Mba2 HRM May09
Mba2 HRM May09
Mba2 HRM May09
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section- A is ComPulsory.
2) AttemptanyFour questionsfrom Section- B.
Section- A
(10x 2: 20)
a) DefineHumanResourceDevelopment.
b) Whatis job analysis?
c) Whatis 'Induction'?
d) What is SensitivityTraining?
e) How performance management?
appraisalis differentfrom performance
0 DefineLiving Wage.
g) What arefringebenefits?
h) Whatis promotion?
0 Definemorale.
j) of employeeempowerment?
What arethe advantages
Section- B
(4 x 10: 4A)
you avoidthose
eS) Discusstheproblemsin performanceappraisal.How would
M-3s4[I8s9l nTo.
Q4) Discussvariousreasonsof high employeeturnover.
Q6) Discussdifferentapproaches
to humanrelations.
M-354 2