Media Planning Project
Media Planning Project
Media Planning Project
Name of the institute: Amity school of communication Students Name- SHIPRA DWIVEDI Roll No- LK31091001
I express my sincere thanks to Miss. GEETA GUPTA. Media planning head, Origins advertising pvt ltd. Who guided me throughout my project with constant cooperation,
encouragement and motivation. I thank to record my gratitude our college Director for his encouragement and Valuable support towards us. I wish to place on record my gratitude to all the persons I have met during the data collection phase of my Project. Their inputs are indispensable. Last but not the least I would thanks my friend for sharing the resources required For successful completion of this project.
1 Company Profile 2 Introductions about Media Planning 3 Media terms 4 Objectives of Media Planning 5 Media Planning Strategy 6 Steps of Effective Media Planning 7 Media Mix 8 Media Planning process 9 Media Cost and Media Availability 10 Media Scheduling
1 Channel Rating Diagram 2 Flexibility of Media Channel
Origins Advertising Pvt.LTD co- founded on 24th March 2000 by professionals having over twelve years of rich experience in the glamorous world of advertising. We provide specialized, need based quality advertisement service in the entire region of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal through significantly valuable and diversified portfolio of media assets and strategically placed offices across the region. Origins believe that they are in the business of manufacturing advertisement. This is what our clients come to us for and we spare no effort to ensure that quality of our product the best. We always have been front runner in adopting and promoting visually innovative and aesthetic media.
Aaren Innitative outdoor advertising pvt ltd Meridian Communication pvt ltd ICICI Pru Life Insurance Porland India outdoor pvt ltd Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ashok & co pan bahar ltd HDFC ltd (All Products) Aircel Digilink India ltd And many more
Our talents are available for almost all media. Print(periodicals & Dailies). Cinema, outdoors (Hoardings, Banners, , Signage, Digital Printing) and Creative/Designing etc. Creative/Designing Print Campaigns Outdoors Branding & Visual Merchandising Electronic Media
Media Planning is a very important component of the Marketing Strategy of an organization. Media Planning is defined as "Process of designing a scheduling plan that shows how advertising time and space in selected media and vehicles contribute to the achievement of marketing objectives in an advertising campaign". Media planning, in general terms, is a tool that allows the advertiser to select the most appropriate media to communicate the message in sufficient frequency towards the maximum number of potential customers at the lowest cost. * Medium: A medium is a carrier and deliverer of Advertisements. It is a broad
General category of carries such as Newspapers, Television, Radio, Internet, Outdoor, Direct Mail etc. * Vehicle: It is a specific carrier within a Media category. So a HY TV would be the vehicle in the category of TV. Many a time a specific programs or sections within a medium may be termed as a vehicle. For example, DAKSHINAYAN" on HY TV would be the vehicle in the Television category. * Frequency: How frequently are the recipients being exposed to message. In other words it is the average number of times an advertisement reaches each recipient in a given period. * Continuity: The amount of advertising budget being allocated over the period. There are basic types of ways in which the advertising budget is allocated: Continuous Scheduling, Pulsing and Flighting. * Weight: The amount of total advertising is needed to accomplish advertising Objectives. * Viewership: It refers to the number of people watching a given program. A viewer is a person who is watching the program. * Gross Rating points: The total audience delivery or weight of a specific media schedule is counted by working on the total number of viewers. However in media the information is gauged in gross rating points (GRP).for example if 75% of the people of our target market watched a commercial on television four times in a week, to determine the gross rating points, the following formula will be used: Reach*frequency=GRP 75*4=300GRP Objectives of media planning: Grab ATTENCTION Excite INTEREST Create DESIRE Prompt: ACTION
The objectives are controlled by the budget available for Advertising. In the beginning, a significant amount is available; but at the later stage of the product life cycle, only a small proportion is allocated to advertising. The effect of budgeting on advertising has been acknowledged by every organization. The positioning of the product also influences the objectives. If the producer is willing to challenge the leader, he will spend more money on advertising. The range, Frequency and continuity will be effected by budget and positioning of the product.
Media objectives have different components, viz, specification of the target market, geographical location of the market, reach and frequency, continuity or timing, creative requirements and potential market coverage level.
Media Mix
Combination of different media, and size of ads Which Media? Which Schedules?
We can follow a steady schedule or a pulsed campaign. Normally scheduling is done for a 4 week period. The six types of schedules available are:
1. Steady pulse: It is the easiest. For example one ad/week for 52 weeks or one ad/month for 12 months. 2. Seasonal pulse: Products like Vicks balm, ponds cold cream follow this approach. 3. Period pulse: Scheduling follows a regular pattern for example media scheduling for consumer durables, non durables etc. 4. Erratic pulse: The advertisements are placed irregularly. Perhaps we want to change the typical purchase cycles. 5. Startup pulse: It is concentrated media scheduling. It launches a new product or a new campaign. 6. Promotional pulse: A one short affair it suits only a particular promotional team.