1. Introduction
Much of the music of the 60s and 70s is characterized by a certain sound a warm, fat, rich sound with spectacularly detailed midrange. The analogue EQ and dynamics processors of that era, although lacking the pristine specifications of modern Waves plugins, easily provided recording engineers a sound that is all-but-impossible to achieve today. Unique EQ curves, specifically chosen cutoff points, an overall warmth, and even a bit of harmonic distortion and noise combined to create a simple, almost foolproof set of processing tools. These processors were so effective that you could count on a great sound with practically every application. Waves has brought back this classic sound in three plug-ins: the V-EQ3 three-band equalizer with highpass filters the V-EQ4 four-band equalizer with highpass/lowpass filters the V-Comp Master Bus Compressor What makes the V-Series processors so special is the fact they are not digital approximations of a vintage sound. Instead, Waves engineers modeled the actual
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hardware processors, then made easy-to-use plug-ins that perfectly emulate the original devices. These three plug-ins recreate the sound of legendary vintage gear, while providing the power and flexibility you expect from Waves plug-ins. Because these three plug-ins are modeled after analogue processors, they are optimally used at an operating level where 0 dBFS = +22 dBU. (This information is helpful when calibrating your session.) When should you use the V-EQ3? This Waves V-EQ3 is modeled after the landmark 1073 and 1066 EQ processors. There are a number of reasons why a music engineer may look to the V-EQ3 for solutions to music production problems: The cutoff points on the Waves V-EQ3 accentuate the warm, fat sound associated with the popular music of the 70s.These fixed cutoff points are likely to provide just the effect you need to capture that sound. The unique performance of the bell curves in these equalizers allows you to add more gain at specific frequencies than would be possible with modern, symmetrical equalizers. You can often get away with adding 18 dB of gain without encountering filter ringing. Part of the signature sound of top-of-the-line processors from the 1970s is a specific form of harmonic distortion, which is very difficult to emulate with todays plug-ins. This subtle distortion, incorporated into the V-EQ3, is one of many elements used to recreate the warm sound of the 70s. When should you use the V-EQ4? The V-EQ4 is a multiband EQ, modeled after the legendary 1081 EQ processor, that is well suited for mixing applications where great precision and power are needed while preserving a vintage sound. The V-EQ4 offers high Q bells and a large number of cutoff points, making it more suitable for mixing than the V-EQ3. You may find the V-EQ4 more flexible in solving sound problems, whereas the VEQ3 is more appropriate for shaping your sound. Try inserting the V-EQ4 first in a chain, perhaps on individual instruments. Then, use the V-EQ3 as a mastering EQ to finalize your mix.
When should you use the V-Comp Master Bus Compressor? The Waves V-Comp is modeled after the classic 2254 master bus compressor and is designed to deliver a warm, fat sound with great mid-range detail. Among the reasons to reach for this compressor:
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You are seeking fat horns or bass without sacrificing midrange detail. You want a very quick, easy to use compressor that will help glue together your track and deliver a nominal output gain regardless of your operating level. You are mixing a song where attitude is more important than transparency.
When should you use a different Waves processor? The plug-ins in the V-Series create a specific vintage feel. For a modern sound, you can turn off analogue modeling in the V-series plug-ins, or you may prefer to choose another Waves EQ or dynamics processor. If you need to create very precise bell filters, as in hum removal, you will likely achieve better results with a Waves Q10. If your material demands very high precision processing using large word sizes, try the Waves Renaissance EQ. For a versatile dynamics processor with endless possibilities, try the Waves C1. However, if you are after the trademark vintage sound of the 1960s and 70s, nothing compares to the V-EQ3 and V-EQ4 equalizers and the V-Comp Master Bus Compressor.
The Waves V-EQ3 Equalizer is three-band EQ with a highpass filter. Like the 1073 and 1066 hardware devices after which it was modeled, the V-EQ3 offers selected cutoff points and 18 dB gain adjustment with a bell-shaped curve. The highpass filter can range from off to 360 Hz, with a slope of -18 dB per octave. Output gain can be adjusted up to 18 dB. Metering is in dBFS. A Trim feature measures the output peak level and allows you to set
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The V-EQ3 Equalizer uses fixed cutoff points but covers the entire frequency spectrum.
V-EQ4 Equalizer
The Waves V-EQ4 EQ is a four-band equalizer with a lowpass/highpass filter. It was painstakingly modeled after the 1081 hardware EQ processor from the 1980s. Specific cutoff points provide great control while maintaining a warm, vintage sound. Like the VEQ3, this EQ provides up to 18 dB of gain adjustment, yet the V-EQ4 has switchable high Q settings, providing steeper EQ curves.
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In the analogue domain, ideal levels tend to fall between 0 and +5 dBU. Translated to the digital domain, which is measured in dBFS, 0 dBU = -22 dBFS. This means that ideal input levels to the V-Comp range from -22 to -17 dBFS. This may take a bit of getting used to, since those accustomed to the digital world often seek the hottest level on each track. However, Waves engineers chose to model the VComp precisely after the original hardware, so it is preferable to provide input levels similar to those expected by an analogue master bus compressor.
Click on a desired frequency to select that value. Alternatively, you can enter values numerically by double-clicking on the knobs. Double-clicking on the inner knob will open a dialogue box for gain. Double-clicking on the outer ring will open a dialogue box for selecting the cutoff frequency. Click-drag vertically on a knob to change the frequency. ALT+click resets the parameter to its default setting.
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HP (High Pass Filter) Seven cutoff points, plus off. -18 dB/octave V-EQ3 HP cutoff points (Hz): 45, 50, 70, 80, 160, 300, 360
EQ (EQ on/off) This control defeats the EQ, but does not turn off analogue modeling. EQ Off is comparable to an analogue EQ device in an idle mode. Signal will still be subject to the harmonic distortion and noise characteristics of the 1073 and 1066 devices after which the plug-in was modeled. To completely bypass the V-EQ3, turn off EQ as well as Analogue, or simply select the host applications plug-in bypass button.
Phase (Phase Reverse) Selecting this switch reverses the phase of the output signal.
LF (Low Frequency Section) Controls low frequency gain and cutoff frequency. Inner knob controls gain, up to 18 dB, continuously adjustable. Outer ring selects low frequency cutoff points, plus off. Five cutoff points. V-EQ3 LF cutoff points (Hz): 35, 60, 100, 110, 220 Slope: 18 dB per octave
MF (Mid Frequencies, or Presence, Section) Controls middle frequency gain and cutoff frequency. Inner knob controls gain, 18 dB, continuously adjustable. Outer ring selects mid frequency cutoff points, plus off. V-EQ3 MF cutoff points (kHz): 0.36, 0.70, 1.2, 1.6, 3.2, 3.8, 4.8, 7.0, 7.2
HF (High Frequency Section) Controls high frequency gain and cutoff frequency of the HF shelf filter. Continuously variable gain, 18 dB.
Vintage Bundle Manual.docManual Switchable 10 kHz or 12 kHz cutoff points, and off.
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Output Controls the output level of the EQ device. Adjustable in 0.1 dB increments from -18 dB to +18 dB.
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Trim meter and reset button Measures the output peak of the EQ device, measured in dBFS. Click on the trim button to reset the output of the EQ to -0.1 dBFS. A red clip light indicates over-level. It can be reset by clicking on it.
Analogue on/off The V-EQ3 achieves an accurate vintage sound by recreating the unique harmonic distortion and noise characteristics (and therefore the sound color) of the 1073 and 1066 devices, after which it was modeled. Turning off both the Analogue and EQ switches bypasses this analogue modeling completely. You can also bypass the device by using your host applications plug-in bypass.
As with the V-EQ3 EQ, you can select a frequency by clicking the desired location on a knob. The inner knob sets the gain for a filter, while the outer ring is used to set the frequency. Click on a desired frequency to select that value, then drag to a gain value, which is continuously variable. If you prefer, you can enter values numerically by
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double-clicking on the knobs. Double-clicking on the inner knob will open a dialogue box for gain. Double-clicking on the outer ring will open a dialogue box for setting the frequency. Entering a frequency value other than one of the available cutoff points will take you to the nearest legal value. Click-drag vertically on a knob to change the frequency. ALT+click resets the parameter to its default setting.
Lowpass/highpass filter Selectable lowpass or highpass filter. Five cutoff points for either filter, plus off. V-EQ4 HP cutoff points (Hz): 27, 47, 82, 150, 270 V-EQ4 LP cutoff points (kHz): 18, 12, 8.7, 5.6, 3.9 The inner knob controls lowpass; the outer ring controls highpass.
LF (Low Frequency Section) Controls low frequency gain and cutoff frequency. Inner knob controls gain. Boost/cut is up to 18 dB (bell setting); continuously adjustable. Switchable between shelf (default) and bell. Outer ring selects low frequency cutoff points, plus off. Five cutoff points. V-EQ4 LF cutoff points (Hz): 33, 56, 100, 180, 330 Slope: 18 dB per octave
EQ (EQ on/off) This control defeats the EQ, but does not turn off analogue modeling. EQ off is comparable to an analogue EQ device in an idle mode. The V-EQ4 was modeled after the 1081 hardware EQ processor, and even its idle mode replicates that processors characteristics. To completely bypass the V-EQ4, turn off EQ as well as Analogue, or simply select the host applications plug-in bypass button.
Phase (Phase Reverse) Selecting this switch reverses the phase of the output signal.
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Shelf/Bell (separate controls for LF and HF sections) Sets the shape of the LF and HF curves. The default for each of these filters is shelf. Selecting this button changes the shape to a bell curve.
LMF (Low Mid Frequency Section) Controls low middle frequency gain and cutoff frequency. Inner knob controls gain. High Q Bell gain adjustment 18 dB (lower for normal Q), continuously adjustable. Outer ring selects mid frequency cutoff points, plus off. V-EQ4 LMF cutoff points (Hz): 220, 270, 330, 390, 470, 560, 680, 820, 1000, 1200
Hi Q (applicable to LMF and HMF sections) Independently sets the LMF or HMF bell curves to a higher (steeper) Q. The default is low Q. Selecting the button results in High Q. High Q is 18dB.
HMF (High Mid Frequency Section) Controls high middle frequency gain and cutoff frequency. Inner knob controls gain. High Q Bell gain adjustment 18 dB (lower for normal Q), continuously adjustable. Outer ring selects mid frequency cutoff points, plus off. V-EQ4 LMF cutoff points (kHz): 1.5, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 3.9, 4.7, 5.6, 8.2
HF (High Frequency Section) Controls high frequency gain and cutoff frequency of the HF filter. Switchable between shelf (default) and bell. Continuously variable gain 18 dB. V-EQ4 HF cutoff points (kHz): 3.3, 4.7, 6.8, 10, 15
Vintage Bundle Manual.docManual Adjustable in 0.1 dB increments from -18 dB to +18 dB.
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Trim meter and reset button Measures the peak output of the EQ device, measured in dBFS. Click on the Trim to reset the output of the V-EQ4 to -0.1dBFS. A red clip light indicates over-level. Click on the light to reset.
Analogue on/off The V-EQ4 achieves an accurate vintage sound by recreating the unique harmonic distortion and noise characteristics (and therefore the sound color) of the 1081 hardware device after which it was modeled. You can defeat these attributes to achieve a modern-sounding EQ. Turning off both the Analogue and EQ removes all modeling. You can also use your host applications bypass function to ignore the device entirely.
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Input Adjusts input level -24 dB +18 dB in 0.1 dB increments. As with all of the controls in the V-Series, double clicking on the knob will open a dialogue box for numerical entry. Click+dragging (vertically) over the knob will change the gain value, as will double clicking on the knob and incrementing/decrementing with the up/down arrows.
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Since V-Comp was modeled after a consoles master bus compressor, there is no threshold control. On the original analogue console, master bus compressor threshold was controlled by the master fader of the console the higher the mixs signal and the more the master fader gain, the greater the compression. In the analogue domain, ideal levels tend to fall between 0 and +5 dBU. Translated to the digital domain, which is measured in dBFS, 0 dBU = -22 dBFS. This means that ideal input levels to the V-Comp range from -22 to -17 dBFS. This may take a bit of getting used to, since those accustomed to the digital world often seek the hottest level on each track. However, Waves engineers chose to model the VComp precisely after the original hardware, so it is preferable to provide input levels similar to those expected by an analogue master bus compressor. You can adjust the input level by using the Input control.
Output Sets the output level of the V-Comp. Continuously adjustable 18 dB. Controlled in the same manner as the Input knob.
Meter Display The meter has one scale, in dBFS, and a indication needle. The Meter switch is used to choose the display mode. Only one display mode (Input, Output, or Gain Reduction) is shown at a time. In the Gain Reduction mode, the meter indicates gain without make-up. The meter is disabled when the V-Comp is in bypass. A red clip light indicates over-level. Click on the light to reset.
Meter switch Selects mode of meter display: input; output; gain reduction.
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Analog Switch As with the V-EQ3 and V-EQ4 plug-ins, the V-comp was modeled after a specific hardware processor, the 2254. The harmonic distortion and noise of the original device help shape V-Comps color and personality. If you want to defeat these characteristics, turn the switch to the OFF position. In addition, you can control the relative amount of analogue modeling. Settings: off, 25%, 50%, 100%.
Compressor Section
Ratio (Compression Ratio) Sets the compression ratio of the compressor. Unlike other V-comp controls, Ratio settings update only when the mouse is released. You cannot hear changes to this setting on the fly. This is due to the very large tables that the plug-in must access when changing the Ratio. Settings: 1.5:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 6:1
Release Sets the release time of the compressor. Settings: 400ms, 800ms, 1.5s, auto. Auto adjusts the release time according to the input signal to achieve a nominal release.
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Limiter Section
Limit Level Sets the threshold of the limiter. Adjustable from +4 dBu to +12 dBu in 0.5 dB steps. The limiter is scaled so that +22 dBU equals 0 dBFS.
Attack Adjusts the attack speed of the limiter. Fast = 1 microsec; Slow = 1 millisec
Release Adjusts the release time of the limiter. Settings: 100 ms, 200 ms, 800 ms, auto Auto adjusts the release time according to the input signal to achieve a nominal release.
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how to save, compare, load and copy the parameters of a Waves plug-in, even if you have never before worked with that particular processor. Commands common to all Waves plug-ins: Undo undoes the last performed action Redo redoes the last undone action Setup A/B moves you between two sets of parameters within the same processor useful in comparing different parameter settings in order to achieve optimal results Copy A->B copies the current settings to the second setup register Save used for saving presets in the Waves file format (.xps) There are two options for saving: Save to new file: creates a new .xps file wherein multiple presets can be saved. Save into preset menu: saves the preset into the default list of the plug-in. Pressing the ? button will open the manual for the plug-in you are using.