Sept flk-3 Newsletter2013
Sept flk-3 Newsletter2013
Sept flk-3 Newsletter2013
Teachers News
Welcome to FLK-3 !
We are excited and ready to begin our second year of Full-Day Learning at St. Mark!
Teachers News Information Upcoming Events Arrival and Dismissal Communication Bag Other Items to Bring Snacks and Lunches Birthdays Toys Photos Quiet Time Classroom Donations Star Student Scholastic Book Orders Thank You ! /Going Green 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
Our philosophies are child centred and flexible. To date, there are eight Year 1 students and thirteen Year 2 students in our class. We look forward to working closely with you and your children to laugh and learn EVERY DAY! If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either Mrs. Hickey or Miss Evans as soon as possible and we will work together to reach a solution. We DO have at least one PEANUT ALLERGY in our classroom. Please remember the school is a NUT FREE ENVIRONMENT.
We have three Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten classes for 2013/14. Your child is a member of our FLK-3 class. Your childs learning support team will consist of: Mrs. M. Hickey, Miss Evans and Mrs. Hennessey. Mrs. Hickey will plan, organize, manage, instruct and evaluate the learning expectations of the Ontario Curriculum. Miss Evans will interlace age-appropriate program planning and strategies for social-emotional growth to help maximize all areas of development and well-being for your child. Mrs. Hennessey will support learning needs and program goals as required. Our approach is teamoriented, optimistic and exuberant.
School Day: 9:00a.m. 3:30p.m. Teachers: Mrs. M. Hickey ECE: Miss S. Evans EA : Mrs. M. Hennessey Principal: Mr. M. Santandrea Secretary: Mrs. Woods School Phone Number: 519-675-4421
Upcoming Events
Thurs. Sept.19 School Mass, 9a.m. Weds. Sept.18 Meet and Greet info to follow
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FLK-3 News
Communication Bag
Every day your child will bring home a zip-lock bag with his/her name on it. We will be using this bag to send home notes, information, order forms and your childs work. This bag is also a means by which you can return any necessary notes, forms, permissions, etc. to us. Clothing: We will be going outside twice daily, therefore please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. The children need a pair of indoor gym/class shoes that they can put on and take off independently as well as a pair of outdoor shoes. This avoids messes and safety issues. We ask that you place an extra set of clothes in a labelled plastic Ziploc bag which will be stored in These bags will go back and forth every day with your child. We will ask the children to place these bags in their mail-slot every morning and place them back in their backpack at the end of the day. Please ensure that your child brings their communication bag to school. every day. their classroom cubby, just in case. Labeling clothes makes finding owners quick and simple. One Inch Binder: We will again use a binder for our poems and chants and songs this year. We ask that YEAR ONE students bring a one inch three ring binder to school. ( Year Two students binders are here from last year) Your child will then bring this binder home intermittently to share/practice his/her poems/songs/chants with you. snack later in the afternoon, both around the recess times. Healthy snacks are strongly encouraged, especially for the morning snack. Please send nut-free products. If your child currently has or develops any allergies, please let us know immediately so we may take the necessary precautions.
Things that are important are worth your time and effort
Birthdays are very special in Kindergarten and we look forward to celebrating them. If it is your childs birthday, we invite you to send in a treat for the class. Small, individual treats are easier and more fair to serve to than larger treats, like cake. Once again, please check all ingredients carefully with respect to allergies. We will contact you prior to your childs birthday.
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FLK-3 News
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We would ask that you NOT allow your child to bring toys from home to school. They may be lost or broken and can sometimes lead to disputes between classmates. The exception to this rule will be the days that your child is invited to bring in something for show-and-tell. ( more info will follow re showand-tell)
Throughout the year, we will be taking photos of the students. We will send some of them home for you to keep. Pictures say a thousand words about friends, activities, learning, and community involvement. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know.
Quiet Time
After a busy morning and a satisfying lunch, the children will have an opportunity for quiet time and to look at books independently. This promotes a love of books and gives each child some alone time.
Classroom Donations
If you would kindly consider contributing a roll of paper towel and/or a box of Kleenex, we will put them to good use! Thank you! We have LOTS and LOTS of hand sanitizer so we do not need more. Thanks!
Star Student
Beginning shortly, we will send home a calendar of upcoming events, including birthdays and Star Student days (Show and Tell). On the day your child is the Star Student, they are instructed to bring in a toy to tell about and share with the class. They will also lead the class in many different ways, ex. lineups, calendar, handing out items, and acting as a runner. They LOVE it!
FLK-3 News
Order forms to purchase reading materials from the Scholastic Company are sent home through the year. There is no obligation to do so, but, if you wish to place an order, payment is by cheque only made payable to Scholastic Canada. ( all orders may go on the same cheque)
It has been a very enjoyable experience contacting you about starting up. Thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation with all these requests! We are very much looking forward to working with you and your child this year. Please feel free to contact us at school should you have any questions or concerns. You know your child best and teachers work best when they know the story behind the desk !
Thank You !
Going Green
Miss Evans has set up a classroom website so we can exchange information in a green manner. The link to the website is:
Each week, by Friday, a newsletter or weekly update will be posted on the site as well as any pictures, upcoming events, etc. If you would prefer a hard copy of newsletters, please let us know.