The Khechari Vidya
The Khechari Vidya
The Khechari Vidya
1. Now, then, a description of the science called Khechari. 2. He who has duly mastered this science, is freed from old age and death, in this world. 3. Knowing this science, O Sage, one who is subject to the pains of death, disease and old age, should make his mind firm and practise Khechari. 4. He who has gained a knowledge of the Khechari from books, from the exposition of the meaning of the same, and who has by recourse to its practice, gained a mastery of this science, becomes the destroyer of old age, death and disease, in this world. 5. Such a master, one should approach for shelter. From all points of view, one should look upon him as his Guru. 6. The science of Khechari is not easily accessible. Its practice is not easily attainable. Its practice and Melana are not accomplished simultaneously. Literally, Melana is joining.
7. The key to this science of Khechari is kept a profound secret. The secret is revealed by adepts only at initiation. 8. They do not get Melana, who are bent only upon practice. O Brahman, only some get the practice after several births. But, even after hundred births, Melana is not obtained. 9. As a result of having undergone the practice for several births, some Yogis get the Melana in some future birth. 10. The Yogi attains the Siddhi mentioned in several books, when he gets this Melana from the mouth of the Guru. 11. The state of Siva freed from all rebirth, is achieved when the practitioner gets this Melana from the grasp of the significance presented in the books. 12. This science is, therefore, very difficult to master. Until he gets this science, the ascetic should wander over earth. 13. The ascetic has physical powers or Siddhis in his hand, the moment he obtains this science.
14. One should therefore regard as Achyuta or Vishnu, any person who imparts this Melana. He too should be regarded as Achyuta, who gives this science. He who teaches the practice, should be regarded as Siva. 15. You have got the science from me. You should not reveal it to others. One who knows this science, should practise it with all his efforts. Except to those who deserve it, he should give it to none. 16. One who is able to teach the Divine Yoga, is the Guru. To the place where he lives, one should go. Then, learn from him the science of Khechari. 17. Taught well by him, one should at first practise it carefully. A person will then attain the Siddhi of Khechari, by means of this science. 18. One becomes the Lord of Khecharas or the Devas, by joining with Khechari Shakti (viz., Kundalini Shakti) by means of this science of Khechari. He lives amongst them, always.
water. It is the abode of the Devas or the Khecharas. The mastery of the Siddhi is obtained by this Yoga. 20. The ninth letter or Bija of Somamsa or the Moon face, should be pronounced in the reverse order. Then consider it as the Supreme and its beginning as fifth. This is said to be Kuta (horns) of the several Bhinnas (or parts) of the moon. 21. Through the initiation of a Guru, this which tends to the accomplishment of all Yogas, should be learnt. 22. One who recites this twelve times everyday will not get even in sleep that Maya or illusion which is born in his body and is the source of all vicious deeds. 23. To the one who recites this five lakhs of times with very great care, the science of Khechari will reveal itself. For him, all obstacles vanish. The Devas are pleased. Without doubt, the destruction of the greyness of hair and wrinkles, Valipalita, will take place. 24. One who has acquired the great science, should practise it constantly. Otherwise, he will not get any Siddhi in the path of Khechari.
25. If in this practice, one does not get this nectar-like science, he should get it in the beginning of Melana and recite it always. Otherwise, one who is without it never gets Siddhi. 26. No sooner one gets this science, than one should practise it. It is then that one will soon get the Siddhi. 27. The seven syllables HRIM, BHAM, SAM, PAM, PHAM, SAM and KSHAM constitute the Khechari Mantra.
30. On the seventh day, he should again cut for the space of a hair. Thus, with great care, he should continue it always, for the span of six months. 31. The root of the tongue, fixed with veins, ceases to be in six months. Then the Yogi who knows timely action should encircle with cloth the tip of the tongue, the abode of Vag-Ishvari or the deity presiding over speech, and should draw it up.
35. One should perform the six Angas or parts of the Khechari Bija Mantra by pronouncing it in six different intonations. In order to attain all the Siddhis, one should do this. 36. Karanyasa or the motions of the fingers and hands in the pronunciation of the Mantras, should be done gradually. Karanyasa should never be done all at a time, because the body of one who does it all at once will soon decay. O best of the Sages, little by little it should be practised. 37. One should, when the tongue goes to the Brahmarandhra through the outer path, place the tongue after moving the bolt of Brahma. The bolt of Brahma cannot be mastered by the Devas. 38. On doing this with the point of the finger for three years, the Yogi should make the tongue enter within. It enters the Brahmadvara or hole. On entering the Brahmadvara, one should practise well Mathana or churning. 39. Even without Mathana, some wise Yogis attain Siddhi. He also accomplishes it without Mathana, who is versed in Khechari Mantra. One reaps the fruit soon by doing Japa and Mathana.
40. The Yogi should restrain his breath in his heart, by connecting a wire made of gold, silver or iron with the nostrils by means of a thread soaked in milk. Sitting in a convenient posture, with his eyes concentrated between his eyebrows, he should perform Mathana slowly. 41. The State of Mathana becomes natural like sleep in children, within six months. It is not advisable to do Mathana always. It should be done once only in every month.