Theory of Cognitive Therapy
Theory of Cognitive Therapy
Theory of Cognitive Therapy
10. Beth says to you, I never understand anything thats going on in class. The
cognitive technique that you are most likely to use is
a. challenging absolutes
b. challenging dichotomous thinking
c. labelling of distortions
d. reattribution
11. Beth says to you, Whenever I go to accounting class, everything is so blah.
You reply to her, What do you mean by blah? Can you tell me more about how
you feel? you are using the technique of
a. challenging absolutes
b. labelling of distortions
c. reattribution
d. understanding idiosyncratic meaning
12. Beth says, If I fail my accounting exam, I dont know what I will do. Theres
no reason to stay in school or to keep on living. Which of the following
techniques are you most likely to use?
a. understanding idiosyncratic meaning
b. decatastophizing
c. reattribution
d. cognitive rehearsal
13. Which of the following would help Beth decatastrophize her statement in
question 12?
a. Have you ever considered killing yourself before?
b. you seem to be thinking that hings will be all good or all bad.
c. getting an F is a big assumption. Lets really take a look at what would happen
if you got an F in accounting and what you would do.
d. what do you mean by failing?
14. Beth is planning to talk to her professor about her difficulty in the accounting
course. She is very much afraid of his potential criticism of her for doing badly.
Which technique are you most likely to use in helping her prepare for her talk
with her professor?
a. challenging absolutes
b. reattribution
c. decatastrophizing
d. cognitive rehearsal
15. You have identified that Beth has a failure cognitive schema. One negative
thought leads to another. She says, I know Ill fail. I know I cant do well in
accounting. I know Ill never be able to get a good job. My life looks so
bleak. In her depressed thinking, Beth is providing an example of
a. the cognitive triad
b. the cognitive spiral
c. cognitive fusion.
d. labelling distortions.
In working with Beth, you are likely to have an opportunity to challenge
her distorted thinking on many occasions. It is not necessary for you to challenge
her each time. You would also help her develop new alternative responses to her
automatic thoughts. You are also likely to use behavioural techniques such as
reinforcing her successes and teaching her new skills. There are also times when
you may respond to her empathically using person-centered techniques.
OE1. What aspects of patients and their problems are likely to make cognitive
therapy brief? (399)
OE2. Why do you think treatment manuals can be effective in cognitive
therapy? (400)
OE3. How are REBT and cognitive therapy different from each other? (400)
Both approaches try to make changes in the clients belief system. Ellis focusses
on irrational beliefs and uses the a-b-c-d-e theory challenge irrational beliefs of
all types. Beck identifies different types of cognitive distortions (a concept similar
to irrational beliefs) and has developed different methods for challenging these
distortions. Ellis applies his approach to all disorders. Beck has different
suggestions and techniques for different disorders. In many ways, their
approaches seem to be quite similar, but the language that they use is rather
different. Both do take a challenging view to working with the clients belief
system. Beck uses different challenging methods for different disorders, whereas
Ellis uses disputing primarily for most disorders.