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Test Engleza

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TEST DE EVALUARE INITIAL Anul scolar 2011-2012 Limba englez Clasa a IV- a L1

Name and surname: Date:

Part I + Part II = 90 points 10 Points granted Time: 30 minutes PART I (60 points)

1. Fill in the gaps using the following words: have, teddy bear, you, thank you, is. Tom: Good morning. How are __________ ? Alex: Hello. Im fine, ___________ Tom: What is this? Alex: Is my toy, my _______________. Do you have a toy? Tom: No, but I _________ a dog, a real dog. His name ________ Spotty. We play together every day. (5x2p=10 p)
2. Fill in a/an

1. ______ mouse
2. ______ orange ball

5. ______ elephant 6. ______ green apple 7. ______T-shirt 8. ______ beautiful girl (8x1p=8p)

3. ______ notebook 4. ______blue pencil

3. Write the correct plural form of the words: cat-_________________ horse-_______________ mouse-_______________ fish-_______________ (4x 0,5p= 2p)

4. Fill in there is, there are, there isnt, there arent, is there?, are there? a. ___________________a pupil in the classroom. b. ___________________ ten books in the classroom. 1

c. ___________________ a car in the school.

d. ___________________a teacher in the classroom? Yes, there is. e. _____________________ 20 teachers in the classroom? No, there arent. (5x 2p=10p)

5. Fill in the text with the correct forms of the verb to be and have (got)

Hello! My name ___________ Mike. I _______ 9 years old. I live in London. I like very much going to school but I dont like cleaning my room. I __________ tall and funny. My family _______ great. My mother _______ a doctor and my father ____ a pilot. I_________ a little brother, too. His name________ years old. My favourite season __________ summer. Simon and he _______3

I also ___________ a pet. His name ________ Spike. He ______ a nice dog and he ________ really funny. We ________ best friends.
What about you? Love, Mike

(15x 2p= 30p)


(30 points)

6. Write a letter to Mike telling him about you. Use the letter above as an example. Do not use more than 80 words.

CALIFICATIVE ITEMUL 1. FOARTE BINE Rspuns corect si complet: alctuieste corect o propozitie simpl n care foloseste cuvntul dat. Rspuns corect si complet: scrie cte un cuvnt asemntor ca nteles pentru fiecare dintre cele BINE Rspuns partial corect: foloseste cuvntul dat, dar ntro propozitie dezvoltat. SUFICIENT Rspuns partial corect: alctuieste o propozitie simpl, dar nlocuieste cuvntul dat. INSUFICIENT Rspuns incorect: alctuieste o propozitie dezvoltat n care nu foloseste cuvntul dat.


Rspuns partial corect: scrie un singur cuvnt asemntor ca nteles din cele dou solicitate. 3

Rspuns partial corect: scrie dou cuvinte asemntoare ca nteles cuvintelor solicitate, fr a fi

Rspuns incorect: scrie un singur cuvnt asemntor ca nteles unuia dintre cuvintele solicitate, fr a fi

dou cuvinte subliniate n text. 3. Rspuns corect si complet: scrie cele 2 prti de vorbire solicitate. Rspuns corect, dar incomplet: scrie doar una din cele dou prti de vorbire solicitate. Rspuns partial corect: construieste un enunt logic, utiliznd verbul la alt timp dect cel solicitat. Rspuns parial corect: alctuieste corect propoziii cu trei dintre ortogramele si cuvintele date, fr greseli de ortografie sau de punctuaie/ alctuieste propoziii cu toate cele patru ortograme si cuvinte date, cu 1-2 greseli de ortografie sau de punctuaie.


contextual/ nu ofer nici un sinonim. Rspuns incorect: nu scrie nici o parte de vorbire.

Rspuns incorect: alte 2 prti de vorbire inexistente n textul dat.


Rspuns corect: construieste un enunt logic, coerent, cu respectarea timpului verbului.

Rspuns incorect: construieste un enunt incoerent utiliznd alt verb la timpul dat.

Rspuns incorect: cuvintele sunt ortografiate gresit, timpul verbului fiind nerespectat.


Rspuns corect si complet:: alctuieste corect propoziii cu toate cele patru ortograme si cuvinte date, fr greseli de ortografie sau de punctuatie

Rspuns parial corect: alctuieste corect propoziii cu dou dintre ortogramele si cuvintele date, fr greseli de ortografie sau de punctuaie/ alctuieste propoziii cu trei dintre ortogramele si cuvintele date, cu 2-3 greseli de ortografie sau de punctuaie.

Rspuns incorect: alctuieste propoziii cu o singur ortogram sau cuvnt/ alctuieste propoziii cu 3-4 greseli de ortografie sau de punctuaie/ nu alctuieste nicio propoziie.

Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului si Sportului Centrul National de Evaluare si Examinare

TEST DE EVALUARE INIIAL Anul scolar 2011-2012 Limba englez Clasa a V- a L1 BAREM DE EVALUARE SI DE NOTARE
Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor. Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprtirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I puncte) 1. 10 x 1p=10 points 1) season; 2) colour; 3) school; 4) pencils; 5) pick; 6) apple tree; 7) party; 8) birthday; 9) in; 10) grandparents 2. 10 x 1p= 10 points 1) is drinking; 2) eats; 3) are swimming; 4) is cooking; 5) goes; 6) is not doing; 7) is chasing; 8) play; 9) is singing; 10) sleeps. 3. 4 x 0,5 p= 2 points a) foxes; b) toys; c) mice; d) photos. 4. 10 x 1p=10 points a. Why 5. 28 x 1p=28 points is, am, am, have, am, have, am, is, are, is, is, has, is, is, has (got), do not have, have, is, is, is, is, have, have, is is, has, is, are, is. PARTEA a II-a 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter: - 2 points the beginning: Dear + the friends name/ Hello - 2 points the ending: Best wishes + the senders name 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task 5

(60 de

(30 de puncte)

3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content) 2 points for the general impression

Competente corespunztoare nivelurilor taxonomice

S desprind informatii particulare dintr-un text citit n gnd

S se prezinte si S relateze S completeze s prezinte pe activitti la mesaje cineva- s prezent lacunare identifice elemente din universul familiar

Teme/ Continuturi/ Concepte-cheie/ Unitti tematice Copilul despre sine: nume, sex (actualizare), vrst (actualizare), adres, nsusiri fizice si morale (actualizare) Familia: *membrii familiei, ocupatii Substantivul numrul plural *plurale neregulate Verbul timpul prezent continuu (afirmativ, negativ, interogativ) timpul prezent simplu (afirmativ, negativ, interogativ) Prepozitia de loc (*between, over, across, above, at, in, on)

30 28



Adjectivul demonstrativ (singular i plural)






Matricea de specificatii

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