EFT Acupoint Balancing Procedure: 1. Decide On Target Issue
EFT Acupoint Balancing Procedure: 1. Decide On Target Issue
EFT Acupoint Balancing Procedure: 1. Decide On Target Issue
2, Assess disturbance level: Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUDS) is a 0 to 10 scale. 0 = no discomfort and 10 = ultimate discomfort.
1. Close your eyes 2. Open your eyes 3. Look hard down & right 4. Look hard down & left 5. Rotate eyes in wide circle 6. Rotate eyes in opposite direction 7. Hum a note 8. Count aloud (1-3-5-7-9) 9. Hum a note
3. The Set-up Statement: Develop a phrase that will keep the issue alive while tapping. (e.g.: This pain.) Either rub the Sore Spot or tap the Karate Chop point while saying: Although I (name target issue), I honor and accept myself. Repeat this two more times. You may want to change words like honor to forgive, embrace, etc.
6. Repeat Sequence of Tapping Points Repeat step #4 above. You may wish to Only spend time on the most effective points.
4. Tap the Sequence of Points: Tap each point, except the 9-Gamut, about 7 times while stating your issue. The order of points is not significant, but you may notice that some points feel more effective than do others. Feel free to come back to, or spend more time at, the points that feel most effective.
7. Assess Progress (SUDS Level): If you reached 0, congratulations! If not, you are ready to move to step # 8. NOTE: Although the level of intensity most often decreases, there are reasons why the intensity might initially increase and then diminish as the process is repeated.
5. 9-Gamut Process While tapping the 9-Gamut point, do each of the following steps one-at-a-time:
8. Remaining Problem: Whether the intensity has increased or decreased, return to step #3, The Set-up Statement, and begin again with a slight adjustment to the statement: Although I still feel some of (name target issue), I honor and accept myself. Then continue on with steps #4-7 adding the word remaining to your chosen phrase. (e.g.: This remaining pain.)