Valbuena N4A
Activity Intolerance r/t muscle weakness and fatigues as manifested by inability to maintain usual routines.
After 8 hours of nursing intervention, the patient will achieve slight increase in activity tolerance evidenced by acceptable level of fatigue/weakness.
Assess sleep patterns and note changes in thought processes/behaviors.
Multiple factors can aggravate fatigue, including sleep deprivation, emotional distress, side effects of medication, and progression of disease process. Prevents overexertion, allows for some activity within patient ability.
After 8 hours of nursing intervention, the patient has achieved slight increase in activity tolerance evidenced by acceptable level of fatigue/weakness.
Recommend scheduling activities for periods when patient has most energy. Adjust activities as necessary, reducing intensity level/discontinuing activities as indicated. Encourage patient to do whatever possible, e.g., self-care, sit in chair, visit with family/friends. Instruct patient/family/caregiver in energy conservation techniques. Stress necessity of allowing for frequent rest periods following activities. Demonstrate proper performance of ADLs, ambulation/position changes. Identify safety issues, e.g., use of assistive devices, temperature of bath water, keeping travel-ways clear of furniture. Encourage nutritional intake/use of supplements as appropriate.
Enhances performance while conserving limited energy, preventing increase in level of fatigue.