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We'Re Back To "Four Mass Sunday" Schedule: 9 Am, 11:30 Am, 5 PM & 8 PM! Our Daily Mass Schedule Has Returned To MWF 12:05 PM, TTH 12:30 PM

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University Catholic Center August 23, 2009 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

We’re back to “Four Mass Sunday” schedule: 9 am, 11:30 am, 5 pm & 8 pm!
Our daily Mass schedule has returned to MWF 12:05 pm, TTh 12:30 pm

Be The Next UCC Communications Intern

The UCC is looking for an English, Communication, Journalism,

or Public Relations major who is interested in an unpaid intern-
ship for the 2009-2010 school year.
We are so happy to welcome back the San Juan Diego Catholic
High School students that will be helping us run the front desk
The intern will be responsible for compiling and editing the
this year during the week! If you see a sharply dressed student UCC’s monthly e-newsletter, writing press releases, and helping
sitting behind the front desk, please go up and quiz them on their with other communication-related projects as assigned. The in-
Bible trivia. tern will gain great professional experience for his or her resume
while providing valuable service to the UCC. This position re-
San Juan Diego Catholic High School strives to prepare its quires 10-15 hours per week.
students for both college and the professional world. Each
student works a total of 5 days a month at a business or non- Please contact Vanessa Mena at vanessa@utcatholic.org if
profit; thus, getting both a great college preparatory education you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity.
and great experience in the work world. The work that they do
goes to offset the cost of tuition to attend the school. Want to
The Catholic Channel
learn more? Go to juandiegoprep.org
Sirius 159
XM 117
Servant of God Fr. Isaac Hecker, CSP, Founder of the
Paulists, pray for us! Check out the Busted Halo
Show M-F 6-9pm
Visit www.paulist.org to learn more about the Check out their website
Paulist Fathers.
Do you want to be a KNIGHT ?
Does your employer participate in the United Way We are seeking interested men to reactivate our
campaign? Knight of Columbus Council. Just need to be 18
years old and Catholic.
You may direct all or part of your United Way contribution to
San Juan Diego Catholic High School, “The School That Interest? contact Fr. Ed Nowak at
Works!” Just write in San Juan Diego Catholic High School and frednowak@utcatholic.org or Kraft at kraft@utcatholic.org
the amount you would like to give to the school, on your
contribution form. It’s that simple! If you have any questions, New Parking for 8:00 pm!
please call 512-804-1935, ext. 316 and speak with Jennie St. Austin’s is now allowing us to use their parking lot off
Huerta. San Juan Diego Catholic High School is not a United of San Antonio and MLK for 8:00 p.m. Mass only! For all
Way agency or community partner, and is not affiliated with the other Masses, the only lot for the University Catholic Center
United Way Capital Area. San Juan Diego Catholic High School
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
is the lot to our west between our building and Dobie Mall.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Infant Baptismal Prep Class for parents and Godparents will be
Mon: Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51 held on Oct 4, 2009 at 10:15am at the UCC. Please email Fr.
Tue: 1 Thes 2:1-8; Mt 23:23-26 Jamie Baca, CSP (frjamie@utcatholic.org) to register or for info.
Wed: 1 Thes 2:9-13, Mt 23:27-32
Thur: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Lk 7:11-17 If you are concerned about your own or a loved-one's harmful
Fri: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13 use of alcohol or drugs, call the diocese Alcohol and Drug
Sat: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Mk 6:17-29 Assistance Ministry (ADAM) toll free at 1-866-203-4087 for
Sun: Dt 4:1-2,6-8; Jas 1:17-27; Mk 7:1-23, 14-15, 21-23 confidential help.
Our Gifts to God Week of August 24
Monday August 24 —
Last Sunday, August 16th, you donated: Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle
* 10 am—MEO Chairholder Mtg
$392.69 at the 10:30 am Mass * 12 pm — Daily Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
$856.32 at the 8:00 pm Mass * 12:30 pm — Reconciliation St. Paul Rec. Chapel
* 2 pm—MEO Exec Board Mtg
Today, we’ll have a second collection to pay for repairs to our
AC system. One of the four units that cools the chapel had a Tuesday August 25 —
compressor ground out, as well as various other repairs that * 10 am—MEO Workday Library
were needed this summer. Every dollar will help greatly. * 12:30 pm — Daily Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
* 1 pm — Reconciliation St. Paul Rec. Chapel
* 2 pm — Staff Meeting Conference Room
More on donating to the UCC?? Contact Ana-Cristina at 476-
* 7 pm — UGAP: Bowling Contact ugap@utcatholic.org
7351 x13.
Wednesday August 26 —
Just graduated? Looking for what’s next? First Day of Class for Fall Semester - Woohoo!
* 12 pm — Pro-Life Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
Catholic 20-Somethings of St. Theresa is a community of those * 7 pm—STRONG Officer Mtg St. Francis Room
in their 20’s looking to grow in holiness and their Catholic faith. * 8:00 pm — STRONG Mtg St. Francis Room
We are a friendly, active group with a variety of spiritual, social
and service activities planned throughout the year. Please join us Thursday August 27 —
every Sunday for 5 p.m. Mass and dinner afterward. Meet before Memorial of St. Monica
or after Mass in the foyer. To see our calendar, visit
* 12:30 pm — Daily Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
www.catholic20somethings.com and subscribe to the mailing list
to receive announcements about upcoming events. For more in-
formation, e-mail Justin Golbabai at jgolbabai@yahoo.com or Friday August 28 —
call Trey Ange at (512)589-4519. UCC now open on Fridays.
Memorial of St. Augustine, bishop, doctor of the Church
Other Young Adult Groups: * 12 pm — Daily Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
UGAP at the UCC—ugap@utcatholic.org—See below * 6 pm — LA First Mtg Various Rooms
St. Austin’s — gpministry-owner@yahoogroups.com
St. Mary’s Cathedral—(512) 476-6182 Saturday August 29 —
St. Louis the King— www.slya.org Memorial of the Martyrdom of John the Baptist
St. Ignatius, Martyr — Amy at 512-478-4440
Sunday August 30 — 22nd Sunday of OT
University Graduate Students & Professionals- UGAP Masses at 9 am, 11:30 am, 5 pm, 8 pm
invites all grad students and recently gradated young Ministry Fair and Census Card Sunday
adults to join us on Tuesdays at the UCC. For more Staff Introductions at all Masses
info contact the team at UGAP@utcatholic.org. We * 9 am — Children’s Lit of the Word Mother Teresa Rm
gather in the Atrium at 7 pm and move to the Mother * 1 pm— Syriac Orthodox Gathering Mother Teresa Rm
Teresa room at 7:30 pm. * 6:15 pm—MEO Mtg St. Francis Room

Micah 6 Food Pantry

UCC participates in the ecumenical Micah 6 food
pantry through donation and volunteering on
Thursdays and Saturdays. Don’t forget our
“neighbors” who have nothing during the summer. Please bring
canned goods and packaged dry goods to Sunday Mass for the
Paulist Golf Tournament|
baskets near the fountain. We ask that you continue to support
the Micah 6 Food Pantry with your generous donations. Contact The First Paulist Open Golf Tournament is coming to Central
Jim Harrington at jch@mail.utexas.edu for more information. Texas. November 6-7, 2009 at Horseshoe Bay Resort in
Horseshoe Bay, TX. Visit paulist.org for details.

Vocations Corner Weekly Reflection Question:

If you are interested in talking more about a possible vocation to In the Eucharist, Jesus promises us eternal life. In
the priesthood, call Fr. Ed Nowak at 512-476-7351 x17 or Fr. what ways does that statement bring you comfort
Brian McMaster, diocesan vocations director, at 512-949-2405. and peace?

See our entire calendar online at utcatholic.org

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