Paper ID IA0242l: Roll N+. Total Liio. of Questions: 091 (Total No. of Pages: 02
Paper ID IA0242l: Roll N+. Total Liio. of Questions: 091 (Total No. of Pages: 02
Paper ID IA0242l: Roll N+. Total Liio. of Questions: 091 (Total No. of Pages: 02
PaperID IA0242l
(l'lcasc fill this Paper ll) in O\lR Sheet)
Section- A
QI) (10x 2:20)
a) Mention two main functionsof humanresourcemanagement.
b) Nametwo featuresof humanresourceplanning.
c) Differentiatebetweenhumanandindustrialrelations.
d) Differentiatebetweenplacementand.induction.
e) Mentionthe objectiveThe ContractLabour Act,1970.
0 Whatis vestibuletraining?
g) What do you meanby job design?
h) Discussthe importanceofjob satisfaction.
r) Discussthe objectiveof paymentof wagesact,1936.
j) Mentiontwo causesof industrialdisputes.
Section- B
Q2) Discusstherole oftradeunionsin maintainingcordialindustrialrelations.
QS) f)iscr-rss
E-428 )