission assets were
sold to private Transcos, and 18 electric distribution companies were created.
Main features.
Disaggregation oI generation, transmission and distribution into
separate business sectors.
Creation oI intense competition in power production through
Iragmentation oI national generating resources into many
companies, none oI which dominates the market.
All generating companies bid into Poolco` like structure,
essentially centrally dispatched by an independent Poolco operator.
There are almost no barriers to the construction oI thermal, wind
and solar plants. Licenses and government cooperation are required
Ior construction oI hydroelectric plants.
Licensed, open access operation oI power delivery assets, usually
having local monopoly Iranchises limited to power movement, not
Local distribution concessionaires are assigned an obligation oI
supplying electricity to consumers with long-term Iranchises.
Increasing investment in new Iacilities, especially new generating
Substantial increase in thermal plant availability
Reduction in speciIic power consumption oI thermal plants and
consequent decreases in both spot and contract market prices
Service quality improvements, reduction in non-served energy and
decrease oI system Iailure probability
Reduction in total service losses
Considerable consumption growth (40 increase in last Iive years)
Transmission investments in the period have been moderate,
because oI the strict economic criteria required Ior their
implementation by interested party.
Reduction in non-supplied energy because better transport service
Reduction oI prices since beginning oI the process around 50
Average monthly electricity prices in wholesale market dropped
Irom $60/MWhr to $30/MWhr
10.3 The UK
The most widely quoted example oI deregulation is the United Kingdom.
The process oI privatization in the UK began in February 1988, and in some
ways the UK led the world in electric industry deregulation. Great Britain was
privatized in three stages, with England and Wales Iirst, Iollowed by Scotland,
then Northern Ireland.
Main Features.
Central Electricity Board was split into Iour entities, which
consisted oI two private generating companies, National Power and
Power Gen, a government owned generator, Nuclear Electric, and
the National Grid Company (NGC), which is the independent
transmission system operator.
12 local electricity boards privatized as Regional electric Company
(REC), each having monopoly Iranchise on local power
National Grid became National Grid Company (NGC), initially
owned by 12 RECs. But now a public traded corporation.
Scottish non-nuclear companies, Electricity de France (EdF) and
IPPs became the member oI pool.
Non-Iranchise customers (earlier ~ 1 MW, later ~ 100 KW and
now Iree) have option oI choosing their supplier Irom any RECs,
National Power or PowerGen.
Pool maintained by NGC
REC submit grid Iorecast to Pool co operator
Generator bids are entered into NGC`s GOAL program
The GOAL program derives halI hourly marginal costs
The 'System Marginal Price (SMP) is the price quoted by the
most expensive generator which is accepted Ior dispatch during
each halI-hourly time slot when transmission constraints are
ignored simple unconstrained dispatch
New Electricitv Trading Arrangements (NETA).
In July 1998 the Director General oI Electricity Supply (DGES) published
a proposals document describing new market based trading arrangements Ior
electricity (NETA). In October 1998 the Government accepted these
The proposals envisaged market-based trading arrangements more like
those in commodity markets elsewhere. Forwards and Iutures markets would
operate up to several years ahead, evolving in response to demand. A
voluntary Short-term Bilateral Market would operate Irom at least 24 hours to
about 4 hours beIore real time, allowing participants to Iine tune their
positions. When the Short-term Bilateral Market closes, a voluntary Balancing
Market would open with the National Grid Company, in its role as System
Operator, accepting bids Ior increments or decrements oI generation or
demand to enable it to balance the system. There would be a settlement
process to reIlect diIIerences between contract positions and metered volumes
oI output and to recover other costs to be borne by market participants.
A Balancing and Settlement Code would contain a set oI rules covering the
balancing market, the imbalance price and the settlement system.
StaIIing at generation plants Iell by 60, while productivity
increased almost 75
Improved operating eIIiciency.
Prices have Iallen Ior majority oI customers with increased
10.4 The Nordic Pool (Norway, Sweden)
The Swedish electricity sector was never completely centralized or
nationalized. Till 1991, the sector was dominated by Jatenfall, which in
addition to owning about 50 oI the total generation also managed the 400 kV
and 220 kV transmission lines and some large networks at lower voltage
levels, down to the customers. There were about a dozen other large
generating companies and 270 distribution companies, which operated the
networks at lower voltage levels and oIten owned their own generation.
The Norwegian electricity sector was dominated by small/ medium sized
municipality owned power companies, each vertically integrated, i.e., they
generated power and transmitted that to their own dedicated customers. Most
oI the transactions were on a bilateral basis, between the utility and bulk
Main features of Norwegian deregulated market.
Deregulation was created in by the Energy Act oI June 1990 and
market operation started in May 1992
Restructuring removed the transmission ownership Irom Statkraft,
a national utility, and the creation oI a new national owned
company Statnett to be transmission owner, market operator and
Nord pool is not a mandatory pool. Generators and consumers
voluntarily decide whether or not they wish to sell or purchase
electricity through this market. As a consequence, the majority oI
electricity is still traded via bilateral contracts between generators
and consumers, with the pool serving primarily as a wholesale
market Ior marginal electric supply.
There is a Iuture market where weekly Iinancial Iutures contracts
ranging Irom a week ahead to 3 years ahead are traded.
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration (NVE) is
responsible Ior monitoring grid operation in Norway and Ior
setting the tariIIs Ior the local distributions companies throughout
Main features of Swedish deregulated market.
Passed deregulation legislation in October 1995 and joined existing
Norwegian market structure in January 1996 inspired by the
Norwegian initiative.
Transmission operation was removed Irom national utility
Jattenfall that continues to operate generation, and Svenksa
Kraftnat, the national grid owner and ISO, was Iormed.
Nord Pool, a market operator was Iormed, owned equally by
Statnett & Kraftnat, to look over spot and Iuture market Ior the
both countries.
Some large retail distributors also generate all or a large Iraction oI
the electricity they distribute.
Svdkraft and Stockholm Energi, the two largest distribution
companies, are the next largest generators aIter Jattenfall.
Prices have declined about 2 Ior residential & 7 Ior commercial
Service reliability has remained at or near traditionally high levels
Management oI hydro energy has resulted in no shortages or
apparent waste oI water resources.
10.5 Canada
January 1, 1996 was a turning point Ior Alberta`s electric industry since it
meant vertically integrated utilities became a thing oI the past. Since then,
restructuring is moving cautiously, trying to retain the beneIits oI the existing
low cost generators Ior customers while making the transition to Iully
competitive market.
Main features.
New power pool, through which all energy in the province will be
traded. The hourly pool price will be the same Ior buyers and
Competitive bidding Ior Iuture generation. Utilities will continue to
own and operate their existing power plants. However, as these are
retired, IPP will be brought on to replace them and meet load
growth. This will lead to the generation sector becoming Iully
A province-wide transmission grid, which will be administered by
the Grid Companv of Alberta Inc. (Gridco). It is owned by the Iour
utilities that own transmission Iacilities in the province and will
contract with those individual owners to supply transmission
An advisory group, the Electric Transmission Council, will
represent the interests oI consumers and transmission users.
10.6 California (US)
In the United States, the Federal Energy regulatory Commission (FERC)
deregulated the wholesale generation and bulk transmission parts oI the
electric power industry with its order 888, in April 1996. The wholesale
generation market throughout the United States will be competitive, with low
barriers to entry and dominance by no one. The transmission grid will be open
to access by all qualiIied parties.
Individual states are Iree to pursue diIIerent approaches to how they
implement and operate the electric industry in their state, within the FERC
guidelines. Naturally, the IiIty states are pursuing deregulation in diIIerent
Electricity costs in CaliIornia were claimed to be about 50 higher than
the national average. So, this state has been most aggressive in pursuing re-
structuring. On March 31, 1998 CaliIornia became the Iirst sate to oIIer all
customers a choice oI electric service providers
Main features.
A power exchange (PX) - a spot market, runs much like a stock
market Ior power, into which both buyers and sellers bid.
Unlike some systems, this PX allows only short term (real time,
hour and day-ahead) trading.
Bilateral trading oI power over short or long periods is not only
allowed, but also encouraged.
Operation oI transmission system in an open access manner.
Open customer access at the retail level.
Postage-stamp pricing implemented on a zonal basis.
Congestion management through adjustment oI zonal prices.
Nuclear power do not bid and contracted ahead oI time as must
run. Schedule and price are calculated and disclosed.
Renewable must be bought as and when available.
The ISO will maintain interconnected system operation, monitoring
and controlling the system to assure it stays in a secure and stable
state all the time.
The ISO should provide equitable access Ior all potential users to
reserve the system transmission capability they want.
The ISO should satisIy the power shipment needs oI all the
The ISO provides settlement, billing the users and passing revenues
on to the transmission owners.
Some oI the important websites/links related to the topic are as Iollows:
11. Indian Scenario of Deregulation
In India, the power sector was mainly under the government ownership
(~95 distribution & ~98 generation) under various states and central
government utilities, till 1991. The remarkable growth oI physical
inIrastructure was Iacilitated by Iour main policies: 1) centralized supply and
grid expansion 2) large support Irom government budgets 3) development oI
sector based on indigenous resources 4) cross subsidy.
In mid 1990s, Orissa began a process oI Iundamental restructuring oI the
state power sector. Under the World Bank (WB) loan, the state decided to
adopt, what is known as WB-Orissa model oI reIorm. This consisted oI a three
pronged strategy oI: 1) Unbundling the integrated utility in three separate
sectors oI generation, transmission and distribution, 2) Privatization oI
generation and distribution companies and, 3) Establishment oI independent
regulatory commissions to regulate these utilities. Soon aIterwards, several
other states such as Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan
also embarked on similar reIorms and also availed loans Irom multilateral
development banks such as WB and Asian Development bank, etc.
Meanwhile, some moderate steps were taken towards reIorms until the
Electricity Bill 2003 was approved by Parliament in May 2003. This uniIied
central legislation passed aIter 10 draIts. The Bill now replaces pervious three
acts on electricity oI 1910, 1948 and 1998 (with their amendments).
11.1 The Electricity Act 2003:
The conceptual Iramework underlying this new legislation is that the
electricity sector must be opened Ior competition. The Act moves towards
creating a market based regime in the power sector. The Act also seeks to
consolidate, update and rationalize laws related to generation, transmission,
distribution, trading and use oI power. It Iocuses on:
Creating competition in the industry
Protecting consumer interest
Ensuring supply oI electricity to all areas
Rationalizing tariII
Lowering the cross-subsidization levels
Some oI the major provisions oI the Electricity Act are:
Elimination oI licensing Ior setting up a generating station, subject to
compliance with technical standards. This excludes Hydro-Electric power
Removal oI captive power plants Irom the ambit oI licensing and other
Provision Ior issuing more than one license Ior transmission and
distribution in the same geographical area.
Provision oI Open Access` with respect to transmission
Introduction oI a spot market Ior bulk electricity
Unbundling oI the SEBs on the basis oI Iunctions (generation,
Transmission and Distribution)
Compulsory metering oI all consumers in order to improve accountability
State Governments will have the Ireedom to decide the sequence and
phases oI restructuring, and also retain the integrated structure oI the SEB
Ior a limited period.
1. K.Bhattacharya, M.H.J.Bollen, J.E.Dalder, 'Operation of Restructured
Power Svstems`, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001.
2. Lorrin Philipson, H.Lee Willis, 'Understanding electric utilities and
deregulation, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1998
3. Gerald B. Sheble, 'Computational auction mechanisms Ior restructured
power industry operation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999
4. M. Shahidehpour, M. Marwali, 'Maintenance Scheduling in
restructured power systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Massachusetts, 2000
5. R.D.Christie, B.F.Wollenberg, I.Wangensteen, 'Transmission
management in deregulated environment, Proceedings oI IEEE,
vol.88, No.2, pp 449-451, Feb 2000