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(Theories and Practices)



Content A Pragmatic Analysis of the Conversational Implicatures Speaking Activities Implemented by Teachers in Classroom Teaching English to Children Pembelajaran dengan Menggunakan Media Komputer i 1 8 15 20

Applying Contextual Instruction to involve Students with The Natural Way of Learning English 27 Students Age which EFL is Introduced in School and Educational Outcome Which Students Join Whom? You are Intellectuall? Write! A Critical Review of Pokoknya Sunda English Sentences Radio The Innovation of Technology in Education Ten Good Game for Recycling Vocabulary The Effect of Explicit Metapragmatic Instruction on Speech Act Awareness of Advanced EFL Students Students Vocabulary Learning Strategies Encouraging Questioning In English Reading Comprehension For The Second Year Students Of Man Model Manado Analyzing Total Educational Program The Unique of Children Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension Sequence and Comment on The Story for Young Learners First Sound in Child Language 90 94 99 102 105 109 30 34 38 49 58 65 77 82 85

A Pragmatic Analysis of The Conversational Implicatures in Todays Dialogue on Metro TV Thoughts on The Reshuffle Based on Grices Cooperative Principle and Its Maxims
Muhammad Sukrianto Indonesia University of Education email: sukrilusy@yahoo.com ABSTRACT
It is widely argued that Grices theory of implicature has wide and useful applications. Based on Grices Cooperative Principle and its maxims, this study attempts to analyze pragmatically the conversational implicatures in a Todays Dialogue program on Metro TV Thoughts on The Reshuffle

The result shows that in the conversation, the four maxims are flouted. The maxims of relevance are frequently flouted (80, 95%) the highest score. The second frequently flouted are the maxim of quantity (76, 19%), and then followed by maxim of manner (47, 61%) and maxim of quality (6, 52%). In this analysis, we argue that the
reasoning rigor of the CP and its maxims is worth respecting by linguists in general and pragmaticists in particular. Keywords: Cooperative Principle and its maxims, conversational implicatures, pragmatic analysis

1. Introduction It has been recognized that generally when we are involved in a conversation, we are cooperating with each other. In other words, when a listener hears an expression, he or she first has to assume that the speaker is being cooperative and intend to communicate something. However, in many occasion in conversation, speaker intend to communicate more than is said. It is an additional meaning or that something more than what the words means called an implicature (Yule, 1996). Conversational implicatures have become one of the principal subjects of pragmatics. According to Levinson (1983:97), the notion of conversational implicature is one of the single most important ideas in pragmatics. An implicature is something meant, implied, or suggested distinct from what is said. Implicatures can be part of sentence meaning or dependent on conversational context, and can be conventional or unconventional. Grice, who coined the term implicature, and classified the phenomenon, developed an influential theory to explain and predict conversational implicatures, and describe how they are understood. The Cooperative Principle and associated Maxims play a central role. Many authors have focused on principles of

politeness and communicative efficiency. Questions have been raised as to how well these principle-based theories account for the intentionality of speaker implicature and conventionality of sentence implicature. This study does not attempt to review either all the relevant theory or all of what is known about implicature in the worlds languages. Rather, an attempt is made to pinpoint some of the most tantalizing theoretical and descriptive problems, to sketch the way in attempts to analyze pragmatically the conversational implicatures of Reshuffle, based on Grices Cooperative Principle and its maxims Conversation transcript is a written text as the realizations of utterance by the participant in a conversation. A transcript has detail and complete utterances. However, the meaning of utterance in written text can also be known from its situation context within the sequence of the actions. 2. Theoretical Foundation In addition to identifying and classifying the phenomenon of implicature, Grice developed a theory designed to explain and predict conversational implicatures. He also sought to describe how such implicatures are understood. Grice postulated a general Cooperative Principles and four maxims specifying how to be cooperative It is common knowledge, he asserted, that people generally follow these rules for efficient communication. Grices theory of implicature is an attempt to explain how a hearer gets what is meant, from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning from what is said. In order to explain the mechanisms by which people interpret conversational implicature (Levinson 1983, Yule 1996). Grice (1967) proposed the Cooperative Principle (CP) and four conversational maxims. The CP runs as follows: make your contribution to what is required at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk in which you are engaged; to put it in another way, we assume that in a conversation, all participants, regardless of their cultural background, will cooperate with each other when making their contributions. Grice then broke this principle down into four maxims, which go towards making a speakers contribution to the conversation cooperative. (1) Quality: Do not say what you believe to be false.
a conversational transcript in a Todays Dialogue program on Metro TV Thoughts on The

Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. (2) Quantity: Make your contribution sufficiently informative for the current purposes of the conversation. Do not make your contribution more, or less informative than is required. (3) Relevance: Make sure that whatever you say is relevant to the conversation at hand. (4) Manner: Avoid obscurity of expression Avoid ambiguity Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity) Be orderly Grice pointed out that these maxims are not always observed, but he made a distinction between quietly violating a maxim and openly flouting a maxim. Violations are quiet in the sense that it is not obvious at the time of the utterance that the speaker has deliberately lied, supplied insufficient information, or been ambiguous, irrelevant or hard to understand. In Grices analysis, these violations might hamper communication but they do not lead to implicatures. What leads to implicatures is a situation where the speaker flouts a maxim. That is, it is obvious to the hearer at the time of the utterance that the speaker has deliberately and quite openly failed to observe one or more maxims. According to Grice, the implicature is made possible by the fact that we normally assume that speakers do not really abandon the cooperative principle although in
conversations they sometimes face a clash between maxims.

Grice viewed these rules not as arbitrary conventions, but as instances of more general rules governing rational, cooperative behavior. For example, if a woman is helping a man build a house, she will hand him a hammer rather than a tennis racket (relevance), more than one nail when several are needed (quantity), straight nails rather than bent ones (quality), and she will do all this quickly and efficiently (manner). Generalizing from the explanation above, Grice provided a theoretical account of what it is to conversationally implicate something that has been widely adopted, sometimes with subtle variations. 3. Methodology The methodology employed in this study is descriptive qualitative. A qualitative study is an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting. (Cresswell,1994). The objective 5

of this study is to analyze pragmatically the conversational implicatures of a conversational transcript based on Grices Cooperative Principle and its maxims. The data were taken from conversation transcript of Todays Dialogue program on Metro TV Thoughts on The Reshuffle, Todays Dialogue program on Metro TV were selected since it is a formal dialogue and interesting to analyze. The process of data analysis comprises arranging, organizing, categorizing, and interpreting or giving meaning. Glaser and Strauss expressed by Strauss claim that the focus of analysis is not merely on collecting or ordering a mass of data, but on organizing many ideas which have emerged from analysis of the data (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Strauss, 1987, cited in Lynch, 1996.) 20 dialogues (questions and answers) excerpts which are taken from conversation transcript of todays dialogue program are analyzed based on Grices Cooperative Principle and its maxims.

4. Findings And Discussion As mention earlier, based on the theoretical framework, we proceed to analyze the conversational implicatures in the questions and answers excerpts. There are 20 dialogues (questions and answers) excerpts which are taken from conversation transcript of todays dialogue program on Metro TV. They were analyzed based on Grices Cooperative Principle and its maxims. Before we report the findings, we want to clarify a point that implicatures are used only for the purpose of expressing intended meaning on behalf of the speaker, which can be conveyed by flouting one maxim while prominently upholding another, and which can be worked out by the hearer. The findings are drawn as follow: Table 1. The Maxims Flouted in Conversation No 1. 2. 4. 5. The Maxims flouted Maxim of Quality Maxim of Quantity Maxim of Relation (Relevance) Maxim of Manner Frequency (%) 17, 18 2 (9, 52%) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16 (76, 19%) 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17 (80, 95%) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20. 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 10 (47, 61%) 14, 16, Dialogues

Based on the table above, in the conversation the four maxims are flouted. The maxims of relevance are frequently flouted (80, 95%) the highest score. 17 out of 20 dialogues flouted this maxim. The second frequently flouted are the maxim of quantity (76, 19%), and then followed by maxim of manner (47, 61%) and maxim of quality (6, 52%). These maxims are considered to be flouted based on the category and the characteristic given by Grace (1967). In accordance with the finding above, we chose some segments of the conversation to analyze. Most of dialogues flouted the maxim of relevance and maxim of quantity. According to Thomas (1995) the maxim of relation is exploited by making a response or observation which is very obviously irrelevant to the topic in hand. Let see the example in dialogue 4 (see the appendix): Meutia: Pak Darwin, do you also think there should be a reshuffle? Darwin: Whether we are talking about a government or a company, it is natural that personalities are judged in line with the targets that have been reached. If we are objective, we can see that many targets have been reached by ministers. The problem is really one of perception. If you dont want to say any ministers names, then at least give the portfolios they are responsible for. In the above example, the maxim of relation (Be relevant) is exploited by making a response or observation which is very obviously irrelevant to the question in hand (e.g., by abruptly changing the subject, or by overtly failing to address the other persons goal on asking a question). Examples of flouting the maxim of Relevance by changing the subject or by failing to address the topic directly are encountered very frequently. In this example, Darwin makes a response which is truthful, clear, etc., however it is not relevant with Mutiahs question. What it does not do is to address Mutiahs goal in asking the question: she wants to know whether Pak Darwin, think there should be a reshuffle. This dialogue also flouts maxim quantity and manner since it blatantly gives more informative response and obscurity of expression. Let see another example in dialogue 7: Meutia: The SBY administration is already halfway through its term. Pak Eko, why is it so urgent to have a reshuffle now? Eko: The public are demanding one. In the above excerpt, Ekos response appears to flout the maxim of Quantity. There is less information to answer Mutiahs question. A flout of the maxim of quantity occurs when a speaker blatantly gives more or less information than the situation 7

requires (Thomas, 1995). Actually, we have no reason to believe that Eko is being deliberately uncooperative (i.e., that he is failing to observe the CP). We may conclude that his failure to observe the maxim of Quantity is due to his wish to observe the CP in some other way. As we have seen, Grices explanation for the non-observance of the maxim of Quantity in this instance is that the speaker was faced with a clash of maxims. In this instance, Eko found himself unable simultaneously to observe the maxims of Quality and Quantity, which signaled his dilemma by flagrantly failing to give the right amount of information and prompted his interlocutor to look for an implicature. Flouting maxim of manner can be seen in the excerpt of dialogue 17: Meutia: As the head of the partys executive committee, you should Priyo: If the president decides that, then we must respect his decision, because its his choice. Our internal meetings have agreed as much and this was further clarified to us by Pak Kalla. We are currently focusing on why our popularity has fallen in the opinion polls. If Golkar gets more seats on the cabinet, thats great. If not, then thats the presidents decision. In this dialogue, Prios answer is not perspicuous in responding the question. Prio could simply have replied: I should or I will His actual response is extremely long-winded and convoluted and it is obviously no accident, nor through any inability to speak clearly, he is not briefly answering the question that he has flouted the maxim of manner. In this discussion we can also identify when the maxim of quality is flouted as the following (see the appendix dialogue 19): Meutia: Just as long as you dont get less cabinet posts than the three you have at the moment? Priyo: Well, that really would be too much if we got fewer seats! If we got more seats, that would be great. If we didnt get any more, well ok, thats ok. But I think the president has already thought long and hard about this. Because until now, Golkar has been one of the key parties that has supported his administration. In the above dialogue, we can observe that Prio flouted the maxims of quality. According to Thomas (1995), flouts which exploit the maxim of quality occur when the speaker says something which is blatantly untrue or for which he or she lack adequate evidence. In the above dialogue, Prio can not decide for sure whether his explanation is true or not. When he use the words I think.., It shows that he can not give adequate evidence for his statement.

5. Summary In actual conversations, Grices four basic maxims of the cooperative principle are often unobserved or flouted. However, this does not mean that the CP is abandoned. In Grices analysis, the speakers flouting of a maxim combined with the hearers assumption that the speaker has not really abandoned the CP leads to an implicature. Besides flouts necessitated by a clash between maxims, which I have dealt with here, there are flouts which exploit a maxim while flouting a maxim, the speaker prominently upholds another maxim in order to be cooperative in the communication. In this analysis, I argue that the step-by-step reasoning rigor of the CP and its maxims is worth being inspected by linguists in general and pragmaticists in particular. References: Grice, P, 1989, Grices Cooperative Principles [online] http://www.classical dressage.com/zen/articles/a_2.html.[Mei 30, 2007) Leech, G. N. 1983, Principles of Pragmatics [M]. New York: Longman Group Limited. Levinson, S. C. 1983, Pragmatics [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Thomas, J. 1995, Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics [M]. London and New York: Longman Group Limited. Yule, G.1996, Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.

Speaking Activities Implemented by Senior High School Teachers in Classroom

Muhammad Sukrianto Indonesia University of Education
It is widely argued that the success of using a language especially second and foreign language in real life situation can be determined through speaking. Speaking activities which are given by a teacher in classroom are the external factor that crucial in determining speaking achievement of students (Jones 1981; Nunan 1991). Hence, the study reported here has addressed the questions of what activities implemented by senior high school teachers in speaking class and why they prefer to implement the certain activities to the others. This descriptive study employed questionnaires to obtain the data. The subjects were English teachers of Religion Affairs (DEPAG) who are taking graduate program at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) in academic year 2007/2008. The data were analyzed by employing descriptive statistic to find the frequencies and the percentage of teachers answer for each speaking activity. In classifying the data, there were three categories: positives, abstain, and negative category. The result shows that the most preferred speaking activity was Answering the question orally (73, 4%), the second were Performing a dialogue (66, 6%) and then Introducing self to the class (50, 0%) and Expressing opinion orally (50, 0%). These activities were preferred because they are simpler and easier to conduct. More than 50% gave negative responses toward Debating (10, 0%) and Interview (23,3%. These activities were regarded as not-preferred speaking activities, because these activities are not easy to conduct and need more preparation. Key Words: Speaking Activities, Senior High School Teachers, Classroom interaction

INTRODUCTION It has long been recognized that speaking skill is very important in learning a language, since the success of using a language especially second and foreign language in real life situation can be measured through speaking. For example, someone can be told that he or she is capable of speaking English if he or she is able to show his or her English by practicing it through speaking. Finochiaro (1974) claimed that speaking is a real language, which means that the capability to communicate in a language can be shown through the skill of speaking. The skill of speaking refers to the students ability to express mind or feeling orally. One function of speaking is to communicate ideas in situation where the other person is listening to words and can be in front of the speaker, looking at the gesture and facial expression. In other words, we can say that speaking is the skill or capability to deliver messages directly. Concerning with the speaking activities, as a matter of fact, in learning English, most students are reluctant to speak. Puspita and Mulyadi (1991; 31) state that the most difficult part of the task of the teachers in the teaching English especially in speaking class laid on how to encourage students to speak. The student seems often reluctant to speak when they involved in speaking class activities. The same problem also uttered by Chastain (1976) that many of the EFL students are self conscious and do not like to make mistake or appear stupid in front of their friends. Why are the students reluctant to speak English? Actually there are several factors determine it. Some of them are motivations, needs, attitudes, and students learning style


which are called internal factors. The other factor is external factor, such as environments, family, teacher and learning process in the class. Speaking activities which are given by a teacher in classroom are argued as external factor that crucial in determining speaking achievement of students. Jones (1981) claims that appropriate work activities solve the problems of learners who are reluctant to speak. It means that if a teacher can provide appropriate and effective speaking activities, he or she may be able to attract students interest to learn more seriously and self motivated to optimize their learning out comes. Nunan (1991: 39) states that the learners will be facilitated to speak when they are actively engaged in attempting to communicate. Based on all these description, this study attempted to identify the kinds of speaking activities implemented by teachers in classroom and the reasons of why they prefer to implement the certain activities to others. It takes a case study on English teachers of DEPAG who are taking graduate program at UPI in academic year 2007/2008. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION Hawes (1994) reveals that most of EFL teachers have often complained about their learners, because they often do not pay attention to the instruction even reluctant to participate actively in speaking class. Actually there are some factors influenced, one of them is the activities which are provided by teachers in classroom. Brown (1994:266), states that the activities which are given by teachers may attract students motivation to involve in speaking class. Speaking activities which are applied by teacher and students in a classroom is crucial to improve their ability in speaking and to avoid the reluctance happens. According to Chastain (1976), speaking competence can not be achieved in a year or even two but given the appropriate classroom activities, one has hypothesize that many students can learn to communicate about those topics covered in their texts. He also claims that activities in the class can provide the student with opportunity to communicate in the target language. More over the activities that involve students feeling and attitude may give them the satisfaction of expressing themselves. There are many activities can be used by a teacher and students in a speaking class. In general the activities are divided into three; individual work activity, pair work activity, and group activity. However Littlewood (1981) divide the stages of activities: 1) Pre-communicative activities, they are structural activities which focus on drilling on language function, and semi communicative activities, providing social context of how to use language functions; 2) Communicative activities, they are functional communication, providing social situation to practice language function and social interaction activities focusing on real social to practice and internalize language function in appropriate social context. In selecting speaking activities, the teachers must always remember that the goal is for the students to be able to interact freely with others; to understand what other with to speak in the broadest sense, and to be able to convey the others what they themselves wish to share. Rivers (1978-47) states that the students need the situation where they are on their own (that is not supported by teacher or structured exercise) trying to use the foreign language to exchange with others of real interest to them. The teacher can not send the students off in group or pairs and tell them to speak. Motivation to speak must be aroused in some way. The teacher should propose or encourage the students to 11

develop activities which have an intrinsic interest for them. According to Rivers (1978) the activities in such natural interaction contexts as the following: 1. Establishing and maintaining social relations, 2. Hiding ones reactions, 3. Expressing ones intentions, 4. Talking ones way out of trouble, 5. Seeking and giving information, 6. learning or teaching others to do or making something, 7. Conversing over telephone, 8. solving problem 9. discussing ideas, 10. playing with language, 11. acting social roles, 12. Entertaining others, 13. Displaying ones achievements, 14. Sharing leisure activities, The types of interaction activities can lead the students themselves to various pattern of individualization, with students naturally seeking out partners with whom they feel at ease. Maslow in Rivers (1978-48) has shown that each individual has hierarchy of need for feeling of security, belongingness, and self realization. Some other supporting activities argued may enhance students speaking skills that can be carried out in classroom are role play, games. Tomkins (1998) argues that role play activity can encourage students thinking and creativity. Students usually find role playing enjoyable, but students who lack self-confidence or have lower proficiency levels may find them intimidating at first In role plays, students are assigned roles and put into situations that they may eventually encounter outside the classroom. Because role plays imitate life, the range of language functions that may be used expands considerably. Also, the role relationships among the students as they play their parts call for them to practice and develop their sociolinguistic competence. They have to use language that is appropriate to the situation and to the characters. Game is also argued may enhance and motivate students to speak. Games help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information. Games are highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting. They can be used to give practice in all language skills and be used to practice many types of communication. There are many advantages of using games. Games can lower anxiety, thus making the acquisition of input more likely. They are highly motivating and entertaining, and they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson. (Wright 1984, Ersoz 2000) All of the activities suggested will obviously not be possible for all students from the earliest stage of learning. The teacher will select the effective and appropriate ones to make them practice to speak.


METHODOLOGY The study aims to describe kinds of speaking activities implemented by senior high school teachers in classroom. It concerns with the existing condition, opinion that are held and processed that are going on. Therefore this study is conducted through the application of the descriptive method. This method seems suitable to present the facts related to the problems which are going to discuss (Silverman, 2005). The subjects were all senior high school teachers of DEPAG (30 teachers) who are taking graduate program at UPI in academic year 2006/2007. In this case, the study uses total sampling, since all the population is taken to be sample. A set of questioner was used to collect the data of speaking activities implemented by teachers in classroom. To know their preference, the questionnaire was in the form of Likert scale (Arikunto, 1999). The options for each activity are always, often, sometimes, seldom, and never. In answering the questions the teachers circle one of the options that they prefer to apply and than they write the reason of their answer in the given blanks The data were then analyzed by calculating teachers answers and grouping them into three; positive responses, abstains, and negative response. Positive responses were analyzed by calculating the teachers answer in option a (always) and option b, (often) for each item. If they circle these options, it means that the teachers frequently apply the activities. Abstains were analyzed by calculating the teachers answer in option c (sometimes) it means that their answers could not be classified into positive or negative responses. It also means that the researcher can not decide whether they prefer to apply the activities or not. If the teachers circle on option d (seldom) and option e (never), it means that they do not prefer to apply the activities so this group we call negative response. Since this research is a descriptive study, the teachers answers were analyzed by using descriptive statistic. The data was tabulated in the table to show the frequencies and the percentage of the teachers to each speaking activity. From the table the researcher found out the highest and lowest rating of speaking activities which are preferred to teach by the senior high school teachers of DEPAG who are taking graduate program at UPI in academic year 2007/2008 in their speaking class. In analyzing the data, the researcher used computer program of SPSS 1.0. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Data concerning teachers preferred speaking activities have shown that the majority of respondents (39, 8%) are of positive categories, followed by those at abstains categories (31,6%), then by those at negative category (28,5%). The average percentage indicated that the different of responses among positive, abstain, and negative are not too significant. There is no of each category which has the average percentage score more then a half or upper 50% (see table 1). It means that we can not say that most of teachers have positive responses toward the speaking activities. As seen in table 1, answering the question orally (no.3) was regarded as the most preferred speaking activity applied by teachers in classroom. 22 out of 30 respondents or 73, 4% (the highest score) gave positive responses to this speaking activity. Other activities that regarded as favorable activities were Performing a dialogue (66,6%) and then Introducing self to the class (50,0%) and Expressing opinion orally (50,0%). These


activities are regarded as favorable activities since the responses toward theses activities reach 50% or more (Azwar, 1988). It means that a half or more of respondents preferred to apply these activities in the classroom. Meanwhile, speaking activities such as Debating and Interview were regarded as not-preferred speaking activities, because more than 50% gave negative responses toward these activities. 21 out of 30 respondents or 70% (the highest score) gave negative response toward Debating activity and 18 out of 30 or 60% gave negative responses toward Interview activity (see table 1). The others speaking activities can not be decided whether the activities are preferred to implement or not, because the percentage of responses are not more than 50% gave positive or negative responses. Table 1 Percentage and frequencies of preferred speaking activities
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Speaking Activities Giving speech Retelling the story from text Answering the question orally Expressing opinion orally Seeking and giving information Describing pictures Role play Introducing self to the class Introducing someone to the class Presenting a report / paper to the class Interview ( interviewing for a job, etc) Performing a dialogue Playing games Problems solving Reporting group result to the class Performing a short talk Debating Sum Averages Percentage Number of Responses Positives Abstains Negatives 33,3% (10) 36,7% (11) 30,0% (9) 33,3% (10) 33,3% (10) 33,3% (10) 73,4% (22) 13,3% (4) 13,3% (4) 50,0% (15) 26,7% (8) 23,3% (7) 40,0% (12) 36,7% (11) 23,3% (7) 33,3% (10) 36,7% (11) 30,0% (9) 43,3% (13) 33,3% (10) 23,3% (7) 50,0% (15) 26,7% (8) 23,3% (7) 30,0% (9) 36,7% (11) 33,3% (10) 40,0% (12) 23,3% (7) 36,7% (11) 23,3% (7) 16,7% (5) 60,0% (18) 66,6% (20) 26,7% (8) 6,6% (2) 40,0% (12) 46,7% (14) 13,3% (4) 30,0% (9) 50,0% (15) 20,0% (6) 43,3% (13) 33,3% (10) 23,3% (7) 36,7% (11) 40,0% (12) 23,3% (7) 10,0% (3) 20,0% (6) 70,0% (21) 203 161 146 11,94 9,47 8,58 39,8% 31,6% 28,6%

Based on the objective of this study, the teachers responded not only their preference to speaking activities but also the reasons why they prefer certain activities to others. As seen in the finding data concerning teachers preferred speaking activities, we can see that the majority of respondents (39,8%) are of positive categories, followed by those at abstains categories (31,6%), then by those at negative category (28,5%). Some reasons arouse why the teachers have positive responses or preferred to implement certain activities compare other activities. Actually the reasons given by teachers are varies, for examples because the activities are easier to conduct, more interesting, freer, challenging, and motivating and so on. Speaking activity of answering the question orally was regarded as the most preferred activities applied by in the classroom. 73, 4% (the highest score) of the respondents gave positive responses to this speaking activity. There are some reasons why most of the teachers frequently use this activity, for examples, it can be done anytime; it can encourage the students to speak; it is easier to do, etc. However, mostly the teachers frequently implement this activity, because it is simple and easy to do. Other activities that regarded as favorable activities were Performing a dialogue (66,6%) and then Introducing self to the class (50,0%) and Expressing opinion orally (50,0%). These activities are regarded as favorable activities since the responses toward theses activities reach 50% or more. Based on the finding, the reasons were also varies,


however most of them frequently apply these activities because these activities are more simple and easier to conduct in the classroom. On the other hand, Speaking activities such as Debating and Interview were regarded as not-preferred speaking activities, because more than 50% gave negative responses toward these activities. The reasons were also varies which contradict with the teachers preferred speaking activities. Debating and Interview were regarded as the activities which need more preparation to conduct. Not all students have sufficient skills to do a debate activity. The teachers also face that conducting an interview seem to be more complicated than for examples performing a dialogue or answering the questions orally. When we compare the finding with the theories of teaching and learning speaking, based on the data most of teachers do not implement the activities which according to the theories those activities are better for teaching speaking. Let takes the examples, playing game and role plays are the activities that argued better to implement in teaching and learning speaking, however these activities are not often used by teachers. Actually when it is asked to the teachers, they know that the activities is interesting, challenging, motivating and may enhance the students speaking skills but still they sometimes use the activities. There is another reason the activities are frequently used if it is easier to conduct. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on the result of this research, the conclusion can be drawn that speaking activity of answering the question orally was regarded as the most preferred activity applied by teachers in the classroom, because it is more simple and easier to do. Other activities such as performing a dialogue, introducing self to the class, and expressing opinion orally are also regarded as favorable activities since, according to mostly of teachers, these activities are also more simple and easier to conduct in the classroom Finally, the implication of the result is that the teachers should keep an open mind in selecting speaking activities. It is better for teachers to cross check their preferences with students preferences. The teachers should select the activities which are not only easy to conduct but also can promote or enhance students to develop their speaking skills.


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Muhammad Sukrianto A. Introduction Teaching English to Children has become a worldwide phenomenon due to the international expansion of English teaching. It is followed by the general commitment of worldwide countries to reduce the starting age of learning English. In Indonesian context, although English has been taught to secondary schools and some primary schools, teaching English to children in Indonesia is considered new as it was formally started last year (Sinaga, 1997). English is starting mostly to be taught to children at the third stage of elementary school. Unlike in the countries where young learners can easily find exposure to the language use in their social environment, English as a foreign language in Indonesian elementary school face many serious challenges. According to Mustafa (2003) at least there are three problems of teaching English to children: (1) The lack of the English language in real-life situations which would likely involve children in their daily life; (2) the way English words are written as apposed the way the words are pronounced; (3) there has been a persistent misconception about how children learn including learning a foreign language due to the lack understanding of who the children are. Based on the description above, in this short essay we are going to concern with the third problem that is a persistent misconception about how children learn especially learning English as a foreign language. As we have been recognized, the children are by nature different from adult. Therefore, we are going to comprehensively discuss who actually the children are, how they learn, and how they should be treated. In this case, we are going to relate the world of children and their unique with the principals of how to teach them English. B. Who Children Are and How They Learn a Foreign Language When discussing who the children are and how they learn, teachers and parents know that every child is unique. Pinter (2006) claims that even in the same context there are often significant differences between children within the same age range. These differences show that children have their own worlds which are different from adult. Teachers and parents often notice that individual children enjoy different activities. When assessing this phenomenon, many psychologists have argued for the need to take such differences in childrens individuals into account. Based on the synthesized from multiple sources, Mustafa (2003) recommends some theoretical generalization about who the children are, and how they learn to ensure optimal EFL learning for young learners. In this essay, we are going to discuss six among the characteristics of children and the way they learn. The first, as part of their development, children are always active exploring their environments (physical, social, informational, ideological) and accumulating knowledge and experiences. From this exploration, children construct their understanding of how things work, including the language they use both as a system as well as a tool for communication. It is, therefore, no exaggeration if it is said that children learn naturally. 17

The second, we can easily observe in our environment that in their own child-like ways- children of today participate in literate activates in a wider social context. Children's knowledge about literacy artifacts in their environment such as traffic signs, traffic lights, and brand names of their favorite toys and foods represents and emergent literacy. Children know a lot of literacy before schooling The third, unlike adults who can learn very comfortable from parts to whole (such as arranging words to form a sentence and putting sentences into a program), children tend to learn things holistically, in the form of scripts. This tendency is reflected very well in children's play such as playing: school teachers and students, a doctor and patients" etc. Children learn best when learning is kept whole, meaningful, interesting, and function. The fourth, when the decision-making is related to their needs the learning becomes meaningful for the children. Given this thinking, children must be given different formats of learning activities so that they can choose based on what they think are important and useful. Children learn best when they make their own choices. Children can not be expected to sit down and do a certain activity for a long time. The children get bored easily, and they will do what they want to do, they make their own decision. The fifth, Children tend to do things and relate to others in a cooperative way unlike adults who can benefit from spirits of competition to boost up their motivation for achievement. One important implication for the context of language instruction in the classroom is that, rather than encouraging children to compete against one another, it would be more productive if they are to work collaboratively towards the achievement of shared goals. Children learn best as a community of learners in a non-competitive environment. The last, children learn best by talking and doing in a social context. By using the language for social communication in the group, children acquire the language. In the classroom context, this means that English as a foreign language should be treated as a stool for communication and the children should be encouraged to use the language for many different social purposes by talking and dosing things in a social context using English. Based on the explanation above, children differ from adult in many ways. Consequently, teaching them requires different approach. The above facts about children have to be accommodated accordingly and activities in class should be in line with these facts. Therefore teachers need to incorporate a variety of activities into the classroom to ensure that everybodys preferences are catered. The teachers may also use their best judgment in deciding about the most suitable materials and techniques to fit their learners of different ages in different context. C. Essential Principles of Good Learning Materials for Children By knowing the characteristics of children and how they learn, the teachers may know how to treat and teach them English in the classroom. It can also lead the teachers to select the materials which are appropriate to the ways children acquire the foreign language. In selecting the materials for children, there are some principles that the teachers have to take into account: o The material should be fun and motivating. o The material should be relevant in which refers to the features that the children have in their mind and should have been experienced by them.


o The material should be functional which indicates meaningful, relates to their needs and personal interest. o The material should be explorative, containing many aspects, element to be exposed. o The material should be accessible in which it is understandable easily. o The material should have no grammatical mistakes. Referring to children who are easy to memorize and imitate. o The material should have physical content that can be acted out. o The material should be not too long or too short which is to accommodate the childrens short span of attention. o If it is a text, the material have enough space, the letters should be readable (the size of letters) o The material should have less distracter that might make them confused. o If it contains a picture(s), it should not be too well-formed of illustration which might make them move their attention. Building on the basic principles of selecting materials above, Mustafa (2003) proposes some ideas about how to engage young learners in indirect learning or acquiring English by way of non conventional technique. The ideas include the use of stories, games, TPR techniques, song, repeated shared readings (using big books) Language Experience Activities (LEA), and sociodramatic play/ role play, and other techniques media. D. Essential Principles of How to Facilitate Children Learning a Foreign Language Drawing from a comprehensive understanding of how to teach English to children, there are some essential principles of how to facilitate children learning. As mention at the beginning there are six of children characteristics and how they learn, in this section we are going to give some ideas on what the teachers should do to facilitate students to learn EFL. The first, children are always active exploring their environments (physical, social, informational, ideological) and accumulating knowledge and experiences. In this case, a teacher should facilitate them in exploring their environment. A very powerful context of natural environment for communication in the classroom for example may involve the use of small-group or pair activities. Children bring so much with them to the classroom that is often ignored or underestimated. They have experience of life, knowledge of their world. They can work together to solve a problem or develop a response to a situation we design. There are many patterns for pair work; for example, we can give each student a part of information necessary to find a location on a map, to choose an appropriate gift for parent, to identify another member of their class, and so on. Teachers may also lead childrens exploring through story. In a story children may explore many things about their environment, social, informational, and ideological. Murdibjono states that Stories introduce the children to language items and sentence construction, and stories offer a good available source for fluency in all four language skills. The second, Children know a lot of literacy before schooling. They participate in literate activates in a wider social context. Children's knowledge about literacy artifacts in their environment such as traffic signs, traffic lights, and brand names of their favorite toys and foods represents and emergent literacy. Therefore,


the teachers have to encourage social interaction to provide print reach environment in English. Teachers may use media which can be a signal for children to learn the language. The quality and quantity of social interaction a child receives can markedly affect rate of development. Introduce language at discourse level. English teaching might also be looked at from the perspective of 'multiword chunks', developing learners' ability to 'chunk successfully'. The third, children tend to learn things holistically, in the form of scripts they learn from whole to part (such as arranging words to form a sentence and putting sentences into a program). This tendency is reflected very well in children's play such as playing: school teachers and students, a doctor and patients" etc. Teachers should encourage the students to do the activities which are useful in English. For instance, doing prayer in English before the lesson begin, sing English songs before going home, etc. By doing this, students will learn the language by acquisition. As mention above, playing games are potentially useful tools to enhance children learning Even, the origin of games is believed can be traced to everybodys early experiences in their childhood. Games can be used as a method by which English teachers to young learners create a setting for language acquisition. Besides serving as a context for language use, games also provide motivation and a sense of playfulness that brain research indicates can enhance both learning and memory. The fourth, Children learn best when they make their own choices. When the decision-making is related to their needs the learning becomes meaningful for the children. Therefore, the teachers may let them do their own choices. The activities should be varies so they can make some choices. Develop a supportive, noon-threatening, enjoyable learning environment. All learners are valued as individuals, challenges and risks are supported, topics are relevant and interesting, activities are meaningful and purposeful, praise is given where and when it is due and discipline if firm, consistent and fair. Since children tend to have relatively short span of attention, so the teachers should be able to combine various techniques in explaining one topic. It means that we have also to combine activities which might be done by the students. Many activities done to make them have choices in learning and more understand but still focus on the same thing. Brown (2001) also states that childrens short attention spans do come into play when children have to deal with material that to them is boring, useless, or too difficult. Therefore it is suggested to make them interesting, lively, and fun by focusing of activities to keep interest on the immediate here and now in terms of their immediate interest, a variety of activities to keep interest and attention alive, a sense of humor to keep children laughing and learning. The fifth, children learn best as a community of learners in a noncompetitive environment. Children tend to do things and relate to others in a cooperative way unlike adults who can benefit from spirits of competition to boost up their motivation for achievement. In this case, the teachers should develop a sense of community in the classroom, building upon the value of the group experience of culturally significant language that is transmitted through group participation. Promotes them a community of learners where everyone has something to contribute and learn from one another. Acknowledge that language is social. Gives opportunities for all children to attend to what is personally meaningful, interesting, and functional and to share it with others.


Shared reading is one of the activities that may offer continuous opportunities for children to learn the language. For example; knowing letters and sounds is a skill focused on in kindergarten. We can check children on their lettersound knowledge by asking them to recognize each letter and to give the sound for the letter. Since we want the children to gain confidence in their ability to develop as language learners and users, so the teachers should keep the shared reading sessions lively, relaxed, and non competitive, and always focused on meaning. This situation allows all of the students to learn and participate. The last, children learn best by talking and doing in a social context. Therefore, allow children to be active participants in the learning process. Support negotiation of meaning and collaborative talk. Collaborative talk is the key in helping children to shape and arrive at shared meanings and understanding. The child's task is to construct a system of meanings that represent his own model of social reality. This process takes place within his or her own head. It is a cognitive process. But it takes place in contexts of social interaction, and there is no way it can take place except in thee contexts. Sociodramatic play and role play actually share one basic characteristic: they both provide a natural for meaningful communication for young learners. Role play moves a step beyond the dialog and places students in a situation in which they are called on to cope with the unexpected or with a new setting, using the material they have memorized through dialogs and other classroom activities. E. Conclusion Children within the same age groups may show similar characteristics but at the same time they are also very different as individuals. In teaching English as a foreign language, it is important for teachers to take into account these differences. Teachers need to incorporate a variety of activities into the classroom to ensure that everybodys preferences are catered. There are some basic principles that should be noticed by teachers in teaching English. These principles come from a comprehensively understanding on the characteristics of the children and how they learn. By applying the principles which has been discussed in this essay, the teachers may treat and teach them English correctly to ensure optimal EFL learning for young learners. References Brown, H., D. (2001). Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy ( 2nd ed). San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Murdibjono, Arwijati W.(1997) Teaching English to Young Learners Using Stories. Malang: IKIP Malang Mustafa, Bachrudin (2003) EFL for Young Learners: Course Material. Bandung: UPI Pinter, Annamaria. (2006) Teaching Young Language Learners. New York: Oxford University Press Sinaga, Martias (1997) Teaching English to Children. Malang: IKIP Malang.



Muhammad Sukrianto A. Pendahuluan Gejolak perubahan yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian pada saat ini membawa kita semua kepada upaya memilih dan menetapkan alternatif-alternatif yang paling baik bagi setiap orang. Dalam menghadapi perubahan yang cepat tersebut satu-satunya cara untuk tetap dapat berada pada posisi yang baik dalam situasi perubahan yang begitu cepat dan hampir-hampir tak terkendali itu adalah belajar secara cepat pada semua bidang kehidupan tak terkecuali pendidikan. Kecepatan perubahan yang diistilahkan dengan accelerated change, rapid change menuntut kita yang hidup dalam abad informasi, era globalisasi yang diwarnai oleh revolusi teknologi komunikasi dan informasi mendorong setiap individu, lembaga dan organisasi serta institusi pendidikan untuk melakukan repositioning agar senantiasa dapat exist, dan kesemuanya itu harus disikapi dengan penuh kearifan, kesiapan dan kecerdasan. Teknologi komunikasi dan informasi pada dasarnya memungkinkan dan memudahkan manusia untuk dapat berhubungan dengan cepat, mudah dan terjangkau serta memiliki potensi untuk membangun masyarakat yang demokratis, dan salah satu dampak terbesarnya adalah demokrasi pendidikan, ditandai dengan adanya hubungan antara guru dengan siswa, siswa dengan siswa dan bahkan antar guru di luar sekolah. Pemanfaatan teknologi seperti yang disebutkan di atas akan lebih besar kemungkinannya dalam pengelolaan pendidikan yang berbasis sekolah school based managemen (SBM) yaitu pengelolaan pendidikan dalam kerangka desentralisasi pendidikan atau otonomi pendidikan. Kemungkinan keberhasilan bentuk pengelolaan pendidikan tersebut dapat terlaksana jika didukung oleh pendidikan yang berbasis masyarakat community based education (CBE), sehingga terjadi hubungan yang sinergi antar sekolah, orang tua, pemerintah dan masyarakat. Dalam kaitannya dengan kegiatan belajar mengajar atau proses pembelajaran di sekolah, pemanfaatan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi sangat banyak membantu siswa, guru dan sekolah untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Dengan fasilitas media komunikasi dan informasi pendidikan memberikan kemudahan bagi guru dan siswa untuk mengakses informasi, mengelola dan mentransformasi informasi yang diterima kedalam proses pembelajaran. Komputer merupakan salah satu teknologi dalam bidang komunikasi dan informasi yang sangat membantu dan memberi kemudahan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan tidak terkecuali pendidikan. Kegunaan dan kemudahan yang diberikan teknologi komputer akan lebih besar lagi jika terhubungkan dengan jaringan komputer terbesar di dunia yang dikenal dengan internet. Menggunakan internet dengan segala fasilitasnya akan memberikan kemudahan untuk mengakses berbagai informasi untuk pendidikan yang secara langsung dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa bagi keberhasilannya dalam belajar. Pada tulisan singkat ini akan dijelaskan manfaat dan kiat memanfaatkan komputer sebagai media yang dapat membantu dan mempermudah guru dan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara khusus dan tujuan pendidikan secara 22

umum. Namun mungkin yang masih menjadi persoalan adalah keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh sekolah tentang ketersediaan fasilitas, SDM, maupun geografis yang tidak mendukung. B. Manfaat Komputer sebagai Media Pembelajaran Komputer berasal dari bahasa latin cumputare yang mengandung arti menghitung. Karena luasnya bidang garapan ilmu komputer, para pakar dan peneliti sedikit berbeda dalam mendefenisikan terminology komputer. Menurut Hamacher komputer adalah mesin penghitung elektronik yang cepat dan dapat menerima informasi input digital, kemudian memprosesnya sesuai dengan program yang tersimpan di memorinya, yang mengahasilkan output berupa informasi. Jadi pada intinya komputer merupakan media ataupun alat elektronik yang mampu melakukan 1) menerima input, 2) memproses input sesuai dengan beberapa tugas yaitu: 3) menyimpan perintah-perintah dan hasil pengolahan, 4) programnya, menyediakan output dalam bentuk informasi. Dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya dalam proses pembelajaran, komputer sangat membantu dan memberikan manfaat dalam rangka mempermudah mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Dengan fasilitas dan program yang ada pada komputer akan memberi kemudahan bagi guru untuk menyiapkan informasi akurat yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa dengan cepat. Begitu juga dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas guru dapat memanfaatkan komputer sebagai media yang dapat meransang daya tarik dan mempermudah siswa untuk memahami dan menguasai materi pelajaran. Tidak berbeda dengan media pembelajaran khususnya elektronik lainnya seperti radio dan televisi, komputer juga memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas antara lain: 1. Membawa dunia luar ke dalam kelas (pengalaman langsung) 2. Dapat menjadi sumber informasi yang paling mutakhir yang mudah dipahami 3. Menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan, merangsang dan membangkitkan ide-ide baru. 4. Memberi informasi yang tidak segera dapat diberikan guru. 5. Penyajian sangat hidup, menarik dan mengundang keterlibatan siswa. 6. Menyampaikan hal-hal yang tidak dapat disajikan oleh guru 7. Mengembangkan kesanggupan dan keterampilan atau teknik untuk melihat dan mendengar. 8. Dapat diulang dan dilakukan sendiri di rumah untuk belajar mandiri, dan lain sebagainya. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini teknologi komputer juga mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Komputer saat ini dapat tersambung dalam jaringan yang menyatukan dunia yang dikenal dengan internet. Menggunakan internet dengan segala fasilitasnya akan memberikan kemudahan untuk mengakses berbagai informasi untuk pendidikan yang secara langsung dapat meningkatkanpengetahuan siswa bagi keberhasilannya dalam belajar. Adapun manfaat media internet dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya pembelajaran antara lain: 1. Pembelajaran secara online dan lebih egaliter serta demokratis 2. Mengembangkan pengetahuan siswa tanpa batas; 3. Memberikan kemudahan untuk mengakses apa yang disebut dengan virtual classroom; 4. Penelusuran dan pencarian bahan pustaka;


5. Membangun Program Artificial Intelligence (kecerdasan buatan) untuk memodelkan sebuah rencana pengajaran; 6. pemasaran dan promosi hasil karya penelitian. Kegunan-kegunaan seperti diatas itu dapat diperluas bergantung kepada komputer yang dimiliki, jaringan dan fasilitas telepon yang tersedia dan provider yang bertanggung jawab untuk tetap terpeliharanya penggunaan jaringan komunikasi dan informasi tersebut. Agar pemanfaatan teknologi informasi tersebut dapat memberikan hasil yang maksimal maka juga dibutuhkan kemampuan pengelola teknologi komunikasi dan informasi yang baik yang dapat diperoleh melalui pelatihan. Untuk pemanfaatan pada tingkat sekolah pemahaman tentang teknologi komunikasi dan informasi tidak hanya harus dimiliki oleh guru akan tetapi juga oleh kepala sekolah sebagai pengambil kebijakan dan staf administrasi lainnya. Oleh karena itu pengadaan perangkat komputer dan pengetahuan pemanfaatannya sudah merupakan sesuatu yang harus terutama dalam memasuki abad ke 21 dan dalam rangka mempersiapkan diri menerima wewenang otonomi pendidikan, paling tidak karena beberapa hal: 1. Informasi yang disimpan secara elektronik memiliki fleksibilitas dalam mengkakses dan dalam pemanfaatannya yang sudah tidak mungkin dilakukan melalui sistem penanganan informasi dengan cara lama. Komputer juga menyediakan begitu banyak kemudahan dalam mengelola informasi dalam arti menyimpan, mengambil kembali dan pemutahiran informasi. 2. komputer juga merupakan alat yang memeiliki kemampuan luar biasa dalam membantu memanfaatan informasi itu dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan dan pemecahan masalah secara kreatif. Kemampuan komputer juga untuk memanipulasi dan menyusun kembali informasi untuk kepentingan khusus pemakai menjadikannya menjadi alat yang efektif dalam tugas menganalisis dan menafsirkan kecenderungan yang terjadi, pengujian hipotesis dan identifikasi kecenderungan baru program-program sekolah. 3. Dengan menempatkan komputer di bawah kendali langsung kepala sekolah akan menjadi alat yang amat ampuh untuk pengelolaan dan pemrosesan informasi sebuah kemampuan yang mengantar langsung informasi secara cepat kehadapan kepala sekolah dan juga kepada pipinan lainnya. 4. Komputer sebagai alat untuk memproses informasi, dan memiliki tingkat aplikasi dalam setiap langkah proses manajemen perencanaan, mengkomunikasikan, mengorganisasikan, pengawasan, dan memotivasi. 5. Komputer memiliki banyak fasilitas dan program yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru sebagai media pembelajaran yang memberikan daya tarik dan mempermudah pemahaman materi yang diajarkan. Dengan memperhatikan berbagai hal berkenaan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi dalam bidang pendidikan khususnya komputer,diyakini akan mampu meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan menciptakan kesetaraan penerimaan informasi di antara sekolah. Oleh karena itu jurang pemisah dalam mengakses informasi yang dibutuhkan tidak akan terjadi, sekolah juga dapat memanfaatkan komputer untuk memproses informasi yang diterima dan mentransformasikannya ke dalam proses pembelajaran secara cepat dan akurat.


C. Paradigma Baru Model Pembelajaran Berkembangnya berbagai pemikiran tentang model pembelajaran yang terbaik untuk masa depan, yang didahului dengan berkembangnya teori dan pengetahuan mengenai otak ataupun kecerdasan manusia, pada dasarnya adalah sebuah dinamika dari obsesi perlunya reformasi pembelajaran (school reform). Pembaruan dalam pendekatan pembelajaran, yang menyangkut esensi, materi dan metode pembelajaran, terjadi karena pengaruh berbagai temuan /teori /konsep baru yang berkembang mengenai otak dan kecerdasan, serta dipicu oleh dinamika perubahan multidimensional dari lingkungan hidup dan kehidupan yang menuntut komitmen dan kemampuan yang makin tinggi dari sumber daya manusia. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi /komunikasi dalam bidang pendidikan khususnya komputer sudah berkembang demikian canggih untuk menunjang tercapainya pembaruan strategi dan teknik pembelajaran. Hasil reformasi tersebut pada akhirnya harus dapat dinilai pada apa yang telah dicapai oleh anak didik dalam kerangka meningkatnya kemampuan belajar untuk menguasai kecakapan /keahlian yang lebih tinggi, meningkatnya motivasi dan konsep diri (self-concept). Dari berbagai pemikiran pembaruan paradigma pembelajaran, beberapa segi yang menonjol dalam reformasi dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut;
Gambar 1. Perbandingan pendekatan konvensional dan pendekatan reformasi pembelajaran PEMBELAJARAN KONVENSIONAL Di bawah pengendalian ketat guru Pengajaran instruksional searah Instruksi pendek pada subyek tunggal Kegiatan individual Guru sebagai sumber pengetahuan Pengelompokan menurut kemampuan Evaluasi penguasaan materi PEMBELAJARAN REFORMASI Siswa aktif melakukan eksplorasi Model interaktif Rentang yang luas dari materi otentik dan pendekatan multidisiplin Kegiatan kolaboratif Guru sebagai fasilitator belajar Pengelompokan heterogen, atau berubah-ubah sesuai keperluan Evaluasi berbasis kinerja dan kecakapan diskrit dalam

Barbara Means dkk menyatakan bahwa katalis untuk transformasi pembelajaran ialah pemusatan berbagai aspek pembelajaran di sekitar tugas-tugas yang disebut dengan istilah tugas otentik (authentic tasks). Tugas-tugas otentik menggantikan pendekatan pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada penguasaan subyek individual atau


suatu kecakapan diskrit, yang tidak memiliki hubungan jelas dengan dunia nyata dimana anak-anak beraktivitas di luar sekolah.
Gambar 2 Pemusatan berbagai aspek pembelajaran di sekitar tugas-tugas otentik
All Students Practice

Extended Blocks

Of Time

Multidisciplinary Curriculum

Performance-Based Assessment


Collaborative Learning

Teacher as Facilitator

Heterogeneous Groupings

Student Exploration

Interactive Modes of Instruction

Dalam gambar skematis di atas, berragam aktivitas pembelajaran dan fungsi yang bersifat strategi atau metode efektif berpusat atau berorientasi pada tugas-tugas otentik yang menantang. Tugas-tugas otentik adalah tugas-tugas yang bersifat kontekstual dan diberikan kepada sekelompok siswa dalam bentuk proyek, yang dapat bersifat pengkajian, penelitian, atau pemecahan masalah, yang cenderung bersifat kompleks dan membutuhkan pendekatan multidisiplin dalam penyelesaiannya. Untuk mengimplementasikan pelaksanaan tugas-tugas otentik itu, model pembelajaran konstruktivis (constructivist learning) merupakan model pembelajaran yang paling optimal (Gambar 3). Proses pembelajaran yang demikian, juga merupakan proses pembelajaran bermakna (meaningful learning).

Gambar 3. Model belajar konstruktivis

TUGAS-TUGAS AUTENTIK (Mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek MENTAL, INTELEKTUAL, dan SKILL)

Heterogeneous groupings, Performance-based assessment, Multidiscipline, Collaborative, Interactive modes of instruction, Teacher as facilitator


Menerima informasi /pengetahuan

Input dan pengolahan data / informasi

Pembahasan /analisis

Penuangan dan penyampaian hasil


Eksplorasi Penelitian Observasi Eksperimen Pengajaran Workshop

Pendataan Kalkulasi Matrikulasi

Workshop Diskusi

Penulisan Presentasi

ICT tools
(Hypermedia, Database, Reference tools, Intelligent tools, Microworld, Multimedia, Networking, Distance Learning application, Word processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation)
ICT = Information & Communication Technology


Berikut ini diberikan contoh bagaimana sebuah proses pembelajaran bermakna yang dapat dilakukan untuk bidang studi Bahasa Inggris. Misalnya siswa diberikan tugas untuk memahami wacana bahasa Inggris tentang Climate (katakanlah fenomena iklim), maka aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan siswa ialah :

mencari referensi atau sumber pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan iklim (melakukan eksplorasi). Mereka akan memasukkan berbagai dimensi/aspek yang berkaitan dengan iklim, seperti wilayah geografi, dimensi waktu, implikasi lingkungan (biologis dan fisik), pengaruh atau intervensi manusia (aspek sosial), kalkulasi dan aspek kuantitatif (matematika), dsb. Jadi mereka akan dibawa kepada sebuah kerangka pemikiran dan pendekatan yang multidisiplin. Siswa juga dapat ke lapangan untuk pengamatan dan pendataan. membuat gambar, sketsa, mapping, matriks, catatan-catatan, dsb, dalam rangka memformulasikan pemikirannya dan mengkonstruksikannya menjadi sebuah ide atau materi yang akan disampaikannya dalam penjelasan. Disini mereka tidak saja mencoba melakukan pendataan (pencatatan) dan analisis, tetapi juga melatih menggunakan suatu media atau alat bantu belajar /bekerja (misalnya komputer dan aplikasi-aplikasinya). Ini sebuah proses menempa kecakapan akademik dan keterampilan-ketrampilan teknis yang relevan. melakukan diskusi, berdebat, bertanya, bertukar pikiran, dalam bahasa Inggris dan pembagian pekerjaan dalam sebuah tim belajar atau bekerja. Ini sebuah proses belajar kolaboratif yang sangat ideal dan menyenangkan untuk dikerjakan. Dan dalam tim itu, diakomodasi berbagai tingkat dan kapasitas individual siswa, karena pembagian tugas akan otomatis diatur sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kesanggupannya masing-masing. Inilah mekanisme kerja kelompok yang mengakomodasi heterogenitas. dalam melakukan tugasnya itu, siswa dapat tetap melakukan komunikasi dengan gurunya, dalam rangka bertanya, minta tanggapan atau informasi, atau berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan berjalannya fungsi guru sebagai fasilitator. guru juga dapat melakukan pengamatan dan penilaian atas proses dan dinamika para siswa dalam bekerja, mulai dari perencanaan hingga penyampaian hasilnya dalam bentuk presentasi. Ini bagian dari proses penilaian atau evaluasi berbasis kinerja (performance-based assessment). Selain itu guru juga dapat memberikan input dan klarifikasi. aktivitas yang pada dasarnya merupakan proyek kerja siswa untuk mengmbangkan kemampuan berbahasa yang mereka miliki dengan memanfaatkan media teknologi yang ada.

Proses yang terjadi dalam serangkaian aktivitas siswa itu merupakan contoh aplikasi dari model dalam gambar 2 dan 3. Proses belajar seperti itu merupakan proses belajar ideal dan sangat kondusif dalam membawa setiap siswa pada penguasaan kemampuan akademik, bekerjasama, berkomunikasi, sekaligus pencapaian motivasi dan konsep diri (self-concept) yang efektif. Inilah sebuah hasil yang sebenarnya ingin dicapai dari reformasi pembelajaran. Dengan demikian dalam proses pembelajaran, tugas utama dan pertama guru haruslah mengembangkan skill belajar pada diri setiap peserta didik dan bukan menyampaikan informasi. Pengembangan skill belajar tersebut harus memungkinkan siswa mampu berhubungan dengan berbagai sumber informasi (termasuk guru). Guru


harus dapat memandu peserta didik dalam membahas informasi yang sudah dipelajari peserta didik. Pemahaman terhadap informasi itu dapat dilakukan dengan kelompok belajar dengan model cooperative group. Dengan proses belajar melalui ini maka banyak peserta didik yang memperoleh kesempatan yang sama untuk memahami informasi, mengkaji kemungkinan aplikasi setiap informasi, dan bahkan peserta didik memiliki kesempatan mengembangkan kemampuan penghargaan kepada setiap pendapat dan kemampuan yang berbeda, dan memiliki tanggungjawab komunitas untuk membantu anggota kelompok mencapai tingkat pemahaman dan kemampuan minimal yang telah dipersyaratkan. Oleh karena melalui proses ini kesempatan untuk memiliki kemampuan dasar yang sama bagi setiap orang dapat terlaksana. Dengan demikian melalui media komputer dan teknologi informasi dan teknologi lainnya guru dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada semua peserta didik untuk akses pada semua informasi, kemampuan, dan pelatihan hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan kemajuan teknologi terutama kemajuan teknologi informasi dan elektronika khususnya komputer. Penerapan teknologi ini di kelas tidak boleh menjadi pengganti guru tetapi merupakan pembantu guru yang dapat memenuhi prinsip pembelajaran yang dikemukakan dalam makalah ini. Melalui penerapan teknologi informasi setiap peserta didik dapat mengakses informasi sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, dia tidak perlu merasa dirugikan karena guru menjelaskan sesuatu terlalu cepat atau terlalu lambat. Dengan adanya peralatan belajar yang menyimpan banyak informasi terkini baik dari yang dikembangkan oleh guru mau pun oleh sumber informasi lain di luar guru maka setiap peserta didik akan mendapatkan haknya. Bagi mereka yang kurang cepat memahami suatu informasi dia dapat mengulang informasi tersebut sebanyak mungkin. Bagi mereka yang cepat memahami informasi dia dapat melanjutkan proses belajarnya kepada aktivitas lain. Guru harus menetapkan informasi dasar yang harus difahami oleh setiap peserta didik. Bagi mereka yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut maka peserta didik tersebut dapat mencari informasi tambahan dari sumber yang tersedia tetapi juga dapat mencari informasi tambahan dari sumber lain di luar yang dirujuk oleh guru. Untuk itu, proses pembelajaran haruslah tidak terbatas di kelas tetapi juga sekolah dan masyarakat. Sekolah harus menyediakan berbagai akses teknologi bagi peserta didik untuk mendapatkan informasi baik ketika peserta didik berada di kelas, di perpustakaan, di avenue lain di sekolah dan di masyarakat. Sekolah harus memiliki fasilitas yang dapat mengakomodasi tidak saja perbedaan dalam kecepatan belajar tetapi juga perbedaan dalam cara menerima, mencernakan, dan memanfaatkan informasi. Dan yang terpenting adalah guru memiliki kemampuan untuk mentransformasikan informasi ke dalam pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi.


Applying Contextual Instruction to Involve Students With The Natural Way of Learning English Speaking
Muhammad Sukrianto Applying methods of instruction in teaching and learning process is not a new notion for a teacher. However, to meet the need of students in preparing them to face their future or to take their places in the rapidly changing world of work should be considered. The teachers should find a good way of teaching to meet students competences (skills and knowledge) they get from school with the need for their future career. In this short essay we are going to discuss the argumentations that the teachers may apply contextual instruction in teaching English Speaking to involve students with the natural way of learning. Speaking skill is the single most important aspect of teaching and learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language (Nunan, 2001). It means that in teaching English speaking the teachers should find a good way of teaching to meet the skills of speaking that the students get from school with the need for their lives or for their future career. The method of instruction that is believed can meet the skills of speaking the students get from school with the need for their future career is Contextual Teaching and Learning. Contextual instruction can help the teachers relate subject matter content of speaking to real world situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and its applications (skills) to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires. Johnson (2002:25) states that the CTL system is an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subjects with the context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances. To achieve this aim, the system encompasses the following eight components: making meaningful connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, using authentic assessment. Thus, by applying CTL in teaching speaking skills the teacher can involve the students with the natural way of learning. They can not only guide the students to join academic subjects with the context of their own circumstances but also engages them in exploring the meaning of context itself. Based on the goal of teaching speaking skills, the learners should be able to make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation. To reach the goal, there are some reasons why the teachers may consider applying CTL in teaching and learning English speaking. The first, authentic material in teaching speaking skills is needed. The authentic material that the students get in the class enables them to consolidate, develop, and apply skills of speaking in various levels both in and outside schools. In addition, students learn to solve problems they encounter by using the language actively, like forming a discussion or doing simulation. Worthwhile problems that are relevant to students families, school experiences, workplaces, and communities hold greater personal meaning for students.


Second, Contextual Teaching and learning (CTL) is a respond to Behaviourism Approach which emphasizes on the concept of stimulus respond with mechanical drills. To be able to use the language naturally as in real life and in various situation, critical thinking and meaningful learning are needed. When the students can relate the lessons they have got in school to their daily lives, they will be aware of the benefit of learning. Besides, they may learn the lessons naturally by practising English in their real life situation. Third, Questioning in CTL is a natural way to explore students curiosity. S/he will ask questions concerning the thing s/he is observing. Good questions can raise students interest, motivate them, and lead to attract their attention to the phenomena observed. Beside that, teachers questions can guide and judge the students. By using this principal, the students may start to speak English. Their curiosity makes them try to speak English with the natural way of learning. Fourth, collaborative learning can be applied in teaching English speaking. Sitinjak, (2000) states that collaborating with others may result in achieving greater and more satisfying result than working alone. This activity is a basis for learning communities which is established in workplaces and schools in an effort to share knowledge, focus on goals, and allow all to teach and learn from each other. When learning communities are established in schools, the teachers may act as facilitators, and mentors. Thus, the teachers can give the students the activities or assignment that can lead them in collaborative learning. The activities like group discussion, simulation, role play may lead the students collaborate in practising speaking skills. Nunan (2003) says that role play is an excellent activity for speaking in the relatively safe environment of the class room. It gives learners practice speaking the target language before they must do so in real environment. Another main principle that is applicable in teaching speaking is modelling. Other terms for modelling are action, exemplification, or demonstration (Oka, 2002:1). Teaching and learning English speaking has quite many chances of applying modelling. The teacher is a model for their students. Jeremey (2001:276) claims that teachers should be a good animator and model for their students to produce language. This can be achieved by setting up an activity clearly and with enthusiasm. CTL does more than just guiding students to join speaking skills with the context of their own circumstances. It also engages students in exploring the skill of speaking itself. It encourages them to consider that they have the capacity and the responsibility to master the skills. In this case, the teacher may involve the students with the natural ay of Learning English speaking. In summary, Contextual instruction (Contextual Teaching and Learning) is effectively applicable in teaching English speaking. Many strategies can be used in classrooms which are based on the principle of CTL such as authentic material, the concept of stimulus respond, Questioning, Collaborative learning (problem-based learning) modelling, and others. In applying these, the teachers of English need to fully understand the principles of CTL before putting them into practice in class.


References Harmer Jeremey. 2001. The Practice Of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited. Johnson, Elaine B. 2002. Contextual Teaching and Learning. ThousandOaks:Corwin Press, Inc. Nunan David. 2001. Language Teaching Methodology. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.Inc. Nunan David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Prenticehall. Oka, Djoehana D. 2002. Modelling. Makalah disajikan pada Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL), 25 Oktober-3 Nopember 2002, Medan. Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar. 2000. The Implementation of Competence Based ELT For S1 Graduates Candidates to Foster Professionalism. http://www.geocities.com/nuesp _ indonesia/paper_13.htm


Students Age at which EFL is Introduced in Schools and Educational Outcomes

Writer: Chuzaimah Dahlan Diem Muhammad Sukrianto A. Title of The Research The title of this research is Students Age at which EFL is Introduces in School and Educational Outcomes. B. Researches Chuzaimah Dahlan Diem (Chuzaimah Dahlan Diem is a Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang) C. The Purpose of The Research Based on the title, this research is a quantitative research since it aims at seeing the relationship between two variables. The main independent variable is Students age at which EFL is introduced in school and the dependent variable is the educational outcomes. The major purpose of this research was to see whether students age is statistically related to their English outcomes. A secondary purpose was to see whether the addition of some other factors, especially, teacher education level, years of ELT experience, students economic status (parents occupation), assuming that class size and students gender in each level of education are somewhat the same to the model predicting EFL achievement variable from age resulted in a significant increase in the explained variation for students achievement in learning EFL. Another purpose was to subjectively compare the resulting prediction models for the population comprising two groups of students who started learning English at 10 and at 13 years of age. The background why the writer intends to do this research is that many researchers in applied linguistics assert that there is a relationship between the age of language learners and their achievement. The younger the foreign language learners are the better chance they would learn the target language, especially in terms of accent and pronunciation. This assertion is going to be proved by the researcher. Besides, all children with normal faculties within normal circumstances master their mother tongue at the age of four but not all older children can acquire a second language or learn a foreign language without struggle and without limited success. In other words, age is one of the factors that relates to the degree of ones success in second language acquisition or foreign language learning. Based on these phenomena and assumption, the researcher intend to give more evidence whether or not the age is one of the crucial factors determining or influencing students achievement in foreign language, especially in their receptive skill, such as reading.


D. Method Based on the purposes of the research above, we know the research questions. The purposes above come from the research questions that are going to search the answers. Therefore, the major research question of this research is: Is there any correlation between students age and their English outcomes, Etc. The population of this research was a selected group of students who had learned English for more or less 2 years either at elementary or junior high schools in Palembang. The samples were those who never took any courses other than what they have in class at their school following the curriculum suggested. In this case, the sampling used in this research, seem for me, is purposive sampling. The sample is taken based on the purpose of the research. The data was gathered from the students on the fifth and the eight graders of the schools in Palembang that agreed to participate in this research. In this case, the students of those schools were asked to do a set of English test to measure their English achievement. The test were comprised vocabulary (36 items), reading comprehension (23 items), and grammar (7 items). The form of the test was conducted theoretically with its own reasons. Again, the test in this research was one of the instruments used in collecting the data that is the data of students English achievement. In conducting this research, the researcher divided the independent variable in to some levels of variables. These variables are believed have the relation with the students age which might affect to their EFL outcomes. The variables considered by the researcher were in relation with the educational process such as the curriculum, intensity of instruction, teacher education level and ELT experience, and class size. The others were in terms of the students background; they are parents occupation and gender. In analyzing the data the researcher uses descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive used to describe the data and inferential to infer the result of the research. To describe the data, of course the researcher used the measures of central tendency and measures of variability first, however, to assess the relations among variables (measures of relationship), the data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation. Regression analyses were used to see which variable had the most dominant correlation with students achievement. E. Result and Discussion This research aimed at seeing the relationship between students age and their English achievement. Therefore, the primary independent variable of this research is students age. However, there are some levels of independent variable in this case, for examples, teacher educational level, teacher ELT experience, and parents occupation. Hence, the result of this research was divided considering the influents of some levels of independent variables. On the other words, the students English achievement in this research were seen not only based on the ages but also considered other factors such as teacher education level, teachers ELT experience, parents occupation, and students gender. Reading the result of this research, the findings were: 1. There was no significant statistical correlation between age alone and students EFL achievement (R = -0.007 with p < 0.461).


2. There was a negative significant correlation between teacher education level and their students total achievement (R = -0.448 with p < 0.000) 3. Neither is significant correlation found between the teacher ELT experience alone and students EFL achievement (R = -0.053). 4. There was a negative significant correlation between the occupation of the students parents and their achievement (r = -0.192; p < 0.004) 5. There was a negative significant correlation between SES (parents occupation) and students achievement (R = -0.192 with p<0,002) Based on the findings above, the correlation between variables have no significant or have negative significant correlation. However, there was a significant correlation between teacher education level and students achievement in each component of EFL (vocabulary, reading comprehension, and grammar) respectively. Furthermore, Teacher education level alone and parents occupation alone had significant correlation with student achievement respectively. And, when these two factors were combined, the correlation increase. After that, when ELT experience was added to these two factors, the correlation increased. Finally, when these three factors were combined with age, there was a little increase in explained variation in the achievement of the students, R2 = 0.644, R2 = 0.415, p< 0.000. The precise score of the correlation based on the component searched can be seen on the tables in the research. Furthermore, based on regression model formed, it is found that parents occupation was highly correlated with age (R= -0.860). While the other three variables were all significantly correlated with students achievement, the partial correlation between parents occupation and achievement is not high enough for parents occupation to be included in the last model (R = -0.074) as compared with others. However, in the summary statistic of correlation coefficient between independent variable and dependent variable (table 6), the partial correlation was higher. According to the writer, the younger the students start learning a foreign language the better the achievement will be. In my opinion, the result of this research seems a little bit complex to understand since the independent variable has some levels of variables such as teacher education level, teacher ELT experience, and the occupation of the students parents. These variables have the influences to students EFL achievements though the levels of significances are different. F. Conclusion and Suggestion Based on the findings, the researcher gives three conclusions in this research: 1. Children who start earlier in EFL learning is better in EFL achievement than older learners. It has to be supported by the ELT teachers who are educated, experienced in EYL, and innovative. 2. Teachers educational level and years of teaching experience only can not be judged make success in ELT. It must be supported by the actual process of teaching and learning in classroom that is the motivation, innovation, and creativity of the teachers in teaching. 3. Success in EFL is not merely determined by the affluence of their parents. It needs other factors such as teachers enthusiasm in teaching, equally treated and so on.


Based on the conclusion above, actually there are at least three suggestions we can get from the researcher: 1. There is a new consideration especially for the stake holder of education to make English subject that has been taught to the fourth graders or even make it exposed from the first grade of elementary school, since the elementary pupils are better second language acquirers or foreign language learners compared to the older learners. 2. The more intense practice of English at school and among children should be enhanced. 3. The ELT teachers have to always keep up with the new developments of ELT by participating in the workshops or seminars.


Which Students Join Whom?

A Critical Review of OConnells Group Forming for ESL/ EFL Students Junainah Helmi Introduction OConnell proposes a technique to encourage student activity in particularly speaking class by utilizing group work. The technique which is supported by the use of cards consisting of questions and answers should be applied in four stages involving the preparation, demonstration, activity, and feedback. In the preparation stage, the teacher distributes the cards to each student so that half of the students get cards consisting of questions and half get the answers. In the demonstration stage the teacher draw boxes on the white(or black)board and the students fill in the boxes with the questions and answers that they have in the cards. In the activity stage the teacher distributes another card to each student. Each student asks other students whether they get the answer to his/ her question in their cards and those who have answers ask other students whether they have questions whose answers are in their cards. In the feedback stage the teacher collects the cards and reaffirm whether the students get the correct match. The technique that has been applied by OConnell in his EFL class in Japan has some strength and weaknesses and arouses some questions concerning the technique of forming the students into groups, the teachers role in the classroom and the implementation for other language skills. Therefore, this essay tries to answer the questions concerning the technique. How to Group the Students? There are some techniques to form the students into groups. While OConnell uses the whole class as one large group and then divides them into pairs randomly using the matching technique, Vaughn, Hughes, Moody, and Elbaum (2001) proposes four kinds of students grouping. They are the whole class, small group, peer pairing, and one-on-one instruction. Some teachers may not consider the whole class instruction as a form of group work, but if we look at the activity done during the teaching and learning process, it can be viewed as a large group. Consider, for example, what OConnell has done with his students. It was an activity that must involve the whole class as the members of the group. Another example can be seen when teacher and the students discuss a picture in the beginning of the lesson to build the students understanding about the issue they are going to discuss. Whole class instruction is, in my opinion, very important for at least two reasons. First, we must make all students in the class involved in the teaching and learning process. Based on my observation in my classrooms, some students do not give adequate contribution to the teaching and learning process when they work in groups, particularly when they have some smart students in their group. In such condition, they will only wait for their friends to speak rather than giving opinions to the discussion. Second, sometimes we can save time by utilizing the whole class instruction. This technique is particularly effective when we discuss something new. In this case, we give the students adequate knowledge about the field we are going to discuss, since 36

they havent been ready to make a collaborative project through discussions in smaller groups. Take a stage of the genre-based approach of teaching and learning that is the Building Knowledge of the Field and the Modelling of Text as an example. These stages will be more effective if they are presented in the whole class instruction than in smaller groups since teacher doesnt need to work more than once with the same theme of discussion. Different from the whole class instruction which involves all students in the classroom in doing one activity, the small group format may consist only of three, four, or five students. It is the technique of forming the groups which can cause the students to have an uncomfortable feeling, and this is what teachers must avoid. Sometimes teacher asks the students to group them selves. This technique can be beneficial since the students will work with the person they like. On the contrary, it also brings disadvantages since there are some students who are not very confident and unfortunately, they cannot get friends quickly. Sometimes, these students form a group just because they all cannot join the students who they want. We can imagine what happens to these students: being in a group of students with the same problem of inferiority and perhaps, of proficiency also. To avoid such problem, the teacher must help the students find their group so that there is no group of inferiority and proficiency problem. Technically, the teacher can ask a student who has this problem, Budi, have you got a group? If he answers, Not yet, then the teacher should help him, for example by telling another group, Meitha, will you let Budi join your group? Peer pairing is still another way of grouping students in the classroom. Traditionally, this type of group work is done by students who sit nearby, but teacher can try another way of grouping students into pairs, for example by selecting the students randomly by utilizing cards as what has been told by OConnell in this article. One-on-one instruction, which according to Vaughn, Hughes, Moody, and Elbaum (2001) is one form of students grouping, is mostly effective for remedial teaching and for students with learning disabilities. This technique requires the teacher to be involved very much in the students activity meaning that it will take much of his/ her time. Therefore, I suggest that this technique is not used in every day activity. Apart from its effectiveness, however, I dont quite agree that this type of instruction is one form of group work. It is, in my opinion, an individual work. Students may also be grouped based on their ability or performance. Thus, there will be groups of smart students, good students, poor proficiency students, and group of students with learning disabilities. This technique of grouping, however, is not recommended by experts since there are some disadvantages which may appear. The disadvantages, are, among others, 1) lowers self-esteem and reduces motivation among poor students, 2) restricts friendship choices, and 3) widens the gap between good students and the poor ones (Vaughn, Hughes, Moody, and Elbaum, 2001). Considering the disadvantages above, I suggest that this technique of grouping isnot used in our classroom. Implication for Practice OConnells article is mainly intended for speaking class, so I try to present other possibilities of utilizing group work for other language skills. a. In Listening Class Jun (2000) recommends the use of group work in listening class. The following is one example of the teaching and learning process in listening class. First, students are 37

grouped into pairs. Second, the teacher gives each student a picture which is different from one to another. Next, one student describes his/ her picture the other student and he/ she listens. Finally, the students must change the role. b. In Speaking Class As has been discussed in the former paragraph, OConnell in this article recommends the use of group work in speaking class. The students are first given cards consist of different sentences. Half of the cards consist of questions while the other half consists of the answers. Then, the students whose cards contain questions ask other students using the questions written in the cards (students may read it or speak without looking at the card) while other students whose cards contain the appropriate answers speak up. The teacher controls the class. c. In Reading Class Vaughn, Hughes, Moody, and Elbaum (2001) propose an example of implementing group work in reading classes. First, students are divided into and are given texts. Next, students discuss the text, makes summary, and so on. Then, the teacher gives the students questions and asks one member of each group to answer the questions. Finally, the teacher distributes lesson reminder sheets which all students should complete. d. In Writing Class Yusak, M., Rohani, and Hartono (2005) give example of the use of group work in writing class. First, students are divided into groups of three and are given incomplete text, pictures, jumbled paragraphs, etc. and they discuss it. Next, the teacher asks the students to complete the text, create a text based on the pictures, rearranging the jumbled paragraphs, etc. Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Work If the teacher can manage the class activity well, there are some advantages that both students and the teacher can get from group work. First, this technique can encourage student activity in the language classroom (OConnell, 2006). We can see that some students (especially those who are shy) will not have enough self-confident to raise their hands to express their ideas, thoughts, opinions, and so on, but they will have this kind of feeling when they work in smaller groups. Second, it can give students more opportunities to interact with one another (OConnell, 2006) which later can give the students ownership in the classroom (Fischman, http://www.education.pitt.edu/leaders/faq/flexiblegroup.aspx.). This is a matter of socialization. Some students may not need this kind of relationship, but some others will need it to raise their self-confidence, whereas self-confidence is badly needed in learning a language. Apart from the advantages above, there are also some disadvantages of group work. They are, among others, first, students do the task half-heartedly or not at all. This condition may happen to passive students or students with low motivation and those with poor proficiency. In this case, the teachers control of the class is badly needed. Second, when working in groups, some students tend to use their mother tongue instead of English as the target language. This problem can be anticipated by teacher as he/she walk around the class and say, for example, Adi, speak in English, please. Third, group work, to some extent, is not very beneficial especially for the teacher since he/ she must work very hard to control the class. Some students may think that they are free from the teachers attention when they work in groups so they sometimes just do not do the task or speak in their mother tongue. In this case, the teachers role is very


important. This shouldnt be a problem, however, since teachers indeed, must work very hard, as proverb says TEACHERS MUST WALK EXTRA MILES. Conclusion Having discussed some aspects about group forming for ESL/ EFL students, we now come to a conclusion that students can be grouped into the whole class group, small group, peer pairing, or one-on-one instruction by the teacher or by them selves to do certain task. The forming of group should not be based on their ability/ performance since there are some disadvantages of this technique of grouping. Regardless their disadvantages, group work is highly recommended in ESL/EFL classrooms to learn all language skills since there are some advantages that both teacher and the students can get by applying this teaching-learning technique. References Fischman, Bruce, ____. LEADRERS Flexible Grouping. http://www.education.pitt.edu/leaders/faq/flexiblegroup.aspx. Jun, Zhang Yi, 2000. Warm-up Exercises in Listening Classes. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 10, October 2000. http://iteslj.org/Techniques/ZhangListeningWarm-up.html. Leys, Jon M., 1999. Grouping of Students. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jmargeru/conceptmap/grouping.htm. OConnell, 2001. Group Forming Activities for ESL/EFL Students. TESL Journal, Vol. XII No. 8 August 2006. http://itesj.org/ Vaughn, S, Hughes, M.T., Moody, S.W., and Elbaum, B., 2001. http://www.readingrockets.org/articles/203. Yusak, M., Rohani, and Hartono, R., 2005. English Texts in Use: A Coursebook for SMA/MA Students. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu.


You Are Intellectual? Write!

Muhammad Sukrianto A. Introduction The book Pokoknya Menulis invites the students as the intellectual candidates and the intellectuals in general to be able to write. The main thing stressed by the writers in this book is that every ones may be able to write or can express their ideas through writing. However, the capability of writing can not be handily had by every ones, it need practice. Indonesian proverb says: alah bisa karena biasa. It means that writing ability can be developed by accustoming to expressing the ideas through writing. This book is interesting since it gives solution for them who want to practice and have a strong ambition to be a good writer. The valuable of this book is the writers provide the opportunities to the readers to practice directly with the guidance given in this book. The writers believe that practice is more important than discussing theories and process is more valuable than product. According to the writers, what make the students reluctant to write is that they didnt get a good learning in writing at school. Most of Indonesian students feel that writing is difficult and speaking is easier than writing. This phenomenon can be solved through seriously redesigning the system of education that supports the subject of writing at schools. In this book the writers provide the strategies and techniques of writing, theoretically and practically that can help the students to learn and practice writing. B. Learning from Past Experience in Facing Future Time In the first chapter of this book, the writers tell the reader that this book is written to give solution how to be success becomes a good writer. This book does not only give how to write theoretically but also give how to write practically. He believes that after reading and understanding this book, the reader can get a new inspiration to be a new writer in the future. The writers also give the guidance how to create a critical thinking. Based on the phenomena happened in their environment, the students may analyze the problems and give the solution. By critical thinking concept, the students will be able to read critically or what we called critical reading. Critical thinking is the basic of writing. Writing need reading, especially in academic reading because without reading a lot ones can not write. Critical thinking, as the core of critical writing, helps students in producing a meaningful written text appropriate to audience and situation(Schafersman, 1991). I think that what the writers writes in this chapter is interesting. Learning from the system of education in the past that didnt support the students able to write, it makes us realize the problems that we have to plan the real way to improve our educational system. It is right that most of students are reluctant to write and they are shame if what they write is read by his or her friends. It is also my experience when I teach my students writing. Although it is just writing their daily activities, they feel difficult to write and what they write is not allowed to read by others. In this chapter the writers gives a solution how to write collaboratively (collaborative writing). Using this technique may help the students to practice 40

writing. In my opinion, I agree with the whole ideas of the writers written in this chapter. One thing that I would like to say, actually not every body is able to be a writers. But every body has to do the endeavor to be a writer, especially the intellectuals. C. Writing is collaborating Writing is collaborating. This is the title of this chapter. In this chapter the writers try to give a paradigm that writing can be done collaboratively. Actually this is not a new one in academic activity. Some one need friends or others to read and check what he or she writes. In this case, however, the writers provide a new technique in collaborative writing. This technique (guidance given by writers) can help students to practice and to improve their writing ability. Lowry (2004) defined collaborative writing as working in a group as small as two or as large as one can imagine to create a document. The group members can work in a synchronous environment (face to face, at the same computer, in the same classroom or asynchronous (discussion board, email, letters). According to the writers, as a matter of fact, writing collaboratively is better than writing individually especially for the beginner writers. Social learning in a group of collaborative writing may help each others to share the knowledge and experience since everybody has his or her own potentiality. On the other hand like what have been explained in the first chapter, not all students are comfortable to write collaboratively. Since they are shame to show what he or she writes to others, it is difficult to do a collaborative writing. Otherwise, collaborative writing also has its dangers. In any group activity, there are problems of scheduling, communication, and conflicts. To write effectively, collaborative writers may need to incorporate into the process of writing, such as a realistic schedule, someone to manage, the procedures and responsibilities, etc. D. Avoiding Peccadillo, Throwing Away Composition Garbage Based on the title of this chapter Avoiding Peccadillo, this is the unique of the writers. The style of language used by the writers make this book special and different from others. The peccadillo and the garbage in a composition need to be considered by the student who wants to be a good writer. What the writers says in this chapter is true that most of students are reluctant to check what he or she has been written. I agree with the writers that one of the causes makes students reluctant to write is that they are not patient in finishing the process of writing. Like what Vidal said, I am an obsessive writer, doing one draft and then another draft and another, usually five. In a way, I have nothing to say but a great deal to add. It means that writing is not a spontaneous capability. There is a process that needs our seriousness to passing it. In This chapter the writers invites the students or the intellectual candidates to pay their attention to the peccadillo in writing. The peccadillo in writing according to the writers is such as punctuation marks, the carefulness in writing and so on. One of the solutions to avoid this failure is through collaborative writing. When we write collaboratively, we still have chance to let the others to reread or to check our writing. Actually it needs inuring. The students have to be accustomed to writing collaboratively. At least there are three benefits of collaborative writing:


1. It mirrors real-world writing situations where professionals often cooperate on presentations, reports, and projects. 2. Group work provides instant feed back and a sense of audience- elements often missing from the writing experience. 3. The reactions of peers help student writers understand they are writing for community of readers, not merely for their instructor. (http://www.swc.utexas.edu/assignments/collaboration.shtml) E. Collaborative or Not, Write This is the characteristic of Indonesian people that they are better in speaking than in writing. This condition is different from the tradition of people from western countries. For them the skills in speaking and writing are balance. I can not give a contra version to what is stated by Bacon; reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing is an exact man. Some one who is skilled in speaking is good. However it is better if he or she is also skilled in both speaking and writing. Actually it is also my experience that speaking is easy than writing. Spontaneously through speaking we can express our ideas. I dont know whether it is caused by the failure of our education in the past. As a matter of fact, when I was a student at school my language teachers hardly taught me writing. I used to be trained to speak rather than to write. I feel that expressing the ideas orally is easier than writing. The stressing of this chapter is that the writers invite the reader in this case is the students and the intellectuals to try to write. They may try to write anything collaboratively or not. Both of the techniques have the advantages. For the beginner writers it is better for them to write collaboratively since they can ask others to check their writing. If we ask our colleagues to read our writing, we have opportunities our writing to be criticized. As a human being sometimes we are careless in writing and it can be checked by others. There are seven solutions give by the writers to make the students write: 1) stop teaching grammar, change with assignment to read fiction and writing report, 2) make the students feel confident to write, 3) give the example how to write, not theoretically, 4) teach the students to improve their faults, 5) involve the students in the process of writing, 6) practice writing collaboratively, 7) give corrective feedback to the students writing. F. Its Started from Iqra Writing is started from Iqra. Especially for Moslems, it is not a new thing. A good writer is a diligent reader. Like what the writers states in this chapter that a writer produces knowledge and the raw materials need to be searched everywhere. Searching the raw materials of knowledge means a writer has to read first. Without reading we can write but has no advantages. Through reading someone can search many information and knowledge. He or she can transfer his or her analysis and synthesis after a lot reading through writing activities. Actually, writing is one of the ways in expressing ideas. However the ideas will not come up without reading a lot. There is no different between someone who doesnt read with someone who cant read, as Twain says that the man who doesnt read books has no advantage over the man who cannot read. Someone who reads a lot will have much information and knowledge. They may know everything so that


when he or she wants to express the ideas through writing, it is not too difficult because he or she have the ideas. I agree that reading is the main stream of a writing ability. A reading activity can mean thinking. When we read a book or anything, as a matter of fact, we are thinking. When we see the phenomena happened in our environment, the natural scenery, or anything, and then we think, we use our mind to think. The product of thinking process is the ideas expressing. In this chapter the writers provide the materials and guidance how to practice writing such as writing a short story, a narrative essay and so on. Anyone who thinks that writing is valuable may try to write, try to start writing by now and from whit and never give up. G. Digging Ethnical Literature Grave Indonesian country is well known with its cultures and arts. Many foreigners come to Indonesia because they want to know and to see the beauty of Indonesian cultures and arts. Unfortunately, as a matter of fact, not all Indonesian people care of the cultures and arts. Nowadays many people have left behind their cultures. In this chapter the writers analogize the ethnical literatures have been died and buried. If we want to make our cultures especially literatures and arts to be always exist in our life, we have to dig the grave. It is a fact that Indonesian youngster do not know their ethnical literatures and arts. The youngster may know western literatures better than the literatures of their own. Actually there are some matters caused these problems. The first, there is a less attention from government toward the literature, generally arts. The governments do not seriously pay more attention in advancing the literature especially ethnic literature and arts. The second, Educational systems in Indonesia do not give the students much appreciation to the local arts and literatures. When I was student at SMU, I got nothing about local arts especially literatures. I agree with Alwasilah, that at least there are four mistaken in educating local arts and literatures at school. They are 1) miss perception about arts that is art involves music and dancing only; 2) the assumption that a language teacher is able to teach literature; 3) mostly the teachers teach the theory rather than the practice; 4) the assumption that western arts are better than ethnic arts. H. From Narration to Exposition According to Alwasilah (2005) narration is a kind of text that to narrate or to tell the story. Telling the story here means that a writer tells the sequence of an event, the chronologies, and so on. On the other hand, an exposition is a kind of writing that its main purpose is to clarify, to explain, to educate or to evaluate a problem. This becomes the title of this chapter that is from narration to exposition. My understanding about this chapter is that narration and exposition are two kinds of texts that are extremely different. The different between two kinds of these texts make not all writers expert writing in both of them. Horrowitz (in Nunan, 1991) stated that process approach makes students tend to write narrative forms and it does not prepare students to write examination essay. On the other hand, many academicians are easy to write a theses, but difficult to write a story of fiction in a magazine. I do not know why it is happened whether it is caused by the different of the text or so on.


Reading this chapter, actually the writers do not explain and discuss these two kinds of text explicitly. There are no words and no explanation about narration and exposition in the content of this chapter, although the title is about narration and exposition. Which one is better or which one is difficult, there is no explanation in this chapter. Furthermore, the writers clime that many intellectuals who graduated from doctoral degree face difficult to write an article in a newspaper. So that, the writers suggest the readers to know the strategy of writing not only the general strategy but also the specific strategy like writing an article in a newspaper. In this chapter the writers proposes the guidance how to write an opinion in a newspaper and the exercise of making the schema in forming the ideas in writing. Actually this writer is very valuable especially for the beginner writer. I. The God praises His Creation The statement of the god praises his creation, in my opinion has another meaning. In this statement the God tells that he is a God who is the most powerful and the most perfect in everything, even in creating his creation. This condition is different from a writer praises his or her own writing. I agree with Benjamin Disraeli, he says that an author who speaks about his own books is almost as bad as a mother who talks about her own children. That a teacher praises his or her students writing, I think it is in a different context. In teaching, a teacher must appreciate the masterpiece or the product of their students. In producing a writing text, the students have passed the long process that is probably not easy for them. The long process done by students must be appreciated by the teacher. It is what is called by the process assessment. What is stressed by the writers as the essence of this chapter is that the teachers should give feedback to their students. The students will be pleased if the teacher gives feedback when they make mistakes. This feedback also can be a motivation for the students to learn from their mistakes. Teachers feedback is very important and needed by the students in the process of teaching and learning since they can not decide whether what they have done is right or wrong. I agree with the writers that a teacher must know the strategy how to give a positive feedback to the students. Sometimes, as a matter of fact that the teachers do not know how to correct and to give feedback to the students. The most important of feedback is that it is understood by the students. J. Pokoknya EDAN Its Crazy..? The first reading at a glance the title of this chapter, the question in my mind is who is crazy? After continuing my reading I know that EDAN which means crazy in Javanese language, in this case doesnt mean crazy but an acronym from Exposition, Description, Argumentation, and Narration. In writing, a writer should write based on the readerscontentment and the purpose. There are four kinds of writing which have different ways, styles, and purposes. An exposition is a kind of writing that its main purpose is to clarify, to explain, to educate or to evaluate a problem. The characteristic of an exposition is that the text is developed by giving examples, process, cause and effect, classification, definition, analysis, comparison, and contrast. A description is a kind of writing text that describes things, human being, or an event. In a description text, a writer gives a description of things or event as if the readers are seeing and feel the condition. Meanwhile, an argumentation is a kind of text that proves something or a


matter by giving the evidence based on the statements. The evident or argumentation used by the writer in this text is not for contradiction but solely for convincing the readers. In argumentation text, a writer often uses the empirical data, logical arguments, the evidences, thesis statement and conclusion. At last, narration is a kind of text that to narrate or to tell the story. Telling the story here means that a writer tells the sequence of an event, the chronologies, and so on. As a matter of fact, even in a university not all students understand precisely the different among the kind of texts. In my experience, the students often mix them. Furthermore, someone who is good in exposition may not be good in narration, etc. K. Paragraphs are Coherent Actually it is also my experience in writing that is I have many ideas in my mind to express but I face the problem how to develop the coherency between the ideas. In my experience the most difficult in writing is not how to express the ideas but the most difficult things are how to develop a paragraph and how to make the paragraphs are coherent between each others. After reading this chapter I can get many information and method how to develop the paragraph and organized them into a good writing. The writers suggest the reader to learn the paragraph development. Each paragraph has to have one main idea which is called topic or subject. Many practical ways given by the writers in the paragraph development, for examples, if the ideas or the topic is difficult to understand it is better to make it in simple or short form, and if it is easy to understand we may make it in long paragraph, etc. To make the coherency among paragraph, the writers suggest using the transitional words or phrases. These transitional words or phrases are important especially when the writers want to move from one topic to another topic. Halliday and Hasan (1976) recommend that in changing part of sentences by cohesive devices, ellipsis; eliminating a part of a sentence but the meaning of the sentence is understood; conjunction; the use of transitional expression to relate sentences, and lexical cohesion; in which the use of synonym and antonym and other vocabularies to catch the intended meaning In my opinion this book is important for the students to read. As a matter of fact, the most difficult in writing is how to develop the coherency among the paragraph. Many students often can express their ideas, but they find difficulty in developing the coherency among the paragraph. After reading this chapter we may know how to develop a paragraph, the method in delivering information, how to develop the coherency, etc. L. Portfolio is My Chosen In this chapter the writers suggest the teachers to consider the process of learning in assessing or evaluating the students. The failure of last education was that the teachers only see the product of students without considering the process of what have been done by the students. In this case, the writers suggest the teachers choose using portfolio as the solution in teaching. Lyons (2001) defined the teaching portfolio as a set of accomplishments of teaching, usually including samples of student work and accompanied by reflective writing. While there may or may not be a set of specified entries for a teaching portfolio, it usually is thought of as comprised of a range of evidence of teaching. For example, there might be a statement of ones teaching philosophy, a syllabus, a


video of a class, sample assessments used to determine what students know and understands, etc. He also explain the value of teaching portfolio: if competent teaching is a complex, uncertain and often messy activity, it could not easily be documented. Traditional ways of credentialing teachers by grades, courses completed seem inadequate to capture teaching dynamics or dimensions. Portfolio emerged as a possible medium. Actually I agree if portfolio is used by the teachers in the class. However it needs more energy. It is the individuals responsibility to document, reflect on, and improve their own teaching. Portfolio is part of professional responsibility of being educators. Furthermore, in Indonesia not all teachers are socialized with portfolio. Many teachers do not know how to implement the portfolio in their class. In this case the governments have to do more socialization of portfolio to the teachers. M. Writing Needs IREX As a matter of fact, expressing the ideas through writing is not easy for all people. As a human being we have the strength and the weaknesses. Someone is professional in his or her own field. Writers, they are professional in writing, and actors, they are professional in acting, etc. When writing we needs irex, it means that in doing writing activities we have to prepare everything in good vitality. A writer must keep his body healthy so that he or she can do the process of writing successfully. At least there are three activities in doing a process of writing. The first is the process of reading in order to gain the information. The second is the process of thinking to formulate and to composite the product of writing. And the last is the process of writing itself. Actually in passing these three processes of writing need adequate energy and time, so that we can produce a text of writing with good quality and vitality. Harmer(2001) describes process writing in a cycle. Drafting Structuring Generating Ideas Reviewing Evaluating Focusing

Based on the cycle above that when we write, we have to make a product of writing which has vitality. It has to have power, when it is read by others. In this chapter the writers give at least three component of irex in writing. They are the inspiration or ideas, research and experience. By these three components of irex we can keep our writing to have power and more vitalize. N. All the Professors are the Same until One of Them Writes a Textbook In this chapter, the writers see the less number of books published in Indonesia when it is compared with other countries in the worlds. The balancing between the number of people and the number of book published is far from ideal. In this case, Malaysia, our nearest neighbor country is better then Indonesia. By population of 220 millions, Indonesia can publish books only 2000 to 3000 titles per year.


The condition above is not quite comfortable for a big country like Indonesia. As a student of pos graduate program I feel sad knowing this condition. However, I dont think that there are professors can not write. The different between them may be in the productivity of writing. There are some professors more productive in writing and others are less productive. This conditions maybe caused by their involvements in the project of bureaucrat. In my opinion, there are some problems that cause the less productivity of professor to write. The first is that the low appreciation to the intellectuals in Indonesia. One of my professors says that the functional subsidy for the professionalism of a professor is not well appreciated. Hence many professors earn money outside the campus. Some of them become consultants in departments or factories and the others involve in many project of bureaucracy. The second, many professors have many position in bureaucracy which makes them busy and having very limited time to write. Furthermore, writing or publishing books is not only the responsibility of professors. All intellectuals have the responsibility to socialize and to document their knowledge. All of us are the same, having the strength and the weakness until we can give advantages to others. I O. Skripsi A Piece of Cake Skripsi is the final form in accomplishing the scholarship. At least there are four reasons why the academicians have to write skripsi: 1) practicing to write a research, 2) reviewing the existing literature critically, 3) practicing to paraphrase through citation (directly/indirectly) 4) the confession of our scholarship. According to the writers writing skripsi is like making a peace of cake. A peace cake is easy to make if we know the ingredients or the receipt of making it. Although it is just a peace of cake, if we do not know the process how to make it, of course we will suppose that making a peace of cake is not easy. Just like making a peace a cake, in writing a skripsi we will find difficult if we do not know the process how to make it. And we will be very satisfied on the product of skripsi if we have done through the complexity of the process making it. In fact, for most students at university in Indonesia making skripsi is not an easy thing to do. Many students feel dither in facing the process of making a skripsi. It means that writing skripsi is difficult for them maybe because they do not know the process how to make it. The most valuable of skripsi is its writing process. In this chapter the writers provide the guidance how to make a research based writing like skripsi. We can also find the guidance to make a qualified writing, for examples, the accuracy, appropriateness, balance, clarity, completeness, consistency, control, impartially, interest, order, persuasiveness, relevance, simplicity, sincerity, unity etc. Finally there are some advices from famous writers how to be accustomed writing: 1) write as many as you can, 2) write as simple as possible, 3) dont do a plagiarism, 4) work hard to sharpen your talent, and 5) be patient! P. Scientists Need to be Careful with The Big Sin My understanding to what the writers mean by the big sin in this chapter is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of material which one has not actually created oneself, such as when a person


incorporates material from someone elses work into his own work without attributing it. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism). In the academic world, plagiarism is a serious academic offense which can result in punishment ranging from a failing grade on the particular assignment typically at the high school level, or the course in the college level, leading cumulatively to an academic suspension or expulsion. Within an organization in its own working document, standards are looser but not non-existent. If someone helps with a report, they expect to the credited. If a paragraph comes from the law report a citation is expected to be written down. In this chapter, the writers invite the readers especially the scientists or intellectuals to esteem someones original authorship. The writers also invite the readers to say no to the plagiarism and judge it as a big sin. A student has to learn how to write with his or her own style and language. The individual characteristic of writing has to be developed from earlier. Reading this chapter, it seems for me that this chapter has more than one idea. The title is talking about the big seen, however in the content we can just find a little about the plagiarism that is discussed by the writers. The rest of the chapter the writers discussed the anatomy in writing a research such as AIM READY SIR and then the writers explain how to appraise journal articles which has no correlation with a big sin. Q. A Big Nation is Who Writes A big nation is who writes. Its time to realize that writing plays an important role to develop the quality of society in a nation. The activities of writing can be the indicator of educated society. It means that the tradition of educated people is to communicate and to interact by using the media of writing. The activity of reading and writing becomes a culture in their life. The civilians promote their life style through the quantity and quality of reading and writing. The fact shows that when someone is writing means he has read first. Actually, I agree to what the writers infer that in Indonesia the ability writing are not developed well. As a matter of fact, the writing activities at school are not fully appreciated. The students or even the teachers are reluctant to write. For most of people in Indonesia, writing is not an easy thing to do. When it is compared with the culture of western countries, the quantity and the quality of Indonesian in writing is still left behind. What to do with writing, Alwasilah (2006) proposed one thing that is reorient of writing subject at school. He proposed some strategies or approaches to enhance the quality of writing at school: 1. The curricular approach, forcing the learners to Indonesia or English. 2. The extra-curricular approach, writing promotes out of school. 3. The cultural approach, promoting writing as a means of appreciating culture and civilization. 4. The efficiency approach, demanding the relevancy and advantages of pragmatic text is matched to the students level of knowledge. Based on what proposed by Alwasilah above, the solution is the policy makers, the department of National Education, have to consider revising the curriculum. In this case, the curriculums have to be redesigned in order to support the students to be able to write.


R. Conclusion Indonesian proverb says: alah bisa karena biasa. In relation with how to develop the ability of writing, this proverb means that writing ability can be developed by continually practicing and accustoming to expressing the ideas through writing. This book is interesting to read especially for the intellectuals who have problems in writing. This book gives solution for them who want to practice and have a strong ambition to be a good writer. In this book, the writers provide the opportunities to the readers to practice directly with the guidance given in this book. The writers believe that practice is more important than discussing theories and process is more valuable than product. The writes suggest the readers to create a critical thinking. By critical thinking concept, the students will be able to read critically or what we called critical reading. Writing need reading, especially in academic reading because without reading a lot ones can not write. Furthermore, the writers invite the reader in this case the students and the intellectuals to try to write. They may try to write anything. For the beginner it is better for them to write collaboratively since they can ask others to check their writing. The writers suggest the readers to know the strategy of writing not only the general strategy of writing but also the specific strategy like writing an article in a newspaper. The valuable strategies and the guidance of writing exercises have been provided. It is believed that after reading this book, with the strong endeavor to practice, the readers can be the writers. Horree! I am a writer now.

Alwasilah. (2006). Pokoknya Sunda. Bandung: PT. Kiblat Buku Utama Halliday,MAK. Ruqaiya Hasan. (1976). Cohesion in English. London: Longman Group Limited. Harmer, Jeremy. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited. Lowry (2004). Collaborative Writing (http://www.swc.utexas.edu /assignments/collaboration.shtml) [10 Desember 2006] Lyons (2001). What is a Teaching Portfolio? [Online] http://www.ucd.ie/teachingport/what.htm[10 Desember 2006] Nunan, David ed. (2003.) Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Schafersma Schafersman, Steven D.(1991) An Introduction to Critical Thinking. [Online] http://www. Freeinquiry.com/criticalthinking. html. [10 Desember 2006]


Wikepidia. (2003 Plgiarism. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism) [10 Desember 2006] ------------ (http://www.swc.utexas.edu/assignments/collaboration.shtml) [10 Desember 2006]


A Critical Review of Alwasilahs POKOKNYA SUNDA

Muhammad Sukrianto A. Introduction A Real Sundanese, this term is an appropriate appreciation for Alwasilah who has written this book. His brilliant ideas show how he concerns to think and to care of Sundanese identities especially the culture. The ideas to preserve the culture and to revitalize the identity of Sundanese show that Alwasilah loves his people very much. In this book Pokoknya Sunda, Alwasilah seems to motivate especially Sundanese to be more aware of themselves, what they have, and how their generation in the future. The idea to revitalize the identity of Sundanese means that Sundanese have much strength in their identity of life. Alwasilah wants Sundanese to realize their strength, what they have and how they preserve them. Actually, this book is very interesting to read, not only for Sundanese but also the people who are not Sundanese. From this book we can get many things that we do not know or sometimes we do not realize. We sometimes do not realize that many things happened and many things changed in our life. For instances, the culture we have, the language we use, have changed without any attention from us. These phenomena sometimes lead to change our identities. As a Sundanese, Alwasilah realizes what has changed especially in the identities of Sundanese. In this critical review the writer tries to analyze, to comment and to criticize what Alwasilah writes in this book Pokoknya Sunda. B. The Revitalization of Sundanese Identity The first part of this book discusses the ideas of how to revitalize the identity of Sundanese; their culture, language and character. Based on the phenomena happened in the community of Sunda, Alwasilah finds many things have changed in the identity of Sundanese. Some of them are the culture and the reluctant of some Sundanese to speak Sunda language. Concerning with this problem, I would like to discuss and to review some aspects of the identity of Sundanese. Some Sundanese, slow but sure are leaving their identity. They sometimes reluctant to speak Sundanese, they do not know much about their culture, and they do not care to preserve their culture. Actually there are some matters caused these problems. The first, Sunda is one of the ethnics In Indonesia. It means that Sunda is not different from other ethnics in Indonesia. Indonesia consists of many ethnics with their different culture and languages that unite into one nation, Indonesia. Hence the national vision will impinge with the ethnic one. Second, Sundaneses live near the capital city of Indonesia where many people who are not Sundanese live there. The complexity of community may influent how Sundanese behave. Next, Some Sundanese supposes that they are modern people. Their misinterpretation is that modern means following western country. Hence they wont speak Sundanese but speak Indonesia or English. Furthermore, I have a contra opinion to what Alwasilah said that Sundanese especially youngsters may leave Undak Usuk of Sundanese since it is one of the problems that make them reluctant to speak Sunda. I dont agree with this statement. The youngsters have to learn undak usuk of Sundanese since it is the identity of 51

Sundanese. In my opinion, undak usuk basa still need to be applied whatever it is. Undak usuk basa or what we call speech level can make language sounds modesty and it plays a role as controller of persons attitude and behavior. Haerudin (2006) states, kesulitan masyarakat menggunakan bahasa Sunda dalam kehidupan kesehariannya, bukan karena ada dan tiadanya UUBS, tetapi alasan kebutuhan (keperluan) berbahasanya. It means that the most important thing is how to make Sundanese think that they need to speak or to use Sunda Language. There are some efforts have been done to revitalize Sundanese cultures. As what Alwasilah proposes that there are three steps to revitalize Sundanese cultures: (1) understanding to evoke the awareness, (2) planning collectively, (3) evocation of culture creativity. Based on my opinion these efforts are not an easy thing to do. Suyanto (2006) says, Merevitalisasi budaya lokal tidak lagi mudah dilakukan secara tiba-tiba. We can do the evocation of cultural creativity if we plan it collectively, but we can not make such a planning without any understanding and the awareness. The most difficult effort to do is to unite the understanding so that it will arouse the awareness of Sundanese in one vision to revitalize their identity. The collective planning to make cultural strategy will never come up without having the same vision (the same understanding and awareness) completely. Discussing Sunda in world forum through KIBS (International conference of Sundanese culture) is one of the ways to apply the efforts as what Alwasilah proposes above. Again it is just one of the ways. There is no guaranty that it will be success to build Sundaneses understanding and awareness toward the revitalization. At least, it is a good step to do. Introducing Sundanese culture to an international forum is not a bad thing to do but the most important thing is KIBS have to find the applicable strategies how to introduce Sundanese culture to the Sundanese especially youngsters. Sundanese youngsters should be the object of cultural diplomacy. It is in line with what Alwasilah says, Bila orang asing mampu menghargai karya sastra Sunda, mengapa kaum intelektual Sunda bersikap hare-hare. It means that the cultural diplomacy is not exactly for the international community, but for the Sundaneses them selves. How can ordinary people appreciate the culture while the intellectual Sundaneses acted hare-hare? Furthermore, Alwasilah proposes the renaissance of Sunda. This idea at a glance seems too extreme since it shows that the revitalization of Sunda is in the emergency level. It means that without any serious attention from all Sundaneses especially the intellectuals, the culture or even the identity of Sundaneses may lose. Hawe Setiawan, one of Sundanese intellectual is still hesitated toward this great idea since it is like a lighthouse without any real action to do. In this case, Setiawan may not be completely wrong. The seven arguments proposed by Alwasilah in responding to what Setiawan hesitated are theoretically true. It is undeniable, however, that in implementing the seven arguments is not an easy thing to do. For example is the idea to make Sundanese become erudite languages. Since we still have Indonesia, a nasional language, this idea is not an easy thing to do. There could be many Sundanese intellectuals who are able to write in Sundanese, but not all of them want to. They think writing a book in Indonesia is better. The idea to form the Sunda study centre is a very beneficial media to discuss the strategies and techniques to revitalize Sundanese culture. But again as what Alwasilah said, it needs a consensus or at least an understanding among Sundanese


intellectuals. This institute should be perceived to reach the vision and the goals collectively. In running the programs of the Sunda study centre, it is not as easy as to say. It needs not only many brilliant ideas or many of human resources but also money. In this case LPSS (the institute of Sunda study centre) have to entangle the entrepreneurs or conglomerates. Actually this issue is not discussed by Alwasilah. The support from Sundanese conglomerate sponsors is very needed to support the program of LPSS. If all components of Sundanese, the government (bureaucratic elements), intellectuals, and conglomerates support the programs of LPSS simultaneusly, we are at all convinced that the revitalization of Sundanese cultures and identities will be succeeded. C. Correcting Mother Tongue Politic Mother tongue is the language acquired by someone for the first time. It has a great influence to how someone thinks and behaves. Since 1951 UNESCO recommended mother tongue as a medium of instructional in education (Alwasilah, 2006:57). Alwasilah sees that mother tongue should be empowered to support someone in acquiring the knowledge and sciences. Concerning with the maintaining of a mother tongue, Alwasilah proposes five reasons: 1) realizing the cultural diversities, 2) preserving the ethnical identities, 3) enabling social adaptability, 4) psychologically adding children security, and 5) improving sensitivity of linguistics. Actually, there is no doubt about the importance of a mother tongue for someone life. But sometimes the problem is like what Indonesian proverb says, Beans forget at its husk. Some people especially the youngsters dont want to speak in their mother tongue. There is a sense that speaking by using mother tongue is countrified. Dedi Gumelar, an actor and cultural observer, hesitated at Sundanese loyalty to speak in Sunda especially the youngsters (Kompas, April 13th 2005). Many Sundanese youngsters are reluctant to speak Sundanese. They often use Indonesia with Betawi styles such as lo and gua in saying you and I. In their mind Sunda is not popular and not so special. Furthermore, the hesitancy is also stated by Taufikurraman (Kompas, 13 April 2005). Taufikurrahman is a chairman of Sunda art and language institute. He said that he doesnt listen to Dada Rosada, the lord mayor of Bandung, speaking Sunda language yet. As a public fugure of Sundanese, the lord mayor of Bandung should be a volunteer in campaigning Sunda Language. Based on phenomena above, the vitality of a mother tongue is facing many barriers. The vitality means that mother tongue is used in daily communication, interaction in community and instructional language. What Alwasilah said, that the students at primary school are easy to understand the lessons by using mother tongue could be right. The students may understand the lessons faster than if it is transferred by using the second language. But, it also may generate a new problem. The students may be late to acquire Indonesia as national language. Since most of schoolbooks are printed in Indonesia language, the students will face difficulty to understanding the lesson because they can not understand Indonesia. Actually, since we have Indonesia as national language and its function as a medium of unifier, we may not widely functioned mother tongue because Indonesia is more powered than mother tongue. If we push mother tongue to function more than Indonesia, I think this effort is not popular. Mother tongue (ethnic language) is


different from Indonesia language. Historically Indonesia language was formed from many mother tongues from all over ethnic in Indonesia. In this case mother tongues enrich Indonesia language. Alwasilahs idea that mother tongue especially Sunda should be revitalized is a fair matter. What I dont agree is when the writer equalized Sunda with the Dutch language. Although the speakers of Sunda are much more than the Dutch, but the level of languages are different. The Dutch is a national language, but Sunda is just an ethnic language in Indonesia. In other word we can say that a mother tongue should have vitality in its speaker or in the area where the ethnic lives, because the revitalization of a language should be under its low and destiny. The number of the origins who speak Sunda based on the data given by Alwasilah is more than 20 million. This number is more or less the same with the number of Malaysia or Australia population. Alwasilah believes that the number of speakers show the vitality of Sunda language. Actually I have a contrary opinion about this. Although the number of speakers is much more adequate, but it is not a guaranty that Sunda is save from destruction. The main problem is that the location of Sundanese is near the capital city of Jakarta. This condition make Sunda face different challenging to preserve comparing with other mother tongue in Indonesia. The influence of Indonesian Language to Sundaneses seems stronger than to other ethnic in Indonesia. Discussing the seven strategies to prevent the destruction of Sunda is also interesting. Ideally if the strategies could be implemented collectively, Sunda language would never totally disappear. The problem is that not all Sundaneses have the same perception about this problem. I believe that Java language has more vitality than Sunda. Sundaneses view about their mother tongue is different from Javanese. Culturally, Javanese are loyal to speak using their mother tongue. There is an example that in Suriname where the origins were from Java, but still they speak Java until now. It means that the vitality of a mother tongue does not only depend on the number of the speakers but also on the perception of the speaker toward the language. D. Writing Activity in Civil Society One of the characteristics of civil society is when the civilians are developed with the culture of reading and writing. The writing activity plays an important role to develop the quality of society. It can be the indicator of an educated people. It means that the tradition of educated people is to communicate and to interact by using the media of writing. The activity of reading and writing becomes a culture in their life. The civilians promote their life style through the quantity and quality of reading and writing. The fact shows that when someone is writing means he has read first. In Indonesia the ability writing are not developed well. As a matter of fact, the writing activities at school are not fully appreciated. The students or even the teachers are reluctant to write. For most of people in Indonesia, writing is not an easy thing to do. When it is compared with the culture of western countries, the quantity and the quality of Indonesian in writing is still left behind. Apart from what has been happened, Alwasilah claims that New Order Regime plays an important role in causing to this phenomenon. I do not think that what Alwasilah claims is completely true. The lack ability of Indonesian in writing


is a glimpse from failing of education in new order era. It seems that the curriculum at school in new order era was disregarding the ability of writing. Back to our discussion in the previous part, a mother tongue may not be evanescent, if its speakers are active to use the media of writing. As what Alwasilah claims that everything in this world will not be endless except when they are documented in the form of writing. What to do with writing, Alwasilah (2006) proposed one thing that is reorient of writing subject at school. He proposed some strategies or approaches to enhance the quality of writing at school: 1. The curricular approach, forcing the learners to Indonesia or English. 2. The extra-curricular approach, writing promotes out of school. 3. The cultural approach, promoting writing as a means of appreciating culture and civilization. 4. The efficiency approach, demanding the relevancy and advantages of pragmatic text is matched to the students level of knowledge. Based on the strategies proposed by Alwasilah above, its will be meaningless if the policy makers, in this case the department of National education, do not consider the strategies, at least, to be the alternative philosophy in the curriculum. In this case, a serious attention and commitment from the government is needed. Another way to develop the culture of writing in the civil society is the appreciation to the ethic literatures. Students learn not only how to write, but also how to appreciate their ethnic literature. The essence of cultural revitalization is preserving the essential of culture, which is basically an act of documenting cultural fact in the future. The teaching of ethnic literature, in itself is valuable and constitutes a practical way of preserving the local wisdom. Our national education system should be redesigned to make the society appreciate to the ethic literatures into the critical literacy culture. In one occasion, the ethic literatures can change our attitude and develop the critical thinking. The following is the ways proposed by Alwasilah to do it: 1. We must reinvigorate local wisdom, long buried due to the governments negligence of ethnic literature. 2. There is a need to sensitize the students about the esthetic value of ethnic literacy pieces. 3. It is necessary to offer alternative material that will trigger better writing. 4. The theory underpinning this model is reader responses to literature, namely writing in response to reading literature Concerning to what Alwasilah proposed above, at school we have limited human resources in teaching writing ad the literature appreciation. Not all teachers from Indonesia Language program are having adequate capabilities in writing. Writing activities are not only becoming burden for students but also for teachers. As a matter of fact, most of teachers who teach Indonesian subject are not interested in teaching literature. In addition, there is a less attention from government toward the literature, generally arts. The governments do not seriously pay more attention in advancing the literature especially ethnic literature and arts. Educational systems in Indonesia do not give the students much appreciation to the local arts and literatures. When I was student at SMU, I got nothing about local arts especially literatures. I agree with Alwasilah, that at least there four mistaken in educate local arts and literatures at


school. They are 1) miss perception about arts that is art involves music and dancing only; 2) the assumption that a language teacher is able to teach literature; 3) mostly the teachers teach the theory rather than the practice; 4) the assumption that western arts are better than ethnic arts. As long these misassumptions still available in our educational systems, it is hard for our community to meet a civil society. A civil society is a community that respect to the values, norms and low, sustained by the quality of belief and the mastery of science and technology. We hope we can meet such a civil society in the future by preserving our identity and culture and revitalizing our way of thinking. E. Mass Media and Culture Mass media and culture in a society have a strong relationship between one to another. Mass media can influent the changing of culture in a society, and the culture can form the characteristic of a mass media. What is needed in communities which are the culture in its, can be the orientation of mass media in providing their services. Through mass media individual or groups who have power are able to persuade or to provoke the readers (society) with certain goal and ambition. On the other hand, the culture (what are the trend in the society) can be the consideration for mass media in producing the news or opinion. Rahbar (2006) states that nowadays, mass media have a strong power in planting assumption, culture, behavior, which are the identities of human culture. In this case, Alwasilah doesnt deny the power of mass media in this globalization era. As a matter of fact, mass media play an important role in forming the culture in a community. They may change the way of thinking (mindset) or push people critical thinking. Whatever written in mass media will become a public discourse analysis. It is also supported by Sugono (2004):
Media massa memiliki peran yang strategis dalam pengungkapan berita hangat, opini masyarakat, informasi, dan artikel yang akan memperkaya wawasan peserta didik secara tidak langsung memiliki wawasan bahasa media massa yang memiliki kekhasan tersendiri. Hal itu akan ikut membentuk kepribadian peserta didik dalam berpikir, berekspresi, dan berkomunikasi.

The problem, however, is that many mass media are not ideally commit with the goals. The main target of many mass media is business orientation. Mass media have been a reader-or-customer oriented in which presenting news or variety of articles to invite as many as readers to read them. Based on this orientation, many mass media (printed or electronic) have destroyed the structures in the society. One of the examples is what stated by J Oetama (2005):
Periklanan yang bersubstansi pengenalan barang dan promosi serta penawaran barang dan jasa, sejak semula merupakan bagian organik dan organis dari media. Media hidup dari langganan dan periklanan. Dalam perkembangannya, dalam waktu-waktu mutakhir, peran periklanan kian besar dalam menghasilkan pendapatan.

This phenomenon proves that mass media have provided not only positive but also negative effect into the culture in societies. They are not only providing information and education but also attracting and inviting people attention into business interaction. In this case, mass media lead the people into consumptive style. Furthermore, mass media can also influent the changing of culture in a society. Let take an example in Indonesia, most of mass media (electronic and printed) use Indonesian language. It makes the people familiar using Indonesian


language in discussing politic, economy, science and technology, social event and so on. The style of language provided in mass media can become the standard of language used in society. On the other hand, the power of mass media can be used in preserving certain ethnic languages. In some province in Indonesia like in West Java, many newspapers socialize Sundanese language into their community. So again, the power of newspaper can both support and destroy the cultures which become the identity in a community. F. Developing Reproductive Machine of National Knowledge Based on the title above, we may infer that there is something wrong with the machine of knowledge in Indonesia. This inference may lead us to some questions: what is happening with our educational system? Is there something wrong with our school? How are our scientists and experts? These questions seemingly will be discussed in the last part of this book. Discussing what is actually happening with our educational system, as a matter of fact, the standard of our national education is still low especially when it is compared with the countries in the world. We can prove this by seeing the quality of our human resources. Actually, Indonesian country is rich for its natural resources, but we can not explore the resources because of our lack of human resources. We still need help from foreign country to explore and to exploit our natural resources. As the result of this policy we can just get a little from what we have. The data from UNDP (2005) shows that Indonesian human development index (HDI) is in the range of 110 from 177 of countries. Meanwhile, our neighbor countries like Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia and Thailand, each of them are in the range of 25, 33, 61 and 73 (Furqan, 2006). This data shows us that the educational system in Indonesia is not success yet. Our education can not upgrade the quality of our human resources. It means that the machine of knowledge through education in Indonesia can not effectively produce qualified human resources. Alwasilah in this case classifies the component of reproductive machine of knowledge into fives; they are the supportive situation for the activities of writing, the available sources of information, the ability of critical reading, democrat policy in helping students and junior lecturer to be able to write, and the mastery of English. From this classification, Alwasilah stresses the reproductive machine of knowledge on the ability of writing especially academic writing. He believes that as long the lecturers or the intellectuals are active in academic writing, the knowledge will never be lasted. In my opinion, the main stream of all what Alwasilah proposes above is the commitment from the stake holder of education in Indonesia especially the government. If there is a serious commitment from the government to improve the quality of education, the component of reproductive machine of knowledge in Indonesia will ideally run well. As a matter of fact, however, the allocation of educational budget in Indonesia is far from ideal or still low (less than 20%). This policy doesnt support to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Back to our experience from the previous regime of New Order that is blamed by Alwasilah couldnt plant a good basic of educational system in Indonesia, in my opinion it is not completely true. The condition of educational system now is not better than what happened in New Era regime. I still remember that when Soeharto became a president of Indonesia, there were many schools built in almost all over the country of Indonesia. The school fee on that time was not as expensive as now. 57

Many students and lecturers were sent to abroad to study in many top universities in the world. On the other hand, many students from abroad also study in Indonesia which shows the quality of our education. Today, the education in Indonesia is very expensive especially at university. Only the people who come from wealthy families can get a good education. They who do not have much money can only follow the education until primary school. The result is the wealthy will be richer, and the poor are poorer. All of these happened caused by the complexity problems faced by Indonesia from the economic until the morality crisis. Actually the crisis happened in Indonesia can not be separated from the unsuccessfulness of education in Indonesia. The educational system can not strongly plant the morality to the students. I agree with Alwasilah that our education should build up cultural literacy to the students, but in my opinion the strong planted of morality is more important. The cultural literacy should be the target of education in Indonesia. To overcome the crisis problems, however, the cultural literacy only is not enough. The educations also have to plant the morality to the students. The basic knowledge and skills in joining their social interaction in their community have to place the morality forward. The culture literacy that places the morality will be the basic foundation in revitalizing the culture and develop the quality of education in Indonesia. The society will be creative in finding the alternatives solutions through critical thinking, judging the value which is suitable to the situation or time, and improving the quality of life and adaptation in facing the modernization and globalization era. G. Conclusion From the discussion above, I have drawn the conclusion and suggestion as follows: I agree with Alwasilah that every ethnic has the same right to preserve their culture and identity. The essence of cultural revitalization is preserving the essentials of culture, which basically an act of documenting cultural fact, artifacts and texts for effortless access in the future. To revitalize the culture is not an easy thing to do. The revitalization has to be done collectively and well planed. We can not make such a planning without any understanding and the awareness. In case of Sundanese, the most difficult effort to do is to unite the understanding the awareness in one vision to revitalize their identity. Mother tongue is the language acquired by someone for the first time. It has a great influence to how someone thinks and behaves. Historically Indonesia language was formed from many mother tongues from all over ethnic in Indonesia. In this case I suggest that mother tongues must be preserved to help and to enrich the Indonesia as our national language. One of the characteristics of civil society is when the civilians are developed with the culture of reading and writing. The writing activity plays an important role to develop the quality of society. In this case mass media plays the important role. The power of mass media can be used in revitalizing culture and the identity of life. The revitalization also needs a good educational system as a reproductive machine of knowledge. The culture literacy that places the morality will be the basic foundation in revitalizing the culture and develop the quality of education in Indonesia. Now, we are waiting for the government policies to reorient the educational system.


Furqan. (2006). Penilaian Hasil Belajar untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan. Makalah pada forum ilmiah II FPBS UPI, Bandung. Haerudin, Dingding, (2006). Meningkatkan Kesadaran Berbahasa Sunda. Pikiran Rakyat 21 Februari 2006 Oetama, J. (2005). Powering the Media Dynamics. [Online] http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/0503/17/opini/1626 561.htm. [10 Desember 2006] Rahbar. (2006) Peran Positif dan Negatif Media Massa. [Online] http://indonesian.iribir/perspektif/2006/05mei/media.htm [10 Desember 2006] Sugono, Dedi. (Suara Merdeka, 3 Februari 2004). Meningkatkan Daya Ungkap Bahasa. Suara Merdeka (Online), Tersedia: http://www. suaramerdeka.com/harian/0402/03/kha2.htm Taufikurraman. (Kompas, 13 April 2005). Tanda Keruntuhan Budaya Sunda. Kompas (Online), Tersedia: http://www.kompas.com/ kompascetak/0504/13/jabar/1678328html.[10 Desember 2006]


Muhammad Sukrianto In this essay, we are going to discuss the English Sentences. We often say that the main of languages are the sentences. The ability to use a language is when we can produce our ideas in to sentences. The sentences can be produced in form of written or spoken languages. A sentence is the basic building block of written language. In the past, sentences were often defined according to their meaning. For example, there were said to contain a complete thought. This raises all sorts of questions about the difference between a complete thought and incomplete one. A common definition of a sentence is: a sentence is marked by a capital letter at the beginning and full-stop at the end (Crown, 1996). This works for many English sentences, but there are many languages, such as those in Asia, that do not use this punctuation. Also it is possible to have written sentences without capital letters. Another definition of sentences: A sentence contains a subject and a predicate (Ramsay, 1986). It means that a sentence can be analyzed in to subject and predicate. The predicate is all the rest of the sentence after the subject. Most English sentences have three parts: a subject, a verb, and an object or complement. These sentences called SVO sentences. In order to find the three parts of an SVO sentences, first find the verb. After finding the verb, look for the subject. The subject usually comes before the verb. Last, find the object or complement. The object or complement comes after the verb. The sentences can be classified according to their function. They are declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory. Linguists use the terms declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory for the syntactic forms, and they use statement, command, question, and exclamation for the function. Thus, declarative sentences usually have the function of making statement, interrogative sentences usually ask questions and so on. In other words we can say that a declarative sentence makes a statement, an interrogative sentence asks a question, An imperative sentence issues a command or request, and An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling. Sometimes a sentence of a given kind has a different function from the usual one. We may also divide the sentences in to simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound complex sentence. A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause and does not contain a subordinate clause. It may contain compound subjects and predicates to express complex ideas while maintaining a single main clause. A compound sentence contains two or more coordinate clauses or consist of two or more simple sentences separated by conjunctions. That means that there are at least two units of thought within the sentence, either one of which can stand by itself as its own sentence. The clauses of a compound sentence are either separated by a semicolon (relatively rare) or connected by a coordinating conjunction (which is, more often than not, preceded by a comma). A complex sentence contains at least one main (independent) clause and one subordinate (dependent) clause. A compound-complex sentence contains coordinate 60

and subordinate clauses or contains two principal clauses and one or more subordinate clauses. We have discussed The English sentences. We may have difficulty in recognizing sentences, but the most important thing is we need to understand different kind of sentences without necessarily knowing the appropriate labels for them.

The Analysis of English Sentences


In this essay, we are going to discuss the English Sentences.

Adv S Verb Object (Simple Sentences)


We often say that the main of languages are the sentences.

S V Complement

S Adv freq Verb (Complex Sentence)

Dependent Clause Object


The ability to use a language is when we can produce our ideas in to


(Noun Phrase)
S Verb







(Complex Sentence)


The sentences can be produced in form of written or spoken languages.


Mod Verb (Passive)


(Simple Sentence)


A sentence is the basic building block of written language.


Verb Art

Complement Noun Phrase

(Simple Sentence)


In the past, sentences were often defined according to their meaning.

Adverb S Verb
Adv fre


(Simple Sentence)



For example, there were said to contain a complete thought.

S (Simple Sentence) Verbs Object


This raises all sorts of questions about the difference between a complete
S Verb



(Compound words)

thought and incomplete one.

(Simple Sentence)


A common definition of a sentence is: a sentence is marked by a capital


S (Noun Phrase)

Verb Art


Art Object

letter at the beginning and full-stop at the end (Crown, 1996).


(Simple Sentence)

10. This works for many English sentences, but there are many languages,
S Verb

Prep S Verb




such as those in Asia, that do not use this punctuation.


Dependent Clause (Compound Complex Sentence)

11. Also it is possible to have written sentences without capital letters.

S Verb



(Simple Sentence) 12. Another definition of sentences: A sentence contains a subject and a Subject Verb Object Subject predicate (Ramsay, 1986). (Simple Sentence) 13. It means that a sentence can be analyzed in to subject and predicate.
S Verb DepenSdent ClauseVerb


(Complex Sentences)

14. The predicate is all the rest of the sentence after the subject.






(Simple Sentence)

15. Most English sentences have three parts: a subject, a verb, and an object
S Verb Object

or complement.
(Simple Sentence)

16. These sentences called SVO sentences.

S Verb Object (Passive Voice) (Simple Sentence)

17. In order to find the three parts of an SVO sentences, first find the verb.
Dependent Clause (Adv of Purpose) (Complex Sentence) Verb Object

18. After finding the verb, look for the subject.

Prep Verb Obj

Dependent Clause (Adv)




19. The subject usually comes before the verb.






(Simple Sentence)

20. Last, find the object or complement.

Verb Object (Subject=Implied) (Simple Sentences)

21. The object or complement comes after the verb.




Verb Complement

(Simple Sentence)

22. The sentences can be classified according to their function.




(Simple Sentence)

23. They are declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory.

S Verb Complement (Compound words) (Simple Sentence)


24. Linguists use the terms declarative, imperative, interrogative and

S Verb

Object Adverb

exclamatory for the syntactic forms, and they use statement, command,
Conj S Adverb Verb Object

question, and exclamation for the function.

(Compound Sentence)

25. Thus, declarative sentences usually have the function of making statement,




interrogative sentences usually ask questions and so on.

Verb (Compound Sentence)

26. In other words we can say that a declarative sentence makes a statement,


Dependent Clause S
o S


an interrogative sentence asks a question, an imperative sentence issues a


command or request, and an exclamatory sentence expresses strong

O Conj S Verb O

(Complex Compound Sentence)

27. Sometimes a sentence of a given kind has a different function

Adv of Freq S Verb Object

from the usual one.



(Simple Sentence)

28. We may also divide the sentences in to simple sentence,





compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound complex sentence. (Simple Sentence) 29. A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause and
S Verb O Con


does not contain a subordinate clause.

Verb O (Compound Sentence)

30. It may contain compound subjects and predicates to express

S Verb O C

complex ideas while maintaining a single main clause. DC

(Complex Sentence) (Ing Clause)

31. A compound sentence contains two or more coordinate clauses or

S Verb O Verb O

Con (DC)

consist of two or more simple sentences separated by

conjunctions. (Compound Complex Sentence) 32. That means that there are at least two units of thought within the
S Verb DC
S Verb Complement Adv

sentence, either one of which can stand by itself as its own

Verb O Adv

sentence. (Complex Sentence) 33. The clauses of a compound sentence are either separated by a
S Con Verb Verb

semicolon (relatively rare) or connected by a coordinating conjunction (which is, more often than not, preceded by a DC comma). (Compound Complex Sentence) 34. A complex sentence contains at least one main (independent)
S (Simple Sentence) Verb Complement

clause and one subordinate (dependent) clause.


35. A compound-complex sentence contains coordinate and

S Conj Verb Verb O O

subordinate clauses or contains two principal clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.
(Compound Sentence)

36. We have discussed The English sentences.

S Verb O

(Simple Sentence) 37. We may have difficulty in recognizing sentences, but the most
S Verb Comp Verb S



important thing is we need to understand different kind of


sentences without necessarily knowing the appropriate labels for

DC Verb O

(Complex Compound Sentence)

References Crown,1996. Exploring Language. New Zealand: Learning Media Limited on behalf of Ministry of Education, P O Box 3293, Ramsay, 1986. http://english. unitecnology.ac.nz/ resources/resources/


Radio The Innovation of Technology in Education

Muhammad Syukrianto A. Introduction It has long been recognized that technology is developed and changed very fast. Era by era, everyday it has advanced. Radio is one of the important technologies; by radio we can get information easily although its not visual. Radio has advantages such as it is cheap to buy, it can be brought everywhere even it can be had by poor people because it is the cheapest media of information. In the globalization era nowadays, there are more new technologies to get information easily than before, for instance: computer, internet, hp, etc. Although Radio seems an old fashioned media, remember, we can get many important things from it. Radio has been used not only as the medium of information and communication, but also extensively as an educational medium in developing countries. Published reports confirm that it has supported educational programs in a wide range of subject areas and in many different countries. Fro example, this year in our country, Indonesia theres KGRE (Kangaroo Radio English) the center is in Bali, it has English programs. Almost all regency has radio station that join in the KGREs program. So it is important and useful for the students, more over student of English to improve their English. In this short paper we are going to discuss the history of radio, the uses of radio, and how the radio is used as a media of education especially in learning English. B. History and invention of Radio Originally, radio technology was called 'wireless telegraphy', which was shortened to 'wireless'. The prefix radio- in the sense of wireless transmission was first recorded in the word radioconductor, coined by the French physicist Edouard Branly in 1897 and based on the verb to radiate. 'Radio' as a noun is said to have been coined by advertising expert Waldo Warren (White 1944). The word appears in a 1907 article by Lee de Forest, was adopted by the United States Navy in 1912 and became common by the time of the first commercial broadcasts in the United States in the 1920s. (The noun 'broadcasting' itself came from an agricultural term, meaning 'scattering seeds'.) The American term was then adopted by other languages in Europe and Asia, although Britain retained the term 'wireless' until the mid-20th century. In Chinese, the term 'wireless' is the basis for the term 'radio wave' although the term for the device that listens to radio waves is literally 'device for receiving sounds'. Picture 1. The Invention of Radio

USPTO Patent Decision: Wireless Telegraphy


The identity of the original inventor of radio, at the time called wireless telegraphy, is contentious. The controversy over who invented the radio, with the benefit of hindsight, can be broken down as follows: Guglielmo Marconi was an early radio experimenter and founded the first commercial organization devoted to the development and use of radio. Nikola Tesla developed means to reliably produce radio frequencies, publicly demonstrated the principles of radio, and transmitted long-distance signals. He holds the US patent for the invention of the radio, as defined as "wireless transmission of data." Alexander Stepanovich Popov, in 1894, built his first radio receiver, which contained a coherer. Further refined as a lightning detector, he presented it to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May 7, 1895. Reginald Fessenden [1] and Lee de Forest invented amplitude-modulated (AM) radio, so that more than one station can send signals (as opposed to spark-gap radio, where one transmitter covers the entire bandwidth of the spectrum). Edwin H. Armstrong invented frequency-modulated (FM) radio, so that an audio signal can avoid "static," that is, interference from electrical equipment and atmospherics. Early radios ran the entire power of the transmitter through a carbon microphone. While some early radios used some type of amplification through electric current or battery, until the mid 1920s the most common type of receiver was the crystal set. In the 1920s, amplifying vacuum tube radio receivers and transmitters came into use. The following is the picture of radio transmission. Picture 2. Radio Transmission

C. The Uses of Radio There are a number of uses of radio: 1. Audio AM broadcast radio sends music and voice in the Medium Frequency (MF0.300 MHz to 3 MHz) radio spectrum. AM radio uses amplitude modulation, in which louder sounds at the microphone causes wider fluctuations in the transmitter power while the transmitter frequency remains unchanged. Transmissions are affected by static because lightning and other sources of radio add their radio waves to the ones from the transmitter.


FM broadcast radio sends music and voice, with higher fidelity than AM radio. In frequency modulation, louder sounds at the microphone cause the transmitter frequency to fluctuate farther, the transmitter power stays constant. FM is transmitted in the Very High Frequency (VHF30 MHz to 300 MHz) radio spectrum. VHF radio waves act more like light, travelling in straight lines, hence the reception range is generally limited to about 50-100 miles. During unusual upper atmospheric conditions, FM signals are occasionally reflected back towards the Earth by the ionosphere, resulting in Long distance FM reception. FM receivers are subject to the capture effect, which causes the radio to only receive the strongest signal when multiple signals appear on the same frequency. FM receivers are relatively immune to lightning and spark interference. FM Subcarrier services are secondary signals transmitted "piggyback" along with the main program. Special receivers are required to utilize these services. Analog channels may contain alternative programming, such as reading services for the blind, background music or stereo sound signals. In some extremely crowded metropolitan areas, the subchannel program might be an alternate foreign language radio program for various ethnic groups. Subcarriers can also transmit digital data, such as station identification, the current song's name, web addresses, or stock quotes. In some countries, FM radios automatically retune themselves to the same channel in a different district by using sub-bands. Aviation voice radios use VHF AM. AM is used so that multiple stations on the same channel can be received. (Use of FM would result in stronger stations blocking out reception of weaker stations due to FM's capture effect). Aircraft fly high enough that their transmitters can be received hundreds of miles (kilometres) away, even though they are using VHF. Marine voice radios can use AM in the shortwave High Frequency (HF3 MHz to 30 MHz) radio spectrum for very long ranges or narrowband FM in the VHF spectrum for much shorter ranges. Government, police, fire and commercial voice services use narrowband FM on special frequencies. Fidelity is sacrificed to use a smaller range of radio frequencies, usually five kHz of deviation, rather than the 75 kHz used by FM broadcasts and 25 kHz used by TV sound. Civil and military HF (high frequency) voice services use shortwave radio to contact ships at sea, aircraft and isolated settlements. Most use single sideband voice (SSB), which uses less bandwidth than AM. On an AM radio SSB sounds like ducks quacking. Viewed as a graph of frequency versus power, an AM signal shows power where the frequencies of the voice add and subtract with the main radio frequency. SSB cuts the bandwidth in half by suppressing the carrier and (usually) lower sideband. This also makes the transmitter about three times more powerful, because it doesn't need to transmit the unused carrier and sideband. TETRA, Terrestrial Trunked Radio is a digital cell phone system for military, police and ambulances. Commercial services such as XM, WorldSpace and Sirius offer encrypted digital Satellite radio.


2. Telephony Cell phones transmit to a local cell site (transmitter/receiver) that ultimately connects to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) through an optic fiber or microwave radio and other network elements. When the mobile phone nears the edge of the cell site's radio coverage area, the central computer switches the phone to a new cell. Cell phones originally used FM, but now most use various digital modulation schemes. Satellite phones come in two types: INMARSAT and Iridium. Both types provide world-wide coverage. INMARSAT uses geosynchronous satellites, with aimed high-gain antennas on the vehicles. Iridium uses 66 Low Earth Orbit satellites as the cells. 3. Video Television sends the picture as AM and the sound as FM, with the sound carrier a fixed frequency (4.5 Mhz in the NTSC system) away from the video carrier. Analog televison also uses a vestigial sideband on the video carrier to reduce the bandwidth required. Digital television uses quadrature amplitude modulation. A ReedSolomon error correction code adds redundant correction codes and allows reliable reception during moderate data loss. Although many current and future codecs can be sent in the MPEG-2 transport stream container format, as of 2006 most systems use a standard-definition format almost identical to DVD: MPEG2 video in Anamorphic widescreen and MPEG layer 2 (MP2) audio. Highdefinition television is possible simply by using a higher-resolution picture, but H.264/AVC is being considered as a replacement video codec in some regions for its improved compression. With the compression and improved modulation involved, a single "channel" can contain a high-definition program and several standard-definition programs. 4. Navigation All satellite navigation systems use satellites with precision clocks. The satellite transmits its position, and the time of the transmission. The receiver listens to four satellites, and can figure its position as being on a line that is tangent to a spherical shell around each satellite, determined by the time-offlight of the radio signals from the satellite. A computer in the receiver does the math. Radio direction-finding is the oldest form of radio navigation. Before 1960 navigators used movable loop antennas to locate commercial AM stations near cities. In some cases they used marine radiolocation beacons, which share a range of frequencies just above AM radio with amateur radio operators. Loran systems also used time-of-flight radio signals, but from radio stations on the ground. VOR systems (used by aircraft), have an antenna array that transmits two signals simultaneously. A directional signal rotates like a lighthouse at a fixed rate. When the directional signal is facing north, an omnidirectional signal pulses. By measuring the difference in phase of these two signals, an aircraft can determine its bearing or radial from the station, thus establishing a line of position. An aircraft can get readings from two VORs, and locate its position at the intersection of the two radials, known as a "fix." When the VOR station is collocated with DME (Distance Measuring Equipment), the aircraft can determine its bearing and range from the station, thus providing a fix from only one ground station. Such stations are called VOR/DMEs. The military operates a similar system of navaids, called TACANs, which are often built into VOR 70

stations. Such stations are called VORTACs. Because TACANs include distance measuring equipment, VOR/DME and VORTAC stations are identical in navigation potential to civil aircraft. 5. Radar Radar (RAdio Detection And Ranging) detects things at a distance by bouncing radio waves off them. The delay caused by the echo measures the distance. The direction of the beam determines the direction of the reflection. The polarization and frequency of the return can sense the type of surface. Navigational radars scan a wide area two to four times per minute. They use very short waves that reflect from earth and stone. They are common on commercial ships and long-distance commercial aircraft. General purpose radars generally use navigational radar frequencies, but modulate and polarize the pulse so the receiver can determine the type of surface of the reflector. The best general-purpose radars distinguish the rain of heavy storms, as well as land and vehicles. Some can superimpose sonar data and map data from GPS position. Search radars scan a wide area with pulses of short radio waves. They usually scan the area two to four times a minute. Sometimes search radars use the doppler effect to separate moving vehicles from clutter. Targeting radars use the same principle as search radar but scan a much smaller area far more often, usually several times a second or more. Weather radars resemble search radars, but use radio waves with circular polarization and a wavelength to reflect from water droplets. Some weather radar use the doppler to measure wind speeds. 6. Emergency services Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), Emergency Locating Transmitters (ELTs) or Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) are small radio transmitters that satellites can use to locate a person or vehicle needing rescue. Their purpose is to help rescue people in the first day, when survival is most likely. There are several types, with widely-varying performance. 7. Data (digital radio) Most new radio systems are digital, see also:Digital TV, Satellite Radio, Digital Audio Broadcasting. The oldest form of digital broadcast was spark gap telegraphy, used by pioneers such as Marconi. By pressing the key, the operator could send messages in Morse code by energizing a rotating commutating spark gap. The rotating commutator produced a tone in the receiver, where a simple spark gap would produce a hiss, indistinguishable from static. Spark gap transmitters are now illegal, because their transmissions span several hundred megahertz. This is very wasteful of both radio frequencies and power. The next advance was continuous wave telegraphy, or CW (Continuous Wave), in which a pure radio frequency, produced by a vacuum tube electronic oscillator was switched on and off by a key. A receiver with a local oscillator would "heterodyne" with the pure radio frequency, creating a whistle-like audio tone. CW uses less than 100 Hz of bandwidth. CW is still used, these days primarily by amateur radio operators (hams). Strictly, on-off keying of a carrier should be known as "Interrupted Continuous Wave" or ICW. Radio teletypes usually operate on short-wave (HF) and are much loved by the military because they create written information without a skilled operator. They send a bit as one of two tones. Groups of five or seven bits 71

become a character printed by a teletype. From about 1925 to 1975, radio teletype was how most commercial messages were sent to less developed countries. These are still used by the military and weather services. Aircraft use a 1200 Baud radioteletype service over VHF to send their ID, altitude and position, and get gate and connecting-flight data. Microwave dishes on satellites, telephone exchanges and TV stations usually use quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). QAM sends data by changing both the phase and the amplitude of the radio signal. Engineers like QAM because it packs the most bits into a radio signal. Usually the bits are sent in "frames" that repeat. A special bit pattern is used to locate the beginning of a frame. Systems that need reliability, or that share their frequency with other services, may use "corrected orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing" or COFDM. COFDM breaks a digital signal into as many as several hundred slower subchannels. The digital signal is often sent as QAM on the subchannels. Modern COFDM systems use a small computer to make and decode the signal with digital signal processing, which is more flexible and far less expensive than older systems that implemented separate electronic channels. COFDM resists fading and ghosting because the narrow-channel QAM signals can be sent slowly. An adaptive system, or one that sends error-correction codes can also resist interference, because most interference can affect only a few of the QAM channels. COFDM is used for WiFi, some cell phones, Digital Radio Mondiale, Eureka 147, and many other local area network, digital TV and radio standards. 8. Heating Radio-frequency energy generated for heating of objects is generally not intended to radiate outside of the generating equipment, to prevent interference with other radio signals. Microwave ovens use intense radio waves to heat food. (Note: It is a common misconception that the radio waves are tuned to the resonant frequency of water molecules. The microwave frequencies used are actually about a factor of ten below the resonant frequency.) Diathermy equipment is used in surgery for sealing of blood vessels. Induction furnaces are used for melting metal for casting. 9. Mechanical force Tractor beams can use radio waves which exert small electrostatic and magnetic forces. These are enough to perform station-keeping in microgravity environments. 10. Other Amateur radio is a hobby in which enthusiasts purchase or build their own equipment and use radio for their own enjoyment. They may also provide an emergency and public-service radio service. This has been of great use, saving lives in many instances. Radio amateurs are able to use frequencies in a large number of narrow bands throughout the radio spectrum. They use all forms of encoding, including obsolete and experimental ones. Several forms of radio were pioneered by radio amateurs and later became commercially important, including FM, single-sideband AM, digital packet radio and satellite repeaters. Personal radio services such as Citizens' Band Radio, Family Radio Service, Multi-Use Radio Service and others exist in North America to provide simple, (usually) short range communication for individuals and small groups, without the overhead of licensing. Similar services exist in other parts of the world. A number of 72

schemes have been proposed Wireless energy transfer. Various plans included transmitting power using microwaves, and the technique has been demonstrated. (See Microwave power transmission). These schemes include, for example, solar power stations in orbit beaming energy down to terrestrial users. Radio remote control use sof radio waves to transmit control data to a remote object as in some early forms of guided missile, some early TV remotes and a range of model boats, cars and aeroplanes. Large industrial remote-controlled equipment such as cranes and switching locomotives now usually use digital radio techniques to ensure safety and reliability. Energy autarkic radio technology consists of a small radio transmitter powered by environmental energy (push of a button, temperature differences, light, vibrations, etc.). D. Radio and Education Educational radio has been employed within a wide variety of instructional design contexts. In some cases it is supported by the use of printed materials, by local discussion groups, and by regional study centres. It is sometimes designed so as to permit and encourage listener reaction and comment. Indeed, in some cases, there is provision for the audience to raise questions and to receive feedback. The purpose of the present paper is to explore some of the various instructional design formats in which educational radio has been employed. In addition the paper reviews some of the evaluative studies and the recommended practices regarding educational radio in developing countries which emerge from this literature. The following list of examples, educational radio has been utilized in: 1. Thailand, to teach mathematics to school children (Galda, 1984), and for teacher training and other curricula (Faulder, 1984). 2. India, for rural development (Long, 1984). 3. Swaziland, for public health purposes (Byram & Kidd, 1983). 4. Mali, for literacy training (Ouane, 1982). 5. Columbia, for various programs (Muhlmann de Masoner, Masoner, & Bernal, 1982). 6. Mexico, for literacy training and other programs (Ginsburg & Arias-Goding, 1984). 7. Nigeria, for management courses for the agriculture sector (Shears, 1984). 8. Kenya, in support of correspondence courses (Kinyanjui, 1973). 9. Nicaragua, for health education (Cooke & Romweder, 1977). 10. The Phillipines, for nutrition education (Cooke & Romweder, 1977). 11. Guatemala, in order to promote changes in farming practices and to improve production (Ray, 1978). 12. Sri Lanka, for family planning and health (Academy for Educational Development, 1980). 13. Trinidad and Tobago, to promote knowledge of breastfeeding (Gueri, Jutsen & White, 1978). 14. South Korea, in support of family planning (Park, 1967). 15. Botswana, for civics education (Byram, Kaute & Matenge, 1980). 16. The Dominion Republic, in support of primary education (White, 1976 17. Paraguay, to offer primary school instruction (Academy for Educational Development, 1979).


E. The Advantages of Radio in Education Evaluation of communication programs, projects and experiments have repeatedly shown that radio can teach; it can present new concepts and information (Galda & Searle, 1980; White, 1976, 1977; Leslie, 1978; Jamison & McAnany, 1978; Byram, Kaute & Matenge, 1980; Hall & Dodds, 1977; McAnany, 1976). In this regard, Sweeney and Parlato (1982) concluded that radio plays an effective educational role both as the sole medium or in conjunction with print and group support (p. 13). For example, in a project for teaching mathematics by radio to school children in primary grades in Nicaragua, students who were taught through radio lessons achieved significantly higher scores in the final evaluation than those taught through regular, face-to-face, classroom instruction. Rural students, tested against rural control groups, benefited more than urban students tested against urban control groups (Galda & Searle, 1980). The project evaluators hypothesized that radio lessons were particularly effective in raising the level of knowledge of those who knew least, which in this case were the rural students. Using a format which combines entertainment, humor and instruction, Kenya's nationwide weekly radio program, "Giving Birth and Caring for Your Children," was measured effective in educating the audience about modern child care practices (Hostetler, 1976; Jamison & McAnany, 1978). The results indicated that more than one-half of those interviewed listened for the educational content, while more than one-third listened for the entertainment. The survey showed general recognition of the major theme (child care), and a high recall on topics covered by the program. The potential of radio to motivate listeners to take action, modify behaviour, and undertake activities is evident in the literature reviewed thus far. In some cases, radio has been used effectively to advise populations of new government policies and to encourage discussion, feedback, and eventual support for new measures. Radio has also been used to promote community development, innovation, and other programs in which self-help and community participation are essential (Bryam, Kaute & Matenge, 1980; Cassirer, 1977; Punasiri & Griffin, 1976). There is some evidence to suggest that radio alone can bring about results (Ray, 1978; Cooke & Romweber, 1977). Other reports have examined the results of radio when used in conjuntion with some form of interpersonal support such as discussion/study groups, printed materials or contact with extension workers (Cerqueira et al., 1979; Bordenave, 1977), and found them to be very efficient and effective. While most communication and education experts agree that radio can play an important role in inducing change, the ability to bring about such change using radio alone remains controversial. Sweeney and Parlato (1982) state that: established theories of communication hold that human interaction is necessary at some point in getting individuals to adopt innovations (p. 16). It should be noted that most of the evaluation studies reporting change in behaviour were based on self-reported action by those interviewed, rather than by independent observation. Accordingly, the potential of radio has been particularly difficult to ascertain on this issue. Nonetheless, there is some evidence about change and actions produced by radio in developing countries. For example, a five-year "Basic Village Education" project was carried out in two geographic areas of Guatemala in 1973. The purpose of the project was to change farming practices and improve


production through a constant flow of information (Ray, 1978). Reviewing the evaulation, Sweeney and Parlato (1982) concluded that: For the Spanish-speaking farm area, radio alone was an adequate source of information, much of which was tranlsated into action. For the less developed area, a mixture of radio and home visits by a field worker and an agricultural specialist worked best (p. 16). Further, the "Radio Farm Forum Pilot Project" of Thailand (Punasiri & Griffin, 1976) concluded that the crucial element of radio forums was the opportunity they afforded members to exchange experiences and ideas and to participate in group problem solving. The two-way flow of information between farmer and extension worker improved retention and overall learning of participants because of a high interest in content of broadcasts and the opportunity for discussion. Messages were reinforced by various communication channels such as radio, literature, and field visits by extension agents and technicians. Agricultural broadcasting was made relevant to farmer problems through the exchange of ideas and problem-solving discussions. Many writers have proposed that educational radio can be most effective when supported by trained facilitators, group learning, group discussion (dialogues), feedback and the use of multimedia approaches. For example, Perraton (1978) argued that trained facilitators must be used in order to successfully utilize educational radio. Similarly, Higgs and Mbithi (1977) contend that a "good program has to be backed by careful training of trainers, preparation of training materials and continuous improvements in these" (p. 42). Perraton (1978) stated that group learning is more effective than individual learning; and that group discussion is an effective method of learning from radio. The facilitator must converse with students in order to emphasize the main points covered by radio programs as well as to provide feedback where necessary. The facilitator must ensure that programs are supported by visual demonstrations, that groups are cohesive, and that discussions are carried out effectively by employing techniques of group discussion (Daniel & Marquis, 1983; Moore, 1983). Also multi-media such as print materials, posters, films and chalk boards must be used to elaborate the main points to students. Based upon experience with the Open University, Sewart (1983) claimed the study centres where students interact, help each other, replay programs and opportunities for practical experiments are important. The study centre aids the effectiveness of educational radio and acts as a link between the institution and the local community in which it is embedded. Neil (1981) contends that educational radio can only be effectively utilized by employing the following techniques: 1. Using educators with long (and preferably recent) experience of living in rural areas. 2. Communicating, in detail and continually, with the leaders of village learning groups where these exist. 3. Paying careful attention to, and learning from, the work of local communities or other organized groups (for example, farmers, agricultural and health service radio broadcasters). 4. Working through valid intermediaries such as chiefs or headmen in villages, i.e., through established and accepted social structures. 5. Encouraging illiterate people to communicate their ideas and concerns through trusted and better educated villagers, who can act as scribes if required.


Finally, Bates (1982) argues that it is important to identify clearly the primary target audience in order to select appropriate production styles and transmission arrangements which are best suited to that audience. He reviews some research which supports the use of dramatization for reaching the disadvantaged. F. Radio Program of English Learning 1. BBC World Service BBC World Service is the award-winning broadcaster which gets to the heart of global events. It broadcasts in 43 languages, including English, and supports its radio programs with informative websites carrying audio. A truly global broadcaster, 150 million people tune into BBC World Service radio programs worldwide, while the websites attract 75 million hits each month. English programs reach 42 million listeners around the world tuning in across many different time zones. Programs are themed in strands and range from news and current affairs to science, technology and the environment to the arts, religion and music of all kinds. International news is at the heart of BBC World Service coverage for audiences in North America. Hourly bulletins keep listeners in touch with global events, while the flagship program World Update sets the days agenda. Other program highlights include Newshour, The World Today and World Briefing. At the weekends, there are programs which explore the background issues raised over the course of the week Agenda, From Our Own Correspondent and Letter from America. Presenters Heather Payton and Frederick Dove present topical information in Outlook which investigates a wide range of human experiences, while awardwinning business journalist Peter Day reports on world trends and innovative ideas in Global Business. English programs also give listeners a unique opportunity to debate some of the globes hottest issues directly with the decision-makers in Talking Point, the interactive phone-in program. The program is presented by some of the World Services most famous broadcasters including Robin Lustig, Bridget Kendall and Lyse Doucet. BBC World Service can be heard around the globe in many different ways. See opposite for how to listen in your part of the world. 2. KGRE Radio Program In Indonesia we can also finde the channel of KGRE (Kangguru Radio English). The center of KGRE (Kangguru Radio English) is in Bali. It has English programs. Almost every regency has radio station that join in the KGREs program. So it is important and useful for the students, more over student of English to improve their English. Kang Guru RadioEnglish (KGRE) is more than a weekly English language radio program broadcast on over 120 radio stations across Indonesia. Kang Guru Radio English, with fantastic support from AusAID Indonesia and the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF), also produces a FREE English language magazine each March, June, September and December. KGRE is also linked directly with over 60 active, English language clubs across Indonesia. Existing English language materials for students and English language teachers has recently been added to by the introduction of the 2004 Revised Teacher Package (the yellow


package). The SMP Teacher Package was released in mid-December 2005 and KGRE's brand new SMA Teacher Package is now ready for order. One of KGRE's latest initiatives, the KGRE English Language Interactive Radio Presenters Network, is growing quickly and providing valuable assistance to radio stations across the country. Kang Guru Radio English (KGRE) began in 1989. The Indonesian Government together with the Australian Government, through AusAID Indonesia, set up the KGRE English language radio program network in Indonesia. Particular importance was placed on Eastern Indonesia as it was planned that this new radio program would promote and encourage people in the eastern areas of the archipelago to apply for what are now called Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). There are some advantages of learning English through KGREs program: o Hear native speakers (Australian, British, American, Irish) using English in interviews and information segments. o Enjoy Indonesians speaking English including Indonesian students, academics, artists and personalities and AusAID project staff. o Find out more about the work that Indonesians and Australians are doing together through the wide variety of AusAID projects in Indonesia. o Hear a lot more news and information on a wide variety of topics than the KGRE magazine can provide. o Improve pronunciation skills by listening and copying what they hear. o Hear English being used in natural situations interviews for example. o Win prizes in the many radio only competitions. o Follow simple language activities inc. comprehension activities o Learn about Australian and Indonesian culture and lifestyle hear the latest news on scholarships and exchange programs to Australia. o Enjoy a wide selection of Australian music and on special occasions, Indonesian music. G. Conclusion It is recognized that there is no single "best" format for utilizing educational radio. This paper has examined some of the literature describing various applications of educational radio in developing countries in order to determine general lessons which can be learned from those experiences but not to argue that any particular format or approach is ideal. Each situation in which educational radio is employed will be unique in some important ways which will impact instructional design considerations. Regrettably, many of the studies which have investigated the effectiveness of educational radio have not been carefully designed and their results must be considered with some caution. Nonetheless, there is considerable support for the view that radio is an effective medium of instruction and its widespread availability in developing countries underscores its educational potential and importance. In Indonesia we can also find the channel Radio English, for examples BBC and KGRB English learning service. Almost in all regency in Indonesia has radio station rely this program. So it is important and useful for the students, more over student of English to improve their English.


BBC World Service (2002) Share your day with BBC World Service http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/1130_uptodate2/[ 28 November 2006] Education Development Center. (2006) Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) (on line) http://ies.edc.org/ourwork/topic.php?id [15 November 2006] Josiah I. Education Through Radio: Women's Aid Organization in Malaysia use radio to fight domestic violence (on line) http://www.isiswomen.org /wia/wia298/com00005.html [21 November 2006] Thompson G, Nwaerondu NG . (1996). The Use of Educational Radio in Developing Countries: (on line) http://www.ualberta.ca/ALUMNI /history/faculties /28novradio.htm. [28 November 2006] Kangguru Forum (2006)Why should English language learners listen to English language radio especially KGRE? (online) http://www.kangguru.org. [28 November 2006] Vector J. (2006) Teaching through radio (on line) http://portal.unesco.org /ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=22721&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SEC TION =201.html [28 November 2006] ---------- (2002) Who Invented Radio (on line) http://rfdesign.com /mag/radio_ invented_radio_2/ [27 November 2006]


A Critical Review Ten Good Games for Recycling Vocabulary

Writer: Mark Koprowski Muhammad Sukrianto
A. Introduction Language learning is a hard task which can sometimes be frustrating. Constant effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Wellchosen games are invaluable as they give students a break and at the same time allow students to practice language skills (Ersoz, 1984). Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and at the same time challenging. Uberman (1998) states that games encourage, entertain, teach, and promote fluency. If not for any of these reasons, they should be used just because they help students see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems that at times seem overwhelming. Furthermore, the games employ meaningful and useful language in real contexts. They also encourage and increase cooperation. Games are highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting. They can be used to give practice in all language skills and be used to practice many types of communication. In this article Koprowski proposes ten games that are believed can help students to recycle their vocabularies. His basic idea is that learning is remembering. The new language items like vocabulary, etc will be critical if they stand a chance of becoming readily accessible in long-term memory. The problem is that in fact, students do the majority of their forgetting shortly after the lesson and then the rate of forgetting diminishes. To avoid this lexical vanishing act, one solution offered is to follow the 'principle of expanding rehearsal'. This idea suggests that learners review new words shortly after they are presented, and then at increasingly longer intervals. To stimulate long-term memory then, ideally, words would be reviewed 5-10 minutes after class, 24 hours later, one week later, one month later, and finally six months later. Teachers might even consider doing a quick review of words and phrases which were introduced just a short while ago in the lesson. But unless these new language items are noticed and understood on multiple occasions, they will likely fade from memory and be forgotten. Concerning with this problem, the teacher can help students to solidify new words in their long-term memory by creating regular opportunities in teaching and learning program that encourage students to make form-meaning connections of new vocabulary items. Both repetition and retrieval practice of new items are key. In Koprowskis experience, the new items of language are best achieved by organizing fun, competitive, and motivating vocabulary games and activities which adhere to the expanding rehearsal. B. Ten Good Games for Recycling Vocabulary Many experienced textbook and methodology manuals writers have argued that games are not just time-filling activities but have a great educational value. Games have been shown to have advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways. According to Huyen (2003) there are some advantages of games especially in teaching vocabulary: First, games bring in relaxation and fun for 79

students, thus help them learn and retain new words more easily. Second, games usually involve friendly competition and they keep learners interested. These create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. Third, vocabulary games bring real world context into the classroom, and enhance students' use of English in a flexible, communicative way. The following are the games proposed by Koprowski that is believed can help students to recycle their vocabulary through the expanding rehearsal: 1. Taboo (aka Hot Seat) In performing this game, the teacher divides the class into two teams, Teams A and B. Team A sits in a group on one side of the classroom, Team B sits on the other side. Bring two chairs to the front of the room so that when seated, a student is facing his or her respective team and their back is to the blackboard or white board. One member from each team sits in their team's chair. The teacher writes a word, phrase, or sentence on the board. The students in the chairs mustn't see what's written on the board. Once the teacher yells 'go', the teams have one minute, using only verbal clues, to get their seated teammate to say the item written on the board. The only rule (or taboo) is that they MUSTN'T say the item written on the board, in full or part. The first student in the hot seat to utter the word scores a point for their team. When the round is over, two new team players are rotated into the hot seat and a new item is written up. The first team to score X number of points wins. To ensure a slightly quieter and less chaotic game, the teams can take it in turns. Rather than two students in the hot seat, only one member from each team plays at a time. The teacher as usual scribbles a word on the board and gives the team one minute to get their teammate to say the item. If the hot-seated player manages to say the word, the teacher quickly writes another item on the board and so on until the minute is up. The team scores a point for every item they manage to say within one minute. 2. Memory Challenge Put the students into pairs or small groups. Give them a time limit (e.g. 3 minutes) and ask them to write down as many words, phrases, and/or expressions as they can from the last lesson on topic X. The pair or group that can remember the most items wins. Variation: To add a spelling accuracy component, teams can also earn an extra point for each correctly spelt item. 3. Last One Standing Give the class a topic (e.g. food, clothes, animals, things in a kitchen) and ask them to stand up, in a circle if possible. Clap out a beat and say, one, two, three, followed by a topic-related word. After the next three beats, the next student in the circle gives a word related to the topic, and so it continues. Anyone who can't think of a word or repeats a word already said has to sit down and it's the next person's turn. The winner is the last one standing.


4. Pictionary Divide the class into Teams A and B. Team A sits in a group on one side of the classroom, Team B sits on the other side. One member from each team goes to the board. The teacher flashes them a word, phrase, or expression written on a piece of paper. The students have one minute to get their respective team to say the item only by drawing pictorial clues on the board. Written words, verbal clues, or gestures are forbidden. The first team to say the word scores a point. Variation: The teams review their notes from prior lessons, and collectively come up with a list of items the other team will have to draw. 5. Bingo The teacher writes up 10 words, phrases and/or expressions on the board. Each student chooses any 5 of the items from the board and writes them down. The teacher then selects one of the items at random (bits of paper from a hat, for example) and offers a brief definition or synonym of the item but does not say the word itself. If a student thinks they have the word the teacher described, they tick it. When a student ticks all of their words, they shout BINGO!! The first student to shout BINGO wins the round. Additional rounds can be played with different sets of words. 6. Outburst Divide the class into Teams A and B. The teacher assigns each team a particular topic (e.g. sports, vehicles, things in an office) which is to be kept secret from the other team. Each team meets for 5 minutes in private and collectively draws up a list of ten items related to the topic. After the lists are made, the game begins. The teacher tells Team A the name of Team B's topic. Team A then has one minute to try to guess the items on Team B's list (hence producing a noisy outburst). The members of Team B must listen and tick the items which Team A manages to guess. For every word Team A guesses correctly, they score a point. For every word they miss, Team B gets a point. After the points are recorded, it's Team B turn to guess Team A's list. Additional rounds can be played with different topics assigned by the teacher. The first team to score X number of points wins. 7. Concentration Divide the class into small groups. Each group is given a set of cards which are spread out on the table face-down. The sets are made up of two kinds of cards: word cards + definition/picture cards. Students in turn pick up a card, turn it over, and try matching it to its corresponding card. If there's no match, the cards are returned to their original place on the table and play passes to the next student. If a match is made, the student keeps the pair and tries to make another match. Once all the cards are matched, the winner is the player who has matched the most number of cards. Variation: Rather than using word + definition/picture cards, students can match the first and second half of common phrases, expressions, idioms or other multi-word lexical items; e.g. "have" on one card, "a good time" on the other card.


8. Scrambled Letters Write up eight words with their letters shuffled (e.g. eicscen for science) on the board. When the teacher says 'go', the students, individually or in pairs, endeavor to untangle the words as quickly as they can. The first student or pair, to do so wins. The teacher can then quickly run through each of the scrambled letter groups on the board, eliciting information about each word or concept. Tip: Don't make them too difficult. Variation: Phrases, expressions, and idioms larger than 2 words can also be used (e.g. "you're having when time flies fun" for "time flies when you're having fun".) 9. Questions & Answers Write up two separate word lists on the board; an A list and a B list. Assign half the class the A list and the other half list B. Each student takes each word from their list and contextualizes it into a coherent question. Ideally, the question should demonstrate some understanding of the word (e.g. Is your family very hospitable?, NOT What does hospitable mean?). If students need help, they can consult the teacher, their notes, or their textbook. When the students have finished writing their questions, As and Bs pair up and exchange their list of questions. The students read each question and write an answer to the question on the same piece of paper. In their answer, they need to use the same word that is underlined in the question. After the answers are written, the papers are exchanged again and read by the original student. Example: Student A's question: Are there any skyscrapers in New York City? Student B's answer: Yes, New York City has several skyscrapers. 10. Categories (aka The Alphabet Game) Divide the class into 3 or 4 teams and assign a secretary for each group. On one side of the board, write down six categories related to the current topic or syllabus of your course (e.g. countries, sports, jobs, movies, furniture, verbs, things that are round). To start the game, the teacher randomly selects a letter of the alphabet and scribbles it onto the board. Each team must then work together to quickly find a word for each of the six categories that starts with the chosen letter. The first team complete all six categories shouts "stop!" The class then stops writing, and a member of the team goes to the board to fill in the categories. The teacher then checks each word with the class and also elicit what other teams had for each category. If the quickest team has filled in each category correctly, they earn one point for their team. The teacher then chooses a different letter and another round is played. The first team to score X number of points wins. C. Conclusion When learning new items of language, students do the majority of their forgetting shortly after the lesson and then the rate of forgetting diminishes. To avoid this lexical vanishing act, one solution offered by Koprowski is to follow the 'principle of expanding rehearsal'. The essence of this principal is that the learners review the new words or the new items of language shortly after they are presented, and then at increasingly longer


intervals. Ideally, to stimulate long-term memory then words would be reviewed 5-10 minutes after class, 24 hours later, one week later, one month later, and finally six months later. According to Koprowski the new items of language are best achieved by organizing fun, competitive, and motivating vocabulary games and activities which adhere to the expanding rehearsal.

Ersoz, Aydan. (2000). From Six Games for the EFL/ESL Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal [online] Vol. VI, No. 6, June 2000. http://www.altech.ac.jp/~iteslj/lesson/Ersoz-Games.html Uberman, Agnieszka. (1998). From 'The Use of Games For Vocabulary Presentation and Revision. Forum [online] Vol. 36 No 1, January - March 1998 Page 20. http://www.exchanges.state.gov/forum /vols/vol36/no1/p20.htm Huyen, Thanh.et al. (2003) From. Learning Vocabulary Through Games. Asian EFL Journal - December 2003. http://www.asian-efl-journal.com/dec-03sub.vn.htm.


The Effect of Explicit Metapragmatic Instruction on the Speech Act Awareness of Advanced EFL Students
Muhammad Syukrianto .Introduction Dealing with the failure happened to the English communication in foreign language learners lead some researchers to overcome it. The effect of the pragmatic failure can be in the form of misunderstanding, impoliteness, or even rudeness. These problems require socialization through teaching and learning process to develop learners pragmatic competence to avoid such problems. Therefore, this article attracts my intention to make it my subject of review. This research based article focuses on the implementation of explicit metapragmatic instruction on the speech act for advanced EFL students, such as requesting, apologizing and complaining. In order to see the effectiveness of that instruction, the study conducts a pretest-posttest control group design and comprises Iranian undergraduate students in their last year of study in the field of study as foreign language. The results show that students speech act comprehension improved significantly and that pragmatic competence can be developed through instruction. This article is interesting to discuss, since the results from the data analysis supported the claim that explicit metapragmatic instruction facilitates interlanguage pragmatic development. Overall, this research proved that teaching pragmatics in an EFL setting is important with the assumption that the problems of pragmatic failures can be overcome by giving the students the tools to make the processes of pragmatic decision-making explicit. A. The Description on the Content of the Research This research is grounded in the area of communicative competence, pragmatic, speech act theory, second language acquisition theory, and interlanguage pragmatics. It seeks to examine the effect of explicit Metapragmatic Instruction on the Speech Act Awareness of Advanced EFL Students. The participants involved in this study were all 66 Iranian fourth year students in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Isfahan University. A pretestposttest control group design are used, and to assist the teaching learning process, it used a set of programmed instructional materials explaining the realization and interpretation patterns, rules, strategies, and tokens of the three speech acts under study. The study included a set of programmed instructional materials explaining the realization and interpretation patterns, rules, strategies, and tokens of the three speech acts under study. After the pretest given, the participants were taught by using the six different instructional activities comprising description, explanation, teacher-fronted discussion, small group discussion, role plays, pragmatically focused tasks, and introspective feedback. The pragmatic instruction took about 30 minutes, which had been organized, planned, and scheduled. The result of the data analysis supported the claim that explicit metapragmatic instruction facilitates interlanguage pragmatic development. It reveals that pragmatic competence does not seem resistant to explicit metapragmatic instruction.


B. The Review on the Research Article Jung, (2001) states that Pragmatic is a subject that is indispensable part of language learning. It has received insufficient attention in acquisition but the question is how to go from recognizing the importance of the issue to moving into classroom language learning and mitigating cross-cultural communication failure. Therefore, Bouton (1996) cited by Rasekh, states that the development of communicative competence should be the goal of language teaching. It is believed that there is possibility of teaching pragmatics in an EFL setting with the assumption that the problems of pragmatic failure can be overcome by giving the students the tools to make the processes of pragmatic decision-making explicit. Regarding the importance of the pragmatic competence to the learners, I find this research very useful and interesting to discuss. In this case, I dont want to review on the form and the methodology of the research, but I am going to concern with the results and the ideas. There are some comments I would like to share: The first, I agree that teaching pragmatics in an EFL setting is necessary and teachable. Kasper (1997), argues that pragmatic is needed to be taught in an EFL classroom setting. He suggests students should be provided with opportunities to develop their pragmatic competence. In this case, teaching of pragmatics aims to facilitate the learners' ability to find socially appropriate language for the situations they encounter. Furthermore, Wildner-Bassett and Tateyama in Bardovi-Harlig (1997) have demonstrated that pragmatic routines are teachable to beginning foreign language learners. This experience important in terms of curriculum and syllabus design because it dispels the myth that pragmatics can only be taught after students have developed a solid foundation in L2 grammar and vocabulary. Just as in uninstructed acquisition, students can start out by learning pragmatic routines which they cannot yet analyze but which help them cope with recurrent, standardized communicative events right from the beginning. The second, comparing the relative effect of explicit and implicit instruction, in line with the writer, the students' pragmatic abilities improved regardless of the adopted approach, but the explicitly taught students did better than the implicit groups. Thomas (1995) states that an explicit performative can be seen to be a mechanism which allow the speaker to remove any possibility of misunderstanding behind an utterance. As a matter of fact, a number of researchers have explored the role of instruction in learners pragmatic development. Indeed, different language owes different cultures. Automatically, each of them has different way in greeting, inviting, apologizing, even opening and closing a conversation. These differences demand a great effort of teachers to expose as well as to employ the real use of certain expression at certain situation. Based on the result of the research, explicit metapragmatic instruction facilitates interlanguage pragmatic development and reveals that pragmatic competence does not seem resistant to explicit metapragmatic instruction. Te assumption is that the problems of pragmatic failures can be overcome by giving the students the tools to make the processes of pragmatic decision-making explicit. The third, I agree if exposing learners to pragmatics in their foreign language is needed since it helps the learners to expand their perception of the target language and those who speak it. Peirce (1995) cited by Kasper, noted that language classrooms provide an ideal arena for exploring the relationship between learners' subjectivity and L2 use. Classrooms afford second language learners the opportunity


to reflect on their communicative encounters and to experiment with different pragmatic options. In this case, the goal of instruction in pragmatics is not to insist on conformity to a particular target-language norm, but rather to help learners become familiar with the range of pragmatic devices and practices in the target language. With such instruction, learners can maintain their own cultural identities, participate more fully in target language communication, and gain control of the force and outcome of their contributions. Instruction should allow students to choose how much of the pragmatic norms of the culture they would like to include in their own repertoire. As a result of the activities suggested, they will be better able to interpret the speech of others and, therefore, to decide what they feel comfortable adopting. They will also enjoy greater insights into the target culture. At last, this research have given contribution and input on the application of pragmatic to EFL teaching. It is hoped, the problems of pragmatic failures can be overcome and the learners can figure out the norms of appropriateness for various speech acts and different interlocutors in the target culture C. Conclusion In line with the researcher, based on the result of the research, the main point we have to consider is that teaching pragmatics in an EFL setting is necessary and teachable. Comparing the relative effect of explicit and implicit instruction, the students' pragmatic abilities improved regardless of the adopted approach, but the explicitly taught students did better than the implicit groups. Exposing learners to pragmatics in their foreign language is needed since it helps the learners to expand their perception of the target language and those who speak. Therefore, the problems of pragmatic failures can be overcome and the learners can figure out the norms of appropriateness for various speech acts and different interlocutors in the target culture References Jung, J. Y. (2001). Issues in Acquisitional Pragmatics. Working paper in TESOL and applied linguistics, Teacher's College, Columbia University. Kasper, Gabriele. (2001). Classroom Research on Interlanguage Pragmatics. In K. Rose & G. Kasper (Eds.), Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kasper, Gabriele. (1997). Can Pragmatic Competence Be Taught? (online) http://www.iii.hawaii.edu/esl/kasper/html. Rasekh et.al (2004) The Effect of Explicit Metapragmatic Instruction on the Speech Act Awareness of Advanced EFL Students. (online) http://www.kyotosu.ac.jp/information/tesl-ej/ej30/a3.html. [March 17 th 2007] Thomas, Jenny. (1995) Meaning in Interaction. London and New York: Longman Wildner-Bassett and Tateyama in Bardovi-Harlig (1997) Teaching Pragmatic (online)http://exchanges..gov/education/engteaching/pragmatics/ intro. htm


STUDENTS VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES Aisyah A. Background Having been an English teacher of a-third year students for several years lead me to be in stress facing the students failure of using English as a means of communication. Then, I figure out one of the factors bringing to the unsuccessful phenomenon could be the students lack of vocabulary. The existence of vocabulary is very important in language learning. It is one of the vital elements in constructing meaningful communication. It cant be imagined how learners can speak and write well if they do not possess the words needed to convey their ideas and feelings. A student who masters a good structure seems to lose its function whenever it is not supported by the abundance of words. Even, reading and writing become meaningless without that words mastery. As Davis in Abdullah (ETF) claims that the factor that correlated most highly with comprehension is knowledge of word meaning. It means that learning vocabulary as one of the components in linguistic competence (KTSP) is very essential for language acquisition, whether first, second or foreign (Far, 2006). For some extend, vocabulary may become the important elements in all skills of language. It is likely a soul of building oral communication. Richards (2000) states that:
Vocabulary and lexical units are at the heart of learning and communication. No amount of grammatical or other type of linguistic knowledge can be employed in communication or discourse without the mediation of vocabulary. Indeed, vocabulary and lexical expressions can sustain a great deal of rudimentary communication without much support from other aspects of the language system. Understanding of the nature and significance of vocabulary knowledge in a second language therefore needs to play a much more central role in the knowledge base of language teachers.

This is also supported by Rivers (cited in Nunan, 1991:117) that vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because without an extensive vocabulary we will be unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication. As a teacher I have experienced that in the classroom the learners who had mastered the English structures and functions, but lack of vocabulary, found difficulty to use them in communicative interaction. In other words, it can be said that no matter how well students learn grammar and sounds of words, without words to express wide range of meanings, communication will become meaningless. Vocabulary also takes important part in written communication, reading and writing. To comprehend the texts as well as to express their ideas and feelings, the students require a wide amount of vocabulary. As Sheehan (English Teaching Forum, vol. 42) informs that evidence suggests language learners need to learn as many words as possible as soon as possible (initial 2000 word target, with 10,000 words as an ideal longer-term target). It indicates that the vocabulary mastery is an urgent need since the limited words will make the students understanding of a text become narrow and their writing also may lose its soul. Meara (1995) points out that knowing only 500 words is functionally useless. English learners with such a minimal vocabulary who try to process a text will encounter too many unfamiliar words, and frequently these are precisely the words that convey the meaning of the text. The fact in English class shows that most of students have to face trouble in comprehending the text because of the


unknown words. Such problem happens to the students writing, too. That minimal vocabulary leads them to live in the stressful situation of expressing their ideas. In order to avoid misunderstanding in oral and written communication, the students require strategies to know and to use a word. McCarthy (1984) confirms that the purpose of vocabulary learning should include both remembering words and the ability to use them automatically in a wide range of language contexts when the need arises. It reveals that vocabulary learning demands conscious learning mechanism. The awareness that students employ in learning affects their strategies to memorize the words, at the end use them in real world. To assist students success of learning, many experts and practitioners conduct researches. Some studies into the area of language had committed a movement from a predominantly teaching oriented perspective to one which included interest in how the actions of learners might affect their acquisition of language. This naturally led to a greater interest in how learners approached and controlled their own learning and use of language (Smith, 1997:200). At first, the emphasis was on the identification of beneficial language strategies (i.e. Stern, 1975; Rubin, 1975; Naiman et al., 1978; OMalley et al., 1985). Then, it moved to the attempting of varied strategies, which they developed a categorization framework The well-known scholars in pioneering that field are Wenden and Rubin, 1987; O'Malley et al., 1985; Oxford, 1990; Stern, 1992; Ellis, 1994 (see Williams; 2006). In line with how the learners learn vocabulary, more studies have appeared on the various aspects of the learning words. Mercer (ETF, vol. 43, 2) focuses her study on the teaching vocabulary by utilizing consolidation strategies. Her idea is inspired by Nation (2001) that vocabulary learning can be enhanced when the learners attention is directed consciously to vocabulary items or strategies. Another research on vocabulary learning strategies is also implemented by Gu (2004). The other the most important study is that conducted by Schmitt (1997) in which he proposes the taxonomy of learning strategies used in learning vocabulary. This indicates that vocabulary has attracted the scholars attention, regarding with the assumption of the important existence of which in students learning. Regarding with the students fail of mastering the amount of vocabulary, I wonder how students employ their strategies in learning words inside and outside. Students may endeavor varied strategies for learning words. One may use memorization as his/her strategy of learning, while the others may utilize many strategies, like repetition, visual aids, and physical action. However, from the range of vocabulary learning studies conducted, there is few focusing on the vocabulary learning strategies. That reason leads my interest in doing this study of exploring the vocabulary learning strategies employed by the eleventh grade students of MAN 3 Palembang. 2. Aims of the Study The study will be conducted to seek for the following: 1. to explore vocabulary learning strategies mostly used by the students. 2. to identify the obstacles the students encounter in learning vocabulary. 3. to find out the relationship between the students vocabulary learning strategies and their vocabulary achievement. 3. Questions of the Research Related to the above purposes, this study proposes the following questions: 1. What are the vocabulary learning strategies mostly used by the eleventh grade students at MAN 3 in Palembang?


2. 3.

What are the obstacles the students encounter in learning vocabulary? What is the relationship between the students vocabulary learning strategies and their vocabulary achievement?

B. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH 1. Interpretive Approach Relevant to the purposes and the research questions above, this study will employ a case study. The case study is chosen in order to describe deeply the real learning strategies used by the students during their period of learning English vocabulary. It will be supported by the use of multiple data collection. Participants The subjects of this study will be the twelfth graders of MAN 3 Palembang.. They will be selected randomly to represent their classes. It will involve 30 participants. Since the participants are taken randomly, the researcher assume that amount of subjects are representative enough. I select this level since I consider they already learn English quite a long time. Data Collection Method Multiple data collection will be employed to obtain rigorous data. Those three instruments will be: 1. Questionnaire 2. Interview 3. Test The group-administered questionnaire will be given to the respondents. The groups size is thirty as suggested by Oppenheim (1982; 36) since that number of participants can still be controlled. This instrument will be divided into two sections, first statements, closed-ended item, used to obtain the data about the strategies of vocabulary learning mostly employed by the students, second is the open-ended item which is used to obtain the data about the obstacles encountered by the students. The interview will be used to obtain data to support and validate the data got from questionnaire. Nine out of the thirty participants will be selected to be interviewed that represent the good, the middle, and the poor students. Finally, the test will be used to get the data of students vocabulary achievement. The vocabulary test will be made based on the text book used. This means that the test given is reliable with what the students learn so far. Data Analysis To analyze the data got from questionnaire, the Lykert scale (never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always) will be used. The data will be categorized and interpreted to answer research questions number one and two. If it is possible and necessary the data will be sent back (Kvale) to the purpose of ensuring that it is exactly what the respondents say and mean. While the data from interview will be analyzed by transcribing them, then categorizing them using thematic analysis related to the research questions. At last, the data from interview will be presented in the form of condensed body of information and interpreted.


The last, the data from test will be analyzed with the following; 1) the data from questionnaire is scored, 2) the data from test is scored, and 3) correlate the data from the questionnaire and from the test by using Pearson Product Moment correlation. 2. Empirical Approach This kind of research approach can also be in the form of case study. The emphasis is on the score which symbolize that the knowledge is objective, generazible, and can be used to predict and control future event. From the topic I explore that is Students vocabulary learning strategies, I include the ex-post de facto design in my third research problem, that is: What is the relationship between the students vocabulary learning strategies and their vocabulary achievement? It means that the topic of my study can also be named as an empirical study. In other words, it is usually called a case study which will be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Since it focuses on the correlation between two variables (strategies and achievement) I will use test to prove my prediction. 3. Critical Approach This approach emphasizes problematic knowledge that needs some improvement. The typical research of which is action research. It is well-known by its collaborative researchers in conducting the study. Regarding with my topic, I can use the critical approach. However, there is such research question has to be added as: How to improve students vocabulary achievement. It means that I have to apply a strategy on the purpose of improving my students vocabulary. I will conduct my study with the experts help. During my teaching using that strategy I will reflect every activity and feedback occurred to analyze the weakness as well as the strength. That expects the improvement and the effectiveness of the strategy is really controlled. Therefore, the teaching activity in this research possesses several cycles in which every cycle has the goal to observe the improvement of the strategy used. References Bowen, J. Donald. 1985. TESOL: Techniques and Procedures.Newbury House Publishers. Chamot, A.U., Barnhardt, S., El-Dinary, P. B., & Robbins, J. (1999). The learning strategies handbook. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman. Cohen, A. D. (1998). Strategies in learning and using a second language. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. Faerch, Claus and G. Kasper. 1983. Strategies in Interlanguage Communication. London: Longman. Fedderholdt, Karen. 1997. Using Diaries to Develop Language Learning Strategies on Internet


Gu, Peter Yongqi. 2004. Vocabulary learning in a second language; person, task, context and strategies. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching. Halimah. 2000. Language Learning Strategies and Students Achievement. UPI Hall, Stephen. 1997. Language Learning Strategies: from the ideals to classroom tasks. Language and Communication Division, Temasek Polytechnic on Internet Harmer, Jeremy. 1991. The practice of English Language Teaching. New York, NY: Longman Group. Hismanoglu, Murat. 2000. Language learning strategies in foreign language learning and teaching on Internet. Kesten, Cyril. 1987. Independent Learning. Saskatchewan Education. Lessard, Michael. 1997. Language Learning Strategies: An overview for L2 teacher. TESL Journal. McCarthy, M. J. (1984). A new look at vocabulary in EFL. Applied Linguistics, 5, 1222. Meara, P. 1995. The Importance of an Early Emphasis on L2 Vocabulary. In Andrew Sheehan, Ma kings ens eof words. English Teaching Forum. Vol 42. Mercer, Sarah. 2006. Vocabulary strategy work for advanced learners of English. English Teaching Forum, Vol. 43. 2.


ENCOURAGING QUESTIONING IN ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION FOR THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MAN MODEL MANADO Sri Suharti I. INTRODUCTION Reading is an activity with purpose. It is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what we already know. The purpose of reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. Moreover, teaching reading will not be successfully if the students can only reads words, without understanding the message being read. In other words, what ever we read, it should be understood. Smith and Robinson (1980) argue that Comprehension means understanding. This means that reading comprehension is a process of thought where the readers understand the writers ideas and interpret them into his or her own needs. And it is generally accepted that the major goal for any reading activity is comprehension. Comprehension is the essence of reading. The writer creates a text to communicate a message; the readers task is to comprehend that message (Anderson et all ; 1969 ; Robinson 1975 ; Harmer 1983 ; Suhor 1988). This goal is in line with the objective of teaching reading in high school. However, the changing of national curriculum doesnt describe that it will also change the teachers views on how to improve the teaching style of English in general, specifically in reading. It seems that the teaching of reading mostly doesnt give opportunities to students to involve in the activities since the teachers usually only ask the students to translate and do text based questions. In other words, students are rarely trained to arouse interest and curiosity concerning to the topic which is being read. Whereas the curiosity of the students to the topic discussed can be aroused in simple ways, it is questioning. Questioning is a critical strategy that helps readers make meaning of literature by promoting critical thinking about what is being read (http://www.literacymatters.org/content/readandwrite/question.htm). Questioning occurs as a natural part of the classroom routine as teachers encourage students to pose, discuss, and answer questions. Questions can be generated by the reader, a peer, the teacher, or curriculum developers. Any one of these kinds of questions can be answered by the student individually, after discussion with others, or in collaboration with peer. Almost everywhere children are schooled to become at answering questions and to remain novices at asking (Dillon cited by Van Der Meij, 1993). Why is that so? Do students and lack the necessary skills? Do schools not stimulate questioning enough? The answer is probably that both skills and conditions are important. Reece, Ian and Walker, Stephen argues Communication is a two way process, where you want to communicate to your students and you want your students to communicate with you. Question and answer is a good way to develop this interaction style of communication. Moreover, to be successful, independent learners need to be able to ask interesting questions. Wonder gives birth to creativity. Based on the quotation above, it can be concluded that question and answer is important to do in communication although it is stimulated through reading texts.


Interest and motivation are expressed through questions. New knowledge is built by means of questioning. Yet most students in most traditional content classrooms ask very few lesson-related questions. In teachers perception, this fact is caused by the students lack interest and motivation. For the most part, however, lack of interest and motivation is only a secondary symptom. The primary cause of apathy, in most cases, is that students simply do not know how to ask questions in the classroom environment, which can be layered with subtle inhibitions, to questioning. Seeing the low ability of students in questioning, a good teacher should create strategies which can courage students to arise questions by learning from various texts in reading activities. Derived from the text given, it is hoped students can be stimulated to ask questions individually, in pairs, groups, even to do questions and answers with teachers. The teaching of learning process will become learners-centered. It is in line with the concept of comprehension that students will be courage to search out importations from text by formulating questions by themselves and then become discussion. Regarding to the problems above, the writer wants to conduct a research entitled Encouraging Questioning in Reading Activities for the second year students of MAN Model Manado to better the students ability in reading. It is assumed that this strategy can develop students reading ability, especially their comprehension. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. Is questioning strategy effective in teaching reading comprehension? 2. What are students attitudes towards the application of questioning strategy? II. DISCUSSION In doing her research, she can apply the three approaches, what so called Empiricist approach, Interpretive approach and Critical approach. EMPIRICIST APPROACH First, to see the effectiveness of applying Questioning in teaching reading, the researcher will do a research with quasi experimental design. She will choose two classes to be samples randomly. One class for experimental group and the other one is as a control group. Before giving the treatment to the experimental group, the researcher will give pre-test first for those two groups to get the data of their ability in reading. Then the experimental group will be given a treatment by applying Questioning strategy in teaching reading, while the control group does not. At the end of the research, those two groups will be given post-test to see whether there is significant difference achievement in their reading between the experiment and control group. The data gathered will be evaluated using the T-test formula. If it is found that the experiment groups result is higher than the control groups, it can be concluded that the questioning strategy is effective in teaching reading skill. This theory is in line with the concept in the Empiric approach. Knowledge is objective, generalisable and can be used to predict and control future event. INTERPRETIVE APPROACH To get more detail data whether the improvement is caused by the questioning strategy, the researcher can do also a case study. It is done to validate the data gathered because there might be some factors influence the conditions. In line with the theory in Interpretive approach that the emphasis is on understanding by the researcher and the researched rather than prediction and control, she wants to do observation on how the


students respond questions in reading activities or which questions they ask and what are students attitudes towards questioning? Tape recordings of the question-answer interactions also will be done to complete the observation. In doing the observation, the researcher will ask college to do observation also to have crosscheck finding. Thing that will be observed covers all activities done by the students and teacher, also what is said by students and teacher in teaching learning process. To support the data gathered from observation, the interviews of the teacher and pupil will be done to get the data on how is students attitudes toward the application of questioning strategy in English reading activities and it will be recorded. Individual interview as well as focus group interview will be conducted to gain validation data collection. Moreover all the data gained will be described and transcribed to answer the research questions and to derive conclusion whether the condition of students ability in having questioning activities in reading is better or worse. Since the data concerned appear in words rather than in numbers (Miles and Huberman, 1984), it is in term of qualitative research. CRITICAL APPROACH The critical approach also can be done by the researcher to find the power relationship between teacher and students to do questioning in reading activities. First, she tries to find some factors that influence why students stop asking questions since it can be caused by teachers sometimes respond to questions with sarcastic replies. In additional, as teachers, we occasionally use questions as a kind of weapon against student misbehavior, etc. The fact can be considered as obstacles for students to get involvement in learning and they tend to stop asking questions. Even, this condition can be caused by habituation done by the teachers that in reading activities, mostly students only assign to do text-based questions. Teachers never encourage them to arouse their own questions based on what information the students want to search out etc. she will conduct classroom action research which involves the expert to get feedback and input in applying questioning strategy in teaching reading. The cycle actions in improving the application of questioning strategy will always be done to get improvement on students achievement in reading comprehension by finding the agreement between the researcher and the expert. So in this case, the concept of collaborative research will be employed to better the condition. III. CONCLUSION Since the purpose of conducting the research is to find the data whether the application of questioning is appropriate to develop students reading ability, so the finding can be followed up by the other researcher to find the more appropriate strategy for students in reading activities. If the finding can prove that questioning strategy is effective to improve students comprehension, it is suggested for English teachers in senior high school to apply also this strategy rather than using text based questions only. References: Anderson, J. Durston B. H., and Poole M.E.1969. Efficient Reading: A Practical Guide. Sydney: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Smith, Bob. et. all. 1990. Issues and Methods in Research : Study Guide. South Australia: South Australian College of Advanced Education.


Smith and Robinson. 1980. Efficient Reading, A partial Guide to Reading Comprehension Sciences, New York; Cambridge University Press. Van Der Meij, Hans. 1993. A Case Study of Questioning in Reading. http://www.literacymatters.org/content/readandwrite/question.htm.


Analyzing Total Educational Program

Muhammad Syukrianto A. Introduction It has long been recognized that education is viewed a primary means for solving social problems. Education provides people with the tools and knowledge they need to understand and participate in their daily life. It also helps to sustain the human values that contribute to individual and collective well-being. Therefore, realizing the important of education, from time to time the quality of education should be improved. Most experts in education believe that one of the ways to improve the quality of education is through curriculum development. As a matter of fact, the curriculum is the core of education, since it provides rigorous planning and program to reach the objectives of education. Sailor, (1981) defines the Curriculum as a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for person to be educated. From this definition, it can be concluded that the core of educational improvement is in the well programmed of curriculum. In this short paper, actually, we are going to discuss the total educational program. In writers perspective, the total educational program refers to the well programmed of curriculum. Discussing educational programs, we may have different perspective since in each level of educations we can find the process of programming. The governments have their own programs in education, nationally and provincially. At school, we are also familiar with school program. In classroom, a teacher has programs to implement in his or her teaching and learning process. From these different perspectives, hence, the well programmed of curriculum that we are going to discuss refers to and focus on the discussion of curriculum content. B. A Perspective Concerning with the program in curriculum development, I would like to make an analog of a curriculum with a computer. In a computer development, the core of computer is in the program. Someone who develops the program is called a programmer. The process of a computer development is started from a situational analysis, to decide the need and the situation on that time. And then, the developers company formulated the goals and objective to decide what types of computer to develop. After that, they develop programs (computer programs) as the core of a computer. The programs are then installed and implemented by the users. The core of curriculum, in this case, is in the program which is called curriculum content. Curriculum is developed started from a situational analysis, goal formulation and then program building or content building. To understand the process and interrelation between curriculum and program, it can be figured with the following skillbeck model (Print, 1993). C. Program Building (Curriculum Content) This appears to be a natural phenomenon that the process of curriculum programming includes a wide range of activities. Print, (1998: 140) states the starting point for constructing a curriculum lies with the program building or the


formulation of content. It means that consequently to begin a curriculum development we tend to think in term of what content students should learn and what content is of value to learners. The reality is that all curriculum developers employ objectives in some way when constructing curriculum as a systematic logic and direction. As they grow out the statements of curriculum intent, they take a form of statements of curriculum content. Print (1998: 141) defines the curriculum content as the subject matter of the teaching-learning process and, as such, includes the knowledge, skills, and values associated with the subject. Sailor et al (1981) offers the definition of curriculum content:
Content is those facts, observations, data, discernment, sensibilities, designs, and solution drawn from what the minds of men have comprehended from experience and those constructs of the mind that reorganize and rearrange these products of experience into lore, ideas, concepts, generalizations, principles, plans, and solutions.

Based on the definition above, it is believed that content consists of the facts, concepts, and generalizations, or the knowledge, related to a particular subject or theme. It means that we as a teacher should have a clear concept, in advance (and even during the process), of the activities and topics that will be involved in a particular piece of work. Posner (1992) identifies two ways of thinking about content that are useful for curriculum analysis. The first approach is promoted by behavioral psychologists; content is merely a dimension of learning objectives. This perspective believes that learning is a change in behavior, its known with behaviorally oriented curriculum. The second approach, derived from the work of cognitive psychologists in theirs study of teaching and teacher education, is more pedagogical in tone. Print (1998) states that one of the first tasks facing a curriculum developer is to select appropriate content to meet the objectives based on situational analysis. When curriculum developers undertake the actual selection of content, the stance they take on what content to include may be seen in term of continuum. The approach toward selecting content varies between one emphasizing a knowledge based approach where the learning of factual material is of paramount importance, and one emphasizing the process approach where skills are highly valued and seen as integral to effective understanding. Print figures the content selection as the following: Figure 2. Content selection continuum
Subject Approach (Intrinsic value of content) Process Approach (Content is irrelevant)

Actually, there are many factors involved in selecting the content of curriculum. Print (1998) says that the process of content selection is highly political activity, since in that curriculum developer argue, negotiate, debate, and caucus each other in an attempt to control the content included in curriculum. Yet even here, the argument for certain content may prevail if they employ the selection criteria. Miller et al (1985) categories the criteria in selecting the content into psychological criteria, social/political criteria, students interest criteria, students readiness criteria, utilitarian/ practical criteria, and philosophical criteria. Psychological criteria focus on how learning theory can be applied to the teaching of 97

subject matter. Political criteria, one example is that the content should help maintain a strong national consensus etc. Students interest criteria means that students interest should be integrated with subject matter and problem solving to lead to a reconstruction of experience. Another factor related to selection of content is the students readiness level. These criteria come from developmental psychology, for example, the content should be related to internal frameworks, or the stages of cognitive development held by students etc. Utility criteria focus on content that will be socially useful, or, in other words, knowledge that students will need in order to be employed when they become adult. The last, philosophical criteria focus on epistemological issues and basic value positions, for examples: content should be broken down into small, manageable components; content should be that which can be subjected to various analytic processes; content should help the learner view knowledge in terms of relationship, knowledge is viewed holistically rather than atomistically etc. On the other hand, Print (1988) states that the argument for certain content may prevail if the following selection criteria are employed; 1. Significance The criteria of significance applies where is judged in terms of how essential or basic it is to the discipline or theme under study. Where content is considered to be of value to the subject area, it is deemed to be significant and thus worthy of inclusion in a curriculum. 2. Validity An important criterion to apply when selecting content is that of validity. Content may be regarded as valid when it is authentic or true, and to a large measure, this means whether the content is accurate. Accurate or true information says what it is suppose to say. 3. Social Relevance This criterion suggests that content for inclusion in a curriculum should be selected on the grounds of its relevance to the social development of the individual, but within the context of a community oriented perspective. 4. Utility This criterion applies to the usefulness of content in preparing students for adult life. As such, it implies a very directly relevant and functional approach to the selection of content that will lead to a desired outcome on behalf of the learner. 5. Learnability Learnabiliy criteria means that the content selected should consider that the students are able to learn, or in other words, whether the students can acquire the content. This is particularly appropriate to curricula that have to meet the needs of large numbers of students with divers backgrounds and a wide range of ability. 6. Interest The interest of learners in curriculum content is generally considered to be an important criterion in the selection of content. In this case, the content selected should have intrinsic interest to learners. The criteria which have been proposed by Print above should be applied by curriculum developers when selecting content for a curriculum. Teacher will also find these criteria useful when selecting content from within a curriculum document, particularly when decisions are required for their curriculum programs.


D. The Architectonic of Curriculum An orderly and rational scheme of programming or organizing content facilities effective curriculum development, we have to analyze the architectonic of content as they apply to a school situation. Architectonic in selecting the content in curriculum refers to ordering and arranging content into systematic categories for the purpose of facilitating learning to achieve maximum effectiveness for students. Print (1988) states that the term of architectonic related to the structures needed to present a curriculum and the principles which assist the curriculum developer to organize the content of a curriculum in such a way so as to achieve maximum effectiveness for students. For these purposes we have to consider the two most important principles of the architectonics of content, they are scope of curriculum content and sequence of curriculum content. The scope of curriculum content refers to breadth and depth of content to be studied (Print, 1988). A useful starting point when dealing with the scope of content in a curriculum is to pose questions about the nature and balance of that content. According to Print, some questions that we have to ask for instances; how much of each content area should students study at any one time, is there a body of common content that all students should know, what should be the role of elective content, what content should be excluded in the curriculum, etc. Furthermore, there are some concepts which are helpful in determining the scope of content for a curriculum: 1. Time, refers to the balance that occurs between breadth and depth where the breadth may be greater time spent on a particular subject theme or may represent more subject to be taught in a given time period. 2. The notion of a core or common content appear acceptable to educators and society. The core concept suggests that there is a body of content that all students should acquire as a result of their schooling experience. 3. The scope of content may also be influenced by the notion that schools should provide content to meet the special needs of children and adolescent. 4. Integration of content is to be encouraged in order to provide some sense of reality to the learners. The sequence of curriculum refers to the order in which content is presented to learners. To know how content should be arranged for learners, there are several important related questions to be posed as suggested by Zais (1976) cited by Print (1988): 1) what criteria should determine the order of content, 2) what should follow what and why, 3) when should learners acquire certain content. The Sequence may be influenced by some principles: 1. Simple to complex In this situation, sequence is seen as a progression from simple, subordinate components to complex structures, which in turn are subordinate components of even more complex superordinate structures. 2. Prerequisite learning This principle is followed in subjects which consist largely of laws and principles such as physic, grammar, and geometry. 3. Whole to part learning The rationale for this principle is that understanding the whole makes possible the understanding of partial or constituent phenomena. 4. Chronology


This principle suggests sequencing content according to the chronology of recorded events. 5. Increasing abstraction In this situation, content can be sequenced according to the idea that one learners most effectively what is closer or more meaningful to the learners. 6. Spiral sequence In connection with the whole curriculum organization, the students should be exposed to the contents basic ideas repeatedly, thus building on basic understanding until the whole concept or lot of learning has been acquired. E. The Conclusion In writers perspective, the total educational program refers to the well programmed of curriculum. Most experts in education believe that one of the ways to improve the quality of education is through curriculum development. Curriculum is the core of education, since it provides rigorous planning and program to reach the objectives of education. The program of curriculum in this discussion refers to the curriculum content. Curriculum content is developed started from a situational analysis, goal formulation and then program building or content building. The content consists of the facts, concepts, and generalizations, or the knowledge, related to a particular subject or theme. The approach toward selecting content varies between one emphasizing a knowledge based approach, and one emphasizing the process approach. There are many factors involved in selecting the content of curriculum. The argument for certain content may prevail if they employ the selection criteria. An orderly and rational scheme of programming or organizing content, we have to apply the architectonic of content. Architectonic in selecting the content in curriculum refers to ordering and arranging content into systematic categories for the purpose of facilitating learning to achieve maximum effectiveness for students. For these purposes we have to consider the two most important principles of the architectonics of content, they are scope of curriculum content and sequence of curriculum content.

Miller P, J. (1985). Curriculum Perspective and Practice. New York: Longman Inc. Posner, G. (1992). Analyzing the Curriculum .United States: McGraw Hill,Inc. Print, M. (1988). Curriculum Development and Design. Australia: Sedney.Docupro. Saylor, G et al. (1981). Curriculum Planning for Better Teaching and Learning. Tokyo: Holt-Saunders Japan


The Unique of Children

The Phenomenon of Crying and How to Say No to Our Children Muhammad Sukrianto A. Introduction The word Unique can mean in some ways: 1) not the same, means different from everyone or everything else; 2) unusual, means different and not ordinary often in a way that is interesting or exiting; 3) special means different from normal things, or used for a particular purpose (Cambridge Dictionary). Based on the meaning of the word Unique above, we may get the inference on the meaning of the unique of children. Children is unique or different, unusual and special. Some experts say that children are unique since they have their own world. The study of child development, that is the study of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that children undergo from the moment of conception onward, have invented the unique of children. Each of us begins life as a single cell. By the time we are born, we are incredibly complex organism. We breathe on our own, explore the world with our senses, eat, and begin to take our place in the family and community that created us. Two years letter we come to new phase as a child, we can walk, talk, feed ourselves (with help, to be sure) and play pretend games. Entering this phase, we have our own world that is children world and it is said unique by adults. One of the unique of children that will be discussed in this short essay is the unique of crying. The inspiration comes from my experience when I saw a child that is unique in crying. The child was the son of my neighbor. One day he wanted his mother to buy a toy but his mother didnt accepted what he wanted. And then the child cried and he didnt stop his crying until his mother bought the toy. What actually the phenomenon of crying? and how to say no to our child? All concerning with these will be shortly discussed on the following. B. The Phenomena of Crying One of the most difficult problems parents face is when his child is crying. A child cries have a powerful effect to who hear them. Sometimes parents respond in different way on their childs crying. Before, experience parents and childless adults alike respond to the infant with increases in heart rate and blood pressure, both of which are physiological sign of anxiety. But later, when the child growth enough, more often the parents respond rudely and angrily to their childs crying. Crying is a complex behavior that involves the coordination of breathing and movements of the vocal tract. Initially it is coordinated by structures in the brain stem (Roberts et al., 1995). Infants obviously cannot articulate more their need or feeling, but they do have one important way of signaling that something is wrongthey can cry. Crying increase from birth to approximately 6 weeks of age and then begins to decrease. A child who has been able to articulate his or her need and feeling still use crying as the power to force their parents. As the case I have told above is one of the phenomena, where the child forces his mother to fulfill his need.


Another example is when parents asked their child to do something but the child does not want to and then cries. With this condition, parents often can not decide what to do. When their child is crying parents often punish and be angry to their child. A child who is crying can not concentrate to what he is doing. When parents ask their child to study, for example, a child can not do it while crying. Actually, a child cries can be caused by some factors at least because he doesnt feel comfort with the condition or cannot have what he needs.

C. How to Say No to our children

The power of crying often makes parents just follow to what their child wants. What parents have to do is to find a good way to make the child follow and not crying. Actually, there is no mystery as to why children say No to parents but the most important thing is parents also can say No to their child. When a child responds to a parent by crying, whining, throwing a temper tantrum, or just saying No its common for parents to punish the child. But children who are highly uncooperative have most likely been punished repeatedly. If punishment worked, a parent would be using it less often rather than more often with a child because the result of the punishment would be to reduce or stop the childs unfavorable behaviors. Furthermore, when we try to administer punishment, we can easily get into a power struggle with our child. Here are some important preconditions proposed by Maagh (2004) to say No to our child when they force us with crying:

First, be aware that some habitual ways of dealing with our child, especially punishing her, may actually be making the negative interactions worse and harder to change. Second, research tells us that the way to make a request of a child can affect how she responds. Its easier to avoid power struggles and get compliance from our child if we give her directions in a clear, direct, and specific fashion. Third, we have to use as few words as possible, and give her a reasonable amount of time to comply. By contrast, we may encourage power struggles with our child if our commands are vague, overly wordy, and include multiple instructions for the desired behavior (Walker, Ramsey, & Gresham, 2004). The fourth we must be able to create rapport with our child. Rapport involves communicating with a child, using the childs point of view. Say in response? No, youre wrong; I really dont want to be in style? Once rapport is created, it becomes easier to obtain compliance.

D. Conclusion
Crying is a complex behavior as the unique of children. Sometimes parents respond in different way on their childs crying. A child who has been able to articulate his or her need and feeling still use crying as the power to force their parents. Parents can manage this condition with positive and effective strategies. Dont punish them, but the most important thing is parents also can say No to their child. Parents may have to step outside the comfort zone and get creative in responding to the childs misbehavior. 102

Maag, JW. 2004. Strategies of Managing Resistance.

http://www.schwablearning.org/articles.aspx?r=1099&f=allart (February 20th 2007

Cole M., Cole S. 2001.The Development of Children.USA Sandiago: University of Callifornia. Walker, H. M., Ramsey, E., et al. 2004.Antisocial behavior in school: Evidence-based practices (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson,



(A Case Study at a Senior High School in Bengkulu)
By Muhammad Syukrianto A. Background Applying different strategies in teaching and learning process is not a new notion for a teacher. However, the application of the strategies seems to be questionable since the teachers have a lack of understanding on the strategies they apply. The strategy in reading comprehension is one example. From writers informal observation, there are some EFL teachers have different understanding and responses toward the strategies in teaching reading comprehension theoretically, and how to implement it practically. Some of them are still confused how to teach reading comprehension to the students. This phenomenon leads the writer to explore what actually happened concerning with teachers strategies in teaching reading comprehension. Based on the new curriculum of 2004, reading is one of the four language skills that should be taught and learned. The skill of reading is regarded as the backbone of other language skills. In other words, through reading students can develop the other language skills such as writing and speaking and improve the language components as well, for instance vocabulary and grammar. It is generally accepted that the major goals for any reading activities is comprehension. Reading the words of a composition is one thing, but comprehension is the vital point for the reader. Anderson et al, 1969 states that comprehension is the essence of reading, the writer creates a text to communicate a message, and the reader task is to comprehend that message. This goal is in line with the objective of teaching reading in High School. The objective of teaching reading in High School is to develop the students reading skills so that they can read English texts effectively and efficiently. Ariwiyati (1994:12) asserts that the specific objectives are: 1) to enable the students to develop basic comprehension skills so that they can read and understand texts of general nature; 2) to use reading to increase their general knowledge; 3) to decide about reading purpose; 4) to adapt their strategies of reading; 5) to develop the ability to read critically. Several studies about teaching reading strategies have been performed. Strategic reading involves the use of cues to decode the message of the written word. Grabe et al, (2002: 15) states that the strategies in reading are often defined as a set of abilities under conscious control in the form of actions selected deliberately to achieve particular goals. Based on the description above, it is believed that to reach the objectives of teaching reading, the teacher should have the strategies to help the students to achieve and accomplish the goals. In so doing, the study will explore and investigate teachers strategies In Teaching Reading Comprehension. B. Research Questions 1. How well do the teachers understand on the theory of teaching reading comprehension? 104

2. What types of strategies applied by the teachers in teaching reading comprehension? 3. For what reasons are, the teachers apply or not apply the strategies? 4. What are the strength and the weaknesses of the strategies applied by the teachers? C. The Approaches can be used in conducting the Research Interpretative Approach: This study aims at describing the social phenomena and the present detailed condition of a subject. In this case, the research is a descriptive qualitative in the form of a case study. It means that the appropriate approaches that can be used in conducting this research are interpretive and critical. In general, qualitative research methods focus on identifying, documenting, and knowing (by interpretation) the world views, values, meanings, thoughts and general characteristics of life events, situations, ceremonies and specific phenomena under investigation (with its goal being) to document and interpret as fully as possible the totality of whatever is being studied in particular context from the people viewpoint or frame of reference. (Leininger, 1985:5) In this case, the study will focus on identifying, documenting, and knowing (by interpretation) the phenomena of EFL teachers strategies in teaching reading comprehension at MAN 1 Model Bengkulu. Critical Approach: Based on the problem, the real study aims at describing the social phenomena and the present detailed condition of a subject. In this case, the research is a descriptive qualitative in the form of a case study. Furthermore, to make the research more meaningful the phenomena can be explored and questioned deeply through various critical commentaries. Carr and Kemmis (1993), state that the interpretative approach offers no way of identifying and examining the ideological character. To penetrate this barrier of resistance to ideological explanations, interpretative must go further it must also provide a frame work within which individuals own interpretations can be critically reconsidered and reassessed. The critical approach emphasizes the improvement of the related condition exposed. It does not only describe but also make some actions to the betterment with the collaborative researchers.

Empirical Approach: Since this study aims at describing the social phenomena and the present detailed condition of a subject, in this case, the research is not appropriate to be analyzed by using empirical approach. However, a researcher can conduct this topic of study by using empirical approach, but he or she has to change the form. For example, we can conduct this topic in the form of experimental study, for example, the effectiveness of certain strategies in teaching reading comprehension, etc. The sample involved in this study will be treated using that strategy. At the end of the experiment, they will be tested with the purpose to see their achievement after the treatment. If their scores are higher than before the treatment, it indicates that the strategy used is effective. But, if it reveals no much difference between their achievement before and after the 105

treatment, it means that the strategy is not effective way to increase the students reading comprehension. After all, the findings obtained will be in the form of score from which the ultimate result is interpreted and can be generalized. References: Aderson, et al. (1969). Efficient Reading: Practical Guide. Sidney: MC Graw HillBook Company Ariwiyati. (1997). Course Outline Senior High School Textbooks. Penataran Guru Inti MAN Model Bidang Studi Bahasa Inggris Se Indoinesia. Malang: UUM Malang. Grabe, Wiliam. et al (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. New York: Longman. Kemmis, Stephen et al. ( 1981) Principles an Procedure in Curriculum Evaluation. Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol 13, no 2, April-June, Pages 151-155. Leininger, Madeleine. (1985). Qualitative Research Methods in Nursing. Orlando: Grune and Stratton



Muhammad Sukrianto It has been recognize that story telling is interesting for children world, since it can train to process the problem in childrens mind. There are so many interesting stories that suitable for the world of children according to what mission the story teller want to tell. In EFL learning, the teacher or the story teller should form the particular content of the story. In evaluating the story, to tell to the children, we should pay attention on the following criteria: 1. The story should be attractive, 2. The story should be entertaining, 3. The story should not be too long, 4. The story should be functional, grammatical, and accessible 5. The story teller should use language expression in context or language body, 6. The story should contain imagination or animation, 7. The story introduce a new language 8. The story recycle the language, 9. The language level of the story is suitable for the children, 10. The illustration supports the language, etc. Among of seven stories which have been discussed before, I want to set the stories based on the important one to tell to the children and the things which are explored. 1. Three Little Mice. The story tells about three little mice which live in a mushroom house. The older mouse is a diligent one, while the middle and the youngest are very lazy. They just like playing and eating. Since the oldest mouse is diligent, it can have meal to eat, while both others do not have meal to eat so that they go to the cats house to steal food. Unfortunately they are caught by cat and put them into a cage. Although both of them are lazy, their oldest brother comes to help them to get out of there. Finally the lazy mice realized that laziness can make them misfortune. Some reasons that lead me to place this story at the first line of others are: 1. The concept of accessibility; 1) it is familiar since its character is animal, mouse, 2) it is simple story as it uses the high frequent words, and 3) it uses good grammar which is important for young learners living in less exposure circumstance. 2. The concept of exploitability; 1) repetition of words and expressions, 2) sequence of time, such as one day, the next day, the following day, and functional expressions. 3. The visual attraction; it uses colorful pictures which mostly attract childrens attention. 4. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children. For the kindergarten school children this story is rather long, but the rich contains makes me interested in choosing it. Therefore, the teacher or the story teller has to have the strategies to choose and present what part to focus on. 1. It contains of repetition of the words and sentences, such as: 107

2. 3. 4. 5.

a. Come on, who wants to help brother Tiko (three times), b. I am sorry, we can not help you, brother Tiko, we are playing (three times), c. Tiko went alonethe apple tree in garden (also three times). Since the story has some illustration pictures, the teacher or the story teller can show them some kinds of pictures like colors, how to plant a plant, how to water a plant, and how to fertilize a plant. It has the different characters-diligent and lazy. 4. It has sequences of the time, such as one day, the following day, and finally. The consequence is being diligent and lazy mice.

2. Scat! Scat!, Little Cat The story tells about a little cat that has no home to stay. Wherever it goes , a little cat found that it was chased away by the owner of the house. At last a little cat could find a home to stay after a little girl took it to her home. In this story, the teacher or the story teller wants to tell: a. The concept of accessibility; 1) it is familiar since the topic is about pet, cat, 2) it uses good grammar which is important for young learners living in less exposure circumstance. b. The concept of exploitability; 1) repetition of words, e.g. little, and 2) functional expressions, e.g. scat, scat go away little cat. c. The visual attraction; it uses colorful pictures which mostly attract childrens attention. d. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children. I put this story in the second arrangement for the reason that it possesses less exploitability compared to the first one. a. Loving the animal (a little cat). b. Introduce some words by having repetition words, like scat, scat, a little cat c. Describe a white cat and its picture d. Describe the old woman who dislike the cat, and a little girl who like cat. 3. A Little Green Leaves The story tells about the green leaves in the autumn. When the autumn comes one by one of little green leaves turn ground and fell into the ground, except one. It fells lonely on the tree, but at last, a bird took and put it into the ground, so that it felt comfortable with its brothers and sisters. The teacher or the story teller wants to tell about autumn season when all green leaves will change become brown and fell into the ground. But the children will probably fell confused to autumn season because Indonesian children do not know what exactly autumn is, since Indonesia just has two seasons, rainy and dry. In this case, the story teller should change the autumn with the dry season. The things which can be explored by this story are: a. The concept of accessibility; 1) it is familiar to the children, the leaf, 2) it is simple in line with the form of language use and the length, and 3) it uses good grammar which is important for young learners living in less exposure of that language. b. The concept of exploitability; 1) repetition words, like little green leaf, and 2) functional expressions, such as autumn is coming, yippee, go ahead, jump.


c. The visual attraction; it uses colorful pictures which mostly attract childrens attention. d. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children. However, the context of this story is abstract for children since it tells about autumn and spring which unfamiliar with them. The strange context requires the teacher to expose more information to make the children more familiar with the context. e. A season when all green leaves turn down to brown f. The happiness of little green leaf live together with its brothers and sisters 4. The Chickens Take a Holiday The story tells about Tims farm where there are five chickens and ten cows. The dialogue between chickens and cows talk about taking a holiday after they work hard to give the farmer ten eggs and one hundred pails of milk. But at last Tim, the owner of chickens and cows felt tired after working hard a week and he wants to take a holiday that week. The things can be explored are: a. The concept of accessibility; 1) the character, animal, is familiar to the children, 2) it is simple in line with the form of language use, and 3) it uses good grammar. b. The concept of exploitability: it uses the functional expressions, like; oh handsome crow, can you sing. c. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children. There are two reasons why I put this story at the forth rank. Firstly, the presentation of the story lacks of colorful pictures which makes it less virtual in concept. Secondly, the story needs an analysis process so quite difficult that the children can catch the idea of the story. 5. Who is the king of the forest? a. The concept of accessibility; 1) it is familiar to the children since it talks about animal character, 2) it is simple whether the language use and the length of the story, and 3) it uses good grammar which is important for children living in less exposure of that language. b. The concept of exploitability; it uses some functional expression which comprises the body response, e.g. jump. c. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children. Actually, this story is not so far different from the fourth one. I place this story at the fifth place since it possesses some weaknesses, such as: 1) the concept of virtual is abstract for children so it is less attractive for them, 2) the plot of the story needs analysis ability which force the children to think deeply to understand the story or even they may get nothing, and 3) its quite long compared to the fourth one. 6. The chicken take a holiday The concept of accessibility; it uses good grammar due to the importance of which to be exposed to the children who live in less exposure of that language. a. The concept of exploitability; it uses some functional expressions, like go right, go left, and introduces part of body. b. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children.


This story is placed at the sixth rank for several reasons, they are: 1) it presents abstract context which is believed to be difficult for the children to get the point of the story, 2) it is long story which also becomes the encounter for childrens comprehension, and 3) the use of language introduced is high level for children. 7. Tom thumb a. The concept of accessibility; 1) it is familiar to the children which tells about the animal character, and 2) it uses good grammar which is very important for children who live in less exposure of the target language. b. The concept of exploitability; 1) repetition words, like taking holiday, 2) concept of number, like; five, ten, 100 pails, and 3) functional expressions like; enjoy your day off, call him again. c. Imaginative story; it is also interesting for children. This story becomes the last to be presented in this arrangement because; 1) the presentation of the story lacks of colorful pictures which makes it less virtual in concept, 2) the concept of number introduced is fairly high level for beginners, 3) the story is long that cause the children difficult to follow, and 4) the learners comprehension of the story can be reached only if the children have mastered certain number of vocabularies.



By Muhammad Sukrianto NIM:060968

A. Introduction Recently, there has been considerable interest in child's language development, what in fact infants (that is children not yet able to speak) can perceive when exposed to a stream of speech sound, the discriminations they can make between different speech sounds, different speech sound sequences and different words, etc. Children seem born not just to speak, but also to interact socially. Even before they use words, they use sounds, cries and gestures to convey meaning; they often understand the meanings that others convey (Genishi, 1988). The perception of speech sound in child language, however, develops even before birth. Researchers have discovered that unborn babies heart rate will decrease at the sound of their mother's voice. Further study has indicated that new sounds directed at the womb through a loudspeaker can also cause the heart rate to decrease, and as the sound is repeated, the heart rate will eventually increase again. From the age of 0 to 4 months, child sounds are mainly limited to reflexive crying. They are not yet using sounds to manipulate, but simply expressing their feelings in the only way they have. This is their first production of what scholars call vegetative sounds. At this time they may start making cooing or laughing sounds, though they may be hard to recognize as such early on. Based on the above illustration, It seems that children command of the sound system of their native language develop unevenly. What actually the phenomenon of childs language development and the sounds they produce before they can use words or sentences to express their feeling? All concerning with these will be shortly discussed in the following.


B. The sounds of child language acquisition According to Fry (2007), it is difficult to test newborns, but we can measure their interest in speech sounds by measuring their sucking rate. These experiments suggest that children come pre-equipped to hear phonetic contrasts, even for languages not spoken around them. Children as young as four days old can distinguish [pa] from [pha] from [ba]. It is not clear whether this phenomenon represents a general auditory ability (which might be shared by other species); or specific human ability tuned to phonetic distinctive features. Fry states that the sounds of child language acquisition can be divided into: 3 months: cooing and laughing (low pitched, often nasal) 6 months: vocal play (high pitched, glides) 9 months: babbling (e.g., [babababa]) 12 months: melodic utterances, `proto-words' that resemble native language. 18 months: 1-2 word sentences 24 months: 2-3 word sentences 36 months: multi-clause sentences By roughly 4 to 6 months of age babies start to make many more sounds. Kuhl (2005) claims that a child becomes able to produce specific speech-sounds as the motor organization of the articulatory system matures in close association with muscular and neural motor development for bodily action generally (including control of arm postures and movements). Before speaking words, babies go through a period of babbling, in which they are practicing the sounds, intonations and rhythms of language. They learn to replicate sounds they hear and how moving their tongue and lips change the sounds they are making. They learn to modulate their voice, to yell and whisper. They start to babble in reaction to stimuli, and eventually use it to manipulate others by expressing needs and wants. By 9-12 months the child's babbling becomes more melodic. Intonation starts to sound more like adult patterns. At first the sounds will be mainly drawn out vowel sounds. Soon after, they will add consonant sounds and repetitive sounds, like "da" and then "dada." They may combine these first sounds with gestures. A squeal and point may be the child's way of telling you he wants something over in that general direction.


At 10-12 months, children begin to fail to distinguish contrasts not found in their ambient language In other words: they discover phonemes. At this stage utterances are one word long. Children begin learning morphological rules such as plurals, as demonstrated by the `wug' test (one wug, two wugs). One-year-olds often substitute stops for fricatives (e.g. [top] `soap') and delete unstressed syllables (e.g. [nna] `banana'). They often over or under-generalize meanings; e.g. using dog to refer to all animals, or to only their own dog. Their comprehension is better than their production, and they will often object to adult mimicry of their speech. Cole (2001) claims that children attention to the differences between sounds is not a mechanical skill but develops along with their growing understanding of the meaning of words. A child's first words are produced by approximately 14 to 20 months of age. This is a general guideline and not all children will speak when the scientists say they should. They begin with content words. These would include "mama" or "dada" or "book" or "car." Of course they may not sound exactly like you would expect. "Book" may sound like "boo." It is common at this early stage to leave off consonants or consonant clusters from the beginning or end of a word. Sometimes a single word may represent an entire thought. "Boo" may mean "read me a book." This is called a holophrase. If a baby wants a bottle and is just beginning to learn to use language to manipulate, he may point to his bottle, say (or scream) "ba" or "baba," which obviously means, "give me my bottle, now!" Of course this becomes problematic when a child yells "BA!" and the parent doesn't know whether he wants a bottle or a ball or a book, or if he just feels like yelling. At the stage of 18-24 months, utterances are limited to two words (daddy kick, shut door, there teddy, she cold) Around this time, children go through a sudden change { They begin to simplify their pronunciations (learn rules). They start acquiring new words quickly about 10/day. Children begin to over-generalize rules, applying them to cases where they are not used in adult grammars (e.g. holded). Initially, they memorize all cases, they they learn the rule and overuse it (holded), then they re-learn the exceptions { This creates a "U-shaped curve" if we plot percent correct against time. Two years and later, around age 2, many children produce sentences that are 3-4 words in length (man kick ball, where daddy going? ) Towards the age of 3


we see sentences containing more than one clause (usually connected with and). 4year-old speech is characterized by the sorting out of grammatical errors (that's more better, it got brokened). By the age of 4 or 5, children have mastered all but the trickiest sounds of their language (e.g. English [T]). At age 7 we see sophisticated sentence connectives like though and anyway. Passive sentences are mastered around age 9. Likely through a combination of child-directed speech, repetitive observation and innate ability, by the end of the first year babies may have a vocabulary of 50 or more words. You can ask a 10 month old where his blue car is and chances are he'll look around or point to it, maybe even crawl over to it. They are unable, at this point to say the words, however. It takes time and practice to open their mouths and produce a specific sound on purpose. They are storing these words and meanings and slowly learning to make sounds. Eventually they will put them together and learn to speak words. C. Conclusion A child becomes able to produce specific speech-sounds as the motor organization of the articulatory system matures in close association with muscular and neural motor development for bodily action generally. When babies have begun to make sounds which are not random but are the result of the baby's own choice, they begin to make the noises that get good reactions from their families. Early in this stage they may be induced to mimic the sounds made by parents, or especially by brothers and sisters. They begin to recognize the meanings others attach to particular sounds that are important to them in their immediate world - that is, they begin to attach meanings to words like "bye-bye" and "night-night" which other people use. They often imitate these sounds and are helped by an enthusiastic and loving response from their caretakers. Children rarely produce the sounds to say something which is meaningless (to them), but that doesnt mean we understand everything.


References Cole, Michael (2001) The Development of Children. New York: Worth Publisher. Fry, John (2007) Child Language Acquisition. USA: San Jose State University. Genishi, Celia (1988) Young Children's Oral Language Development. ERIC Digest. [online] http://ericae.net/ Kuhl, Patricia (2005) How Children Acquire Language: The Motor Theory Account. [online] http://www.percepp.demon.co.uk/


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