Gauge Design (Metrology)
Gauge Design (Metrology)
Gauge Design (Metrology)
4.13. To a greater or lesser extent, every gauge is a copy of the part which mates with the part for which the gauge is designed. For example, a bushing is made which is to mate with a shaft; in this case, the shaft is the opposed (mating part) part. The bushing is checked by a plug gauge, which in so far as the form of its surface and its size is concerned, is a copy of the opposed part (shaft). If a gauge is designed as an exact copy of the opposed part in so far as the dimension to be checked is concerned, it is called a Standard Gauge. In design of a gauge, simplicity should be the main aim as simple gauges can take measurements continuously and accurately. 4.13.1.
Taylors Principle.
According to Taylor, Go and No Go gauges should be designed to check maximum and minimum material limits which are checked as below. GoLimit. This designation is applied to that limit of the two limits of size which corresponds to the maximum material limit considerations, i.e. upper limit of a shaft and lower limit of a hole. The form of the Go gauge should be such that it can check one feature of the component in one pass. Wo Go Limit. This designation is applied to that limit of the two limits of size which corresponds to the minimum material condition, i.e. the lower limit of a shaft and the upper limit of a hole. No Go gauge should check only one part or feature of the component at a time, so that specific discrepancies in shape or size can be detected. Thus a separate No Go gauge is required for each different individual dimension.
Fig. 4.49. Snap gauge. The Go plug gauge (Fig. 4.48) is the size of the minimum limit of the hole, while the No Go plug gauge corresponds to the maximum limit. The Go snap gauge (Fig. 4.49) on the other hand, is of a size corresponding to the maximum limit of the shaft, while the No Go snap gauge corresponds to the minimum limit. Gauging faces of a normal snap or gap gauge must be parallel and square to each other and the gauging points of contact with the work should be in the same plane. The difference in size between the Go and No Go snap gauges, as well as the difference in size between the GO and No GO plug gauges, is approximately equal to the tolerance of the tested holeor shaft in case of Standard Gauges, Rigidity
and robustness of snap gauges are important features so that gauges function adequately and maintain size. Gauging diameters of components that are slightly larger than the gap setting can produce high wielding action which may lead to gauge distortion and wrong interpretation of reading. Therefore, larger gap gauges should, preferably, be forged in a deep I-section, ensuring maximum rigidity in the plane of gauge and sufficient rigidity in lateral direction. Taylors principle states that the Go gauges should check all the possible elements of dimensions at a time (roundness, size, location etc.) and the No Go gauge should check only one element of the dimension at a time. To Go plug gauge must be of corresponding section and preferably full length of hole so that straightness of hole can also be checked. Thus it not only controls diameter in any given section but also ensures bore alignability. However it cannot check the degree of ovality. The No Go plug gauge is relatively short and its function is dependent not only on the diameter but also on the circularity of the hole. Thus to some extent, variation of hole shape can be measured. 4.13.2.
First system.
Workshop and Inspection Gauges (Fig. 4.50). In this method workshop and inspection gauges are made separately and their tolerance zones are different. This was evolved many years ago in the development stage of limit gauges.
Fig. 4.50. Disposition of tolerances on workship and inspection gauges. According to this system the tolerances on the workshop gauge are arranged to fall inside the work tolerance, while the inspection gauge tolerances fall outside the work tolerance. Further in workshop gauges, Go gauge should eat away 10% of work tolerance and similarly the tolerance on No Go gauge should be one-tenth of work tolerance, so if work tolerance is 10 units then only 8 units will be left as the difference between the minimum ofNo Go and maximum ofGo; the tolerance on Go as well as No Go gauges individually being 1 unit each. In Inspection Gauges, gauges are kept beyond work tolerance by 10% of its value. Disadvantages of Workshop and Inspection Gauges. (1) Some of the components which are in work tolerance limits may be rejected under workshop gauges. So they are again checked by inspection gauges and may be accepted after that. (2) Some components which are not in work tolerance limits may be accepted when tested by inspection gauges. (3) The workshop and inspection gauges are to be made separately as their tolerance zones are different.
Fig. 4.51. Modified tolerances on inspection gauge. For Go and No Go inspection gauges in this system, the 110% of the range of work tolerance is covered instead of 120% in the first system as shown in Fig. 4.51.
for the No Go gauges outside the work-limits. Provision for wear of Go gauges is made by introduction of a margin between the tolerance zone for the gauge and maximum metal limit of the work. Wear should not be permitted beyond the maximum metal limit of the work, when the limit is of critical importance. Its magnitude is one-tenth of the gauge tolerance. Thus when work tolerance is less than 0.09 mm there is no need of giving allowance for wear. If work tolerance is more than 0.09 mm then 10% gauge tolerance is given only on Go gauge for wear. The disposition of various tolerances and allowances on gauges according to this system is shown in Fig. 4.52 (a) and (b) and further clarified by the following example.