University Catholic Center April 12th, 2009 Easter Sunday
University Catholic Center April 12th, 2009 Easter Sunday
University Catholic Center April 12th, 2009 Easter Sunday
“Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?” Annunciation Maternity Home- The Annunciation Maternity
The University Interfaith Council is hosting an interfaith Home was founded in 1999 follow an inspirational calling from
discussion on the financial crisis, complete with Christian, God from the co-founders. On the average, we receive over 55
Muslim and Jewish responses to the economic situation. Free calls a month requesting assistance in regards to maternity and
pregnancy needs. The Annunciation Maternity Home, in
food! Georgetown, Texas, is the only licensed long-term care (2+
years) maternity home in the Central Texas area, we have
April 15th at 6:30 pm at Texas Hillel at 21st & San Antonio.
served over 250 young girls and their babies in the past seven
years. AMH is a free, full-service home for young, homeless
Next Step Retreat - Fri-Sat, April 24-25 Next Step Retreat is a women and teenagers experiencing an unplanned or crisis preg-
discernment retreat for college students. It is a 24-hr retreat that nancy. Access to medical care and educational programs that
will explore how to discern God’s call and presence in your deci- are needed to ensure a successful and healthy pregnancy for the
sion- making. This is the place to bring the questions: Is this the mother and her baby are provided for each resident. Each
right major? The right relationship? Religious life? The cost is Spring Annunciation Maternity Home holds its annual banquet
$15.00 and for more info, forms are at the UCC’s front desk. fundraisers. This year’s theme is “Recommit to Life” and we
are pleased to host the following events:
* Saturday, May 9th 2009 – at St. Thomas More Catholic
Thank you to all who volunteered to make the Holy Week and
Church, Austin
Easter Triduum services beautiful, prayerful and holy. There are * Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 – at St. Williams Catholic Church,
far too many people than what we can name in this small space, Round Rock
but know your contribution of time and energy is what made
these special services and Masses a reality. —-Thank you and With your support, a successful banquet will enable us to con-
God bless! tinue to serve the young teen mothers and their babies in our
community. For table sponsorship and ticket information,
please go to the Annunciation Maternity Home website at
Join us for Confirmation! If you have any questions please
Next Sunday, April 19th, Bishop Aymond will email Tod Stehling at or call
celebrate the 8 pm Mass and confirm nearly 20 UCC (512) 864-7755. In these uncertain times of need and change it
is more important than ever for us to recommit our unwavering
members. Please come, welcome the Bishop and share support to the most vulnerable is society and to the mission
in this beautiful celebration. of Christ. Please join us for an unforgettable event to support
Annunciation Maternity Home.
Want to be Confirmed? Our next preparation begins in
October for confirmation in Spring 2010.
8 pm Mass attendees are no longer able to park in the lot at
Do you want to be a KNIGHT ?
the corner of 20th and Whitis. The only lot for the University
We are seeking interested men to reactivate our Knight of
Catholic Center is the lot to our west between our building and
Columbus Council. Just need to be 18 years old and Catholic.
Dobie Mall.
Interest? contact Fr. Ed Nowak at or
Kraft at
University Graduate Students & Professionals- UGAP
invites all grad students and recently gradated young
Visit to learn more about the adults to join us on Tuesdays at the UCC. For more
Paulist Fathers. info contact Nate at We
gather in the Atrium at 7 pm and move to the Mother
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Teresa room at 7:30 pm.