Supplier Apqp Gated Review
Supplier Apqp Gated Review
Supplier Apqp Gated Review
APQP Phases: Gated Reviews: 1- Plan & Define the Program 2 - Product and Process Design & Development 3- Product & Process Validation 4- Feedback, Assessment & C/A
Job Award
PPAP - I Readiness
PPAP - II Readiness
Review Date:
General Guidelines
1.) Supplier will read the Tower Automotive Supplier APQP Process standard NA-ST-054, to get full understanding of the tasks for each element listed under each gate review. 2.) Review dates are set by the supplier based off of the original program timing. The dates to be entered for each gate review are listed in the procedure after the gate name. The original dates can only be adjusted if the customer has changed their dates. These dates are internal review dates and do not reflect the date that Tower Automotive will audit the supplier progress. 3.) At a minimum the supplier launch team should begin to review the next gate tasks one week prior to the inprocess gate review date. 4.) Tower Automotive will audit the elements in each gate two weeks prior or after the internal supplier gate review date.
Open Issues Log (NA-ST-054J) Preliminary Process Flow Chart Tower Requirements review Pre-Production control plan
Program Timing
Program Timing
Program Timing
Program Timing
Die buyoff
Control Plan
Control Plan
Gage Buyoff
Assembly equipment design buyoff Design for Mfg. & Assy (NA-ST-054D)
Design for Mfg. & Assy (NA-ST-054D) TAPAS review and planning
Resource list Program Timing Die and gage progress Assembly equipment buyoff Process Readiness Checklist (NA-ST-054F)
Packaging tests
Status of Tasks Program not advanced to this step Task Completed / In-Process - No Risk Some risk - action plan in place Major issues to be resolved Not Applicable
Release BOM review
Effective 10/29/04