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UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DRAWING Principles of Engineering Graphics and their Significance Drawing Instruments and their Use Conventions in Drawing Lettering BIS Conventions. Curves used in Engineering Practice & their Constructions: a) Conic Sections including the Rectangular Hyperbola General method only. b) Cycloid, Epicycloid and Hypocycloid c) Involutes d) Scales: Different types of Scales, Plain scales, Comparative scales, scales of chords. UNIT II DRAWING OF PROJECTIONS OR VIEWS ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION IN FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION: Principles of Orthographic Projections Conventions First and Third Angle, Projections of Points and Lines inclined to both planes, True lengths, traces. UNIT III PROJECTIONS OF PLANES & SOLIDS: Projections of regular Planes, auxiliary planes and Auxiliary projection inclined to both planes. Projections of Regular Solids inclined to both planes Auxiliary Views. UNIT IV SECTIONS AND SECTIONAL VIEWS: - Right Regular Solids Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone Auxiliary views. DEVELOPMENT AND INTERPENETRATION OF SOLIDS: Development of Surfaces of Right, Regular Solids Prisms, Cylinder, Pyramid Cone and their parts. Interpenetration of Right Regular Solids. UNIT V INTERSECTION OF SOLIDS: - Intersection of Cylinder Vs Cylinder, Cylinder Vs Prism, Cylinder Vs Cone.

UNIT VI ISOMETRIC PROJECTIONS: Principles of Isometric Projection Isometric Scale Isometric Views Conventions Isometric Views of Lines, Plane Figures, Simple and Compound Solids Isometric Projection of objects having non- isometric lines. Isometric Projection of Spherical Parts. UNIT VII TRANSFORMATION OF PROJECTIONS: Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views Conventions. UNIT VIII PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS: Perspective View: Points, Lines, Plane Figures and Simple Solids, Vanishing Point Methods (General Method only).

Course Objectives: The course objectives define the student learning outcomes for a course. On completion of this course, students should be able to: Expertise themselves with the concepts of engineering drawing, a common communication tool among the engineering community. Prepare useful drawings as per BIS. Understand and interpret the view representation, dimensions, and symbols used on drawing prints.

Sl.No Topic UNIT-1 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DRAWING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the construction of Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola 7. Special Methods for the Construction of Ellipse (With major axis and minor axis lengths given), Parabola & Hyperbola 8. Rectangular Hyperbola & Cycloid 9. Epicycloid and Hypocycloid 10. Involutes Pentagon, Circle 11. Involutes Length Greater than Circles Circumference, Straight Line Rolling on a Circle 12. Scales used in Engineering Practice and Representative Fraction Plain Scales 13. Comparative scales and Scales of chords 3 UNIT-II DRAWING OF PROJECTIONS OR VIEWS ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION IN FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION 1. Principles of orthographic projections Conventions Projection of points 2. Practice of Exercise Problem on Projection of Points (18) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Principles of Engineering Graphics and its Significance 1 Drawing Instruments and their use 2 Lettering BIS Conventions 3 Uni directional, Aligned Systems of Dimensioning 3 Geometrical Constructions & Construction of Polygons 3 Curves used in Engineering Practice Conics General Methods for (36) No. of Periods

3. Projection of straight lines, inclined to one plane and related exercise 4. Projection of straight lines, inclined to both the planes 5. Projection of straight lines, inclined to both the planes-traces 6. Projection of straight lines Trapezoidal method

3 3 3 3

UNIT-III PROJECTIONS OF PLANES & SOLIDS 1. Projections of Perpendicular Planes and their traces 2. Projections of Oblique planes 3. Projections on auxiliary planes. 4. Projections of Solids in simple positions 5. Projections of Solids inclined to one plane I. II. Alteration of position Alteration of reference line or auxiliary plane methods 3 6. Projection of Solids inclined to both the planes I. Alteration of position II. Alteration of reference line or auxiliary plane methods UNIT IV SECTIONS AND SECTIONAL VIEWS, DEVELOPMENT AND INTERPENETRATION OF SOLIDS 1. Sections of Prisms 2. Sections of Pyramids 3. Sections of Cones 4. Sections of Cylinders and Spheres 5. Sections of Solids auxiliary plane method 6. Development of surfaces of right regular solids- Prism, Cylinder 7. Development of surfaces of right regular solids- Pyramid, Cone 8. Additional problems on development of surfaces UNIT V INTERSECTION OF SOLIDS (12) (24) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 (24) 3 3 3 3

1. Interpenetration of right regular solids Intersection of cylinder Vs Cylinder, Cylinder Vs Prism 2. Interpenetration of right regular Solids Intersection of cylinder Vs Prism 3. Interpenetration of right regular Solids Intersection of cylinder Vs Cone 4. Off-Set Problems related to Interpenetration of Solids 3 3 3 3

UNIT VI ISOMETRIC PROJECTIONS 1. Principles of Isometric Projection, Isometric Scale, Isometric Views of Lines & Plane Figures 2. Isometric Views of Simple and Compound Solids 3. Isometric Projection of objects having Non-Isometric lines (Box Method) 4. Isometric Projection of combination of solids involving a sphere 3 3 3 3 (12)

UNIT VII TRANSFORMATION OF PROJECTIONS (12) 1. 2. 3. 4. Conversion of Isometric View to Orthographic views 3 Additional problems on Conversion of Isometric views to Orthographic views 3 Conversion of Orthographic views to Isometric view 3 Additional problems conversion of Orthographic views of isometric views. 3 UNIT VIII PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS (12)

1. Introduction, Perceptive View of Points and Lines 2. Perspective Views of Plane Figures and Simple Solids only by Vanishing Point Method (General Method only) 3. Additional problems on Perspective Projections TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAT PERIODS REQUIRED: 150 Text Books: 1. Engineering Drawing Reference Books: 1. Engineering Drawing 2. Engineering Drawing Narayan and Kannaiah / Scitech Publishers. Venugopal / New Age Publishers. N.D.Bhatt / Charotar Publishers.

3 6 3

UNIT-1 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DRAWING Learning Objectives: At the end of unit I, Students will know The importance of Engineering Graphics in the working life of an engineer, How to use available Drawing Instruments, BIS Conventions in Lettering and Dimensioning, Difference between Plane Geometry and Solid Geometry, Constructions methods of various Polygons, How to Inscribe and Super scribe Polygons, given the diameter of the circle, Different curves used in Engineering Practice (Conics, Cycloid Curves and Involutes) and their practical applications, Procedures to draw these curves mentioned above with the given data.

Assignment I 1. Draw Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon and Octagon of side 30 mm. Also Draw circles Inscribed in and Circumscribed about these Polygons. 2. The Foci of an Ellipse are 85 mm apart and the minor axis is 65 mm long. Draw half the ellipse by

Concentric Circles Method and the other half by Oblong Method. Draw a curve parallel to the ellipse and 25 mm away from it. 3. A circle of 50 mm diameter rolls on a horizontal line for a half revolution and then on a vertical line for another half revolution. Draw the curve traced out of by a point P on the circumference of the circle. 4. A circle of 40 mm diameter rolls over another Circle of 40 mm diameter. Trace the locus of a point on the rolling Circle for one revolution. Name the Curve. 5. Show by means of a drawing that when the diameter of the directing Circle is twice that of the generating circle, the Hypocycloid is a Straight Line. Take the diameter of the Generating Circle equal to 50 mm. 6. Trace the paths of the ends of the straight line AP, 120 mm long, when it rolls, without slipping, on a semi-circle having its diameter AB 80 mm long. Assume the line AP to be the tangent to the Semi-circle in the starting position. 7. Draw a parabola passing through three vertices of a triangle of sides 30 mm, 45 mm and 60 mm. The corner of the triangle common to 45 mm and 60 mm sides lies on the axis of parabola. Draw a tangent and normal at a point on the curve 20 mm from the axis. 8. A plot of land of area 25 square kilometers is represented on a map by an area of size 2 x 2 cm. Construct a plain scale to show units of 10 km and 1 km. Mark a distance of 37 km on the scale. 9. A room of 1728 cubic meter volume is shown by a cube of 216 cubic centimeters volume. Find R.F. and construct a Plain Scale to measure up to 42m. Mark a distance of 22 m on the scale. 10. A circle of 50mm diameter rolls on the circumference of another circle of 175mm diameter and Outside it. Trace the locus of a point on the circumference of the rolling circle for one complete revolution. Name the curve. Draw a tangent and a normal to the curve at a point 125mm from the center of the directing circle. 11. Two fixed points A and B are 100mm apart. Trace the complete path of a point P moving (in the same plane as that of A and B) in such a way that, the sum of its distances from A and B is always the same and equal to 125mm. Name the curve. Draw another curve parallel to and 25mm away from this curve. 12. Two straight lines OA and OB make an angle of 75 between them. P is a point 40mm from OA and 50mm from OB. Draw a hyperbola through P, with OA and OB as asymptotes, marking at least ten points. 13. A circus man rides a motorbike inside a globe of 6 meters diameter. The motorbike has the Wheel of 1-meter diameter. Draw the locus of the point on the Circumference of the motorbike

wheel for one revolution. Name the Curve. 14. Construct a scale of Chords showing 5 divisions and with its aid set-off angles of 25, 40, 55 and 130. 15. The distance between Vadodra and Surat is 130 Km. A train covers this distance in 2.5 hours. Construct a plain scale to measure time up to a single minute. The R.F. of the scale is 1/260000. Find the distance covered by the train in 45 minutes.

UNIT II DRAWING OF PROJECTIONS OR VIEWS ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION IN FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION OBJECTIVES: At the end of Unit II Students will know Principles of Projection, methods of Projection, and need for Projection, Types of Projection, Difference between First Angle and Third Angle Projections, Projection of Points and Lines, which are at different orientations w.r.t. H.P. and V.P., How to Draw the Projections for a given Data, How to Locate Traces, About Trapezoidal Method.

Assignment II 1. A line measuring 80 mm long has one of its ends 60mm above HP and 20 mm in-front of VP the other end is 15 mm above HP. The front view of the line is 60 mm long. Draw the top view.

2. The front view of a line AB, 80 mm long, measures 55 mm while its top view measures 70 mm. End A is in both HP and VP. Draw the projections of the line and find its inclinations with the reference planes. Also locate the traces. 3. A 100 mm line AB, measures 70 mm in top view and 80 mm in profile view. The end A 80 mm from profile plane, 90 mm above HP and 30 mm in front of VP. Draw the front view and top view of the line and find its inclinations with HP and VP. 4. The distance between the end projectors of a line AB is 50 mm. Point A is 15mm above HP and 10 mm in front of VP. Point B is 40 mm above HP and 40 mm in front of VP. Find the true length of the line AB, the inclinations of the line AB with HP and VP. Locate HT and VT of the line by trapezoidal method. 5. (a) The point A is on H.P. and 40mm in front of V.P. Another point B is on V.P.and below H.P. The line joining their front views makes an angle of 450 with x y, while the line joining their top views makes an angle of 300. Find the distance of the point B from H.P. (b) Draw the projections of the following points in third quadrant when the i. Point A lies in the H.P. and 22mm away from the V.P. ii. Point B lies in the V.P. and 32mm away from the H.P. iii. Point C lies 32mm from the H.P. and 22mm from the V.P. 6. (a) The top view of a 75mm long line measures 55mm. The line is in the V.P., its one end being 25mm above the H.P. Draw its projections. (b) Draw the projections of a 75mm long line, in the following positions: i. Parallel to and 30mm above the H.P and in the V.P. ii. and 25mm ii. Inclined at 300 to the H.P and its one end 20mm above the H.P, parallel to in front of the V.P.

7. A line AB 120mm long is inclined at 450 to the H.P. and 300 to the V.P. Its mid point C is in V.P. and 20mm above H.P. The end A is in the third quadrant, and B is in the first quadrant Draw the projections of the line. 8. Draw the projections of a line AB, 90mm long, its mid point M being 50mm above the H.P. and 40mm in front of the V.P. The end A is 20mm above the H.P.and 10mm in front of the V.P. show the inclinations of the line with the H.P. and the V.P. 9. Three points A, B and C are 7 m above the ground level, on the ground level and 7 m below the ground level respectively. A and B & B and C are connected by roads which are seen at angles of depression of 200 and 300 respectively from a point O on a hill, 30 m above the ground level. A is due northeast, B is due north and C is due southeast of O. Find the lengths of the connecting roads. 10. A chimney of a hostel kitchen is 6.4 m high and 0.8 m in diameter. It is supported by 3 guy wires,

which appear in the top view to be inclined at equal angles to each other. The ends of the wires are fixed to the chimney. The other ends are anchored to the ground at distances of 2.4m, 3.2 m and 4.0 m from the center of the chimney. Determine graphically the true lengths and inclinations of the wires with ground. UNIT III PROJECTIONS OF PLANES & SOLIDS OBJECTIVES: At the end of Unit III Students will know About Perpendicular Planes and their Traces & Oblique Planes, How to Draw the Projections of Planes for a given Data, Types of Solids (Polyhedra, Solids of Revolution), Projection of Regular Solids in different positions w.r.t. Reference Planes Alteration of Position, Alteration of Reference Line or Auxiliary Plane Methods

Assignment III 1. A thin rectangular plate of sides 40 mm x 20 mm has its shorter side in the HP and inclined at angle of 300 to V.P. Project its front view when its top view is a perfect square of 20 mm side. 2. A hexagonal lamina of 20 mm side rests on one of its corners of HP. The diagonal passing through their corner is inclined at 450 to HP. The lamina is then rotated through 900 such that the top view of this diagonal is perpendicular to V.P. and the surface is still inclined at 450 to H.P. Draw the projections of the lamina. 3. An isosceles triangle PQR, having the base PQ 50 mm long and altitude 75 mm has its corners P, Q and R 25 mm, 50 mm and 75 mm respectively above the ground. Draw its projections. 4. Draw a rhombus of diagonals 100 mm and 60 mm long, with the longer diagonal horizontal. The figure is the top view of a square of 100 mm long diagonals, with a corner on the ground. Draw its front view and determine the angle, which its surface makes with the ground. 5. A regular hexagonal lamina with its edge 50 mm has its plane inclined at 450 to HP and lying with one of its edges in HP. The plan of one of its diagonals is inclined at 450 to XY. The corner nearest to VP is 15 mm in front of it. Draw its projections. 6. is A circular plane of 60mm diameter rests on V.P. on a point A on its circumference. Its plane

inclined at 450 to V.P. Draw the projections of the plane when (a) The front view of the diameter AB makes 300 with H.P. and (b) The diameter AB itself makes 300 with H.P. 7. A Cube of edge length 35 mm rests on H.P on one of its corners with a solid diagonal perpendicular to the V.P. Draw its projections. 8. A Pentagonal Pyramid, base 30 mm side and axis 75 mm long, has an edge of the base parallel to the H.P. and inclined at 450 to the V.P. Its axis makes an angle of 600 with the H.P. Draw its projections. 9. A Tetrahedron of 75 mm long edges has one edge parallel to the H.P. and inclined at 450 to the V.P, while a face containing that edge is vertical. Draw its projections. 10. A square pyramid, base 40mm side and axis 90mm long, has a triangular face on the ground and the vertical plane containing the axis makes an angle of 450 with the V.P. Draw its projections. 11. Draw the projections of a pentagonal prism, base 25mm side and axis 50mm long, resting on one of its rectangular faces on the H.P., with the axis inclined at 450 to the V.P

12. (a) A hexagonal pyramid, base 25mm side and axis 50mm long, has an edge of its base or the ground. Its axis is inclined at 300 to the ground and parallel to the V.P. Draw its projections. (b) Draw the projections of a cone, base 75mm diameter and axis 100mm long, lying on the H.P. on one of its generators with the axis parallel to the V.P. UNIT IV SECTIONS AND SECTIONAL VIEWS, DEVELOPMENT AND INTERPENETRATION OF SOLIDS OBJECTIVES: At the end of Unit IV Students will know Importance of Sectional Views, Meaning of half sectional and full sectional views, How to draw true shape of a section, Application of concept of Development of Surfaces to Sheet Metal Work.

Parallel Line method and Radial Line methods of development.

Assignment IV 1. A Hexagonal Prism, has a face on the ground and the axis parallel to the V.P. it is cut by a vertical section plane, the H.T of which makes an angle 450 with XY and which cuts the axis at appoint 20 mm from one of its ends. Draw its sectional front view and true shape of section. 2. A Cylinder base 40 mm diameter and axis 58 mm long rests with a point of its base circle on H.P. Its axis is inclined at 450 to HP and parallel to VP. A section plane perpendicular to both the HP and VP bisects the axis of the cylinder. Draw its front, top and sectional side views. 3. A Cone of base 55 mm diameter and axis 65 mm long, rests with its base on H.P. A Section plane perpendicular to both HP and VP cuts the cone at a distance of 8 mm from its axis. Draw its top view, front view and sectional side view. 4. A hollow cylinder of 40 mm out side diameter and 30 mm inside diameter is resting on a point on the rim in VP with axis inclined at 300 to VP and parallel to HP. The axis length of the cylinder is 60 mm. It is cut by a vertical section plane inclined at 600 to VP and bisecting the axis. Draw the sectional front view, top view and true shape of the section.

5. A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 20 mm and height 40 mm rests on one of the corners of the base in HP with its axis is inclined at 300 to HP and parallel to VP. A vertical section plane inclined at 300 to VP cuts the pyramid removing 15 mm length of the axis from apex. Draw the projections of the pyramid and find the true shape of the section. 6. A cube of 40 mm edge stands on one of its faces on HP with a vertical face making 450 to VP. A hole of 30 mm diameter and whose axis is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP is drilled centrally through the cube such that the hole passes through the opposite vertical edges of the cube. Obtain the development of the lateral surface of the cube with the hole. 7. A vertical cylinder of base diameter 30 mm and axis 45 mm long is sectioned such that its front view appears as isosceles triangle of 30 mm and height 45 mm. Develop its surface 8.Two pipes of 40 mm diameter are joined in elbow shape. Their mean axis heights are 100 mm each. Draw the development of surfaces of the pipes. 9. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the part P of the hexagonal pyramid, two sides of the base parallel to the V.P. As shown in figure below. All dimensions are in cm.

10. A cylinder of diameter of base 60 mm altitude 80 mm stands on its base. It is cut into halves by a plane perpendicular to the VP and inclined at 300 to H.P. Draw the development of the lower half. 11. A rectangular Prism of cross section 40 x 30 mm and height 50 mm is resting on one of its ends on the H.P with one of its longer edges of the base inclined at 45 0 to the V.P. It is cut by plane perpendicular to the V.P and inclined at 450 to the H.P. The plane meets the axis at a point 15 mm below the top end. Draw the development of the surface of the truncated lower part of the Prism. 12. A Hexagonal Pyramid of base of side 25 mm and altitude 50 mm is resting vertically on its base on the ground with two of the sides of the base perpendicular to the V.P. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to the V.P and inclined at 400 to the H.P. The Plane bisects the axis of the Pyramid. Draw the development of the lateral surfaces of the Pyramid.

UNIT V INTERSECTION OF SOLIDS OBJECTIVES: At the end of Unit V Students will know Lines of Intersection when different Solids Interpenetrate, How to draw projections of intersecting surfaces, Importance of these Lines/Curves of Intersection for the development of surfaces.

Assignment V 1. A Cylinder of diameter 100 mm (vertical) is penetrated by another cylinder of diameter 40 mm (horizontal). The axis is both the cylinders intersect at right angles. Draw the curves of intersection. 2. A Vertical square prism, with base side 60 mm, has one of its vertical faces inclined at 30 0 to V.P. It is completely penetrated by a cylinder of 40 mm diameter, the axis of which is parallel to both

H.P, and V.P and is 8 mm away from the axis of the prism. Draw the projections, showing the lines of intersection. 3. A cone of base 60 mm diameter and axis 70 mm long stands vertically with its base on H.P. It is penetrated by a horizontal cylinder of 26 mm diameter. The axis of the cylinder is parallel to V.P., 20 mm above the base and 5 mm in front of the axis of the cone. Draw the projections of solids showing the curves of intersection. 4. A horizontal steam boiler of 3m diameter is surmounted by a dome of the shape of a vertical cylinder of 1.4m diameter. Draw the projections showing the curves of intersection, when their axes intersect each other at right angles. 5. A vertical cylinder of 75 mm diameter is penetrated by a cone, base 75 mm diameter and axis 110 mm long, the two axes bisecting each other at right angles. Draw the front view showing lines of intersection. 6. A vertical cylinder of 60 mm diameter has a square hole of 30 mm sides cut through it. The axis of the hole is horizontal, parallel to the V.P. and 6 mm away from the axis of the cylinder. The faces of the hole are equally inclined to the H.P.and the V.P. Draw the projections of the cylinder showing the hole in it. 7. A vertical square prism having its faces equally inclined to the V.P. is completely penetrated by a horizontal cylinder, the axis of which is parallel to the V.P. and 6 mm away from that of the prism. Draw the projections of the solids showing curves of intersection. The length of the sides of the base of the prism is 50 mm and the diameter of the cylinder is 40 mm. UNIT VI ISOMETRIC PROJECTIONS OBJECTIVES: At the end of Unit VI Students will know Isometric view V/S projection and Isometric scale How to draw Isometric Views of Simple and Compound Solids Isometric Projection of Objects having Non-Isometric lines (Box Method) How to draw Isometric Views of a combination of solids involving Sphere

Assignment VI 1. Draw the isometric view of a frustum of a Hexagonal Pyramid when it is resting on its base on the H.P with two sides of the base parallel to the V.P. The side of the base is 20 mm and top 8 mm. The height of the frustum is 55 mm.

2. A Hexagonal Prism of base side 20 mm and height 40 mm has a square hole of side 16 mm at the center. The axes of the square and Hexagon coincide. One of the faces of the square hole is parallel to a face of the Hexagon. Draw the Isometric projection of the of Prism with hole to full scale. 3. Draw the Isometric View of a Cylinder of diameter 46 mm and height 60 mm when it is resting on one of its ends on the H.P. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to the V.P and inclined at 450 to the H.P. The plane passes through a point on the axis located at 15 mm form the top. 4. A Cone of base diameter 50 mm and height 55 mm is resting on its base on the H.P. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to the V.P. and inclined at 300 to the H.P. The Plane meets the axis at a distance of 25 mm from the apex. Draw the Isometric View of the Truncated Cone. 5. Draw the Isometric View of a frustum of a Cone of height 30 mm, base diameter 34mm, top diameter 20 mm when it is centrally placed over a square slab of side 50 mm and thickness 10 mm. 6. Draw the Isometric view of a Sphere of diameter 16 mm kept centrally over a frustum of a Square Pyramid of height 25mm. The frustum has a base of side 25mm and top of side 20 mm. 7. Draw the isometric view of a Door-Steps having three steps of 22cm tread and15cm rise. The steps measure 75cm widthwise. 8. Draw the isometric view of a pentagonal pyramid, with side of base 25mm and axis 60mm long. The pyramid is resting on its base on H.P, with an edge of the base (away from the observer) parallel to V.P. 9. Draw the isometric view of a cylinder of base 50 mm diameter and 70mm height when it rests with its base on H.P.(use four-centre method). 10. Draw the isometric projection of a hexagonal prism of side of base 35mm and altitude 50mm surmounting a tetrahedron of side 45mm such that the axes of the solids are collinear and at least one of the edges of the two solids are parallel. 11. A cone radius of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with one of its base edges on H.P. Its axis is parallel to V.P. Draw the orthographic projections and provide the isometric projection of the solid showing the tip towards viewer. Show the isometric scale. 12. (a) Draw the isometric view of a square prism, with side of base 40mm and length of axis 70mm, When its axis is i. Vertical and ii. Horizontal.

(b) Figure below shows the front view of a sphere, resting centrally on the top of a square block. Draw the isometric projection of the arrangement all dimensions are in mm.

UNIT VII TRANSFORMATION OF PROJECTIONS OBJECTIVES: At the end of Unit VII Students will know How to convert of Isometric view to Orthographic Views and Vice-Versa

Assignment VII 1. Draw the following views of the object given in figure below. All dimensions are in mm. (a) Front View (b) Top View and (c) Both Side Views.

2. Draw the following views of the object given in figure below. All dimensions are in mm. (a) Front View (b) Top View and (c) Both Side Views.

3. Draw the following views of the object given in figure below. All dimensions are in mm. (a) Front View (b) Top View and (c) Both Side Views.

4. Draw the following views of the object given in figure below. All dimensions are in mm. (a) Front View (b) Bird Eye View and (c) Both End Views.

5. Draw the following views of the object given in figure below. All dimensions are in mm. (a) Elevation (b) Plan (c) View on a Profile Plane.

6. Two views of a casting are shown in the figure below. Draw the isometric view of the casting (all dimensions are in mm).

7. Two views of a casting are shown in the figure below. Draw the isometric view of the casting (all dimensions are in mm).

8. Two views of a casting are shown in the figure below. Draw the isometric view of the casting (all dimensions are in mm).

9. Three views of a model in third angle projection are shown in the figure below. Draw the isometric view. (all dimensions are in mm).

10. Three views of a Ribbed Angle plate in First angle projection are shown in the figure below. Draw the isometric view. (all dimensions are in mm).

11. Draw the isometric view of the object whose orthographic projections are given in the figure below. All dimensions are in mm.

UNIT VIII PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS OBJECTIVES: At the end of unit VIII Students will know Importance of Perspective Views to Architects. How to draw Perspective Views by

(i) Visula Ray method (ii) Vanishing Point method. Assignment VIII 1. A point P is 20 mm behind plane and 15 mm above the ground plane. Draw the perspective view of the point when the point is viewed from a position 25 mm above the ground plane and 30 mm in front of the picture plane. The station point lines in a central plane 10 mm to the left of the point. 2. The end P of a straight Line PQ, 30 mm long, is 15 m behind the picture plane. The Straight Line inclined at 450 to the PP is parallel to and 10 mm above the ground plane. The station point is 30 mm above the ground plane and 40 mm in front of the PP. the station point lines in a central plane that passes through a point on PQ, 10 mm from one end. Draw the perspective view of the straight line. 3. A regular Hexagonal Pyramid of the base edge 20 mm and height 35 mm rests on its base on the ground plane with one of its base edges touching the picture plane. The station point is 30 mm

above the ground plane and 40 mm in front of the PP. The central plane is 30 mm to the right of the axis. Draw the perspective projection of the pyramid. 4. A square Prism of base 25 x 25 mm and height 40 mm rests on the GP with the edges of the base making 450 with PP. The corner nearest to the PP is 25 mm to the right of the station point and 25 mm behind the PP. The station point is 55 mm above the GP and 70 mm in front if the PP. Draw the perspective view of the square prism. 5. A square Pyramid of the base edge 20 mm and altitude 40 mm rests on its base on the ground with a base edge parallel to the picture plane. The axis of the pyramid is 25 mm behind the PP and 25 mm to the right of the eye. The eye is 50 mm in front of the PP and 50 mm above the ground. Draw its perspective view. 6. A Circle of the diameter 40 mm lies on the ground plane with its center 30 mm behind the picture plane. Draw is perspective view as seen from a station 50 mm in front of the PP, 40 mm above the ground and 40 mm to the left of the Circle. 7. A model of steps has three steps of 10 mm tread and 10mm rise. The length of the steps is 60 mm. The model is placed with the vertical edge of the first step touching the PP and its longer edge inclined at 300 to PP. The station point is 70mm in front of PP, 55 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane, which is at 30 mm to the right of the vertical edge touching the PP. Draw the perspective view. 8. A square plane of 35 mm sides stands vertically with one of its edges on the ground and inclined at 450 to picture plane. The vertical edge nearest to picture plane is 20 mm behind it. The station point is 30 mm in front of picture plane, 40 mm above the ground and lies in a central plane which passes through the centre of the plane. Draw the perspective view of the plane. 9. A hexagonal plane of 30 mm side lies on the ground plane. One of its corners is touching the picture plane and an edge is perpendicular to picture plane. The station point is 30 mm in front of the picture plane, 60 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane, which passes through the centre of lamina. Draw the perspective view. 10. Draw the perspective view of a rectangular plane of 4030 mm, which lies, on the ground plane. One of the corners is touching the picture plane and an edge is inclined at 55 0 to picture plane. The station point is 30 mm in front of picture plane, 65 mm above the ground plane and lies in central plane, which is at a distance of 30 mm to the right of the corner touching the picture plane.

11. A pentagonal prism, side of base 25 mm and axis 60 mm long, lies with one of its rectangular faces on the ground plane such that a pentagonal face is touching the picture plane. The station

point is 20 mm in front of the picture plane, 55 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane, which is at 80mm to the right of the center of the prism. Draw the perspective view. 12. A square pyramid of side of base 40 mm and axis 50 mm long, rests with its base on the ground plane such that all the edges of the base are equally inclined to the PP. One of the corners of the base is touching the PP. The station point is 60 mm in front of the PP, 80 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane, which passes through the axis of the pyramid. Draw the perspective view.


I/IV B.Tech (Mechanical Engg) Subject: Engineering Drawing

Model UNIV. Exam Question paper Duration: 3 Hours Note: Answer any FIVE Questions, Each Question carry EQUAL marks. 1. Construct a plain scale with RF 1:1000 to measure a distance of 95 meters. Mark a distance of 42 meters on it. 2. Show by means of a drawing that when the diameter of the directing circle is twice that of the generating circle, the hypocycloid is a straight line. Take the diameter of the generating circle equal to 50 mm. 3. A line AB, 75 mm long, is inclined at 45 to the H.P. and 30 to the V.P. Its end B is in the H.P. and 40 mm in front of the V.P. Draw its projections and determine its traces. 4. An equilateral triangle of 40 mm long sides has an edge on the ground and inclined at 60 to the V.P. Its plane makes an angle of 45 with the H.P. Draw its projections. 5. A cube of 50 mm long edges is resting on the H.P. with a vertical face inclined at 30 to the V.P. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to the V.P., inclined at 30 to the H.P. and passing through a point on the axis, 38 mm above the H.P. Draw the sectional top view and development of the surface of the remaining portion of the cube. 6. Draw the isometric view of a hexagonal waste paper basket made of sheet metal with the top and bottom edges 35 mm and 30 mm respectively and height 75 mm. 7. Draw the front view, top view and any one end view of the block shown in the isometric view given below. Max.Marks: 75


8. Draw the perspective view of a square pyramid of base 9 cm side and height of the apex 12 cm. The nearest edge of the base is parallel to and 3cm behind the picture plane. The station point is situated at a distance of 30 cm from the picture plane, 6 cm

above the ground plane and 18 cm to the right of the apex.

-The END-

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