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NCP Pain

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Assessment S Nahihirapan ako, Masakit kasi yung tiyan ko Acute pain with a pain scale of 6/10, 10 as the most

t painful and 1 as the least painful. Characterized as throbbing pain and abdominal fullness Limited movement noted Grimace when in pain Guarding behaviour noted

Acute pain related to related to tissue compression and obstruction secondary to colon cancer

Explanation of the Problem Colorectal cancer Is a disease in which normal cells in the lining of the colon or rectum begin to change, start to grow uncontrollably, and no longer die. These changes usually take years to develop; however, in some cases of hereditary disease, changes can occur within months to years. Both genetic and environmental factors can cause the changes. Initially, the cell growth appears as a benign (noncancerous) polyp that can, over time, become a cancerous tumor. As a bodys defense signs and symptoms may be felt such as pain due to the tumor present, Rectal bleeding Changed in bowel habits Constipation or Diarrhea. If not treated or removed, a polyp can become a potentially life-threatening cancer.

Objectives STO: After 30 minutes to 1 hour of rendering effective nursing interventions, the client will be able to cope with incompletely relieved pain

Nursing Interventions Dx: Assessed for referred pain Observed and noted non verbal cues and pain behaviour

Rationale helps determine possibility of underlying condition Observations may be congruent with verbal reports or may be only indicator present when client cant express feelings. to rule out degree and type of pain experienced by client to promote nonpharmacological pain management Techniques are used to bring about a state of physical and mental awareness and tranquillity. The goal of these techniques is to reduce tension, subsequently reducing pain For pain relief or

Evaluation STO: Goal met as the client cooperates with nursing interventions done and is able to cope effectively to ease pain felt.

LTO: After 8 hours of rendering effective nursing interventions the clients pain is relieved

Assessed intensity and characteristics of pain


Provided comfort measures such as positioning and back rubbing Assisted and educated client on relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises

LTO: Goal met as the client showed cooperation on therapeutic nursing interventions and the patient verbalized that pain felt was relieved.


Facilitated on administration of oral medications

Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Children and Adult

such as analgesics

maintain tolerable or acceptable level of pain Positioning may help alleviate pain felt and it promotes comfort

Provided comfort measures such as positioning. Edx: Encouraged verbalization of feelings and concerns regarding pain Instructed on proper deep breathing exercises

To determine and rule out if there is worsening of pain felt and underlying condition. Patient will comprehend the underlying principle and proper techniques which help improve ventilation and pain relief

Encouraged to maintain positive attitude and suggested relaxation techniques such as listening to music

To enhance sense of well-being and to divert frustration on pain

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