Tasks which have identical prerequisite sets have the same Tail Event
CPM Hint #4
Starting with the Final Tasks, work backwards, enforcing the smallest prerequisite sets first. Use Dummy Tasks to enforce any prerequisites in large sets which have already been enforced in a smaller set.
Forward Pass: Determine Earliest Start (ES) and Earliest Complete (EC) for each Task
For all Initial Tasks, ES = 0 Once ES is Determined, EC equals ES plus TD. The ES for all tasks with tail [i] is equal to the largest value of EC for all tasks with head [i]. PC is the largest value of EC for all Final Tasks.
Backward Pass: Determine Latest Start (LS) and Latest Complete (LC) for each Task
For all Final Tasks, LC = PC Once LC is Determined, LS equals LC minus TD. The LC for all tasks with head [j], is equal to the smallest value of LS for all tasks with tail [j]. At least one Initial Task must have LS = 0; none may be negative.
Determine Total Float (TF): Allowable delay in start of task which will not delay Project Completion
For task with tail [i] and head [j], TF[i,j] = (LC[j] ES[i]) TD[i,j] ES[i] is earliest start for all tasks with tail [i]. LC[j] is latest complete for all tasks with head [j].
Determine Free Float (FF): Allowable delay in start of task which will not delay start of any other task.
For task with tail [i] and head [j], FF[i,j] = ES[j] - ES[i] - TD[i, j] = ES[j] - EC[i,j] If [j] is the final event, use PC for ES[j]
All Tasks with zero Total Float are Critical. Any delay in these Tasks will delay Project Completion. Darken these Tasks to finish CPM Diagram.