Semester 3 - Paper Code:BCA 302: Unit-I
Semester 3 - Paper Code:BCA 302: Unit-I
Semester 3 - Paper Code:BCA 302: Unit-I
Unit-Ist Structure, definition, and application, Lists, Basic Terminology, Static Implementation of Lists, Pointer Implementation of Lists, Insertion in a list, Deletion from a list, Storage of Sparse, Arrays using Linked List, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Linked List. Unit-IInd Defining Stack and Queue, Stack Operations and Implementation, Array Implementation, Pointer Implementation, Stack Applications, Convert Number Bases by Using Stacks, Infix to Postfix Conversion, Queue Application, Priority Queues. Unit-IIIrd Defining Graph, Basic Terminology, Graph Traversal, Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth First Search (BFS), Shortest Path Problem, Minimal Spanning Tree, Binary Trees, In order Traversal, Post order Traversal, Preorder order Traversal, Binary Search Trees, Operations on a BST, Insertion in Binary Search Tree, Deletion of a node in BST, Search for a key in BST, Heigth Balanced Tree. Unit-IVth Searching and Sorting techniques, Sequential Search, Binary Search, Internal Sort, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, 2-way Merge Sort, Heap Sort.