Data Structures Through C++
Data Structures Through C++
Data Structures Through C++
To be familiar with basic techniques of object oriented principles and exception handling using
To be familiar with the concepts like Inheritance,Polymorphism
Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists,stacks,queues,hash tables
Be familiar with advanced data structures such as balanced search trees, AVL Trees, and B Trees.
UNIT- I: Arrays
Abstract Data Types and the C++ Class, An Introduction to C++ Class-Data Abstraction and Encapsulation
in C++-Declaring Class Objects and Invoking Member Functions-Special Class Operations-Miscellaneous
Topics-ADT’s and C++Classes, The Array as an Abstract Data Type, The Polynomial Abstract Data Type-
Polynomial Representation- Polynomial Addition. Sparse Matrices, Introduction- Sparse Matrix
Representation- Transposing a Matrix- Matrix Multiplication, Representation of Arrays.
UNIT-V: Graphs
The Graph Abstract Data Type, Introduction, Definition, Graph Representation, Elementary Graph
Operation, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Connected Components, Spanning Trees,
Biconneted Components, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm , Prim’s Algorithm, Sollin’s
Algorithm, Shortest Paths and Transitive Closure, Single Source/All Destination: Nonnegative Edge Cost,
Single Source/All Destination: General Weighs, All-Pairs Shortest Path, Transitive Closure.
UNIT-VI: Sorting
Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Merging, Iterative Merge Sort, Recursive Merge Sort, Heap Sort.
1. Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, 2 nd edition, Universities Press,
2. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education. Ltd:,
Second Edition.
3. Data structures and Algorithms in C++, Michael T.Goodrich, R.Tamassia and Mount, Wiley
student edition, John Wiley and Sons.