by Norm McCarter
Quickly, he scooped up the Medusas head, placed it in the sack, and ran from the cave. On his way home, Perseus was able to use the head to help rescue Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. Taking the beautiful Andromeda, who became his wife, he returned home just in time to stop the forced marriage of his mother Danae to Polydectes. When Perseus proved his mission a success by showing Polydectes the Medusas head, Polydectes and his wedding guests all turned to stone. It is said that Perseus gave the Medusas head to Athena, who attached it to the front of her shield. Perseus lived to a great old age and became the king of Mycenae, which he founded. After his death, Zeus gave Perseus a place among the constellations next to his beloved Andromeda.
even angrier. Zeus, fearing that Hera might hear the cries, went down to earth to try to appease Arcas. In order to hide what he had done, Zeus changed Callisto back into a bear and placed her form, as a constellation, into the northern sky as the Big Dipper. He then changed Arcas into the small bear (the Little Dipper). As Arcas was being placed into the sky, he turned to look at his mother Callisto (now the Big Dipper). That is why the Little Dipper is curved toward the Big Dipper, so that Arcas can watch over his mother Callisto for all eternity.
had to agree because Zeus was the King. But Demeter also kept her promise. During the six months when her daughter had to be in the underworld with Hades, no crops would grow. In the spring, when Persephone returned, the flowers and the crops in the fields would grow again. The second myth associated the constellation Virgo with Astraea, goddess of Justice, when the gods lived among men on earth during the Golden Age. The increasing iniquity of the humans, however, began to drive the gods, one by one, to leave the humans on earth and go to heaven. Astraea was the last of the gods to leave. When she left she took the scales of justice with her, which you can see beside her in the sky today.