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Fundamentals of Computer Programming With C# (By Svetlin Nakov & Co.)

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Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

(The Bulgarian C# Programming Book)

by Svetlin Nakov & Co.


Book Front Cover

Contents .............................................................................................. 2
Detailed Table of Contents .................................................................. 9
Preface .............................................................................................. 17
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming........................................... 73
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables ........................................ 115
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions ............................................. 143
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output .............................................. 169
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements .................................................. 199
Chapter 6. Loops ............................................................................. 215
Chapter 7. Arrays ............................................................................ 239
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems ........................................................... 269
Chapter 9. Methods ......................................................................... 297
Chapter 10. Recursion ..................................................................... 355
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects .......................................... 389
Chapter 12. Exception Handling ...................................................... 419
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing ......................................... 461
Chapter 14. Defining Classes ........................................................... 503
Chapter 15. Text Files ...................................................................... 619
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures ................................................. 645
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs ......................................................... 685
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets .............................. 731
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity .................. 773
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles ..................... 811
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code .................................. 857
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ ..................................... 919
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving .................................. 939
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 ........................ 989
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 ...................... 1045
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 ...................... 1075
Conclusion ..................................................................................... 1123
(The Bulgarian C# Programming Book)
Svetlin Nakov & Co.

Dilyan Dimitrov
Hristo Germanov
Iliyan Murdanliev
Mihail Stoynov
Mihail Valkov
Mira Bivas
Nikolay Kostov
Nikolay Nedyalkov
Nikolay Vasilev
Pavel Donchev
Pavlina Hadjieva
Radoslav Ivanov
Radoslav Kirilov
Radoslav Todorov
Stanislav Zlatinov
Stefan Staev
Svetlin Nakov
Teodor Bozhikov
Teodor Stoev
Tsvyatko Konov
Vesselin Georgiev
Veselin Kolev
Yordan Pavlov
Yosif Yosifov
Telerik Software Academy
Sofia, 2013
(The Bulgarian C# Programming Book)

Svetlin Nakov & Co., 2013
Telerik Software Academy, 2013

The book is distributed freely under the following license conditions:
1. Book readers (users) may:
- distribute free of charge unaltered copies of the book in electronic or
paper format;
- use portions of the book and the source code examples or their
modifications, for all intents and purposes, including educational and
commercial projects, provided they clearly specify the original source,
the original author(s) of the corresponding text or source code, this
license and the website www.introprogramming.info;
- distribute free of charge portions of the book or modified copies of it
(including translating the book into other languages or adapting it to
other programming languages and platforms), but only by explicitly
mentioning the original source and the authors of the corresponding
text, source code or other material, this license and the official website
of the project: www.introprogramming.info.
2. Book readers (users) may NOT:
- distribute for profit the book or portions of it, with the exception of the
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- remove this license from the book when modifying it for own needs.
All trademarks referenced in this book are the property of their respective

Official Web Site:

ISBN 978-954-400-773-7

Telerik Software Academy

Telerik End-To-End Solution


Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) is a
non-profit organization that supports the Bulgarian software
developers through educational and other initiatives.
BASD works to promote exchange of experience between the
developers and improvement of their knowledge and skills in
the area of software development and software technologies.
The Association organizes conferences, seminars and training
courses for software engineers and other professionals
involved in the software industry.
DevReach Conference
Detailed Table of Contents
Contents .............................................................................................. 2
Detailed Table of Contents .................................................................. 9
Preface .............................................................................................. 17
About the Book ............................................................................................. 17
C# and .NET Framework ................................................................................ 21
How Read This Book? ................................................................................ 26
Why Are Data Structures and Algorithms Emphasized? ...................................... 29
Do You Really Want to Become a Programmer? ................................................. 30
A Look at the Books Contents ........................................................................ 33
History: How Did This Book Come to Be? ......................................................... 42
Authors and Contributors ............................................................................... 44
The Book Is Free of Charge! ........................................................................... 57
Reviews ....................................................................................................... 57
Sponsor ....................................................................................................... 67
License ........................................................................................................ 68
Resources Coming with the Book ..................................................................... 69
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming........................................... 73
In This Chapter ............................................................................................. 73
What Does It Mean "To Program"? .................................................................. 73
Stages in Software Development ..................................................................... 75
Our First C# Program .................................................................................... 79
The C# Language and the .NET Platform .......................................................... 83
Visual Studio IDE .......................................................................................... 97
Alternatives to Visual Studio .......................................................................... 108
Decompiling Code ........................................................................................ 108
C# in Linux, iOS and Android ......................................................................... 111
Other .NET Languages .................................................................................. 111
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 112
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 112
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables ........................................ 115
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 115
What Is a Variable? ...................................................................................... 115
Data Types .................................................................................................. 115
Variables ..................................................................................................... 127
Value and Reference Types ............................................................................ 132
10 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Literals ....................................................................................................... 135
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 139
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 140
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions ............................................. 143
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 143
Operators .................................................................................................... 143
Type Conversion and Casting ......................................................................... 156
Expressions ................................................................................................. 162
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 164
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 165
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output .............................................. 169
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 169
What Is the Console? .................................................................................... 169
Standard Input-Output ................................................................................. 173
Printing to the Console .................................................................................. 173
Console Input .............................................................................................. 187
Console Input and Output Examples ............................................................ 194
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 196
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 197
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements .................................................. 199
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 199
Comparison Operators and Boolean Expressions .............................................. 199
Conditional Statements "if" and "if-else" ......................................................... 204
Conditional Statement "switch-case" ............................................................... 210
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 212
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 213
Chapter 6. Loops ............................................................................. 215
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 215
What Is a "Loop"? ........................................................................................ 215
While Loops ................................................................................................. 215
Do-While Loops ............................................................................................ 220
For Loops .................................................................................................... 225
Foreach Loops ............................................................................................. 229
Nested Loops ............................................................................................... 230
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 235
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 237
Chapter 7. Arrays ............................................................................ 239
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 239
What Is an "Array"? ...................................................................................... 239
Declaration and Allocation of Memory for Arrays .............................................. 239
Access to the Elements of an Array ................................................................. 242
Detailed Table of Contents 11
Reading an Array from the Console ................................................................ 245
Printing an Array to the Console ..................................................................... 247
Iteration through Elements of an Array ........................................................... 248
Multidimensional Arrays ................................................................................ 250
Arrays of Arrays ........................................................................................... 257
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 261
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 263
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems ........................................................... 269
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 269
History in a Nutshell ..................................................................................... 269
Numeral Systems ......................................................................................... 270
Representation of Numbers ........................................................................... 280
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 293
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 294
Chapter 9. Methods ......................................................................... 297
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 297
Subroutines in Programming .......................................................................... 297
What Is a "Method"? ..................................................................................... 297
Why to Use Methods? ................................................................................... 298
How to Declare, Implement and Invoke a Method? ........................................... 299
Declaring Our Own Method ............................................................................ 299
Implementation (Creation) of Own Method ...................................................... 304
Invoking a Method........................................................................................ 305
Parameters in Methods ................................................................................. 307
Returning a Result from a Method .................................................................. 332
Best Practices when Using Methods ................................................................ 349
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 351
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 352
Chapter 10. Recursion ..................................................................... 355
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 355
What Is Recursion? ....................................................................................... 355
Example of Recursion ................................................................................... 355
Direct and Indirect Recursion ......................................................................... 356
Bottom of Recursion ..................................................................................... 356
Creating Recursive Methods ........................................................................... 356
Recursive Calculation of Factorial ................................................................... 357
Recursion or Iteration?.................................................................................. 359
Simulation of N Nested Loops ........................................................................ 360
Which is Better: Recursion or Iteration? .......................................................... 366
Using Recursion Conclusions ....................................................................... 382
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 382
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 384
12 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects .......................................... 389
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 389
Classes and Objects ...................................................................................... 389
Classes in C#............................................................................................... 391
Creating and Using Objects ........................................................................... 394
Namespaces ................................................................................................ 409
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 414
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 416
Chapter 12. Exception Handling ...................................................... 419
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 419
What Is an Exception? .................................................................................. 419
Exceptions Hierarchy .................................................................................... 428
Throwing and Catching Exceptions ................................................................. 430
The try-finally Construct ................................................................................ 436
IDisposable and the "using" Statement ........................................................... 441
Advantages of Using Exceptions ..................................................................... 443
Best Practices when Using Exceptions ............................................................. 449
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 457
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 458
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing ......................................... 461
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 461
Strings ........................................................................................................ 461
Strings Operations........................................................................................ 466
Constructing Strings: the StringBuilder Class ................................................... 484
String Formatting ......................................................................................... 492
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 495
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 500
Chapter 14. Defining Classes ........................................................... 503
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 503
Custom Classes ............................................................................................ 503
Usage of Class and Objects............................................................................ 506
Organizing Classes in Files and Namespaces .................................................... 509
Modifiers and Access Levels (Visibility) ............................................................ 512
Declaring Classes ......................................................................................... 513
The Reserved Word "this" .............................................................................. 515
Fields .......................................................................................................... 516
Methods ...................................................................................................... 522
Accessing Non-Static Data of the Class ........................................................... 523
Hiding Fields with Local Variables ................................................................... 526
Visibility of Fields and Methods....................................................................... 528
Constructors ................................................................................................ 535
Properties ................................................................................................... 553
Detailed Table of Contents 13
Static Classes and Static Members ................................................................. 563
Structures ................................................................................................... 584
Enumerations .............................................................................................. 588
Inner Classes (Nested Classes) ...................................................................... 594
Generics ..................................................................................................... 598
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 614
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 617
Chapter 15. Text Files ...................................................................... 619
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 619
Streams ...................................................................................................... 619
Reading from a Text File ............................................................................... 624
Writing to a Text File .................................................................................... 632
Input / Output Exception Handling ................................................................. 634
Text Files More Examples ........................................................................... 635
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 640
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 642
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures ................................................. 645
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 645
Abstract Data Structures ............................................................................... 645
List Data Structures ...................................................................................... 646
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 680
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 682
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs ......................................................... 685
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 685
Tree Data Structures .................................................................................... 685
Trees .......................................................................................................... 685
Graphs ........................................................................................................ 718
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 726
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 727
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets .............................. 731
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 731
Dictionary Data Structure .............................................................................. 731
Hash-Tables ................................................................................................ 739
The "Set" Data Structure ............................................................................... 764
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 769
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 771
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity .................. 773
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 773
Why Are Data Structures So Important?.......................................................... 773
Algorithm Complexity ................................................................................... 774
Comparison between Basic Data Structures ..................................................... 783
14 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
When to Use a Particular Data Structure? ........................................................ 783
Choosing a Data Structure Examples ........................................................... 790
External Libraries with .NET Collections ........................................................... 805
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 807
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 808
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles ..................... 811
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 811
Lets Review: Classes and Objects .................................................................. 811
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) .............................................................. 811
Fundamental Principles of OOP ....................................................................... 812
Inheritance .................................................................................................. 813
Abstraction .................................................................................................. 828
Encapsulation .............................................................................................. 832
Polymorphism .............................................................................................. 834
Cohesion and Coupling .................................................................................. 840
Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM) .................................................................... 846
UML Notation ............................................................................................... 848
Design Patterns............................................................................................ 851
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 855
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 856
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code .................................. 857
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 857
Why Is Code Quality Important? .................................................................... 857
What Does Quality Programming Code Mean? .................................................. 858
Why Should We Write Quality Code? ............................................................... 858
Identifier Naming ......................................................................................... 861
Code Formatting .......................................................................................... 870
High-Quality Classes ..................................................................................... 878
High-Quality Methods ................................................................................... 882
Proper Use of Variables ................................................................................. 887
Proper Use of Expressions ............................................................................. 894
Use of Constants .......................................................................................... 895
Proper Use of Control Flow Statements ........................................................... 898
Defensive Programming ................................................................................ 902
Code Documentation .................................................................................... 904
Code Refactoring .......................................................................................... 908
Unit Testing ................................................................................................. 909
Additional Resources..................................................................................... 916
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 916
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 917
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ ..................................... 919
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 919
Detailed Table of Contents 15
Extension Methods ....................................................................................... 919
Anonymous Types ........................................................................................ 922
Lambda Expressions ..................................................................................... 924
LINQ Queries ............................................................................................... 928
Nested LINQ Queries .................................................................................... 934
LINQ Performance ........................................................................................ 934
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 937
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 937
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving .................................. 939
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 939
Basic Principles of Solving Computer Programming Problems ............................. 939
Use Pen and Paper ....................................................................................... 940
Generate Ideas and Give Them a Try! ............................................................. 941
Decompose the Task into Smaller Subtasks ..................................................... 942
Verify Your Ideas! ........................................................................................ 945
If a Problem Occurs, Invent a New Idea! ......................................................... 947
Choose Appropriate Data Structures! .............................................................. 950
Think about the Efficiency! ............................................................................ 954
Implement Your Algorithm! ........................................................................... 957
Write the Code Step by Step! ........................................................................ 958
Test Your Solution! ....................................................................................... 971
General Conclusions ..................................................................................... 983
Exercises ..................................................................................................... 984
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................... 987
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 ........................ 989
In This Chapter ............................................................................................ 989
Problem 1: Extract Text from HTML Document ................................................. 989
Problem 2: Escape from Labyrinth ................................................................ 1016
Problem 3: Store for Car Parts ..................................................................... 1030
Exercises ................................................................................................... 1042
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................. 1044
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 ...................... 1045
In This Chapter .......................................................................................... 1045
Problem 1: Counting the Uppercase / Lowercase Words in a Text ..................... 1045
Problem 2: A Matrix of Prime Numbers ......................................................... 1058
Problem 3: Evaluate an Arithmetic Expression ............................................... 1064
Exercises ................................................................................................... 1073
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................. 1073
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 ...................... 1075
In This Chapter .......................................................................................... 1075
Problem 1: Spiral Matrix ............................................................................. 1075
Problem 2: Counting Words in a Text File ...................................................... 1082
16 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Problem 3: School ...................................................................................... 1103
Exercises ................................................................................................... 1121
Solutions and Guidelines ............................................................................. 1122
Conclusion ..................................................................................... 1123
Did You Solve All Problems? ........................................................................ 1123
Have You Encountered Difficulties with the Exercises? ..................................... 1123
How Do You Proceed After Reading the Book? ................................................ 1124
Free Courses at Telerik Software Academy .................................................... 1125
Good Luck to Everyone! .............................................................................. 1130
If you want to take up programming seriously, youve come across the
right book. For real! This is the book with which you can make your first
steps in programming. It will give a flying start to your long journey into
learning modern programming languages and software development
technologies. This book teaches the fundamental principles and concepts
of programming, which have not changed significantly in the past 15 years.
Do not hesitate to read this book even if C# is not the language you would
like to pursue. Whatever language you move on to, the knowledge we will
give you here will stick, because this book will teach you to think like
programmers. We will show you and teach you how to write programs for
solving practical algorithmic problems, form the skills in you to come up
with (and implement) algorithms, and use various data structures.
As improbable as it might seem to you, the basic principles of writing
computer programs have not changed all that much in the past 15 years.
Programming languages change, technologies get modernized, integrated
development environments get more and more advanced but the
fundamental principles of programming remain the same. When
beginners learn to think algorithmically, and then learn to divide a problem
instinctively into a series of steps to solve it, as well as when they learn to
select the appropriate data structures and write high-quality programming
code that is when they become programmers. Once you acquire these skills,
you can easily learn new languages and various technologies like Web
programming, HTML5 and JavaScript, mobile development, databases and
SQL, XML, REST, ASP.NET, Java EE, Python, Ruby and hundreds more.
About the Book
This book is designed specifically to teach you to think like a programmer and
the C# language is just a tool that can be replaced by any other modern
programming languages, such as Java, C++, PHP or Python. This is a book
on programming, not a book on C#!
Please Excuse Us for the Bugs in the Translation!
This book was originally written in Bulgarian language by a large team of
volunteer software engineers and later translated into English. None of the
authors, translators, editors and the other contributors is a native English
speaker so you might find many mistakes and imprecise translation. Please,
excuse us! Over 70 people have participated in this project (mostly
Bulgarians): authors, editors, translators, correctors, bug submitters, etc. and
18 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
still the quality could be improved. The entire team congratulates you on your
choice to read this book and we believe the content in it is more important
that the small mistakes and inaccuracies you might find. Enjoy!
Who Is This Book Aimed At?
This book is best suited for beginners. It is intended for anyone who so far
has not engaged seriously in programming and would like to begin doing it.
This book starts from scratch and introduces you step by step into the
fundamentals of programming. It wont teach you absolutely everything you
might need for becoming a software engineer and working at a software
company, but it will lay the groundwork on which you can build up
technological knowledge and skills, and through them you will be able to turn
programming into your profession.
If youve never written a computer program, dont worry. There is always a
first time. In this book we will teach you how to program from scratch.
We do not expect any previous knowledge or abilities. All you need is some
basic computer literacy and a desire to take up programming. The rest you
will learn from the book.
If you can already write simple programs or if you have studied programming
at school or in college, or youve coded with friends, do not assume you
know everything! Read this book and youll become aware of how many
things youve missed. This book is indeed for beginners, but it teaches
concepts and skills that even experienced professional programmers lack.
Software companies are riddled with a shocking amount of self-taught
amateurs who, despite having programmed on a salary for years, have no
grasp of the fundamentals of programming and have no idea what a hash
table is, how polymorphism works and how to work with bitwise operations.
Dont be like them! Learn the basics of programming first and then the
technologies. Otherwise you risk having your programming skills crippled,
more or less, for years, if not for life.
If, on the other hand, you have programming experience, examine this book
in details and see if you are familiar with all subjects we have covered, in
order to decide whether it is for you or not. Take a close look especially at the
chapters "Data Structures and Algorithms Complexity", "Object-Oriented
Programming Principles", "Methodology of Problem Solving" and "High-Quality
Programming Code". It is very likely that, even if you have several years of
experience, you might not be able to work well with data structures; you
might not be able to evaluate the complexity of an algorithm; you might
not have mastered in depth the concepts of object-oriented programming
(including UML and design patterns); and you might not be acquainted with
the best practices for writing high-quality programming code. These are
very important topics that are not covered in all books on programming, so
dont skip them!
Preface 19
Previous Knowledge Is Not Required!
In this book we do not expect any previous programming knowledge
from the readers. It is not necessary for you to have studied information
technology or computer science, in order to read and comprehend the book
content. The book starts from scratch and gradually gets you involved in
programming. All technical terms you will come across will have been
explained beforehand and it is not necessary for you to know them from other
sources. If you dont know what a compiler, debugger, integrated develop-
ment environment, variable, array, loop, console, string, data structure,
algorithm, algorithm complexity, class or object are, dont be alarmed. From
this book, you will learn all these terms and many more and gradually get
accustomed to using them constantly in your everyday work. Just read the
book consistently and do the exercises.
Certainly, if, after all, you do have prior knowledge in computer science and
information technologies, they will by all means be of use to you. If, at
university, you major in the field of computer science or if you study
information technology at school, this will only help you, but it is not a must.
If you major in tourism, law or other discipline that has little in common with
computer technology, you could still become a good programmer, as long
as you have the desire. The software industry is full of good developers
without a computer science or related degree.
It is expected for you to have basic computer literacy, since we would not
be explaining what a file, hard disk and network adapter is, nor how to move
the mouse or how to write on a keyboard. We expect you to know how to
work with a computer and how to use the Internet.
It is recommended that the readers have at least some basic knowledge of
English. The entire documentation you will be using every day and almost all
of the websites on programming you would be reading at all times are in
English. In the profession of a programmer, English is absolutely
essential. The sooner you learn it, the better. We hope that you already
speak English; otherwise how do you read this text?

Make no illusion you can become a programmer without
learning even a little English! This is simply a naive
expectation. If you dont speak English, complete a course of
some sort and then start reading technical literature, make
note of any unfamiliar words and learn them. You will see for
yourselves that Technical English is easy to learn and it
doesnt take much time.
What Is the Scope of This Book?
This book covers the fundamentals of programming. It will teach you how
to define and use variables, how to work with primitive data structures (such
as numbers), how to organize logical statements, conditional statements and
20 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
loops, how to print on the console, how to use arrays, how to work with
numeral systems, how to define and use methods, and how to create and use
objects. Along with the basic programming knowledge, this book will help
you understand more complicated concepts such as string processing,
exception handling, using complex data structures (like trees and hash
tables), working with text files, defining custom classes and working with
LINQ queries. The concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) an
established approach in modern software development will be covered in
depth. Finally, youll be faced with the practices for writing high-quality
programs and solving real-world programming problems. This book presents
a complete methodology for solving programming problems, as well as
algorithmic problems in general, and shows how to implement it with a few
sample subjects and programming exams. This is something you will not find
in any other book on programming!
What Will This Book Not Teach You?
This book will not award you the profession "software engineer"! This
book wont teach you how to use the entire .NET platform, how to work with
databases, how to create dynamic web sites and develop mobile applications,
how to create window-based graphical user interface (GUI) and rich Internet
applications (RIA). You wont learn how to develop complex software
applications and systems like Skype, Firefox, MS Word or social networks like
Facebook and retail sites like Amazon.com. And no other single book will.
These kinds of projects require many, many years of work and experience
and the knowledge in this book is just a wonderful beginning for the future
programmer geek.
From this book, you wont learn software engineering, team work and you
wont be able to prepare for working on real projects in a software company.
In order to learn all of this, you will need a few more books and extra courses,
but do not regret the time you will spend on this book. You are making the
right choice by starting with the fundamentals of programming rather
than directly with Web development, mobile applications and databases. This
gives you the opportunity to become a master programmer who has in-
depth knowledge of programming and technology. After you acquire the
fundamentals of programming, it will become much easier for you to read and
learn databases and web applications, and you will understand what you read
much easier and in greater depth rather than if you directly begin learning
Some of your colleagues directly begin programming with Web or mobile
applications and databases without knowing what an array, a list or hash
table is. Do not envy them! They have set out to do it the hard way,
backwards. They will learn to make low-quality websites with PHP and MySQL,
but they will find it infinitely difficult to become real professionals. You,
too, will learn web technologies and databases, but before you take them up,
learn how to program! This is much more important. Learning one
Preface 21
technology or another is very easy once you know the basics, when you can
think algorithmically and you know how to tackle programming problems.

Starting to program with web applications or/and databases
is just as incorrect as studying up a foreign language from
some classical novel rather than from the alphabet and a
textbook for beginners. It is not impossible, but if you lack
the basics, it is much more difficult. It is highly-probable that
you would end up lacking vital fundamental knowledge and
being the laughing-stock of your colleagues/peers.
How Is the Information Presented?
Despite the large number of authors, co-authors and editors, we have done
our best to make the style of the book similar in all chapters and highly
comprehensible. The content is presented in a well-structured manner; it is
broken up into many titles and subtitles, which make its reception easy and
looking up information in the text quick.
The present book is written by programmers for programmers. The
authors are active software developers, colleagues with genuine experience in
both software development and training future programmers. Due to this, the
quality of the content presentation is at a very good level, as you will see for
All authors are distinctly aware that the sample source code is one of the
most important things in a book on programming. Due to this very reason,
the text is accompanied with many, many examples, illustrations and figures.
When every chapter is written by a different author, there is no way to
completely avoid differences in the style of speech and the quality of
chapters. Some authors put a lot of work (for months) and a lot of efforts to
make their chapters perfect. Others could not invest too much effort and
that is why some chapters are not as good as the best ones. Last but not
least, the experience of the authors varies some have been programming
professionally for 2-3 years, while others for 15 years. This affects the
quality, no doubt, but we assure you that every chapter has been
reviewed and meets the quality standards of Svetlin Nakov and his team.
C# and .NET Framework
This book is about programming. It is intended to teach you to think as a
programmer, to write code, to think in data structures and algorithms and to
solve problems.
We use C# and Microsoft .NET Framework (the platform behind C#) only
as means for writing programming code and we do not scrutinize the
languages specifics. This same book can be found in versions for other
languages like Java and C++, but the differences are not very significant.
22 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Nevertheless, lets give a short account of C# (pronounced "see sharp").

C# is a modern programming language for development of
software applications.
If the words "C#" and ".NET Framework" are unknown to you, youll learn in
details about them and their connection in the next chapter. Now lets explain
briefly what C#, .NET, .NET Framework, CLR and the other technologies
related to C# are.
The C# Programming Language
C# is a modern object-oriented, general-purpose programming
language, created and developed by Microsoft together with the .NET
platform. There is highly diverse software developed with C# and on the .NET
platform: office applications, web applications, websites, desktop applications,
mobile applications, games and many others.
C# is a high-level language that is similar to Java and C++ and, to some
extent, languages like Delphi, VB.NET and C. All C# programs are object-
oriented. They consist of a set of definitions in classes that contain methods
and the methods contain the program logic the instructions which the
computer executes. You will find out more details on what a class, a method
and C# programs are in the next chapter.
Nowadays C# is one of the most popular programming languages. It is
used by millions of developers worldwide. Because C# is developed by
Microsoft as part of their modern platform for development and execution of
applications, the .NET Framework, the language is widely spread among
Microsoft-oriented companies, organizations and individual developers. For
better or for worse, as of this book writing, the C# language and the .NET
platform are maintained and managed entirely by Microsoft and are not
open to third parties. Because of this, all other large software corporations
like IBM, Oracle and SAP base their solutions on the Java platform and use
Java as their primary language for developing their own software products.
Unlike C# and the .NET Framework, the Java language and platform are
open-source projects that an entire community of software companies,
organizations and individual developers take part in. The standards, the
specifications and all the new features in the world of Java are developed by
workgroups formed out of the entire Java community, rather than a single
company (as the case of C# and .NET Framework).
The C# language is distributed together with a special environment on which
it is executed, called the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This
environment is part of the platform .NET Framework, which includes CLR, a
bundle of standard libraries providing basic functionality, compilers,
debuggers and other development tools. Thanks to the framework CLR
programs are portable and, once written they can function with little or no
changes on various hardware platforms and operating systems. C# programs
Preface 23
are most commonly run on MS Windows, but the .NET Framework and CLR
also support mobile phones and other portable devices based on Windows
Mobile, Windows Phone and Windows 8. C# programs can still be run under
Linux, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, MacOS X and other operating systems through
the free .NET Framework implementation Mono, which, however, is not
officially supported by Microsoft.
The Microsoft .NET Framework
The C# language is not distributed as a standalone product it is a part of
the Microsoft .NET Framework platform (pronounced "Microsoft dot net
framework"). .NET Framework generally consists of an environment for the
development and execution of programs, written in C# or some other
language, compatible with .NET (like VB.NET, Managed C++, J# or F#). It
consists of:
- the .NET programming languages (C#, VB.NET and others);
- an environment for the execution of managed code (CLR), which
executes C# programs in a controlled manner;
- a set of development tools, such as the csc compiler, which turns C#
programs into intermediate code (called MSIL) that the CLR can
- a set of standard libraries, like ADO.NET, which allow access to
databases (such as MS SQL Server or MySQL) and WCF which connects
applications through standard communication frameworks and protocols
like HTTP, REST, JSON, SOAP and TCP sockets.
The .NET Framework is part of every modern Windows distribution and is
available in different versions. The latest version can be downloaded and
installed from Microsofts website. As of this books publishing, the latest
version of the .NET Framework is 4.5. Windows Vista includes out-of-the-
box .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 7 .NET 3.5 and Windows 8 .NET 4.5.
Why C#?
There are many reasons why we chose C# for our book. It is a modern
programming language, widely spread, used by millions of programmers
around the entire world. At the same time C# is a very simple and easy to
learn (unlike C and C++). It is natural to start with a language that is
suitable for beginners while still widely used in the industry by many large
companies, making it one of the most popular programming languages
C# or Java?
Although this can be extensively discussed, it is commonly acknowledged that
Java is the most serious competitor to C#. We will not make a
comparison between Java and C#, because C# is undisputedly the better,
24 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
more powerful, richer and just better engineered. But, for the purposes of this
book, we have to emphasize that any modern programming language will be
sufficient to learn programming and algorithms. We chose C#, because it is
easier to learn and is distributed with highly convenient, free integrated
development environment (e.g. Visual C# Express Edition). Those who prefer
Java can prefer to use the Java version of this book, which can be found here:
Why Not PHP?
With regards to programing languages popularity, besides C# and Java,
another widely used language is PHP. It is suitable for developing small web
sites and web applications, but it gives rise to serious difficulties when
implementing large and complicated software systems. In the software
industry PHP is used first and foremost for small projects, because it can
easily lead developers into writing code that is bad, disorganized and hard to
maintain, making it inconvenient for more substantial projects. This subject is
also debatable, but it is commonly accepted that, because of its antiquated
concepts and origins it is built on and because of various evolutionary
reasons, PHP is a language that tends towards low-quality
programming, writing bad code and creating hard to maintain software. PHP
is a procedural language in concept and although it supports the paradigms of
modern object-oriented programming, most PHP programmers write
procedurally. PHP is known as the language of "code monkeys" in the
software engineering profession, because most PHP programmers write
terrifyingly low-quality code. Because of the tendency to write low-quality,
badly structured and badly organized programming code, the entire concept
of the PHP language and platform is considered wrong and serious companies
(like Microsoft, Google, SAP, Oracle and their partners) avoid it. Due to this
reason, if you want to become a serious software engineer, start with C# or
Java and avoid PHP (as much as possible).
Certainly, PHP has its uses in the world of programming (for example
creating a blog with WordPress, a small web site with Joomla or Drupal, or a
discussion board with PhpBB), but the entire PHP platform is not well-
organized and engineered for large systems like .NET and Java. When it
comes to non-web-based applications and large industrial projects, PHP is not
by a long shot among the available options. Lots and lots of experience is
necessary to use PHP correctly and to develop high-quality professional
projects with it. PHP developers usually learn from tutorials, articles and low-
quality books and pick up bad practices and habits, which then are hard to
eradicate. Therefore, do not learn PHP as your first development
language. Start with C# or Java.
Based on the large experience of the authors' collective we advise you to
begin programming with C# and ignore languages such as C, C++ and PHP
until the moment you have to use them.
Preface 25
Why Not C or C++?
Although this is also debatable, the C and C++ languages are considered
rather primitive, old and decaying. They still have their uses and are
suitable for low-level programming (e.g. programming for specialized
hardware devices), but we do not advise you to pursue them.
You can program in pure C, if you have to write an operating system, a
hardware device driver or if you want to program an embedded device,
because of the lack of alternatives and the need to control the hardware very
carefully. The C language is morally old and in no way do we advise you to
begin programming with it. A programmers productivity under pure C is
many times lower compared to their productivity under modern general-
purpose programming languages like C# and Java. A variant of C is used
among Apple / iPhone developers, but not because it is a good language, but
because there is no decent alternative. Most Apple-oriented programmers do
not like Objective-C, but they have no choice in writing in something else.
C++ is acceptable when you have to program applications that require very
close work with the hardware or that have special performance
requirements (like 3D games). For all other purposes (like web applications
development or business software) C++ is phenomenally inadequate. We do
not advise you to pursue it, if you are starting with programming just now.
The reason it is still being studied in some schools and universities is
hereditary, because these institutions are very conservative. For example, the
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) continues to promote C++ as the
only language permitted to use at programming contests, although C++ is
rarely used in the industry. If you dont believe this, look through some job
search site and count the percentage of job advertisements with C++.
The C++ language lost its popularity mainly because of the inability to quickly
write quality software with it. In order to write high-quality software in C++,
you have to be an incredibly smart and experienced programmer, whereas
the same is not strictly required for C# and Java. Learning C++ takes
much more time and very few programmers know it really well. The
productivity of C++ programmers is many times lower than C#s and that is
why C++ is losing ground. Because of all these reasons, the C++ language
is slowly fading away and therefore we do not advise you to learn it.
Advantages of C#
C# is an object-oriented programming language. Such are all modern
programming languages used for serious software systems (like Java and
C++). The advantages of object-oriented programming are brought up in
many passages throughout the book, but, for the moment, you can think of
object-oriented languages as languages that allow working with objects from
the real world (for example student, school, textbook, book and others).
Objects have properties (e.g. name, color, etc.) and can perform actions (e.g.
move, speak, etc.).
26 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
By starting to program with C# and the .NET Framework platform, you are on
a very perspective track. If you open a website with job offers for
programmers, youll see for yourself that the demand for C# and .NET
specialists is huge and is close to the demand for Java programmers. At the
same time, the demand for PHP, C++ and other technology specialists is far
lower than the demand for C# and Java engineers.
For the good programmer, the language they use is of no significant meaning,
because they know how to program. Whatever language and technology
they might need, they will master it quickly. Our goal is not to teach you
C#, but rather teach you programming! After you master the
fundamentals of programming and learn to think algorithmically, when you
acquaint with other programming languages, you will see for yourself how
much in common they have with C# and how easy it will be to learn them.
Programming is built upon principles that change very slowly over the years
and this book teaches you these very principles.
Examples Are Given in C# 5 and Visual Studio 2012
All examples in this book are with regard to version 5.0 of the C# language
and the .NET Framework 4.5 platform, which is the latest as of this books
publishing. All examples on using the Visual Studio integrated development
environment are with regard to version 2012 of the product, which were also
the latest at the time of writing this book.
The Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 integrated development environment
(IDE) has a free version, suitable for beginner C# programmers, called
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop. The difference
between the free and the full version of Visual Studio (which is a commercial
software product) lies in the availability of some functionalities, which we will
not need in this book.
Although we use C# 5 and Visual Studio 2012, most examples in this book
will work flawlessly under .NET Framework 2.0 / 3.5 / 4.0 and C# 2.0 / 3.5 /
4.0 and can be compiled under Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 / 2010.
It is of no great significance which version of C# and Visual Studio youll use
while you learn programming. What matters is that you learn the principles
of programming and algorithmic thinking! The C# language, the .NET
Framework platform and the Visual Studio integrated development
environment are just tools and you can exchange them for others at any time.
If you read this book and VS2012 is not currently the latest, be sure almost
all of this books content will still be the same due to backward compatibility.
How Read This Book?
Reading this book has to be accompanied with lots and lots of practice. You
wont learn programming, if you dont practice! It would be like trying to learn
how to swim from a book without actually trying it. There is no other way!
Preface 27
The more you work on the problems after every chapter, the more you will
learn from the book.
Everything you read here, you would have to try for yourself on a computer.
Otherwise you wont learn anything. For example, once you read about Visual
Studio and how to write your first simple program, you must by all means
download and install Microsoft Visual Studio (or Visual C# Express) and try to
write a program. Otherwise you wont learn! In theory, everything seems
easy, but programming means practice. Remember this and try to solve
the problems from this book. They are carefully selected they are neither
too hard to discourage you, nor too easy, so youll be motivated to perceive
solving them as a challenge. If you encounter difficulties, look for help at the
discussion group for the "C# Programming Fundamentals" training course
at Telerik Software Academy: http://forums.academy.telerik.com (the forum
is intended for Bulgarian developers but the people "living" in it speak English
and will answer your questions regarding this book, dont worry). Thousands
students solve the exercises from this book every year so you will find many
solutions to each problem from the book. We will also publish official solutions
+ tests for every exercise in the book at its web site.

Reading this book without practicing is meaningless! You
must spend much more time on writing programs than
reading the text itself. It is just like learning to drive: no one
can learn driving by reading books. To learn driving, you
need to drive many times in different situations, roads, cars,
etc. To learn programming, you need to program!
Everybody has studied math in school and knows that learning how to solve
math problems requires lots of practice. No matter how much they watch and
listen to their teachers, without actually sitting down and solving
problems, they wont learn. The same goes for programming. You need
lots of practice. You need to write a lot, to solve problems, to experiment, to
endeavor in and to struggle with problems, to make mistakes and correct
them, to try and fail, to try anew and experience the moments when things
finally work out. You need lots and lots of practice. This is the only way you
will make progress.
So people say that to become a developer you might need to write at least
50,000 100,000 lines of code, but the correct number can vary a lot. Some
people are fast learners or just have problem-solving experience. Others may
need more practice, but in all cases practicing programming is very
important! You need to solve problems and to write code to become a
developer. There is no other way!
Do Not Skip the Exercises!
At the end of each chapter there is a considerable list of exercises. Do not
skip them! Without exercises, you will not learn a thing. After you read a
chapter, you should sit in front of the computer and play with the examples
28 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
you have seen in the book. Then you should set about solving all problems. If
you cannot solve them all, you should at least try. If you dont have all the
time necessary, you must at least attempt solving the first few problems from
each chapter. Do not carry on without solving problems after every
chapter, it would just be meaningless! The problems are small feasible
situations where you apply the stuff you have read. In practice, once you
have become programmers, you would solve similar problems every day, but
on a larger and more complex scale.

You must at all cost strive to solve the exercise problems
after every chapter from the book! Otherwise you risk not
learning anything and simply wasting your time.
How Much Time Will We Need for This Book?
Mastering the fundamentals of programming is a crucial task and takes a lot
of time. Even if youre incredibly good at it, there is no way that you will
learn programming on a good level for a week or two. To learn any human
skill, you need to read, see or be shown how it is done and then try doing it
yourselves and practice a lot. The same goes for programming you must
either read, see or listen how it is done, then try doing it yourself. Then you
would succeed or you would not and you would try again, until you finally
realize you have learned it. Learning is done step by step, consecutively, in
series, with a lot of effort and consistency.
If you want to read, understand, learn and acquire thoroughly and in-depth
the subject matter in this book, you have to invest at least 2 months for
daylong activity or at least 4-5 months, if you read and exercise a little
every day. This is the minimum amount of time it would take you to be able
to grasp in depth the fundamentals of programming.
The necessity of such an amount of lessons is confirmed by the free trainings
at Telerik Software Academy (http://academy.telerik.com), which follow this
very book. The hundreds of students, who have participated in trainings
based on the lectures from this book, usually learn all subjects from this book
within 3-4 months of full-time work. Thousands of students every year
solve all exercise problems from this book and successfully sit on
programming exams covering the books content. Statistics shows that
anyone without prior exposure to programming, who has spent less than the
equivalent of 3-4 months daylong activity on this book and the corresponding
courses at Telerik Academy, fails the exams.
The main subject matter in the book is presented in more than 1100 pages,
which will take you a month (daylong) just to read them carefully and test the
sample programs. Of course, you have to spend enough time on the exercises
(few more months); without them you would hardly learn programming.
Preface 29
Exercises: Complex or Easy?
The exercises in the book consist of about 350 problems with varying
difficulty. For some of them you will need a few minutes, for others several
hours (if you can solve them at all without help). This means you would need
a month or two of daylong exercising or several months, if you do it little by
The exercises at each chapter are ordered in increasing level of difficulty.
The first few exercises are easy, similar to the examples in the chapter. The
last few exercises are usually complex. You might need to use external
resources (like information from Wikipedia) to solve them. Intentionally, the
last few exercises in each chapter require skills outside of the chapter. We
want to push you to perform a search in your favorite search engine. You
need to learn searching on the Internet! This is an essential skill for any
programmer. You need to learn how to learn. Programming is about learning
every day. Technologies constantly change and you cant know everything. To
be a programmer means to learn new APIs, frameworks, technologies
and tools every day. This cannot be avoided, just prepare yourself. You will
find many problems in the exercises, which require searching on the Internet.
Sometimes you will need the skills from the next chapter, sometimes some
well-known algorithm, sometimes something else, but in all cases searching
on the Internet is an essential skill you need to acquire.
Solving the exercises in the book takes a few months, really. If you dont
have that much time at your disposal, ask yourselves if you really want to
pursue programming. This is a very serious initiative in which you must invest
a really great deal of efforts. If you really want to learn programming on a
good level, schedule enough time and follow the book or the video lectures
based on it.
Why Are Data Structures and Algorithms
This book teaches you, in addition to the basic knowledge in programming,
proper algorithmic thinking and using basic data structures in
programming. Data structures and algorithms are a programmers most
important fundamental skills! If you have a good grasp of them, you will not
have any trouble becoming proficient in any software technology,
development tool, framework or API. That is what the most serious software
companies rely on when hiring employees. Proof of this are job interviews at
large companies like Google and Microsoft that rely exclusively on
algorithmic thinking and knowledge of all basic data structures and
The information below comes from Svetlin Nakov, the leading author of this
book, who passed software engineering interviews at Microsoft and Google in
2007-2008 and shares his own experience.
30 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Job Interviews at Google
100% of the questions at job interviews for software engineers at Google,
Zurich, are about data structures, algorithms and algorithmic thinking.
At such an interview you may have to implement on a white board a linked
list (see the chapter "Linear Data Structures") or come up with an algorithm
for filling a raster polygon (given in the form of a GIF image) with some sort
of color (see Breadth-first search in the chapter "Trees and Graphs"). It
seems like Google are interested in hiring people who can think
algorithmically and who have a grasp of basic data structures and computer
algorithms. Any technology that candidates would afterwards use in their line
of work can be quickly learned. Needless to say, do not assume this book will
give you all the knowledge and skills to pass a job interview at Google. The
knowledge in the book is absolutely a necessary minimum, but not completely
sufficient. It only marks the first steps.
Job Interviews at Microsoft
A lot of questions at job interviews for software engineers at Microsoft,
Dublin, focus on data structures, algorithms and algorithmic thinking.
For example, you could be asked to reverse the words in a string (see the
chapter "Strings and Text Processing" or to implement topological sorting in
an undirected graph (see the chapter "Trees and Graphs"). Unlike Google,
Microsoft asks a lot of engineering questions related to software architectures,
multithreading, writing secure code, working with large amounts of data and
software testing. This book is far from sufficient for applying at Microsoft, but
the knowledge in it will surely be of use to you for the majority of questions.
About the LINQ Technology
The book includes a chapter on the popular .NET technology LINQ
(Language Integrated Query), which allows execution of various queries
(such as searching, sorting, summation and other group operations) on
arrays, lists and other objects. It is placed towards the end on purpose, after
the chapters on data structures and algorithms complexity. The reason
behind this is that the good programmer must know what happens when they
sort a list or search in an array according to criteria and how many operations
these actions take. If LINQ is used, it is not obvious how a given query works
and how much time it takes. LINQ is a very powerful and widely-used
technology, but it has to be mastered at a later stage (at the end of the
book), after you are well familiar with the basics of programming, the main
algorithms and data structures. Otherwise you risk learning how to write
inefficient code without realizing how it works and how many operations it
performs in the background.
Do You Really Want to Become a Programmer?
If you want to become a programmer, you have to be aware that true
programmers are serious, persevering, thinking and questioning people who
Preface 31
handle all kinds of problems. It is important for them to master quickly all
modern or legacy platforms, technologies, libraries, APIs, programming tools,
programming languages and development tools necessary for their job and to
feel programming as a part of their life.
Good programmers spend an extraordinary amount of time on
advancing their engineering skills, on learning new technologies, new
programming languages and paradigms, new ways to do their job, new
platforms and new development tools every day. They are capable of logical
thinking; reasoning on problems and coming up with algorithms for solving
them; imagining solutions as a series of steps; modeling the surrounding
world using technological means; implementing their ideas as programs or
program components; testing their algorithms and programs; seeing issues;
foreseeing the exceptional circumstances that can come about and handling
them properly; listening to the advice of more experienced people; adapting
their applications user interface to the users needs; adapting their algorithms
to the capabilities of the machines and the environment they will be executed
on and interacted with.
Good programmers constantly read books, articles or blogs on
programming and are interested in new technologies; they constantly enrich
their knowledge and constantly improve the way they work and the quality of
software they write. Some of them become obsessed to such an extent that
they even forget to eat or sleep when confronted with a serious problem or
simply inspired by some interesting lecture or presentation. If you have the
tendency to get motivated to such an extent to do something (like playing
video games incessantly), you can learn programming very quickly by getting
into the mindset that programming is the most interesting thing in this world
for you, in this period of your life.
Good programmers have one or more computers, an Internet connection and
live in constant reach with technologies. They regularly visit websites and
blogs related to new technologies, communicate everyday with their
colleagues, visit technology lectures, seminars and other events, even if they
have no use for them at the moment. They experiment with or research the
new means and new ways for making a piece of software or a part of their
work. They examine new libraries, learn new languages, try new frameworks
and play with new development tools. That way they develop their skills
and maintain their level of awareness, competence and professionalism.
True programmers know that they can never master their profession to its full
extent, because it constantly changes. They live with the firm belief that they
have to learn their entire lives; they enjoy this and it satisfies them. True
programmers are curious and questioning people that want to know how
everything works from a simple analog clock to a GPS system, Internet
technology, programming languages, operation systems, compilers, computer
graphics, games, hardware, artificial intelligence and everything else related
to computers and technologies. The more they learn, the more knowledge and
skills they crave after. Their life is tied to technologies and they change
32 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
with them, enjoying the development of computer science, technologies and
the software industry.
Everything we tell you about true programmers, we know firsthand. We are
convinced that programmer is a profession that requires your full
devotion and complete attention, in order to be a really good specialist
experienced, competent, informed, thinking, reasoning, knowing, capable and
able to deal with non-standard situations. Anyone who takes up programming
"among other things" is fated to being a mediocre programmer. Programming
requires complete devotion for years. If you are ready for all of this,
continue reading and take into account that the next few months you will
spend on this book on programming are just a small start. And then you will
learn for years until you turn programming into your profession. Once that
happens, you would still learn something every day and compete with
technologies, so that you can maintain your level, until one day programming
develops your thinking and skills enough, so that you may take up another
profession, because few programmers reach retirement; but there are quite
a lot of successful people who have begun their careers with programming.
Motivate Yourself to Become a Programmer or Find
Another Job!
If you still havent given up on becoming a good programmer and if you
have already come to the understanding deep down that the next months and
years will be tied every day to constant diligent work on mastering the secrets
of programming, software development, computer science and software
technologies, you may use an old technique for self-motivation and
confident achievement of goals that can be found in many books and ancient
teachings under one form or another. Keep imagining that you are
programmers and that you have succeeded in becoming ones; you engage
every day in programming; it is your profession; you can write all the
software in the world (provided you have enough time); you can solve any
problem that experienced programmers can solve. Keep thinking constantly
and incessantly of your goal. Keep telling yourself, sometimes even out loud:
"I want to become a good programmer and I have to work hard for this, I
have to read a lot and learn a lot, I have to solve a lot of problems, every
day, constantly and diligently". Put programming books everywhere around
you, even stick a sign that says "Ill become a good programmer" by your
bed, so that you can see it every evening when you go to bed and every
morning when you wake up. Program every day (no exceptions!), solve
problems, have fun, learn new technologies, experiment; try writing a game,
making a website, writing a compiler, a database and hundreds of other
programs you may come up with original ideas for. In order to become good
programmers, program every day and think about programming every day
and keep imagining the future moment when you are an excellent
programmer. You can, as long as you deeply believe that you can! Everybody
can, as long as they believe that they can and pursue their goals constantly
Preface 33
without giving up. No-one would motivate you better than yourselves.
Everything depends on you and this book is your first step.

A great way to really learn programming is to program every
day for a year. If you program every day (without exception)
and you do it for a long time (e.g. year or two) there is no
way to not become a programmer. Anyone who practices
programming every day for years will become good someday.
This is valid for any other skill: if you want to learn it, just
practice every day for a long time.
A Look at the Books Contents
Now lets take a glance at what we are about to encounter in the next
chapters of the book. We will give an account of each of them with a few
sentences, so that you know what you are about to learn.
Chapter 0: Preface
The preface (the current chapter) introduces the readers to the book, its
content, what the reader will learn and what will not, how to read the
book, why we use the C# language, why we focus on data structures and
algorithms, etc. The preface also describes the history of the book, the
content of its chapter one by one, the team of authors, editors and translators
from Bulgarian to English. In contains the full reviews written by famous
software engineers from Microsoft, Google, SAP, VMware, Telerik and other
leading software companies from all over the world.
Author of the preface is Svetlin Nakov (with little contribution from Veselin
Kolev and Mihail Stoynov). Translation to English: by Ivan Nenchovski (edited
by Mihail Stoynov, Veselina Raykova, Yoan Krumov and Hristo Radkov).
Chapter 1: Introduction to Programming
In the chapter "Introduction to Programming", we will take a look at the basic
terminology in programming and write our first program. We will
familiarize ourselves with what programming is and what connection to
computers and programming languages it has. We will briefly review the main
stages in software development, introduce the C# language, the .NET
platform and the different Microsoft technologies used in software
development. We will examine what auxiliary tools we need to program in C#
and use the C# language to write our first computer program, compile it
and run it using the command line, as well as Microsoft Visual Studio
integrated development environment. We will familiarize ourselves with the
MSDN Library the documentation for the .NET Framework, which will help us
in our study of the languages capabilities.
Author of the chapter is Pavel Donchev; editors are Teodor Bozhikov and
Svetlin Nakov. The content of the chapter is somewhat based on the work of
34 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Luchesar Cekov from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Translation to English: by Atanas Valchev (edited by Vladimir Tsenev and
Hristo Radkov).
Chapter 2: Primitive Types and Variables
In the chapter "Primitive Types and Variables", we will examine primitive
types and variables in C# what they are and how to work with them.
First, we will focus on data types integer types, real floating-point types,
Boolean, character types, strings and object types. We will continue with
variables, what they and their characteristics are, how to declare them, how
they are assigned a value and what variable initialization is. We will familiarize
ourselves with the main categories of data types in C# value and reference
types. Finally, we will focus on literals, what they are and what kinds of
literals there are.
Authors of the chapter are Veselin Georgiev and Svetlin Nakov; editor is
Nikolay Vasilev. The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of
Hristo Todorov and Svetlin Nakov from the book "Introduction to
Programming with Java". Translation to English: by Lora Borisova (edited by
Angel Angelov and Hristo Radkov).
Chapter 3: Operators and Expressions
In the chapter "Operators and Expressions", we will familiarize ourselves with
the operators in C# and the operations they perform on the various data
types. We will clarify the priorities of operators and familiarize ourselves with
the types of operators, according to the count of the arguments they take and
the operations they perform. Then, we will examine typecasting, why it is
necessary and how to work with it. Finally, we will describe and illustrate
expressions and how they are utilized.
Authors of the chapter are Dilyan Dimitrov and Svetlin Nakov; editor is
Marin Georgiev. The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of
Lachezar Bozhkov from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Translation to English: by Angel Angelov (edited by Martin Yankov and Hristo
Chapter 4: Console Input and Output
In the chapter "Console Input and Output", we will get familiar with the
console as a means for data input and output. We will explain what it is,
when and how it is used, what the concepts of most programming languages
for accessing the console are. We will familiarize ourselves with some of the
features in C# for user interaction and will examine the main streams for
input-output operations Console.In, Console.Out and Console.Error, the
class Console and the utilization of format strings for printing data in
various formats. We will see how to convert text into a number (parsing),
since this is the way to enter numbers in C#.
Preface 35
Author of the chapter is Iliyan Murdanliev and editor is Svetlin Nakov. The
content of the entire chapter is largely based on the work of Boris Valkov from
the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Lora Borisova (edited by Dyanko Petkov).
Chapter 5: Conditional Statements
In the chapter "Conditional Statements" we will cover the conditional
statements in C#, which we can use to execute different actions depending
on some condition. We will explain the syntax of the conditional operators:
if and if-else with suitable examples and explain the practical applications
of the selection control operator switch. We will focus on the best practices
that must be followed, in order to achieve a better style of programming when
utilizing nested or other types of conditional statements.
Author of the chapter is Svetlin Nakov and editor is Marin Georgiev. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Marin Georgiev from the
book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
George Vaklinov (edited by Momchil Rogelov).
Chapter 6: Loops
In the chapter "Loops", we will examine the loop mechanisms, through
which we can execute a snippet of code repeatedly. We will discuss how
conditional repetitions (while and do-while loops) are implemented and how
to work with for loops. We will give examples of the various means for
defining a loop, the way they are constructed and some of their key
applications. Finally, we will see how we can use multiple loops within each
other (nested loops).
Author of the chapter is Stanislav Zlatinov and editor is Svetlin Nakov. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Rumyana Topalska from
the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Angel Angelov (edited by Lora Borisova).
Chapter 7: Arrays
In the chapter "Arrays", we will familiarize ourselves with arrays as a means
for working with a sequence of elements of the same type. We will
explain what they are, how we can declare, create and instantiate arrays and
how to provide access to their elements. We will examine one-dimensional
and multidimensional arrays. We will learn the various ways for iterating
through an array, reading from the standard input and writing to the standard
output. We will give many exercises as examples, which can be solved using
arrays, and show you how useful they are.
Author of the chapter is Hristo Germanov and editor is Radoslav Todorov.
The content of the chapter is based on the work of Mariyan Nenchev from the
book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Boyan Dimitrov (edited by Radoslav Todorov and Zhelyazko Dimitrov).
36 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Chapter 8: Numeral Systems
In the chapter "Numeral Systems", we will take a look at the means for
working with various numeral systems and the representation of
numbers in them. We will pay special attention to the way numbers are
represented in decimal, binary and hexadecimal numeral systems, because
they are widely used in computers, communications and programming. We
will also explain the methods for encoding numeral data in a computer and
the types of encodings, namely signed magnitude, ones complement, twos
complement and binary-coded decimals.
Author of the chapter is Teodor Bozhikov and editor is Mihail Stoynov. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Petar Velev and Svetlin
Nakov from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to
English: by Atanas Valchev (edited by Veselina Raykova).
Chapter 9: Methods
In the chapter "Methods", we will get to know in details the subroutines in
programming, which are called methods in C#. We will explain when and
why methods are used; will show how methods are declared and what a
method signature is. We will learn how to create a custom method and how
to use (invoke) it subsequently, and will demonstrate how we can use
parameters in methods and how to return a result from a method. Finally, we
will discuss some established practices when working with methods. All of this
will be backed up with examples explained in details and with extra exercises.
Author of the chapter is Yordan Pavlov; editors are Radoslav Todorov and
Nikolay Vasilev. The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of
Nikolay Vasilev from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Translation to English: by Ivaylo Dyankov (edited by Vladimir Amiorkov and
Franz Fischbach).
Chapter 10: Recursion
In the chapter "Recursion", we will familiarize ourselves with recursion and
its applications. Recursion is a powerful programming technique where a
method invokes itself. By means of recursion we can solve complicated
combinatorial problems where we can easily exhaust different
combinatorial configurations. We will demonstrate many examples of correct
and incorrect recursion usage and we will convince you how useful it can be.
Author of the chapter is Radoslav Ivanov and editor is Svetlin Nakov. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Radoslav Ivanov and
Svetlin Nakov from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Translation to English: by Vasya Stankova (edited by Yoan Krumov).
Preface 37
Chapter 11: Creating and Using Objects
In the chapter "Creating and Using Objects", we will get to know the basic
concepts of object-oriented programming classes and objects and we
will explain how to use classes from the standard libraries of the .NET
Framework. We will focus on some commonly used system classes and will
show how to create and use their instances (objects). We will discuss how to
access properties of an object, how to call constructors and how to work
with static fields in classes. Finally, we will focus on the term "namespaces"
how they help us, how to include and use them.
Author of the chapter is Teodor Stoev and editor is Stefan Staev. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Teodor Stoev and Stefan
Staev from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to
English: by Vasya Stankova (edited by Todor Mitev).
Chapter 12: Exception Handling
In the chapter "Exception Handling", we will get to know exceptions in
object-oriented programming and in C# in particular. We will learn how to
catch exceptions using the try-catch clause, how to pass them to the
calling methods and how to throw standard, custom or caught exceptions
using the throw statement. We will give a number of examples of their
utilization and will look at the types of exceptions and the exceptions
hierarchy they form in the .NET Framework. Finally, we will look at the
advantages of using exceptions and how to apply them in specific situations.
Author of the chapter is Mihail Stoynov and editor is Radoslav Kirilov. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Luchesar Cekov, Mihail
Stoynov and Svetlin Nakov from the book "Introduction to Programming with
Java". Translation to English: by Dimitar Bonev and George Todorov (edited
by Doroteya Agayna).
Chapter 13: Strings and Text Processing
In the chapter "Strings and Text Processing", we will familiarize ourselves with
strings: how they are implemented in C# and how we can process text
content. We will go through different methods for manipulating text; and
learn how to extract substrings according to passed parameters, how to
search for keywords as well as how to split a string by separator
characters. We will provide useful information on regular expressions and
we will learn how to extract data matching a specific pattern. Finally, we will
take a look at the methods and classes for achieving more elegant and strict
formatting of text content on the console, with various ways for printing
numbers and dates.
Author of the chapter is Veselin Georgiev and editor is Radoslav Todorov.
The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Mario Peshev from
the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Vesselin Georgiev (edited by Todor Mitev and Vladimir Amiorkov).
38 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Chapter 14: Defining Classes
In the chapter "Defining Classes", we will show how we can define custom
classes and what the elements of a class are. We will learn to declare
fields, constructors and properties in classes and will again recall what a
method is but will broaden our knowledge on methods and their access
modifiers. We will focus on the characteristics of constructors and we will
explain in details how program objects exist in the heap (dynamic memory)
and how their fields are initialized. Finally, will explain what class static
elements fields (including constants), properties and methods are and
how to utilize them. In this chapter, we will also introduce generic types
(generics), enumerated types (enumerations) and nested classes.
Authors of the chapter are Nikolay Vasilev, Svetlin Nakov, Mira Bivas and
Pavlina Hadjieva. The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of
Nikolay Vasilev from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Translation to English: by Radoslav Todorov, Yoan Krumov, Teodor Rusev and
Stanislav Vladimirov (edited by Vladimir Amiorkov, Pavel Benov and Nencho
Nenchev). This is the largest chapter in the book, so lots of contributors
worked on it to prepare it to a high quality standard for you.
Chapter 15: Text Files
In the chapter "Text Files", we will familiarize ourselves with working with
text files in the .NET Framework. We will explain what a stream is, what its
purpose is and how it is used. We will describe what a text file is and how to
read and write data in text files and will present and elaborate on the best
practices for catching and handling exceptions when working with text files.
Naturally, we will visualize and demonstrate in practice all of this with a lot of
Author of the chapter is Radoslav Kirilov and editor is Stanislav Zlatinov.
The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Danail Alexiev from
the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Nikolay Angelov (edited by Martin Gebov).
Chapter 16: Linear Data Structures
In the chapter "Linear Data Structures", we will familiarize ourselves with
some of the basic representations of data in programming and with linear
data structures, because very often, in order to solve a given problem, we
need to work with a sequence of elements. For example, to read this book
we have to read consecutively every single page, e.g. we have to traverse
consecutively every single element of its set of pages. We are going to see
how for a specific problem some data structure is more efficient and
convenient than another. Then we will examine the linear structures "list",
"stack" and "queue" and their applications and will get to know in details
some implementations of these structures.
Preface 39
Author of the chapter is Tsvyatko Konov and editors are Dilyan Dimitrov and
Svetlin Nakov. The content of the entire chapter is largely based on the work
of Tsvyatko Konov and Svetlin Nakov from the book "Introduction to
Programming with Java". Translation to English: by Vasya Stankova (edited
by Ivaylo Gergov).
Chapter 17: Trees and Graphs
In the chapter "Trees and Graphs", we will look at the so called tree-like
data structures, which are trees and graphs. Knowing the properties of
these structures is important for modern programming. Every one of these
structures is used for modeling real-life problems that can be efficiently solved
with their help. We will examine in details what tree-like data structures are
and show their primary advantages and disadvantages. Also, we will provide
sample implementations and exercises, demonstrating their practical utiliza-
tion. Further, we will scrutinize binary trees, binary search trees and
balanced trees and then examine the data structure "graph", the types of
graphs and their usage. We will also show which parts of the .NET Framework
make use of binary search trees.
Author of the chapter is Veselin Kolev and editors are Iliyan Murdanliev and
Svetlin Nakov. The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of
Veselin Kolev from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Translation to English: by Kristian Dimitrov and Todor Mitev (edited by
Nedjaty Mehmed and Dyanko Petkov).
Chapter 18: Dictionaries, Hash Tables and Sets
In the chapter "Dictionaries, Hash Tables and Sets", we will analyze more
complex data structures like dictionaries and sets, and their implementa-
tions with hash tables and balanced trees. We will explain in details what
hashing and hash tables mean, and why they are such important parts of
programming. We will discuss the concept of "collisions" and how they can
occur when implementing hash tables. We will also suggest various
approaches for solving them. We will look at the abstract data structure "set"
and explain how it can be implemented with a dictionary or a balanced
tree. We will provide examples that illustrate the applications of these data
structures in everyday practice.
Author of the chapter is Mihail Valkov and editors are Tsvyatko Konov and
Svetlin Nakov. The content of the entire chapter is partially based on the work
of Vladimir Tsanev (Tsachev) from the book "Introduction to Programming
with Java". Translation to English: by George Mitev and George K. Georgiev
(edited by martin Gebov and Ivaylo Dyankov).
40 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Chapter 19: Data Structures and Algorithm
In the chapter "Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity", we will compare
the data structures we have learned so far based on their performance for
basic operations (addition, searching, deletion, etc.). We will give
recommendations for the most appropriate data structures in certain cases.
We will explain when it is preferable to use a hash table, an array, a
dynamic array, a set implemented by a hash table or a balanced tree.
There is an implementation in the .NET Framework for every one of these
structures. We only have to learn how to decide when to use a particular data
structure, so that we can write efficient and reliable source code.
Authors of the chapter are Nikolay Nedyalkov and Svetlin Nakov; editor is
Veselin Kolev. The content of the entire chapter is based on the work of
Svetlin Nakov and Nikolay Nedyalkov from the book "Introduction to
Programming with Java". Translation to English: by George Halachev and
Tihomir Iliev (edited by Martin Yankov).
Chapter 20: Object-Oriented Programming Principles
In the chapter "Object-Oriented Programming Principles", we will familiarize
ourselves with the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP): class
inheritance, interfaces implementation, data and behavior abstraction,
data encapsulation and hiding implementation details, polymorphism and
virtual methods. We will explain in detail the principles of cohesion and
coupling. We will also briefly outline object-oriented modeling and object
model creation based on a specific business problem and will get to know
UML and its role in object oriented modeling. Finally, we will briefly discuss
design patterns and provide examples for design patterns commonly used in
Author of the chapter is Mihail Stoynov and editor is Mihail Valkov. The
content of the entire chapter is based on the work of Mihail Stoynov from the
book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Vasya Stankova and Momchil Rogelov (edited by Ivan Nenchovski).
Chapter 21: High-Quality Programming Code
In the chapter "High-Quality Programming Code", we will take a look at the
basic rules for writing high-quality programming code. We will focus on
naming conventions for program elements (variables, methods, classes and
others), formatting and code layout guidelines, best practices for creating
high-quality classes and methods, and the principles of high-quality code
documentation. Many examples of high-quality and low-quality code will be
given. In the course of work, it will be explained how to use an integrated
development environment, in order to automate some operations like
formatting and refactoring existing code, when it is necessary. Unit
testing as an industrial method to automated testing will also be discussed.
Preface 41
Authors of the chapter are Mihail Stoynov and Svetlin Nakov. Editor is
Pavel Donchev. The content of the entire chapter is partially based on the
work of Mihail Stoynov, Svetlin Nakov and Nikolay Vasilev from the book
"Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by Blagovest
Buyukliev (edited by Dyanko Petkov, Mihail Stoynov and Martin Yankov).
Chapter 22: Lambda Expressions and LINQ
In the chapter "Lambda Expressions and LINQ", we will introduce some of the
more sophisticated capabilities of C#. To be more specific, we will pay special
attention to clarifying how to make queries to collections using lambda
expressions and LINQ. We will explain how to add functionality to already
created classes, using extension methods. We will familiarize ourselves with
anonymous types and briefly describe their nature and usage. We will also
discuss lambda expressions and show in practice how most of the built-in
lambda functions work. Afterwards we will dive into the LINQs syntax, which
is part of C#. We will learn what it is, how it works, and what queries we can
make using it. Finally, we will discuss the keywords in LINQ, their meaning
and we will demonstrate their capabilities with a lot of examples.
Author of the chapter is Nikolay Kostov and editor is Veselin Kolev.
Translation to English: by Nikolay Kostov (edited by Zhasmina Stoyanova and
Mihail Stoynov).
Chapter 23: Methodology of Problem Solving
In the chapter "Methodology of Problem Solving", we will discuss an advisable
approach for solving programming problems and we will illustrate it with
concrete examples. We will discuss the engineering principles we should
follow when solving problems (that largely apply to problems in math, physics
and other disciplines) and we will show them in action. We will describe the
steps we must go through while we solve a few sample problems and
demonstrate the mistakes that can be made, if we do not follow these steps.
We will consider some important steps of problem solving (such as
testing) that are usually skipped.
Author of the chapter is Svetlin Nakov and editor is Veselin Georgiev. The
content of the whole chapter is entirely based on the work of Svetlin Nakov
from the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to
English: by Ventsi Shterev and Martin Radev (edited by Tihomir Iliev and
Nedjaty Mehmed).
Chapters 24, 25, 26: Sample Programming Exam
In the chapters "Sample Programming Exam (Topic #1, Topic #2 and Topic
#3)", we will look at the problem descriptions of nine sample problems
from three sample programming exams and we will propose solutions to
them. In the course of solving them, we will put into practice the methodology
described in the chapter "Methodology of Problem Solving".
42 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Authors of the chapters are Stefan Staev, Yosif Yosifov and Svetlin Nakov
respectively; their respective editors are Radoslav Todorov, Radoslav Ivanov
and Teodor Stoev. The contents of these chapters are largely based on the
work of Stefan Staev, Svetlin Nakov, Radoslav Ivanov and Teodor Stoev from
the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Translation to English: by
Stanislav Vladimirov, Ivaylo Gergov, Ivan Nenchovski and Ivaylo Gergov
(edited by Dyanko Petkov, Vladimir Tsenev and Veselina Raykova).
Chapters 28: Conclusion
In the conclusion we give further instruction how to proceed with your
development as a skillful software engineer after this book. We explain
the free courses at Telerik Software Academy the largest training center for
software development professionals in Bulgaria how to apply, what you will
learn, how to choose a career path and we mention few other resources.
Author of the chapter is Svetlin Nakov (with some aid by Ivan Nenchovski).
Translation to English: by Ivan Nenchovski (edited by Svetlin Nakov).
History: How Did This Book Come to Be?
Often in our teaching practice students ask us from which book to start
learning how to program. There are enthusiastic young people who want to
learn programming, but dont know what to begin with. Unfortunately, its
hard to recommend a good book. We can come up with many books
concerning C#, but none of them teaches programming. Indeed there arent
many books that teach the concepts of computer programming,
algorithmic thinking and data structures. Certainly, there are books for
beginners that teach the C# programming language, but those rarely cover
the fundamentals of programming. There are some good books on
programming, but most of them are now outdated and teach languages and
technologies that have become obsolete in the process of evolution. There are
several such books regarding C and Pascal, but not C# or Java. Considering
all aspects, it is hard to come up with a good book which we could highly
recommend to anyone who wants to pick up programming from scratch.
At one point, the lack of good books on programming for beginners
drove the project leader, Svetlin Nakov, to gather a panel of authors set to
finally write such a book. We decided we could help many young people to
take up programming seriously by sharing our knowledge and inspiring them.
The Origins of This Book
This book is actually an adaptation to C# of the free Bulgarian book
Introduction to Programming with Java, with some additional content
added, many bug fixes and small improvements, translated later into English.
Svetlin Nakov teaches computer programing, data structures, algorithms
and software technologies since 2000. He is an author and co-author of
several courses in fundamentals of programming taught at Sofia University
Preface 43
(the most prestigious Bulgarian university at this time). Nakov (with
colleagues) teaches programming and software development in the Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at Sofia University for few years and later
creates his own company for training software engineers. In 2005, he gathers
and leads a team of volunteers who creates a solid curriculum on
fundamentals of programming and data structures (in C#) with
presentation slides and many examples, demonstrations and homework
assignments. These teaching materials are the first very early outline of the
content in this book. Later this curriculum evolves and is translated to Java
and serves as a base for the Java version of this book. Later the Java book is
translated to C# and after its great success in Bulgaria (thousands paper
copies sold and 50,000 downloads) it is translated from Bulgarian to English.
The Java Programming Fundamentals Book
In mid-2008, Svetlin Nakov is inspired to create a book on Java programming,
covering his Introduction to Programming course in the National
Academy for Software Development (a private training center in Bulgaria,
founded by Svetlin Nakov). He and a group of authors outline the work that
needs to be done and the subjects that need to be covered and work begins,
with everyone working voluntarily, without any direct profit. Through
delays, pitfalls and improvements, the Java book finally comes out in January
of 2009. It is available both on its website www.introprogramming.info for
free, and in a paper edition.
The C# Programming Fundamentals Book
The interest towards the Introduction to Programming with Java book is
huge (for Bulgaria). In late 2009, the project to translate the book to C#
begins, under the title Introduction to Programming with C#. Again, a
large number of authors, both new and from the Java book group, gather and
begin working. The task seems easier, but turns out to be time-consuming.
About half a year later, the preview edition of the book is completed with
some mistakes and incorrect content. Another year passes as all of the text
and examples are improved, and new content is added. In the summer of
2011, the C# book is released. Its official website stays the same as the
Java book (www.introprogramming.info). A paper version of the book is also
released and sold, with a price covering only the expenses of its printing.
Both books are open-source and their repositories are available at Google
Code: code.google.com/p/introcsharpbook, code.google.com/p/introjavabook.
The Translation of the C# Book: from Bulgarian to
In late 2011, following the great success of Introduction to Programming
with C#, a project to translate the book to English started. Large group of
volunteers began work on the translation each of them with good
programming skills. The book you are reading is the result of the successful
44 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
translation, review and completion of the original C# Bulgarian book. The
most effort in the translation was given by the leading author Svetlin Nakov.
Some of the authors have ideas to make yet another adaptation of the book
this time for C++. As of now, these ideas are still foggy. We hope they will
become a reality one day, but we cant promise anything yet.
Bulgaria? Bulgarian Authors? Is This True?
Bulgaria is a country in Europe, part of the European Union, just like
Germany and France. Did you know this? Bulgaria has very solid traditions in
computer programming and technologies.
The main inventor of the technology behind the modern digital computers is
the famous computer engineer John Atanasoff and he is 50% Bulgarian
(see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Vincent_Atanasoff).
Bulgaria is the founder of the International Olympiad in Informatics
(IOI). The first IOI was organized and held in 1980 in Pravetz, Bulgaria (see
In 2011 Bulgaria was ranked #3 in the world by Internet speed (see
The worlds leading component vendor for the Microsoft ecosystem is a
Bulgarian company called Telerik (www.telerik.com) and almost all of its
products are developed in Bulgaria. The worlds leading software product for
3D rendering (V-Ray), used in most Hollywood movies and by most
automotive producers, is invented and developed in Bulgaria by another
Bulgarian company Chaos Group (www.chaosgroup.com). A Bulgarian
company Datecs designed and produces the barcode scanner with credit card
swipe for Apple iPhone / iPad / iPod devices used in all Apple stores. Large
international software companies like SAP, VMware, HP, Cisco, Siemens
and CSC have large development centers in Sofia with thousands developers.
Bulgarian software engineers can be found in every major software company
in the software industry like Microsoft, Google, Oracle, SAP, Facebook, Apple,
IBM, Cisco, Siemens, VMware, HP, Adobe, Nokia, Ericsson, Autodesk, etc.
We, the authors, editors and translators of this book are all proud Bulgarian
software developers some living in Bulgaria, others abroad. We are happy
to be part of the global software industry and to help beginners over the world
to learn computer programming and become skillful software engineers. We
are supporters of the culture of free education (like Coursera, edX, Udacity
and Khan Academy), free education for everyone and everywhere. We are
happy to share our knowledge, skills and expertise and sharing is part of
our culture.
Authors and Contributors
This book is written by volunteer developers from Bulgaria who want to
share their knowledge and skills about computer programming. They have
Preface 45
worked for months (some for years) for free to help the community to learn
programming, data structures and algorithms in an easy and efficient way:
through this book and the presentations and video tutorials coming with it.
Over 70 people contributed to the project: authors, editors, translators, etc.
The Panel of Authors
The panel of authors of both the old, the new and the translated to English
book is indeed the main drivers behind this books existence. Writing content
of this size and quality is a serious task demanding a lot of time.
The idea of having so many authors participating has been well tested, since a
few other books have already been written in a similar manner (e.g.
"Programming for the .NET Framework" parts 1 and 2). Although all
chapters from the book are written by different authors, they adhere to
the same style and possess the same high quality of content (even though it
might differ a little in some chapters). The text is well structured, has many
titles and subtitles, contains many appropriate examples, follows a good
manner of expression and is uniformly formatted.
The team that wrote this book is made up of people who are strongly
interested in programming and would like to voluntarily share their
knowledge by participating in writing one or more of the chapters. The best
part is that all authors, co-authors and editors in the team working on the
book are working programmers with hands-on experience, which means
that the reader will receive knowledge, a collection of best practices and
advice by people with an active career in the software industry.
The participants in the project made their contribution voluntarily, without
material or any other direct compensation, because they supported the idea
of writing a good book for novice programmers and because they
strongly wanted to help their future colleagues get into programming quickly.
What follows is a brief presentation of the authors of the book "Introduction
to Programming with C#" (in an alphabetical order). The original authors of
the corresponding chapters from the book "Introduction to Programming with
Java" are mentioned accordingly, since their contributions to some chapters
are greater than those authors who adapted the text and examples to C#
Dilyan Dimitrov
Dilyan Dimitrov is a certified software developer with professional experience
in building mid-size and large web-based systems with the .NET Framework.
His interests include development of both web and desktop applications using
Microsofts latest technologies. He graduated from the Sofia University "St.
Kliment Ohridski" where he majored in "Informatics" at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics. . He can be reached at
dimitrov.dilqn@gmail.com or you can visit his personal blog at
46 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Hristo Germanov
Hristo Germanov is a software engineer, whose interests are related mainly
to .NET technologies. Architecture and design of web based systems,
algorithms and modern standards for quality code are also his passion. He has
participated in developing both small and large web-based and desktop-based
applications. He likes challenging problems and projects that require strong
logical thinking. He graduated from the Omega College in Plovdiv with a
degree in "Computer Networks". He specialized for a "Core .NET Developer" at
the National Academy for Software Development in Sofia.
You can contact him by e-mail at: hristo.germanov@gmail.com.
Iliyan Murdanliev
Iliyan Murdanliev is a software developer at NearSoft (www.nearsoft.eu).
He currently pursues a masters degree in "Computer Technologies and
Applied Programming" at the Technical University of Sofia. He has a
bachelors degree in "Applied Mathematics" from the same university. He has
graduated from an English language high school.
Iliyan has participated in significant projects and in the development of front-
end visualization, as well as back-end logic. He has prepared and conducted
trainings in C# and other programming languages and technologies. Iliyans
interests lie in the field of cutting-edge technologies in .NET, Windows Forms
and Web-based technologies, design patterns, algorithms and software
engineering. He likes out-of-the-box projects that require not only
knowledge, but also logical thinking.
His personal blog is available at: http://imurdanliev.wordpress.com. He can
be reached by e-mail: i.murdanliev@gmail.com.
Mihail Stoynov
Mihail Stoynov has a masters degree in "Economics and Management" from
the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". He has obtained his bachelors
degree in "Informatics" also from Sofia University.
Mihail is a professional software developer, consultant and instructor with
many years of experience. For the last few years he is an honorary instructor
at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and has delivers lectures in
the "Networks Theory", "Programming for the .NET Framework", "Java Web
Applications Development", "Design Patterns" and "High Quality Programming
Code" courses. He has also been an instructor at New Bulgarian University.
He is an author of a number of articles and publications and a speaker at
many conferences and seminars in the field of software technologies and
information security. Mihail is a co-author of the books "Programming for the
.NET Framework" and "Introduction to Programming with Java". He has
participated in Microsofts MSDN Academic Alliance and is a lecturer at the
Microsoft Academic Days.
Preface 47
Mihail has led IT courses in Bulgaria and abroad. He was a lecturer in the
"Java", "Java EE", "SOA" and "Spring Framework" courses at the National
Academy for Software Development.
Mihail has worked at the international offices of Siemens, HP and EDS in the
Netherlands and Germany, where he has gained a lot of experience in the art
of software, as well as in the quality programming, by taking part in the
development of large software projects. His interests encompass software
architectures and design development, B2B integration of various information
systems, business processes optimization and software systems mainly for
the Java and .NET platforms. Mihail has participated in dozens of software
projects and has extensive experience in web applications and services,
distributed systems, relational databases and ORM technologies, as well as
management of projects and software development teams.
His personal blog is available at: http://mihail.stoynov.com. His twitter
account is available at: https://twitter.com/mihailstoynov.
Mihail Valkov
Mihail Valkov has been a software developer since 2000. Throughout the
years, he has faced numerous technologies and software development
platforms, some of which are MS .NET, ASP, Delphi. Mihail has been
developing software at Telerik (www.telerik.com) ever since 2004. There he
co-develops a number of components targeting ASP.NET, Windows Forms,
Silverlight and WPF. In the last few years, Mihail has been leading some of
the best progressing teams in the company, and currently develops an
online Word-like rich text editor.
He can be reached at: m.valkov@gmail.com.
His blog is at: http://blogs.telerik.com/mihailvalkov/. His twitter account is
available at: https://twitter.com/mvalkov.
Mira Bivas
Mira Bivas is an enthusiastic young programmer in one of Teleriks ASP.NET
teams (www.telerik.com). She is a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", where she majors in
"Applied Mathematics". Mira has completed the "Intro C#" and "Core .NET"
courses at the National Academy for Software Development (NASD).
She can be reached by e-mail: mira.bivas@gmail.com.
Nikolay Kostov
Nikolay Kostov works as a senior software developer and trainer at
Teleriks "Technical Training" department (http://academy.telerik.com). He is
involved deeply with Telerik Academys trainings and the courses organized
by Telerik. He currently majors in "Computer Science" at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
48 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Nikolay has participated in a number of high school and college student
Olympiads and contests in computer science, throughout many years. He
is a two-time champion in the project categories "Desktop Applications" and
"Web Applications" at the Bulgarian National Olympiad in Information
Technologies (NOIT). He has rich experience in designing and developing Web
applications, algorithmic programming and processing large amounts of data.
His main interests lie in developing software applications, data structures,
everything related to .NET technologies, web applications security, data
processing automation, web crawlers, single page applications and others.
Nikolays personal blog can be found at: http://nikolay.it.
Nikolay Nedyalkov
Nikolay Nedyalkov is the chairman of The Association for Information
Security, technical director of the eBG.bgs electronic payments and services
portal and business consultant at other companies. Nikolay is a professional
software developer, consultant and instructor with many years of
experience. He has authored a number of articles and publications and has
lectured at many conferences and seminars in the field of software
technologies and information security. His experience as an instructor ranges
from assisting in "Data Structures in Programming", "Object-oriented
Programming with C++" and "Visual C++" to lecturing at the "Network
Security", "Secure Code", "Web Development with Java", "Creating High
Quality Code", "Programming for the .NET platform" and "Applications
Development with Java" courses. Nikolays interests are focused on creating
and managing information and communications solutions, modeling and
managing business processes in large-size organizations and state
administration. Nikolay has a bachelors and a masters degree from the
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment
Ohridski". As a high school student he was a programming contestant
throughout many years and received a number of accolades.
His personal website is located at: http://www.nedyalkov.com.
Nikolay Vasilev
Nikolay Vasilev is a professional software developer, an instructor and a
participant in many open source projects.
He holds a masters degree in "Software Engineering and Artificial
Intelligence" from University of Malaga (Spain) and is currently pursuing a
masters degree in "Mathematical Physics Equations and Their Applications" at
Sofia University (Bulgaria). He obtained his bachelors degree in "Mathematics
and Informatics" from Sofia University.
In the period 2002-2005, he was instructor in the classes of "Introduction in
Programming with Java" and "Data Structures and Programming with Java" at
Sofia University.
Preface 49
Nikolay is a co-author of the books "Introduction in Programming with
Java" and "Introduction in Programming with C#" and also one of the
initiators, organizers and co-authors of a project for creating an open source
book in Bulgarian, dedicated to the classical (GoF) design patterns in the
software engineering. He is one of the organizers and lecturers of the
"Bulgarian Java User Group".
Nikolay is a certified software developer with nearly 10 years of expertise
in development of Java enterprise applications, gained in international
companies. He participated in large-size systems development from various
domains like e-commerce, banking, visual simulators for nuclear plant sub-
systems, VOD systems, etc.; using cutting-edge technologies and applying
the best up-to-date design and development methodologies and practices. His
interests span across various areas such as software engineering and artificial
intelligence, fluid mechanics, project management and scientific research.
Nikolay Vasilevs personal blog is available at http://blog.nvasilev.com.
Pavel Donchev
Pavel Donchev is a programmer at Telerik (www.telerik.com), where he
develops web applications mostly for the company internal purposes. He takes
extramural courses in "Theoretical Physics" at the Sofia University "St.
Kliment Ohridski". He was engaged in developing Desktop and Web
Applications for various business sectors mortgage credits, online stores,
automation and Web UML diagrams. His interests lie mainly in the sphere of
process automation using Microsoft technologies.
His personal blog is located at: http://donchevp.blogspot.com.
Pavlina Hadjieva
Pavlina Hadjieva is a senior enterprise support officer and team lead at
Telerik (www.telerik.com). She currently pursues a masters degree in
"Distributed Systems and Mobile Technologies" at the Faculty of Mathematics
and Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". She obtained
her bachelors degree in "Chemistry and Computer Science" also from Sofia
Her professional interests are oriented towards web technologies, in particular
ASP.NET, as well as the complete development cycle of .NET Framework
You can contact Pavlina Hadjieva by e-mail: pavlina.hadjieva@gmail.com.
Radoslav Ivanov
Radoslav Ivanov is an experienced software engineer, consultant and
trainer with several years of professional experience in wide range of
technologies and programming languages. He has solid practical and
theoretical background in computer science and excellent writing and
lecturing skills.
50 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Radoslav has a bachelors degree in "Informatics" and masters degrees in
"Software Engineering" and "E-learning" from the Sofia University "St.
Kliment Ohridski". For several years he has been an honorary instructor at
the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics where he was teaching courses in
"Design Patterns in C#", "Programming for the .NET Framework", "Java Web
Applications Development" and "Java EE Development".
He is a co-author of the books "Programming for the .NET Framework" and
"Introduction to Programming with Java".
His professional interests include data warehousing, security, cloud
computing, Java technologies, the .NET platform, software architecture and
design and project management.
Radoslavs twitter account is available at: https://twitter.com/radoslavi.
Radoslav Kirilov
Radoslav Kirilov is a senior software developer and team leader at Telerik
(www.telerik.com). He graduated from the Technical University of Sofia with a
major in "Computer Systems and Technologies". . His professional interests
are oriented towards web technologies, particularly ASP.NET, and the
complete development cycle of .NET Framework-based applications. Radoslav
is an experienced lecturer who has taken part in putting through, as well as
creating study materials (presentations, examples, exercises) for the
National Academy for Software Development (NASD). Radoslav is a member
of the instructors' team of the "High Quality Programming Code" course
that started in 2010 at the Technical University of Sofia and at the Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
He has been maintaining a tech blog since 2009 located at:
radoslavkirilov.blogspot.com. You can contact Radoslav by e-mail at:
Radoslav Todorov
Radoslav Todorov is a software developer who obtained his bachelors
degree from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (www.fmi.uni-sofia.bg). He received his
masters degree in the field of computer science from the Technical University
of Denmark in Lyngby, Denmark (http://www.dtu.dk).
Radoslav has been conducting courses as an instructor-assistant at the IT
University of Copenhagen in Denmark (http://www.itu.dk) and participating in
the research activity of university projects ever since he received his masters
education. He has rich experience in designing, developing and maintaining
large software products for various companies. He gained working
experience at several companies in Bulgaria. At present, he works as a
software engineer for Canon Handy Terminal Solutions Europe in Denmark
Preface 51
Radoslavs interests are oriented towards software technologies for high-level
programming languages, as well as products integrating complete hardware
and software solutions in the industrial and private sectors.
You can contact Radoslav by e-mail: radoslav_todorov@hotmail.com.
Stanislav Zlatinov
Stanislav Zlatinov is a software developer with professional experience in
web and desktop applications development based on the .NET and Java
He has a masters degree in "Computer Multimedia" from the "St. Cyril and
St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo.
His personal blog is located at: http://encryptedshadow.blogspot.com.
Stefan Staev
Stefan Staev is a software developer who is occupied with building web
based systems using the .NET platform. His professional interests are related
to the latest .NET technologies, design patterns and databases. He is a
member of the authors' team of the book "Introduction to Programming with
Stefan currently majors in "Informatics" at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". He is a "Core .NET
Developer" graduate from the National Academy for Software Development.
You can contact him by e-mail: stefosv@gmail.com. His Twitter micro blog is
located at: http://twitter.com/stefanstaev.
Svetlin Nakov
Svetlin Nakov is the head of the "Technical Training" department at Telerik
Corp. where he manages the project for free training of software engineers
Telerik Software Academy (http://academy.telerik.com) as well as all other
connected courses and training initiatives, such as Telerik School Academy,
Telerik Algo Academy, Telerik Kids Academy.
He has achieved a bachelors degree in "Computer Science" and a masters
degree in "Distributed Systems and Mobile Technologies" at the Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Later he obtained a Ph.D. in "Computer
Science" after defending a thesis in the field of "Computational Linguistics"
before the Higher Attestation Commission of the Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences (BAS).
His interests encompass software architectures development, the .NET
platform, web applications, databases, Java technologies, training software
specialists, information security, technological entrepreneurship and
managing software development projects and teams.
Svetlin Nakov has nearly 20 years of experience as a software engineer,
programmer, instructor and consultant, moving from Assembler, Basic and
52 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Pascal through C and C++ to PHP, JavaScript, Java and C#. He was involved
as a software engineer, consultant and manager of teams in dozens of
projects for developing information systems, web applications, database
management systems, business applications, ERP systems, cryptographic
modules and trainings of software engineers. At the age of 24, he founded his
first software company for training software engineers, which was
acquired 5 years later by Telerik.
Svetlin has extensive experience in creating study materials, preparing and
conducting trainings in programming and modern software technologies,
gathered during his practice as an instructor. For many years now, he has
been an honored instructor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (FMI at SU), at the New
Bulgarian University (NBU) and at the Technical University of Sofia (TU-
Sofia), where he held courses in "Design and Analysis of Computer
Algorithms", "Internet and Web Programming with Java", "Network Security",
"Programming for the .NET Framework", "Developing Java Web Applications",
"Design Patterns", "High Quality Programming Code", "Developing Web
Applications with the .NET Framework and ASP.NET", "Developing Java and
Java EE Applications", "Web Front-End Development" and many others (see
Svetlin has dozens of scientific and technical articles focused on software
development in both Bulgarian and foreign publications and is the lead author
of the books "Programming for the .NET Framework (vol. 1 & 2)",
"Introduction to Programming with Java", "Introduction to Programming with
C#", "Internet Development with Java" and "Java for Digitally Signing Web
Documents". He is a regular speaker at technical conferences, trainings and
seminars and up to now has held hundreds of technical lectures at various
technological events in Bulgaria and abroad.
As a high school and a college student, Svetlin was champion in tens of
national contests in programming and was awarded with 4 medals at
International Olympiads in Informatics (IOI).
In 2003, he received the "John Atanasoff" award by the EVRIKA Foundation.
In 2004, he was awarded by the Bulgarian President with the "John
Atanasoff" award for his contribution to the development of the information
technologies and the information society.
He is one of the founders of the Bulgarian Association of Software
Developers (www.devbg.org) and its present chairman.
Apart from computer programming, Svetlin Nakov is founder of NLP Club
Bulgaria (http://nlpclub.devbg.org), a community of NLP (neuro-linguistic
programming) practitioners and successful people who are looking for
personal development and knowledge sharing. The goal for Svetlin is to add
soft skills and personal development to his students at the Software
academy in addition to the profession and job positions they gain.
Preface 53
The personal website and blog of Svetlin Nakov is: http://www.nakov.com.
His story of life is published at http://www.nakov.com/blog/2011/09/24/.
Teodor Bozhikov
Teodor Bozhikov is a senior software developer and team leader at
Telerik (www.telerik.com). He completed his masters degree in "Computer
Systems and Technologies" at the Technical University of Varna. Besides his
background as a WPF and Silverlight programmer, he has achieved expertise
in developing ASP.NET web applications. He was involved briefly in the
development of private websites. Within the ICenters project, he took part in
building and maintaining of a local area network for public use at the Festival
and Congressional Center in Varna. He has held courses in computer literacy
and computer networks basics.
Teodors professional interests include web and desktop application
development technologies, architecture and design patterns, networks and all
kinds of new technologies.
You can contact Teodor by e-mail: t_bozhikov@yahoo.com. His Twitter micro
blog is located at: http://twitter.com/tbozhikov.
Teodor Stoev
Teodor Stoev has a bachelors and a masters degree in "Informatics" from
the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University "St.
Kliment Ohridski". At Sofia University, he mastered in "Software
Technologies". He currently attends a masters program in "Computer
Science" at the Saarland University (Saarbrcken, Germany).
Teodor is a software designer and developer with many years experience.
He has participated in creating financial and insurance software systems, a
number of web applications and corporate websites. He was actively involved
in the development of the TENCompetence project of the European
Commission. He is a co-author of the book "Introduction to Programming
with Java".
His professional interests lie in the field of object-oriented analysis, modeling
and building of software applications, web technologies and, in particular,
building rich internet applications (RIA). He has an extensive background in
algorithmic programming: he has competed at a number of national high
school and collegiate computer science contests.
His personal website is available at: http://www.teodorstoev.com.
You can contact Teodor by e-mail: teodor.stoev@gmail.com.
Tsvyatko Konov
Tsvyatko Konov is a senior software developer and instructor with varied
interests and experience. He is competent in fields such as systems
integration, building software architectures, developing systems with a
number of technologies, such as .NET Framework, ASP.NET, Silverlight,
54 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
WPF, WCF, RIA, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and PHP. His
experience as an instructor includes a large variety of courses courses for
beginners and experts in .NET technologies, as well as specialized courses in
individual technologies, such as ASP.NET, Oracle, .NET Compact Framework,
"High Quality Programming Code" and others. Tsvyatko was part of the
authors team of the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". His
professional interests include web-based and desktop-based technologies,
client-oriented web technologies, databases and design patterns.
Tsvyatko Konov has a technical blog: http://www.konov.me.
Veselin Georgiev
Veselin Georgiev is a co-founder of Lead IT (www.leadittraining.com) and
software developer at Abilitics (www.abilitics.com). He has a masters degree
in "E-Business and E-Governance" at the Sofia University "St. Kliment
Ohridski", after obtaining a bachelors degree in "Informatics" from the same
Veselin is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Microsoft Certified Professional
Developer. He lectured at the Microsoft Tech Days conferences in 2011 and
2009, and also takes part as an instructor in various courses at Sofia
University. He is an experienced lecturer who has trained software
specialists for working practical jobs in the IT industry.
His professional interests are oriented towards training, SharePoint and
software architectures. He can be reached at veselin.vgeorgiev@gmail.com.
Veselin Kolev
Veselin "Vesko" Kolev is a leading software engineer with many years
professional experience. He has worked at various companies where he
managed teams and the development of many different software projects.
As a high school student, he participated in a number of competitions in the
fields of mathematics, computer science and information technology, where
he finished in prestigious places. He currently majors in "Computer Science"
at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University "St.
Kliment Ohridski".
Vesko is an experienced lecturer who has worked on training software
specialists for practical jobs in the IT industry. He is an instructor at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment
Ohridski" where he conducts courses in "Modern Java Technologies" and "High
Quality Programming Code". He has delivered similar lectures at the Technical
University of Sofia.
Veskos main interests include software projects design, development of
software systems, .NET and Java technologies, Win32 programming (C/C++),
software architectures, design patterns, algorithms, databases, team and
software projects management, specialists training. The projects he has
worked on include large web based systems, mobile applications, OCR,
Preface 55
automated translation systems, economic software and many others. Vesko is
a co-author of the book "Introduction to Programming with Java".
Vesko works on the development of Silverlight and WPF based applications at
Telerik (www.telerik.com). He shares parts of his day-to-day experiences
online on his personal blog at http://veskokolev.blogspot.com.
Yordan Pavlov
Yordan Pavlov has a bachelors and a masters degree in "Computer Systems
and Technologies" from the Technical University of Sofia. He is a software
developer at Telerik (www.telerik.com) with an extensive background in
software components development.
His interests lie mainly in the following fields: object-oriented design, design
patterns, high-quality software development, geographic information
systems (GIS), parallel processing and high performance computing, artificial
intelligence, teams management.
Yordan won the Imagine Cup 2008 finals in Bulgaria in the Software Design
category, as well as the world finals in Paris, where he won Microsofts
prestigious "The Engineering Excellence Achievement Award". He has worked
with Microsoft engineers at the company headquarters in Redmond, USA,
where he has gathered useful knowledge and experience in the development
of complex software systems.
Yordan has also received a golden mark for "Contributions to the Innovation
and Information Youth Society". He has taken part in many contests and
Olympiads in programming and informatics.
Yordans personal blog can be found at http://yordanpavlov.blogspot.com. He
can be reached by e-mail: iordanpavlov@gmail.com.
Yosif Yosifov
Yosif Yosifov is a senior software developer at Telerik (www.telerik.com).
His interests consist mainly of .NET technologies, design patterns and
computer algorithms. He has participated in numerous contests and
Olympiads in programming and informatics. He currently pursues a
bachelors degree in "Computer Science" at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Informatics at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
Yosifs personal blog can be found at http://yyosifov.blogspot.com. He can be
reached by e-mail: cypressx@gmail.com.
The Java Book Authors
This C# fundamentals programming book is based on its original Java
version, the book "Introduction to Programming with Java". Thanks to the
original Java book authors for their work. They have significant contribution to
almost all chapters of the book. Some chapters are entirely based on their
56 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
work, some partially, but in all cases their original work is the primary origin
of this book:
- Boris Valkov
- Danail Aleksiev
- Hristo Todorov
- Lachezar Bozhkov
- Luchesar Cekov
- Marin Georgiev
- Mario Peshev
- Mariyan Nenchev
- Mihail Stoynov
- Nikolay Nedyalkov
- Nikolay Vasilev
- Petar Velev
- Radoslav Ivanov
- Rumyana Topalska
- Stefan Staev
- Svetlin Nakov
- Teodor Stoev
- Vesselin Kolev
- Vladimir Tsanev
- Yosif Yosifov
The Editors
Apart from the authors, a significant contribution to the making of this
book was made by the editors who voluntarily took part in reviewing the text
and the examples and fixing errors and other problems:
- Dilyan Dimitrov
- Doncho Minkov
- Hristo Radkov
- Iliyan Murdanliev
- Marin Georgiev
- Mihail Stoynov
- Mihail Valkov
- Mira Bivas
- Nikolay Kostov
- Nikolay Vasilev
- Pavel Donchev
- Radoslav Ivanov
- Radoslav Kirilov
- Radoslav Todorov
- Stanislav Zlatinov
- Stefan Staev
- Svetlin Nakov
- Teodor Bozhikov
- Tsvyatko Konov
- Veselin Georgiev
- Veselin Kolev
- Yosif Yosifov
The Translators
This book would have remained only in Bulgarian for many years if these guys
hadnt volunteered to translate it in English:
- Angel Angelov
- Atanas Valchev
- Blagovest
- Boyan Dimitrov
- Dimitar Bonev
- Doroteya Agayna
- Dyanko Petkov
- Franz Fischbach
- George Halachev
- George K.
- George S.
- Georgi Mitev
- Georgi Todorov
- Georgi Vaklinov
- Hristo Radkov
- Ivan Nenchovski
- Ivaylo Dyankov
- Ivaylo Gergov
- Zhasmina
- Kristian Dimitrov
- Lora Borisova
- Martin Gebov
- Martin Radev
- Martin Yankov
- Momchil Rogelov
- Nedjaty Mehmed
- Nencho Nenchev
- Nikolay Angelov
- Nikolay Kostov
- Pavel Benov
- Radoslav Todorov
Preface 57
- Stanislav
- Svetlin Nakov
- Teodor Rusev
- Tihomir Iliev
- Todor Mitev
- Vasya Stankova
- Ventsi Shterev
- Vesselin Georgiev
- Vesselina Raikova
- Vladimir
- Vladimir Tsenev
- Yoan Krumov
- Zhelyazko
Many thanks to George S. Georgiev who was seriously involved in the
translation process and edited the translated text for most of the chapters.
Other Contributors
The authors would also like to thank Kristina Nikolova for her efforts in
working out the books cover design. Big thanks to Viktor Ivanov and Peter
Nikov for their work on the projects web site. Big thanks to Ivaylo Kenov
for fixing few hundreds bugs reported in the Bulgarian edition of the book.
Thanks to Ina Dobrilova and Aneliya Stoyanova for the proofreading of the
first few chapters and their contribution to the marketing of the book. Many
thanks to Hristo Radkov who is proficient in English (lives and works in
London for many years) and who edited and corrected the translation of the
first few chapters.
The Book Is Free of Charge!
The present book is distributed absolutely free of charge in an electronic
format under a license that grants its usage for all kinds of purposes,
including commercial projects. The book is also distributed in paper format for
a charge, covering its printing and distribution costs without any profit.
If you dont fully trust the authors who wrote this book, you can take
inspiration from its reviews written by leading worldwide specialists,
including software engineers at Microsoft, Google, Oracle, SAP and VMware.
Review by Nikola Mihaylov, Microsoft
Programming is an awesome thing! People have been trying for hundreds of
years to make their lives easier, in order to work less. Programming allows
humanitys tendency towards laziness to continue. If you are a computer
freak or if youd just like to impress others with a good website or something
of yours "never-seen -before", then you are welcome. No matter if you are
part of the relatively small group of "freaks" who get off on encountering a
nice program or if youd just like to fulfill yourself professionally and lead your
life outside the workplace, this book is for you.
The fundamental concepts of a cars engine havent changed in years
something inside it burns (gas, oil or whatever you have filled it with) and the
car rolls along. Likewise, the concepts of programming havent changed for
58 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
years. Whether you write the next video game, money management software
in a bank or you program the "mind" of a new bio robot, you will use with
absolute certainty the concepts and the data structures described in
this book.
In this book, you will find a large part of the programming fundamentals.
An analogical fundamental book in the automobile industry would be titled
"Internal Combustion Engines".
Whatever you do, its most important to enjoy it! Before you start reading
this book, think of something youd like to do as a programmer a website, a
game or some other program! While reading the book, think of how and what
from the stuff you have read you would use in your program! If you find
something interesting, you would learn it easily!
My first program (of which Im proud enough to speak of in public) was
simply drawing on the screen using the arrow keys of the keyboard. It took
me quite some time to write it back then, but when it was done, I liked it. I
wish you this: may you like everything related to programming! Have a nice
reading and a successful professional fulfillment!
Nikola Mihaylov is a software engineer at Microsoft in the team developing
Visual Studio. He is the author of the website http://nokola.com and is easily
turned on by the topic of programming; he is always ready when its
necessary to write something positive! He loves helping people with questions
and a desire for programming, no matter if they are beginners or experts.
When in need, contact him by e-mail: nokola@nokola.com.
Review by Vassil Bakalov, Microsoft
"Introduction to Programming with C#" is a brave effort to not only help the
reader make their first steps in programming, but also to introduce them with
the programming environment and to train for the practical tasks that
occur in a programmers day-to-day life. The authors have found a good
combination of theory to pass over the necessary knowledge for writing and
reading programming code and practice all kinds of problems, carefully
selected to assimilate the knowledge and to form a habit in the reader to
always think of the efficient solution to the problem in addition to the syntax
when writing programs.
The C# programming language is a good choice, because it is an elegant
language through which the programs representation in the computer
memory is of no concern to us and we can concentrate on improving the
efficiency and elegance of our program.
Up until now I havent come across a programming book that introduces its
reader with the programming language and develops their problem
solving skills at the same time. Im happy now that there is such a book and
Im sure it will be of great use to future programmers.
Vassil Bakalov is a software engineer at Microsoft Corporation (Redmond)
and a participant in the project for the first Bulgarian book for .NET:
Preface 59
"Programming for the .NET Framework". His blog is located at:
Review by Vassil Terziev, Telerik
Skimming through the book, I remembered the time, when I was making my
first steps in PHP programming. I still remember the book I learned from
four authors, very disorganized and incoherent content and elementary
examples in the chapters for experts and complicated examples in the
chapters for beginners, different coding conventions and emphasis only on the
platform and the language and not on how to use them efficiently for writing
high quality applications.
Im very glad that "Introduction to Programming with C#" takes an entirely
different approach. Everything is explained in an easy to understand
manner, but with the necessary profundity, and every chapter goes on to
slowly extend the previous ones. As an outside bystander I was a witness of
the efforts put into writing the book and Im happy that this immense energy
and desire to create a more different book truly has materialized in a subject
matter of very high quality.
I strongly hope that this book will be useful to its readers and that it will
provide them with a strong basis for finding their feet, a basis that will hook
them on to a professional development in the field of computer programming
and that will help them make a more painless and qualitative start.
Vassil Terziev is one of the founders and CEO of Telerik Corporation, leading
provider of developer tools and components for .NET, HTML5 and mobile
development. His blog is located at http://blogs.telerik.com/vassilterziev/.
You can contact him at any time you want by e-mail: terziev@telerik.com.
Review by Veselin Raychev, Google
Perhaps even without reading this, youll be able to work as a software
developer, but I think youll find it much more difficult.
I have seen cases of reinventing the wheel, often times in a worse shape than
the best in theory and the entire team suffers mostly from this. Everybody
committed to programming must sooner or later read what algorithm
complexity is, what a hash table is, what binary search is and what the
best practices for using design patterns are. Why dont you start at this very
moment by reading this book?
There are many books on C# and much more on programming. People would
say about many of them that they are the best guides, the fastest way to get
into the swing of the language. This book differs from others mainly because
it will show you what you must know to achieve success and not what the
twists and turns of a given programming language are. If you find the
topics covered in this book uninteresting, then software engineering
might possibly not be for you.
60 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Veselin Raychev is a software engineer at Google where he works on Google
Maps and Google Translate. He has previously worked at Motorola Biometrics
and Metalife AG.
Veselin has won accolades at a number of national and international
contests and received a bronze medal at the International Olympiad in
Informatics (IOI) in South Korea, 2002, and a silver medal at the Balkan
Olympiad in Informatics (BOI). He represented the Sofia University "St.
Kliment Ohridski" twice at the world finals in computer science (ACM ICPC)
and taught at several optional courses at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Informatics at the University of Sofia.
Review by Vassil Popovski, VMware
As an employee at a managing position at VMware and at Sciant before that, I
often have to carry out technical interviews for job candidates at our
company. Its surprising how many of the candidates for software engineering
positions that come to us for an interview dont know how a hash table
works, havent heard of algorithm complexity, cannot sort an array or sort it
with a complexity of O(n
). Its hard to believe the amount of self-taught
programmers that havent mastered the fundamentals of programming youll
find in this book. Many people practicing the software developer profession
are not even familiar with the most basic data structures in programming and
dont know how to iterate through a tree using recursion. Read this book, so
that you wont be like these people! It is the first textbook you should
start with during your training as a programmer. The fundamental knowledge
of data structures, algorithms and problem solving will be necessary for
you to build your carrier in software engineering successfully and, of
course, to be successful at job interviews and the workplace afterwards.
If you start with creating dynamic websites using databases and AJAX without
knowing what a linked list, tree or hash table is, one day youll find out what
fundamental gaps there are in your skill set. Do you have to make a fool of
yourself at a job interview, in front of your colleagues or in front of your
superior when it becomes clear that you dont know the purpose of a hash
code, or how the List<T> structure works or how hard drive folders are
traversed recursively?
Most programming books will teach you to write simple programs, but they
wont take into consideration the quality of the programming code. It is a
topic most authors find unimportant, but writing high quality code is a basic
skill that separates the capable programmers from the mediocre ones.
Throughout the years you might discover the best practices yourself, but do
you have to learn by trial and error? This book will show you the right course
of action the easy way master the basic data structures and
algorithms; learn to think correctly; and write your code with high-
quality. I wish you beneficial studying.
Vassil Popovski is a software architect at VMware Bulgaria with more than
10 years of experience as a Java developer. At VMware Bulgaria he works on
Preface 61
developing scalable Enterprise Java systems. He has previously worked as
senior manager at VMware Bulgaria, as technical director at Sciant and as
team leader at SAP Labs Bulgaria.
As a high school student Vassil won awards at a number of national and
international contests including a bronze medal at the International
Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) in Setbal, 1998, and a bronze medal at the
Balkan Olympiad in Informatics (BOI) in Drama, Greece, 1997. As a college
student, Vassil participated in a number of college contests and in the
worldwide interuniversity contest in programming (ACM ICPC). During the
2001/2002 period, he held the course "Transaction Processing" at the Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Vassil is one of the founders of the
Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD).
Review by Pavlin Dobrev, ProSyst Labs
The book "Introduction to Programming with C#" is an excellent study
material for beginners that gives you the opportunity to master the
fundamentals of programming in an easy to understand manner. Its the
seventh book written under the guidance of Svetlin Nakov and just like the
others, its oriented exclusively to gaining practical programming skills.
The subject matter includes fundamental topics such as data structures,
algorithms and problem solving and that makes it intransient in technologies
development. Its filled with countless examples and practical advice for
solving basic problems from a programmers everyday work.
The book "Introduction to Programming with C#" represents an adaptation of
the incredibly successful book "Introduction to Programming with Java" to
the C# programming language and Microsofts .NET Framework platform and
is based on its leading authors, Svetlin Nakov, experience gained while
teaching programming fundamentals not only at the National Academy
for Software Development (NASD) and later at Telerik Software
Academy, but at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski", at the New Bulgarian University and at
the Technical University of Sofia as well.
Despite the large number of authors, all of which with differing professional
and training experience, there is a clear logical connection between the
separate chapters from the book. Its clearly written, with detailed
explanations and many, many examples far from the dull academic style
of most university textbooks.
Oriented towards those making their first steps in programming, the book
delivers carefully, step by step, the most important stuff a programmer
must be proficient in, in order to practice his profession starting from
variables, loops and arrays, to fundamental data structures and algorithms.
The book also covers important topics like recursive algorithms, trees, graphs
and hash tables. Its one of the few books that teach a good programming
style and high-quality programming code at the same time. There is enough
62 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
thought put into the object-oriented programming principles and exceptions
handling, without which modern software development is unimaginable.
The book "Introduction to Programming with C#" teaches the most
important principles and concepts in programming in the way
programmers think when solving problems in their everyday work.
This book doesnt contain everything about programming and wont make you
.NET software engineers. If you want to become really good programmer,
you need lots and lots of practice. Start from the exercises at the end of each
chapter, but dont confine yourselves to solving only them. Youll write
thousands of lines of code until you become really good thats the life of
a programmer. This book is indeed a great start! Seize the opportunity to
come across everything of utmost importance in one place without all the
wandering through the thousands of self-instruction books and articles on the
Internet. Good luck!
Dr. Pavlin Dobrev is technical director at ProSyst Labs (www.prosyst.com),
a software engineer with more than 15 years experience, consultant and
scientist, Ph.D. in "Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks". Pavlin has
made worldwide contributions in developing modern computer technologies
and technological standards. He is an active member of international
standardization organizations such as the OSGi Alliance (www.osgi.org) and
the Java Community Process (www.jcp.org), as well as open source software
initiatives such as the Eclipse Foundation (www.eclipse.org). Pavlin manages
software projects and consults companies of the likes of Miele, Philips,
Siemens, BMW, Bosch, Cisco Systems, France Telecom, Renault, Telefonica,
Telekom Austria, Toshiba, HP, Motorola, Ford, SAP, etc. in the field of
embedded applications, OSGi based automobile systems, mobile devices and
home networks, integrated development environments and Java Enterprise
servers for applications. He has many scientific and technical publications
and has participated in prestigious international conferences.
Review by Nikolay Manchev, Oracle
To become a skillful software developer, you must be ready to invest in
gaining knowledge in many fields and a particular programming language is
only one of them. A good developer mustnt only know the syntax and the
application programming interface of the language hes chosen. He also has to
possess deep knowledge in object-oriented programming, data
structures and quality code writing. He must also back up his knowledge
with serious practical experience.
When I was starting my career as a software developer more than 15 years
ago, finding a comprehensive source for learning these things was
impossible. Yes, there were books on the individual programming languages,
but they only described their syntax. For the API description one had to rely
on the documentation of the libraries. There were individual books devoted
solely on object-oriented programming. The various algorithms and data
Preface 63
structures were taught at the university. There was not even a word on high-
quality programming code.
Learning all these things, one piece at a time, and making the efforts to put
them into a common context, was up to the one walking "the way of the
programmer". Sometimes a self-taught programmer cannot manage to fill the
huge gaps in their knowledge simply because they have no idea of the gaps
existence. Let me give you an example to illustrate the problem.
In the year 2000 I picked up the management of a large Java project. The
team developing it consisted of 25 people and at that moment there were
about 4000 classes written for the project. As a team leader, part of my job
was to regularly review the code written by the other programmers. One
day I saw how one of my colleagues had solved a standard array sorting
assignment. He had written a separate, 25 lines long method implementing
the trivial bubble sort algorithm. When I went to see him and asked him why
he would do that instead of solving the problem with a single line of code
using Array.Sort(), he started explaining how the built-in method had been
"sluggish" and that its better to write these things yourself. I told him to open
the documentation and showed him that the "sluggish" method works with a
complexity of O(n*log(n)) and his bubble sort is a prime example of bad
performance with its complexity of O(n
). In the next few minutes of our
conversation I made the actual discovery my colleague had no idea what
algorithm complexity is and his knowledge of standard algorithms was
tragic. Consequently I found out he majored in an entirely different
engineering discipline, not computer science. Of course, theres nothing wrong
with that. His knowledge of Java was no worse than his co-workers, who had
longer professional exposures than him. But that very day we noticed a gap in
his professional qualification as a developer that he hadnt even suspected.
I dont want to leave you with wrong impressions from this story. Although a
college student who has successfully passed his main exams in "Informatics"
would definitely know the common sorting algorithms and would be able to
calculate their complexity, they would also have gaps in their education.
The sad truth is that the college education in Bulgaria in this discipline is still
theoretically oriented. It has changed very little over the course of the past 15
years. Yes, programs are nowadays written in Java and C#, but these are the
same programs that were written in Pascal and Ada back then.
Somewhere about a year ago I consulted a freshman student who was
majoring in "Informatics" at one of Bulgarias top state universities. When we
sat down to go over his notes taken during the "Introduction to Programming"
class, I was amazed at the code his instructor had given. The names of
the methods were a mix of English and transliterated Bulgarian. There was a
method calculate and a method rezultat (the Bulgarian for "result"). The
variables carried the descriptive names a1, a2 and suma (the Bulgarian for
"sum"). Yes, there is nothing tragic in this approach, as long as its a ten-
lines-long example, but when this student takes up the job hes earned at
some large project, he will be harshly rebuked by the project leader, who will
have to explain to him the coding conventions, naming principle,
64 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
cohesion and coupling and variable life span. Then theyll find out together
about the gap in his knowledge of quality code the same way my colleague
and I found out about his uncertain knowledge in the field of algorithms.
Dear reader, I can boldly state that you are holding a truly unique book in
your hands. Its contents are very carefully selected. Its well-arranged and
presented with attention to details, of which only people with tremendous
practical experience and solid scientific knowledge, like the books chief
authors Svetlin Nakov and Veselin Kolev, are capable of. Over the course of
many years they have also been learning "on the fly", supplementing and
expanding their knowledge. Theyve worked for years on huge projects,
theyve attended many scientific conferences and theyve taught hundreds of
students. They know whats necessary for anybody striving for a career
in software development to learn and theyve presented it in a manner that
no other book on introduction to programming has done before. Your journey
through the books pages will lead you through the C# programming
languages syntax. Youll see how to use a large part of its API. Youll learn
the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and youll be able to
work freely with terms such as objects, events and exceptions. Youll see the
most widely used data structures such as arrays, trees, hash tables and
graphs. Youll get to know the most widely used algorithms for working with
these structures and youll come to know their pros and cons. Youll
understand the concepts for creating high-quality programming code and
youll know what to require from your programmers when one day you
become a team leader. In addition, the book will challenge you with many
practical problems that will help you master, by the way of practice, the
subject matter it covers. And if one of the problems proves too hard for you,
you can always take a look at the solutions and guidelines the authors have
Computer programmers make mistakes no one is safe from that. The more
capable ones make mistakes out of oversight or overwork, but the more
incompetent ones out of lack of knowledge. Whether you become a good
or a bad software developer depends entirely on you and especially on
how much youre willing to constantly invest in your knowledge be it by
attending courses, reading or practicing. But I can tell you one thing for sure
no matter how much time you invest in this book, you wont make a
mistake. If some years ago someone wanting to become a software developer
had asked me "Where do I start from", I wouldnt have been able to give
them a definitive answer. Today I can say without worry "Start from this
very book (in its C# or Java version)!"
I wish you with all my heart success in mastering the secrets of C#, the .NET
Framework and software development!
Nikolay Manchev is a consultant and software developer with many years
of experience in Java Enterprise and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). He
has worked for BEA Systems and Oracle Corporation. Hes a certified
developer in the programs run by Sun, BEA and Oracle. He teaches
software technologies and holds courses in "Network Programming",
Preface 65
"J2EE", "Data Compression" and "High Quality Programming Code" at the
Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" and at the Sofia University "St. Kliment
Ohridski". He has held a number of courses for developers on Oracle
technologies in Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Greece, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Croatia and others) and has participated in international projects on
incorporating J2EE based systems for security management. Works of his in
the field of data compression algorithms have been accepted and presented in
the USA by IEEE. Nikolay is an honorary member of the Bulgarian Association
of Software Developers (BASD). He is author of the book "Oracle Database
Security: Version 10g & 11g". You can find out more about him on his
personal website: http://www.manchev.org. To contact him, use the e-mail
address: nick@manchev.org.
Review by Panayot Dobrikov, SAP AG
The book at hand is an incredibly good introduction to programming for
beginners and is a primary example of the notion (promoted by Wikipedia
and others) to create and distribute easy to understand knowledge that is not
only *free of charge*, but is of incredibly high quality as well.
Panayot Dobrikov is program director at SAP AG and co-author of the book
"Programming = ++Algorithms;". You can find out more about him on his
personal website: http://indyana.hit.bg.
Review by Lyubomir Ivanov, Mobiltel
If someone had told me 5 or 10 years ago that there would be a book from
which to learn the basics of managing people and projects budgeting,
finances, psychology, planning, etc., I wouldnt have believed them. I
wouldnt even believe them at this very moment. For each of these topics
there are tens of books that must be read.
If someone had told me that there would be a book from which we can learn
the fundamentals of programming essential to every software developer
I still wouldnt have believed them.
I remember my time as a novice programmer and a college student I was
reading several books on programming languages, several others on
algorithms and data structures, and a third set of books on writing high-
quality code. Very few of them helped me to think algorithmically and to
work out an approach for solving the everyday problems I came across
in my practice. None of them gave me an overview of everything I had to
know as a computer programmer and a software engineer. The only things
that helped me were being stubborn and reinventing the wheel.
Today I read this book and Im happy that finally, although a bit too late for
me, someone got down to writing The Book that will help any beginner
programmer solve the puzzle of programming a modern programming
language, data structures, quality code, algorithmic thinking and problem
solving. This is the book that you should take up programming from, if you
66 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
want to master the art of quality programming. Whether you choose the Java
or C# version of this book, it doesnt really matter. What matters is that you
must learn to think as a programmer and solve the problems you
encounter when writing software; the programming language is just a tool
you can change for another at any given time.
This book isnt only for beginners. Even programmers with many years of
experience can learn something from it. I recommend it to every software
developer who would like to realize what they didnt know up until now.
Have a nice time reading!
Lyubomir Ivanov is the manager of the "Data and Mobile Applications"
department at Mobiltel EAD (part of Mobilkom Austria) where he engages in
developing and integrating IT solutions for the telecommunications industry.
Review by Hristo Deshev, Entrepreneur
Its surprising what a large percentage of programmers dont pay attention to
the little things like variable names and good code structure. These
things pile up and, in the end, make the difference between a well-written
piece of software and a bowl of spaghetti. This book teaches discipline and
"hygiene" in code writing along with the very basic concepts in
programming and that will undoubtedly make you a professional.
Hristo Deshev, software craftsman
Review by Hristo Radkov, Clever IT (London, UK)
Fantastic book! It gives the start to any developer geek who wants to develop
into a software prodigy. While you can learn from the quick learning books for
dummies to do coding that just works and this is the level expected in many
of the small software development houses around, you can never leave a
trace in the software world without understanding the fundamental
concepts of programming. Yes, you can still develop software applications
and use the goodies of the .NET framework, but just use and not create or
If youd like to ever achieve architectural excellence and be able to
confidently and proudly say you have developed a good piece of software that
will stay there and serve its purpose for years, you need to understand just
how the technologies you use in everyday live (e.g. ASP.NET, MVC, WPF,
WCF, LINQ, Sockets, Task Parallel Library) work, but how they have been
developed and optimized to become what they are. Only then would you save
precious time in finding how to do things efficiently with these technologies,
because that knowledge will naturally come from what you have learned
from this book. And the same applies to understanding the widely
recommended in the world of programming nowadays design patterns,
architectures and techniques.
Preface 67
The book will allow you to prepare yourself to think, design and program
optimally as a concept and mindset with any object oriented language you
might ever use not just C# or .NET Framework.
Many banking systems here in London have a main requirement to be real-
time data servers to thousands of users with minimum delays and
interruptions, and this book provides the basics which if you lack you cannot
work on such systems successfully, ever.
This fundamental knowledge distinguishes the excellent and accomplished
developer, whose code would rarely require optimizations and would therefore
save direct and indirect costs to their employer from the general developers
who unfortunately are the prevailing part of the programmers you would meet
in your career. The accomplished specialists evolve and progress into senior
positions much easier when having the technical arguments and the mentality
to be creative and visionary, avoiding the difficulties of technology gap
limitations the mass around you have.
So, read the book carefully and diligently to become one!
Hristo Radkov is a Chief software architect and Co-founder at Clever IT, a
software services, best coding practices and architecture consulting company
based in London, United Kingdom. With over 15 years of experience as a
Developer, Team leader, Development manager, Head of IT and Software
Architect he has done projects professionally with C++, Java and C#,
eventually remaining completely on the side of the Microsoft Technologies
after the very first release of .NET Framework, becoming recognized by the
industry Microsoft Technology Software Development Best Practices and Cloud
Programming Expert, with MCPD, MCSD.NET, MCDBA and MCTS awards.
Hristo is co-author of the books "Programming for the .NET Framework
(vol. 1 & 2)" and has been instructor for .NET and Design Patterns for many
years. His company Clever IT is consulting top financial institutions and FTSE
100 corporations with multibillion valuations on the World Stock Exchanges.
You can find more about him on www.radkov.com or linked-in at Hristo
Radkov. To contact him, use the e-mail address: hradkov@clevit.com.
The authors thank the books sponsor the innovative software company
Telerik (www.telerik.com) that supported the books publishing on paper
and spared time from the working hours of its employees so they could
participate, without compensation, on delivering this project.

68 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Telerik Corporation is a leading provider of development components, tools
and frameworks for .NET, HTML5, Windows 8 and mobile development, agile
project management tools, automated testing tools and Web content
management solutions (CMS). Telerik is an industry leader providing the best
ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, Windows 8, Windows Phone, Windows
Forms, WPF and Silverlight components on the market, reporting solutions,
object-relational mapping (ORM) technologies, Visual Studio extensions for
improving development comfort and many other products and technologies.
Telerik is a Bulgarian product-oriented innovative technological
company, located in Sofia with offices in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany,
Australia and India, established in 2002 by few Bulgarian entrepreneurs. The
company has more than 750 people (as of March 2013), most of which are
software engineers. Because of its excellent working environment and
outstanding achievements Telerik was awarded as employer #1 in Bulgaria
from 2007 and 2010 and 2012 (globally, among all industries) and is one of
the best employers in Central Eastern Europe.
The book and all its study materials are distributed freely under the following
Common Definitions
1. The present license defines the terms and conditions for using and
distributing the "study materials" and the book "Fundamentals of
Computer Programming with C#", developed by a team of
volunteers under the guidance of Svetlin Nakov (www.nakov.com).
2. The study materials consist of:
- the book (textbook) on "Fundamentals of Computer Programming
with C#"
- sample source code
- demo programs
- exercise problems
- presentation slides
- video materials
3. The study materials are available for free download according to the
terms and conditions specified in this license at the official website of
the project: www.introprogramming.info.
4. Authors of the study materials are the persons who participated in their
5. User of the study materials is anybody who uses or accesses these
materials or portions of them.
Preface 69
Rights and Limitations of the Users
1. Users may:
- distribute free of charge unaltered copies of the study materials in
electronic or paper format;
- use the study materials or portions of them, including the examples,
demos, exercises and presentation slides or their modifications, for all
intents and purposes, including educational and commercial
projects, provided they clearly specify the original source, the
original author(s) of the corresponding text or source code, this
license and the website www.introprogramming.info;
- distribute free of charge portions of the study materials or modified
copies of them (including translating them into other languages or
adapting them to other programming languages and platforms), but
only by explicitly mentioning the original source and the authors
of the corresponding text, source code or other material, this license
and the official website of the project: www.introprogramming.info.
2. Users may not:
- distribute for profit the study materials or portions of them, with
the exception of the source code;
- remove this license from the study materials when modifying them
for own needs.
Rights and Limitations of the Authors
1. Every author has non-exclusive rights on the products of his / her own
work contributing to build the study materials.
2. The authors have the right to use the products of their contribution for
any purpose, including modifying them and distributing them for profit.
3. The rights on all study materials written in joint authorship belong to all
co-authors together.
4. The authors may not distribute for profit study materials theyve written
in joint authorship without the explicit permission of all other co-
Resources Coming with the Book
This book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" comes with a
rich set of resources: official web site, official discussion forum, presentation
slides for each chapter of the book, video lessons for each chapter of the
book and Facebook fan page.
70 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The Books Website
The official website of the book "Introduction to programming with C#" is
available at: www.introprogramming.info. At books web site you can
freely download the book and many related resources:
- The whole book in several electronic formats (PDF / DOC / DOCX /
HTML / Kindle / etc.)
- The source code of the examples (demos) for each chapter
- Video lessons covering the entire book content with live demos and
detailed explanations (in English and in Bulgarian)
- PowerPoint presentations slides for each chapter, ready for instructors
who want to teach programming (in English)
- The exercises and solutions guidelines for each chapter
- Solutions to all problems from the book + explanation of the
algorithm and the source code for each solution + tests (in Bulgarian)
- Interactive Mind maps for each book chapter
- The book in Bulgarian language (the original)
- A Java version of the book (with all content and examples adapter to
Java programming language).
Discussion Forum
The discussion forum where you can find solutions to almost all problems
from the book is available at: forums.academy.telerik.com.
This forum is created for discussions among the participants in Telerik
Software Academys courses who go through this book during the first few
months of their training and mandatorily solve all problems in the exercise
sections. Most people "living" in the forum are Bulgarian but everyone speaks
English so you are invited to ask your questions about the book exercises in
In the forum youll find comments and solutions submitted by students and
readers of the book, as well as by the trainers at the Software Academy. Just
search thoroughly enough and youll find several solutions to all problems in
the book (with no exceptions). Every year thousands of participants in
Telerik Software Academy solve problems from this book and share their
solutions and the difficulties theyve encountered, so simply search thoroughly
in the forum or ask, if you cant get to a solution for a particular problem.
Presentation Slides Coming with the Book
This book is used in many universities, colleges, schools and organizations as
a textbook on computer programming, C#, data structures and algorithms. To
help instructors teach the lessons following this book we have prepared
Preface 71
PowerPoint presentation slides for each chapter of the book. Instructors
are welcome to use the slides free of charge under the license agreement
stated above. The authors' team will be happy to find out that this book and
its study materials and presentation slides are helping people all over the
world to learn programming. This is the primary goal of the project: to teach
computer programming fundamentals, in complete, simple, structured,
understandable way, free of charge. You may find the PowerPoint slides in
English at the books official web site: www.introprogramming.info.
Video Materials for Self-Education with the Book
As part of the Telerik Academy program (academy.telerik.com) and, in
particular, the free course "Fundamentals of C# Programming", videos of all
lectures on the subject matter in this book have been recorded. The video
materials in English and Bulgarian can be found at C# books official web site:
If you speak Bulgarian you might be interested in Telerik Academys video
channel in YouTube: youtube.com/TelerikAcademy. It holds thousands
video lessons on programming and software development.
Interactive Mind Maps
As part of the book we created a set of
interactive mind maps to visualize its
content and to improve the level of
memorization. We have a few mind
maps for each chapter that visually
illustrates its content and a global mind
map of the entire book. The mind maps
are available at the books web site:
Fan Club
For the fans of the book "Introduction to Programming with C#" we have a
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/IntroCSharpBook.
Svetlin Nakov, PhD,
Manager of the "Technical Training" Department,
Telerik Software Academy, Telerik Corporation,
August 24
, 2013
Telerik Careers Discover the Telerik Difference
Chapter 1. Introduction
to Programming
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will take a look at the basic programming terminology
and we will write our first C# program. We will familiarize ourselves with
programming what it means and its connection to computers and
programming languages.
Briefly, we will review the different stages of software development.
We will introduce the C# language, the .NET platform and the different
Microsoft technologies used in software development. We will examine what
tools we need to program in C#. We will use the C# language to write our
first computer program, compile and run it from the command line as well as
from Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environment. We will
review the MSDN Library the documentation of the .NET Framework. It will
help us with our exploration of the features of the platform and the language.
What Does It Mean "To Program"?
Nowadays computers have become irreplaceable. We use them to solve
complex problems at the workplace, look for driving directions, have fun and
communicate. They have countless applications in the business world, the
entertainment industry, telecommunications and finance. Its not an over-
statement to say that computers build the neural system of our contemporary
society and it is difficult to imagine its existence without them.
Despite the fact that computers are so wide-spread, few people know how
they really work. In reality, it is not the computers, but the programs (the
software), which run on them, that matter. It is the software that makes
computers valuable to the end-user, allowing for many different types of
services that change our lives.
How Do Computers Process Information?
In order to understand what it means to program, we can roughly compare a
computer and its operating system to a large factory with all its workshops,
warehouses and transportation. This rough comparison makes it easier to
imagine the level of complexity present in a contemporary computer. There
are many processes running on a computer, and they represent the
workshops and production lines in a factory. The hard drive, along with the
74 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
files on it, and the operating memory (RAM) represent the warehouses, and
the different protocols are the transportation systems, which provide the input
and output of information.
The different types of products made in a factory come from different
workshops. They use raw materials from the warehouses and store the
completed goods back in them. The raw materials are transported to the
warehouses by the suppliers and the completed product is transported from
the warehouses to the outlets. To accomplish this, different types of
transportation are used. Raw materials enter the factory, go through different
stages of processing and leave the factory transformed into products. Each
factory converts the raw materials into a product ready for consumption.
The computer is a machine for information processing. Unlike the
factory in our comparison, for the computer, the raw material and the product
are the same thing information. In most cases, the input information is
taken from any of the warehouses (files or RAM), to where it has been
previously transported. Afterwards, it is processed by one or more processes
and it comes out modified as a new product. Web based applications serve as
a prime example. They use HTTP to transfer raw materials and products, and
information processing usually has to do with extracting content from a
database and preparing it for visualization in the form of HTML.
Managing the Computer
The whole process of manufacturing products in a factory has many levels of
management. The separate machines and assembly lines have operators, the
workshops have managers and the factory as a whole is run by general
executives. Every one of them controls processes on a different level. The
machine operators serve on the lowest level they control the machines with
buttons and levers. The next level is reserved for the workshop managers.
And on the highest level, the general executives manage the different aspects
of the manufacturing processes in the factory. They do that by issuing orders.
It is the same with computers and software they have many levels of
management and control. The lowest level is managed by the processor and
its registries (this is accomplished by using machine programs at a low level)
we can compare it to controlling the machines in the workshops. The
different responsibilities of the operating system (Windows 7 for example),
like the file system, peripheral devices, users and communication protocols,
are controlled at a higher level we can compare it to the management of the
different workshops and departments in the factory. At the highest level, we
can find the application software. It runs a whole ensemble of processes,
which require a huge amount of processor operations. This is the level of the
general executives, who run the whole factory in order to maximize the
utilization of the resources and to produce quality results.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 75
The Essence of Programming
The essence of programming is to control the work of the computer on all
levels. This is done with the help of "orders" and "commands" from the
programmer, also known as programming instructions. To "program" means
to organize the work of the computer through sequences of
instructions. These commands (instructions) are given in written form and
are implicitly followed by the computer (respectively by the operating system,
the CPU and the peripheral devices).

To program means writing sequences of instructions in
order to organize the work of the computer to perform
something. These sequences of instructions are called
computer programs or scripts.
A sequence of steps to achieve, complete some work or obtain some result is
called an algorithm. This is how programming is related to algorithms.
Programming involves describing what you want the computer to do by a
sequence of steps, by algorithms.
Programmers are the people who create these instructions, which control
computers. These instructions are called programs. Numerous programs
exist, and they are created using different kinds of programming
languages. Each language is oriented towards controlling the computer on a
different level. There are languages oriented towards the machine level (the
lowest) Assembler for example. Others are most useful at the system level
(interacting with the operating system), like C. There are also high level
languages used to create application programs. Such languages include C#,
Java, C++, PHP, Visual Basic, Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript and others.
In this book we will take a look at the C# programming language a
modern high level language. When a programmer uses C#, he gives
commands in high level, like from the position of a general executive in a
factory. The instructions given in the form of programs written in C# can
access and control almost all computer resources directly or via the operating
system. Before we learn how to write simple C# programs, lets take a good
look at the different stages of software development, because programming,
despite being the most important stage, is not the only one.
Stages in Software Development
Writing software can be a very complex and time-consuming task, involving a
whole team of software engineers and other specialists. As a result, many
methods and practices, which make the life of programmers easier, have
emerged. All they have in common is that the development of each software
product goes through several different stages:
- Gathering the requirements for the product and creating a task;
- Planning and preparing the architecture and design;
76 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Implementation (includes the writing of program code);
- Product trials (testing);
- Deployment and exploitation;
- Support.
Implementation, testing, deployment and support are mostly accomplished
using programming.
Gathering the Requirements
In the beginning, only the idea for a certain product exists. It includes a list of
requirements, which define actions by the user and the computer. In the
general case, these actions make already existing activities easier
calculating salaries, calculating ballistic trajectories or searching for the
shortest route on Google maps are some examples. In many cases the
software implements a previously nonexistent functionality such as
automation of a certain activity.
The requirements for the product are usually defined in the form of
documentation, written in English or any other language. There is no
programming done at this stage. The requirements are defined by experts,
who are familiar with the problems in a certain field. They can also write them
up in such a way that they are easy to understand by the programmers. In
the general case, these experts are not programming specialists, and they are
called business analysts.
Planning and Preparing the Architecture and Design
After all the requirements have been gathered comes the planning stage. At
this stage, a technical plan for the implementation of the project is created,
describing the platforms, technologies and the initial architecture (design) of
the program. This step includes a fair amount of creative work, which is done
by software engineers with a lot of experience. They are sometimes called
software architects. According to the requirements, the following parts are
- The type of the application for example console application, desktop
application (GUI, Graphical User Interface application), client-server
application, Web application, Rich Internet Application (RIA), mobile
application, peer-to-peer application or other;
- The architecture of the software for example single layer, double
layer, triple layer, multi-layer or SOA architecture;
- The programming language most suitable for the implementation
for example C#, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript or C++, or a
combination of different languages;
- The technologies that will be used: platform (Microsoft .NET, Java EE,
LAMP or another), database server (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, NoSQL
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 77
database or another), technologies for the user interface (Flash,
JavaServer Faces, Eclipse RCP, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Silverlight,
WPF or another), technologies for data access (for example Hibernate,
JPA or ADO.NET Entity Framework), reporting technologies (SQL Server
Reporting Services, Jasper Reports or another) and many other
combinations of technologies that will be used for the implementation of
the various parts of the software system.
- The development frameworks that will simplify the development, e.g.
ASP.NET MVC (for .NET), Knockout.js (for JavaScript), Rails (for Ruby),
Django (for Python) and many others.
- The number and skills of the people who will be part of the
development team (big and serious projects are done by large and
experienced teams of developers);
- The development plan separating the functionality in stages,
resources and deadlines for each stage.
- Others (size of the team, locality of the team, methods of
communication etc.).
Although there are many rules facilitating the correct analysis and planning, a
fair amount of intuition and insight is required at this stage. This step
predetermines the further advancement of the development process. There is
no programming done at this stage, only preparation.
The stage, most closely connected with programming, is the implementation
stage. At this phase, the program (application) is implemented (written)
according to the given task, design and architecture. Programmers
participate by writing the program (source) code. The other stages can
either be short or completely skipped when creating a small project, but the
implementation always presents; otherwise the process is not software
development. This book is dedicated mainly to describing the skills used
during implementation creating a programmers mindset and building the
knowledge to use all the resources provided by the C# language and the .NET
platform, in order to create software applications.
Product Testing
Product testing is a very important stage of software development. Its
purpose is to make sure that all the requirements are strictly followed and
covered. This process can be implemented manually, but the preferred way to
do it is by automated tests. These tests are small programs, which
automate the trials as much as possible. There are parts of the functionality
that are very hard to automate, which is why product trials include automated
as well as manual procedures to ensure the quality of the code.
78 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The testing (trials) process is implemented by quality assurance engineers
(QAs). They work closely with the programmers to find and correct errors
(bugs) in the software. At this stage, it is a priority to find defects in the code
and almost no new code is written.
Many defects and errors are usually found during the testing stage and the
program is sent back to the implantation stage. These two stages are very
closely tied and it is common for a software product to switch between them
many times before it covers all the requirements and is ready for the
deployment and usage stages.
Deployment and Operation
Deployment is the process which puts a given software product into
exploitation. If the product is complex and serves many people, this process
can be the slowest and most expensive one. For smaller programs this is a
relatively quick and painless process. In the most common case, a special
program, called installer, is developed. It ensures the quick and easy
installation of the product. If the product is to be deployed at a large
corporation with tens of thousands of copies, additional supporting software is
developed just for the deployment. After the deployment is successfully
completed, the product is ready for operation. The next step is to train
employees to use it.
An example would be the deployment of a new version of Microsoft Windows
in the state administration. This includes installation and configuration of
the software as well as training employees how to use it.
The deployment is usually done by the team who has worked on the software
or by trained deployment specialists. They can be system administrators,
database administrators (DBA), system engineers, specialized consultants and
others. At this stage, almost no new code is written but the existing code is
tweaked and configured until it covers all the specific requirements for a
successful deployment.
Technical Support
During the exploitation process, it is inevitable that problems will appear.
They may be caused by many factors errors in the software, incorrect usage
or faulty configuration, but most problems occur when the users change their
requirements. As a result of these problems, the software loses its abilities to
solve the business task it was created for. This requires additional
involvement by the developers and the support experts. The support
process usually continues throughout the whole life-cycle of the software
product, regardless of how good it is.
The support is carried out by the development team and by specially trained
support experts. Depending on the changes made, many different people
may be involved in the process business analysts, architects, programmers,
QA engineers, administrators and others.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 79
For example, if we take a look at a software program that calculates salaries,
it will need to be updated every time the tax legislation, which concerns the
serviced accounting process, is changed. The support teams intervention will
be needed if, for example, the hardware of the end user is changed because
the software will have to be installed and configured again.
The documentation stage is not a separate stage but accompanies all the
other stages. Documentation is an important part of software development
and aims to pass knowledge between the different participants in the
development and support of a software product. Information is passed along
between different stages as well as within a single stage. The development
documentation is usually created by the developers (architects, program-
mers, QA engineers and others) and represents a combination of documents.
Software Development Is More than Just Coding
As we saw, software development is much more than just coding (writing
code), and it includes a number of other processes such as: requirements
analysis, design, planning, testing and support, which require a wide variety
of specialists called software engineers. Programming is just a small, but
very essential part of software development.
In this book we will focus solely on programming, because it is the only
process, of the above, without which, we cannot develop software.
Our First C# Program
Before we continue with an in depth description of the C# language and the
.NET platform, lets take a look at a simple example, illustrating how a
program written in C# looks like:
class HelloCSharp
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!");
The only thing this program does is to print the message "Hello, C#!" on
the default output. It is still early to execute it, which is why we will only take
a look at its structure. Later we will describe in full how to compile and run a
given program from the command prompt as well as from a development
80 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
How Does Our First C# Program Work?
Our first program consists of three logical parts:
- Definition of a class HelloCSharp;
- Definition of a method Main();
- Contents of the method Main().
Defining a Class
On the first line of our program we define a class called HelloCSharp. The
simplest definition of a class consists of the keyword class, followed by its
name. In our case the name of the class is HelloCSharp. The content of the
class is located in a block of program lines, surrounded by curly brackets: {}.
Defining the Main() Method
On the third line we define a method with the name Main(), which is the
starting point for our program. Every program written in C# starts from a
Main() method with the following title (signature):
static void Main(string[] args)
The method must be declared as shown above, it must be static and void, it
must have a name Main and as a list of parameters it must have only one
parameter of type array of string. In our example the parameter is called
args but that is not mandatory. This parameter is not used in most cases so it
can be omitted (it is optional). In that case the entry point of the program can
be simplified and will look like this:
static void Main()
If any of the aforementioned requirements is not met, the program will
compile but it will not start because the starting point is not defined correctly.
Contents of the Main() Method
The content of every method is found after its signature, surrounded by
opening and closing curly brackets. On the next line of our sample program
we use the system object System.Console and its method WriteLine() to
print a message on the default output (the console), in this case "Hello, C#!".
In the Main() method we can write a random sequence of expressions and
they will be executed in the order we assigned to them.
More information about expressions can be found in chapter "Operators and
Expressions", working with the console is described in chapter "Console Input
and Output", classes and methods can be found in chapter "Defining Classes".
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 81
C# Distinguishes between Uppercase and Lowercase!
The C# language distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters so
we should use the correct casing when we write C# code. In the example
above we used some keywords like class, static, void and the names of
some of the system classes and objects, such as System.Console.

Be careful when writing! The same thing, written in upper-
case, lower-case or a mix of both, means different things in
C#. Writing Class is different from class and System.Console
is different from SYSTEM.CONSOLE.
This rule applies to all elements of your program: keywords, names of
variables, class names etc.
The Program Code Must Be Correctly Formatted
Formatting is adding characters such as spaces, tabs and new lines, which are
insignificant to the compiler and they give the code a logical structure and
make it easier to read. Lets for example take a look at our first program
(the short version of the Main() method):
class HelloCSharp
static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!");
The program contains seven lines of code and some of them are indented
more than others. All of that can be written without tabs as well, like so:
class HelloCSharp
static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!");
Or on the same line:
class HelloCSharp{static void Main(){System.Console.WriteLine(
"Hello C#!");}}
Or even like this:
82 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
{ System .
Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!") ;} }
The examples above will compile and run exactly like the formatted code but
they are more difficult to read and understand, and therefore difficult to
modify and maintain.

Never let your programs contain unformatted code! That
severely reduces program readability and leads to difficulties
for later modifications of the code.
Main Formatting Rules
If we want our code to be correctly formatted, we must follow several
important rules regarding indentation:
- Methods are indented inside the definition of the class (move to the
right by one or more [Tab] characters);
- Method contents are indented inside the definition of the method;
- The opening curly bracket { must be on its own line and placed exactly
under the method or class it refers to;
- The closing curly bracket } must be on its own line, placed exactly
vertically under the respective opening bracket (with the same
- All class names must start with a capital letter;
- Variable names must begin with a lower-case letter;
- Method names must start with a capital letter;
Code indentation follows a very simple rule: when some piece of code is
logically inside another piece of code, it is indented (moved) on the right with
a single [Tab]. For example if a method is defined inside a class, it is indented
(moved to the right). In the same way if a method body is inside a method, it
is indented. To simplify this, we can assume that when we have the character
{, all the code after it until its closing } should be indented on the right.
File Names Correspond to Class Names
Every C# program consists of one or several class definitions. It is
accepted that each class is defined in a separate file with a name
corresponding to the class name and a .cs extension. When these
requirements are not met, the program will still work but navigating the code
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 83
will be difficult. In our example, the class is named HelloCSharp, and as a
result we must save its source code in a file called HelloCSharp.cs.
The C# Language and the .NET Platform
The first version of C# was developed by Microsoft between 1999 and 2002
and was officially released to the public in 2002 as a part of the .NET
platform. The .NET platform aims to make software development for
Windows easier by providing a new quality approach to programming, based
on the concepts of the "virtual machine" and "managed code". At that time
the Java language and platform reaped an enormous success in all fields of
software development; C# and .NET were Microsofts natural response to the
Java technology.
The C# Language
C# is a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented, high-level prog-
ramming language. Its syntax is similar to that of C and C++ but many
features of those languages are not supported in C# in order to simplify the
language, which makes programming easier.
The C# programs consist of one or several files with a .cs extension, which
contain definitions of classes and other types. These files are compiled by the
C# compiler (csc) to executable code and as a result assemblies are created,
which are files with the same name but with a different extension (.exe or
.dll). For example, if we compile HelloCSharp.cs, we will get a file with the
name HelloCSharp.exe (some additional files will be created as well, but we
will not discuss them at the moment).
We can run the compiled code like any other program on our computer (by
double clicking it). If we try to execute the compiled C# code (for example
HelloCSharp.exe) on a computer that does not have the .NET Framework,
we will receive an error message.
C# uses the following keywords to build its programming constructs (the list
is taken from MSDN in March 2013 and may not be complete):
abstract as base bool break byte
case catch char checked class const
continue decimal default delegate do double
else enum event explicit extern false
finally fixed float for foreach goto
if implicit in int interface internal
is lock long namespace new null
84 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
object operator out override params private
protected public readonly ref return sbyte
sealed short sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw true try
typeof uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort
using virtual void volatile while
Since the creation of the first version of the C# language, not all keywords
are in use. Some of them were added in later versions. The main program
elements in C# (which are defined and used with the help of keywords) are
classes, methods, operators, expressions, conditional statements,
loops, data types, exceptions and few others. In the next few chapters of
this book, we will review in details all these programming constructs along
with the use of the most of the keywords from the table above.
Automatic Memory Management
One of the biggest advantages of the .NET Framework is the built-in
automatic memory management. It protects the programmers from the
complex task of manually allocating memory for objects and then waiting for
a suitable moment to release it. This significantly increases the developer
productivity and the quality of the programs written in C#.
In the .NET Framework, there is a special component of the CLR that looks
after memory management. It is called a "garbage collector" (automated
memory cleaning system). The garbage collector has the following main
tasks: to check when the allocated memory for variables is no longer in use,
to release it and make it available for allocation of new objects.

It is important to note that it is not exactly clear at what
moment the memory gets cleaned of unused objects (local
variables for example). According to the C# language
specifications, it happens at some moment after a given
variable gets out of scope but it is not specified, whether this
happens instantly, after some time or when the available
memory becomes insufficient for the normal program
Independence from the Environment and the
Programming Language
One of the advantages of .NET is that programmers using different .NET
languages can easily exchange their code. For example a C# programmer
can use the code written by another programmer in VB.NET, Managed C++
or F#. This is possible because the programs written in different .NET
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 85
languages share a common system of data types, execution infrastructure
and a unified format of the compiled code (assemblies).
A big advantage of the .NET technology is the ability to run code, which is
written and compiled only once, on different operating systems and
hardware devices. We can compile a C# program in a Windows environment
and then execute it under Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows RT or Linux.
Officially Microsoft only supports the .NET Framework on Windows, Windows
Mobile and Windows Phone, but there are third party vendors that offer .NET
implementation on other operating systems.
Mono (.NET for Linux)
One example of .NET implementation for non-Windows environment is the
open-source project Mono (www.mono-project.com). It implements the
.NET Framework and most of its accompanying libraries for Linux, FreeBSD,
iPhone and Android. Mono is unofficial .NET implementation and some
features may work not exactly as expected. It does implement well the core
.NET standards (such as C# compiler and CLR) but does not support fully the
latest .NET technologies and framework like WPF and ASP.NET MVC.
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
The idea for independence from the environment has been set in the earliest
stages of creation of the .NET platform and is implemented with the help of a
little trick. The output code is not compiled to instructions for a specific
microprocessor and does not use the features of a specific operating system;
it is compiled to the so called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL).
This MSIL is not directly executed by the microprocessor but from a virtual
environment called Common Language Runtime (CLR).
Common Language Runtime (CLR) the Heart of .NET
In the very center of the .NET platform beats its heart the Common
Language Runtime (CLR) the environment that controls the execution of
the managed code (MSIL code). It ensures the execution of .NET programs
on different hardware platforms and operating systems.
CLR is an abstract computing machine (virtual machine). Similarly to
physical computers, it supports a set of instructions, registries, memory
access and input-output operations. CLR ensures a controlled execution of
the .NET programs using the full capabilities of the processor and the
operating system. CLR also carries out the managed access to the memory
and the other resources of the computer, while adhering to the access rules
set when the program is executed.
86 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The .NET Platform
The .NET platform contains the C# language, CLR and many auxiliary
instruments and libraries ready for use. There are a few versions of .NET
according to the targeted user group:
- .NET Framework is the most common version of the .NET environment
because of its general purpose. It is used in the development of console
applications, Windows applications with a graphical user interface, web
applications and many more.
- .NET Compact Framework (CF) is a "light" version of the standard
.NET Framework and is used in the development of applications for
mobile phones and other PDA devices using Windows Mobile Edition.
- Silverlight is also a "light" version of the .NET Framework, intended to
be executed on web browsers in order to implement multimedia and
Rich Internet Applications.
- .NET for Windows Store apps is a subset of .NET Framework
designed for development and execution of .NET applications in
Windows 8 and Windows RT environment (the so called Windows
Store Apps).
.NET Framework
The standard version of the .NET platform is intended for development and
use of console applications, desktop applications, Web applications, Web
services, Rich Internet Applications, mobile applications for tablets and smart
phones and many more. Almost all .NET developers use the standard version.
.NET Technologies
Although the .NET platform is big and comprehensive, it does not provide
all the tools required to solve every problem in software development. There
are many independent software developers, who expand and add to the
standard functionality offered by the .NET Framework. For example,
companies like the Bulgarian software corporation Telerik develop subsidiary
sets of components. These components are used to create graphical user
interfaces, Web content management systems, to prepare reports and they
make application development easier.
The .NET Framework extensions are software components, which can be
reused when developing .NET programs. Reusing code significantly facilitates
and simplifies software development, because it provides solutions for
common problems, offers implementations of complex algorithms and
technology standards. The contemporary programmer uses libraries and
components every day, and saves a lot of effort by doing so.
Lets look at the following example software that visualizes data in the
form of charts and diagrams. We can use a library, written in .NET, which
draws the charts. All that we need to do is input the correct data and the
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 87
library will draw the charts for us. It is very convenient and efficient. Also it
leads to reduction in the production costs because the programmers will not
need to spend time working on additional functionality (in our case drawing
the charts, which involves complex mathematical calculations and controlling
the graphics card). The application itself will be of higher quality because the
extension it uses is developed and supported by specialists with more
experience in that specific field.
Software technologies are sets of classes, modules, libraries, programming
models, tools, patterns and best practices addressing some specific problem
in software development. There are general software technologies, such as
Web technologies, mobile technologies, technologies for computer graphics
and technologies related to some platform such as .NET or Java.
There are many .NET technologies serving for different areas of .NET
development. Typical examples are the Web technologies (like ASP.NET and
ASP.NET MVC), allowing fast and easy creation of dynamic Web applications
and .NET mobile technologies (like WinJS), which make possible the creation
of rich user interface multimedia applications working on the Internet.
.NET Framework by default includes as part of itself many technologies and
class libraries with standard functionality, which developers can use. For
example, there are ready-to-use classes in the system library working with
mathematical functions, calculating logarithms and trigonometric functions
(System.Math class). Another example is the library dealing with networks
(System.Net), it has a built-in functionality to send e-mails (using the
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class) and to download files from the
Internet (using System.Net.WebClient).
A .NET technology is the collection of .NET classes, libraries, tools,
standards and other programming means and established development
models, which determine the technological framework for creating a certain
type of application. A .NET library is a collection of .NET classes, which offer
certain ready-to-use functionality. For example, ADO.NET is a technology
offering standardized approach to accessing relational databases (like
Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL). The classes in the package (namespace)
System.Data.SqlClient are an example of .NET library, which provide
functionality to connect an SQL Server through the ADO.NET technology.
Some of the technologies developed by software developers outside of
Microsoft become wide-spread and as a result establish themselves as
technology standards. Some of them are noticed by Microsoft and later are
added to the next iteration of the .NET Framework. That way, the .NET
platform is constantly evolving and expanding with new libraries and
technologies. For instance, the object-relational mapping technologies
initially were developed as independent projects and products (like the open
code project NHibernate and Teleriks OpenAccess ORM). After they gained
enormous popularity, their inclusion in the .NET Framework became a
necessity. And this is how the LINQ-to-SQL and ADO.NET Entity Framework
technologies were born, respectively in .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0.
88 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Application Programming Interface (API)
Each .NET library or technology is utilized by creating objects and calling their
methods. The set of public classes and methods in the programming libraries
is called Application Programming Interface or just API. As an example
we can look at the .NET API itself; it is a set of .NET class libraries, expanding
the capabilities of the language and adding high-level functionality. All .NET
technologies offer a public API. The technologies are often referred to simply
as API, which adds certain functionality. For example: API for working with
files, API for working with charts, API for working with printers, API for
reading and creating Word and Excel documents, API for creating PDF
documents, Web development API, etc.
.NET Documentation
Very often it is necessary to document an API, because it contains many
namespaces and classes. Classes contain methods and parameters. Their
purpose is not always obvious and needs to be explained. There are also
inner dependencies between the separate classes, which need to be explained
in order to be used correctly. These explanations and technical instructions on
how to use a given technology, library or API, are called documentation. The
documentation consists of a collection of documents with technical content.
The .NET Framework also has a documentation officially developed and
supported by Microsoft. It is publicly available on the Internet and is also
distributed with the .NET platform as a collection of documents and tools for
browsing and searching.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 89
The MSDN Library is Microsofts official documentation for all their products
for developers and software technologies. The .NET Frameworks technical
documentation is part of the MSDN Library and can be found here:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/gg145045.aspx. The above
screenshot shows how it might look like (for .NET version 4.5).
What We Need to Program in C#?
After we made ourselves familiar with the .NET platform, .NET libraries and
.NET technologies, we can move on to writing, compiling and executing C#
In order to program in C#, we need two basic things an installed .NET
Framework and a text editor. We need the text editor to write and edit the
C# code and the .NET Framework to compile and execute it.
.NET Framework
By default, the .NET Framework is installed along with Windows, but in old
Windows versions it could be missing. To install the .NET Framework, we must
download it from Microsofts website (http://download.microsoft.com). It is
best if we download and install the latest version.

Do not forget that we need to install the .NET Framework
before we begin! Otherwise, we will not be able to compile
and execute the program.
If we run Windows 8 or Windows 7, the .NET Framework will
be already installed as part of Windows.
Text Editor
The text editor is used to write the source code of the program and to save
it in a file. After that, the code is compiled and executed. There are many text
editing programs. We can use Windows built-in Notepad (it is very basic and
inconvenient) or a better free text editor like Notepad++ (notepad-
plus.sourceforge.net) or PSPad (www.pspad.com).
Compilation and Execution of C# Programs
The time has come to compile and execute the simple example program
written in C# we already discussed. To accomplish that, we need to do the
- Create a file named HelloCSharp.cs;
- Write the sample program in the file;
- Compile HelloCSharp.cs to an executable file HelloCSharp.exe using
the console-based C# compiler (csc.exe);
- Execute the HelloCSharp.exe file.
90 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Now, lets do it on the computer!
The instructions above vary depending on the operating system. Since
programming on Linux is not the focus of this book, we will take a thorough
look at what we need to write and execute the sample program on Windows.
For those of you, who want to program in C# in a Linux environment, we
already explained the Mono project, and you can download it and experiment.
Here is the code of our first C# program:
class HelloCSharp
static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!");
Creating C# Programs in the Windows Console
First we start the Windows command console, also known as Command
Prompt. In Windows 7 this is done from the Windows Explorer start menu:
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
It is advised that we run the console as administrator (right click on the
Command Prompt icon and choose Run as administrator). Otherwise
some operations we want to use may be restricted.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 91
In Windows 8 the Run as administrator command is directly available when
you right click the command prompt icon from the Win8 Start Screen:

After opening the console, lets create a directory, in which we will
experiment. We use the md command to create a directory and cd command
to navigate to it (enter inside it):

92 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The directory will be named IntroCSharp and will be located in C:\. We
change the current directory to C:\IntroCSharp and create a new file
HelloCSharp.cs, by using the built-in Windows text editor Notepad.
To create the text file HelloCSharp.cs, we execute the following command
on the console:
notepad HelloCSharp.cs
This will start Notepad with the following dialog window, confirming the
creation of a new file:

Notepad will warn us that no such file exists and will ask us if we want to
create it. We click [Yes]. The next step is to rewrite or simply Copy / Paste the
programs source code.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 93
We save it by pressing [Ctrl+S] and close the Notepad editor with [Alt+F4].
Now we have the initial code of our sample C# program, written in the file
Compiling C# Programs in Windows
The only thing left to do is to compile and execute it. Compiling is done by
the csc.exe compiler.

We got our first error Windows cannot find an executable file or command
with the name "csc". This is a very common problem and it is normal to
appear if it is our first time using C#. Several reasons might have caused it:
- The .NET Framework is not installed;
- The .NET Framework is installed correctly, but its directory
Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.xxx is not added to the system path
for executable files and Windows cannot find csc.exe.
The first problem is easily solved by installing the .NET Framework (in our
case version 4.5). The other problem can be solved by changing the system
path (we will do this later) or by using the full path to csc.exe, as it is shown
on the figure below. In our case, the full file path to the C# compiler is
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe (note that this
path could vary depending on the .NET framework version installed). Strange
or not, .NET 4.5 coming with Visual Studio 2012 and C# 5 installs in a
directory named v4.0.30319 this is not a mistake.
Compiling and Running C# Programs in Windows
Now lets invoke the csc compiler through its full path and pass to it the file
we want to compile as a parameter (HelloCSharp.exe):

94 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
After the execution csc is completed without any errors, and we get the
following file as a result: C:\IntroCSharp\HelloCSharp.exe. To run it, we
simply need to write its name. The result of the execution of our program is
the message "Hello, C#!" printed on the console. It is not great but it is a
good start:

Changing the System Paths in Windows
If we know to use the command line C# compiler (csc.exe) without entering
the full path to it, we could add its folder to the Windows system path.
1. We open Control Panel and select "System". As a result this well-
known window appears (the screenshot is taken from Windows 7):

In Windows 8 it might look a bit different, but is almost the same:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 95

2. We select "Advanced system settings". The dialog window "System
Properties" appears:

96 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
3. We click the button "Environment Variables" and a window with all
the environment variables shows up:

4. We choose "Path" from the list of System variables, as shown on the
figure, and press the "Edit" button. A small window appears, in which we
enter the path to the directory where the .NET Framework is installed:

Of course, first we need to find where our .NET Framework is installed.
By default it is located somewhere inside the Windows system directory
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET, for example:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 97
Adding the additional path to the already existing ones in the Path
variable of the environment is done by adjoining the path name to the
others and using a semicolon (;) as a spacer.

We must be careful because if we delete any of the existing
system paths, some of Windows functions or part of the
installed software might fail to operate properly!
5. When we are done with setting the path, we can try running csc.exe,
without entering its full path. To do so, we open a new cmd.exe
(Command Prompt) window (it is important to restart the Command
Prompt) and type in the "csc" command. We should see the C#
compiler version and a message that no input file has been specified:

Visual Studio IDE
So far we have examined how to compile and run C# programs using the
Windows console (Command Prompt). Of course, there is an easier way to
do it by using an integrated development environment, which will execute
all the commands we have used so far. Lets take a look at how to work with
development environments (IDE) and how they will make our job easier.
Integrated Development Environments
In the previous examples, we examined how to compile and run a program
consisting of a single file. Usually programs are made of many files,
sometimes even tens of thousands. Writing in a text editor, compiling and
executing a single file program from the command prompt are simple, but to
do all this for a big project can prove to be a very complex and time-
consuming endeavor. There is a single tool that reduces the complexity,
makes writing, compiling and executing software applications easier the so
called Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Development
environments usually offer many additions to the main development functions
98 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
such as debugging, unit testing, checking for common errors, access to a
repository and others.
What Is Visual Studio?
Visual Studio is a powerful integrated environment (IDE) for developing
software applications for Windows and the .NET Framework platform. Visual
Studio (VS) supports different programming languages (for example C#,
VB.NET and C++) and different software development technologies
(Win32, COM, ASP.NET, ADO.NET Entity Framework, Windows Forms, WPF,
Silverlight, Windows Store apps and many more Windows and .NET
technologies). It offers a powerful integrated environment for writing code,
compiling, executing, debugging and testing applications, designing user
interface (forms, dialogs, web pages, visual controls and others), data and
class modeling, running tests and hundreds of other functions.
IDE means integrated development environment a tool where you write
code, compile it, run it, test it, debug it, etc. and everything is integrated
into a single place. Visual Studio is typical example of development IDE.
.NET Framework 4.5 comes with Visual Studio 2012 (VS 2012). This is the
latest version of Visual Studio as of March 2013. It is designed for C# 5, .NET
4.5 and Windows 8 development.
VS 2012 is a commercial product but has a free version called Visual Studio
Express 2012, which can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft website
at http://microsoft.com/visualstudio/downloads.
Visual Studio 2012 Express has several editions (for Desktop, for Web, for
Windows 8 and others). If you want to write C# code following the content of
this book, you may use Visual Studio 2012 Express for Desktop or check
whether you have a free license of the full Visual Studio from your University
or organization. Many academic institutions (like Sofia University and Telerik
Software Academy) provide free Microsoft DreamSpark accounts to their
students to get licensed Windows, Visual Studio, SQL Server and other
development tools. If you are student, ask your university administration
about the DreamSpark program. Most universities worldwide are members of
this program.
In this book we will take a look at only the most important functions of VS
Express 2012 the ones related to coding. These are the functions for
creating, editing, compiling, executing and debugging programs.
Note that older Visual Studio versions such as VS 2010 and VS 2008 can
also be used for the examples in this book but their user interface might look
slightly different. Our examples are based on VS 2012 on Windows 8.
Before we continue with an example, lets take a more detailed look of the
structure of Visual Studio 2012s visual interface. Windows are the main
part of it. Each of them has a different function tied to the development of
applications. Lets see how Visual Studio 2012 looks after the default
installation and configuration:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 99

Visual Studio has several windows that we will explore (see the figures
above and below):
- Start Page from the start page we can easily open any of our latest
projects or start a new one, to create our first C# program or to get
help how to use C#.
- Code Editor keeps the programs source code and allows opening and
editing multiple files.
- Error List it shows the errors in the program we develop (if any). We
learn how to use this window later when we compile C# programs in
Visual Studio.
- Solution Explorer when no project is loaded, this window is empty,
but it will become a part of our lives as C# programmers. It will show
the structure of our project all the files it contains, regardless if they
are C# code, images or some other type of code or resources.
- Properties holds a list of the current objects properties. Properties
are used mainly in the component-based programming, e.g. when we
develop WPF, Windows Store or ASP.NET Web Forms application.
100 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

There are many other windows with auxiliary functionality in Visual Studio but
we will not review them at this time.
Creating a New C# Project
Before doing anything else in Visual Studio, we must create a new project
or load an existing one. The project groups many files, designed to implement
a software application or system, in a logical manner. It is recommended that
we create a separate project for each new program.
We can create a project in Visual Studio by following these steps:
- File -> New Project
- The New Project dialog appears and lists all the different types of
projects we can create. We can choose a project type (e.g. Console
Application or WPF Application), programming language (e.g. C# or
VB.NET) and .NET Framework version (e.g. .NET Framework 4.5) and
give a name to our project (in our case IntroToCSharp):
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 101

- We choose Console Application. Console applications are programs,
which use the console as a default input and output. Data is entered
with the keyboard and when a result needs to be printed it appears on
the console (as text on the screen in the program window). Aside from
console applications, we can create applications with a graphical user
interface (e.g. Windows Forms or WPF), Web applications, web services,
mobile applications, Windows Store apps, database projects and others.
- In the field "Name" we enter the name of the project. In our case we
choose the name IntroToCSharp.
- We press the [OK] button.
The newly created project is now shown in the Solution Explorer. Also, our
first file, containing the program code, is automatically added. It is named
Program.cs. It is very important to give meaningful names to our files,
classes, methods and other elements of the program, so that we can easily
find them and navigate the code. A meaningful name means a name that
answers the question what is the intent of this file / class / method /
variable? and helps developers to understand how the code works. Dont use
Problem3 for a name, even if you are solving the problem 3 from the
exercises. Name your project / class by its purpose. If your project is well
named, after few months or a year you will be able to explain what it is
intended to do without opening it and looking inside. Problem3 says nothing
about what this project actually does.
In order to rename the Program.cs file, we right click on it in the Solution
Explorer and select "Rename". We can name the main file of our C# program
HelloCSharp.cs. Renaming a file can also be done with the [F2] key when
the file is selected in the Solution Explorer:
102 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

A dialog window appears asking us if we want to rename class name as well
as the file name. We select "Yes".

Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 103
After we complete all these steps we have our first console application named
IntroToCSharp and containing a single class HelloCSharp (stored in the file

All we have to do is add code to the Main() method. By default, the
HelloCSharp.cs code should be loaded and ready for editing. If it is not, we
double click on the HelloCSharp.cs file in the Solution Explorer to load it. We
enter the following source code:

104 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Compiling the Source Code
The compiling process in Visual Studio includes several steps:
- Syntax error check;

- A check for other errors, like missing libraries;
- Converting the C# code into an executable file (a .NET assembly). For
console applications it is an .exe file.
To compile a file in Visual Studio, we press the [F6] key or [Shift+Ctrl+B].
Usually, errors are underlined in red, to attract the programmers attention,
while we are still writing or when compiling, at the latest. They are listed in
the "Error List" window if it is visible (if it is not, we can show it from the
"View" menu of Visual Studio).
If our project has at least one error, it will be marked with a small red "x" in
the "Error List" window. Short info about the problem is displayed for each
error filename, line number and project name. If we double click any of the
errors in the "Error List", Visual Studio will automatically take us to the file
and line of code where the error has occurred. In the screenshot above the
problem is that we have using Systema; instead of using System.
Starting the Project
To start the project, we press [Ctrl+F5] (holding the [Ctrl] key pressed and
at the same time pressing the [F5] key).
The program will start and the result will be displayed on the console,
followed by the "Press any key to continue . . ." message:

Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 105
The last message is not part of the result produced by the program. It is a
reminder by Visual Studio that our program has finished its execution
and it gives us time to see the result. If we run the program by only pressing
[F5], that message will not appear and the result will vanish instantly after
appearing because the program will have finished its execution, and the
window will be closed. That is why we should always start our console
applications by pressing [Ctrl+F5].
Not all project types can be executed. In order to execute a C# project, it
needs to have one class with a Main() method declared in the way described
earlier in this chapter.
Debugging the Program
When our program contains errors, also known as bugs, we must find and
remove them, i.e. we need to debug the program. The debugging process
- Noticing the problems (bugs);
- Finding the code causing the problems;
- Fixing the code so that the program works correctly;
- Testing to make sure the program works as expected after the changes
are made.
The process can be repeated several times until the program starts working
correctly. After we have noticed the problem, we need to find the code
causing it. Visual Studio can help by allowing us to check step by step
whether everything is working as planned.
To stop the execution of the program at designated positions we can place
breakpoints. The breakpoint is associated with a line of the program. The
program stops its execution on the lines with breakpoints, allowing for the
rest of the code to be executed step by step. On each step we can check and
even change the values of the current variables.
Debugging is a sort of step by step slow motion execution of the program. It
gives us the opportunity to easily understand the details of the code and see
where exactly and why the errors have occurred.
Lets create an intentional error in our program, to illustrate how to use
breakpoints. We will add a line to the program, which will create an exception
during the execution (we will take a detailed look at exceptions in the
"Exception Handling" chapter).
For now lets edit our program in the following way:
class HelloCSharp
106 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
throw new System.NotImplementedException(
"Intended exception.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!");
When we start the program again with [Ctrl+F5] we will get an error and it
will be printed on the console:

Lets see how breakpoints will help us find the problem. We move the
cursor to the line with the opening bracket of the Main() method and press
[F9] (by doing so we place a breakpoint on that line). A red dot appears,
indicating that the program will stop there if it is executed in debug mode:

Now we must start the program in debug mode. We select Debug -> Start
Debugging or press [F5]. The program will start and immediately stop at
the first breakpoint it encounters. The line will be colored in yellow and we
can execute the program step by step. With the [F10] key we move to the
next line.
When we are on a given line and it is colored in yellow, the code on that line
is not executed yet. It executes once we have passed that line. In this case
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 107
we have not received the error yet despite the fact that we are on the line we
added and should cause it:

We press [F10] one more time to execute the current line. This time Visual
Studio displays a window specifying the line, where the error occurred as well
as some additional details about it:

108 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Once we know where exactly the problem in the program is, we can easily
correct it. To do so, first, we need to stop the execution of the program before
it is finished. We select Debug > Stop Debugging or press [Shift+F5].
After that we delete the problem line and start the program in normal mode
(without debugging) by pressing) [Ctrl+F5].
Alternatives to Visual Studio
As we have seen, in theory, we can do without Visual Studio, but in practice
that is not a good idea. The work required compiling a big project, finding all
the errors in the code and performing numerous other actions would simply
take too much time without Visual Studio.
On the other hand, Visual Studio is not a free software developing
environment (the full version). Many people cannot afford to buy the
professional version (this is also true for small companies and some people
engaged in programming).
This is why there are some alternatives to Visual Studio (except VS Express
Edition), which are free and can handle the same tasks relatively well.
One alternative is SharpDevelop (#Develop). We can find it at the following
Internet address: http://www.icsharpcode.NET/OpenSource/SD/. #Develop is
an IDE for C# and is developed as an open-source project. It supports the
majority of the functionalities offered in Visual Studio 2012 but also works in
Linux and other operating systems. We will not review it in details but you
should keep it in mind, in case you need a C# development environment and
Visual Studio is not available.
MonoDevelop is an integrated software development environment for the
.NET platform. It is completely free (open source) and can be downloaded at:
http://monodevelop.com. With MonoDevelop, we can quickly and easily write
fully functional desktop and ASP.NET applications for Linux, Mac OS X and
Windows. It also enables programmers to easily transfer projects created in
Visual Studio to the Mono platform and make them functional in other
Decompiling Code
Sometimes programmers need to see the code of a given module or program,
not written by them and with no source code available. The process, which
generates source code from an existing executable binary file (.NET
assembly .exe or .dll) is called decompiling.
We might need to decompile code in the following cases:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 109
- We want to check how a given algorithm is implemented but we do not
have the source code, e.g. to check how Array.Sort() internally works.
- There are several options when using some .NET library, and we want to
find the optimal choice. We want to see how to use certain API
digging into some compiled code that uses it.
- We have no information how a given library works, but we have the
compiled code (.NET assembly), which uses it, and we want to find out
how exactly the library works.
- We have lost our source code and we want to recover it. Code
recovery through decompilation will result in lost variable names,
comments, formatting, and others, but is better than nothing.
Decompiling is done with the help of tools, which are not standard part of
Visual Studio. The first popular .NET decompiler was Red Gates Reflector
(before it became commercial in early 2011).
Telerik is offering a good and completely free .NET decompiler called
JustDecompile. It can be downloaded from the companys website:
http://www.telerik.com/products/decompiler.aspx. JustDecompile allows code
decompilation directly in Visual Studio and also has an external stand-alone
GUI application for browsing assemblies and decompile their code:

110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Another good decompilation tool for .NET is the ILSpy, which is developed
around the SharpDevelop project. ILSpy can be downloaded at:
http://ilspy.net. The program does not require installation. After we start it,
ILSpy loads some of the standard .NET Framework libraries. Via the menu File
-> Open, we can open a certain .NET assembly. We can also load an assembly
from the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). This is how ILSpy looks like:

In ILSpy there are two ways to find out how a given method is implemented.
For example, if we want to see how the static method
System.Currency.ToDecimal works, first we can use the tree on the left to
find the Currency class in the System namespace and finally select the
ToDecimal method. If we click on any method, we will be able to see its
source code in C#. Another way to find a given class is using the search
engine in ILSpy. It searches through the names of all classes, interfaces,
methods, properties etc. from the loaded assemblies. Unfortunately, the
version at the time of writing of this book (ILSpy 2.1) can decompile only the
languages C#, VB.NET and IL.
JustDecompile and ILSpy are extremely useful tools, which can help almost
every day when developing .NET software and we should definitely download
at least one and play with it. When we are wondering how a certain method
works or how something is implemented in a given assembly, we can always
rely on the decompiler to find out.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 111
C# in Linux, iOS and Android
C# programming in Linux is not very developed compared to that in Windows.
We do not want to completely skip it, so we will give some guidelines on how
to start programming in C# in Linux, iOS and Android.
The most important thing that we need in order to write C# code in Linux is a
.NET Framework implementation. Microsoft .NET Framework is not available
for Linux but there is an open-source .NET implementation called
Mono. We can download Mono at its official website: http://www.mono-
project.com. Mono allows us to compile and execute C# programs in a Linux
environment and on other operating systems. It contains a C# compiler, a
CLR, a garbage collector, the standard .NET libraries and many of the libraries
available for .NET Framework in Windows like Windows Forms and ASP.NET.
Mono supports compiling and running C# code not only in Linux but also in
Solaris, Mac OS X, iOS (iPhone / iPad) and Android. The iOS version
(MonoTouch) and the Android version of Mono (Mono for Android) are
commercial projects, while Mono for Linux is open-source free software.
Of course, Visual Studio does not work in Linux environment but we can use
the #Develop or MonoDevelop as C# IDE in Linux.
Other .NET Languages
C# is the most popular .NET language but there are few other languages that
may be used to write .NET programs:
- VB.NET Visual Basic .NET (VB) is Basic language adapted to run in
.NET Framework. It is considered a successor of Microsoft Visual Basic 6
(legacy development environment for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95). It
has strange syntax (for C# developers) but generally does the same as
C#, just in different syntax. The only reason VB.NET exists is historical:
it is successor of VB6 and keeps most of its syntax. Not recommended
unless you are VB6 programmer.
- Managed C++ adaptation of the C++ programming language to .NET
Framework. It can be useful if you need to quickly convert existing C++
code to be used from .NET. Not recommended for new projects. Not
recommended for the readers of this book, even if someone has some
C++ experience, because it makes .NET programming unnecessary
- F# an experiment to put purely functional programming paradigm in
.NET Framework. Not recommended at all (unless you are functional
programming guru).
- JavaScript it may be used to develop Windows 8 (Windows Store)
applications through the WinJS technology. It might be a good choice
for skillful HTML5 developers who have good JavaScript skills. Not
recommended for the readers of this book because it does not support
Console applications.
112 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
1. Install and make yourself familiar with Microsoft Visual Studio and
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Library Documentation.
2. Find the description of the System.Console class in the standard .NET
API documentation (MSDN Library).
3. Find the description of the System.Console.WriteLine() method and its
different possible parameters in the MSDN Library.
4. Compile and execute the sample program from this chapter using the
command prompt (the console) and Visual Studio.
5. Modify the sample program to print a different greeting, for example
"Good Day!".
6. Write a console application that prints your first and last name on the
7. Write a program that prints the following numbers on the console 1,
101, 1001, each on a new line.
8. Write a program that prints on the console the current date and time.
9. Write a program that prints the square root of 12345.
10. Write a program that prints the first 100 members of the sequence 2, -
3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8.
11. Write a program that reads your age from the console and prints your
age after 10 years.
12. Describe the difference between C# and the .NET Framework.
13. Make a list of the most popular programming languages. How are they
different from C#?
14. Decompile the example program from exercise 5.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. If you have a DreamSpark account (www.dreamspark.com), or your
school or university offers free access to Microsoft products, install the
full version of Microsoft Visual Studio. If you do not have the
opportunity to work with the full version of Microsoft Visual Studio, you
can download Visual Studio Express for free from the Microsoft web
site; it is completely free and works well for educational purposes.
2. Use the address given in the ".NET Documentation" section of this
chapter. Open it and search in the tree on the left side. A Google search
will work just as well and is often the fastest way to find documentation
for a given .NET class.
3. Use the same approach as in the previous exercise.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming 113
4. Follow the instruction from the Compiling and Executing C# Programs
5. Use the code from the sample C# program from this chapter and
change the printed message.
6. Find out how to use the System.Console.Write() method.
7. Use the System.Console.WriteLine() method.
8. Find out what features are offered by the System.DateTime class.
9. Find out what features are offered by the System.Math class.
10. Try to learn on your own how to use loops in C#. You may read about
for-loops in the chapter Loops.
11. Use the methods System.Console.ReadLine(), int.Parse() and
12. Research them on the Internet (e.g. in Wikipedia) and take a closer
look at the differences between them. You will find that C# is a
programming language while .NET Framework is development platform
and runtime for running .NET code. Be sure to read the section The C#
Language and the .NET Platform form this chapter.
13. Find out which are the most popular languages and examine some
sample programs written in them. Compare them to C#. You might take
a look at C, C++, Java, C#, VB.NET, PHP, JavaScript, Perl, Python
and Ruby.
14. First download and install JustDecompile or ILSpy (more information
about them can be found in the Code Decompilation section). After you
run one of them, open your programs compiled file. It can be found in
the bin\Debug subdirectory of your C# project. For example, if your
project is named TestCSharp and is located in C:\Projects, then the
compiled assembly (executable file) of your program will be the following
file C:\Projects\TestCSharp\bin\Debug\TestCSharp.exe.
Telerik JustDecompile free .NET decompiler
Chapter 2. Primitive
Types and Variables
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will get familiar with primitive types and variables in
C# what they are and how to work with them. First we will consider the
data types integer types, real types with floating-point, Boolean, character,
string and object type. We will continue with the variables, with their
characteristics, how to declare them, how they are assigned a value and what
a variable initialization is. We will get familiar with the two major sets of data
types in C# value types and reference types. Finally we will examine
different types of literals and their usage.
What Is a Variable?
A typical program uses various values that change during its execution.
For example, we create a program that performs some calculations on the
values entered by the user. The values entered by one user will obviously be
different from those entered in by another user. This means that when
creating the program, the programmer does not know what values will be
introduced as input, and that makes it necessary to process all possible values
a user may enter.
When a user enters a new value that will be used in the process of calculation,
we can preserve it (temporarily) in the random access memory of our
computer. The values in this part of memory change (vary) throughout
execution and this has led to their name variables.
Data Types
Data types are sets (ranges) of values that have similar characteristics. For
instance byte type specifies the set of integers in the range of [0 255].
Data types are characterized by:
- Name for example, int;
- Size (how much memory they use) for example, 4 bytes;
- Default value for example 0.
116 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Basic data types in C# are distributed into the following types:
- Integer types sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong;
- Real floating-point types float, double;
- Real type with decimal precision decimal;
- Boolean type bool;
- Character type char;
- String string;
- Object type object.
These data types are called primitive (built-in types), because they are
embedded in C# language at the lowest level. The table below represents the
above mentioned data types, their range and their default values:
Minimum Value Maximum Value
sbyte 0 -128 127
byte 0 0 255
short 0 -32768 32767
ushort 0 0 65535
int 0 -2147483648 2147483647
uint 0u 0 4294967295
long 0L -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807
ulong 0u 0 18446744073709551615
float 0.0f 1.510

double 0.0d 5.010

decimal 0.0m 1.010

bool false Two possible values: true and false
char '\u0000' '\u0000' '\uffff'
object null - -
string null - -
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 117
Correspondence between C# and .NET Types
Primitive data types in C# have a direct correspondence with the types of the
common type system (CTS) in .NET Framework. For instance, int type in C#
corresponds to System.Int32 type in CTS and to Integer type in VB.NET
language, while long type in C# corresponds to System.Int64 type in CTS
and to Long type in VB.NET language. Due to the common types system
(CTS) in .NET Framework there is compatibility between different prog-
ramming languages (like for instance, C#, Managed C++, VB.NET and F#).
For the same reason int, Int32 and System.Int32 types in C# are actually
different aliases for one and the same data type signed 32-bit integer.
Integer Types
Integer types represent integer numbers and are sbyte, byte, short,
ushort, int, uint, long and ulong. Lets examine them one by one.
The sbyte type is an 8-bit signed integer. This means that the number of
possible values for it is 2
, i.e. 256 values altogether, and they can be both,
positive and negative. The minimum value that can be stored in sbyte is
SByte.MinValue = -128 (-2
), and the maximum value is SByte.MaxValue =
127 (2
-1). The default value is the number 0.
The byte type is an 8-bit unsigned integer type. It also has 256 different
integer values (2
) that can only be nonnegative. Its default value is the
number 0. The minimal taken value is Byte.MinValue = 0, and the maximum
is Byte.MaxValue = 255 (2
The short type is a 16-bit signed integer. Its minimal value is
Int16.MinValue = -32768 (-2
), and the maximum is Int16.MaxValue =
32767 (2
-1). The default value for short type is the number 0.
The ushort type is 16-bit unsigned integer. The minimum value that it can
store is UInt16.MinValue = 0, and the minimum value is
UInt16.MaxValue = 65535 (2
-1). Its default value is the number 0.
The next integer type that we will consider is int. It is a 32-bit signed
integer. As we can notice, the growth of bits increases the possible values
that a type can store. The default value for int is 0. Its minimal value is
Int32.MinValue = -2,147,483,648 (-2
), and its maximum value is
Int32.MaxValue = 2,147,483,647 (2
The int type is the most often used type in programming. Usually
programmers use int when they work with integers because this type is
natural for the 32-bit microprocessor and is sufficiently "big" for most of the
calculations performed in everyday life.
The uint type is 32-bit unsigned integer type. Its default value is the
number 0u or 0U (the two are equivalent). The 'u' letter indicates that the
number is of type uint (otherwise it is understood as int). The minimum
118 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
value that it can take is UInt32.MinValue = 0, and the maximum value is
UInt32.MaxValue = 4,294,967,295 (2
The long type is a 64-bit signed type with a default value of 0l or 0L (the
two are equivalent but it is preferable to use 'L' because the letter 'l' is easily
mistaken for the digit one '1'). The 'L' letter indicates that the number is of
type long (otherwise it is understood int). The minimal value that can be
stored in the long type is Int64.MinValue = -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
) and its maximum value is Int64.MaxValue = 9,223,372,036,854,
775,807 (2
The biggest integer type is the ulong type. It is a 64-bit unsigned type,
which has as a default value the number 0u, or 0U (the two are equivalent).
The suffix 'u' indicates that the number is of type ulong (otherwise it is
understood as long). The minimum value that can be recorded in the ulong
type is UInt64.MinValue = 0 and the maximum is UInt64.MaxValue =
18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (2
Integer Types Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of the integer
types we know, we initialize them and print their values to the console:
// Declare some variables
byte centuries = 20;
ushort years = 2000;
uint days = 730480;
ulong hours = 17531520;
// Print the result on the console
Console.WriteLine(centuries + " centuries are " + years +
" years, or " + days + " days, or " + hours + " hours.");

// Console output:
// 20 centuries are 2000 years, or 730480 days, or 17531520
// hours.

ulong maxIntValue = UInt64.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine(maxIntValue); // 18446744073709551615
You would be able to see the declaration and initialization of a variable in
detail in sections "Declaring Variables" and "Initialization of Variables" below,
and it would become clear from the examples.
In the code snippet above, we demonstrate the use of integer types. For small
numbers we use byte type, and for very large ulong. We use unsigned
types because all used values are positive numbers.
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 119
Real Floating-Point Types
Real types in C# are the real numbers we know from mathematics. They are
represented by a floating-point according to the standard IEEE 754 and are
float and double. Lets consider in details these two data types and
understand what their similarities and differences are.
Real Type Float
The first type we will consider is the 32-bit real floating-point type float. It
is also known as a single precision real number. Its default value is 0.0f
or 0.0F (both are equivalent). The character 'f' when put at the end explicitly
indicates that the number is of type float (because by default all real
numbers are considered double). More about this special suffix we can read
bellow in the "Real Literals" section. The considered type has accuracy up to
seven decimal places (the others are lost). For instance, if the number
0.123456789 is stored as type float it will be rounded to 0.1234568. The
range of values, which can be included in a float type (rounded with accuracy
of 7 significant decimal digits), range from 1.5 10
to 3.4 10
Special Values of the Real Types
The real data types have also several special values that are not real numbers
but are mathematical abstractions:
- Negative infinity - (Single.NegativeInfinity). It is obtained
when for instance we are dividing -1.0f by 0.0f.
- Positive infinity + (Single.PositiveInfinity). It is obtained
when for instance we are dividing 1.0f by 0.0f.
- Uncertainty (Single.NaN) means that an invalid operation is
performed on real numbers. It is obtained when for example we divide
0.0f by 0.0f, as well as when calculating square root of a negative
Real Type Double
The second real floating-point type in the C# language is the double type.
It is also called double precision real number and is a 64-bit type with a
default value of 0.0d and 0.0D (the suffix 'd' is not mandatory because by
default all real numbers in C# are of type double). This type has precision of
15 to 16 decimal digits. The range of values, which can be recorded in double
(rounded with precision of 15-16 significant decimal digits), is from
5.0 10
to 1.7 10
The smallest real value of type double is the constant Double.MinValue =
-1.79769e+308 and the largest is Double.MaxValue = 1.79769e+308. The
closest to 0 positive number of type double is Double.Epsilon = 4.94066e-
324. As with the type float the variables of type double can take the special
120 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
values: Double.PositiveInfinity (+), Double.NegativeInfinity (-)
and Double.NaN (invalid number).
Real Floating-Point Types Example
Here is an example in which we declare variables of real number types, assign
values to them and print them:
float floatPI = 3.14f;
Console.WriteLine(floatPI); // 3.14
double doublePI = 3.14;
Console.WriteLine(doublePI); // 3.14
double nan = Double.NaN;
Console.WriteLine(nan); // NaN
double infinity = Double.PositiveInfinity;
Console.WriteLine(infinity); // Infinity
Precision of the Real Types
In mathematics the real numbers in a given range are countless (as opposed
to the integers in that range) as between any two real numbers a and b there
are countless other real numbers c where a < c < b. This requires real
numbers to be stored in computer memory with a limited accuracy.
Since mathematics and physics mostly work with extremely large numbers
(positive and negative) and with extremely small numbers (very close to
zero), real types in computing and electronic devices must be stored and
processed appropriately. For example, according to the physics the mass of
electron is approximately 9.109389*10
kilograms and in 1 mole of
substance there are approximately 6.02*10
atoms. Both these values can
be stored easily in float and double types.
Due to its flexibility, the modern floating-point representation of real
numbers allows us to work with a maximum number of significant digits for
very large numbers (for example, positive and negative numbers with
hundreds of digits) and with numbers very close to zero (for example, positive
and negative numbers with hundreds of zeros after the decimal point before
the first significant digit).
Accuracy of Real Types Example
The real types in C# we went over float and double differ not only by
the range of possible values they can take, but also by their precision (the
number of decimal digits, which they can preserve). The first type has a
precision of 7 digits, the second 15-16 digits.
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of the known real
types, initialize them and print their values on the console. The purpose of the
example is to illustrate the difference in their accuracy:
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 121
// Declare some variables
float floatPI = 3.141592653589793238f;
double doublePI = 3.141592653589793238;

// Print the results on the console
Console.WriteLine("Float PI is: " + floatPI);
Console.WriteLine("Double PI is: " + doublePI);

// Console output:
// Float PI is: 3.141593
// Double PI is: 3.14159265358979
We see that the number which we declared as float, is rounded to the 7-th
digit, and the one we declared double to 15-th digit. We can conclude that
the real type double retains much greater precision than float, thus if we
need a greater precision after the decimal point, we will use it.
About the Presentation of the Real Types
Real floating-point numbers in C# consist of three components (according to
the standard IEEE 754): sign (1 or -1), mantissa and order (exponent),
and their values are calculated by a complex formula. More detailed
information about the representation of the real numbers is provided in the
chapter "Numeral Systems" where we will take an in-depth look at the
representation of numbers and other data types in computing.
Errors in Calculations with Real Types
In calculations with real floating-point data types it is possible to observe
strange behavior, because during the representation of a given real number
it often happens to lose accuracy. The reason for this is the inability of some
real numbers to be represented exactly as a sum of negative powers of the
number 2. Examples of numbers that do not have an accurate representation
in float and double types are for instance 0.1, 1/3, 2/7 and other. Here is a
sample C# code, which demonstrates errors in calculations with floating-point
numbers in C#:
float f = 0.1f;
Console.WriteLine(f); // 0.1 (correct due to rounding)
double d = 0.1f;
Console.WriteLine(d); // 0.100000001490116 (incorrect)

float ff = 1.0f / 3;
Console.WriteLine(ff); // 0.3333333 (correct due to rounding)
double dd = ff;
Console.WriteLine(dd); // 0.333333343267441 (incorrect)
122 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The reason for the unexpected result in the first example is the fact that the
number 0.1 (i.e. 1/10) has no accurate representation in the real floating-
point number format IEEE 754 and its approximate value is recorded. When
printed directly the result looks correct because of the rounding. The rounding
is done during the conversion of the number to string in order to be printed
on the console. When switching from float to double the approximate
representation of the number in the IEEE 754 format is more noticeable.
Therefore, the rounding does no longer hide the incorrect representation and
we can observe the errors in it after the eighth digit.
In the second case the number 1/3 has no accurate representation and is
rounded to a number very close to 0.3333333. The value of this number is
clearly visible when it is written in double type, which preserves more
significant digits.
Both examples show that floating-point number arithmetic can produce
mistakes, and is therefore not appropriate for precise financial calculations.
Fortunately, C# supports decimal precision arithmetic where numbers like 0.1
are presented in the memory without rounding.

Not all real numbers have accurate representation in float
and double types. For example, the number 0.1 is represent-
ted rounded in float type as 0.099999994.
Real Types with Decimal Precision
C# supports the so-called decimal floating-point arithmetic, where
numbers are represented via the decimal numeral system rather than the
binary one. Thus, the decimal floating point-arithmetic type in C# does not
lose accuracy when storing and processing floating-point numbers.
The type of data for real numbers with decimal precision in C# is the 128-
bit type decimal. It has a precision from 28 to 29 decimal places. Its minimal
value is -7.910
and its maximum value is +7.910
. The default value is
0.0m or 0.0M. The 'm' character at the end indicates explicitly that the number
is of type decimal (because by default all real numbers are of type double).
The closest to 0 numbers, which can be recorded in decimal, are 1.0 10
It is obvious that decimal can store neither very big positive or negative
numbers (for example, with hundreds of digits), nor values very close to 0.
However, this type is almost perfect for financial calculations because it
represents the numbers as a sum of powers of 10 and losses from rounding
are much smaller than when using binary representation. The real numbers of
type decimal are extremely convenient for financial calculations
calculation of revenues, duties, taxes, interests, payments, etc.
Here is an example in which we declare a variable of type decimal and assign
its value:
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 123
decimal decimalPI = 3.14159265358979323846m;
Console.WriteLine(decimalPI); // 3.14159265358979323846
The number decimalPI, which we declared of type decimal, is not rounded
even with a single position because we use it with precision of 21 digits,
which fits in the type decimal without being rounded.
Because of the high precision and the absence of anomalies during
calculations (which exist for float and double), the decimal type is
extremely suitable for financial calculations where accuracy is critical.

Despite its smaller range, the decimal type retains precision
for all decimal numbers it can store! This makes it much
more suitable for precise calculations, and very appropriate
for financial ones.
The main difference between real floating-point numbers and real
numbers with decimal precision is the accuracy of calculations and the
extent to which they round up the stored values. The double type allows us
to work with very large values and values very close to zero but at the
expense of accuracy and some unpleasant rounding errors. The decimal type
has smaller range but ensures greater accuracy in computation, as well as
absence of anomalies with the decimal numbers.

If you perform calculations with money use the decimal type
instead of float or double. Otherwise, you may encounter
unpleasant anomalies while calculating and errors as a
As all calculations with data of type decimal are done completely by software,
rather than directly at a low microprocessor level, the calculations of this type
are from several tens to hundreds of times slower than the same
calculations with double, so use this type only when it is really necessary.
Boolean Type
Boolean type is declared with the keyword bool. It has two possible values:
true and false. Its default value is false. It is used most often to store the
calculation result of logical expressions.
Boolean Type Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables from the already
known types, initialize them, compare them and print the result on the
// Declare some variables
124 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
// Which one is greater?
bool greaterAB = (a > b);
// Is 'a' equal to 1?
bool equalA1 = (a == 1);
// Print the results on the console
if (greaterAB)
Console.WriteLine("A > B");
Console.WriteLine("A <= B");

Console.WriteLine("greaterAB = " + greaterAB);
Console.WriteLine("equalA1 = " + equalA1);

// Console output:
// A <= B
// greaterAB = False
// equalA1 = True
In the example above, we declare two variables of type int, compare them
and assign the result to the bool variable greaterAB. Similarly, we do the
same for the variable equalA1. If the variable greaterAB is true, then A > B
is printed on the console, otherwise A <= B is printed.
Character Type
Character type is a single character (16-bit number of a Unicode table
character). It is declared in C# with the keyword char. The Unicode table is
a technological standard that represents any character (letter, punctuation,
etc.) from all human languages as writing systems (all languages and
alphabets) with an integer or a sequence of integers. More about the Unicode
table can be found in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing". The smallest
possible value of a char variable is 0, and the largest one is 65535. The
values of type char are letters or other characters, and are enclosed in
Character Type Example
Consider an example in which we declare one variable of type char, initialize
it with value 'a', then 'b', then 'A' and print the Unicode values of these
letters to the console:
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 125
// Declare a variable
char ch = 'a';
// Print the results on the console
"The code of '" + ch + "' is: " + (int)ch);
ch = 'b';
"The code of '" + ch + "' is: " + (int)ch);
ch = 'A';
"The code of '" + ch + "' is: " + (int)ch);

// Console output:
// The code of 'a' is: 97
// The code of 'b' is: 98
// The code of 'A' is: 65
Strings are sequences of characters. In C# they are declared by the
keyword string. Their default value is null. Strings are enclosed in quotation
marks. Various text-processing operations can be performed using strings:
concatenation (joining one string with another), splitting by a given separator,
searching, replacement of characters and others. More information about text
processing can be found in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing", where
you will find detailed explanation on what a string is, what its applications are
and how we can use it.
Strings Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of type string,
initialize them and print their values on the console:
// Declare some variables
string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Smith";
string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
// Print the results on the console
Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + firstName + "!");
Console.WriteLine("Your full name is " + fullName + ".");

// Console output:
// Hello, John!
// Your full name is John Smith.
126 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Object Type
Object type is a special type, which is the parent of all other types in the .NET
Framework. Declared with the keyword object, it can take values from any
other type. It is a reference type, i.e. an index (address) of a memory area
which stores the actual value.
Using Objects Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of type object,
initialize them and print their values on the console:
// Declare some variables
object container1 = 5;
object container2 = "Five";

// Print the results on the console
Console.WriteLine("The value of container1 is: " + container1);
Console.WriteLine("The value of container2 is: " + container2);

// Console output:
// The value of container1 is: 5
// The value of container2 is: Five.
As you can see from the example, we can store the value of any other type in
an object type variable. This makes the object type a universal data
Nullable Types
Nullable types are specific wrappers around the value types (as int,
double and bool) that allow storing data with a null value. This provides
opportunity for types that generally do not allow lack of value (i.e. value
null) to be used as reference types and to accept both normal values and the
special one null. Thus nullable types hold an optional value.
Wrapping a given type as nullable can be done in two ways:
Nullable<int> i1 = null;
int? i2 = i1;
Both declarations are equivalent. The easiest way to perform this operation is
to add a question mark (?) after the type, for example int?, the more difficult
is to use the Nullable<> syntax.
Nullable types are reference types i.e. they are reference to an object in the
dynamic memory, which contains their actual value. They may or may not
have a value and can be used as normal primitive data types, but with some
specifics, which are illustrated in the following example:
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 127
int i = 5;
int? ni = i;
Console.WriteLine(ni); // 5

// i = ni; // this will fail to compile
Console.WriteLine(ni.HasValue); // True
i = ni.Value;
Console.WriteLine(i); // 5

ni = null;
Console.WriteLine(ni.HasValue); // False
//i = ni.Value; // System.InvalidOperationException
i = ni.GetValueOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine(i); // 0
The example above shows how a nullable variable (int?) can have a value
directly added even if the value is non-nullable (int). The opposite is not
directly possible. For this purpose, the nullable types property Value can be
used. It returns the value stored in the nullable type variable, or produces an
error (InvalidOperationException) during program execution if the value is
missing (null). In order to check whether a variable of nullable type has a
value assigned, we can use the Boolean property HasValue. Another useful
method is GetValueOrDefault(). If the nullable type variable has a value,
this method will return its value, else it will return the default value for the
nullable type (most commonly 0).
Nullable types are used for storing information, which is not mandatory. For
example, if we want to store data for a student such as the first name and
last name as mandatory and age as not required, we can use type int? for
the age variable:
string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Smith";
int? age = null;
After reviewing the main data types in C# lets see how we can use them. In
order to work with data we should use variables. We have already seen their
usage in the examples, but now lets look at them in more detail.
A variable is a container of information, which can change its value. It
provides means for:
- storing information;
- retrieving the stored information;
128 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- modifying the stored information.
In C# programming, you will use variables to store and process information
all the time.
Characteristics of Variables
Variables are characterized by:
- name (identifier), for example age;
- type (of the information preserved in them), for example int;
- value (stored information), for example 25.
A variable is a named area of memory, which stores a value from a
particular data type, and that area of memory is accessible in the program by
its name. Variables can be stored directly in the operational memory of the
program (in the stack) or in the dynamic memory in which larger objects are
stored (such as character strings and arrays).
Primitive data types (numbers, char, bool) are called value types because
they store their value directly in the program stack.
Reference data types (such as strings, objects and arrays) are an address,
pointing to the dynamic memory where their value is stored. They can be
dynamically allocated and released i.e. their size is not fixed in advance
contrary to the case of value types.
More information about the value and reference data types is provided in the
section "Value and Reference Types".
Naming Variables Rules
When we want the compiler to allocate a memory area for some information
which is used in our program we must provide a name for it. It works like an
identifier and allows referring to the relevant memory area.
The name of the variable can be any of our choice but must follow certain
rules defined in the C# language specification:
- Variable names can contain the letters a-z, A-Z, the digits 0-9 as well as
the character '_'.
- Variable names cannot start with a digit.
- Variable names cannot coincide with a keyword of the C# language.
For example, base, char, default, int, object, this, null and many
others cannot be used as variable names.
A list of the C# keywords can be found in the section "Keywords" in chapter
"Introduction to Programming". If we want to name a variable like a keyword,
we can add a prefix to the name "@". For example, @char and @null are
valid variable names while char and null are invalid.
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 129
Naming Variables Examples
Proper names:
- name
- first_Name
- _name1
Improper names (will lead to compilation error):
- 1 (digit)
- if (keyword)
- 1name (starts with a digit)
Naming Variables Recommendations
We will provide some recommendations how to name your variables, since not
all names, allowed by the compiler, are appropriate for the variables.
- The names should be descriptive and explain what the variable is used
for. For example, an appropriate name for a variable storing a persons
name is personName and inappropriate name is a37.
- Only Latin characters should be used. Although Cyrillic is allowed by
the compiler, it is not a good practice to use it in variable names or in
the rest of the identifiers within the program.
- In C# it is generally accepted that variable names should start with a
small letter and include small letters, every new word, however, starts
with a capital letter. For instance, the name firstName is correct and
better to use than firstname or first_name. Usage of the character _
in the variable names is considered a bad naming style.
- Variable names should be neither too long nor too short they just
need to clarify the purpose of the variable within its context.
- Uppercase and lowercase letters should be used carefully as C#
distinguishes them. For instance, age and Age are different variables.
Here are some examples of well-named variables:
- firstName
- age
- startIndex
- lastNegativeNumberIndex
And here are some examples for poorly named variables (although the names
are correct from the C# compilers perspective):
- _firstName (starts with _)
130 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- last_name (contains _)
- AGE (is written with capital letters)
- Start_Index (starts with capital letter and contains _)
- lastNegativeNumber_Index (contains _)
- a37 (the name is not descriptive and does not clearly provide the
purpose of the variable)
- fullName23, fullName24, etc. (it is not appropriate for a variable name
to contain digits unless this improves the clarity of the variable used; if
you need to have multiple variables with similar names ending in a
different number, storing the same or similar type of data, it may be
more appropriate to create a single collection or array variable and
name it fullNamesList, for example).
Variables should have names, which briefly explain their purpose. When a
variable is named with an inappropriate name, it makes the program very
difficult to read and modify later (after a while, when we have forgotten how
it works). For further explanation on the proper naming of variables refer to
chapter "High-Quality Programming Code".

Always try to use short and precise names when naming the
variables. Follow the rule that the variable name should state
what it is used for, e.g. the name should answer the question
"what value is stored in this variable". When this condition is
not fulfilled then try to find a better name. Digits are not
appropriate to be used in variable names.
Declaring Variables
When you declare a variable, you perform the following steps:
- specify its type (such as int);
- specify its name (identifier, such as age);
- optionally specify initial value (such as 25) but this is not obligatory.
The syntax for declaring variables in C# is as follows:
<data type> <identifier> [= <initialization>];
Here is an example of declaring variables:
string name;
int age;
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 131
Assigning a Value
Assigning a value to a variable is the act of providing a value that must be
stored in the variable. This operation is performed by the assignment operator
"=". On the left side of the operator we put the variable name and on the right
side its new value.
Here is an example of assigning values to variables:
name = "John Smith";
age = 25;
Initialization of Variables
The word initialization in programming means specifying an initial value.
When setting value to variables at the time of their declaration we actually
initialize them.
Default Variable Values
Each data type in C# has a default value (default initialization) which is used
when there is no explicitly set value for a given variable. We can use the
following table to see the default values of the types, which we already got
familiar with:
Data Type Default Value Data Type Default Value
sbyte 0 float 0.0f
byte 0 double 0.0d
short 0 decimal 0.0m
ushort 0 bool false
int 0 char '\u0000'
uint 0u string null
long 0L object null
ulong 0u
Lets summarize how to declare variables, initialize them and assign values to
them with the following example:
// Declare and initialize some variables
byte centuries = 20;
ushort years = 2000;
decimal decimalPI = 3.141592653589793238m;
bool isEmpty = true;
char ch = 'a';
132 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string firstName = "John";

ch = (char)5;
char secondChar;

// Here we use an already initialized variable and reassign it
secondChar = ch;
Value and Reference Types
Data types in C# are two types: value and reference.
Value types are stored in the program execution stack and directly contain
their value. Value types are the primitive numeric types, the character type
and the Boolean type: sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, long, ulong,
float, double, decimal, char, bool. The memory allocated for them is
released when the program exits their range, i.e. when the block of code in
which they are defined completes its execution. For example, a variable
declared in the method Main() of the program is stored in the stack until the
program completes execution of this method, i.e. until it finishes (C#
programs terminate after fully executing the Main() method).
Reference types keep a reference (address), in the program execution
stack, and that reference points to the dynamic memory (heap), where
their value is stored. The reference is a pointer (address of the memory cell)
indicating the actual location of the value in the heap. An example of a value
at address in the stack for execution is 0x00AD4934. The reference has a
type. The reference can only point to objects of the same type, i.e. it is a
strongly typed pointer. All reference types can hold a null value. This is a
special service value, which means that there is no value.
Reference types allocate dynamic memory for their creation. They also
release some dynamic memory for a memory cleaning (garbage
collector), when it is no longer used by the program. It is unknown exactly
when a given reference variable will be released of the garbage collector as
this depends on the memory load and other factors. Since the allocation and
release of memory is a slow operation, it can be said that the reference types
are slower than the value ones.
As reference data types are allocated and released dynamically during
program execution, their size might not be known in advance. For example, a
variable of type string can contain text data which varies in length. Actually
the string text value is stored in the dynamic memory and can occupy a
different volume (count of bytes) while the string variable stores the address
of the text value.
Reference types are all classes, arrays and interfaces such as the types:
object, string, byte[]. We will learn about classes, objects, strings, arrays
and interfaces in the next chapters of this book. For now, it is enough to know
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 133
that all types, which are not value, are reference and their values are stored
in the heap (the dynamically allocated memory).
Value and Reference Types and the Memory
In this example we will illustrate how value and reference types are
represented in memory. Consider the execution of the following
programming code:
int i = 42;
char ch = 'A';
bool result = true;
object obj = 42;
string str = "Hello";
byte[] bytes = { 1, 2, 3 };
At this point the variables are located in the memory as follows:

If we now execute the following code, which changes the values of the
variables, we will see what happens to the memory when changing the
value and reference types:
Heap Stack
(4 bytes)
A (2 bytes)
true (1 byte)
(4 bytes)
2 3
134 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
i = 0;
ch = 'B';
result = false;
obj = null;
str = "Bye";
bytes[1] = 0;
After these changes the variables and their values are located in the
memory as follows:

As you can see from the figure, a change in a value type (i = 0) changes its
value directly into the stack. When changing a reference type, things are
different: the value is changed in the heap (bytes[1] = 0). The variable
that keeps the array reference remains unchanged (0x00190D11). When
assigning a null value in a reference type, that reference is disconnected
from its value and the variable remains with no value (obj = null).
When assigning new value to an object (a reference type variable) the new
object is allocated in the heap (the dynamic memory) while the old object
remains free (unreferenced). The reference is redirected to the new object
(str = "Bye") while the old objects ("Hello") will be cleaned at some moment
Heap Stack
(4 bytes)
B (2 bytes)
false (1 byte)
(4 bytes)
0 3
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 135
by the garbage collector (the .NET Frameworks internal system for
automatic memory cleaning) as they are not in use anymore.
Primitive types, which we already met, are special data types built into the C#
language. Their values specified in the source code of the program are called
literals. One example will make this clearer:
bool result = true;
char capitalC = 'C';
byte b = 100;
short s = 20000;
int i = 300000;
In the above example, literals are true, 'C', 100, 20000 and 300000. They
are variable values set directly in the source code of the program.
Types of Literals
In C# language, there are several types of literals:
- Boolean
- Integer
- Real
- Character
- String
- Object literal null
Boolean Literals
Boolean literals are:
- true
- false
When we assign a value to a variable of type bool we can use only one of
these two values or a Boolean expression (which is calculated to true or
Boolean Literals Example
Here is an example of a declaration of a variable of type bool and assigning a
value, which represents the Boolean literal true:
bool result = true;
136 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Integer Literals
Integer literals are sequences of digits, a sign (+, -), suffixes and prefixes.
Using prefixes we can present integers in the program source in decimal or
hexadecimal format. More information about the different numeral systems
we can find in the chapter "Numeral Systems". In the integer literals the
following prefixes and suffixes may take part:
- "0x" and "0X" as prefix indicates hexadecimal values, for example
- 'l' and 'L' as suffix indicates long type data, for example 357L.
- 'u' and 'U' as suffix indicates uint or ulong data type, for example 112u.
By default (if no suffix is used) the integer literals are of type int.
Integer Literals Examples
Here are some examples of using integer literals:
// The following variables are initialized with the same value
int numberInDec = 16;
int numberInHex = 0x10;

// This will cause an error, because the value 234L is not int
int longInt = 234L;
Real Literals
Real literals are a sequence of digits, a sign (+, -), suffixes and the decimal
point character. We use them for values of type float, double and decimal.
Real literals can be represented in exponential format. They also use the
following indications:
- 'f' and 'F' as suffixes mean data of type float;
- 'd' and 'D' as suffixes mean data of type double;
- 'm' and 'm' as suffixes mean data of type decimal;
- 'e' is an exponent, for example, "e-5" means the integer part multiplied
by 10
By default (if there is no suffix), the real numbers are of type double.
Real Literals Examples
Here are some examples of real literals' usage:
// The following is the correct way of assigning a value:
float realNumber = 12.5f;
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 137

// This is the same value in exponential format:
realNumber = 1.25e+1f;

// The following causes an error, because 12.5 is double
float realNumber = 12.5;
Character Literals
Character literals are single characters enclosed in apostrophes (single
quotes). We use them to set the values of type char. The value of a character
literal can be:
- a character, for example 'A';
- a character code, for example '\u0065';
- an escaping sequence;
Escaping Sequences
Sometimes it is necessary to work with characters that are not displayed on
the keyboard or with characters that have special meanings, such as the new
line character. They cannot be represented directly in the source code of
the program and in order to use them we need special techniques, which we
will discuss now.
Escaping sequences are literals. They are a sequence of special characters,
which describe a character that cannot be written directly in the source code.
This is, for instance, the new line character.
There are many examples of characters that cannot be represented directly in
the source code: a double quotation mark, tab, new line, backslash and
others. Here are some of the most frequently used escaping sequences:
- \' single quote
- \" double quotes
- \\ backslash
- \n new line
- \t offset (tab)
- \uXXXX char specified by its Unicode number, for example \u03A7.
The character \ (backslash) is also called an escaping character because it
allows the display on screen (or other output device) of characters that have
special meaning or effect and cannot be represented directly in the source
138 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Escaping Sequences Examples
Here are some examples of character literals:
// An ordinary character
char character = 'a';

// Unicode character code in a hexadecimal format
character = '\u003A';

// Assigning the single quotiation character (escaped as \')
character = '\'';

// Assigning the backslash character (escaped as \\)
character = '\\';

// Console output:
// a
// :
// '
// \
String Literals
String literals are used for data of type string. They are a sequence of
characters enclosed in double quotation marks.
All the escaping rules for the char type discussed above are also valid for
string literals.
Strings can be preceded by the @ character that specifies a quoted string
(verbatim string). In quoted strings the rules for escaping are not valid, i.e.
the character \ means \ and is not an escaping character. Only one character
needs to be escaped in the quoted strings the character " (double-quotes)
and it is escaped in the following way by repeating it "" (double double-
quotes). All other characters are treated literally, even the new line. Quoted
strings are often used for the file system paths naming.
String Literals Examples
Here are few examples for string literals usage:
string quotation = "\"Hello, Jude\", he said.";
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 139
string path = "C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe";
string verbatim = @"The \ is not escaped as \\.
I am at a new line.";
// Console output:
// "Hello, Jude", he said.
// C:\Windows\Notepad.exe
// The \ is not escaped as \\.
// I am at a new line.
More about strings we will find in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing".
1. Declare several variables by selecting for each one of them the most
appropriate of the types sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long
and ulong in order to assign them the following values: 52,130; -115;
4825932; 97; -10000; 20000; 224; 970,700,000; 112; -44; -1,000,000;
1990; 123456789123456789.
2. Which of the following values can be assigned to variables of type float,
double and decimal: 5, -5.01, 34.567839023; 12.345; 8923.1234857;
3. Write a program, which compares correctly two real numbers with
accuracy at least 0.000001.
4. Initialize a variable of type int with a value of 256 in
hexadecimal format (256 is 100 in a numeral system with base 16).
5. Declare a variable of type char and assign it as a value the character,
which has Unicode code, 72 (use the Windows calculator in order to find
hexadecimal representation of 72).
6. Declare a variable isMale of type bool and assign a value to it depending
on your gender.
7. Declare two variables of type string with values "Hello" and "World".
Declare a variable of type object. Assign the value obtained of
concatenation of the two string variables (add space if necessary) to this
variable. Print the variable of type object.
8. Declare two variables of type string and give them values "Hello" and
"World". Assign the value obtained by the concatenation of the two
variables of type string (do not miss the space in the middle) to a
variable of type object. Declare a third variable of type string and
initialize it with the value of the variable of type object (you should use
type casting).
140 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
9. Declare two variables of type string and assign them a value The
"use" of quotations causes difficulties. (without the outer quotes).
In one of the variables use quoted string and in the other do not use it.
10. Write a program to print a figure in the shape of a heart by the sign "o".
11. Write a program that prints on the console isosceles triangle which
sides consist of the copyright character "".
12. A company dealing with marketing wants to keep a data record of its
employees. Each record should have the following characteristic first
name, last name, age, gender (m or f) and unique employee number
(27560000 to 27569999). Declare appropriate variables needed to
maintain the information for an employee by using the appropriate data
types and attribute names.
13. Declare two variables of type int. Assign to them values 5 and 10
respectively. Exchange (swap) their values and print them.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Look at the ranges of the numerical types in C# described in this chapter.
2. Consider the number of digits after the decimal point. Refer to the table
that describes the sizes of the types float, double and decimal.
3. Two floating-point variables are considered equal if their difference is less
than some predefined precision (e.g. 0.000001):
bool equal = Math.Abs(a - b) < 0.000001;
4. Look at the section about Integer Literals. To easily convert numbers to a
different numeral system use the built-in Windows calculator. For a
hexadecimal representation of the literal use prefix 0x.
5. Look at the section about Character Literals.
6. Look at the section about Boolean Literals.
7. Look at the sections about Strings and Object Data Type.
8. Look at the sections about Strings and Object Data Type. To cast from
object to string use typecasting:
string str = (string)obj;
9. Look at the section about Character Literals. It is necessary to use the
escaping character \" or verbatim strings.
10. Use Console.WriteLine(), the character 'o' and spaces.
11. Use Console.WriteLine(), the character and spaces. Use Windows
Character Map in order to find the Unicode code of the sign "".
Note that the console may display "c" instead of "" if it does not
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables 141
support Unicode. If this happens, you might be unable to do anything to
fix it. Some versions of Windows just do not support Unicode in the
console even when you explicitly set the character encoding to UTF-8:
Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
You may need to change the font of your console to some font that
supports the symbol, e.g. Consolas or Lucida Console.
12. For the names use type string, for the gender use type char (only one
char m/f), and for the unique number and age use some integer type.
13. Use third temporary variable for exchanging the variables:
int a = 5;
int b = 10;

int oldA = a;
a = b;
b = oldA;
To swap integer variables other solutions exist which do not use a third
variable. For example, if we have two integer variables a and b:
int a = 5;
int b = 10;

a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;
You might also use the XOR swap algorithm for exchanging integer
values: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XOR_swap_algorithm.
Telerik JustCode
Chapter 3. Operators
and Expressions
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will get acquainted with the operators in C# and the
actions they can perform when used with the different data types. In the
beginning, we will explain which operators have higher priority and we will
analyze the different types of operators, according to the number of the
arguments they can take and the actions they perform. In the second part,
we will examine the conversion of data types. We will explain when and
why it is needed to be done and how to work with different data types. At the
end of the chapter, we will pay special attention to the expressions and how
we should work with them. Finally, we have prepared exercises to strengthen
our knowledge of the material in this chapter.
Every programming language uses operators, through which we can perform
different actions on the data. Lets take a look at the operators in C# and see
what they are for and how they are used.
What Is an Operator?
After we have learned how to declare and set a variable in the previous
chapter, we will discuss how to perform various operations with them. For this
purpose we will get familiar with operators.
Operators allow processing of primitive data types and objects. They take as
an input one or more operands and return some value as a result. Operators
in C# are special characters (such as "+", ".", "^", etc.) and they perform
transformations on one, two or three operands. Examples of operators in C#
are the signs for adding, subtracting, multiplication and division from math
(+, -, *, /) and the operations they perform on the integers and the real
Operators in C#
Operators in C# can be separated in several different categories:
- Arithmetic operators they are used to perform simple mathematical
144 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Assignment operators allow assigning values to variables.
- Comparison operators allow comparison of two literals and/or
- Logical operators operators that work with Boolean data types and
Boolean expressions.
- Binary operators used to perform operations on the binary
representation of numerical data.
- Type conversion operators allow conversion of data from one type to
Operator Categories
Below is a list of the operators, separated into categories:
Category Operators
arithmetic -, +, *, /, %, ++, --
logical &&, ||, !, ^
binary &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>
comparison ==,!=, >, <, >=, <=
assignment =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=
string concatenation +
type conversion (type), as, is, typeof, sizeof
other ., new, (), [], ?:, ??
Types of Operators by Number of Arguments
Operators can be separated into different types according to the number of
arguments they could take:
Operator type Number of arguments (operands)
unary takes one operand
binary takes two operands
ternary takes three operands
All binary operators in C# are left-associative, i.e. the expressions are
calculated from left to right, except for the assignment operators. All
assignment operators and conditional operators ?: and ?? are right-
associative, i.e. the expressions are calculated from right to left. The unary
operators are not associative.
Some of the operators in C# perform different operations on the different
data types. For example the operator +. When it is used on numeric data
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 145
types (int, long, float, etc.), the operator performs mathematical addition.
However, when we use it on strings, the operator concatenates (joins
together) the content of the two variables/literals and returns the new string.
Operators Example
Here is an example of using operators:
int a = 7 + 9;
Console.WriteLine(a); // 16

string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Doe";

// Do not forget the space between them
string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
Console.WriteLine(fullName); // John Doe
The example shows how, as explained above, when the operator + is used on
numbers it returns a numerical value, and when it is used on strings it returns
concatenated strings.
Operator Precedence in C#
Some operators have precedence (priority) over others. For example, in
math multiplication has precedence over addition. The operators with a higher
precedence are calculated before those with lower. The operator () is used to
change the precedence and like in math, it is calculated first.
The following table illustrates the precedence of the operators in C#:
Priority Operators

(, )
++, -- (as postfix), new, (type), typeof, sizeof
++, -- (as prefix), +, - (unary), !, ~
*, /, %
+ (string concatenation)
+, -
<<, >>
<, >, <=, >=, is, as
==, !=
&, ^, |
146 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
?:, ??
=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=
The operators located upper in the table have higher precedence than
those below them, and respectively they have an advantage in the calculation
of an expression. To change the precedence of an operator we can use
When we write expressions that are more complex or have many operators, it
is recommended to use brackets to avoid difficulties in reading and
understanding the code. For example:
// Ambiguous
x + y / 100

// Unambiguous, recommended
x + (y / 100)
Arithmetical Operators
The arithmetical operators in C# +, -, * are the same like the ones in math.
They perform addition, subtraction and multiplication on numerical values and
the result is also a numerical value.
The division operator / has different effect on integer and real numbers.
When we divide an integer by an integer (like int, long and sbyte) the
returned value is an integer (no rounding, the fractional part is cut). Such
division is called an integer division. Example of integer division: 7 / 3 = 2.
Integer division by 0 is not allowed and causes a runtime exception
DivideByZeroException. The remainder of integer division of integers can be
obtained by the operator %. For example, 7 % 3 = 1, and 10 % 2 = 0.
When dividing two real numbers or two numbers, one of which is real (e.g.
float, double, etc.), a real division is done (not integer), and the result is a
real number with a whole and a fractional part. For example: 5.0 / 2 = 2.5. In
the division of real numbers it is allowed to divide by 0.0 and respectively
the result is + (Infinity), - (-Infinity) or NaN (invalid value).
The operator for increasing by one (increment) ++ adds one unit to the
value of the variable, respectively the operator -- (decrement) subtracts one
unit from the value. When we use the operators ++ and -- as a prefix (when
we place them immediately before the variable), the new value is calculated
first and then the result is returned. When we use the same operators as
post-fix (meaning when we place them immediately after the variable) the
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 147
original value of the operand is returned first, then the addition or subtraction
is performed.
Arithmetical Operators Example
Here are some examples of arithmetic operators and their effect:
int squarePerimeter = 17;
double squareSide = squarePerimeter / 4.0;
double squareArea = squareSide * squareSide;
Console.WriteLine(squareSide); // 4.25
Console.WriteLine(squareArea); // 18.0625

int a = 5;
int b = 4;
Console.WriteLine(a + b); // 9
Console.WriteLine(a + (b++)); // 9
Console.WriteLine(a + b); // 10
Console.WriteLine(a + (++b)); // 11
Console.WriteLine(a + b); // 11
Console.WriteLine(14 / a); // 2
Console.WriteLine(14 % a); // 4

int one = 1;
int zero = 0;
// Console.WriteLine(one / zero); // DivideByZeroException

double dMinusOne = -1.0;
double dZero = 0.0;
Console.WriteLine(dMinusOne / zero); // -Infinity
Console.WriteLine(one / dZero); // Infinity
Logical Operators
Logical (Boolean) operators take Boolean values and return a Boolean result
(true or false). The basic Boolean operators are "AND" (&&), "OR" (||),
"exclusive OR" (^) and logical negation (!).
The following table contains the logical operators in C# and the operations
that they perform:
x y !x x && y x || y x ^ y
true true false true true false
true false false false true true
false true true false true true
148 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
false false true false false false
The table and the following example show that the logical "AND" (&&) returns
true only when both variables contain truth. Logical "OR" (||) returns true
when at least one of the operands is true. The logical negation operator (!)
changes the value of the argument. For example, if the operand has a value
true and a negation operator is applied, the new value will be false. The
negation operator is a unary operator and it is placed before the argument.
Exclusive "OR" (^) returns true if only one of the two operands has the value
true. If the two operands have different values, exclusive "OR" will return the
result true, if they have the same values it will return false.
Logical Operators Example
The following example illustrates the usage of the logical operators and their
bool a = true;
bool b = false;
Console.WriteLine(a && b); // False
Console.WriteLine(a || b); // True
Console.WriteLine(!b); // True
Console.WriteLine(b || true); // True
Console.WriteLine((5 > 7) ^ (a == b)); // False
Laws of De Morgan
Logical operations fall under the laws of De Morgan from the mathematical
!(a && b) == (!a || !b)
!(a || b) == (!a && !b)
The first law states that the negation of the conjunction (logical AND) of two
propositions is equal to the disjunction (logical OR) of their negations.
The second law states that the negation of the disjunction of both statements
is equivalent to the conjunction of their negations.
Operator for Concatenation of Strings
The operator + is used to join strings (string). It concatenates (joins) two
or more strings and returns the result as a new string. If at least one of the
arguments in the expression is of type string, and there are other operands
of type different from string, they will be automatically converted to type
string, which allows successful string concatenation.
It is fantastic how .NET runtime handles such operation incompatibilities for
us on the fly, saving us some coding time and allowing us to concentrate on
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 149
the main objectives of our programming task! However, it is a good practice
to not miss to cast the variables on which we wish to apply an operation; we
should instead have them converted to the appropriate type for each
operation, so that we are in full control of the end result and prevent implicit
type casts. We will provide more detailed information on casting operations
further down in the section "Type Conversion" of this chapter.
Operator for Concatenation of Strings Example
Here is an example, which shows concatenations of two strings and a string
with a number:
string csharp = "C#";
string dotnet = ".NET";
string csharpDotNet = csharp + dotnet;
Console.WriteLine(csharpDotNet); // C#.NET
string csharpDotNet4 = csharpDotNet + " " + 5;
Console.WriteLine(csharpDotNet4); // C#.NET 5
In the example we initialize two variables of type string and assign them
values. On the third and fourth row we concatenate both strings and pass the
results to the method Console.WriteLine() to print it on the console. On the
next line we join the resulting string with a space and the number 5. We
assign the returned value to the variable csharpDotNet5, which will
automatically be converted to type string. On the last row we print the

Concatenation (joining, gluing) of strings is a slow operation
and should be used carefully. It is recommended to use the
StringBuilder class for iterative (repetitive) operations on
In the chapter "Strings" we will explain in detail why the StringBuilder class
must be used for join operations on strings performed in a loop.
Bitwise Operators
A bitwise operator is an operator that acts on the binary representation of
numeric types. In computers all the data and particularly numerical data is
represented as a series of ones and zeros. The binary numeral system is
used for this purpose. For example, number 55 in the binary numeral system
is represented as 00110111.
Binary representation of data is convenient because zero and one in
electronics can be implemented by Boolean circuits, in which zero is
represented as "no electricity" or for example with a voltage of -5V and the
one is presented as "have electricity" or say with voltage +5V.
150 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We will examine in depth the binary numeral system in the chapter
"Numeral Systems", but just for now we can consider that the numbers in
computers are represented as ones and zeros, and bitwise operators are used
to analyze and change those ones to zeros and vice versa.
Bitwise operators are very similar to the logical ones. In fact, we can
imagine that the logical and bitwise operators perform the same thing but
using different data types. Logical operators work with the values true and
false (Boolean values), while bitwise operators work with numerical values
and are applied bitwise over their binary representation, i.e., they work with
the bits of the number (the digits 0 and 1 of which it consists). Just like the
logical operators in C#, there are bitwise operators "AND" (&), bitwise "OR"
(|), bitwise negation (~) and excluding "OR" (^).
Bitwise Operators and Their Performance
The bitwise operators' performance on binary digits 0 and 1 is shown in the
following table:
x y ~x x & y x | y x ^ y
1 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
As we see bitwise and logical operators are very much alike. The difference in
the writing of "AND" and "OR" is that the logical operators are written with
double ampersand (&&) and double vertical bar (||), and the bitwise with a
single ampersand or vertical bar (& and |). Bitwise and logical operators for
exclusive "OR" are the same "^". For logical negation we use "!", while for
bitwise negation (inversion) the "~" operator is used.
In programming there are two bitwise operators that have no analogue in
logical operators. These are the bit shift left (<<) and bit shift right (>>).
Used on numerical values, they move all the bits of the value to the left or
right. The bits that fall outside the number are lost and replaced with 0.
The bit shifting operators are used in the following way: on the left side of
the operator we place the variable (operand) with which we want to use the
operator, on the right side we put a numerical value, indicating how many bits
we want to offset. For example, 3 << 2 means that we want to move the bits
of the number three, twice to the left. The number 3 presented in bits looks
like this: "0000 0011". When you move twice left, the binary value will look
like this: "0000 1100", and this sequence of bits is the number 12. If we look
at the example we can see that actually we have multiplied the number by 4.
Bit shifting itself can be represented as multiplication (bitwise shifting left) or
division (bitwise shifting right) by a power of 2. This occurrence is due to the
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 151
nature of the binary numeral system. Example of moving to the right is 6 >>
2, which means to move the binary number "0000 0110" with two positions to
the right. This means that we will lose two right-most digits and feed them
with zeros on the left. The end result will be "0000 0001" which is 1.
Bitwise Operators Example
Here is an example of using bitwise operators. The binary representation of
the numbers and the results of the bitwise operators are shown in the
comments (green text):
byte a = 3; // 0000 0011 = 3
byte b = 5; // 0000 0101 = 5

Console.WriteLine(a | b); // 0000 0111 = 7
Console.WriteLine(a & b); // 0000 0001 = 1
Console.WriteLine(a ^ b); // 0000 0110 = 6
Console.WriteLine(~a & b); // 0000 0100 = 4
Console.WriteLine(a << 1); // 0000 0110 = 6
Console.WriteLine(a << 2); // 0000 1100 = 12
Console.WriteLine(a >> 1); // 0000 0001 = 1
In the example we first create and initialize the values of two variables a and
b. Then we print on the console the results of some bitwise operations on the
two variables. The first operation that we apply is "OR". The example shows
that for all positions where there was 1 in the binary representation of the
variables a and b, there is also 1 in the result. The second operation is "AND".
The result of the operation contains 1 only in the right-most bit, because the
only place where a and b have 1 at the same time is their right-most bit.
Exclusive "OR" returns ones only in positions where a and b have different
values in their binary bits. Finally, the logical negation and bitwise shifting:
left and right, are illustrated.
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators in C# are used to compare two or more operands. C#
supports the following comparison operators:
- greater than (>)
- less than (<)
- greater than or equal to (>=)
- less than or equal to (<=)
- equality (==)
- difference (!=)
152 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
All comparison operators in C# are binary (take two operands) and the
returned result is a Boolean value (true or false). Comparison operators
have lower priority than arithmetical operators but higher than the
assignment operators.
Comparison Operators Example
The following example demonstrates the usage of comparison operators in
int x = 10, y = 5;
Console.WriteLine("x > y : " + (x > y)); // True
Console.WriteLine("x < y : " + (x < y)); // False
Console.WriteLine("x >= y : " + (x >= y)); // True
Console.WriteLine("x <= y : " + (x <= y)); // False
Console.WriteLine("x == y : " + (x == y)); // False
Console.WriteLine("x != y : " + (x != y)); // True
In the example, first we create two variables x and y and we assign them the
values 10 and 5. On the next line we print on the console using the method
Console.WriteLine() the result from comparing the two variables x and y
using the operator >. The returned value is true because x has a greater
value than y. Similarly, in the next rows the results from the other 5
comparison operators, used to compare the variables x and y, are printed.
Assignment Operators
The operator for assigning value to a variable is "=" (the character for
mathematical equation). The syntax used for assigning value is as it follows:
operand1 = literal, expression or operand2;
Assignment Operators Example
Here is an example to show the usage of the assignment operator:
int x = 6;
string helloString = "Hello string.";
int y = x;
In the example we assign value 6 to the variable x. On the second line we
assign a text literal to the variable helloString, and on the third line we
copy the value of the variable x to the variable y.
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 153
Cascade Assignment
The assignment operator can be used in cascade (more than once in the
same expression). In this case assignments are carried out consecutively from
right to left. Heres an example:
int x, y, z;
x = y = z = 25;
On the first line in the example we initialize three variables and on the second
line we assign them the value 25.

The assignment operator in C# is "=", while the comparison
operator is "==". The exchange of the two operators is a
common error when we are writing code. Be careful not to
confuse the comparison operator and the assignment
operator as they look very similar.
Compound Assignment Operators
Except the assignment operator there are also compound assignment
operators. They help to reduce the volume of the code by typing two
operations together with an operator: operation and assignment. Compound
operators have the following syntax:
operand1 operator = operand2;
The upper expression is like the following:
operand1 = operand1 operator operand2;
Here is an example of a compound operator for assignment:
int x = 2;
int y = 4;

x *= y; // Same as x = x * y;
Console.WriteLine(x); // 8
The most commonly used compound assignment operators are += (adds value
of operand2 to operand1), -= (subtracts the value of the right operand from
the value of the left one).Other compound assignment operators are *=, /=
and %=.
The following example gives a good idea of how the compound assignment
operators work:
int x = 6;
154 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int y = 4;

Console.WriteLine(y *= 2); // 8
int z = y = 3; // y=3 and z=3

Console.WriteLine(z); // 3
Console.WriteLine(x |= 1); // 7
Console.WriteLine(x += 3); // 10
Console.WriteLine(x /= 2); // 5
In the example, first we create the variables x and y and assign them values
6 and 4. On the next line we print on the console y, after we have assigned it
a new value using the operator *= and the literal 2.The result of the operation
is 8. Further in the example we apply the other compound assignment
operators and print the result on the console.
Conditional Operator ?:
The conditional operator ?: uses the Boolean value of an expression to
determine which of two other expressions must be calculated and returned as
a result. The operator works on three operands and that is why it is called
ternary operator. The character "?" is placed between the first and second
operand, and ":" is placed between the second and third operand. The first
operand (or expression) must be Boolean, and the next two operands must
be of the same type, such as numbers or strings.
The operator ?: has the following syntax:
operand1 ? operand2 : operand3
It works like this: if operand1 is set to true, the operator returns as a result
operand2. Otherwise (if operand1 is set to false), the operator returns as a
result operand3.
During the execution, the value of the first argument is calculated. If it has
value true, then the second (middle) argument is calculated and it is
returned as a result. However, if the calculated result of the first argument is
false, then the third (last) argument is calculated and it is returned as a
Conditional Operator "?:" Example
The following example shows the usage of the operator "?:":
int a = 6;
int b = 4;
Console.WriteLine(a > b ? "a>b" : "b<=a"); // a>b
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 155
int num = a == b ? 1 : -1; // num will have value -1
Other Operators
So far we have examined arithmetic, logical and bitwise operators, the
operator for concatenating strings, also the conditional operator ?:. Besides
them in C # there are several other operators worth mentioning.
The "." Operator
The access operator "." (dot) is used to access the member fields or
methods of a class or object. Example of usage of point operator:
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); // Prints the date + time
Square Brackets [] Operator
Square brackets [] are used to access elements of an array by index,
they are the so-called indexer. Indexers are also used for accessing
characters in a string. Example:
int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3 };
Console.WriteLine(arr[0]); // 1
string str = "Hello";
Console.WriteLine(str[1]); // e
Brackets () Operator
Brackets () are used to override the priority of execution of expressions
and operators. We have already seen how the brackets work.
Type Conversion Operator
The operator for type conversion (type) is used to convert a variable from
one type to another. We will examine it in details in the section "Type
Operator "as"
The operator as also is used for type conversion but invalid conversion
returns null, not an exception.
Operator "new"
The new operator is used to create and initialize new objects. We will
examine it in details in the chapter "Creating and Using Objects".
156 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Operator "is"
The is operator is used to check whether an object is compatible with a given
type (check object's type).
Operator "??"
The operator ?? is similar to the conditional operator ?:. The difference is that
it is placed between two operands and returns the left operand only if its
value is not null, otherwise it returns the right operand. Example:
int? a = 5;
Console.WriteLine(a ?? -1); // 5
string name = null;
Console.WriteLine(name ?? "(no name)"); // (no name)
Other Operators Examples
Here is an example that shows the operators we just explained:
int a = 6;
int b = 3;

Console.WriteLine(a + b / 2); // 7
Console.WriteLine((a + b) / 2); // 4

string s = "Beer";
Console.WriteLine(s is string); // True

string notNullString = s;
string nullString = null;
Console.WriteLine(nullString ?? "Unspecified"); // Unspecified
Console.WriteLine(notNullString ?? "Specified"); // Beer
Type Conversion and Casting
Generally, operators work over arguments with the same data type. However,
C# has a wide variety of data types from which we can choose the most
appropriate for a particular purpose. To perform an operation on variables of
two different data types we need to convert both to the same data type. Type
conversion (typecasting) can be explicit and implicit.
All expressions in C# have a type. This type can derive from the expression
structure and the types, variables and literals used in it. It is possible to write
an expression which type is inappropriate for the current context. In some
cases this will lead to a compilation error, but in other cases the context can
get a type that is similar or related to the type of the expression. In this case
the program performs a hidden type conversion.
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 157
Specific conversion from type S to type T allows the expression of type S to be
treated as an expression of type T during the execution of the program. In
some cases this will require a validation of the transformation. Here are some
- Conversion of type object to type string will require verification at
runtime to ensure that the value is really an instance of type string.
- Conversion from string to object does not require any verification. The
type string is an inheritor of the type object and can be converted to
its base class without a risk of an error or data loss. We shall examine
inheritance in details in the chapter "Object-Oriented Programming
- Conversion of type int to long can be made without verification during
the execution, because there is no risk of data loss since the set of
values of type int is a subset of values of type long.
- Conversion from type double to long requires conversion of 64-bit
floating-point value to 64-bit integer. Depending on the value, data loss
is possible and therefore it is necessary to convert the types explicitly.
In C# not all types can be converted to all other types, but only to some of
them. For convenience, we shall group some of the possible transformations
in C# according to their type into three categories:
- implicit conversion;
- explicit conversion;
- conversion to or from string;
Implicit Type Conversion
Implicit (hidden) type conversion is possible only when there is no risk of data
loss during the conversion, i.e. when converting from a lower range type to a
larger range (e.g. from int to long). To make an implicit conversion it is not
necessary to use any operator and therefore such transformation is called
implicit. The implicit conversion is done automatically by the compiler when
you assign a value with lower range to a variable with larger range or if the
expression has several types with different ranges. In such case the
conversion is executed into the type with the highest range.
Implicit Type Conversion Examples
Here is an example of implicit type conversion:
int myInt = 5;
Console.WriteLine(myInt); // 5
long myLong = myInt;
Console.WriteLine(myLong); // 5
158 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Console.WriteLine(myLong + myInt); // 10
In the example we create a variable myInt of type int and assign it the value
5. After that we create a variable myLong of type long and assign it the value
contained in myInt. The value stored in myLong is automatically converted
from type int to type long. Finally, we output the result from adding the two
variables. Because the variables are from different types they are
automatically converted to the type with the greater range, i.e. to type long
and the result that is printed on the console is long again. Indeed, the given
parameter to the method Console.WriteLine() is of type long, but inside
the method it will be converted again, this time to type string, so it can be
printed on the console. This transformation is performed by the method
Possible Implicit Conversions
Here are some possible implicit conversions of primitive data types in C#:
- sbyte short, int, long, float, double, decimal;
- byte short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double,
- short int, long, float, double, decimal;
- ushort int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal;
- char ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal
(although char is a character type in some cases it may be regarded as
a number and have a numeric type of behavior, it can even participate
in numeric expressions);
- uint long, ulong, float, double, decimal;
- int long, float, double, decimal;
- long float, double, decimal;
- ulong float, double, decimal;
- float double.
There is no data loss when converting types of smaller range to types
with a larger range. The numerical value remains the same after
conversion. There are a few exceptions. When you convert type int to type
float (32-bit values), the difference is that int uses all bits for a whole
number, whereas float has a part of bits used for representation of a
fractional part. Hence, loss of precision is possible because of rounding when
conversion from int to float is made. The same applies for the conversion of
64-bit long to 64-bit double.
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 159
Explicit Type Conversion
Explicit type conversion is used whenever there is a possibility of data loss.
When converting floating point type to integer type there is always a loss of
data coming from the elimination of the fractional part and an explicit
conversion is obligatory (e.g. double to long). To make such a conversion it
is necessary to use the operator for data conversion (type). There may also
be data loss when converting a type with a wider range to type with a
narrower one (double to float or long to int).
Explicit Type Conversion Example
The following example illustrates the use of explicit type conversion and data
loss that may occur in some cases:
double myDouble = 5.1d;
Console.WriteLine(myDouble); // 5.1

long myLong = (long)myDouble;
Console.WriteLine(myLong); // 5

myDouble = 5e9d; // 5 * 10^9
Console.WriteLine(myDouble); // 5000000000

int myInt = (int)myDouble;
Console.WriteLine(myInt); // -2147483648
Console.WriteLine(int.MinValue); // -2147483648
In the first line of the example we assign a value 5.1 to the variable
myDouble. After we convert (explicitly) to type long using the operator
(long) and print on the console the variable myLong we see that the variable
has lost its fractional part, because long is an integer. Then we assign to the
real double precision variable myDouble the value 5 billion. Finally, we convert
myDouble to int by the operator (int) and print variable myInt. The result is
the same like when we print int.MinValue because myDouble contains a
value bigger than the range of int.

It is not always possible to predict what the value of a
variable will be after its scope overflows! Therefore, use
sufficiently large types and be careful when switching to a
"smaller" type.
Data Loss during Type Conversion
We will give an example for data loss during type conversion:
long myLong = long.MaxValue;
160 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int myInt = (int)myLong;

Console.WriteLine(myLong); // 9223372036854775807
Console.WriteLine(myInt); // -1
The type conversion operator may also be used in case of an intentional
implicit conversion. This contributes to the readability of code, reducing the
chance for errors and it is considered good practice by many programmers.
Here are some more examples for type conversions:
float heightInMeters = 1.74f; // Explicit conversion
double maxHeight = heightInMeters; // Implicit
double minHeight = (double)heightInMeters; // Explicit
float actualHeight = (float)maxHeight; // Explicit

float maxHeightFloat = maxHeight; // Compilation error!
In the example above at the last line we have an expression that will generate
a compilation error. This is because we try implicitly to convert type double to
float, which can cause data loss. C# is a strongly typed programming
language and does not allow such appropriation of values.
Forcing Overflow Exceptions during Casting
Sometimes it is convenient, instead of getting the wrong result, when a type
overflows during switching from larger to smaller type, to get notification of
the problem. This is done by the keyword checked which includes a check for
overflow in integer types:
double d = 5e9d; // 5 * 10^9
Console.WriteLine(d); // 5000000000
int i = checked((int)d); // System.OverflowException
During the execution of the code fragment above an exception (i.e.
notification of an error) of type OverflowException is raised. More
information about the exceptions and the methods to catch and handle them
can be found in the chapter "Exception Handling".
Possible Explicit Conversions
The explicit conversions between numeral types in C# are possible between
any couple among the following types:
sbyte, byte, short, ushort, char, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double,
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 161
In these conversions data can be lost, like data about the number size or
information about its precision.
Notice that conversion to or from string is not possible through typecasting.
Conversion to String
If it is necessary we can convert any type of data, including the value null, to
string. The conversion of strings is done automatically whenever you use the
concatenation operator (+) and one of the arguments is not of type string. In
this case the argument is converted to a string and the operator returns a
new string representing the concatenation of the two strings.
Another way to convert different objects to type string is to call the method
ToString() of the variable or the value. It is valid for all data types in .NET
Framework. Even calling 3.ToString() is fully valid in C# and the result will
return the string "3".
Conversion to String Example
Lets take a look on several examples for converting different data types to
int a = 5;
int b = 7;

string sum = "Sum = " + (a + b);

String incorrect = "Sum = " + a + b;

"Perimeter = " + 2 * (a + b) + ". Area = " + (a * b) + ".");
The result from the example is as follows:
Sum = 12
Sum = 57
Perimeter = 24. Area = 35.
From the results it is obvious, that concatenating a number to a character
string returns in result the string followed by the text representation of the
number. Note that the "+" for concatenating strings can cause unpleasant
effects on the addition of numbers, because it has equal priority with the
operator "+" for mathematical addition. Unless the priorities of the operations
are changed by placing the brackets, they will always be executed from left to
162 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
More details about converting from and to string we will look at the chapter
"Console Input and Output".
Much of the programs work is the calculation of expressions. Expressions
are sequences of operators, literals and variables that are calculated to
a value of some type (number, string, object or other type). Here are some
examples of expressions:
int r = (150-20) / 2 + 5;

// Expression for calculating the surface of the circle
double surface = Math.PI * r * r;

// Expression for calculating the perimeter of the circle
double perimeter = 2 * Math.PI * r;

In the example three expressions are defined. The first expression calculates
the radius of a circle. The second calculates the area of a circle, and the last
one finds the perimeter. Here is the result from the fragment above:
Side Effects of Expressions
The calculation of the expression can have side effects, because the
expression can contain embedded assignment operators, can cause increasing
or decreasing of the value and calling methods. Here is an example of such a
side effect:
int a = 5;
int b = ++a;

Console.WriteLine(a); // 6
Console.WriteLine(b); // 6
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 163
Expressions, Data Types and Operator Priorities
When writing expressions, the data types and the behavior of the used
operators should be considered. Ignoring this can lead to unexpected results.
Here are some simple examples:
// First example
double d = 1 / 2;
Console.WriteLine(d); // 0, not 0.5

// Second example
double half = (double)1 / 2;
Console.WriteLine(half); // 0.5
In the first example, an expression divides two integers (written this way, 1
and two are integers) and assigns the result to a variable of type double. The
result may be unexpected for some people, but that is because they are
ignoring the fact that in this case the operator "/" works over integers and the
result is an integer obtained by cutting the fractional part.
The second example shows that if we want to do division with fractions in the
result, it is necessary to convert to float or double at least one of the
operands. In this scenario the division is no longer integer and the result is
Division by Zero
Another interesting example is division by 0. Most programmers think that
division by 0 is an invalid operation and causes an error at runtime
(exception) but this is actually true only for integer division by 0. Here is an
example, which shows that fractional division by 0 is Infinity or NaN:
int num = 1;
double denum = 0; // The value is 0.0 (real number)
int zeroInt = (int) denum; // The value is 0 (integer number)
Console.WriteLine(num / denum); // Infinity
Console.WriteLine(denum / denum); // NaN
Console.WriteLine(zeroInt / zeroInt); // DivideByZeroException
Using Brackets to Make the Code Clear
When working with expressions it is important to use brackets whenever
there is the slightest doubt about the priorities of the operations. Here is an
example that shows how useful the brackets are:
double incorrect = (double)((1 + 2) / 4);
Console.WriteLine(incorrect); // 0
164 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

double correct = ((double)(1 + 2)) / 4;
Console.WriteLine(correct); // 0.75

Console.WriteLine("2 + 3 = " + 2 + 3); // 2 + 3 = 23
Console.WriteLine("2 + 3 = " + (2 + 3)); // 2 + 3 = 5
1. Write an expression that checks whether an integer is odd or even.
2. Write a Boolean expression that checks whether a given integer is
divisible by both 5 and 7, without a remainder.
3. Write an expression that looks for a given integer if its third digit (right
to left) is 7.
4. Write an expression that checks whether the third bit in a given integer
is 1 or 0.
5. Write an expression that calculates the area of a trapezoid by given
sides a, b and height h.
6. Write a program that prints on the console the perimeter and the area
of a rectangle by given side and height entered by the user.
7. The gravitational field of the Moon is approximately 17% of that on the
Earth. Write a program that calculates the weight of a man on the
moon by a given weight on the Earth.
8. Write an expression that checks for a given point {x, y} if it is within
the circle K({0, 0}, R=5). Explanation: the point {0, 0} is the center of
the circle and 5 is the radius.
9. Write an expression that checks for given point {x, y} if it is within the
circle K({0, 0}, R=5) and out of the rectangle [{-1, 1}, {5, 5}].
Clarification: for the rectangle the lower left and the upper right corners
are given.
10. Write a program that takes as input a four-digit number in format abcd
(e.g. 2011) and performs the following actions:
- Calculates the sum of the digits (in our example 2+0+1+1 = 4).
- Prints on the console the number in reversed order: dcba (in our
example 1102).
- Puts the last digit in the first position: dabc (in our example 1201).
- Exchanges the second and the third digits: acbd (in our example
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 165
11. We are given a number n and a position p. Write a sequence of
operations that prints the value of the bit on the position p in the
number (0 or 1). Example: n=35, p=5 -> 1. Another example: n=35,
p=6 -> 0.
12. Write a Boolean expression that checks if the bit on position p in the
integer v has the value 1. Example v=5, p=1 -> false.
13. We are given the number n, the value v (v = 0 or 1) and the position p.
write a sequence of operations that changes the value of n, so the bit on
the position p has the value of v. Example: n=35, p=5, v=0 -> n=3.
Another example: n=35, p=2, v=1 -> n=39.
14. Write a program that checks if a given number n (1 < n < 100) is a
prime number (i.e. it is divisible without remainder only to itself and 1).
15. * Write a program that exchanges the values of the bits on positions
3, 4 and 5 with bits on positions 24, 25 and 26 of a given 32-bit unsigned
16. * Write a program that exchanges bits {p, p+1, , p+k-1} with bits {q,
q+1, , q+k-1} of a given 32-bit unsigned integer.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Take the remainder of dividing the number by 2 and check if it is 0 or
1 (respectively the number is odd or even). Use % operator to calculate
the remainder of integer division.
2. Use a logical "AND" (&& operator) and the remainder operation % in
division. You can also solve the problem by only one test: the division of
35 (think why).
3. Divide the number by 100 and save it in a new variable, which then
divide by 10 and take the remainder. The remainder of the division by 10
is the third digit of the original number. Check if it is equal to 7.
4. Use bitwise "AND" on the current number and the number that has 1
only in the third bit (i.e. number 8, if bits start counting from 0). If the
returned result is different from 0 the third bit is 1:
int num = 25;
bool bit3 = (num & 8) != 0;
5. The formula for trapezoid surface is: S = (a + b) * h / 2.
6. Search the Internet for how to read integers from the console and use
the formula for rectangle area calculation. If you have difficulties see
instructions on the next problem.
7. Use the following code to read the number from the console:
166 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Console.Write("Enter number: ");
int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Then multiply by 0.17 and print it.
8. Use the Pythagorean Theorem a
+ b
= c
. The point is inside the circle
when (x*x) + (y*y) 5*5.
9. Use the code from the previous task and add a check for the
rectangle. A point is inside a rectangle with walls parallel to the axes,
when in the same time it is right of the left wall, left of the right wall,
down from the top wall and above the bottom wall.
10. To get the individual digits of the number you can divide by 10 and
take the remainder of the division by 10:
int a = num % 10;
int b = (num / 10) % 10;
int c = (num / 100) % 10;
int d = (num / 1000) % 10;
11. Use bitwise operations:
int n = 35; // 00100011
int p = 6;
int i = 1; // 00000001
int mask = i << p; // Move the 1-st bit left by p positions

// If i & mask are positive then the p-th bit of n is 1
Console.WriteLine((n & mask) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
12. The task is similar to the previous one.
13. Use bitwise operations by analogy with the previous two problems. You
can reset the bit at position p in the number n as follows:
n = n & (~(1 << p));
You can set bits in the unit at position p in the number n as follows:
n = n | (1 << p);
Think how you can combine the above two hints.
14. Read about loops in the Internet or in the chapter Loops. Use a loop
and check the number for divisibility by all integers from 1 to the square
root of the number. Since n < 100, you can find in advance all prime
numbers from 1 to 100 and checks the input over them. The prime
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions 167
numbers in the range [1100] are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89 and 97.
15. Use 3 times a combination of getting and setting a bit at a given
position. The first exchange is given below:
int bit3 = (num >> 3) & 1;
int bit24 = (num >> 24) & 1;
num = num & (~(1 << 24)) | (bit3 << 24);
num = num & (~(1 << 3)) | (bit24 << 3);
16. Extend the solution of the previous problem to perform a sequence of
bit exchanges in a loop. Read about loops in the chapter Loops.

Telerik Software Academy
Chapter 4. Console
Input and Output
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will get familiar with the console as a tool for data input
and output. We will explain what it is, when and how to use it, and how most
programming languages access the console. We will get familiar with some of
the features in C# for user interaction: reading text and numbers from the
console and printing text and numbers. We will also examine the main
streams for input-output operations Console.In, Console.Out and
Console.Error, the Console and the usage of format strings for printing
data in various formats.
What Is the Console?
The Console is a window of the operating system through which users can
interact with system programs of the operating system or with other console
applications. The interaction consists of text input from the standard input
(usually keyboard) or text display on the standard output (usually on the
computer screen). These actions are also known as input-output
operations. The text written on the console brings some information and is a
sequence of characters sent by one or more programs.
For each console application the operating system connects input and output
devices. By default these are the keyboard and the screen but they can be
redirected to a file or other devices.
Communication between the User and the Program
A lot of programs communicate in some way with the user. This is necessary
for the user in order to give instructions to them. Modern communication
methods are many and various: they can be through graphical or web-
based interface, console or others. As we mentioned one of the tools for
communication between programs and users is the console, which is
becoming less and less used. This is because the modern user interface
concepts are more convenient and intuitive to work with, from a users
170 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
When to Use the Console?
In some cases the console remains an irreplaceable tool for communication
with the user. One of these cases is when writing small and simple
programs where it is necessary to focus the attention on the specific problem
to be solved, rather than the elegant representation of the result to the user.
Then a simple solution is used for entering or printing a result, such as input-
output console. Another use case is when we want to test a small piece of
code for a larger application. Due to simplicity of the operation of the console
application we can isolate this part of the code easily and comfortably without
having to go through a complex user interface and a number of screens to get
to the desired code for testing.
How to Launch the Console?
Each operating system has its own way to launch the console. On Windows for
example, it can be done in the following way:
Start -> (All) Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
After starting the console a black screen (this color can be changed) like the
following should appear:

When starting the console the home directory of the current user (in this case
the username is nakov) is used as a current directory and this is displayed as
a guide for the user.

Console can be launched through pressing the Start button
and typing "cmd" in the search box and pressing [Enter] (on
Windows Vista, Windows 7 and later). For Windows XP, go
through the sequence Start -> Run ->, type in "cmd" and
press [Enter].
For simplified visualization of the results from now on in this chapter instead
of a console screenshot we will use the form:
Results from console
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 171
More about Consoles
The system console is the black window shown above which displays text
information. It can display text strings and has a cursor, which moves to the
right after each character is printed. After the cursor passes through the last
column of the console (usually it has 80 columns), it moves to the beginning
of the next line. If the cursor passes through the last line, the console scrolls
its content upwards and shows a new empty line below the last line.
Programs in Windows can be console-based, desktop-based, Web-based and
other. The console-based programs use the console for their input and
output. The desktop-based programs use graphical user interface (GUI). The
Web-based programs have Web-based user interface. In this book we will
write console-based programs almost all the time, so their input will be read
from the keyboard and their output will be printed in the console.
Some console-based programs expect the users to enter text, numbers and
other data, and this is usually done through the keyboard.
The console in Windows is often associated with the system command
interpreter, also called the "Command Prompt" or "shell" or which is a
console-based program in the operating system, which provides access to
system commands as well as a wide range of programs, which are part of the
operating system or are additionally installed to it.
The word "shell" means "wrap" and has a meaning of a wrapper between the
user and the inside of the operating system.
The so called operating system "shells" can be split into two main categories
according to the type of interface they can provide to the operating system:
- CLI Command Line Interface is a console for commands (such as
cmd.exe in Windows and bash in Linux).
- GUI Graphical User Interface is a graphical work environment (such
as Windows Explorer).
For both types the main purpose of the shell is to run other programs with
which the user works although most of the interpreters also support some
advanced features such as the opportunity to examine the content of
directories with files.

Each operating system has its own command interpreter that
has its own commands.
For example, when starting Windows console, we run the so-called Windows
command interpreter in it (cmd.exe) that executes system programs and
commands in interactive mode. For example, the command dir shows the
files in the current directory:
172 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Basic Console Commands
We will take a look at some basic commands in the Windows standard
command prompt, which is useful for finding and launching programs.
Windows Console Commands
The command interpreter running in the console is also called "Command
Prompt" or "MS-DOS Prompt" (in older versions of Windows). We will take a
look at some basic commands for this interpreter:
Command Description
dir Displays the content of the current directory.
cd <directory name> Changes the current directory.
mkdir <directory name> Creates a new directory in the current one.
rmdir <directory name> Deletes an existing directory.
type <file name> Prints file content.
copy <src file>
<destination file>
Copies one file into another.
Here is an example of multiple commands executed in the Windows command
shell. The result of the commands execution is displayed on the console:
C:\Documents and Settings\User1>cd "D:\Project2009\C# Book"

C:\Documents and Settings\User1>D:
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 173

D:\Project2008\C# Book>dir
Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is B43A-B0D6

Directory of D:\Project2009\C# Book

26.12.2009 12:24 <DIR> .
26.12.2009 12:24 <DIR> ..
26.12.2009 12:23 537 600 Chapter-4-Console-Input-
26.12.2009 12:23 <DIR> Test Folder
26.12.2009 12:24 0 Test.txt
2 File(s) 537 600 bytes
3 Dir(s) 24 154 062 848 bytes free

D:\Project2009\C# Book>
Standard Input-Output
The standard input-output also known as "Standard I/O" is a system input-
output mechanism created since the UNIX operating systems was developed
many years ago. Special peripheral devices for input and output are used,
through which data can be input and output.
When the program is in mode of accepting information and expects action by
the user, there is a blinking cursor on the console showing that the system is
waiting for command entering.
Later we will see how we can write C# programs that expect input data to be
entered from the console.
Printing to the Console
In most programming languages printing and reading the information from
the console is implemented in similar ways and the most of the solutions are
based on the concept of "standard input" and "standard output".
Standard Input and Standard Output
The operating system is required to define standard input-output
mechanisms for user interaction. When starting a given console program,
system code running at the initialization of the program is responsible for
opening (closing) of streams to the allocated by the operating system
mechanisms for input-output. This system code initializes the program
abstraction for user interaction embedded in the respective programming
language. In this way, the application started can automatically read the user
174 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
input from the standard input stream (in C# this is Console.In), print
information on the standard output stream (in C# this is Console.Out) and
can signal for problem situations in the standard error stream (in C# this is
The concept of the streams will be later examined in details. For now we will
focus on the theoretical basis related to the program input and output in C#.
Devices for Console Input and Output
Besides the keyboard an application input can come from many other places,
such as file, microphone, barcode reader and others. The output of a
program may be on the console (on the screen), as well as in a file or another
output device, such as a printer:

We will show a basic example that illustrates text printing to the console
through the abstraction for accessing the standard input and standard output
provided to us by C#:
Console.Out.WriteLine("Hello World");
The result of the above code execution would be the following:
Hello World
Console.Out Stream
System.Console class has different properties and methods (classes are
considered in details in the chapter "Creating and Using Objects") which are
used to read and display text on the console as well as its formatting. Among
them there are three properties that make impression and they are related to
data entering and displaying, namely the Console.Out, Console.In and
Console.Error. They provide access to the standard streams for printing on
the console, for reading from the console and to the error messages reporting
stream accordingly. Although we could use them directly, the other methods
of System.Console give us the convenience for working with input-output
console operations and actually most often these properties are ignored.
However it is good to remember that this part of the console functionality is
working on these streams. If needed, we can replace the default input /
output / error streams at runtime by using the methods Console.SetOut(),
Console.SetIn() and Console.SetError() respectively.
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 175
Now we will examine the most commonly used methods for text printing on
the console.
Using Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine()
Work with these methods is easy because they can print all the basic types
(string, numeric and primitive types).
Here are some examples of printing various types of data:
// Print String
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

// Print int

// Print double
The result of this code execution looks like this:
Hello World
As we see by using Console.WriteLine() it is possible to print various data
types because for each type there is a predefined version of the
methodWriteLine() in the Console class.
The difference between Write() and WriteLine() is that the Write()
method prints on the console what it is provided between the parentheses but
does nothing in addition while the method WriteLine() means directly
write line. This method does what the Write() one does but in addition
goes to a new line. In fact the method does not print a new line but simply
puts a command for moving cursor to the position where the new line
starts (this command consists of the character \r followed by \n).
Here is an example, which illustrates the difference between Write() and
Console.WriteLine("I love");
Console.Write("this ");
The output of this example is:
I love
this Book!
176 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We notice that the output of this example is printed on two lines, even though
the code is on three. This happens because on the first line of code we use
WriteLine() which prints "I love" and then goes to a new line. In the next
two lines of the code uses the Write() method, which prints without going
on a new line and thus the words "this" and "Book!" remain on the same
Concatenation of Strings
In general C# does not allow the use of operators over string objects. The
only exception to this rule is the addition operation (+) which concatenates
(joins) two strings and returns as result a new string. This allows chaining
of concatenate (+) operations one after another in a sequence. The next
example represents concatenation of three strings.
string age = "twenty six";
string text = "He is " + age + " years old.";
The result of this code execution is again a string:
He is twenty six years old.
Concatenation of Mixed Types
What happens when we want to print larger and more complex text, which
consists of different types? Until now we used versions of the method
WriteLine() for a specific type. Is it necessary when we want to print
different types at once to use different versions of the method WriteLine()
for each of these types? The answer to this question is no because in C# we
can unite text and other data (for instance, numeric) by using the "+"
operator. The following example is like the previous but in it the years (age)
are from integer type:
int age = 26;
string text = "He is " + age + " years old.";
In the example is concatenation and printing on the screen performed. The
result of the example is the following:
He is 26 years old.
On the second line of the example code we see that a concatenation of the
string "He is" and the integer type "age" is performed. We are trying to
combine two different types. This is possible because of the presence of
the following important rule.
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 177

When a string is involved in concatenation with any other
type the result is always a string.
From the rule it is clear that the result of "He is " + age is again a string and
then the result is added to the last part of the expression " years old.". So
after calling a chain of + operators ultimately the result is a string and thus
the string version of the method WriteLine() is invoked.
For short the above example can be written as follows:
int age = 26;
Console.WriteLine("He is " + age + " years old.");
Some Features of String Concatenation
There are some interesting situations with concatenation (addition) of strings
that you need to know and be careful about because they lead to errors. The
following example represents a surprising behavior of the code:
string s = "Four: " + 2 + 2;
// Four: 22

string s1 = "Four: " + (2 + 2);
// Four: 4
As seen from the example the operators execution order (see chapter
"Operator and Expressions") is of great importance! In our example first the
concatenation of "Four: " to "2" is performed and the result of the
operation is string. After that, another concatenation with the second
number is performed and the obtained unexpected result is "Four: 22"
instead of the expected "Four: 4". This is because the operations are
performed from left to right and in this scenario a string participates in each
of them.
In order to avoid this unpleasant situation we can use parentheses that will
change the order of operators execution can be used to achieve the desired
result. Parentheses are operators with highest priority and make the
execution of the operation "addition" of the two numbers happen before the
concatenation with the string on the left. Thus first the addition of the two
numbers is done and then they are concatenated with the string.
This mistake is very common for beginner programmers because they do not
consider that string concatenation is performed from left to right because the
addition of numbers is of the same priority than as concatenation.
178 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

When you concatenate strings and also sum numbers, use
parentheses to specify the correct order of operations.
Otherwise they are executed from left to right.
Formatted Output with Write() and WriteLine()
For printing long and elaborate series of elements, special options (also
known as overloads) of the methods Write() and WriteLine() have been
introduced. These options have a completely different concept than the
standard methods for printing in C#. Their main idea is to adopt a special
string, formatted with special formatting characters and list of values, which
should be substituted in place of the format specifiers. Here is how
Write() is defined in the standard C# libraries:
public static void Write(string format, object arg0,
object arg1, object arg2, object arg3, );
Formatted Output Examples
The following example prints twice the same thing but in different ways:
string str = "Hello World!";

// Print (the normal way)

// Print (through formatting string)
Console.Write("{0}", str);
The result of this example execution is:
Hello World!Hello World!
We see as a result "Hello, World!" twice on one line. This is because there
is no printing of a new line in the program.
First we print the string in a well-known way in order to see the difference
with the other approach. The second printing is the formatting Write() and
the first argument is the format string. In this case {0} means to put the first
argument after the formatting string in the place of {0}. The expression {0}
is called a placeholder, i.e. a place that will be replaced by a specific value
while printing.
The next example will further explain this concept:
string name = "John";
int age = 18;
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 179
string town = "Seattle";
"{0} is {1} years old from {2}!\n", name, age, town);
The result of this example execution is as follows:
John is 18 years old from Seattle!
From the signature of this Write() version we saw that the first argument is
the format string. Following is a series of arguments, which are placed where
we have a number enclosed in curly brackets. The expression {0} means to
put in its place the first of the arguments submitted after the format string
(in this case name). Next is {1} which means to replace with the second of
the arguments (age). The last placeholder is {2}, which means to replace with
the next parameter (town). Last is \n, which is a special character that
indicates moving to a new line.
It is appropriate to mention that actually the new line command on Windows
is \r\n, and on Unix-based operating systems \n. When working with
the console it does not matter that we use only \n because the standard input
stream considers \n as \r\n but if we write into a file, for example, using only
\n is wrong (on Windows).
Composite Formatting
The methods for formatted output of the Console class use the so-called
composite formatting feature. The composite formatting is used for
console printing as well as in certain operations with strings. We examined the
composite formatting in the simplest of its kind in the previous example but it
has significantly bigger potential than what we have seen so far. Basically the
composite formatting uses two things: composite formatting string and
series of arguments, which are replaced in certain places in the string.
Composite Formatting String
The composite formatting string is a mixture of normal text and formatting
items. In formatting the normal text remains the same as in the string and
the places of formatting items are replaced by the values of the respective
arguments printed according to certain rules. These rules are specified using
the syntax of formatting items.
Formatting Items
The formatting items provide the possibility for powerful control over the
displayed value and therefore can obtain very complicated form. The following
formation scheme represents the general syntax of formatting items:
180 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
As we notice the formatting item begins with an opening curly bracket { and
ends with a closing curly bracket }. The content between the brackets is
divided into three components of which only the index component is
mandatory. Now we will examine each of them separately.
Index Component
The index component is an integer and indicates the position of the
argument from the argument list. The first argument is indicated by "0", the
second by "1", etc. The composite formatting string allows having multiple
formatting items that relate to one and same argument. In this case index
component of these items is one and the same number. There is no restriction
on the sequence of arguments calling. For example, we could use the
following formatting string:
"{1} is {0} years old from {3}!", 18, "John", 0, "Seattle");
In cases where some of the arguments are not referenced by any of the
formatting items, those arguments are simply ignored and do not play a role.
However it is good to remove such arguments from the list of arguments
because they introduce unnecessary complexity and may lead to confusion.
In the opposite case, when a formatting item refers an argument that does
not exist in the list of arguments, an exception is thrown. This may occur,
for example, if we have formatting placeholder {4} and we submitted a list of
only two arguments.
Alignment Component
The alignment component is optional and indicates the string alignment. It
is a positive or negative integer and the positive values indicate alignment
to the right and the negative alignment to the left. The value of the number
indicates the number of positions in which to align the number. If the string
we want to represent has a length greater than or equal to the value of the
number, then this number is ignored. If it is less, however, the unfilled
positions are filled in with spaces.
For example, lets try the following formatting:
Console.WriteLine("{0,6}", 123);
Console.WriteLine("{0,6}", 1234);
Console.WriteLine("{0,6}", 12);
Console.Write("{0,-6}", 123);
It will output the following result:
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 181
123 --end
If we decide to use the alignment component, we must separate it from the
index component by a comma as it is done in the example above.
The "formatString" Component
This component specifies the specific formatting of the string. It varies
depending on the type of argument. There are three main types of
formatString components:
- for numerical types of arguments
- for arguments of type date (DateTime)
- for arguments of type enumeration (listed types)
Format String Components for Numbers
This type formatString component has two subtypes: standard-defined
formats and user-defined formats (custom format strings).
Standard Formats for Numbers
These formats are defined by one of several format specifiers, which are
letters with particular importance. After the format specifier there can be a
positive integer called precision, which has a different meaning for the
different specifiers. When it affects the number of decimal places after the
decimal point, the result is rounded. The following table describes specifiers
and their precision meaning:
Specifier Description
"C" or "c"
Indicates the currency and the result will be displayed
along with the currency sign for the current culture
(for example, English). The precision indicates the
number of decimal places after the decimal point.
"D" or "d"
An integer number. The precision indicates the
minimum number of characters for representing the
string and, if necessary, zeroes are supplemented in the
"E" or "e"
Exponential notation. The precision indicates the
number of places after the decimal point.
"F" or "f"
Integer or decimal number. The precision indicates
the number of signs after the decimal point.
182 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
"N" or "n"
Equivalent to "F" but represents also the corresponding
separator for thousands, millions, etc. (for example, in
the English language often the number "1000" is
represented as "1,000" with comma between the
number 1 and the zeroes).
"P" or "p"
Percentage: it will multiply the number by 100 and will
display the percent character upfront. The precision
indicates the number of signs after the decimal point.
"X" or "x"
Displays the number in hexadecimal numeral system.
It works only for integer numbers. The precision
indicates minimum numbers of signs to display the
string as the missing ones are supplemented with zeroes
at the beginning.
Part of the formatting is determined by the current culture settings,
which are taken by default from the regional settings of the operating system.
"The cultures" are set of rules that are valid for a given language or a given
country and that indicate which character is to be used as decimal separator,
how the currency is displayed, etc. For example, for the Japanese "culture"
the currency is displayed by adding "" after the amount, while for the
American "culture", the character "$" is displayed before the amount. For
Bulgarian currency is suffixed by " .".
Standard Formats for Numbers Example
Lets see a few examples of usage of the specifiers represented in the table
above. In the code below we assume the regional settings are Bulgarian so
the currency will be printed in Bulgarian, the decimal separator will be "," and
the thousands separator will be space (the regional settings can be changed
from Control Panel in Windows):
class StandardNumericFormats
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("{0:C2}", 123.456);
//Output: 123,46 .
Console.WriteLine("{0:D6}", -1234);
//Output: -001234
Console.WriteLine("{0:E2}", 123);
//Output: 1,23E+002
Console.WriteLine("{0:F2}", -123.456);
//Output: -123,46
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 183
Console.WriteLine("{0:N2}", 1234567.8);
//Output: 1 234 567,80
Console.WriteLine("{0:P}", 0.456);
//Output: 45,60 %
Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", 254);
//Output: FE
If we run the same code with English (United States) culture, the output will
be as follows:
45.60 %
Custom Formats for Numbers
All formats that are not standard are assigned to the user (custom) formats.
For the custom formats are again defined a set of specifiers and the
difference with the standard formats is that a number of specifiers can be
used (in standard formats only a single specifier is used). The following table
lists various specifiers and their meaning:
Specifier Description
Indicates a digit. If at this position of the result a digit is
missing, a zero is written instead.
Indicates a digit. Does not print anything if at this
position in the result a digit is missing.
. Decimal separator for the respective culture.
, Thousands separator for the respective culture.
Multiplies the result by 100 and prints the character for
E0 or E+0 or E-0
Indicates an exponential notation. The number of zeroes
indicates the number of signs of the exponent. The sign
"+" means that we always want to represent also the
numbers sign while minus means to display the sign
only if the value is negative.
184 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
There are many characteristics regarding the use of custom formats for
numbers, but they will not be discussed here. You may find more information
in MSDN. Here are some simple examples that illustrate how to use custom
formatting strings (the output is given for the U.S. culture):
class CustomNumericFormats
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}", 1);
//Output: 1.00
Console.WriteLine("{0:#.##}", 0.234);
//Output: .23
Console.WriteLine("{0:#####}", 12345.67);
//Output: 12346
Console.WriteLine("{0:(0#) ### ## ##}", 29342525);
//Output: (02) 934 25 25
Console.WriteLine("{0:%##}", 0.234);
//Output: %23
Format String Components for Dates
When formatting dates we again have separation of standard and custom
Standard Defined Date Formats
Since the standard defined formats are many we will list only few of them.
The rest can be easily checked on MSDN.
Specifier Format (for English (United States) "culture")
d 2/27/2012
D February 27, 2012
t 17:30 (hour)
T 17:30:22 (hour)
Y or y February 2012 (only month and year)
Custom Date Formats
Similar to custom formats for numbers here we have multiple format
specifiers and we can combine several of them. Since here are many
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 185
specifiers we will show only some of them, which we will use to demonstrate
how to use custom formats for dates. Consider the following table:
Specifiers Format (for English (United States) "culture")
d Day from 1 to 31
dd Day from 01 to 31
M Month from 1 to 12
MM Month from 01 to 12
yy The last two digits of the year (from 00 to 99)
yyyy Year written in 4 digits (e.g. 2012)
hh Hour from 00 to 11
HH Hour from 00 to 23
m Minutes from 0 to 59
mm Minutes from 00 to 59
s Seconds from 0 to 59
ss Seconds from 00 to 59
When using these specifiers we can insert different separators between the
different parts of the date, such as "." or "/". Here are few examples:
DateTime d = new DateTime(2012, 02, 27, 17, 30, 22);
Console.WriteLine("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", d);
Console.WriteLine("{0:d.MM.yy}", d);
Execution of these examples gives the following result for the U.K. culture:
27/02/2012 17:30:22
Note that the result can vary depending on the current culture. For example if
we run the same code in the Bulgarian culture, the result will be different:
27.02.2012 17:30:22
Format String Enumeration Components
Enumerations (listed types) are data types that can take as value one of
several predefined possible values (e.g. the seven days of the week). We will
examine them in details in the chapter "Defining Classes".
186 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In enumerations there is very little to be formatted. Four standard format
specifiers are defined:
Specifier Format
G or g Represents enumeration as a string.
D or d Represents enumeration as a number.
X or x
Represents enumeration as a number in hexadecimal
numeral system and with eight digits.
Here are some examples:
Console.WriteLine("{0:G}", DayOfWeek.Wednesday);
Console.WriteLine("{0:D}", DayOfWeek.Wednesday);
Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", DayOfWeek.Wednesday);
While executing the above code we get the following result:
Formatting Strings and Localization
When using format strings it is possible one and same program to print
different values depending on the localization settings for the operating
system. For example, when printing the month from a given date if the
current localization is English it will print in English, for example August,
while if the localization is French it will print in French, for example "Aot".
When launching a console application it automatically retrieves the operating
system localization (culture settings) and uses it for reading and writing
formatted data (like numbers, dates, currency, etc.).
Localization in .NET is also called "culture" and can be changed manually by
the class System.Globalization.CultureInfo. Here is an example in which
we print a number and a date by the U.S. and Bulgarian localization:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Globalization;

class CultureInfoExample
static void Main()
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 187
DateTime d = new DateTime(2012, 02, 27, 17, 30, 22);

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
Console.WriteLine("{0:N}", 1234.56);
Console.WriteLine("{0:D}", d);

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
Console.WriteLine("{0:N}", 1234.56);
Console.WriteLine("{0:D}", d);
When starting the example the following result is obtained:
Monday, February 27, 2012
1 234,56
27 2012 .
Console Input
As in the beginning of this chapter we explained, the most suitable for small
applications is the console communication because it is easiest to implement.
The standard input device is the part of the operating system that controls
from where the program will receive its input data. By default "the standard
input device" reads its input from a driver "attached" to the keyboard. This
can be changed and the standard input can be redirected to another location,
for example to a file, but this is rarely done.
Each programming language has a mechanism for reading and writing to the
console. The object that controls the standard input stream in C#, is
From the console we can read different data:
- text;
- other types after parsing the text;
Actually for reading the standard input stream Console.In is rarely used
directly. The class Console provides two methods Console.Read() and
Console.ReadLine() that run on this stream and usually reading from the
console is done by them.
188 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Reading through Console.ReadLine()
The method Console.ReadLine() provides great convenience for reading
from console. How does it work? When this method is invoked, the program
prevents its work and wait for input from the console. The user enters some
string on the console and presses the [Enter] key. At this moment the
console understands that the user has finished entering and reads the string.
The method Console.ReadLine() returns as result the string entered by the
user. Now perhaps it is clear why this method has this name.
The following example demonstrates the operation of Console.ReadLine():
class UsingReadLine
static void Main()
Console.Write("Please enter your first name: ");
string firstName = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write("Please enter your last name: ");
string lastName = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0} {1}!", firstName, lastName);

// Output: Please enter your first name: John
// Please enter your last name: Smith
// Hello, John Smith!
We see how easy it is to read text from the console by using the method
- We print some text in the console, which asks for a user name (this is
only for the convenience of the user and is not obligatory).
- We execute reading of an entire line from the console using the method
ReadLine(). This leads to blocking the program until the user enters
some text and presses [Enter].
- Then we repeat these two steps for the last name.
- Once we have gathered the necessary information we print it on the
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 189
Reading through Console.Read()
The method Read() behaves slightly different than ReadLine(). As a
beginning it reads only one character and not the entire line. The other
significant difference is that the method does not return directly the read
character but its code. If we want to use the result as a character we must
convert it to a character or use the method Convert.ToChar() on it. There is
one important characteristic: the character is read only when the [Enter]
key is pressed. Then the entire string written on the console is transferred to
the buffer of the standard input string and the method Read() reads the first
character of it. In subsequent invocations of the method if the buffer is not
empty (i.e. there are already entered in but still unread characters) then the
program execution will not stop and wait, but will directly read the next
character from the buffer and thus until the buffer is empty. Only then the
program will wait again for a user input if Read() is called again. Here is an
class UsingRead
static void Main()
int codeRead = 0;
codeRead = Console.Read();
if (codeRead != 0)
while (codeRead != 10);
This program reads one line entered by the user and prints it character by
character. This is possible due to a small trick we are previously aware that
the [Enter] key actually enters two characters in the buffer. These are the
"carriage return" code (Unicode 13) followed by the "linefeed" code
(Unicode 10). In order to understand that one line is finished we are looking
for a character with code 10 in the Unicode table. Thus the program reads
only one line and exits the loop.
We should mention that the method Console.Read() is rarely used in
practice if there is an alternative to use Console.ReadLine(). The reason for
this is that the possibility of mistaking with Console.Read() is much greater
190 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
than if we choose an alternative approach and the code will most likely be
unnecessarily complicated.
Reading Numbers
Reading numbers from the console in C# is not done directly. In order to
read a number we should have previously read the input as a string (using
ReadLine()) and then convert this string to a number. The operation of
converting a string into another type is called parsing. All primitive types
have methods for parsing. We will give a simple example for reading and
parsing of numbers:
class ReadingNumbers
static void Main()
Console.Write("a = ");
int a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("b = ");
int b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", a, b, a + b);
Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2}", a, b, a * b);

Console.Write("f = ");
double f = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} / {2} = {3}",
a, b, f, a * b / f);
The result of program execution might be as follows (provided that we enter
5, 6 and 7.5 as input):
a = 5
b = 6
5 + 6 = 11
5 * 6 = 30
f = 7.5
5 * 6 / 7.5 = 4
In this particular example the specific thing is that we use parsing methods
of numerical types and when wrong a result is passed (such as text) this
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 191
will cause an error (exception) System.FormatException. This is especially
true when reading real numbers, because the delimiter used between the
whole and fractional part is different in various cultures and depends on
regional settings of the operating system.

The separator for floating point numbers depends on the
current language settings of the operating system (Regional
and Language Options in Windows). In some systems as
separator the character comma can be used, in others point
(dot). Entering a point (dot) instead of a comma will cause
System.FormatException when the current language settings
use comma.
The exceptions as a mechanism for reporting errors will be discussed in the
chapter "Exception Handling". For now you can consider that when the
program provides an error this is associated with the occurrence of an
exception that prints detailed information about the error on the console. For
example, lets suppose that the regional settings of the computer are
Bulgarian and we execute the following code:
Console.Write("Enter a floating-point number: ");
string line = Console.ReadLine();
double number = double.Parse(line);
Console.WriteLine("You entered: {0}", number);
If we enter the number "3.14" (with a wrong decimal separator for the
Bulgarian settings) we will get the following exception (error message):
Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: Input string was
not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles
options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean
at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles
options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at System.Double.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style,
NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Double.Parse(String s)
at ConsoleApplication.Program.Main() in
C:\Projects\IntroCSharpBook\ConsoleExample\Program.cs:line 14
Parsing Numbers Conditionally
When parsing a string to a number using the method Int32.Parse(string)
or by Convert.ToInt32(string) if the submitted string is not a number we
192 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
get an exception. Sometimes it is necessary to catch the failed parsing and to
print an error message or to ask the user to enter in a new value.
Interception of an incorrectly entered number when parsing a sting can be
done in two ways:
- by catching exceptions (see the chapter "Exception Handling");
- by conditional parsing (using the method TryParse()).
Lets consider the conditional parsing of numbers in .NET Framework. The
method Int32.TryParse() accepts two parameters a parsing string and a
variable to record the result of parsing. If the parsing is successful the method
returns value true. For greater clarity, lets consider an example:
string str = Console.ReadLine();
int intValue;
bool parseSuccess = Int32.TryParse(str, out intValue);
Console.WriteLine(parseSuccess ?
"The square of the number is " + intValue * intValue + "."
: "Invalid number!");
In the example, conditional parsing of a string entered from the console to the
integer type Int32 is performed. If we enter as input "2", parsing will be
successful so the result of TryParse() will be true, and the parsed number
will be recorded in the variable intValue and on the console the squared
number will be printed:
Result: The square of the number is 4.
If we try to parse an invalid number such as "abc", TryParse() will return
false as a result and the user that will be notified that he has entered an
invalid number:
Invalid number!
Note that the method TryParse() as a result of its work returns
simultaneously two values: the parsed number (as an output parameter)
and a Boolean value as a result of the method invocation. Returning multiple
values at once is possible because one of the values is returned as an output
parameter (out parameter). The output parameters return value in a
predefined for the purpose variable coinciding with their type. When calling a
method the output parameters must be preceded by the keyword out.
Reading by Console.ReadKey()
The method Console.ReadKey() waits for key pressing on the console and
reads its character equivalent without the need of pressing [Enter]. The
result of invoking ReadKey() is information about the pressed key (or
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 193
more accurately a key combination) as an object of type ConsoleKeyInfo.
The obtained object contains the character that is entered by the pressed key
combination (property KeyChar) along with information about the keys
[Shift], [Ctrl] and [Alt] (property Modifiers). For example, if we press
[Shift+A] we will read a capital letter 'A' while in the Modifiers property we will
have the Shift flag. Here is an example:
ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey();
Console.WriteLine("Character entered: " + key.KeyChar);
Console.WriteLine("Special keys: " + key.Modifiers);
If we execute the program and press [Shift+A], we will obtain the following
Character entered: A
Special keys: Shift
Simplified Reading of Numbers through Nakov.IO.Cin
There is no standard easy way to read several numbers, located on the same
line, separated by a space. In C# and .NET Framework we need to read a
string, split it into tokens using the space as separator and parse the obtained
tokens to extract the numbers. In other languages and platforms like C++ we
can directly read numbers, characters and text from the console without
parsing. This is not available in C# but we can use an external library or class.
The standard library Nakov.IO.Cin provides a simplified way to read
numbers from the console. You can read about it from the blog of its author
Svetlin Nakov: http://www.nakov.com/blog/2011/11/23/cin-class-for-csharp-
read-from-console-nakov-io-cin/. Once we have copied the file Cin.cs from
Nakov.IO.Cin into our Visual Studio C# project, we could write code like this:
using Nakov.IO;

int x = Cin.NextInt();
double y = Cin.NextDouble();
decimal d = Cin.NextDecimal();
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0} {1} {2}", x, y, d);
If we execute the code, we can enter 3 numbers by putting any amount of
whitespace separators between them. For example we can enter the first
number, two spaces, the second number, a new line + space and the last
number + space. The numbers will be read correctly and the output will
be as follows:
194 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
3 2.5
Result: 3 2.5 3.58
Console Input and Output Examples
We will consider few more examples of console input and output that will
show us some interesting techniques.
Printing a Letter
Next is a practical example representing console input and formatted text in
the form of a letter:
class PrintingLetter
static void Main()
Console.Write("Enter person name: ");
string person = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write("Enter book name: ");
string book = Console.ReadLine();

string from = "Authors Team";

Console.WriteLine(" Dear {0},", person);
Console.Write("We are pleased to inform " +
"you that \"{1}\" is the best Bulgarian book. {2}" +
"The authors of the book wish you good luck {0}!{2}",
person, book, Environment.NewLine);

Console.WriteLine(" Yours,");
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", from);
The result of the execution of the above program could be the following:
Enter person name: Readers
Enter book name: Introduction to programming with C#
Dear Readers,
We are pleased to inform you that "Introduction to programming
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 195
with C#" is the best Bulgarian book.
The authors of the book wish you good luck Readers!
Authors Team
In this example we have a letter template. The program "asks" a few
questions to the user and reads from the console information needed to print
the letter by replacing the formatting specifiers with the data filled in by the
Area of a Rectangle or a Triangle
We will consider another example: calculating of an area of a rectangle or a
class CalculatingArea
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("This program calculates " +
"the area of a rectangle or a triangle");

Console.WriteLine("Enter a and b (for rectangle) " +
"or a and h (for triangle): ");

int a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 for a rectangle or " +
"2 for a triangle: ");

int choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
double area = (double) (a * b) / choice;
Console.WriteLine("The area of your figure is " + area);
The result of the above examples execution is as follows:
This program calculates the area of a rectangle or a triangle
Enter a and b (for rectangle) or a and h (for triangle):
196 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Enter 1 for a rectangle or 2 for a triangle:
The area of your figure is 10
1. Write a program that reads from the console three numbers of type int
and prints their sum.
2. Write a program that reads from the console the radius "r" of a circle
and prints its perimeter and area.
3. A given company has name, address, phone number, fax number, web
site and manager. The manager has name, surname and phone number.
Write a program that reads information about the company and its
manager and then prints it on the console.
4. Write a program that prints three numbers in three virtual columns
on the console. Each column should have a width of 10 characters and
the numbers should be left aligned. The first number should be an
integer in hexadecimal; the second should be fractional positive; and
the third a negative fraction. The last two numbers have to be
rounded to the second decimal place.
5. Write a program that reads from the console two integer numbers (int)
and prints how many numbers between them exist, such that the
remainder of their division by 5 is 0. Example: in the range (14, 25)
there are 3 such numbers: 15, 20 and 25.
6. Write a program that reads two numbers from the console and prints the
greater of them. Solve the problem without using conditional
7. Write a program that reads five integer numbers and prints their
sum. If an invalid number is entered the program should prompt the user
to enter another number.
8. Write a program that reads five numbers from the console and prints the
greatest of them.
9. Write a program that reads an integer number n from the console. After
that reads n numbers from the console and prints their sum.
10. Write a program that reads an integer number n from the console and
prints all numbers in the range [1n], each on a separate line.
11. Write a program that prints on the console the first 100 numbers in the
Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
12. Write a program that calculates the sum (with precision of 0.001) of
the following sequence: 1 + 1/2 - 1/3 + 1/4 - 1/5 +
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output 197
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use the methods Console.ReadLine() and Int32.Parse().
2. Use Math.PI constant and the well-known geometric formulas.
3. Format the text with Write() or WriteLine() similar to the example
with the letter that we looked at.
4. Use the format strings explained in the Composite Formatting section
and the method Console.WriteLine(). Below is a piece of the code:
int hexNum = 2013;
Console.WriteLine("|0x{0,-8:X}|", hexNum);
double fractNum = -1.856;
Console.WriteLine("|{0,-10:f2}|", fractNum);
5. There are two approaches for solving the problem:
First approach: Use mathematical tricks for optimized calculation based
on the fact that every fifth number is divisible by 5. Think how to
implement this correctly and about the borderline cases.
The second approach is easier but it works slower. With a for-loop
each number within the given range can be checked. You should read in
Internet or in the chapter "Loops" how to use for-loops.
6. Since the problem requires a solution, which does not use conditional
statements, you should use a different approach. Two possible solutions
of the problem include the use of functions of class Math. The greater of
the two numbers you can find with the function Math.Max(a, b) and the
smaller with Math.Min(a, b).
Another solution to the problem includes usage of the function for
taking the absolute value of a number Math.Abs(a):
int a = 2011;
int b = 1990;
Console.WriteLine("Greater: {0}", (a + b + Math.Abs(a-b)) / 2);
Console.WriteLine("Smaller: {0}", (a + b - Math.Abs(a-b)) / 2);
The third solution uses bitwise operations:
int a = 1990;
int b = 2011;
int max = a - ((a - b) & ((a - b) >> 31));
There is another solution which is partially correct because it uses a
hidden conditional statement (the ternary ?: operator):
198 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int a = 1990;
int b = 2013;
int max = a > b ? a : b;
7. You can read the numbers in five different variables and finally sum
them and print the obtained sum. Note that the sum of 5 int values may
not fit in the int type so you should use long.
Another approach is using loops. When parsing the consecutive numbers
use conditional parsing with TryParse(). When an invalid number is
entered, repeat reading of the number. You can do this through while
loop with an appropriate exit condition. To avoid repetitive code you can
explore the for-loops from the chapter "Loops".
8. You can use the comparison statement "if" (you can read about it on
the Internet or from the chapter "Conditional Statements"). To avoid
repeating code you can use the looping construct "for" (you could read
about it online or in the chapter "Loops").
9. You should use a for-loop (see the chapter "Loops"). Read the numbers
one after another and accumulate their sum in a variable, which then
display on the console at the end.
10. Use a combination of loops (see the chapter "Loops") and the methods
Console.ReadLine(), Console.WriteLine() and Int32.Parse().
11. More about the Fibonacci sequence can be found in Wikipedia at:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_sequence. For the solution of the
problem use 2 temporary variables in which store the last 2 calculated
values and with a loop calculate the rest (each subsequent number in the
sequence is a sum of the last two). Use a for-loop to implement the
repeating logic (see the chapter "Loops").
12. Accumulate the sum of the sequence in a variable inside a while-loop
(see the chapter "Loops"). At each step compare the old sum with the
new sum. If the difference between the two sums Math.Abs(current_sum
old_sum) is less than the required precision (0.001), the calculation
should finish because the difference is constantly decreasing and the
precision is constantly increasing at each step of the loop. The expected
result is 1.307.
Chapter 5. Conditional
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will cover the conditional statements in C#, which we
can use to execute different actions depending on a given condition. We will
explain the syntax of the conditional operators if and if-else with suitable
examples and explain the practical application of the operator for selection
We will focus on the best practices to be followed in order to achieve a
better programming style when using nested or other types of conditional
Comparison Operators and Boolean Expressions
In the following section we will recall the basic comparison operators in the
C# language. They are important, because we use them to describe
conditions in our conditional statements.
Comparison Operators
There are several comparisons operators in C#, which are used to compare
pairs of integers, floating-point numbers, characters, strings and other types:
Operator Action
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
Comparison operators can be used to compare expressions such as two
numbers, two numerical expressions, or a number and a variable. The result
of the comparison is a Boolean value (true or false).
Lets look at an example of using comparisons:
200 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int weight = 700;
Console.WriteLine(weight >= 500); // True

char gender = 'm';
Console.WriteLine(gender <= 'f'); // False

double colorWaveLength = 1.630;
Console.WriteLine(colorWaveLength > 1.621); // True

int a = 5;
int b = 7;
bool condition = (b > a) && (a + b < a * b);
Console.WriteLine(condition); // True

Console.WriteLine('B' == 'A' + 1); // True
In the sample code we perform a comparison between numbers and between
characters. The numbers are compared by size while characters are compared
by their lexicographical order (the operation uses the Unicode numbers for the
corresponding characters).
As seen in the example, the type char behaves like a number and can be
subtracted, added and compared to numbers freely. However, this should be
used cautiously as it could make the code difficult to read and understand.
By running the example we will produce the following output:
In C# several types of data that can be compared:
- numbers (int, long, float, double, ushort, decimal, )
- characters (char)
- Booleans (bool)
- References to objects, also known as object pointers (string, object,
arrays and others)
Every comparison can affect two numbers, two bool values, or two object
references. It is allowed to compare expressions of different types, like
an integer with a floating-point number for example. However, not every pair
of data types can be compared directly. For example, we cannot compare a
string with a number.
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 201
Comparison of Integers and Characters
When comparing integers and characters, we directly compare their binary
representation in memory i.e. we compare their values. For example, if we
compare two numbers of type int, we will compare the values of their
respective series of 4 bytes. Here is one example for integer and character
Console.WriteLine("char 'a' == 'a'? " + ('a' == 'a')); // True
Console.WriteLine("char 'a' == 'b'? " + ('a' == 'b')); // False
Console.WriteLine("5 != 6? " + (5 != 6)); // True
Console.WriteLine("5.0 == 5L? " + (5.0 == 5L)); // True
Console.WriteLine("true == false? " + (true == false)); // False
The result of the example is as follows:
char 'a' == 'a'? True
char 'a' == 'b'? False
5 != 6? True
5.0 == 5L? True
true == false? False
Comparison of References to Objects
In .NET Framework there are reference data types that do not contain their
value (unlike the value types), but contain the address of the memory in the
heap where their value is located. Strings, arrays and classes are such types.
They behave like a pointer to some value and can have the value null, i.e. no
value. When comparing reference type variables, we compare the
addresses they hold, i.e. we check whether they point to the same location
in the memory, i.e. to the same object.
Two object pointers (references) can refer to the same object or to different
objects, or one of them can point to nowhere (to have null value). In the
following example we create two variables that point to the same value
(object) in the heap.
string str = "beer";
string anotherStr = str;
After executing the source code above, the two variables str and anotherStr
will point to the same object (string with value "beer"), which is located at
some address in the heap (managed heap).
We can check whether the variables point to the same object with the
comparison operator (==). For most reference types this operator does not
compare the content of the objects but rather checks if they point at the same
202 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
location in memory, i.e. if they are one and the same object. The size
comparisons (<, >, <= and >=) are not applicable for object type variables.
The following example illustrates the comparison of references to objects:
string str = "beer";
string anotherStr = str;
string thirdStr = "be" + 'e' + 'r';
Console.WriteLine("str = {0}", str);
Console.WriteLine("anotherStr = {0}", anotherStr);
Console.WriteLine("thirdStr = {0}", thirdStr);
Console.WriteLine(str == anotherStr); // True - same object
Console.WriteLine(str == thirdStr); // True - equal objects
Console.WriteLine((object)str == (object)anotherStr); // True
Console.WriteLine((object)str == (object)thirdStr); // False
If we execute the sample code, we will get the following result:
str = beer
anotherStr = beer
thirdStr = beer
Because the strings used in the example (instances of the class
System.String, defined by the keyword string in C#) are of reference type,
their values are set as objects in the heap. The two objects str and thirdStr
have equal values, but are different objects, located at separate addresses in
the memory. The variable anotherStr is also reference type and gets the
address (the reference) of str, i.e. points to the existing object str. So by
the comparison of the variables str and anotherStr, it appears that they are
one and the same object and are equal. The result of the comparison between
str and thirdStr is also equality, because the operator == compares the
strings by value and not by address (a very useful exception to the rule for
comparison by address). However, if we convert the three variables to objects
and then compare them, we will get a comparison of the addresses in the
heap where their values are located and the result will be different.
This above example shows that the operator == has a special behavior
when comparing strings, but for the rest of the reference types (like arrays
or classes) it applies comparison by address.
You will learn more about the class String and the comparison of strings in
the chapter about "Strings".
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 203
Logical Operators
Lets recall the logical operators in C#. They are often used to construct
logical (Boolean) expressions. The logical operators are: &&, ||, ! and ^.
Logical Operators && and ||
The logical operators && (logical AND) and || (logical OR) are only used on
Boolean expressions (values of type bool). In order for the result of
comparing two expressions with the operator && to be true (true), both
operands must have the value true. For instance:
bool result = (2 < 3) && (3 < 4);
This expression is "true", because both the operands: (2 < 3) and (3 < 4) are
"true". The logical operator && is also called short-circuit, because it does
not lose time in additional unnecessary calculations. It evaluates the left part
of the expression (the first operand) and if the result is false, it does not lose
time for evaluating the second operand its not possible the end result to be
"true" when the first operand is not "true". For this reason it is also called
short-circuit logical operator "and".
Similarly, the operator || returns true if at least one of the two operands has
the value "true". Example:
bool result = (2 < 3) || (1 == 2);
This example is "true", because its first operand is "true". Just like the &&
operator, the calculation is done fast if the first operand is true, the second
is not calculated at all, as the result is already known. It is also called short-
circuit logical operator "or".
Logical Operators & and |
The operators for comparison & and | are similar to && and ||, respectively.
The difference lies in the fact that both operands are calculated one after the
other, although the final result is known in advance. Thats why these
comparison operators are also known as full-circuit logical operators and
are used very rarely.
For instance, when two operands are compared with & and the first one is
evaluated "false", the calculation of the second operand is still executed. The
result is clearly "false". Likewise, when two operands are compared with | and
the first one is "true", we still evaluate the second operand and the final result
is nevertheless "true".
We must not confuse the Boolean operators & and | with the bitwise
operators & and |. Although they are written in the same way, they take
different arguments (Boolean or integer expressions) and return different
result (bool or integer) and their actions are not identical.
204 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Logical Operators ^ and !
The ^ operator, also known as exclusive OR (XOR), belongs to the full-
circuit operators, because both operands are calculated one after the other.
The result of applying the operator is true if exactly one of the operands
is true, but not both simultaneously. Otherwise the result is false. Here
is an example:
Console.WriteLine("Exclusive OR: "+ ((2 < 3) ^ (4 > 3)));
The result is as follows:
Exclusive OR: False
The previous expression is evaluated as false, because both operands: (2 <3)
and (4 > 3) are true.
The operator ! returns the reversed value of the Boolean expression to
which it is attached. Example:
bool value = !(7 == 5); // True
The above expression can be read as "the opposite of the truth of the phrase
"7 == 5". The result of this pattern is True (the opposite of False). Note that
when we print the value true it is displayed on the console as "True" (with
capital letter). This "defect" comes from the VB.NET language that also runs
in .NET Framework.
Conditional Statements "if" and "if-else"
After reviewing how to compare expressions, we will continue with conditional
statements, which will allow us to implement programming logic.
Conditional statements if and if-else are conditional control statements.
Because of them the program can behave differently based on a defined
condition checked during the execution of the statement.
Conditional Statement "if"
The main format of the conditional statements if is as follows:
if (Boolean expression)
Body of the conditional statement;
It includes: if-clause, Boolean expression and body of the conditional
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 205
The Boolean expression can be a Boolean variable or Boolean logical
expression. Boolean expressions cannot be integer (unlike other programming
languages like C and C++).
The body of the statement is the part locked between the curly brackets:
{}. It may consist of one or more operations (statements). When there are
several operations, we have a complex block operator, i.e. series of
commands that follow one after the other, enclosed in curly brackets.
The expression in the brackets which follows the keyword if must return the
Boolean value true or false. If the expression is calculated to the value
true, then the body of a conditional statement is executed. If the result is
false, then the operators in the body will be skipped.
Conditional Statement "if" Example
Lets take a look at an example of using a conditional statement if:
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter two numbers.");
Console.Write("Enter first number: ");
int firstNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter second number: ");
int secondNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int biggerNumber = firstNumber;
if (secondNumber > firstNumber)
biggerNumber = secondNumber;
Console.WriteLine("The bigger number is: {0}", biggerNumber);
If we start the example and enter the numbers 4 and 5 we will get the
following result:
Enter two numbers.
Enter first number: 4
Enter second number: 5
The bigger number is: 5
Conditional Statement "if" and Curly Brackets
If we have only one operator in the body of the if-statement, the curly
brackets denoting the body of the conditional operator may be omitted, as
shown below. However, it is a good practice to use them even if we have only
one operator. This will make the code is more readable.
Here is an example of omitting the curly brackets which leading to confusion:
206 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int a = 6;
if (a > 5)
Console.WriteLine("The variable is greater than 5.");
Console.WriteLine("This code will always execute!");
// Bad practice: misleading code
In this example the code is misleadingly formatted and creates the impression
that both printing statements are part of the body of the if-block. In fact,
this is true only for the first one.

Always put curly brackets { } for the body of if blocks even
if they consist of only one operator!
Conditional Statement "if-else"
In C#, as in most of the programming languages there is a conditional
statement with else clause: the if-else statement. Its format is the
if (Boolean expression)
Body of the conditional statement;
Body of the else statement;
The format of the if-else structure consists of the reserved word if,
Boolean expression, body of a conditional statement, reserved word else and
else-body statement. The body of else-structure may consist of one or more
operators, enclosed in curly brackets, same as the body of a conditional
This statement works as follows: the expression in the brackets (a Boolean
expression) is calculated. The calculation result must be Boolean true or
false. Depending on the result there are two possible outcomes. If the
Boolean expression is calculated to true, the body of the conditional
statement is executed and the else-statement is omitted and its operators
do not execute. Otherwise, if the Boolean expression is calculated to false,
the else-body is executed, the main body of the conditional statement is
omitted and the operators in it are not executed.
Conditional Statement "if-else" Example
Lets take a look at the next example and illustrate how the if-else
statement works:
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 207
static void Main()
int x = 2;
if (x > 3)
Console.WriteLine("x is greater than 3");
Console.WriteLine("x is not greater than 3");
The program code can be interpreted as follows: if x>3, the result at the end
is: "x is greater than 3", otherwise (else) the result is: "x is not greater
than 3". In this case, since x=2, after the calculation of the Boolean
expression the operator of the else structure will be executed. The result of
the example is:
x is not greater than 3
The following scheme illustrates the process flow of this example:

208 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Nested "if" Statements
Sometimes the programming logic in a program or an application needs to be
represented by multiple if-structures contained in each other. We call them
nested if or nested if-else structures.
We call nesting the placement of an if or if-else structure in the body of
another if or else structure. In such situations every else clause
corresponds to the closest previous if clause. This is how we understand
which else clause relates to which if clause.
Its not a good practice to exceed three nested levels, i.e. we should not nest
more than three conditional statements into one another. If for some reason
we need to nest more than three structures, we should export a part of the
code in a separate method (see chapter Methods).
Nested "if" Statements Example
Here is an example of using nested if structures:
int first = 5;
int second = 3;

if (first == second)
Console.WriteLine("These two numbers are equal.");
if (first > second)
Console.WriteLine("The first number is greater.");
Console.WriteLine("The second number is greater.");
In the example above we have two numbers and compare them in two steps:
first we compare whether they are equal and if not, we compare again, to
determine which one is the greater. Here is the result of the execution of the
code above:
The first number is greater.
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 209
Sequences of "if-else-if-else-"
Sometimes we need to use a sequence of if structures, where the else
clause is a new if structure. If we use nested if structures, the code would
be pushed too far to the right. Thats why in such situations it is allowed to
use a new if right after the else. Its even considered a good practice. Here
is an example:
char ch = 'X';
if (ch == 'A' || ch == 'a')
Console.WriteLine("Vowel [ei]");
else if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'e')
Console.WriteLine("Vowel [i:]");
else if (ch == 'I' || ch == 'i')
Console.WriteLine("Vowel [ai]");
else if (ch == 'O' || ch == 'o')
Console.WriteLine("Vowel [ou]");
else if (ch == 'U' || ch == 'u')
Console.WriteLine("Vowel [ju:]");
The program in the example makes a series of comparisons of a variable to
check if it is one of the vowels from the English alphabet. Every following
comparison is done only in case that the previous comparison was not true. In
the end, if none of the if-conditions is not fulfilled, the last else clause is
executed. Thus, the result of the example is as follows:
Conditional "if" Statements Good Practices
Here are some guidelines, which we recommend for writing if, structures:
210 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Use blocks, surrounded by curly brackets {} after if and else in order
to avoid ambiguity
- Always format the code correctly by offsetting it with one tab inwards
after if and else, for readability and avoiding ambiguity.
- Prefer switch-case structure to of a series of if-else-if-else-
structures or nested if-else statement, if possible. The construct
switch-case we will cover in the next section.
Conditional Statement "switch-case"
In the following section we will cover the conditional statement switch. It is
used for choosing among a list of possibilities.
How Does the "switch-case" Statement Work?
The structure switch-case chooses which part of the programming code to
execute based on the calculated value of a certain expression (most often of
integer type). The format of the structure for choosing an option is as follows:
switch (integer_selector)
case integer_value_1:
case integer_value_2:
The selector is an expression returning a resulting value that can be
compared, like a number or string. The switch operator compares the result
of the selector to every value listed in the case labels in the body of the
switch structure. If a match is found in a case label, the corresponding
structure is executed (simple or complex). If no match is found, the default
statement is executed (when such exists). The value of the selector must be
calculated before comparing it to the values inside the switch structure. The
labels should not have repeating values, they must be unique.
As it can be seen from the definition above, every case ends with the
operator break, which ends the body of the switch structure. The C#
compiler requires the word break at the end of each case-section containing
code. If no code is found after a case-statement, the break can be omitted
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 211
and the execution passes to the next case-statement and continues until it
finds a break operator. After the default structure break is obligatory.
It is not necessary for the default clause to be last, but its recommended to
put it at the end, and not in the middle of the switch structure.
Rules for Expressions in Switch
The switch statement is a clear way to implement selection among many
options (namely, a choice among a few alternative ways for executing the
code). It requires a selector, which is calculated to a certain value. The
selector type could be an integer number, char, string or enum. If we want
to use for example an array or a float as a selector, it will not work. For non-
integer data types, we should use a series of if statements.
Using Multiple Labels
Using multiple labels is appropriate, when we want to execute the same
structure in more than one case. Lets look at the following example:
int number = 6;
switch (number)
case 1:
case 4:
case 6:
case 8:
case 10:
Console.WriteLine("The number is not prime!"); break;
case 2:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
Console.WriteLine("The number is prime!"); break;
Console.WriteLine("Unknown number!"); break;
In the above example, we implement multiple labels by using case
statements without break after them. In this case, first the integer value of
the selector is calculated that is 6, and then this value is compared to every
integer value in the case statements. When a match is found, the code block
after it is executed. If no match is found, the default block is executed. The
result of the example above is as follows:
The number is not prime!
212 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Good Practices When Using "switch-case"
- A good practice when using the switch statement is to put the default
statement at the end, in order to have easier to read code.
- Its good to place first the cases, which handle the most common
situations. Case statements, which handle situations occurring rarely,
can be placed at the end of the structure.
- If the values in the case labels are integer, its recommended that they
be arranged in ascending order.
- If the values in the case labels are of character type, its recommended
that the case labels are sorted alphabetically.
- Its advisable to always use a default block to handle situations that
cannot be processed in the normal operation of the program. If in the
normal operation of the program the default block should not be
reachable, you could put in it a code reporting an error.
1. Write an if-statement that takes two integer variables and exchanges
their values if the first one is greater than the second one.
2. Write a program that shows the sign (+ or -) of the product of three real
numbers, without calculating it. Use a sequence of if operators.
3. Write a program that finds the biggest of three integers, using nested
if statements.
4. Sort 3 real numbers in descending order. Use nested if statements.
5. Write a program that asks for a digit (0-9), and depending on the input,
shows the digit as a word (in English). Use a switch statement.
6. Write a program that gets the coefficients a, b and c of a quadratic
equation: ax
+ bx + c, calculates and prints its real roots (if they exist).
Quadratic equations may have 0, 1 or 2 real roots.
7. Write a program that finds the greatest of given 5 numbers.
8. Write a program that, depending on the users choice, inputs int, double
or string variable. If the variable is int or double, the program
increases it by 1. If the variable is a string, the program appends "*" at
the end. Print the result at the console. Use switch statement.
9. We are given 5 integer numbers. Write a program that finds those
subsets whose sum is 0. Examples:
- If we are given the numbers {3, -2, 1, 1, 8}, the sum of -2, 1 and 1
is 0.
- If we are given the numbers {3, 1, -7, 35, 22}, there are no subsets
with sum 0.
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements 213
10. Write a program that applies bonus points to given scores in the range
[19] by the following rules:
- If the score is between 1 and 3, the program multiplies it by 10.
- If the score is between 4 and 6, the program multiplies it by 100.
- If the score is between 7 and 9, the program multiplies it by 1000.
- If the score is 0 or more than 9, the program prints an error
11. * Write a program that converts a number in the range [0999] to
words, corresponding to the English pronunciation. Examples:
- 0 --> "Zero"
- 12 --> "Twelve"
- 98 --> "Ninety eight"
- 273 --> "Two hundred seventy three"
- 400 --> "Four hundred"
- 501 --> "Five hundred and one"
- 711 --> "Seven hundred and eleven"
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Look at the section about if-statements.
2. A multiple of non-zero numbers has a positive product, if the negative
multiples are even number. If the count of the negative numbers is
odd, the product is negative. If at least one of the numbers is zero, the
product is also zero. Use a counter negativeNumbersCount to keep the
number of negative numbers. Check each number whether it is
negative and change the counter accordingly. If some of the numbers is
0, print 0 as result (the zero has no sign). Otherwise print + or -
depending on the condition (negativeNumbersCount % 2 == 0).
3. Use nested if-statements, first checking the first two numbers then
checking the bigger of them with the third.
4. First find the smallest of the three numbers, and then swap it with
the first one. Then check if the second is greater than the third number
and if yes, swap them too.
Another approach is to check all possible orders of the numbers with a
series of if-else checks: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab and cba.
A more complicated and more general solution of this problem is to put
the numbers in an array and use the Array.Sort() method. You may
read about arrays in the chapter Arrays.
5. Just use a switch statement to check for all possible digits.
6. From math it is known, that a quadratic equation may have one or two
real roots or no real roots at all. In order to calculate the real roots of a
214 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
given quadratic equation, we first calculate the discriminant (D) by the
formula: D = b
- 4ac. If the discriminant is zero, then the quadratic
equation has one double real root and it is calculated by the formula:

= . If the value of the discriminant is positive, then the equation

has two distinct real roots, which are calculated by the formula:
b b ac

= . If the discriminant is negative, the quadratic
equation has no real roots.
7. Use nested if statements. You could use the loop structure for, which
you could read about in the Loops chapter of the book or in Internet.
8. First input a variable, which indicates what type will be the input, i.e.
by entering 0 the type is int, by 1 is double and by 2 is string.
9. Use nested if statements or series of 31 comparisons, in order to
check all the sums of the 31 subsets of the given numbers (without the
empty one). Note that the problem in general (with N numbers) is
complex and using loops will not be enough to solve it.
10. Use switch statement or a sequence of if-else constructs and at the
end print at the console the calculated points.
11. Use nested switch statements. Pay special attention to the numbers
from 0 to 19 and those that end with 0. There are many special cases!
You might benefit from using methods to reuse the code you write,
because printing a single digit is part of printing a 2-digit number which is
part of printing 3-digit number. You may read about methods in the
chapter Methods.
Chapter 6. Loops
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will examine the loop programming constructs through
which we can execute a code snippet repeatedly. We will discuss how to
implement conditional repetitions (while and do-while loops) and how to
work with for-loops. We will give examples of different possibilities to define
loops, how to construct them and some of their key usages. Finally, we will
discuss the foreach-loop construct and how we can use multiple loops placed
inside each other (nested loops).
What Is a "Loop"?
In programming often requires repeated execution of a sequence of
operations. A loop is a basic programming construct that allows repeated
execution of a fragment of source code. Depending on the type of the loop,
the code in it is repeated a fixed number of times or repeats until a given
condition is true (exists).
Loops that never end are called infinite loops. Using an infinite loop is rarely
needed except in cases where somewhere in the body of the loop a break
operator is used to terminate its execution prematurely. We will cover this
later but now lets look how to create a loop in the C# language.
While Loops
One of the simplest and most commonly used loops is while.
while (condition)
loop body;
In the code above example, condition is any expression that returns a
Boolean result true or false. It determines how long the loop body will
be repeated and is called the loop condition. In this example the loop body
is the programming code executed at each iteration of the loop, i.e. whenever
the input condition is true. The behavior of while loops can be represented by
the following scheme:
216 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

In the while loop, first of all the Boolean expression is calculated and if it is
true the sequence of operations in the body of the loop is executed. Then
again the input condition is checked and if it is true again the body of the loop
is executed. All this is repeated again and again until at some point the
conditional expression returns value false. At this point the loop stops
and the program continues to the next line, immediately after the body of the
The body of the while loop may not be executed even once if in the beginning
the condition of the cycle returns false. If the condition of the cycle is never
broken the loop will be executed indefinitely.
Usage of While Loops
Lets consider a very simple example of using the while loop. The purpose of
the loop is to print on the console the numbers in the range from 0 to 9 in
ascending order:
// Initialize the counter
int counter = 0;
// Execute the loop body while the loop condition holds
while (counter <= 9)
// Print the counter value
Console.WriteLine("Number : " + counter);
// Increment the counter
When executing the sample code we obtain the following result:
Number : 0
Loop body
Chapter 6. Loops 217
Number : 1
Number : 2
Number : 3
Number : 4
Number : 5
Number : 6
Number : 7
Number : 8
Number : 9
Lets give some more examples in order to illustrate the usefulness of loops
and to show some problems that can be solved by using loops.
Summing the Numbers from 1 to N
In this example we will examine how by using the while loop we can find the
sum of the numbers from 1 to n. The number n is read from the console:
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int num = 1;
int sum = 1;
Console.Write("The sum 1");
while (num < n)
sum += num;
Console.Write(" + " + num);
Console.WriteLine(" = " + sum);
First we initialize the variables num and sum with the value of 1. In num we
keep the current number, which we add to the sum of the preceding numbers.
Trough each loop we increase num with 1 to get the next number, then in the
condition of the loop we check whether it is in the range from 1 to n. The sum
variable contains the sum of the numbers from 1 to num at any time. Upon
entering the loop we add to sum the next number stored in num. We print on
the console all num numbers from 1 to n with a separator "+" and the final
result of the summing after the loops ending. The result of the programs
execution is as follows (we enter n = 17):
N = 17
The sum 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 +
14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153
218 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets give another example of using the while loop, before moving on to
other structures for organizing loops.
Check If a Number Is Prime Example
We will write a program to check whether a given number is prime or
not. We will read the number to check from the console. As we know from the
mathematics, a prime number is any positive integer number, which, is not
divisible by any other numbers except 1 and itself. We can check if the
number num is prime when in a loop we check if it divides by numbers from 2
to num:
Console.Write("Enter a positive number: ");
int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int divider = 2;
int maxDivider = (int)Math.Sqrt(num);
bool prime = true;
while (prime && (divider <= maxDivider))
if (num % divider == 0)
prime = false;
Console.WriteLine("Prime? " + prime);
We use the variable divider to store the value of a potential divisor of the
number. First we initialize it with 2 (the smallest possible divider). The
variable maxDivider is the maximum possible divisor, which is equal to the
square root of the number. If we have a divisor bigger than num, then num
should also have another divisor smaller than num and thats why its useless
to check the numbers bigger than num. This way we reduce the number of
loop iterations.
For the result we use a Boolean variable called prime. Initially, its value is
true. While passing through the loop, if it turns out that the number has a
divisor, the value of prime will become false.
The condition of the while loop consists of two other sub-conditions which are
related to the logical operator (logical and). In order to execute the loop,
these two sub-conditions must be true simultaneously. If at some point we
find a divisor of the number num, the variable prime becomes false and the
condition of the loop is no longer satisfied. This means that the loop is
executed until it finds the first divisor of the number or until it proves the fact
that num is not divisible by any of the numbers in the range from 2 to num.
Chapter 6. Loops 219
Here is how the result of the above examples execution looks like if the input
values are respectively the numbers 37 and 34:
Enter a positive number: 37
Prime? True
Enter a positive number: 34
Prime? False
Operator "break"
The break operator is used for prematurely exiting the loop, before it has
completed its execution in a natural way. When the loop reaches the break
operator it is terminated and the programs execution continues from the line
immediately after the loops body. A loops termination with the break
operator can only be done from its body, during an iteration of the loop. When
break is executed the code in the loops body after it is skipped and not
executed. We will demonstrate exiting from loop with break with an example.
Calculating Factorial Example
In this example we will calculate the factorial of a number entered from the
console. The calculation is performed by using an infinite while loop and the
operator break. Lets remember from the mathematics what is factorial and
how it is calculated. The factorial of an integer n is a function that is
calculated as a product of all integers less than or equal to n or equal to it. It
is written down as n! and by definition the following formulas are valid for it:
- N! = 1 * 2 * 3 (n-1) * n, for n> 1;
- 2! = 1 * 2;
- 1! = 1;
- 0! = 1.
The product n! can be expressed by a factorial of integers less than n:
- N! = (N-1)! * N, by using the initial value of 0! = 1.
In order to calculate the factorial of n we will directly use the definition:
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
// "decimal" is the biggest C# type that can hold integer values
decimal factorial = 1;
// Perform an "infinite loop"
while (true)
if (n <= 1)
220 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
factorial *= n;
Console.WriteLine("n! = " + factorial);
First we initialize the variable factorial with 1 and read n from the console.
We construct an endless while loop by using true as a condition of the loop.
We use the break operator, in order to terminate the loop, when n reaches a
value less than or equal to 1. Otherwise, we multiply the current result by n
and we reduce n with one unit. Practically in the first iteration of the loop the
variable factorial has a value n, in the second n*(n-1) and so on. In the
last iteration of the loop the value of factorial is the product n*(n-1)*(n-
2)**3*2, which is the desired value of n!.
If we execute the sample program and enter 10 as input, we obtain the
following result:
n! = 3628800
Do-While Loops
The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, but it checks the condition
after each execution of its loop body. This type of loops is called loops with
condition at the end (post-test loop). A do-while loop looks like this:
executable code;
} while (condition);
By design do-while loops are executed according to the following scheme:

Loop body
Chapter 6. Loops 221
Initially the loop body is executed. Then its condition is checked. If it is
true, the loops body is repeated, otherwise the loop ends. This logic is
repeated until the condition of the loop is broken. The body of the loop is
executed at least once. If the loops condition is constantly true, the loop
never ends.
Usage of Do-While Loops
The do-while loop is used when we want to guarantee that the sequence of
operations in it will be executed repeatedly and at least once in the beginning
of the loop.
Calculating Factorial Example
In this example we will again calculate the factorial of a given number n, but
this time instead of an infinite while loop we will use a do-while. The logic is
similar to that in the previous example:
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
decimal factorial = 1;
factorial *= n;
} while (n > 0);
Console.WriteLine("n! = " + factorial);
At the beginning we start with a result of 1 and multiply consecutively the
result at each iteration by n, and reduce n by one unit, until n reaches 0. This
gives us the product n*(n-1)**1. Finally, we print the result on the console.
This algorithm always performs at least one multiplication and thats why it
will not work properly when n 0.
Here is the result of the above examples execution for n=7:
n = 7
n! = 5040
Factorial of a Large Number Example
You might be wondering what will happen if we set a large value for the
number n in the previous example, say n=100. Then when, calculating the n!
we will overflow the decimal type and the result will be an exception of type
n = 100
222 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Unhandled Exception: System.OverflowException: Value was either
too large or too small for a Decimal.
at System.Decimal.FCallMultiply(Decimal& result, Decimal d1,
Decimal d2)
at System.Decimal.op_Multiply(Decimal d1, Decimal d2)
at TestProject.Program.Main() in
.cs:line 17
If we want to calculate 100! we can use data type BigInteger (which is new
as of .NET Framework 4.0 and is missing in the older .NET versions). This
type represents an integer, which can be very large (for example 100,000
digits). There is no limit on the size of the numbers recorded in the class
BigInteger (as long as you have enough RAM).
In order to use BigInteger, we must first add a reference from our project
to the assembly System.Numerics.dll (this is a standard .NET library for
working with very large integers, which is not referenced by default by our VS
projects). Adding a reference to it is done by right-clicking on the current
project references in the Solution Explorer window of Visual Studio:

We search and choose the assembly System.Numerics.dll from the list:

Chapter 6. Loops 223
If the assembly is missing from the list, that means that the Visual Studio
project probably does not target .NET Framework 4.0 or above and you
must either create a new project or change the version of the current one:

Then we need to add "using System.Numerics;" before the beginning of the
class of our program and replace decimal with BigInteger. The program
obtains the following form:
using System;
using System.Numerics;

class Factorial
static void Main()
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
BigInteger factorial = 1;
factorial *= n;
} while (n > 0);
Console.WriteLine("n! = " + factorial);
If we now run the program for n=100, we will get the value of 100 factorial,
which is a 158-digit number:
n = 100
n! =
224 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
By BigInteger you can calculate 1000!, 10000! and even 100000! It will take
some time, but OverflowException will not occur. The BigInteger class is
very powerful but it works many times slower than int and long. For our
unpleasant surprise there is no class "big decimal" in .NET Framework, only
"big integer".
Product in the Range [NM] Example
Lets give another, more interesting example of working with do-while loops.
The goal is to find the product of all numbers in the range [nm]. Here is an
example solution to this problem:
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("m = ");
int m = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

int num = n;
long product = 1;
product *= num;
} while (num <= m);

Console.WriteLine("product[n...m] = " + product);
In the example code we consecutively assign to num at each iteration the
values n, n+1, , m and in the variable product we accumulate the product
of these values. We require the user to enter n, which should be less than m.
Otherwise we will receive as a result the number n.
If we run the program for n=2 and m=6 we will obtain the following result:
n = 2
m = 6
product[n...m] = 720
Be careful: the product grows very fast, so you may need to use BigInteger
instead of long for the calculated result. Also beware of hidden integer
overflow. Unchecked code will silently overflow and the code above will
produce incorrect output instead of showing an error. To overcome this, you
may surround the line holding the multiplication by the checked keyword.
Chapter 6. Loops 225
For Loops
For-loops are a slightly more complicated than while and do-while loops but
on the other hand they can solve more complicated tasks with less code. Here
is the scheme describing for-loops:

They contain an initialization block (A), condition (B), body (D) and
updating commands for the loop variables (C). We will explain them in
details shortly. Before that, lets look at how the program code of a for-loop
looks like:
for (initialization; condition; update)
loop's body;
It consists of an initialization part for the counter (in the pattern int i =
0), a Boolean condition (i < 10), an expression for updating the counter
(i++, it might be i-- or for instance, i = i + 3) and body of the loop.
The counter of the loop distinguishes it from other types of loops. Most
often the counter changes from a given initial value to a final one in ascending
order, for example from 1 to 100. The number of iterations of a given for-
loop is usually known before its execution starts. A for-loop can have one or
several loop variables that move in ascending or descending order or with a
step. It is possible one loop variable to increase and the other to decrease.
It is even possible to make a loop from 2 to 1024 in steps of multiplication by
2, since the update of the loop variables can contain not only addition, but
any other arithmetic (as well as other) operations.
for (A; B; C)
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
/* loop body */
226 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Since none of the listed elements of the for-loops is mandatory, we can skip
them all and we will get an infinite loop:
for ( ; ; )
// Loop body
Now lets consider in details the separate parts of a for-loop.
Initialization of For Loops
For-loops can have an initialization block:
for (int num = 0; ; )
// The variable num is visible here and it can be used
// Here num can not be used
It is executed only once, just before entering the loop. Usually the
initialization block is used to declare the counter-variable (also called a loop
variable) and to set its initial value. This variable is "visible" and can be used
only within the loop. In the initialization block is possible to declare and
initialize more than one variable.
Condition of the For Loop
For-loops can have a loop condition:
for (int num = 0; num < 10; )
// Loop body
The condition (loop condition) is evaluated once before each iteration of the
loop, just like in the while loops. For result true the loops body is executed,
for result false it is skipped and the loop ends (the program continues
immediately after the last line of the loops body).
Update of the Loop Variables
The last element of a for-loop contains code that updates the loop variable:
for (int num = 0; num < 10; num++)
// Loop body
Chapter 6. Loops 227
This code is executed at each iteration, after the loops body has been
executed. It is most commonly used to update the value of the counter-
The Body of the Loop
The body of the loop contains a block with source code. The loop variables,
declared in the initialization block of the loop are available in it.
For-Loop Example
Here is a complete example of a for-loop:
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
Console.Write(i + " ");
The result of its execution is the following:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Here is another, more complicated example of a for-loop, in which we have
two variables i and sum, that initially have the value of 1, but we update them
consecutively at each iteration of the loop:
for (int i = 1, sum = 1; i <= 128; i = i * 2, sum += i)
Console.WriteLine("i={0}, sum={1}", i, sum);
The result of this loops execution is the following:
i=1, sum=1
i=2, sum=3
i=4, sum=7
i=8, sum=15
i=16, sum=31
i=32, sum=63
i=64, sum=127
i=128, sum=255
228 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Calculating N^M Example
As a further example we will write a program that raises the number n to a
power of m, and for this purpose we will use a for-loop:
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("m = ");
int m = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
decimal result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
result *= n;
Console.WriteLine("n^m = " + result);
First we initialize the result (result = 1). The loop starts by setting an initial
value for the counter-variable (int i = 0). We define the condition for the
loops execution (i < m). This way the loop will be executed from 0 to m-1 i.e.
exactly m times. During each run of the loop we multiply the result by n and
so n will be raised to the next power (1, 2, , m) at each iteration. Finally we
print the result to see if the program works properly.
Here is how the outcome of the program for n = 2 and m = 10 looks like:
n = 2
m = 10
n^m = 1024
For-Loop with Several Variables
As we have already seen, in the construct of a for-loop we can use multiple
variables at the same time. Here is an example in which we have two
counters. One of the counters moves up from 1 and the other moves down
from 10:
for (int small=1, large=10; small<large; small++, large--)
Console.WriteLine(small + " " + large);
The condition for loop termination is overlapping of the counters. Finally we
get the following result:
1 10
2 9
Chapter 6. Loops 229
3 8
4 7
5 6
Operator "continue"
The continue operator stops the current iteration of the inner loop,
without terminating the loop. With the following example we will examine how
to use this operator.
We will calculate the sum of all odd integers in the range [1n], which are not
divisible by 7 by using the for-loop:
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i += 2)
if (i % 7 == 0)
sum += i;
Console.WriteLine("sum = " + sum);
First we initialize the loops variable with a value of 1 as this is the first odd
integer within the range [1n]. After each iteration of the loop we check if i
has not yet exceeded n (i <= n). In the expression for updating the variable
we increase it by 2 in order to pass only through the odd numbers. Inside the
loop body we check whether the current number is divisible by 7. If so we call
the operator continue, which skips the rest of the loops body (it skips adding
the current number to the sum). If the number is not divisible by seven, it
continues with updating of the sum with the current number.
The result of the example for n = 11 is as follows:
sum = 29
Foreach Loops
The foreach loop (extended for-loop) is new for the C/C++/C# family of
languages, but is well known for the VB and PHP programmers. This
programming construct serves to iterate over all elements of an array, list
or other collection of elements (IEnumerable). It passes through all the
elements of the specified collection even if the collection is not indexed.
230 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We will discuss arrays in more details in chapter "Arrays", but for now we can
imagine one array as an ordered sequence of numbers or other elements.
Here is how a foreach loop looks like:
foreach (type variable in collection)
As we see, it is significantly simpler than the standard for-loop and
therefore is very often preferred by developers because it saves writing when
you need to go through all the elements of a given collection. Here is an
example that shows how we can use foreach:
int[] numbers = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 };
foreach (int i in numbers)
Console.Write(" " + i);
string[] towns = { "London", "Paris", "Milan", "New York" };
foreach (string town in towns)
Console.Write(" " + town);
In the example we create an array of numbers, which are after that went
through with a foreach loop, and its elements are printed on the console.
Then an array of city names (strings) is created and in the same way it is
went through and its elements are printed on the console. The result of the
example is:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
London Paris Milan New York
Nested Loops
The nested loops are programming constructs consisting of several loops
located into each other. The innermost loop is executed more times, and the
outermost less times. Lets see how two nested loops look like:
for (initialization, verification, update)
for (initialization, verification, update)
Chapter 6. Loops 231
executable code

After initialization of the first for loop, the execution of its body will start,
which contains the second (nested) loop. Its variable will be initialized, its
condition will be checked and the code within its body will be executed, then
the variable will be updated and execution will continue until the condition
returns false. After that the second iteration of the first for loop will
continue, its variable will be updated and the whole second loop will be
performed once again. The inner loop will be fully executed as many times as
the body of the outer loop.
Lets now consider a real example that will demonstrate how useful the nested
loops are.
Printing a Triangle Example
Lets solve the following problem: for a given number n, to print on the
console a triangle with n number of lines, looking like this:
1 2
1 2 3

1 2 3 n
We will solve the problem with two for-loops. The outer loop will traverse
the lines, and the inner one the elements in them. When we are on the first
line, we have to print "1" (1 element, 1 iteration of the inner loop). On the
second line we have to print "1 2" (2 elements, 2 iterations of the internal
loop). We see that there is a correlation between the line on which we are and
the number of the elements that we print. This tells us how to organize the
inner loops structure:
- We initialize the loop variable with 1 (the first number that we will
print): col = 1;
- The repetition condition depends on the line on which we are: col <=
- We increase the loop variable with one unit at each iteration of the
internal loop.
Basically, we need to implement a for-loop (external) from 1 to n (for the
lines) and put another for-loop (internal) in it for the numbers on the
current line, which should spin from 1 to the number of the current line. The
232 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
external loop should go through the lines while the internal through the
columns of the current line.
Finally we get the following code:
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for (int row = 1; row <= n; row++)
for (int col = 1; col <= row; col++)
Console.Write(col + " ");
If we execute it, we will make sure that it works correctly. Here is how the
result for n=7 looks like:
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: when n > 9 the triangle will have a small defect. Think how to fix it!
Prime Numbers in an Interval Example
Lets consider another example of nested loops. We set a goal to print on
the console all prime number in the interval [nm]. We will limit the interval
by a for-loop and in order to check for a prime number we will use a nested
while loop:
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("m = ");
int m = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

for (int num = n; num <= m; num++)
bool prime = true;
int divider = 2;
int maxDivider = (int)Math.Sqrt(num);
while (divider <= maxDivider)
Chapter 6. Loops 233
if (num % divider == 0)
prime = false;
if (prime)
Console.Write(" " + num);
Using the outer for-loop we check each of the numbers n, n+1, , m if it is
prime. At each iteration of the outer for-loop we check whether its loop
variable num is a prime number. The logic by which we check for a prime
number is already familiar to us. At first we initialize the variable prime with
true. With the internal while loop we check for each of the numbers
[2num] if it is a divisor of num and if so, we set prime to false. After
finishing the while loop the Boolean variable prime indicates whether the
number is prime or not. If the number is prime we print it on the console.
If we execute the example for n=3 and m=75, we will obtain the following
n = 3
m = 75
3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73
Lucky Numbers Example
Lets consider another example through which we will show that we can put
even more than two loops into each other. Our purpose is to find and
print all four-digit numbers of the type ABCD, where: A+B = C+D (we call
them lucky numbers). We will implement it with four for-loops one for each
digit. The outermost loop will define the thousands. It will start from 1 and
the rest of the loops from 0. They will determine the hundreds, the tens and
the units. We will perform a check if our current number in the most inner
loop is a lucky one and if so, we will print it on the console. Here is an
implementation example:
for (int a = 1; a <= 9; a++)
for (int b = 0; b <= 9; b++)
234 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
for (int c = 0; c <= 9; c++)
for (int d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
if ((a + b) == (c + d))
" " + a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + d);
Here is a part of the printed result (the entire result is too long):
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 2
1 1 1 1
1 1 2 0
1 2 0 3
1 2 1 2
1 2 2 1

We leave as homework for the diligent reader to offer a more efficient solution
to the same problem, using only three nested loops rather than four.
Lottery 6/49 Example
In the following example we will find all possible combinations of the
lottery game "6/49". We have to find and print all possible extracts of 6
different numbers, each of which is in the range [149]. We will use 6 for-
loops. Unlike the previous example, the numbers cannot be repeated. To
avoid repetitions we will strive for each subsequent number to be larger than
the previous. Therefore, the internal loops will not start from 1 but from the
number to which the previous loop got + 1. We will have to go through the
first loop until it reaches 44 (and not to 49), the second 45, etc. The last
loop will be up to 49. If you make all loops to 49 you will receive matching
numbers in certain combinations. For the same reason, each subsequent cycle
starts from the previous loop counter + 1. Lets see what will happen:
for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= 44; i1++)
Chapter 6. Loops 235
for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 <= 45; i2++)
for (int i3 = i2 + 1; i3 <= 46; i3++)
for (int i4 = i3 + 1; i4 <= 47; i4++)
for (int i5 = i4 + 1; i5 <= 48; i5++)
for (int i6 = i5 + 1; i6 <= 49; i6++)
Console.WriteLine(i1 + " " + i2 + " " +
i3 + " " + i4 + " " + i5 + " " + i6);
Everything looks correct. Lets run the program. It seems to work but there is
one problem there are too many combinations and the program does not
end (it is so slow, that hardly anyone is going to wait). This is correct and it
is one of the reasons why there is Lottery 6/49 there really are lots of
combinations. We are leaving the curious reader to practice changing the
example above just to calculate all lottery combinations, instead of printing
them. This change will dramatically reduce the volume of the printed results
on the console and the program will end surprisingly quickly.

Printing excessive amount of text on the console is very slow
and should be avoided. A modern computer (as of 2012) can
perform 300,000,000 operations per second but can print
only 10,000 20,000 text lines per second.
1. Write a program that prints on the console the numbers from 1 to N.
The number N should be read from the standard input.
2. Write a program that prints on the console the numbers from 1 to N,
which are not divisible by 3 and 7 simultaneously. The number N
should be read from the standard input.
3. Write a program that reads from the console a series of integers and
prints the smallest and largest of them.
4. Write a program that prints all possible cards from a standard deck
of cards, without jokers (there are 52 cards: 4 suits of 13 cards).
236 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
5. Write a program that reads from the console number N and print the sum
of the first N members of the Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,
6. Write a program that calculates N!/K! for given N and K (1<K<N).
7. Write a program that calculates N!*K!/(N-K)! for given N and K
8. In combinatorics, the Catalan numbers are calculated by the following
! )! 1 (
)! 2 (
n n

= , for n 0. Write a program that
calculates the n
Catalan number by given n.
9. Write a program that for a given integers n and x, calculates the sum:
! 2 ! 1
+ + + + =
10. Write a program that reads from the console a positive integer number
N (N < 20) and prints a matrix of numbers as on the figures below:
N = 3 N = 4

1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5

1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7
11. Write a program that calculates with how many zeroes the factorial of
a given number ends. Examples:
N = 10 -> N! = 3628800 -> 2
N = 20 -> N! = 2432902008176640000 -> 4
12. Write a program that converts a given number from decimal to binary
notation (numeral system).
13. Write a program that converts a given number from binary to decimal
14. Write a program that converts a given number from decimal to
hexadecimal notation.
15. Write a program that converts a given number from hexadecimal to
decimal notation.
16. Write a program that by a given integer N prints the numbers from 1 to N
in random order.
17. Write a program that given two numbers finds their greatest common
divisor (GCD) and their least common multiple (LCM). You may use
the formula LCM(a, b) = |a*b| / GCD(a, b).
Chapter 6. Loops 237
18. * Write a program that for a given number n, outputs a matrix in the
form of a spiral:

Example for n=4:

Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use a for-loop.
2. Use a for-loop and the operator % for finding the remainder in integer
division. A number num is not divisible by 3 and 7 simultaneously exactly
when (num % (3*7) == 0).
3. First read the count of numbers, for example in a variable n. Then
consequently enter n numbers with one for loop. While entering each
new number, save in two variables the smallest and the largest number
until this moment. At the start initialize the smallest and the largest
number with Int32.MaxValue and Int32.MinValue respectively.
4. Number the cards from 2 to 14 (these numbers will match the cards 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A). Number the suits from 1 to 4 (1
club, 2 diamond, 3 heart and 4 spades). Now you can use the two
nested loops and print each of the cards with two switch statements.
5. Fibonacci numbers start from 0 and 1, each additional is obtained as
the sum of the previous two. You can find the first n Fibonacci
numbers with a for-loop from 1 to n, and at each iteration calculate the
next number by using the previous two (which you will keep in two
additional variables).
6. Multiply the numbers from K+1 to N (think why this is correct). You
may check the properties of the factorial function in Wikipedia:
7. One solution is to calculate separately each factorial and at the end to
perform the respective operations with the results.
Think how you can optimize the calculations, in order to not calculate
too many factorials! In fractions of factorials there are many possibilities
to reduce the same factors in the numerator and denominator. These
optimizations will not only reduce the calculations and increase the
performance but will save you from overflows in some situations. You
might need to use arrays num[0..N] and denum[0..n] to hold the factors
in the numerator and in the denominator and to cancel the fraction.
You may read about arrays in the chapter Arrays.
1 2 3 4
12 13 14 5
11 16 15 6
10 9 8 7
238 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
8. Use the same concept of canceling the faction of simple factors, like
you probably did in the previous problem.
You may also read more about the Catalan numbers in Wikipedia
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_number) and use the recurrent
formula for calculating them.
9. You can solve the problem with a for-loop for k=0n, by using three
additional variables factorial, power and sum in which you will keep for
the k
iteration of the loop respectively k!, x
and the sum of the first
k members of sequence. If your implementation is good, you should
have only one loop and you should not use external functions to calculate
factorials and to raise power.
10. You should use two nested loops, similar to the problem "Printing a
Triangle". The outer loop must run from 1 to N, and the inner from the
value of the outer loop to the value of the outer loop + N - 1.
11. The number of zeros at the end of n! depends on how many times the
number 10 is a divisor of the factorial. Because the product 1*2*3*n
has a greater number of divisors 2, than 5 and because 10 = 2 * 5, then
the number of zeros in n! is exactly as many as the multipliers with
value 5 in the product 1 * 2 * 3 * * n. Because every fifth number
is divisible by 5, and every 25
number is divisible by 5 two times, etc.,
the number of zeros in n! is the sum: n/5 + n/25 + n/125 +
12. Read in Wikipedia what numeral systems are: http://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/Numeral_system. After that consider how you can convert
numbers from decimal numeral system to another. Think about the
opposite moving from another numeral system to decimal. If you have
difficulty, see the chapter "Numeral Systems".
13. See the previous problem.
14. See the previous problem.
15. See the previous problem.
16. Search in the Internet for information about the class System.Random.
Read in the Internet about arrays (or in the next chapter). Create an
array with N elements and write in it the numbers from 1 to N. After
that a few times (think exactly how many) swap two random pairs of
elements from the array.
17. Search the Internet for the Euclidean algorithm for calculation the
greatest common divisor (CGD) or read about it in Wikipedia:
18. You should use a two-dimensional array (matrix). Search the Internet
or see the chapter "Arrays". The algorithm of filling a spiral matrix in
not straightforward and may require a bit of thinking. You might find
helpful the Spiral Matrix problem from chapter Sample Programming
Exam Topic #3.
Chapter 7. Arrays
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will learn about arrays as a way to work with sequences
of elements of the same type. We will explain what arrays are, how we
declare, create, instantiate and use them. We will examine one-dimensional
and multidimensional arrays. We will learn different ways to iterate
through the array, read from the standard input and write to the standard
output. We will give many example exercises, which can be solved using
arrays and we will show how useful they really are.
What Is an "Array"?
Arrays are vital for most programming languages. They are collections of
variables, which we call elements:

An arrays elements in C# are numbered with 0, 1, 2, N-1. Those numbers
are called indices. The total number of elements in a given array we call
length of an array.
All elements of a given array are of the same type, no matter whether they
are primitive or reference types. This allows us to represent a group of
similar elements as an ordered sequence and work on them as a whole.
Arrays can be in different dimensions, but the most used are the one-
dimensional and the two-dimensional arrays. One-dimensional arrays are
also called vectors and two-dimensional are also known as matrices.
Declaration and Allocation of Memory for Arrays
In C# the arrays have fixed length, which is set at the time of their
instantiation and determines the total number of elements. Once the length of
an array is set we cannot change it anymore.
0 1 2 3 4

Array of 5
Element of
an array
240 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Declaring an Array
We declare an array in C# in the following way:
int[] myArray;
In this example the variable myArray is the name of the array, which is of
integer type (int[]). This means that we declared an array of integer
numbers. With [] we indicate, that the variable, which we are declaring, is an
array of elements, not a single element.
When we declare an array type variable, it is a reference, which does not
have a value (it points to null). This is because the memory for the elements
is not allocated yet.
The figure below shows how a declared array variable looks, when the
memory for elements of the array is not allocated yet:

In the programs execution stack the variable with the name myArray is
created and its value is set to null (meaning it holds no value).
Creation of an Array the Operator "new"
In C# we create an array with the help of the keyword new, which is used to
allocate memory:
int[] myArray = new int[6];
In this example we allocate an array with length of 6 elements of type int.
This means that in the dynamic memory (heap) an area of 6 integer numbers
is allocated and they all are initialized with the value 0:

Heap Stack
Heap Stack
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Chapter 7. Arrays 241
The figure shows, that after the allocation of memory for the array the
variable myArray points to an address in the dynamic memory, where the
values are. In C#, the elements of an array are always stored in the dynamic
memory (called also heap).
During the allocation of the memory for an array we set the total number of
the elements in the brackets (a non-negative integer number), defining its
length. The type of the elements is written after the reserved word new, so we
indicate what type of elements are going to be allocated in the memory.
Array Initialization and Default Values
Before we can use an element of a given array, it has to be initialized or to
have a default value. In some programming languages there are no default
values and then if we try to access an element, which is not initialized, this
may cause an error. In C# all variables, including the elements of arrays have
a default initial value. This value is either 0 for the numeral types or its
equivalent for the non-primitive types (for example null for a reference type
and false for the bool type).
Of course we can set initial values explicitly. We can do this in different ways.
Here is one of them:
int[] myArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
In this case we create and initialize the elements of the array at the time of
the declaration. On the figure below we see how the array is allocated in the
memory when its values are initialized at the moment of its declaration:

With this syntax we use curly brackets instead of the operator new. Between
the brackets we list the initial values of the array, separated by commas.
Their count defines the length of the array.
Declaration and Initialization of an Array Example
Here is one more example how to declare and initialize an array:
string[] daysOfWeek =
{ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday",
"Saturday", "Sunday" };
Heap Stack
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
242 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In this case we allocate an array of seven elements of type string. The type
string is a reference type (object) and its values are stored in the dynamic
memory. The variable daysOfWeek is allocated in the stack memory, and
points to a section of the dynamic memory containing the elements of the
array. The type of each of these seven elements is string, which itself points
to a different section of the dynamic memory, where the real value is stored.
On this figure we see how the array is allocated in the memory:

Boundaries of an Array
Arrays are by default zero-based, which means the enumeration of the
elements starts from 0. The first element has the index 0, the second 1,
etc. In an array of N elements, the last element has the index N-1.
Access to the Elements of an Array
We access the array elements directly using their indices. Each element can
be accessed through the name of the array and the elements index
(consecutive number) placed in the brackets. We can access given elements
of the array both for reading and for writing, which means we can treat
elements as variables.
Here is an example for accessing an element of an array:
myArray[index] = 100;
In the example above we set a value of 100 to the element, which is at
position index.
Heap Stack

Chapter 7. Arrays 243
Here is an example, where we allocate an array of numbers and then we
change some of them:
int[] myArray = new int[6];
myArray[1] = 1;
myArray[5] = 5;
After the change, the array is allocated in the memory as shown below:

As we can see, all elements, except those for which values are explicitly set,
are initialized with the value 0 when the memory of the array was allocated.
We can iterate through the array using a loop statement. The most common
form of such iteration is by using a for-loop:
int[] arr = new int[5];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
arr[i] = i;
Going Out of Bounds of the Array
The .NET Framework does an automatic check on each element access
attempt, whether the index is valid or it is out of the range of the array.
When we try to access an invalid (not existing) element in an array, a
System.IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown. The automatic check really
helps the developers find errors while working with arrays. Of course,
checking for exceptions has its price. Checks affect the performance, but
thats nothing compared to avoiding errors like "out of range", "access to
unallocated memory", etc.
Here is an example, where we are trying to access an element, which is out of
the range of the array:
class IndexOutOfRangeExample
Heap Stack
0 1 0 0 0 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
244 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
int[] myArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
In the example above we allocate an array, which contains six integer
numbers. The first index is 0, and the last index is 5. We are trying to print to
the console an element with index 6, but because there is no such element
this leads to an exception:

Reversing an Array Example
In the next example we will access elements and change them using their
indices. The task is to print the elements in reversed order. We will reverse
the elements of the array using a second, auxiliary array, where we will keep
the elements of the first one, but in a reversed order. Note that the length of
both arrays is the same and it stays unchanged after the first allocation:
class ArrayReverseExample
static void Main()
int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Get array size
int length = array.Length;
// Declare and create the reversed array
int[] reversed = new int[length];

// Initialize the reversed array
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
reversed[length - index - 1] = array[index];
Chapter 7. Arrays 245

// Print the reversed array
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
Console.Write(reversed[index] + " ");
// Output: 5 4 3 2 1
The example works in the following way: initially we allocate a one-
dimensional array of type int and we initialize it with the numbers from 1 to
5. After that we keep the length of the array in the variable length. Note that
we are using the property Length, which returns the total count of the
elements of the array. In C# each array has a length property.
After that we declare the array reversed with the same length, where we
will keep elements of the original array, but in a reversed order.
To reverse the elements we use a for-loop. At each iteration we increment
the index variable by one and we make sure we access all consecutive
elements of the array. The loop condition ensures that the array will be
iterated from end to end.
Lets follow what happens when we iterate through the array. On the first
iteration, index has a value of 0. Using array[index] we access the first
element of the array, and respectively with reversed[length - index - 1]
we access the last element of the new array reversed where we assign the
values. Thus, we appropriated the value of the first element of the array to
the last element of the reversed array. At each iteration index is
incremented by one. This way, we access the next element in the order of
array and the previous element in the order of reversed.
As a result we reversed the array and printed it. In the example we showed
consecutive iterations through the array, which can also be done with
different types of loop constructs (e.g. while and foreach).
Reading an Array from the Console
Lets see how we can read values of an array from the console. We will use a
for-loop and the .NET Framework tools for reading from the console.
Initially we read a line from the console using Console.ReadLine(), and then
we parse that line to an integer number using int.Parse() and we set it to
the variable n. We then use the number n as length of the array.
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int[] array = new int[n];
246 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Again we use a loop to iterate through the array. At each iteration we set the
current element to what we have read from the console. The loop will
continue n times, which means it will iterate through the array and so we will
read a value for each element of the array:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Check for Symmetric Array Example
An array is symmetric if the first and the last elements are equal and at the
same time the second element and the last but one are equal as well and so
on. On the figure a few examples for symmetric arrays are shown:

In the next example we will check whether an array is symmetric:
Console.Write("Enter a positive integer: ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int[] array = new int[n];

Console.WriteLine("Enter the values of the array:");

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

bool symmetric = true;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i] != array[n - i - 1])
symmetric = false;

Console.WriteLine("Is symmetric? {0}", symmetric);
1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 1
Chapter 7. Arrays 247
We initialize an array and we read its elements from the console. We need to
iterate through half of the array to check whether it is symmetric. The middle
element of the array has an index array.Length / 2. If the length is an odd
number this index is exactly the middle one, but if it is an even number, the
index is to the right of the middle (the middle is between two elements). Thus
the loop runs from 0 to array.Length / 2 (non-inclusive).
To check whether an array is symmetric, we use a bool variable, and initially
assume that the array is symmetric. During the iteration through the array we
compare the first with the last element, the second with the last but one and
so on. If at some point the compared elements are not equal, then we set the
bool variable to false, which means the array is not symmetric.
In the end we print the value of the bool variable to the console.
Printing an Array to the Console
Often we have to print the elements of a given array to the console, after
we have finished working with it.
We print elements of an array to the console similarly to the initializing of the
elements, i.e. by using a loop to iterate through the array. There are no strict
rules for printing, but often some sort of suitable formatting is used.
A frequent mistake is an attempt to print an array like a number:
string[] array = { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
Unfortunately this code does not print the elements of an array, just its
type. Here is what we get after the execution of this code:

We print the elements of an array by hand, by using a for-loop:
string[] array = { "one", "two", "three", "four" };

for (int index = 0; index < array.Length; index++)
// Print each element on a separate line
Console.WriteLine("Element[{0}] = {1}", index, array[index]);
248 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We are iterating through the array using the for-loop, which will go
array.Length times, and we will print the current element using
Console.WriteLine() and a formatted string. Here is the result:
Element[0] = one
Element[1] = two
Element[2] = three
Element[3] = four
Iteration through Elements of an Array
As we can see, the iteration through the elements of an array is one of the
most used techniques when we work with arrays. Consecutive iterating
using a loop will allow us to access each element through its index and we will
be able to modify it as we want. We can do that with different loop constructs,
but the most appropriate loop is the for-statement. We will examine in
details how this type of iteration works.
Iteration with a For Loop
It is a good practice to use for-loops, when we work with arrays and
structures with indices. In the following example we will double the values of
all elements of an array of numbers and we will print them:
int[] array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.Write("Output: ");
for (int index = 0; index < array.Length; index++)
// Doubling the number
array[index] = 2 * array[index];
// Print the number
Console.Write(array[index] + " ");
// Output: 2 4 6 8 10
Using a for-loop we keep track of the current index of the array and we
access the elements as needed. We do not have to iterate consecutively
through all of them, which means the index that we are using in the for-loop
may iterate through the elements in a way that our algorithm requires. For
example we can iterate through some of the elements of the array, not
through all of them:
int[] array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.Write("Output: ");
Chapter 7. Arrays 249
for (int index = 0; index < array.Length; index += 2)
array[index] = array[index] * array[index];
Console.Write(array[index] + " ");
// Output: 1 9 25
In this example we are iterating through all elements at even positions and
we square their values.
Sometimes we want to iterate through the array in a reverse order. We
do that in a similar way, except that the for-loop will start with the index of
the last element and the index will decrease on each step until its value gets
to 0 (inclusive). Here is an example:
int[] array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.Write("Reversed: ");
for (int index = array.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
Console.Write(array[index] + " ");
// Reversed: 5 4 3 2 1
In this example we are iterating through the array in reverse order and we
print each element to the console.
Iteration with "foreach" Loop
One of the most used constructs for iterating through elements of an array is
foreach. The foreach-loop construct in C# is as follows:
foreach (var item in collection)
// Process the value here
In this programming construct var is the type of the elements, which we
iterate through. The collection is the array (or any other collection of
elements) and item is the current element of the array on each step.
In general the foreach loop construct has the same properties like the for-
loop. The main difference is that the iteration is made always through all
elements from the start to the end. We cannot access the current index,
we are just iterating through the collection in a way, defined by the collection
itself. For arrays the order of iteration is consecutive from the first element to
250 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
the last one. The loop variable in foreach-loops is read-only so we cannot
modify the current loop item from the loop body.
The foreach-loop statement is used, when we do not need to change the
elements, but just to read them.
Iteration with "foreach" Loop Example
In the next example we will learn how to use the foreach loop to iterate
through the array:
string[] capitals =
{ "Sofia", "Washington", "London", "Paris" };

foreach (string capital in capitals)
After we declared an array of strings capitals, we iterate through the array
using foreach loop and we print the elements to the console. The current
element on each step is stored in a variable capital. We get the following
result when we execute the code:
Multidimensional Arrays
The one-dimensional arrays are known also as vectors in mathematics.
Often we need arrays with more than one dimension. For example we can
easily represent the standard chess board as a two-dimensional array with
size 8 by 8 (8 cells in a horizontal direction and 8 cells in a vertical direction).
What Is a Multidimensional Array? What Are
Every valid type in C# can be used for a type of an array. So, we can have an
array of arrays, which we will discuss later.
We declare a one-dimensional array of integer numbers using int[], and we
declare a two-dimensional with int[,]. This example shows that:
int[,] twoDimensionalArray;
Chapter 7. Arrays 251
Those arrays we will call two-dimensional, because they have two
dimensions. They are also known as matrices (it is mathematical term). In
general arrays with more than one dimension we will call multidimensional.
This way we can declare three-dimensional arrays as we add one more
int[,,] threeDimensionalArray;
In theory there is no limit for an array dimensions, but in practice we do
not use much arrays with more than two dimensions therefore we will focus
on two-dimensional arrays.
Multidimensional Array Declaration and Allocation
We declare multidimensional arrays in a way similar to one-dimensional
arrays. Each dimension except the first is marked with comma:
int[,] intMatrix;
float[,] floatMatrix;
string[,,] strCube;
In the example above we create two-dimensional and three-dimensional
arrays. Each dimension is represented by a comma in the square brackets [].
We are allocating memory for multidimensional arrays by using the keyword
new and for each dimension we set a length in the brackets as shown:
int[,] intMatrix = new int[3, 4];
float[,] floatMatrix = new float[8, 2];
string[,,] stringCube = new string[5, 5, 5];
In this example intMatrix is a two-dimensional array with 3 elements of type
int[] and each of those 3 elements has a length of 4. Two-dimensional
arrays are difficult to understand explained that way. Therefore we can
imagine them as two-dimensional matrices, which have rows and columns
for the dimensions:

The rows and the columns of the square matrices are numbered with indices
from 0 to n-1. If a two-dimensional array has a size of m by n, there are
exactly m*n elements.
1 3 6 2
8 5 9 1
4 7 3 0
1 2 3
252 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Two-Dimensional Array Initialization
We initialize two-dimensional arrays in the same way as we initialize one-
dimensional arrays. We can list the element values straight after the
int[,] matrix =
{1, 2, 3, 4}, // row 0 values
{5, 6, 7, 8}, // row 1 values
// The matrix size is 2 x 4 (2 rows, 4 cols)
In the example above we initialize a two-dimensional array of type
integer with size of 2 rows and 4 columns. In the outer brackets we place the
elements of the first dimension, i.e. the rows of the array. Each row contains
one dimensional array, which we know how to initialize.
Accessing the Elements of a Multidimensional Array
Matrices have two dimensions and respectively we access each element by
using two indices: one for the rows and one for the columns. Multidimensional
arrays have different indices for each dimension.

Each dimension in a multidimensional array starts at index 0.
Lets examine the next example:
int[,] matrix =
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7, 8},
The array matrix has 8 elements, stored in 2 rows and 4 columns. Each
element can be accessed in the following way:
matrix[0, 0] matrix[0, 1] matrix[0, 2] matrix[0, 3]
matrix[1, 0] matrix[1, 1] matrix[1, 2] matrix[1, 3]
In this example we can access each element using indices. If we assign the
index for rows to row, and the index for columns to col, then we can access
any element as shown:
matrix[row, col]
Chapter 7. Arrays 253
When we use multidimensional arrays each element is unique and can be
identified with indices from the array:
nDimensionalArray[index1, , indexN]
Length of Multidimensional Arrays
Each dimension of a multidimensional array has its own length, which can be
accessed during the execution of the program. Lets look at an example for a
two-dimensional array:
int[,] matrix =
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7, 8},
We can get the number of the rows of this two-dimensional array by using
matrix.GetLength(0) and the number of all columns per row with
matrix.GetLength(1). So, in this case matrix.GetLength(0) returns 2 and
matrix.GetLength(1) returns 4.
Printing Matrices Example
In the next example we will demonstrate how we can print two-dimensional
arrays to the console:
// Declare and initialize a matrix of size 2 x 4
int[,] matrix =
{1, 2, 3, 4}, // row 0 values
{5, 6, 7, 8}, // row 1 value

// Print the matrix on the console
for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
Console.Write(matrix[row, col]);
First we declare and initialize an array, which we want to iterate through and
print to the console. The array is two-dimensional, therefore we use a for-
254 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
loop which will iterate through the rows and a nested for loop which for each
row will iterate through the columns. At each iteration we will print the
current element using the appropriate method to access this element by using
its two indices (row and column). Finally, if we execute this piece of code we
will get the following result:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Reading Matrices from the Console Example
In this example we will learn how to read a two-dimensional array from
the console. First, we read the values (lengths) of the two-dimensions and
then by using two nested loops we assign the value of each element (and in
the end we print out the values of the array):
Console.Write("Enter the number of the rows: ");
int rows = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Enter the number of the columns: ");
int cols = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

int[,] matrix = new int[rows, cols];

Console.WriteLine("Enter the cells of the matrix:");

for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
Console.Write("matrix[{0},{1}] = ",row, col);
matrix[row, col] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
Console.Write(" " + matrix[row, col]);
The program output when we execute it (in this case the array consists of
three rows and two columns) is:
Chapter 7. Arrays 255
Enter the number of the rows: 3
Enter the number of the columns: 2
Enter the cells of the matrix:
matrix[0,0] = 2
matrix[0,1] = 3
matrix[1,0] = 5
matrix[1,1] = 10
matrix[2,0] = 8
matrix[2,1] = 9
2 3
5 10
8 9
Maximal Platform in a Matrix Example
In the next example we will solve another interesting problem: we are given a
two-dimensional rectangular array (matrix) of integers and our task is to find
the sub-matrix of size of 2 by 2 with maximum sum of its elements and
to print it to the console.
One solution to the problem might be the following:
class MaxPlatform2x2
static void Main()
// Declare and initialize the matrix
int[,] matrix = {
{ 0, 2, 4, 0, 9, 5 },
{ 7, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1 },
{ 1, 3, 9, 8, 5, 6 },
{ 4, 6, 7, 9, 1, 0 }

// Find the maximal sum platform of size 2 x 2
long bestSum = long.MinValue;
int bestRow = 0;
int bestCol = 0;

for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0) - 1; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1) - 1; col++)
256 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
long sum = matrix[row, col] + matrix[row, col + 1] +
matrix[row + 1, col] + matrix[row + 1, col + 1];
if (sum > bestSum)
bestSum = sum;
bestRow = row;
bestCol = col;

// Print the result
Console.WriteLine("The best platform is:");
Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1}",
matrix[bestRow, bestCol],
matrix[bestRow, bestCol + 1]);
Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1}",
matrix[bestRow + 1, bestCol],
matrix[bestRow + 1, bestCol + 1]);
Console.WriteLine("The maximal sum is: {0}", bestSum);
If we execute the program, we will see that it works properly:
The best platform is:
9 8
7 9
The maximal sum is: 33
We will explain the algorithm. First we create a two-dimensional array, which
contains integer numbers. We declare our auxiliary variables bestSum,
bestRow, bestCol and we initialize bestSum with the minimal value of type
long (so any other value is greater than this one). Note that sum of 4
integers may not fit in int, so we use long.
In the variable bestSum we keep the current maximal sum and in bestRow
and bestCol we keep the current best sub-matrix. This means the current
row and current column describe the start element for the sub-matrix of size
2 x 2, which is currently found to have the maximal sum of its elements.
To access all elements of a sub-array with a size of 2 by 2 we need the indices
of the first element. Having them we can easily access the rest 3 elements:
matrix[row, col]
matrix[row, col + 1]
Chapter 7. Arrays 257
matrix[row + 1, col]
matrix[row + 1, col + 1]
In this example row and col are the indices of the first element of the sub-
matrix with a size of 2 by 2, which is part of the array matrix.
After we know how to access all four elements of the matrix with a size of 2
by 2, starting from a particular row and column, we can look at the algorithm,
which we will use to find the maximal sub-matrix.
We need to iterate through each 2 x 2 platform in the matrix until we reach
the platform with the best sum. We will do this using two nested for-loops
and two variables row and col. Note that we are not iterating through the
entire matrix, because if we try to access index row + 1 or col + 1, as we
are at the last row or column we will go out of the range of the matrix,
respectively System.IndexOutOfRangeException will be thrown.
We access the neighbor elements of each current element of the sub-matrix
and we sum them. Then we check if our current sum is bigger than our
current highest sum for the moment. If it is so, our current sum becomes our
best sum and our current indices will update bestRow and bestCol. So, after
the entire iteration through the main matrix we will find the maximal sum and
the first element of the sub-matrix of size 2 by 2 and its indices.
If there is more than one sub-matrix with the same maximal sum, we will find
the one, which appears first.
At the end of the example we are printing to the console the requested sub-
matrix of size 2 x 2 and its sum of elements in an appropriate way.
Arrays of Arrays
In C# we can have arrays of arrays, which we call jagged arrays.
Jagged arrays are arrays of arrays, or arrays in which each row contains an
array of its own, and that array can have length different than those in the
other rows.
Declaration and Allocation an Array of Arrays
The only difference in the declaration of the jagged arrays compared to the
regular multidimensional array is that we do not have just one pair of
brackets. With the jagged arrays we have a pair brackets per dimension. We
allocate them this way:
int[][] jaggedArray;
jaggedArray = new int[2][];
jaggedArray[0] = new int[5];
jaggedArray[1] = new int[3];
258 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Here is how we declare, allocate and initialize an array of arrays (a jagged
array whose elements are arrays of integer values):
int[][] myJaggedArray = {
new int[] {5, 7, 2},
new int[] {10, 20, 40},
new int[] {3, 25}
Memory Allocation
The figure below depicts how the now declared jagged array myJaggedArray
is allocated in the memory. As we see the jagged arrays are an aggregation of
references. A jagged array does not directly contain any arrays, but rather
has elements pointing to them. The size is unknown and that is why CLR
just keeps references to the internal arrays. After we allocate memory for one
array-element of the jagged array, then the reference starts pointing to the
newly created block in the dynamic memory. The variable myJaggedArray is
stored in the execution stack of the program and points to a block in the
dynamic memory, which contains a sequence of three references to other
three blocks in memory; each of them contains an array of integer numbers
the elements of the jagged array:

Initialization and Access to the Elements
We can access elements of the arrays, which are part of the jagged array by
using their index. In next example we will access the element with index 3 of
the array stored at index 0 in the myJaggedArray declared above:
myJaggedArray[0][2] = 45;
The elements of the jagged array can be one-dimensional and multi-
dimensional arrays. Here is an example for jagged array of two-dimensional
int[][,] jaggedOfMulti = new int[2][,];
20 10 40
7 5 2
25 3
Heap Stack
Chapter 7. Arrays 259
jaggedOfMulti[0] = new int[,] { { 5, 15 }, { 125, 206 } };
jaggedOfMulti[1] = new int[,] { { 3, 4, 5 }, { 7, 8, 9 } };
Pascals Triangle Example
In the next example we will use a jagged array to generate and visualize the
Pascals triangle. As we know from mathematics, the first row of the
triangle contains the number 1 and each next number is generated by sum of
the two numbers on the row above it. The Pascals triangle looks like this:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
. . .
To have a Pascals triangle with a given height, for example 12, we allocate a
jagged array triangle[][], which contains 1 element on the zero row, 2
on first, 3 on second and so on. First we initialize triangle[0][0] = 1 and
the rest of the cells will have a default value than 0 by allocation. Then we
loop through the rows and from row we will get the values for row+1. It works
with nested for loop through the columns on the current row and the
following Pascal definitions for values in the triangle: we add the value of the
current cell of the current row (triangle[row][col]) to the cell below
(triangle[row+1][col]) and to the cell below on the right (triangle
[row+1][col+1]). We print using an appropriate number of spaces (using
method PadLeft () of class String), because we want the result to be
Here is the code of the described algorithm:
class PascalTriangle
static void Main()
const int HEIGHT = 12;

// Allocate the array in a triangle form
long[][] triangle = new long[HEIGHT + 1][];

for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT; row++)
260 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
triangle[row] = new long[row + 1];

// Calculate the Pascal's triangle
triangle[0][0] = 1;
for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT - 1; row++)
for (int col = 0; col <= row; col++)
triangle[row + 1][col] += triangle[row][col];
triangle[row + 1][col + 1] += triangle[row][col];

// Print the Pascal's triangle
for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT; row++)
Console.Write("".PadLeft((HEIGHT - row) * 2));
for (int col = 0; col <= row; col++)
Console.Write("{0,3} ", triangle[row][col]);
If we execute the program, we will see that it is working properly and it
generates a Pascals triangle by a given numbers of rows (in our case the
HEIGHT is 12):
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
1 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11 1
Chapter 7. Arrays 261
1. Write a program, which creates an array of 20 elements of type
integer and initializes each of the elements with a value equals to the
index of the element multiplied by 5. Print the elements to the console.
2. Write a program, which reads two arrays from the console and checks
whether they are equal (two arrays are equal when they are of equal
length and all of their elements, which have the same index, are equal).
3. Write a program, which compares two arrays of type char
lexicographically (character by character) and checks, which one is first
in the lexicographical order.
4. Write a program, which finds the maximal sequence of consecutive
equal elements in an array. E.g.: {1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1} {2, 2, 2}.
5. Write a program, which finds the maximal sequence of consecutively
placed increasing integers. Example: {3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 4} {2, 3, 4}.
6. Write a program, which finds the maximal sequence of increasing
elements in an array arr[n]. It is not necessary the elements to be
consecutively placed. E.g.: {9, 6, 2, 7, 4, 7, 6, 5, 8, 4} {2, 4, 6, 8}.
7. Write a program, which reads from the console two integer numbers N
and K (K<N) and array of N integers. Find those K consecutive
elements in the array, which have maximal sum.
8. Sorting an array means to arrange its elements in an increasing (or
decreasing) order. Write a program, which sorts an array using the
algorithm "selection sort".
9. Write a program, which finds a subsequence of numbers with
maximal sum. E.g.: {2, 3, -6, -1, 2, -1, 6, 4, -8, 8} 11
10. Write a program, which finds the most frequently occurring element in
an array. Example: {4, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 4, 9, 3} 4 (5 times).
11. Write a program to find a sequence of neighbor numbers in an array,
which has a sum of certain number S. Example: {4, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 8},
S=11 {4, 2, 5}.
12. Write a program, which creates square matrices like those in the
figures below and prints them formatted to the console. The size of the
matrices will be read from the console. See the examples for matrices
with size of 4 x 4 and make the other sizes in a similar fashion:
262 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

13. Write a program, which creates a rectangular array with size of n by m
elements. The dimensions and the elements should be read from the
console. Find a platform with size of (3, 3) with a maximal sum.
14. Write a program, which finds the longest sequence of equal string
elements in a matrix. A sequence in a matrix we define as a set of
neighbor elements on the same row, column or diagonal.

15. Write a program, which creates an array containing all Latin letters.
The user inputs a word from the console and as result the program
prints to the console the indices of the letters from the word.
16. Write a program, which uses a binary search in a sorted array of
integer numbers to find a certain element.
17. Write a program, which sorts an array of integer elements using a "merge
sort" algorithm.
18. Write a program, which sorts an array of integer elements using a "quick
sort" algorithm.
19. Write a program, which finds all prime numbers in the range
20. * Write a program, which checks whether there is a subset of given
array of N elements, which has a sum S. The numbers N, S and the array
values are read from the console. Same number can be used many times.
Example: {2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6}, S = 14 yes (1 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 14)
21. Write a program which by given N numbers, K and S, finds K elements out
of the N numbers, the sum of which is exactly S or says it is not possible.
Example: {3, 1, 2, 4, 9, 6}, S = 14, K = 3 yes (1 + 2 + 4 = 14)
10 10 6 6 3 3 1 1
13 13 9 9 5 5 2 2
15 15 12 12 8 8 4 4
16 16 14 14 11 11 7 7
10 10 6 6 3 3 1 1
13 13 9 9 5 5 2 2
15 15 12 12 8 8 4 4
16 16 14 14 11 11 7 7
7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4
8 8 15 15 14 14 3 3
9 9 16 16 13 13 2 2
10 10 11 11 12 12 1 1
7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4
8 8 15 15 14 14 3 3
9 9 16 16 13 13 2 2
10 10 11 11 12 12 1 1
13 13 12 12 5 5 4 4
14 14 11 11 6 6 3 3
15 15 10 10 7 7 2 2
16 16 9 9 8 8 1 1
13 13 12 12 5 5 4 4
14 14 11 11 6 6 3 3
15 15 10 10 7 7 2 2
16 16 9 9 8 8 1 1
16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4
15 15 11 11 7 7 3 3
14 14 10 10 6 6 2 2
13 13 9 9 5 5 1 1
16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4
15 15 11 11 7 7 3 3
14 14 10 10 6 6 2 2
13 13 9 9 5 5 1 1
b) b) b)
d)* d)* d)* c) c) c)
a) a) a)
ha fifi ho hi
fo ha hi xx
xxx ho ha xx
s qq s
pp pp s
pp qq s
ha, ha, ha
s, s, s
Chapter 7. Arrays 263
22. Write a program, which reads an array of integer numbers from the
console and removes a minimal number of elements in such a way
that the remaining array is sorted in an increasing order.
Example: {6, 1, 4, 3, 0, 3, 6, 4, 5} {1, 3, 3, 4, 5}
23. Write a program, which reads the integer numbers N and K from the
console and prints all variations of K elements of the numbers in the
interval [1N]. Example: N = 3, K = 2 {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 1},
{2, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}, {3, 2}, {3, 3}.
24. Write a program, which reads an integer number N from the console and
prints all combinations of K elements of numbers in range [1 N].
Example: N = 5, K = 2 {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 3}, {2, 4},
{2, 5}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}, {4, 5}.
25. *Write a program, which finds in a given matrix the largest area of
equal numbers. We define an area in the matrix as a set of neighbor
cells (by row and column). Here is one example with an area containing
13 elements with equal value of 3:
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use an int[] array and a for-loop.
2. Two arrays are equal if they have the same value for the length and the
values for their elements. You can check for the second condition
using a for-loop.
3. In lexicographic order the elements are compared one by one
starting from the very left. If the elements are not the same, the array,
whose element is smaller (comes earlier in the alphabet), comes first. If
the elements are equal, the next character is compared. If the end of one
of the arrays is reached, without finding different elements, the shorter
array is the smaller (comes earlier lexicographically). If all elements are
equal, the arrays are equal.
4. Scan the array from left to right. Every time when the current number
is different from the one before it, a new sequence starts. If the
current element is equal to the one before it, it is a continuation of the
same sequence. So, if we keep the index of the start position of the
current sequence (in the beginning it is 0) in start and the length of
the current sequence (in the beginning it is 1) in len, we can find all
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
1 1
1 1
3 3
2 2
3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4
1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4
1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3
4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
1 1
1 1
3 3
2 2
3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4
1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4
1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3
4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1
13 13 13
264 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
sequences of equal elements and their lengths. We can easily keep the
shortest one in two additional variables bestStart and bestLen.
5. This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but we have a
continuation of the current sequence when the next element is bigger.
6. We can solve the problem with two nested loops and one more array
len[0n-1]. In the array len[i] we can keep the length of the longest
consecutively increasing sequence, which starts somewhere in the array
(it does not matter where exactly) and ends with the element arr[i].
Therefore len[0]=1, len[x] is the maximal sum max(1 + len[prev]),
where prev < x and arr[prev] < arr[x]. Following the definition, we can
calculate len[0n-1] with two nested loops: the outer loop will iterate
through the array from left to right with the loop variable x. The inner
loop will iterate through the array from the start to position x-1 and
searches for the element prev with maximal value of len[prev], where
arr[prev] < arr[x]. After the search, we initialize len[x] with 1 + the
biggest found value of len[prev] or with 1, if such a value is not found.
The described algorithm finds the lengths of all maximal ascending
sequences, which end at each of the elements. The biggest one of these
values is the length of the longest increasing sequence. If we need to
find the elements themselves, which compose that longest sequence,
we can start from the element, where the sequence ends (at index x), we
can print it and we can search for a previous element (prev). By
definition prev < x and len[x] = 1 + len[prev] so we can find prev with
a for-loop from 1 to x-1. After that we can repeat the same for x=prev.
By finding and printing the previous element (prev) many times until it
exists, we can find the elements, which compose the longest
sequence in reversed order (from the last to the first).
7. You can find out which sequence of the sequences of K numbers has the
biggest sum by checking the sums of all of those sequences. The
first sequence starts at index 0 and finishes at index K-1 and has sum S.
Then the second one starts at index 1 and ends at index K and we can
find its sum using S by subtracting the element at index 0 and adding the
element at index K. In this way we can reach the end of the sequence.
8. Find in Internet information about "Selection sort" and its C#
implementations. Briefly the idea is to find the smallest element and to
place it at position 0 (through swapping) then to find the smallest
number excluding the first and place it at position 1 and so on, until the
entire array is arranged in ascending order.
9. There are two ways to solve this problem. The first way is to use brute
force method, which in this case means that using two nested loops
we check every possible start and end and its corresponding sum.
The second way is to use one loop through the array to scan it from
left to right and sum the elements. Once we get a negative sum, we can
Chapter 7. Arrays 265
restart summing from the next element. Think why this is correct! At
each step we check if the current sum is greater than the current max.
10. This exercise can be solved in a couple of ways. One of them is the
following: get the first number and check how many times it is repeated
in the array and store this number in a variable. After a repeated number
is found we change its value to int.MinValue. Then pass to the next
number and do the same with it. The current number is remembered if
its occurrences are maximal. As you may guess, when a number equal to
int.MinValue is found (already processed number) we should skip it.
Another solution is to sort the numbers in ascending order and then the
elements with same value will be placed next to each other. So, basically
we then find the longest sequence of neighbor equal elements.
11. This exercise can be solved with two nested loops. The first loop
assigns a starting index. The second loop sums the elements from the
starting index to the right until this partial sum reaches or is greater than
S. If the sum is equal to S, we will remember the starting index (from the
first loop) and the ending index (from the second loop).
If all numbers are positive, there is a much faster algorithm. We sum
all numbers from left to the right, starting from zero. If the current
sum becomes greater than S during the summation, we remove the
leftmost number in the sequence and we subtract it from the sum. If the
current sum is still greater than S, we remove the next leftmost number
and do that until the current sum becomes smaller than S. When the sum
becomes smaller than S we add the next number on right. If we find a
sum equal to S, we print the sum and the sequence to the console. So
this solution uses just with one scan through the elements in the array.
12. a), b), c) Think about appropriate ways for iterating through the
matrices with two nested loops.
d) We can start from (0, 0) and go down N times. Therefore, go to the
right N-1 times, after that up N-1 times, after that left N-2 times,
after that down N-2 times and etc. At each iteration we place the next
number in a sequence 1, 2, 3, , N in the cell, which we are leaving.
13. Modify the example about maximal platform with size of 2 by 2.
14. Check every element in a diagonal line, a row and a column until you get
a sequence. If you get a sequence, check whether this sequence is
longer than the currently longest sequence.
15. We can solve this problem with two nested for-loops (one for the
words and one for the letters of the current word). There is a solution
without using an array: we can calculate the index of a given uppercase
Latin letter ch using the expression: (int) ch (int) 'A'.
16. Find on the Internet information about the algorithm "binary search".
Note that binary search works only on sorted arrays.
266 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
17. Find on the Internet information about the algorithm "merge sort" and
its implementations in C#. It is a bit complicated to write merge sort
efficiently. You can have 3 preallocated arrays when merging arrays:
two arrays for keeping the numbers for merging and result
array. Thus you will never allocate new arrays during the algorithms
execution. The arrays will be allocated just once at the start and you will
just change their purpose (swap them) during the algorithm execution.
18. Find information about the "quick sort" algorithm in Internet and its
C# implementations. It can be best implemented by using recursion.
See the chapter Recursion to read about recursive algorithms.
Generally at each step you choose an element called pivot and reorder
the array into two sections: at the left side move all elements pivot
and at the right side move all elements > pivot. Finally run the
quicksort algorithm recursively over the left and the right sides.
19. Find on the Internet information about "The sieve of Erathostenes"
(you have probably heard about it in math classes in high-school).
20. Generate all possible sums this way: take all the numbers and mark
them as "possible sum". Then take every number k
, k
, , k
and for
each already marked "possible sum" p, mark as possible the sum p+k
. If
at some step you get S, a solution is found. You can keep track of the
"possible sums" either in a bool[] array possible[], where each index
is a possible sum, or in a more complex data structure like Set<int>.
Once you have possible[S] == true, you can find a number k
that possible[S-k
] == true, print k
and subtract it from S. Repeat the
same to find the next k
and print and subtract is again, until S reaches 0.
Another algorithm: generate all possible subsets of the numbers by
a for-loop from 0 to 2
-1. If we have a number p, take its binary
representation (which consists of exactly N bits) and sum the numbers
that correspond to 1 in the binary representation of p (with a nested
loop from 0 to N-1). Thus all possible sums will be generated and if some
of them is S, it can be printed. Note that this algorithm is slow (needs
exponential time and cannot run for 100 or 1000 elements). It also does
not allow using the same array element twice in the sum.
21. See the previous problem. Generate all subsets of exactly K
elements (the second algorithm) and check if their sum is equal to S.
Try in the first algorithm to think how to keep the count of the numbers
used in the sum in order to take exactly K numbers. Can you define a
matrix possible[p, n] to keep whether the number p can be obtained as
a sum of the first n numbers (the numbers k
, k
, , k
22. Use dynamic programming to find the longest increasing sub-
sequence in the input sequence arr[], just like in problem #6. The
elements not included in the maximal increasing sequence should be
removed in order the array to become sorted.
Chapter 7. Arrays 267
23. Start from the first variation in the lexicographical order: {1, 1, } K
times. Think of this as k-digit number. To obtain the next variation,
increase the last digit. If it becomes greater than N, change it to 1 and
increase the next digit on the left. Do the same on the left until the first
digit goes greater than N.
24. Modify the algorithm from the previous problem in the following way:
start from {1, 2, , N} and increase the last digit (with the digits at the
left when required), but always keep all elements in the array in
ascending order (element p[i] should start increasing from p[i-1]+1).
25. This is a little bit more difficult. You can use different graph traversal
algorithms like "DFS" (Depth-First-Search) and "BFS" (Breadth-
First-Search) to go through all the cells in certain area starting from any
cell that belongs to it. If you have an area traversal algorithm (like
DFS), run it several times starting from unvisited cell and mark the cells
of the traversed area as visited. Repeat this until all cells become
visited. Read later in this book about DFS and BFS in the chapter Trees
and Graphs or find information about these algorithms in Internet.
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Chapter 8. Numeral Systems
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will take a look at working with different numeral
systems and how numbers are represented in them. We will pay more
attention to how numbers are represented in decimal, binary and
hexadecimal numeral systems, since they are most widely used in
computers and programming. We will also explain the different ways for
encoding numeral data in computers signed or unsigned integers and the
different types of real numbers.
History in a Nutshell
Different numeral systems have been used since the ancient times. This
claim is supported by the fact that in ancient Egypt people used sun dials,
which measure time with the help of numeral systems. Most historians believe
that ancient Egyptians are the first civilization, which divided the day into
smaller parts. They accomplished this by using the first sun dials, which were
nothing more than a simple pole stuck in the ground, oriented by the length
and direction of the shadow.
Later a better sundial was invented, which looked like the letter T and
divided the time between sunrise and sunset into 12 parts. This proves the
use of the duodecimal system in ancient Egypt, the importance of the number
12 is usually related to the fact that moon cycles in a single year are 12 or the
number of phalanxes found in the fingers of one hand (four in each finger,
excluding the thumb).
In modern times, the decimal system is the most widely spread numeral
system. Maybe this is due to the fact that it enables people to count by using
the fingers on their hands.
Ancient civilizations divided the day into smaller parts by using different
numeral systems duodecimal and sexagesimal with bases 12 and 60
respectively. Greek astronomers such as Hipparchus used astronomical
approaches, which were earlier used by the Babylonians in Mesopotamia. The
Babylonians did astronomical calculations using the sexagesimal system,
which they had inherited from the Sumerians, who had developed it on their
own around 2000 B.C. It is not known exactly why the number 60 was chosen
for a base of the numeral system but it is important to note that this system
is very appropriate for the representation of fractions, because the number 60
is the smallest number that can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20
and 30 without a remainder.
270 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Applications of the Sexagesimal Numeral System
The sexagesimal system is still used today for measuring angles,
geographical coordinates and time. It still finds application on the watch dial
and the sphere of the geographical globe. The sexagesimal system was used
by Eratosthenes for dividing a circumference into 60 parts in order to create
an early system of geographical latitudes, made up from horizontal lines
passing through places well known in the past.
One century after Eratosthenes, Hipparchus standardized these lines by
making them parallel and conformable to the geometry of the Earth. He
introduced a system of geographical longitude lines, which included 360
degrees and respectively passed from north to south and pole to pole. In the
book "Almagest" (150 A.D.), Claudius Ptolemy further developed Hipparchus
studies by dividing the 360 degrees of geographical latitude and longitude into
other smaller parts. He divided each of the degrees into 60 equal parts, each
of which was later divided again into 60 smaller and equal parts. The parts
created by the division were called partes minutiae primae, or "first minute"
and respectively partes minutiae secundae, or "second minute". These parts
are still used today and are called "minutes" and "seconds" respectively.
Short Summary
We took a short historical trip through the millennia, which helped us learn
that numeral systems were created, used and developed as far back as the
Sumerians. The presented facts explain why a day contains (only) 24
hours, the hour has 60 minutes and the minute has 60 seconds. This is
a result of the fact that the ancient Egyptians divided the day after they had
started using the duodecimal numeral system. The division of hours and
minutes into 60 equal parts is a result of the work of ancient Greek
astronomers, who did their calculations using the sexagesimal numeral
system, which was created by the Sumerians and used by the Babylonians.
Numeral Systems
So far we have taken a look at the history of numeral systems. Lets now take
a detailed look at what they really are and what is their role in computing.
What Are Numeral Systems?
Numeral systems are a way of representing numbers by a finite type-set of
graphical signs called digits. We must add to them the rules for depicting
numbers. The characters, which are used to depict numbers in a given
numeral system, can be perceived as that systems alphabet.
During the different stages of the development of human civilization, various
numeral systems had gained popularity. We must note that today the most
widely spread one is the Arabic numeral system. It uses the digits 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, as its alphabet. (An interesting fact is that the depiction
of Arabic numerals in modern times is different from the ten digits mentioned
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 271
above but in spite of all they are still referred to the same numeral system
the decimal one).
Beside an alphabet, every numeral system has a base. The base is a number
equal to the different digits used by the system for depicting the numbers in
it. For example, the Arabic numeral system is decimal because it has 10
digits. A random number can be chosen as a base, which has an absolute
value different than 1 and 0. It can also be a real or a complex number with a
A practical question we can ask is: which is the best numeral system that
we should use? To answer it, we must decide what the optimal way to depict
a number (the digit count in the number) is and the number of digits the
given numeral system uses its base. Mathematically it can be proven that
the best ratio between the length of depiction and the number of used digits
is accomplished by using Euler's number (e = 2,718281828), which is the
base of natural logarithms.
Working in a system with such base e is extremely inconvenient and
impractical because that number cannot be represented as a ratio of two
natural numbers. This gives us grounds to conclude that the optimal base of a
numeral system is either 2 or 3.
Although the number 3 is closer to the Neper number, it is unsuitable for
technical implementation. Because of that the binary numeral system is the
only one suitable for practical use and it is used in the modern computers and
electronic devices.
Positional Numeral Systems
A positional numeral system is a system, in which the position of the
digits is significant for the value of the number. This means that the value of
the digits in the number is not strictly defined and depends on which position
the given digit is. For example, in the number 351 the digit 1 has a value of 1,
while in the number 1024 it has a value of 1000. We must note that the bases
of the numeral systems are applicable only with positional numeral systems.
In a positional numeral system the number A
= (a
can be represented in the following way:

n m
m m p
T a A
) (
In this sum T
has the meaning of a weight factor for the m
digit of the
number. In most cases T
= P
, which means that:

n m
m p
P a A
) (

272 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Formed using the sum above, the number A
is respectively made up from
its whole part (a
) and its fraction (a
), where every a
belongs to the multitude of the natural numbers M={0, 1, 2, , p-1}. We can
easily see that in positional numeral systems the value of each digit is the-
base-of-the-system times bigger than the one before it (the digit to the right,
which is the lower-order digit). As a direct result from this we must add one
to the left (higher-order) digit, if we need to note a digit in the current digit
that is bigger than the base. The systems with bases of 2, 8, 10 and 16 have
become wide spread in computing devices. In the table below we can see
their notation of the numbers from 0 to 15:
Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
0000 0 0 0
0001 1 1 1
0010 2 2 2
0011 3 3 3
0100 4 4 4
0101 5 5 5
0110 6 6 6
0111 7 7 7
1000 10 8 8
1001 11 9 9
1010 12 10 A
1011 13 11 B
1100 14 12 C
1101 15 13 D
1110 16 14 E
1111 17 15 F
Non-Positional Numeral Systems
Besides the positional numeral systems, there are also non-positional
numeral systems, in which the value of each digit is a constant and does not
strictly depend on its position in the number. Such numeral systems are the
Roman and Greek numeral systems. All non-positional numeral systems
have a common drawback the notation of big numbers in them is very
inefficient. As a result of this drawback, they have gained only limited use.
This could often lead to inaccuracy when determining the value of numbers.
We will take a very brief look at the Roman and Greek numeral systems.
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 273
Roman Numeral System
The Roman numeral system uses sequences of the following symbols to
represent the numbers:
Roman Digit Decimal Value
I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000
As we have already mentioned, in this numeral system the position of the
digit has no significance for the value of the number and for determining the
value, the following rules are applied:
1. If two consecutively represented Roman digits are in such order that the
value of the first one is bigger or equal to the value of the second one,
their values are added. Example:
The number III=3, but the number MMD=2500.
2. If two consecutively represented roman digits are in increasing order of
their values, they are subtracted. Example:
The number IX=9, the number MXL=1040, but the number MXXIV=1024.
Greek Numeral System
The Greek numeral system is a decimal system, in which a grouping of fives
is done. It uses the following digits:
Greek Digit Decimal Value
As we can see in the table, one is represented with a vertical line, five with
the letter , and the powers of 10 with the first letter of the corresponding
Greek word.
274 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Here are some examples of numbers in this system:
- = 50 = 5 x 10
- H = 500 = 5 x 100
- X = 5000 = 5 x 1,000
- M = 50,000 = 5 x 10,000
The Binary Numeral System Foundation of
Computing Technology
The binary numeral system is the system, which is used to represent and
process numbers in modern computing machines. The main reason it is so
widely spread is explained with the fact that devices with two stable states
are very simple to implement and the production costs of binary arithmetic
devices are very low.
The binary digits 0 and 1 can be easily represented in the computing
machines as "current" and "no current", or as "+5V" and "-5V".
Along with its advantages, the binary system for number notation in
computers has its drawbacks, too. One of its biggest practical flaws is that
numbers represented in binary numeral system are very long, meaning they
have a large number of bits. This makes it inconvenient for direct use by
humans. To avoid this disadvantage, systems with larger bases are used in
Decimal Numbers
Numbers represented in the decimal numeral system, are given in a primal
appearance, meaning that they are easy to be understood by humans. This
numeral system has the number 10 for a base. The numbers represented in it
are ordered by the powers of the number 10. The lowest-order digit (first
from right to left) of the decimal numbers is used to represent the ones
=1), the next one to represent the tens (10
=10), the next one to
represent the hundreds (10
=100), and so on. In other words every
following digit is ten times bigger than the one preceding it. The sum of the
separate digits determines the value of the number. We will take the number
95031 as an example, which can be represented in the decimal numeral
system as:
95031 = (910
) + (510
) + (010
) + (310
) + (110
Represented that way, the number 95031 is presented in a natural way for
humans because the principles of the decimal numeral system have been
accepted as fundamental for people.

The discussed approaches are valid for the other numeral
systems, too. They have the same logical setting but are
applied to a system with a different base. The last statement
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 275
is true for the binary and hexadecimal numeral systems,
which we will discuss in details in a little bit.
Binary Numbers
The numbers represented in the binary numeral system are represented in
a secondary aspect which means that they are easy to be understood by the
computing machine. They are a bit harder to be understood by people. To
represent a binary number, the binary numeral system is used, which has the
number 2 for a base. The numbers represented in it are ordered by the
powers of two. Only the digits 0 and 1 are used for their notation.
Usually, when a number is represented in a numeral system other than
decimal, the numeral systems base is added as an index in brackets next to
the number. For example, with this notation 1110
we indicate a number in
the binary numeral system. If no numeral system is explicitly specified, it is
accepted that the number is in the decimal system. The number is
pronounced by reading its digits in sequence from left to right (we read from
the highest-order to the lowest-order bit).
Like with decimal numbers, each binary number being looked at from right to
left is represented by a power of the number 2 in the respected sequence.
The lowest-order position in a binary number corresponds to the zero power
=1), the second position corresponds to 2 to the first power (2
=2), the
third position corresponds to 2 to the second power (2
=4), and so on. If the
number is 8 bits long, the last bit is 2 to the seventh power (2
=128). If the
number has 16 bits, the last bit is 2 to the fifteenth power. By using 8 binary
digits (0 or 1) we can represent a total of 256 numbers, because 2
=256. By
using 16 binary digits we can represent a total of 65536 numbers, because
Lets look at some examples of numbers in the binary numeral system. Take,
for example, the decimal number 148. It is composed of three digits: 1, 4
and 8, and it corresponds to the following binary number:

148 = (12
) + (12
) + (12
The full notation of the number is depicted in the following table:
Number 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Power 2

= 128
= 0
= 0
= 16
= 0
= 4
= 0
= 0
The sequence of eight zeros or ones represents one byte, an ordinary eight
bit binary number. All numbers from 0 to 255 including can be represented in
a single byte. In most cases this is not enough; as a result several
consecutive bytes can be used to represent a big number. Two bytes form the
276 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
so called "machine word" (word), which corresponds to 16 bits (in 16-bit
computing machines). Besides it, computing machines use the so called
double word or dword, corresponding to 32 bits.

If a binary number ends in 0 it is even, if it ends in 1 it is
Converting From Binary to Decimal Numeral System
When turning from binary to decimal numeral system, we do a conversion of
a binary number to a decimal number. Every number can be converted
from one numeral system to another by doing a sequence of operations that
are possible in both numeral systems. As we have already mentioned,
numbers in the binary system consist of binary digits, which are ordered by
the powers of 2. Lets take the number 11001
Converting into decimal is
done by calculating the following sum:


+ 12





= 16
+ 8
+ 1
= 25

From this follows that 11001
= 25
In other words every single binary digit is multiplied by 2 raised to the
power of the position it is in. In the end all of the numbers resulting from
the binary digits are added up to get the decimal value of the binary number.
Horner Scheme
Another method of conversion exists, known as the Horner Scheme. When
using it, we multiply the left most digit by 2 and add it to the one to its right.
We multiply this result by two and the neighboring digit (one to the right) is
added. This is repeated until all the digits in the number have been exhausted
and we add the last digit without multiplying it. Here is an example:
= ((1 2 + 0) 2 + 0) 2 + 1 = 2 2 2 + 1 = 9
Converting from Decimal to Binary Numeral System
When transitioning from decimal to binary numeral system, we convert a
decimal number into a binary one. To accomplish this, we divide it by 2 with a
remainder. This is how we get the quotient and the remainder, which is
Lets use the number 148 again as an example. We do an integer division by
the base we want to convert to (in this case it is 2). After that using the
remainders of the division (they will always be either zero or one), we
represent the converted number. We continue dividing until we get a zero
quotient. Here is an example:
148:2=74 with remainder 0;
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 277
74:2=37 with remainder 0;
37:2=18 with remainder 1;
18:2=9 with remainder 0;
9:2=4 with remainder 1;
4:2=2 with remainder 0;
2:2=1 with remainder 0;
1:2=0 with remainder 1;
After we are done with the division, we represent the remainders in reverse
order as follows:
i.e. 148
= 10010100
Operations with Binary Numbers
The arithmetical rules of addition, subtraction and multiplication are valid for a
single digit of binary numbers:
0 + 0 = 0 0 - 0 = 0 0 0 = 0
1 + 0 = 1 1 - 0 = 1 1 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1 1 - 1 = 0 0 1 = 0
1 + 1 = 10 10 - 1 = 1 1 1 = 1
In addition, with binary numbers we can also do logical operations such as
logical multiplication (conjunction), logical addition (disjunction) and the sum
of modulo two (exclusive or).
We must also note that when we are doing arithmetic operations with multi-
order numbers we must take into account the connection between the
separate orders by transfer or loan, when doing addition or subtraction
respectively. Lets take a look at some details regarding bitwise operators.
Bitwise "and"
The bitwise AND operator can be used for checking the value of a given bit in
a number. For example, if we want to check if a given number is even (we
check if the lowest-order bit is 1):
10111011 AND 00000001 = 00000001
The result is 1, which means that the number is odd (if the result was 0 the
number would be even).
In C# the bitwise "and" is represented with & and is used like this:
int result = integer1 & integer2;
278 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Bitwise "or"
The bitwise OR operator can be used if we want, for example, to "raise" a
given bit to 1:
10111011 OR 00000100 = 10111111
Bitwise "or" in C# is represented with | and is used like this:
int result = integer1 | integer2;
Bitwise "exclusive or"
The bitwise operator XOR every binary digit is processed separately, and
when we have a 0 in the second operand, the corresponding value of the bit
in the first operand is copied in the result. At every position that has a value
of 1 in the second operand, we reverse the value of the corresponding
position in the first operand and represent it in the result:
10111011 XOR 01010101 = 11101110
In C# the notation of the "exclusive or" operator is ^:
int result = integer1 ^ integer2;
Bitwise Negation
The bitwise operator NOT this is a unary operator, which means that it is
applied to a single operand. What it does is to reverse every bit of the given
binary number to its opposite value:
NOT 10111011 = 01000100
In C# the bitwise negation is represented with ~:
int result = ~integer1;
Hexadecimal Numbers
With hexadecimal numbers we have the number 16 for a system base,
which implies the use of 16 digits to represent all possible values from 0 to 15
inclusive. As we have already shown in one of the tables in the previous
sections, for notating numbers in the hexadecimal system, we use the digits
from 0 to 9 and the Latin numbers from A to F. Each of them has the
corresponding value:
A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15
We can give the following example for hexadecimal numbers: D2, 1F2F1, D1E
and so on.
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 279
Transition to decimal system is done by multiplying the value of the right
most digit by 16
, the next one to the left by 16
, the next one to the left by
and so on, and adding them all up in the end. Example:
= E*16
+ 1*16
+ D*16
= 14*1 + 1*16 + 13*256 = 3358
Transition from decimal to hexadecimal numeral system is done by dividing
the decimal number by 16 and taking the remainders in reverse order.
3358 / 16 = 209 + remainder 14 (E)
209 / 16 = 13 + remainder 1 (1)
13 / 16 = 0 + remainder 13 (D)
We take the remainders in reverse order and get the number D1E
Fast Transition from Binary to Hexadecimal Numbers
The fast conversion from binary to hexadecimal numbers can be quickly
and easily done by dividing the binary number into groups of four bits
(splitting it into half-bytes). If the number of digits is not divisible by four,
leading zeros in the highest-orders are added. After the division and the
eventual addition of zeros, all the groups are replaced with their
corresponding digits. Here is an example:
Lets look at the following: 1110011110

1. We divide it into half-bytes and add the leading zeros
Example: 0011 1001 1110.
2. We replace every half-byte with the corresponding hexadecimal digit
and we get 39E
Therefore 1110011110
= 39E
Numeral Systems Summary
As a summary, we will formulate again in a short but clear manner the
algorithms used for transitioning from one positional numeral system to
- Transitioning from a decimal to a k-based numeral system is done
by consecutively dividing the decimal to the base of the k system and
the remainders (their corresponding digit in the k based system) are
accumulated in reverse order.
- Transitioning from a k-based numeral system to decimal is done by
multiplying the last digit of the k-based number by k
, the one before it
by k
, the next one by k
and so on, and the products are the added up.
280 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Transitioning from a k-based numeral system to a p-based
numeral system is done by intermediately converting to the decimal
system (excluding hexadecimal and binary numeral systems).
- Transitioning from a binary to hexadecimal numeral system and
back is done by converting each sequence of 4 binary bits into its
corresponding hexadecimal number and vice versa.
Representation of Numbers
Binary code is used to store data in the operating memory of computing
machines. Depending on the type of data we want to store (strings, integers
or real numbers with an integral and fractal part) information is represented
in a particular manner. It is determined by the data type.
Even a programmer using a high level language must know how the data is
allocated in the operating memory of the machine. This is also relevant to the
cases when the data is stored on an external carrier, because when it is
processed, it will be situated in the operating memory.
In the current section we will take a look at the different ways to present
and process different types of data. In general they are based on the
concepts of bit, byte and machine word.
Bit is a binary unit of information with a value of either 0 or 1.
Information in the memory is grouped in sequences of 8 bits, which form a
single byte.
For an arithmetic device to process the data, it must be presented in the
memory by a set number of bytes (2, 4 or 8), which form a machine word.
These are concepts, which every programmer must know and understand.
Representing Integer Numbers in the Memory
One of the things we have not discussed so far is the sign of numbers.
Integers can be represented in the memory in two ways: with a sign or
without a sign. When numbers are represented with a sign, a signed order is
introduced. It is the highest-order and has the value of 1 for negative
numbers and the value of 0 for positive numbers. The rest of the orders are
informational and only represent (contain) the value of the number. In the
case of a number without a sign, all bits are used to represent its value.
Unsigned Integers
For unsigned integers 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes are allocated in the memory.
Depending on the number of bytes used in the notation of a given number,
different scopes of representation with variable size are formed. Through n
bytes all integers in the range [0, 2
-1] can be represented. The following
table shows the range of the values of unsigned integers:
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 281
Number of bytes
for representing
the number in
the memory
with order
Regular notation
1 0 2
-1 0 255
2 0 2
-1 0 65,535
4 0 2
-1 0 4,294,967,295
8 0 2
-1 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
We will give as an example a single-byte and a double-byte representation of
the number 158, whose binary notation is the following 10011110

1. Representation with 1 byte:
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
2. Representation with 2 bytes:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Representing Negative Numbers
For negative numbers 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes are allocated in the memory of the
computer, while the highest-order (the left most bit) has a signature
meaning and carries the information about the sign of the number. As we
have already mentioned, when the signature bit has a value of 1, the number
is negative, otherwise it is positive.
The next table shows the range of the values of the signed integer numbers in
the computer according to the number of bytes used for their notation:
Number of bytes
for representing
the number in the
with order
Regular notation
1 -2
-1 -128 127
2 -2
-1 -32,768 32,767
4 -2
-1 -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647
8 -2
To encode negative numbers, straight, reversed and additional code is
used. In all these three notations signed integers are within the range: [-2
282 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
-1]. Positive numbers are always represented in the same way and the
straight, reversed and additional code all coincide for them.
Straight code (signed magnitude) is the simplest representation of the
number. The highest-order bit carries the sign and the rest of the bits hold
the absolute value of the number. Here are some examples:
The number 3 in signed magnitude is represented as an eight-bit-long number
The number -3 in signed magnitude is represented in an eight-bit-long
number as 10000011.
Reversed code (ones complement) is formed from the signed magnitude
of the number by inversion (replacing all ones with zeros and vice-versa). This
code is not convenient for the arithmetical operations addition and subtraction
because it is executed in a different way if subtraction is necessary. Moreover
the sign carrying bits need to be processed separately from the information
carrying ones. This drawback is avoided by using additional code, which
instead of subtraction implements addition with a negative number. The latter
is depicted by its addition, i.e. the difference between 2
and the number
itself. Example:
The number -127 in signed magnitude is represented as 1 1111111 and in
ones complement as 1 0000000.
The number 3 in signed magnitude is represented as 0 0000011, and in ones
complement looks like 0 1111100.
Additional code (twos complement) is a number in reversed code to
which one is added (through addition). Example:
The number -127 is represented with additional code as 1 0000001.
In the Binary Coded Decimal, also known as BCD code, in one byte two
decimal digits are recorded. This is achieved by encoding a single decimal
digit in each half-byte. Numbers presented in this way can be packed, which
means that they can be represented in a packed format. If we represent a
single decimal digit in one byte we get a non-packed format.
Modern microprocessors use one or several of the discussed codes to present
negative numbers, the most widespread method is using twos complement.
Integer Types in C#
In C# there are eight integer data types either signed or unsigned.
Depending on the amount of bytes allocated for each type, different value
ranges are determined. Here are descriptions of the types:
Type Size Range
Type in .NET
sbyte 8 bits -128 127 System.SByte
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 283
byte 8 bits 0 255 System.Byte
short 16 bits -32,768 32,767 System.Int16
ushort 16 bits 0 65,535 System.UInt16
int 32 bits -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 System.Int32
uint 32 bits 0 4,294,967,295 System.UInt32
long 64 bits
ulong 64 bits 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 System.UInt64
We will take a brief look at the most used ones. The most commonly used
integer type is int. It is represented as a 32-bit number with twos
complement and takes a value in the range [-2
, 2
-1]. Variables of this
type are most frequently used to operate loops, index arrays and other
integer calculations. In the following table an example of a variable of the
type int is being declared:
int integerValue = 25;
int integerHexValue = 0x002A;
int y = Convert.ToInt32("1001", 2); // Converts binary to int
The type long is the largest signed integer type in C#. It has a size of 64 bits
(8 bytes). When giving value to the variables of type long the Latin letters "l"
or "L" are placed at the end of the integer literal. Placed at that position, this
modifier signifies that the literal has a value of the type long. This is done
because by default all integer literals are of the type int. In the next
example, we declare and give 64-bit value to variables of type long:
long longValue = 9223372036854775807L;
long newLongValue = 932145699054323689l;
An important condition is not to exceed the range of numbers that can be
represented in the used type. However, C# offers the ability to control what
happens when an overflow occurs. This is done via the checked and
unchecked blocks. The first are used when the application needs to throw an
exception (of the type System.OverflowException) in case that the range of
the variable is exceeded. The following programming code does exactly that:
284 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int a = int.MaxValue;
a = a + 1;
In case the fragment is in an unchecked block, an exception will not be
thrown and the output result will be wrong:
In case these blocks are not used, the C# compiler works in unchecked mode
by default.
C# includes unsigned types, which can be useful when a larger range is
needed for the variables in the scope of the positive numbers. Below are some
examples for declaring variables without a sign. We should pay attention to
the suffixes of ulong (all combinations of U, L, u, l).
byte count = 50;
ushort pixels = 62872;
uint points = 4139276850; // or 4139276850u, 4139276850U
ulong y = 18446744073709551615; // or UL, ul, Ul, uL, Lu, lU
Big-Endian and Little-Endian Representation
There are two ways for ordering bytes in the memory when representing
integers longer than one byte:
- Little-Endian (LE) bytes are ordered from left to right from the
lowest-order to the highest. This representation is used in the Intel x86
and Intel x64 microprocessor architecture.
- Big-Endian (BE) bytes are ordered from left to right starting with the
highest-order and ending with the lowest. This representation is used in
the PowerPC, SPARC and ARM microprocessor architecture.
Here is an example: the number A8B6EA72
is presented in both byte orders
in the following way:

There are some classes in C# that offer the opportunity to define which order
standard to be used. This is important for operations like sending / receiving
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 285
streams of information over the internet or other types of communication
between devices made by different standards. The field IsLittleEndian of
the BitConverter class for example shows what mode the class is working in
and how it stores data on the current computer architecture.
Representing Real Floating-Point Numbers
Real numbers consist of a whole and fraction parts. In computers, they are
represented as floating-point numbers. Actually this representation comes
from the Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754), adopted by the
leading microprocessor manufacturers. Most hardware platforms and
programming languages allow or require the calculations to be done according
to the requirements of this standard. The standard defines:
- Arithmetical formats: a set of binary and decimal data with a floating-
point, which consists of a finite number of digits.
- Exchange formats: encoding (bit sequences), which can be used for
data exchange in an effective and compact form.
- Rounding algorithms: methods, which are used for rounding up
numbers during calculations.
- Operations: arithmetic and other operations of the arithmetic formats.
- Exceptions: they are signals for extraordinary events such as division
by zero, overflowing and others.
According to the IEEE-754 standard a random real number R can be
presented in the following way:
R = M * q

where M is the mantissa of the number, p is the order (exponent), and q
accordingly is the base of the numeral system the number is in. The mantissa
must be a positive or negative common fraction |M|<1, and the exponent a
positive or negative integer.
In the mentioned method of representation of numbers, every floating-point
number will have the following summarized format 0,M*q
When notating numbers in the floating-point format using the binary numeral
system in particular, we will have R = M * 2
. In this representation of real
numbers in the computer memory, when we change the exponent, the
decimal point in the mantissa moves ("floats"). The floating-point
representation format has a semi-logarithmic form. It is depicted in the
following figure:

286 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Representing Floating-Point Numbers Example
Lets give an example of how a floating-point number is represented in the
memory. We want to write the number -21.15625 in 32-bit (single precision)
floating-point format according to the IEEE-754 standard. In this format, 23
bits are used for the mantissa, 8 bits for the exponent and 1 bit for the sign.
The notation of the number is as follows:

The sign of the number is negative, which means that the mantissa has a
negative sign:
S = -1
The exponent has a value of 4 (represented with a shifted order):
p = (2
+ 2
+ 2
) - 127 = (1+2+128) 127 = 4
For transitioning to the real value we subtract 127 from the additional code
because we are working with 8 bits (127 = 2
-1) starting from the zero
The mantissa has the following value (without taking the sign into account):
M = 1 + 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
= 1 + 0.25 + 0.0625 + 0.0078125 + 0.001953125 =
= 1.322265625
We should note that we added a one, which was missing from the binary
notation of the mantissa. We did it because the mantissa is always normalized
and starts with a one by default.
The value of the number is calculated using the formula R = M * 2
, which in
our example looks like the following:
R = -1,3222656 * 2
= -1,322265625 * 16 = -21,1562496 -21,15625
Mantissa Normalization
To use the order grid more fully, the mantissa must contain a one in its
highest-power order. Every mantissa fulfilling this condition is called
normalized. In the IEEE-754 standard, the one in the whole part of the
mantissa is by default, meaning the mantissa is always a number between 1
and 2.
If during the calculations a result that does not fulfill this condition is reached,
it means that the normalization is violated. This requires the normalization of
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 287
the number prior to its further processing, and for this purpose the decimal
point in the mantissa is moved and the corresponding order change is made.
The Float and Double Types in C#
In C# we have at our disposal two types, which can represent floating-point
numbers. The float type is a 32-bit real number with a floating-point and it
is accepted to be called single precision floating-point number. The double is
a 64-bit real number with a floating-point and it is accepted that it has a
double precision floating-point. These real data types and the arithmetic
operations with them correspond to the specification outlined by the IEEE
754-1985 standard. In the following table are presented the most important
characteristics of the two types:
Type Size Range
Type in .NET
float 32 bits
1.5 10

3.4 10

7 System.Single
double 64 bits
5.0 10

1.7 10

15-16 System.Double
In the float type we have a mantissa, which contains 7 significant digits,
while in the double type it stores 15-16 significant digits. The remaining bits
are used for specifying the sign of the mantissa and the value of the
exponent. The double type, aside from the larger number of significant digits,
also has a larger exponent, which means that it has a larger scope of the
values it can assume. Here is an example how to declare variables of the
float and double types:
float total = 5.0f;
float result = 5.0f;
double sum = 10.0;
double div = 35.4 / 3.0;
double x = 5d;
The suffixes placed after the numbers on the right side of the equation, serve
the purpose of specifying what type the number should be treated as (f for
float, d for double). In this case they are in place because by default 5.0 will
be interpreted as a double and 5 as an int.

In C#, floating-point numbers literals by default are of the
double type.
Integers and floating-point numbers can both be present in a given
expression. In that case, the integer variables are converted to floating-point
variables and the result is defined according to the following rules:
288 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
1. If any of the floating-point types is a double, the result will be double
(or bool).
2. If there is no double type in the expression, the result is float (or
Many of the mathematical operations can yield results, which have no specific
numerical value, like the value "+/- infinity" or NaN (which means "Not a
Number"), these values are not numbers. Here is an example:
double d = 0;
If we execute it we get the following result:
If we execute the code above using int instead of double, we will receive a
System.DivideByZeroException, because integer division by 0 is not an
allowed operation.
Errors When Using Floating-Point Numbers
Floating-point numbers (presented according to the IEEE 754 standard) are
very convenient for calculations in physics, where very big numbers are used
(with several hundred digits) and also numbers that are very close to zero
(with hundreds of digits after the decimal point before the first significant
digit). When working with these numbers, the IEEE 754 format is
exceptionally convenient because it keeps the numbers order in the exponent
and the mantissa is only used to store the significant digits. In 64-bit floating-
point numbers accuracy of 15-16 digits, as well as exponents displacing the
decimal point with 300 positions left or right can be achieved.
Unfortunately not every real number has an exact representation in the
IEEE 754 format, because not each number can be presented as a
polynomial of a finite number of addends, which are negative powers of two.
This is fully valid even for numbers, which are used daily for the simplest
financial calculations. For example the number 0.1 represented as a 32-bit
floating-point value is presented as 0.099999994. If the appropriate rounding
is used, the number can be accepted as 0.1, but the error can be accumulated
and cause serious deviations, especially in financial calculations. For example
when adding up 1000 items with a unit price of 0.1 EUR each, we should get a
sum of 100 EUR but if we use a 32-bit floating-point numbers for the
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 289
calculations the result will be 99.99905. Here is C# example in action, which
proves the errors caused by the inaccurate presentation of decimal real
numbers in the binary numeral system:
float sum = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
sum += 0.1f;
Console.WriteLine("Sum = {0}", sum);
// Sum = 99.99905
We can easily see the errors in such calculations if we execute the example or
modify it to get even more striking errors.
Precision of Floating-Point Numbers
The accuracy of the results from floating-point calculations depends on the
following parameters:
1. Precision of the number representation.
2. Precision of the used number methods.
3. Value of the errors resulting from rounding up, etc.
Calculations with them can be inaccurate because they are represented in the
memory with some kind of precision. Lets look at the following code fragment
as an example:
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
sum += 0.1;
Console.WriteLine("{0:r}", sum);
During the execution, in the loop we add the value 1/10 to the variable sum.
When calling the WriteLine() method, we use the round-trip format specifier
"{0:r}" to print the exact (not rounded) value contained in the variable, and
after that we print the same value without specifying a format. We expect
that when we execute the program we will get 1.0 as a result but in reality,
when rounding is turned off, the program returns a value very close to the
correct one but still different:
290 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
As we can see in the example, by default, when printing floating-point
numbers in .NET Framework, they are rounded, which seemingly reduces
the errors of their inaccurate notation in the IEEE 754 format. The result of
the calculation above is obviously wrong but after the rounding it looks
correct. However, if we add 0.1 a several thousand times, the error will
accumulate and the rounding will not be able to compensate it.
The reason for the wrong answer in the example is that the number 0.1 does
not have an exact representation in the double type and it has to be rounded.
Lets replace double with float:
float sum = 0.0f;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
sum += 0.1f;
Console.WriteLine("{0:r}", sum);
If we execute the code above, we will get an entirely different sum:
Again the reason for this is rounding.
If we investigate why the program yields these results, we will see that the
number 0.1 of the float type is represented in the following manner:

All this looks correct except for the mantissa, which has a value slightly bigger
than 1.6, not exactly 1.6 because this number cannot be presented as sum of
the negative powers of 2. If we have to be very precise, the value of the
mantissa is 1 + 1 / 2 + 1 / 16 + 1 / 32 + 1 / 256 + 1 / 512 + 1 / 4096 + 1 /
8192 + 1 / 65536 + 1 / 131072 + 1 / 1048576 + 1 / 2097152 + 1 / 8388608
1.60000002384185791015625 1.6. Thus the number 0.1 presented in
the IEE 754 is slightly more than 1.6 2
and the error occurs not during the
addition but before that, when 0.1 is recorded in the float type.
Double and Float types have a field called Epsilon, which is a constant, and
it contains the smallest value larger than zero, which can be represented by
an instance of System.Single or System.Double respectively. Each value
smaller than Epsilon is considered to be equal to 0. For example, if we
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 291
compare two numbers, which are different after all, but their difference is
smaller than Epsilon, they will be considered equal.
The Decimal Type
The System.Decimal type in .NET Framework uses decimal floating-point
arithmetic and 128-bit precision, which is very suitable for big numbers and
precise financial calculations. Here are some characteristics of the decimal
Type Size Range
Type in .NET
decimal 128 bits
1.0 10

7.9 10

28-29 System.Decimal
Unlike the floating-point numbers, the decimal type retains its precision for
all decimal number in its range. The secret to this excellent precision when
working with decimal numbers lies in the fact that the internal representation
of the mantissa is not in the binary system but in the decimal one. The
exponent is also a power of 10, not 2. This enables numbers to be
represented precisely, without them being converted to the binary numeral
Because the float and double types and the operations on them are
implementer by the arithmetic coprocessor, which is part of all modern
computer microprocessors, and decimal is implemented by the software in
.NET CLR, it is tens of times slower than double, but is irreplaceable for the
execution of financial calculations.
In case our target is to assign a given literal to variable of type decimal, we
need to use the suffixes m or M. For example:
decimal calc = 20.4m;
decimal result = 5.0M;
Lets use decimal instead of float / double in the example from before:
decimal sum = 0.0m;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10000000; i++)
sum += 0.0000001m;
This time the result is exactly what we expected:
292 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Even though the decimal type has a higher precision than the floating-point
types, it has a smaller value range and, for example, it cannot be used to
represent the following value 1e-50. As a result, an overflow may occur when
converting from floating-point numbers to decimal.
Character Data (Strings)
Character (text) data in computing is text, encoded using a sequence of
bytes. There are different encoding schemes used to encode text data. Most
of them encode one character in one byte or in a sequence of several bytes.
Such encoding schemes are ASCII, Windows-1251, UTF-8 and UTF-16.
Encoding Schemes (Encodings)
The ASCII encoding scheme compares the unique number of the letters from
the Latin alphabet and some other symbols and special characters and writes
them in a single byte. The ASCII standard contains a total of 127 characters,
each of which is written in one byte. A text, written as a sequence of bytes
according to the ASCII standard, cannot contain Cyrillic or characters from
other alphabets such as the Arabian, Korean and Chinese ones.
Like the ASCII standard, the Windows-1251 encoding scheme compares the
unique number of the letters in the Latin alphabet, Cyrillic and some other
symbols and specialized characters and writes them in one byte. The
Windows-1251 encoding defines the numbers of 256 characters exactly as
many as the different values that can be written in one byte. A text written
according to the Windows-1251 standard can contain only Cyrillic and Latin
letters, Arabian, Indian or Chinese are not supported.
The UTF-8 encoding is completely different. All characters in the Unicode
standard the letters and symbols used in all widely spread languages in the
world (Cyrillic, Latin, Arabian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and many other
languages and writing systems) can be encoded in it. The UTF-8 encoding
contains over half a million symbols. In the UTF-8 encoding, the more
commonly used symbols are encoded in 1 byte (Latin letters and digits for
example), the second most commonly used symbols are coded in 2 bytes
(Cyrillic letters for example), and the ones that are used even more rarely are
coded in 3 or 4 bytes (like the Chinese, Japanese and Korean alphabet).
The UTF-16 encoding, like UTF-8 can depict text of all commonly used
languages and writing systems, described in the Unicode standard. In UTF-16,
every symbol is written in 16 bits (2 bytes) and some of the more rarely used
symbols are presented as a sequence of two 16-bit values.
Presenting a Sequence of Characters
Character sequences can be presented in several ways. The most common
method for writing text in the memory is to write in 2 or 4 bytes its length,
followed by a sequence of bytes, which presents the text itself in some sort of
encoding (for example Windows-1251 or UTF-8).
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 293
Another, less common method of writing texts in the memory, typical for the
C language, represents texts as a sequence of characters, usually coded in 1
byte, followed by a special ending character, most frequently a 0. When using
this method, the length of the text saved at a given position in the memory is
not known in advance. This is considered a disadvantage in many situations.
Char Type
The char type in the C# language is a 16-bit value, in which a single
Unicode character or part of it is coded. In most alphabets (for example the
ones used by all European languages) one letter is written in a single 16-bit
value, and thus it is assumed that a variable of the char type represents a
single character. Here is an example:
char ch = 'A';
String Type
The string type in C# holds text, encoded in UTF-16. A single string in
C# consists of 4 bytes length and a sequence of characters written as 16-bit
values of the char type. The string type can store texts written in all
widespread alphabets and human writing systems Latin, Cyrillic, Chinese,
Japanese, Arabian and many, many others. Here is an example of the usage
of the string:
string str = "Example";
1. Convert the numbers 151, 35, 43, 251, 1023 and 1024 to the binary
numeral system.
2. Convert the number 1111010110011110
to hexadecimal and decimal
numeral systems.
3. Convert the hexadecimal numbers FA, 2A3E, FFFF, 5A0E9 to binary and
decimal numeral systems.
4. Write a program that converts a decimal number to binary one.
5. Write a program that converts a binary number to decimal one.
6. Write a program that converts a decimal number to hexadecimal one.
7. Write a program that converts a hexadecimal number to decimal one.
8. Write a program that converts a hexadecimal number to binary one.
9. Write a program that converts a binary number to hexadecimal one.
294 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
10. Write a program that converts a binary number to decimal using the
Horner scheme.
11. Write a program that converts Roman digits to Arabic ones.
12. Write a program that converts Arabic digits to Roman ones.
13. Write a program that by given N, S, D (2 S, D 16) converts the number
N from an S-based numeral system to a D based numeral system.
14. Try adding up 50,000,000 times the number 0.000001. Use a loop
and addition (not direct multiplication). Try it with float and double and
after that with decimal. Do you notice the huge difference in the
results and speed of calculation? Explain what happens.
15. * Write a program that prints the value of the mantissa, the sign of the
mantissa and exponent in float numbers (32-bit numbers with a
floating-point according to the IEEE 754 standard). Example: for the
number -27.25 should be printed: sign = 1, exponent = 10000011,
mantissa = 10110100000000000000000.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use the methods for conversion from one numeral system to
another. You can check your results with the help of the Windows built-
in calculator, which supports numeral systems in "Programmer" mode.
The results are: 10010111, 100011, 101011, 11111011, 1111111111 and
2. Like the previous exercise. Result: F59E
and 62878
3. Like the previous exercise. The results are: FA
= 250
, 2A3E
= 10814
= 10101000111110
= 1111111111111111
and 5A0E9
= 368873
4. The rule is "divide by 2 and concatenate the remainders in
reversed order". For division with a remainder we use the % operator.
You can cheat by invoking Convert.ToString(numDecimal, 2).
5. Start with a sum of 0. Multiply the right-most bit with 1 and add it to
the sum. Multiply the next bit on the left by 2 and add it to the sum.
Multiply the next bit on the left by 4, the next by 8 and so on. You can
cheat by invoking Convert.ToInt32(binaryNumAsString, 2).
6. The rule is "divide by the base of the system (16) and concatenate
the remainders in reversed order". A logic that gets a hexadecimal
digit (0F) by decimal number (015) should also be implemented. You
can cheat by invoking num.ToString("X").
7. Start with a sum of 0. Multiply the right-most digit with 1 and add it to
the sum. Multiply the next digit to the left by 16 and add it to the sum.
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems 295
Multiply the next digit by 16*16, the next by 16*16*16 and so on. You
can cheat by invoking Convert.ToInt32(hexNumAsString, 16).
8. Use the fast method for transitioning between hexadecimal and binary
numeral system (each hexadecimal digit turns to 4 binary bits).
9. Use the fast method for transitioning from binary to hexadecimal numeral
system (each 4 binary bits correspond to a hexadecimal digit).
10. Directly apply the Horner scheme.
11. Scan the digits of the Roman number from left to right and add them
up to a sum, which is initialized with a 0. When processing each Roman
digit, take it with a positive or negative sign, depending on the digit
after it (whether it has a bigger or smaller decimal value).
12. Take a look at the numbers from 1 to 9 and their corresponding Roman
representation with the digits "I", "V" and "X":
1 -> I
2 -> II
3 -> III
4 -> IV
5 -> V
6 -> VI
7 -> VII
8 -> VIII
9 -> IX
We have exactly the same correspondence for the numbers 10, 20, ,
90 with their Roman representation "X", "L" and "C". The same is valid
for the numbers 100, 200, , 900 and their Roman representation with
"C", "D" and "M" and so on.
We are now ready to convert the number N into the Roman numeral
system. It must be in the range [13999], otherwise we should report
an error. First we separate the thousands (N / 1000) and replace them
with their Roman counterpart. After that we separate the hundreds (N /
100) % 10) and separate them with their Roman counterpart and so on.
13. You can convert first from S-based system to decimal number and
then from decimal number to D-based system.
14. If you execute the calculations correctly, you will get 32.00 (for float),
49.9999999657788 (for double) and 50.00 (for decimal) respectively.
The differences come from the fact that 0.000001 has no exact
representation as float and double. You may notice also that adding
decimal values is at least 10 times slower than adding double values.
15. Use the special method for conversion of single precision floating-point
numbers to a sequence of 4 bytes: System.BitConverter.GetBytes(
<float>). Then use bitwise operations (shifting and bit masks) to
extract the sign, mantissa and exponent following the IEEE 754 standard.
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Chapter 9. Methods
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will get more familiar with what methods are and why we
need to use them. The reader will be shown how to declare methods, what
parameters are and what a methods signature is, how to call a method,
how to pass arguments of methods and how methods return values. At the
end of this chapter we will know how to create our own method and how to
use (invoke) it whenever necessary. Eventually, we will suggest some good
practices in working with methods. The content of this chapter accompanied
by detailed examples and exercises that will help the reader practice the
learned material.
Subroutines in Programming
To solve a certain task, especially if it is a complex one, we apply the method
that ancient Romans did divide and conquer. According to this principle,
the problem we solve must be divided into small subproblems. Taken
separately they are well defined and easy to be resolved compared to the
original problem. At the end by finding solutions for all the small problems we
solve the complex one.
Using the same analogy, whenever we write a software program we aim to
solve particular task. To do it in an efficient and easy-to-make way we use
the same mentioned above principle divide and conquer. We separate the
given task into smaller tasks, then develop solutions for them and put them
together into one program. Those smaller tasks we call subroutines.
In some other programming languages subroutines can be named as
functions or procedures. In C#, they are called methods.
What Is a "Method"?
A method is a basic part of a program. It can solve a certain problem,
eventually take parameters and return a result.
A method represents all data conversion a program does, to resolve a
particular task. Methods consist of the programs logic. Moreover they are
the place where the real job is done. That is why methods can be taken as a
base unit for the whole program. This on the other hand, gives us the
opportunity, by using a simple block, to build bigger programs, which resolve
more complex and sophisticated problems. Below is a simple example of a
method that calculates rectangles area:
298 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static double GetRectangleArea(double width, double height)
double area = width * height;
return area;
Why to Use Methods?
There are many reasons we should use methods. Some of them are listed
below, and by gaining experience, you will assure yourself that methods are
something that cannot be avoided for a serious task.
Better Structured Program and More Readable Code
Whenever a program has been created, it is always a good practice to use
methods, in a way to make your code better structured and easy to
read, hence to be maintained by other people.
A good reason for this is the fact, that of the time that a program exists, only
about 20% of the effort is spent on creating and testing the program. The rest
is for maintenance and adding new features to the initial version. In most of
the cases, once the code has been released, it is maintained not only from its
creator, but by many other developers. That is why it is very important for the
code to be as well structured and readable as possible.
Avoid Duplicated Code
Another very important reason to use methods is that methods help us to
avoid code repeating. This has a strong relationship to the idea of code
Code Reuse
If a piece of code is used more than once in a program, it is good to separate
it in a method, which can be called many times thus enabling reuse of the
same code, without rewriting it. This way we avoid code repeating, but this
is not the only advantage. The program itself becomes more readable and
well structured.
Repeating code may become very noxious and hazardous, because it impedes
the maintenance of the program and leads to errors. Often, whenever change
of repeating code is needed, the developer fixes only some of the blocks, but
the problems is still alive in the others, about which they forgot. So for
example if a defect is found into a piece of 50 lines code, that is copied to 10
different places over the program, to fix the defect, the repeated code must
be fixed for the all 10 places. This, however, is not what really happens.
Often, due to lack of concentration or some other reasons, the developer
fixes only some of the pieces of code, but not all of them. For example,
Chapter 9. Methods 299
lets say that in our case the developer has fixed 8 out of 10 blocks of code.
This eventually, will lead to unexpected behavior of our program, only in rare
cases and, moreover, it will be very a difficult task to find out what is going
wrong with the program.
How to Declare, Implement and Invoke a Method?
This is the time to learn how to distinguish three different actions related to
existing of a method: declaring, implementation (creation) and calling of a
Declaring a method we call method registration in the program, so it can be
successfully identified in the rest of the program.
Implementation (creation) of a method is the process of typing the code
that resolves a particular task. This code is in the method itself and
represents its logic.
Method call is the process that invokes the already declared method, from a
part of the code, where a problem, that the method resolves, must be solved.
Declaring Our Own Method
Before we learn how to declare our own method, it is important to know
where we are allowed to do it.
Where Is Method Declaration Allowed?
Although we still havent explained how to declare a class, we have seen it in
the exercises before. We know that every class has opening and closing curly
brackets "{" and "}", between which the program code is placed. More
detailed description for this can be found in the chapter "Defining Classes",
however we mention it here, because a method exists only if it is declared
between the opening and closing brackets of a class "{" and "}". In
addition a method cannot be declared inside another method's body (this will
be clarified later).

In the C# language, a method can be declared only between
the opening "{" and the closing "}" brackets of a class.
A typical example for a method is the already known method Main() that
is always declared between the opening and the closing curly brackets of our
class. An example for this is shown below:
public class HelloCSharp
{ // Opening brace of the class

300 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// Declaring our method between the class' body braces
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello C#!");
} // Closing brace of the class
Method Declaration
To declare a method means to register the method in our program. This is
shown with the following declaration:
[static] <return_type> <method_name>([<param_list>])
There are some mandatory elements to declare method:
- Type of the result, returned by the method <return_type>.
- Methods name <method_name>.
- List of parameters to the method <param_list> it can be empty list
or it can consist of a sequence of parameters declarations.
To clarify the elements of methods declaration, we can use the Main()
method from the example HelloCSharp show in the previous block:
static void Main(string[] args)
As can be seen the type of returned value is void (i.e. that method does
not return a result), the methods name is Main, followed by round brackets,
between which is a list with the methods parameters. In the particular
example it is actually only one parameter the array string[] args.
The sequence, in which the elements of a method are written, is strictly
defined. Always, at the very first place, is the type of the value that method
returns <return_type>, followed by the methods name <method_name> and
list of parameters at the end <param_list> placed between in round brackets
"(" and ")". Optionally the declarations can have access modifiers (as
public and static).

When a method is declared keep the sequence of its
elements description: first is the type of the value that the
method returns, then is the methods name, and at the end is
a list of parameters placed in round brackets.
The list with parameters is allowed to be void (empty). In that case the only
thing we have to do is to type "()" after the methods name. Although the
Chapter 9. Methods 301
method has not parameters the round brackets must follow its name in the

The round brackets "(" and ")", are always placed after the
methods name, no matter whether it has or has not any
For now we will not focus at what <return_type> is. For now we will use
void, which means the method will not return anything. Later, we will see
how that can be changed
The keyword static in the description of the declaration above is not
mandatory but should be used in small simple programs. It has a special
purpose that will be explained later in this chapter. Now the methods that we
will use for example, will include the keyword static in their declaration.
More about methods that are not declared as static will be discussed in the
chapter "Defining Classes", section "Static Members".
Method Signature
Before we go on with the basic elements from the methods declaration, we
must pay attention to something more important. In object-oriented
programming a method is identified by a pair of elements of its declaration:
name of the method, and list of parameters. These two elements define the
so-called method specification (often can be found as a method
C#, as a language used for object oriented programming, also distinguishes
the methods using their specification (signature) methods name
<method_name> and the list with parameters <param_list>.
Here we must note that the type of returned value of a method is only part of
its declaration, not of its signature.

What identifies a method is its signature. The return type is
not part of the method signature. The reason is that if two
methods differ only by their return value types, for the
program is not clear enough which of them must be called.
A more detailed explanation on why the type of the returned value is not part
of the method signature, you will find later in this chapter.
Method Names
Every method solves a particular task from the whole problem that our
program solves. Methods name is used when method is called. Whenever
we call (start) a particular method, we type its name and if necessary we pass
values (if there are any).
In the example below, the name of our method is PrintLogo:
302 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void PrintLogo()
Rules to Name a Method
It is recommended, when declare a method, to follow the rules for method
naming suggested by Microsoft:
- The name of a method must start with capital letter.
- The PascalCase rule must be applied, i.e. each new word, that
concatenates so to form the method name, must start with capital
- It is recommended that the method name must consist of verb, or verb
and noun.
Note that these rules are not mandatory, but recommendable. If we aim our
C# code to follow the style of all good programmers over the globe, we must
use Microsofts code convention. A more detailed recommendation about
method naming will be given in the chapter "High-Quality Code", section
"Naming Methods".
Here some examples for well named methods:
And some examples for bad named methods:
It is very important that the method name describes the methods purpose.
All behind this idea is that when a person that is not familiar with our program
reads the method name, they can easily understand what that method does,
without the need to look at the methods source code.

To name a method it is good to follow these rules:
- Method name must describe the methods purpose.
- Method name must begin with capital letter.
Chapter 9. Methods 303
- The PascalCase rule must be applied.
- The method name must consist of verb, or verb and
A modifier is a keyword in C#, which gives additional information to the
compiler for a certain code.
We have already met some modifiers public and static. Now we will
briefly describe what modifiers are actually. Detailed description will be given
later in the chapter "Defining Classes", section "Access Modifiers". So lets
begin with an example:
public static void PrintLogo()
With this example we define a public method by the modifier public. It is a
special type modifier, called also access modifier and is used to show that
method can be called by any C# class, no matter where it is. Public modifiers
are not restricted in the meaning of who can call them.
Another example for access modifier, that we can meet, is the modifier
private. Its function is opposite to that of the public, i.e. if a method is
declared by access modifier private, it cannot be called from anywhere,
except from the class in which it is declared.
If a method is declared without an access modifier (either public or
private), it is accessible from all classes in the current assembly, but not
accessible for any other assemblies (let say from other projects in Visual
Studio). For the same reason, when we are writing small programs, like those
in this chapter, we will not specify access modifiers.
For now, the only thing that has to be learned is that in method declaration
there cannot be more than one access modifier.
When a method has a keyword static, in its declaration, this method is
called static. To call a static method there is no need to have an instance of a
class in which the static method is declared. For now the reader can accept
that, the methods must be static. Dealing with non-static methods will be
explained in the chapter "Defining Classes", section "Methods".
304 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Implementation (Creation) of Own Method
After a method had been declared, we must write its implementation. As we
already explained above, implementation (body) of the method consists of
the code, which will be executed by calling the method. That code must be
placed in the methods body and it represents the methods logic.
The Body of a Method
Method body we call the piece of code, that is placed in between the curly
brackets "{" and "}", that directly follow the method declaration.
static <return_type> <method_name>(<parameters_list>)
// code goes here in the method's body
The real job, done by the method, is placed exactly in the method body. So,
the algorithm used in the method to solve the particular task is placed in the
method body.
So far we have seen many examples of method body however, we will show
one more with the code below:
static void PrintLogo()
{ // Method's body starts here
} // And finishes here
Lets consider one more time one rule about method declaration:

Method can NOT be declared inside the body of another
Local Variables
Whenever we declare a variable inside the body of a method, we call that
variable local variable for the method. To name a variable we should follow
the identifiers rules in C# (refer to chapter "Primitive Types and Variables").
The area where a local variable exists, and can be used, begins from the line
where the variable is declared and ends at the closing curly bracket "}" of the
method body. This is the so-called area of visibility of the variable
(variable scope). If we try to declare variable, after we have already
declared a variable with the same name, the code will not compile due to an
error. Lets look at the example below:
Chapter 9. Methods 305
static void Main()
int x = 3;
int x = 4;
Compiler will not lets use the name x for two different variables, and will
return a message similar to the one below:
A local variable named 'x' is already defined in this scope.
A block of code we call a code that is placed between opening and closing
curly brackets "{" and "}".
If a variable is declared within a block, it is also called local (for this block).
Its area of visibility begins from the line where the variable is declared, and
ends at the line where blocks closing bracket is.
Invoking a Method
Invoking or calling a method is actually the process of execution of the
methods code, placed into its body.
It is very easy to invoke a method. The only thing that has to be done is to
write the methods name <method_name>, followed by the round brackets and
semicolon ";" at the end:
Later will see an example for when the invoked method has a parameter list
(in the case here the method has no parameters).
To clarify how method invocation works, the next fragment shows how the
method PrintLogo() will be called:
Result of methods execution is:
Who Takes Control over the Program when We
Invoke a Method?
When a method executes it takes control over the program. If in the caller
method, however, we call another one, the caller will give the control to the
called method. The called method will return back the control to the caller
306 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
right after its execution finishes. The execution of the caller will continue from
that line, where it was before calling the other method.
For example, lets call PrintLogo() from the Main() method:

First the code of method Main(), that is marked with (1) will be executed,
then the control of the program will be given to the method PrintLogo()
the dotted arrow (2). This will cause the execution of the code in method
PrintLogo(), numbered with (3). When the method PrintLogo() work is
done, the control over the program is returned back to the method Main()
dotted arrow (4). Execution of Main() will continue from the line after
PrintLogo() call marked with (5).
Where a Method Can Be Invoked From?
A method can be invoked from the following places:
- From the main program method Main():
static void Main()
- From some other method:
static void PrintLogo()
Chapter 9. Methods 307

static void PrintCompanyInformation()
// Invoking the PrintLogo() method

Console.WriteLine("Address: One, Microsoft Way");
- A method can be invoked from its own body. Such a call is referred to as
recursion. We will discuss it in details in the chapter "Recursion".
Method Declaration and Method Invocation
In C# the order of the methods in the class is not important. We are allowed
to invoke (call) a method before it is declared in code:
static void Main()

static void PrintLogo()
If we create a class that contains the code above, we will see that the code
will compile and run successfully. It doesnt matter whether we declared the
method before or after the main method. In some other languages (like
Pascal), invocation of a method that is declared below the line of the
invocation is not allowed.

If a method is called in the same class, where it is declared
and implemented, it can be called at a line before the line at
which it is declared.
Parameters in Methods
Often to solve certain problem, the method may need additional information,
which depends on the environment in what the method executes.
308 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
So if there is a method, that has to find the area of a square, in its body there
must be the algorithm that finds that area (equation S = a
). Since the area
depends on the square side length, to calculate that equation for each square,
the method will need to pass a value for the square side length. That is why
we have to pass somehow that value, and for this purpose we use
Declaring Methods with Parameters
To pass information necessary for our method we use the parameters list.
As was already mentioned, we must place it between the brackets following
the method name, in method the declaration:
static <return_type> <method_name>(<parameters_list>)
// Method's body
The parameters list <parameters_list> is a list with zero or more
declarations of variables, separated by a comma, so that they will be used
for the implementation of the methods logic:
<parameters_list> = [<type
> <name
>[, <type
> <name
where i = 2, 3,
When we create a method, and we need certain information to develop the
particular algorithm, we choose that variable from the list, which is of type
> and so we use it by its name <name
The parameters from the list can be of any type. They can be primitive types
(int, double, ) or object types (for example string or array int[],
double[], string[], ).
Method to Display a Company Logo Example
To make the mentioned above more clear, we will change the example that
shows the logo of "Microsoft":
static void PrintLogo(string logo)
Now, executing our method, we can display the logo of other companies, not
only of "Microsoft". This is possible because we used a parameter of type
string to pass the company name. The example shows how to use the
information given in the parameters list the variable logo, which is defined
Chapter 9. Methods 309
in the parameters list, is used in the methods body by the name given in the
Method to Calculate the Sum of Prices of Books Example
We mentioned above, that whenever it is necessary we can use arrays as
parameters for a certain method (int[], double[], string[], ). So lets
take a look at another example to illustrate this.
Imagine we are in a bookstore and we want to calculate the amount of money
we must pay for all the books we bought. We will create a method that gets
the prices of all the books as an array of type decimal[], and then returns
the total amount we must pay:
static void PrintTotalAmountForBooks(decimal[] prices)
decimal totalAmount = 0;
foreach (decimal singleBookPrice in prices)
totalAmount += singleBookPrice;
Console.WriteLine("The total amount for all books is:" +
Method Behavior According to Its Input
When a method with parameters is declared, our purpose is that every time
we invoke the method, its result changes according to its input. Said with
another word, the algorithm is the same, but due to input change, the result
changes too.

When a method has parameters, its behavior depends upon
parameters values.
Method to Show whether a Number is Positive Example
To clarify the way method execution depends upon its input lets take look at
another example. The method gets as input a number of type int, and
according to it returns to the console "Positive", "Negative" or "Zero":
static void PrintSign(int number)
if (number > 0)
else if (number < 0)
310 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Method with Multiple Parameters
So far we had some examples for methods with parameter lists that consist of
a single parameter. When a method is declared, however, it can have as
multiple parameters as the method needs.
If we are asking for maximal of two values, for example, the method needs
two parameters:
static void PrintMax(float number1, float number2)
float max = number1;

if (number2 > max)
max = number2;
Console.WriteLine("Maximal number: " + max);
Difference in Declaration of Methods with Multiple Parameters
When a method with multiple parameters is declared, we must note that even
if the parameters are of the same type, usage of short way of variable
declaration is not allowed. So the line below in the methods declaration is
invalid and will produce compiler error:
float var1, var2;
Type of the parameters has to be explicitly written before each parameter, no
matter if some of its neighbors are of the same type.
Hence, declaration like one shown below is not valid:
static void PrintMax(float var1, var2)
Correct way to do so is:
Chapter 9. Methods 311
static void PrintMax(float var1, float var2)
Invoking Methods with Parameters
Invocation of a method with one or several parameters is done in the same
way as invocation of methods without parameters. The difference is that
between the brackets following the method name, we place values. These
values (called arguments) will be assigned to the appropriate parameters
form the declaration and will be used when method is executed.
Several examples for methods with parameters are show below:

PrintMax(100.0f, 200.0f);
Difference between Parameters and Arguments of a Method
Before we continue with this chapter, we must learn how to distinguish
between parameters naming in the parameters list in the methods declaration
and the values that we pass when invoking a method.
To clarify, when we declare a method, any of the elements from the
parameters list we will call parameters (in other literature sources they can
be named as formal parameters).
When we call a method the values we use to assign to its parameters are
named as arguments.
In other words, the elements in the parameters list (var1 and varr2) are
called parameters:
static void PrintMax(float var1, float var2)
Accordingly, the values by the method invocation (-23.5 and 100) are called
PrintMax(100.0f, -23.5f);
Passing Arguments of a Primitive Type
As just was explained, in C# when a variable is passed as a method
argument, its value is copied to the parameter from the declaration of the
method. After that, the copy will be used in the method body.
There is, however, one thing we should be aware of. If the declared
parameter is of a primitive type, the usage of the arguments does not
312 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
change the argument itself, i.e. the argument value will not change for the
code after the method has been invoked.
So if we have piece of code like that below:
static void PrintNumber(int numberParam)
// Modifying the primitive-type parameter
numberParam = 5;

Console.WriteLine("in PrintNumber() method, after " +
"modification, numberParam is: {0}", numberParam);
Invocation of the method from Main():
static void Main()
int numberArg = 3;

// Copying the value 3 of the argument numberArg to the
// parameter numberParam

Console.WriteLine("in the Main() method numberArg is: " +
The value 3 of numberArg, is copied into the parameter numberParam. After
the method PrintNumber() is invoked, to numberParam is assigned value 5.
This does not affect the value of variable numberArg, because by invocation of
that method, the variable numberParam keeps a copy of the argument value.
That is why the method PrintNumber() prints the number 5. Hence, after
invocation of method PrintNumber() in the method Main() what is printed is
the value of numberArg and as it can be seen that value is not changed. The
result from the above line is printed below:
in PrintNumber() method, after modification, numberParam is: 5
in the Main() method numberArg is: 3
Passing Arguments of Reference Type
When we need to declare (and so to invoke) a method, that has parameters
of reference type (as arrays), we must be very careful.
Before explaining the reason for the above consideration, we have to remind
ourselves something from chapter "Arrays". An array, as any other reference
Chapter 9. Methods 313
type, consists of a variable-pointer (object reference) and a value the
real information kept in the computers memory (we call it an object). In our
case the object is the real array of elements. The address of this object,
however, is kept in the variable (i.e. the address where the array elements
are placed in the memory):

So whenever we operate with arrays in C#, we always access them by that
variable (the address / pointer / reference) we used to declare the particular
array. This is the principle for any other reference type. Hence, whenever an
argument of a reference type is passed to a method, the methods parameter
receives the reference itself. But what happens with the object then (the real
array)? Is it also copied or no?
To explain this, lets have the following example: assume we have method
ModifyArray(), that modifies the first element of an array that is passed as a
parameter, so it is reinitialized the first element with value 5 and then prints
the elements of the array, surrounded by square brackets and separated by
static void ModifyArray(int[] arrParam)
arrParam[0] = 5;
Console.Write("In ModifyArray() the param is: ");

static void PrintArray(int[] arrParam)
int length = arrParam.Length;
if (length > 0)
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
Console.Write(", {0}", arrParam[i]);
arrArg: int[]
1 2 3 1 2 3
variable object
arrArg: int[]
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3
314 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets also declare a method Main(), from which we invoke the newly created
method ModifyArray():
static void Main()
int[] arrArg = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

Console.Write("Before ModifyArray() the argument is: ");

// Modifying the array's argument

Console.Write("After ModifyArray() the argument is: ");
What would be the result of the code execution? Lets take a look:
Before ModifyArray() the argument is: [1, 2, 3]
In ModifyArray() the param is: [5, 2, 3]
After ModifyArray() the argument is: [5, 2, 3]
It is apparent that after execution of the method ModifyArray(), the array to
which the variable arrArg refer, does not consists of [1,2,3], but [5,2,3]
instead. What does this mean?
The reason for such result is the fact that by passing arguments of reference
type, only the value of the variable that keeps the address to the object is
copied. Note that this does not copy the object itself.

By passing the argument that are of reference type, the only
thing that is copied is the variable that keeps the reference
to the object, but not the object data.
Lets try to illustrate what just was explained. We will use few drawings for
the example we used above. By invocation of the method ModifyArray(), the
value of the parameter arrParam is not defined and it does not keep a
reference to any particular object (not a real array):

arrParam: int[]
arrArg: int[]
[I@e48e1b 3 2 1 3 2 1
Chapter 9. Methods 315
By the time of ModifyArray() invocation, the value that is kept in the
argument arrArg is copied to the parameter arrParam:

This way, copying the reference to the elements of the array in the memory
from the argument into the parameter, we tell the parameter to point to the
same object, to which the argument points:

This actually is where we have to be very careful. If the invoked method
modifies the object, to which a reference is passed, this may affect the
execution of the code after the method invocation (as we have seen in the
example the method PrintArray() does not print the array, that was
initially passed).
The difference between dealing with arguments of primitive and reference
type is in the way they are passed: primitive types are passed by their
values, the objects, however, are passed by reference.
Passing of Expressions as Method Arguments
When a method is invoked, we can pass a whole expression instead of
arguments. By doing so, C# calculates the values for those expressions and
by the time of code execution (if it is possible this is done at compile time)
replaces the expression with its result, when the method is invoked. The
following code shows methods invocation, by passing expressions as
method arguments:
PrintSign(2 + 3);

float oldQuantity = 3;
float quantity = 2;
PrintMax(oldQuantity * 5, quantity * 2);
The result of those methods execution is:
arrParam: int[]
arrArg: int[]
[I@e48e1b 3 2 1 3 2 1
arrParam: int[]
arrParam: int[]
arrArg: int[]
3 2 1 3 2 1
316 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Maximal number: 15.0
When a method with parameters is invoked, we must be aware of some
specific rules, which will be explained in the next few subsections.
Passing of Arguments Compatible with the Parameter Type
We must know that we can pass only arguments that are of type compatible
with the related parameter, declared in the methods parameters list.
For example, if the parameter that the method expects in its declaration is of
type float, by invocation of the method we can pass a value that is of type
int. It will be converted by the compiler to a value of type float and then
will be passed to the method for its execution:
static void PrintNumber(float number)
Console.WriteLine("The float number is: {0}", number);

static void Main()
In the example, by invocation of PrintNumber() in the method Main(), first
the integer literal 5 (that implicitly is of type int) is converted to the related
floating point value 5.0f. Then the so converted value is passed to the
method PrintNumber().
As can be expected, the result of that code execution is:
The float number is: 5.0
Compatibility of the Method Parameter and the Passed Value
The result from the calculation of an expression, passed as argument, must
be of the same type, as the type of the declared parameter is, or
compatible with that type (refer to the passage above).
So if a parameter of type float is required, we can pass the value calculated
by an expression that is of a type int. E.g. in the example above, if instead of
PrintNumber(5), we called the method, with 5 replaced by the expression
2+3, the result of the calculation of that expression must be of type float
(one that the method expects), or of a type that can be converted to float
with no loss (in our case this is int). So lets modify a little the method
Main() from the passage above, to illustrate what just was explained:
Chapter 9. Methods 317
static void Main()
PrintNumber(2 + 3);
In this example first the summing will be executed. Then the integer result 5
will be converted to its floating point equivalent 5.0f. When this is done the
method PrintNumber() will be invoked with argument 5.0f. The result
again will be:
The float number is: 5.0
Keeping the Declaration Sequence of the Arguments Types
Values, that are passed to the method, in the time of its invocation, must be
in the same order as the parameters are declared in the parameters list. This
is due to the method signature, mentioned above.
To clarify, lets discuss the following example: we have a method
PrintNameAndAge(), in which method declaration is a parameters list, with
parameters of types string and int, ordered as shown below:
class Person
static void PrintNameAndAge(string name, int age)
Console.WriteLine("I am {0}, {1} year(s) old.", name, age);
Lets add a method Main() to our class, in that method we will invoke the
PrintNameAndAge() method. Now lets try to pass parameters in reverse (as
types) order, so instead "John" and 25, we will use 25 and "John":
static void Main()
// Wrong sequence of arguments
Person.PrintNameAndAge(25, "John");
The compiler in this case will not be able to find a method that is called
PrintNameAndAge, which accepts parameters in the sequence int and
string. That is why, the compiler will notify for an error:
318 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The best overloaded method match for
'Person.PrintNameAndAge(string, int)' has some invalid arguments
Variable Number of Arguments (var-args)
So far, we examined declaration of methods for which the parameters list
coincides with the count of the arguments we pass to that method, by its
Now we will see how to declare methods that allow the count of arguments to
be different any time the method is invoked, so to meet the needs of the
invoking code. Such methods are often called methods with a variable
number of arguments.
Lets we look at the example, that calculates the sum of a given array of book
prices, the one that already was explained above. In that example, as a
parameter we passed an array of type decimal that consists of the prices of
the chosen books:
static void PrintTotalAmountForBooks(decimal[] prices)
decimal totalAmount = 0;

foreach (decimal singleBookPrice in prices)
totalAmount += singleBookPrice;
"The total amount of all books is:" + totalAmount);
Defined in this way, the method suppose, that always before its invocation,
we will have created an array with numbers of type decimal and they will be
initialized with certain values.
After we created a C# method that accepts variable number of parameters, is
possible, whenever a list of parameters from the same type must be
passed, instead of passing the array that consists of those values, to pass
them directly, as arguments, separated by comma.
In our case with the books, we need to create a new array, especially for that
method invocation:
decimal[] prices = new decimal[] { 3m, 2.5m };
Chapter 9. Methods 319
However, if we add some code (we will see it in a moment) to the method
declaration, we will be able to directly pass list with the books prices, as
method arguments:
PrintTotalAmountForBooks(3m, 2.5m);
PrintTotalAmountForBooks(3m, 5.1m, 10m, 4.5m);
Such invocation is possible only if we have declared the method in a way, so it
accepts variable number of arguments (var-args).
How to Declare Method with Variable Number of Arguments
Formally the declaration of a method with variable number of arguments is
the same as the declaration of any other method:
static <return_type> <method_name>(<parameters_list>)
// Method's body
The difference is that the <parameters_list> is declared with the keyword
params in the way shown below:
<parameters_list> =
[<type1> <name1>[, <typei> <namei>], params <var_type>[]
where i= 2, 3,
The last element from the list declaration <params>, is the one that
allows passing of random count of arguments of type <var_type>, for each
invocation of the method.
In the declaration of that element, before its type <var_type> we must add
params: "params <var_type>[]". The type <var_type> can be either
primitive or by reference.
Rules and special characteristics for the other elements from the methods
parameters list, that precede the var-args parameter <var_name>, are the
same, as those we discussed in the section "Method Parameters".
To clarify what was explained so far, we will discuss an example for
declaration and invocation of a method with variable number if arguments:
static long CalcSum(params int[] elements)
long sum = 0;
foreach (int element in elements)
320 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
sum += element;
return sum;

static void Main()
long sum = CalcSum(2, 5);

long sum2 = CalcSum(4, 0, -2, 12);

long sum3 = CalcSum();
The example sums the numbers, as their count is not known in advance. The
method can be invoked with one, two or more parameters, as well as with no
parameters at all. If we execute the example we will get the following result:
Variable Number of Arguments: Arrays vs. "params"
From the formal definition, given above, of parameter that allows passing of
variable number of arguments by the method invocation <var_name>, is
actually a name of an array of type <var_type>. By the method invocation,
the arguments of type <var_type> or compatible type that we pass to the
method (with no care for their count) will be kept into this array. Then they
will be used in the method body. The access and dealing with these
parameters is in the same way we do when we work with arrays.
To make it clearer we will modify the method that calculates the sum of the
prices of chosen books, to get variable number of arguments:
static void PrintTotalAmountForBooks(params decimal[] prices)
decimal totalAmount = 0;

foreach (decimal singleBookPrice in prices)
totalAmount += singleBookPrice;
Chapter 9. Methods 321
Console.WriteLine("The total amount of all books is:" +
As we can see the only change is to change the declaration of the array
prices with adding params before decimal[]. In the body of our method,
"prices" is still an array of type decimal, so we use it in the same way as
Now we can invoke our method, with no need to declare in advance an array
of number and pass it as an argument:
static void Main()
PrintTotalAmountForBooks(3m, 2.5m);
PrintTotalAmountForBooks(1m, 2m, 3.5m, 7.5m);
The result of the two invocations will be:
The total amount of all books is: 5.5
The total amount of all books is: 14.0
Since prices is an array, it can be assumed that we can declare and initialize
an array before invocation of our method. Then to pass that array as an
static void Main()
decimal[] pricesArr = new decimal[] { 3m, 2.5m };

// Passing initialized array as var-arg:
The above is legal invocation, and the result from that code execution is the
The total amount of all books is: 5.5
Position and Declaration of a Method with Variable Arguments
A method, that has a variable number of its arguments, can also have other
parameters in its parameters list.
The following code, for example, has as a first parameter an element of type
string, and right after it there can be one or more parameters of type int:
322 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void DoSomething(string strParam, params int[] x)
The one thing that we must consider is that the element from the parameters
list in the methods definition, that allows passing of a variable number of
arguments, must always be placed at the end of the parameters list.

The element of the parameters list, that allows passing of
variable number of arguments by invocation of a method,
must always be declared at the end of the methods
parameters list.
So, if we try to put the declaration of the var-args parameter x, shown in the
last example, not at the last place, like so:
static void DoSomething(params int[] x, string strParam)
The compiler will return the following error message:
A parameter array must be the last parameter in a formal
parameter list
Limitations on the Count for the Variable Arguments
Another limitation, for the methods with variable number of arguments, is
that the method cannot have in its declaration more than one parameter that
allows passing of variable numbers of arguments. So if we try to compile a
method declared in the following way:
static void DoSomething(params int[] x, params string[] z)
The compiler will return the already known error message:
A parameter array must be the last parameter in a formal
parameter list
This rule can be taken as a special case of the rule for the var-args position,
i.e. the related parameter to be at the end of the parameters list.
Chapter 9. Methods 323
Specifics of Empty Parameter List
After we got familiar with the declaration and invocation of methods with
variable number of arguments, one more question arises. What would happen
if we invoke such method, but with no parameters?
For example, what would be the result of the invocation of our method that
calculates the sum of books prices, in a case we did not liked any book:
static void Main()
As can be seen this code is compiled with no errors and after its execution the
result is as follow:
The total amount of all books is: 0
This happens because, although, we did not pass any value to our method, by
its invocation, the array decimal[] prices is created, but it is empty (i.e. it
does not consists of any elements).
This has to be remembered, because even if we did not initialize the array,
C# takes care to do so for the array that has to keep the parameters.
Method with Variable Number of Arguments Example
Bearing in mind how we define methods with variable number of arguments,
we can write the Main() method of a C# program in the following way:
static void Main(params string[] args)
// Method body comes here
The definition above is valid and is accepted without any errors by the
Optional Parameters and Named Arguments
Named arguments and optional parameters are two different functionalities of
the C# language. However, they often are used together. These parameters
are introduced in C#, version 4.0. Optional parameters allow some
parameters to be skipped when a method is invoked. Named arguments on
their side, allow method parameter values to be set by their name, instead of
their exact position in the parameters list. These two features in the C#
language syntax are very useful in cases, when we invoke a method with a
different combination of its parameters.
324 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Declaration of optional parameters can be done just by using a default value
in the way shown below:
static void SomeMethod(int x, int y = 5, int z = 7)
In the example above y and z are optional and can be skipped upon methods
static void Main()
// Normal call of SomeMethod
SomeMethod(1, 2, 3);
// Omitting z - equivalent to SomeMethod(1, 2, 7)
SomeMethod(1, 2);
// Omitting both y and z equivalent to SomeMethod(1, 5, 7)
We can pass a value by a particular parameter name, by setting the
parameters name, followed by a colon and the value of the parameter. An
example of using named arguments is shown below:
static void Main()
// Passing z by name and x by position
SomeMethod(1, z: 3);
// Passing both x and z by name
SomeMethod(x: 1, z: 3);
// Reversing the order of the arguments passed by name
SomeMethod(z: 3, x: 1);
All invocations in the sample above are equivalent to each other parameter
y is skipped, but x and z are set to 1 and 3. The only difference between the
second and third call is that the parameter values are calculated in the same
order they are passed to the method, in the last invocation 3 will be
calculated before 1. In this example all parameters are constants and their
purpose is only to clarify the idea of named and optional parameters.
However, the mentioned consideration may lead to some unexpected behavior
when the order of parameters calculation matters.
Chapter 9. Methods 325
Method Overloading
When in a class a method is declared and its name coincides with the name of
another method, but their signatures differ by their parameters list (count
of the methods parameters or the way they are arranged), we say that there
are different variations / overloads of that method (method
As an example, lets assume that we have to write a program that draws
letters and digits to the screen. We also can assume that our program has
methods for drawing strings DrawString(string str), integers
DrawInt(int number), and floating point digits DrawFloat(float number)
and so on:
static void DrawString(string str)
// Draw string

static void DrawInt(int number)
// Draw integer

static void DrawFloat(float number)
// Draw float number
As we can see the C# language allows us to create variations of the same
method Draw(), called overloads. The method below gets combinations of
different parameters, depending of what we want to write on the screen:
static void Draw(string str)
// Draw string

static void Draw(int number)
// Draw integer

static void Draw(float number)
// Draw float number
326 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The definitions of the methods above are valid and will compile without error
messages. The method Draw() is also called overloaded.
Method Parameters and Method Signature
As mentioned above, there are only two things required in C# to specify a
method signature: the parameter type and the order in which the
parameters are listed. The names of the methods parameters are not
significant for the methods declaration.

The most important aspect of creating an unambiguous
declaration of a method in C# is the definition of its
signature and the type of the methods parameters in
For example in C#, the following two declarations are actually declarations of
one and the same method. Thats because the parameter type in each of their
parameters is the same int and float. So the names of the variables we
are using param1 and param2 or p1 and p2, are not significant:
// These two lines will cause an error
static void DoSomething(int param1, float param2) { }
static void DoSomething(int p1, float p2) { }
If we declare two or more methods in one class, in the way shown above, the
compiler will show an error message, which will look something like the one
Type '<the_name_of_your_class>' already defines a member called
'DoSomething' with the same parameter types.
If we change the parameter type from a given position of the parameter
list to a different type, in C# they will count as two absolutely different
methods, or more precisely said, different variations of a method with
the same name.
For example if in the second method, the second parameter from the
parameter list of any of the methods float p2, is declared not as float,
but as int for example, we will have two different methods with two
different signatures DoSomething(int, float) and DoSomething(int,
int). Now the second element from their signature parameter list, is
different, due to difference of their second element type:
static void DoSomething(int p1, float p2) { }
static void DoSomething(int param1, int param2) { }
Chapter 9. Methods 327
In this case even if we type the same name for the parameters, the compiler
will accept this declaration, because they are practically different methods:
static void DoSomething(int param1, float param2) { }
static void DoSomething(int param1, int param2) { }
The compiler will accept the code again if we declare two variations of the
method, but this time we are going to change the order of the parameters
instead of their type.
static void DoSomething(int param1, float param2) { }
static void DoSomething(float param2, int param1) { }
In the example above the order of the parameter types is different and
this makes the signature different too. Since the parameter lists are different,
it plays no role that the name (DoSomething) is the same for both methods.
We still have different signatures for both methods.
Overloaded Methods Invocation
Since we have declared methods with the same name and different
signatures, we can invoke each of them as any other method just by using
their name and arguments. Here is an example:
static void PrintNumbers(int intValue, float floatValue)
Console.WriteLine(intValue + "; " + floatValue);

static void PrintNumbers(float floatValue, int intValue)
Console.WriteLine(floatValue + "; " + intValue);

static void Main()
PrintNumbers(2.71f, 2);
PrintNumbers(5, 3.14159f);
When the code executes, we will see, that the first invocation refers to the
second method, and the second invocation refers to the first method. Which
method will be invoked depends on the type of the used parameters. The
result after executing the code above is:
2.71; 2
5; 3.14159
328 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The lines below, however, will not compile and execute:
static void Main()
PrintNumbers(2, 3);
The reason for this not to work is that the compiler tries to convert both
integer numbers to suitable types before passing them to any of the methods
named PrintNumbers. In this case, however, these conversions are not equal.
There are two possible options either to convert the first parameter to
float and call the method PrintNumbers(float, int) or to convert the
second parameter to float and call the method PrintNumbers(int, float).
This ambiguity has to be manually resolved, and one way to do so is shown in
the example below:
static void Main()
PrintNumbers((float)2, (short)3);
The code above will be compiled without errors, because after the arguments
are transformed, it is clearly decided which method we refer to
PrintNumbers(float, int).
Methods with Coinciding Signatures
We will discuss some other interesting examples that show how to use
methods. Lets take a look at an example of an incorrect redefinition
(overload) of methods:
static int Sum(int a, int b)
return a + b;

static long Sum(int a, int b)
return a + b;

static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(Sum(2, 3));
Chapter 9. Methods 329
The code from the example will show an error message upon compilation
process, because there are two methods with same parameters lists (i.e. with
same signature) which return results of different types. This makes the
method invocation ambiguous, so it is not allowed by the compiler.
Triangles with Different Size Example
It would be a good time now to give a little bit more complex example, since
we know now how to declare methods with parameters, how to invoke them
as well as how to get result back from those methods. Lets assume we want
to write a program, which prints triangles on the console, as those shown
n = 5
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2

n = 6
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2

A possible solution of this task is given below:
using System;

class Triangle
330 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
// Entering the value of the variable n
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

// Printing the upper part of the triangle
for (int line = 1; line <= n; line++)
PrintLine(1, line);

// Printing the bottom part of the triangle
// that is under the longest line
for (int line = n - 1; line >= 1; line--)
PrintLine(1, line);

static void PrintLine(int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
Console.Write(i + " ");
Lets discuss how the example code works. We should think of the triangles as
sequences of numbers, placed on separate lines, since we can print each line
directly on the console. In order to print each line of the triangle on the
console we need a tool. For this purpose we created the method
In this method, by using a for-loop, we print a line of consequent numbers.
The first number from this sequence is the first parameter from the methods
parameter list (the variable start). The last element of the sequence is the
number, passed to the method, as second parameter (the variable end).
Notice that since the numbers are sequential, the length (count of the
numbers) of each line corresponds to the difference between the second
parameter end and the first one start, from the methods parameters list
(this will be useful later, when we build the triangles).
Chapter 9. Methods 331
Then we implement an algorithm that prints the triangles, as whole figures, in
the Main() method. With another method int.Parse, we get the n variable
and print the empty line.
Now with two sequential for-loops we build the triangle according to the
entered n. With the first loop we print all the lines that draw the upper part of
the triangle and the middle (longest) line inclusively. With the second loop, we
print the rest of the triangles lines that lie below the middle line.
As we mentioned above, the line number, corresponds to the element count
placed on the appropriate line. And since we always start from 1, the line
number will always be equal to the last element in the sequence, which has to
be printed on that line. So, we can use this when we call PrintLine(), as it
requires exactly that for its parameters.
Note that, the count of the elements on each next line, increases with one and
so the last element of each sequent line must be greater (one is added) than
the last element of the preceding line. Thats why at each loop iteration of the
first for-loop, we pass to the PrintLine() method, as first parameter 1, and
as a second the current value of the variable line. Since, on each execution
of the body of the loop, line increases with one, at each iteration
PrintLine() the method prints a line that has more than one element than
the preceding line.
With the second loop, that draws the part under the middle triangle line, we
follow the reverse logic. The downward we print lines, the shorter lines we
print. Each line decreases with one element according to its preceding line.
Hence, we set the initial value for the variable line in the second loop: line =
n-1. After each iteration of the loop line decreases with one and pass it as
second parameter to the PrintLine().
We can improve the program, as we take the logic that prints the triangle, in
a separate method. It can be noticed that, logically, the triangle print is
clearly defined, that is why we can declare a method with one parameter (the
value that we get from the keyboard) and to invoke it from the Main()
static void Main()
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());


static void PrintTriangle(int n)
// Printing the upper part of the triangle
332 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
for (int line = 1; line <= n; line++)
PrintLine(1, line);

// Printing the bottom part of the triangle
// that is under the longest line
for (int line = n - 1; line >= 1; line--)
PrintLine(1, line);
If we execute the program and enter for n the value 3, we will get the
following result:
n = 3

1 2
1 2 3
1 2
Returning a Result from a Method
So far, we always were given examples, in which the method does something
like printing on the console, and nothing more. Methods, however, usually do
not just execute a simple code sequence, but in addition they often return
results. So lets take a look at how this actually happens.
Declaring a Method that Returns a Result
Lets see again how to declare a method.
static <return_type> <method_name>(<parameters_list>)
Earlier we said that at the place of <return type> we will always put void.
Now we will extend this definition, as we will see, that void is not the only
choice. Instead of void we can return any type either primitive (int, float,
double, ) or by reference (as string or array), depending on the type of
the result that the method shall return after its execution.
For example, take a method that calculates the area of a square and instead
of printing it to the console returns it as a result. So, the declaration would
look as follows:
Chapter 9. Methods 333
static double CalcSquareSurface(double sideLength)
As can be seen the result of the calculation of the area is of type double.
How to Use the Returned Value?
When the method is executed and returns a value, we can imagine that C#
puts this value where this method has been invoked from. Then the program
continues work with that value. Respectively, that returned value, we can use
for any purpose from the calling method.
Assigning to a Variable
We can also assign the result of the method execution to a variable of an
appropriate type:
// GetCompanyLogo() returns a string
string companyLogo = GetCompanyLogo();
Usage in Expressions
After a method returns a result, it can be used then in expressions too.
So for example, to find the total price for invoice calculation, we must get the
single price and to multiply it by the quantity:
float totalPrice = GetSinglePrice() * quantity;
Using the Returned Value as Method Parameter
We can pass the result from the method execution as value in the parameters
list from another method:
In this example, in the beginning we invoke the method GetCompanyLogo(),
and write it as an argument of the method WriteLine(). Right after the
GetCompanyLogo() method finishes its execution it will return a result. Lets
say that the result will be "Microsoft Corporation". Then C# will put the
result returned by the methods execution in the methods place. So we can
assume that this is represented in the code in the following way:
Console.WriteLine("Microsoft Corporation");
Returned Value Type
As it was already explained above, the result that a method returns can be of
any type int, string, array and so on. When, however, instead of a type
334 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
we use the keyword void instead of a type, this mean that method does not
return value.
The Operator "return"
To make a method return value, the keyword return must be placed in the
methods body, followed by an expression that will be returned as a result
by the method:
static <return_type> <method_name>(<parameters_list>)
// Some code that is preparing the method's result comes here
return <method's_result>;
Respectively <method's_result>, is of type <return_type>. For example:
static long Multiply(int number1, int number2)
long result = number1 * number2;
return result;
In this method after the multiplication, by using the return the method will
produce as a result of its execution the integer variable result.
Compatibility of the Result and the Retuning Type
The result returned by the method, can be of a type that is compatible (the
one that can be implicitly converted) with the type of the returned value
For example, we can modify the following example, in which the type of the
returned value to be of type float, but not int and to keep the following
code in the shown way:
static float Multiply(int number1, int number2)
int result = number1 * number2;
return result;
In this case after the multiplication execution, the result will be of type int.
Even though the type of the expression after the return keyword is not of
type float, it can be returned, because it can be implicitly converted to
Chapter 9. Methods 335
Using an Expression after the Return Operator
It is allowed (whenever this will not make the code look complicated / ugly) to
directly put some expression after the keyword return:
static int Multiply(int number1, int number2)
return number1 * number2;
In this situation, after the calculation of number1 * number2, the result that
this expression produces will be replaced where the expression is, and hence
will be returned by the return operator.
Features of the Return Operator
The execution of return does two things:
- Stops immediately the method execution.
- Returns the result of the executed method to the calling method.
In relation to the first feature of return operator, we must note that, since it
stops the methods execution (and no code after it and before the method
bodys closing bracket will be executed), we should not put any code after the
return operation.
Though, if we do so, the compiler will show a warning message:
static int Add(int number1, int number2)
int result = number1 + number2;
return result;

// Lets try to "clean" the result variable here:
result = 0;
In this example the compilation will be successful, but for the lines after
return, the compiler will output a warning message like this:
Unreachable code detected
When the method has void for returned value type, then after return, there
would be no expression to be returned. In that case return usage is only
used to stop the methods execution:
static void PrintPositiveNumber(int number)
336 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
if (number <= 0)
// If the number is NOT positive, terminate the method
Multiple Return Statements
The last thing that must be said about the operator return is that it can be
called from several places in the code of our method, but should be
guaranteed that at least one of the operators return that we have used, will
be reached while executing the method.
So lets take a look, at the example for a method that gets two numbers, and
then upon their values return 1 if the first is greater than the second, 0 if both
are equal, or -1 if the second is greater than the first:
static int CompareTo(int number1, int number2)
if (number1 > number2)
return 1;
else if (number1 == number2)
return 0;
return -1;
Having multiple return statements is usual in programming and is typical
for methods that check several cases, like the above.
Why Is the Returned Value Type not a Part of the
Method Signature?
In C# it is not allowed to have several methods that have equal name and
parameters, but different type of returned value. This means that the
following code will fail to compile:
static int Add(int number1, int number2)
Chapter 9. Methods 337
return (number1 + number2);

static double Add(int number1, int number2)
return (number1 + number2);
The reason for this limitation is that the compiler doesnt know which of both
methods must be invoked. Both methods have the same signature
(sequence of parameters along with their types). Note that the return value is
not part of the methods signature. That is why on the declaration of the
methods an error message like the one below will be returned:
Type '<the_name_of_your_class>' already defines a member called
'Add' with the same parameter types
Where <the_name_of_your_class> is the name of the class in which we have
tried to declare those methods.
Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversion Example
Now we have to write a program that for a given (by the user) body
temperature, measured in Fahrenheit degrees, has to convert that
temperature and output it in Celsius degrees, with the following message:
"Your body temperature in Celsius degrees is X", where X is respectively
the Celsius degrees. In addition if the measured temperature in Celsius is
higher than 37 degrees, the program should warn the user that they are ill,
with the following message "You are ill!".
For starters, we can make fast research in Internet and find out that the
Celsius to Fahrenheit formula is like this one: C = (F - 32) * 5 / 9,
where respectively with C we mark the temperature measured in Celsius,
and with F the temperature in Fahrenheit.
After analysis of the current task, we can see that it can be divided to
subtasks as follow:
- Take the temperature measured in Fahrenheit degrees as an input from
the console (the user must enter it).
- Convert that number to its corresponding value, for temperature
measured in Celsius.
- Print a message for the converted temperature in Celsius.
- If the temperature is found to be higher than 37 C, print a message
that the user is ill.
338 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
A sample implementation of the above described algorithm is given below in
the class TemperatureConverter:
using System;

class TemperatureConverter
static double ConvertFahrenheitToCelsius(double temperatureF)
double temperatureC = (temperatureF - 32) * 5 / 9;
return temperatureC;

static void Main()
"Enter your body temperature in Fahrenheit degrees: ");
double temperature = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

temperature = ConvertFahrenheitToCelsius(temperature);

"Your body temperature in Celsius degrees is {0}.",

if (temperature >= 37)
Console.WriteLine("You are ill!");
The operations for input of the temperature and output of the messages are
trivial, so we will skip their explanation, as we will focus on the approach to
convert the temperatures. As we can see this is a logical unit that can be
separated in its own method. By doing so, not only the program source code
will get clearer, but moreover, we will have the opportunity to reuse that
piece of code, whenever we need it, so we just will use the same method. So
we declare the method ConvertFahrenheitToCelsius(), with list of one
parameter with the name temperatureF that represents the measured value
of the temperature in Fahrenheit. Then the method returns a result of type
double, which represents the calculated body temperature in Celsius degrees.
In the methods body we use the formula we found on Internet (and write it
according to the C# syntax).
Chapter 9. Methods 339
Since we are done with this step from our task solution, we have decided that
the rest of the steps we will not need to be in separate methods, so we just
implement them in the Main() method of the class.
By the method double.Parse(), we get the users body temperature as we
have previously asked him for it, by the following message: "Enter your
body temperature in Fahrenheit degrees".
Then we invoke the method ConvertFahrenheitToCelsius() and we store
the returned result in the variable temperature.
By the method Console.WriteLine() we print the message "Your body
temperature in Celsius degrees is X", where X is replaced with the value
of temperature.
The last step we must make is to check whether the temperature is higher
than 37 degrees in Celsius or no. This can be done by using a conditional
statement if. So if the temperature is higher than 37 degrees Celsius a
message that the user is ill must be printed.
Below is shown a possible output of the program:
Enter your body temperature in Fahrenheit degrees: 100
Your body temperature in Celsius degrees is 37,777778.
You are ill!
Difference between Two Months Example
Lets take a look at the following task: we have to write a program which, by
given two numbers, that are between 1 and 12 (so to correspond to a
particular month) prints the count of months between these months. The
message that must be printed to the console must be "There is X months
period from Y to Z.", where X is the count of the months, that we must
calculate, and Y and Z, are respectively the names of the months that mark
start and end of the period.
By reading carefully the task we will try to divide it into subtasks, that can be
more easily solved, and then by combining them to get the whole solution.
We can see that we have to solve the following subtasks:
- To enter the months numbers that mark beginning and end of the
- To calculate the period between the input months.
- To print the message.
- In the message instead of the numbers we entered, for beginning and
end of the period, we must write their corresponding month names in
A possible solution of the given task is shown below:
340 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
using System;

class Months
static string GetMonthName(int month)
string monthName;
switch (month)
case 1:
monthName = "January";
case 2:
monthName = "February";
case 3:
monthName = "March";
case 4:
monthName = "April";
case 5:
monthName = "May";
case 6:
monthName = "June";
case 7:
monthName = "July";
case 8:
monthName = "August";
case 9:
monthName = "September";
case 10:
monthName = "October";
case 11:
monthName = "November";
Chapter 9. Methods 341
case 12:
monthName = "December";
Console.WriteLine("Invalid month!");
return null;
return monthName;

static void SayPeriod(int startMonth, int endMonth)
int period = endMonth - startMonth;
if (period < 0)
// Fix negative distance
period = period + 12;
"There is {0} months period from {1} to {2}.",
period, GetMonthName(startMonth),

static void Main()
Console.Write("First month (1-12): ");
int firstMonth = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Second month (1-12): ");
int secondMonth = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

SayPeriod(firstMonth, secondMonth);
The first task solution is trivial. In the Main() method we will use
int.Parse() so we get the months for the period, the length of which we
aim to calculate.
Then we see that period calculation and message printing can be logically
separated as a subtask, so we create a method SayPeriod() that has two
parameters numbers representing month numbers that mark the beginning
and the end of the period. This method will not return a value but it will
calculate period and print the message, described in the task, to the console,
by the standard output Console.WriteLine().
342 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Apparently, to find the length of the period between two months, we have to
subtract the number of the beginning month from that of the end month. We
consider also, that if the second month has number less that the number of
the first month, then the user most probably has had the assumption that the
second month is not in the current year, but in the next one. That is why, if
the difference between the two months is negative, we must add 12 to it
the length of a year in months, and so to find the length of the given period.
Then we must print the message, as for the months names we use the
method GetMonthName().
The method that gets the months name by its number can be easily created
with conditional switch-case statement, in which we could get the months
for each of the input numbers. If the value is not in the range of [112], the
program will report an error. Later in the chapter "Exception Handling" we
will discuss in details how to notify for an error occurring. You will be shown
how to catch and deal with the exceptions (error notifications). However, for
now we just will print an error message to the console. This is generally an
incorrect behavior and we will learn how to avoid it in the chapter "High-
Quality Code", section "What Should a Method Do".
At the end, in the Main() method we invoke the SayPeriod() method, by
entered numbers for beginning and end of the period. By doing so, we have
completely solved the task.
A possible output, if the input was 2 and 6, is shown below:
First month (1-12): 2
Second month (1-12): 6
There is 4 months period from February to June.
Input Data Validation Example
In this task we must write a program that asks the user what time it is, by
printing on the console "What time is it?". Then the user must enter two
numbers one for hours and one for minutes. If the input data represents a
valid time, the program must output the message "The time is hh:mm now.",
where hh respectively means the hours, and mm the minutes. If the entered
hours or minutes are not valid, the program must print the message
"Incorrect time!".
After we read the task carefully, we see that it can be divided into the
following subtasks:
- Get input data for hours and minutes.
- Check if input data is valid (input validation).
- Print the corresponding message either an error message, or the valid
time message.
Chapter 9. Methods 343
We consider that getting the input data and printing the output messages will
not be a problem anymore, so we will focus on input data validation, i.e.
validation the numbers for hours and minutes. We know that the hours are in
the range from 0 to 23 inclusive, and the minutes respectively from 0 to 59
inclusive. Since the data (for hours and for minutes) has not the same nature,
we decide to create two separate methods. One of them will check the validity
of hours, while the other will check the validity for minutes.
A solution is shown below:
using System;

class DataValidation
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("What time is it?");

Console.Write("Hours: ");
int hours = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Minutes: ");
int minutes = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

bool isValidTime =
ValidateHours(hours) && ValidateMinutes(minutes);
if (isValidTime)
Console.WriteLine("The time is {0}:{1} now.",
hours, minutes);
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect time!");

static bool ValidateHours(int hours)
bool result = (hours >= 0) && (hours < 24);
return result;

static bool ValidateMinutes(int minutes)
344 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
bool result = (minutes >= 0) && (minutes <= 59);
return result;
The method that checks the hours is named ValidateHours(), and it gets a
number of type int for the hours, and returns result of type bool, i.e. true if
the input number is a valid hour, otherwise false:
static bool ValidateHours(int hours)
bool result = (hours >= 0) && (hours < 24);
return result;
We use simple logic to declare method, which checks the validity of the
minutes. We named it ValidateMinutes(), since it gets a parameter that is
integer value and represents the minutes, and returns a value of type bool. If
the input number is a valid minute value, the method will return as result
true, otherwise false:
static bool ValidateMinutes(int minutes)
bool result = (minutes >= 0) && (minutes <= 59);
return result;
Since we are done with the most complicated part of the task, we declare the
Main() method. In its body we print out the question according to the task
"What time is it?". Then by the method int.Parse(), we read from the
console the numbers for hours and minutes, then the results are kept in the
integer variables hours and minutes:
Console.WriteLine("What time is it?");

Console.Write("Hours: ");
int hours = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Minutes: ");
int minutes = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
The result from the validation is kept in a variable of type bool
isValidTime, as we sequentially invoke the methods we have already
declared ValidateHours() and ValidateMinutes(), as of course we pass
Chapter 9. Methods 345
the appropriate variables hours and minutes to each of them. To validate the
input data as a whole, we unite the results from the methods invocation with
the operator for logical "and" &&:
bool isValidTime =
ValidateHours(hours) && ValidateMinutes(minutes);
After we stored the result, telling us whether the input data is valid or not, in
the variable isValidTime, we use the conditional statement if, cope with the
last problem for the given task Printing the information to the user, whether
the input is valid or not. With the method Console.WriteLine(), if
isValidTime is true, we print on the console "The time is hh:mm now."
where hh is respectively the value of the variable hours, and mm of the
variable minutes. In the else part of the conditional statement we print that
the input time was invalid "Incorrect time!".
A possible output of the program, with correct data, is shown below:
What time is it?
Hours: 17
Minutes: 33
The time is 17:33 now.
And heres how the program behaves, when the data is incorrect:
What time is it?
Hours: 33
Minutes: -2
Incorrect time!
Sorting Example
Lets try to create a method that sorts (puts in order) a set of values in
ascending order. The result will be a string with the sorted numbers.
With this in mind, we suppose that the subtasks we have to cope with are
- How to give the numbers to our method, so it could sort them
- How to sort those numbers
Our method has to take an array on numbers as a parameter, create a sort of
that array and return it:
static int[] Sort(int[] numbers)
// The sorting logic comes here
346 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

return numbers;
This solution seems to satisfy the task requirements. However, it seems that
we could optimize it more, and instead of the argument to be an integer
array, we can declare it in such way that it could accept a variable count of
integer parameters.
This will save us the need to initialize the array in advance when we invoke
the method with a small set of numbers. In case of bigger sets of input
numbers, as we saw in the subsection for method declaration with a variable
number of arguments, we could directly pass an already initialized array of
integers, instead of passing them as parameters of the method. Hence, the
initial declaration turns into:
static int[] Sort(params int[] numbers)
// The sorting logic comes here

return numbers;
Now we must to decide how to sort our array. One of the easiest ways for this
to be done is to use the so-called "selection sort" algorithm. This method
considers the array as two parts sorted and unsorted. The sorted part is in
the left side of the array, while the unsorted is in the right. For each step of
the algorithm, the sorted part expands to the right with one element and the
unsorted shrinks with one element from its left part.
Lets take a look at an example. So assume we have the following unsorted
array and we want to order its elements by selection sorting:

On each step our algorithms must find the minimal element in the unsorted
part of the array:

Then the minimal element must swap with the first element from the unsorted
part of the array:
10 3 5 -1 0 12 8 10 3 5 -1 0 12 8
10 3 5 -1 0 12 8
10 3 5 -1 0 12 8
Chapter 9. Methods 347

Then we look for the minimal element again, from the rest of the unsorted
part of the array (all elements except the first one):

That minimal element now exchanges with the first from the unsorted part:

So this step is repeated until the unsorted part of the array reaches a length
of 0, i.e. it is empty:

As a result the array is sorted:

This is a variant of a code, which implements the algorithm explained above
(selection sort):
static int[] Sort(params int[] numbers)
// The sorting logic:
10 3 5 -1 0 12 8
10 3 5 -1 0 12 8 10 3 5 -1 0 12 8
min min
-1 3 5 10 0 12 8
-1 3 5 10 0 12 8
min min
-1 3 5 10 0 12 8
-1 3 5 10 0 12 8
-1 3 5 10 0 12 8
min min
-1 0 5 10 3 12 8
-1 0 5 10 3 12 8
min min
-1 0 3 5 8 12 10
-1 0 3 5 8 12 10 -1 0 3 5 8 12 10
min min
-1 0 3 5 8 12 10
-1 0 3 5 8 12 10
-1 0 3 5 8 12 10 -1 0 3 5 8 12 10
min min
-1 0 3 5 8 10 12 -1 0 3 5 8 10 12
348 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length - 1; i++)
// Loop operating over the unsorted part of the array
for (int j = i + 1; j < numbers.Length; j++)
// Swapping the values
if (numbers[i] > numbers[j])
int temp = numbers[i];
numbers[i] = numbers[j];
numbers[j] = temp;
} // End of the sorting logic
return numbers;
Lets declare a method PrintNumbers(params int[]) that outputs the list
with numbers to the console, and then to test this example by writing a few
lines directly into the Main() method:
using System;

class SortingEngine
static int[] Sort(params int[] numbers)
// The sorting logic:
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length - 1; i++)
// Loop that is operating over the un-sorted part of
// the array
for (int j = i + 1; j < numbers.Length; j++)
// Swapping the values
if (numbers[i] > numbers[j])
int oldNum = numbers[i];
numbers[i] = numbers[j];
numbers[j] = oldNum;
Chapter 9. Methods 349
} // End of the sorting logic
return numbers;

static void PrintNumbers(params int[] numbers)
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
Console.Write("{0}", numbers[i]);
if (i < (numbers.Length - 1))
Console.Write(", ");

static void Main()
int[] numbers = Sort(10, 3, 5, -1, 0, 12, 8);
After this code is compiled and executed, the result is exactly as the one that
was expected the array is ordered ascending:
-1, 0, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Best Practices when Using Methods
In the chapter "High-Quality Programming Code" we will explain in details
about the good practices for writing methods. None the less, we will look at
some of them right now, so we can start applying the good practices and start
developing a good programming style:
- Each method must resolve a distinct, well defined task. This feature
is also known as strong cohesion, i.e. to give a focus onto one single
task, not to several tasks no strongly related logically. A single method
should perform a single task, its code should be well structured, easy to
understand, and easy to be maintained. One method must NOT solve
several tasks!
- A method has to have a good name, i.e. name that is descriptive and
from which becomes clear what the method does. As an example: a
method that sorts numbers should be named SortNumbers(), but
should not be named Number() or Processing() or Method2(). If it
350 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
cannot be given a good name, this may indicate that the method solves
more than one task and, hence, it must be separated into sub-methods.
- Method names should describe an action, so they should contain a
verb or a verb + noun (possibly with an adjective to supplement the
noun). For example good method names are FindSmallestElement(),
Sort(int[] arr) and ReadInputData().
- It is assumed that all the method names in C# will start with capital
letter. PascalCase rule is used, i.e. each new word that is concatenated
to the end of the method name must start with capital letter. For
example: SendEmail(), but not sendEmail() or send_email().
- A method must do whatever is described with its name, or it must
return an error (throws an exception). It is not correct that the methods
return wrong or unusual result when it has received invalid input data.
The method resolves the task it is created for, or returns an
error. Any other behavior is incorrect. We will discuss this principle in
"High-Quality Programming Code", section "What a Method Should Do".
- A method must have minimum dependency to the class in which the
method is declared and to other methods and classes. This feature of
the methods is also known as loose coupling. This means that the
method must do its job by using the data that passed to it as
parameters, but not data that can be accessed from other places.
Methods should not have side effects (for example to change some
global variable or print something on the console in the meantime).
- It is recommended that the methods must be short. Methods that are
longer than a computer screen must be avoided. To do so, the logic
implemented in the method is divided by functionality, to several
smaller sub-methods. These sub-methods are then called from the
original place they were cut off.
- To improve the readability of a method and the code structure, it is good
idea a functionality that is well detached logically, to be placed in a
separate method. For example if we have a method that calculates the
volume of a dam lake, the process of calculating the volume of a
parallelepiped can be defined in a separate method. Then that new
method can be invoked as many times as necessary. Hence, the sub-
task is separated from the main task. Since the dam lake can be
taken as set of many different parallelepipeds, calculating the volume of
each one of them is logical detached functionality.
- The last but most important rule is that a method should either do
what it name says or throw an exception. If a method cannot
perform its job (e.g. due to incorrect input), it should throw an
exception, not return invalid or neutral result. How to throw an
exception will be explained in the chapter Exception Handling, but for
now you should remember that returning an incorrect result or
having a side effect are bad practices. If a method cannot do its job,
Chapter 9. Methods 351
it should inform its caller about this by throwing appropriate exception.
Methods should never return wrong result!
1. Write a code that by given name prints on the console "Hello, <name>!"
(for example: "Hello, Peter!").
2. Create a method GetMax() with two integer (int) parameters, that
returns maximal of the two numbers. Write a program that reads three
numbers from the console and prints the biggest of them. Use the
GetMax() method you just created. Write a test program that validates
that the methods works correctly.
3. Write a method that returns the English name of the last digit of a
given number. Example: for 512 prints "two"; for 1024 "four".
4. Write a method that finds how many times certain number can be
found in a given array. Write a program to test that the method works
5. Write a method that checks whether an element, from a certain position
in an array is greater than its two neighbors. Test whether the
method works correctly.
6. Write a method that returns the position of the first occurrence of an
element from an array, such that it is greater than its two neighbors
simultaneously. Otherwise the result must be -1.
7. Write a method that prints the digits of a given decimal number in a
reversed order. For example 256, must be printed as 652.
8. Write a method that calculates the sum of two very long positive
integer numbers. The numbers are represented as array digits and
the last digit (the ones) is stored in the array at index 0. Make the
method work for all numbers with length up to 10,000 digits.
9. Write a method that finds the biggest element of an array. Use that
method to implement sorting in descending order.
10. Write a program that calculates and prints the n! for any n in the range
11. Write a program that solves the following tasks:
- Put the digits from an integer number into a reversed order.
- Calculate the average of given sequence of numbers.
- Solve the linear equation a * x + b = 0.
Create appropriate methods for each of the above tasks.
Make the program show a text menu to the user. By choosing an option
of that menu, the user will be able to choose which task to be invoked.
352 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Perform validation of the input data:
- The integer number must be a positive in the range [150,000,000].
- The sequence of numbers cannot be empty.
- The coefficient a must be non-zero.
12. Write a method that calculates the sum of two polynomials with integer
coefficients, for example (3x
+ x - 3) + (x - 1) = (3x
+ 2x - 4).
13. * Write a method that calculates the product of two polynomials with
integer coefficients, for example (3x
+ x - 3) * (x - 1) = (3x
- 4x + 3).
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use a method that takes the name as parameter of type string.
2. Use the expression Max(a, b, c) = Max(Max(a, b), c).
To test the code check whether the results from the invoked methods is
correct for a set of examples that cover the most interesting cases, e.g.
Max(1,2)=2; Max(3,-1)=3; Max(-1,-1)=-1; Max(1,2,444444)=444444;
Max(5,2,1)=5; Max(-1,6,5)=6; Max(0,0,0)=0; Max(-10,-10,-10)=-10;
Max(2000000000,-2000000001,2000000002)=2000000002; etc.
You may write a generic method that works not just for int but for any
other type T using the following declaration:
static T Max<T>(T a, T b) where T : IComparable<T> { }
Read more about the concept of generic methods in the section
Generic Methods of chapter Defining Classes.
Instead of creating a program that checks whether the method works
correctly, you can search in Internet for information about "unit testing"
and write unit tests for your methods. You may also read about unit
testing in the section Unit Testing of chapter High-Quality Code.
3. Use the reminder of division by 10 and then a switch statement.
4. The method must take as parameter an array of integer numbers (int[])
and the number that has to be counted (int). Test it with few examples
like this: CountOccurences(new int[]{3,2,2,5,1,-8,7,2}, 2) 3.
5. Just perform a check. The elements of the first and the last position in
the array will be compared only with their left and right neighbor. Test
examples like GreaterThanNeighbours(new int[]{1,3,2}, 1) true
and GreaterThanNeighbours(new int[]{1}, 0) true.
6. Invoke the method from the previous problem in a for-loop.
7. There are two solutions:
Chapter 9. Methods 353
First solution: Let the number is num. So while num 0 we print its last
digit (num % 10) and then divide num by 10.
Second solution: Convert the number into a string string and print it
in a reverse order with a for-loop. This is a bit cheaters approach.
8. The reader must implement own method that calculates the sum of
very big numbers. The digits on position zero will keep the ones; the
digit on the first position will keep the tenths and so on. When two very
big numbers are about to be calculated, the ones of their sum will be
equal to (firstNumber[0] + secondNumber[0]) % 10, the tenths on
other side will be equal to (firstNumber[1] + secondNumber[1]) % 10
+ (firstNumber[0] + secondNumber[0])/10 and so on.
9. First write a method that finds the biggest element in array and then
modify it to find the biggest element in given range of the array, e.g.
in the elements at indexes [310]. Finally find the biggest number in
the range [1n-1] and swap it with the first element, then find the
biggest element in the range [2n-1] and swap it with the second
element of the array and so on. Think when the algorithm should finish.
10. The reader must implement own method that calculates the product of
very big numbers, because the value of 100! does not fit in variable of
type ulong or decimal. The numbers can be represented in an array of
reversed digits (one digit in each element). For example, the number 512
can be represented as {2, 1, 5}. Then the multiplication can be
implemented in the way done in the elementary school (multiply digit by
digit and then calculate the sum).
Another easier way to work with extremely large numbers such as 100! is
by using the library System.Numerics.dll (you have to add a reference
to it in your project). Look for Information in internet about how to use
the class System.Numerics.BigInteger.
Finally calculate in a loop k! for k = 1, 2, , n.
11. Firstly, create the necessary methods. To create the menu display a
list in which the actions are represented as numbers (1 reverse, 2
average, 3 equation). Ask the user to choose from 1 to 3.
12. Use arrays to represent the polynomial and the arithmetic rules that
you know from math. For example the polynomial (3x
+ x - 5) can be
represented as an array of the numbers {-5, 1, 3}. Bear in mind that it
is useful at the zero position to put the coefficient for x
(in our case -5),
at the first position the coefficient for x
(in our case 1) and so on.
13. Use the instructions from the previous task and the rules for polynomial
multiplication that you know from math. How to multiple polynomials
can be read here: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/polymult.htm.
Icenium Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Chapter 10. Recursion
In This Chapter
In this chapter we are going to get familiar with recursion and its
applications. Recursion represents a powerful programming technique in
which a method makes a call to itself from within its own method body. By
means of recursion we can solve complicated combinatorial problems, in
which we can easily exhaust different combinatorial configurations, e.g.
generating permutations and variations and simulating nested loops.
We are going to demonstrate many examples of correct and incorrect usage
of recursion and convince you how useful it can be.
What Is Recursion?
We call an object recursive if it contains itself, or if it is defined by itself.
Recursion is a programming technique in which a method makes a call to
itself to solve a particular problem. Such methods are called recursive.
Recursion is a programming technique whose correct usage leads to elegant
solutions to certain problems. Sometimes its usage could considerably
simplify the programming code and its readability.
Example of Recursion
Lets consider the Fibonacci numbers. These are the elements of the
following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,
Each element of the sequence is formed by the sum of the previous two
elements. The first two elements are equal to 1 by definition, i.e. the next two
rules apply:
= F
= 1
= F
+ F
(for i > 2)
Proceeding directly from the definition, we can implement the following
recursive method for finding the n
Fibonacci number:
static long Fib(int n)
if (n <= 2)
356 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
return 1;
return Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2);
This example shows how simple and natural the implementation of a solution
can be when using recursion.
On the other hand, it can serve as an example of how attentive we have to be
while programming with recursion. Although it is intuitive, the present
solution is one of the classical examples when the usage of recursion is
highly inefficient as there are many excessive calculations (of one and the
same element of the sequence) due to the recursive calls.
We are going to consider the advantages and the disadvantages of using
recursion later in this chapter.
Direct and Indirect Recursion
When in the body of a method there is a call to the same method, we say that
the method is directly recursive.
If method A calls method B, method B calls method C, and method C calls
method A we call the methods A, B and C indirectly recursive or mutually
Chains of calls in indirect recursion can contain multiple methods, as well as
branches, i.e. in the presence of one condition one method to be called, and
provided a different condition another to be called.
Bottom of Recursion
When using recursion, we have to be totally sure that after a certain count of
steps we get a concrete result. For this reason we should have one or more
cases in which the solution could be found directly, without a recursive call.
These cases are called bottom of recursion.
In the example with Fibonacci numbers the bottom of recursion is when n is
less than or equal to 2. In this base case we can directly return result without
making recursive calls, because by definition the first two elements of the
sequence of Fibonacci are equal to 1.
If a recursive method has no base case, i.e. bottom, it will become infinite
and the result will be StackOverflowException.
Creating Recursive Methods
When we create recursive methods, it is necessary that we break the task we
are trying to solve in subtasks, for the solution of which we can use the
Chapter 10. Recursion 357
same algorithm (recursively). The combination of solutions of all subtasks
should lead to the solution of the initial problem.
In each recursive call the problem area should be limited so that at some
point the bottom of the recursion is reached, i.e. breaking of each subtask
must lead eventually to the bottom of the recursion.
Recursive Calculation of Factorial
The usage of recursion we will illustrate with a classic example recursive
calculation of factorial.
Factorial of n (written n!) is the product of all integers between 1 and n
inclusive. By definition 0! = 1.
n! = 1.2.3n
Recurrent Definition
When creating our solution, it is much more convenient to use the
corresponding recurrent definition of factorial:
n! = 1, for n = 0
n! = n.(n-1)!, for n>0
Finding a Recurrent Dependence
The presence of recurrent dependence is not always obvious. Sometimes we
have to find it ourselves. In our case we can do this by analyzing the problem
and calculating the values of the factorial for the first few integers.
0! = 1
1! = 1 = 1.1 = 1.0!
2! = 2.1 = 2.1!
3! = 3.2.1 = 3.2!
4! = = 4.3!
5! = = 5.4!
From here you can easily see the recurrent dependability:
n! = n.(n-1)!
Algorithm Implementation
The bottom of our recursion is the simplest case n = 0, in which the value of
the factorial is 1.
In the other cases we solve the problem for n-1 and multiply the result by n.
Thus after a certain count of steps we are definitely going to reach the bottom
358 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
of the recursion, because between 0 and n there is a certain count of integer
Once we have these substantial conditions we can write a method, which
computes factorial:
static decimal Factorial(int n)
// The bottom of the recursion
if (n == 0)
return 1;
// Recursive call: the method calls itself
return n * Factorial(n - 1);
By using this method we can create an application, which reads an integer
from the console computes its factorial and then prints the obtained value:
using System;

class RecursiveFactorial
static void Main()
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

decimal factorial = Factorial(n);
Console.WriteLine("{0}! = {1}", n, factorial);

static decimal Factorial(int n)
// The bottom of the recursion
if (n == 0)
return 1;
// Recursive call: the method calls itself
Chapter 10. Recursion 359
return n * Factorial(n - 1);
Here is what the result of the execution of the application would be like if we
enter 5 for n:
n = 5
5! = 120
Recursion or Iteration?
The calculation of factorial is often given as an example when explaining the
concept of recursion, but in this case, as in many others, recursion is not the
best approach.
Very often, if we are given a recurrent definition of the problem, the
recurrent solution is intuitive and not posing any difficulty, while iterative
(consecutive) solution is not always obvious.
In this particular case the implementation of the iterative solution is as short
and simple, but is a bit more efficient:
static decimal Factorial(int n)
decimal result = 1;

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
result = result * i;

return result;
We are going to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using
recursion and iteration later in this chapter.
For the moment we should remember that before proceeding with recursive
implementation we should think about an iterative variant, after which we
should choose the better solution according to the situation.
Lets look at another example where we could use recursion to solve the
problem. This time we are going to consider an iterative solution, too.
360 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Simulation of N Nested Loops
Very often we have to write nested loops. It is very easy when they are two,
three or any number previously assigned. However, if their count is not
known in advance, we have to think of an alternative approach. This is the
case with the following task.
Write a program that simulates the execution of N nested loops from 1 to K,
where N and K are entered by the user. The result of the performance of the
program should be equivalent to the execution of following fragment:
for (a1 = 1; a1 <= K; a1++)
for (a2 = 1; a2 <= K; a2++)
for (a3 = 1; a3 <= K; a3++)

for (aN = 1; aN <= K; aN++)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {N}",
a1, a2, a3, , aN);
For example, when N = 2 and K = 3 (which is equivalent to 2 nested loops
from 1 to 3) and when N = 3 and K = 3, the results would be as follows:
1 1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1 2
1 3 1 1 3
N = 2 2 1 N = 3 1 2 1
K = 3 -> 2 2 K = 3 ->
2 3 3 2 3
3 1 3 3 1
3 2 3 3 2
3 3 3 3 3
The algorithm for solving this problem is not as obvious as in the previous
example. Lets consider two different solutions one recursive, and one
Each row of the result can be regarded as ordered sequence of N numbers.
The first one represents the current value of the counter of the loop, the
second one of the second loop, etc. On each position we can have value
between 1 and K. The solution of our task boils down to finding all ordered
sequences of N elements for N and K given.
Nested Loops Recursive Version
If we are looking for a recursive solution to the problem, the first problem we
are going to face is finding a recurrent dependence. Lets look more carefully
at the example from the assignment and put some further consideration.
Chapter 10. Recursion 361
Notice that, if we have calculated the answer for N = 2, then the answer for N
= 3 can be obtained if we put on the first position each of the values of K (in
this case from 1 to 3), and on the other two positions we put each of the
couples of numbers, produced for N = 2. We can check that this rule applies
for numbers greater than 3.

This way we have obtained the following dependence starting from the first
position, we put on the current position each of the values from 1 to K and
continue recursively with the next position. This goes on until we reach
position N, after which we print the obtained result (bottom of the
recursion). Here is how the method looks implemented in C#:
static void NestedLoops(int currentLoop)
if (currentLoop == numberOfLoops)

for (int counter=1; counter<=numberOfIterations; counter++)
loops[currentLoop] = counter;
NestedLoops(currentLoop + 1);
We are going to keep the sequence of values in an array called loops, which
would be printed on the console by the method PrintLoops() when needed.
The method NestedLoops() takes one parameter, indicating the position in
which we are going to place values.
Solution for N = 3
1 x x
Solution for N = 2
2 x x
Solution for N = 2
3 x x
Solution for N = 2
Solution for N = 2
1 x
Solution for N = 1
2 x
Solution for N = 1
3 x
Solution for N = 1
Solution for N = 1
362 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In the loop we place consecutively on the current position each of the possible
values (the variable numberOfIterations contains the value of K entered by
the user), after which we call recursively the method NestedLoops() for the
next position.
The bottom of the recursion is reached when the current position becomes N
(the variable numberOfIterations contains the value of N, entered by the
user). In this moment we have values on all positions and we print the
Here is a complete implementation of the recursive nested loops solution:
using System;

class RecursiveNestedLoops
static int numberOfLoops;
static int numberOfIterations;
static int[] loops;

static void Main()
Console.Write("N = ");
numberOfLoops = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("K = ");
numberOfIterations = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

loops = new int[numberOfLoops];


static void NestedLoops(int currentLoop)
if (currentLoop == numberOfLoops)

for (int counter=1; counter<=numberOfIterations; counter++)
loops[currentLoop] = counter;
Chapter 10. Recursion 363
NestedLoops(currentLoop + 1);

static void PrintLoops()
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLoops; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", loops[i]);
If we run the application and enter for N and K respectively 2 and 4 as
follows, we are going to obtain the following result:
N = 2
K = 4
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4
In the Main() method we enter values for N and K, create an array in which
we are going to keep the sequence of values, after which we call the method
NestedLoops(), starting from the first position.
Notice that as a parameter of the array we give 0 because we keep the
sequence of values in an array, and as we already know, counting of array
elements starts from 0.
The method PrintLoops() iterates all elements of the array and prints them
on the console.
364 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Nested Loops Iterative Version
For the implementation of an iterative solution of the nested loops we can
use the following algorithm, which finds the next sequence of numbers and
prints it at each iteration:
1. In the beginning on each position place the number 1.
2. Print the current sequence of numbers.
3. Increment with 1 the number on position N. If the obtained value is
greater than K replace it with 1 and increment with 1 the value on
position N 1. If its value has become greater then K, too, replace it
with 1 and increment with 1 the value on position N 2, etc.
4. If the value on the first position has become greater than K, the
algorithm ends its work.
5. Go on with step 2.
Below we propose a straightforward implementation of the described
iterative nested loops algorithm:
using System;

class IterativeNestedLoops
static int numberOfLoops;
static int numberOfIterations;
static int[] loops;

static void Main()
Console.Write("N = ");
numberOfLoops = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("K = ");
numberOfIterations = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

loops = new int[numberOfLoops];


static void NestedLoops()
Chapter 10. Recursion 365

int currentPosition;

while (true)

currentPosition = numberOfLoops - 1;
loops[currentPosition] = loops[currentPosition] + 1;

while (loops[currentPosition] > numberOfIterations)
loops[currentPosition] = 1;

if (currentPosition < 0)
loops[currentPosition] = loops[currentPosition] + 1;

static void InitLoops()
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLoops; i++)
loops[i] = 1;

static void PrintLoops()
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLoops; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", loops[i]);
The methods Main() and PrintLoops() are the same as in the
implementation of the recursive solution.
366 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The NestedLoops() method is different. It now implements the algorithm for
iterative solution of the problem and for this reason does not get any
parameters, unlike in the recursive version.
In the very beginning of this method we call the method InitLoops(), which
iterates the elements of the array and places in each position 1.
The steps of the algorithm we perform in an infinite loop, from which we are
going to escape in an appropriate moment by ending the execution of the
methods via the operator return.
The way we implement step 3 of the algorithm is very interesting. The
verification of the values greater than K, their substitution with 1 and the
incrementing with 1 the value on the previous position (after which we make
the same verification for it too) we implement by using one while loop, which
we enter only if the value is greater than K.
For this purpose we first replace the value of the current position with 1. After
that the position before it becomes current. Next we increment the value on
the new position with 1 and go back to the beginning of the loop. These
actions continue until the value on the current position is not less than or
equal to K (the variable numberOfIterations contains the value of K), which
is when we escape the loop.
When the value on the first position becomes greater than K (this is the
moment when we have to end the execution), on its place we put 1 and try to
increment the value on the previous position. In this moment the value of the
variable currentPosition becomes negative (as the first position of the array
is 0) and we end the execution of the method using the operator return. This
is the end of our task.
We can now test it whit N = 3 and K = 2, for example:
N = 3
K = 2
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 2 1
1 2 2
2 1 1
2 1 2
2 2 1
2 2 2
Which is Better: Recursion or Iteration?
If the algorithm solving of the problem is recursive, the implementation of
recursive solution can be much more readable and elegant than iterative
solution to the same problem.
Chapter 10. Recursion 367
Sometimes defining equivalent algorithm is considerably more difficult and it
is not easy to be proven that the two algorithms are equivalent.
In certain cases by using recursion we can accomplish much simpler,
shorter and easy to understand solutions.
On the other hand, recursive calls can consume much more resources (CPU
time and memory). On each recursive call in the stack new memory is set
aside for arguments, local variables and returned results. If there are too
many recursive calls, a stack overflow could happen because of lack of
In certain situations the recursive solutions can be much more difficult to
understand and follow than the relevant iterative solutions.
Recursion is powerful programming technique, but we have to think
carefully before using it. If used incorrectly, it can lead to inefficient and
tough to understand and maintain solutions.

If by using recursion we reach a simpler, shorter and easier
for understanding solution, not causing inefficiency and
other side effects, then we can prefer recursive solution.
Otherwise, it is better to think of iteration.
Fibonacci Numbers Inefficient Recursion
Lets go back to the example with finding the n
Fibonacci number and
look more carefully at the recursive solution:
static long Fib(int n)
if (n <= 2)
return 1;
return Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2);
This solution is intuitive, short and easy to understand. At first sight it seems
that this is a great example for applying recursion. The truth is that this is one
of the classical examples of inappropriate usage of recursion. Lets run the
following application:
using System;

class RecursiveFibonacci
368 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

long result = Fib(n);
Console.WriteLine("fib({0}) = {1}", n, result);

static long Fib(int n)
if (n <= 2)
return 1;
return Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2);
If we set the value of n = 100, the calculations would take so much time that
no one would wait to see the result. The reason is that similar implementation
is extremely inefficient. Each recursive call leads to two more calls and each
of these calls causes two more calls and so on. That's why the tree of calls
grows exponentially as shown on the figure below.
The count of steps for computing of fib(100) is of the order of 1.6 raised to
the power 100 (this could be mathematically proven), whereas, if the solution
is linear, the count of steps would be only 100.
The problem comes from the fact that there are a lot of excessive
calculations. You can notice that fib(2) appears below many times on the
Fibonacci tree:

Chapter 10. Recursion 369
Fibonacci Numbers Efficient Recursion
We can optimize the recursive method for calculating the Fibonacci
numbers by remembering (saving) the already calculated numbers in an array
and making recursive call only if the number we are trying to calculate has
not been calculated yet. Thanks to this small optimization technique (also
known in computer science and dynamic optimization as memoization (not
to be confused with memorization) the recursive solution would work for
linear count of steps. Here is a sample implementation:
using System;

class RecursiveFibonacciMemoization
static long[] numbers;

static void Main()
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

numbers = new long[n + 2];
numbers[1] = 1;
numbers[2] = 1;

long result = Fib(n);
Console.WriteLine("fib({0}) = {1}", n, result);

static long Fib(int n)
if (0 == numbers[n])
numbers[n] = Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2);

return numbers[n];
Do you notice the difference? While with the initial version if n = 100 it seems
like the computation goes on forever, with the optimized solution we get an
answer instantly. As we will learn later in chapter "Algorithm Complexity", the
first solution runs in exponential time while the second is linear.
370 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
n = 100
fib(100) = 3736710778780434371
Fibonacci Numbers Iterative Solution
It is not hard to notice that we can solve the problem without using recursion,
by calculating the Fibonacci numbers consecutively. For this purpose we are
going to keep only the last two calculated elements of the sequence and use
them to get the next element. Bellow you can see an implementation of the
iterative Fibonacci numbers calculation algorithm:
using System;

class IterativeFibonacci
static void Main()
Console.Write("n = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

long result = Fib(n);
Console.WriteLine("fib({0}) = {1}", n, result);

static long Fib(int n)
long fn = 0;
long fnMinus1 = 1;
long fnMinus2 = 1;

for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)
fn = fnMinus1 + fnMinus2;

fnMinus2 = fnMinus1;
fnMinus1 = fn;

return fn;
Chapter 10. Recursion 371
This solution is as short and elegant, but does not hide risks of using
recursion. Besides, it is efficient and does not require extra memory.
Concluding the previous examples we can give you the next recommendation:

Avoid recursion, unless you are certain about how it works
and what has to happen behind the scenes. Recursion is a
great and powerful weapon, with which you can easily shoot
yourself in the leg. Use it carefully!
If you follow this rule, you considerably will reduce the possibility of incorrect
usage of recursion and the consequences, created by it.
More about Recursion and Iteration
Generally, when we have a linear computational process, we do not have
to use recursion, because iteration can be constructed easily and leads to
simple and efficient calculations. An example of linear computational
process is the calculation of factorial. In it we calculate the elements of the
sequence in which every next element depends only on the previous ones.
What is distinctive about the linear computational processes is that on each
step of the calculating recursion is called only once, only in one direction.
Schematically, a linear computational process we can describe as follows:
void Recursion(parameters)
do some calculations;
Recursion(some parameters);
do some calculations;
In such a process, when we have only one recursive call in the body of the
recursive method, it is not necessary to use recursion, because the iteration
is obvious.
Sometimes, however, we have a branched computational process (like a
tree). For example, the imitation of N nested loops cannot be easily replaced
with iteration. You have probably noticed that our iterative algorithm, which
imitates nested loops, works in a completely different principle. Try to
implement the same without recursion and you will see it is not easy.
Ordinarily each recursion could boil down to iteration by using a stack of
the calls (which is created through program execution), but this is
complicated and there is no benefit from doing this. Recursion has to be used
when it provides simple, easy-to-understand and efficient solution to a
problem, for which we have no obvious iterative solution.
In tree-like (branched) computational processes on each step of the
recursion a couple of recursive calls are made and the scheme of calculations
372 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
could be visualized as a tree (and not as a list like in linear calculations). For
example, we saw what the tree of recursive calls would be like when we
calculate the Fibonacci numbers.
A typical scheme of a tree computational process could be described with a
pseudo-code in the following way:
void Recursion(parameters)
do some calculations;
Recursion(some parameters);

Recursion(some other parameters);
do some calculations;
Tree computational processes could not be directly boiled down to
recursive (unlike the linear processes). The case of Fibonacci is simple,
because each next number is calculated via the previous, which we can
calculate in advance. Sometimes, however, each next number is calculated
not only via the previous, but via the next, and the recursive dependence is
not so simple. In this case recursion turns out very efficient, if implemented
correctly by avoiding duplicated calculations through memoization.

Use recursion for branched recursive calculations (and
ensure each value is calculated only once). For linear
recursive calculations prefer using iteration.
We are going to demonstrate the last statement with one classic example.
Searching for Paths in a Labyrinth Example
We are given a labyrinth with a rectangular shape, consisting of N*M
squares. Each square is either passable or impassable. An adventurer enters
the labyrinth from its top left corner (there is the entrance) and has to reach
the bottom right corner of the labyrinth (there is the exit). At each turn the
adventurer can move up, down, left or right with one position and he has no
right to go outside the binderies of the labyrinth, or step on impassable
square. Passing through one and the same position is also forbidden (it is
considered that the adventurer is lost if after a several turns he goes back to
a position he has already been).
Write a computer program, which prints all possible paths from the
beginning of the labyrinth to the exit.
This is a typical example of a problem, which can be easily solved with
recursion, while with iteration the solution will be more complex and harder to
Chapter 10. Recursion 373
Lets first draw an example in order to illustrate the problem and think about
finding a solution:

You can see that there are 3 different paths from the starting position to the
end, which meets the requirements of the task (movement only on passable
squares and not passing twice through any of the squares). Here you can see
how these three paths look like:
s 1 2
6 5 4
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
s 1 2 8 9 10
3 7 11
4 5 6 12
s 1 2
4 5 6 7 8
On the figure above with numbers from 1 to 14 are marked the numbers of
the corresponding turns of the paths.
Paths in a Labyrinth Recursive Algorithm
How can we solve the problem? We can consider searching from a position in
the labyrinth to the end of the labyrinth as a recursive process as follows:
- Let the current position in the labyrinth be (row, col). In the beginning
we go from the starting position (0, 0).
- If the current position is the searched position (N-1, M-1), then we have
found a path and we should print it.
- If the current position is impassable, we go back (we have no right to
step on it).
- If the current position is already visited, we go back (we have no right
to step on it twice.
- Otherwise, we look for a path in four possible directions. We search
recursively (with the same algorithm) a path to the exit from the
labyrinth by trying to go in all possible directions:
- We try left: position (row, col-1).
- We try up: position (row-1, col).
- We try right: position (row, col+1).
- We try down: position (row+1, col).
374 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In order to reach this algorithmic solution we think recursively. We have the
problem "searching for a path from given position to the exit". It can be boiled
down to the following four sub problems:
- searching for a path from the position on the left from the current
position to the exit;
- searching for a path from the position above the current position to the
- searching for a path from the position on the right from the current
position to the exit;
- searching for a path from the position below the current position to the
If from each possible position, which we reach, we check the four possible
directions and do not move in a circle (avoid passing through positions, on
which we have already stepped on), we should find a path to the exit sooner
or later (if such exists).
This time the recursion is not as simple as in the previous problems. On each
step we have to check whether we have reached the exit and whether we are
on a forbidden position; after that we should mark the position as visited and
recursively call searching in the four directions. After returning from the
recursive calls we have to mark as unvisited the starting point. In informatics
such crawl is known as searching with backtracking.
Paths in a Labyrinth Implementation
For the implementation of the algorithm we need to represent the labyrinth in
a suitable way. We are going to use a two-dimensional array of characters, as
in it we are going to mark with the character ' ' (space) the passable
positions, with 'e' the exit from the labyrinth and with '*' the impassable
positions. The starting position is marked as passable position. The positions
we have already visited we are going to mark with the character 's'. Here is
how the definition of the labyrinth is going to look like for our example:
static char[,] lab =
{' ', ' ', ' ', '*', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{'*', '*', ' ', '*', ' ', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{' ', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'e'},
Lets try to implement the recursive method for searching in a labyrinth. It
should be something like this:
Chapter 10. Recursion 375
static char[,] lab =
{' ', ' ', ' ', '*', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{'*', '*', ' ', '*', ' ', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{' ', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'e'},

static void FindPath(int row, int col)
if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) ||
(col >= lab.GetLength(1)) || (row >= lab.GetLength(0)))
// We are out of the labyrinth

// Check if we have found the exit
if (lab[row, col] == 'e')
Console.WriteLine("Found the exit!");

if (lab[row, col] != ' ')
// The current cell is not free

// Mark the current cell as visited
lab[row, col] = 's';

// Invoke recursion to explore all possible directions
FindPath(row, col - 1); // left
FindPath(row - 1, col); // up
FindPath(row, col + 1); // right
FindPath(row + 1, col); // down

// Mark back the current cell as free
lab[row, col] = ' ';

static void Main()
376 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
FindPath(0, 0);
The implementation strictly follows the description from the above. In this
case the size of the labyrinth is not stored in variables N and M, but is derived
from the two-dimensional array lab, which stores the labyrinth: the count of
the columns is lab.GetLength(1), and the count of the rows is
When entering the recursive method for searching, firstly we check if we go
outside the labyrinth. In this case the searching is terminated, because going
outside the boundaries of the labyrinth is forbidden.
After that we check whether we have found the exit. If we have, we print
an appropriate message and the searching from the current position onward is
Next, we check if the current square is available. The square is available if
the position is passable and we have not been on it on some of the previous
steps (if it is not part of the current path from the starting position to the
current cell of the labyrinth).
If the cell is available, we step on it. This is performed by marking it as
visited (with the character 's'). After that we recursively search for a path in
the four possible directions. After returning from the recursive search of the
four possible directions, we step back from the current cell and mark it as
The marking back of the current position as available when leaving the
current position is substantial because, when we go back, it is not a part of
the current path. If we skip this action, not all paths to the exit would be
found, but only some of them.
This is how the recursive method for searching for the exit from the labyrinth
looks like. We should now only call the method from the Main() method,
beginning the search from the starting position (0, 0).
If we run the program, we are going to see the following result:
Found the exit!
Found the exit!
Found the exit!
You can see that the exit has been found exactly three times. It seems that
the algorithm works correctly. However, we are missing the printing of the
path as a sequence of positions.
Chapter 10. Recursion 377
Paths in a Labyrinth Saving the Paths
In order to print the paths we have found by our recursive algorithm, we can
use an array, in which at every step we keep the direction taken (L left, U
up, R right, D down). This array will keep in every moment the current
path from the start of the labyrinth to the current position.
We are going to need an array of characters and a counter for the steps
we have taken. The counter will keep how many times we have moved to the
next position recursively, i.e. the current depth of recursion.
In order to work correctly, our program has to increment the counter when
entering recursion and save the direction we have taken in the position in the
array. When returning from a recursion, the counter should be reduced by 1.
When an exit I found, the path can be printed (it consists of all the characters
in the array from 0 to the position pointed by the counter).
What should be the size of the array? The answer to this question is easy;
since we can enter one cell at most once, than the path would never be longer
than the count of all cells (N*M). In our case the size of the maze is 7*5, i.e.
the size of the array has to be 35.
Note: if you know the List<T> data structure is might be more appropriate to
use List<char> instead of the array of chars. We will learn about lists in the
chapter "Linear Data Structures".
This is an example implementation of the described idea:
static char[,] lab =
{' ', ' ', ' ', '*', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{'*', '*', ' ', '*', ' ', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{' ', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'e'},

static char[] path =
new char[lab.GetLength(0) * lab.GetLength(1)];
static int position = 0;

static void FindPath(int row, int col, char direction)
if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) ||
(col >= lab.GetLength(1)) || (row >= lab.GetLength(0)))
// We are out of the labyrinth
378 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

// Append the direction to the path
path[position] = direction;

// Check if we have found the exit
if (lab[row, col] == 'e')
PrintPath(path, 1, position - 1);

if (lab[row, col] == ' ')
// The current cell is free. Mark it as visited
lab[row, col] = 's';

// Invoke recursion to explore all possible directions
FindPath(row, col - 1, 'L'); // left
FindPath(row - 1, col, 'U'); // up
FindPath(row, col + 1, 'R'); // right
FindPath(row + 1, col, 'D'); // down

// Mark back the current cell as free
lab[row, col] = ' ';

// Remove the last direction from the path

static void PrintPath(char[] path, int startPos, int endPos)
Console.Write("Found path to the exit: ");
for (int pos = startPos; pos <= endPos; pos++)

static void Main()
FindPath(0, 0, 'S');
Chapter 10. Recursion 379
To make it easier we added one more parameter to the recursive method for
searching path to the exit of the labyrinth: the direction we have taken to in
order to reach the current position. This parameter has no meaning when
going from the starting position. For this reason in the beginning we put a
meaningless value 'S'. After that, when printing, we skip the first element of
the path.
If we start the program, we are going to get the three possible paths from the
beginning to the end of the labyrinth:
Found path to the exit: RRDDLLDDRRRRRR
Found path to the exit: RRDDRRUURRDDDD
Found path to the exit: RRDDRRRRDD
Paths in a Labyrinth Testing the Program
It seems like the algorithm works properly. It remains to test it with some
more examples in order to make sure we have not made a stupid mistake. We
can test the program with an empty labyrinth with size 1x1, with an empty
labyrinth with size 3x3, or for instance with a labyrinth in which there is no
path to the exit, and in the end with an enormous labyrinth, where there are
a lot of paths.
If we run the tests, we are going to be convinced that in each case the
program is working correctly.
Example input (labyrinth 1 x 1):
static char[,] lab =
Example output:
Found path to the exit:
You can see that the output is correct, but the path is empty (with length 0),
because the starting position coincides with the exit. We could improve the
visualization in this case (for example print "Empty path"). Example input
(empty labyrinth 3x3):
static char[,] lab =
{' ', ' ', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' '},
{' ', ' ', 'e'},
380 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Example output for the above labyrinth:
Found path to the exit: RRDLLDRR
Found path to the exit: RRDLDR
Found path to the exit: RRDD
Found path to the exit: RDLDRR
Found path to the exit: RDRD
Found path to the exit: RDDR
Found path to the exit: DRURDD
Found path to the exit: DRRD
Found path to the exit: DRDR
Found path to the exit: DDRUURDD
Found path to the exit: DDRURD
Found path to the exit: DDRR
You can check that the output is correct these are all the paths to the exit.
Lets try another example input (labyrinth 5x3 without a path to the exit):
static char[,] lab =
{' ', '*', '*', ' ', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', '*', ' '},
{'*', ' ', ' ', '*', 'e'},
Example output:
(there is no output)
You can see that the output is correct, but again we could add a more friendly
message (for example "No exit!"), instead of any output.
Now we have to check what would happen when we have an enormously big
labyrinth. Here is a sample input (labyrinth with size 15x9):
static char[,] lab =
{{' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','*',' ',' '},
{' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ','*','*','*',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','*','*','*'},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','e'}};
Chapter 10. Recursion 381
We run the program and it starts typing paths to the exit, but it does not
end because there are too many paths. Here is how a small part of the
output looks like:
Found path to the exit:
Found path to the exit:
Found path to the exit:

Now, lets try one last example labyrinth with big size (15x9), in which there
is no path to the exit:
static char[,] lab =
{' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','*',' ',' '},
{' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{' ','*','*','*',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','*','*','*'},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','*',' ',' '},
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','e'},
We run the program and it hangs, without printing anything. It actually
works very long for us to wait for it. It seems like there is a problem.
What is the problem? The problem is that the possible paths, analyzed by the
algorithm are too many and their research takes too much time. Lets think
how many these paths are. If a path to the exit is average 20 steps long and
on each step there are 4 possible directions to be take, then 4
paths have to
be researched, which is a very big number. This evaluation of the count of
possibilities is very inaccurate, but it gives orientation on the approximate
order of possibilities.
What is the conclusion? The backtracking method does not work, when the
variants are too many, and the fact they are too many can be easily
We are not going to torture you by making you find solution to the task. The
problem of searching all paths in a labyrinth has no efficient solution
for big labyrinths.
The problem has an efficient solution if it is formulated in a slightly different
way: find at least one exit from the labyrinth. This task is far easier and
382 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
can be solved with one very small correction in the sample code: when
escaping the recursion, we do not mark the current cell as available. This
means to delete the following lines from the code:
// Mark back the current cell as free
lab[row, col] = ' ';
We can convince ourselves that after this change the program finds out very
quickly if there is no path to the exit, and if there is, it very quickly finds one
of them. It is not the shortest or longest, just the first path found.
Using Recursion Conclusions
The general conclusion from the problem searching a path in a labyrinth is
already formulated: if you do not understand how recursion works,
avoid using it!
Be careful when you write recursive methods. Recursion is a powerful
programming technique for solving combinatorial problems (problems in
which we have to go through all variants), but it is not for everyone. We
can easily make mistakes when using recursion. You may make the program
"hang", or cause stack overflow with bottomless recursion. Always look for
iterative solutions, unless you deeply understand how to use recursion.
As to the problem searching shortest path in a labyrinth you can solve it
elegantly without recursion with the so called BFS (breadth-first search),
also known as the wavefront algorithm, which is elementary implemented
with a queue. You can read more about the "BFS" algorithm in this article in
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search.
1. Write a program to simulate n nested loops from 1 to n.
2. Write a program to generate all variations with duplicates of n
elements class k. Sample input:
n = 3
k = 2
Sample output:
(1 1), (1 2), (1 3), (2 1), (2 2), (2 3), (3 1), (3 2), (3 3)
Think about and implement an iterative algorithm for the same task.
3. Write a program to generate and print all combinations with
duplicates of k elements from a set with n elements. Sample input:
Chapter 10. Recursion 383
n = 3
k = 2
Sample output:
(1 1), (1 2), (1 3), (2 2), (2 3), (3 3)
Think about and implement an iterative algorithm for the same task.
4. You are given a set of strings. Write a recursive program, which
generates all subsets, consisting exactly k strings chosen among the
elements of this set. Sample input:
strings = {'test', 'rock', 'fun'}
k = 2
Sample output:
(test rock), (test fun), (rock fun)
Think about and implement an iterative algorithm as well.
5. Write a recursive program, which prints all subsets of a given set of
N words. Example input:
words = {'test', 'rock', 'fun'}
Example output:
(), (test), (rock), (fun), (test rock), (test fun),
(rock fun), (test rock fun)
Think about and implement an iterative algorithm for the same task.
6. Implement the merge-sort algorithm recursively. In it the initial array
is divided into two equal in size parts, which are sorted (recursively via
merge-sort) and after that the two sorted parts are merged in order to
get the whole sorted array.
7. Write a recursive program, which generates and prints all permutations
of the numbers 1, 2, , n, for a given integer n. Example input:
n = 3
Example output:
(1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2), (2, 1, 3), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2), (3, 2, 1)
Try to find an iterative solution for generating permutations.
384 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
8. You are given an array of integers and a number N. Write a recursive
program that finds all subsets of numbers in the array, which have a
sum N. For example, if we have the array {2, 3, 1, -1} and N=4, we can
obtain N=4 as a sum in the following two ways: 4=2+3-1; 4=3+1.
9. You are given an array of positive integers. Write a program that checks
whether there is one or more numbers in the array (subset), whose
sum is equal to S. Can you solve the task efficiently for large arrays?
10. You are given a matrix with passable and impassable cells. Write a
recursive program that finds all paths between two cells in the matrix.
11. Implement the algorithm BFS (breadth-first search) for finding the
shortest path in a labyrinth.
12. Modify the previous program to check whether a path exists between
two cells without finding all possible paths. Test the program with a
matrix 100x100 filled only with passable cells.
13. You are given a matrix with passable and impassable cells. Write a
program that finds the largest area of neighboring passable cells.
14. Write a recursive program that traverses the whole hard disk C:\
recursively and prints all folders and files.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Create a recursive method Loops(int k), perform a for-loop from 1 to
n and make a recursive call Loops(k-1) in the loop. The bottom of the
recursion is when k < 0. Initially invoke Loops(n-1).
2. The recursive solution is to modify the algorithm for generating N
nested loops. In fact you need k nested loops from 1 to n.
The iterative solution is as follows: start from the first variation in the
lexicographical order: {1, 1, , 1} k times. To obtain the next
variation, increase the last number. If it becomes greater than n,
change it to 1 and increase the next number on the left. Do the same on
the left until the first number goes greater than n.
3. Modify the algorithms from the previous problem and always keep
each number equal or greater than the number on the left of it. The
easiest way to achieve this is to generate k nested loops from 1 to n
and print only these combinations in which each number is greater or
equal than the number on its left. You may optimize this approach to get
generate directly an increasing sequence for better performance.
4. Let the strings count be n. Use the implementation of k nested loops
(recursive or iterative) with additional limitation that each number is
greater than the previous one. Thus you will generate all different
subsets of k elements in the range [0n-1]. For each set consider the
numbers from it as indices in the array of strings and print for each
Chapter 10. Recursion 385
number the corresponding string. For the example above, the set {0, 2}
corresponds to the strings at position 0 and position 2, i.e. (test, fun).
The iterative algorithm is similar to the iterative algorithm for
generating n nested loops, but is more complicated because it needs to
guarantee that each number is greater than the number on its left.
5. You can use the previous task and call it N times in order to generate
consequently the empty set (k=0), followed by the all subsets with one
element (k=1), all subsets with 2 elements (k=2), all subsets with 3
elements (k=3), etc.
The problem has another very smart iterative solution: run a loop
from 0 to 2
-1 and convert each of these numbers to binary numeral
system. For example, for N=3 you will have the following binary
representations of the numbers between 0 to 2
000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111
Now for each binary representation take those words from the subset for
which have bit 1 on the corresponding position in the binary
representation. For instance, for the binary representation "101" take
the first and the last string (at these positions there is 1) and omit the
second string (at this position there is 0). Smart, isnt it?
6. In case you have any difficulties search in Internet for "merge sort".
You are going to find hundreds of implementations, including in C#. The
challenge is to avoid allocating a new array for the result at each
recursive call, because this is inefficient, and to use only three arrays
in the whole program: two arrays to be merged merge and a third for
the result from the merging. You will have to implement merging of two
ranges of an array into a range of another array.
7. Recursive algorithm: suppose that the method Perm(k) permutes in all
possible ways the elements of the array p[] at positions from 0 to k-1
(inclusive). Firstly, initialize the array p with the numbers from 1 to N.
Implement recursively Perm(k) in the following way:
1. If k == 0, print the current permutation and exit the recursion (bottom
of the recursion).
2. Call Perm(k-1).
3. For each position i from 0 to k-1 do the following:
a. Swap p[i] with p[k].
b. Recursively call Perm(k-1).
c. Swap back p[i] with p[k].
In the beginning call Perm(n-1) to start the recursive generation.
386 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Iterative algorithm: read in Wikipedia how to generate from given
permutation the next permutation in the lexicographic order iteratively:
8. The problem is not very different from the task with finding all subsets
among a given list of strings. Shall it work fast enough with 500
numbers? Pay attention that we have to print all subsets with sum N
which can be really big amount if N is very big and proper numbers exist
in the array. For this reason the task has no efficient solution.
9. If we approach the problem by the method of generating of all
possibilities, the solution will not work for more than 20-30
numbers. Thats why we may approach it in a very different way in case
the elements of the array are only positive, or are limited in a certain
range (for example [-5050]). Then we could use the following
optimized algorithm based on dynamic programming:
Assume we are given an array of numbers p[]. Lets denote by
possible(k, sum) whether we could obtain sum by using only the
numbers first k numbers (p[0], p[1], , p[k]). Then, the following
recurrent dependencies are valid:
- possible(0, sum) = true if p[0] == sum
- possible(k, sum) = true if possible[k-1, sum] == true or
possible[k-1, sum-p[k]] == true
The formula above shows that we can obtain sum from the elements of
the array at positions 0 to k if one of the following two statements
- The element p[k] does not participate in the sum and the sum is
obtained from the rest of the elements (from 0 to k-1);
- The element p[k] participates in sum and the remainder sum-p[k] is
obtained from the rest of the elements (from 0 to k-1).
The implementation is not complex. Just calculate the recursive formulas
by recursive method. We should be careful and not let already
calculated values from the two-dimensional array possible[,] to be
calculated twice. For this purpose we should keep for each possible k and
sum the value possible[k, sum]. Otherwise the algorithm will not work
for more than 20-30 elements.
The regeneration of the numbers, which compose the found sum, may be
implemented if we go backwards from the sum n, obtained from the
first k numbers. At each step we examine how this sum can be obtained
from the first k1 numbers (by taking the k
number or omitting it).
Bear in mind that in the general case all possible sums of the numbers
from the input array may be an awful lot. For instance, possible sums of
50 int numbers in the range [Int32.MinValue Int32.MaxValue] are
Chapter 10. Recursion 387
enough so that we could not sum them in whatever data structure. If,
however, all numbers in the input array are positive (as in our case), we
could keep the sums in the range [1S] because from the rest we could
not obtain sum S by adding one or more numbers from the input array.
If the numbers in the input array are not mandatory positive, but are
limited in a range, then all possible sums are limited in some range too
and we could use the algorithm described above. For example, if the
range of numbers is from -50 to 50, then the least sum is -50*S and the
greatest is 50*S.
If the numbers in the input array are random and not limited in a range,
then the problem has no efficient solution.
You could read more about this classical optimization problem in
computer science called Subset Sum Problem in the following article
in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subset_sum_problem.
10. Follow the algorithms described in the section Searching for Paths in a
Labyrinth. Note that you need to find all possible paths (not just one
of them) so dont expect your program to run fast for large input data.
11. Read the article about BFS in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Breadth-first_search. There are enough explanations and sample code. In
order to implement a queue in C#, just an array or the .NET system class
System.Collections.Generics.Queue<T>. For the elements of the
queue you could use your own structure Point, containing x and y
coordinates, or use two queues (one for each of the coordinates). You
may also check the section BFS in the chapter Trees and Graphs.
12. Follow the algorithms described in the section Searching for Paths in a
Labyrinth. You should run some graph traversal algorithm like Depth-
First Search (DFS) or Breath-First Search (BFS). You may read
about them in Internet or check the sections about DFS and BFS in the
chapter Trees and Graphs. Your program should visit each cell at most
once and should be fast, even on large matrices (like 1,000 x 1,000).
13. The same like the previous exercise: use DFS or BFS. By a recursive
traversal or BFS traversal, find the areas of neighbor cells in the matrix
one after another and mark each areas cells as visited. Do not visit again
a visited cell. From all the areas found, remember the largest.
14. For each folder (starting from C:\) print the name and the files from the
current folder and call a recursion for each subfolder. The problem is
solved as example in the sections DFS and BFS in the chapter Trees and
Graphs. Your program may crash with UnauthorizedAccessException
in case you do not have access permissions for some folders on the hard
disk. This is typical for some Windows installations so you could start the
traversal from another directory or catch the exception (see the
Catching Exceptions section in the Exception Handling chapter).
JustTrace .NET Profiler
Chapter 11. Creating
and Using Objects
In This Chapter
In this chapter we are going to get familiar with the basic concepts of object-
oriented programming classes and objects and we are going to explain
how to use classes from the standard libraries of .NET Framework. We are
going to mention some commonly used system classes and see how to create
and use their instances (objects). We are going to discuss how we can
access fields of an object, how to call constructors and how to work with
static fields in classes. Finally, we are going to get familiar with the term
"namespaces" how they help us, how to include them and use them.
Classes and Objects
Over the last few decades programming and informatics have experienced
incredible growth and concepts, which have changed the way programs, are
built. Object-oriented programming (OOP) introduces such radical idea.
We are going to make a short introduction to the principles of OOP and the
concepts used in it. Firstly, we are going to explain what classes and objects
are. These two terms are basic for OOP and inseparable part from the life of
any modern programmer.
What Is Object-Oriented Programming?
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm, which uses
objects and their interactions for building computer programs. Thus an easy
to understand, simple model of the subject area is achieved, which gives an
opportunity to the programmer to solve intuitively (by simple logic) many of
the problems, which occur in the real world.
For now we are not going to get into details what the goals and the
advantages of OOP are, as well as explaining in details the principles for
building hierarchies of classes and objects. We are going to mention only that
programming techniques of OOP often include encapsulation, abstraction,
polymorphism and inheritance. These techniques are out of the goals of
the current chapter and we are going to consider them later in the chapter
"Principles of Object-Oriented Programming". Now we will focus on objects as
a basic concept in OOP.
390 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
What Is an Object?
We are going to introduce the concept object in the context of OOP. Software
objects model real world objects or abstract concepts (which are also
regarded as objects).
Examples of real-world objects are people, cars, goods, purchases, etc.
abstract objects are concepts in an object area, which we have to model and
use in a computer program. Examples of abstract objects are the data
structures stack, queue, list and tree. They are not going to be a subject in
this chapter, but we are going to see them in details in the next chapters.
In objects from the real world (as well as in the abstract objects) we can
distinguish the following two groups of their characteristics:
- States these are the characteristics of the object which define it in a
way and describe it in general or in a specific moment
- Behavior these are the specific distinctive actions, which can be done
by the object.
Lets take for example an object from the real world "dog". The states of the
dog can be "name", "fur color" and "breed", and its behavior "barking",
"sitting" and "walking".
Objects in OOP combine data and the means for their processing in one. They
correspond to objects in real world and contain data and actions:
- Data members embedded in objects variables, which describe their
- Methods we have already considered them in details. They are a tool
for building the objects.
What Is a Class?
The class defines abstract characteristics of objects. It provides a structure
for objects or a pattern which we use to describe the nature of something
(some object). Classes are building blocks of OOP and are inseparably
related to the objects. Furthermore, each object is an instance of exactly
one specific class.
We are going to give as an example a class and an object, which is its
instance. We have a class Dog and an object Lassie, which is an instance of
the class Dog (we say it is an object of type Dog). The class Dog describes the
characteristics of all dogs whereas Lassie is a certain dog.
Classes provide modularity in object-oriented programs. Their characteristics
have to be meaningful in a common context so that they could be understood
by people who are familiar with the problem area and are not programmers.
For instance, the class Dog cannot have (or at least should not) a
characteristic "RAM" because in the context of this class such characteristic
has no meaning.
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 391
Classes, Attributes and Behavior
The class defines the characteristics of an object (which we are going to
call attributes) and its behavior (actions that can be performed by the
object). The attributes of the class are defined as its own variables in its body
(called member variables). The behavior of objects is modeled by the
definition of methods in classes.
We are going to illustrate the foregoing explanations through an example of
a real-world definition of a class. Lets return to the example with the dog.
We would like to define a class Dog that models the real object "dog". The
class is going to include characteristics which are common for all dogs (such
as breed and fur color), as well as typical for the dog behavior (such are
barking, sitting, walking). In this case we are going to have attributes breed
and furColor, and the behavior is going to be implemented by the methods
Bark(), Sit() and Walk().
Objects Instances of Classes
From what has been said till now we know that each object is an instance of
just one class and is created according to a pattern of this class. Creating the
object of a defined class is called instantiation (creation). The instance is
the object itself, which is created runtime.
Each object is in instance of a specific class. This instance is characterized by
state set of values, associated with class attributes.
In the context of such behavior the object consists of two things: current
state and behavior defined in the class of the object. The state is specific for
the instance (the object), but the behavior is common for all objects which
are instances of this class.
Classes in C#
So far we have considered several common characteristics of OOP. A great
part of the modern programming languages are object-oriented. Each of
them has particular features for working with classes and objects. In this book
we are going to focus only one of these languages C#. It is good to know
that the knowledge of OOP in C# would be useful to the reader no matter
which object-oriented language he uses in practice. That is because OOP is a
fundamental concept in programming, used by virtually all modern prog-
ramming languages.
What Are Classes in C#?
A class in C# is defined by the keyword class, followed by an identifier
(name) of the class and a set of data members and methods in a separate
code block.
Classes in C# can contain the following elements:
392 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Fields member-variables from a certain type;
- Properties these are a special type of elements, which extend the
functionality of the fields by giving the ability of extra data management
when extracting and recording it in the class fields. We are going to
focus on them in the chapter "Defining Classes";
- Methods they implement the manipulation of the data.
An Example Class
We are going to give an example of a class in C#, which contains the listed
elements. The class Cat models the real-world object "cat" and has the
properties name and color. The given class defines several fields, properties
and methods, which we are going to use later. You can now see the definition
of the class (we are not going to consider in details the definition of the
classes we are going to focus on that in the chapter "Defining Classes"):
public class Cat
// Field name
private string name;
// Field color
private string color;

public string Name
// Getter of the property "Name"
return this.name;
// Setter of the property "Name"
this.name = value;

public string Color
// Getter of the property "Color"
return this.color;
// Setter of the property "Color"
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 393
this.color = value;

// Default constructor
public Cat()
this.name = "Unnamed";
this.color = "gray";

// Constructor with parameters
public Cat(string name, string color)
this.name = name;
this.color = color;

// Method SayMiau
public void SayMiau()
Console.WriteLine("Cat {0} said: Miauuuuuu!", name);
The example class Cat defines the properties Name and Color, which keep
their values in the hidden (private) fields name and color. Furthermore, two
constructors are defined for creating instances of the class Cat, respectively
with and without parameters, and a method of the class SayMiau().
After the example class is defined we can now use it in the following way:
static void Main()
Cat firstCat = new Cat();
firstCat.Name = "Tony";

Cat secondCat = new Cat("Pepy", "red");
Console.WriteLine("Cat {0} is {1}.",
secondCat.Name, secondCat.Color);
394 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
If we execute the example, we are going to get the following output:
Cat Tony said: Miauuuuuu!
Cat Pepy said: Miauuuuuu!
Cat Pepy is Red.
We saw a simple example for defining and using classes, and in the section
"Creating and Using Objects" we are going to explain in details how to create
objects, how to access their properties and how to call their methods and this
is going to allow us to understand how this example works.
System Classes
Calling the method Console.WriteLine() of the class System.Console is
an example of usage of a system class in C#. We call system classes the
classes defined in standard libraries for building applications with C# (or
another programming language). They can be used in all our .NET
applications (in particular those written in C#). Such are for example the
classes String, Environment and Math, which we are going to consider later.
As we already know from chapter "Introduction to Programming" the .NET
Framework SDK comes with a set of programming languages (like C# and
VB.NET), compilers and standard class library which provides thousands of
system classes for accomplishing the most common tasks in programming like
console-based input / output, text processing, collection classes, parallel
execution, networking, database access, data processing, as well as creating
Web-based, GUI and mobile applications.
It is important to know that the implementation of the logic in classes is
encapsulated (hidden) inside them. For the programmer it is important what
they do, not how they do it and for this reason a great part of the classes is
not publicly available (public). With system classes the implementation is
often not available at all to the programmer. Thus, new layers of
abstraction are created which is one of the basic principles in OOP.
We are going to pay special attention to system classes later. Now it is time to
get familiar with creating and using objects in programs.
Creating and Using Objects
For now we are going to focus on creating and using objects in our
programs. We are going to work with already defined classes and mostly with
system classes from .NET Framework. The specificities of defining our own
classes we are going to consider later in the chapter "Defining Classes".
Creating and Releasing Objects
The creation of objects from preliminarily defined classes during program
execution is performed by the operator new. The newly created object is
usually assigned to the variable from type coinciding with the class of the
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 395
object (this, however, is not mandatory read chapter "Principles of Object-
Oriented Programming"). We are going to note that in this assignment the
object is not copied, and only a reference to the newly created object is
recorded in the variable (its address in the memory). Here is a simple
example of how it works:
Cat someCat = new Cat();
The variable someCat of type Cat we assign the newly created instance of
the class Cat. The variable someCat remains in the stack, and its value (the
instance of the class Cat) remains in the managed heap:

Creating Objects with Set Parameters
Now we are going to consider a slightly different variant of the example above
in which we set parameters when creating the object:
Cat someCat = new Cat("Johnny", "brown");
In this case we would like the objects someCat to represent a cat whose name
is "Johnny" and is brown. We indicate this by using the words "Johnny" and
"brown", written in the brackets after the name of the class.
When creating an object with the operator new, two things happen: memory is
set aside for this object and its data members are initialized. The
initialization is performed by a special method called constructor. In the
example above the initializing parameters are actually parameters of the
constructor of the class.
We are going to discuss constructors after a while. As the member variables
name and color of the class Cat are of reference type (of the class String),
they are also recorded in the dynamic memory (heap) and in the object
itself are kept their references (addresses / pointers).
The following figure illustrates how the Cat object is represented in the
computer memory (arrows illustrated the references from one object to
Heap Stack
(Cat members)
396 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Releasing the Objects
An important feature of working with objects in C# is that usually there is no
need to manually destroy them and release the memory taken up by them.
This is possible because of the embedded in .NET CLR system for cleaning the
memory (garbage collector) which takes care of releasing unused objects
instead of us. Objects to which there is no reference in the program at certain
moment are automatically released and the memory they take up is
released. This way many potential bugs and problems are prevented. If we
would like to manually release a certain object, we have to destroy the
reference to it, for example this way:
someCat = null;
This does not destroy the object immediately, but puts it in a state in which it
is inaccessible to the program and the next time the garbage collector cleans
the memory it is going to be released:

Heap Stack
Heap Stack
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 397
Access to Fields of an Object
The access to the fields and properties of a given object is done by the
operator . (dot) placed between the names of the object and the name of
the field (or the property). The operator . is not necessary in case we access
field or property of given class in the body of a method of the same class.
We can access the fields and the properties either to extract data from
them, or to assign new data. In the case of a property the access is
implemented in exactly the same way as in the case of a field C# give us
this ability. This is achieved by the keywords get and set in the definition of
the property, which perform respectively extraction of the value of the
property and assignment of a new value. In the definition of the class Cat
(given above) the properties are Name and Color.
Access to the Memory and Properties of an Object Example
We are going to give an example of using a property of an object, as well as
using the already defined above class Cat. We create an instance myCat of the
class Cat and assign "Alfred" to the property Name. After that we print on
the standard output a formatted string with the name of our cat. You can see
an implementation of the example:
class CatManipulating
static void Main()
Cat myCat = new Cat();
myCat.Name = "Alfred";

Console.WriteLine("The name of my cat is {0}.",
Calling Methods of Objects
Calling the methods of a given object is done through the invocation
operator () and with the help of the operator . (dot). The operator dot is
not obligatory only in case the method is called in the body of another method
of the same class. Calling a method is performed by its name followed by ()
or (<parameters>) for the case when we pass it some arguments. We
already know how to invoke methods from the chapter "Methods".
Now is the moment to mention the fact that methods of classes have access
modifiers public, private or protected with which the ability to call them
could be restricted. We are going to consider these modifiers in the chapter
"Defining Classes". For now it enough to know that the access modifier
398 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public does not introduce any restrictions for calling the method, i.e. makes
it publicly available.
Calling Methods of Objects Example
We are going to complement the example we already gave as we call the
method SayMiau of the class Cat. Here is the result:
class CatManipulating
static void Main()
Cat myCat = new Cat();
myCat.Name = "Alfred";

Console.WriteLine("The name of my cat is {0}.",myCat.Name);
After executing the program above the following text is going to be printed on
the standard output:
The name of my cat is Alfred.
Cat Alfred said: Miauuuuuu!
The constructor is a special method of the class, which is called
automatically when creating an object of this class, and performs
initialization of its data (this is its purpose). The constructor has no type of
returned value and its name is not random, and mandatorily coincides with
the class name. The constructor can be with or without parameters. A
constructor without parameters is also called parameterless constructor.
Constructor with Parameters
The constructor can take parameters as well as any other method. Each
class can have different count of constructors with one only restriction the
count and type of their parameters have to be different (different signature).
When creating an object of this class, one of the constructors is called.
In the presence of several constructors in a class naturally occurs the question
which of them is called when the object is created. This problem is solved in a
very intuitive way as with methods. The appropriate constructor is chosen
automatically by the compiler according to the given set of parameters when
creating the object. We use the principle of the best match.
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 399
Calling Constructors Example
Lets' take a look again at the definition of the class Cat and more particularly
at the two constructors of the class:
public class Cat
// Field name
private string name;
// Field color
private string color;

// Parameterless constructor
public Cat()
this.name = "Unnamed";
this.color = "gray";

// Constructor with parameters
public Cat(string name, string color)
this.name = name;
this.color = color;

We are going to use these constructors to illustrate the usage of constructors
with and without parameters. For the class Cat defined that way we are going
to give an example of creating its instances by each of the two constructors.
One of the objects is going to be an ordinary undefined cat, and the other
our brown cat Johnny. After that we are going to execute the method SayMiau
for each of the cats and analyze the result. Source code follows:
class CatManipulating
static void Main()
Cat someCat = new Cat();

Console.WriteLine("The color of cat {0} is {1}.",
400 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
someCat.Name, someCat.Color);

Cat someCat = new Cat("Johnny", "brown");

Console.WriteLine("The color of cat {0} is {1}.",
someCat.Name, someCat.Color);
As a result of the programs execution the following text is printed on the
standard output:
Cat Unnamed said: Miauuuuuu!
The color of cat Unnamed is gray.
Cat Johnny said: Miauuuuuu!
The color of cat Johnny is brown.
Static Fields and Methods
The data members, which we considered up until, now implement states of
the objects and are directly related to specific instances of the classes. In
OOP there are special categories fields and methods, which are associated
with the data type (class), and not with the specific instance (object). We call
them static members because are independent of concrete objects.
Furthermore, they are used without the need of creating an instance of the
class in which they are defined. They can be fields, methods and constructors.
Lets consider shortly static members in C#.
A static field or method in a given class is defined with the keyword
static, placed before the type of the field or the type of returned value of the
method. When defining a static constructor, the word static is placed before
the name of the constructor. Static constructors are not going to be discussed
in this chapter for now we are going to consider only static fields and
methods (the more curious readers can look up in MSDN).
When to Use Static Fields and Methods?
To find the answers of this question we have to understand very well the
difference between static and non-static members. We are going to consider
into details what it is.
We have already explained the main difference between the two types of
members. Lets interpret the class as a category of objects, and the
object as a representative of this category. Then the static members
reflect the state and the behavior of the category itself, and the non-static the
state and the behavior of the separate representatives of the category.
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 401
Now we are going to pay special attention to the initialization of static and
non-static fields. We already know that non-static fields are initialized with
the call to the constructor of the class when creating an instance of it either
inside the body of the constructor, or outside. However, the initialization of
static fields cannot be performed when the object of the class is created,
because they can be used without a created instance of the class. It is
important to know the following:

Static fields are initialized when the data type (the class) is
used for the first time, during the execution of the program.
Now we shall see how to use static fields and methods in practice.
Static Fields and Methods Example
The example, which we are going to give, solves the following simple
problem: we need a method that every time returns a value greater with one
than the value returned at the previous call of the method. We choose the
first returned value to be 0. Obviously this method generates the sequence of
natural number. Similar functionality is widely used in practice, for example,
for uniform numbering of objects. Now we are going to see how this could be
implemented with the means of OOP.
Lets assume that the method is called NextValue() and is defined in a class
called Sequence. The class has a field currentValue from type int, which
contains the last returned value by the method. We would like the following
two actions to be performed consecutively in the method body: the value of
the field to be increased and its new value to be returned as a result.
Obviously the returned by the method value does not depend on the concrete
instance of the class Sequence. For this reason the method and the field are
static. You can now see the described implementation of the class:
public class Sequence
// Static field, holding the current sequence value
private static int currentValue = 0;

// Intentionally deny instantiation of this class
private Sequence()

// Static method for taking the next sequence value
public static int NextValue()
return currentValue;
402 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The observant reader has noticed that the so defined class has a default
constructor, which is declared as private. This usage of a constructor may
seem strange, but is quite deliberate. It is good to know the following:

A class that has only private constructors cannot be
instantiated. Such class usually has only static members and
is called "utility class".
For now we are not going to go into details about the access modifiers
public, private and protected. We shall explain them comprehensively in
the chapter "Defining Classes".
Lets take a look at a simple program, which uses the class Sequence:
class SequenceManipulating
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Sequence[1...3]: {0}, {1}, {2}",
Sequence.NextValue(), Sequence.NextValue(),
The example prints on the standard output the first three natural numbers by
triple consecutive call of the method NextValue() of the class Sequence. The
result from this code is the following:
Sequence[1...3]: 1, 2, 3
If we try to create several different sequences, as the constructor of the class
Sequence is declared private, we are going to get compile time error.
Examples of System C# Classes
After we got acquainted with the basic functionality of objects, we are going
to consider briefly several commonly used system classes from the
standard library of .NET Framework. This way we are going to see in practice
the so far explained material, and also show how system classes ease our
every-day work.
The System.Environment Class
We start with one of the basic system classes in .NET Framework:
System.Environment. It contains a set of useful fields and methods, which
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 403
ease getting information about the hardware and the operating system, and
some of them, give the ability to interact with the program environment. Here
is a part of the functionality provided by this class:
- Information about the processors count, the computer network name,
the version of the operating system, the name of the current user, the
current directory, etc.
- Access to externally defined properties and environment variables,
which we are not going to consider in this book.
Now we are going to show one interesting application of a method of the class
Environment, which is commonly used in practice when developing programs
with critical fast performance. We are going to detect the time needed for the
execution of the source code with the help of the property TickCount. Here it
is how it works:
class SystemTest
static void Main()
int sum = 0;
int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

// The code fragment to be tested
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)

int endTime = Environment.TickCount;
Console.WriteLine("The time elapsed is {0} sec.",
(endTime - startTime) / 1000.0);
The static property TickCount of the class Environment returns as a result
the count of milliseconds that have passed since the computer is on until the
time of the method call. With its help we detect the milliseconds past before
and after the execution of the source code. Their difference is the wanted
time for the execution of the fragment source code measured in milliseconds.
As a result of the execution of the program on the standard output we print
the result of the following type (the measured time varies according to the
current computer configuration and its load):
The time elapsed is 0.031 sec.
404 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In the example we have used two static members of two system classes: the
static property Environment.TickCount and the static method Console.
The System.String Class
We have already met the String (System.String) class of .NET Framework,
which represents strings. Lets recall that we can think of strings as a
primitive data type in C#, although the work with them is different from the
work with different primitive data types (integers, floating point numbers,
Boolean variables, etc.). We are going to describe them in details in the
chapter "Strings and Text Processing".
The System.Math Class
The System.Math class contains methods for performing basic numeric and
mathematical operations such as raising a number to a power, taking a
logarithm and square root, and some trigonometric functions. We are going to
give a simple example, which illustrates its usage.
We want to make a program, which calculates the area of a triangle by given
two sides and an angle between them in degrees. Therefore we need the
method Sin() and the constant PI of the class Math. With the help of the
number we can easily convert to radians the entered in degrees angle. You
can see an example implementation of the described logic:
class MathTest
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Length of the first side:");
double a = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Length of the second side:");
double b = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Size of the angle in degrees:");
int angle = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

double angleInRadians = Math.PI * angle / 180.0;
Console.WriteLine("Area of the triangle: {0}",
0.5 * a * b * Math.Sin(angleInRadians));
We can easily test the program if we check whether it calculates correctly the
area of an equilateral triangle. For further convenience we choose the
length of the side to be 2 then we find the area with the well-known
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 405
... 7320508 , 1 3 2
= = = S
We enter consecutively the numbers 2, 2, 60 and on the standard output we
can see:
Face of the triangle: 1.73205080756888
Depending on your system localization (Region and Language Settings) your
output might be "1,73205080756888" or "1.73205080756888". You might fix
the decimal point to "." by this line of code, executed at your program start:
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
The System.Math Class More Examples
As we already saw, apart from mathematical methods, the Math class also
defines two well known in mathematics constants: the trigonometric constant
and the Eulers number e. Here is an example with them:
When executing the code above, we get the following output:
The System.Random Class
Sometimes in programming we have to use random numbers. For instance,
we would like to generate 6 random numbers in the range 1 to 49 (not
necessarily unequal). This could be done by using the System.Random class
and its method Next(). Before we use the Random class we have to create
instance of it, at which point it is initialized with a random value (derived from
the current system time in the operating system). After that we can randomly
generate a number in the range [0n) by calling the method Next(n). Notice
that this method can return zero, but always returns a random number
smaller than the set value n. Therefore, if we would like to get a number in
the range [149], we have to use the expression Next(49) + 1.
Below is an example source code of a program, which generates 6 random
numbers in the range from 1 to 49 by using the Random class (note that it is
not guaranteed that the numbers are unique like in the classical Bulgarian
lottery TOTO 6/49):
406 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
class RandomNumbersBetween1And49
static void Main()
Random rand = new Random();
for (int number = 1; number <= 6; number++)
int randomNumber = rand.Next(49) + 1;
Console.Write("{0} ", randomNumber);
Here is how a possible output of the program looks like:
16 49 7 29 1 28
The System.Random Class Generating a Random Password
To show you how useful the random numbers generator in .NET
Framework can be, we are going to set as a task to generate a random
password which is between 8 and 15 characters long, contains at least two
capital letters, at least two small letters, at least one digit and at least three
special chars. For this purpose we are going to use the following algorithm:
1. We start with an empty password. We create a generator of random
2. We generate twice a random capital letter and place it at a random
position in the password.
3. We generate twice a random small letter and place it at a random
position in the password.
4. We generate twice a random digit and place it at a random position in
the password.
5. We generate three times a random special character and place it at a
random position in the password.
6. Until this moment the password should consist of 8 characters. In order
to supplement it to 15 characters at most, we can insert random count
of times (between 0 and 7) at a random position in the password a
random character (a capital letter, a small letter or a special char).
An implementation of the described algorithm is given below:
class RandomPasswordGenerator
private const string CapitalLetters =
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 407
private const string SmallLetters =
private const string Digits = "0123456789";
private const string SpecialChars =
private const string AllChars =
CapitalLetters + SmallLetters + Digits + SpecialChars;

private static Random rnd = new Random();

static void Main()
StringBuilder password = new StringBuilder();

// Generate two random capital letters
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
char capitalLetter = GenerateChar(CapitalLetters);
InsertAtRandomPosition(password, capitalLetter);

// Generate two random small letters
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
char smallLetter = GenerateChar(SmallLetters);
InsertAtRandomPosition(password, smallLetter);

// Generate one random digit
char digit = GenerateChar(Digits);
InsertAtRandomPosition(password, digit);

// Generate 3 special characters
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
char specialChar = GenerateChar(SpecialChars);
InsertAtRandomPosition(password, specialChar);

// Generate few random characters (between 0 and 7)
int count = rnd.Next(8);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
408 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
char specialChar = GenerateChar(AllChars);
InsertAtRandomPosition(password, specialChar);


private static void InsertAtRandomPosition(
StringBuilder password, char character)
int randomPosition = rnd.Next(password.Length + 1);
password.Insert(randomPosition, character);

private static char GenerateChar(string availableChars)
int randomIndex = rnd.Next(availableChars.Length);
char randomChar = availableChars[randomIndex];
return randomChar;
Lets explain several unclear moments in the source code. Lets start from the
definition of the constants:
private const string CapitalLetters =
private const string SmallLetters =
private const string Digits = "0123456789";
private const string SpecialChars =
private const string AllChars =
CapitalLetters + SmallLetters + Digits + SpecialChars;
Constants in C# are immutable variables whose values are assigned during
their initialization in the source code of the program and after that they
cannot be changed. They are declared with the modifier const. They are used
for defining a number or a string, which afterwards is used many times in the
program. This way repetition of certain values in the code is avoided and
these values can be easily altered by changing only one place in the code. For
example, if in a certain moment we decide that the character "," (comma)
should not be used when generating a password, we can change only one row
in the program (the corresponding constant) and the change is going to
reflect on every row where the constant is being used. In C# constants are
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 409
written in Pascal Case (the words in the name, merged together, each of
them starts with an uppercase letter, and the rest of them are lowercase).
More about constants we will learn in the section "Constants" in the chapter
"Defining Classes".
Lets explain how the other parts of the program work. In the beginning, as a
static member variable in the class RandomPasswordGenerator is created the
random number generator rnd. As this variable rnd is defined in the class
(not in the Main() method), it is accessible by the whole class (by each of its
methods), and as it is defined static, it is accessible by the static methods,
too. Thus, anywhere the program needs a random integer variable the same
random number generator is used. It is initialized when the class
RandomPasswordGenerator is loaded.
The method GenerateChar() returns a randomly chosen character in a set of
characters given as a parameter. It works very simply: it chooses a random
position in the set of characters (between 0 and the count of characters minus
1) and returns the characters at this position.
The method InsertAtRandomPosition() is not complicated too. It chooses a
random position in the StringBuilder object, which is passed and inserts on
this position the returned character. We are going to pay special attention to
the class StringBuilder in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing".
Here is a sample output of the program for generating passwords, which we
just considered (this output is different at each program run due to its
randomness by nature):
Namespace (package) in OOP we call a container for a group of classes,
which are united by a common feature or are used in a common context. The
namespaces contribute to a better logical organization of the source code by
creating a semantic division of the classes in categories and makes easier
their usage in the source code. Now we are going to consider namespaces in
C# and are going to see how we can use them.
What Are Namespaces in C#?
Namespaces in C# are named groups of classes, which are logically
related without any specific requirement on how to be placed in the file
system. However, it is considered that the folder name should match the
namespace name and the names of the files should match the names of the
classes, which are defined in them. We have to note that in some
programming languages the compilation of the source code in a given
namespace depends on the distribution of the elements of the namespace in
folders and files on the disk. In Java, for instance, the described file
410 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
organization is mandatory (if it is not followed, compilation errors occur). C#
is not so strict regarding this.
Now, lets consider the mechanism for defining namespaces.
Defining Namespaces
In case we like to create a new namespace or a new class which belongs to a
given namespace, in Visual Studio this happens automatically by the
commands in the context menu of the Solution Explorer (on right click on the
corresponding folder). By default the Solution Explorer is visualized like a
Dock in the right part of the integrated environment. We are going to
illustrate how we could add a new class in the already existing namespace
MyNamespace by the context menu of Solution Explorer in Visual Studio:

As the project is called MyConsoleApplication and we are adding in its folder
MyNamespace, the newly created class is going to be in the following
namespace MyConsoleApplication.MyNamespace
If we have defined a class in its own file and we like to add it in a new or
already existing namespace, it is not hard to do it manually. It is enough to
change the named block with a keyword namespace in the class:
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 411
namespace <namespace_name>

In the definition we use the keyword namespace, followed by the full name of
the namespace. It is considered that the namespaces in C# start with a
capital letter and are written in Pascal Case. For example, if we have to make
a namespace containing classes for string processing, it is desirable we name
it StringUtils, and not string_utils.
Nested Namespaces
Except classes, namespaces can contain other namespaces in themselves
(nested namespaces). This way, intuitively we create a hierarchy of
namespaces, which allows even more precise distribution of classes according
to their semantics.
When naming namespaces in the hierarchy we use the character . as a
separator (dot notation). For example, the namespace System from .NET
Framework contains in itself the sub-namespace Collections and thus the
full name of the nested namespace Collections is System.Collections.
Full Names of Classes
In order to absolutely understand the meaning of namespaces, it is important
for us to know the following:

Classes are required to have unique names only within the
namespaces, in which they are defined.
Outside a given namespace we can have classes with random names
regardless of whether they match with any of the names of classes in the
namespace. This is because classes in the namespace are uniquely defined in
its context. It is time to see how to define syntactically this uniqueness.
Full name of the class we call the first name of the class, preceded by the
name of the namespace in which it is defined. The full name of each class is
unique. Again we use dot notation:
Lets take, for example, the system class CultureInfo, defined in the
namespace System.Globalization (we have already used it in the chapter
"Console Input and Output"). According to the definition, the full name of the
class is System.Globalization.CultureInfo.
412 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In .NET Framework sometimes there are classes from different namespaces
with matching names, for example:
Inclusion of a Namespace
When building an application according to the object area, very often it is
necessary to use the classes of a namespace multiple times. For the
programmers convenience there is a mechanism for inclusion of a
namespace in the current file with a source code. After the given namespace
is included, all classes defined in it may be used without the need to use their
full names.
The inclusion of a namespace in the current source code file is executed with
the keyword using in the following way:
using <namespace_name>;
We are going to pay attention to an important feature of including
namespaces in the described way. All classes defined directly in the
namespace <namespace_name> are included and can be used, but we have to
know the following:

Inclusion of namespaces is not recursive, i.e. when including
a namespace the classes from the nested namespaces are
not included.
For example, the inclusion of namespaces System.Collections does not
automatically include the classes from its nested namespace System.
Collections.Generic. When used, either we have to apply their full names,
or to include the namespace, which contains them.
Using a Namespace Example
In order to illustrate the principle of inclusion of a namespace, we are going to
consider the following program which reads numbers, saves them in lists and
counts how many of them are integer numbers and how many are double:
class NamespaceImportTest
static void Main()
System.Collections.Generic.List<int> ints =
new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 413
System.Collections.Generic.List<double> doubles =
new System.Collections.Generic.List<double>();

while (true)
int intResult;
double doubleResult;
Console.WriteLine("Enter an int or a double:");
string input = Console.ReadLine();

if (int.TryParse(input, out intResult))
else if (double.TryParse(input, out doubleResult))

Console.Write("You entered {0} ints:", ints.Count);
foreach (var i in ints)
Console.Write(" " + i);

Console.Write("You entered {0} doubles:", doubles.Count);
foreach (var d in doubles)
Console.Write(" " + d);
For this purpose the program uses the class System.Collections.
Generic.List as it calls it by its full name.
Lets see how the program above works: we enter consecutively the values 4,
1.53, 0.26, 7, 2, end. We get the following result on the standard output:
414 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
You entered 3 ints: 4 7 2
You entered 2 doubles: 1.53 0.26
The program does the following: it gives the user the opportunity to enter
consecutively numbers, which may be integer or double. This continues until
the moment in which a value different from a number is entered. Then on the
standard output two rows are displayed, respectively with integer and double
For the implementation of the described actions we use two helping objects
respectively of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> and System.
Collections.Generic.List<double>. Obviously, the full names of the
classes make the code unreadable, and cause inconveniences. We can easily
avoid this effect by including the namespace System.Collections.Generic
and use directly the classes by name. You can now see the shortened version
of the program above:
using System.Collections.Generic;

class NamespaceImportTest
static void Main()
List<int> ints = new List<int>();
List<double> doubles = new List<double>();

1. Write a program, which reads from the console a year and checks if it is
a leap year.
2. Write a program, which generates and prints on the console 10 random
numbers in the range [100, 200].
3. Write a program, which prints, on the console which day of the week is
4. Write a program, which prints on the standard output the count of days,
hours, and minutes, which have passes since the computer is
started until the moment of the program execution. For the
implementation use the class Environment.
5. Write a program which by given two sides finds the hypotenuse of a
right triangle. Implement entering of the lengths of the sides from the
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 415
standard input, and for the calculation of the hypotenuse use methods of
the class Math.
6. Write a program which calculates the area of a triangle with the
following given:
- three sides;
- side and the altitude to it;
- two sides and the angle between them in degrees.
7. Define your own namespace CreatingAndUsingObjects and place in it
two classes Cat and Sequence, which we used in the examples of the
current chapter. Define one more namespace and make a class, which
calls the classes Cat and Sequence, in it.
8. Write a program which creates 10 objects of type Cat, gives them names
CatN, where N is a unique serial number of the object, and in the end call
the method SayMiau() for each of them. For the implementation use the
namespace CreatingAndUsingObjects.
9. Write a program, which calculates the count of workdays between
the current date and another given date after the current (inclusive).
Consider that workdays are all days from Monday to Friday, which are not
public holidays, except when Saturday is a working day. The program
should keep a list of predefined public holidays, as well as a list of
predefined working Saturdays.
10. You are given a sequence of positive integer numbers given as string
of numbers separated by a space. Write a program, which calculates
their sum. Example: "43 68 9 23 318" 461.
11. Write a program, which generates a random advertising message for
some product. The message has to consist of laudatory phrase, followed
by a laudatory story, followed by author (first and last name) and city,
which are selected from predefined lists. For example, lets have the
following lists:
- Laudatory phrases: {"The product is excellent.", "This is a great
product.", "I use this product constantly.", "This is the best product
from this category."}.
- Laudatory stories: {"Now I feel better.", "I managed to change.",
"It made some miracle.", "I cant believe it, but now I am feeling
great.", "You should try it, too. I am very satisfied."}.
- First name of the author: {"Dayan", "Stella", "Hellen", "Kate"}.
- Last name of the author: {"Johnson", "Peterson", "Charls"}.
- Cities: {"London", "Paris", "Berlin", "New York", "Madrid"}.
Then the program would print randomly generated advertising message
like the following:
416 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
I use this product constantly. You should try it, too. I am
very satisfied. -- Hellen Peterson, Berlin
12. * Write a program, which calculates the value of a given numeral
expression given as a string. The numeral expression consists of:
- real numbers, for example 5, 18.33, 3.14159, 12.6;
- arithmetic operations: +, -, *, / (with their standard priorities);
- mathematical functions: ln(x), sqrt(x), pow(x, y);
- brackets for changing the priorities of the operations: ( and ).
Note that the numeral expressions have priorities, for example the expression
-1 + 2 + 3 * 4 - 0.5 = (-1) + 2 + (3 * 4) - 0.5 = 12.5.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use DateTime.IsLeapYear(year).
2. Use the class Random. You may generate random numbers in the range
[100, 200] by calling Random.Next(100, 201).
3. Use DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.
4. Use the property Environment.TickCount, in order to get the count of
passed milliseconds. Use the fact that one second has 1,000 milliseconds;
one minute has 60 seconds; one hour has 60 minutes and one day has
24 hours.
5. The hypotenuse of a rectangular triangle could be found with the
Pythagorean Theorem a
+ b
= c
, where a and b are the two sides,
and c is the hypotenuse. Take square root of the two sides of the
equation in order to get the length of the hypotenuse. Use the Sqrt()
methods of the Math class.
6. For the first sub-problem of the task use the Herons Formula
, where

. For the second sub-problem use

the formula:

. For the third sub-problem use the formula:

. For the sine use the System.Math class.

7. Make a new project in Visual Studio, right click on the folder and
choose the menu Add New Folder. Then enter the name of the folder
and press [Enter], right click on the newly made folder and choose Add
New Item from the list choose Class, for the name of the new class
enter Cat and press [Add]. Change the definition of the newly created
class with the definition, which we gave to this chapter, to put the classes
in a namespace. Make the same to the class Sequence.
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects 417
8. Create an array with 10 elements of type Cat. Create 10 objects of type
Cat in a loop (use a constructor with parameters) and assign them to the
corresponding element of the array. For the serial number of the objects
use the method NextValue() of the Sequence class. In the end again in
an array use the method SayMiau() for each of the array elements.
9. Use the class System.DateTime and the methods in it. You can execute a
loop from the current date (DateTime.Now.Date) to the end date,
consecutively incrementing the day by the method AddDays(1) and count
the working days according to your country (e.g. all days except
Saturday and Sunday and a few fixed non-working official holidays).
Another approach that might work is to subtract the dates to find the
TimeSpan between them (DateTime values can be subtracted, just like a
numbers). This will give you the count of days between the dates. You
will need to perform some additional calculations to find how much
weekends are included in this count and discard them.
10. Use String.Split(' ') to split the string by spaces. Then use
Int32.Parse() to extract the separate numbers from the obtained
string array as int values and sum them.
11. Use the class System.Random and its method Next() to select a random
laudatory phrase, laudatory story, first name, last name and city and
combine them.
12. Calculating a numeral expression is quite hard and is unlikely a
beginner programmer to solve it correctly without external help. As a
start check out the article in Wikipedia about the "Shunting-yard
algorithm" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm) describing
how to convert an expression from to postfix notation (reversed Polish
notation), and the article about calculating a postfix expression
(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish notation). There are really much
special cases, so be sure to test your solution carefully.
Telerik DevCraft .NET Component Suite
Chapter 12. Exception
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will discuss exceptions in the object-oriented
programming and in C# in particular. We will learn how to handle
exceptions using the try-catch construct, how to pass them to the calling
methods and how to throw standard or our own exceptions using the
throw construct. We will give various examples for using exceptions. We will
look at the types of exceptions and the exceptions hierarchy in the .NET
Framework. At the end, we will look at the advantages of using exceptions,
best practices and how to apply them in different situations.
What Is an Exception?
When we write a program, we describe step-by-step what the computer must
do (at least in imperative programming; in the functional programming things
look a bit different) and in most of the cases we rely that the program will
execute normally. Indeed, most of the time, programs are following this
normal pattern, but there are some exceptions. Lets say we want to read a
file and display its contents on the screen. Lets assume the file is located on
a remote server and during the process of reading it, the connection goes
down. The file then will be only partially loaded. The program will not be able
to execute normally and show files contents on the screen. In this case, we
have an exception from the normal (and correct) program execution and this
exception must be reported to the user and/or the administrator.
Exception is a notification that something interrupts the normal
program execution. Exceptions provide a programming paradigm for
detecting and reacting to unexpected events. When an exception arises, the
state of the program is saved, the normal flow is interrupted and the control
is passed to an exception handler (if such exists in the current context).
Exceptions are raised or thrown by programming code that must send a
signal to the executing program about an error or an unusual situation.
For example, if we try to open a file, which doesnt exist, the code responsible
for opening the file will detect this and will throw an exception with a proper
error message.
420 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Exceptions are one of the main paradigms of object-oriented programming
(OOP), which is described in details in the chapter "Object-Oriented
Programming Principles".
Catching and Handling Exceptions
Exception handling is a mechanism, which allows exceptions to be
thrown and caught. This mechanism is provided internally by the CLR
(Common Language Runtime). Parts of the exception handling infrastructure
are the language constructs in C# for throwing and catching exceptions.
CLR takes care to propagate each exception to the code that can handle it.
Exceptions in the Object-Oriented Programming
In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), exceptions are a powerful mecha-
nism for centralized processing of errors and exceptional situations. This
mechanism replaces the procedure-oriented method of error handling in which
each function returns a code indicating an error or a successful execution.
Usually in OOP, a code executing some operation will cause an exception if
there is a problem and the operation could not be successfully
completed. The method causing the operation could catch the exception
(and handle the error) or pass the exception through to the calling method.
This allows handling errors to be delegated to some upper level in the call
stack and in general, allows flexible management of errors and unexpected
Another fundamental concept is exceptions hierarchy. In OOP, exceptions
are classes and they can be inherited to build hierarchies. When an exception
is handled (caught), the handling mechanism could catch a whole class of
exceptions and not just a particular error (as in the traditional procedural
In OOP, it is recommended to use exceptions for managing error
situations or unexpected events that may arise during a program
execution. This replaces the procedural error-handling approach and gives
important advantages such as centralized error processing, handling multiple
errors in one place and ability to pass errors to a higher-level handler.
Another important advantage is that exceptions self-describe themselves and
can create hierarchies.
Sometimes exceptions are used not so much to signal a problem but to
handle some expected event. This is not considered a good practice as
exceptions should not control the normal flow of the program. At the end of
the chapter we will look in more details into this.
Exceptions in .NET
Exception in .NET is an object, which signals an error or an event, which is
not anticipated in the normal program flow. When such unusual event takes
place, the executing method throws' a special object containing information
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 421
about the type of the error, the place in the program where the error occurred
as well as the program state at the moment of the error.
Each exception in .NET contains the so-called stack trace, which gives
information of where exactly the error occurred. This will be discussed in more
details later in this chapter.
An Example Code Throwing an Exception
Here is an example for a code that will throw an exception:
class ExceptionsDemo
static void Main()
string fileName = "WrongTextFile.txt";

static void ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
This program will compile successfully but if you run it, the result will look like
the following (FileNotFoundException dumped on the console):

422 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In this example, we have a code trying to open a text file for reading and then
display the first line of this file on the screen. We will discuss working with
files in more details in the chapter "Text Files".
The first two lines of ReadFile() contain code that throws an exception. In
this example, if the file WrongTextFile.txt doesnt exist, the constructor
StreamReader(string, fileName) will throw a FileNotFoundException. If
an unexpected problem occurs during the input-output operations, the stream
methods, such as ReadLine() will throw an IOException.
The code above will successfully compile but at run-time it will throw an
exception if the WrongTextFile.txt file does not exist. The end result in this
case is an error message displayed on the console. The console output also
contains information of where and how the error occurred.
How Do Exceptions Work?
If during the normal program execution one of the methods throws an
exception, the normal flow of the program is interrupted. In the example
above this happens when the StreamReader is initialized. Lets take a look on
the following line:
TextReader reader = new StreamReader("WrongTextFile.txt");
If this line triggers an error, the reader local variable will not be initialized and
it will have its default value of null. None of the lines that follow in the
method will be executed. The program will be interrupted until the CLR finds a
handler that can process the exception.
Catching Exceptions in C#
After a method throws an exception, CLR is looking for an exception handler
that can process the error. To understand how this works, we will take a
closer look on the concept of a call-stack. The program call-stack is a stack
structure that holds information about method calls, their local variables,
method parameters and the memory for value types.
.NET programs start from the Main() method, which is the entry point of
the program. Another method, lets name it "Method 1" could be called from
Main. Let "Method 1" call "Method 2" and so on until "Method N" is called.
When "Method N" finishes, the program flow returns back to its calling
method (in our example it would be "Method N-1"), then back to its calling
method and so on. This goes on until the Main() method is reached. Once
Main() finishes, the entire program exits.
The general principle is that when a new method is called, it is pushed on
top of the stack. When the method finishes, it is pulled back from the
stack. At any given point in time, the call-stack contains all the methods
called during the execution from the starting method Main() to the last
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 423
called method, which is currently executing, along with their local variables
and arguments taken as input.
The exception handling mechanism follows a reversed process. When an
exception is thrown, CLR begins searching an exception handler in the call-
stack starting from the method that has thrown the exception. This is
repeated for each of the methods down the call-stack until a handler is found
which catches the exception. If Main() is reached and no handler is found,
CLR catches the exception and usually displays an error message (either in
the console or in a special error dialog box).
The described method call and exception handling process could be
visualized in the following diagram (steps 1 through 5):

The try-catch Programming Construct
To handle an exception, we must surround the code that could throw an
exception with a try-catch block:
// Some code that may throw an exception
catch (ExceptionType objectName)
2. Method call
3. Method call
4. Method call
8. Find handler
7. Find handler
6. Find handler
5. Throw an exception
Method 1
Method 2
Method N

Method 1
Method 2
Method N

424 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// Code handling an Exception
catch (ExceptionType objectName)
// Code handling an Exception
The try-catch construct consists of one try block and one or more catch
blocks. Within the try block we put the code that could throw exceptions. The
ExceptionType in the catch block must be a type, derived from
System.Exception or the code wouldnt compile. The expression within
brackets after catch is also a declaration of a variable, thus inside the catch
block we can use objectName to use the properties of the exception or call its
Catching Exceptions Example
Lets now modify the code in our previous example to make it handle its
exceptions. To do this, we wrap the code that could create problems in try-
catch and then we add catch blocks to handle the two types of exceptions we
know could arise.
static void ReadFile(string fileName)
// Exceptions could be thrown in the code below
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
// Exception handler for FileNotFoundException
// We just inform the user that there is no such file
"The file '{0}' is not found.", fileName);
catch (IOException ioe)
// Exception handler for other input/output exceptions
// We just print the stack trace on the console
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 425
Now our method works in a different way. When FileNotFoundException is
thrown during the StreamReader initialization when executing the constructor
new StreamReader(filename), the CLR will not execute the following lines
but will jump to the row where we catch the exception catch
(FileNotFoundException fnfe):
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
// Exception handler for FileNotFoundException
// We just inform the user that there is no such file
Console.WriteLine("The file '{0}' is not found.", fileName);
In our example, users will simply be informed that such file does not exist by
a message printed on the standard output:
The file 'WrongTextFile.txt' is not found.
Similarly, if an IOException is thrown during reader.ReadLine(), it is
handled by the block below:
catch (IOException ioe)
// Exception handler for FileNotFoundException
// We just print the stack trace on the screen
In this case, we display the exception stack trace on the standard output.
The lines between where the exception is thrown and the catch block that
processed it are not executed.

Showing the full information about the exception to the end
user is not always a good practice!
We will discuss the best practices in exception handling later in this chapter.
Stack Trace
The stack trace contains detailed information about the exception
including where exactly it occurred in the program. The stack trace is very
useful for programmers when they try to understand the problem causing the
exception. The information in the stack trace is very technical and is designed
426 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
to be used by programmers and system administrators and not by the end
users. During debugging the stack trace is a priceless tool.
Stack Trace Example
Here is the stack trace from our first example:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not
find file '\WrongTextFile.txt'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode,
FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare
share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options,
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean
bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode,
FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize,
FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding
encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path)
at Exceptions.Demo1.ReadFile(String fileName) in
Program.cs:line 17
at Exceptions.Demo1.Main() in Program.cs:line 11
The system cannot find the file named WrongTextfile.txt and the
FileNotFoundException is thrown.
Reading the Stack Trace
To be able to use the stack trace, we must be familiar with its structure.
The stack trace contains the following information:
- The full name of the exception class;
- A message with additional information about the error;
- Information about the call-stack;
In our example above, the full name of the exception is
System.IO.FileNotFoundException. The error message follows: "Could not
find file '\WrongTextFile.txt'." What follows is a full call-stack dump,
which is usually the longest part of the stack trace. Each line of the call stack
dump contains something similar to the following:
at <namespace>.<class>.<method> in <source file>.cs:line <line>
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 427
Every method is shown in a separate line. On the first line is the method that
threw the exception and on the least line the Main() method (notice that
the Main() method might not be present in case of an exception thrown by a
thread which is not the main thread of the program). Every method is given
with full information about the class that contains it and (if possible) even the
line in the source code:
at Exceptions.Demo1.ReadFile(String fileName) in
\Program.cs:line 17
The line numbers are included only if the respective class is compiled with
debug information (this information contains line numbers, variable names
and other technical information). The debug information is not included in the
.NET assemblies but is in separate files called 'debug symbols' (.pdb). As you
can see in the example stack trace, debug information is available for some
assemblies, while for others (like the .NET assemblies) it is not. This is why
some entries in the stack trace have line numbers and others not.
If the method throwing the exception is a constructor, then instead of method
name, the stack trace contains the word .ctor, like in System.IO.
StreamReader..ctor(String path).
This rich information in the stack trace allows quickly and easily to find the
class, the method and even the source line where the error has occurred.
Then usually it is relatively straightforward to analyze the problem causing the
error and fixing it. This is not the same in primitive languages such as C and
Pascal where the concept of stack trace is not supported.
Throwing Exceptions (the throw Construct)
Exceptions in C# are thrown using the keyword throw. We need to provide an
instance of the exception, containing all the necessary information about the
error. Exceptions are normal classes and the only requirement is that they
inherit directly or indirectly from the System.Exception class.
Here is an example:
static void Main()
Exception e = new Exception("There was a problem");
throw e;
The result from running this program is:
Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: There was a problem
at Exceptions.Demo1.Main() in Program.cs:line 11
428 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Exceptions Hierarchy
There are two types of exceptions in .NET Framework: exceptions thrown by
the applications we develop (ApplicationException) and exceptions thrown
by the runtime (SystemException). Each of these is a base class for a
hierarchy of exception classes:

As all of these classes have different characteristics, we will examine them
one by one.
The Exception Class
In .NET Framework, Exception is the base class for all exceptions. Several
classes inherit directly from it, including ApplicationException and
SystemException. These two classes are base classes for almost all
exceptions that occur during the program execution.
The Exception class contains a copy of the call-stack at the time the
exception instance was created. The class also has a (usually) short message
describing the error (filled in by the method throwing the exception). Every
exception could have a nested exception also sometimes called an inner
exception, wrapped exception or internal exception.
The ability to wrap an exception with another exception is very useful in some
cases and allows exceptions to be linked in the so called exception chain.
Exception Constructors, Methods and Properties
Here is how the System.Exception class looks like:
public class Exception : ISerializable, _Exception
public Exception();
public Exception(string message);

Chapter 12. Exception Handling 429
public Exception(string message, Exception innerException);
public virtual IDictionary Data { get; }
public virtual string HelpLink { get; set; }
protected int HResult { get; set; }
public Exception InnerException { get; }
public virtual string Message { get; }
public virtual string Source { get; set; }
public virtual string StackTrace { get; }
public MethodBase TargetSite { get; }
public virtual Exception GetBaseException();
The full specification of the Exception class given above is complex to be
explained, so we will discuss only its most important methods and properties
as they are inherited by all exceptions in .NET Framework.
- We have three constructors with different combinations for message and
inner exception.
- The Message property returns a text description of the exception. For
example if the exception is FileNotFoundException, the message could
provide information which file was not found. In most of the cases, the
code throwing the exception passes the message in the constructor.
Once set, the Message property cannot be changed.
- The InnerException property returns the inner (wrapped, nested)
exception or null if such doesnt exist.
- The GetBaseException() returns the innermost exception from a given
exception chain. By definition, calling this method for every exception
within an exception chain will always yield the same result the first
exception that happened.
- The StackTrace property returns information for the entire stack
contained in the exception (we have already seen how this information
looks like).
Application vs. System Exceptions
Exceptions in .NET are two types system and application. System exceptions
are defined in .NET libraries and are used by the framework, while application
exceptions are defined by application developers and are used by the
application software. When we, as developers, design our own exception
classes, it is a good practice to inherit from ApplicationException and not
directly from SystemException (or even worse directly from Exception).
SystemException should only be inherited internally within the .NET
430 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Some of the worst system exceptions include ExecutionEngineException
(which is thrown on internal error within CLR), StackOverflowException
(call-stack overflow, most probably due to infinite recursion) and
OutOfMemoryException (insufficient memory). In all of these cases, our
application could hardly recover or react in some reasonable manner. Most
frequently, when such exception occurs, the application just crashes.
Exceptions related to interaction with external components (like COM
components) inherit from ExternalException. Examples are COMException
and Win32Exception.
Throwing and Catching Exceptions
Lets look in more details at throwing and catching exceptions.
Nested Exceptions
Weve already seen that each exception could contain a nested (inner)
exception. Lets explain in more details why it is a common practice in OOP
error handling to wrap exceptions in this way.
In software engineering, it is a good practice for every software component to
define small number of specific application exceptions. The component
then would throw only these specific application exceptions and not the
standard .NET exceptions. In this way the users of the software component
would know what exceptions could expect from it.
For instance, if we have a banking software and we have a component dealing
with interests, this component would define (and throw) exceptions like
InterestCalculationException and InvalidPeriodException. The interest
component should not throw exceptions like FileNotFoundException,
DivideByZeroException and NullReferenceException. When an error
occurs, which is not directly related to interest calculation, the respective
exception is wrapped in InterestCalculationException and the calling code
will be informed that the interest calculation was not correctly done.
Still, these business application exceptions usually do not have detailed
technical information about the nature of the problem. This is why, it is
considered a good practice to include technical details about the problem and
this is where inner exceptions come in handy. When the component throws its
application exception, it should keep the original exception as an inner
exception in order to preserve the technical details about the error.
Another example is when a software component (lets call it Component A)
defines its own application exceptions (A-exceptions). This component
internally uses another component (called Component B). If for some reason B
throws a B exception (an exception defined in B), perhaps A will have to
propagate the error because it will not be able to do its task. And because A
cannot simply throw a B-exception, it must throw an A-exception, containing
the B-exception as a nested exception.
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 431
There could be various reasons why A cannot simply throw a B exception:
- Component A users should not even know Component B exists (see the
discussion regarding abstractions in the "Principles of OOP" chapter);
- Component A had not declared it would throw Component B exceptions;
- Component A users are not prepared to receive Component B
exceptions. They expect component A exceptions only.
How to Read the Stack Trace with Nested Exceptions?
Below we have an example that creates an exception chain. We will
demonstrate how such exception chain is created and how the stack trace
looks like in the output:
static void Main()
string fileName = "WrongFileName.txt";
catch (Exception e)
throw new ApplicationException("Smth. bad happened", e);
static void ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
In this example, we call the ReadFile() method (line 42), which will throw an
exception (line 51) because the file "WrongFileName.txt" does not exist. In
the Main() method we catch all exceptions (line 44), wrap them into a new
exception of type ApplicationException and throw them again (line 46). As
we shall see later in the section "Grouping Different Error Types", caching an
Exception also catches all its descendant exceptions in its hierarchy. Finally
the thrown exception (at line 46) is caught by .NET Framework and its stack
trace is dumped on the console.
The result of running the above example is shown below:
432 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Lets look more carefully at the stack trace. We now see an additional section
marking the end of the nested exception:
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
This gives useful information about how the exception was thrown.
If you look more closely on the first line, you will notice it contains information
in the following format:
This shows that an exception of type Exception1 is wrapped around an
exception of type Exception2. After each exception type, we can see the
message of the respective exception (as contained in the Message property).
Using the information in the stack-trace (the file name, the method and the
line number), we can find out how the exceptions occurred and where.
Visualizing Exceptions
In console applications errors are usually printed in the output although
this might not be the most user-friendly way to notify the user for problems.
Unhandled Exception: Exception1: Msg1 ---> Exception2: Msg2
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 433
In Web applications, errors are frequently shown in the beginning or at the
bottom of the page or near the UI field related to the error.
In GUI applications we should show the errors in a dialog window containing
user-friendly description of the error. An example of user-friendly error
message dialog box is given below:

As you can see, there is no single 'right' way to handle and visualize
exceptions as it depends on the type of the application and its intended
audience. Still there are some recommendations regarding how to handle
exceptions and what is the best way to show them to the users. We will
discuss these recommendations in the "Best Practices" section.
Which Exceptions to Handle and Which Not?
There is one universal rule regarding exception handling:

A method should only handle exceptions which it expects and
which it knows how to process. All the other exceptions must
be left to the calling method.
If we follow this rule and every method leaves the exceptions it is not
competent to process to the calling method, eventually we would reach the
Main() method (or the starting method of the respective thread of execution)
and if this method does not catch the exception, the CLR will display the error
434 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
on the console (or visualize it in some other way) and will terminate the
A method is competent to handle an exception if it expects this exception, it
has the information why the exception has been thrown and what to do in this
situation. If we have a method that must read a text file and return its
contents as a string, that method might catch FileNotFoundException and
return an empty string in this case. Still, this same method will hardly be able
to correctly handle OutOfMemoryException. What should the method do in
case of insufficient memory? Return an empty string? Throw some other
exception? Do something completely different? So apparently the method is
not competent to handle such exception and thus the best way is to pass the
exception up to the calling method so it could (hopefully) be handled at some
other level by a method competent to do it. Using this simple philosophy
allows exception handling to be done in a structured and systematic way.
Throwing Exceptions from the Main() Method
Throwing exceptions from the Main() method is generally not a good
practice. Instead, it is better all exceptions to be caught in Main(). Still it is of
course possible to throw exceptions from Main() just as from any other
static void Main()
throw new Exception("Ooops!");
Every exception which is not handled in Main() is eventually caught by the
CLR and visualized by printing the stack trace on the console output or in
some other way. While for small applications it is not such a problem, big and
complex applications generally should not crash in such ungraceful manner.
Catching Exceptions at Different Levels Example
The ability to pass (or bubble) exceptions through a given method up to the
calling method allows structured exception handling to be done at multiple
levels. This means that we can catch certain types of exceptions in given
methods and pass all other exceptions to the previous levels in the call-stack.
In the example below, the exceptions in the ReadFile() method are handled
at two levels (in the try-catch block of the ReadFile() method itself and in
the try-catch block of the Main() method):
static void Main()
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 435
string fileName = "WrongFileName.txt";
catch (Exception e)
throw new ApplicationException("Bad thing happened", e);

static void ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
Console.WriteLine("The file {0} does not exist!",
In this example the ReadFile() method catches and handles only
FileNotFoundException while passing all other exceptions up to the Main()
method. In the Main() method we handle only exceptions of type
IOException and will let the CLR to handle all other exceptions (for instance,
if OutOfMemoryException is thrown during programs execution, it will be
handled by the CLR).
If the Main() method passes a wrong filename, FileNotFoundException will
be thrown while initializing the TextReader in ReadFile(). This exception will
be handled by the ReadFile() method itself. If on the other hand the file
exists but there is some problem reading it (insufficient permissions, damaged
file contents etc.), the respective exception that will be thrown will be handled
in the Main() method.
Handling exceptions at different levels allows the error conditions to be
handled at the most suitable place for the particular error. This allows the
program code to be clear and structured and the flexibility achieved is
436 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The try-finally Construct
Every try block could contain a respective finally block. The code within the
finally block is always executed, no matter how the program flow leaves the
try block. This guarantees that the finally block will be executed even if an
exception is thrown or a return statement is executed within the try block.

The code in the finally block will not be executed if while
executing the try block, CLR is unexpectedly terminated, e.g.
if we stop the program through Windows Task Manager.
The basic form of the finally block is given below:
// Some code that could or could not cause an exception
// Code here will always execute
Every try block may have zero or more catch blocks and at most one
finally block. It is possible to have multiple catch blocks and a finally
block in the same try-catch-finally construct.
some code
catch ()
// Code handling an exception
catch ()
// Code handling another exception
// This code will always execute
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 437
When Should We Use try-finally?
In many applications we have to work with external for our programs
resources. Examples for external resources include files, network
connections, graphical elements, pipes and streams to or from different
hardware devices (like printers, card readers and others). When we deal with
such external resources, it is critically important to free up the resources as
early as possible when the resource is no longer needed. For example, when
we open a file to read its contents (lets say to load a JPG image), we must
close the file right after we have read the contents. If we leave the file open,
the operating system will prevent other users and applications to make
certain operations on the file. Perhaps you faced such a situation when you
could not delete some directory or a file because it is being used by a running
The finally block is priceless when we need to free an external resource or
make any other cleanup. The finally block guarantees that the cleanup
operations will not be accidentally skipped because of an unexpected
exception or because of execution of return, continue or break.
Because proper resource management is an important concept in
programming, we will look at it in some more details.
Resource Cleanup Defining the Problem
In our example, we want to read a file. To accomplish this, we have a reader
that must be closed when the file has been read. The best way to do this is to
surround the lines using the reader in a try-finally block. Here is a refresh
of how our example looks like:
static void ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
What is the problem with this code? Well, what the code is supposed to do
is to open up a file reader, read the data and then close the reader before the
method returns. This last part is a problem because the method could finish in
one of several ways:
- An exception could be thrown when the reader is initialized (say if the
file is missing).
- During reading the file, an exception could arise (imagine a file on a
remote network device which goes offline during file reading).
438 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- A return statement could be executed before the reader is closed (in
our trivial example this would be obvious but it is not always as
- Everything goes as expected and the method is executed normally.
So our method as written in the example above has a critical flaw: it will
close the reader only in the last scenario. In all of the other cases, the code
closing the reader will not be executed. And if this code is within a loop,
things get even more complex as continue and break operators must be
considered too.
Resource Cleanup Solving the Problem
In the previous section we explained the fundamental flaw of the solution
'open the file read close'. If an error occurs during opening or reading
the file, we will leave the file open.
To solve this, we can use the try-finally construct. We will first discuss the
case in which we have one resource to clean-up (in this case a file). Then we
will give an example when we have two or more resources.
Closing a file stream could be done using the following pattern:
static void ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader reader = null;
reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
// Always close "reader" (if it was opened)
if (reader != null)
In this example we first declare the reader variable, and then initialize the
TextReader in a try block. Then in the finally block we close the reader.
Whatever happens during TextReaders initialization or during reading, it is
guaranteed that the file will be closed. If there is a problem initializing the
reader (say the file is missing), then reader will remain null and this is why
we do a check for null in the finally block before calling Close(). If the value
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 439
is indeed null, then the reader has not been initialized and there is no need
to close it. The code above guarantees that if the file has been opened, then it
will be closed no matter how the method exits.
The example above should, in principle, properly handle all exceptions related
to opening and initialization of the reader (like FileNotFoundException). In
our example, these exceptions are not handled and are simply propagated to
the caller.
We have chosen file streams for our example for freeing resources up but the
same principle applies to all resources that require proper cleanup. These
could be remote connections, operating system resources, database
connections and so on.
Resource Cleanup Better Solution
While the above solution is correct, it is unnecessary complex. Lets look at a
simplified version:
static void ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
This code has the advantage of being simpler and shorter. We avoid the
preliminary declaration of the reader variable and the check for null in the
finally block. The null check is now not necessary because the initialization of
the reader is outside of the try block and if an exception occurs during the
initialization, the finally block will not be executed at all.
This code is cleaner, shorter and clearer and is known as "dispose pattern".
However, note that this way the exception will go up to the method calling
Multiple Resources Cleanup
Sometimes we need to free more than one resource. It is a good practice to
free the resources in in reverse order in respect to their allocation.
440 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We can use the same approach outlined above, nesting the try-finally
blocks inside each other:
static void ReadFile(string filename)
Resource r1 = new Resource1();
Resource r2 = new Resource2();
// Use r1 and r2
Another option is to declare all of the resources in advance and then make the
cleanup in a single finally block with respective null checks:
static void ReadFile(string filename)
Resource r1 = null;
Resource r2 = null;
Resource r1 = new Resource1();
Resource r2 = new Resource2();

// Use r1 and r2
if (r1 != null)
if (r2 != null)
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 441
Both of these options are correct and both are applied depending on the
situation and programmers preference. The second approach is a little bit
riskier as if an exception occurs in the finally block, some of the resources
will not be cleaned up. In the example above, if an exception is thrown during
r1.Release(), r2 will not be cleaned up. If we use the first option, there is
no such problem but the code is a bit longer.
IDisposable and the "using" Statement
It is time to present a new shorter and simplified way to release some kinds
of resources in C#. We will demonstrate which resources can use this special
programming construct and how it looks like.
The main use of IDisposable interface is to release resources. In .NET
such resources are window handles, files, streams and others. We will talk
about interfaces in OOP Principles chapter. Now we may consider interface
as an indication that given type of objects (for example streams for reading
files) support a certain number of operations (for example closing the stream
and releasing related resources).
We will not go into details how to implement IDisposable since we have to
go much deeper and explain how the garbage collector works, how to use
destructors, unmanaged resources and so on.
The important method in IDisposable interface is Dispose(). The main thing
we need to know about the method is that it releases the resources of the
class that implements it. In cases when resources are streams, readers or
files releasing resources can be done using the Dispose() method from
IDisposable interface, which calls their Close() method. This method closes
them and releases their resources. So to close a stream we can do the
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
// Use the reader here
442 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
if (reader != null)
The Keyword "using"
The previous example can be written in shorter form with the help of the
using keyword in C#, as shown in the following example:
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
// Use the reader here
The above simplified form of the "dispose pattern" is simple to write,
simple to use and simple to read and is guaranteed to release correctly the
allocated resources specified in the brackets of the using statement.
It is not necessary to have try-finally or to explicitly call any method to
release the resources. The compiler takes care to automatically put try-
finally block and the used resources are released by calling the Dispose()
method after leaving the using block.
Later in chapter "Text Files" we will extensively use the using statement to
correctly read and write text files.
Nested "using" Statements
The using statements can be nested one within another:
using (ResourceType r1 = )
using (ResourceType r2 = )

using (ResourceType rN = )
The previous example can be written like this:
using (ResourceType r1 = , r2 = , , rN = )
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 443
It is important to mention that using statement is not related to exception
handling. Its only purpose is to release the resources no matter whether
exceptions are thrown or not. It does not handle exception.
When to Use the "using" Statement?
There is a simple rule when to use using with .NET classes:

Use the using statement with all classes that implement the
IDisposable interface. Look for IDisposable in MSDN.
When a class implements IDisposable interface this means that the creator
of this class expects it can be used with the using statement and the class
contains some expensive resource that should not be left unreleased.
Implementing IDisposable also means that it should be released
immediately after we finish using the class and the easiest way to do this in
C# is with using statement.
Advantages of Using Exceptions
So far we reviewed the exceptions in details, their characteristics and how to
use them. Now lets find out why they were introduced and why they are so
widely used.
Separation of the Exception Handling Code
Using exceptions allow us to separate the code, which describes the normal
execution of the program from the code required for unexpected execution
and the code for error handling. We will demonstrate this separation
concept in the following example:
void ReadFile()
while (FileHasMoreLines)
Lets explore the example step by step. It does the following:
- Open the file;
- While the file has more lines:
- Read the next line from the file;
444 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Print the line;
- Close the file;
The method looks good but a closer look brings up some questions:
- What will happen if the file does not exist?
- What will happen if the file cannot be opened?
- What will happen if reading a line fails?
- What will happen if the file cannot be closed?
Error Handling without Exceptions
Lets change the method having these questions in mind without using
exceptions. Lets use error codes returned by any method that we use.
Using error codes is standard way for handling errors in procedure oriented
programming, where every method returns int, which provides information
whether the method was executed correctly. Error code 0 means that
everything is correct. Any other code means some error. Different kinds of
errors have different codes (usually it is a negative number).
int ReadFile()
errorCode = 0;
openFileErrorCode = OpenTheFile();

// Check whether the file is open
if (openFileErrorCode == 0)
while (FileHasMoreLines)
readLineErrorCode = ReadNextLineFromTheFile();
if (readLineErrorCode == 0)
// Line has been read properly
// Error during line reading
errorCode = -1;
closeFileErrorCode = CloseTheFile();
if (closeFileErrorCode != 0 && errorCode == 0)
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 445
errorCode = -2;
errorCode = -3;
else if (openFileErrorCode == -1)
// File does not exist
errorCode = -4;
else if (openFileErrorCode == -2)
// File can't be open
errorCode = -5;
return errorCode;
As a result we have a hard to understand and easy to break spaghetti
code. Program logic is mixed with the error handling logic. Big parts of the
code are the rules for error handling. Errors dont have type, description or
stack trace and we have to wonder what the different error codes mean.
Error Handling with Exceptions
We can avoid all of the above spaghetti code just by using exceptions. Here
is how the same method will look like using exceptions instead:
void ReadFile()
while (FileHasMoreLines)
catch (FileNotFoundException)
446 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
catch (IOException)
In fact exceptions dont save us the effort in finding and processing errors but
give us more elegant, short, clear and efficient way to do it.
Grouping Different Error Types
The hierarchical nature of exceptions allows us to catch and handle whole
groups of exceptions at one time. When using catch we are not only catching
the given type of exception but the whole hierarchy of exception types
that are inheritors of the declared type.
catch (IOException e)
// Handle IOException and all its descendants
The example above will catch not only the IOException, but all of its
descendants including FileNotFoundException, EndOfStreamException,
PathTooLongException and many others. In the same time exceptions like
UnauthorizedAccessException and OutOfMemoryException will not be
caught, because they dont inherit from IOException. We can look in MSDN
for the exceptions hierarchy if we wander which exceptions to catch.
It is not a good practice, but it is possible to catch all exceptions:
catch (Exception e)
// A (too) general exception handler
Catching Exception and all of its inheritors is not a good practice. It is better
to catch more specific groups of exceptions like IOException or just one type
of exception like for example FileNotFoundException.
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 447
Catching Exceptions at the Most Appropriate Place
The ability to catch exceptions at multiple locations is extremely
comfortable. It allows us to handle the exception at the most appropriate
place. Lets demonstrate this with a simple comparison with the old approach
using error codes. Lets have the following method structure:


The method Method3() calls Method2(), which calls Method1() where
ReadFile() is called. Lets suppose that Method3() is the method interested
in eventual error in the ReadFile() method. If such error occurs in
ReadFile() it wouldnt be easy to transfer the error to Method3() using the
traditional approach with error codes:
void Method3()
errorCode = Method2();
if (errorCode != 0)
process the error;

int Method2()
errorCode = Method1();
if (errorCode != 0)
return errorCode;
448 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

int Method1()
errorCode = ReadFile();
if (errorCode != 0)
return errorCode;
First in Method1() we have to analyze the error code returned by
ReadFile() method and eventually pass it to Method2(). In Method2() we
have to analyze the error code returned by Method1() and eventually pass it
to Method3() where to handle the error itself.
How can we avoid all this? Lets remember that that the CLR searches for
exceptions back in the call stack of the methods and lets each of them to
define catching and handling of the exceptions. If the method is not interested
in catching some exception it is simply sent back in the stack:
void Method3()
catch (Exception e)
process the exception;

void Method2()

void Method1()
If an error occurs during reading the file it will be ignored in Method1() and
Method2() and will be caught and handled in Method3() where is the most
appropriate place to handle the error. Lets remember again the most
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 449
important rule: every method should catch only exceptions that can handle
and skip all the others.
Best Practices when Using Exceptions
In this section we will give some recommendations and best practices for
correctly using exceptions for error handling and unexpected situations.
These are important rules that should be remembered and followed.
When to Rely on Exceptions?
To understand when it is good to rely on exceptions lets see the following
example: we have a program that opens a file by given path and file name.
While writing the user can write the file name wrong. This should rather be
considered normal and not exceptional.
We can be prepared and first check if the file exists before we try to open it:
static void ReadFile(string fileName)
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
"The file '{0}' does not exist.", fileName);

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
using (reader)
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
If we call the method and the file is missing we will see the following message
in the console:
The file 'WrongTextFile.txt' does not exist.
The other way to implement this is the following:
static void ReadFile(string filename)
450 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
StreamReader reader = null;
reader = new StreamReader(filename);
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
catch (FileNotFoundException)
"The file '{0}' does not exist.", filename);
if (reader != null)
We can consider the second option as worse because exceptions should be
used for unexpected situations and missing file is more or less usual.
It is not a good practice to rely on exceptions for expected events for another
reason: performance. Throwing an exception is time consuming operation.
An object has to be created to hold the exception, the stack trace has to be
initialized and handler for this exception has to be found and so on.

It is hard to define the exact border between expected and
unexpected. In general expected event is something related
to the program functionality. Input of wrong file name for
example. Power cut during the execution of the program,
from the other hand, is unexpected event.
Throw Exceptions to the End User?
Exceptions are confusing for most users. They give the impression of a
poorly written program that has bugs. What will the user of our application
entering invoices think if suddenly the program shows this dialogue?
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 451

This dialogue is very suitable for a developers or administrators for example,
but it is extremely inappropriate for the end users.
Instead of this dialogue we can show another one, much more user friendly
and understandable for the user:

452 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
This is the good way to show the error message to the end user. The
message is easy to understand from the user and also contains technical
details that can be used if required but is not visible at the beginning.
It is recommended when exceptions are not caught by anyone (such
exceptions can only be runtime errors) to be caught by a global exception
handler which saves them on the disk and shows user friendly message such
as An error occurred, please try again later. It is a good a practice to show
not only a user friendly message but also technical information (stack trace)
available on demand (e.g. through an additional button or link).
Throw Exceptions at the Appropriate Level of
When we throw our own exceptions we must keep in mind the abstractions in
the context our methods work. For example if our method works with arrays
we can throw IndexOutOfRangeException or NullReferenceException
because our method works at low level and directly operates with the memory
and the array elements. But if our method is doing accumulating of interests
at all accounts in a bank it should not throw IndexOutOfRangeException
because this exception is not from the business area of the banking sector. It
would be normal accumulation of interests in a bank software to throw
InvalidInterestException exception with an appropriate error message
where the original IndexOutOfRangeException exception to be attached.
Lets give another example: we call a method that sorts an array of integers
and throws an exception TransactionAbortedException. This is also an
inappropriate exception just as NullReferenceException was in accumu-
lation of interests in the bank software. That is why we should consider the
abstraction level where our method works when we throw our exception.
If Your Exception Has a Source, Use It!
When we catch an exception and throw a new one with a higher level of
abstraction we should always attach the original exception to it. This way
the user of our code will be able to easily find the exact reason for the error
and the location where it occurred at the first place.
This rule is a special case of more general rule:

Each exception should carry detailed information about the
From the rule above many more rules come out: we should have a relevant
error message, the error type should match the problem and the exceptions
should hold its source as inner exception.
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 453
Give a Detailed Descriptive Error Message!
The error message that every exceptions holds is extremely important. In
most cases it is enough to give us information what is the problem. If the
message is not good enough the users of your methods will not be able to
quickly solve the problem.
Lets take the following example: we have a method that reads the
applications settings from a file. For example size and position of all windows
in the application and others. There is a problem while reading the settings
file and we receive the following error message:
Is this enough to find the problem? Obviously not. What should be the
message so it is descriptive enough? Is this one better?
Error reading settings file.
Obviously the message above is better but it is still not good enough. It
explains what the error is but does not tell us what causes it. Lets suppose
we change the program so it gives the following error information:
Error reading settings file:
This error message is better because it tells us which file caused the problem
(something that would save us time, especially if we are not familiar with the
application and dont know where it keeps its settings files).
The situation could be even worse we may not have the source code of the
application and dont have the access to the stack trace (if we have compiled
without debug information). That is why the error message should be even
better. For example like the following:
Error reading settings file:
C:\Users\Administrator\MyApp\MyApp.settings. Number expected at
line 17.
This message fully describes the problem. Obviously we have an error on line
17, in MyApp.settings file, which is in C:\Users\Administrator\MyApp
folder. On this line a number is expected but is not provided. If we open the
file we could quickly find the problem.

Always give adequate, detailed and correct error message
when throwing exceptions! The user of your code should be
able to tell what and where is the problem and what caused
it when reading the error message.
454 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets give some examples:
- We have a method that searches for an integer in an array. If it throws
IndexOutOfRangeException it is important to mention the index that
cannot be reached in the error message. For example index 18 when the
length of the array is 7. If we dont know the position we will hardly
understand why we are outside the array.
- We have a method that reads integers from a file. If in the file we have
a row without an integer we should get an error, which explains that at
row 17 for example an integer is expected instead of a string (and prints
the string).
- We have a method that calculates the sum of numeric expression. If we
find an error in the expression the exception should say what error
occurred and at what position. The code that causes the error may use
String.Format() to build the error message. Here is an example how
to implement this:
throw new FormatException(
string.Format("Invalid character at position {0}. " +
"Number expected but character '{1}' found.", index, ch));
Error Messages with Wrong Content
Even worse than throwing an exception with not enough information is
throwing one with wrong information. If in the last example we say the error
is at row 3 instead of row 17 this will be misleading and will be worse than
just showing an error and give no details.

Be careful not to show messages with incorrect content!
Use English for All Exception Messages
Use English for the error messages when throwing an exception. This rule
is a sub-rule of the rule use English in your entire source code. The reason:
English is the only language that is understood by programmers around the
world. One day your code could be used by foreigners. If you live in France
you probably wont be happy to get error messages in Chinese and vice-
versa, would you?
Note that error messages shown to the end user could be in his native
language, but the error messages in the exceptions should always be in
English. The exceptions are for the developer. The developers around the
world use English. The messages (errors / notifications / warnings) for the
end user are different story. These messages could be in the language which
is best suited for the end-users and may be customized through localization
techniques like resources, embedded resource files and resource strings (see
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 455
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163609.aspx for additional
Never Ignore the Exceptions You Catch!
Never ignore the exceptions you catch without handling them. Here is an
example what we should not do:
string fileName = "WrongTextFile.txt";
catch (Exception e)
{ }
In the example the exception is caught and ignored. This means that if the file
is missing the program will not read anything and there will not be any error
message. This gives the user wrong impression the file is read when it is in
fact missing. Don't do this!
If we ever need to ignore an exception on purpose we should add a comment,
which will help us when reading the code later. Here is an example:
int number = 0;
string line = Console.ReadLine();
number = Int32.Parse(line);
catch (Exception)
// Incorrect numbers are intentionally considered 0
Console.WriteLine("The number is: " + number);
We can improve the code above by using Int32.TryParse() or by
initializing the number variable with 0 in the catch block, not outside of it. In
the second case the comment in the code and empty catch block are not
Dump the Error Messages in Extreme Cases Only!
Lets take our method, which is reading the application settings from a file. If
an error occurs it could print it in the console but what will happen with the
calling method? It will suppose that the settings are read correctly.
There is an important concept in programming:
456 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

A method should either do the work it is created for or throw
an exception. Any other behavior is incorrect!
This is a very important rule that is why we will repeat it and even extend it:

A method should either do the work it is created for or throw
an exception. In case of wrong input the method should
throw an exception and should not return a wrong result!
We can explain the rule in details: A method is created to do a certain job.
What the method is doing should be clear from its name. If we cannot give an
appropriate name to the method means that it is doing many things and we
should split it so everything is in separate method. If the method cannot do
the work it is created for it should throw an exception. For example if we have
a method for sorting of an array of integers. If the array is empty the method
should either return an empty array or return an error. Wrong input should
cause an exception and not return a wrong result! For example if we try to
take a substring from index 7 to 12 from a string with length 10, it should
cause an exception and not return fewer characters. This is how the
Substring() method in String works.
We will give another example, which confirms the rule that a method should
do the work it is created for or throw an exception. Lets suppose we copy a
big file from the local disk to an USB flash drive. It could happen so that the
space on the flash drive is not enough and the file cannot be copied. Which of
the following is correct and the program for coping files (for example
Windows Explorer) should do?
- The file is not copied and no error message is shown.
- The file is partially copied and no error message is shown.
- The file is partially copied and error message is shown.
- The file is not copied and error message is shown.
From the user point of view the only correct behavior of the program is the
last one: if a problem occurs the file should not be copied partially and an
error message should be shown. We should do the same if we have to write a
method that copy files. It should fully copy the given file or throw an
exception. At the same time it should not leave any traces it should delete
any partial result if such was created.
Dont Catch All Exceptions!
A very common mistake with exceptions is to catch all exceptions no matter
what type they are. Here is an example where all exceptions are handled
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 457
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("File not found.");
In the code we suppose that there is a method ReadFile(), which reads a
text file and returns the content as string. The catch block catches all
exceptions (regardless of their type), not only FileNotFoundException, and
in all cases prints that file is not found. There are unexpected situations such
as when file is locked by another process in the operating system. In such
case the CLR will generate UnauthorizedAccessException, but the message
that the program will show to the user will be wrong and misleading. The file
exists but the program will claim it is not there. The same will happen when
during the file opening we are out of memory and OurOfMemoryException is
generated. The message will be incorrect again.
Only Catch Exceptions You Know How to Process!
We should handle only errors that we expect and we are prepared for. We
should leave the other errors (exceptions) so they are caught by another
method that knows how to handle them.

A method should not catch all exceptions it should only
catch the ones it can process correctly.
This is a very important rule that should be followed. If you dont know how to
handle an exception do not catch it or wrap it with your exception and pass it
on for additional handling.
1. Find out all exceptions in the System.IO.IOException hierarchy.
2. Find out all standard exceptions that are part of the hierarchy holding
the class System.IO.FileNotFoundException.
3. Find out all standard exceptions from System.ApplicationException
4. Explain the concept of exceptions and exception handling, when they
are used and how to catch exceptions.
5. Explain when the statement try-finally is used. Explain the relationship
between the statements try-finally and using.
6. Explain the advantages when using exceptions.
458 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
7. Write a program that takes a positive integer from the console and prints
the square root of this integer. If the input is negative or invalid print
"Invalid Number" in the console. In all cases print "Good Bye".
8. Write a method ReadNumber(int start, int end) that reads an integer
from the console in the range [startend]. In case the input integer is
not valid or it is not in the required range throw appropriate exception.
Using this method, write a program that takes 10 integers a
, a
, , a

such that 1 < a
< < a
< 100.
9. Write a method that takes as a parameter the name of a text file, reads
the file and returns its content as string. What should the method
do if and exception is thrown?
10. Write a method that takes as a parameter the name of a binary file,
reads the content of the file and returns it as an array of bytes. Write a
method that writes the file content to another file. Compare both files.
11. Search for information in Internet and define your own class for exception
FileParseException. The exception has to contain the name of the
processed file and the number of the row where the problem is occurred.
Add appropriate constructors in the exception. Write a program that
reads integers from a text file. If the during reading a row does not
contain an integer throw FileParseException and pass it to the calling
12. Write a program that gets from the user the full path to a file (for
example C:\Windows\win.ini), reads the content of the file and prints it
to the console. Find in MSDN how to us the System.IO.File.
ReadAllText() method. Make sure all possible exceptions will be
caught and a user-friendly message will be printed on the console.
13. Write a program that downloads a file from Internet by given URL,
e.g. http://academy.telerik.com/images/default-album/telerik-academy-
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Search in MSDN. The easiest way to do this is to search in Google for
"IOException MSDN" (without the quotes).
2. Look at the instructions for the previous task.
3. Look at the instructions for the previous task.
4. Use the information from the section What Is an Exception? earlier
in this chapter.
5. When having difficulties use the information from the section "try-
finally Construct".
6. When having difficulties use the information from the section
"Exceptions Advantages".
Chapter 12. Exception Handling 459
7. Create try-catch-finally statement.
8. When invalid number is used we can throw Exception because there is
no other exception that can better describe the problem. As an
alternative we can define our own exception class called in a way that
better describes the problem, e.g. InvalidNumberException.
9. First read the chapter "Text Files". Read the file line by line with
System.IO.StreamReader class and add the rows in System.Text.
StringBuilder. Throw all exceptions from the method without catching
them. You may cheat and solve the problem in one line of code by using
the static method System.IO.File.ReadAllText().
10. It is not too likely to write this method correctly without external help.
Search in Internet to learn more about binary streams. After that follow
the instructions below for reading a file:
- For reading use FileStream and write the data in a MemoryStream.
You have to read the file in parts, for example on portions with 64 KB
each, the last one can be smaller.
- Be careful with the method for reading the bytes FileStream.Read(
byte[] buffer, int offset, int count). This method can read
less bytes than requested. You have to write as many bytes as you
read from the input stream. Create a loop that ends when zero bytes
are read.
- Use using to correctly closing the streams.
Saving an array of bytes in a file is a simpler task. Open FileStream and
start writing the bytes inside from the MemoryStream. Use using to
correctly close the streams.
Use a big ZIP archive to test (for example 300 MB). If the program is
not working correctly it will break the structure of the archive and an
error will occur when trying to open it.
You can cheat by using the system methods System.IO.File.
ReadAllBytes() and System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(byte[]).
11. Inherit from Exception class and add a constructor to it. For example
FileParseException(string message, string filename, int line).
Use this exception the same way as using any other exception. The
number can be read with StreamReader class.
12. Search for all possible exceptions that the method could throw and for all
of them define a catch block and print user-friendly message.
13. Search for articles in Internet for downloading a file with C# or
search for information and examples about using the WebClient class.
Make sure you catch and process all exceptions that can be thrown.
Sitefinity .NET CMS
Chapter 13. Strings
and Text Processing
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will explore strings. We are going to explain how they are
implemented in C# and in what way we can process text content.
Additionally, we will go through different methods for manipulating a text:
we will learn how to compare strings, how to search for substrings, how to
extract substrings upon previously settled parameters and last but not least
how to split a string by separator chars. We will demonstrate how to
correctly build strings with the StringBuilder class. We will provide a
short but very useful information for the most commonly used regular
expressions. We will discuss some classes for efficient construction of
strings. Finally, we will take a look at the methods and classes for achieving
more elegant and stricter formatting of the text content.
In practice we often come to the text processing: reading text files,
searching for keywords and replacing them in a paragraph, validating user
input data, etc In such cases we can save the text content, which we will
need in strings, and process them using the C# language.
What Is a String?
A string is a sequence of characters stored in a certain address in memory.
Remember the type char? In the variable of type char we can record only
one character. Where it is necessary to process more than one character then
strings come to our aid.
In. NET Framework each character has a serial number from the Unicode
table. The Unicode standard is established in the late 80s and early 90s in
order to store different types of text data. Its predecessor ASCII is able to
record only 128 or 256 characters (respective ASCII standard with 7-bit or 8-
bit table). Unfortunately, this often does not meet user needs as we can fit
in 128 characters only digits, uppercase and lowercase Latin letters and some
specific individual characters. When you have to work with text in Cyrillic or
other specific language (e.g. Chinese or Arabian), 128 or 256 characters are
extremely insufficient. Here is why .NET uses 16-bit code table for the
characters. With our knowledge of number systems and representation of
information in computers, we can calculate that the code table store 2^16 =
462 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
65,536 characters. Some characters are encoded in a specific way, so it is
possible to use two characters of the Unicode table to create a new character
the resulting signs exceed 100,000.
The System.String Class
The class System.String enables us to handle strings in C#. For declaring
the strings we will continue using the keyword string, which is an alias in
C# of the System.String class from .NET Framework. The work with string
facilitates us in manipulating the text content: construction of texts, text
search and many other operations.
Example of declaring a string:
string greeting = "Hello, C#";
We have just declared the variable greeting of type string whose content is
the text phrase "Hello, C#". The representation of the content in the string
looks closely to this:
H e l l o , C #
The internal representation of the class is quite simple an array of
characters. We can avoid the usage of the class by declaring a variable of
type char[] and fill in the arrays elements character by character. However,
there are some disadvantages too:
1. Filling in the array happens character by character, not at once.
2. We should know the length of the text in order to be aware whether it
will fit into the already allocated space for the array.
3. The text processing is manual.
The String Class: Universal Solution?
The usage of System.String is not the ideal and universal solution
sometimes it is appropriate to use different character structures.
In C# we there are other classes for text processing we will become familiar
with some of them later in this chapter.
The type string is more special from other data types. It is a class and as
such it complies with the principles of object-oriented programming. Its
values are stored in the dynamic memory (managed heap), and the
variables of type string keeps a reference to an object in the heap.
Strings are Immutable
The string class has an important feature the character sequences stored
in a variable of the class are never changing (immutable). After being
assigned once, the content of the variable does not change directly if we try
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 463

to change the value, it will be saved to a new location in the dynamic memory
and the variable will point to it. Since this is an important feature, it will be
illustrated later.
Strings and Char Arrays
Strings are very similar to the char arrays (char[]), but unlike them, they
cannot be modified. Like the arrays, they have properties such as Length,
which returns the length of the string and allows access by index. Indexing,
as it is used in arrays, takes indices from 0 to Length-1. Access to the
character of a certain position in a string is done with the operator []
(indexer), but it is allowed only to read characters (and not to write to them):
string str = "abcde";
char ch = str[1]; // ch == 'b'
str[1] = 'a'; // Compilation error!
ch = str[50]; // IndexOutOfRangeException
Strings Simple Example
Lets give an example for using variables from the type string:
string message = "This is a sample string message.";

Console.WriteLine("message = {0}", message);
Console.WriteLine("message.Length = {0}", message.Length);

for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("message[{0}] = {1}", i, message[i]);
// Console output:
// message = This is a sample string message.
// message.Length = 31
// message[0] = T
// message[1] = h
// message[2] = i
// message[3] = s
Please note the string value the quotes are not part of the text, they are
enclosing its value. The example demonstrates how to print a string, how to
extract its length and how to extract the character from which it is composed.
464 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Strings Escaping
As we already know, if we want to use quotes into the string content, we
must put a slash before them to identify that we consider the quotes
character itself and not using the quotation marks for ending the string:
string quote = "Book's title is \"Intro to C#\"";
// Book's title is "Intro to C#"
The quotes in the example are part of the text. They are added in the variable
by placing them after the escaping character backslash (\). In this way the
compiler recognizes that the quotes are not used to start or end a string, but
are a part of the data. Displaying special characters in the source code is
called escaping.
Declaring a String
We can declare variables from the type string by the following rule:
string str;
Declaring a string represents a variable declaration of type string. This is
not equivalent to setting a variable and allocating memory for it! With the
declaration we inform the compiler that the variable str will be used and the
expected type for it is string. We do not create a variable in the memory and
it is not available for processing yet (value is null, which means no value).
Creating and Initializing a String
In order to process the declared string variable, we must create it and
initialize it. Creating a variable of certain class (also known as instantiating)
is a process associated with the allocation of the dynamic memory area (the
heap). Before setting a specific value to the string, its value is null. This can
be confusing to the beginner programmers: uninitialized variables of type
string do not contain empty values, it contains the special value null and
each attempt for manipulating such a string will generate an error (exception
for access to a missing value NullReferenceException)!
We can initialize variables in the following three ways:
1. By assigning a string literal.
2. By assigning the value of another string.
3. By passing the value of an operation which returns a string.
Setting a String Literal
Setting a string literal means to assign a predefined textual content to a
variable of type string. We use this type of initialization, when we know the
value that must be stored in the variable. Example for setting a string literal:
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 465

string website = "http://www.wikipedia.org";
In this example we created the variable website with value the above stated
string literal.
Assigning Value of Another String
Assigning a value is equivalent to directing a string value or a variable to a
variable of type string. An example is the following code snippet:
string source = "Some source";
string assigned = source;
First, we declare and initialize the variable source. Then the variable
assigned takes the value of source. Since the string class is a reference
type, the text "Some source" is stored in the dynamic memory (heap) on an
address defined by the first variable.

In the second line we redirect the variable assigned to the same place, which
the other variable points to. In this way the two objects receive the same
address in dynamic memory and hence the same value.
The change of either variable will affect only itself because of the
immutability of the type string, as when a change occurs, a copy of the
changed string will be created. This is not true for the rest of the reference
types (the normal, mutable types) because with them the changes are made
directly in the address in memory and all references point to this changed
Passing a String Expression
The third option to initialize a string is to pass the value of a string
expression or operation, which returns a string result. This can be a result
from a method, which validates data; adding together the values of a number
of constants and variables; transforming an existing variable, etc.
Example of an expression, which returns a string:
string email = "some@gmail.com";
Heap Stack
Some source
466 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string info = "My mail is: " + email;
// My mail is: some@gmail.com
The info variable has been created from the concatenation of literals and a
Reading and Printing to the Console
Lets now take a look at the ways of reading strings, entered by the user and
how we print strings to the console.
Reading Strings
Reading strings can be accomplished through the methods of the well-known
System.Console class:
string name = Console.ReadLine();
In this example we read from the console the input data through the method
ReadLine(). It waits for the user to input a value and to press [Enter]. After
pressing the [Enter] key the variable name will contain the input name typed
at the console (read from the keyboard).
What can we do after the variable has been created and it has a value itself?
We can use it, for example, in expressions with other strings, to pass it as a
methods parameter, to write it in text documents, etc. First, we can write it
to the console in order to be sure that the data has been correctly read.
Printing Strings
Taking the data to the standard output is made also by the well-known class
Console.WriteLine("Your name is: " + name);
By using the method WriteLine() we are getting the message "Your name
is: " followed by the value of the name variable. After the end of the message
a new line character is added. If we want to run away from the new line,
which means the messages will appear at one and the same line then we use
the method, Write().
We can refresh our knowledge on the System.Console class from the chapter
"Console Input and Output".
Strings Operations
After getting familiar with the strings semantics and how we can create and
print them, next comes to learn how to deal with them and how to process
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 467

them. The C# language gives us a number of operations ready for use, which
we will use for manipulating the strings.
Comparing Strings in Alphabetical Order
There are many ways to compare strings and depending on what exactly
we need in the particular case, we can take advantage of the various features
of the string class.
Comparison for Equality
If the requirements are to compare the two strings in order to determine
whether their values are equal or not, the most convenient method is the
Equals(), which works equivalently to the operator ==. It returns a
Boolean result with either true value, if the strings have the same values, or
false value, if they are different. The method Equals() checks letter by
letter for equality of string values, as it makes distinction between small and
capital letters, i.e. comparing the "c#" and "C#" with the Equals() method
will return the value false. Consider the following example:
string word1 = "C#";
string word2 = "c#";
Console.WriteLine(word1 == "C#");
Console.WriteLine(word1 == word2);

// Console output:
// True
// False
// True
// False
In practice, we often are interested of only the actual text content when
comparing two strings, regardless of the character casing (uppercase /
lowercase). To ignore the difference between small and capital letters in string
comparison we can use the method Equals() with the parameter
StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase. So now in the same
example of comparing "C#" with "c#" the method will return the value true:
// True
StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase is a constant of the
enumerated type StringComparison. What is enumerated type and how we
can use it, we will learn in the chapter "Defining Classes".
468 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Comparing Strings in Alphabetical Order
It has become clear how we compare strings for equality, but how we are
going to establish the lexicographical order of several strings? If we try to
use the operators < and > which work great for comparing numbers, we find
out that they cannot be used for strings.
If you want to compare two words and get information which one of them is
before the other according to their alphabetical order of letters, here comes
the method CompareTo(). It allows us to compare the values of two strings
in order to determine their lexicographical order. In order two strings to have
the same values, they must have the same length (number of characters) and
the all their characters should match accordingly. For example, the strings
"give" and "given" are different because they differ in their lengths, and
"near" and "fear" differ in their first character.
The method CompareTo() from the String class returns a negative value, 0
or positive value depending on the lexical order of the two compared strings.
A negative value means that the first string is lexicographically before the
second, zero means that the two strings are equal and positive value means
that the second string is lexicographically before the first. To clarify better
how to compare strings lexicographically, lets go through a few examples:
string score = "sCore";
string scary = "scary";


// Console output:
// 1
// -1
// 0
The first experiment is called the method CompareTo() of the string score,
as passed parameter is the variable scary. The first digit returns equal sign.
Because the method does not ignore the casing of small and capital letters,
it finds mismatch in the second character (in the first string it is "C", while in
the second it is "c"). This is enough to determine the arrangement of strings
and CompareTo() returns +1. Calling the same method with swapped places
of the strings returns -1, because then the starting point is the string scary.
His final call returns a logical 0, because we compare scary with itself.
If we have to compare the strings lexicographically, namely to ignore
the letters casing, then we could use string.Compare(string strA,
string strB, bool ignoreCase). This is a static method, which works in the
same way as CompareTo(), but it has an ignoreCase option for ignoring the
casing of capital and small letters. Lets look at the method in action:
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 469

string alpha = "alpha";
string score1 = "sCorE";
string score2 = "score";

Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(alpha, score1, false));
Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(score1, score2, false));
Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(score1, score2, true));
Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(score1, score2,
// Console output:
// -1
// 1
// 0
// 0
In the last example the method Compare() takes as a third parameter
StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase already well-known from
the method Equals() through which we can also compare strings, without
having to register the difference between the small and capital letters.
Please note that according to the methods Compare() and CompareTo()
the small letters are lexicographically before the capital ones. The
correctness of this rule is quite controversial as in the Unicode table the
capital letters are before the small ones. For example due to the standard
Unicode, the letter A has a code 65, which is smaller than the code of the
letter a (97).

When you want just to consider whether the values of two
strings are equal or not, please use the method Equals() or
the operator ==. The methods CompareTo() and string.
Compare() are designed to be used when the lexicographical
order is needed.
Therefore, you should consider that the lexicographical comparison does
not follow the letter arrangement in the Unicode table. Other
abnormalities can also be caused by special features of the current culture.
For some languages like German the characters "ss" and "" are considered
equal. For example the words "Strae" and "Strasse" are considered the same
by CompareTo() and equal when compared through the == operator:
string first = "Strae";
string second = "Strasse";

Console.WriteLine(first == second); // False
Console.WriteLine(first.CompareTo(second)); // 0 equal strings
470 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The == and != Operators
In the C# language the operators == and =! work for strings through an
internal calling of Equals(). We will go through some examples for using
those two operators with variables from the string type:
string str1 = "Hello";
string str2 = str1;

Console.WriteLine(str1 == str2);
// Console output:
// True
The comparison of matching strings str1 and str2 returns true. This is a
fully expected result, since the target variable str2 is pointed to the dynamic
memory that is reserved for the variable str1. Thus, both variables have the
same address and the check for equality returns true. Presented is how the
memory looks like with the two variables:

Lets look at another example:
string hel = "Hel";
string hello = "Hello";
string copy = hel + "lo";

Console.WriteLine(copy == hello);
// True
Pay attention to the comparison between the strings hello and copy. The
first variable takes directly the value "Hello". The second takes its value as a
result of joining a variable with literal, and the final result is equivalent to the
value of the first variable. At this stage the two variables point to different
areas of memory, but the contents of the memory blocks are identical. The
comparison made with the operator == returns a result true, although both
variables point to different areas of memory.
Here is how the memory looks like at this point:
Heap Stack
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 471

Memory Optimization for Strings (Interning)
Lets consider the following example:
string hello = "Hello";
string same = "Hello";
Lets create a variable with value "Hello". We also create a second variable
assigning it a value the same literal. It is logical when creating the variable
hello, to allocate space in the heap, to write its value and the variable to
point to that location. When creating the same a new place to record should be
allocated too, the value should be written and the reference to the memory
should be directed.
But the truth is that there is an optimization in the C# compiler and in CLR,
which saves the memory from creating duplicated strings. This
optimization is called strings interning and thanks to it the two variables in
the memory will be pointed to the same common block of memory. This
reduces the memory space usage and optimizes certain operations such as
comparing two completely matching strings. They are written in the memory
in the following way:

When we initialize a variable of type string with a string literal, the memory
checks invisibly for us whether this value already exists. If the value already
exists, the new variable is simply pointed to it. If not, a new block of memory
is allocated, the value is stored in it and the reference is changed to point to
Heap Stack
Heap Stack
472 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
the new block. The string interning in .NET is possible because strings are
immutable by design and it is not likely that the memory block referenced
by several string variables will simultaneously be changed by someone.
When not initializing the strings with literals, no interning is used. However, if
we want to use interning specifically, we can make it through the use of the
method Intern():
string declared = "Intern pool";
string built = new StringBuilder("Intern pool").ToString();
string interned = string.Intern(built);

Console.WriteLine(object.ReferenceEquals(declared, built));
Console.WriteLine(object.ReferenceEquals(declared, interned));
// Console output:
// False
// True
Here is the memory situation at this moment:

In the example we used the static method Object.ReferenceEquals(),
which compares two objects in memory and returns whether they point to the
same memory block. We used the class StringBuilder, which serves to
efficiently build strings. When and how to use StringBuilder we will explain
in details shortly, but now lets get familiar with the basic operations on
Operations for Manipulating Strings
Once we got familiar with the fundamentals of strings and their structure, the
next thing to explore are the tools for their processing. We will review string
concatenation, searching in a string, extracting substrings, change the
character casing, splitting a string by separator and other string operations
that will help us solve various problems from the everyday practice.
Heap Stack
Intern pool
Intern pool
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 473

Strings are immutable! Any change of a variable of type
string creates a new string in which the result is stored.
Therefore, operations that apply to strings return as a result
a reference to the result.
It is possible to process strings without creating new objects in the memory
every time a modification is made but for this purpose the class
StringBuilder should be used. We will introduce it a bit later.
Strings Concatenation
Gluing two strings and obtaining a new one as a result is called
concatenation. It could be done in several ways: through the method
Concat() or with the operators + and +=.
Example of using the method Concat():
string greet = "Hello, ";
string name = "reader!";
string result = string.Concat(greet, name);
By calling the method, we will concatenate the string variable name, which is
passed as an argument, to the string variable greet. The result string will be
the text "Hello, reader!".
The second way for concatenation is via the operators + and +=. Then the
above example can be implemented in the following way:
string greet = "Hello, ";
string name = "reader!";
string result = greet + name;
In both cases those variables will be presented in the memory as follows:

Heap Stack
Hello, reader!
474 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Please note that string concatenation does not change the existing strings
but returns a new string as a result. If we try to concatenate two strings
without storing them in a variable, the changes would not be saved. Here is a
typical mistake:
string greet = "Hello, ";
string name = "reader!";
string.Concat(greet, name);
In the given example the two variables are concatenated but the result of it
has not been saved anywhere, so it is lost:
If we want to add a value to an existing variable, for example the variable
result, we can do it with the well-known code:
result = result + " How are you?";
In order to avoid the double writing of the above declared variable, we can
use the operator +=:
result += " How are you?";
The result will be the same in both cases: "Hello, reader! How are you?".
We can concatenate other data with strings. Any data, which can be
presented in a text form, can be appended to a string. Concatenation is
possible with numbers, characters, dates, etc. Here is an example:
string message = "The number of the beast is: ";
int beastNum = 666;
string result = message + beastNum;
// The number of the beast is: 666
As we understood from the above example, there is no problem in
concatenating strings with other data, which is not from a string type. Lets
have another full example for string concatenation:
public class DisplayUserInfo
static void Main()
string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Smith";
string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

int age = 28;
string nameAndAge = "Name: " + fullName + "\nAge: " + age;
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 475

// Console output:
// Name: John Smith
// Age: 28
Switching to Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
Sometimes we need to change the casing of a string so that all the
characters in it to be entirely uppercase or lowercase. The two methods
that would work best in this case are ToLower() and ToUpper(). The first
converts all capital letters to small ones:
string text = "All Kind OF LeTTeRs";

// all kind of letters
The example shows that all capital letters of the text change their casing and
the entire text goes in lowercase. Such a shift to lowercase is convenient for
storing usernames in various online systems. Upon registration the users may
use a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, but the system can then
make them all small to unify them and to avoid matches on points with
differences in the casing.
Here is another example. We want to compare entered by the user input but
we are not sure exactly how it was written in small or capital letters or
mixed. One possible approach is to standardize capitalization and compare it
with the constant defined by us. Thus, we make no distinction of small
and capital letters. For example, if we have a user input panel where we
enter name and password and it does not matter if the password is written
with capital letters or small, we can make a similar check on the password:
string pass1 = "PasswoRd";
string pass2 = "PaSSwoRD";
string pass3 = "password";

Console.WriteLine(pass1.ToUpper() == "PASSWORD");
Console.WriteLine(pass2.ToUpper() == "PASSWORD");
Console.WriteLine(pass3.ToUpper() == "PASSWORD");

// Console output:
// True
476 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// True
// True
In the example we are comparing three passwords with the same content but
with a different casing. When checking their contents, always verify if it
equals to the string "PASSWORD" (letter by letter). Of course, we could do
the above verification and by the method Equals() in the version with
ignoring the character casing, which we already discussed.
Searching for a String within Another String
When we have a string with a specified content, it is often necessary to
process only a part of its value. The .NET platform provides us with two
methods to search a string within another string: IndexOf() and
LastIndexOf(). They search into the string and check whether the passed
as a parameter substring occurs in its content. The result of those methods is
an integer. If the result is not a negative value, then this is the position where
the first character of the substring is found. If the method returns value of -1,
it means that the substring was not found. Remember that in C# indexing
into strings start from 0.
The methods IndexOf() and LastIndexOf() search the contents of the
text sequence, but in a different direction. The search with the first method
starts from the beginning of the string towards the end, while the second
method the search is done backwards. If we are interested in the first
encountered match, then we use IndexOf(). If we want to search the string
from its end (for example to detect the last dot in a file name or the last slash
in an URL address), then we use LastIndexOf().
When calling IndexOf() and LastIndexOf() a second parameter could be
passed, which will specify the position, which the searching should start from.
This is useful if we want to search part of a string, not the entire string.
Searching into a String Example
Lets consider an example with the IndexOf() method:
string book = "Introduction to C# book";
int index = book.IndexOf("C#");

// index = 16
In the example, the variable book has a value "Introduction to C# book".
The search for the substring "C" in this variable will return the value 16,
because the substring will be found and the first character "C" of the searched
word is in 16
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 477

Searching with IndexOf() Example
Lets look into great details one more example for searching for a separate
characters or strings in a text:
string str = "C# Programming Course";

int index = str.IndexOf("C#"); // index = 0
index = str.IndexOf("Course"); // index = 15
index = str.IndexOf("COURSE"); // index = -1
index = str.IndexOf("ram"); // index = 7
index = str.IndexOf("r"); // index = 4
index = str.IndexOf("r", 5); // index = 7
index = str.IndexOf("r", 10); // index = 18
Look how the string we are searching looks like in the memory:

If we look at the results of the third search, we will note that the search for
the word "COURSE" in the text returned a result of -1, i.e. no match has
been found. Although the word is in the text, it has been written in a different
case of letters. The methods IndexOf() and LastIndexOf() distinguish
between uppercase and lowercase letters. If we want to ignore this difference,
we can write text in a new variable and turn it to a text with entirely lower or
entirely uppercase, and then we can perform the search in it, independently
from the letters casing.
Finding All Occurrences of a Substring Example
Sometimes we want to find all occurrences of a particular substring
within another string. Using both methods with only one searched string
passed as an argument would not work for us, because it will always return
only the first occurrence of the substring. We can pass a second parameter for
an index that indicates the starting position from which the searching should
begin. Of course, we need to loop through it in order to move from the first
occurrence of the searched string to the next, to the next, and the next, etc.,
until the last one.
Here is an example how we can use the method IndexOf() by a given word
and start index: finding all occurrences of the word "C#" in a given text:
string quote = "The main intent of the \"Intro C#\"" +
" book is to introduce the C# programming to newbies.";
Heap Stack
C # P r o g r a m m i n g C o u r s e
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21
478 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string keyword = "C#";
int index = quote.IndexOf(keyword);

while (index != -1)
Console.WriteLine("{0} found at index: {1}", keyword, index);
index = quote.IndexOf(keyword, index + 1);
The first step is to make a search for the keyword "C#". If the word is found
in the text (i.e. the returned value is different than -1), it prints it on the
console and we continue our search rightwards, starting from the position on
which we have found the word plus one. We repeat this operation until
IndexOf() returns value -1.
Note: If we miss setting an initial index, then the search will always start from
the beginning and will return one and the same value. This will lead to
hanging of the program. If we search directly from the index without
adding plus one each time, we will come across again and again to the last
result, whose index we have already found. Therefore, proper search of the
next result should start from a starting position index + 1.
Extracting a Portion of a String
For now we know how to check whether a substring occurs in a text and
which are the occurrence positions. But how can we extract a portion of a
string in a separate variable?
The solution of this problem is the method Substring(). By using it, we can
extract a part of the string (substring) by a given starting position in the
text and its length. If the length is omitted, a portion from the text will be
extracted, starting from the initial position to the strings end.
Presented is an example of extracting a substring from a string:
string path = "C:\\Pics\\CoolPic.jpg";
string fileName = path.Substring(8, 7);
// fileName = "CoolPic"
We manipulate the variable path. It contains the path to a file from our file
system. To assign the file name to a new variable, we use Substring(8, 7)
and take a sequence of 7 characters starting from the 8
position, i.e.
character positions from 8 to 14 inclusively.

Calling the method Substring(startIndex, length), extracts a
substring from a string, which is located between startIndex
and (startIndex + length 1) inclusively. The character at
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 479

the position startIndex + length is not taken into considera-
tion! For example, if we point Substring(8, 3), the characters
between index 8 and 10 inclusively will be extracted.
Here are presented the characters, which form the text from which we extract
a substring:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
C : \ P i c s \ C o o l P i c . j p g
Sticking to the scheme, the method that has been called must write the
characters from the positions 8 to 14 (as the last index is not included),
namely "CoolPic".
Extracting a File Name and File Extension Example
Lets consider a more interesting task. How can we print the filename and
its extension from given full path to a file in Windows-based file system? As
we know how the path is recorded in the file system, we can proceed with the
following plan:
- Looking for the last backslash in the text;
- Keeping the position of the last backslash;
- Extracting the substring starting from the obtained position +1;
Lets consider again the example of the well-known file path. If we have no
information about the exact contents of the variable, but we know that it
contains a file path, we can stick to the above scheme:
string path = "C:\\Pics\\CoolPic.jpg";
int index = path.LastIndexOf("\\");
// index = 7
string fullName = path.Substring(index + 1);
// fullName = "CoolPic.jpg"
Splitting the String by a Separator
One of the most flexible methods for working with strings is Split(). It
allows us to split a string by a separator or an array of possible separators.
For example, we can process a variable, which has the following content:
string listOfBeers = "Amstel, Heineken, Tuborg, Becks";
How can we split each beer in a separate variable or extract all beers in an
array? At first glance it may seem difficult we must seek with IndexOf()
for a special character, then to extract a substring with Substring(), to
480 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
iterate all this in a loop and to write the result in a variable. Since the splitting
of a string by a separator is a main task of text processing, ready to use
methods for it can be found in .NET Framework.
Splitting Strings by Multiple Separators Example
The easiest and more flexible method for resolving this issue is the following:
char[] separators = new char[] {' ', ',', '.'};
string[] beersArr = listOfBeers.Split(separators);
Using the built-in functionality of the method Split() from the class String,
we will split the contents of a given string by array of characters separators,
which are passed as an argument of the method. All substrings among which
are space, comma or dot will be removed and stored in the beersArr array.
If we iterate the array and print its elements one by one, the result will be:
"Amstel", "", "Heineken", "", "Tuborg", "" and "Becks". We get 7 results,
instead of the expected 4. The reason is that during the text splitting, three
substrings are found which contain two separator characters one next to the
other (for example a comma, followed by a space). In this case the empty
string between the two separators is also part of the returned result.
How to Remove the Empty Elements after Splitting?
If we want to ignore the empty strings from the splitting results, one possible
solution is to make checks on their printing:
foreach (string beer in beersArr)
if (beer != "")
But this approach does not remove the empty strings from the array. It just
does not print them. So we can change the arguments we are passing to the
method Split(), by passing a special option:
string[] beersArr = listOfBeers.Split(
separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
After this change, the beersArr array will contain 4 elements the 4 words
from the listOfBeers variable.

When splitting strings and adding as a second parameter the
constant StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries we instruct
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 481

the method Split() to work in the following way: Return
all substrings from the variable that are split by given list of
separators. If you meet two or more neighboring separators,
consider them as one.
Replacing a Substring
The text processing in .NET Framework provides ready methods for replacing
a substring with another. For example, if we have made one and the same
technical mistake when typing the email address of a user in an official
document, we can replace it by using the method Replace():
string doc = "Hello, some@gmail.com, " +
"you have been using some@gmail.com in your registration.";
string fixedDoc =
doc.Replace("some@gmail.com", "john@smith.com");

// Console output:
// Hello, john@smith.com, you have been using
// john@smith.com in your registration.
As it can be seen from the example, the method Replace() replaces all
occurrences of a given substring with another substring, not just the first.
Regular Expressions
The regular expressions are a powerful tool for text processing and allow
searching matches by a pattern. An example for a pattern is [A-Z0-9]+,
which means not an empty series of capital Latin letters and numbers.
Regular expressions make text processing easier and more accurate:
extracting some resources from texts, searching for phone numbers, finding
email addresses in a text, splitting all the words in a sentence, data
validation, etc.
Regular Expressions Example
If we have an official document that is used only in the office and it contains a
lot of personal data, then we should censor it before sending it to the client.
For example, we can censor all mobile numbers and replace them with
asterisks. By using regular expressions, this could be done as follows:
string doc = "Smith's number: 0898880022\nFranky can be " +
"found at 0888445566.\nSteven's mobile number: 0887654321";
string replacedDoc = Regex.Replace(
doc, "(08)[0-9]{8}", "$1********");
482 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// Console output:
// Smith's number: 08********
// Franky can be found at 08********.
// Steven' mobile number: 08********
Explaining the Arguments of Regex.Replace()
In the above code fragment by using a regular expression, we find all the
phone numbers specified in the text and replace them by a pattern. We use
the class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex, which is intended for
use with regular expressions in .NET Framework. The variable, which imitates
the document text, is doc. Several names of customers are recorded there. If
we want to protect the contacts from an improper use and wish to censor the
phone numbers, then we can replace all mobile phones with asterisks.
Assuming that the phones are saved in the following format: "08 + 8 digits",
the method Regex.Replace() finds all matches by a given format and
replaces them with: "08********".
The regular expression that finds all of the numbers is the following: "(08)[0-
9]{8}". It finds all substrings in the text, constructed by the constant "08"
and followed exactly by 8 characters ranging from 0 to 9. The example can be
further improved by selecting the numbers only from a given mobile operator,
for phones on foreign networks, etc., but in this case we used the simplified
The literal "08" is surrounded by parentheses. They serve for forming a
separate group in the regular expression. The groups can be used for handling
only a certain part of the expression instead of the entire expression. In our
example, the group is used in the substitution. Through it, the founded
matches are replaced by the pattern "$1********", i.e. the text which was
found in the first group of the regular expression ($1) + 8 consecutive
asterisks for censorship. As the defined group is always a constant (08), so
the text replaced will always be: 08 ********.
This chapter is not intended to explain in details how to use regular
expressions in .NET Framework, as it is a huge and complex field, but only
to turn the readers attention that the regular expressions exist and they are a
powerful tool for text processing. Anyone who wants to learn more, can
search for articles, books and tutorials in order to learn how to construct
regular expressions, how to look for matches, how validation is made, how to
make substitutions by patterns, etc. In particular, we recommend you to visit
the websites http://www.regular-expressions.info and http://regexlib.com.
More information about the classes in .NET Framework for working with
regular expressions can be found at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 483

Removing Unnecessary Characters at the Beginning
and at the End of a String
When entering text in a file or to the console, you can find sometimes some
"parasitic" spaces (white-space) at the beginning or at the end of the text
some other space or a tab that cannot be observed at first glance. This may
not be essential but if we do not validate the user data, there would be a
problem in terms of checking the contents of the input information. In order
to solve this problem we can use the method Trim(). It is responsible for
eliminating (trimming) the white spaces at the beginning or at the end of a
string. The white spaces can be spaces, tabs, line breaks etc.
Lets assume in the variable fileData we have read the contents of a file
where is written a name of a student. There may have emerged parasitic
spaces when writing the text or reversing it from one format to another. In
that case the variable will look the following way:
string fileData = " \n\n David Allen ";
If we print the contents to the console, we get two blank lines followed by
some spaces, the requested name and some additional spaces at the end. We
can reduce the information just to the required name, in the following way:
string reduced = fileData.Trim();
When we print the information to the console for the second time, the content
will be "David Allen", without any unwanted white spaces.
Removing Unnecessary Characters by a Given List
The method Trim() can accept an array of characters, which we want to
remove from the string. We can make it in the following way:
string fileData = " 111 $ % David Allen ### s ";
char[] trimChars = new char[] {' ', '1', '$', '%', '#', 's'};
string reduced = fileData.Trim(trimChars);
// reduced = "David Allen"
Again, we get the desired result "David Allen".

Please note that we must list all the characters we want to
eliminate, including the empty spaces (spaces, tabs, new
line, etc.). Without a ' ' in the array trimChars, we would
not get the desired result!
If we want to remove the white spaces only at the beginning or in end of the
string, we can use the methods TrimStart() and TrimEnd():
484 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string reduced = fileData.TrimEnd(trimChars);
// reduced = " 111 $ % David Allen"
Constructing Strings: the StringBuilder Class
As explained above, strings in C# are immutable. This means that any
adjustments applied to an existing string do not change it but return a new
string. For example, using methods like Replace(), ToUpper(), Trim() do
not change the string, which they are called for. They allocate a new area in
the memory where the new content is saved. This behavior has many
advantages but in some cases can cause performance problems.
Strings Concatenation in a Loop: Never Do This!
Serious performance problems may be encountered when trying to
concatenate strings in a loop. The problem is directly related to the strings
handling and dynamic memory, which is used to store them. To understand
why we have poor performance when concatenating strings in a loop,
we must first consider what happens when using operator "+" for strings.
How Does the String Concatenation Works?
We already got familiar with the ways to do string concatenation in C#. Lets
now examine what happens in memory when concatenating strings.
Consider two variables str1 and str2 of type string, which have values of
"Super" and "Star". There are two areas in the heap (dynamic memory) in
which the values are stored. The task of str1 and str2 is to keep a reference
to the memory addresses where our data is stored. Lets create a variable
result and give it a value of the other two strings by concatenation. A code
fragment for creating and defining the three variables would look like this:
string str1 = "Super";
string str2 = "Star";
string result = str1 + str2;
What will happen with the memory? Creating the variable result will allocate
a new area in dynamic memory, which will record the outcome of the str1 +
str2, which is "SuperStar". Then the variable itself will keep the address of
the allocated area. As a result we will have three areas in memory and three
references to them. This is convenient, but allocating a new area, recording a
value, creating a new variable and referencing it in the memory is time-
consuming process that would be a problem when repeated many times,
typically inside a loop.
Unlike other programming languages, in C# is not necessary to manually
dispose the objects stored in memory. There is a special mechanism called a
garbage collector (memory cleaning system), which takes care of
clearing the unused memory and resources. The garbage collector is
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 485

responsible for disposing of objects in dynamic memory when they are no
longer used. Creation of many objects containing multiple references in
dynamic memory is bad, because it fills memory and then the garbage
collector is automatically enforced to start execution. It takes quite some time
and slows the overall performance of the process. Furthermore,
transferring characters from one place to another in memory (when string
concatenation is executed) is slow, especially if the strings are long.
Why Concatenating Strings in a Loop is a Bad Practice?
Assume that we have a task to store the numbers from 1 to 20,000
consecutively to each other in a variable of type string. How can we solve
the problem with our already existing knowledge? One of the easiest ways for
implementation is to create a variable that stores the numbers and execute a
loop from 1 to 20,000 in which each number is concatenated to the variable.
Implemented in C#, the solution would look like this:
string collector = "Numbers: ";
for (int index = 1; index <= 20000; index++)
collector += index;
Execution of the above code will loop 20,000 times and after each iteration
will add the current index to the collector variable. collectors value after
implementation would be: "Numbers: 12345678910111213141516" (the
numbers from 17 to 20,000 are replaced with dots because we dont have the
space to write something that long here).
Probably you have not noticed the delay in the fragments execution. Indeed,
using concatenation in the loop has delayed significantly the normal
calculation process. On an average PC (as of January 2012) the loop iteration
takes 1-2 seconds. The user of our program would be very skeptical if he
has to wait a few seconds for something so simple such as concatenating the
numbers from 1 to 20,000. Moreover, in this case 20,000 is just an example
endpoint. What will be the delay if instead of 20,000 the user needs to
concatenate numbers to 200,000? Try it!
Concatenating in Loop of 200,000 Iterations Example
Lets develop further the example above. First, we will change the endpoint of
the loop from 20,000 to 200,000. Second, in order to account properly the
execution time, we will display on the console the current date and time
before and after execution of the loop. Third, to see whether the variable
contains the desired value, we will also display part of it on the console. If you
want to make sure that the whole value is stored, you can remove the
method Substring(), but the print itself in this case will take a long time.
The final version of the example would look like this:
486 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
class SlowNumbersConcatenator
static void Main()

string collector = "Numbers: ";
for (int index = 1; index <= 200000; index++)
collector += index;

Console.WriteLine(collector.Substring(0, 1024));
When executing the example implementation on the console, the program
starting date and time, the first 1024 characters of the variable and program
completion date and time are displayed on the console. The reason to show
only the first 1024 characters is that we want to measure only the calculation
time without the time for printing the results. Printing the whole result will be
time consuming. Lets see sample output from the execution:

Program start is marked with a green line and its end with red. Note the
execution time about 5-6 minutes (on our computer from January 2012)!
Such a delay is unacceptable for such a task and will not only make the user
nervous but will make him stop the program without waiting for it to end.
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 487

Processing Strings in the Memory
The problem with time-consuming Loop processing is related to the way
strings work in memory. Each iteration creates a new object in the heap and
point the reference to it. This process requires a certain physical time.
Several things happen at each step:
1. An area of memory is allocated for recording the next number
concatenation result. This memory is used only temporarily while
concatenating, and is called a buffer.
2. The old string is moved into the new buffer. If the string is long (say
500 KB, 5 MB or 50 MB), it can be quite slow!
3. Next number is concatenated to the buffer.
4. The buffer is converted to a string.
5. The old string and the temporary buffer become unused. Later they are
destroyed by the garbage collector. This may also be a slow
Much more elegant and appropriate way to concatenate strings in a Loop is
using the StringBuilder class. Lets see how it works.
Building and Changing Strings with StringBuilder
StringBuilder is a class that serves to build and change strings. It
overcomes the performance problems that arise when concatenating
strings of type string. The class is built in the form of an array of characters
and what we need to know about it is that the information in it can be freely
changed. Changes that are required in the variables of type StringBuilder,
are carried out in the same area of memory (buffer), which saves time and
resources. Changing the content does not create a new object but simply
changes the current.
Lets rewrite the code above in which we concatenated strings in a loop. If you
remember, the operation previously took 5 minutes. Lets measure how long
will take the same operation if we use StringBuilder:
class ElegantNumbersConcatenator
static void Main()

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("Numbers: ");

for (int index = 1; index <= 200000; index++)
488 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString().Substring(0, 1024));
This example is based on the previous one, with only minor adjustments.
Return value is the same, but what about the execution time?

The time required to concatenate 200,000 characters with StringBuilder is
now less than a second (perhaps few milliseconds)!
Reversing a String Example
Consider another example: we want to reverse an existing string
(backwards). For example, if we have the string "abcd", the returned result
should be "dcba". We get the original string, iterate it backwards character by
character and add each character to a variable of type StringBuilder:
public class WordReverser
static void Main()
string text = "EM edit";
string reversed = ReverseText(text);
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 489


// Console output:
// tide ME

static string ReverseText(string text)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = text.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
return sb.ToString();
In this example we have a variable text, which contains the value "EM edit".
We pass the variable to the ReverseText() method and set the new value in
a variable named reversed. The method, in turn, iterates the characters of
the variable in reverse order and stores them in a new variable of type
StringBuilder, but now back ordered. Ultimately, the result is "tide ME".
How Does the StringBuilder Class Work?
The StringBuilder class is an implementation of a string in C#, but different
than the class String. Unlike the already familiar for us strings, the objects of
the StringBuilder class are not immutable, namely edit operations do not
require creating a new object in the memory. This reduces the
unnecessary transfer of data in memory when performing basic operations
such as string concatenation.
StringBuilder keeps a buffer with a certain capacity (16 characters by
default). The buffer is implemented as an array of characters that is provided
to the developer by a user-friendly interface methods that quickly and easily
add and edit elements of the string. At any moment part of the characters in
the buffer are used and the rest stay in reserve. This allows the addition to
work very quickly. Other operations also operate faster than the class string,
because the changes do not create a new object.
Once the internal buffer of the StringBuilder is full, it automatically is
doubled (the internal buffer is resized to increase its capacity while its content
is kept unchanged). Resizing is a slow operation but is happens rarely so
the total performance is good. We will discuss this in more details in the
chapter about "Algorithms Complexity".
490 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets create an object of the StringBuilder class with 15 characters long
buffer. We add the string: "Hello, C#!" to it and we get the following code:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(15);
sb.Append("Hello, C#!");
After creating the object and storing the value in it, the StringBuilder will
look as follows:

Colored elements are the filled with our content part of the buffer. Normally,
adding a new character to the variable does not create a new object in the
memory but use the already allocated and unused space. If the entire
capacity of the buffer is filled, then the buffer is doubled as we already
StringBuilder More Important Methods
The StringBuilder class provides us with a set of methods that help us to
easily and efficiently edit text data and construct text. We met some of them
in the examples. The most important are:
- StringBuilder(int capacity) constructor with an initial capacity
parameter. It may be used to set the buffer size in advance if we have
estimates of the number of iterations and concatenations, which will be
performed. This way we can save unnecessary dynamic memory
- Capacity returns the buffer size (total number of used and unused
positions in the buffer).
- Length returns length of string saved in the variable (number of used
positions in the buffer)
- Indexer [int index] return the character stored in given position.
- Append() appends string, number or other value after the last
character in the buffer.
- Clear() removes all characters from the buffer (deletes it).
- Remove(int startIndex, int length) removes (deletes) string from
the buffer with a given start position and length.
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 491

- Insert(int offset, string str) inserts a string in a given start
position (offset).
- Replace(string oldValue, string newValue) replaces all occurren-
ces of a given substring with another substring.
- ToString() returns the StringBuilder object content as a string
Extracting All Capital Letters from a Text Example
The next task is to extract all capital letters from a text. We can
implement it in different ways using an array, counter and filling the array
with all capital letters found; creating an object of type string and
concatenate capitals one by one to it; using the class StringBuilder.
Turning to the option of using an array, we have a problem: we do not know
what will be array size, as we have no idea in advance how many are the
capital letters in the text. We can create an array as large as the text, but
thus wasting unnecessary space in memory and we must also maintain a
counter that keeps where the array is full to.
Another option is to use a variable of type string. As we will iterate the
whole text and concatenate all capital letters to the variable, probably we will
lose efficiency again due to the strings concatenation.
StringBuilder: the Right Solution
The most viable solution to the task again is to use StringBuilder. We can
start with an empty StringBuilder, iterate the letters of the given text
character by character, verify that the current character is uppercase and
concatenate the character at the end of our StringBuilder. Finally, we can
return the final result by calling the ToString() method. Below is a sample
public static string ExtractCapitals(string str)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
char ch = str[i];
if (char.IsUpper(ch))
return result.ToString();
492 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Calling ExtractCapitals() method and passing a specified text as a
parameter to it, the return value is a string of all capital letters in the text,
namely the initial string without all characters that are not capitalized. To
check whether a character is uppercase we are using char.IsUpper() a
method from the standard .NET classes. You can view the char class
documentation, because it offers other useful methods for handling
String Formatting
.NET Framework provides the developer with mechanisms for formatting
strings, numbers and dates. We have already met some of them in the
chapter "Console Input and Output". Now we will extend our knowledge with
methods for formatting and converting strings of the string class.
The ToString() Method
One of the interesting concepts in .NET is that practically every object of a
class and primitive variables can be presented as text. This is done by the
method ToString(), which is present in all .NET objects. It is implicit in the
definition of the object class the base class that all .NET data types inherit
directly or indirectly. Thus the definition of the method appears in each class
and we can use it to bring the content of each object in some text form.
The method ToString() is called automatically when we print objects from
different classes to the console. For example, when printing dates the
submitted date is converted to text by calling the ToString():
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
// Output: 01.02.2012 13:34:27 (depends on the culture settings)
When we pass currentDate as a parameter of the WriteLine() method, we
dont have an accurate statement that handles dates. The method has a
particular implementation for all primitive types and strings. For all other
objects WriteLine() calls their ToString() method, which first converts
them to text and then displays the resulting text content. In fact, the sample
code above is equivalent to the following:
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
The default implementation of the ToString() method in the object class
returns the full name of the class. All classes that do not explicitly redefine
the behavior of the ToString() are using this implementation. Most classes
in C# have their own implementation of the method, which represents
readable and understandable content in text form. For example, converting a
number to text is using the standard format for numbers in the current
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 493

culture. Converting a date to text is also using the standard format for dates
in the current culture.
Using of String.Format()
String.Format() is a static method by which we can format text and
other data through a template (formatting string). The templates contain
text and declared parameters (placeholders) and are used to obtain
formatted text after replacing the parameters with specific values. You can
make a direct association with the Console.WriteLine() method, which
also formats a string through a template:
Console.WriteLine("This is a template from {0}", "David");
How to use the String.Format() method? Consider an example in order to
clarify this:
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
string name = "David Scott";
string task = "Introduction to C# book";
string location = "his office";

string formattedText = String.Format(
"Today is {0:MM/dd/yyyy} and {1} is working on {2} in {3}.",
date, name, task, location);

// Output: Today is 01.02.2012 and David Scott is working on
// Introduction to C# book in his office.
As it is seen from the example, formatting with String.Format() uses
placeholders (parameters like {0}, {1}, etc.) and accepts formatting strings
(such as :dd.MM.yyyy). It accepts as first parameter a formatting string
containing text with parameters, followed by values for each parameter and
returns the formatted text as a result. More information about formatting
strings can be found on the Internet and in the Composite Formatting
article in MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/txafckwd.aspx).
Note that the exact formatting of the output could slightly vary depending on
your default culture and internationalization.
Parsing Data
The reverse operation of data formatting is data parsing. Parsing of data
(data parsing) means to obtain a value of a given type from the text
representation of this value in a specific format, i.e. converting from text to
some other data type, the opposite of ToString(). For example, from the
494 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
text "10/22/2010" we can get an instance of DateTime type, containing the
relevant date.
Often working with applications with graphical user interface requires the user
input to be passed in variables of type string. This way we can work well
with numbers and characters as well as text and dates, formatted in a users
preferred way. It is up to the developers experience to represent the
expected input data into the right way for the user. The data are then
converted to a specific data type and processed. For example, numbers
can be converted to int or double variables and then participate in
mathematical expressions for calculations.

When converting types, we should not rely only on trusting
the user. Always check the correctness of the input user
data! Otherwise there could be an exception that could
change the normal program logic.
Parsing Numeric Types
To parse a string to a number we can use the Parse() method of the
primitive types. Lets see an example of parsing a string to an integer value:
string text = "53";
int intValue = int.Parse(text);
// intValue = 53
We can also parse variables of Boolean type:
string text = "True";
bool boolValue = bool.Parse(text);
// boolValue = true
Return value is true, when the passed parameter is initialized (not an object
with null value), and its content is "true" regardless of the casing of letters
in it. For example, any text such as "true", "True" or "tRUe" will set the
variable boolValue to true. If the parameters content is "false", no matter
the casing of letters, the return value will be false. In all other cases it throws
In case the passed to the Parse() method value is invalid for the type (e.g.
we pass "John!" when parsing a number), an exception is thrown.
Parsing Dates
Parsing to a date is similar to parsing to a numeric type, but it is
recommended to set a specific date format. Here is an example of how this
can happen:
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 495

string text = "11/11/2001";
DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(text);
// 11-Nov-01 0:00:00 AM
Whether the date will be parsed successfully and in what format exactly it will
be printed on the console depends strongly on the current culture of Windows.
In the example, a modified version of the U.S. culture (en-US) is used. If we
want to set a format explicitly, which does not depend on the culture, we can
use the method DateTime.ParseExact() and specify particular formatting
pattern of our choice:
string text = "11/12/2001";
string format = "MM/dd/yyyy";
DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(
text, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Console.WriteLine("Day: {0}\nMonth: {1}\nYear: {2}",
parsedDate.Day, parsedDate.Month, parsedDate.Year);
// Day: 12
// Month: 11
// Year: 2001
When parsing with an explicitly set format, it is required to pass a specific
culture from which to take information about date format and separators
between days and years. Since we want the parsing not to depend on a
particular culture, we explicitly specify the neutral culture to be used:
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. To use the class CultureInfo, we must
include the namespace System.Globalization in the beginning of our C#
source code.
1. Describe the strings in C#. What is typical for the string type?
Explain which the most important methods of the string class are.
2. Write a program that reads a string, reverse it and prints it to the
console. For example: "introduction" "noitcudortni".
3. Write a program that checks whether the parentheses are placed
correctly in an arithmetic expression. Example of expression with
correctly placed brackets: ((a+b)/5-d). Example of an incorrect
expression: )(a+b)).
4. How many backslashes you must specify as an argument to the method
Split() in order to split the text by a backslash?
Example: one\two\three.
496 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Note: In C# backslash is an escaping character.
5. Write a program that detects how many times a substring is contained in
the text. For example, lets look for the substring "in" in the text:
We are living in a yellow submarine. We don't have anything
else. Inside the submarine is very tight. So we are drinking
all the day. We will move out of it in 5 days.
The result is 9 occurrences.
6. A text is given. Write a program that modifies the casing of letters to
uppercase at all places in the text surrounded by <upcase> and
</upcase> tags. Tags cannot be nested.
We are living in a <upcase>yellow submarine</upcase>. We
don't have <upcase>anything</upcase> else.
We are living in a YELLOW SUBMARINE. We don't have ANYTHING
7. Write a program that reads a string from the console (20 characters
maximum) and if shorter complements it right with "*" to 20 characters.
8. Write a program that converts a given string into the form of array of
Unicode escape sequences in the format used in the C# language.
Sample input: "Test". Result: "\u0054\u0065\u0073\u0074".
9. Write a program that encrypts a text by applying XOR (excluding or)
operation between the given source characters and given cipher code.
The encryption should be done by applying XOR between the first letter
of the text and the first letter of the code, the second letter of the text
and the second letter of the code, etc. until the last letter of the code,
then goes back to the first letter of the code and the next letter of the
text. Print the result as a series of Unicode escape characters \xxxx.
Sample source text: "Test". Sample cipher code: "ab". The result should
be the following: "\u0035\u0007\u0012\u0016".
10. Write a program that extracts from a text all sentences that contain
a particular word. We accept that the sentences are separated from
each other by the character "." and the words are separated from one
another by a character which is not a letter. Sample text:
We are living in a yellow submarine. We don't have anything
else. Inside the submarine is very tight. So we are drinking
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 497

all the day. We will move out of it in 5 days.
Sample result:
We are living in a yellow submarine.
We will move out of it in 5 days.
11. A string is given, composed of several "forbidden" words separated by
commas. Also a text is given, containing those words. Write a program
that replaces the forbidden words with asterisks. Sample text:
Microsoft announced its next generation C# compiler today.
It uses advanced parser and special optimizer for the
Microsoft CLR.
Sample string containing the forbidden words: "C#,CLR,Microsoft".
Sample result:
********* announced its next generation ** compiler today.
It uses advanced parser and special optimizer for the
********* ***.
12. Write a program that reads a number from console and prints it in 15-
character field, aligned right in several ways: as a decimal number,
hexadecimal number, percentage, currency and exponential (scientific)
13. Write a program that parses an URL in following format:
It should extract from the URL the protocol, server and resource parts.
For example, when http://www.cnn.com/video is passed, the result is:
14. Write a program that reverses the words in a given sentence without
changing punctuation and spaces. For example: "C# is not C++ and
PHP is not Delphi" "Delphi not is PHP and C++ not is C#".
15. A dictionary is given, which consists of several lines of text. Each line
consists of a word and its explanation, separated by a hyphen:
.NET platform for applications from Microsoft
498 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
CLR managed execution environment for .NET
namespace hierarchical organization of classes
Write a program that parses the dictionary and then reads words from
the console in a loop, gives an explanation for it or writes a message
on the console that the word is not into the dictionary.
16. Write a program that replaces all hyperlinks in a HTML document
consisting of <a href=""></a> and hyperlinks in "forum" style, which
look like [URL=][/URL].
Sample text:
<p>Please visit <a href="http://academy.telerik.com">our
site</a> to choose a training course. Also visit <a
href="www.devbg.org">our forum</a> to discuss the
Sample result:
<p>Please visit [URL=http://academy.telerik.com]our
site[/URL] to choose a training course. Also visit
[URL=www.devbg.org]our forum[/URL] to discuss the
17. Write a program that reads two dates entered in the format
"day.month.year" and calculates the number of days between them.
Enter the first date: 27.02.2006
Enter the second date: 3.03.2006
Distance: 4 days
18. Write a program that reads the date and time entered in the format
"day.month.year hour:minutes:seconds" and prints the date and time
after 6 hours and 30 minutes in the same format.
19. Write a program that extracts all e-mail addresses from a text. These
are all substrings that are limited on both sides by text end or separator
between words and match the shape <sender>@<host><domain>.
Sample text:
Please contact us by phone (+001 222 222 222) or by email at
example@gmail.com or at test.user@yahoo.co.uk. This is not
email: test@test. This also: @gmail.com. Neither this:
Extracted e-mail addresses from the sample text:
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 499

20. Write a program that extracts from a text all dates written in format
DD.MM.YYYY and prints them on the console in the standard format for
Canada. Sample text:
I was born at 14.06.1980. My sister was born at 3.7.1984. In
5/1999 I graduated my high school. The law says (see section
7.3.12) that we are allowed to do this (section
Extracted dates from the sample text:
21. Write a program that extracts from a text all words which are
palindromes, such as ABBA", "lamal", "exe".
22. Write a program that reads a string from the console and prints in
alphabetical order all letters from the input string and how many
times each one of them occurs in the string.
23. Write a program that reads a string from the console and prints in
alphabetical order all words from the input string and how many
times each one of them occurs in the string.
24. Write a program that reads a string from the console and replaces every
sequence of identical letters in it with a single letter (the repeating
letter). Example: "aaaaabbbbbcdddeeeedssaa" "abcdedsa".
25. Write a program that reads a list of words separated by commas from the
console and prints them in alphabetical order (after sorting).
26. Write a program that extracts all the text without any tags and
attribute values from an HTML document.
Sample text:
<body><p><a href="http://academy.telerik.com">Telerik
Academy</a>aims to provide free real-world practical
training for young people who want to turn into
skillful software engineers.</p></body>
Sample result:
500 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Telerik Academy aims to provide free real-world practical
training for young people who want to turn into skillful
software engineers.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Read in MSDN or refer to the start of this chapter.
2. Use StringBuilder and for (or foreach) loop.
3. Use counting of the brackets: For an opening bracket increase the
counter by 1 and for closing bracket decrease it by 1. Watch the counter
not to become a negative number and always ends with 0.
4. If you do not know how many slashes you must use, try Split() with
an increasing number of slashes until you reach the desired result.
5. Reverse the casing of letters in text to small and search the given
substring in a loop. Remember to use IndexOf() with a start index in
order to avoid infinite loop.
6. Use regular expressions or IndexOf() method for opening and closing
tag. Calculate the start and end index of the text. Change the text in all
capital letters and replace the entire substring opening tag + text +
closing tag with the text in uppercase.
7. Use the PadRight() method from the String class.
8. Use format string "\u{0:x4}" for the Unicode character code for each
character of the input string (you can get it by converting char to
9. Let the cipher cipher consists of cipher.Length letters. Iterate through
all letters in the text and encrypt the letter at position index in the text
with cipher[index % cipher.Length]. If you have a letter from the
text and letter from the cipher, we can perform XOR operation between
them by transforming in advance the two letters into numbers of type
ushort. We can print the result with "\u{0:x4}" format string.
10. First split the sentences from each other by using the Split()
method. Then make sure that each sentence contains the searched
word by searching for it as a substring with IndexOf() and if you find it
check whether there is a separator (character, which is not a letter or
start / end of the string) on the left and on the right of the found
11. First, split the forbidden words with the method Split() in order to
get them as an array. For each forbidden word, iterate through the text
and search for an occurrence. If a forbidden word is found, replace it
with as many asterisks as letters contained in the forbidden word.
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing 501

Another, easier approach is to use RegEx.Replace() with a suitable
regular expression and a suitable MatchEvaluator method.
12. Use appropriate formatting strings.
13. Use a regular expression or search for the respective splitters two
slashes for a protocol and one slash as a separator between the server
and the resource. Test the special cases like missing parts of the URL.
14. You can solve the problem in two steps: reverse the input string;
reverse each word in the result string.
Another interesting approach is to split the input text by punctuation
marks between words, in order to get just the words of the text and then
split by the letters to get the punctuation marks of the text. Thus,
given a list of words and a list of punctuation marks between them, you
can easily reverse the words, preserving the punctuation marks.
15. You can parse the text by splitting it by the new line character, then a
second time by the "-" character. The most appropriate way to record the
dictionary is in a hash table (Dictionary<string, string>), which will
provide a quick search for a given word. Read on the Internet for hash-
tables and the Dictionary<K,T> class. You might also check the chapter
Dictionaries, hash-Tables and Sets.
16. Using a regular expression is the easiest way to solve the task.
If you still choose not to use regular expressions, you can find all
substrings that start with "<a href=" and end with "</a>" and within
them to replace "<a href="" with "[URL=", then the first found "">" with
"]" and then "</a>" with "[/URL]".
17. Use the methods in the DateTime structure. For parsing the dates you
can use splitting by "." or parsing with the DateTime.ParseExact()
18. Use the DateTime.ToString() and DateTime.ParseExact() methods
with suitable formatting strings.
19. Use RegEx.Match() with an appropriate regular expression.
If you want to solve the task without regular expressions, you will need
to process the text letter by letter from start to finish and process the
next character, depending on the current mode, which can be one of
OutsideOfEmail, ProcessingSender or ProcessingHostOrDomain. If a
separator or the end of the text is reached and host or domain is
processed (mode ProcessingHostOrDomain), then you have found an e-
mail, otherwise potentially a new e-mail is starting and mode must be
changed to ProcessingSender. If @ character is reached in
ProcessingSender mode, ProcessingSender is switched on. When
meeting letters or dot in ProcessingSender or ProcessingHostOrDomain
mode, they ate accumulated in a buffer. You can look at all possible
502 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
groups of characters encountered respectively in each of the three modes
and process them appropriately. We come to something like a final
automaton (state machine), which detects e-mail addresses. All found e-
mail addresses must be checked whether they have nonempty recipient,
host, and domain with a length between 2 and 4 letters, as well as not
beginning or ending with a dot.
Another easier approach to this problem is to split the text by all
characters that are not letters and dots and to verify that the extracted
"words" are valid e-mail addresses. Check can be done through an
attempt to split them to nonempty parts: <sender>, <host>, <domain>,
meeting the listed conditions.
20. Use RegEx.Match() with an appropriate regular expression.
Alternative option is to implement a state-machine that has several
states OutOfDate, ProcessingDay, ProcessingMonth, ProcessingYear
and while processing the text letter by letter to move between states
according to the current letter which you are processing. As in the
previous task, you can extract all "words" from the text in advance and
then check which ones correspond to the date template.
21. Split the text into words and check whether each word is a palindrome.
22. Use an array of integers int[65536], which will keep how many times
each letter occurs. Initially, all array elements are zeros. After
processing the input string letter by letter you can write in the array how
many times each letter occurs. For example, if you meet the letter 'A',
the number of occurrences in the array index of 65 (Unicode code 'A') will
increase by one. Finally, all non-zero elements (convert array index to
char, to get the letter) and their number of occurrences can be printed
with one scan of the array.
23. Use a hash table (Dictionary<string, int>) which keeps how many
times each word occurs in the input string. Read on the Internet for class
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<K,T>. With iteration through
words you can accumulate information for each word occurrences in the
hash table and with hash table iteration you can print the result.
24. You can scan text from left to right and when the current letter is
identical with the previous one, miss it, but otherwise concatenate it in
25. Use the static method Array.Sort() after parsing the input text into
array of strings.
26. Scan the text letter by letter and at all times keep in a variable
whether currently there is an opening tag which has not been closed or
not. If you have "<", enter in "opening tag" mode. If you have ">", exit
the "opening tag" mode. If you have a letter, add it to the result only if
the program is not in "opening tag". After closing a tag you can add a
space in order not to "stick" the text before and after the tag.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will understand how to define custom classes and their
elements. We will learn to declare fields, constructors and properties for
the classes. We will revise what a method is and we will broaden our
knowledge about access modifiers and methods. We will observe the
characteristics of the constructors and we will set out how the program
objects coexist in the dynamic memory and how their fields are initialized.
Finally, we will explain what the static elements of a class are fields
(including constants), properties and methods and how to use them
properly. In this chapter we will also introduce generic types (generics),
enumerated types (enumerations) and nested classes.
Custom Classes
The aim of every program written by the programmer is to solve a given
problem based on the implementation of a certain idea. In order to create a
solution, first, we sketch a simplified actual model, which does not represent
everything, but focuses on these facts, which are significant for the end
result. Afterwards, based on the sketched model, we are looking for an
answer (i.e. to create an algorithm) for our problem and the solution we
describe via given programming language.
Nowadays, the most used programming languages are the object-oriented.
And because the object-oriented programming (OOP) is close to the way
humans think, using one easily allows us to describe models of the
surrounding life. Certain reason for this behavior is, because OOP offers tools
to draw the set of concepts, which outline classes of objects in every model.
The term class and the definition of custom classes, different from the .NET
system frameworks, is built-in feature of the C# programming language. The
purpose of this chapter is to get us know with it.
Lets Recall: What Does It Mean Class and Object?
Class in the OOP is called a definition (specification) of a given type of
objects from the real-world. The class represents a pattern, which describes
the different states and behavior of the certain objects (the copies), which are
created from this class (pattern).
Object is a copy created from the definition (specification) of a given class,
also called an instance. When one object is created by the description of one
class we say the object is from type "name of the class".
504 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
For example, if we have a class type Dog, which describes some of the
characteristics of a real dog, then, the objects based on the description of the
class (e.g. the doggies "Fido" and "Rex") are from type class Dog. It means
the same when the string "some string" is from class type String. The
difference is that objects from type Dog is are copies of the class, which is
not part of the system library classes of the .NET Framework, but defined by
ourselves (the users of the programming language).
What Does a Class Contain?
Every class contains a definition of what kind of data types and objects has in
order to be described. The object (the certain copy of this class) holds the
actual data. The data defines the objects state.
In addition to the state, in the class is described the behavior of the objects.
The behavior is represented by actions, which can be performed by the
objects themselves. The resource in OOP, through which we can describe this
behavior of the objects from a given class, is the declaration of methods in
the class body.
Elements of the Class
Now, we will go through the main elements of every class, and we will explain
them in details latter. The main elements of a C# classes are the following:
- Class declaration this is the line where we declare the name of the
class, e.g.:
public class Dog
- Class body similar to the method idioms in the language, the classes
also have single class body. It is defined right after the class declaration,
enclosed in curly brackets "{" and "}". The content inside the brackets is
known as body of the class. The elements of the class, which are
numbered below, are part of the body.
public class Dog
// The body of the class comes here
- Constructor it is used for creating new objects. Here is a typical
public Dog()
// Some code
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 505
- Fields they are variables, declared inside the class (somewhere in the
literature are known as member-variables). The data of the object,
which these variables represent, and are retained into them, is the
specific state of an object, and one is required for the proper work of
objects methods. The values, which are in the fields, reflect the specific
state of the given object, but despite of this there are other types of
fields, called static, which are shared among all the objects.
// Field definition
private string name;
- Properties this is the way to describe the characteristics of a given
class. Usually, the value of the characteristics is kept in the fields of the
object. Similar to the fields, the properties may be held by certain object
or to be shared among the rest of the objects.
// Property definition
private string Name { get; set; }
- Methods from the chapter "Methods" we know that methods are
named blocks of programming code. They perform particular actions and
through them the objects achieve their behavior based on the class
type. Methods execute the implemented programming logic (algorithms)
and the handling of data.
Sample Class: Dog
Here is how a class looks like. The class Dog defined here owns all the
elements, which we described so far:
// Class declaration
public class Dog
{ // Opening bracket of the class body

// Field declaration
private string name;

// Constructor declaration (peremeterless empty constructor)
public Dog()

// Another constructor declaration
public Dog(string name)
this.name = name;
506 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

// Property declaration
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }

// Method declaration (non-static)
public void Bark()
Console.WriteLine("{0} said: Wow-wow!",
name ?? "[unnamed dog]");
} // Closing bracket of the class body
At the moment we will not explain in greater details this code, because the
related information will be presented later in this chapter.
Usage of Class and Objects
In the chapter "Creating and Using Objects" we saw in details how new
objects of a given class are created and how they can be used. Now, shortly
we will revise this programming technique.
How to Use a Class Defined by Us (Custom Class)?
In order to be able to use a given class, first we need to create an object of it.
This is done by the reserved word new in combination with some of the
constructors of the class. This will create an object from a given class (type).
If we want to manipulate the newly created object, we will have to assign it to
a variable from its class type. By doing it, in this variable we will keep the
connection (reference) to the object.
Using the variable, and the dot notation, we can call the methods and the
properties of the object, and as well as gain access to the fields (member-
Example A Dog Meeting
Lets have the example from the previous section where we defined the class
Dog, describing a dog, and lets add a method Main() to the class. In this
method we will demonstrate how to use the mentioned elements until here:
create few Dog objects, assign properties to these objects and call methods on
these objects:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 507
static void Main()
string firstDogName = null;
Console.Write("Enter first dog name: ");
firstDogName = Console.ReadLine();

// Using a constructor to create a dog with specified name
Dog firstDog = new Dog(firstDogName);

// Using a constructor to create a dog wit a default name
Dog secondDog = new Dog();

Console.Write("Enter second dog name: ");
string secondDogName = Console.ReadLine();

// Using property to set the name of the dog
secondDog.Name = secondDogName;

// Creating a dog with a default name
Dog thirdDog = new Dog();

Dog[] dogs = new Dog[] { firstDog, secondDog, thirdDog };

foreach (Dog dog in dogs)
The output from the execution will be the following:
Enter first dog name: Axl
Enter second dog name: Bobby
Axl said: Wow-wow!
Bobby said: Wow-wow!
[unnamed dog] said: Wow-wow!
In the example program, with the help of Console.ReadLine(), we got the
name of the objects of type dog, which the user should input.
We assigned the first entered string to the variable firstDogName. Afterwards
we used this variable when we created the first object from class type Dog
firstDog, by assigning it to the parameter of the constructor.
We created the second object Dog, without using a string for the name of the
dog in the constructor. With the help of Console.ReadLine() we got the
508 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
name of the dog and then the value was assigned to the property Name. This
is done by using a dot convention, applied to the variable, which keeps the
reference to the second object from type Dog secondDog.Name.
When we created the third object from class type Dog, we used for the name
of the dog its default value which is null. Note that in the Bark() method
dogs whthout name (name == null) are printed as [unnamed dog].
Afterward we created an array from type Dog, by initializing it with the three
newly created objects.
At the end, we used a loop, to go through the array of objects from type Dog.
For every element from the array we again used the dot notation, be calling
the method Bark() for the particular object: dog.Bark().
Nature of Objects
Lets revise, when we create an object in .NET, one consists from two parts
the significant part (data), which contains its data and it is located in the
memory of the operating system called a dynamic memory (heap) and a
reference part to this object, which resides in the other part of the operating
systems memory, where are stored the local variable and parameters of the
methods (the program execution stack).
For example, lets have a class called Dog, which has the properties for name,
kind and age. Lets create a variable dog from this class. This variable is a
reference to the object and is in the dynamic memory (heap).
The reference is a variable, which can access objects. The figure below
depicts an example reference, which has link to the real object in the heap,
and is called with the name dog. One, compare to the variable from primitive
(value type), does not contain the real value (i.e. the data of the object), but
the address, where one is located in the heap memory:

When we declare one variable from type a particular class, and we do not
want the variable to be associated with a specific object, then we assign to it
the value null. The reserved word null in the C# language means, that the
variable does not point to any object (there is a missing value):
Heap Stack
dog reference
dog object
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 509

Organizing Classes in Files and Namespaces
In C# the only one limitation regarding the saving of our own custom classes
is: they have to be saved in files with file extension .cs. In such a file
several classes, structures and other types can be defined. Although it is not a
requirement of the compiler, it is recommended every class to be stored in
exactly one file, which corresponds to its name, i.e. the class Dog should
be saved in a file Dog.cs.
Organizing Classes in Namespaces
As we should know from the chapter "Creating and Using Objects", the
namespaces in C# are named group of classes, which are logically
connected, without a requirement how they are stored in the file system.
If we want to include in our code namespaces for the operation in our classes,
declared in some file or set of files, this should be done by the so named
using directives. They are not required, but if they exist, they are on the
first lines in the class file, before the declaration of the classes or other types.
In the next paragraphs we will understand how they exactly are used.
After the insertion of the used namespaces, the next is the declaration of the
namespace of the classes in the file. As we know, there is no requirement to
declare classes in a namespace, but it is a good programming technique if we
do it, because the class distribution in the namespace is used for better
organization of the code and determination of the classes with equal names.
The namespaces contain classes, structure, interfaces and other types of
data, and as well other namespaces. An example of nested namespace is
System, which contains the namespace Data. The full name of the second
namespace is System.Data and one is nested in the namespace System.
The full name of a class in .NET Framework is the class name, preceded by
the namespace in which the class is declared, e.g.: <namespace_name>.
<class_name>. By the using reserved word we can use types from certain
namespace, without writing the full name, e.g.:
using System;

DateTime date;
Heap Stack
null reference
510 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Instead of:
System.DateTime date;
One typical declaration sequence, which we should follow when we create
custom classes in .cs files, is:
// Using directives optional
using <namespace1>;
using <namespace2>;

// Namespace definition - optional
namespace <namespace_name>
// Class declaration
class <first_class_name>
// Class body

// Class declaration
class <second_class_name>
// Class body


// Class declaration
class <n-th_class_name>
// Class body
The declaring of the namespace and the relevant include of it is already
explained in the chapter "Creating and Using Objects" and therefore we will
not discuss it again.
Before we continue, lets look into the first line of the previous snippet.
Instead include of namespace it is a source code comment. This is not a
problem in compilation time, the comments are "removed" from the code and
thus the first line is still the including statement.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 511
Encoding of Files and Using of Cyrillic and Unicode
While we are creating a .cs file, in which to declare our classes, it is good to
think about its character encoding in the file system.
In the .NET Framework the compiled code is represented in Unicode so it is
possible to use characters in our code from alphabets other than Latin. In the
next example we use Cyrillic letters for identifiers in Bulgarian language as
well as comments in the code, written in Bulgarian (in Cyrillic letters):
using System;

public class EncodingTest
static int = 4;

static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("years: " + );
This code will compile and execute without a problem, but to keep the
characters readable in the Visual Studio editor we need to provide an
appropriate encoding of the file.
As we know from the "Strings" chapter, some not all characters can be stored
in all encodings. If we use non-standard characters such as Chinese, Cyrillic
or Arabic letters, we can use UTF-8 or other character encoding that supports
these characters. By default Visual Studio uses the default character encoding
(system locale) defined in the regional settings in Windows. This might be
ISO-8859-1 in U.K. or U.S. and Windows-1251 in Bulgaria.
To use a different encoding other than the systems default encoding in Visual
Studio, we need to choose the appropriate encoding of the file when opening
it in the editor:
1. From the File menu we choose Open and then File.
2. In the Open File window we click on the option next to the button
Open and we choose Open With
3. From the list in the Open With window we choose an editor with
encoding support, for example CSharp Editor with Encoding.
4. Then press [OK].
5. In the window Encoding we choose the appropriate encoding from the
dropdown menu Encoding.
6. Then press [OK].

512 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

The steps for saving files in the file system with a specific encoding are:
1. From the File menu we choose Save As.
2. In the window Save File As we press the drop-down box next to the
button Save and choose Save with Encoding.
3. In Advanced Save Options we select the desired encoding from the
list (preferably the universal UTF-8).
4. From the Line Endings we select the desired line ending type.
Although we have the ability to use characters from any non-English alphabet,
in .cs files it is highly recommended to write all the identifiers and
comments in English, because this way our code will be readable for more
people in the world.
Imagine that you live in Germany and you need to type a code written by a
Vietnamese person, where the names of all variables and comments are in
Vietnamese. You will prefer English, right? Then think about how a developer
from Vietnam will handle variables and comments in German.
Modifiers and Access Levels (Visibility)
Lets revise, from the chapter "Methods we know that a modifier is a
reserved word and with the help of it we add additional information for the
compiler and the code related to the modifier.
In C# there are four access modifiers: public, private, protected and
internal. The access modifiers can be used only in front the following
elements of the class: class declaration, fields, properties and methods.
Modifiers and Access Levels
As we explained, in C# there are four access modifiers public, private,
protected and internal. Based on them we control the access (visibility) to
the elements of the class, in front of which they are used. The levels of access
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 513
in .NET are public, protected, internal, protected internal and
private. In this chapter we will review in details only public, private and
internal. More about protected and protected internal we will learn in
"Object-Oriented Programming Principles".
Access Level "public"
When we use the modifier public in front of some element, we are telling the
compiler, that this element can be accessed from every class, no matter
from the current project (assembly), from the current namespace. The access
level public defines the miss of restrictions regarding the visibility. This
access level is the least restricted access level in C#.
Access Level "private"
The access level private is the one, which defines the most restrictive
level of visibility of the class and its elements. The modifier private is used
to indicate, that the element, to which is issued, cannot be accessed from
any other class (except the class, in which it is defined), even if this class
exists in the same namespace. This is the default access level, i.e. it is used
when there is no access level modifier in front of the respective element of a
class (this is true only for elements inside a class).
Access Level "internal"
The modifier internal is used to limit the access to the elements of the class
only to files from the same assembly, i.e. the same project in Visual Studio.
When we create several projects in Visual Studio, the classes from will be
compiled in different assemblies.
.NET assemblies are collections of compiled types (classes and other
types) and resources, which form a logical unit. Assemblies are stored in a
binary file of type .exe or .dll. All types in C# and as general in .NET
Framework can reside only inside assemblies. By every compilation of a .NET
application one or several assemblies are created by the C# compiler and
each assembly is stored inside an .exe or .dll file.
Declaring Classes
The definition of a class is based on strict syntactical rules:
[<access_modifier>] class <class_name>
When we declare a class, it is mandatory to use the reserved word class.
After it must stay the name of the class <class_name>.
514 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Besides the reserved word class and the name of the class, in the declaration
of the class can be used several modifiers, e.g. the reviewed until now
Class Visibility
Lets consider two classes A and B. We say that, class A accesses the
elements of class B, if the first class can do one of the following:
1. Creates an object (instance) from class type B.
2. Can access distinct methods and fields in the class B, based on the
access level assigned to the particular methods and fields.
There is also another operation, which can be done over the classes, when the
visibility allows it. The operation is called inheritance of a class, but we will
discuss it later in the chapter Object-Oriented Programming Principles.
As we understood, the access level term means "visibility". If the class A
cannot "see" the class B, the access level of the methods and the fields in B
does not matter.
The access levels, which an outer class can have, are only public and
internal. Inner classes can be defined with other access levels.
Access Level "public"
If we declare a class access modifier as public, we can reach it from every
class and from every namespace, regardless of where it exists. It means
that every other class can create objects from this type and has access to the
methods and the fields of the public class.
Just to know, if we want to use a class with access level public from other
namespace, different from the current, we should use the reserved word for
including different namespaces using or every time we should write the full
name of the class.
Access Level "internal"
If we declare one class with access modifier internal, one will be accessible
only from the same namespace. It means that only the classes from the
same assembly can create objects from this type class and to have access to
the methods and fields (with related access level) of the class. This access
level is the default, where it is not used access modifier by the declaration of
the class.
If we have two projects in common solution in Visual Studio and we want to
use a class from one project into the other one then the referenced class
should be declared as public.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 515
Access Level "private"
If we want to be exhaustive, we have to mention that as access modifier for a
class can be used the visibility modifier private, but this is related to the
term "inner class" (nested class), which we will review in the "Nested Classes"
section. Private classes like other private members are accessible only inside
the class which defined them.
Body of the Class
By similarity to the methods, after the declaration of the class follows its
body, i.e. the part of the class where resides the following programming code:
[<access_modifier>] class <class_name>
// Class body the code of the class goes here
The body of the class begins with opening curly bracket "{" and ends with
closing one "}". The class always should have a body.
Class Naming Convention
Equal to the methods, for creation of the class names there are the following
common standards:
1. The names of the classes begin with capital letter, and the rest of the
letters are lower case. If the name of the class consists of several
words, every word begins with capital letter, without separator to be
used. This is the well-known PascalCase convention.
2. For name of the classes nouns are usually used.
3. It is recommended the name of the class to be in English language.
Here are some example class names, which are following the guidelines:
More about the name of the classes we will learn in the chapter "High-Quality
Programming Code".
The Reserved Word "this"
The reserved word this in C# is used to reference the current object,
when one is used from method in the same class. This is the object, which
method or constructor is called. The reserved word can be deemed as an
516 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
address (reference), given priory from the language authors, with which we
access the elements (fields, methods, constructor) of the own class:
this.myField; // access a field in the class
this.DoMyMethod(); // access a method in the class
this(3, 4); // access a constructor with two int parameters
Currently, we will not explain the given code above. Later, we will do it in
other sections of this chapter, dedicated to the elements of the class (fields,
methods, constructors) and as well related to the reserved word this.
Objects describe things from the real world. In order to describe an object, we
focus on its characteristics, which are related to the problems solved in our
program. These characteristics of the real-world object we will hold in the
declaration of the class in special types of variables. These variables, called
fields (or member-variables), are holding the state of the object. When we
create an object based on certain class definition, the values of the fields are
containing the characteristics of the created object (its state). These
characteristics have different values different for the different objects.
Declaring Fields in a Class
Until now we have discussed only two types of variables (see "Methods")
depending on where they are declared:
1. Local variables these are the variables declared in the body of some
method (or block).
2. Parameters these are the variables in the list of parameters, which
one method can have.
In C# a third type of variable exists, called field or instance variable.
Fields are declared in the body of the class, outside the body of a single
method or constructor.

Fields are declared in the body of the class but not in the
bodies of the methods or the constructors.
This is a sample code declaring several fields:
class SampleClass
int age;
long distance;
string[] names;
Dog myDog;
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 517
More formal, the declaration of a field is done in the following way:
[<modifiers>] <field_type> <field_name>;
The <field_type> part determinates the type of a given field. This type can
be primitive (byte, short, char and so on), an array, or also some class type
(e.g. Dog or string).
The <field_name> part is the name of the field. As the name of the normal
variables, when we declare the name of the instance-variables, we should
obey the rules for naming of identifiers in C# (see chapter "Primitive Types
and Variables").
The <modifiers> part is a definition, which describes the access modifiers
and as well other modifiers. The last ones are not a mandatory part of the
field declaration.
Modifiers and the access modifiers, allowed in the declaration of one field, are
explained in chapter "Primitive Types and Variables".
In this chapter, from the other modifiers, which are not based on access
levels, and can be used in the declaration of fields, we will discuss static,
const and readonly.
The scope of a class field starts from the line where is declared and ends at
the closing bracket of the body of the class.
Initialization during Declaration
When we declare one field it is possible to assign to it an initial value. We do
this similarly to an assignment of normal local variable:
[<modifiers>] <field_type> <field_name> = <initial_value>;
Of course, the <initial_value> has to be a type compatible with the fields
type, e.g.:
class SampleClass
int age = 5;
long distance = 234; // The literal 234 is of integer type

string[] names = new string[] { "Peter", "Martin" };
Dog myDog = new Dog();

518 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// Other code
Default Values of the Fields
Every time, when we create a new object of a given class, it is allocated
memory in the heap for every field from the class. In order this to be done
the memory is initialized automatically with the default values for the
certain field. The fields, which do not have explicitly a default value in the
code, use the default value specified for the .NET type, to which they belong.
This is different for the local variables defined in methods. If a local variable in
a method does not have a value assigned, the code will not compile. If a
member variable (field) in a class does not have a value assigned, it will be
automatically zeroed by the compiler.

When an object is created all of the fields are initialized with
their respective default values in .NET, except if they are not
explicitly initialized with some other value.
In some languages (as C and C++) the newly created objects are not
initialized with default values of theirs data and this creates conditions for
hard-to-find errors. The last leads to uncontrolled behavior, where the
program sometimes works correctly (when the allocated memory by chance
has good values), and sometimes does not work (when the allocated memory
does not contain the proper values). In C# and generally in .NET Framework
this problem is solved by the default values for each type coming from the
The value of all types is 0 or something similar. For the most used types these
values are as the follows:
Type of the Field Default Value
bool false
byte 0
char '\0'
decimal 0.0M
double 0.0D
float 0.0F
int 0
object reference null
For more detailed information you can check chapter "Primitive Types and
Variables" and its section about the primitive types and their default values.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 519
For example, if we create a class Dog and we define for it fields name, age and
length and check for the gender isMale, without explicitly initializing them,
they will be automatically zeroed when we create an object of this class:
public class Dog
string name;
int age;
int length;
bool isMale;

static void Main()
Dog dog = new Dog();
Console.WriteLine("Dog's name is: " + dog.name);
Console.WriteLine("Dog's age is: " + dog.age);
Console.WriteLine("Dog's length is: " + dog.length);
Console.WriteLine("Dog is male: " + dog.isMale);
Respectively, when we execute the program we will have as output the
Dog's name is:
Dog's age is: 0
Dog's length is: 0
Dog is male: False
Automated Initialization of Local Variables and Fields
If we define a local variable in one method, without initializing it, and
afterward we try to use it (e.g. printing its value), this will trigger a
compilation error, because the local variables are not initialized with default
values when they are declared.

Unlike fields, local variables are not initialized with default
values when they are declared.
Lets have look into one example:
static void Main()
int notInitializedLocalVariable;
520 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
If we try to compile, we will receive the following error:
Use of unassigned local variable 'notInitializedLocalVariable'
Custom Default Values
A good programming practice is, when we declare fields in the class, to
explicitly initialize them with some default value, even if the default value is
zero. This will make our code clearer and easy to read.
One example for such initialization is the modified example class SampleClass
from the previous section:
class SampleClass
int age = 0;
long distance = 0;
string[] names = null;
Dog myDog = null;

// Other code
Modifiers "const" and "readonly"
As was explained in the beginning in this section, in the declaration of one
field is allowed to use the modifications const and readonly. The fields,
declared as const or readonly are called constants. They are used when a
certain value is used several times. These values are declared only ones
without repetitions. Examples of constants in the .NET Framework are the
mathematical constants Math.PI and Math.E, and as well the constants
String.Empty and Int32.MaxValue.
Constants Based on "const"
The fields, declared with const, have to be initialized during the de facto
declaration and afterwards theirs value cannot be changed. They can be
accessed without to create an instance (an object) of the class and they are
common for all created objects in our program. Something more, when we
compile the code, the places where const fields are referred are replaced with
theirs particular values directly without to use the constant variable at all. For
this reason the const fields are called compile-time constants, because
they are replaced with the value during the compilation process.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 521
Constants Based on "readonly"
The modifier readonly creates fields, which values cannot be changed once
they are assigned. Fields, declared as readonly, allow one-time initialization
either in the moment of the declaration or in the class constructors. Later
theirs values cannot be changed. Because of this reason, the readonly fields
are called run-time constants constants, because their values cannot be
changed after assignment and run-time, because this process happens during
the execution of the program (in runtime).
Lets illustrate the foregoing with the following example:
public class ConstAndReadOnlyExample
public const double PI = 3.1415926535897932385;
public readonly double Size;

public ConstAndReadOnlyExample(int size)
this.Size = size; // Cannot be further modified!

static void Main()
ConstAndReadOnlyExample instance =
new ConstAndReadOnlyExample(5);

// Compile-time error: cannot access PI like a field

// Compile-time error: Size is instance field (non-static)

// Compile-time error: cannot modify a constant
ConstAndReadOnlyExample.PI = 0;

// Compile-time error: cannot modify a readonly field
instance.Size = 0;
522 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In chapter "Methods" we have discussed how to declare and use a method.
In this section we will revise how we do this and we will focus on some
additional features from the process of creating methods. Till now we have
used static methods only. Now it is time to start using non-static (instance)
Declaring of Class Method
The declaration of methods is done in the following way:
// Method definition
[<modifiers>] [<return_type>] <method_name>([<parameters_list>])
// Method's body
The mandatory elements for declaration of a method are the type of the
return value <return_type>, the name of the method <method_name> and
the opening and the closing brackets "(" and ")".
The parameter list <params_list> is not mandatory. We use it to pass data
to the method, which we declare, when this is required.
We know, if the return type <return_type> is void, then
<return_statement> can be declared without the return statement. If
<return_type> is different from void, the method has to return a result with
the help of the reserved word return and an expression, which is from the
type <return_type> or a compatible one.
The work, which the method has to do, is situated in the method body,
enclosed in curly brackets "{" and "}".
We already discussed some of the access modifiers that can be used in the
declaration of a method in the section "Visibility of Methods and Fields" we will
review in details this again.
The static modifier will be explained in depth in the section "Static Classes
and Static Members".
Example Method Declaration
Lets see the declaration of a method, which sums two values:
int Add(int number1, int number2)
int result = number1 + number2;
return result;
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 523
The name of the method is Add and the return value type is int. The
parameter list consists of two elements the variables number1 and number2.
Accordingly, the return value is the sum of the two parameters as a result.
Accessing Non-Static Data of the Class
In "Creating and Using Objects", we have discussed how based on the "dot"
operator we can access fields and to call the methods of a given class. Now,
lets recall how we use conventional non-static methods of a given class, i.e.
the methods do not have the modifier static in theirs declaration.
E.g. lets have the class Dog with the field age. To print the value of this field
we need to create a Dog instance and access the field of this instance via a
dot notation:
public class Dog
int age = 2;

static void Main()
Dog dog = new Dog();
Console.WriteLine("Dog's age is: " + dog.age);
The result will be:
Dog's age is: 2
Accessing Non-Static Fields from Non-Static Method
The access to the value of one field can be done via the dot notation (as in
the last example dog.age), or via a method or property. Now, lets create in
the class Dog a method, which will return the value of age:
public int GetAge()
return this.age;
As we see, to access the value of the age field, inside, from the owner class,
we use the reserved word this. We know that the word this is a reference
to the current object, in which the method resides. Therefore, in our example,
524 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
with "return this.age", we say "from the current object (this) take (the
use of the operator dot), the value of the field age, and return it as result
from the method (with the help of the reserved word return). Then, instead
from the Main() method to access the values of the field age of the object
dog, we simple call the method GetAge():
static void Main()
Dog dog = new Dog();
Console.WriteLine("Dog's age is: " + dog.GetAge());
The result of the execution based on the change will be the same.
Formally, the declaration of access to a field in the boundaries of a class is the
Lets emphasize, that this access option is possible only from non-static code,
i.e. method or block, which is without static modifier.
Except for retrieving of the value of one field, we can use the reserved word
this for modification of the field.
E.g., lets declare a method MakeOlder(), which will be called every year on
the date of the birthday of our pet and this method will increment the age
with one year:
public void MakeOlder()
To check if this is correct in the Main() method we add the following lines:
// One year later, at the birthday date
Console.WriteLine("After one year dog's age is: " + dog.age);
After the execution of the program, the result is the following:
Dog's age is: 2
After one year dog's age is: 3
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 525
Calling Non-Static Methods
Like the fields, which do not have static modifier in theirs declarations, the
methods, which are also non-static, can be called in the body of a class via
the reserved word this. This is happening again with the "dot" notation and
more specifically with the required arguments (if there are any):
For example, lets create a method PrintAge(), which prints the age of the
object from type Dog, and for this purpose calls the method GetAge():
public void PrintAge()
int myAge = this.GetAge();
Console.WriteLine("My age is: " + myAge);
The first line of the example is indicating that we want to receive the age (the
value of the field age) of the current object, using the method GetAge(). This
is done via the reserved word this.

The access to the non-static elements of a class (fields and
methods) is done via the reserved word this and the
operator for access "dot".
Skip "this" Keyword When Accessing Non-Static Data
When we access the fields of a class or we call its non-static methods, it is
possible to omit the reserved word this. Then both methods, which we
already declared will be written in this way:
public int GetAge()
return age; // The same like this.age

public void MakeOlder()
age++; // The same like this.age++
The reserved word this is used to indicate explicitly that we want to have
access to a non-static field of a class or to call some of its non-static methods.
When this explicit clarification is not needed, it can be skipped and directly to
access the elements of the class.
526 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Although it is understood clearly, the reserved word this is often used for
access to fields in the class, because it helps to make the code easier to read,
understand and maintain, by explicitly stating that we access a field and not a
local variable.

When it is not required explicitly the reserved word this can
be skipped when we access the elements of the class. For
better readability use this keyword even when not required.
Hiding Fields with Local Variables
From the section "Declaring Fields" above, we know that the scope of one
field starts from the line where the declaration is made to the closing curly
bracket of the class. For example let's see the OverlappingScopeTest class:
public class OverlappingScopeTest
int myValue = 3;

void PrintMyValue()
Console.WriteLine("My value is: " + myValue);

static void Main()
OverlappingScopeTest instance = new OverlappingScopeTest();
This code will have the following result on the console:
My value is: 3
On the other hand, when we implement the body of one method we have to
declare local variables which we will use for the work of the method. As we
know, the scope of a local variable begins from the line where it is declared
to the closing bracket of the body of the method. For example, lets add this
method to the class OverlappingScopeTest:
Int CalculateNewValue(int newValue)
int result = myValue + newValue;
return result;
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 527
In this case, the local variable, which we will use to calculate the new value, is
Sometimes the name of the local variable can overlap with the name of some
field. In this case there is a collision.
Lets first look at one example, before we explain what it is about. Lets
modify the method PrintMyValue() in the following way:
void PrintMyValue()
int myValue = 5;
Console.WriteLine("My value is: " + myValue);
If we declare in this way the method, could it be possible to compile this
code? And if it is compiled, is it possible to execute it? If it is compiled and
executed which value will be printed the one of the field or the one of the
local variable?
After the execution of the Main() method, the result will be:
My value is: 5
This is so, because C# allows defining local variables, which names
match with fields of the class. If this happens, we say that the scope of
the local variable overlays the field variable (scope overlapping).
Therefore the scope of the local variable myValue with value 5 overlapped the
scope of the field variable in the class. Then, when we print we will get the
local variable value.
Despite this, sometimes it is required use the field instead the local variable
with the same name. In this case, to retrieve the value of the field, we use
the reserved word this. For this purpose we access the field by using the
"dot" operator, applied to the reserved word this. In this way, we say
deliberately that we want to use the field of the class, and not the local
variable with the same name.
Lets take a look again at our example relate to the printing of the value
void PrintMyValue()
int myValue = 5;
Console.WriteLine("My value is: " + this.myValue);
528 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
This time, after we applied the changes, the result from the call of the method
is different:
My value is: 3
Visibility of Fields and Methods
In the beginning of this chapter we have discussed the generality of the
modifiers and the access levels for the elements in one class in C#. Later
we have discussed the access level in the declaration for one class.
Now we will discuss the visibility levels of fields and methods in a class.
Because the fields and the methods are elements of the class (members) and
have similar rules for access levels, we will expose these rules simultaneously.
Differently from the declaration of a class, when we declare fields and
methods in the class we can use the four access levels public, protected,
internal and private. The access level protected will not be discussed in
this chapter, because it is related to class inheritance and is explained in
details in the chapter "Object-Oriented Programming Principles".
Before we continue, lets revise, if one class A is not visible (does not have
access) from other class B, then none of its elements (fields and method) can
be accessed from class B.

If two classes are not visible one to other, then their
members (fields and methods) are not visible also,
regardless of what kind of access levels their elements have.
In the next subsections, to the explanations until now, we will review
examples, in which we have two classes (Dog and Kid) and which are visible
one to other, i.e. every from the classes can create objects from the other
type the other class and to access its elements depending from the defined
access level declared. Here is how the first class Dog looks like:
public class Dog
private string name = "Doggy";

public string Name
get { return this.name; }

public void Bark()
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 529

public void DoSomething()
In addition to the fields and the methods the property Name is used, which
just returns the fields value. We will discuss in details the property concept
later, so currently we will just focus on everything else except the properties.
The code of the class Kid looks like this:
public class Kid
public void CallTheDog(Dog dog)
Console.WriteLine("Come, " + dog.Name);

public void WagTheDog(Dog dog)
Currently, all elements (fields and methods) of both classes are declared with
access modifier public, but when we discuss the other access modifiers we
will change some of them accordingly. What we would like to find is how the
change in the access levels of the elements (fields and methods) of the class
Dog will be reflected, when the access is made with:
- The own body of the class Dog.
- The body of the class Kid, respectively, taking into account that Kid is
in the same namespace (or assembly), in which the Dog class is defined
or not.
Access Level "public"
When a method or a value of a class is declared with access level public, the
last can be used from other classes, independently from the fact if another
class is declared in the same namespace, assembly or outside of it.
Lets review both type of access to members of a class, which are matched in
our classes Dog and Kid:
530 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

The access to the member of the class is done inside the
same class directly (the class refers itself).

The access to the member of the class is done via a
reference to an object created in the body of another class
(the class refers another class).
When the members of both classes are public, we have the following:

class Dog
public string name = "Doggy";
public string Name
get { return this.name; }
public void Bark()
public void DoSomething()


class Kid
public void CallTheDog(Dog dog)
Console.WriteLine("Come, " + dog.name);
public void WagTheDog(Dog dog)
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 531
As we can see, we implement without problem the access to the field name
and the method Bark() of the class Dog from the body of the same class.
Independently, if the namespace of the class Kid is the same as Dog, we can,
from its body, access the field name and to call the method Bark() via the
dot operator, applied to the reference dog of the object from type Dog.
Access Level "internal"
When a member of some class is declared with access level internal, then
this element from the class can be accessed from every class in the same
assembly (i.e. in the same project in Visual Studio), but not from classes
outside it (i.e. from other projects in Visual Studio from the same solution
or from a different solution).
Not that if we have a Visual Studio project, all classes in it are from the same
assembly and classes defined in different Visual Studio projects (in the same
or in a different solution) are from different assemblies.
Below is the explanation about the access level internal:

class Dog
internal string name = "Doggy";

public string Name
get { return this.name; }

internal void Bark()

public void DoSomething()
Respectively, for the class Kid, we discuss two cases:
- When the class in the same assembly, then the access to the elements
of Dog will be allowed, independent of whether the classes are in the
same namespace or not:
532 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

class Kid
public void CallTheDog(Dog dog)
Console.WriteLine("Come, " + dog.name);

public void WagTheDog(Dog dog)
- When the class Kid is external for the assembly, in which Dog is
declared, then the access to the field name and the method Bark() will
be denied:

class Kid
public void CallTheDog(Dog dog)
Console.WriteLine("Come, " + dog.name);

public void WagTheDog(Dog dog)
Actually the access level internal for members of the class Dog is impossible
for two reasons: insufficient visibility of the class and insufficient visibility of
its members. To allow access from other assembly to the class Dog, one is
required to be declared public and in the same time its members to be
declared as public. If the class or its members have lower visibility, the
access to it from other assemblies is denied (i.e. from other Visual Studio
projects which compile to different .dll / .exe file).
If we try to compile the class Kid, when one is external for the assembly, in
which the class Dog resides, we will get a compilation error.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 533
Access Level "private"
The access level, which is the most restrictive, is private. The elements of
the class, which are declared with access modifier private (or without any,
because private is the default one), cannot be accessed outside of the
class in which they are declared.
Therefore, if we declare the field name and the method Bark() of the class
Dog with access modifier private, there is no problem to access them from
the same instance of the class Dog, but access from any other classes is not
permitted. If you try to access a private method from external class, a
compilation error occur. Below is the figure about the access level private:

class Dog
private string name = "Doggy";

public string Name
get { return this.name; }

private void Bark()

public void DoSomething()
Accessing the name fields from the same class is permitted, but accessing it
from a different class (Kid) is restricted:

class Kid
public void CallTheDog(Dog dog)
Console.WriteLine("Come, " + dog.name);
534 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

public void WagTheDog(Dog dog)
We should know, when we assign access modifier to a filed, one in most of
the cases has to be private, because this ensures the highest level of
security applied to the field. Respectively, the access and the modification of
the value from other classes (if it is required) will be done only via properties
or methods. More about this technique we will learn in the section "Properties
and Encapsulation of Fields" as well as in the "Encapsulation" section of the
chapter "Object-Oriented Programming Principles".
How to Decide Which Access Level to Use?
Before we end up the section regarding visibility of the elements of a class,
lets try something. Lets define in the class Dog the field name and the method
Bark() witch access modifier private. Lets also declare the method Main()
with the following body:
public class Dog
private string name = "Doggy";


private void Bark()


static void Main()
Dog myDog = new Dog();
Console.WriteLine("My dog's name is " + myDog.name);
The question is, if the class Dog can compile when we have declared the
elements with access modifier private and in the same time is applied a
dot notation to myDog in Main()?
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 535
The compilation finished successfully. Respectively, the result from the
execution of the method Main() which is declared in the class Dog will be the
My dog's name is Rolf
Everything works, because the access modifiers for the elements of the class
are applied to the class and not to a level objects. Because the variable myDog
is defined in the body of the class Dog (where also is situated Main() the
start method of the program), we can access its elements (fields and
methods) via dot notation, regardless we have declared the access level as
private. If we try to do the same in the body of the class Kid, this will be not
possible, because the access to private fields from outside class is forbidden.
In object-oriented programming, when creating an object from a given class,
it is necessary to call a special method of the class known as a constructor.
What Is a Constructor?
Constructor of a class is a pseudo-method, which does not have a return
type, has the name of the class and is called using the keyword new. The
task of the constructor is to initialize the memory, allocated for the object,
where its fields will be stored (those which are not static ones).
Calling a Constructor
The only one way to call a constructor in C# is through the keyword new.
It allocates memory for the new object (in the stack or in the heap, depending
on whether the object is a value type or a reference type), resets its fields to
zero, calls their constructors (or chain of constructors, formed in succession),
and at the end returns a reference to the newly created object.
Consider an example, which will clarify how the constructor works. We know
from chapter "Creating and Using Objects" how to create an object:
Dog myDog = new Dog();
In this case by using the keyword new we call the constructor of the class Dog
and by doing this, memory is allocated, needed for the newly created object
of the Dog type. When it comes to classes they are allocated in the dynamic
memory (in the so called "managed heap").
Lets follow the process of calling a constructor during the creation of new
object step by step.
First, memory is allocated for the object:
536 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Next, its fields (if any) are initialized with the default values for their
respective types:

If the creation of the new object is successfully completed, the constructor
returns a reference to it, which is assigned to the variable myDog, from class
type Dog:

Chapter 14. Defining Classes 537
Declaring a Constructor
If we have the class Dog, here is how its most simplified constructor (without
parameters) will look like:
public Dog()
Formally, the declaration of the constructor appears in the following way:
[<modifiers>] <class_name>([<parameters_list>])
As we already know, the constructors are similar to methods, but they do not
have a return type (therefore we called them pseudo-methods).
Constructors Name
In C# it is mandatory that the name of every constructor matches the
name of the class in which it resides <class_name>. In the example
above the name of the constructor is the same as the name of the class
Dog. We should know that, as with methods, the name of the constructor is
always followed by round brackets "(" and ")".
In (C#) it is not allowed to declare a method whose name matches the
name of the class (hence the name of the constructors). If nevertheless, a
method is declared with the class name, this will cause a compilation error.
public class IllegalMethodExample
// Legal constructor
public IllegalMethodExample ()

// Illegal method
private string IllegalMethodExample()
return "I am illegal method!";
When we try to compile this class the compiler will display the following
compilation error message:
SampleClass: member names cannot be the same as their enclosing
538 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Parameter List
Similar to the methods, if we need extra data to create an object, the
constructor gets it through a parameter list <parameters_list>. In the
example constructor of the class Dog there is no need of additional data to
create an object of this type and therefore there is no parameter list. More
about the parameter list will be explained in one of the later sections
"Declaring a Constructor with Parameters".
Of course, after the declaration of the constructor its body is following, which
is like every method body in C#, but generally contains mostly initialization
logic, i.e. setting the initial values of the fields of the class.
It is evident that modifiers can be added in the declaration of the
constructors <modifiers>. For modifiers that we know and which are not
access modifiers, i.e. const and static, we should know that only const is
not allowed to be used in constructors. Later in this chapter, in the "Static
Constructors" section we will learn more about the constructors declared with
modifier static.
Visibility of the Constructors
Similar to the methods and the fields, the constructors can be declared with
levels of visibility: public, protected, internal, protected, internal
and private. The access levels protected and protected internal will be
explained in chapter "Object-Oriented Programming Principles". The rest of
the access levels have the same meaning and behavior as with fields and
Initialization of the Fields in the Constructor
As explained earlier when creating a new object and calling its constructor, a
new memory is allocated for the non-static fields of the object of the class and
they are initialized with the default values for their types (see the section
"Calling a Constructor").
Furthermore, through the constructors we mainly initialize the fields of the
class with values set by us and not with the default ones.
E.g., in the examples we discussed so far, the field name of the object from
type Dog is always initialized during its declaration:
string name = "Sharo";
Instead of doing this during the declaration of the field, a better programming
style is to assign its value in the constructor:
public class Dog
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 539
private string name;

public Dog()
this.name = "Sharo";

// The rest of the class body
Although we initialize the fields in the constructor, some people recommend
explicitly assigning their types default values during initialization with
the purpose of improving the readability of the code, but it is a matter of
personal choice:
public class Dog
private string name = null;

public Dog()
this.name = "Sharo";

// The rest of the class body
Fields Initialization in the Constructor
Lets see in details what the constructor does after being called and the class
fields have been initialized in its body. We know that, when called, it will
allocate memory for each field and this memory will be initialized with
the default values.
If the fields are of primitive type, then after the default values, we shall
assign new values.
In case the fields are from reference type, such as our field name, the
constructor will initialize them with null. It will then create the object of the
corresponding type, in this case the string "Sharo" and at the end a reference
will be assigned to the new object in the respective field, in our case the field
The same will happen if we have other fields, which are not primitive types,
and then initialize them in the constructor. E.g. lets have a class called Collar,
which describes a dogs accessory Collar:
540 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public class Collar
private int size;

public Collar()
Let our class Dog has a field called collar, which is from type Collar and
which is initialized in the constructor of the class:
public class Dog
private string name;
private int age;
private double length;
private Collar collar;

public Dog()
this.name = "Sharo";
this.age = 3;
this.length = 0.5;
this.collar = new Collar();

static void Main()
Dog myDog = new Dog();
Representation in the Memory
Lets follow the steps through which the constructor goes, after being called in
the Main() method.
As we know, as a first step it will allocate memory in the heap for all the
fields and will initialize them with their default values:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 541

Then, the constructor will have to ensure the creation of the object for the
field name. It will call the constructor of the class string, which will do the
work on the string creation):

Now the constructor will keep the reference to the new string in the field name
of the Dog object:
542 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Then is the creation of the object from type Collar. Our constructor (of the
class Dog) calls the constructor of the class Collar, which allocates memory
for the object:

Next, the constructor will initialize it with the default value for the
respective type. The size of the Collar is not explicitly assigned so it will
take the default value for its type (0 for int):
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 543

After that the reference to the newly created object, which the constructor of
the class Collar returns as a result, will be assigned to the field collar:

Finally, the reference to the new object from type Dog will be assigned to
the local variable myDog in the method Main():
544 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Order of Initialization of the Fields
To avoid confusion, lets explain the order in which the fields of a class
are initialized regardless of whether we have assigned to them values and /
or initialized them in the constructor.
First memory is allocated for the respective field in the heap and this
memory is initialized with the default value of the field type. E.g. lets again
consider the example with the class Dog:
public class Dog
private string name;

public Dog()
"this.name has value of: \"" + this.name + "\"");
// No other code here
// Rest of the class body
When we try to create a new object of our class type the console will show:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 545
this.name has value of: ""
After the initialization of the fields with the default value for the respective
type, the second step in CLR (Common Language Runtime) is to assign a
value to the field if such has been set when declaring the field.
So, if we change the line in the class Dog, where we declare the field name, it
will first be initialized with the value null and then it will be assigned the
value "Rex".
private string name = "Rex";
Respectively, for every creation of a new object of the class:
static void Main()
Dog dog = new Dog();
The following will be printed:
this.name has value of: "Rex"
Only after these two steps of initializing the fields of the class (default value
initialization and possibly the value set by the programmer during the
declaration of the field) the constructor of the class is called. At this time,
the fields get the values, which are set in the body of the constructor.
Declaring a Constructor with Parameters
In the previous section, we saw how we can set values to the fields, other
than the default values. Very often, however, during the declaration of the
constructor, we dont know what values the various fields will take. To tackle
this problem, the required information, similar to the methods with
parameters, the fields are assigned the values, given to them in the body of
the constructor. For example:
public Dog(string dogName, int dogAge, double dogLength)
name = dogName;
age = dogAge;
length = dogLength;
collar = new Collar();
546 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Similarly, the call of a constructor with parameters is done in the same
way as the call of method with parameters the required values are supplied
as a list, the elements of which are separated with commas:
static void Main()
Dog myDog = new Dog("Moby", 2, 0.4); // Passing parameters

Console.WriteLine("My dog " + myDog.name +
" is " + myDog.age + " year(s) old. " +
" and it has length: " + myDog.length + " m.");
The result of the execution of this Main() method is the following:
My dog Moby is 2 year(s) old. It has length: 0.4 m.
There is no limitation for the number of the constructors of a class in C#. The
only requirement is that they differ in their signature (what signature is we
already explained in chapter "Methods").
Scope of Parameters of the Constructor
By analogy with the scope of the variables in the parameter list of a method,
the variables in the parameter list of one constructor have a scope
from the opening bracket of the constructor to the closing bracket, i.e.
throughout the body of the constructor.
Very often, when we declare a constructor with parameters it is possible to
name the variables from the parameter list with the same names as the
names of the fields, which are going to be initialized. Lets, for example,
consider the constructor of the class Dog:
public Dog(string name, int age, double length)
name = name;
age = age;
length = length;
collar = new Collar();
Lets compile and execute the Main() method declared a little bit above:
My dog is 0 year(s) old. It has length: 0 m
Strange result, isnt it? In fact this result is not so awkward. The explanation
is the following: the scope, in which the variables from the list of the
constructor parameters are acting, overlaps the scope of acting of the fields
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 547
with the same names in the constructor. Thus, we do not assign any value
to the fields because in practice we have no access to them. For example,
instead of assigning the variable value to the field age, we assign the value of
the variable age to the variable itself:
age = age;
As we saw from the section "Hiding Fields with Local Variables", to avoid this
problem we should access the field, to which we want to assign a value,
using the keyword this:
public Dog(string name, int age, double length)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.length = length;
this.collar = new Collar();
Now, assuming we execute again the Main() method:
static void Main()
Dog myDog = new Dog("Moby", 2, 0.4);

Console.WriteLine("My dog " + myDog.name +
" is " + myDog.age + " year(s) old. " +
" and it has length: " + myDog.length + " m");
The result will be exactly what we expect it to be:
My dog Moby is 2 year(s) old. It has length: 0.4 m
Constructor with Variable Number of Arguments
Similar to methods with variable number of arguments, discussed in
chapter "Methods", constructors can also be declared with a parameter for a
variable number of arguments. The rules for declaring and calling constructors
with a variable number of arguments are the same as the ones, described for
declaring and calling with the methods:
1. When we declare a constructor with variable number of arguments, we
must use the reserved word params, and then insert the type of the
parameters, followed by square parentheses. Finally the name of the
array follows, in which array the arguments used for the calling of the
548 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
method are stored. For example for whole number arguments we can
use params int[] numbers.
2. It is allowed for the constructor with a variable number of arguments to
have other parameters too in the parameter list.
3. The parameter for the variable number of arguments must be the last in
the parameter list of the constructor.
Consider a sample declaration of a constructor of a class, which describes a
public Lecture(string subject, params string[] studentsNames)
// Initialization of the instance variables
The first parameter in the declaration is the name of the subject of the lecture
and the next parameter represents a variable number of arguments the
names of the students. Here is how a sample object of this class would be
Lecture lecture =
new Lecture("Biology", "Peter", "Mike", "Steven");
Accordingly, as the first parameter is the name of the subject "Biology",
and all the rest arguments the names of the attending students.
Constructor Overloading
As we saw, we can declare constructors with parameters. This gives us a
possibility to declare constructors with different signatures (number and order
of the parameters) with the purpose of providing convenience to those who
will create objects from our class. Creating constructors with different
signatures is called constructor overloading.
Consider, for example, the class Dog. We can declare different constructors:
// No parameters
public Dog()
this.name = "Axl";
this.age = 1;
this.length = 0.3;
this.collar = new Collar();

// One parameter
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 549
public Dog(string name)
this.name = name;
this.age = 1;
this.length = 0.3;
this.collar = new Collar();

// Two parameters
public Dog(string name, int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.length = 0.3;
this.collar = new Collar();

// Three parameters
public Dog(string name, int age, double length)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.length = length;
this.collar = new Collar();

// Four parameters
public Dog(string name, int age, double length, Collar collar)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.length = length;
this.collar = collar;
Reusing Constructors
In our last example we saw that, depending on the needs for creating objects
of our class, we can declare different variants of the constructors. It is easy to
notice that a large part of the constructor code is repeated. This leads us
to the question whether there is an alternative way for a constructor, which is
already doing an initializing, to be reused by the others to perform the same
initialization. On the other hand, at the beginning of the chapter it was
mentioned that a constructor cannot be called in the manner in which the
550 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
methods are called but by the keyword new. There should be a way
otherwise a lot of code will be repeated unnecessarily.
In C# a mechanism exists through which one constructor can call another
one declared in the same class. This is done again with the keyword this, but
used in another syntax structure in declaring the constructors:
[<modifiers>] <class_name>([<parameters_list_1>])
: this([<parameters_list_2>])
To the well-known form of declaring a constructor (the first line of the
declaration above), we can add a colon, followed by the keyword this,
followed by parentheses. If the constructor we want to call has parameters, in
the brackets we need to add a list of parameters parameters_list_2 to be
Here is how the code from the section about constructor overloading would
look like, in which instead of repeating the initialization of each of the fields,
we will call the constructors declared in the same class:
// No parameters
public Dog()
: this("Axl") // Constructor call
// More code could be added here

// One parameter
public Dog(string name)
: this(name, 1) // Constructor call

// Two parameters
public Dog(string name, int age)
: this(name, age, 0.3) // Constructor call

// Three parameters
public Dog(string name, int age, double length)
: this(name, age, length, new Collar()) // Constructor call

// Four parameters
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 551
public Dog(string name, int age, double length, Collar collar)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.length = length;
this.collar = collar;
As indicated by comments in the first constructor in the example above, if
necessary, in addition to calling any of the other constructors with certain
parameters, every constructor can add into its body a code, which performs
additional initializations or other actions.
Default Constructor
Consider the following question what happens if we dont declare a
constructor in our class? How can we create objects from this type?
As it often happens, when a class is without a single constructor, this issue is
resolved by C#. When we do not declare any constructors, the compiler will
create one for us and this one will be used to create objects such as our class.
This constructor is called default implicit constructor and it will not have
any parameters and will be empty (i.e. it will not do anything in addition to
the default zeroing of the object fields).

When we do not declare any constructor in a given class, the
compiler will create one, known as a default implicit
For example, lets declare the class Collar, without declaring any constructor
in it:
public class Collar
private int size;

public int Size
get { return size; }
Although we do not have an explicitly declared constructor without
parameters, we can create objects of this class in the following way:
Collar collar = new Collar();
552 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The default parameterless constructor looks the following way:
<access_level> <class_name>() { }
We should know that the default constructor is always named like the class
<class_name>, and its parameter list is always empty as well as its body. The
compiler simply adds one if there is no constructor in the class. The default
constructor is usually public (except for some very specific situations, where
it is protected).

The default constructor is always without parameters.
To make sure that the default constructor is always without parameters lets
try to call the default constructor by setting it with parameters:
Collar collar = new Collar(5);
The compiler will display the following error message:
'Collar' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments
How the Default Constructor Works?
As we can guess, the only thing the default constructor will do when creating
objects of our class, is to zero the fields of the class. For example, if in the
class Collar we have not declared any constructor and we create an object
from it, and later we try to print the value in the field size:
static void Main()
Collar collar = new Collar();
Console.WriteLine("Collar's size is: " + collar.Size);
The result will be:
Collar's size is: 0
We see that the value saved in the field size of the object collar is just the
default value of the whole number type int.
When a Default Constructor Will Not Be Created?
We have to know that if we declare at least one constructor in a given class
then the compiler will not create a default constructor.
To investigate this, consider the following example:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 553
public Collar(int size)
: this()
this.size = size;
Let this be the only constructor in the class Collar. We try to call a
constructor without parameters in it, hoping that the compiler will have
created a default parameterless constructor for us. After we try to compile,
we will find out that what we are trying to do is not possible. The compiler will
show the following error:
'Collar' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
The rule about the default implicit parameterless constructor is:

If we declare at least one constructor in a given class, the
compiler will not create a default constructor for us.
Difference between a Default Constructor and a Constructor
without Parameters
Before we finish this section for the constructors, we will clarify something
very important:

Although the default constructor and the one without
parameters are similar in signature, they are completely
The difference is that the default implicit constructor is created by the
compiler, if we do not declare any constructor in our class, and the
constructor without parameters is declared by us.
Moreover, as explained earlier, the default constructor will always have access
level protected or public, depending on the access modifier of the class,
while the level of access of the constructor without parameters all depends on
us we define it.
In the world of object-oriented programming there is an element of the
classes called property, which is somewhere between a field and a
method and serves to better protect the state in the class. In some
languages for object-oriented programming, like C#, Delphi / Pascal, Visual
Basic, Python, JavaScript, and others, the properties are a part of the
language, i.e. there is a special mechanism to declare and use them. Other
languages like Java do not support the property concept and for this purpose
554 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
the programmers should declare a pair of methods (for reading and modifying
the property) to provide this functionality.
Properties in C# Introduction by Example
Using the properties is a good and proven practice and an important part of
the concepts for object-oriented programming. The creation of a property in
programming is done by declaring two methods one for access (reading)
and one for modifying (setting) the value of the respective property.
Consider an example. Assume we have again class Dog, which describes a
dog. A characteristic of a dog is, for example, its color. The access to the
property "color" of a dog and its corresponding modification can be
accomplished in the following way:
// Getting (reading) a property
string colorName = dogInstance.Color;

// Setting (modifying) a property
dogInstance.Color = "black";
Properties Encapsulation of Fields
The main objective of the properties is to ensure the encapsulation of the
state of the class in which they are declared, i.e. to protect the class from
falling into invalid state.
Encapsulation is hiding of the physical representation of data in one
class so that if we subsequently change this presentation, it will not reflect on
other classes, which use this class.
Though the C# syntax this is done by declaring the fields (physical
presentation of data) with possibly the most limited level of visibility (mostly
with the modifier private) and declaring that access to these fields (reading
and modifying) is to take place only through special accessor methods.
Example of Encapsulation
To illustrate what the encapsulation, which provides properties to a class, is
and what the properties themselves represent, we shall consider an example.
Lets have a class, which represents a point from the 2D space with
properties representing the coordinates {x, y}. Here is how it would look like
if we declare each of the coordinates as a field:
class Point
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 555
private double x;
private double y;

public Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

public double X
get { return this.x; }
set { this.x = value; }

public double Y
get { return this.y; }
set { this.y = value; }
The fields of the objects of our class (i.e. the points coordinates) are declared
as private and cannot be accessed by a "dot" notation. If we create an
object from class Point, we can modify and read the properties (the
coordinates) of the point only through the properties for access to them:
using System;

class PointTest
static void Main()
Point myPoint = new Point(2, 3);

double myPointXCoord = myPoint.X; // Access a property
double myPointYCoord = myPoint.Y; // Access a property

Console.WriteLine("The X coordinate is: " + myPointXCoord);
Console.WriteLine("The Y coordinate is: " + myPointYCoord);
556 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The result of the execution of the Main() method will be:
The X coordinate is: 2
The Y coordinate is: 3
If, however, we decide to change the internal representation of the points
properties, e.g. instead of two fields, we declare them as a one-dimensional
array with two elements; we can do it without affecting in any way of the
other classes of our project:
using System;

class Point
private double[] coordinates;

public Point(int xCoord, int yCoord)
this.coordinates = new double[2];

// Initializing the x coordinate
coordinates[0] = xCoord;

// Initializing the y coordinate
coordinates[1] = yCoord;

public double X
get { return coordinates[0]; }
set { coordinates[0] = value; }

public double Y
get { return coordinates[1]; }
set { coordinates[1] = value; }
The result of the implementation of the Main() method will not be changed
and will be the same even without changing a single character in the code of
the class PointTest.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 557
The demonstration is a good example of data encapsulation of an object,
provided by the mechanism of the properties. Through them we hide the
internal representation of the information by declaring properties and
methods for accessing it, and if later a change occurs in the representation,
this will not affect the other classes using our class, because they only use its
properties and do not know how the information is represented behind the
Of course, the example shows only one of the benefits of class fields wrapping
(packing) into properties. Properties allow further control over the data
in the class and they can check whether the assigned values are correct
according to some criteria. For example, if we have a property maximum
speed for a class Car, it is possible, through properties, to require its value to
be within the range of 1 to 300 km/h.
Physical Presentation of the Properties in a Class
As we saw above, the properties may have different presentation in one
class at a physical level. In our example, the information about the properties
of the class Point initially was stored in two fields and later in one fieldarray.
However, if we decide instead of keeping the information about the properties
of the point in a field, to save it in a file or a database and every time we
need to access the respective property, we can read or write from the file or
the database rather than use the fields of the class as in the previous
examples. Since the properties are accessed by special methods (called
methods for access and modification or accessor methods) to be discussed
later, for the classes that will use our class the question how the information
will be stored would not matter (because of the good encapsulation).
In the most common case, however, the information about the properties of
the class is saved in a field of the class, which has the most rigorous level of
visibility private.

It does not matter how the information for the properties in
a class in C# is saved, but usually this is done by a class field
with the most restrictive access level (private).
Property without Declaration of a Field
Consider an example, in which the property is stored neither in the field, nor
anywhere else, but recalculated when trying to access it.
Lets have the class Rectangle, which represents the geometric shape of a
rectangle. Accordingly, this class has two fields for width and for height.
Assume our class has one more property area. Because we always can
calculate the property area of a rectangle based on the width and the
height, it is not required to define a separate field in the class to keep this
value. Therefore, we can simply declare a method for obtaining the area
through which we calculate the area of a rectangle:
558 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
using System;

class Rectangle
private float height;
private float width;

public Rectangle(float height, float width)
this.height = height;
this.width = width;

// Obtaining the value of the property area
public float Area
get { return this.height * this.width; }
As we will see later, a property does not necessarily have an accessing and a
modifying method at the same time. Therefore, it is allowed to declare only a
method for reading the property Area of the rectangle. There is no point to
have a method, which modifies the value of the area of a rectangle because
the area is always one and the same based on given lengths of the sides.
Declaring Properties in C#
To declare a property in C#, we have to declare access methods (for reading
and changing) of the respective property and to decide how we will store the
information related to the property in the class.
Before we declare the methods, however, we have to declare the property of
the class. Formal declaration of properties appears in the following way:
[<modifiers>] <property_type> <property_name>
With <modifiers> we have denoted both the access modifiers and other
modifiers (e.g. static, to be discussed in the next section of this chapter).
They are not a mandatory part of the declaration of a field.
The type of the property <property_type> specifies the type of the values
of the property. It may be either a primitive type (e.g. int), or a reference
type (e.g. array).
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 559
Respectively, <property_name> is the name of the property. It must begin
with a capital letter and to satisfy the PascalCase rule, i.e. every new word
that is adjoined to the end part of the property name, starts with a capital
letter. Here are some examples of properly named properties:
// MyValue property
public int MyValue { get; set; }

// Color property
public string Color { get; set; }

// X-coordinate property
public double X { get; set; }
The Body of a Property
Like classes and methods in C# properties also have bodies, where the
methods for access are declared (accessors).
[<modifiers>] <property_type> <property_name>
// Property's accessors methods go here
The body of a property begins with an opening bracket "{" and ends with a
closing bracket "}". Properties should always have a body.
Method for Reading the Value of a Property (Getter)
As we explained, the declaration of a method for reading a value of a
property (in the literature called a getter) is made in the body of a property
by using the following syntaxes:
get { <accessor_body> }
The content of the block surrounded by the braces (<accessor_body>) is
similar to the contents of any method. The actions, which should be
performed to return the result of the method, are declared in it.
The method of reading the value of a property must end with a return or
throw operation. The type of the value, which is returned as a result of this
method, has to be the same as <property_type> described in the property
Although earlier in this section we considered many examples of declared
properties with a method for reading their values, lets consider another
example of a property Age, which is of type int and is declared via a field in
the same class:
560 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
private int age; // Field declaration

public int Age // Property declaration
get { return this.age; } // Getter declaration
Calling a Method for Reading Propertys Value
Assume that the property Age from the last example is declared in the class
Dog. Then calling the method for reading the value of the property is done by
a dot notation, applied to a variable of the type, in the class of which the
property is declared:
Dog dogInstance = new Dog();
int dogAge = dogInstance.Age; // Getter invocation
Console.WriteLine(dogInstance.Age); // Getter invocation
The last two lines of the example show that when accessing through a dot
notation the name of the property, its getter method (method for reading its
value) is called automatically.
Method for Modifying Propertys Value (Setter)
Like the method of reading the propertys value we can also declare the
method of changing (modifying) the value of a property (in the literature
known as setter). It is declared in the body of a property with void return
value and the assigned value is accessible through an implicit parameter
The declaration is made in the body of the property through the following
set { <accessor_body> }
The contents of the block surrounded by arrow brackets <accessor_body>
are similar to the content of any method. It declares the actions that must be
performed to change the value of the property. The method uses a hidden
parameter called value, which is available in C# by default and contains the
new value of the property. The type of the parameter is the same as the type
of the property.
Lets add the example for the property Age in the class Dog to illustrate what
we discussed so far:
private int age; // Field declaration

Chapter 14. Defining Classes 561
public int Age // Property declaration
get { return this.age; }
set { this.age = value; } // Setter declaration
Calling a Method for Modifying the Propertys Value
Calling the method to modify the propertys value is performed via the dot
notation, applied to the variable of the type, in the class of which the property
is declared:
Dog dogInstance = new Dog();
dogInstance.Age = 3; // Setter invocation
In the last line where the value 3 is assigned the setter method of the
property Age is called. In this way the value is saved in the parameter value
and is assigned to the setter method of the property Age. In our example, the
value of the variable value is assigned to the field age from the class Dog, but
in the general case this can be handled in a more complicated way.
Assertion of the Input Values
It is a good practice in the programming process to check the validity of
the input values for the setter method of modifying a property and if they
are not valid to take the necessary measures. Mostly, in case of incorrect
input data an exception is caused.
Consider again the example with the age of the dog. As we know the age has
to be a positive number. To prevent someone from assigning a negative
number or a zero to the property Age, we add the following validation at the
beginning of the setter method:
public int Age
get { return this.age; }
// Take precaution: perform check for correctness
if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
"Invalid argument: Age should be a positive number.");
// Assign the new correct value
this.age = value;
562 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In case someone tries to assign a value to Age, which is a negative number or
0, the code will throw an exception from the type ArgumentException, with
details of the problem.
To protect itself from invalid data a class must verify the input values for
all properties and constructors submitted to the setter methods, as well as
all methods, which can change a field of a class. This programming practice to
protect classes from invalid data and invalid internal states is widely used and
is a part of the "Defensive Programming" concept, which we will discuss in
chapter "High-Quality Programming Code".
Automatic Properties in C#
In C# we could define properties without explicitly defining the underlying
field behind them. This is called automatic properties:
using System;

class Point
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }

public Point(int x, int y)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;

class PointTest
static void Main()
Point myPoint = new Point(2, 3);
Console.WriteLine("The X coordinate is: " + myPoint.X);
Console.WriteLine("The Y coordinate is: " + myPoint.Y);
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 563
The above example declares a class Point with two automatic properties: X
and Y. These properties do not have explicitly defined underlying fields and
the compiler defines them during the compilation. It looks like the get and
set methods are empty but in fact the compiler defines an underlying field
and fills the body of the get and set accessors with some code to read / write
the automatically defined underlying field.
Use automatic properties for simple classes where you want to write less
code but have in mind that when you use automatic properties your control
over the assigned values is limited. You might have difficulties to add checks
for invalid data.
Types of Properties
Depending on their definition we can classify the properties as follows:
1. Read-only, i.e. these properties have only a get method as shown by
the area of the rectangle.
2. Write-only, i.e. these properties have only a set method, but no
method for reading the value of the property.
3. And the most common case is read-write, where the property has
methods both for reading and for changing the value.
Some properties are designed to be read-only. Others are supposed to
support both read and write operations. The developers should decide
whether someone should be able to change the value of given property and
define it as read-only or read / write. Write-only properties are used very
Static Classes and Static Members
We call an element static when it is declared with the modifier static. In C#
we can declare fields, methods, properties, constructors and classes as static.
We will first consider the static elements of a class or in other words we will
look at the fields, methods, properties and constructors of a class and then we
will study the concept of the static class.
What the Static Elements Are Used For?
Before we study the working principle of the static elements, lets see the
reasons why we need to use them.
Method to Sum Two Numbers
Lets imagine that we have a class with a single method that always works in
the same manner. For example, its task is to get two numbers and return
their sum as a result. In this scenario there is no matter exactly which object
of that class is going to implement that method since it will always do the
same thing adding two numbers together, independent of the calling object.
564 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In practice the behavior of the method does not depend of the object
state (the values in the object field). So why the need to create an object to
accomplish that method provided that the method does not depend on any of
the objects of that class? Why not just get the class to implement that
Instance Counter for Given Class
Consider a different scenario. Lets say we want to keep in our program the
current number of objects, which have been created by a given class. How will
we keep that variable, which stores the number of created objects?
As we know, we will not be able to store the variable as a class field because
for each created object there will be created a copy of that field, initialized
with default value. Every single object will store its own field for indication of
the number of objects and the objects will not be able to share information.
It looks like the counter should be outside a class field rather than inside it. In
the following subsections we will find out how to deal with such a problem.
What Is a Static Member?
Formally speaking, a static member of the class is every field, property,
method or other member, which has a static modifier in its declaration
. That
means that fields, methods and properties, marked as static, belong to the
particular class rather than to any particular object of the given class.
Therefore, when we mark a field, method or property as static, we can use
them without creating any object of the given class. All we need is to have
access (visibility) to the class so that we can call the objects static methods
or its static fields and properties.

Static elements of the class can be used without creating an
object of the given class.
On the other hand if we have created objects of the given class then its static
fields and properties will be shared and there will be only one copy of the
static field or property which will be shared among all objects of the given
class. Because of that reason in the VB.NET language we have the keyword
shared instead of the static keyword.
Static Fields
When we create objects from a given class, each of them holds different
values in its fields. For example, consider again the class Dog:
public class Dog
// Instance variables
private string name;
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 565
private int age;
There are two fields in the class, one for the name name and another one for
the age age. Every object, each of these fields, has its own value, which is
stored in a different place in the memory for every object.
Sometimes, however, we want to have common fields for all objects of a
given class. To achieve that, we have to use the static modifier in the field
declarations. As we already said, such fields are called static fields. In the
literature they are also called class variables.
We say that the static fields are class associated, rather than associated
with any object from the particular class. That means that all objects, created
by the description of a class share the static fields of the class.

All objects, created by the description of a given class (that
is, instances of a given class), share the static fields of the
Declaration of Static Fields
The static fields are declared the same way as the class fields. If there is
access modifier, the keyword static should be added after it.
[<access_modifier>] static <field_type> <field_name>
Here is how a field named dogCount would look like. The field stores
information about the count of the created objects from the class Dog:
public class Dog
// Static (class) variable
static int dogCount;

// Instance variables
private string name;
private int age;
The static fields are created when we try to access them for the first time
(read / modify). After their creation they are initialized with their default
values of their types.
566 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Initialization during Declaration
If during the static field declaration we set an initialization value, it will be
assigned to the particular static field. The initialization executes only once
when the field is accessed for the first time right after the assignment has
finished. The next time when the field is accessed that field initialization will
not execute.
We can append the static field initialization in the example above:
// Static variable declaration and initialization
static int dogCount = 0;
This initialization will complete during the first invocation to the static field.
When we access some static field, an amount of memory will be reserved for
it and it will be initialized with its default values. If the field has initialization
during declaration (like it is in our case with the dogCount field) this
initialization will execute. If we try later to access the field from other part of
our program this process will not repeat, because the static field already
exists and is initialized.
Accessing Static Fields
In contrast to the common (non-static) class fields, the static fields that are
associated with the particular class can be accessed through an external class.
In order to do that we need to put a "dot" notation this way:
For example, if we want to print the value of the static field that holds the
number of created objects of our class Dog we should do that:
static void Main()
// Access to the static variable through class name
Console.WriteLine("Dog count is now " + Dog.dogCount);
The result of the Main() method is:
Dog count is now 0
If we have a method in the class, which is defined as a static field, we can
access it directly without the class name, because it is known by default.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 567
Modification of the Static Field Values
As we said before, the static variables are shared between all objects of
the class and do not belong to any object of the particular class. That way any
object can access and modify the static field values and in the same time
other objects can see the modified values.
Thats why if we want to count the number of created objects of the class Dog,
we should use a static field and increment it by one every time the
constructor is invoked, i.e. every time we create and object of our class.
public Dog(string name, int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

// Modifying the static counter in the constructor
Dog.dogCount += 1;
We access static field from the class Dog so we can use the following code in
order to access the field dogCount:
public Dog(string name, int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

// Modifying the static counter in the constructor
dogCount += 1;
The first way is preferable, it is clear that the field in the class Dog is static.
The code is more readable.
Lets create some objects of the class Dog and print out their number in order
to check if we are right:
static void Main()
Dog dog1 = new Dog("Jackie", 1);
Dog dog2 = new Dog("Lassy", 2);
Dog dog3 = new Dog("Rex", 3);

// Access to the static variable
Console.WriteLine("Dog count is now " + Dog.dogCount);
568 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The output of the example is:
Dog count is now 3
Before we finish with the static fields we should get familiar with one more
specific type of static fields.
Like the constants of mathematics, in C# special fields of a class called
constants can be created. Once declared and initialized constants always
have the same value for all objects of a particular type.
In C# constants are of two types:
1. Constants the values of which are extracted during the compilation of
the program (compile-time constants).
2. Constants the values of which are extracted during the execution of the
program (run-time constants).
Compile-Time Constants (const)
Constants, which are calculated at compile time (compile-time constants), are
declared as follows, using modifier const:
[<access_modifiers>] const <type> <name>;
Constants, which are declared with special word const, are static fields.
Nevertheless, the use of modifier static is not required (nor allowed by the
compiler) in their declaration.

Although the constants declared with a modifier const are
static fields, they must not and cannot use the static
modifier in their declaration.
For example, if we want to declare as a constant the number "PI", which is
known to us from mathematics, this can be done as follows:
public const double PI = 3.141592653589793;
The value we assign to a particular constant can be an expression, which has
to be calculated by the compiler at compile time. For example, as we know
from mathematics, the constant "PI" can be represented as the approximate
result of the division of numbers 22 and 7:
public const double PI = 22d / 7;
When we try to print the value of the constant:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 569
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("The value of PI is: " + PI);
The command line will display:
The value of PI is: 3.14285714285714
If we do not give a value to a constant at its declaration, but later, we will get
a compilation error. For example, if we take the example of the constant PI,
we first declare the constant and later try to give it a value:
public const double PI;

// Some code

public void SetPiValue()
// Attempting to initialize the constant PI
PI = 3.141592653589793;
The compiler will issue an error like this one, indicating the line, where the
constant is declared:
A const field requires a value to be provided
Lets pay attention, again:

Constants declared with modifier const must be initialized at
the moment of their declaration.
Assigning Constant Values at Runtime
Having learned how to declare constants that are being initialized at compile
time, lets consider the following example: we want to create a class for color
(Color). We will use the so-called Red-Green-Blue (RGB) color model,
according to which, each color is represented by mixing the three primary
colors red, green and blue. These three primary colors are represented as
three integers in the range from 0 to 255. For example, black is represented
as (0, 0, 0), white as (255, 255, 255), blue (0, 0, 255) etc.
In our class we declare three integer fields for red, green and blue light and a
constructor that accepts values for each of them:
570 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
class Color
private int red;
private int green;
private int blue;

public Color(int red, int green, int blue)
this.red = red;
this.green = green;
this.blue = blue;
As some colors are used more frequently than others (for example, black and
white) we can declare constants for them, with the idea that the users of
our class will take them for granted, instead of creating their own objects for
these particular colors every time. To do this, we modify the code of our class
as follows, adding the declaration of the following color-constants:
class Color
public const Color Black = new Color(0, 0, 0);
public const Color White = new Color(255, 255, 255);

private int red;
private int green;
private int blue;

public Color(int red, int green, int blue)
this.red = red;
this.green = green;
this.blue = blue;
Strangely, when we try to compile, we get the following error:
'Color.Black' is of type 'Color'. A const field of a reference
type other than string can only be initialized with null.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 571
'Color.White' is of type 'Color'. A const field of a reference
type other than string can only be initialized with null.
This is so because in C#, constants, declared with the modifier const, can be
only of the following types:
1. Primitive types: sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
char, float, double, decimal, bool.
2. Enumerated types (discussed in section "Enumerations" at the end of
this chapter).
3. Reference types (mostly the type string).
The problem with the compilation of the class in our example is connected
with the reference types and the restriction on the compiler not to allow
simultaneous use of the operator new when declaring a constant when this
constant is declared with the modifier const, unless the reference type can be
calculated at compile time.
As we can guess, the only reference type, which can be calculated at compile
time while using the operator new is string.
Therefore, the only possibilities for reference type constants that are declared
with modifier const are, as follows:
1. The constants must be of type string.
2. The value, which we assign to the constant of reference type, other than
string, is null.
We can formulate the following definition:

Constants declared with modifier const must be of primitive,
enumeration or reference type, and if they are of reference
type, this type must be either a string or the value, that we
assign to the constant, must be null.
Thus, using the modifier const, we will not be able to declare the constants
Black and White of type Color in our color class because they arent null.
The next section will show us how to deal with this problem.
Runtime Constants (readonly)
When we want to declare reference type constants, which cannot be
calculated during compilation of the program, we must use a combination of
static readonly modifiers, instead of const modifier.
[<access_modifiers>] static readonly <reference-type> <name>;
572 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Accordingly, <reference-type> is a type the value of which cannot be
calculated at compilation time.
The compilation is successful if we replace const by static readonly in the
last example of the previous section:
public static readonly Color Black = new Color(0, 0, 0);
public static readonly Color White = new Color(255, 255, 255);
Naming the Constants
The constants names in C# follow the PascalCase rule according to the
Microsofts official C# coding convention. If the constant is composed of
several words, each new word after the first one begins with a capital letter.
Here are some examples of correctly named constants:
// The base of the natural logarithms (approximate value)
public const double E = 2.718281828459045;
public const double PI = 3.141592653589793;
public const char PathSeparator = '/';
public const string BigCoffee = "big coffee";
public const int MaxValue = 2147483647;
public static readonly Color DeepSkyBlue = new Color(0,104,139);
Sometimes naming in style ALL-CAPS is used but it is not officially supported
by the Microsoft code conventions, even though it is widely distributed in
public const double FONT_SIZE_IN_POINTS = 14; // 14pt font size
The examples made it clear that the difference between const and static
readonly fields is in the moment of their value assignments. The compile-
time constants (const) must be initialized at the moment of declaration, while
the run-time constants (static readonly) can be initialized at a later stage,
for example in one of the constructors of the class in which they are defined.
Using Constants
Constants are used in programming to avoid repetition of numbers,
strings or other common values (literals) in the program and to enable
them to change easily. The use of constants instead of brutally hardcoded
repeating values facilitates readability and maintenance of the code and is
highly recommended practice. According to some authors all literals other
than 0, 1, -1, empty string, true, false and null must be declared as
constants, but this can make it difficult to read and maintain the code instead
of making it simple. Therefore, it is believed that values, which occur more
than once in the program or are likely to change over time, must be
declared as constants.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 573
In the chapter "High-Quality Programming Code" will we learn in details when
and how to use constants efficiently.
Static Methods
Like static fields, we declare a method as static if we want it to be associated
only with the class and not with a particular class object.
Declaration of Static Methods
To declare a static method syntactically means that we must add the
keyword static in the methods declaration:
[<access_modifier>] static <return_type> <method_name>()
Lets for example declare the method of summing two numbers, which we
discussed at the beginning of this section:
public static int Add(int number1, int number2)
return (number1 + number2);
Accessing Static Methods
Like static fields, static methods can be accessed with the "dot" notation
(the dot operator) applied to the name of the class and the class name can be
skipped if the calling is performed by the same class, in which the static
method is declared. Here is an example of calling the static method Add():
static void Main()
// Call the static method through its class
int sum = MyMathClass.Add(3, 5);

Access between Static and Non-Static Members
In most cases static methods are used to access static fields in the class
they have been defined. For example, if we want to declare a method, which
returns the number of the created objects of the Dog class, it must be static,
because our counter will be static too:
public static int GetDogCount()
574 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
return dogCount;
But when we examine how static and non-static methods and fields can be
accessed, not all combinations are allowed.
Accessing Non-Static Members from Non-Static Method
Non-static methods can access non-static fields and other non-static methods
of the class. For example, in the Dog class we can declare method
PrintInfo(), which displays information about our dog:
public class Dog
// Static variable
static int dogCount;

// Instance variables
private string name;
private int age;

public Dog(string name, int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

dogCount += 1;

public void Bark()

// Non-static (instance) method
public void PrintInfo()
// Accessing instance variables name and age
Console.Write("Dog's name: " + this.name + "; age: "
+ this.age + "; often says: ");

// Calling instance method
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 575
Of course, if we create an object of the Dog class and call his PrintInfo()
static void Main()
Dog dog = new Dog("Doggy", 1);
The result will be the following:
Dog's name: Doggy; age: 1; often says: wow-wow
Accessing Static Elements from Non-Static Method
We can access static fields and static methods of the class from non-static
method. As we learned earlier, this is because static methods and variables
are bound by class, rather than a specific method and the static elements can
be accessed from any object of the class, even of external classes (as long as
they are visible to them).
For example:
public class Circle
public static double PI = 3.141592653589793;

private double radius;

public Circle(double radius)
this.radius = radius;

public static double CalculateSurface(double radius)
return (PI * radius * radius);

public void PrintSurface()
576 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
double surface = CalculateSurface(radius);
Console.WriteLine("Circle's surface is: " + surface);
In the example, we provide access to the value of the static field PI of the
non-static method PrintSurface(), by calling the static method
CalculateSurface(). Lets try to call this non-static method:
static void Main()
Circle circle = new Circle(3);
After the compilation and the execution, the following result will be printed on
the console:
Circle's surface is: 28.2743338823081
Accessing Static Elements of the Class from Static Method
We can call a static method or static field of the class from another static
method without any problems.
For example, lets consider our class for mathematical calculations. We have
declared the constant PI, in it. We can declare a static method for finding the
length of the circle (the formula for finding perimeter of a circle is 2r, where
r is the radius of the circle), that uses the constant PI for calculating the
perimeter of a circle. Then, to show that static method can call another static
method, we can call the static method for finding the perimeter of a circle
from the static method Main():
public class MyMathClass
public const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

// The method applies the formula: P = 2 * PI * r
static double CalculateCirclePerimeter(double r)
// Accessing the static variable PI from static method
return (2 * PI * r);

Chapter 14. Defining Classes 577
static void Main()
double radius = 5;

// Accessing static method from other static method
double circlePerimeter = CalculateCirclePerimeter(radius);

Console.WriteLine("Circle with radius " + radius +
" has perimeter: " + circlePerimeter);
The code is compiled without errors and displays the following output:
Circle with radius 5.0 has perimeter: 31.4159265358979
Accessing Non-Static Elements from Static Method
Lets look at the most interesting case of a combination of accessing non-
static and static elements of the class accessing non-static elements
form a static method.
We should know that from static method we can neither access non-static
fields, nor call non-static methods. This is because static methods are bound
to the class and do not know any object of the class. Therefore, the keyword
this cannot be used in static methods it is bound to a specific instance of
the class. When we try to access non-static elements of the class (fields or
methods) from static method, we will always get a compilation error.
Unauthorized Access to Non-Static Field Example
If in our class Dog we try to declare a static method PrintName(), which
returns as a result the value of the non-static field name declared in the class:
public static void PrintName()
// Trying to access non-static variable from static method
Console.WriteLine(name); // INVALID
Accordingly, the compiler will respond with an error message:
An object reference is required for the non-static field,
method, or property 'Dog.name'
If we try to access the field in the method, via the keyword this:
578 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public void string PrintName()
// Trying to access non-static variable from static method
Console.WriteLine(this.name); // INVALID
The compiler will still not be satisfied and this time will fail to compile the
class and will display the following message:
Keyword 'this' is not valid in a static property, static method,
or static field initializer
Illegal Call of Non-Static Method from Static Method Example
Now we will try to call non-static method from static method. Let declare in
our class Dog, the non-static method PrintAge(), which prints the value of
the field age:
public void PrintAge()
Accordingly, lets try from the method Main(), which we declare in the class
Dog, to call this method without creating an object of our class:
static void Main()
// Attempt to invoke non-static method from a static context
PrintAge(); // INVALID
When we try to compile we will get the following error:
An object reference is required for the non-static field,
method, or property 'Dog.PrintAge()'
The result is similar, if we try to cheat the compiler, trying to call the method
via the keyword this:
static void Main()
// Attempt to invoke non-static method from a static context
this.PrintAge(); // INVALID
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 579
Accordingly, as with the attempt to access the non-static field of a static
method using the keyword this, the compiler displays the following error
message and fails to compile our class:
Keyword 'this' is not valid in a static property, static method,
or static field initializer
From the examples, we can make the following conclusion:

Non-static elements of the class may NOT be used in a static
The problem with the access to non-static elements of the class of static
method has a single solution these non-static elements are accessed by
reference to an object:
static void Main()
Dog myDog = new Dog("Lassie", 2);
string myDogName = myDog.name;
Console.WriteLine("My dog \"" + myDogName +"\" has age of ");
Accordingly, this code is compiled and the result is:
My dog "Lassie" has age of 2 years
Static Properties of the Class
Although rare, it is sometimes convenient to use and declare not the object
characteristics, but the ones of the class. They possess the same
characteristics like the properties related to the particular object of a
particular class, which we discussed above, but with the difference that the
static properties refer to the class (not its objects).
As we can guess, all we need to do to turn a simple property into a static one,
is to add the static keyword in its declaration.
The static properties are declared as follows:
[<modifiers>] static <property_type> <property_name>
// Property's accessors methods go here
580 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets consider an example. We have a class that describes a system. We can
create many objects from it, but the model of the system has a version and a
vendor, which are common to all instances created from this class. We can
make the version and the vendors as static properties of the class:
public class SystemInfo
private static double version = 0.1;
private static string vendor = "Microsoft";

// The "version" static property
public static double Version
get { return version; }
set { version = value; }

// The "vendor" static property
public static string Vendor
get { return vendor; }
set { vendor = value; }

// More (non)static code here
In this example we have chosen to keep the value of static properties in static
variables (which are logical, since they are bound only to the class). The
properties that we consider are Version and Vendor, respectively. For each of
them we have created static methods for reading and modification. Thus, all
objects of this class will be able to retrieve the current version and vendor of
the system, which describes the class. Accordingly, if one day an upgrade of
the system version is done and the value becomes 0.2, as a result each
object will receive the new version by accessing the class property.
Static Properties and the Keyword this
Like static methods, the keyword this cannot be used in the static properties,
as the static property is associated only with the class and does not
recognize objects of a class.

The keyword this cannot be used in static properties.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 581
Accessing Static Properties
Like the static fields and methods, static properties can be accessed by "dot"
notation, applied only to the name of the class in which they are declared.
To be sure, lets try to access the property Version through a variable of the
class SystemInfo:
static void Main()
SystemInfo sysInfoInstance = new SystemInfo();
Console.WriteLine("System version: " +
When we try to compile the above code, we get the following error message:
Member 'SystemInfo.Version.get' cannot be accessed with an
instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead
Accordingly, if we try to access the static properties through class name, the
code compiles and works correctly:
static void Main()
// Invocation of static property setter
SystemInfo.Vendor = "Microsoft Corporation";

// Invocation of static property getters
Console.WriteLine("System version: " + SystemInfo.Version);
Console.WriteLine("System vendor: " + SystemInfo.Vendor);
The code is compiled and the result of its execution is:
System version: 0.1
System vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Before proceeding to the next section, lets look at the printed value of the
property Vendor. It is "Microsoft Corporation", although we have initialized
it with the value "Microsoft" in the SystemInfo class. This is because we
changed the value of the property Vendor of the first line of the Main()
method, by calling its method of modification.

Static properties can be accessed only through dot notation,
applied to the name of the class in which they are declared.
582 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Static Classes
For complete understanding we have to explain that we can also declare
classes as static. Similar to static members, a class is static, when the
keyword static is used in its declaration.
[<modifiers>] static class <class_name>
// Class body goes here
When a class is declared as static, it is an indication that this class contains
only static members (i.e. static fields, methods, properties) and cannot be
The use of static classes is rare and most often associated with the use of
static methods and constants, which do not belong to any particular
object. For this reason, the details of static classes go beyond the scope of
this book. Curious reader can find more information on the site of the
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
Static Constructors
To finish the section on static class members, we should mention that classes
may also have static constructor (i.e. constructor that has the static
keyword in its declaration):
[<modifiers>] static <class_name>([<parameters_list>])
Static constructors can be declared both in static and in non-static classes.
They are executed only once when the first of the following two events
occurs for the first time:
1. An object of class is created.
2. A static element of the class is accessed (field, method, property).
Most often static constructors are used for initialization of static fields.
Static Constructor Example
Consider an example for the use of a static constructor. We want to make
a class that quickly calculates the square root of an integer and returns the
whole part of the result, which is also an integer. Since calculating the square
root is a time-consuming mathematical operation involving calculations with
real numbers and calculating convergent series, it is a good idea these
calculations to be done once at program startup and then to use the already
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 583
calculated values. Of course, to make such pre-computing of all square
roots in a given range, we must first define this range and it should not be
too wide (e.g. from 1 to 1000). Then we need, at first request for a square
roots of a number, to recalculate all the square roots in this range and then to
return the already calculated value. Upon a following request for a square
root, all values in this range will have already been calculated and returned
directly. If the program is never required to calculate the square root,
preliminary calculations should not be fulfilled at all.
Through the described process initially some CPU time is invested for
preliminary calculations, but then the extraction of the square root later is
done very quickly. If we have multiple calculations of the square root, the
pre-calculation will significantly increase the performance.
All this can be implemented in one static class with a static constructor,
in which the square roots will be recalculated. The results, which have already
been calculated, can be stored in a static array. A static method can be
used to extract the already pre-calculated value. Since the preliminary
calculations are being performed in the static constructor, if the class for pre-
calculated square roots is not used, they will not be executed and CPU time
and memory will be saved.
This is how the implementation might look like:
static class SqrtPrecalculated
public const int MaxValue = 1000;

// Static field
private static int[] sqrtValues;

// Static constructor
static SqrtPrecalculated()
sqrtValues = new int[MaxValue + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < sqrtValues.Length; i++)
sqrtValues[i] = (int)Math.Sqrt(i);

// Static method
public static int GetSqrt(int value)
if ((value < 0) || (value > MaxValue))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format(
584 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
"The argument should be in range [0...{0}].",
return sqrtValues[value];

class SqrtTest
static void Main()
// Result: 15
In C# and .NET Framework there are two implementations of the concept of
"class" from the object-oriented programming: classes and structures.
Classes are defined through the keyword class while the structures are
defined through the keyword struct. The main difference between a
structure and a class is that:
- Classes are reference types (references to some address in the heap
which holds their members).
- Structures (structs) are value types (they directly hold their
members in the program execution stack).
Structure (struct) Example
Lets define a structure to hold a point in the 2D space, similar to the class
Point defined in the section "Example of Encapsulation":
struct Point2D
private double x;
private double y;

public Point2D(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 585

public double X
get { return this.x; }
set { this.x = value; }

public double Y
get { return this.y; }
set { this.y = value; }
The only difference is that now we defined Point2D as struct, not as class.
Point2D is a structure, a value type, so its instances behave like int and
double. They are value types (not objects), which means they cannot be null
and they are passed by value when taken as a method parameters.
Structures are Value Types
Unlike classes, the structures are value types. To illustrate this we will play
a bit with the Point2D structure:
class PlayWithPoints
static void PrintPoint(Point2D p)
Console.WriteLine("({0},{1})", p.X, p.Y);

static void TryToChangePoint(Point2D p)

static void Main()
Point2D point = new Point2D(3, -2);
586 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
If we run the above example, the result will be as follows:
Obviously the structures are value types and when passed as parameters
to a method their fields are copied (just like int parameters) and when
changed inside the method, the change affects only the copy, not the original.
This can be illustrated by the next few figures.
First, the point variable is created which holds a value of (3, -2):

Next, the method TryToChangePoint(Point2D p) is called and it copies the
value of the variable point into another place in the stack, allocated for
the parameter p of the method. When the parameter p is changed in the
methods body, it is modified in the stack and this does not affect the
original variable point which was previously passed as argument when
calling the method:

Heap Stack
Point2D instance
(nothing is stored
in the heap)
Heap Stack
Point2D instance
(nothing is stored
in the heap)
Point2D (copy)
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 587
If we change Point2D from struct to class, the result will be very different:
This is because the variable point will be now passed by reference (not by
value) and its value will be shared between point and p in the heap. The
figure below illustrates what happens in the memory at the end of the method
TryToChangePoint(Point2D p) when Point2D is a class:

Class or Structure?
How to decide when to use a class and when a structure? We will give
you some general guidelines.
Use structures to hold simple data structures consisting of few fields that
come together. Examples are coordinates, sizes, locations, colors, etc.
Structures are not supposed to have functionality inside (no methods except
simple ones like ToString() and comparators). Use structures for small data
structures consisting of set of fields that should be passed by value.
Use classes for more complex scenarios where you combine data and
programming logic into a class. If you have logic, use a class. If you have
more than few simple fields, use a class. If you need to pass variables by
reference, use a class. If you need to assign a null value, prefer using a
class. If you prefer working with a reference type, use a class.
Classes are used more often than structures. Use structs as exception, and
only if you know well what are you doing!
There are few other differences between class and structure in addition
that classes are reference types and structures are values types, but we will
not going to discuss them. For more details refer to the following article in
MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173109.aspx.
Heap Stack
point (reference variable)
3 -2
Point2D object
p (parameter by reference)
588 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Earlier in this chapter we discussed what constants are, how to declare and
use them. In this connection we will now consider a part of the C# language,
in which a variety of logically connected constants can be linked by means of
language. These language constructs are the so-called enumerated types.
Declaration of Enumerations
Enumeration is a structure, which resembles a class but differs from it in
that in the class body we can declare only constants. Enumerations can
take values only from the constants listed in the type. An enumerated variable
can have as a value one of the listed in the type constants but cannot have
value null.
Formally speaking, the enumerations can be declared using the reserved word
enum instead of class:
[<modifiers>] enum <enum_name>
constant1 [, constant2 [, [, [, constantN]]
Under <modifiers> we understand the access modifiers public, internal
and private. The identifier <enum_name> follows the rules for class names in
C#. Constants separated by commas are declared in the enumeration block.
Consider an example. Lets define an enumeration for the days of the week
(we will call it Days). As we can guess, the constants that will appear in this
particular enumeration are the names of the week days:
enum Days
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Naming of constants in one particular enumeration follows the same principles
of naming of which we already explained in the "Naming Constants" section.
Note that each of the constants listed in the enumeration is of type this
enumeration, i.e. in our case Mon belongs to type Days, as well as each of the
other constants.
In other words, if we execute the following line:
Console.WriteLine(Days.Mon is Days);
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 589
This will be printed as a result:
Lets repeat again:

The enumerations are a set of constants of type this listed
Nature of Enumerations
Each constant, which is declared in one enumeration, is being associated with
a certain integer. By default, for this hidden integer representation of
constants in one enumeration int is being used.
To show the integer nature of constants in the listed types lets try to
figure out whats the numerical representation of the constant, which
corresponds to Monday from the example of the previous subsection:
int mondayValue = (int)Days.Mon;
After we execute it, the result will be:
The values, associated with constants of a particular enumerated type by
default are the indices in the list of constants of this type, i.e. numbers from 0
to the number of constants in the type less 1. In this way, if we consider the
example with the enumeration type for the week days, used in the previous
subsection, the constant Mon is associated with the numerical value 0, the
constant Tue with the integer value 1, Wed with 2, etc.

Each constant in one enumeration is actually a textual
representation of an integer. By default this number is the
constants index in the list of constants of a particular
enumeration type.
Despite the integer nature of constants in a particular enumeration, when we
try to print a particular constant, its textual representation at the time of the
constants declaration will be printed:
After we execute the code above we will get the following result:
590 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Hidden Numerical Value of Constants in Enumeration
As we can guess it is possible to change the numerical value of constants
in an enumeration. This is done when we assign the values we prefer to
each of the constants at the time of declaration.
[<modifiers>] enum <enum_name>
constant1[=value1] [, constant2[=value2] [, ]]
Accordingly value1, value2, etc. must be integers.
To get a clearer idea of the given definition consider the following example:
lets have a class Coffee, which represents a cup of coffee that customers
order in a coffee shop:
public class Coffee
public Coffee()
In this facility customers can order different amounts of coffee, as the coffee
machine has predefined values small 100 ml, normal 150 ml and
double 300 ml. Therefore, we can declare one enumeration CoffeeSize,
which has respectively three constants Small, Normal and Double, the
correspondent qualities of which will be assigned:
public enum CoffeeSize
Small=100, Normal=150, Double=300
Now we can add a field and property to the class Coffee, which reflect the
type of coffee the customer has ordered:
public class Coffee
public CoffeeSize size;
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 591

public Coffee(CoffeeSize size)
this.size = size;

public CoffeeSize Size
get { return size; }
Lets try to print the values of the coffee quantity for a normal and for one
double coffee:
static void Main()
Coffee normalCoffee = new Coffee(CoffeeSize.Normal);
Coffee doubleCoffee = new Coffee(CoffeeSize.Double);

Console.WriteLine("The {0} coffee is {1} ml.",
normalCoffee.Size, (int)normalCoffee.Size);
Console.WriteLine("The {0} coffee is {1} ml.",
doubleCoffee.Size, (int)doubleCoffee.Size);
As we compile and execute this method, the following will be printed:
The Normal coffee is 150 ml.
The Double coffee is 300 ml.
Use of Enumerations
The main purpose of the enumerations is to replace the numeric values,
which we would use, if there were no enumeration types. In this way the code
becomes simpler and easier to read.
Another very important application of the enumerations is the pressure
exercised by the compiler to use constants from the enumerations and not
just numbers. Thus we minimize future errors in the code. For example, if we
use an int variable instead of a variable from enumerations and a set of
constants for the valid values, nothing prevents us from assigning the variable
any value, e.g. -6723.
To make this clearer, consider the following example: create a class "coffee
price calculator", which is calculating the price of each type of coffee,
offered in the coffee shop:
592 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public class PriceCalculator
public const int SmallCoffeeQuantity = 100;
public const int NormalCoffeeQuantity = 150;
public const int DoubleCoffeeQuantity = 300;

public CashMachine() { }

public double CalcPrice(int quantity)
switch (quantity)
case SmallCoffeeQuantity:
return 0.20;
case NormalCoffeeQuantity:
return 0.30;
case DoubleCoffeeQuantity:
return 0.60;
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unsupported coffee quantity: " + quantity);
We have three constants for the capacity of the coffee cups in the coffee
shop, respectively 100, 150 and 300 ml. Furthermore, we expect that users
of our class will diligently use the defined constants, instead of numbers
SmallCoffeeQuantity, NormalCoffeeQuantity and DoubleCoffeeQuantity.
The method CalcPrice(int) returns the respective price, calculating it by
the submitted amount.
The problem lies in the fact that someone may decide not to use the
constants defined by us and may submit an invalid number as a parameter of
our method, for example: -1 or 101. In this case, if the method does not
check for invalid quantity, it will likely return a wrong price, which is incorrect
To avoid this problem we will use one feature of these enumerations, namely
constants in the enumeration type can be used in switch-case structures.
They can be submitted as values of the operator switch and accordingly as
operands of the operator case.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 593

The constants of enumerations can be used in switch-case
Lets rework the method, which calculates the price for a cup of coffee,
depending on the capacity of the cup. This time we will use the enumeration
type CoffeeSize, which we declared in previous examples:
public double CalcPrice(CoffeeSize coffeeSize)
switch (coffeeSize)
case CoffeeSize.Small:
return 0.20;
case CoffeeSize.Normal:
return 0.40;
case CoffeeSize.Double:
return 0.60;
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unsupported coffee quantity: " + (int)coffeeSize);
As we can see in this example, the possibility for the users of our method to
provoke unexpected behavior of the method is negligible, because we force
them to use specific values which to be used as arguments, namely constants
of enumerated CoffeeSize type. This is one of the advantages of constants,
which are declared in enumeration types to constants declared in any class.

Whenever possible, use enumerations instead of set of
constants declared in a class.
Before we finish with the enumeration section we should mention that the
enumerations are to be used with caution when working with the switch-
case construct. For example, if one day the owner of the coffee shop buys
many big cups (mugs) for coffee, we will need to add a new constant in the
constant list of the enumeration CoffeeSize, which may be called, for
example, Overwhelming:
public enum CoffeeSize
Small=100, Normal=150, Double=300, Overwhelming=600
594 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
When we try to calculate the coffee price with the new quantity, the method,
which calculates the price, will throw an exception, informing the user that
such amount of coffee is not available in the coffee shop.
What we should do to solve this problem is to add a new case-condition,
which reflects the new constant in the enumerated CoffeeSize type.

When we modify the list of constants in an existing
enumeration, we should be careful not to break the logic of
the code that already exists and uses the constants, declared
so far.
Inner Classes (Nested Classes)
In C# an inner (nested) class is called a class that is declared inside the
body of another class. Accordingly, the class that encloses the inner class is
called an outer class.
The main reason to declare one class into another are:
1. To better organize the code when working with objects in the real
world, among which have a special relationship and one cannot exist
without the other.
2. To hide a class in another class, so that the inner class cannot be
used outside the class wrapped it.
In general, inner classes are used rarely, because they complicate the
structure of the code and increase the nested levels.
Declaration of Inner Classes
The inner classes are declared in the same way as normal classes, but are
located within another class. Allowed modifiers in the declaration of the
class are:
1. public an inner class is accessible from any assembly.
2. internal an inner class is available in the current assembly, in which
is located the outer class.
3. private access is restricted only to the class holding the inner class.
4. static an inner class contains only static members.
There are four more permitted modifiers abstract, protected, protected
internal, sealed and unsafe, which are outside the scope and subject of
this chapter and will not be considered here.
The keyword this to an inner class has relation only to the internal class, but
not to the outside. Fields of the outside class cannot be accessed using the
reference this. If necessary fields of the outer class can be accessed by the
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 595
internal, it needs in creating the internal class to submit a reference to an
outer class.
Static members (fields, methods, properties) of the outer class are
accessible from the inner class regardless of their level of access.
Inner Classes Example
Consider the following example:
public class OuterClass
private string name;

private OuterClass(string name)
this.name = name;

private class NestedClass
private string name;
private OuterClass parent;

public NestedClass(OuterClass parent, string name)
this.parent = parent;
this.name = name;

public void PrintNames()
Console.WriteLine("Nested name: " + this.name);
Console.WriteLine("Outer name: " + this.parent.name);

static void Main()
OuterClass outerClass = new OuterClass("outer");
NestedClass nestedClass = new
OuterClass.NestedClass(outerClass, "nested");
596 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In the example the outer class OuterClass defines into itself as a member
the class InnerClass. Non-static inner class methods have access to their
own body this as well as the instance of outside class parent (through
syntax this.parent, if the parent reference is added by the developer). In
the example while creating the inner class, parent reference is set to
constructor of the outer class.
If we run the above example, we will obtain the following result:
Nested name: nested
Outer name: outer
Usage of Inner Classes
Consider an example. Lets have a class for car Car. Each car has an engine
and doors. Unlike the cars door, however, the engine makes no sense
regarded as being outside the car, because without it, the car cannot run, i.e.
we have composition (see the section "Class Diagrams: Composition" in the
chapter "Principles of Object-Oriented Programming").

When the connection between the two classes is a
composition, the class, which consequently is a part of
another class, is convenient to be declared as inner class.
Therefore, if you declare the class for a car: Car would be appropriate to
create an inner class Engine, which will reflect the appropriate concept for the
car engine:
class Car
Door FrontRightDoor;
Door FrontLeftDoor;
Door RearRightDoor;
Door RearLeftDoor;
Engine engine;

public Car()
engine = new Engine();
engine.horsePower = 2000;

public class Engine
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 597
public int horsePower;
Declare Enumeration in a Class
Before proceeding to the next section that refers to generic types, it should be
noticed, that sometimes enumeration should and can be declared within
a class in order of better encapsulation of the class.
For example, the enumeration of type CoffeeSize, we have created in the
previous section, can be declared inside the body of the class Coffee, thereby
it improves its encapsulation:
class Coffee
// Enumeration declared inside a class
public static enum CoffeeSize
Small = 100, Normal = 150, Double = 300

// Instance variable of enumerated type
private CoffeeSize size;

public Coffee(CoffeeSize size)
this.size = size;

public CoffeeSize Size
get { return size; }
Respectively, the method for calculation of the price of coffee will be slightly
modified slightly:
public double CalcPrice(Coffee.CoffeeSize coffeeSize)
switch (coffeeSize)
598 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
case Coffee.CoffeeSize.Small:
return 0.20;
case Coffee.CoffeeSize.Normal:
return 0.40;
case Coffee.CoffeeSize.Double:
return 0.60;
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unsupported coffee quantity: " + ((int)coffeeSize));
In this section we will explain the concept of generic classes (generic data
types, generics). Before we begin, however, lets look through an example
that will help us understand more easily the idea.
Shelter for Homeless Animals Example
Lets assume that we have two classes. A class Dog, which describes a dog:
public class Dog
And let a class Cat, which describes a cat:
public class Cat
Then we want to create a class that describes a shelter for homeless
animals AnimalShelter. This class has a specific number of free cells,
which determines the number of animals, which could find refuge in the
shelter. The special feature of the class, that we want to create, is that it only
needs to accommodate animals of the same kind, in our case, dogs or cats
only, because the coexistence of different species is not always a good idea.
If we think about how to solve the task with the knowledge that we have until
here, we will come to the following conclusion to ensure that our class will
contain elements only from one and the same type we need to use an array of
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 599
identical objects. These objects may be dogs, cats or simply instances of the
universal type object.
For instance, if we want to make a shelter for dogs, here is how our class
would look like:
public class AnimalShelter
private const int DefaultPlacesCount = 20;

private Dog[] animalList;
private int usedPlaces;

public AnimalShelter() : this(DefaultPlacesCount)

public AnimalShelter(int placesCount)
this.animalList = new Dog[placesCount];
this.usedPlaces = 0;

public void Shelter(Dog newAnimal)
if (this.usedPlaces >= this.animalList.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Shelter is full.");
this.animalList[this.usedPlaces] = newAnimal;

public Dog Release(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= this.usedPlaces)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid cell index: " + index);
Dog releasedAnimal = this.animalList[index];
for (int i = index; i < this.usedPlaces - 1; i++)
this.animalList[i] = this.animalList[i + 1];
600 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
this.animalList[this.usedPlaces - 1] = null;

return releasedAnimal;
Shelter capacity (number of animals, which it is capable to accommodate) is
set when the object is created. By default it is the value of the constant
DefaultPlacesCount. We use the field usedPlaces to monitor the occupied
cells (at the same time we use it to index into the array for "pointing" to the
first space from left to right in the array).

We have created a method for adding a new dog into the shelter
Shelter() and respectively for releasing from the shelter Release(int).
The method Shelter() adds each new animal in the first free cell in the right
side of the array (if there is any free).
The method Release(int) accepts the number of cell from which the dog will
be released (i.e. the index number in the array, where it is stored a link to the
object of type Dog).

usedPlaces usedPlaces
release usedPlaces usedPlaces
release release
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 601
Then it moves all animals which are having a bigger cell number then the
current cell, from which we will release a dog, with a position to the left (steps
2 and 3 are shown in the diagram below).

Released cell at position usedPlaces-1 is marked as free, and a value null is
assigned to it. This provides release of the reference to it and respectively
allows the system to clean memory (garbage collector), to release the object
if it is not used anywhere else in the program at this moment. This prevents
from indirect loss of memory (memory leak).
Finally, it assigns the number of the last free cell to a usedPlaces field
(steps 4 and 5 of the scheme above).

It is visible that the removal of an animal from a cell could be a slow
operation, because it requires the transfer of all animals from the next cells
with one position left. In the chapter "Linear Data Structures" we will discuss
also more efficient ways of presenting the animal shelter, but for now lets
focus on the topic about generic types.
So far we succeed implementing functionality of the shelter the class
AnimalShelter. When we work with objects of type Dog, everything compiles
and executes smoothly:
usedPlaces usedPlaces
releasedAnimal releasedAnimal
usedPlaces usedPlaces
releasedAnimal releasedAnimal
602 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
AnimalShelter dogsShelter = new AnimalShelter(10);
Dog dog1 = new Dog();
Dog dog2 = new Dog();
Dog dog3 = new Dog();


dogsShelter.Release(1); // Releasing dog2
What happens, however, if we attempt to use an AnimalShelter class for
objects of type Cat:
static void Main()
AnimalShelter dogsShelter = new AnimalShelter(10);

Cat cat1 = new Cat();

As expected, the compiler displays an error:
The best overloaded method match for 'AnimalShelter.Shelter(
Dog)' has some invalid arguments. Argument 1: cannot convert
from 'Cat' to 'Dog'
Consequently, if we want to create a shelter for cats, we will not be able to
reuse the class that we already created, although the operations of adding
and removing animals from the shelter will be identical. Therefore, we have to
literally copy AnimalShelter class and change only the type of the objects,
which are handled Cat.
Yes, but if we decide to make a shelter for other species? How many classes
of shelters for the particular type of animals we shall create?
We can see that this solution of the problem is not sufficiently
comprehensive and does not fully meets the terms, which we were set to
exist a single class that describes our shelter for any kind of animal (i.e.
for all objects) and by working with it, it should contain only one kind of
animals (i.e. only objects of one and the same type).
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 603
We could use instead of the type Dog, the universal type object, which can
take values as Dog, Cat and all other data types, but this will create some
inconvenience, associated with the need to convert back from the object to
the Dog, when creating a shelter for dogs and it contains cells of type object,
instead of type Dog.
To solve the task efficiently, we have to use a feature of the C# language that
allows us to satisfy all required conditions simultaneously. It is called
generics (template classes).
What Is a Generic Class?
As we know if a method needs additional information to operate properly, this
information is passed to the method using parameters. During the execution
of the program, when calling this particular method, we pass arguments to
the method, which are assigned to its parameters and then used in the
methods body.
Like the methods, when we know, that the functionality (actions)
encapsulated into a class, can be applied not only to objects of one, but to
many (heterogeneous) types, and these types are not known at the time of
declaring the class, we can use a functionality of the language C# called
generics (generic types).
It allows us to declare parameters of this class, by indicating an
unknown type that the class will work eventually with. Then, when we
instantiate our generic class, we replace the unknown with a particular.
Accordingly, the newly created object will only work with objects of this type
that we have assigned at its initialization. The specific type can be any data
type that the compiler recognizes, including class, structure, enumeration or
another generic class.
To get a cleaner picture of the nature of the generic types, lets return to our
task from the previous section. As you might guess, the class that describes
the animal shelter (AnimalShelter) can operate with different types of
animals. Consequently, if we want to create a general solution of the task,
during the declaration of class AnimalShelter, we cannot know what type of
animals will be sheltered to shelter. This is sufficient indication, that we can
typify our class, adding to the declaration of the class as a parameter, the
unknown type of animals.
Later, when we want to create a dogs shelter for example, this parameter of
the class will pass the name of our type class Dog. Accordingly, if you create
a shelter for cats, we will pass the type Cat, etc.

Typifying a class (creating a generic class) means to add to
the declaration of a class a parameter (replacement) of
unknown type, which the class will use during its operation.
Subsequently, when the class is instantiated, this parameter
is replaced with the name of some specific type.
604 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In the following sections we will introduce the syntax of generic classes and
we will modify our previous example to use generics.
Declaration of Generic Class
Formally, the parameterizing of a class is done by adding <T> to the
declaration of the class, after its name, where T is the substitute (parameter)
of the type, which will be used later:
[<modifiers>] class <class_name><T>
It should be noticed that the characters '<' and '>', which surround the
substitution T are an obligatory part of the syntax of language C# and must
participate in the declaration of a generic class.
The declaration of generic class, which describes a shelter for homeless
animals, should look like as follows:
class AnimalShelter<T>
// Class body here
Lets can imagine that we are creating a template of our class
AnimalShelter, which we will specify later, replacing T with a specific type,
for instance a Dog.
A particular class may have more than one substitute (to be parameterized by
more than one type), depending on its needs:
[<modifiers>] class <class_name><T1 [, T2, [ [, Tn]]]>
If the class needs several different unknown types, these types should be
listed by a comma between the characters '<' and '>' in the declaration of the
class, as each of the substitutes used must be different identifier (e.g. a
different letter) in the definition they are indicated as T1, T2, , Tn.
In case, we should to create a shelter for animals of a mixed type, one that
accommodates both dogs and cats, we should declare the class as follows:
class AnimalShelter<T, U>
// Class body here
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 605
If this were our case, we would use the first parameter T, to indicate objects
of type Dog, which our class would operate with, and with U to indicate
objects of type Cat.
Specifying Generic Classes
Before we present more details about generics, we should look at how to use
generic classes. The using of generic classes should be done as follows:
<class_name><concrete_type><variable_name> =
new <class_name><concrete_type>();
Again, similar to T substitution in the declaration of our class, the characters
'<' and '>' surrounding a particular class concrete_type, are required.
If we want to create two shelters, one for dogs and one for cats, we should
use the following code:
AnimalShelter<Dog> dogsShelter = new AnimalShelter<Dog>();
AnimalShelter<Cat> catsShelter = new AnimalShelter<Cat>();
In this way, we ensure that the shelter dogsShelter will always contain
objects of a type Dog and the variable catsShelter will always operate with
objects of type Cat.
Using Unknown Types by Declaring Fields
Once used during the class declaration, the parameters that are used to
indicate the unknown types are visible in the whole body of the class,
therefore they can be used to declare the field as each other type:
[<modifiers>] T <field_name>;
As we can guess, in our example with shelter for homeless animals, we can
use this feature provided by language C#, to declare the type of field
animalsList, which holds references to objects for the housed animals,
instead of a specific type of Dog, with parameter T:
private T[] animalList;
Lets assume when we create an object of our class, setting a specific type
(e.g. Dog) during the execution of the program, the unknown type T will
be replaced with the above type. If we choose to create a shelter for dogs,
we can consider that our field is declared as follows:
private Dog[] animalList;
606 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Accordingly, when we want to initialize a particular field in the constructor of
our class, we should do it as usual creating an array, using substitution of
the unknown type T:
public AnimalShelter(int placesNumber)
animalList = new T[placesNumber]; // Initialization
usedPlaces = 0;
Using Unknown Types in a Methods Declaration
As an unknown type used in the declaration of a generic class is visible from
opening to closing brace of the class body, except for fields declaration, it
can be used in a method declaration, namely:
As a parameter in the list of parameters of the method:
<return_type> MethodWithParamsOfT(T param)
- As a result of implementation of the method:
T MethodWithReturnTypeOfT(<params>)
As we already guessed, using our example, we can adapt the methods
Shelter() and Release(), respectively:
- As a method of unknown type parameter T:
public void Shelter(T newAnimal)
// Method's body goes here
- And a method, which returns a result of unknown type T:
public T Release(int i)
// Method's body goes here
As we already know when we create an object from our class shelter and
replace the unknown type with a specific one (e.g. Cat), during the execution
of the program, the above methods will have the following form:
- The parameter of method Shelter will be of type Cat:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 607
public void Shelter(Cat newAnimal)
// Method's body goes here
- The method Release will return a result of type Cat:
public Cat Release(int i)
// Method's body goes here
Typifying (Generics) Behind the Scenes
Before we continue, lets us explain what happens into the memory of the
computer, when we work with generic classes.

First we declare our generic class MyClass<T> (generic class description in
the scheme above). Then the compiler translates our code to an intermediate
language (MSIL), as translated code contains information that the class is
generic, i.e. it works with undefined types until now. At runtime, when
someone tries to work with our generic class and tries to use it with a specific
type, a new description of the class is created (specific type class
description in the diagram above), which is identical to the generic class, with
the difference that where it has been used T, now is replaced by a specific
type. For example, if you try to use MyClass<int>, everywhere in your code,
where the unknown parameter T is used, it will be replaced with int. Only
then we can create object of a generic class with a specific type int. The
interesting thing here is that to create this object, the description of the class,
which was created in the meantime (specific type class description), will be
used. Instantiating of a generic class by given specific types of its parameters
is called "specialization of the type" or "extension of generic class".
Using our example, if we create an object of type AnimalShelter<T>, which
works only with objects of type Dog, if we try to add an object of type Cat,
this will cause a compile error almost identical to the errors, that were derived
by an attempt to add an object of type Cat, into an object of type
AnimalShelter, which we have created in section "Shelter for Homeless
Animals Example":
MyClass<T> MyClass<concrete_type>
generic class
concrete type
class description
concrete type
class instance
MyClass<T> MyClass<concrete_type>
generic class
concrete type
class description
concrete type
class instance
608 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
AnimalShelter<Dog> dogsShelter = new AnimalShelter<Dog>(10);

Cat cat1 = new Cat();

As expected, we get the following compilation error messages:
The best overloaded method match for 'AnimalShelter<
Dog>.Shelter(Dog)' has some invalid arguments

Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Cat' to 'Dog'
Generic Methods
Like classes, when the type of methods parameters cannot be specified, we
can parameterize (typify) the method. Accordingly, the indication of a
specific type will happen during the invocation of the method, replacing the
unknown type with a specific one, as we did in the classes.
Typifying of a method is done, when after the name and before the opening
bracket of the method, we add <K>, where K is the replacement of the type
that will be used later:
Accordingly, we can use unknown type K for parameters in the parameters
list of method <params>, whose type is unknown and also for return value or
to declare variables of type substitute K in the body of the method.
For example, consider a method that swaps the values of two variables:
public void Swap<K>(ref K a, ref K b)
K oldA = a;
a = b;
b = oldA;
This is a method that swaps the values of two variables, without carrying of
their types. That is why we define it as a generic, so we can use it for all
types of variables.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 609
Accordingly, if we want to swap the values of two integers and then two string
variables, we should use our method:
int num1 = 3;
int num2 = 5;
Console.WriteLine("Before swap: {0} {1}", num1, num2);
// Invoking the method with concrete type (int)
Swap<int>(ref num1, ref num2);
Console.WriteLine("After swap: {0} {1}\n", num1, num2);

string str1 = "Hello";
string str2 = "There";
Console.WriteLine("Before swap: {0} {1}!", str1, str2);
// Invoking the method with concrete type (string)
Swap<string>(ref str1, ref str2);
Console.WriteLine("After swap: {0} {1}!", str1, str2);
When you run this code, the result is as expected:
Before swap: 3 5
After swap: 5 3

Before swap: Hello There!
After swap: There Hello!
We notice that in the list of parameters we have used also the keyword ref.
This concerns the specification of the method namely, to exchange the
values of two references. By using the keyword ref, the method will use the
same reference that was given by the calling method. This way, all changes
on this variable made by our method, will remain after the method exits.
We should know that by calling a generic method, we can miss the explicit
declaration of a specific type (in our example <int>), because the compiler
will detect it automatically, recognizing the type of the given parameters. In
other words, our code can be simplified using the following calls:
Swap(ref num1, ref num2); // Invoking the method Swap<int>
Swap(ref str1, ref str2); // Invoking the method Swap<string>
We should know that the compiler will be able to recognize what is the
specific type, only if this type is involved in the parameters list. The
compiler cannot recognize what is the specific type of a generic method only
by the type its return value or if it does not have parameters. In both cases,
this specific type will have to be given explicitly. In our example, it will be
similar to the original method call, or by adding <int> or <string>.
610 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
It should be noticed that static methods can also be typified, unlike the
properties and constructors of the class.

Static methods can also be typified, but properties and
constructors of the class cannot.
Features by Declaration of Generic Methods in
Generic Classes
As we have already seen in the section "Using Unknown Types in a
Declaration of Methods", non-generic methods can use unknown types,
described in the generic class declaration (e.g. methods Shelter() and
Release() from the example Shelter for Homeless Animals):
public class AnimalShelter<T>
// The rest of the code

public void Shelter(T newAnimal)
// Method body here

public T Release(int i)
// Method body here
If we try to reuse the variable, which is used to mark the unknown type of the
generic class, for example as T, in the declaration of generic method, then
when we try to compile the class, we will get a warning CS0693. This is
happening because the scope of action of the unknown type T, defined in
declaration of the method, overlaps the scope of action of the unknown type
T, in class declaration:
public class CommonOperations<T>
// CS0693
public void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 611
T oldA = a;
a = b;
b = oldA;
When you try to compile this class, you receive the following message:
Type parameter 'T' has the same name as the type parameter from
outer type 'CommonOperations<T>'
So if we want our code to be flexible, and our generic method safely to be
called with a specific type, different from that in the generic class by
instantiating it, we just have to declare the replacement of the unknown type
in the declaration of the generic method to be different than the
parameter for the unknown type in the class declaration, as shown below:
public class CommonOperations<T>
// No warning
public void Swap<K>(ref K a, ref K b)
K oldA = a;
a = b;
b = oldA;
Thus, always make sure that there will be no overlapping of substitutes of the
unknown types of method and class.
Using a Keyword "default" in a Generic Source Code
Once we have introduced the basics of generic types, lets try to redesign
our first example in this section (Shelter for Homeless Animals). The only
thing we need to do is to replace the type Dog with some parameter T:
public class AnimalShelter<T>
private const int DefaultPlacesCount = 20;

private T[] animalList;
612 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
private int usedPlaces;

public AnimalShelter() : this(DefaultPlacesCount)

public AnimalShelter(int placesCount)
this.animalList = new T[placesCount];
this.usedPlaces = 0;

public void Shelter(T newAnimal)
if (this.usedPlaces >= this.animalList.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Shelter is full.");
this.animalList[this.usedPlaces] = newAnimal;

public T Release(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= this.usedPlaces)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid cell index: " + index);
T releasedAnimal = this.animalList[index];
for (int i = index; i <this.usedPlaces - 1; i++)
this.animalList[i] = this.animalList[i + 1];
this.animalList[this.usedPlaces - 1] = null;

return releasedAnimal;
Everything looks to work properly, until we try to compile the class. Then we
get the following error:
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 613
Cannot convert null to type parameter 'T' because it could be a
non-nullable value type. Consider using 'default(T)' instead.
The error is inside the method Release() and it is related to the recording a
null value in the last released (rightmost) cell in the shelter. The problem is
that we are trying to use the default value for a reference type, but we are
not sure whether this type is a reference type or a primitive. Therefore
the compiler displays the errors above. If the type AnimalShelter is
instantiated by a structure and not by a class, then the null value is not valid.
To handle this problem, in our code we have to use the construct default(T)
instead of null, which returns the default value for the particular type that
will be used instead of T. As we know, the default value for reference type is
null, and for numeric types zero. We can make the following change:
// this.animalList[this.usedPlaces - 1] = null;
this.animalList[this.usedPlaces - 1] = default(T);
Finally the compilation runs smoothly and the class AnimalShelter<T>
operates correctly. We can test it as follows:
static void Main()
AnimalShelter<Dog> shelter = new AnimalShelter<Dog>();
shelter.Shelter(new Dog());
shelter.Shelter(new Dog());
shelter.Shelter(new Dog());
Dog d = shelter.Release(1); // Release the second dog
d = shelter.Release(0); // Release the first dog
d = shelter.Release(0); // Release the third dog
d = shelter.Release(0); // Exception: invalid cell index
Advantages and Disadvantages of Generics
Generic classes and methods increase the reusability of the code, the
security and the performance compared to other non-generic alternatives.
As a general rule, the programmer should strive to create and use
generic classes, whenever it is possible. The more generic types are
used, the higher level of abstraction there is in the program and the source
code becomes more flexible and reusable. However we should keep in mind,
that overuse of generics can lead to over-generalization and the code may
become unreadable and difficult to understand by other programmers.
614 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Naming the Parameters of the Generic Types
Before we finish generics as a topic, lets give you some guidance on working
with the substitutes (parameters) of unknown types in a generic class:
1. If there is just one unknown type in the generic, it is common to use the
letter T, as a substitute for that unknown type. As an example we can
give our class declaration AnimalShelter<T>, which we used until now.
2. To the substitutes should be given the most descriptive names, unless a
letter is not a sufficiently descriptive and well-chosen name, this will not
improve readability of the source code. For instance, we can modify our
example, replacing the letter T, with the more descriptive substitute for
public class AnimalShelter<Animal>
// The rest of the code

public void Shelter(Animal newAnimal)
// Method body here

public Animal Release(int i)
// Method body here
When we use descriptive names of substitutes instead of a letter, it is better
to add T at the beginning of the name, to distinguish it more easily from the
class names in our application. In other words, instead of using a substitute
Animal in the previous example, we should use TAnimal (T comes from the
word "template" which means a parameterized / generic type).
1. Define a class Student, which contains the following information about
students: full name, course, subject, university, e-mail and phone
2. Declare several constructors for the class Student, which have different
lists of parameters (for complete information about a student or part of
it). Data, which has no initial value to be initialized with null. Use
nullable types for all non-mandatory data.
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 615
3. Add a static field for the class Student, which holds the number of
created objects of this class.
4. Add a method in the class Student, which displays complete information
about the student.
5. Modify the current source code of Student class so as to encapsulate
the data in the class using properties.
6. Write a class StudentTest, which has to test the functionality of the
class Student.
7. Add a static method in class StudentTest, which creates several
objects of type Student and store them in static fields. Create a static
property of the class to access them. Write a test program, which
displays the information about them in the console.
8. Define a class, which contains information about a mobile phone:
model, manufacturer, price, owner, features of the battery (model, idle
time and hours talk) and features of the screen (size and colors).
9. Declare several constructors for each of the classes created by the
previous task, which have different lists of parameters (for complete
information about a student or part of it). Data fields that are unknown
have to be initialized respectively with null or 0.
10. To the class of mobile phone in the previous two tasks, add a static field
nokiaN95, which stores information about mobile phone model Nokia
N95. Add a method to the same class, which displays information about
this static field.
11. Add an enumeration BatteryType, which contains the values for type
of the battery (Li-Ion, NiMH, NiCd, ) and use it as a new field for the
class Battery.
12. Add a method to the class GSM, which returns information about the
object as a string.
13. Define properties to encapsulate the data in classes GSM, Battery and
14. Write a class GSMTest, which has to test the functionality of class GSM.
Create few objects of the class and store them into an array. Display
information about the created objects. Display information about the
static field nokiaN95.
15. Create a class Call, which contains information about a call made via
mobile phone. It should contain information about date, time of start and
duration of the call.
16. Add a property for keeping a call history CallHistory, which holds a
list of call records.
616 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
17. In GSM class add methods for adding and deleting calls (Call) in the
archive of mobile phone calls. Add method, which deletes all calls from
the archive.
18. In GSM class, add a method that calculates the total amount of calls
(Call) from the archive of phone calls (CallHistory), as the price of a
phone call is passed as a parameter to the method.
19. Create a class GSMCallHistoryTest, with which to test the functionality
of the class GSM, from task 12, as an object of type GSM. Then add to it a
few phone calls (Call). Display information about each phone call.
Assuming that the price per minute is 0.37, calculate and display the total
cost of all calls. Remove the longest conversation from archive with
phone calls and calculate the total price for all calls again. Finally, clear
the archive.
20. There is a book library. Define classes respectively for a book and a
library. The library must contain a name and a list of books. The books
must contain the title, author, publisher, release date and ISBN-number.
In the class, which describes the library, create methods to add a book to
the library, to search for a book by a predefined author, to display
information about a book and to delete a book from the library.
21. Write a test class, which creates an object of type library, adds several
books to it and displays information about each of them. Implement a
test functionality, which finds all books authored by Stephen King and
deletes them. Finally, display information for each of the remaining
22. We have a school. In school we have classes and students. Each class
has a number of teachers. Each teacher has a variety of disciplines
taught. Students have a name and a unique number in the class. Classes
have a unique text identifier. Disciplines have a name, number of lessons
and number of exercises. The task is to shape a school with C# classes.
You have to define classes with their fields, properties, methods and
constructors. Also define a test class, which demonstrates, that the
other classes work correctly.
23. Write a generic class GenericList<T>, which holds a list of elements of
type T. Store the list of elements into an array with a limited capacity
that is passed as a parameter of the constructor of the class. Add
methods to add an item, to access an item by index, to remove an item
by index, to insert an item at given position, to clear the list, to search
for an item by value and to override the method ToString().
24. Implement auto-resizing functionality of the array from the previous
task, when by adding an element, it reaches the capacity of the array.
25. Define a class Fraction, which contains information about the rational
fraction (e.g. or ). Define a static method Parse() to create a
fraction from a sting (for example -3/4). Define the appropriate
Chapter 14. Defining Classes 617
properties and constructors of the class. Also write property of type
Decimal to return the decimal value of the fraction (e.g. 0.25).
26. Write a class FractionTest, which tests the functionality of the class
Fraction from previous task. Pay close attention on testing the function
Parse with different input data.
27. Write a function to cancel a fraction (e.g. if numerator and denominator
are respectively 10 and 15, fraction to be cancelled to 2/3).
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use enum for subjects and universities.
2. To avoid repetition of source code call constructors from each other
with keyword this(<parameters>).
3. Use the constructor of the class as a place where the number of objects
of class Student is increasing.
4. Display on the console in all fields of the class Student, followed by a
blank line.
5. Define as private all members of the class Student and then using
Visual Studio (Refactor -> Encapsulate Field) define automatically the
public get / set methods to access these fields.
6. Create a few students and display the whole information for each one
of them.
7. You can use the static constructor to create instances in the first access
to the class.
8. Declare three separate classes: GSM, Battery and Display.
9. Define the described constructors and create a test program to check if
classes are working properly.
10. Define a private field and initialize it at the time of its declaration.
11. Use enum for the type of battery. Search in Internet for other types of
batteries for phones, except these in the requirements and add them as
value of the enumeration.
12. Override the method ToString().
13. In classes GSM, Battery and Display define suitable private fields and
generate get / set. You can use automatic generation in Visual Studio.
14. Add a method PrintInfo() in class GSM.
15. Read about the class List<T> in Internet. The class GSM has to store its
conversations in a list of type List<Call>.
16. Return as a result the list of conversations.
618 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
17. Use the built-in methods of the class List<T>.
18. Because the tariff is fixed, you can easily calculate the total price of
all calls.
19. Follow the instructions directly from the requirements of the task.
20. Define classes Book and Library. For a list of books use List<Book>.
21. Follow the instructions directly from the requirements of the task.
22. Create classes School, SchoolClass, Student, Teacher, Discipline
and define into them their respective fields, as described in the
instructions of the task. Do not use the word "Class" as a class name,
because in C# it has special meaning. Add methods for printing all the
fields from each of the classes.
23. Use your knowledge concerning generic classes. Check out all input
parameters of the methods, just to make sure that no element can
access an invalid position.
24. When you reach the capacity of the array, create a new array with a
double size and copy all old elements in the new one.
25. Write a class with two private decimal fields, which hold information
relevant to the numerator and denominator of the fraction. Among
other requirements in the task, redefine in appropriate standard the
features for each object: Equals(), GetHashCode(), ToString().
26. Figure out appropriate tests, for which your function may give incorrect
results. Good practice is first to write the tests, then to implement
their specific functionality.
27. Search for information in Internet for the greatest common divisor
(GCD) and the Euclidean algorithm for its calculation. Divide the
numerator and denominator of their greatest common divisor and you
will get the cancelled fraction.

Chapter 15. Text Files
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will review how to work with text files in C#. We will
explain what a stream is, what its purpose is, and how to use it. We will
explain what a text file is and how can you read and write data to a text
file and how to deal with different character encodings. We will
demonstrate and explain the good practices for exception handling when
working with files. All of this will be demonstrated with many examples in this
Streams are an essential part of any input-output library. You can use
streams when your program needs to "read" or "write" data to an external
data source such as files, other PCs, servers etc. It is important to say that
the term input is associated with reading data, whereas the term output is
associated with writing data.
What Is a Stream?
A stream is an ordered sequence of bytes, which is send from one
application or input device to another application or output device. These
bytes are written and read one after the other and always arrive in the same
order as they were sent. Streams are an abstraction of a data
communication channel that connects two devices or applications.
Streams are the primary means of exchanging information in the computer
world. Because of streams, different applications are able to access files on
the computer and are able to establish network communication between
remote computers. In the world of computers, many operations can be
interpreted as reading and writing to a stream. For example, printing is a
process of sending a sequence of bytes to a stream, associated with the
corresponding port, to which is the printer connected. Recreating sounds from
the computers sound card can be done by sending some commands, followed
by the sample sound, which is actually a sequence of bytes. The scanning of
documents from a scanner can be done by sending commands to the scanner
(an output stream) and then reading the scanned image (an input stream).
This way, you can work with any peripheral device (camera, mouse,
keyboard, USB stick, soundcard, printer, scanner etc.).
Every time when you read or write from or to a file, you have to open a
stream to the corresponding file, do the reading or writing, and then
620 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
close the stream. There are two types of streams text streams and
binary streams but this separation has to do with the interpretation of the
sent and received bytes. Sometimes, for convenience, a sequence of bytes
can be treated as text (in a predefined encoding) and is referred to as a text
Todays modern web sites cannot do without the so-called streaming, which
represents stream access to bulky multimedia files coming from the Internet.
Streaming audio and video allows files to be played before they are
downloaded locally, making the site more interactive. Streams and media
streaming are different concepts but both use sequences of data.
Basic Things You Need to Know about Streams
Many devices use streams for reading and writing data. Because of
streams, communication between program and file, program and remote
computer, is made easy.
Streams are ordered sequences of bytes. The word order is intentionally
left stressed, because it is of great importance to remember that streams are
highly ordered and organized. In no way must you influence the order of the
information flow, because it will render it unusable. If a byte is sent to a
stream earlier than another byte, it will arrive earlier at the other end of the
stream, which is guaranteed by the abstraction "stream".
Streams allow sequential data access. Again, it is important to understand
the meaning of the word sequential. You can manipulate the data only in the
order in which it arrives from the stream. This is closely related to the
previous feature. You cannot take the first, than the eight, third, thirteenth
byte and so on. Streams do not allow random access to their data, only
sequential. You can think of streams as of a linked list that contains bytes, in
which they have a strict order.
Different situations require different types of streams. Some streams are
used with text files, others-with binary files and then there are those that
work with strings. For network communication, you have to use a specific
type of stream. The vast variety of streams can help us in different situations,
but can also trouble us, because we need to be familiar with every type of
stream, before we can use it in our application.
Streams are opened before we can begin working with them and are closed
after they have served their purpose. Closing the stream is very
important and must not be left out, because you risk losing data, damaging
the file, to which the stream is opened, and so on all of these are very
troublesome scenarios, which must not happen in our programs.
We can say that streams are like pipes that connect two points:
Chapter 15. Text Files 621

From one side we pour data in and from the other data leaks out. The one
who pours data is not concerned of how it is transferred, but can be sure that
what he has poured will come out the same on the other side. Those who use
streams do not care how the data reaches them. They know that if someone
poured something on the other side, it will reach them. Therefore, we can
consider streams as a data transport channel, such as pipes.
Basic Operations with Streams
You can do the following operations with streams: creation / opening,
reading data, writing data, seeking / positioning, closing / disconnecting.
To create or open a stream means to connect the stream to a data source,
a mechanism for data transfer or another stream. For example, when we have
a file stream, then we pass the file name and the file mode in which it is to be
opened (reading, writing or reading and writing simultaneously).
Reading means extracting data from the stream. Reading is always
performed sequentially from the current position of the stream. Reading is a
blocking operation, and if the other party has not sent data while we are
trying to read or the sent data has not yet arrived, there may occur a delay
a few milliseconds to hours, days or greater. For example, when reading from
a network stream data can be slowed down because of the network or the
other party might not have send any data.
Writing means sending data to the stream in a specific way. The writing
is performed from the current position of the stream. Writing may be a
potentially blocking operation, before the data is sent on its way. For
example, if you send bulk data via a network stream, the operation may be
delayed while the data is traveling over the network.
Positioning or seeking in the stream means to move the current position
of the stream. Moving is done according to the current position, where we can
position according to the current position, beginning of the stream, or the end
of the stream. Moving can be done only in streams that support
positioning. For example, file streams typically maintain positioning while
network streams do not.
622 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
To close or disconnect a stream means to complete the work with the
stream and releases the occupied resources. Closing must take place as
soon as possible after the stream has served its purpose, because a resource
opened by a user, usually cannot be used by other users (including other
programs on the same computer that run parallel to our program).
Streams in .NET Basic Classes
In .NET Framework classes for working with streams are located in the
namespace System.IO. Lets focus on their hierarchy, organization and
We can distinguish two main types of streams those who work with binary
data and those who work with text data. Later we will discuss the main
characteristics of these two types.
At the top of the stream hierarchy stands an abstract input-output stream
class. It cannot be instantiated, but defines the basic functionality that all the
other streams have.
There are buffered streams that do not add any extra functionality, but use
a buffer for reading and writing data, which significantly enhances
performance. Buffered streams will not be analyzed in this chapter, as we will
focus on working with text files. You can check with the rich documentation
available on the Internet or a textbook for advanced programming.
Some streams add additional functionality to reading and writing data. For
example, there are streams that compress / decompress data sent to them
and streams that encrypt / decrypt data. These streams are connected to
another stream (such as file or network stream) and add additional processing
to its functionality.
The main classes in the System.IO namespace are Stream (abstract base
class for all streams in .NET Framework), BufferedStream, FileStream,
MemoryStream, GZipStream and NetworkStream. We will discuss in more
details some of them, separating them in their basic feature the type of
data with which they work.
All streams in C# are similar in one basic thing it is mandatory to close
them after we have finished working with them. Otherwise we risk damaging
the data in the stream or file that we have opened. This brings us to the first
and basic rule that we should always remember when working with streams:

Always close the streams and files you work with! Leaving an
open stream or file leads to loss of resources and can block
the work of other users or processes in your system.
Chapter 15. Text Files 623
Binary and Text Streams
As we mentioned earlier, we can divide the streams into two large groups
according to the type of data that we deal with binary streams and text
Binary Streams
Binary streams, as their name suggests, work with binary (raw) data. You
probably guess that that makes them universal and they can be used to read
information from all sorts of files (images, music and multimedia files, text
files etc.). We will take a brief look over them, because we will currently focus
on working with text files.
The main classes that we use to read and write from and to binary streams
are: FileStream, BinaryReader and BinaryWriter.
The class FileStream provides us with various methods for reading and
writing from a binary file (read / write one byte and a sequence of bytes),
skipping a number of bytes, checking the number of bytes available and, of
course, a method for closing the stream. We can get an object of that class by
calling him his constructor with parameter-a file name.
The class BinaryWriter enables you to write primitive types and binary
values in a specific encoding to a stream. It has one main method
Write(), which allows recording of any primitive data types integers,
characters, Booleans, arrays, strings and more.
BinaryReader allows you to read primitive data types and binary values
recorded using a BinaryWriter. Its main methods allow us to read a
character, an array of characters, integers, floating point, etc. Like the
previous two classes, we can get on object of that class by calling its
Text Streams
Text streams are very similar to binary, but only work with text data or
rather a sequence of characters (char) and strings (string). Text streams
are ideal for working with text files. On the other hand, this makes them
unusable when working with any binaries.
The main classes for working with text streams in .NET are TextReader and
TextWriter. They are abstract classes, and they cannot be instantiated.
These classes define the basic functionality for reading and writing for the
classes that inherit them. Their more important methods are:
- ReadLine() reads one line of text and returns a string.
- ReadToEnd() reads the entire stream to its end and returns a string.
- Write() writes a string to the stream.
- WriteLine() writes one line of text into the stream.
624 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
As you know, the characters in .NET are Unicode characters, but streams
can also work with Unicode and other encodings like the standard
encoding for Cyrillic languages Windows-1251.
The classes, to which we will turn our attention to in this chapter, are
StreamReader and StreamWriter. They directly inherit the TextReader and
TextWriter classes and implement functionality for reading and writing
textual information to and from a file.
To create an object of type StreamReader or StreamWriter, we need a file or
a string, containing the file path. Working with these classes, we can use all of
the methods that we are already familiar with, to work with the console.
Reading and writing to the console is much like reading and writing
respectively with StreamReader and StreamWriter.
Relationship between Text and Binary Streams
When writing text, hidden from us, the class StreamWriter transforms the
text into bytes before recording it at the current position in the file. For this
purpose, it uses the character encoding, which is set during its creation. The
StreamReader class works similarly. It uses StringBuilder internally and
when reading binary data from a file, it converts the received bytes to
text before sending the text back as a result from reading.
Remember that the operating systems have no concept of "text file".
The file is always a sequence of bytes, but whether it is text or binary
depends on the interpretation of these bytes. If we want to look at a file or a
stream as text, we must read and write to it with text streams (StreamReader
or StreamWriter), but if we wish to treat it as binary, we must read and
write with a binary stream (FileStream).
Bear in mind that text streams work with text lines, that is, they interpret
binary data as a sequence of text lines, separated from each other with a
new line separators.
The character for the new line is not the same for different platforms and
operating systems. For UNIX and Linux it is LF (0x0A), for Windows and DOS
it is CR + LF (0x0D + 0x0A), and for Mac OS (up to version 9) it is CR (0x0A).
Reading one line of text from a given file or a stream means reading a
sequence of bytes until reading one of the characters CR or LF and converting
these bytes to text according to the encoding, used by the stream. Similarly,
writing one line of text to a text file or stream means writing the binary
representation of the text (according to the current encoding), followed by the
character (or characters) for a new line for the current operating system
(such as CR + LF).
Reading from a Text File
Text files provide the ideal solution for reading and writing data. If we want to
enter some data automatically (instead by hand), we could read it from a text
Chapter 15. Text Files 625
files. So now, we will take a look at how to read and write text files with the
classes from .NET Framework and the C# language.
StreamReader Class for Reading a Text File
C# provides several ways to read files but not all are easy and intuitive to
use. This is why we will use the StreamReader class. The System.IO.
StreamReader class provides the easiest way to read a text file, as it
resembles reading from the console, which by now you have probably
mastered to perfection.
Having read everything until now, you are probably a bit confused. We
already explained that reading and writing to and from text files is only and
exclusively possible with streams, but StreamReader did not appear anywhere
in the above-mentioned streams and you are not sure whether it is actually a
stream. Indeed, StreamReader is not a stream, but it can work with streams.
It provides the easiest and comprehensive way to read from a text file.
Opening a Text File for Reading
You can simply create a StreamReader from a filename (or full file path),
which greatly eases us and reduces the probability of an error. On its
creation, we can specify the character encoding. Here is an example of how
an object of the class StreamReader can be created:
// Create a StreamReader connected to a file
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("test.txt");

// Read the file here

// Close the reader resource after you've finished using it
The first thing to do, when reading from a text file, is to create a variable of
type StreamReader, which we can associate with a specific file from the file
system on our computer. To do this we need only pass the file path as a
parameter to the constructor. Note that if the file is located in the folder
where the compiled project (subdirectory bin\Debug) is, we can only provide
its filename. Otherwise, we have to provide the full file path or relative path.
The code in the above example that creates an object of type StreamReader
can cause an error. For now, simply pass a path to an existing file, and later
on we will turn to the handling of errors when working with files.
Full and Relative Paths
When working with files we can use full paths (e.g. C:\Temp\example.txt)
or relative paths, to the directory from which the application was started
(e.g. ..\..\example.txt).
626 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
If you use full paths, where you pass the full path to a file, do not forget to
apply escaping of slashes, which is used to separate the folders. In C# you
can do this in two ways with a double slash or with a quoted string
beginning with @ before the string literal. For example, to enroll the path to
the file "C:\Temp\work\test.txt" in a string we have two options:
string fileName = "C:\\Temp\\work\\test.txt";
string theSamefileName = @"C:\Temp\work\test.txt";
Although the use of relative paths is more difficult because you have to take
into account the directory structure of your project which may change during
the life of the project, it is highly recommended avoiding full paths.

Avoid full file paths and work with relative paths! This makes
your application portable and easy for installation and
Using the full path to a file (e.g. C:\Temp\test.txt) is bad practice because
it makes your application dependent on the environment and also non-
transferable. If you transfer it to another computer, you will need to correct
paths to the files, which it seeks, to work correctly. If you use a relative path
to the current directory (e.g. ..\..\example.txt), your program will be
easily portable.

Remember that when you start the C# program, the current
directory is the one, in which the executable (.exe) file is
located. Most often this is the subdirectory bin\Debug or
bin\Release directory to the root of the project. Therefore, to
open the file example.txt from the root directory of your
Visual Studio project, you should use a relative path
Universal Relative to Physical Path Resolver
If you want to write a portable application, you might benefit of Nakovs
universal path resolver: http://www.nakov.com/blog/2009/07/14/universal-
relative-to-physical-path-resolver-for-console-wpf-and-aspnet-apps/. It can
automatically resolve a relative path to full (physical) file path in Web,
desktop, console or other .NET application. For example, if your application
consists of an assembly App.exe and a file logo.gif and these files are
located in the same directory, at runtime you will be able to get the physical
location of logo.gif through the following code:
string logoPath =
Chapter 15. Text Files 627
Reading a Text File Line by Line Example
Now, we have learned how to create StreamReader. We can go further by
trying to do something more complicated: to read the entire text file line
by line and print the read text on to the console. Our advice is to create the
text file in the Debug folder of the project (.\bin\Debug), so that it will be in
the same directory in which your compiled application will be and you will not
have to set the full path to it when opening the file. Lets see what our file
looks like:
This is our first line.
This is our second line.
This is our third line.
This is our fourth line.
We have a text file from which to read. Now we must create an object of type
StreamReader to read the file and loop though it line by line:
class FileReader
static void Main()
// Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Sample.txt");

int lineNumber = 0;

// Read first line from the text file
string line = reader.ReadLine();

// Read the other lines from the text file
while (line != null)
Console.WriteLine("Line {0}: {1}", lineNumber, line);
line = reader.ReadLine();

// Close the resource after you've finished using it
628 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
There is nothing difficult to read text files. The first part of our program is
already well known create a variable of type StreamReader, to whose
constructor we pass the files name, which will be read. The parameter of the
constructor is the path to the file, but since our file is found in the Debug
directory of the project, we set only its name as a path. If our file were
located in the project directory, then we would have submitted the string
"..\..\Sample.txt" as a path.
After that, we create a variable counter, whose purpose is to count and
display on which row of the file we are currently located.
Then, we create a variable that will store each read line. With its creation, we
directly read the first line of text file. If the text file is empty, the method
ReadLine() of the StreamReader object will return null.
For the main part reading the file line by line, we will use a while loop. The
condition for the loop is: as long as there is something in the variable line,
we should continue reading. In the body of the loop, our task is to increase
the value of the counter variable by one and then print the current line in the
format we like. Finally, again we use ReadLine() to read the next line in the
file and write it in the variable line. For printing, we use a method that is
well known to us from the tasks, which required something to be printed on to
the console WriteLine().
Once we have read everything we need from the file, we should not forget to
close the object StreamReader, as to avoid loss of resources. For this, we use
the method Close().

Always close the StreamReader instances after you finish
working with them. Otherwise you risk losing system
resources. Use the method Close() or the statement using.
The result of the program should look like this:
Line 1: This is our first line.
Line 2: This is our second line.
Line 3: This is our third line.
Line 4: This is our fourth line.
Automatic Closing of the Stream after Working with It
As noted in the previous example, having finished working with the object of
type StreamReader, we called Close() and closed the stream behind the
StreamReader object. Very often, however, novice programmers forget to call
the Close() method, thus blocking the file they use. Also in case of runtime
exception when reading from a file, the file might be left open. This causes
resource leakage and can lead to very unpleasant effects like program
hanging, program misbehavior and strange errors.
Chapter 15. Text Files 629
The correct way to handle the file closing is though the using keyword:
using (<stream object>) { }
The C# construct using() ensures that after leaving its body, the method
Close() will automatically be called. This will happen even if an exception
occurs when reading the file.
Now lets rework the previous example to benefit from the using construct:
class FileReader
static void Main()
// Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Sample.txt");

using (reader)
int lineNumber = 0;

// Read first line from the text file
string line = reader.ReadLine();

// Read the other lines from the text file
while (line != null)
Console.WriteLine("Line {0}: {1}", lineNumber, line);
line = reader.ReadLine();
Now the code guarantees that once opened successfully, the text file will be
closed correctly regardless of whether reading from it will succeed or fail.
If you are wondering how it is best to take care of closing your programs
streams and files, follow the following rule:

Always use the using construct in C# in order to properly
close files and streams!
630 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
File Encodings. Reading in Cyrillic
Lets now consider the problems that occur when reading a file using an
incorrect encoding, such as reading a file in Cyrillic.
Character Encodings
You know that in memory everything is stored in binary form. This means
that it is necessary for text files to be represented digitally, so that they can
be stored in memory, as well as on the hard disk. This process is called
encoding files or more correctly encoding the characters stored in text files.
The encoding process consists of replacing the text characters (letters,
digits, punctuation, etc.) with specific sequences of binary values. You can
imagine this as a large table in which each character corresponds to a certain
value (sequence of bytes).
We already know the concept of character encodings and few character
encoding schemes like UTF-8 and Windows-1251 from the section "Encoding
Schemes" of chapter "Numeral Systems and Data Representation" and also
from the section about "File Encodings in Visual Studio" of chapter "Defining
Classes". Now we will extend this concept a bit and will use character
encodings to work correctly with text files.
Character encodings specify the rules for converting from text to sequence
of bytes and vice versa. An encoding scheme is a table of characters along
with their numbers, but may also contain special rules. For example, the
character "accent" (U + 0300) is special and sticks to the last character that
precedes it. It is encoded as one or more bytes (depending on the character
encoding scheme), and it does not correspond to any character, but to a part
of the character. We will take a look at two encodings that are used most
often when working with Cyrillic: UTF-8 and Windows-1251.
UTF-8 is a universal encoding scheme, which supports all languages and
alphabets in the world. In UTF-8 the most commonly used characters (Latin
alphabet, numerals and special characters) are encoded in one byte, rarely
used Unicode characters (such as Cyrillic, Greek and Arabic) are encoded in
two bytes and all other characters (Chinese, Japanese and many others) are
encoded in 3 or 4 bytes. UTF-8 encoding can convert any Unicode text in
binary form and back and support all of the 100,000 characters of Unicode
standard. UTF-8 encoding is universal and suitable for any language alphabet.
Another commonly used encoding is Windows-1251, which is usually used for
encoding of Cyrillic texts (such as messages sent by e-mail). It contains
256 characters, including the Latin alphabet, Cyrillic alphabet and some
commonly used signs. It uses one byte for each character, but at the expense
of some characters that cannot be stored in it (as the Chinese alphabet
characters), and are lost in an attempt of doing so.
Other examples of encoding schemes (encodings or charsets) are ISO 8859-
1, Windows-1252, UTF-16, KOI8-R, etc. They are used in specific regions of
Chapter 15. Text Files 631
the world and define their own sets of characters and rules for the transition
from text to binary data and vice versa.
For working with encodings (charsets) in .NET Framework, the class
System.Text.Encoding is used, which is created the following way:
Encoding win1251 = Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251");
Reading a Cyrillic Content
You probably already guessed that if we want to read from a file that contains
characters from the Cyrillic alphabet, we must use the correct encoding
that "understands" correctly these special characters. Typically, in a Windows
environment, text files, containing Cyrillic text, are stored in Windows-1251
encoding. To use it, we should set it as the encoding of the stream, which our
StreamReader will process:
Encoding win1251 = Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251");
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("test.txt", win1251);
If you do not explicitly set the encoding scheme (encoding) for the file read,
in .NET Framework, the default encoding UTF-8 will be used.
You might wonder what happens if you use wrong encoding when reading or
writing a file. There are several scenarios possible:
- If you use read / write only Latin letters, everything will work normally.
- If you write Cyrillic letters, to a files open with encoding, which does not
support the Cyrillic alphabet (e.g. ASCII), Cyrillic letters will be
permanently replaced by the character "?" (question mark).
In any case, these are unpleasant problems, which cannot be immediately

To avoid problems with incorrect encoding of files, always
check the encoding explicitly. Otherwise, you may work
incorrectly or break at a later stage.
The Unicode Standard. Reading in Unicode
Unicode is an industry standard that allows computers and other electronic
devices always to present and manipulate text, which was written in most of
the worlds literacies. It consists of over 100,000 characters, as well as
various encoding schemes (encodings). The unification of different characters,
which Unicode offers, leads to its greater distribution. As you know,
characters in C# (types char and string) are also presented in Unicode.
To read characters, stored in Unicode, we must use one of the supported
encoding schemes for this standard. The most popular and widely used is
UTF-8. We can set it as a code scheme with an already familiar way:
632 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("test.txt",
If you are wondering, whether to read a text file, encoded in Cyrillic,
Windows-1251 or UTF-8, then this question has no clear answer. Both
standards are widely used for the recording of non-Latin text. Both encoding
schemes are allowed and can be used. You should only always follow the rule
that a certain files should always be read and written using the same
Writing to a Text File
Text files are very convenient for storing various types of information. For
example, we can record the results of a program. We can use text files to
make something like a journal (log) for the program a convenient way to
monitor it at runtime.
Again, as with reading a text file, we will use a similar to the Console class
when writing, called StreamWriter.
The StreamWriter Class
The class StreamWriter is part of the System.IO namespace and is used
exclusively for working with text data. It resembles the class StreamReader,
but instead of methods for reading, it offers similar methods for writing to a
text file. Unlike other streams, before writing data to the desired destination,
StreamWriter turns it into bytes. StreamWriter enables us to set a preferred
character encoding at the time it is created. We can create an instance of the
class the following way:
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("test.txt");
In the constructor of the class can pass as a parameter a file path, as well as
an existing stream, to which we will write, or an encoding scheme. The
StreamWriter class has several predefined constructors, depending on
whether we will write to a file or a stream. In the examples, we will use the
constructor with the parameter file path. Example of the usage of the
StreamWriter class constructor with more than one parameter is:
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("test.txt",
false, Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251"));
In this example, we pass a file path as the first parameter. As a second
parameter, we pass a Boolean variable that indicates whether to overwrite the
file or to append the data at the end of the file. As a third parameter, we pass
an encoding scheme (charset).
Chapter 15. Text Files 633
The example lines of code could trigger an exception, but the handling of
input / output exceptions will be discussed later in this chapter.
Printing the Numbers [120] in a Text File Example
Once we know how to create a StreamWriter class, we will use it as
intended. Our goal is to enroll in a text file the numbers from 1 to 20, each
number on a separate line. We can do this the following way:
class FileWriter
static void Main()
// Create a StreamWriter instance
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("numbers.txt");

// Ensure the writer will be closed when no longer used
// Loop through the numbers from 1 to 20 and write them
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
We start by creating an instance of StreamWriter in the already well-known
way from the examples.
To list the numbers from 1 to 20 we will use a for-loop. Inside the loop, we
use the method WriteLine(), which again we know from our previous work
with the console, to record the current number on a new line in the file. You
need not worry if a file with the chosen name does not exist. If such the case,
it will automatically be created in the folder of the project and if it already
exists, it will be overwritten (old content will be deleted). The outcome is:

634 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
To make sure that after the end of the file it will be closed, we should use the
using construct.

Be sure to close the stream after you finish using it! The best
way to dispose any unused resources is with the using
construct in C#.
When you want to print text in Cyrillic and are unsure what encoding to use,
prefer the UTF-8 encoding. It is universal and not only supports Cyrillic, but
all widespread international alphabets: Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
Input / Output Exception Handling
If you have followed the examples so far, you have probably noticed that
many of the operations, related to files, can cause exceptional situations. The
basic principles and approaches for their capture and processing are already
familiar to you from the chapter "Handling Exceptions". Now we will
concentrate on the specific errors when working with files and best
practices for their handling.
Intercepting Exceptions when Working with Files
Perhaps the most common exception when working with files is the
FileNotFoundException (its name infers that the desired file was not found).
It can occur when creating StreamReader.
When setting a specified encoding by the creation of a StreamReader or a
StreamWriter object, an ArgumentException can be thrown. This means,
that the encoding we have chosen is not supported.
Another common mistake is IOException. This is the base class for all IO
errors when working with streams.
The standard approach for handling exceptions when working with files is the
following: declare variables of class StreamReader or StreamWriter in try-
catch block. Initialize them with the necessary values in the block and handle
the potential exceptions properly. To close the stream, we use the structure
using. To illustrate what we just said, will give an example.
Catching an Exception when Opening a File Example
Heres how we can catch exceptions that occur when working with files:
class HandlingExceptions
static void Main()
string fileName = @"somedir\somefile.txt";
Chapter 15. Text Files 635
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
"File {0} successfully opened.", fileName);
Console.WriteLine("File contents:");
using (reader)
catch (FileNotFoundException)
"Can not find file {0}.", fileName);
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
"Invalid directory in the file path.");
catch (IOException)
"Can not open the file {0}", fileName);
The example demonstrates reading a file and printing its contents to the
console. If we accidentally have confused the name of the file or have deleted
it, an exception of type FileNotFoundException will be thrown. In the catch
block we intercept this sort of exception and if such occurs, we will process it
properly and print a message to the console, saying that this file cannot be
found. The same will happen if there were no directory named "somedir".
Finally, for better security, we have also added a catch block for
IOExceptions. There all other IO exceptions, that might occur when working
with files, will be intercepted.
Text Files More Examples
We hope the theoretical explanations and examples so far have helped you
get into the subtleties when working with text files. Now we will take a look at
some more complex examples, so as to review the gained knowledge and
to illustrate how to use them in solving practical problems.
636 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Occurrences of a Substring in a File Example
Here is how to implement a simple program that counts how many times a
substring occurs in a text file. In the example, lets look for the substring "C#"
in a text file as follows:
This is our "Intro to Programming in C#" book.
In it you will learn the basics of C# programming.
You will find out how nice C# is.
We can implement the counting as follows: will read the file line by line and
each time we meet the desired word inside the last read line, we will increase
the value of a variable (counter). We will process the possible exceptional
situations to enable users to receive adequate information in case of errors.
Here is a sample implementation:
static void Main()
string fileName = @"..\..\sample.txt";
string word = "C#";
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
using (reader)
int occurrences = 0;
string line = reader.ReadLine();
while (line != null)
int index = line.IndexOf(word);
while (index != -1)
index = line.IndexOf(word, (index + 1));
line = reader.ReadLine();
"The word {0} occurs {1} times.", word, occurrences);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
Chapter 15. Text Files 637
"Can not find file {0}.", fileName);
catch (IOException)
"Cannot read the file {0}.", fileName);
For simplicity of the example, the word we seek is hardcoded. You can
implement the program to search a word entered by the user.
You can see that the example is not very different from the previous ones. We
initialize the variables outside of the try-catch block. Again, we use a while-
loop to read the lines of the text file one by one. Inside its body, there is
another while-loop, which counts how many times the searched word occurs
in the given line, and then increases the number of occurrences. This is done
using the method IndexOf() of the class String (remember what it does in
case you have forgotten). We do not forget to ensure the closing of the
StreamReader object using the using structure. All that remains is to print
the results on to the console.
For our example, the result is the following:
The word C# occurs 3 times.
Editing a Subtitles File Example
Now we will look at a more complex example, in which we at the same time
read from a file and record to another. This program fixes a subtitles file
for a movie.
Our goal will be to read a file with subtitles, that are incorrect and do not
appear at the right time, and to shift the times in an appropriate manner, so
that they can appear correctly. One such file generally contains the time of
the on-screen duration and the text, that should appear in the defined time
interval. Here is how typical subtitles files look like:
{1029}{1122}{Y:i}Captain, systems are|at the ready.
{1123}{1270}{Y:i}The preassure is stable.|Prepare for landing.
{1343}{1468}{Y:i}Please,fasten your seatbelts|and take your
{1509}{1610}{Y:i}Coordinates 5.6|- Five, Five, Six, dot com.
638 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
{1632}{1718}{Y:i}Where did the coordinates|go to?
{1756}{1820}Commander Logar,|everyone is speaking in English.
{1821}{1938}Can't we switch|to Turkish from the beginning?
{1942}{1992}Yes, we can!
{3104}{3228}{Y:b}G.O.R.A.|a movie about the cosmos

{1029}{1122}{Y:i}I'll never join you.
{1123}{1270}{Y:i}If you only knew | the power of the dark side.
{1343}{1468}{Y:i}Obi One never told you what happened to your
{1509}{1610}{Y:i}He told me enough! | He told me you killed him.
{1632}{1718}{Y:i}No... I am your father!
{1756}{1820}(dramatic music playing)...
{1821}{1938}No, no that's not true... | That's impossible!
{1942}{1992}Search your feelings,| you know it's true.

To fix the subtitles, we usually just need to make an adjustment in the time
for displaying the subtitles. Such an adjustment may be offsetting the start /
end time for each subtitle (by addition or subtraction of a constant) or
changing the speed (multiplying by a factor, say 1.05).
Here is sample code that can implement such a program:
using System;
using System.IO;

class FixingSubtitles
const double COEFFICIENT = 1.05;
const int ADDITION = 5000;
const string INPUT_FILE = @"..\..\source.sub";
const string OUTPUT_FILE = @"..\..\fixed.sub";

static void Main()
Chapter 15. Text Files 639
// Create reader
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(INPUT_FILE);

// Create writer
StreamWriter streamWriter =
new StreamWriter(OUTPUT_FILE, false);

using (streamReader)
using (streamWriter)
string line;
while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
catch (IOException exc)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}.", exc.Message);

static string FixLine(string line)
// Find closing brace
int bracketFromIndex = line.IndexOf('}');

// Extract 'from' time
string fromTime = line.Substring(1, bracketFromIndex - 1);

// Calculate new 'from' time
int newFromTime = (int) (Convert.ToInt32(fromTime) *

// Find the following closing brace
int bracketToIndex = line.IndexOf('}',
bracketFromIndex + 1);

// Extract 'to' time
string toTime = line.Substring(bracketFromIndex + 2,
bracketToIndex - bracketFromIndex - 2);
640 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

// Calculate new 'to' time
int newToTime = (int) (Convert.ToInt32(toTime) *

// Create a new line using the new 'from' and 'to' times
string fixedLine = "{" + newFromTime + "}" + "{" +
newToTime + "}" + line.Substring(bracketToIndex + 1);

return fixedLine;
Again, we use the already familiar method for reading a file line by line.
The difference this time is, that in the body of the loop, we write every line of
the file with already corrected subtitles, after we have fixed them with the
method FixLine(string) (this method is not the subject of our discussion,
since it can be implemented in many different ways depending on what you
want to adjust). Because we use the using block for both files, we can
guarantee that they will be closed even if an exception occurs during
processing (this may happen, for example if one of the lines in the file is not
in the expected format).
1. Write a program that reads a text file and prints its odd lines on the
2. Write a program that joins two text files and records the results in a
third file.
3. Write a program that reads the contents of a text file and inserts the
line numbers at the beginning of each line, then rewrites the file
4. Write a program that compares two text files with the same number of
rows line by line and prints the number of equal and the number of
different lines.
5. Write a program that reads a square matrix of integers from a file and
finds the sub-matrix with size 2 2 that has the maximal sum and
writes this sum to a separate text file. The first line of input file contains
the size of the recorded matrix (N). The next N lines contain N integers
separated by spaces.
Sample input file:
2 3 3 4
Chapter 15. Text Files 641
0 2 3 4
3 7 1 2
4 3 3 2
Sample output: 17.
6. Write a program that reads a list of names from a text file, arranges
them in alphabetical order, and writes them to another file. The lines
are written one per row.
7. Write a program that replaces every occurrence of the substring
"start" with "finish" in a text file. Can you rewrite the program to
replace whole words only? Does the program work for large files (e.g. 800
8. Write the previous program so that it changes only the whole words
(not parts of the word).
9. Write a program that deletes all the odd lines of a text file.
10. Write a program that extracts from an XML file the text only (without the
tags). Sample input file:
<?xml version="1.0"><student><name>Peter</name>
<age>21</age><interests count="3"><interest>
Sample output:
11. Write a program that deletes all words that begin with the word "test".
The words will contain only the following chars: 09, az, AZ.
12. A text file words.txt is given, containing a list of words, one per line.
Write a program that deletes in the file text.txt all the words that
occur in the other file. Catch and handle all possible exceptions.
13. Write a program that reads a list of words from a file called words.txt,
counts how many times each of these words is found in another
file text.txt, and records the results in a third file result.txt, but
before that, sorts them by the number of occurrences in descending
order. Handle all possible exceptions.
642 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use the examples discussed in this chapter. Use the using structure to
ensure proper closing of the input and the resulting stream.
2. You will have to first read the input file line by line and save it in the
resulting file in overwrite mode. Then you must open the second input
file and save it line by line in the result file in append mode. To create a
StreamWriter in overwrite / use mode use the appropriate constructor
(find it in MSDN).
An alternative way is to read both files in a string with ReadToEnd(),
store them in memory and save them in the resulting file. This approach
does not work for large files (the likes of several gigabytes).
3. Follow the examples in this chapter. Think of how you would solve the
task if the file were large (several gigabytes).
4. Follow the examples in this chapter. You will have to open both files
simultaneously and read them line by line in a loop. If you reach the end
of the (read null) file, that does not match the others, that means that
both files have different number of rows and an exception should be
5. Read the first line of the file and create a matrix with the specified size.
After that read the following lines, line by line and separate the numbers.
Then save them in the corresponding (row, column) in the matrix. Finally,
find the sub-matrix using two nested loops.
6. Write each read name in a list (List<string>), then sort it properly (look
for information on the method Sort()) and then print it in the result file.
7. Read the file line by line and use the methods of the class String. If you
load the entire file into memory, instead of reading it line by line,
problems when loading large files might occur.
8. For every occurrence of start, check if that is the whole word or just a
part of it.
9. Look at the examples in this chapter.
10. Read the input file character by character. When you encounter a "<",
then this is a starting tag, but when you encounter a ">", that means a
closing tag. All characters you encounter outside of the tags build up the
text that must be extracted. You can store it in StringBuilder and print
its contents when you encounter "<" or reach the end of the file.
11. Read the file line by line and replace words that start with "test" with
an empty string. Use Regex.Replace() with an appropriate regular
expression. Alternatively, you can search in the line the substring "test"
and every time you find it, get all of its neighboring letters to the left and
right. This way you find the word in which the string "test" is part of and
you can delete it if it begins with "test".
Chapter 15. Text Files 643
12. The task is similar to the previous one. You can read the text line by
line and replace each of the given words with an empty string. Test
whether your program properly handles exceptions by simulating different
scenarios (e.g. no file, lack of rights for reading and writing, etc.).
13. Create a hash table with keys the words from words.txt and
value number of occurrences of each word (Dictionary<string,
int>). Firstly, save to the hash table that all words are found 0 times.
Then read the file line by line and split each line into words. Check
whether each obtained word can be found in the hash table, and if so,
add 1 to the number of occurrences. Finally, save all the words and their
number of occurrences in an array of type KeyValuePair<string, int>.
Sort the array with a suitable comparison function like so:
Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(
arr, (a, b) => a.Value.CompareTo(b.Value));
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Chapter 16. Linear
Data Structures
In This Chapter
In this chapter we are going to get familiar with some of the basic
presentations of data in programming: lists and linear data structures.
Very often in order to solve a given problem we need to work with a sequence
of elements. For example, to read completely this book we have to read
sequentially each page, i.e. to traverse sequentially each of the elements of
the set of the pages in the book. Depending on the task, we have to apply
different operations on this set of data. In this chapter we will introduce the
concept of abstract data types (ADT) and will explain how a certain ADT
can have multiple different implementations. After that we shall explore
how and when to use lists and their implementations (linked list, doubly-
linked list and array-list). We are going to see how for a given task one
structure may be more convenient than another. We are going to consider the
structures "stack" and "queue", as well as their applications. We are going
to get familiar with some implementations of these structures.
Abstract Data Structures
Before we start considering classes in C#, which implement some of the most
frequently, used data structures (such as lists and queues), we are going to
consider the concepts of data structures and abstract data structures.
What Is a Data Structure?
Very often, when we write programs, we have to work with many objects
(data). Sometimes we add and remove elements, other times we would like
to order them or to process the data in another specific way. For this reason,
different ways of storing data are developed, depending on the task. Most
frequently these elements are ordered in some way (for example, object A is
before object B).
At this point we come to the aid of data structures a set of data
organized on the basis of logical and mathematical laws. Very often the choice
of the right data structure makes the program much more efficient we could
save memory and execution time (and sometimes even the amount of code
we write).
646 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
What Is an Abstract Data Type?
In general, abstract data types (ADT) gives us a definition (abstraction) of
the specific structure, i.e. defines the allowed operations and properties,
without being interested in the specific implementation. This allows an
abstract data type to have several different implementations and respectively
different efficiency.
Basic Data Structures in Programming
We can differentiate several groups of data structures:
- Linear these include lists, stacks and queues
- Tree-like different types of trees like binary trees, B-trees and
balanced trees
- Dictionaries key-value pairs organized in hash tables
- Sets unordered bunches of unique elements
- Others multi-sets, bags, multi-bags, priority queues, graphs,
In this chapter we are going to explore the linear (list-like) data
structures, and in the next several chapters we are going to pay attention to
more complicated data structures, such as trees, graphs, hash tables and
sets, and we are going to explain how and when to use each of them.
Mastering basic data structures in programming is essential, as
without them we could not program efficiently. They, together with
algorithms, are in the basis of programming and in the next several chapters
we are going to get familiar with them.
List Data Structures
Most commonly used data structures are the linear (list) data structures.
They are an abstraction of all kinds of rows, sequences, series and others
from the real world.
We could imagine the list as an ordered sequence (line) of elements.
Lets take as an example purchases from a shop. In the list we can read each
of the elements (the purchases), as well as add new purchases in it. We can
also remove (erase) purchases or shuffle them.
Abstract Data Structure "List"
Lets now give a more strict definition of the structure list:
List is a linear data structure, which contains a sequence of elements. The
list has the property length (count of elements) and its elements are
arranged consecutively.
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 647
The list allows adding elements on different positions, removing them and
incremental crawling. Like we already mentioned, an ADT can have several
implementations. An example of such ADT is the interface System.
Interfaces in C# construct a frame (contract) for their implementations
classes. This contract consists of a set of methods and properties, which
each class must implement in order to implement the interface. The data type
"Interface" in C# we are going to discuss in depth in the chapter "Object-
Oriented Programming Principles".
Each ADT defines some interface. Lets consider the interface System.
Collections.IList. The basic methods, which it defines, are:
- int Add(object) adds element in the end of the list
- void Insert(int, object) adds element on a preliminary chosen
position in the list
- void Clear() removes all elements in the list
- bool Contains(object) checks whether the list contains the element
- void Remove(object) removes the element from the list
- void RemoveAt(int) removes the element on a given position
- int IndexOf(object) returns the position of the element
- this[int] indexer, allows access to the elements on a set position
Lets see several from the basic implementations of the ADT list and explain in
which situations they should be used.
Static List (Array-Based Implementation)
Arrays perform many of the features of the ADT list, but there is a significant
difference the lists allow adding new elements, while arrays have fixed size.
Despite of that, an implementation of list is possible with an array, which
automatically increments its size (similar to the class StringBuilder, which
we already know from the chapter "Strings"). Such list is called static list
implemented with an extensible array. Below we shall give a sample
implementation of auto-resizable array-based list (array list). It is intended to
hold any data type T through the concept of generics (see the "Generics"
section in chapter "Defining Classes"):
public class CustomArrayList<T>
private T[] arr;
private int count;

/// <summary>Returns the actual list length</summary>
648 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public int Count
return this.count;

private const int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 4;

/// <summary>
/// Initializes the array-based list allocate memory
/// </summary>
public CustomArrayList(int capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY)
this.arr = new T[capacity];
this.count = 0;
Firstly, we define an array, in which we are going to keep the elements, as
well as a counter for the current count of elements. After that we add the
constructor, as we initialize our array with some initial capacity (when
capacity is not specified) in order to avoid resizing it when adding the first few
elements. Lets take a look at some typical operations like add (append) an
element, insert an element at specified position (index) and clear the list:
/// <summary>Adds element to the list</summary>
/// <param name="item">The element you want to add</param>
public void Add(T item)
this.arr[this.count] = item;

/// <summary>
/// Inserts the specified element at given position in this list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// Index, at which the specified element is to be inserted
/// </param>
/// <param name="item">Element to be inserted</param>
/// <exception cref="System.IndexOutOfRangeException">Index is
public void Insert(int index, T item)
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 649
if (index > this.count || index < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);
Array.Copy(this.arr, index,
this.arr, index + 1, this.count - index);
this.arr[index] = item;

/// <summary>
/// Doubles the size of this.arr (grow) if it is full
/// </summary>
private void GrowIfArrIsFull()
if (this.count + 1 > this.arr.Length)
T[] extendedArr = new T[this.arr.Length * 2];
Array.Copy(this.arr, extendedArr, this.count);
this.arr = extendedArr;

/// <summary>Clears the list (remove everything)</summary>
public void Clear()
this.arr = new T[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
this.count = 0;
We implemented the operation adding a new element, as well as inserting a
new element which both first ensure that the internal array (buffer) holding
the elements has enough capacity. If the internal buffer is full, it is extended
(grown) to a double of the current capacity. Since arrays in .NET do not
support resizing, the growing operation allocated a new array of double size
and moves all elements from the old array to the new.
Below we implement searching operations (finding the index of given
element and checking whether given element exists), as well as indexer
the ability to access the elements (for read and change) by their index
specified in the [] operator:
650 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
/// <summary>
/// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified
/// element in this list (or -1 if it does not exist).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The element you are searching</param>
/// <returns>
/// The index of a given element or -1 if it is not found
/// </returns>
public int IndexOf(T item)
for (int i = 0; i < this.arr.Length; i++)
if (object.Equals(item, this.arr[i]))
return i;

return -1;

/// <summary>Checks if an element exists</summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to be checked</param>
/// <returns>If the item exists</returns>
public bool Contains(T item)
int index = IndexOf(item);
bool found = (index != -1);
return found;

/// <summary>Indexer: access to element at given index</summary>
/// <param name="index">Index of the element</param>
/// <returns>The element at the specified position</returns>
public T this[int index]
if (index >= this.count || index < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);
return this.arr[index];
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 651
if (index >= this.count || index < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);
this.arr[index] = value;
We add operations for removing items (by index and by value):
/// <summary>Removes the element at the specified index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the element to remove
/// </param>
/// <returns>The removed element</returns>
public T RemoveAt(int index)
if (index >= this.count || index < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);

T item = this.arr[index];
Array.Copy(this.arr, index + 1,
this.arr, index, this.count - index - 1);
this.arr[this.count - 1] = default(T);

return item;

/// <summary>Removes the specified item</summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to be removed</param>
/// <returns>The removed item's index or -1 if the item does not
public int Remove(T item)
int index = IndexOf(item);
if (index != -1)
652 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
return index;
In the methods above we remove elements. For this purpose, firstly we find
the searched element, remove it and then shift the elements after it by one
position to the left, in order to fill the empty position. Finally, we fill the
position after the last item in the array with null value (the default(T)) to
allow the garbage collector to release it if it is not needed. Generally, we want
to keep all unused elements in the arr empty (null / zero value).
Lets consider a sample usage of the recently implemented class. There is a
Main() method, in which we demonstrate most of the operations. In the
enclosed code we create a list of purchases, add, insert and remove few items
and print the list on the console. Finally we check whether certain items exist:
class CustomArrayListTest
static void Main()
CustomArrayList<string> shoppingList =
new CustomArrayList<string>();
shoppingList.Insert(1, "Fruits");
shoppingList.Insert(0, "Cheese");
shoppingList.Insert(6, "Vegetables");
shoppingList[3] = "A lot of " + shoppingList[3];
Console.WriteLine("We need to buy:");
for (int i = 0; i < shoppingList.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine(" - " + shoppingList[i]);
Console.WriteLine("Position of 'Beer' = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Position of 'Water' = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Do we have to buy Bread? " +
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 653
Here is how the output of the program execution looks like:
We need to buy:
- Milk
- Fruits
- Honey
- A lot of Water
- Beer
- Vegetables
Position of 'Beer' = 4
Position of 'Water' = -1
Do we have to buy Bread? False
Linked List (Dynamic Implementation)
As we saw, the static list has a serious disadvantage the operations for
inserting and removing items from the inside of the array requires rearrange-
ment of the elements. When frequently inserting and removing items
(especially a large number of items), this can lead to low performance. In
such cases it is advisable to use the so called linked lists. The difference in
them is the structure of elements while in the static list the element
contains only the specific object, with the dynamic list the elements keep
information about their next element.
Here is how a sample linked list looks like in the memory:

For the dynamic implementation of the linked list we will need two
classes: the class ListNode, which will hold a single element of the list along
with its next element, and the main list class DynamicList<T> which will hold
a sequence of elements as well as the head and the tail of the list:
/// <summary>Dynamic (linked) list class definition</summary>
public class DynamicList<T>
private class ListNode
public T Element { get; set; }
public ListNode NextNode { get; set; }
42 3 71 8
Next Next Next Next Head null
654 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

public ListNode(T element)
this.Element = element;
NextNode = null;

public ListNode(T element, ListNode prevNode)
this.Element = element;
prevNode.NextNode = this;

private ListNode head;
private ListNode tail;
private int count;

First, lets consider the recursive class ListNode. It holds a single element
and a reference (pointer) to the next element which is of the same class
ListNode. So ListNode is an example of recursive data structure that is
defined by referencing itself. The class is inner to the class DynamicList<T>
(it is declared as a private member) and is therefore accessible only to it. For
our DynamicList<T> we create 3 fields: head pointer to the first element,
tail pointer to the last element and count counter of the elements.
After that we declare the constructor which creates and empty linked list:
public DynamicList()
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.count = 0;
Upon the initial construction the list is empty and for this reason we assign
head = tail = null and count = 0.
We are going to implement all basic operations: adding and removing
items, as well as searching for an element and accessing the elements by
Lets start with the operation add (append) which is relatively simple. Two
cases are considered: an empty list and a non-empty list. In both cases we
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 655
append the element at the end of the list (where tail points) and after the
operation all fields (head, tail and count) have correct values:
/// <summary>Add element at the end of the list</summary>
/// <param name="item">The element to be added</param>
public void Add(T item)
if (this.head == null)
// We have an empty list -> create a new head and tail
this.head = new ListNode(item);
this.tail = this.head;
// We have a non-empty list -> append the item after tail
ListNode newNode = new ListNode(item, this.tail);
this.tail = newNode;
You can now see the operation removing an item at specified index. It is
considerably more complicated than adding:
/// <summary>Removes and returns element on the specified index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the element to be removed
/// </param>
/// <returns>The removed element</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
/// if the index is invalid</exception>
public T RemoveAt(int index)
if (index >= count || index < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);

// Find the element at the specified index
int currentIndex = 0;
ListNode currentNode = this.head;
ListNode prevNode = null;
while (currentIndex < index)
656 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
prevNode = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;

// Remove the found element from the list of nodes
RemoveListNode(currentNode, prevNode);

// Return the removed element
return currentNode.Element;

/// <summary>
/// Remove the specified node from the list of nodes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">the node for removal</param>
/// <param name="prevNode">the predecessor of node</param>
private void RemoveListNode(ListNode node, ListNode prevNode)
if (count == 0)
// The list becomes empty -> remove head and tail
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
else if (prevNode == null)
// The head node was removed --> update the head
this.head = node.NextNode;
// Redirect the pointers to skip the removed node
prevNode.NextNode = node.NextNode;

// Fix the tail in case it was removed
if (object.ReferenceEquals(this.tail, node))
this.tail = prevNode;
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 657
Firstly, we check if the specified index exists, and if it does not, an
appropriate exception is thrown. After that, the element for removal is found
by moving forward from the beginning of the list to the next element exactly
index times. After the element for removal has been found (currentNode), it
is removed by the additional private method RemoveListNode(), which
considers the following 3 possible cases:
- The list remains empty after the removal we remove the whole
list along with its head and tail (head = null, tail = null, count = 0).
- The element for removal is at the start of the list (there is no previous
element) we make head to point at the element immediately after the
removed element (or at null, if the removed element was the last one).
- The element is in the middle or at the end of the list we direct the
element before it to point to the element after it (or at null, if there is
no next element).
Finally, we make sure tail points to the end of the list (in case tail was
pointed to the removed element, it is fixed to point to its predecessor).
The next is the implementation of the removal of an element by its value:
/// <summary>
/// Removes the specified item and return its index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item for removal</param>
/// <returns>The index of the element or -1 if it does not
public int Remove(T item)
// Find the element containing the searched item
int currentIndex = 0;
ListNode currentNode = this.head;
ListNode prevNode = null;
while (currentNode != null)
if (object.Equals(currentNode.Element, item))
prevNode = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;

if (currentNode != null)
658 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// The element is found in the list -> remove it
RemoveListNode(currentNode, prevNode);
return currentIndex;
// The element is not found in the list -> return -1
return -1;
The removal by value of an element works like the removal of an element
by index, but there are two special considerations: the searched element
may not exist and for this reason an extra check is necessary; there may be
elements with null value in the list, which have to be removed and processed
correctly. The last is done by comparing the elements through the static
method object.Equals() which works well with null values.
In order the removal to work correctly, it is necessary the elements in the
array to be comparable, i.e. to have a correct implementation of the method
Equals() derived from System.Object.
Bellow we give implementations of the operations for searching and checking
whether the list contains a specified element:
/// <summary>Searches for given element in the list</summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to be searched</param>
/// <returns>
/// The index of the first occurrence of the element
/// in the list or -1 when it is not found
/// </returns>
public int IndexOf(T item)
int index = 0;
ListNode currentNode = this.head;
while (currentNode != null)
if (object.Equals(currentNode.Element, item))
return index;
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;
return -1;
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 659

/// <summary>
/// Checks if the specified element exists in the list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to be checked</param>
/// <returns>
/// True if the element exists or false otherwise
/// </returns>
public bool Contains(T item)
int index = IndexOf(item);
bool found = (index != -1);
return found;
The searching for an element works like in the method for removing: we
start from the beginning of the list and check sequentially the next elements
one after another, until we reach the end of the list or find the searched
We have two more operations to implement accessing elements by index
(using the indexer) and finding the count of elements (through a property):
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the element at the specified position
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// The position of the element [0 count-1]
/// </param>
/// <returns>The item at the specified index</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
/// When an invalid index is specified
/// </exception>
public T this[int index]
if (index >= count || index < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);
ListNode currentNode = this.head;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
660 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;
return currentNode.Element;
if (index >= count || index < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Invalid index: " + index);
ListNode currentNode = this.head;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;
currentNode.Element = value;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the count of elements in the list
/// </summary>
public int Count
return this.count;
The indexer works pretty straightforward first checks the validity of the
specified index and then starts from the head of the list goes to the next node
index times. Once the node containing the element the specified index is
found, it is accessed directly.
Lets finally see a shopping list example similar to the example with the
static list implementation, this time using with our linked list:
class DynamicListTest
static void Main()
DynamicList<string> shoppingList =
new DynamicList<string>();
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 661
shoppingList.Remove("Milk"); // Empty list
shoppingList[2] = "A lot of " + shoppingList[2];
shoppingList.RemoveAt(0); // Removes "Honey" (first)
shoppingList.RemoveAt(2); // Removes "Fruits" (last)
Console.WriteLine("We need to buy:");
for (int i = 0; i < shoppingList.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine(" - " + shoppingList[i]);
Console.WriteLine("Position of 'Beer' = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Position of 'Water' = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Do we have to buy Bread? " +
The above code checks all the operations from our linked list
implementation along with their special cases (like removing the first and the
last element) and shows that out dynamic list implementation works correctly.
The output of the above code is the following:
We need to buy:
- Olives
- A lot of Water
- Beer
Position of 'Beer' = 2
Position of 'Water' = -1
Do we have to buy Bread? False
Comparing the Static and the Dynamic Lists
We implemented the abstract data type (ADT) list in two ways: static (array
list) and dynamic (linked list). Once written these two implementations
can be used in almost exactly the same way. For example see the following
two pieces of code (using our array list and our linked list):
662 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
CustomArrayList<string> arrayList =
new CustomArrayList<string>();
arrayList[0] = "Zero";
Console.WriteLine("Array list: ");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine(" - " + arrayList[i]);

DynamicList<string> dynamicList =
new DynamicList<string>();
dynamicList[0] = "Zero";
Console.WriteLine("Dynamic list: ");
for (int i = 0; i < dynamicList.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine(" - " + dynamicList[i]);
The result of using the two types of lists is the same:
Array list:
- Zero
- Three
Dynamic list:
- Zero
- Three
The above example demonstrates that certain ADT could be implemented in
several conceptually different ways and the users may not notice the
difference between them. Still, different implementations could have different
performance and could take different amount of memory.
This concept, known as abstract behavior, is fundamental for OOP and can
be implemented by abstract classes or interfaces as we shall see in the
section "Abstraction" of chapter "Object-Oriented Programming Principles".
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 663
Doubly-Linked List
In the so called doubly-linked lists each element contains its value and
two pointers to the previous and to the next element (or null, if
there is no such element). This allows us to traverse the list forward and
backward and some operations to be implemented more efficiently. Here is
how a sample doubly-linked list looks like:

The ArrayList Class
After we got familiar with some of the basic implementations of the lists, we
are going to consider the classes in C#, which deliver list data structures
"without lifting a finger". The first one is the class ArrayList, which is an
untyped dynamically-extendable array. It is implemented similarly to the
static list implementation, which we considered earlier. ArrayList gives the
opportunity to add, delete and search for elements in it. Some more
important class members we may use are:
- Add(object) adding a new element
- Insert(int, object) adding a new element at a specified position
- Count returns the count of elements in the list
- Remove(object) removes a specified element
- RemoveAt(int) removes the element at a specified position
- Clear() removes all elements from the list
- this[int] an indexer, allows accessing the elements by a given
position (index)
As we saw, one of the main problems with this implementation is the resizing
of the inner array when adding and removing elements. In the ArrayList the
problem is solved by preliminarily created array (buffer), which gives us the
opportunity to add elements without resizing the array at each insertion or
removal of elements.
The ArrayList Class Example
The ArrayList class is untyped, so it can keep all kinds of elements
numbers, strings and other objects. Here is a small example:
null Head
null Tail
42 3 71 8
Next Next Next Next
Prev Prev Prev Prev
664 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
using System;
using System.Collections;

class ProgrArrayListExample
static void Main()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
object value = list[i];
Console.WriteLine("Index={0}; Value={1}", i, value);
In the example we create ArrayList and we add in it several elements from
different types: string, int, double and DateTime. After that we iterate over
the elements and print them. If we execute the example, we are going to get
the following result:
Index=0; Value=Hello
Index=1; Value=5
Index=2; Value=3.14159
Index=3; Value=29.12.2009 23:17:01
ArrayList of Numbers Example
In case we would like to make an array of numbers and then process them,
for example to find their sum, we have to convert the object type to a
number. This is because ArrayList is actually a list of elements of type
object, and not from some specific type (like int or string). Here is a
sample code, which sums the elements of ArrayList:
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.Add(" EUR");
dynamic sum = 0;
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 665
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
dynamic value = list[i];
sum = sum + value;
Console.WriteLine("Sum = " + sum);
// Output: Sum = 30.5 EUR
Note that in the array list we hold different types of values (int, float, uint
and string) and we sum them in a variable of special type called dynamic. In
C# dynamic is a universal data type intended to hold any value (numbers,
objects, strings, even functions and methods). Operations over dynamic
variables (like the + operator used above) are resolved at runtime and their
action depends on the actuals values of their arguments. At compile time
almost every operation with dynamic variables successfully compiles. At
runtime, if the operation can be performed, it is performed, otherwise and
exception is thrown. This explains why we apply the operation + over the
arguments 2, 3.5f, 25u and " EUR" and we finally obtain as a result the
string "30.5 EUR".
Generic Collections
Before we continue to play with more examples of working with the
ArrayList class, we shall recall the concept of Generic Data Types in C#,
which gives the opportunity to parameterize lists and collections in C#.
When we use the ArrayList class and all classes, which implement the
interface System.IList, we face the problem we saw earlier: when we add a
new element from a class, we pass it as a value of type object. Later, when
we search for a certain element, we get it as object and we have to cast it to
the expected type (or use dynamic). It is not guaranteed, however, that all
elements in the list will be of one and the same type. Besides this, the
conversion from one type to another takes time, and this drastically slows
down the program execution.
To solve the problem we use the generic (template / parameterized)
classes. They are created to work with one or several types, as when we
create them, we indicate what type of objects we are going to keep in them.
Lets recall that we create an instance of a generic class, for example
GenericType, by indicating the type, of which the elements have to be:
GenericType<T> instance = new GenericType<T>();
This type T can be any successor of the class System.Object, for example
string or DateTime. Here are few examples:
List<int> intList = new List<int>();
666 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
List<bool> boolList = new List<bool>();
List<double> realNumbersList = new List<double>();
Lets consider some of the generic collections in .NET Framework.
The List<T> Class
List<T> is the generic variant of ArrayList. When we create an object of
type List<T>, we indicate the type of the elements, which will be hold in the
list, i.e. we substitute the denoted by T type with some real data type (for
example number or string).
Lets consider a case in which we would like to create a list of integer
elements. We could do this in the following way:
List<int> intList = new List<int>();
Thus the created list can contain only integer numbers and cannot contain
other objects, for example strings. If we try to add to List<int> an object of
type string, we are going to get a compilation error. Via the generic types
the C# compiler protects us from mistakes when working with collections.
The List Class Array-Based Implementation
List<T> works like our class CustomArrayList<T>. It keeps its elements in
the memory as an array, which is partially in use and partially free for
new elements (blank). Thanks to the reserved blank elements in the array,
the operation append almost always manages to add the new element
without the need to resize the array. Sometimes, of course, the array has to
be resized, but as each resize would double the size of the array, resizing
happens so seldom that it can be ignored in comparison to the count of
append operations. We could imagine a List<T> like an array, which has
some capacity and is filled to a certain level:

Thanks to the preliminarily allocated capacity of the array, containing the
elements of the class List<T>, it can be extremely efficient data structure
when it is necessary to add elements fast, extract elements and access
the elements by index. Still, it is pretty slow in inserting and removing
elements unless these elements are at the last position.
2 7 1 3 7 2 1 0 8 2 4 List<int>
Count = 11
Capacity = 15
used buffer
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 667
We could say that List<T> combines the good sides of lists and arrays fast
adding, changeable size and direct access by index.
When to Use List<T>?
We already explained that the List<T> class uses an inner array for keeping
the elements and the array doubles its size when it gets overfilled. Such
implementation causes the following good and bad sides:
- The search by index is very fast we can access with equal speed
each of the elements, regardless of the count of elements.
- The search for an element by value works with as many comparisons
as the count of elements (in the worst case), i.e. it is slow.
- Inserting and removing elements is a slow operation when we add
or remove elements, especially if they are not in the end of the array,
we have to shift the rest of the elements and this is a slow operation.
- When adding a new element, sometimes we have to increase the
capacity of the array, which is a slow operation, but it happens seldom
and the average speed of insertion to List does not depend on the
count of elements, i.e. it works very fast.

Use List<T> when you dont expect frequent insertion and
deletion of elements, but you expect to add new elements at
the end of the list or to access the elements by index.
Prime Numbers in Given Interval Example
After we got familiar with the implementation of the structure list and the
class List<T>, lets see how to use them. We are going to consider the
problem for finding the prime numbers in a certain interval. For this
purpose we have to use the following algorithm:
static List<int> GetPrimes(int start, int end)
List<int> primesList = new List<int>();
for (int num = start; num <= end; num++)
bool prime = true;
double numSqrt = Math.Sqrt(num);
for (int div = 2; div <= numSqrt; div++)
if (num % div == 0)
prime = false;
668 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
if (prime)
return primesList;

static void Main()
List<int> primes = GetPrimes(200, 300);
foreach (var item in primes)
Console.Write ("{0} ", item);
From the mathematics we know that if a number is not prime it has at least
one divisor in the interval [2 square root from the given number]. This is
what we use in the example above. For each number we look for a divisor in
this interval. If we find a divisor, then the number is not prime and we could
continue with the next number from the interval. Gradually, by adding the
prime numbers we fill the list, after which we traverse it and print it on the
screen. Here is how the output of the code above looks like:
211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293
Union and Intersection of Lists Example
Lets consider a more interesting example lets write a program, which can
find the union and the intersection of two sets of numbers.
Union Intersection

We could consider that there are two lists of numbers and we would like to
take the elements, which are in both sets (intersection), or we look for those
elements, which are at least in one of the sets (union).
Lets discuss one possible solution to the problem:
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 669
static List<int> Union(
List<int> firstList, List<int> secondList)
List<int> union = new List<int>();
foreach (var item in secondList)
if (!union.Contains(item))
return union;

static List<int> Intersect(List<int>
firstList, List<int> secondList)
List<int> intersect = new List<int>();
foreach (var item in firstList)
if (secondList.Contains(item))

return intersect;

static void PrintList(List<int> list)
Console.Write("{ ");
foreach (var item in list)
Console.Write(" ");

static void Main()
List<int> firstList = new List<int>();
670 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Console.Write("firstList = ");

List<int> secondList = new List<int>();
Console.Write("secondList = ");

List<int> unionList = Union(firstList, secondList);
Console.Write("union = ");

List<int> intersectList =
Intersect(firstList, secondList);
Console.Write("intersect = ");
The program logic in this solution directly follows the definitions of union
and intersection of sets. We use the operations for searching for an element
in a list and insertion of a new element in a list.
We are going to solve the problem in one more way: by using the method
AddRange<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection) from the class List<T>:
static void Main()
List<int> firstList = new List<int>();
Console.Write("firstList = ");

List<int> secondList = new List<int>();
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 671
Console.Write("secondList = ");

List<int> unionList = new List<int>();
for (int i = unionList.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (secondList.Contains(unionList[i]))
Console.Write("union = ");

List<int> intersectList = new List<int>();
for (int i = intersectList.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!secondList.Contains(intersectList[i]))
Console.Write("intersect = ");
In order to intersect the sets we do the following: we put all elements from
the first list (via AddRange()), after which we remove all elements, which are
not in the second list.
The problem can also be solved even in an easier way by using the method
RemoveAll(Predicate<T> match), but it is related to using programming
constructs, called delegates and lambda expressions, which are
considered in the chapter Lambda Expressions and LINQ. The union we make
as we add elements from the first list, after which we remove all elements,
which are in the second list, and finally we add all elements of the second list.
The result from the two programs is exactly the same:
firstList = { 1 2 3 4 5 }
secondList = { 2 4 6 }
672 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
union = { 1 2 3 4 5 6 }
intersect = { 2 4 }
Converting a List to Array and Vice Versa
In C# the conversion of a list to an array is easy by using the given
method ToArray(). For the opposite operation we could use the constructor of
List<T>(System.Array). Lets see an example, demonstrating their usage:
static void Main()
int[] arr = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
List<int> list = new List<int>(arr);
int[] convertedArray = list.ToArray();
The LinkedList<T> Class
This class is a dynamic implementation of a doubly linked list built in
.NET Framework. Its elements contain a certain value and a pointer to the
previous and the next element. The LinkedList<T> class in .NET works in
similar fashion like our class DynamicList<T>.
When Should We Use LinkedList<T>?
We saw that the dynamic and the static implementation have their specifics
considering the different operations. With a view to the structure of the linked
list, we have to have the following in mind:
- The append operation is very fast, because the list always knows its
last element (tail).
- Inserting a new element at a random position in the list is very fast
(unlike List<T>) if we have a pointer to this position, e.g. if we insert at
the list start or at the list end.
- Searching for elements by index or by value in LinkedList is a slow
operation, as we have to scan all elements consecutively by beginning
from the start of the list.
- Removing elements is a slow operation, because it includes searching.
Basic Operations in the LinkedList<T> Class
LinkedList<T> has the same operations as in List<T>, which makes the two
classes interchangeable, but in fact List<T> is used more often. Later we are
going to see that LinkedList<T> is used when working with queues.
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 673
When Should We Use LinkedList<T>?
Using LinkedList<T> is preferable when we have to add / remove
elements at both ends of the list and when the access to the elements is
However, when we have to access the elements by index, then List<T> is
a more appropriate choice.
Considering memory, LinkedList<T> generally takes more space because it
holds the value and several additional pointers for each element. List<T> also
takes additional space because it allocates memory for more elements than it
actually uses (it keeps bigger capacity than the number of its elements).
Lets imagine several cubes, which we have put one above other. We could
put a new cube on the top, as well as remove the highest cube. Or lets
imagine a chest. In order to take out the clothes on the bottom, first we have
to take out the clothes above them.
This is the classical data structure stack we could add elements on the top
and remove the element, which has been added last, but no the previous
ones (the ones that are below it). In programming the stack is a commonly
used data structure. The stack is used internally by the .NET virtual
machine (CLR) for keeping the variables of the program and the parameters
of the called methods (it is called program execution stack).
The Abstract Data Type "Stack"
The stack is a data structure, which implements the behavior "last in first
out" (LIFO). As we saw with the cubes, the elements could be added and
removed only on the top of the stack.
ADT stack provides 3 major operations: push (add an element at the top of
the stack), pop (take the last added element from the top of the stack) and
peek (get the element form the top of the stack without removing it).
The data structure stack can also have different implementations, but we are
going to consider two dynamic and static implementation.
Static Stack (Array-Based Implementation)
Like with the static list we can use an array to keep the elements of the
stack. We can keep an index or a pointer to the element, which is at the top.
Usually, if the internal array is filled, we have to resize it (to allocate twice
more memory), like this happens with the static list (ArrayList, List<T> and
CustomArrayList<T>). Unused buffer memory should be hold to ensure fast
push and pop operations.
Here is how we could imagine a static stack:
674 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Linked Stack (Dynamic Implementation)
For the dynamic implementation of stack we use elements, which keep a
value and a pointer to the next element. This linked-list based implementation
does not require an internal buffer, does not need to grow when the buffer is
full and has virtually the same performance for the major operations like the
static implementation:

When the stack is empty, the top has value null. When a new item is added,
it is inserted on a position where the top indicates, after which the top is
redirected to the new element. Removal is done by deleting the first element,
pointed by the top pointer.
The Stack<T> Class
In C# we could use the standard implementation of the class in .NET
Framework System.Collections.Generics.Stack<T>. It is implemented
statically with an array, as the array is resized when needed.
The Stack<T> Class Basic Operations
All basic operations for working with a stack are implemented:
- Push(T) adds a new element on the top of the stack
- Pop() returns the highest element and removes it from the stack
- Peek() returns the highest element without removing it
- Count returns the count of elements in the stack
- Clear() retrieves all elements from the stack
- Contains(T) check whether the stack contains the element
- ToArray() returns an array, containing all elements of the stack
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Capacity Capacity
42 3 71 8
Next Next Next Next Top null
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 675
Stack Usage Example
Lets take a look at a simple example on how to use stack. We are going to
add several elements, after which we are going to print them on the console.
static void Main()
Stack<string> stack = new Stack<string>();
stack.Push("1. John");
stack.Push("2. Nicolas");
stack.Push("3. Mary");
stack.Push("4. George");
Console.WriteLine("Top = " + stack.Peek());
while (stack.Count > 0)
string personName = stack.Pop();
As the stack is a "last in, first out" (LIFO) structure, the program is going to
print the records in a reversed order. Here is its output:
Top = 4. George
4. George
3. Mary
2. Nicolas
1. John
Correct Brackets Check Example
Lets consider the following task: we have an expression, in which we would
like to check whether the brackets are put correctly. This means to
check if the count of the opening brackets is equal to the count of the closing
brackets and all opening brackets match their respective closing brackets. The
specification of the stack allows us to check whether the bracket we have
met has a corresponding closing bracket. When we meet an opening bracket,
we add it to the stack. When we meet a closing bracket, we remove an
element from the stack. If the stack becomes empty before the end of the
program in a moment when we have to remove an element, the brackets are
incorrectly placed. The same remains if in the end of the expression there are
elements in the stack. Here is a sample implementation:
static void Main()
string expression = "1 + (3 + 2 - (2+3)*4 - ((3+1)*(4-2)))";
Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
676 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
bool correctBrackets = true;

for (int index = 0; index < expression.Length; index++)
char ch = expression[index];
if (ch == '(')
else if (ch == ')')
if (stack.Count == 0)
correctBrackets = false;
if (stack.Count != 0)
correctBrackets = false;
Console.WriteLine("Are the brackets correct? " +
Here is how the output of the sample program looks like:
Are the brackets correct? True
The "queue" data structure is created to model queues, for example a
queue of waiting for printing documents, waiting processes to access a
common resource, and others. Such queues are very convenient and are
naturally modeled via the structure "queue". In queues we can add elements
only on the back and retrieve elements only at the front.
For instance, we would like to buy a ticket for a concert. If we go earlier, we
are going to buy earlier a ticket. If we are late, we will have to go at the end
of the queue and wait for everyone who has come earlier. This behavior
is analogical for the objects in ADT queue.
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 677
Abstract Data Type "Queue"
The abstract data structure "queue" satisfies the behavior "first in first
out" (FIFO). Elements added to the queue are appended at the end of the
queue, and when elements are extracted, they are taken from the beginning
of the queue (in the order they were added). Thus the queue behaves like a
list with two ends (head and tail), just like the queues for tickets.
Like with the lists, the ADT queue could be implemented statically (as
resizable array) and dynamically (as pointer-based linked list).
Static Queue (Array-Based Implementation)
In the static queue we could use an array for keeping the elements. When
adding an element, it is inserted at the index, which follows the end of queue.
After that the end points at the newly added element. When removing an
element, we take the element, which is pointed by the head of the queue.
After that the head starts to point at the next element. Thus the queue
moves to the end of the array. When it reaches the end of the array, when
adding a new element, it is inserted at the beginning of the array. That is why
the implementation is called "looped queue", as we mentally stick the
beginning and the end of the array and the queue orbits it:

Static queue keeps an internal buffer with bigger capacity than the actual
number of elements in the queue. Like in the static list implementation, when
the space allocated for the queue elements is finished, the internal buffer
grows (usually doubles its size).
The major operations in the queue ADT are enqueue (append at the end of
the queue) and dequeue (retrieve an element from the start of the queue).
Linked Queue (Dynamic Implementation)
The dynamic implementation of queue ADT looks like the implementation
of the linked list. Like in the linked list, the elements consist of two parts a
value and a pointer to the next element:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42 3 71 8
Next Next Next Next Head null
678 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
However, here elements are added at the end of the queue (tail), and are
retrieved from its beginning (head), while we have no permission to get
or add elements at any another position.
The Queue<T> Class
In C# we use the static implementation of queue via the Queue<T> class.
Here we could indicate the type of the elements we are going to work with, as
the queue and the linked list are generic types.
The Queue<T> Basic Operations
Queue<T> class provides the basic operations, specific for the data structure
queue. Here are some of the most frequently used:
- Enqueue(T) inserts an element at the end of the queue
- Dequeue() retrieves the element from the beginning of the queue and
removes it
- Peek() returns the element from the beginning of the queue without
removing it
- Clear() removes all elements from the queue
- Contains(T) checks if the queue contains the element
- Count returns the amount of elements in the queue
Queue Usage Example
Lets consider a simple example. Lets create a queue and add several
elements to it. After that we are going to retrieve all elements and print them
on the console:
static void Main()
Queue<string> queue = new Queue<string>();
queue.Enqueue("Message One");
queue.Enqueue("Message Two");
queue.Enqueue("Message Three");
queue.Enqueue("Message Four");

while (queue.Count > 0)
string msg = queue.Dequeue();
Here is how the output of the sample program looks like:
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 679
Message One
Message Two
Message Three
Message Four
You can see that the elements leave the queue in the order, in which they
have entered the queue. This is because the queue is FIFO structure (first-
in, first out).
Sequence N, N+1, 2*N Example
Lets consider a problem in which the usage of the data structure queue would
be very useful for the implementation. Lets take the sequence of numbers,
the elements of which are derived in the following way: the first element is N;
the second element is derived by adding 1 to N; the third element by
multiplying the first element by 2 and thus we successively multiply each
element by 2 and insert it at the end of the sequence, after which we add 1 to
it and insert it at the end of the sequence. We could illustrate the process
with the following figure:

As you can see, the process lies in retrieving elements from the beginning of
the queue and placing others in its end. Lets see the sample implementation,
in which N=3 and we search for the number of the element with value 16:
static void Main()
int n = 3;
int p = 16;

Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
int index = 0;
Console.WriteLine("S =");
while (queue.Count > 0)
int current = queue.Dequeue();
Console.WriteLine(" " + current);
if (current == p)
S = N, N+1, 2*N, N+2, 2*(N+1), 2*N+1, 4*N, ... S = N, N+1, 2*N, N+2, 2*(N+1), 2*N+1, 4*N, ...
+1 +1
*2 *2
+1 +1
*2 *2
+1 +1
*2 *2
680 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Console.WriteLine("Index = " + index);
queue.Enqueue(current + 1);
queue.Enqueue(2 * current);
Here is how the output of the above program looks like:
S = 3 4 6 5 8 7 12 6 10 9 16
Index = 11
As you can see, stack and queue are two specific data structures with strictly
defined rules for the order of the elements in them. We used queue when we
expected to get the elements in the order we inserted them, while we used
stack when we needed the elements in reverse order.
1. Write a program that reads from the console a sequence of positive
integer numbers. The sequence ends when empty line is entered.
Calculate and print the sum and the average of the sequence. Keep
the sequence in List<int>.
2. Write a program, which reads from the console N integers and prints
them in reversed order. Use the Stack<int> class.
3. Write a program that reads from the console a sequence of positive
integer numbers. The sequence ends when an empty line is entered. Print
the sequence sorted in ascending order.
4. Write a method that finds the longest subsequence of equal numbers
in a given List<int> and returns the result as new List<int>. Write a
program to test whether the method works correctly.
5. Write a program, which removes all negative numbers from a
Example: array = {19, -10, 12, -6, -3, 34, -2, 5} {19, 12, 34, 5}
6. Write a program that removes from a given sequence all numbers
that appear an odd count of times.
Example: array = {4, 2, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 2} {5, 3, 3, 5}
7. Write a program that finds in a given array of integers (in the range
[01000]) how many times each of them occurs.
Example: array = {3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2}
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 681
2 2 times
3 4 times
4 3 times
8. The majorant of an array of size N is a value that occurs in it at least
N/2 + 1 times. Write a program that finds the majorant of given array
and prints it. If it does not exist, print "The majorant does not exist!".
Example: {2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3} 3
9. We are given the following sequence:
= N;
= S
+ 1;
= 2*S
+ 1;
= S
+ 2;
= S
+ 1;
= 2*S
+ 1;
= S
+ 2;

Using the Queue<T> class, write a program which by given N prints on the
console the first 50 elements of the sequence.
Example: N=2 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 7, 5, 6, 11, 7, 5, 9, 6,
10. We are given N and M and the following operations:
N = N+1
N = N+2
N = N*2
Write a program, which finds the shortest subsequence from the
operations, which starts with N and ends with M. Use queue.
Example: N = 5, M = 16
Subsequence: 5 7 8 16
11. Implement the data structure dynamic doubly linked list
(DoublyLinkedList<T>) list, the elements of which have pointers both
to the next and the previous elements. Implement the operations for
adding, removing and searching for an element, as well as inserting an
element at a given index, retrieving an element by a given index and a
method, which returns an array with the elements of the list.
12. Create a DynamicStack<T> class to implement dynamically a stack
(like a linked list, where each element knows its previous element and the
stack knows its last element). Add methods for all commonly used
operations like Push(), Pop(), Peek(), Clear() and Count.
682 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
13. Implement the data structure "Deque". This is a specific list-like
structure, similar to stack and queue, allowing to add elements at the
beginning and at the end of the structure. Implement the operations
for adding and removing elements, as well as clearing the deque. If an
operation is invalid, throw an appropriate exception.
14. Implement the structure "Circular Queue" with array, which doubles
its capacity when its capacity is full. Implement the necessary methods
for adding, removing the element in succession and retrieving without
removing the element in succession. If an operation is invalid, throw an
appropriate exception.
15. Implement numbers sorting in a dynamic linked list without using an
additional array or other data structure.
16. Using queue, implement a complete traversal of all directories on
your hard disk and print them on the console. Implement the algorithm
Breadth-First-Search (BFS) you may find some articles in the internet.
17. Using queue, implement a complete traversal of all directories on
your hard disk and print them on the console. Implement the algorithm
Depth-First-Search (DFS) you may find some articles in the internet.
18. We are given a labyrinth of size N x N. Some of the cells of the
labyrinth are empty (0), and others are filled (x). We can move from an
empty cell to another empty cell, if the cells are separated by a single
wall. We are given a start position (*). Calculate and fill the labyrinth as
follows: in each empty cell put the minimal distance from the start
position to this cell. If some cell cannot be reached, fill it with "u".

Solutions and Guidelines
1. See the section "List<T>".
2. Use Stack<int>.
3. Keep the numbers in List<T> and finally use its Sort() method.
4. Use List<int>. Scan the list with a for-loop (1 n-1) while keeping two
variables: start and length. Initially start=0, length=1. At each loop
iteration if the number at the left is the same as the current number,
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures 683
increase length. Otherwise restart from the current cell (start=current,
length=1). Remember the current start and length every time when the
current length becomes better than the current maximal length. Finally
create a new list and copy the found sequence to it.
Testing could be done through a sequence of examples and comparisons,
e.g. {1} {1}; {1, 2} {1}; {1, 1} {1, 1}; {1, 2, 2, 3} {2, 2};
{1, 2, 2} {2, 2}; {1, 1, 2} {1, 1}; {1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3}
{1, 1, 1}; {1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3} {2, 2, 2, 2};
5. Use list. Perform a left-to-right scan through all elements. If the current
number is positive, add it to the result, otherwise, skip it.
6. Slow solution: pass through the elements with a for-loop. For each
element p count how many times p appears in the list (with a nested for-
loop). If it is even number of times, append p to the result list (which is
initially empty). Finally print the result list.
* Fast solution: use a hash-table (Dictionary<int, int>). With a
single scan calculate count[p] (the number of occurrences of p in the
input sequence) for each number p from the input sequence. With
another single scan pass though all numbers p and append p to the result
only when count[p] is even. Read about hash tables from the chapter
Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets.
7. Make a new array "occurrences" with size 1001. After that scan
through the list and for each number p increment the corresponding value
of its occurrences (occurrences[p]++). Thus, at each index, where the
value is not 0, we have an occurring number, so we print it.
8. Use list. Sort the list and you are going to get the equal numbers next
to one another. Scan the array by counting the number of occurrences of
each number. If up to a certain moment a number has occurred N/2+1
times, this is the majorant and there is no need to check further. If after
position N/2+1 there is a new number (a majorant is not found until this
moment), there is no need to search further even in the case when the
list is filled with the current number to the end, it will not occur N/2+1
Another solution: Use a stack. Scan through the elements. At each
step if the element at the top of the stack is different from the next
element form the input sequence, remove the element from the stack.
Otherwise append the element to the stack. Finally the majorant will be in
stack (if it exists). Why? Each time when we find any two different
elements, we discard both of them. And this operation keeps the
majorant the same and decreases the length of the sequence, right? If we
repeat this as much times as possible, finally the stack will hold only
elements with the same value the majorant.
9. Use queue. In the beginning add N to the queue. After that take the
current element M and add to the queue M+1, then 2*M + 1 and then
684 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
M+2. Repeat the same for the next element in a loop. At each step in the
loop print M and if at certain point the queue size reaches 50, break the
loop and finish the calculation.
10. Use the data structure queue. Firstly, add to the queue N. Repeat the
following in a loop until M is reached: remove a number X from the queue
and add 3 new elements: X * 2, X + 2 and X + 1. Do not add numbers
greater than M. As optimization of the solution, try to avoid repeating
numbers in the queue.
11. Implement DoubleLinkedListNode<T> class, which has fields Previous,
Next and Value. It will hold to hold a single list node. Implement also
DoubleLinkedList<T> class to hold the whole list.
12. Use singly linked list (similar to the list from the previous task, but only
with a field Previous, without a field Next).
13. Just modify your implementation of doubly-linked list to enable adding
and removing from both its head and tail. Another solution is to use
circular buffer (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_buffer). When
the buffer is full, create a new buffer of double size and move all existing
elements to it.
14. Use array. When you reach the last index, you need to add the next
element at the beginning of the array. For the correct calculation of the
indices use the remainder from the division with the array length.
When you need to resize the array, implement it the same way like we
implemented the resizing in the "Static List" section.
15. Use the simple Bubble sort. We start with the leftmost element by
checking whether it is smaller than the next one. If it is not, we swap
their places. Then we compare with the next element and so on and so
forth, until we reach a larger element or the end of the array. We return
to the start of the array and repeat the same procedure many times until
we reach a moment, when we have taken sequentially all elements and
no one had to be moved.
16. The algorithm is very easy: we start with an empty queue, in which we
put the root directory (from which we start traversing). After that, until
the queue is empty, we remove the current directory from the queue,
print it on the console and add all its subdirectories to the queue. This
way we are going to traverse the entire file system in breadth. If there
are no cycles in the file system (as in Windows), the process will be finite.
17. If in the solution of the previous problem we substitute the queue with
a stack, we are going to get traversal in depth (DFS).
18. Use Breath-First Search (BFS) by starting from the position, marked
with "*". Each unvisited adjacent to the current cell we fill with the
current number + 1. We assume that the value at "*" is 0. After the
queue is empty, we traverse the whole matrix and if in some of the cells
we have 0, we fill it with "u".
Chapter 17. Trees
and Graphs
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will discuss tree data structures, like trees and graphs.
The abilities of these data structures are really important for the modern
programming. Each of this data structures is used for building a model of
real life problems, which are efficiently solved using this model. We will
explain what tree data structures are and will review their main advantages
and disadvantages. We will present example implementations and problems
showing their practical usage. We will focus on binary trees, binary search
trees and self-balancing binary search tree. We will explain what graph
is, the types of graphs, how to represent a graph in the memory (graph
implementation) and where graphs are used in our life and in the computer
technologies. We will see where in .NET Framework self-balancing binary
search trees are implemented and how to use them.
Tree Data Structures
Very often we have to describe a group of real life objects, which have such
relation to one another that we cannot use linear data structures for their
description. In this chapter, we will give examples of such branched
structures. We will explain their properties and the real life problems, which
inspired their creation and further development.
A tree-like data structure or branched data structure consists of set of
elements (nodes) which could be linked to other elements, sometimes
hierarchically, sometimes not. Trees represent hierarchies, while graphs
represent more general relations such as the map of city.
Trees are very often used in programming, because they naturally represent
all kind of object hierarchies from our surroundings. Lets give an example,
before we explain the trees terminology.
Example Hierarchy of the Participants in a Project
We have a team, responsible for the development of certain software project.
The participants in it have manager-subordinates relations. Our team
consists of 9 teammates:
686 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

What is the information we can get from this hierarchy? The direct boss of
the developers is the "Team Leader", but indirectly they are subordinate to
the "Project Manager". The "Team Leader" is subordinate only to the "Project
Manager". On the other hand "Developer 1" has no subordinates. The "Project
Manager" is the highest in the hierarchy and has no manager.
The same way we can describe every participant in the project. We see that
such a little figure gives us so much information.
Trees Terminology
For a better understanding of this part of the chapter we recommend to the
reader at every step to draw an analogy between the abstract meaning and
its practical usage in everyday life.

We will simplify the figure describing our hierarchy. We assume that it
consists of circles and lines connecting them. For convenience we name the
circles with unique numbers, so that we can easily specify about which one we
are talking about.
We will call every circle a node and each line an edge. Nodes "19", "21", "14"
are below node "7" and are directly connected to it. This nodes we are called
QA Team
Tester 1
Height = 2
Depth 0
Depth 1
Depth 2
14 21
1 6
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 687
direct descendants (child nodes) of node "7", and node "7" their parent.
The same way "1", "12" and "31" are children of "19" and "19" is their parent.
Intuitively we can say that "21" is sibling of "19", because they are both
children of "7" (the reverse is also true "19" is sibling of "21").For "1", "12",
"31", "23" and "6" node "7" precedes them in the hierarchy, so he is their
indirect parent ancestor, ant they are called his descendants.
Root is called the node without parent. In our example this is node "7"
Leaf is a node without child nodes. In our example "1", "12", "31", "21",
"23" and "6".
Internal nodes are the nodes, which are not leaf or root (all nodes, which
have parent and at least one child). Such nodes are "19" and "14".
Path is called a sequence of nodes connected with edges, in which there
is no repetition of nodes. Example of path is the sequence "1", "19", "7" and
"21". The sequence "1", "19" and "23" is not a path, because "19" and "23"
are not connected.
Path length is the number of edges, connecting the sequence of nodes in the
path. Actually it is equal to the number of nodes in the path minus 1. The
length of our example for path ("1", "19", "7" and "21") is three.
Depth of a node we will call the length of the path from the root to
certain node. In our example "7" as root has depth zero, "19" has depth one
and "23" depth two.
Here is the definition about tree:
Tree a recursive data structure, which consists of nodes, connected
with edges. The following statements are true for trees:
- Each node can have 0 or more direct descendants (children).
- Each node has at most one parent. There is only one special node
without parent the root (if the tree is not empty).
- All nodes are reachable from the root there is a path from the root
to each node in the tree.
We can give more simple definition of tree: a node is a tree and this node
can have zero or more children, which are also trees.
Height of tree is the maximum depth of all its nodes. In our example the
tree height is 2.
Degree of node we call the number of direct children of the given node.
The degree of "19" and "7" is three, but the degree of "14" is two. The leaves
have degree zero.
Branching factor is the maximum of the degrees of all nodes in the tree.
In our example the maximum degree of the nodes is 3, so the branching
factor is 3.
688 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Tree Implementation Example
Now we will see how to represent trees as data structure in
programming. We will implement a tree dynamically. Our tree will contain
numbers inside its nodes, and each node will have a list of zero or more
children, which are trees too (following our recursive definition).
Each node is recursively defined using itself. Each node of the tree
(TreeNode<T>) contains a list of children, which are nodes (TreeNode<T>).
The tree itself is another class Tree<T> which can be empty or can have a
root node. Tree<T> implements basic operations over trees like construction
and traversal.
Lets have a look at the source code of our dynamic tree representation:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>Represents a tree node</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">the type of the values in nodes
/// </typeparam>
public class TreeNode<T>
// Contains the value of the node
private T value;

// Shows whether the current node has a parent or not
private bool hasParent;

// Contains the children of the node (zero or more)
private List<TreeNode<T>> children;

/// <summary>Constructs a tree node</summary>
/// <param name="value">the value of the node</param>
public TreeNode(T value)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(
"Cannot insert null value!");
this.value = value;
this.children = new List<TreeNode<T>>();

/// <summary>The value of the node</summary>
public T Value
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 689
return this.value;
this.value = value;

/// <summary>The number of node's children</summary>
public int ChildrenCount
return this.children.Count;

/// <summary>Adds child to the node</summary>
/// <param name="child">the child to be added</param>
public void AddChild(TreeNode<T> child)
if (child == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(
"Cannot insert null value!");

if (child.hasParent)
throw new ArgumentException(
"The node already has a parent!");

child.hasParent = true;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the child of the node at given index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">the index of the desired child</param>
690 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
/// <returns>the child on the given position</returns>
public TreeNode<T> GetChild(int index)
return this.children[index];

/// <summary>Represents a tree data structure</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">the type of the values in the
/// tree</typeparam>
public class Tree<T>
// The root of the tree
private TreeNode<T> root;

/// <summary>Constructs the tree</summary>
/// <param name="value">the value of the node</param>
public Tree(T value)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(
"Cannot insert null value!");

this.root = new TreeNode<T>(value);

/// <summary>Constructs the tree</summary>
/// <param name="value">the value of the root node</param>
/// <param name="children">the children of the root
/// node</param>
public Tree(T value, params Tree<T>[] children)
: this(value)
foreach (Tree<T> child in children)

/// <summary>
/// The root node or null if the tree is empty
/// </summary>
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 691
public TreeNode<T> Root
return this.root;

/// <summary>Traverses and prints tree in
/// Depth-First Search (DFS) manner</summary>
/// <param name="root">the root of the tree to be
/// traversed</param>
/// <param name="spaces">the spaces used for
/// representation of the parent-child relation</param>
private void PrintDFS(TreeNode<T> root, string spaces)
if (this.root == null)

Console.WriteLine(spaces + root.Value);

TreeNode<T> child = null;
for (int i = 0; i < root.ChildrenCount; i++)
child = root.GetChild(i);
PrintDFS(child, spaces + " ");

/// <summary>Traverses and prints the tree in
/// Depth-First Search (DFS) manner</summary>
public void TraverseDFS()
this.PrintDFS(this.root, string.Empty);

/// <summary>
/// Shows a sample usage of the Tree<T> class
/// </summary>
public static class TreeExample
692 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
// Create the tree from the sample
Tree<int> tree =
new Tree<int>(7,
new Tree<int>(19,
new Tree<int>(1),
new Tree<int>(12),
new Tree<int>(31)),
new Tree<int>(21),
new Tree<int>(14,
new Tree<int>(23),
new Tree<int>(6))

// Traverse and print the tree using Depth-First-Search

// Console output:
// 7
// 19
// 1
// 12
// 31
// 21
// 14
// 23
// 6
How Does Our Implementation Work?
Lets discuss the given code a little. In our example we have a class Tree<T>,
which implements the actual tree. We also have a class TreeNode<T>, which
represents a single node of the tree.
The functions associated with node, like creating a node, adding a child node
to this node, and getting the number of children, are implemented at the level
of TreeNode<T>.
The rest of the functionality (traversing the tree for example) is implemented
at the level of Tree<T>. Logically dividing the functionality between the two
classes makes our implementation more flexible.
The reason we divide the implementation in two classes is that some
operations are typical for each separate node (adding a child for example),
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 693
while others are about the whole tree (searching a node by its number). In
this variant of the implementation, the tree is a class that knows its root and
each node knows its children. In this implementation we can have an empty
tree (when root = null).
Here are some details about the TreeNode<T> implementation. Each node of
the tree consists of private field value and a list of children children. The
list of children consists of elements of the same type. That way each node
contains a list of references to its direct children. There are also public
properties for accessing the values of the fields of the node. The methods that
can be called from code outside the class are:
- AddChild(TreeNode<T> child) adds a child
- TreeNode<T> GetChild(int index) returns a child by given index
- ChildrenCount returns the number of children of certain node
To satisfy the condition that every node has only one parent we have defined
private field hasParent, which determines whether this node has parent or
not. This information is used only inside the class and we need it in the
AddChild(Tree<T> child) method. Inside this method we check whether the
node to be added already has parent and if so we throw and exception, saying
that this is impossible.
In the class Tree<T> we have only one get property TreeNode<T> Root,
which returns the root of the tree.
Depth-First-Search (DFS) Traversal
In the class Tree<T> is implemented the method TraverseDFS(), that calls
the private method PrintDFS(TreeNode<T> root, string spaces), which
traverses the tree in depth and prints on the standard output its elements in
tree layout using right displacement (adding spaces).
The Depth-First-Search algorithm aims to visit each of the tree nodes
exactly one. Such a visit of all nodes is called tree traversal. There are
multiple algorithms to traverse a tree but in this chapter we will discuss only
two of them: DFS (depth-first search) and BFS (breadth-first search).
The DFS algorithm starts from a given node and goes as deep in the tree
hierarchy as it can. When it reaches a node, which has no children to visit or
all have been visited, it returns to the previous node. We can describe the
depth-first search algorithm by the following simple steps:
1. Traverse the current node (e.g. print it on the console or process it in
some way).
2. Sequentially traverse recursively each of the current nodes child
nodes (traverse the sub-trees of the current node). This can be done by
a recursive call to the same method for each child node.
694 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Creating a Tree
We to make creating a tree easier we defined a special constructor, which
takes for input parameters a node value and a list of its sub-trees. That
allows us to give any number of arguments of type Tree<T> (sub-trees). We
used exactly the same constructor for creating the example tree.
Traverse the Hard Drive Directories
Lets start with another example of tree: the file system. Have you noticed
that the directories on your hard drive are actually a hierarchical structure,
which is a tree? We have folders (tree nodes) which may have child folders
and files (which both are also tree nodes).
You can think of many real life examples, where trees are used, right?
Lets get a more detailed view of Windows file system. As we know from our
everyday experience, we create folders on the hard drive, which can contain
subfolders and files. Subfolders can also contain subfolders and so on until
you reach certain max depth limit.
The directory tree of the file system is accessible through the build in .NET
functionality: the class System.IO.DirectoryInfo. It is not present as a data
structure, but we can get the subfolders and files of every directory, so we
can traverse the file system tree by using a standard tree traversal
algorithm, such as Depth-First Search (DFS).
Below we can see what the typical directory tree in Windows looks like:

Recursive DFS Traversal of the Directories
The next example illustrates how we can recursively traverse recursively
the tree structure of given folder (using Depth-First-Search) and print on
the standard output its content:
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 695
using System;
using System.IO;

/// <summary>
/// Sample class, which traverses recursively given directory
/// based on the Depth-First-Search (DFS) algorithm
/// </summary>
public static class DirectoryTraverserDFS
/// <summary>
/// Traverses and prints given directory recursively
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">the directory to be traversed</param>
/// <param name="spaces">the spaces used for representation
/// of the parent-child relation</param>
private static void TraverseDir(DirectoryInfo dir,
string spaces)
// Visit the current directory
Console.WriteLine(spaces + dir.FullName);

DirectoryInfo[] children = dir.GetDirectories();

// For each child go and visit its sub-tree
foreach (DirectoryInfo child in children)
TraverseDir(child, spaces + " ");

/// <summary>
/// Traverses and prints given directory recursively
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directoryPath">the path to the directory
/// which should be traversed</param>
static void TraverseDir(string directoryPath)
TraverseDir(new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath),

static void Main()
696 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
As we can see the recursive traversal algorithm of the content of the directory
is the same as the one we used for our tree.
Here we can see part of the result of the traversal:
C:\Documents and Settings
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.ARIS70
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.jindent
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.nbi
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.nbi\downloads
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.nbi\log
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.nbi\cache
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.nbi\tmp
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.nbi\wd
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.netbeans
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.netbeans\6.0

Note that the above program may crash with UnauthorizedAccessException
in case you do not have access permissions for some folders on the hard disk.
This is typical for some Windows installations so you could start the traversal
from another directory to play with it, e.g. from "C:\Windows\assembly".
Breath-First-Search (BFS)
Lets have a look at another way of traversing trees. Breath-First-Search
(BFS) is an algorithm for traversing branched data structures (like trees and
graphs). The BFS algorithm first traverses the start node, then all its direct
children, then their direct children and so on. This approach is also known as
the wavefront traversal, because it looks like the waves caused by a stone
thrown into a lake.
The Breath-First-Search (BFS) algorithm consists of the following steps:
1. Enqueue the start node in queue Q.
2. While Q is not empty repeat the following two steps:
- Dequeue the next node v from Q and print it.
- Add all children of v in the queue.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 697
The BFS algorithm is very simple and always traverses first the nodes that
are closest to the start node, and then the more distant and so on until it
reaches the furthest. The BFS algorithm is very widely used in problem
solving, e.g. for finding the shortest path in a labyrinth.
A sample implementation of BFS algorithms that prints all folders in the
file system is given below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

/// <summary>
/// Sample class, which traverses given directory
/// based on the Breath-First-Search (BFS) algorithm
/// </summary>
public static class DirectoryTraverserBFS
/// <summary>
/// Traverses and prints given directory with BFS
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directoryPath">the path to the directory
/// which should be traversed</param>
static void TraverseDir(string directoryPath)
Queue<DirectoryInfo> visitedDirsQueue =
new Queue<DirectoryInfo>();
visitedDirsQueue.Enqueue(new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath));
while (visitedDirsQueue.Count > 0)
DirectoryInfo currentDir = visitedDirsQueue.Dequeue();

DirectoryInfo[] children = currentDir.GetDirectories();
foreach (DirectoryInfo child in children)

static void Main()
698 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
If we start the program to traverse our local hard disk, we will see that the
BFS first visits the directories closest to the root (depth 1), then the folders at
depth 2, then depth 3 and so on. Here is a sample output of the program:
C:\Documents and Settings
C:\Program Files
C:\System Volume Information
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
C:\Documents and Settings\Default User

Binary Trees
In the previous section we discussed the basic structure of a tree. In this
section we will have a look at a specific type of tree binary tree. This type
of tree turns out to be very useful in programming. The terminology for trees
is also valid about binary trees. Despite that below we will give some specific
explanations about thus structure.
Binary Tree a tree, which nodes have a degree equal or less than 2 or
we can say that it is a tree with branching degree of 2. Because every
nodes children are at most 2, we call them left child and right child. They
are the roots of the left sub-tree and the right sub-tree of their parent
node. Some nodes may have only left or only right child, not both. Some
nodes may have no children and are called leaves.
Binary tree can be recursively defined as follows: a single node is a binary
tree and can have left and right children which are also binary trees.
Binary Tree Example
Here we have an example of binary tree. The nodes are again named with
some numbers. An the figure we can see the root of the tree "14", the left
sub-tree (with root 19) and the right sub-tree (with root 15) and a right
and left child "3" and "21".

Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 699

We have to note that there is one very big difference in the definition of
binary tree from the definition of the classical tree the order of the
children of each node. The next example will illustrate that difference:

On this figure above two totally different binary trees are illustrated the
first one has root "19" and its left child "23" and the second root "19" and
right child "23". If that was an ordinary tree they would have been the
same. Thats why such tree we would illustrate the following way:

Remember! Although we take binary trees as a special case of
a tree structure, we have to notice that the condition for
particular order of children nodes makes them a completely
different structure.
Binary Tree Traversal
The traversal of binary tree is a classic problem which has classical
solutions. Generally there are few ways to traverse a binary tree recursively:
15 9
6 5 8
Root node
Left subtree
Right child
Right child
Left child
700 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- In-order (Left-Root-Right) the traversal algorithm first traverses
the left sub-tree, then the root and last the left sub-tree. In our example
the sequence of such traversal is: "23", "19", "10", "6", "21", "14", "3",
- Pre-order (Root-Left-Right) in this case the algorithm first
traverses the root, then the left sub-tree and last the right sub-tree. The
result of such traversal in our example is: "14", "19", "23", "6", "10",
"21", "15", "3".
- Post-order (Left-Right-Root) here we first traverse the left sub-
tree, then the right one and last the root. The result after the traversal
is: "23", "10", "21", "6", "19", "3", "15", "14".
Recursive Traversal of Binary Tree Example
The next example shows an implementation of binary tree, which we will
traverse using the in-order recursive scheme.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>Represents a binary tree</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of values in the tree</typeparam>
public class BinaryTree<T>
/// <summary>The value stored in the curent node</summary>
public T Value { get; set; }

/// <summary>The left child of the current node</summary>
public BinaryTree<T> LeftChild { get; private set; }

/// <summary>The right child of the current node</summary>
public BinaryTree<T> RightChild { get; private set; }

/// <summary>Constructs a binary tree</summary>
/// <param name="value">the value of the tree node</param>
/// <param name="leftChild">the left child of the tree</param>
/// <param name="rightChild">the right child of the tree
/// </param>
public BinaryTree(T value,
BinaryTree<T> leftChild, BinaryTree<T> rightChild)
this.Value = value;
this.LeftChild = leftChild;
this.RightChild = rightChild;
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 701

/// <summary>Constructs a binary tree with no children
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the value of the tree node</param>
public BinaryTree(T value) : this(value, null, null)

/// <summary>Traverses the binary tree in pre-order</summary>
public void PrintInOrder()
// 1. Visit the left child
if (this.LeftChild != null)

// 2. Visit the root of this sub-tree
Console.Write(this.Value + " ");

// 3. Visit the right child
if (this.RightChild != null)

/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates how the BinaryTree<T> class can be used
/// </summary>
public class BinaryTreeExample
static void Main()
// Create the binary tree from the sample
BinaryTree<int> binaryTree =
new BinaryTree<int>(14,
new BinaryTree<int>(19,
new BinaryTree<int>(23),
new BinaryTree<int>(6,
new BinaryTree<int>(10),
new BinaryTree<int>(21))),
new BinaryTree<int>(15,
702 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
new BinaryTree<int>(3),

// Traverse and print the tree in in-order manner

// Console output:
// 23 19 10 6 21 14 3 15
How Does the Example Work?
This implementation of binary tree is slightly different from the one of the
ordinary tree and is significantly simplified.
We have a recursive class definition BinaryTree<T>, which holds a value
and left and right child nodes which are of the same type BinaryTree<T>.
We have exactly two child nodes (left and right) instead of list of children.
The method PrintInOrder() works recursively using the DFS algorithm. It
traverses each node in "in-order" (first the left child, then the node itself, then
the right child). The DFS traversal algorithm performs the following steps:
1. Recursive call to traverse the left sub-tree of the given node.
2. Traverse the node itself (print its value).
3. Recursive call to traverse the right sub-tree.
We highly recommend the reader to try and modify the algorithm and the
source code of the given example to implement the other types of binary tree
traversal of binary (pre-order and post-order) and see the difference.
Ordered Binary Search Trees
Till this moment we have seen how we can build traditional and binary
trees. These structures are very summarized in themselves and it will be
difficult for us to use them for a bigger project. Practically, in computer
science special and programming variants of binary and ordinary trees are
used that have certain special characteristics, like order, minimal depth and
others. Let's review the most important trees used in programming.
As examples for a useful properties we can give the ability to quickly search of
an element by given value (Red-Black tree); order of the elements in the
tree (ordered search trees); balanced depth (balanced trees); possibility
to store an ordered tree in a persistent storage so that searching of an
element to be fast with as little as possible read operations (B-tree), etc.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 703
In this chapter we will take a look at a more specific class of binary trees
ordered trees. They use one often met property of the nodes in the binary
trees unique identification key in every node. Important property of
these keys is that they are comparable. Important kind of ordered trees are
the so called "balanced search trees".
Comparability between Objects
Before continuing, we will introduce the following definition, which we will
need for the further exposure.
Comparability we call two objects A and B comparable, if exactly one of
following three dependencies exists:
- "A is less than B"
- "A is bigger than B"
- "A is equal to B"
Similarly we will call two keys A and B comparable, if exactly one of the
following three possibilities is true: A < B, A > B or A = B.
The nodes of a tree can contain different fields but we can think about only
their unique keys, which we want to be comparable. Lets give an example.
We have two specific nodes A and B:

In this case, the keys of A and B hold the integer numbers 19 and 7. From
Mathematics we know that the integer numbers (unlike the complex numbers)
are comparable, which according the above reasoning give us the right to
use them as keys. Thats why we can say that A is bigger than B, because
19 is bigger than 17.

Please notice! In this case the numbers depicted on the nodes
are their unique identification keys and not like before, just
some numbers.
And we arrive to the definition of the ordered binary search tree:
Ordered Binary Tree (binary search tree) is a binary tree, in which every
node has a unique key, every two of the keys are comparable and the tree is
organized in a way that for every node the following is satisfied:
- All keys in the left sub-tree are smaller than its key.
- All keys in the right sub-tree are bigger than its key.
19 7
704 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Properties of the Ordered Binary Search Trees
On the figure below we have given an example of an ordered binary
search tree. We will use this example, to give some important properties of
the binary trees order:

By definition we know that the left sub-tree of every node consists only of
elements, which are smaller than itself, while in the right sub-tree there
are only bigger elements. This means that if we want to find a given
element, starting from the root, either we have found it or should search it
respectively in its left or its right sub-tree, which will save unnecessary
comparisons. For example, if we search 23 in our tree, we are not going to
search for it in the left sub-tree of 19, because 23 is not there for sure (23 is
bigger than 19, so eventually it is in the right sub-tree). This saves us 5
unnecessary comparisons with each of the left sub-tree elements, but if we
were using a linked list, we would have to make these 5 comparisons.
From the elements order follows that the smallest element in the tree is the
leftmost successor of the root, if there is such or the root itself, if it does
not have a left successor. In our example this is the minimal element 7 and
the maximal 35. Next useful property from this is, that every single element
from the left sub-tree of given node is smaller than every single element from
the right sub-tree of the same node.
Ordered Binary Search Trees Example
The next example shows a simple implementation of a binary search tree.
Our point is to suggest methods for adding, searching and removing an
element in the tree. For every single operation from the above, we will give
an explanation in details. Note that our binary search tree is not balanced
and may have poor performance in certain circumstances.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 705
Ordered Binary Search Trees: Implementation of the Nodes
Just like before, now we will define an internal class, which will describe a
nodes structure. Thus we will clearly distinguish and encapsulate the
structure of a node, which our tree will contain within itself. This separate
class BinaryTreeNode<T> that we have defined as internal is visible only in
the ordered trees class.
Here is its definition:

/// <summary>Represents a binary tree node</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Specifies the type for the values
/// in the nodes</typeparam>
internal class BinaryTreeNode<T> :
IComparable<BinaryTreeNode<T>> where T : IComparable<T>
// Contains the value of the node
internal T value;

// Contains the parent of the node
internal BinaryTreeNode<T> parent;

// Contains the left child of the node
internal BinaryTreeNode<T> leftChild;

// Contains the right child of the node
internal BinaryTreeNode<T> rightChild;

/// <summary>Constructs the tree node</summary>
/// <param name="value">The value of the tree node</param>
public BinaryTreeNode(T value)
if (value == null)
// Null values cannot be compared -> do not allow them
throw new ArgumentNullException(
"Cannot insert null value!");

this.value = value;
this.parent = null;
this.leftChild = null;
this.rightChild = null;
706 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

public override string ToString()
return this.value.ToString();

public override int GetHashCode()
return this.value.GetHashCode();

public override bool Equals(object obj)
BinaryTreeNode<T> other = (BinaryTreeNode<T>)obj;
return this.CompareTo(other) == 0;

public int CompareTo(BinaryTreeNode<T> other)
return this.value.CompareTo(other.value);

Lets have a look to the proposed code. Still in the name of the structure,
which we are considering ordered search tree, we are talking about
order and we can achieve this order only if we have comparability among
the elements in the tree.
Comparability between Objects in C#
What does comparability between objects mean for us as developers? It
means that we must somehow oblige everyone who uses our data structure,
to create it passing it a type, which is comparable.
In C# the sentence type, which is comparable will sound like this:
T : IComparable<T>
The interface IComparable<T>, located in the namespace System, specifies
the method CompareTo(T obj), which returns a negative integer number,
zero or a positive integer number respectively if the current object is less,
equal or bigger than the one which is given to the method for comparing. Its
definition looks approximately like this:
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 707
public interface IComparable<T>
/// <summary>Compares the current object with another
/// object of the same type.</summary>
int CompareTo(T other);
On one hand, the implementation of this interface by given class ensures us
that its instances are comparable (more about interfaces in OOP can be found
in the "Interfaces" section of the "Defining Classes" chapter).
On the other hand, we need those nodes, described by BinaryTreeNode<T>
class to be comparable between them too. That is why it implements
IComparable<T> too. As it is shown in the code, the implementation of
IComparable<T> to the BinaryTreeNode<T> class calls the type Ts
implementation internally.
In the code we have also implemented the methods Equals(Object obj) and
GetHashCode() too. A good (recommended) practice is these two methods to
be consistent in their behavior, i.e. when two objects are the same, then their
hash-code is the same. As we will see in the chapter about hash tables, the
opposite is not necessary at all. Similarly the expected behavior of the
Equals(Object obj) is to return true, exactly when CompareTo(T obj)
returns 0.

Its recommended to sync the work of Equals(Object obj),
CompareTo(T obj) and GetHashCode() methods. This is their
expected behavior and it will save you a lot of hard to find
Till now, we have discussed the methods, suggested by our class. Now lets
see what fields it provides. They are respectively for value (the key) of type T
parent parent, left and right successor leftChild and rightChild. The
last three are of the type of the defining them class BinaryTreeNode
Ordered Binary Trees Implementation of the Main Class
Now, we go to the implementation of the class, describing an ordered binary
tree BinarySearchTree<T>. The tree by itself as a structure consists of a
root node of type BinaryTreeNode<T>, which contains internally its
successors left and right. Internally they also contain their successors, thus
recursively down until it reaches the leaves.
An important thing is the definition BinarySearchTree<T> where T :
IComparable<T>. This constraint of the type T is necessary because of the
requirement of our internal class, which works only with types, implementing
IComparable<T>. Due to this restriction we can use BinarySearchTree<int>
and BinarySearchTree<string>, but cannot use BinarySearchTree<int[]>
708 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
and BinarySearchTree<StreamReader>, because int[] and StreamReader
are not comparable, while int and string are.
public class BinarySearchTree<T> where T : IComparable<T>
/// <summary>
/// Represents a binary tree node
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the nodes</typeparam>
internal class BinaryTreeNode<T> :
IComparable<BinaryTreeNode<T>> where T : IComparable<T>
// The implementation from above comes here!!!

/// <summary>
/// The root of the tree
/// </summary>
private BinaryTreeNode<T> root;

/// <summary>
/// Constructs the tree
/// </summary>
public BinarySearchTree()
this.root = null;

// The implementation of tree operations come here!!!
As we mentioned above, now we will examine the following operations:
- insert an element;
- searching for an element;
- removing an element.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 709
Inserting an Element
Inserting (or adding) an element in a binary search tree means to put a
new element somewhere in the tree so that the tree must stay ordered.
Here is the algorithm: if the tree is empty, we add the new element as a root.
- If the element is smaller than the root, we call recursively the same
method to add the element in the left sub-tree.
- If the element is bigger than the root, we call recursively to the same
method to add the element in the right sub-tree.
- If the element is equal to the root, we dont do anything and exit from
the recursion.
We can clearly see how the algorithm for inserting a node, conforms to the
rule elements in the left sub-tree are less than the root and the elements in
the right sub-tree are bigger than the root. Here is a sample implementation
of this method. You should notice that in the addition there is a reference to
the parent, which is supported because the parent must be changed too.
/// <summary>Inserts new value in the binary search tree
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the value to be inserted</param>
public void Insert(T value)
this.root = Insert(value, null, root);

/// <summary>
/// Inserts node in the binary search tree by given value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the new value</param>
/// <param name="parentNode">the parent of the new node</param>
/// <param name="node">current node</param>
/// <returns>the inserted node</returns>
private BinaryTreeNode<T> Insert(T value,
BinaryTreeNode<T> parentNode, BinaryTreeNode<T> node)
if (node == null)
node = new BinaryTreeNode<T>(value);
node.parent = parentNode;
int compareTo = value.CompareTo(node.value);
710 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
if (compareTo < 0)
node.leftChild =
Insert(value, node, node.leftChild);
else if (compareTo > 0)
node.rightChild =
Insert(value, node, node.rightChild);

return node;
Searching for an Element
Searching in a binary search tree is an operation which is more intuitive. In
the sample code we have shown how the search of an element can be done
without recursion and with iteration instead. The algorithm starts with
element node, pointing to the root. After that we do the following:
- If the element is equal to node, we have found the searched element
and return it.
- If the element is smaller than node, we assign to node its left
successor, i.e. we continue the searching in the left sub-tree.
- If the element is bigger than node, we assign to node its right
successor, i.e. we continue the searching in the right sub-tree.
At the end, the algorithm returns the found node or null if there is no
such node in the tree. Additionally we define a Boolean method that checks if
certain value belongs to the tree. Here is the sample code:
/// <summary>Finds a given value in the tree and
/// return the node which contains it if such exsists
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the value to be found</param>
/// <returns>the found node or null if not found</returns>
private BinaryTreeNode<T> Find(T value)
BinaryTreeNode<T> node = this.root;
while (node != null)
int compareTo = value.CompareTo(node.value);
if (compareTo < 0)
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 711
node = node.leftChild;
else if (compareTo > 0)
node = node.rightChild;

return node;

/// <summary>Returns whether given value exists in the tree
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the value to be checked</param>
/// <returns>true if the value is found in the tree</returns>
public bool Contains(T value)
bool found = this.Find(value) != null;
return found;
Removing an Element
Removing is the most complicated operation from the basic binary
search tree operations. After it the tree must keep its order.
The first step before we remove an element from the tree is to find it. We
already know how it happens. After that, we have 3 cases:
- If the node is a leaf we point its parents reference to null. If the
element has no parent, it means that it is a root and we just remove it.
- If the node has only one sub-tree left or right, it is replacing with
the root of this sub-tree.
- The node has two sub-trees. Then we have to find the smallest node
in the right sub-tree and swap with it. After this exchange the node will
have one sub-tree at most and then we remove it grounded on some of
the above two rules. Here we have to say that it can be done analogical
swap, just that we get the left sub-tree and it is the biggest element.
We leave to the reader to check the correctness of these three steps, as a
little exercise.
712 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Now, lets see a sample removal in action. Again we will use our ordered
tree, which we have displayed at the beginning of this point. For example,
lets remove the element with key 11.

The node 11 has two sub-trees and according to our algorithm, it must be
exchanged with the smallest element from the right sub-tree, i.e. with 13.
After the exchange, we can remove 11 (it is a leaf). Here is the final result:

Below is the sample code, which implements the described algorithm:
13 13
7 16
11 11
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 713
/// <summary>Removes an element from the tree if exists
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the value to be deleted</param>
public void Remove(T value)
BinaryTreeNode<T> nodeToDelete = Find(value);
if (nodeToDelete != null)

private void Remove(BinaryTreeNode<T> node)
// Case 3: If the node has two children.
// Note that if we get here at the end
// the node will be with at most one child
if (node.leftChild != null && node.rightChild != null)
BinaryTreeNode<T> replacement = node.rightChild;
while (replacement.leftChild != null)
replacement = replacement.leftChild;
node.value = replacement.value;
node = replacement;

// Case 1 and 2: If the node has at most one child
BinaryTreeNode<T> theChild = node.leftChild != null ?
node.leftChild : node.rightChild;

// If the element to be deleted has one child
if (theChild != null)
theChild.parent = node.parent;

// Handle the case when the element is the root
if (node.parent == null)
root = theChild;
714 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// Replace the element with its child sub-tree
if (node.parent.leftChild == node)
node.parent.leftChild = theChild;
node.parent.rightChild = theChild;
// Handle the case when the element is the root
if (node.parent == null)
root = null;
// Remove the element - it is a leaf
if (node.parent.leftChild == node)
node.parent.leftChild = null;
node.parent.rightChild = null;
We add also a DFS traversal method to enable printing the values stored in
the tree in ascending order (in-order):
/// <summary>Traverses and prints the tree</summary>
public void PrintTreeDFS()

/// <summary>Traverses and prints the ordered binary search tree
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 715
/// tree starting from given root node.</summary>
/// <param name="node">the starting node</param>
private void PrintTreeDFS(BinaryTreeNode<T> node)
if (node != null)
Console.Write(node.value + " ");
Finally we demonstrate our ordered binary search tree in action:
class BinarySearchTreeExample
static void Main()
BinarySearchTree<string> tree =
new BinarySearchTree<string>();
tree.PrintTreeDFS(); // Google Microsoft Telerik
Console.WriteLine(tree.Contains("Telerik")); // True
Console.WriteLine(tree.Contains("IBM")); // False
Console.WriteLine(tree.Contains("Telerik")); // False
tree.PrintTreeDFS(); // Google Microsoft
Note that when we print our binary search tree, it is always sorted in
ascending order (in our case in alphabetical order). Thus in our example the
binary search tree of strings behaves like a set of strings (we will explain the
"Set" data structure in the chapter "Dictionaries, Hash Tables and Sets").
It is important to know that our class BinarySearchTree<T> implements a
binary search tree, but not balanced / self-balancing binary search tree.
Although it works correctly, its performance can be poor in certain
circumstances, like we shall explain in the next section. Balanced trees are
more complex concept and use more complex algorithm which guarantees
their balanced depth. Lets take a look at them.
716 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Balanced Trees
As we have seen above, the ordered binary trees are a very comfortable
structure to search within. Defined in this way, the operations for creating and
deleting the tree have a hidden flaw: they don't balance the tree and its
depth could become very big.
Think a bit what will happen if we sequentially include the elements: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6? The ordered binary tree will look like this:

In this case, the binary tree degenerates into a linked list. Because of
this the searching in this tree is going to be much slower (with N steps, not
with log(N)), as to check whether an item is inside, in the worst case we will
have to go through all elements.
We will briefly mention the existence of data structures, which save the
logarithmic behavior of the operations adding, searching and removing an
element in the common case. We will introduce to you the following
definitions before we go on to explain how they are achieved:
Balanced binary tree a binary tree in which no leaf is at much
greater depth than any other leaf. The definition of much greater is
rough depends on the specific balancing scheme.
Perfectly balanced binary tree binary tree in which the difference in the
left and right tree nodes count of any node is at most one.
Without going in details we will mention that when given binary search tree
is balanced, even not perfectly balanced, then the operations of adding,
searching and removing an element in it will run in approximately a
logarithmic number of steps even in the worst case. To avoid imbalance in
the tree to search, apply operations that rearrange some elements of the tree
when adding or removing an item from it. These operations are called
rotations in most of the cases. The type of rotation should be further
specified and depends on the implementation of the specific data structure. As
examples for structures like these we can give Red-Black tree, AVL-tree,
AA-tree, Splay-tree and others.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 717
Balanced search trees allow quickly (in general case for approximately
log(n) number of steps) to perform the operations like searching, adding
and deleting of elements. This is due to two main reasons:
- Balanced search trees keep their elements ordered internally.
- Balanced search trees keep themselves balanced, i.e. their depth is
always in order of log(n).
Due to their importance in computer science we will talk about balanced
search trees and their standard implementations in .NET Framework many
times when we discuss data structures and their performance in this chapter
and in the next few chapters.
Balanced search trees can be binary or non-binary.
Balanced binary search trees have multiple implementations like Red-
Black Trees, AA Trees and AVL Trees. All of them are ordered, balanced
and binary, so they perform insert / search / delete operations very fast.
Non-binary balanced search trees also have multiple implementations with
different special properties. Examples are B-Trees, B+ Trees and Interval
Trees. All of them are ordered, balanced, but not binary. Their nodes can
typically hold more than one key and can have more than two child nodes.
These trees also perform operations like insert / search / delete very fast.
For a more detailed examination of these and other structures we recommend
the reader to look closely at literature about algorithms and data structures.
The Hidden Class TreeSet<T> in .NET Framework
Once we have seen ordered binary trees and seen what their advantage is
comes the time to show and what C# has ready for us concerning them.
Perhaps each of you secretly hoped that he / she will never have to
implement a balanced ordered binary search tree, because it looks quite
So far we have looked at what balanced trees are to get an idea about them.
When you need to use them, you can always count on getting them from
somewhere already implemented. In the standard libraries of the .NET
Framework there are ready implementations of balanced trees, but also on
the Internet you can find a lot of external libraries.
In the namespace System.Collections.Generic a class TreeSet<T> exists,
which is an implementation of a red-black tree. This, as we know, means
that adding, searching and deleting items in the tree will be made with
logarithmic complexity (i.e. if we have one million items operation will be
performed for about 20 steps). The bad news is that this class is internal
and it is visible only in this library. Fortunately, this class is used internally by
a class, which is publicly available SortedDictionary<T>. More info about
the SortedDictionary<T> class you can find in the section "Sets" of chapter
"Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets".
718 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The graphs are very useful and fairly common data structures. They are used
to describe a wide variety of relationships between objects and in practice
can be related to almost everything. As we will see later, trees are a subset of
the graphs and also lists are special cases of trees and thus of graphs, i.e. the
graphs represent a generalized structure that allows modeling of very large
set of real-world situations.
Frequent use of graphs in practice has led to extensive research in "graph
theory", in which there is a large number of known problems for graphs and
for most of them there are well-known solutions.
Graphs Basic Concepts
In this section we will introduce some of the important concepts and
definitions. Some of them are similar to those introduced about the tree data
structure, but as we shall see, there are very serious differences, because
trees are just special cases of graphs.
Lets consider the following sample graph (which we would later call a finite
and oriented). Again, like with trees, we have numbered the graph, as it is
easier to talk about any of them specifically:

The circles of this scheme we will call vertices (nodes) and the arrows
connecting them we will call directed edges. The vertex of which the arrow
comes out we will call predecessor of that the arrow points. For example
19 is a predecessor of 1. In this case, 1 is a successor of 19. Unlike
the structure tree, here each vertex can have more than one predecessor.
Like 21, it has three 19, 1 and 7. If two of the vertices are connected
with edge, then we say these two vertices are adjacent through this edge.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 719
Next follows the definition of finite directed graph.
Finite directed graph is called the couple (V, E), in which V is a finite set of
vertices and E is a finite set of directed edges. Each edge e that belongs to
E is an ordered couple of vertices u and v or e = (u, v), which are defining it
in a unique way.
For better understanding of this definition we are strongly recommending to
the reader to think of the vertices as they are cities, and the directed edges
as one-way roads. That way, if one of the vertices is Sofia and the other is
Paris, the one-way path (edge) will be called Sofia Paris. In fact this is one
of the classic examples for the use of the graphs in tasks with paths.
If instead of arrows, the vertices are connected with segments, then the
segments will be called undirected edges, and the graph undirected.
Practically we can imagine that an undirected edge from vertex A to vertex B
is two-way edge and equivalent to two opposite directed edges between the
same two vertices:

Two vertices connected with an edge are called neighbors (adjacent).
For the edges a weight function can be assigned, that associates each edge
to a real number. These numbers we will call weights (costs). For examples
of the weights we can mention some distance between neighboring cities, or
the length of the directed connections between two neighboring cities, or the
crossing function of a pipe, etc. A graph that has weights on the edges is
called weighted. Here is how it is illustrated a weighted graph.

720 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Path in a graph is a sequence of vertices v
, v
, , v
,, such as there is an
edge from v
to v
for every i from 1 to n-1. In our example path is the
sequence "1", "12", "19", "21". "7", "21" and "1" is not a path because there
is no edge starting from "21" and ending in "1".
Length of path is the number of edges connecting vertices in the sequence
of the vertices in the path. This number is equal to the number of vertices in
the path minus one. The length of our example for path "1", "12", "19", "21"
is three.
Cost of path in a weighted graph, we call the sum of the weights (costs) of
the edges involved in the path. In real life the road from Sofia to Madrid, for
example, is equal to the length of the road from Sofia to Paris plus the length
of the road from Madrid to Paris. In our example, the length of the path "1",
"12", "19" and "21" is equal to 3 + 16 + 2 = 21.
Loop is a path in which the initial and the final vertex of the path match.
Example of vertices forming loop are "1", "12" and "19". In the same time
"1", "7" and "21" do not form a loop.
Looping edge we will call an edge, which starts and ends in the same vertex.
In our example the vertex "14" is looped.
A connected undirected graph we call an undirected graph in which there
is a path from each node to each other. For example, the following graph is
not connected because there is no path from "1" to "7".

So we already have enough knowledge to define the concept tree in other
way, as a special kind of graph:
Tree undirected connected graph without loops.
As a small exercise we let the reader show why all definitions of tree we gave
in this chapter are equivalent.
Graphs Presentations
There are a lot of different ways to present a graph in the computer
programming. Different representations have different properties and what
exactly should be selected depends on the particular algorithm that we want
to apply. In other words we present the graph in a way, so that the
1 2
13 7
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 721
operations that our algorithm does on it to be as fast as possible. Without
falling into greater details we will set out some of the most common
representations of graphs.
- List of successors in this representation for each vertex v a list of
successor vertices is kept (like the trees child nodes). Here again, if the
graph is weighted, then to each element of the list of successors an
additional field is added indicating the weight of the edge to it.
- Adjacency matrix the graph is represented as a square matrix
g[N][N], where if there is an edge from v
to v
, then the position
g[i][j] is contains the value 1. If such an edge does not exist, the field
g[i][j] is contains the value 0. If the graph is weighted, in the position
g[i][j] we record weight of the edge, and matrix is called a matrix of
weights. If between two nodes in this matrix there is no edge, then it is
recorded a special value meaning infinity. If the graph is undirected, the
adjacency matrix will be symmetrical.
- List of the edges it is represented through the list of ordered pairs
, v
), where there is an edge from v
to v
. If the graph is weighted,
instead ordered pair we have ordered triple, and its third element shows
what the weight of the edge is.
- Matrix of incidence between vertices and edges in this case,
again we are using a matrix but with dimensions g[M][N], where N is
the number of vertices, and M is the number of edges. Each column
represents one edge, and each row a vertex. Then the column
corresponding to the edge (v
, v
) will contain 1 only at position i and
position j, and other items in this column will contain 0. If the edge is a
loop, i.e. is (v
, v
), then on position i we record 2. If the graph we want
to represent is oriented and we want to introduce edge from v
to v
then to position i we write 1 and to the position j we write -1.
The most commonly used representation of graphs is the list of successors.
Graphs Basic Operations
The basic operations in a graph are:
- Creating a graph
- Adding / removing a vertex / edge
- Check whether an edge exists between two vertices
- Finding the successors of given vertex
We will offer a sample implementation of the graph representation with
a list of successors and we will show how to perform most of the
operations. This kind of implementation is good when the most often
operation we need is to get the list of all successors (child nodes) for a certain
vertex. This graph representation needs a memory of order N + M where N
is the number of vertices and M is the number of edges in the graph.
722 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In essence the vertices are numbered from 0 to N-1 and our Graph class holds
for each vertex a list of the numbers of all its child vertices. It does not work
with the nodes, but with their numbers in the range [0...N-1]. Lets explore
the source code of our sample graph:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>Represents a directed unweighted graph structure
/// </summary>
public class Graph
// Contains the child nodes for each vertex of the graph
// assuming that the vertices are numbered 0 ... Size-1
private List<int>[] childNodes;

/// <summary>Constructs an empty graph of given size</summary>
/// <param name="size">number of vertices</param>
public Graph(int size)
this.childNodes = new List<int>[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
// Assing an empty list of adjacents for each vertex
this.childNodes[i] = new List<int>();

/// <summary>Constructs a graph by given list of
/// child nodes (successors) for each vertex</summary>
/// <param name="childNodes">children for each node</param>
public Graph(List<int>[] childNodes)
this.childNodes = childNodes;

/// <summary>
/// Returns the size of the graph (number of vertices)
/// </summary>
public int Size
get { return this.childNodes.Length; }

/// <summary>Adds new edge from u to v</summary>
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 723
/// <param name="u">the starting vertex</param>
/// <param name="v">the ending vertex</param>
public void AddEdge(int u, int v)

/// <summary>Removes the edge from u to v if such exists
/// </summary>
/// <param name="u">the starting vertex</param>
/// <param name="v">the ending vertex</param>
public void RemoveEdge(int u, int v)

/// <summary>
/// Checks whether there is an edge between vertex u and v
/// </summary>
/// <param name="u">the starting vertex</param>
/// <param name="v">the ending vertex</param>
/// <returns>true if there is an edge between
/// vertex u and vertex v</returns>
public bool HasEdge(int u, int v)
bool hasEdge = childNodes[u].Contains(v);
return hasEdge;

/// <summary>Returns the successors of a given vertex
/// </summary>
/// <param name="v">the vertex</param>
/// <returns>list of all successors of vertex v</returns>
public IList<int> GetSuccessors(int v)
return childNodes[v];
To illustrate how our graph data structure works, we will create small
program that creates a graph and traverses it by the DFS algorithm. To
play a bit with graphs, the goal of our graph traversal algorithm will be to
count how many connected components the graph has.
By definition in undirected graph if a path exists between two nodes, they
belong to the same connected component and if no path exists between
724 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
two nodes, they belong to different connected components. For example
consider the following undirected graph:

It has 3 connected components: {0, 4}, {1, 2, 6, 3} and {5}.
The code below creates a graph corresponding to the figure above and by
DFS traversal finds all its connected components. This is straightforward:
pass through all vertices and once unvisited vertex is found, all connected to
it vertices (directly or indirectly via some a path) are found by DFS traversal,
each of them is printed and marked as visited. Below is the code:
class GraphComponents
static Graph graph = new Graph(new List<int>[] {
new List<int>() {4}, // successors of vertice 0
new List<int>() {1, 2, 6}, // successors of vertice 1
new List<int>() {1, 6}, // successors of vertice 2
new List<int>() {6}, // successors of vertice 3
new List<int>() {0}, // successors of vertice 4
new List<int>() {}, // successors of vertice 5
new List<int>() {1, 2, 3} // successors of vertice 6

static bool[] visited = new bool[graph.Size];

static void TraverseDFS(int v)
if (!visited[v])
Console.Write(v + " ");
visited[v] = true;
foreach (int child in graph.GetSuccessors(v))

static void Main()
6 3
0 4
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 725
Console.WriteLine("Connected graph components: ");
for (int v = 0; v < graph.Size; v++)
if (!visited[v])
If we run the above code, we will get the following output (the connected
components of our sample graph shown above):
Connected graph components:
0 4
1 2 6 3
Common Graph Applications
Graphs are used to model many situations of reality, and tasks on graphs
model multiple real problems that often need to be resolved. We will give just
a few examples:
- Map of a city can be modeled by a weighted oriented graph. On
each street, edge is compared with a length, corresponding to the length
of the street, and direction the direction of movement. If the street is
a two-way, it can be compared to two edges in both directions. At each
intersection there is a node. In such a model there are natural tasks
such as searching for the shortest path between two intersections,
checking whether there is a road between two intersections, checking
for a loop (if we can turn and go back to the starting position) searching
for a path with a minimum number of turns, etc.
- Computer network can be modeled by an undirected graph, whose
vertices correspond to the computers in the network, and the edges
correspond to the communication channels between the computers. To
the edges different numbers can be compared, such as channel capacity
or speed of the exchange, etc. Typical tasks for such models of a
network are checking for connectivity between two computers,
checking for double-connectivity between two points (existence of
double-secured channel, which remains active after the failure of any
computer), finding a minimal spanning tree (MST), etc. In particular,
the Internet can be modeled as a graph, in which are solved
726 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
problems for routing packets, which are modeled as classical graph
- The river system in a given region can be modeled by a weighted
directed graph, where each river is composed of one or more edges,
and each node represents the place where two or more rivers flow into
another one. On the edges can be set values, related to the amount of
water that goes through them. Naturally with this model there are tasks
such as calculating the volume of water, passing through each vertex
and anticipate of possible flood in increasing quantities.
You can see that the graphs can be used to solve many real-world
problems. Hundreds of books and research papers are written about graphs,
graph theory and graph algorithms. There are dozens of classic tasks for
graphs, for which there are known solutions or it is known that there is no
efficient solution. The scope of this chapter does not allow mentioning all of
them, but we hope that through the short presentation we have awaken your
interest in graphs, graph algorithms and their applications and spur you
to take enough time to solve the tasks about graphs in the exercises.
1. Write a program that finds the number of occurrences of a number
in a tree of numbers.
2. Write a program that displays the roots of those sub-trees of a tree,
which have exactly k nodes, where k is an integer.
3. Write a program that finds the number of leaves and number of
internal vertices of a tree.
4. Write a program that finds in a binary tree of numbers the sum of the
vertices of each level of the tree.
5. Write a program that finds and prints all vertices of a binary tree,
which have for only leaves successors.
6. Write a program that checks whether a binary tree is perfectly
7. Lets have as given a graph G(V, E) and two of its vertices x and y.
Write a program that finds the shortest path between two vertices
measured in number of vertices staying on the path.
8. Lets have as given a graph G(V, E). Write a program that checks
whether the graph is cyclic.
9. Implement a recursive traversal in depth in an undirected graph and a
program to test it.
10. Write breadth first search (BFS), based on a queue, to traverse a
directed graph.
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 727
11. Write a program that searches the directory C:\Windows\ and all its
subdirectories recursively and prints all the files which have extension
12. Define classes File {string name, int size} and Folder {string
name, File[] files, Folder[] childFolders}. Using these classes,
build a tree that contains all files and directories on your hard disk,
starting from C:\Windows\. Write a method that calculates the sum of
the sizes of files in a sub-tree and a program that tests this method. To
crawl the directories use recursively crawl depth (DFS).
13. * Write a program that finds all loops in a directed graph.
14. Lets have as given a graph G (V, E). Write a program that finds all
connected components of the graph, i.e. finds all maximal connected
sub-graphs. A maximal connected sub-graph of G is a connected graph
such that no other connected sub-graphs of G, contains it.
15. Suppose we are given a weighted oriented graph G (V, E), in which
the weights on the side are nonnegative numbers. Write a program that
by a given vertex x from the graph finds the shortest paths from it to
all other vertical.
16. We have N tasks to be performed successively. We are given a list of
pairs of tasks for which the second is dependent on the outcome of the
first and should be executed after it. Write a program that arranges
tasks in such a way that each task is be performed after all the tasks
which it depends on have been completed. If no such order exists print
an appropriate message.
Example: {1, 2}, {2, 5}, {2, 4}, {3, 1} 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
17. An Eulerian cycle in a graph is called a loop that starts from a vertex,
passes exactly once through all edges in the graph returns to the starting
vertex. Vertices can be visited repeatedly. Write a program that by a
given graph, finds whether the graph has an Euler loop.
18. A Hamiltonian cycle in a graph is a cycle containing every vertex in the
graph exactly once. Write a program, which by given weighted oriented
graph G (V, E), finds Hamiltonian loop with a minimum length, if
such exists.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Traverse the tree recursively in depth (using DFS) and count the
occurrences of the given number.
2. Traverse the tree recursively in depth (using DFS) and check for each
node the given condition. For each node the number of nodes in its
subtree is: 1 + the sum of the nodes of each of its child subtrees.
3. You can solve the problem by traversing the tree in depth recursively.
728 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
4. Use traversing in depth or breadth and when shifting from one node
to another keep its level (depth). Knowing the levels of the nodes at
each step, the wanted amount can be easily calculated.
5. You can solve the problem by recursively traversing the tree in depth
and by checking the given condition.
6. By recursive traversal in depth (DFS) for every node of the tree
calculate the depths of its left and right sub-trees. Then check
immediately whether the condition of the definition for perfectly balanced
tree is executed (check the difference between the left and right sub-
trees depths).
7. Use the algorithm of traversing in breadth (BFS) as a base. In the
queue put every node always along with its predecessor. This will help
you to restore the path between the nodes (in reverse order).
8. Use traversing in depth or in breadth. Mark every node, if already
visited. If at any time you reach to a node, which has already been
visited, then you have found loop.
Think about how you can find and print the loop itself. Here is an
idea: while traversing every node keep its predecessor. If at any
moment you reach a node that has already been visited, you should have
a path to the initial node. The current path in the recursion stack is also a
path to the wanted node. So at some point we have two different paths
from one node to the initial node. By merging the two paths you can
easily find the loop.
9. Use the DFS algorithm. Testing can be done with few example graphs.
10. Use the BFS algorithm. Instead of putting the vertices of the graph in the
queue, put their numbers (0 N-1). This will simplify the algorithm.
11. Use traversing in depth and System.IO.Directory class.
12. Use the example of the tree data structure given in this chapter. Each
directory from the tree should two arrays (or lists) of descendants:
subdirectories and files.
13. Use the solution of problem 8, but modify it so it does not stop when it
finds a loop, but continues. For each loop you should check if you have
already found it. This problem is more complex than you may expect!
14. Use the algorithms for traversing in breadth or depth as a base.
15. Use the Dijkstras algorithm (find it on the Internet).
16. The requested order is called "topological sorting of a directed graph".
It can be implemented in two ways:
For every task t we should know how many others tasks P(t) it depends
on. We find task t
, which is independent, i.e. P(t
)=0 and we execute it.
We reduce P(t) for every task, which depends from task t
. Again we
look for a task, which is independent and we execute it. We repeat until
Chapter 17. Trees and Graphs 729
the tasks end or until we find a moment when there is no task t
)=0. In the last case no solution exists due to a cyclic dependency.
We can solve the task with traversing the graph in depth and printing
every node just before leaving it. That means that at any time of printing
of a task, all the tasks that depend on it should have already been
printed. The topological sorting will be produced in reversed order.
17. The graph must be connected and the degree of each of its nodes
must be even in order an Eulerian cycle in a graph to exits (can you
prove this?). With series of DFS traversals you can find cycles in the
graph and to remove the edges involved in them. Finally, by joining the
cycles you will get the Eulerian cycle. See more about Eulerian paths and
cycles at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eulerian_path.
18. If you write a true solution of the problem, check whether it works for a
graph with 200 nodes. Do not try to solve the problem so it could work
with a large number of nodes! If someone manages to solve it for large
numbers of nodes, he will remain permanently in history! See also the
Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamiltonian_path_problem.
You might try some recursive algorithm for generating all paths but
accept that it will be slow. Techniques like backtracking and branch and
bound could help a bit but generally this problem is NP-complete and
thus no efficient solution is known to exist for it.
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Chapter 18. Dictionaries,
Hash-Tables and Sets
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will analyze more complex data structures like
dictionaries and sets, and their implementations with hash-tables and
balanced trees. We will explain in more details what hashing and hash-
tables mean and why they are such an important part of programming. We
will discuss the concept of "collisions" and how they might happen when
implementing hash-tables. Also we will offer you different types of approaches
for solving this type of issues. We will look at the abstract data structure set
and explain how it can be implemented with the ADTs dictionary and
balanced search tree. Also we will provide you with examples that illustrate
the behavior of these data structures with real world examples.
Dictionary Data Structure
In the last few chapters we got familiar with some classic and very important
data structures arrays, lists, trees and graphs. In this chapter we will get
familiar with the so called "dictionaries", which are extremely useful and
widely used in the programming.
The dictionaries are also known as associative arrays or maps. In this book
we are going to use the terminology "dictionary". Every element in the
dictionary has a key and an associated value for this key. Both the key and
the value represent a pair. The analogy with the real world dictionary comes
from the fact, that in every dictionary, for every for word (key), we also have
a description related to this word (value).

As well as the data (values), that the dictionary holds, there
is also a key that is used for searching and finding the
required values. The elements of the dictionary are
represented by pairs (key, value), where the key is used for
Dictionary Data Structure Example
We are going to illustrate what exactly the data structure dictionary means
using an everyday, real world example.
732 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
When you go to a theatre, opera or a concert, there is usually a place where
you can leave your outdoor clothing. The employee than takes your jacket
and gives you a number. When the event is over, on your way out, you give
them back the same number. The employee uses this number to search and
find your jacket to give back to you.
Thanks to this example we can see that the idea for using a key (the number
that the employee gives you) to store a value (your jacket), and later having
the option to access it, is not so abstract. Actually this is a method that is
often widely used not only in programming, but also in many other practical
When using the ADT dictionary, the key may not just be a number, but any
other type of object. In the case, when we have a key (number), we could
implement this type of structure as a regular array. In this scenario the set of
keys is already known these are the numbers from 0 to n, where n
represents the size of the array (when n is within the allowed limits). The idea
of the dictionaries is to provide us with more flexibility regarding the set of
the keys.
When using dictionaries, the set of keys usually is a randomly chosen set of
values like real numbers or strings. The only restriction is that we can
distinguish one key from the other. Later we will take a look at some
additional requirements for the keys that are needed for the different kinds of
For every key in the dictionary, there is a corresponding value. One key
can hold only one value. The aggregation of all the pairs (key, value)
represents the dictionary.
Here is the first example for using a dictionary in .NET:
IDictionary<string, double> studentMarks =
new dictionary<string, double>();

studentMarks["Paul"] = 3.00;
Console.WriteLine("Paul 's mark: {0:0.00}",
Later in this chapter, we will find out the result from the execution of the
example above.
The Abstract Data Structure Dictionary (Associative
Array, Map)
In programming the abstract data structure "dictionary" is represented
by many aggregated pairs (key, value) along with predefined methods for
accessing the values by a given key. Alternatively this data structure can also
be called a "map" or "associative array".
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 733
Described below are the required operations, defined by this data structure:
- void Add(K key, V value) adds given key-value pair in the
dictionary. With most implementations of this class in .NET, when
adding a key that already exists, an exception is thrown.
- V Get(K key) returns the value by the specified key. If there is no
pair with this key, the method returns null or throws an exception
depending on the specific dictionary implementation.
- bool Remove(key) removes the value, associated with the specified
key and returns a Boolean value, indicating if the operation was
Here are some additional methods, which are supported by the ADT.
- bool Contains(key) returns true if the dictionary has a pair with
the selected key
- int Count returns the number of elements (key value pairs) in the
Other operations that are usually supported are: extracting all of the keys,
values or key value pairs and importing them into another structure (array,
list). This way they can easily be traversed using a loop.

For the comfort of .NET developers, the IDictionary<K, V>
interface holds an indexing property V this[K] { get; set; },
which is usually implemented by calling the methods V
Get(K), Add(K, V).
Bear in mind that the access method (accessor) get of the
property V this[K] of the class Dictionary<K, V> in .NET
throws an exception if the given key K does not exist in the
dictionary. In order to access the value of a certain key,
without having to worry about exceptions, use the method
bool TryGetValue(K key, out V value).
The Interface IDictionary<K, V>
In .NET there is a standard interface IDictionary<K, V> where K defines the
type of the key, and V type of the value. It defines all of the basic operations
that the dictionaries should implement. IDictionary<K, V> corresponds to
the abstract data structure "dictionary" and defines the operations, mentioned
above, but without supplying an actual implementation of them. This interface
is defined in assembly mscorelib, namespace System.Collections.Generic.
In .NET interfaces represent specifications of methods for a certain class.
They define methods without implementation, which should be implemented
by the classes that inherit them. How the interfaces and inheritance work we
will discuss in more details in the chapter "Principles of the Object-Oriented
Programming". For the moment all you need to know is that interfaces define
734 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
which methods and fields should be implemented in the classes that inherit
the interface.
In this chapter we will take a look at the two most popular dictionary
implementations with a balanced tree and a hash-table. Its extremely
important for you to know how they differ from one another, and which are
the main principles related to them. Otherwise you risk using them improperly
and inefficiently.
In .NET Framework there are two major implementations of the interface
IDictionary<K, V> Dictionary<K, V> and SortedDictionary<K, V>.
SortedDictionary is an implementation by a balanced (red-black) tree, and
Dictionary by a hash-table.

Except for IDictionary<K, V> in .NET there is one more
interface IDictionary, along with the classes implementing
it: Hashtable, ListDictionary and HybridDictionary. They are
heritage from the first version of .NET. These classes need to
be used only on special occasions. Much more preferable is
the use of Dictionary<K, V> or SortedDictionary<K, V>.
In this and the next chapter we will analyze when the different
implementations of dictionaries are used.
Implementation of Dictionary with Red-Black Tree
Because the implementation of a dictionary with a balanced tree is very
extensive and complex task, we will not examine it in source code. Instead we
will analyze the class SortedDictionary<K, V>, that comes with the
standard .NET library. We strongly recommend the curious readers to look at
the decompiled code of the SortedDictionary class using some of the
decompilation tools mentioned in the chapter "Introduction to Programming"
like JustDecompile.
As we mentioned in the previous chapter, a red-black tree is an ordered
binary balanced search tree, thats used for searching. This is why one of
the important requirements for the set of keys used by SortedDictionary<K,
V> is comparability. This means that, if we have two keys, either one of
them should be bigger, or they should be equal. The keys used in
SortedDictionary<K, V> should implement IComparable<K>.
The usage of the binary search tree gives us a great advantage: the keys
in the dictionary are stored ordered. Thanks to this feature, if we need
the data ordered by keys, we dont need to perform any additional sorting.
Actually, this is the only advantage of this dictionary implementation
compared to the hash-table.
A thing that should be mentioned is that keeping the keys ordered comes with
its price. Searching for the elements using in an ordered balanced tree is
slower (typically takes log(n) steps) than using a hash-table (typical takes
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 735
fixed number of steps). Because of this, if there is no requirement for the
keys to be ordered, its better to use Dictionary<K, V>.

Use a balanced tree dictionary only when you need your pairs
(key, value) to be ordered by key. Bear in mind that the
balanced tree comes with the complexity of the algorithm
log(n), for searching, adding and deleting elements.
Compared to this, the complexity used in hash-table may
reach a linear value.
The Class SortedDictionary<K, V>
The class SortedDictionary<K, V> is a dictionary implementation, which
uses a red-black tree. This class implements all the standard operations
defined in the interface IDictionary<K, V>.
Using SortedDictionary Class Example
Now we will solve a practical problem, where using the class
SortedDictionary is a good idea. Lets say we have arbitrary text. Our task
would be to find all the different words in the text, and the number of
occurrences of these words. Additionally we should print all the words found
in alphabetical order.
For this task using a dictionary is a really good idea. We can use the
different words in the text for keys, and the value for each key would be the
number of occurrences for each word in our text.
The algorithm for counting the words is the following: we read the text
word by word. For each word we check if it already exists in the dictionary. If
the answer is no, we add a new element in the dictionary with a value of 1. If
the answer is yes we increase the old value of the element by one, so as to
count the last occurrence.
The elements of the ordered dictionary SortedDictionary<string, int> will
be ordered by their key during the iteration process. This way we met the
additional requirement for the words to be ordered alphabetically. Below is a
sample implementation of the described algorithm:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class WordCountingWithSortedDictionary
private static readonly string Text =
"Mary had a little lamb " +
"little Lamb, little Lamb, " +
736 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
"Mary had a Little lamb, " +
"whose fleece were white as snow.";

static void Main()
IDictionary<String, int> wordOccurrenceMap =

private static IDictionary<string, int> GetWordOccurrenceMap(
string text)
string[] tokens =
text.Split(' ', '.', ',', '-', '?', '!');

IDictionary<string, int> words =
new SortedDictionary<string, int>();

foreach (string word in tokens)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(word.Trim()))
int count;
if (!words.TryGetValue(word, out count))
count = 0;
words[word] = count + 1;
return words;

private static void PrintWordOccurrenceCount(
IDictionary<string, int> wordOccurenceMap)
foreach (var wordEntry in wordOccurenceMap)
"Word '{0}' occurs {1} time(s) in the text",
wordEntry.Key, wordEntry.Value);
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 737
The output from executing this code is the following:
Word 'a' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'as' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'fleece' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'had' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'lamb' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'Lamb' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'little' occurs 3 time(s) in the text
Word 'Little' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'mary' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'snow' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'was' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'white' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'whose' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Note that we are counting the words "little" and "lamb" starting with both
lowercase and uppercase characters as different.
In this example, we demonstrated for the first time how to traverse a
dictionary using the method PrintWordOccurrenceCount(IDictionary
<string, int>). We used a foreach loop. When iterating through the
elements of dictionaries, we need to take into account that the elements of
this ADT are ordered pairs (key and value), not just single objects. Because
IDictionary<K, V> implements the interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair
<K, V>>, this means that the foreach loop should iterate through objects of
type KeyValuePair<K, V>. For simplicity we use the var-syntax in the
foreach loop.
IComparable<K> Interface
When using SortedDictionary<K, V> the keys are required to be
comparable. In our example we use objects of type string.
The class string implements the interface IComparable, and the comparison
between the elements is done lexicographically. What does that mean? By
default the strings in .NET are case sensitive (the compiler distinguishes
uppercase from lowercase letters). Words like "Length" and "length" are
considered different. This means that words that start with a lowercase letter
will be before the ones with an uppercase letter. This definition comes from
the implementation of the method CompareTo(object), through which the
string class implements the interface IComparable.
738 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
IComparer<T> Interface
What should we do when we are not happy with the default implementation of
comparison? For example, what should we do when we want uppercase and
lowercase characters to be treated as equal?
One option we have is to transform the word into a capital, or non-capital
string, but sometimes the situation is more complicated than that. This is why
we will offer another solution, which works for every class that does not
implement the IComparable<T> interface, or it does implement it, but we
want to change its behavior.
For the comparison of objects with an exclusively defined order in
SortedDictionary<K, V> in .NET, we will use the interface IComparer<T>. It
defines a comparison function int Compare(T x, T y) that is an alternative
to the already defined order. Lets take a better look at this interface.
When we create an object of type SortedDictionary<K, V> we can pass to
its constructor a reference to IComparer<K> so that it can use it for the key
comparison (key elements should be objects of type K).
Here is a sample implementation of IComparer<K> that changes the behavior
when comparing strings, so that they are not distinguished by uppercase and
lowercase characters:
class CaseInsensitiveComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string s1, string s2)
return string.Compare(s1, s2, true);
Lets use this interface IComparer<E> when creating the dictionary:
IDictionary<string, int> words =
new SortedDictionary<string, int>(
new CaseInsensitiveComparer());
After changing this in the code, the result from the program execution will be:
Word 'a' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'as' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'fleece' occurs 1 time(s) in the text
Word 'had' occurs 2 time(s) in the text
Word 'lamb' occurs 4 time(s) in the text
Word 'little' occurs 4 time(s) in the text

Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 739
The first time a word is found, it becomes a key in the dictionary. This is
because after calling the words[word] = count + 1 only the value is
changed, and not the key itself.
After using IComparer<E> we changed the definition for ordering keys in our
dictionary. If, for a key, we used a class, defined by us, for example
Student, that implements IComparable<E>, we would get the same result if
we were to alter the method CompareTo(Student). There is also one
additional requirement, when implementing IComparable<K>:

When two objects are equal (Equals(object) returns true),
CompareTo(E) should return 0.
Meeting this requirement would allow us to use the objects of a custom class
as keys, just as in the implementation with a balanced tree
(SortedDictionary<K,V>, constructed without Comparer), as well with a
hash-table (Dictionary<K,V>).
Now lets get familiar with the data structure hash-table, which implements
the abstract data structure dictionary in a very efficient way. We well
explain in details how hash-tables actually work and why they are so efficient.
Dictionary Implementation with Hash-Table
With a hash-table implementation, the time for accessing the elements in
the dictionary is theoretically independent from their count. This is a very
important advantage.
Lets make a comparison between list and hash-table in the speed of
searching. We take a list of randomly ordered elements. We want to check if
a certain element is in the list. The worst case scenario is to check every
element in the list, so as to give an explicit answer to the question Does this
list contain the element or not. Its obvious that the number of checks would
depend (linear) of the number of elements.
With hash-tables, if we have a key, the number of comparisons that we
would need to do to find out if there is a key with this value, is constant and
it does not depend on the number of elements. How exactly we are
achieving such efficiency, we will explain in more details below.
What is a Hash-Table?
The data structure hash-table is usually implemented internally with an
array. It consists of numerated elements (cells), each either holding a
key-value pair or is empty (null). This at first sight, look like as if the
elements were randomly placed in the array. At the positions that we dont
have an ordered pair, we have an empty element (null). The figure below
illustrates how a hash-table might look like:
740 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

The size of the internal storage array of the hash-table is called capacity. The
load factor is a real number between 0 and 1, which stands for the ratio
between the occupied elements and the current capacity. At the figure we
have a hash-table with 3 elements and capacity m. The load factor for this
hash-table would be 3/m.
When adding or searching for elements, a method for hashing the key (hash
function) is executed hash(key), that returns a number we call a hash-
code. When we take the division remainder of this hash-code and the
capacity m we get a number between 0 and m-1:
index = hash(key) % m
At the figure there is a hash-table T with capacity m and hash-function

This value hash(k) gives us the position in the array at which we search or
add a certain key-value pair having this k. If the hash-function distributes
the keys uniformly, in most cases for every key a different hash value will be
assigned. In this way every cell of the array will have at most one key.
Ultimately we get an extremely fast search and insertion of the elements: just
calculate the hash function and obtain the cell assigned for the key. Of
course it may occur that different keys would have the same hash code. We
will examine this special case in more details later.
i = hash(key)
0 s i < m
0 1 2 3 4 5 m-1
... ... ... ...
... ... ...
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 741

Use implementation of dictionary based on hash-table, when
you need to find values by key with a maximum speed.
The internal tables capacity is increased when the number of elements in
the hash-table becomes greater or equal to a certain constant called fill
factor (load factor, the maximal degree of filling). When increasing the
capacity (usually doubling it), all of the elements are reordered by the hash
code of their keys and their assigned cell is calculated according to the new
capacity. The load factor is significantly decreased after the reordering. This
operation is time-consuming, but it is executed relatively rare, so it will not
impact the overall performance of the "add" operation.
Before we go further with the theory of hash-tables, lets review how hash-
tables are implemented in C# and .NET Framework.
Class Dictionary <K, V>
The class Dictionary<K, V> is a standard implementation of a dictionary
based on hash-table in .NET Framework. Lets take a look at its main
features. We will examine a specific example that illustrates the use of this
class and its methods.
Class Dictionary<K, V> Main Operations
Creating a hash-table is done by calling some of the constructors of
Dictionary<K, V>. Through them we can assign an initial value for the
capacity and load factor. Its good if we know in advance the expected
number of elements, which would be added in our hash-table, so as to set it
at the creation of the hash-table. This way we will avoid the unneeded
expansions of the hash-table and we will achieve better performance. By
default the value of the initial capacity is 16, and the load factor is 0.75.
Lets review the methods in the class Dictionary<K, V>:
- void Add(K, V) adds a new pair (key and a value) to the hash-table.
Throws an exception in the case that the key exists. This operation is
extremely fast.
- bool TryGetValue(K, out V) returns an element of type V via the out
parameter for the given key or null, if there is no such key. The result
of this operation will be true if such an element is found. The operation
is very fast, because the algorithm for searching an element by key in
the hash-table is with complexity about O(1)
- bool Remove(K) removes the element with this key. This operation
works very fast.
- void Clear() removes all the elements from the dictionary.
- bool ContainsKey(K) check if there is an ordered pair with this key in
the dictionary. This operation works extremely fast.
742 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- bool ContainsValue(V) checks if there is one or more ordered pairs
with this value. This operation is slow because it checks every element
of the hash-table (like searching in a list).
- int Count returns the number of ordered pairs within the dictionary.
- Other operations extracting all the keys, values or ordered pairs into a
structure that could be iterated through using a loop.
Students and Marks Example
We will illustrate how to use some of the above described operations with an
example. We have some students, and every one of them could have only one
mark. We want to store the marks in a structure that would allow us to
perform a fast search by the students name.
For this task we create a hash-table with initial capacity of 6. It will use the
student names for keys, and their marks for values. We will add 6 sample
students, and then we will check whats happening when we print their data
on the console. Here is how the code for this example should look like:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class StudentsExample
static void Main()
IDictionary<string, double> studentMarks =
new Dictionary<string, double>(6);

studentMarks["Alan"] = 3.00;
studentMarks["Helen"] = 4.50;
studentMarks["Tom"] = 5.50;
studentMarks["James"] = 3.50;
studentMarks["Mary"] = 4.00;
studentMarks["Nerdy"] = 6.00;

double marysMark = studentMarks["Mary"];
Console.WriteLine("Mary's mark: {0:0.00}", marysMark);

Console.WriteLine("Mary's mark removed.");

Console.WriteLine("Is Mary in the dictionary: {0}",
studentMarks.ContainsKey("Mary") ? "Yes!": "No!");

Console.WriteLine("Nerdy's mark is {0:0.00}.",
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 743
studentMarks["Nerdy"] = 3.25;

"But we all know he deserves no more than {0:0.00}.",

double annasMark;
bool findAnna = studentMarks.TryGetValue("Anna",
out annasMark);

"Is Anna's mark in the dictionary? {0}",
findAnna ? "Yes!": "No!");

studentMarks["Anna"] = 6.00;
findAnna = studentMarks.TryGetValue("Anna",
out annasMark);

"Let's try again: {0}. Anna's mark is {1}",
findAnna ? "Yes!" : "No!", annasMark);

Console.WriteLine("Students and marks:");

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> studentMark
in studentMarks)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1:0.00}",
studentMark.Key, studentMark.Value);

"There are {0} students in the dictionary",
Console.WriteLine("Students dictionary cleared.");
Console.WriteLine("Is dictionary empty: {0}",
studentMarks.Count == 0);
The output of the program execution will be:
744 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Mary's mark: 4.00
Mary's mark removed.
Is Mary in the dictionary: No!
Nerdy's mark is 6.00.
But we all know he deserves no more than 3.25.
Is Anna's mark in the dictionary? No!
Let's try again: Yes!. Anna's mark is 6
Students and marks:
Alan has 3.00
Helen has 4.50
Tom has 5.50
James has 3.50
Anna has 6.00
Nerdy has 3.25
There are 6 students in the dictionary
Students dictionary cleared.
Is dictionary empty: True
We can see that the students are not ordered when printed. This is because in
hash-tables (unlike balanced trees) the elements are not kept sorted.
Even if the current table capacity is changed while working with it, it is also
highly possible that the order of the pairs could be changed as well. We will
analyze the reason for this behavior later on.
It is important to remember, that with hash-tables, we cannot rely on the
elements being in order. If we need them ordered, we could sort the elements
before printing. Another option would be using SortedDictionary<K, V>.
Hashing and Hash-Functions
Now we will explain in more details the concept of hash-code used earlier. The
hash-code is a number returned by the hash-function, used for the
hashing the key. This number should be different for every key, or at least
there should be a high chance for that.
There is the concept of the perfect hash-function. One hash-function is
called perfect, if for example you have N keys, and for each of them the
function would add a different number in a reasonable interval (for example
from 0 to N-1).
Finding such a function in the common case is a very hard, almost
impossible task. Its worth to use such functions when using sets of keys
with predefined elements or when the set of keys is rarely changed.
In practice there are also other, not so "perfect" hash-functions.
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 745
Now we will take a look at a few examples for hash-functions, which are used
directly with .NET libraries.
The Method GetHashCode() in .NET Framework
Every .NET class has a method called GetHashCode() that returns a value of
type int. This method is inherited by the class Object, which is the root
member in the hierarchy of .NET classes.
The implementation in the class Object of the method GetHashCode() does
not guarantee the unique value of the result. This means that the
descendent classes need to ensure that GetHashCode() is implemented in
order to use it for a key in a hash-table.
Another example for a hash-function that is directly built in .NET is used by
the class int, byte and short (integer numbers). In this case the value of
the number itself is used for the hash-code. For more complex types like
strings all their elements (or at least the first few of them) are involved into
calculation of their hash code.
One more complex example for hash-function is the implementation of
GetHashCode() in the class System.String:
public override unsafe int GetHashCode()
fixed (char* str = ((char*)this))
char* chPtr = str;
int num = 352654597;
int num2 = num;
int* numPtr = (int*)chPtr;
for (int i = this.Length; i > 0; i -= 4)
num = (((num << 5) + num) + (num >> 27)) ^ numPtr[0];
if (i <= 2)
num2 = (((num2 << 5) + num2) + (num2 >> 27)) ^ numPtr[1];
numPtr += 2;
return (num + (num2 * 1566083941));
This implementation is complicated, but what we need to remember is that it
tries to guarantee the uniqueness of the result: different hash code for
different input strings. Note that the complexity of the algorithm for
746 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
calculating the hash-code of string is proportional to Length / 4 or O(n),
which means that the longer the string is the slower its hash-code would be
calculated. Authors of the above code use a small trick (unsafe code) to
directly work with the low-level representation of the string in the memory.
We leave to the reader to take a look at other implementations of the method
GetHashCode() in some of the most commonly used .NET types like int,
DateTime, long, float and double. This can be done through a decompiler
like JustDecompile.
Now lets answer the question of how to implement ourselves this hash
function for our classes. We already explained that leaving the
implementation that is already built in the class object, is not an acceptable
solution. Another very simple implementation is that we always return a fixed
constant, for example:
public override int GetHashCode()
return 42;
If in a hash-table we use objects for keys from a class, that has the above
implementation of GetHashCode(), it will have very poor performance,
because every time, when we add a new element in the table, we would have
to insert it at the same place. Every time we search the hash-table, we will
encounter the same element.
In order to avoid the described behavior, we need the hash-function to
distribute the keys evenly amongst the possible hash-code values.
Collisions with Hash-Functions
The situation where two different keys have the same hash-code is called
collision. A good example of collision is shown below:

We will look in more details how to solve the problem with collisions in the
next paragraph. The simplest solution is obvious: order the pairs that have
keys with the same hash-codes in a list or other data structure. Thus we
don't solve the collisions but we accept them and we just put several key-
value-pairs in the same element in the underlying array in the hash-table.
This approach for collision resolution is known as chaining:
h("Pesho ) = 4
h("Kiro") = 2
h("Mimi") = 1
h("Ivan") = 2
h("Lili") = 12
h("Alan") = 4
h("Peter")= 2
h("Tom") = 1
h("Mary") = 2
h("Anna") = 12
collision collision
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 747

Therefore when using a constant 42 for hash-code our hash-table turns into a
linear list and it becomes very inefficient.
Implementing the Method GetHashCode()
We will give a standard algorithm for implementing GetHashCode(), when this
is necessarily:
First we need to choose which fields of the class will take part in the
implementation of the Equals(object) method. This is necessary, because
every time when Equals() returns true, the result from GetHashCode()
should always return the same value.
This way the fields that do not take part in Equals(), should not take part in
GetHashCode() as well.
After we choose which fields will take part for the calculation of
GetHashCode(), we need to receive values from them (of type int). Here is a
sample scheme:
- If the field is bool, for true we take 1, and for false we take 0 (or
directly call method GetHashCode() on bool).
- If the field is of type int, byte, short, char, we can convert it to int,
with the cast operator (int) (or we could directly call GetHashCode()).
- If the field is type long, float or double, we could use the result from
their own implementations of GetHashCode().
- If the field is not a primitive type, we could call the method
GetHashCode() of this object. If the field value is null, we can return 0.
- If the field is an array or a collection, we take the hash-code from every
element of this collection.
h("Pesho") = 4
h("Kiro") = 2
h("Mimi") = 1
h("Ivan") = 2
h("Lili") = m-1
h("Alan") = 4
h("Tom") = 1
Mary") = 2
h("Anna") = m-1
collision collision
0 1 2 3 4 5 m-1
null ... null
748 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
In the end we sum all the received int values, and before each addition we
multiply the temporary result with a prime number (for example 83), while
ignoring the eventual overflow of type int. For example, if we have 3 fields
and their hash codes are f1, f2 and f3, our hash function could combine
them though the formula hash = (((f1 * 83) + f2) * 83) + f3.
At the end we obtain a hash-code, which is very well distributed in the range
of all 32-bit values. We can expect, that with a hash-code calculated this way,
the collisions would be rare, because every change in some of the fields
taking part in GetHashCode() leads to a major change in the hash code and
thus reduces the chance for collision.
Implementing GetHashCode() Example
Lets illustrate the above algorithm with an example. We have a class whose
objects are presented as points in the three-dimensional space. The point will
be represented with its coordinates in the three dimensional space x, y and z:
public class Point3D
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public double Z { get; set; }

public Point3D(double x, double y, double z)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.Z = z;

public override string ToString()
return String.Format("({0}, {1}, {2})",
this.X, this.Y, this.Z);
We can implement GetHashCode() easily using the above described algorithm
that combines the hash values of the separate object fields:
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 749

Point3D other = obj as Point3D;

if (other == null)
return false;

if (!this.X.Equals(other.X))
return false;

if (!this.Y.Equals(other.Y))
return false;

if (!this.Z.Equals(other.Z))
return false;

return true;

public override int GetHashCode()
int prime = 83;
int result = 1;
result = result * prime + X.GetHashCode();
result = result * prime + Y.GetHashCode();
result = result * prime + Z.GetHashCode();

return result;
This implementation is incomparably better, than returning a constant or just
one of the fields or their sum. Although the collisions might still happen,
they would occur very rarely.
Interface IEqualityComparer<T>
One of the most important things that we have learned so far is that in order
to use instances of a class as keys for a dictionary, the class needs to properly
implement GetHashCode() and Equals(). But what should we do if we want
to use a class, that we cannot inherit or change? In this case the interface
IEqualityComparer<T> comes to our aid.
It defines the following two operations:
750 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- bool Equals(T obj1, T obj2) returns true if obj1 and obj2 are
- int GetHashCode(T obj) returns the hash-code of given object
As you might have already guessed, the dictionaries in .NET can use an
instance of IEqualityComparer<T>, instead of using the corresponding
methods of the given class that should be assigned for a key. This way the
developers could use practically any class for a key of the dictionary, if they
could assure IEqualityComparer<T> is implemented. Even more when we
pass IEqualityComparer<T> to a dictionary, we could change the way
GetHashCode() and Equals() are calculated for every type, even for those
built-in .NET Framework. This is because the dictionary uses interface
methods instead of the corresponding methods of the class that is used for
key. Here is an example of an implementation of IEqualityComparer for the
class Point3D that we looked earlier:
public class Point3DEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Point3D>
public bool Equals(Point3D point1, Point3D point2)
if (point1 == point2)
return true;

if (point1 == null || point2 == null)
return false;

if (!point1.X.Equals(point2.X))
return false;

if (!point1.Y.Equals(point2.Y))
return false;

if (!point1.Z.Equals(point2.Z))
return false;

return true;

public int GetHashCode(Point3D obj)
Point3D point = obj as Point3D;
if (point == null)
return 0;

int prime = 83;
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 751
int result = 1;
result = result * prime + point.X.GetHashCode();
result = result * prime + point.Y.GetHashCode();
result = result * prime + point.Z.GetHashCode();
return result;
Note that we implement both Equals() and GetHashCode(), not just
GetHashCode() method.

Remember that the keys in hash-tables need to have
correctly defined Equals() and GetHashCode() to work
properly. This is not required for the values, just for the keys.
Always define both Equals() and GetHashCode(), never only
one of them!
In order to use Point3DEqualityComparer, its enough to pass it as
argument to our dictionarys constructor. Here is an example:
static void Main()
IEqualityComparer<Point3D> comparer =
new Point3DEqualityComparer();
Dictionary<Point3D, int> dict =
new Dictionary<Point3D, int>(comparer);

dict[new Point3D(4, 2, 5)] = 5;
dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)] = 1;
dict[new Point3D(3, 1, -1)] = 3;
dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)] = 10;
foreach (var entry in dict)
Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);
The result from the above code is:
(4, 2, 5) --> 5
(1, 2, 3) --> 10
(3, 1, -1) --> 3
752 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We have 3 unique keys in the dictionary and the key (1, 2, 3) is used twice.
Resolving the Collision Problem
In practice, collisions happen almost always, excluding some rare and
specific cases. That is why we need to live with the idea of the collisions
presence in our hash-tables and take them into account. Lets have a look at
several strategies for dealing with collisions.
Chaining in a List
The most widespread method to resolve collisions problem is called
chaining. Its major concept consists of storing in a list all the pairs (key,
value), which have the same hash-code for the key.
Implementation of a Dictionary with Hash-Table and
Lets have the task to implement a dictionary data structure with a
hash-table and to resolve the collisions by chaining. With the example
below we will show how it could be done. First, we are going to define a class,
describing the pair {key, value}:
/// <summary>A structure holding a pair {key, value}</summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">the type of the keys</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">the type of the values</typeparam>
public struct KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>
/// <summary>Holds the key of the key-value pair</summary>
public TKey Key { get; private set; }

/// <summary>Holds the value of the key-value pair</summary>
public TValue Value { get; private set; }

/// <summary>Constructs a pair by given key + value</summary>
public KeyValuePair(TKey key, TValue value) : this()
this.Key = key;
this.Value = value;

/// <summary>Converts the key-value pair to a printable text.
/// </summary>
public override string ToString()
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 753
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (this.Key != null)
builder.Append(", ");
if (this.Value != null)
return builder.ToString();
The class constructor has two parameters: key of type TKey and value of type
TValue. There are defined two properties: one to access the key (Key) and
another to access the value (Value). Note that these properties can only
access the related members. There is no public functionality to change the
key or value. This makes the class non-changeable (immutable). It is a good
idea, because the objects, which will be kept inside the dictionary
implementation, will be the same as these we will return as a result of a
method for taking all the ordered pairs in the dictionary, for instance.
We have redefined the ToString() method in order to be able to easily print
key-value pairs on the standard console output or in a text file.
Following is an example of a generic dictionary interface, which defines the
most common operations of the data structure "dictionary":
/// <summary>Interface that defines basic methods needed for a
/// "dictionary" class which maps keys to values</summary>
/// <typeparam name="K">Key type</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="V">Value type</typeparam>
public interface IDictionary<K, V> :
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>>
///<summary>Finds the value mapped to the given key</summary>
/// <param name="key">the key to be searched</param>
/// <returns>value for the specified key if it presents,
/// or null if there is no value with such key</returns>
V Get(K key);

754 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
/// <summary>Assigns the specified value to the specified key
/// in the dictionary. If the key already exists, its value is
/// replaced with the new value and the old value is returned
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">Key for the new value</param>
/// <param name="value">Value to be mapped to that key</param>
/// <returns>the old (replaced) value for the specified key
/// or null if the key does not exist</returns>
V Set(K key, V value);

/// <summary>Gets or sets the value of the entry in the
/// dictionary identified by the key specified</summary>
/// <remarks>A new entry will be created if the value is set
/// for a key not currently in the dictionary</remarks>
/// <param name="key">the key to identify the entry</param>
/// <returns>the value of the entry in the dictionary
/// identified by the provided key</returns>
V this[K key] { get; set; }

/// <summary>Removes an element in the dictionary identified
/// by a specified key</summary>
/// <param name="key">the key identifying the element to be
/// removed</param>
/// <returns>whether the element was removed or not</returns>
bool Remove(K key);

/// <summary>Returns the number of entries in the dictionary
/// </summary>
int Count { get; }

/// <summary>Removes all the elements from the dictionary
/// </summary>
void Clear();
In the above defined interface as well as in the previous class, we use
generics (template types), by which we define the parameters for the keys
(K) and values (V). Such implementation allows us to use various data types
for keys and values inside our dictionary. As we already know, the only
requirement is to have proper definitions for Equals() and GetHashCode()
methods inside the data type used for the keys.
Our interface IDictionary<K, V> looks much like the .NET standard interface
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<K, V>, but it is simplified and
describes only the most important operations of the "dictionary" data
structure. It inherits the system interface IEnumerable<DictionaryEntry<K,
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 755
V>>, as doing so, the dictionary can be easily traversed by a simple foreach
Following is an example of a dictionary implementation that uses chaining
to handle collisions.
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of <see cref="IDictionary"/> interface
/// using a hash table. Collisions are resolved by chaining.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="K">Type of the keys. Keys are required
/// to correctly implement Equals() and GetHashCode()
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="V">Type of the values</typeparam>
public class HashDictionary<K, V> : IDictionary<K, V>,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>>
private const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16;
private const float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
private List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>[] table;
private float loadFactor;
private int threshold;
private int size;
private int initialCapacity;

/// <summary>Creates an empty hash table with the
/// default capacity and load factor</summary>
public HashDictionary()
{ }

/// <summary>Creates an empty hash table with given
/// capacity and load factor</summary>
public HashDictionary(int capacity, float loadFactor)
this.initialCapacity = capacity;
this.table = new List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>[capacity];
this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
this.threshold = (int)(capacity * this.loadFactor);

/// <summary>Finds the chain of elements corresponding
/// internally to given key (by its hash code)</summary>
/// <param name="createIfMissing">creates an empty list
756 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
/// of elements if the chain still does not exist</param>
/// <returns>a list of elements in the chain or null</returns>
private List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> FindChain(
K key, bool createIfMissing)
int index = key.GetHashCode();
index = index & 0x7FFFFFFF; // clear the negative bit
index = index % this.table.Length;
if (this.table[index] == null && createIfMissing)
this.table[index] = new List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>();
return this.table[index] as List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>;

/// <summary>Finds the value assigned to given key
/// (works extremely fast)</summary>
/// <returns>the value found or null when not found</returns>
public V Get(K key)
List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> chain = this.FindChain(key, false);
if (chain != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> entry in chain)
if (entry.Key.Equals(key))
return entry.Value;

return default(V);

/// <summary>Assigns a value to certain key. If the key
/// exists, its value is replaced. If the key does not
/// exist, it is first created. Works very fast</summary>
/// <returns>the old (replaced) value or null</returns>
public V Set(K key, V value)
if (this.size >= this.threshold)
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 757

List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> chain = this.FindChain(key, true);
for (int i = 0; i < chain.Count; i++)
KeyValuePair<K, V> entry = chain[i];
if (entry.Key.Equals(key))
// Key found -> replace its value with the new value
KeyValuePair<K, V> newEntry =
new KeyValuePair<K, V>(key, value);
chain[i] = newEntry;
return entry.Value;
chain.Add(new KeyValuePair<K, V>(key, value));

return default(V);

/// <summary>Gets / sets the value by given key. Get returns
/// null when the key is not found. Set replaces the existing
/// value or creates a new key-value pair if the key does not
/// exist. Works very fast</summary>
public V this[K key]
return this.Get(key);
this.Set(key, value);

/// <summary>Removes a key-value pair specified
/// by certain key from the hash table.</summary>
/// <returns>true if the pair was found removed
/// or false if the key was not found</returns>
public bool Remove(K key)
List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> chain = this.FindChain(key, false);
758 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

if (chain != null)
for (int i = 0; i < chain.Count; i++)
KeyValuePair<K, V> entry = chain[i];
if (entry.Key.Equals(key))
// Key found -> remove it
return true;
return false;

/// <summary>Returns the number of key-value pairs
/// in the hash table (its size)</summary>
public int Count
return this.size;

/// <summary>Clears all ements of the hash table</summary>
public void Clear()
this.table =
new List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>[this.initialCapacity];
this.size = 0;

/// <summary>Expands the underlying hash-table. Creates 2
/// times bigger table and transfers the old elements
/// into it. This is a slow (linear) operation</summary>
private void Expand()
int newCapacity = 2 * this.table.Length;
List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>[] oldTable = this.table;
this.table = new List<KeyValuePair<K, V>>[newCapacity];
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 759
this.threshold = (int)(newCapacity * this.loadFactor);
foreach (List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> oldChain in oldTable)
if (oldChain != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> keyValuePair in oldChain)
List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> chain =
FindChain(keyValuePair.Key, true);

/// <summary>Implements the IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>>
/// to allow iterating over the key-value pairs in the hash
/// table in foreach-loops</summary>
IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<K, V>>
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>>.GetEnumerator()
foreach (List<KeyValuePair<K, V>> chain in this.table)
if (chain != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> entry in chain)
yield return entry;

/// <summary>Implements IEnumerable (non-generic)
/// as part of IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>></summary>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return ((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>>)this).
We will pay attention to the most important points in this code. Lets begin
with the constructor. The public parameterless constructor inside itself it
760 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
invokes another constructor, by passing some predefined values for capacity
and load factor, which are used when the hash table is created.
Next thing, we pay attention to, is the actual implementation of the hash
table with chaining. At the instantiation of the hash-table, inside the
constructor we initialize an array of lists, which will contain any of our objects
of type KeyValuePair<K,V>. We have created a private method FindChain(),
for internal usage only, which calculates the hash-code of the key by
calling GetHashCode() method and taking the modulus of the returned hash-
value to the length of the table (capacity). Additionally the most-left bit is
cleared to ensure the index is always a positive number. In that way the
index of the current key in the internal table is calculated. The list of all the
elements with the same hash-code is hold inside the internal table for this
index. If the list is empty, it may have null as a value. Otherwise, at the
specific index position there is a list of the elements for the specified key.
A special parameter is passed to the FindChain() method. This parameter
indicates whether to create an empty list, if for the specific key there is no list
of elements. It gives a kind of convenience for the methods of adding
elements and resizing the hash-table.
The next thing, we pay attention to, is the Expand() method, which resizes
the current internal table when the maximal allowed filling is reached. For this
purpose we create a new table (array), with size twice as the current. Then
we calculate a new value for the maximal allowed filling (the field threshold).
Next coming is the most important part. We have extended the table and in
this way we changed the value of this.table.Length. If we search for an
element, which we have added already, the FindChain(K key) method will
not return the correct chain at all, in which to search for it. That is why, we
need to transfer all the elements of the old table, by not just copying the
chains, but adding again all the KeyValuePair<K,V> objects into the newly
created internal table of chains.
In order to implement the ability for iteration over the hash-table elements in
foreach-loops, we have implemented the IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K,
V>> interface, which has GetEnumerator() method, returning an iterator
(IEnumerator) of the elements of the hash-table. We simply iterate over the
elements in the internal table and return them one at a time using the yield
return C# keyword (its is a complex concept explained in details in MSDN).
Now lets give an example of how we can use our implementation of
hash-table and its iterator. We want to test whether the hash table copes
correctly with collisions and with expanding, so we intentionally change the
initial capacity of 3 and load factor of 0.9 when creating the hash table to
ensure it will resize soon after few elements are put inside it. We first put
an element, then read it, then overwrite its value, then read it again, then
add a new element that causes a collision, then read it, then read the first
element, then add an element causing the hash table to expand its internal
array, etc. The code is given below and it is highly recommended to trace it
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 761
through the Visual Studio debugger and check at each step how the internal
state of the hash table changes:
class PlayWithHashDictionary
static void Main()
HashDictionary<Point3D, int> dict =
new HashDictionary<Point3D, int>(3, 0.9f);

dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)] = 1; // Put a key-value pair
Console.WriteLine(dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)]); // Get value

// Overwrite the previous value for the same key
dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)] += 1;
Console.WriteLine(dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)]);

// Now this point will cause a collision with the
// previous one and the elements will be chained
dict[new Point3D(3, 2, 2)] = 42;

Console.WriteLine(dict[new Point3D(3, 2, 2)]);

// Test if the chaining works as expected, i.e.
// elements with equal hash-codes are not overwritten
Console.WriteLine(dict[new Point3D(1, 2, 3)]);

// Creation of another entry in the internal table
// This will cause the internal table to expand
dict[new Point3D(4, 5, 6)] = 1111;
Console.WriteLine(dict[new Point3D(4, 5, 6)]);

// Delete an existing by its key
dict.Remove(new Point3D(3, 2, 2));

// Iterate through the dictionary entries and print them
foreach (KeyValuePair<Point3D, int> entry in dict)
"Key: " + entry.Key + "; Value: " + entry.Value);
As we could expect, the result of the program execution is the following:
762 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Key: (1, 2, 3); Value: 2
Key: (4, 5, 6); Value: 1111
Open Addressing Methods for Collision Resolution
Now lets look over the methods for collision resolution, alternative to
chaining in a list. In general, the idea is, in case of collision we try to put the
new pair in a table position, which is free. These methods differentiate from
each other in the way they choose where to look for a free position for the
new pair. Moreover, the new pair must be easily located at its new place.
Main drawback of this group of methods, compared to chaining in a list, is
that they are inefficient at high rates of the load factor (close to 1).
Linear Probing
This is one of easiest methods for implementation. Linear probing, in
general, can be presented with the following sample code:
int newPosition = (oldPosition + i) % capacity;
Here capacity is the internal table capacity, oldPostion is the position
where collision occurs and i is a number for the next probing. If the new
position is free, then we place the new pair there. Otherwise we try again
(probing), incrementing i. Probing can be either forward or backwards.
Backward probing is when instead of adding, we are subtracting i from the
position we have collision for.
The advantage of this method is the relatively quick way to find of a new
position. Unfortunately, if there was a collision at a certain place, there is an
extremely high probability collision to occur again at the same place. So this,
in practice, leads to a high inefficiency.

Using linear probing as a method for collision resolution in
hash tables is inefficient and has to be avoided.
Quadratic Probing
Quadratic probing is a classic method for collision resolution. The main
difference between quadratic probing and linear probing is that it uses a
quadratic function of i (the number of the next probing) to find new position.
Possible quadratic probing function is shown below:
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 763
int newPosition = (oldPosition + c1*i + c2*i*i) % capacity;
The given example uses two constants: c1 and c2, such that c2 must not be
0, otherwise we are going back to linear probing.
By choosing c1 and c2 we define the position we are going to probe,
compared to the starting position. For instance, if c1 and c2 are equal to 1,
we are going to probe consequently oldPosition, oldPosition + 2,
oldPosition + 6, For a hash-table with capacity of the kind 2n, the best is
to choose c1 and c2 equal to 0.5.
Quadratic probing is more efficient than linear the linear probing.
Double Hashing
As the name implies, the double hashing method uses two different hash
functions. The main concept is that, the second hash function is used for the
elements that fall into a collision. This method is better than the linear and
quadratic probing, because all the next probing depends of the value of the
key and not of the table position inside the hash-table. It makes sense,
because the position of a given key depends on the current capacity of the
Cuckoo Hashing
Cuckoo hashing is a relatively new method for collision resolution, using an
open addressing. It was firstly presented by R. Pagh and F. Rodler in 2001. Its
name comes from the behavior, observed with some kinds of cuckoos. The
mother cuckoos push out the eggs and/or the nests out of other birds, in
order to put their own eggs there and the other birds mistakenly care for the
cuckoos' eggs in that way. (Also for the nests, after the incubation)
The main idea of this method is the use of two hash-functions instead of
one. In this way, we have not one, but two positions to place the
element inside the hash-table. If one of the positions is free, then we just
put the element there. If both are taken, then we put the new element in one
of them and it "kicks out" the element, which was already there. In turn, the
"kicked" element is going to his alternative position and "kicks" another
element out, if necessary. The new "kicked out" is repeating the procedure,
and in that way until reaching a free position or we fall into a loop. In the last
case, the whole hash table is built again with greater size and new hash-
On the figure bellow it is shown an example scheme of a hash-table using
cuckoo hashing. Every position, containing an element, has a link to the
alternative position for the key inside. Now, lets play out different situations
of adding an element.
If, at least one of the two hash functions result is a free cell, there is no
problem. We put the element in one of them. Let both hash functions result is
a taken cell and we randomly have been choosing one of them.
764 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Lets assume that this is the cell, containing element A. The new element
"kicks out" A from his place, A in turn goes to its alternative position and
"kicks out" B from his place. The alternative position of B is free, so the
adding is successfully completed.
Lets assume, that the cell, the new element is trying to "kick out" an
element, is the cell containing H. Then we have a loop, formed by H and W. In
this case, a rebuild must be done using greater size, and new hash-functions.
In its simplest version this method has a constant access to its elements,
even in the worst case, but this is valid with the constraint that the load factor
is less than 0.5.
The use of three different hash-functions instead of two could result in an
efficient upper limit of the load factor above 0.9.
Some researches show, the cuckoo hashing and its modifications could
be much more efficient than the widely spread today chaining in a list
and open addressing methods. Nevertheless, this method is still not well
adopted in the industry and not used internally in .NET Framework. The main
stopper is the need of two hash functions, which means that the class
System.Object should introduce two GetHashCode() methods.
The "Set" Data Structure
In this section we will look over the abstract data structure "set" and two
of its typical implementations. We will explain their advantages and disadvan-
tages and which of them should be preferred for different situations.
The Abstract Data Structure "Set"
Sets are collections of unique elements (without any repeating elements
inside). In the .NET context, it means, for every set object, calling its
Equals() method and passing another object from the set as an argument,
will always result in false. Note that two different objects in .NET may be
equal when compared by certain field and thus in the data structure "set" only
one of them could be put.
Some sets allow their elements to be null, while others do not allow.
Besides not allowing the repetition of objects, another important thing, that
distinguishes sets from lists and arrays, is that the set element has no
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 765
index. The elements of the set cannot be accessed by any key, as it is with
dictionaries. The elements themselves are the keys.
The only way to access an object from a set is by having available either the
object itself or another object, which is equal to it. That is why, in practice we
access all the elements of a given set at once, while iterating, by using the
foreach loop construct.
Set Implementations in .NET Framework
In .NET (version 4.0 and above) there is an interface ISet<T> representing
the ADT "set" and it has two standard implementation classes:
- HashSet<T> hash-table based implementation of set.
- SortedSet<T> red-black tree based implementation of set.
Lets review both of them and see their strong and weak sides.
The main operations, defined by the ISet<T> interface (abstract data
structure set), are the following:
- bool Add(element) adding the element to the set and returning
false if the element is already present inside the set, otherwise
returning true.
- bool Contains(element) checks if the set already contains the
element passed as an argument. If yes, returns true as a result,
otherwise returns false.
- bool Remove(element) removes the element from the set. Returns
Boolean if the element has been present inside the set.
- void Clear() removes all the elements from the set.
- void IntersectWith(Set other) inside the current set remain only
the elements of the intersection of both sets the result is a set,
containing the elements, which are present in both sets at the same
time the set, calling the method and the other, passed as parameter.
- void UnionWith(Set other) inside the current set remain only the
elements of the sets union the result is a set, containing the elements
of either one or the other, or both sets.
- bool IsSubsetOf(Set other) checks if the current set is a subset of
the other set. Returns true, if yes and false, if no.
- bool IsSupersetOf(Set other) checks if the other set is a subset
of the current one. Returns true, if yes and false, if no.
- int Count a property, which returns the current number of elements
inside the set.
766 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Implementation with Hash-Table HashSet<T>
As we already mentioned, the hash-table implementation of set in .NET is the
HashSet<T> class. This class, like Dictionary<K, V>, has constructors, by
which we might pass a list of elements, as well as an IEqualityComparer
implementation, mentioned earlier. They have the same semantics, because
here we use a hash-table again.
Here is an example, which demonstrates the use of sets and the already
described, operations: union and intersection:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class StudentListSetsExample
static void Main()
HashSet<string> aspNetStudents = new HashSet<string>();
aspNetStudents.Add("S. Jobs");
aspNetStudents.Add("B. Gates");
aspNetStudents.Add("M. Dell");

HashSet<string> silverlightStudents =
new HashSet<string>();
silverlightStudents.Add("M. Zuckerberg");
silverlightStudents.Add("M. Dell");

HashSet<string> allStudents = new HashSet<string>();

HashSet<string> intersectStudents =
new HashSet<string>(aspNetStudents);

Console.WriteLine("ASP.NET students: " +
string.Join(", ", aspNetStudents));
Console.WriteLine("Silverlight students: " +
string.Join(", ", silverlightStudents));
Console.WriteLine("All students: " +
string.Join(", ", allStudents));
"Students in both ASP.NET and Silverlight: " +
string.Join(", ", intersectStudents));
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 767
And the output from the above code is:
ASP.NET students: S. Jobs, B. Gates, M. Dell
Silverlight students: M. Zuckerberg, M. Dell
All students: S. Jobs, B. Gates, M. Dell, M. Zuckerberg
Students in both ASP.NET and Silverlight: M. Dell
Pay attention that "M. Dell" is present in both sets, but inside the union it is
present only once. That is, because, as we already explained, one element
might be present at most once in a given set.
Implementation with Red-Black Tree SortedSet<T>
The standard .NET class SortedSet<T> is a set, implemented by a balanced
search tree (red-black tree). Because of this, its elements are internally kept
in an increasing order. For that reason we can only add elements, which are
comparable. We remind that in .NET it typically means the objects are
instances of a class, implementing IComparable<T>. We would demonstrate
the use of the SortedSet<T> class by the following example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class SortedSetsExample
static void Main()
SortedSet<string> bandsBradLikes =
new SortedSet<string>(new[] {
"Manowar", "Blind Guardian", "Dio", "Kiss",
"Dream Theater", "Megadeth", "Judas Priest",
"Kreator", "Iron Maiden", "Accept"

SortedSet<string> bandsAngelinaLikes =
new SortedSet<string>(new[] {
"Iron Maiden", "Dio", "Accept", "Manowar", "Slayer",
"Megadeth", "Running Wild", "Grave Gigger", "Metallica"

Console.Write("Brad Pitt likes these bands: ");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", bandsBradLikes));

768 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Console.Write("Angelina Jolie likes these bands: ");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", bandsAngelinaLikes));

SortedSet<string> intersectBands =
new SortedSet<string>(bandsBradLikes);

"Does Brad Pitt like Angelina Jolie? {0}",
intersectBands.Count >= 5 ? "Yes!" : "No!"));

"Because Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie both like: ");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", intersectBands));

SortedSet<string> unionBands =
new SortedSet<string>(bandsBradLikes);

"All bands that Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie like: ");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", unionBands));
And the output of the program execution is:
Brad Pitt likes these bands: Accept, Blind Guardian, Dio, Dream
Theater, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, Kreator, Manowar,
Angelina Jolie likes these bands: Accept, Dio, Grave Gigger,
Iron Maiden, Manowar, Megadeth, Metallica, Running Wild, Slayer
Does Brad Pitt like Angelina Jolie? Yes!
Because Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie both like: Accept, Dio,
Iron Maiden, Manowar, Megadeth
All bands that Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie like: Accept, Blind
Guardian, Dio, Dream Theater, Grave Gigger, Iron Maiden, Judas
Priest, Kiss, Kreator, Manowar, Megadeth, Metallica, Running
Wild, Slayer
As we may note, the elements in all set are always ordered, in comparison
with HashSet<T>.
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 769
1. Write a program that counts, in a given array of integers, the number of
occurrences of each integer.
Example: array = {3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2}
2 2 times 3 4 times 4 3 times
2. Write a program to remove from a sequence all the integers, which
appear odd number of times. For instance, for the sequence {4, 2, 2,
5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6} the output would be {5, 3, 3, 5}.
3. Write a program that counts how many times each word from a given
text file words.txt appears in it. The result words should be ordered by
their number of occurrences in the text.
Example: "This is the TEXT. Text, text, text THIS TEXT! Is
this the text?"
Result: is 2, the 2, this 3, text 6.
4. Implement a DictHashSet<T> class, based on HashDictionary<K, V>
class, we discussed in the text above.
5. Implement a hash-table, maintaining triples (key1, key2, value) and
allowing quick search by the pair of keys and adding of triples.
6. Implement a hash-table, allowing the maintenance of more than one
value for a specific key.
7. Implement a hash-table, using "cuckoo hashing" with 3 hash-
8. Implement the data structure hash-table in a class HashTable<K,T>.
Keep the data in an array of key-value pairs (KeyValuePair<K,T>[])
with initial capacity of 16. Resole the collisions with quadratic probing.
When the hash table load runs over 75%, perform resizing to 2 times
larger capacity. Implement the following methods and properties:
Add(key, value), Find(key) value, Remove(key), Count, Clear(),
this[] and Keys. Try to make the hash-table to support iterating over its
elements with foreach.
9. Implement the data structure "Set" in a class HashedSet<T>, using your
class HashTable<K, T> to hold the elements. Implement all standard set
operations like Add(T), Find(T), Remove(T), Count, Clear(), union
and intersect.
10. We are given three sequences of numbers, defined by the formulas:
- f1(0) = 1; f1(k) = 2*f1(k-1) + 3; f1 = {1, 5, 13, 29, }
- f2(0) = 2; f2(k) = 3*f2(k-1) + 1; f2 = {2, 7, 22, 67, }
- f3(0) = 2; f3(k) = 2*f3(k-1) - 1; f3 = {2, 3, 5, 9, }
770 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Write a program to find the intersection and union of sets of
sequences elements within the range [0; 100000]: f
* f
; f
* f
; f
; f
* f
* f
; f
+ f
; f
+ f
; f
+ f
; f
+ f
+ f
. Here + and * mean
respectively union and intersection of sets.
11. * Define TreeMultiSet<T> class, which allows to keep a set of
elements, in increasing order and to have duplicates of the elements.
Implement operations adding of element, finding the number of
occurrences, deletion, iterator, min / max element finding, min / max
deletion. Implement the possibility to pass an external Comparer<T> for
elements comparison.
12. * We are given a list of arriving and departing schedule at a bus
station. Write a program, using the HashSet<T> class, which by given
interval (start, end) returns the number of buses, which have arrived
and departed during that time. Example:
We have the data of the following buses: [08:24-08:33], [08:20-09:00],
[08:32-08:37], [09:00-09:15]. We are given the range [08:22-09:05].
The number of buses, arriving and departing during that time is 2.
13. * We are given a sequence P containing L integers L (1 < L < 50,000)
and a number N. We call a lucky sub-sequence within P every sub-
sequence of integers from P with a sum equal to N.
Imagine we have a sequence S, holding all the lucky sub-sequences of P,
kept in decreasing order by their length. When the length is the same,
the sequences are ordered in decreasing order by their elements:
from the leftmost to the rightmost. Write a program to return the first 10
elements of S.
Example: We are given N = 5 and the sequence P = {1, 1, 2, 1, -1, 2, 3,
-1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, -1, 2, 3}. The sequence S consists of the following 13
sub-sequences of P:
- [1, -1, 2, 3, -1, 1]
- [1, 2, 1, -1, 2]
- [3, -1, 1, 2]
- [2, 3, -1, 1]
- [1, 1, 2, 1]
- [1, -1, 2, 3]
- [1, -1, 2, 3]
- [-1, 1, 2, 3]
- [5, 1, -1]
- [2, 3]
- [2, 3]
- [2, 3]
- [5]
Chapter 18. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets 771
The last 10 elements of P are given in bold.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use Dictionary<TKey, TValue> counts and though a single scan
through the input numbers count the occurrences of each one. When you
pass through a number p, if it is missing in the dictionary counts[p] = 1.
If the number is already stored in the dictionary, increase its count:
counts[p] = counts[p] + 1. Finally scan through the element of the
dictionary (with foreach-loop) and print its key-value pairs.
2. Use Dictionary<K, T> to count how many times each element occurs
(like in the previous problem) and List<T> where you can add all
elements occurring even number of times.
3. Use Dictionary<string, int> with word as a key and number of
occurrences as a value. After counting all the words, sort the
dictionary by value using something like this:
var sorted = dictionary.OrderBy(p => p.Value);
To use the OrderBy(<keySelector>) extension method you need to
include the System.Linq namespace.
4. Use the element of the set as key and value at the same time.
5. Use hash-table of hash-tables: Dictionary<key, Dictionary<key,
value>>. Think about how to add and search elements in this structure.
6. Use Dictionary<K, List<V>>.
7. You can use GetHashCode() % size as the first hash-function,
(GetHashCode() * 83 + 7) % size as the second, (GetHashCode () *
GetHashCode() + 19) % size) as the third.
8. Follow the example from the section "Implementation of a
Dictionary with Hash-Table and Chaining". Read about quadratic
probing in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_probing. In
order to expand the hash table (double its size), you can allocate an
array with double size, transfer all the elements from the old one to the
new one and at the end redirect the reference from the old array to the
new one. To have foreach on your collection, implement the interface
IEnumerable and inside your GetEnumerator() method you must return
GetEnumerator() to the array of lists. You can use yield operator.
9. One way to solve the task is to use as key for the hash-table the element
of the set and as a value always true. The union and intersection will
be done by looping all the elements of the first set and checking if there is
(respectively there is not) element of the second one.
772 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
10. Find all the members of the three sequences inside the given range and
using HashSet<int> implement union and intersection of sets after that.
At the end do the calculations requested.
11. TreeMultiSet<T> class you can implement by using the .NET system
class SortedDictionary<K, List<T>>. It is not so easy, so take enough
time to write the code and test it.
12. The obvious solution is to check for all the buses whether they arrive or
depart in the given range. But according to the task terms we have to use
HashSet<T>. Lets think how.
With a linear scan (a for-loop) we can find all buses arriving after the
beginning of the range and find all buses departing before the end of
the range. These are two separate sets, right? The intersection of these
sets should give us the set of buses we need.
If TimeInterval is a class, keeping the schedule of a bus (arriveHour,
arriveMinute, departureHour, departureMinute), the intersection
could be efficiently found by HashSet<TimeInterval> with correctly
defined GetHashCode() and Equals().
Another, efficient solution is to use SortedSet<T> and its method
GetViewBetween(<start>, <end>), but this contradicts to the problem
description (recall that we are assigned to use HashSet<T>).
13. The first idea for a solution is simple: Using two nested loops we find
all lucky sub-sequences of the sequence P. After that we sort them by
their length (and by their elements as second criteria) and at the end we
print the first 10. However, this algorithm will not work well if we have
millions of sub-sequences. It may cause out of memory.
We would describe an idea for a much efficient solution: we will first
define a class Sequence<T> to hold a sequence of elements. We will
implement IComparable<Sequence<T>> to compare sequences by length
in decreasing order (and by elements in decreasing order when the length
is the same).
Later we will use our TreeMultiSet<T> class. Inside we will keep the
first 10 sub-sequences of S, i.e. multi-set of the lucky sub-sequences
of P, kept in decreasing order by length (and in decreasing order of their
content when the length is the same). When we have 10 sub-sequences
inside the multi-set and we add 11
sequence, it would take its correct
place in the order, because of the IComparable<Sequence<T>> defined.
After that we can delete the 11
subsequence, because it is not amongst
the first 10. In that way we would always keep the first 10 elements,
discarding the others in any given moment, consuming much less
memory and with no need of sorting at the end. The implementation is
not so easy, so spare enough time for it.
Chapter 19. Data Structures
and Algorithm Complexity
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will compare the data structures we have learned so far
by the performance (execution speed) of the basic operations (addition,
search, deletion, etc.). We will give specific tips in what situations what data
structures to use. We will explain how to choose between data structures
like hash-tables, arrays, dynamic arrays and sets implemented by hash-tables
or balanced trees. Almost all of these structures are implemented as part of
NET Framework, so to be able to write efficient and reliable code we have
to learn to apply the most appropriate structures for each situation.
Why Are Data Structures So Important?
You may wonder why we pay so much attention to data structures and
why we review them in such a great details. The reason is we aim to make
out of you thinking software engineers. Without knowing the basic data
structures and computer algorithms in programming well, you cannot be good
developers and risk to stay an amateur. Whoever knows data structures
and algorithms well and starts thinking about their correct use has big
chance to become a professional one that analyzes the problems in depth
and proposes efficient solutions.
There are hundreds of books written on this subject. In the four volumes,
named "The Art of Computer Programming", Donald Knuth explains
data structures and algorithms in more than 2500 pages. Another author,
Niklaus Wirth, has named his book after the answer to the question "why
are data structures so important", which is "Algorithms + Data Structures
= Programs". The main theme of the book is again the fundamental
algorithms and data structures in programming.

Data structures and algorithms are the fundamentals of
programming. In order to become a good developer it is
essential to master the basic data structures and algorithms
and learn to apply them in the right way.
To a large degree our book is focused on learning data structures and
algorithms along with the programming concepts, language syntax and
problem solving. We also try to illustrate them in the context of modern
software engineering with C# and .NET Framework.
774 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Algorithm Complexity
We cannot talk about efficiency of algorithms and data structures
without explaining the term "algorithm complexity", which we have already
mentioned several times in one form or another. We will avoid the
mathematical definitions and we are going to give a simple explanation of
what the term means.
Algorithm complexity is a measure which evaluates the order of the count
of operations, performed by a given or algorithm as a function of the size of
the input data. To put this simpler, complexity is a rough approximation of
the number of steps necessary to execute an algorithm. When we evaluate
complexity we speak of order of operation count, not of their exact count. For
example if we have an order of N
operations to process N elements, then
/2 and 3*N
are of one and the same quadratic order.
Algorithm complexity is commonly represented with the O(f) notation, also
known as asymptotic notation or Big O notation, where f is the function
of the size of the input data. The asymptotic computational complexity O(f)
measures the order of the consumed resources (CPU time, memory, etc.) by
certain algorithm expressed as function of the input data size.
Complexity can be constant, logarithmic, linear, n*log(n), quadratic,
cubic, exponential, etc. This is respectively the order of constant,
logarithmic, linear and so on, number of steps, are executed to solve a given
problem. For simplicity, sometime instead of algorithms complexity or
just complexity we use the term running time.

Algorithm complexity is a rough approximation of the
number of steps, which will be executed depending on the
size of the input data. Complexity gives the order of steps
count, not their exact count.
Typical Algorithm Complexities
This table will explain what every type of complexity (running time) means:
Complexity Running Time Description
constant O(1)
It takes a constant number of steps for
performing a given operation (for example
1, 5, 10 or other number) and this count
does not depend on the size of the input
logarithmic O(log(N))
It takes the order of log(N) steps, where
the base of the logarithm is most often 2,
for performing a given operation on N
elements. For example, if N = 1,000,000,
an algorithm with a complexity O(log(N))
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 775
would do about 20 steps (with a constant
precision). Since the base of the logarithm
is not of a vital importance for the order of
the operation count, it is usually omitted.
linear O(N)
It takes nearly the same amount of
steps as the number of elements for
performing an operation on N elements.
For example, if we have 1,000 elements, it
takes about 1,000 steps. Linear
complexity means that the number of
elements and the number of steps are
linearly dependent, for example the
number of steps for N elements can be
N/2 or 3*N.
It takes N*log(N) steps for performing a
given operation on N elements. For
example, if you have 1,000 elements, it
will take about 10,000 steps.
quadratic O(n
It takes the order of N
number of steps,
where the N is the size of the input data,
for performing a given operation. For
example if N = 100, it takes about 10,000
steps. Actually we have a quadratic
complexity when the number of steps is in
quadratic relation with the size of the
input data. For example for N elements
the steps can be of the order of 3*N
cubic O(n
It takes the order of N
steps, where N is
the size of the input data, for performing
an operation on N elements. For example,
if we have 100 elements, it takes about
1,000,000 steps.
), O(N!),
It takes a number of steps, which is with
an exponential dependability with the
size of the input data, to perform an
operation on N elements. For example, if
N = 10, the exponential function 2
has a
value of 1024, if N = 20, it has a value of
1 048 576, and if N = 100, it has a value
of a number with about 30 digits. The
exponential function N! grows even faster:
for N = 5 it has a value of 120, for N = 10
it has a value of 3,628,800 and for N = 20
776 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
When evaluating complexity, constants are not taken into account,
because they do not significantly affect the count of operations. Therefore an
algorithm which does N steps and algorithms which do N/2 or 3*N
respectively are considered linear and approximately equally efficient,
because they perform a number of operations which is of the same order.
Complexity and Execution Time
The execution speed of a program depends on the complexity of the
algorithm, which is executed. If this complexity is low, the program will
execute fast even for a big number of elements. If the complexity is high, the
program will execute slowly or will not even work (it will hang) for a big
number of elements.
If we take an average computer from 2008, we can assume that it can
perform about 50,000,000 elementary operations per second. This
number is a rough approximation, of course. The different processors work
with a different speed and the different elementary operations are performed
with a different speed, and also the computer technology constantly evolves.
Still, if we accept we use an average home computer from 2008, we can make
the following conclusions about the speed of execution of a given program
depending on the algorithm complexity and size of the input data.
Algorithm 10 20 50 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 sec. < 1 sec.
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 sec. < 1 sec.
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 sec. < 1 sec.
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 sec. < 1 sec.
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
2 sec. 3-4 min.
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
hangs hangs hangs hangs
< 1
hangs hangs hangs hangs hangs hangs
hangs hangs hangs hangs hangs hangs
We can draw many conclusions from the above table:
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 777
- Algorithms with a constant, logarithmic or linear complexity are so
fast that we cannot feel any delay, even with a relatively big size of the
input data.
- Complexity O(n*log(n)) is similar to the linear and works nearly as
fast as linear, so it will be very difficult to feel any delay.
- Quadratic algorithms work very well up to several thousand elements.
- Cubic algorithms work well if the elements are not more than 1,000.
- Generally these so called polynomial algorithms (any, which are not
exponential) are considered to be fast and working well for thousands of
- Generally the exponential algorithms do not work well and we
should avoid them (when possible). If we have an exponential solution
to a task, maybe we actually do not have a solution, because it will work
only if the number of the elements is below 10-20. Modern cryptography
is based exactly on this there are not any fast (non-exponential)
algorithms for finding the secret keys used for data encryption.

If you solve a given problem with an exponential complexity
this means that you have solved it for a small amount of
input data and generally your solution does not work.
The data in the table is just for orientation, of course. Sometimes a linear
algorithm could work slower than a quadratic one or a cubic algorithm
could work faster than O(n*log(n)). The reasons for this could be many:
- It is possible the constants in an algorithm with a low complexity to be
big and this could eventually make the algorithm slow. For example, if
we have an algorithm, which makes 50*n steps and another one,
which makes 1/100*n*n steps, for elements up to 5000 the quadratic
algorithm will be faster than the linear.
- Since the complexity evaluation is made in the worst case scenario, it
is possible a quadratic algorithm to work better than O(n*log(n)) in 99%
of the cases. We can give an example with the algorithm QuickSort
(the standard sorting algorithm in .NET Framework), which in the
average case works a bit better than MergeSort, but in the worst case
QuickSort can make the order of n
steps, while MergeSort does
always O(n*log(n)) steps.
- It is possible an algorithm, which is evaluated to execute with a linear
complexity, to not work so fast, because of an inaccurate complexity
evaluation. For example if we search for a given word in an array of
words, the complexity is linear, but at every step string comparison
is performed, which is not an elementary operation and can take much
more time than performing simple elementary operation (for example
comparison of two integers).
778 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Complexity by Several Variables
Complexity can depend on several input variables at once. For example, if we
look for an element in a rectangular matrix with sizes M and N, the
searching speed depends on M and N. Since in the worst case we have to
traverse the entire matrix, we will do M*N number of steps at most. Therefore
the complexity is O(M*N).
Best, Worst and Average Case
Complexity of algorithms is usually evaluated in the worst case (most
unfavorable scenario). This means in the average case they can work faster,
but in the worst case they work with the evaluated complexity and not slower.
Lets take an example: searching in array. To find the searched key in the
worst case, we have to check all the elements in the array. In the best case
we will have luck and we will find the element at first position. In the average
case we can expect to check half the elements in the array until we find the
one we are looking for. Hence in the worst case the complexity is O(N)
linear. In the average case the complexity is O(N/2) = O(N) linear, because
when evaluating complexity one does not take into account the constants. In
the best case we have a constant complexity O(1), because we make only one
step and directly find the element.
Roughly Estimated Complexity
Sometimes it is hard to evaluate the exact complexity of a given
algorithm, because it performs operations and it is not known exactly how
much time they will take and how many operations will be done internally.
Lets take the example of searching a given word in an array of strings
(texts). The task is easy: we have to traverse the array and search in every
text with Substring() or with a regular expression for the given word. We
can ask ourselves the question: if we had 10,000 texts, would this work fast?
What if the texts were 100,000? If we carefully think about it, we will
implement that in order to evaluate adequately, we have to know how big
are the texts, because there is a difference between searching in peoples
names (which are up to 50-100 characters) and searching in scientific articles
(which are roughly composed by 20,000 30,000 characters). However, we
can evaluate the complexity using the length of the texts, through which we
are searching: it is at least O(L), where L is the sum of the lengths of all
texts. This is a pretty rough evaluation, but it is much more accurate than
complexity O(N), where N is the number of the texts, right? We should think
whether we take into account all situations, which could occur. Does it matter
how long the searched word is? Probably searching of long words is slower
than searching of short words. In fact things are slightly different. If we
search for "aaaaaaa" in the text "aaaaaabaaaaacaaaaaabaaaaacaaaaab", this
will be slower than if we search for "xxx" in the same text, because in the first
case we will get more sequential matches than in the second case. Therefore,
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 779
in some special situations, searching seriously depends on the length of the
word we search and the complexity O(L) could be underestimated.
Complexity by Memory
Besides the number of steps using a function of the input data, one can
measure other resources, which an algorithm uses, for example memory,
count of disk operations, etc. For some algorithms the execution speed is not
as important as the memory they use. For example if a given algorithm is
linear but it uses RAM in the order of N
, it will be probably shortage of
memory if N = 100,000 (then it will need memory in order of 9 GB RAM),
despite the fact that it should work very fast.
Estimating Complexity Examples
We are going to give several examples, which show how you can estimate
the complexity of your algorithms, and decide whether the code written by
you will work fast:
If we have a single loop from 1 to N, its complexity is linear O(N):
int FindMaxElement(int[] array)
int max = int.MinValue;
for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
if (array[i] > max)
max = array[i];
return max;
This code will work well even if the number of elements is huge.
If we have two of nested loops from 1 to N, their complexity is quadratic
). Example:
int FindInversions(int[] array)
int inversions = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < array.Length; j++)
if (array[i] > array[j])
780 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
return inversions;
If the elements are no more than several thousand or tens of thousands, this
code will work well.
If we have tree nested loops from 1 to N, their complexity is cubic
). Example:
long Sum3(int n)
long sum = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < n; a++)
for (int b = 1; b < n; b++)
for (int c = 1; c < n; c++)
sum += a * b * c;
return sum;
This code will work well if the number of elements is below 1,000.
If we have two nested loops from 1 to N and from 1 to M respectively,
their complexity will be quadratic O(N*M). Example:
long SumMN(int n, int m)
long sum = 0;
for (int x = 1; x <= n; x++)
for (int y = 1; y <= m; y++)
sum += x * y;
return sum;
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 781
The speed of this code depends on two variables. The code will work well if
M, N < 10,000 or if at least the one variable has a value small enough.
We should pay attention to the fact that not always tree nested loops mean
cubic complexity. Here is an example in which the complexity is O(N*M):
long SumMN(int n, int m)
long sum = 0;
for (int x = 1; x <= n; x++)
for (int y = 1; y <= m; y++)
if (x == y)
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
sum += i * x * y;
return sum;
In this example the most inner loop executes exactly min(M, N) times and
does not significantly affect the algorithm speed. The outer code executes
approximately N*M + min(M,N)*N steps, i.e. its complexity is quadratic.
When using a recursion, the complexity is more difficult to be
estimated. Here is an example:
long Factorial(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
return n * Factorial(n - 1);
In this example the complexity is obviously linear O(N), because the
function Factorial() executes exactly once for each of the numbers 1 n.
782 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Here is a recursive function for which it is very difficult to estimate the
long Fibonacci(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
else if (n == 1)
return 1;
return Fibonacci(n - 1) + Fibonacci(n - 2);
If we write down what really happens when the upper code executes, we will
see that the function calls itself as many times as the Fibonaccis n+1 number
is. We can roughly evaluate the complexity by another way too: since on
every step of the function execution 2 recursive calls are done in average, the
count of the recursive calls must be in order of 2
, i.e. we have an
exponential complexity. This automatically means that for values greater
than 20-30 the function will "hang". You may check this yourself.
The same function for calculating the n
number of Fibonacci can be
written with a linear complexity in the following way:
long Fibonacci(int n)
long fn = 1;
long fn1 = 1;
long fn2 = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)
fn = fn1 + fn2;
fn2 = fn1;
fn1 = fn;
return fn;
You see that the complexity estimation helps us to predict whether a given
code will work slowly before we have run it and it implies we should look
for a more efficient solution.
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 783
Comparison between Basic Data Structures
After you have been introduced to the term algorithm complexity, we are now
ready to make a comparison between the basic data structures, which
we know from the last few chapters, and to estimate with what complexity
each of them performs the basic operations like addition, searching,
deletion and access by index (when applicable). In that way we could
easily judge according to the operations we expect to need, which structure
would be the most appropriate. The complexities of the basic operations
on the basic data structures, which we have reviewed in the previous
chapters, are given in the table below:
Data structure Addition Search Deletion
by index
Array (T[]) O(N) O(N) O(N) O(1)
Linked list (LinkedList<T>) O(1) O(N) O(N) O(N)
Dynamic array (List<T>) O(1) O(N) O(N) O(1)
Stack (Stack<T>) O(1) - O(1) -
Queue (Queue<T>) O(1) - O(1) -
Dictionary, implemented
with a hash-table
(Dictionary<K, T>)
O(1) O(1) O(1) -
Dictionary, implemented
with a balanced search tree
(SortedDictionary<K, T>)
O(log(N)) O(log(N)) O(log(N)) -
Set, implemented with a
hash-table (HashSet<T>)
O(1) O(1) O(1) -
set, implemented with a
balanced search tree
O(log(N)) O(log(N)) O(log(N)) -
We let the reader to think about how these complexities were estimated.
When to Use a Particular Data Structure?
Lets skim through all the structures in the table above and explain in what
situations we should use them as well as how their complexities are
Array (T[])
The arrays are collections of fixed number of elements from a given type
(for example numbers) where the elements preserved their order. Each
784 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
element can be accessed through its index. The arrays are memory areas,
which have a predefined size.
Adding a new element in an array is a slow operation. To do this we have
to allocate a memory with the same size plus one and copy all the data from
the original array to the new one.
Searching in an array takes time because we have to compare every
element to the searched value. It takes N/2 comparisons in the average case.
Removing an element from an array is a slow operation. We have to
allocate a memory with the same size minus one and copy all the old
elements except the removed one.
Accessing by index is direct, and thus, a fast operation.
The arrays should be used only when we have to process a fixed number of
elements to which we need a quick access by index. For example, if we
have to sort some numbers, we can keep them in an array and then apply
some of the well-known sorting algorithms. If we have to change the
elements' count, the array is not the correct data structure we should use.

Use arrays when you have to process a fixed number of
elements to which you need an access through index.
Singly / Doubly Linked List (LinkedList<T>)
Singly and doubly linked lists hold collection of elements, which preserve
their order. Their representation in the memory is dynamic, pointer-based.
They are linked sequences of element.
Adding is a fast operation but it is a bit slower than adding to a List<T>
because every time when we add an element to a linked list we allocate a new
memory area. The memory allocation works at speed, which cannot be easily
Searching in a linked list is a slow operation because we have to traverse
through all of its elements.
Accessing an element by index is a slow operation because there is no
indexing in singly and doubly linked lists. You have to go through all the
elements from the start one by one instead.
Removing an element at a specified index is a slow operation because
reaching the element through its index is a slow operation. Removing an
element with a specified value is a slow operation too, because it involves
Linked list can quickly add and remove elements (with a constant
complexity) at its two ends (head and tail). Hence, it is very handy for an
implementation of stacks, queues and similar data structures.
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 785
Linked lists are rarely used in practice because the dynamic arrays
(List<T>) can do almost exact same operations LinkedList does, plus for
the most of them it works faster and more comfortable.
When you need a linked list, use List<T> instead of LinkedList<T>, because
it doesnt work slower and it gives you better speed and flexibility. Use
LinkedList when you have to add and remove elements at both ends of
the data structure.

When you need to add and remove elements at both ends of
the list, use LinkedList<T>. Otherwise use List<T>.
Dynamic Array (List<T>)
Dynamic array (List<T>) is one of the most popular data structures used
in programming. It does not have fixed size like arrays, and allows direct
access through index, unlike linked lists (LinkedList<T>). The dynamic array
is also known as "array list", "resizable array" and "dynamic array".
List<T> holds its elements in an array, which has a bigger size than the
count of the stored elements. Usually when we add an element, there is an
empty cell in the lists inner array. Therefore this operation takes a constant
time. Occasionally the array has been filled and it has to expand. This takes
linear time, but it rarely happens. If we have a large amount of additions, the
average-case complexity of adding an element to List<T> will a constant
O(1). If we sum the steps needed for adding 100,000 elements (for both
cases "fast add" and "add with expand") and divide by 100,000, we will
obtain a constant which will be nearly the same like for adding 1,000,000
This statistically-averaged complexity calculated for large enough amount of
operations is called amortized complexity. Amortized linear complexity
means that if we add 10,000 elements consecutively, the overall count of
steps will be of the order of 10,000. In most cases add it will execute in a
constant time, while very rarely adding will execute in linear time.
Searching in List<T> is a slow operation because you have to traverse
through all the elements.
Removing by index or value executes in a linear time. It is a slow
operation because we have to move all the elements after the deleted one
with one position to the left.
The indexed access in List<T> is instant, in a constant time, since the
elements are internally stored in an array.
Practically List<T> combines the best of arrays and lists, for which it is a
preferred data structure in many situations. For example if we have to
process a text file and to extract from it all words (with duplicates), which
786 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
match a regular expression, the most suitable data structure in which we can
accumulate them is List<T>, because we need a list, the length of which is
unknown in advance and can grow dynamically.
The dynamic array (List<T>) is appropriate, when we have to add elements
frequently as well as keeping their order of addition and access them through
index. If we often we have to search or delete elements, List<T> is not the
right data structure.

Use List<T>, when you have to add elements quickly and
access them through index.
Stack is a linear data structure in which there are 3 operations defined:
adding an element at the top of the stack (push), removing an element from
the top of the stack (pop) and inspect the element from the top without
removing it (peek). All these operations are very fast it takes a constant
time to execute them. The stack does not support the operations search and
access through index.
The stack is a data structure, which has a LIFO behavior (last in, first out).
It is used when we have to model such a behavior for example, if we have
to keep the path to the current position in a recursive search.

Use a stack when you have to implement the behavior "last
in, first out" (LIFO).
Queue is a linear data structure in which there are two operations defined:
adding an element to the tail (enqueue) and extract the front-positioned
element from the head (dequeue). These two operations take a constant
time to execute, because the queue is usually implemented with a linked list.
We remind that the linked list can quickly add and remove elements from its
both ends.
The queues behavior is FIFO (first in, first out). The operations searching
and accessing through index are not supported. Queue can naturally model a
list of waiting people, tasks or other objects, which have to be processed in
the same order as they were added (enqueued).
As an example of using a queue we can point out the implementation of the
BFS (breadth-first search) algorithm, in which we start from an initial
element and all its neighbors are added to a queue. After that they are
processed in the order they were added and their neighbors are added to the
queue too. This operation is repeated until we reach the element we are
looking for or we process all elements.
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 787

Use a queue when you have to implement the behavior "first
in, first out" (FIFO).
Dictionary, Implemented with a Hash-Table
(Dictionary<K, T>)
The data structure "dictionary" suggests storing key-value pairs and
provides a quick search by key. The implementation with a hash table (the
class Dictionary<K,T> in .NET Framework) has a very fast add, search
and remove of elements constant complexity at the average case. The
operation access through index is not available, because the elements in the
hash-table have no order, i.e. an almost random order.
Dictionary<K,T> keeps internally the elements in an array and puts every
element at the position calculated by the hash-function. Thus the array is
partially filled in some cells there is a value, others are empty. If more than
one element should be placed in a single cell, elements are stored in a linked
list. It is called chaining. This is one of the few ways to resolve the collision
problem. When the load factor exceeds 75%, the size is doubled and all the
elements occupy new positions. This operation has a linear complexity, but it
is executed so rarely, that the amortized complexity remains a constant.
Hash-table has one peculiarity: if we choose a bad hash-function causing
many collisions, the basic operations can become very inefficient and reach
linear complexity. In practice, however, this hardly happens. Hash-table is
considered to be the fastest data structure, which provides adding and
searching by key.
Hash-table in .NET Framework permits each key to be put only once. If we
add two elements with the same key consecutively, the last will replace the
first and we will eventually lose an element. This important feature should be
From time to time one key will have to keep multiple values. This is not
standardly supported but we can store the values matching this key in a
List<T> as a sequence of elements. For example if we need a hash-table
Dictionary<int, string>, in which to accumulate pairs {integer, string}
with duplicates, we can use Dictionary<int, List<string>>. Some external
libraries have ready to use data structure called MultiDictionary<K,V>.
Hash-table is recommended to be used every time we need fast addition
and fast search by key. For example if we have to count how many times
each word is encountered in a set of words in a text file, we can use
Dictionary<string, int> the key will be a particular word, the value
how many times we have seen it.

Use a hash-table, when you want to add and search by key
very fast.
788 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
A lot of programmers (mostly beginners) live with the delusion the main
advantage of using a hash-table is the comfort of searching a value by its
key. Actually this is wrong. We can implement searching a key with an array,
a list or even a stack. There is no problem, everyone can build it. We can
define a class Entry, which holds a key-value pair and after that we will work
with an array or a list with Entry elements. We can implement the search but
by any circumstances it will work slowly. This is the big problem with lists and
arrays they do not offer a fast search. Unlike them the hash-table can
search and add new elements very fast.

The main advantage of the hash-table over the other data
structures is a very quick searching and addition. The
comfort for the developers is a secondary factor.
Dictionary, Implemented with a Balanced Tree
The implementation of the data structure "dictionary" as a red-black tree
(the class SortedDictionary<K,T>) is a structure storing key-value pairs
where keys are ordered increasingly (sorted). The structure provides a fast
execution of basic operations (add an element, search by key and remove an
element). The complexity of these operations is logarithmic O(log(N)).
Thus, it will take 10 steps for add / search / remove when the dictionary holds
1,000 elements and 20 steps in case of 1,000,000 elements.
Unlike hash-tables, where we can reach linear complexity if we pick a bad
hash-function, in SortedDictionary<K,T> the count of the steps of the basic
operations in the average and worst case are the same log
(N). When we
work with balanced trees, there is no hashing, no collisions and no risk of
using a bad hash-function.
Again, as in the hash-tables, one key can be stored at most once in the
structure. If we want to associate several values with one key, we should use
some kind of a list for the values, for example List<T>.
SortedDictionary<K,T> holds internally its values in a red-black balanced
tree ordered by key. This means if we traverse the structure (using its
iterator or foreach loop in C#) we will get the elements sorted in ascending
order by key. Sometimes this can be very useful property.
Use SortedDictionary<K,T> when you need a structure which can add,
search and remove an element fast and you also need to extract the elements
sorted in ascending order. In general Dictionary<K,T> works a bit faster
than SortedDictionary<K,T> and is preferable.
As an example of using a SortedDictionary<K,T>, we can give the following
task: find all the words in a text file, which occur exactly 10 times, and
print them alphabetically. This is a task that we can solve as successful
with Dictionary<K,T> too, but we will have to do an additional sorting at the
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 789
end. For the solution of this task we can use SortedDictionary<string,
int> and to traverse through all the words in the text file. For each word we
will keep in the sorted dictionary how many times we have encountered it.
After that we can go through all the elements in the dictionary and print those
words, which have been encountered exactly 10 times. They will be
alphabetically ordered, since this is the natural internal order of the sorted
dictionary data structure.

Use SortedDictionary<K,T> when you want fast addition of
elements and searching by key as well as the elements to be
sorted by key.
Set, Implemented with a Hash-Table (HashSet<T>)
The data structure "set" is a collection of elements with no duplicates.
The basic operations are adding an element to the set, checking if an element
belongs to the set (searching) and removing an element from the set. The
operation searching through index is not supported, i.e. we do not have a
direct access to the elements via ordering number, because in this structure
there is not any order.
Set, implemented with a hash-table (the class HashSet<T>) is a special case
of a hash-table, in which we have only keys. The values associated with these
keys do not matter.
As in the hash-table, the basic operations in the data structure HashSet<T>
are implemented with a constant complexity O(1). Another similarity to
hash-table is if we choose a bad hash-function, we can reach a linear
complexity executing the basic operations. Fortunately in practice this almost
never happens.
As an example of using a HashSet<T>, we can point out the task of finding all
the different words in a text file.

Use HashSet<T>, when you have to quickly add elements to a
set and check whether a given element belongs to a set.
Set, Implemented with a Balanced Tree
The data structure set, implemented with a red-black tree, is a special case of
SortedDictionary<K,T> in which keys and values coincide.
Similar to SortedDictionary<K,T>, the basic operations in SortedSet<T> are
executed with logarithmic complexity O(log(N)), which is the same in the
average and worst case.
790 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
As an example of using a SortedSet<T> we can point out the task of finding
all the different words in a given text file and printing them alphabetically

Use SortedSet<T>, when you have to quickly add an element
to a set and check whether given element belongs to the set
as well as need all the elements sorted in ascending order.
Choosing a Data Structure Examples
We are going to show several problems, where the choice of an appropriate
data structure is crucial to the efficiency of their solution. The purpose of this
is to show you typical situations, in which the reviewed data structures are
used and to teach you in what scenarios what data structures you should use.
Generating Subsets
It is given a set of strings S. For example S = {ocean, beer, money,
happiness}. The task is to write a program, which prints all subsets of S.
The problem has many and different solutions, but we are going to focus on
the following one: We start from the empty set (with 0 elements):
We add to it every element of S and we get a collection of subsets with one
{ocean}, {beer}, {money}, {happiness}
To each of the one-elemental subsets we add every element from S, which
has not been added yet to the corresponding subset and now we have all two-
elemental subsets:
{ocean, beer}, {ocean, money}, {ocen, happiness}, {beer, money},
{beer, happiness}, {money, happiness}
If we keep on the same way, we will get all 3-elemental subsets and after
that all 4-elemental etc. to the N-elemental subsets.
How to implement this algorithm? We have to choose appropriate data
structures, right?
We can start with the data structure keeping the initial set of elements S. It
can be an array, linked list, dynamic array (List<string>) or set, imple-
mented as SortedSet<string> or HashSet<string>. To answer the question
which structure is the most appropriate, lets think of which are the operations
we are going to do on this structure. We can think of only one operation
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 791
traversing through all the elements of S. This operation can be implemented
efficiently with any of these structures. We choose an array because it is the
simplest data structure of all and it is easy to work with.
The next step is to pick a structure in which we will store one of the
subsets we generate, for example {ocean, happiness}. Again we ask
ourselves the question what are the operations we execute on this subset of
words. The operations are a check whether an element exists and an addition
of an element, right? Which data structure quickly implements both opera-
tions? The arrays and lists do not search quickly, dictionaries store key-value
pairs, which is not our case. Almost no options are left, so we are going to see
what the data structure set offers. It supports a quick searching and addition.
Which implementation to choose SortedSet<string> or HashSet<string>?
We do not have a requirement to sort the words in alphabetical order, so we
choose the faster implementation HashSet<string>.
Lastly, we will choose one more data structure in which we are going to keep
the collection of the subsets of words, for example:
{ocean, beer}, {sea, money}, {sea, happiness}, {beer, money},
{beer, happiness}, {money, happiness}
Using this structure we have to be able to add as well as traverse through all
its elements consecutively. The following structures meet the requirements:
list, stack, queue and set. In each of them we can add quickly and go
through its elements. If we examine the algorithm for generating subsets, we
will notice each is processed in style: "first generated, first processed".
The subset, which had been firstly generated, has been firstly processed and
subsets with one more element have been generated from it, right? Therefore
our algorithm will most accurately fit the data structure queue. We can
describe the algorithm as follows:
1. We start with a queue, containing the empty set {}.
2. We dequeue an element called subset and try to add each element from
S which subset does not contain. The result is a set, which we enqueue.
3. We repeat step 2 until the queue becomes empty.
You can see how a few thoughts brought us to the classical algorithm
"breadth-first search" (BFS). Once we know what data structures we
should use, implementation is quick and easy. Here is how it might look:
string[] words = {"ocean", "beer", "money", "happiness"};
Queue<HashSet<string>> subsetsQueue =
new Queue<HashSet<string>>();
HashSet<string> emptySet = new HashSet<string>();
while (subsetsQueue.Count > 0)
792 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
HashSet<String> subset = subsetsQueue.Dequeue();

// Print current subset
Console.Write("{ ");
foreach (string word in subset)
Console.Write("{0} ", word);

// Generate and enqueue all possible child subsets
foreach (string element in words)
if (! subset.Contains(element))
HashSet<string> newSubset = new HashSet<string>();
If we execute the code above, we will see that it successfully generates all
subsets of S, but some of them are generated twice.
{ }
{ ocean }
{ beer }
{ money }
{ happiness }
{ ocean beer }
{ ocean money }
{ ocean happiness }
{ beer ocean }

In the example the subsets { ocean beer } and { beer ocean } are actually
one and the same subset. It seems we have not thought of duplicates, which
occur when we mix the order of elements in the same subset. How can we
avoid duplicates?
Lets associate the words by their indices.
ocean 0
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 793
beer 1
money 2
happiness 3
Since the subsets {1, 2, 3} and {2, 1, 3} are actually one and a same subset,
in order to avoid duplicates, we are going to impose a requirement to
generate only subsets, in which the indices are in ascending order. Instead
of subsets of words we can keep subsets of indices, right? In these subsets of
indices we need two operations: adding an index and getting the biggest
index so we can add only indices bigger than it. Obviously we do not need
HashSet<T> anymore, but we can successfully use List<T>, in which the
elements are ordered in ascending order by index and the biggest element is
naturally placed last.
Finally, our algorithm looks something like this:
1. Let N be the number of elements in S. We start with a queue,
containing the empty set {}.
2. We dequeue an element called subset. Let start be the biggest index
in subset. We add to subset all indices, which are bigger than start
and smaller than N. As a result we get several new subsets, which we
3. Repeat step 2 until the queue is empty.
Here is how the implementation of the new algorithm looks like:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Subsets
static string[] words = { "ocean", "beer", "money",
"happiness" };

static void Main()
Queue<List<int>> subsetsQueue = new Queue<List<int>>();
List<int> emptySet = new List<int>();
while (subsetsQueue.Count > 0)
List<int> subset = subsetsQueue.Dequeue();
int start = -1;
if (subset.Count > 0)
start = subset[subset.Count - 1];
794 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
for (int i = start + 1; i < words.Length; i++)
List<int> newSubset = new List<int>();

static void Print(List<int> subset) {
Console.Write("[ ");
for (int i=0; i<subset.Count; i++) {
int index = subset[i];
Console.Write("{0} ", words[index]);
If we run the program we will get the following correct result:
[ ]
[ ocean ]
[ beer ]
[ money ]
[ happiness ]
[ ocean beer ]
[ ocean money ]
[ ocean happiness ]
[ beer money ]
[ beer happiness ]
[ money happiness ]
[ ocean beer money ]
[ ocean beer happiness ]
[ ocean money happiness ]
[ beer money happiness ]
[ ocean beer money happiness ]
Sorting Students
It is given a text file, containing the data of a group of students and
courses which they attend, separated by |. The file looks like this:
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 795
Chris | Jones | C#
Mia | Smith | PHP
Chris | Jones | Java
Peter | Jones | C#
Sophia | Wilson | Java
Mia | Wilson | C#
Mia | Smith | C#
Write a program printing all courses and the students, who have joined
them, ordered by last name, and then by first name (if the last names
We can implement the problem using a hash-table, which will hold a list of
students by a course name. We are choosing a hash-table, because we can
quickly search by course name in it.
In order to meet the requirements for an order by name and surname, we are
going to sort the particular list of students from each course, before we
print it. Another option is to use SortedSet<T> for the students attending
each course (because it is internally sorted), but since one can have students
with the same name, we have to use SortedSet<List<String>>. It becomes
too complicated. We choose the easier way using List<Student> and
sorting it before we print it.
In any case we will have to implement the IComparable interface so we can
define the order of the elements of type Student according to the task
requirements. It is important to firstly compare the family names and if they
are the same to compare the first names. We remind that in order to sort the
elements of a given class it is explicitly necessary to define the logic of their
order. In .NET Framework this is done by the IComparable<T> interface (or
through lambda functions like we shall see in the chapter Lambda
Expressions and LINQ). Lets define the class Student and implement
IComparable<Student>. We get something like this:
public class Student : IComparable<Student>
private string firstName;
private string lastName;

public Student(string firstName, string lastName)
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;

public int CompareTo(Student student)
796 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int result = lastName.CompareTo(student.lastName);
if (result == 0)
result = firstName.CompareTo(student.firstName);
return result;

public override String ToString()
return firstName + " " + lastName;
Now we are able to write the code, which reads the students and their
courses and stores them in a hash-table, which keeps a list of students
by a course name (Dictionary<string, List<Student>>). And then it is
easy we iterate over the courses, sort the students and print them:
// Read the file and build the hash-table of courses
Dictionary<string, List<Student>> courses =
new Dictionary<string, List<Student>>();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Students.txt");
using (reader)
while (true)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
if (line == null)
string[] entry = line.Split(new char[] { '|' });
string firstName = entry[0].Trim();
string lastName = entry[1].Trim();
string course = entry[2].Trim();
List<Student> students;
if (! courses.TryGetValue(course, out students))
// New course -> create a list of students for it
students = new List<Student>();
courses.Add(course, students);
Student student = new Student(firstName, lastName);
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 797

// Print the courses and their students
foreach (string course in courses.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("Course " + course + ":");
List<Student> students = courses[course];
foreach (Student student in students)
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", student);
The above code first parses all the lines consecutively by splitting them by a
vertical bar "|". Secondly it cleans the spaces from the beginning and the end.
After storing every students information, it is checked in the hash-table
whether its course exists. If the course has been found, the student is added
to the list of the students of this course. Otherwise, a new list is created and
the student is added to it. Then the list is added in the hash-table using the
course name as a key.
Printing the courses and students is not difficult. All keys are extracted
from the hash-table. These are the names of the courses. For each course its
students' list is extracted, sorted and printed. The sorting is made by the
built-in method Sort() using the comparison method CompareTo() from the
interface IComparable<T> as defined in the class Student (comparison firstly
by family name, and if they are the same, comparison by first name). At the
end the sorted students are printed by the overridden virtual method
ToString(). Here is how the output of the upper program looks:
Course C#:
Chris Jones
Peter Jones
Mia Smith
Mia Wilson
Course PHP:
Mia Smith
Course Java:
Chris Jones
Sophia Wilson
798 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Sorting a Phone Book
It is given a text file, containing peoples names, their city names and
phone numbers. The file looks like this:
Kenneth | Virginia Beach | 1-541-754-3010
Paul | San Antonio | 1-535-675-6745
Mary | Portland | 1-234-765-1983
Laura | San Antonio | 1-454-345-2345
Donna | Virginia Beach | 1-387-387-2389
Write a program which prints all the city names in an alphabetical order
and for each one of them prints all peoples names in alphabetical order
and their corresponding phone number.
The problem can be solved in many ways, for example we sort by two criteria:
firstly by city name and secondly by person name and then we print the
phone book.
However, lets solve the problem without sorting, but by using the standard
data structures in .NET Framework. We want the city names to be sorted. This
means that it is best to use a data structure, which internally keeps the
elements sorted. Such as, for example, a balanced search tree
SortedSet<T> or SortedDictionary<K,T>. Since every record from the
phone book contains beside a city name other data, it is more convenient to
have a SortedDictionary<K,T>, which keeps a list of peoples names and
their phone numbers. We want the list of the peoples names from every city
to be sorted in alphabetical order by name. Hence, we can use the data
structure SortedDictionary<K,T> again. The key will be the name of the
person and its value will be his phone number.
At the end we get the nested structure SortedDictionary<string,
SortedDictionary<string, string>>. Here is a sample implementation,
which shows how we can solve the problem using this structure:
// Read the file and build the phone book
SortedDictionary<string, SortedDictionary<string, string>>
phonesByTown = new SortedDictionary<string,
SortedDictionary<string, string>>();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("PhoneBook.txt");
using (reader)
while (true)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
if (line == null)
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 799
string[] entry = line.Split(new char[]{'|'});
string name = entry[0].Trim();
string town = entry[1].Trim();
string phone = entry[2].Trim();

SortedDictionary<string, string> phoneBook;
if (! phonesByTown.TryGetValue(town, out phoneBook))
// This town is new. Create a phone book for it
phoneBook = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
phonesByTown.Add(town, phoneBook);
phoneBook.Add(name, phone);

// Print the phone book by towns
foreach (string town in phonesByTown.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("Town " + town + ":");
SortedDictionary<string, string> phoneBook =
foreach (var entry in phoneBook)
string name = entry.Key;
string phone = entry.Value;
Console.WriteLine("\t{0} - {1}", name, phone);
If we execute this sample code with input the sample phone book, we will
get the expected result:
Town Portland:
Mary - 1-234-765-1983
Town San Antonio:
Laura - 1-454-345-2345
Paul - 1-535-675-6745
Town Virginia Beach:
Donna - 1-387-387-2389
Kenneth - 1-541-754-3010
800 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Searching in a Phone Book
Here is another problem, so we can strengthen the way, in which we think in
order to choose appropriate data structures. A phone book is stored in a
text file, containing names of people, their city names and phone
numbers. Peoples names can be in the format first name or nickname or
first name + last name or first name + surname + last name. The file could
have the following look:
Kevin Clark | Virginia beach | 1-454-345-2345
Skiller | San Antonio | 1-566-533-2789
Kevin Clark Jones | Portland | 1-432-556-6533
Linda Johnson | San Antonio | 1-123-345-2456
Kevin | Phoenix | 1-564-254-4352
Kevin Garcia | Virginia Beach | 1-445-456-6732
Kevin | Phoenix | 1-134-654-7424
It is possible several people to be given under the same name or even the
same city. It is possible someone to have several phone numbers. In this
case he is given several times in the input file. Phone book could be huge
(up to 1,000,000 records).
A file holding a sequence of queries is given. The queries are two types:
- Search by name / nickname / surname / last name. The query
looks like this: list(name).
- Search by name / nickname / surname / last name + city name.
The query looks like this: find(name, town).
Here is a sample query file:
find(Angel, San Antonio)
find(Jones, Phoenix)
Write a program, which by given phone book and query file executes and
respond to all the queries. For each query a list of records in the phone
book has to be printed or the message "Not found", if the query cannot find
anything. Queries could be a large number, for example 50,000.
This problem is not as easy as the previous ones. One easy to implement
solution could be to scan the entire phone book for every query and
extract all records in which there is a match with the searched information.
But this will work slowly, because the records and queries could be a lot. It
is necessary to find a way for a quick search without scanning the entire
phone book every time.
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 801
In paper phone books the numbers are given by the peoples name, sorted
in alphabetical order. Sorting will not help us, because someone can search
by first name, other by last name, third by nickname and city name. We
have to search by any of the above at the same time. The question is how do
we do it?
If we think a bit it will occur to us that the problem requires searching by
any of the words, which can be seen at the first column of the phone book
and eventually by the combination of a word from the first column and a town
from the second one. We know that the fastest search is implemented with a
hash-table. So far so good, but what are we going to keep as a key and
value in the hash-table?
What if we use several hash-tables: one for searching a word from the first
column, another for searching in the second column, third for searching by
city and so on? If we think a bit more, we will ask ourselves the question
why do we need several hash-tables? Cant we search in one common
hash-table? If we have a name "Peter Jones", we will store his phone
number under the keys "Peter" and "Jones". If someone searches by any of
these keys, he will find Peters phone number.
So far so good, but how do we search by both first name and city name,
for example "Peter from Virginia Beach"? It is possible firstly to find all with a
name "Peter" and then to print those who are from Virginia Beach. This will
work, but if there are a lot of people named Peter, searching will work slowly.
Then why dont we make a hash-table with a key name of a person and
value another hash-table, which by city name will return a list of phone
numbers? This could work. We have done something similar in the previous
task, havent we?
Can we come up with something smarter? Cant we just put the phone
numbers of all the people named Peter from Virginia Beach under a key
"Peter from Virginia Beach" in the main hash-table in the phone book? It
seems this could solve our problem and we will use only one hash-table for all
the queries.
Using the last idea, we could invent the following algorithm: we read line by
line from the phone book and for each word from the name of a person
, d
, , d
and for each city name t we make new records in the
phonebook hash-table by the following keys: d
, d
, , d
, "d
from t",
from t", , "d
from t". Now it is guaranteed we could search by any of
a persons names as well as name and town. In order to search without
bothering about letter case we can transform the words to lowercase in
advance. After that the searching is trivial we just search in the hash-table
by a given word d or if a town t is given "d from t". Since we could have
many phone numbers under the same key, for a value in the hash-table we
should use a list of strings (List<string>).
Lets skim through an implementation of the described algorithm:
802 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
class PhoneBookFinder
const string PhoneBookFileName = "PhoneBook.txt";
const string QueriesFileName = "Queries.txt";

static Dictionary<string, List<string>> phoneBook =
new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

static void Main()

static void ReadPhoneBook()
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(PhoneBookFileName);
using (reader)
while (true)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
if (line == null)
string[] entry = line.Split(new char[]{'|'});
string names = entry[0].Trim();
string town = entry[1].Trim();

string[] nameTokens =
names.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'} );
foreach (string name in nameTokens)
AddToPhoneBook(name, line);
string nameAndTown = CombineNameAndTown(town, name);
AddToPhoneBook(nameAndTown, line);

static string CombineNameAndTown( string town, string name)
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 803
return name + " from " + town;

static void AddToPhoneBook(string name, string entry)
name = name.ToLower();
List<string> entries;
if (! phoneBook.TryGetValue(name, out entries))
entries = new List<string>();
phoneBook.Add(name, entries);

static void ProcessQueries()
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(QueriesFileName);
using (reader)
while (true)
string query = reader.ReadLine();
if (query == null)

static void ProcessQuery(string query)
if (query.StartsWith("list("))
int listLen = "list(".Length;
string name = query.Substring(
listLen, query.Length-listLen-1);
name = name.Trim().ToLower();
else if (query.StartsWith("find("))
804 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string[] queryParams = query.Split(
new char[] { '(', ' ', ',', ')' },
string name = queryParams[1];
name = name.Trim().ToLower();
string town = queryParams[2];
town = town.Trim().ToLower();
string nameAndTown =
CombineNameAndTown(town, name);
query + " is invalid command!");

static void PrintAllMatches(string key)
List<string> allMatches;
if (phoneBook.TryGetValue(key, out allMatches))
foreach (string entry in allMatches)
Console.WriteLine("Not found!");
While reading the phone book line by line and splitting by the vertical bar "|",
we extract the three columns (names, city name and phone number). After
that the names are split and each word is added in the hash-table.
Additionally we add each word, combined with the city name (so that we can
search by name + city name).
The second part of the algorithm is the command execution. In this part
each line from the query file is read and processed. The process includes
parsing the command, extracting the name or name and city name and
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 805
searching. The search is directly done by using the hash-table, which is
created after reading the phone book file.
To be able to ignore the difference between lowercase and uppercase, all keys
in the hash-table are added as lowercase. When we search, we do it
lowercase too.
Choosing a Data Structure Conclusions
By the many examples it is clear that the choice of an appropriate data
structure is highly dependable on the specific task. Sometimes data
structures have to be combined or we have to use several of them
What data structure should we pick mostly depends on the operations we
will perform, so always ask yourselves "what operations should the
structure, I need, perform efficiently". If you are familiar with the operations,
you can easily conform which structure does them most efficiently and at the
same time is easy and handy.
In order to efficiently choose an appropriate data structure, you should firstly
invent the algorithm, which you are going to implement, and then look for
an appropriate data structures for it.

Always go from the algorithm to the data structures, never
External Libraries with .NET Collections
It is a well-known fact that the standard data structures in .NET Framework
System.Collections.Generic have pretty poor functionality. It lacks
implementations of basic concepts in data structures such as multi-sets,
priority queues, for which there should be standard classes as well as basic
system interfaces.
When we have to use a special data structure, which is not standardly
implemented in .NET Framework, we have two options:
- First option: we implement the data structure ourselves. This gives
us flexibility, because the implementation will completely meet our
needs, but it takes a lot of time and it has a great chance of making
mistakes. For example, if one has to qualitatively implement a balanced
tree, this may take an experienced software developer several days
(along with the tests). If the same is implemented by inexperienced
software developer it will take a lot more time and most probably there
will be errors in the implementation.
- Second option (generally preferable): find an external library, which
has a full implementation of the needed functionality. This approach has
an advantage of saving us time and troubles, because in most cases the
external libraries of data structures are well-tested. They have been
806 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
used for years by thousands of software developers and this makes
them mature and reliable.
Power Collections for .NET
One of the most popular and richest libraries with efficient implementations of
the fundamental data structures for C# and .NET software developers is the
open-source project "Wintellects Power Collections for .NET"
http://powercollections.codeplex.com. It provides free, reliable, efficient, fast
and handy implementations of the following commonly used data structures,
which are missing or partly-implemented in .NET framework:
- Set<T> set of elements, implemented with a hash-table. It
efficiently implements the basic operations over sets: adding, deleting
and searching an element as well as union, intersection, difference
between sets and many more. By functionality and way of work the
class looks like the standard class HashSet<T> in .NET Framework.
- Bag<T> multi-set of elements (set with duplicates), implemented
with a hash-table. It efficiently implements all basic operations over
- OrderedSet<T> ordered set of elements (without duplicates),
implemented with a balanced search tree. It efficiently implements all
basic operations over sets and when traversing through its elements it
returns them in ascending order (according to the used comparer). It
allows a fast extraction of subsets of values in a given interval.
- OrderedBag<T> ordered multi-set of elements, implemented with a
balanced search tree. It efficiently implements all basic operations
over multi-sets and when going through all its elements it returns them
in ascending order (according to the used comparer). It allows a quick
extraction of subsets of values in a given interval.
- MultiDictionary<K,T> it is a hash-table allowing key duplicates.
For every key there is a collection of values stored, not one single value.
- OrderedDictionary<K,T> it represents a dictionary, implemented
with a balanced search tree. It allows a fast search by key and when
going through its elements it returns them in ascending order. It
enables us to quickly extract the values from a given key range. By
functionality and way of work the class looks like the standard class
SortedDictionary<K,T> in .NET Framework.
- Deque<T> represents efficient implementation of a queue with two
ends (double ended queue), which practically combines the data
structures stack and queue. It allows efficient addition, extraction and
deletion of elements in both ends.
- BagList<T> list of elements, accessed through index, which
allows a quick insertion and deletion of an element from a particular
position. The operations index accessing, adding, inserting at position
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 807
and removing an element from position have a complexity O(log N). The
implementtation is with a balanced tree. The structure is a good
alternative of List<T>, in which the insertion and removal of element at
a particular position takes linear time because of the need of the
replacement of linear number of elements to the left or right.
We let the reader the opportunity to download the library "Power
Collections for .NET" from its site and to experiment with it. It can be
very useful when you solve some of the problems from the exercises.
C5 Collections for .NET
Another very powerful library of data structures and collection classes is The
C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI (www.itu.dk/research/c5/).
It provides standard interfaces and collection classes like lists, sets, bags,
multi-sets, balanced trees and hash tables, as well as non-traditional
data structures like hashed linked list, wrapped arrays and interval
heaps. It also describes a set of collection-related algorithms and patterns,
such as read-only access, random selection, removing duplicates, etc.
The library comes with solid documentation (a book of 250 pages). The C5
collections and the book about them are the ultimate resource for data
structure developers.
1. Hash-tables do not allow storing more than one value in a key. How can
we get around this restriction? Define a class to hold multiple values in a
2. Implement a data structure, which can quickly do the following two
operations: add an element and extract the smallest element. The
structure should accept adding duplicated elements.
3. It is given a text file students.txt containing information about students
and their specialty in the following format:
Steven Davis | Computer Science
Joseph Johnson | Software Engeneering
Helen Mitchell | Public Relations
Nicolas Carter | Computer Science
Susan Green | Public Relations
William Johnson | Software Engeneering
Using SortedDictionary<K,T> print on the console the specialties in an
alphabetical order and for each of them print the names of the students,
firstly sorted by family name and secondly by first name, as shown:
Computer Sciences: Nicolas Carter, Steven Davis
Public Relations: Susan Green, Helen Mitchell
808 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Software Engeneering: Joseph Johnson, William Johnson
4. Implement a class BiDictionary<K1,K2,T>, which allows adding triplets
{key1, key2, value} and quickly search by either of the keys key1, key2
as well as searching by combination of the both keys. Note: Adding many
elements with the same keys is allowed.
5. A big chain of supermarkets sell millions of products. Each of them has a
unique number (barcode), producer, name and price. What data structure
could we use in order to quickly find all products, which cost between
5 and 10 dollars?
6. A timetable of a conference hall is a list of events in a format [starting
date and time; ending date and time; events name]. What data
structure could we to be able to quickly add events and quickly check
whether the hall is available in a given interval [starting date and
time; ending date and time]?
7. Implement the data structure PriorityQueue<T>, which offers quick
execution of the following operations: adding an element, extracting
the smallest element.
8. Imagine you develop a search engine, which gathers all the
advertisements for used cars in ten websites for the last few years. After
that the search engine allows a quick search by one or several criteria: a
brand, model, color, year of production and price. You are not allowed to
use database management system (like SQL Server, MySQL or MongoDB)
and you must implement your own indexing in the memory, without storing
it to the hard disk and without using LINQ. When one searches by price
minimal and maximal price is given. When one searches by year of
production a starting and ending years are given. What data structures
would you use in order to ensure fast searching by one or several criteria?
Solutions and Guidelines
1. You can use Dictionary<key, List<value>> or create your own class
ValuesCollection, which can take care of the values with the same key
and use Dictionary<key, ValuesCollection>.
2. You can use SortedSet<List<int>> and its operations Add() and
First(). SortedSet<T> keeps the elements in it sorted and can accept
external IComparer<T>.
The problem has a more efficient solution though the data structure
called binary heap. You can read about it on Wikipedia:
3. The task is similar to the one from the section "Sorting Students".
4. One of the solutions to this task is to use two instances of the class
Dictionary<K,T> for each of the two keys and when you add or remove
Chapter 19. Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity 809
an element from BiDictionary<K1,K2,T>, you add or remove the element
from the two hash-tables correspondingly. When you search by first or
second key, you should check the elements in the first or the second hash-
table respectively. When you search by two keys, you could search in the
two hash-tables separately and intersect the matching subsets.
Another, simpler approach is to hold 3 hash tables: Dictionary<K1,T>,
Dictionary<K2,T> and Dictionary<Tuple<K1,K2>,T>. The system
generic class Tuple<K1,K2> can be used to combine two keys and use it as
a composite key.
5. If we keep the products sorted by price in an array (for example in
List<Product>, which we firstly fill and then sort), in order to find all the
products which cost between 5 and 10 bucks we can use a binary search
twice. Firstly we can find the smallest index start, in which lies a product
costing at least 5 bucks. After that we can find the biggest index end, in
which lies a product costing at most 10 bucks. All the products at positions
in the interval [start end] will cost between 5 and 10 dollars. If you are
interested in the algorithm binary search in a sorted array you could inform
yourself reading Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search.
Generally the approach using a sorted array and binary search in it works
excellent, but there is a disadvantage: the addition in a sorted array is a
very slow operation, because it requires moving a linear number of
elements with one position ahead of the inserted new element.
To overcome this we can use the class SortedSet<T>. It supports fast
insertion keeping the elements in a sorted order. It has an operation
SortedSet<T>.GetViewBetween(lowerBound, upperBound) that returns a
subset of the elements in certain range (interval).
You may also use the class OrderedSet<T> from "Wintellects Power
Collections for .NET" library (http://www.codeplex.com/PowerCollections)
which is more powerful and more flexible. It has a method for extracting a
sub-range of values: OrderedSet<T>.Range(from, fromInclusive, to,
6. We can create two sorted arrays (List<Event>): the first will keep the
events sorted in ascending order by starting date and time; the second
will keep the same events sorted by ending date and time. By using
binary search we can find all the events which can be partly or fully found
between the two moments of time [start, end] by doing the following:
- Find the set S of all events starting after the moment start (using
binary search).
- We can find all the set E of all events ending before the moment end
(using binary search).
- Intersect these two sets: C = S E. If the intersection S of the two
sets of events have common elements (S in non-empty set), then in
810 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
the searched interval [start end] the hall is occupied. Otherwise it
is available.
This solution has a disadvantage: adding elements in the sorted arrays
will be slow. We should either add all elements initially and then sort the
two arrays and never change them afterwards or try to keep the arrays
sorted when adding new elements (which will be slow).
Another solution, which is easier to implement and more efficient, is to
use two instances of the class OrderedBag<T> from the "Power Collections
for .NET" library (the first with events start date and time as a key and
the second with events end date and time as a key). The class has
methods to extract the subsets S and E: RangeFrom(from,
fromInclusive) and RangeTo(to, toInclusive). We still will need to
intersect these sets and check whether their intersection is empty or not.
The most efficient solution is to use a data structure called interval tree.
Read more in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_tree. You
may find an open source C# interval tree implementation in CodePlex:
7. Since there is no internal implementation of the data structure "priority
queue" in .NET, you can use the data structure OrderedBag<T> from
Wintellects Power Collections. It had Add() and GetFirst() and
RemoveFirst() methods. You can read more about priority queues on
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priority_Queue.
The classic, simplest efficient priority queue implementation the data
structure binary heap: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_heap.
An efficient ready-to-use C# implementation of priority queue is the class
IntervalHeap<T> in the C5 Collections: http://www.itu.dk/research/c5/.
8. For searching by brand, model and color we can use one hash-table
per each, which will search by a given criteria and return a list of cars
(Dictionary<string, List<Car>>).
For searching by year of production and price range we can use lists
List<Car>, sorted in ascending order (and binary search).
To search by several criteria at once we can extract the cars' subsets by
the first criteria, after that the cars' subsets by the second criteria
and so on. At the end we can find the intersection of the sets.
Intersection of two sets can be found by looking for every element in the
smaller set in the bigger set. The easiest way is Car to implement
Equals() and GetHashCode() and after that to use the class
HashSet<Car> for set intersections.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented
Programming Principles
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will familiarize ourselves with the principles of object-
oriented programming: class inheritance, interface implementation,
abstraction of data and behavior, encapsulation of data and class
implementation, polymorphism and virtual methods. We will explain in
details the principles of cohesion and coupling. We will briefly outline
object-oriented modeling and how to create an object model based on a
specific business problem. We will familiarize ourselves with UML and its role
in object-oriented modeling. Finally, we will briefly discuss design patterns
and illustrate some of those that are widely used in practice.
Lets Review: Classes and Objects
We introduced classes and objects in the chapter "Creating and Using
Objects". Lets shortly review them again.
Classes are a description (model) of real objects and events referred to as
entities. An example would be a class called "Student".
Classes possess characteristics in programming they are referred to as
properties. An example would be a set of grades.
Classes also expose behavior known in programming as methods. An
example would be sitting an exam.
Methods and properties can be visible only within the scope of the class,
which declared them and their descendants (private / protected), or visible
to all other classes (public).
Objects are instances of classes. For example, John is a Student and Peter
is also a Student.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-oriented programming is the successor of procedural (structural)
programming. Procedural programming describes programs as groups of
reusable code units (procedures) which define input and output parameters.
Procedural programs consist of procedures, which invoke each other.
812 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The problem with procedural programming is that code reusability is hard
and limited only procedures can be reused and it is hard to make them
generic and flexible. There is no easy way to work with abstract data
structures with different implementations.
The object-oriented approach relies on the paradigm that each and every
program works with data that describes entities (objects or events) from real
life. For example: accounting software systems work with invoices, items,
warehouses, availabilities, sale orders, etc.
This is how objects came to be. They describe characteristics (properties) and
behavior (methods) of such real life entities.
The main advantages and goals of OOP are to make complex software
faster to develop and easier to maintain. OOP enables the easy reuse of code
by applying simple and widely accepted rules (principles). Lets check them
Fundamental Principles of OOP
In order for a programming language to be object-oriented, it has to enable
working with classes and objects as well as the implementation and use of
the fundamental object-oriented principles and concepts: inheritance,
abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism. Lets summarize each of these
fundamental principles of OOP:
- Encapsulation
We will learn to hide unnecessary details in our classes and provide a
clear and simple interface for working with them.
- Inheritance
We will explain how class hierarchies improve code readability and
enable the reuse of functionality.
- Abstraction
We will learn how to work through abstractions: to deal with objects
considering their important characteristics and ignore all other details.
- Polymorphism
We will explain how to work in the same manner with different objects,
which define a specific implementation of some abstract behavior.
Some OOP theorists also put the concept of exception handling as
additional fifth fundamental principle of OOP. We shall not get into a
detailed dispute about whether or not exceptions are part of OOP and rather
will note that exceptions are supported in all modern object-oriented
languages and are the primary mechanism of handling errors and unusual
situations in object-oriented programming. Exceptions always come
together with OOP and their importance is explained in details in the
chapter "Exception Handling".
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 813
Inheritance is a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming. It
allows a class to "inherit" (behavior or characteristics) of another, more
general class. For example, a lion belongs to the biological family of cats
(Felidae). All cats that have four paws, are predators and hunt their prey. This
functionality can be coded once in the Felidae class and all its predators can
reuse it Tiger, Puma, Bobcat, etc. Inheritance is described as is-kind-of
relationship, e.g. Tiger is kind of Animal.
How Does Inheritance Work in .NET?
Inheritance in .NET is defined with a special construct in the class declaration.
In .NET and other modern programming languages, a class can inherit from a
single class only (single inheritance), unlike C++ which supports inheriting
from multiple classes (multiple inheritance). This limitation is necessitated
by the difficulty in deciding which method to use when there are duplicate
methods across classes (in C++, this problem is solved in a very complicated
manner). In .NET, classes can inherit multiple interfaces, which we will
discuss later.
The class from which we inherit is referred to as parent class or base class
/ super class.
Inheritance of Classes Example
Lets take a look at an example of class inheritance in .NET. This is how a
base class looks like:
/// <summary>Felidae is latin for "cats"</summary>
public class Felidae
private bool male;

// This constructor calls another constructor
public Felidae() : this(true)

// This is the constructor that is inherited
public Felidae(bool male)
this.male = male;

public bool Male
814 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
get { return male; }
set { this.male = value; }
This is how the inheriting class, Lion, looks like:
public class Lion : Felidae
private int weight;

// Keyword "base" will be explained in the next paragraph
public Lion(bool male, int weight) : base(male)
this.weight = weight;

public int Weight
get { return weight; }
set { this.weight = value; }
The "base" Keyword
In the above example, we used the keyword base in the constructor of the
class Lion. The keyword indicates that the base class must be used and
allows access to its methods, constructors and member variables. Using
base(), we can call the constructor of the base class. Using base.Method()
we can invoke a method of the base class, pass parameters to it and use its
results. Using base.field we can get the value of a member variable from
the base class or assign a different one to it.
In .NET, methods inherited from the base class and declared as virtual can
be overridden. This means changing their implementation; the original
source code from the base class is ignored and new code takes its place. More
on overriding methods we will discuss in "Virtual Methods".
We can invoke non-overridden methods from the base class without using the
keyword base. Using the keyword is required only if we have an overridden
method or variable with the same name in the inheriting class.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 815

The keyword base can be used explicitly for clarity.
base.method() calls a method, which is necessarily from the
base class. Such source code is easier to read, because we
know where to look for the method in question.
Bear in mind that using the keyword this is not the same. It
can mean accessing a method from the current, as well as
the base class.
You can take a look at the example in the section about access modifiers and
inheritance. There it is clearly explained which members of the base class
(methods, constructors and member variables) are accessible.
Constructors with Inheritance
When inheriting a class, our constructors must call the base class constructor,
so that it can initialize its member variables. If we do not do this explicitly,
the compiler will place a call to the parameterless base class constructor,
":base()", at the beginning of all our inheriting class' constructors. Here is an
public class ExtendingClass : BaseClass
public ExtendingClass() { }
This actually looks like this (spot the differences):
public class ExtendingClass : BaseClass
public ExtendingClass() : base() { }
If the base class has no default constructor (one without parameters) or that
constructor is hidden, our constructors need to explicitly call one of the other
base class constructors. The omission of such a call will result in a compile-
time error.

If a class has private constructors only, then it cannot be
If a class has private constructors only, then this could
indicate many other things. For example, no-one (other than
that class itself) can create instances of such a class.
Actually, thats how one of the most popular design patterns
(Singleton) is implemented.
The Singleton design pattern is described in details at the end of this chapter.
816 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Constructors and the Keyword "base" Example
Take a look at the Lion class from our last example. It does not have a
default constructor. Lets examine a class inheriting from Lion:
public class AfricanLion : Lion

// If we comment out the ": base(male, weight)" line
// the class will not compile. Try it.
public AfricanLion(bool male, int weight)
: base(male, weight)

public override string ToString()
return string.Format(
"(AfricanLion, male: {0}, weight: {1})",
this.Male, this.Weight);

If we comment out the line ":base(male, weight);", the class AfricanLion
will not compile. Try it.

Calling the constructor of a base class happens outside the
body of the constructor. The idea is that the fields of the
base class should be initialized before we start initializing
fields of the inheriting class, because they might depend on a
base class field.
Access Modifiers of Class Members and Inheritance
Lets review: in the "Defining Classes" chapter, we examined the basic access
modifiers. Regarding members of a class (methods, properties and member
variables) we examined the modifiers public, private and internal.
Actually, there are two other modifiers: protected and protected internal.
This is what they mean:
- protected defines class members which are not visible to users of the
class (those who initialize and use it), but are visible to all inheriting
classes (descendants).
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 817
- protected internal defines class members which are both internal,
i.e. visible within the entire assembly, and protected, i.e. not visible
outside the assembly, but visible to classes who inherit it (even outside
the assembly).
When a base class is inherited:
- All of its public, protected and protected internal members
(methods, properties, etc.) are visible to the inheriting class.
- All of its private methods, properties and member-variables are not
visible to the inheriting class.
- All of its internal members are visible to the inheriting class, only if the
base class and the inheriting class are in the same assembly (the
same Visual Studio project).
Here is an example, which demonstrates the levels of visibility with
/// <summary>Latin for "cats"</summary>
public class Felidae
private bool male;

public Felidae() : this(true) {}

public Felidae(bool male)
this.male = male;

public bool Male
get { return male; }
set { this.male = value; }
And this is how the class Lion looks like:
public class Lion : Felidae
private int weight;
818 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

public Lion(bool male, int weight)
: base(male)
// Compiler error base.male is not visible in Lion
base.male = male;
this.weight = weight;

If we try to compile this example, we will get an error message, because the
private variable male in the class Felidae is not accessible to the class

The System.Object Class
Object-oriented programming practically became popular with C++. In this
language, it often becomes necessary to code classes, which must work with
objects of any type. C++ solves this problem in a way that is not considered
strictly object-oriented (by using void pointers).
The architects of .NET take a different approach. They create a class, which
all other classes inherit (directly or indirectly). All objects can be perceived
as instances of this class. It is convenient that this class contains important
methods and their default implementation. This class is called Object (which
is the same as object and System.Object).
In .NET every class, which does not inherit a class explicitly, inherits the
system class System.Object by default. The compiler takes care of that.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 819
Every class, which inherits from another class indirectly, inherits Object from
it. This way every class inherits explicitly or implicitly from Object and
contains all of its fields and methods.
Because of this property, every class instance can be cast to Object. A
typical example of the advantages of implicit inheritance is its use with data
structures, which we saw in the chapters on data structures. Untyped list
structures (like System.Collections.ArrayList) can hold all kinds of
objects, because they treat them as instances of the class Object.

The generic types (generics) have been provided specifically
for working with collections and objects of different types
(generics are further discussed in the chapter "Defining
Classes"). They allow creating typified classes, e.g. a
collection which works only with objects of type Lion.
.NET, Standard Libraries and Object
In .NET, there are a lot of predefined classes (we already covered a lot of
them in the chapters on collections, text files and strings). These classes are
part of the .NET framework; they are available wherever .NET is supported.
These classes are referred to as Common Type System (CTS).
.NET is one of the first frameworks, which provide such an extensive set of
predefined classes. A lot of them work with Object so that they can be used
in as many situations as possible.
.NET also provides a lot of libraries, which can be referenced additionally, and
it stands to reason that they are called class libraries or external libraries.
The Base Type Object Upcasting and Downcasting Example
Lets take a closer look at the Object class using an example:
public class ObjectExample
static void Main()
AfricanLion africanLion = new AfricanLion(true, 80);
// Implicit casting
object obj = africanLion;
In this example, we cast an AfricanLion to Object. This operation is called
upcasting and is permitted because AfricanLion is an indirect child of the
Object class.
820 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Now it is the time to mention that the keywords string and
object are simply compiler tricks and are substituted with
System.String and System.Object during compilation.
Lets continue with the example:

AfricanLion africanLion = new AfricanLion(true, 80);
// Implicit casting
object obj = africanLion;

// Explicit casting
AfricanLion castedLion = (AfricanLion) obj;
catch (InvalidCastException ice)
Console.WriteLine("obj cannot be downcasted to AfricanLion");
In this example, we cast an Object to AfricanLion. This operation is called
downcasting and is permitted only if we indicate the type we want to cast
to, because Object is a parent class of AfricanLion and it is not clear if the
variable obj is of type AfricanLion. If it is not, an InvalidCastException
will be thrown.
The Object.ToString() Method
One of the most commonly used methods, originating from the class Object
is ToString(). It returns a textual representation of an object. Every
object includes this method and therefore has a textual representation. This
method is used when we print the object using Console.WriteLine().
Object.ToString() Example
Here is an example in which we call the ToString() method:
public class ToStringExample
static void Main()
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 821
Console.WriteLine(new object());
Console.WriteLine(new Felidae(true));
Console.WriteLine(new Lion(true, 80));
The result is:
In this case, the base class implementation is called, because Lion doesnt
override ToString(). Felidae also doesnt override the method; therefore,
we actually call the implementation inherited from System.Object. The
result above contains the namespace of the object and the name of the class.
Overriding ToString() Example
We will now demonstrate how useful overriding ToString() inherited from
System.Object can be:
public class AfricanLion : Lion

public override string ToString()
return string.Format(
"(AfricanLion, male: {0}, weight: {1})",
this.Male, this.Weight);

In the source code above, we use the method String.Format(), in order to
format the result appropriately. This is how we can then invoke the
overridden method ToString():
public class OverrideExample
822 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(new object());
Console.WriteLine(new Felidae(true));
Console.WriteLine(new Lion(true, 80));
Console.WriteLine(new AfricanLion(true, 80));
The result is:
(AfricanLion, male: True, weight: 80)
Notice that ToString() is invoked implicitly. When we pass an object to the
WriteLine() method, that object provides its string representation using
ToString() and only then it is printed to the output stream. That way,
theres no need to explicitly get string representations of objects when
printing them.
Virtual Methods: the "override" and "new" Keywords
We need to explicitly instruct the compiler that we want our method to
override another. In order to do this, we use the override keyword. Notice
what happens if we remove it:

Lets experiment and use the keyword new instead of override:
public class AfricanLion : Lion

public new string ToString()
return string.Format(
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 823
"(AfricanLion, male: {0}, weight: {1})",
this.Male, this.Weight);


public class OverrideExample
static void Main()
AfricanLion africanLion = new AfricanLion(true, 80);
string asAfricanLion = africanLion.ToString();
string asObject = ((object)africanLion).ToString();
This is the result:
(AfricanLion, male: True, weight: 80)
We notice that the implementation of Object.ToString() is invoked when we
upcast AfricanLion to object. In other words, when we use the keyword
new, we create a new method, which hides the old one. The old method can
then only be called with an upcast.
What would happen, if we reverted to using the keyword override in the
previous example? Take a look for yourself:
(AfricanLion, male: True, weight: 80)
(AfricanLion, male: True, weight: 80)
Surprising, isnt it? It turns out that when we override a method, we cannot
access the old implementation even if we use upcasting. This is because there
are no longer two ToString() methods, but rather only the one we overrode.
A method, which can be overridden, is called virtual. In .NET, methods are
not virtual by default. If we want a method to be overridable, we can do so
by including the keyword virtual in the declaration of the method.
The explicit instructions to the compiler that we want to override a method
(by using override), is a protection against mistakes. If theres a typo in the
methods name or the types of its parameters, the compiler will inform us
824 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
immediately of this mistake. It will know something is not right when it
cannot find a method with the same signature in any of the base classes.
Virtual Methods are explained in details in the section about polymorphism.
Transitive Properties of Inheritance
In mathematics, transitivity indicates transferability of relationships. Lets
take the indicator "larger than" (>) as an example. If A>B and B>C, we can
conclude that A>C. This means that the relation "larger than" (>) is
transitive, because we can unequivocally determine whether A is larger or
smaller than C and vice versa.
If the class Lion inherits the class Felidae and the class AfricanLion
inherits Lion, then this implies that AfricanLion inherits Felidae. Therefore,
AfricanLion also has the property Male, which is defined in Felidae. This
useful property allows a particular functionality to be defined in the most
appropriate class.
Transitiveness Example
Here is an example, which demonstrates the transitive property of
public class TransitivityExample
static void Main()
AfricanLion africanLion = new AfricanLion(true, 15);
// Property defined in Felidae
bool male = africanLion.Male;
africanLion.Male = true;
It is because of the transitive property of inheritance that we can be sure that
all classes include the method ToString() and all other methods of Object
regardless of which class they inherit.
Inheritance Hierarchy
If we try to describe all big cats, then, sooner or later, we will end up with a
relatively large group of classes, which inherit one another. All these classes,
combined with the base classes, form a hierarchy of big cat classes. The
easiest way to describe such hierarchies is by using class diagrams. Lets
take a look at what a "class-diagram" is.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 825
Class Diagrams
A Class Diagram is one of several types of diagrams defined in UML. UML
(Unified Modeling Language) is a notation for visualizing different
processes and objects related to software development. We will talk about
this further in the section on UML notation. Now lets discuss class diagrams,
because they are used to describe visually class hierarchies, inheritance and
the structure of the classes themselves.
What is UML Class Diagram?
It is commonly accepted to draw class diagrams as rectangles with name,
attributes (member variables) and operations (methods). The connections
between them are denoted with various types of arrows.
Briefly, we will explain two pieces of UML terminology, so we can understand
the examples more easily. The first one is generalization. Generalization is a
term signifying the inheritance of a class or the implementation of an
interface (we will explain interfaces shortly).
The other term is association. An association, would be, e.g. "The Lion has
paws", where Paw is another class. Association is has-a relationship.

Generalization and association are the two main ways to
reuse code.
A Class Based on a Class Diagram Example
This is what a sample class diagram looks like:

The class is represented as a rectangle, divided in 3 boxes one under
another. The name of the class is at the top. Next, there are the attributes
(UML term) of the class (in .NET they are called member variables and
properties). At the very bottom are the operations (UML term) or methods
(in .NET jargon). The plus/minus signs indicate whether an attribute /
operation is visible (+ means public) or not visible (- means private).
Protected members are marked with #.
Class Diagram Example of Generalization
Here is a class diagram that visually illustrates generalization (Felidae
inherited by Lion inherited by AfricanLion):
+Male() : bool
-male : bool
826 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

In this example, the arrows indicate generalization (inheritance).
Associations denote connections between classes. They model mutual
relations. They can define multiplicity (1 to 1, 1 to many, many to 1, 1 to 2,
, and many to many).
A many-to-many association is depicted in the following way:

A many-to-many association by attribute is depicted in the following way:

In this case, there are connecting attributes, which indicate the variables
holding the connection between classes.
A one-to-many association is depicted like this:
+Male() : bool
-male : bool
+Weight() : int
-weight : int
+ToString() : string
Course Student
* *
Course Student
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 827

A one-to-one association is depicted like this:

From Diagrams to Classes
Class diagrams are most often used for creating classes. Diagrams facilitate
and speed up the design of classes in a software project.
We can create classes directly following the diagram above. Here is the
Capital class:
public class Capital { }
And the Country class:
public class Country
/// <summary>Country's capital - association</summary>
private Capital capital;


public Capital Capital
get { return capital; }
set { this.capital = value; }

Exam Student
1 *
Capital Country
1 1
828 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Aggregation is a special type of association. It models the relationship of
kind "whole / part". We refer to the parent class as an aggregate. The
aggregated classes are called components. There is an empty rhombus at
one end of the aggregation:

A filled rhombus represents composition. Composition is an aggregation
where the components cannot exist without the aggregate:

The next core principle of object-oriented programming we are about to
examine is "abstraction". Abstraction means working with something we
know how to use without knowing how it works internally. A good
example is a television set. We dont need to know the inner workings of a TV,
in order to use it. All we need is a remote control with a small set of buttons
(the interface of the remote) and we will be able to watch TV.
The same goes for objects in OOP. If we have an object Laptop and it needs a
processor, we use the object Processor. We do not know (or rather it is of no
concern to us) how it calculates. In order to use it, its sufficient to call the
method Calculate() with appropriate parameters.
Abstraction is something we do every day. This is an action, which obscures
all details of a certain object that do not concern us and only uses the details,
which are relevant to the problem we are solving. For example, in hardware
configurations, there is an abstraction called "data storage device" which
can be a hard disk, USB memory stick or CD-ROM drive. Each of these
works in a different way internally but, from the point of view of the operating
system and its applications, it is used in the same way it stores files and
folders. In Windows we have Windows Explorer and it can work with all
devices in the same way, regardless of whether a device is a hard drive or a
USB stick. It works with the abstraction "storage device" and is not involved
with how data is read or written. The drivers of the particular device take care
of that. They are implementations of the interface "data storage device".
+Weight() : int
-weight : int
Human Brain
1 1
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 829
Abstraction is one of the most important concepts in programming and
OOP. It allows us to write code, which works with abstract data
structures (like dictionaries, lists, arrays and others). We can work with an
abstract data type by using its interface without concerning ourselves with its
implementation. For instance, we can save to a file all elements from a list
without bothering if it is implemented with an array, a linked list, etc. The
code remains unchanged, when we work with other data types. We can even
write new data types (we will discuss this later) and make them work with our
program without changing it.
Abstraction allows us to do something very important define an interface
for our applications, i.e. to define all tasks the program is capable to
execute and their respective input and output data. That way we can make a
couple of small programs, each handling a smaller task. When we combine
this with the ability to work with abstract data, we achieve great flexibility in
integrating these small programs and much more opportunities for code
reuse. These small subprograms are referred to as components. This
approach for writing programs is widely adopted since it allows us to reuse
not only objects, but entire subprograms as well.
Abstraction Abstract Data Example
Here is an example, where we define a specific data type "African lion", but
use it later on in an abstract manner through the "Felidae" abstraction. This
abstraction does not concern itself with the details of all types of lions.
public class AbstractionExample
static void Main()
Lion lion = new Lion(true, 150);
Felidae bigCat1 = lion;

AfricanLion africanLion = new AfricanLion(true, 80);
Felidae bigCat2 = africanLion;
In the C# language the interface is a definition of a role (a group of abstract
actions). It defines what sort of behavior a certain object must exhibit,
without specifying how this behavior should be implemented. Interfaces are
also known as contracts or specifications of behavior.
830 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
An object can have multiple roles (or implement multiple interfaces /
contracts) and its users can utilize it from different points of view.
For example, an object of type Person can have the roles of Soldier (with
behavior "shoot your enemy"), Husband (with behavior "love your wife") and
Taxpayer (with behavior "pay your taxes"). However, every person
implements its behavior in a different way; John pays his taxes on time,
George pays them overdue and Peter doesnt pay them at all.
Some may ask why the base class of all objects (the class Object) is not an
interface. The reason is because in such case, every class would have to
implement a small, but very important group of methods and this would take
an unnecessary amount of time. It turns out that not all classes need a
specific implementation of Object.GetHashCode(), Object.Equals() and
Object.ToString(), i.e. the default implementation suffices in most cases.
Its not necessary to override any of the methods in the Object class, but if
the situation calls for it we can. Overriding methods is explained in the
virtual methods section.
Interfaces Key Concepts
An interface can only declare methods and constants.
A method signature is the combination of a methods name and a
description of its parameters (type and order). In a class / interface all
methods have to have different signatures and should not be identical with
signatures of inherited methods.
A method declaration is the combination of a methods return type and its
signature. The return type only specifies what the method returns.

A method is identified by its signature. The return type is not
a part of it. If two methods' only difference is the return type
(as in the case when a class inherits another), then it cannot
be unequivocally decided which method must be executed.
A class / method implementation is the source code of a class / method.
Usually it is between curly brackets: "{" and "}". Regarding methods, this is
also referred to as the method body.
Interfaces Example
An interface in .NET is defined with the keyword interface. An interface can
contain only method declarations and constants. Here is an example of an
public interface Reproducible<T> where T : Felidae
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 831
T[] Reproduce(T mate);
We explained the generics in the "Defining Classes" chapter (section
"Generics"). The interface we wrote has a method of type T (T must inherit
Felidae) which returns an array of T.
And this is how the class Lion, which implements the interface
Reproducible looks like:
public class Lion : Felidae, Reproducible<Lion>

Lion[] Reproducible<Lion>.Reproduce(Lion mate)
return new Lion[]{new Lion(true, 12), new Lion(false, 10)};
The name of the interface is coded in the declaration of the class (on the first
row) and specifies the generic class.
We can indicate which method from a specific interface we implement by
typing its name explicitly:
Lion[] Reproducible<Lion>.Reproduce(Lion mate)
In an interface, methods are only declared; the implementation is coded in
the class implementing the interface, i.e. Lion.
The class that implements a certain interface must implement all methods
in it. The only exception is when the class is abstract. Then it can implement
none, some or all of the methods. All remaining methods have to be
implemented in some of the inheriting classes.
Abstraction and Interfaces
The best way to achieve abstraction is by working though interfaces. A
component works with interfaces which another implements. That way, a
change in the second component will not affect the first one as long as the
new component implements the old interface. The interface is also called a
contract. Every component upholds a certain contract (the signature of
certain methods). That way, two components upholding a contract can
communicate with each other without knowing how their counterpart works.
832 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Some important interfaces from the Common Type System (CTS) are the list
and collection interfaces: System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> and
System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>. All of the standard .NET
collection classes implement these interfaces and the various components
pass different implementations (arrays, linked lists, hash tables, etc.) to one
another using a common interface.
Collections are an excellent example of an object-oriented library with
classes and interfaces that actively use all core principles of OOP: abstraction,
inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.
When Should We Use Abstraction and Interfaces?
The answer to this question is: always when we want to achieve
abstraction of data or actions, whose implementation can change later on.
Code, which communicates with another piece of code through interfaces, is
much more resilient to changes than code written using specific classes.
Working through interfaces is common and a highly recommended
practice one of the basic rules for writing high-quality code.
When Should We Write Interfaces?
It is always a good idea to use interfaces when functionality is exposed to
another component. In the interface we include only the functionality (in
the form of a declaration) that others need to see.
Internally, a program / component can use interfaces for defining roles.
That way, an object can be used by different classes through different roles.
Encapsulation is one of the main concepts in OOP. It is also called
"information hiding". An object has to provide its users only with the
essential information for manipulation, without the internal details. A
Secretary using a Laptop only knows about its screen, keyboard and mouse.
Everything else is hidden internally under the cover. She does not know
about the inner workings of Laptop, because she doesnt need to, and if
she does, she might make a mess. Therefore parts of the properties and
methods remain hidden to her.
The person writing the class has to decide what should be hidden and what
not. When we program, we must define as private every method or field
which other classes should not be able to access.
Encapsulation Examples
The example below shows how to hide methods that the class user doesnt
have to be familiar with and are only used internally by the author of the
class. First, we define an abstract class Felidae, which defines the public
operations of cats (regardless of the cats type):
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 833
public class Felidae
public virtual void Walk()

This is how the class Lion looks like:
public class Lion : Felidae, Reproducible<Lion>

private Paw frontLeft;
private Paw frontRight;
private Paw bottomLeft;
private Paw bottomRight;

private void MovePaw(Paw paw) {

public override void Walk()

The public method Walk() calls some other private method 4 times. That
way the base class is short it consists of a single method. The
implementation, however, calls another of its methods, which is hidden from
the users of the class. That way, Lion doesnt publicly disclose
information about its inner workings (it encapsulates certain behavior).
834 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
At a later stage, this makes it possible to change its implementation without
any of the other classes finding out and requiring changes.
The next fundamental principle of Object-Oriented Programming is
"Polymorphism". Polymorphism allows treating objects of a derived
class as objects of its base class. For example, big cats (base class) catch
their prey (a method) in different ways. A Lion (derived class) sneaks on it,
while a Cheetah (another derived class) simply outruns it.
Polymorphism allows us to treat a cat of random size just like a big cat and
command it "catch your prey", regardless of its exact size.
Polymorphism can bear strong resemblance to abstraction, but it is mostly
related to overriding methods in derived classes, in order to change
their original behavior inherited from the base class. Abstraction is
associated with creating an interface of a component or functionality (defining
a role). We are going to explain method overriding shortly.
Abstract Classes
What happens if we want to specify that the class Felidae is incomplete and
only its successors can have instances? This is accomplished by putting the
keyword abstract before the name of the class and indicates that the class
is not ready to be instantiated. We refer to such classes as abstract
classes. And how do we indicate which exact part of the class is incomplete?
Once again, this is accomplished by putting the keyword abstract before the
name of the method to be implemented. This method is called an abstract
method and cannot have an implementation, but a declaration only.
Each class with at least one abstract method must be abstract. Makes
sense, right? However, the opposite is not true. It is possible to define a class
as an abstract one, even when there are no abstract methods in it.
Abstract classes are something in the middle between classes and
interfaces. They can define ordinary methods and abstract methods.
Ordinary methods have an implementation, whereas abstract methods are
empty (without an implementation) and remain to be implemented later by
the derived classes.
Abstract Class Examples
Lets take a look at an example of an abstract class:
/// <summary>Latin for "cats"</summary>
public abstract class Felidae
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 835

protected void Hide()

protected void Run()

public abstract bool CatchPrey(object prey);
Notice how in the example above the ordinary methods Hide() and Run()
have a body, while the abstract method CatchPrey() does not. Notice that
the methods are declared as protected.
Here is how the implementation of the above abstraction looks like:
public class Lion : Felidae, Reproducible<Lion>
protected void Ambush()

public override bool CatchPrey(object prey)
return false;
Here is one more example of abstract behavior, implemented with an
abstract class and a polymorphic call to an abstract method. In this example
we define abstract method and we override it later in a descendant class.
Lets see the code and discuss it later.
Firstly, we define the abstract class Animal:
836 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public abstract class Animal
public void PrintInformation()
Console.WriteLine("I am a {0}.", this.GetType().Name);

protected abstract String GetTypicalSound();
We also define the class Cat, which inherits the abstract class Animal and
defines an implementation of the abstract method GetTypicalSound():
public class Cat : Animal
protected override String GetTypicalSound()
return "Meoooow!";
If we execute the following program:
public class AbstractClassExample
static void Main()
Animal cat = new Cat();
we are going to get the following result:
I am a Cat.
In the example, the PrintInformation() method from the abstract class
does its work by relying on the result from a call to the abstract method
GetTypicalSound() which is expected to be implemented in different ways by
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 837
the kinds of animals (the various successors of the class Animal). Different
animals make distinct sounds, but the functionality for printing information
about animals is common to all animals, and thats why it is exported to the
base class.
Purely Abstract Classes
Abstract classes, as well as interfaces, cannot be instantiated. If we try to
create an instance of an abstract class, we are going to get an error during

Sometimes a class can be declared abstract, even if it has no
abstract methods, in order to simply prohibit using it directly
without creating an instance of a successor.
A pure abstract class is an abstract class, which has no implemented
methods and no member variables. It is very similar to an interface. The
fundamental difference is that a class can implement many interfaces and
inherit only one class (even if that class is abstract).
Initially, interfaces were not necessary in the presence of "multiple
inheritance". They had to be conceived as a means to supersede it in
specifying the numerous roles of an object.
Virtual Methods
A method, which can be overridden in a derived class, is called a virtual
method. Methods in .NET by default arent virtual. If we want to make a
method virtual, we mark it with the keyword virtual. Then the derived
class can declare and define a method with the same signature.
Virtual methods are important for method overriding, which lies at the heart
of polymorphism.
Virtual Methods Example
We have a class inheriting another and the two classes share a common
method. Both versions of the method write on the console. Here is how the
Lion class looks like:
public class Lion : Felidae, Reproducible<Lion>
public override void CatchPrey(object prey)
838 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Here is how the AfricanLion class looks like:
public class AfricanLion : Lion
public override void CatchPrey(object prey)
We make three attempts to create instances and call the method CatchPrey.
public class VirtualMethodsExample
static void Main()
Lion lion = new Lion(true, 80);
// Will print "Lion.CatchPrey"

AfricanLion lion = new AfricanLion(true, 120);
// Will print "AfricanLion.CatchPrey"

Lion lion = new AfricanLion(false, 60);
// Will print "AfricanLion.CatchPrey", because
// the variable lion has a value of type AfricanLion
In the last attempt, you can clearly see how, in fact, the overwritten
method is called and not the base method. This happens, because it is
validated what the actual class behind the variable is and whether it
implements (overwrites) that method. Rewriting of methods is also called
overriding of virtual methods.
Virtual methods as well as abstract methods can be overridden. Abstract
methods are actually virtual methods without a specific implementation. All
methods defined in an interface are abstract and therefore virtual, although
this is not explicitly defined.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 839
Virtual Methods and Methods Hiding
In the example above, the implementation of the base class is hidden and
omitted. Here is how we can also use it as part of the new implementation (in
case we want to complement the old implementation rather than override it).
Here is how the AfricanLion class looks like:
public class AfricanLion : Lion
public override void CatchPrey(object prey)
Console.WriteLine("calling base.CatchPrey");
Console.WriteLine("...end of call.");
In this example, three lines will be written on the console when
AfricanLion.CatchPrey() is called:
calling base.CatchPrey
...end of call.
The Difference between Virtual and Non-Virtual Methods
Some may ask what the difference between the virtual and non-virtual
methods is.
Virtual methods are used when we expect from derived classes to change /
complement / alter some of the inherited functionality. For example, the
method Object.ToString() allows derived classes to change / replace its
implementation in any way they want. Then, even if we work with an object
not directly, but rather by upcasting it to Object, we use the overwritten
implementation of the virtual methods.
Virtual methods are a key characteristic of objects when we talk about
abstraction and working with abstract types.
Sealing of methods is done when we rely on a piece of functionality and we
dont want it to be altered. We already know that methods are sealed by
default. But if we want a base class virtual method to become sealed in a
derived class, we use override sealed.
840 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The string class has no virtual methods. In fact, inheriting string is
entirely forbidden for inheritance through the keyword sealed in its
declaration. Here are parts of the declarations of string and object classes
(the ellipses in square brackets indicate omitted, irrelevant code):
namespace System
[] public class Object
[] public Object();
[] public virtual bool Equals(object obj);
[] public static bool Equals(object objA, object objB);
[] public virtual int GetHashCode();
[] public Type GetType();
[] protected object MemberwiseClone();
[] public virtual string ToString();

[] public sealed class String : []
[] public String(char* value);
[] public int IndexOf(string value);
[] public string Normalize();
[] public string[] Split(params char[] separator);
[] public string Substring(int startIndex);
[] public string ToLower(CultureInfo culture);
When Should We Use Polymorphism?
The answer to this question is simple: whenever we want to enable
changing a methods implementation in a derived class. Its a good rule
to work with the most basic class possible or directly with an interface. That
way, changes in used classes reflect to a much lesser extent on classes
written by us. The less a program knows about its surrounding classes, the
fewer changes (if any) it would have to undergo.
Cohesion and Coupling
The terms cohesion and coupling are inseparable from OOP. They
complement and explain further some of the principles we have described so
far. Lets get familiar with them.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 841
The concept of cohesion shows to what degree a programs or a components
various tasks and responsibilities are related to one another, i.e. how much
a program is focused on solving a single problem. Cohesion is divided into
strong cohesion and weak cohesion.
Strong Cohesion
Strong cohesion indicates that the responsibilities and tasks of a piece of code
(a method, class, component or a program) are related to one another and
intended to solve a common problem. This is something we must always
aim for. Strong cohesion is a typical characteristic of high-quality software.
Strong Cohesion in a Class
Strong cohesion in a class indicates that the class defines only one entity.
We mentioned earlier that an entity can have many roles (Peter is a soldier,
husband and a taxpayer). Each of these roles is defined in the same class.
Strong cohesion indicates that the class solves only one task, one problem,
and not many at the same time.
A class, which does many things at the same time, is difficult to
understand and maintain. Consider a class, which implements a hash table,
provides functions for printing, sending an e-mail and working with
trigonometric functions all at once. How do we name such a class? If we find
it difficult to answer this question, this means that we have failed to achieve
strong cohesion and have to separate the class into several smaller classes,
each solving a single task.
Strong Cohesion in a Class Example
As an example of strong cohesion we can point out the System.Math class. It
performs a single task: it provides mathematical calculations and constants:
- Sin(), Cos(), Asin()
- Sqrt(), Pow(), Exp()
- Math.PI, Math.E
Strong Cohesion in a Method
A method is well written when it performs only one task and performs
it well. A method, which does a lot of work related to different things, has
bad cohesion. It has to be broken down into simpler methods, each
solving only one task. Once again, the question is posed what name should
we give to a method, which finds prime numbers, draws 3D graphics on the
screen, communicates with the network and prints records extracted from a
data base? Such a method has bad cohesion and has to be logically
separated into several methods.
842 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Weak Cohesion
Weak cohesion is observed along with methods, which perform several
unrelated tasks. Such methods take several different groups of parameters,
in order to perform different tasks. Sometimes, this requires logically
unrelated data to be unified for the sake of such methods. Weak cohesion is
harmful and must be avoided!
Weak Cohesion Example
Here is a sample class with weak cohesion:
public class Magic
public void PrintDocument(Document d) { }
public void SendEmail(string recipient,
string subject, string text) { }
public void CalculateDistanceBetweenPoints(
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { }
Best Practices with Cohesion
Strong cohesion is quite logically the "good" way of writing code. The
concept is associated with simpler and clearer source code code that is
easier to maintain and reuse (because of the fewer tasks it has to perform).
Contrarily, with weak cohesion each change is a ticking time bomb, because
it could affect other functionality. Sometimes a logical task is spread out to
several different modules and thus changing it is more labor intensive. Code
reuse is also difficult, because a component does several unrelated tasks and
to reuse it the exact same conditions must be met which is hard to achieve.
Coupling mostly describes the extent to which components / classes depend
on one another. It is broken down into loose coupling and tight coupling.
Loose coupling usually correlates with strong cohesion and vice versa.
Loose Coupling
Loose coupling is defined by a piece of codes (program / class / component)
communication with other code through clearly defined interfaces
(contracts). A change in the implementation of a loosely coupled component
doesnt reflect on the others it communicates with. When you write source
code, you must not rely on inner characteristics of components (specific
behavior that is not described by interfaces).
The contract has to be maximally simplified and define only the required
behavior for this components work by hiding all unnecessary details.
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 843
Loose coupling is a code characteristic you should aim for. It is one of the
characteristics of high-quality programming code.
Loose Coupling Example
Here is an example of loose coupling between classes and methods:
class Report
public bool LoadFromFile(string fileName) { }
public bool SaveToFile(string fileName) { }

class Printer
public static int Print(Report report) { }

class Example
static void Main()
Report myReport = new Report();
In this example, none of the methods depend on the others. The
methods rely only on some of the parameters, which are passed to them.
Should we need one of the methods in a next project, we could easily take it
out and reuse it.
Tight Coupling
We achieve tight coupling when there are many input parameters and output
parameters; when we use undocumented (in the contract) characteristics of
another component (for example, a dependency on static fields in another
class); and when we use many of the so called control parameters that
indicate behavior with actual data. Tight coupling between two or more
methods, classes or components means that they cannot work
independently of one another and that a change in one of them will also
affect the rest. This leads to difficult to read code and big problems with its
Tight Coupling Example
Here is an example of tight coupling between classes and methods:
844 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
class MathParams
public static double operand;
public static double result;

class MathUtil
public static void Sqrt()
MathParams.result = CalcSqrt(MathParams.operand);

class SpaceShuttle
static void Main()
MathParams.operand = 64;
Such code is difficult to understand and maintain, and the likelihood of
mistakes when using it is great. Think about what happens if another method,
which calls Sqrt(), passes its parameters through the same static variables
operand and result.
If we have to use the same functionality for deriving square root in a
subsequent project, we will not be able to simply copy the method Sqrt(),
but rather we will have to copy the classes MathParams and MathUtil
together with all of their methods. This makes the code difficult to reuse.
In fact, the above code is an example of bad code according to all rules of
Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming and if you think twice, you will
certainly identify at least several more disregarded recommendations from
those we have given you so far.
Best Practices with Coupling
The most common and advisable way of invoking a well written modules
functionality is through interfaces. That way, the functionality can be
substituted without clients of the code requiring changes. The jargon
expression for this is "programming against interfaces".
Most commonly, an interface describes a "contract" observed by this module.
It is good practice not to rely on anything else other than whats described by
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 845
this contract. The use of inner classes, which are not part of the public
interface of a module, is not recommended because their implementation can
be substituted without substituting the contract (we already discussed this in
the section "Abstraction").
It is good practice that the methods are made flexible and ready to work
with all components, which observe their interfaces, and not only with
definitive ones (i.e. to have implicit requirements). The latter would mean
that these methods expect something specific from the components they can
work with. It is also good practice that all
dependencies are clearly described and
visible. Otherwise, the maintenance of such
code becomes difficult (it is riddled with
A good example of strong cohesion and loose
coupling we can find in the classes from the
standard namespaces System.Collections
and System.Collections.Generic. These
.NET classes for working with collections have
strong cohesion. Each solves a single
problem and allows easy reuse. These classes
have another characteristic of high-quality
programming code: loose coupling. The
classes, implementing the collections, are not
related to one another. Each works through a
strictly defined interface and does not give away details of its
implementation. All methods and fields not from the interface are hidden, in
order to reduce the possibility of coupling with them. Methods in the collection
classes do not depend on static variables and do not rely on any input data
except for their inner state and passed parameters. This is good practice
every programmer sooner or later attains with gained experience.
Spaghetti Code
Spaghetti code is unstructured code with unclear logic; it is difficult to
read, understand and maintain; it violates and mixes up consistency; it
has weak cohesion and tight coupling. Such code is associated with
spaghetti, because it is just as tangled and twisted. When you pull out a
strand of spaghetti (i.e. a class or method), the whole dish of spaghetti can
turn out tangled in it (i.e. changes in one method or class lead to dozens of
other changes because of the strong dependence between them). It is almost
impossible to reuse spaghetti code, since there is no way to separate that part
of the code, which is practically applicable.
Spaghetti code is achieved when you have written code, supplement it and
have to readapt it again and again every time the requirements change. Time
passes by until a moment comes when it has to be rewritten from scratch.
846 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Cohesion and Coupling in Engineering Disciplines
If you think that the principles of strong cohesion and loose coupling apply
only to programming, you are deeply mistaken. These are fundamental
engineering principles you will come across in construction, machine
building, electronics and thousands of other fields.
Lets take, for instance, a hard disk drive (HDD):
It solves only one task doesnt it? The hard disk
solves the task of storing data. It does not cool
down the computer, does not make sounds, has
no computing power and is not used as a
keyboard. It is connected to the computer with
two cables only, i.e. it has a simple interface for
access and is not bound to other peripherals. The
hard disk works separately and other devices
arent concerned about how it works exactly. The
CPU commands it to "read" and it reads, then it
commands it to "write" and it writes. How exactly
it does this remains hidden inside it. Different models can work in different
ways, but that is their own concern. You can see that the CPU has strong
cohesion, loose coupling, good abstraction and good encapsulation. This is
how you should implement your classes they must do only one thing, do
it well, bind them minimally to other classes (or not link them at all
whenever thats possible), have a clear interface and good abstraction and to
hide the details of their internal workings.
Here is another example: imagine what would happen, if the processor, the
hard disk, the CD-ROM drive and the keyboard were soldered to the
motherboard of the computer. It would mean that if any part of the keyboard
were broken, you would have to throw away the whole computer. You can see
how hardware cannot work well with tight coupling and weak cohesion. The
same applies to software.
Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM)
Suppose we have a problem or task to solve. The problem usually comes from
the real word. It exists in a reality we are going to call its surrounding
Object-oriented modeling (OOM) is a process associated with OOP where
all objects related to the problem we are solving are brought out (a model is
created). Only the classes' characteristics, which are important for solving this
particular problem, are elicited. The rest are ignored. That way, we create a
new reality, a simplified version of the original one (its model), such that
it allows us to solve the problem or task.
For example, if we model a ticketing system, the important
characteristics of a passenger could be their name, their age, whether they
use a discount and whether they are male or female (if we sell sleeping
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 847
berths). A passenger has many other not important characteristics we
arent concerned about, such as the color of their eyes, what shoe size they
wear, what books they like or what beer they drink.
By modeling, a simplified model of reality is created in order to solve a
specific task. In object-oriented modeling, the model is created by means of
OOP: via classes, class attributes, class methods, objects, relations between
classes, etc. Lets scrutinize this process.
Steps in Object-Oriented Modeling
Object-oriented modeling is usually performed in these steps:
- Identification of classes.
- Identification of class attributes.
- Identification of operations on classes.
- Identification of relations between classes.
We will consider a short example through which we will demonstrate how to
apply these steps.
Identification of Classes
Suppose we have the following excerpt from a systems specification:
The user must be able to describe each product by its characteristics,
including name and product number. If the barcode doesnt match the
product, an error must be generated on the error screen. There has to be a
daily report for all transactions specified in section 9.3.
Here is how we identify key concepts:
The user must be able to describe each product by its characteristics,
including name and product number. If the barcode doesnt match the
product, an error must be generated on the error screen. There has to be
a daily report for all transactions specified in section 9.3.
We have just identified the classes we will need. The names of the classes
are the nouns in the text, usually common nouns in singular like Student,
Message, Lion. Avoid names that dont come from the text, such as:
StrangeClass, AddressTheStudentHas.
Sometimes its difficult to determine whether some subject or phenomena
from the real world has to be a class. For example, the address can be
defined as a class Address or a string. The better we explore the problem,
the easier it will be to decide which entities must be represented as classes.
When a class becomes large and complicated it has to be broken down into
several smaller classes.
848 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Identification of Class Attributes
Classes have attributes (characteristics), for example the class Student
has a name, institution and a list of courses. Not all characteristics are
important for a software system. For example, as far as the class Student is
concerned eye color is a non-essential characteristic. Only essential
characteristics have to be modeled.
Identification of Operations on Classes
Each class must have clearly defined responsibilities what objects or
processes from the real world it identifies and what tasks it performs. Each
action in the program is performed by one or several methods in some class.
The actions are modeled as operations (methods).
A combination of verb + noun is used for the name of a method, e.g.
PrintReport(), ConnectToDatabase(). We cannot define all methods of a
given class immediately. Firstly, we define the most important methods
those that implement the basic responsibilities of the class. Over time
additional methods appear.
Identification of Relationships between Classes
If a student is from a faculty and this is important for the task we are solving,
then student and faculty are related, i.e. the Faculty class has a list of
Students. These relations are called associations (remember the "Class
Diagrams" section).
UML Notation
UML (Unified Modeling Language) was mentioned in the section about
inheritance where we discussed class diagrams. The UML notation defines
several additional types of diagrams. Lets check out some of them briefly.
Use Case Diagrams
They are used when we elicit the requirements for the description of possible
actions. Actors represent roles (types of users).
Use cases describe interaction between the actors and the system. The use
case model is a group of use cases it provides a complete description of a
systems functionality.
Use Case Diagrams Example
Here is how a use case diagram looks like:
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 849

The actor (the dwarf in the diagram) is someone who interacts with the
system (a user, external system or, for instance, an external environment).
The actor has a unique name and, possibly, a description. I our case
actors are the WatchUser and the WatchRepairPerson.
A use case (the egg in the diagram) describes a single functionality of
the system, a single action that can be performed by some actor. It has a
unique name and is related to actors. It can have input and output
conditions. Most frequently, it contains a flow of operations (a process). It can
also have other requirements. We have three use cases in the diagram above:
ReadTime, SetTime and ChangeBattery.
A package holds several logically related use cases.
Lines connect actors to the use cases they perform. An actor can perform or
be involved in one or several use cases.
Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagrams are used when modeling the requirements of process
specification and describing use case scenarios more extensively. They allow
describing additional participants in the processes and the sequence of the
actions over the time. They are used in designing the descriptions of system
Sequence diagrams describe what happens over the time, the interactions
over the time, the dynamic view over the system, a sequence of steps,
just like an algorithm.
Sequence Diagrams Example
Here is how a sequence diagram looks like:
850 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Classes are depicted with columns (lifelines). Messages (actions) are
depicted with arrows and text above the arrows. Participants are depicted
with wide rectangles. States are depicted with dashed lines. The period of
activity (activation) of certain class during the time is depicted as narrow
Messages Example
The direction of the arrow designates the sender and the recipient of a
message (a method call in OOP). Horizontal dashed lines depict data flow:

Statechart Diagrams
Statechart diagrams describe the possible states of certain process and the
possible transitions between them along with the conditions for the
transitions. They represent finite-state automata (state machines). Below
we have an example of statechart diagram that illustrates the states and
transitions of typical process of changing the current time of a wall clock
which has two buttons and a screen:
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 851

Activity Diagrams
Activity diagrams are a special type of statechart diagrams where
conditions are actions. They show the flow of actions in a system:

Design Patterns
Few years after the onset of the object-oriented paradigm it was found that
there are many situations, which occur frequently during software
development, such as a class, which must have only one instance within the
entire application.
Design patterns appeared as proven and highly-efficient solutions to the
most common problems of object-oriented modeling. Design patterns
are systematically described in the eponymous book by Erich Gamma & Co.
852 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
"Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
(ISBN 0-201-63361-2). The patterns in this book are called the GoF
patterns or classical design patterns.
This is one of the few books in the field of computer science,
which remain current 15 years after publishing. Design
patterns complement the basic principles of OOP with well-
known solutions of well-known problems. A good place to
start studying the design patterns is their Wikipedia article:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_pattern (computer science). You
may also check the "Data & Object Factory" patterns catalog
http://www.dofactory.com/Patterns/Patterns.aspx, where the authors provide
C# implementation of the classical GoF patterns.
The Singleton Design Pattern
This is the most popular and most frequently used design pattern. It allows a
class to have only one instance and defines where it has to be taken from.
Typical examples are classes, which define references to singular entities (a
virtual machine, operating system, window manager in a graphical application
or a file system) as well as classes of the next pattern (factory).
The Singleton Design Pattern Example
Here is a sample implementation of the singleton design pattern:
public class Singleton
// The single instance
private static Singleton instance;

// Initialize the single instance
static Singleton()
instance = new Singleton();

// The property for retrieving the single instance
public static Singleton Instance
get { return instance; }

// Private constructor: protects against direct instantiation
private Singleton() { }
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 853
We have a hidden (private) constructor in order to limit external
instantiations. We have a static variable, which holds the only instance. We
initialize it only once in the static constructor of the class. The property for
retrieving the single instance is usually called Instance.
The pattern can undergo many optimizations, such as the so called "lazy
initialization" of the only variable, in order to save memory, but this is its
classical form.
The Factory Method Design Pattern
Factory method is another very common design pattern. It is intended for
"producing" objects. The instantiation of an object is not performed
directly, but rather by the factory method. This allows the factory method to
decide which specific instance to create from a family of classes implementing
a common interface. The solution can depend on the environment, a
parameter or some system setting.
The Factory Method Design Pattern Example
Factory methods encapsulate object creation. This is useful if the creation
process is very complicated if it depends on settings in configuration files or
input data by the user.
Suppose we have a class which contains graphics files (png, jpeg, bmp, etc.)
and creates reduced size copies of them (the so called thumbnails). A
variety of formats are supported, each represented by a class:
public class Thumbnail

public interface Image
Thumbnail CreateThumbnail();

public class GifImage : Image
public Thumbnail CreateThumbnail()
// Create a GIF thumbnail here
return gifThumbnail;

public class JpegImage : Image
854 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public Thumbnail CreateThumbnail()
// Create a JPEG thumbnail here
return jpegThumbnail;
Here is how the class holding an album of images looks like:
public class ImageCollection
private IList<Image> images;

public ImageCollection(IList<Image> images)
this.images = images;

public IList<Thumbnail> CreateThumbnails()
IList<Thumbnail> thumbnails =
new List<Thumbnail>(images.Count);
foreach (Image thumb in images)
return thumbnails;
The client of the program may require thumbnails of all images in the album:
public class Example
static void Main()
IList<Image> images = new List<Image>();

images.Add(new JpegImage());
images.Add(new GifImage());

ImageCollection imageRepository =
new ImageCollection(images);

Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles 855
Other Design Patterns
There are dozens of other well-known design patterns, but we are not going
to discuss them. The more inquisitive readers can look up "Design Patterns"
on the internet and learn what other design patterns, such as Abstract
Factory, Prototype, Adapter, Composite, Faade, Command, Observer,
Iterator, etc. serve for and how they are put into use. If you pursue .NET
development more seriously, you will see for yourselves that the whole
standard library (FCL) is built on the principles of OOP and the classic design
patterns are very actively used.
1. We are given a school. The school has classes of students. Each class has
a set of teachers. Each teacher teaches a set of courses. The students
have a name and unique number in the class. Classes have a unique text
identifier. Teachers have names. Courses have a name, count of classes
and count of exercises. The teachers as well as the students are people.
Your task is to model the classes (in terms of OOP) along with their
attributes and operations define the class hierarchy and create a class
diagram with Visual Studio.
2. Define a class Human with properties "first name" and "last name". Define
the class Student inheriting Human, which has the property "mark". Define
the class Worker inheriting Human with the property "wage" and "hours
worked". Implement a "calculate hourly wage" method, which calculates a
workers hourly pay rate based on wage and hours worked. Write the
corresponding constructors and encapsulate all data in properties.
3. Initialize an array of 10 students and sort them by mark in ascending
order. Use the interface System.IComparable<T>.
4. Initialize an array of 10 workers and sort them by salary in descending
5. Define an abstract class Shape with abstract method CalculateSurface()
and fields width and height. Define two additional classes for a triangle
and a rectangle, which implement CalculateSurface(). This method has
to return the areas of the rectangle (height*width) and the triangle
(height*width/2). Define a class for a circle with an appropriate
constructor, which initializes the two fields (height and width) with the
same value (the radius) and implement the abstract method for calculating
the area. Create an array of different shapes and calculate the area of each
shape in another array.
856 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
6. Implement the following classes: Dog, Frog, Cat, Kitten and Tomcat. All of
them are animals (Animal). Animals are characterized by age, name and
gender. Each animal makes a sound (use a virtual method in the Animal
class). Create an array of different animals and print on the console their
name, age and the corresponding sound each one makes.
7. Using Visual Studio generate the class diagrams of the classes from the
previous task with it.
8. A bank holds different types of accounts for its customers: deposit
accounts, loan accounts and mortgage accounts. Customers can be
individuals or companies. All accounts have a customer, balance and
interest rate (monthly based). Deposit accounts allow depositing and
withdrawing of money. Loan and mortgage accounts allow only
depositing. All accounts can calculate their interest for a given period (in
months). In the general case, it is calculated as follows:
number_of_months * interest_rate. Loan accounts have no interest
rate during the first 3 months if held by individuals and during the first 2
months if held by a company. Deposit accounts have no interest rate if
their balance is positive and less than 1000. Mortgage accounts have
the interest rate during the first 12 months for companies and no interest
rate during the first 6 months for individuals. Your task is to write an
object-oriented model of the bank system. You must identify the classes,
interfaces, base classes and abstract actions and implement the interest
calculation functionality.
9. Read about the Abstract Factory design pattern and implement it in C#.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. The task is trivial. Just follow the problem description and write the code.
2. The task is trivial. Just follow the problem description and write the code.
3. Implement IComparable<T> in Student and then sort the array.
4. This problem is like the previous one.
5. Just implement the classes as described in the problem description.
6. Printing information can be implemented in the virtual method System.
Object.ToString(). In order to print the content of an array of animals,
you can use a foreach loop.
7. If you have the full version of Visual Studio, just use Add New Item
Class Diagram. Class diagrams are not supported in VS Express Edition.
In this case you can find some other UML tool (see http://en.wikipedia.org/
8. Use abstract class Account with abstract method CalculateInterest().
9. You can read about the "abstract factory" design pattern in Wikipedia:
Chapter 21. High-Quality
Programming Code
In This Chapter
In this chapter we review the basic rules and recommendations for writing
quality program code. We pay attention to naming the identifiers in the
program (variables, methods, parameters, classes, etc.), formatting and
code organization rules, good practices for composing methods, and
principles for writing quality documentation. We describe the official
"Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries for .NET" from Microsoft. In
the meantime we explain how the programming environment can automate
operations such as code formatting and refactoring.
This chapter is a kind of continuation of the previous one Object-Oriented
Programming Principles. The reader is expected to be familiar with the basic
OOP principles: abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
and exception handling. Those do greatly affect the quality of the code.
Why Is Code Quality Important?
Lets examine the following code:
static void Main()
int value=010, i=5, w;
switch(value){case 10:w=5;Console.WriteLine(w);break;case
case 8:Console.WriteLine("8 ");break;
default:Console.WriteLine("def ");{
Console.WriteLine("hoho "); }
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++, Console.WriteLine(k -
'f'));break;} { Console.WriteLine("loop!"); }
Are you able to comprehend what this code does in a short glance? Does it
do its job correctly, does it contain any errors?
858 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
What Does Quality Programming Code Mean?
The quality of a program encompasses two aspects: the quality perceived by
the user (called external quality), and the quality in regard to the internal
organization (called internal quality).
The external quality is largely determined by the operational correctness
of the particular program (absence of defects). Things like usability and
intuitiveness of the user interface (UI) do greatly influence the external
quality as well. Performance, a term which includes operational speed,
memory usage and resource utilization, also plays in the equation, whenever
these things matter.
Internal quality, on the other hand, is determined by how well the
program is built. It depends on whether the employed design and
architecture are suitable and sufficiently simple, and whether it is easy to
make a change or to add new functionality (maintainability). The
comprehensibility of the implementation and the readability of the code are
vital as well. In general, internal quality mostly has to do with the code of the
program and its internal work.
Characteristics of Quality Code
Quality code is easy to read and understand. It is maintained easily and
straightforwardly. It must withstand any kind of input without breaking or
behaving strangely, and be well tested. The design and the architecture
must be suitable and not over-engineered. Documentation should be at a
decent level, or at least the code should be self-documenting. Formatting
should be adequately chosen and applied consistently throughout the whole
At all levels (modules, classes, methods) there should be a strong relation and
a high focus of the responsibilities (strong cohesion) that means, a piece
of code should only do one particular thing.
Functional independence (or more precisely, loose coupling) between
modules, classes and methods is crucially important. Suitable and consistent
naming of all program identifiers is a must. Documentation should be
embedded in the code itself.
Why Should We Write Quality Code?
Lets have a look again at our example:
static void Main()
int value=010, i=5, w;
switch(value){case 10:w=5;Console.WriteLine(w);break;case
case 8:Console.WriteLine("8 ");break;
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 859
default:Console.WriteLine("def ");{
Console.WriteLine("hoho "); }
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++, Console.WriteLine(k -
'f'));break;} { Console.WriteLine("loop!"); }
Can you tell whether this code compiles without errors? Can you tell what
it does just by glancing at it? Can you add new functionality and be sure
that you will not break it up? Can you tell what the purpose of the k or the w
variable is?
Visual Studio has an option for automatic code formatting. If the above
code is put there and that option is invoked (via the keyboard combination
[Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F]) it will be reformatted and will look completely differently.
Unfortunately, the purpose of the variables will still remain unclear, but at
least it should become obvious where each block ends:
static void Main()
int value = 010, i = 5, w;
switch (value)
case 10: w = 5; Console.WriteLine(w); break;
case 9: i = 0; break;
case 8: Console.WriteLine("8 "); break;
default: Console.WriteLine("def ");
Console.WriteLine("hoho ");
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++, Console.WriteLine(k - 'f'));
} { Console.WriteLine("loop!"); }
If everyone was writing code as in the above example, it would not be
possible to create big and serious software projects, because they are written
by large teams of software engineers. If every team members code was like
that, no one would ever be able to understand how the other members
code works (and whether it works at all), and hardly anyone could even
understand his / her own code.
Over the time, a serious amount of good practices have emerged and a lot
of experience has been gained for writing quality code, to enable each
programmer to understand and maintain his colleagues code. These
practices endorse a variety of rules and recommendations for code
formatting, identifier naming and proper program structure, all of which
make writing software easier. Consistent and quality code is especially helpful
860 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
when changing and maintaining a program. Quality code is flexible and
stable. Because it is self-documenting and intuitive, its intentions become
clear at a first sight. Quality code is easy to reuse because it does just one
thing (strong cohesion), but does it well, depending on a minimal amount of
other components (loose coupling), using only their public interfaces. As an
end result, quality code saves time and labor, and makes the produced
software more valuable.
Some programmers consider quality code as being overly simple. They tend
to think that it limits their opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge. That
is the reason why they write code that is hard to read, and for using
features of the language which are unpopular or poorly documented. They
squeeze functions on a single line. This is an entirely wrong practice.
Coding Conventions
Before continue with the recommendations on writing quality code, we should
talk a bit about coding conventions. A coding convention is a set of rules
for writing code, used within the boundaries of a particular organization or a
project. It can include naming and formatting rules, and rules for logical
composition. One such rule would recommend that class names start with a
capital letter while variable names start with a lowercase letter. Another rule
may state that the opening curly bracket preceding a block of statements
should be on the same line, rather than on a new line.

Inconsistent usage of a single convention is worse and more
dangerous than not having a convention at all.
Conventions started to emerge in big and serious projects, where a large
number of programmers had each been writing in their own style and
everyone was adhering to their own (if any) rules. This was making the code
harder to read and has forced project managers to introduce written rules.
Later, the best coding conventions gained popularity and have become a de
facto standard.
Microsoft provides an official coding convention called .NET Framework
Guidelines and Best Practices for .NET 4.5 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
Since then, this coding convention has gained significant popularity and has
become very widespread. The naming and formatting rules presented here
are in sync with the above convention from Microsoft.
Large organizations adhere to strict conventions. Among separate teams,
conventions may differ, however. Most team leaders choose to stick with the
official convention of Microsoft, and they eventually extend it when necessary.

Code quality is not just a set of rules, which must be adhered
to; it is rather a way of thinking.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 861
Managing Complexity
The management of complexity plays a central role when writing software.
The main objective is to reduce the complexity that each member has to
deal with at a certain moment. This way the brain of each of the members is
burdened with less stuff to think about.
The complexity management starts from the architecture and the design.
Each and every module (or rather, each autonomous code unit) should be
designed with reducing complexity in mind.
Good practices should be applied at all levels classes, methods, member
variables, naming, operators, error handling, formatting, comments, etc. They
transform a lot of the decisions about the code in a strictly-defined set of
rules, which enables a developer to think about one thing less while reading
and writing code.
The complexity management can be approached in another way: it is
especially helpful for a developer to be able to abstract himself away from
the big picture while writing a small piece of code. For that to be
possible, the piece of code should have very clear boundaries, which are in-
tact with the big picture. The old Roman rule Divide and conquer still applies
when complexity is concerned.
The rules we are talking about later on are directed exactly towards
eliminating complexity while working on a single, small piece of the system.
Identifier Naming
Identifiers are the names of classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations,
properties, methods, parameters and variables. In C# and in many other
languages, names are chosen by the developer. Names should not be
random. They should be composed in such a way that they carry meaningful
information about their purpose and their role in the code. This makes the
code easier to read.
When naming an identifier, it is good to ask yourself these questions: What
does this class do? What is the purpose of this variable? What is that method
being used for? What information does this parameter hold?
Some good names are: FactorialCalculator, studentsCount, Math.PI,
configFileName, CreateReport.
Some bad names are: k, k2, k3, junk, f33, KJJ, button1, variable, temp,
tmp, temp_var, something, someValue.
It is especially bad to have a class or a method called Problem12. Some
beginner programmers would give such a name to their solution of Problem
12 from the exercises. What will the name Problem12 tell you in a week or a
month? If the problem is about finding a path in a labyrinth, name it
PathInLabyrinth. Three months later you may encounter a similar problem
and you will be able to find the labyrinth problem. How would you find it if you
862 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
have named it inappropriately? Do not give a name that contains digits this
is an indication for bad naming.

The name of an identifier should describe its purpose. The
solution of problem 12 from the exercises should NOT be
called Problem12. That is a huge mistake!
Avoid Abbreviations
Abbreviations should be avoided because they can be confusing. What does
the class name GrBxPnl tell you? Isnt GroupBoxPanel clearer? Exceptions are
made for acronyms, which are more popular than their full form, for example
HTML or URL. In that sense, HTMLParser is recommended over the excessive
long name HyperTextMarkupLanguageParser.
Use English
One of the most basic rules is to always use English. Would you be able to
understand the code of a foreigner who names variables and methods in his
own language? The one and only human language, which all programmers
should know, is English.

English is a de facto standard in writing software. Always use
English for naming the identifiers in the code (variables,
methods, classes, etc.). Use English for comments as well.
Lets see how we pick appropriate identifiers in different cases.
Consistency in Naming
Naming should be consistent. What does this mean?
In a group of methods called LoadFile(), LoadSettings(), LoadFont(),
LoadImageFromFile() and LoadLibrary() it is inappropriate to have a
method ReadTextFile(). The word Read is not consistent with Load.
Opposite activities should be symmetrically named (you should be able to
guess the name of the opposite activity just by knowing the complementing
one): LoadLibrary() goes with UnloadLibrary(), but does not go with
FreeHandle(). OpenFile() goes with CloseFile(), but does not go with
DeallocateResource(). It is unnatural to have AssignName next to a
GetName / SetName pair.
Notice that in .NET Framework class library, big groups of classes have
consistent naming: collections (the namespace and all classes use the
words like Collection and List, and never their synonyms), streams are
always Streams, etc.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 863

Use consistent names: use the same words for the same
situations, do not use synonyms. Name opposite things
Names of Classes, Interfaces and Other Types
From the chapter Principles of Object-Oriented Programming we know that
classes describe real-world objects. Class names should consist of a noun
(denominative or substantive) and possibly a number of adjectives (before
or after the noun). For example, a class describing an African lion should be
called AfricanLion.
The recommended casing of the letters (small / capital letters) for naming
types in C# is Pascal Case: the first letter of every word in the name is
always uppercase and the rest of the letters are lowercase. This way it is
easier to read the identifiers name (compare the lowercase name
idatagridcolumnstyleeditingnotificationservice to its Pascal Case
version IDataGridColumnStyleEditingNotificationService). The latter is
the public class with probably the longest name in the .NET Framework (46
characters, from System.Windows.Forms).
Lets give a few more examples. We are to write a class, which finds the
prime numbers in a given range. A good name for that class is PrimeNumbers
or PrimeNumbersFinder, or maybe PrimeNumbersScanner. Bad names
would be FindPrimeNumber (a verb should not be used in the name of a
class) or Numbers (it is not clear what the numbers are and what we are doing
with them) or Prime (a class name should not be an adjective).
How Long Should Class Names Be?
In the common case, class names should not exceed 20 characters, but
sometimes this rule is not adhered to if a real-world object is described which
contains numerous longer words. As we saw above, it is possible to have a
class with a name that is 46 characters long. Although the name is long, it is
very clear what this class does. Because of this, the recommendation for class
names being less than 20 characters is only advisory, not mandatory. If you
are about to choose between a class name that is short and clear and another
one which is longer and as clear as the short one, prefer the short name.
A bad advice would be to abbreviate names in order to keep them short. Are
the following class names clear enough: CustSuppNotifSrvc, FNFException?
Obviously they are not easy readable. Names like FileNotFoundException
and CustomerSupportNotificationService are much clearer, although
being longer.
Naming Interfaces and Other Types
Interface names should follow the same convention as class names: they
are written in Pascal Case and consist of a noun and possibly a few
864 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
adjectives. In order to distinguish them from the rest of the types, the
convention suggests prefixing them with an I.
Some good examples are: IEnumerable, IFormattable, IDataReader,
IList, IHttpModule, ICommandExecutor.
Bad examples would be: List, FindUsers, IFast, IMemoryOptimize,
Optimizer, FastFindInDatabase, CheckBox.
In .NET there is one more notation for naming interfaces: naming them so
that they end in "able": ICloneable, IEnumerable, IFormattable. These
are interfaces that most often augment the basic role of an object. Most
interfaces, however, do not follow this notation, such as the IList and
ICollection interfaces.
Names of Enumeration Types
A few formats are allowed for naming enumerations: [Noun] or [Verb] or
[Adjective]. Names can be in singular or plural form. Every member of an
enumerated type should be named in the same manner. The below examples
show correctly named enumerations:
enum Days
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

enum Color
Black, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Gray, White
Attribute Names
Attribute names in C# should be suffixed with Attribute. For example:
WebServiceAttribute. Attributes are special annotations (metadata) for a
class / method or other piece of code which specify a special instruction for
the compiler or the runtime. For more information see the documentation in
MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z0w1kczw(v=vs.110).aspx.
Exception Names
The convention for naming exception classes suggests that exceptions end
with Exception. The name should be informative and Pascal case should be
used just like when naming classes. A good example of correctly named
exception class would be FileNotFoundException. A bad example for
exception class is FileNotFoundError.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 865
Delegate Names
Delegates in C# and .NET Framework should be suffixed with Delegate or
EventHandler. Thus DownloadFinishedDelegate would be a good example
while WakeUpNotification would not adhere to the convention. A delegate
is a data type which holds a reference to method with compatible signature.
For more information about delegates see the official documentation in MSDN:
Naming Namespaces
Namespaces, covered in details in the Creating and Using Objects chapter,
should use Pascal Case like class names. The following forms are preferable:
- Company.Product.Component
- Product.Component
Good example for naming a namespace is: Telerik.WinControls.GridView.
Bad examples for naming namespaces are: Classes, TELERIK.CONSTANTS
and Telerik_WinControlsGridView.
Assembly Names
Assembly names should match the name of the base namespace which
they hold. Good examples of correctly named assemblies are:
- Telerik.WinControls.GridView.dll
- Oracle.DataAccess.dll
- Interop.CAPICOM.dll
Improper (bad) assembly names are the following:
- Telerik_WinControlsGridView.dll
- OracleDataAccess.dll
- Oracle.dll
Method Names
Method names should be PascalCase, e.g. each separate word starts with an
uppercase letter.
Method names should be constructed according to the following pattern:
<verb> + <object>, for example PrintReport(), LoadSettings() or
SetUserName(). The object can be a noun or a noun and an adjective:
ShowAnswer(), ConnectToRandomTorrentServer() or FindMaxValue().
A method name should address what that method does. If you are not able
to come up with a good name, you most probably have to review the method
itself and whether it is decently written.
866 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Some bad examples for method names are: DoWork() (what kind of work?),
Printer() (no verb), Find2() (why not Find7() then?), ChkErr()
(abbreviations are not recommended), NextPosition() (no verb).
Sometimes a single verb is a good name for a method, as long as it becomes
clear what the particular method does and what objects it operates on. For
example, within a Task class, the methods Start(), Stop() and Cancel()
are well-named because it is clear that they start, stop or cancel a task. In
other cases a single verb is inappropriate. For example, within an Utils class,
methods called Evaluate(), Create() and Stop() are inadequate because
the context is not entirely clear.
Methods that Return a Value
Names of methods that return a value should describe the returned value
in some way, e.g. GetNumberOfProcessors(), FindMinPath(), GetPrice(),
GetRowsCount(), CreateNewInstance().
Bad examples for names of methods that return a value are the following:
ShowReport() (it is not clear what the method returns), Value() (should be
either GetValue() or HasValue()), Student() (no verb), Empty() (should be
Whenever a value is returned, the measuring unit should be clear:
MeasureFontInPixels(), instead of MeasureFont().
Single Purpose of a Method
A method that does more than one thing is hard to be appropriately named:
how would you call a method that does an annual income report, downloads
software updates from the web and scans the system for viruses? Maybe

Methods should have one purpose only, solving only one
task, not multiple tasks at the same time!
Methods solving multiple tasks (weak cohesion) cannot and should not be
named properly. They must be refactored.
Cohesion and Naming
A name should describe everything that the method does. If a suitable
name cannot be found, it most probably means that the cohesion is weak, i.e.
the method does many things and should be split up into separate methods.
Here is an example: we have a method that sends an e-mail, prints a report
and calculates the distance between two points in 3D Euclidean space. How
would you call it? Maybe SendEmailAndPrintReportAndCalc3DDistance()?
It is obvious that something is wrong with this method we should
refactor it instead of striving to find a better name. It is even worse if that
method is simply called SendEmail(). This way we are misleading other
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 867
programmers that this method only sends email, while in reality it does many
other things. The last is very, very bad practice.

Naming a method misleadingly is even worse than naming it
method1(). If a method calculates a cosine and we name it
sqrt(), we will likely enrage other colleagues that are willing
to use our code.
How Long Should Method Names Be?
The same recommendations apply here as for classes you should not
abbreviate unless it is clear. The names should be meaningful and this is
more important than its length. If the method name is too long (e.g. more
than 50 characters), check whether it does a single task.
Good method names are: LoadCustomerSupportNotificationService(),
Math.Sqrt(), CreateMonthlyAndAnnualIncomesReport().
Bad method names are LoadCustSuppSrvc(), CreateMonthIncReport().
Method Parameters
Parameters should be named in the following form: [Noun] or [Adjective]
+ [Noun]. Every word of the name should start with an uppercase letter,
except for the first word. This notation is called camelCase. As with any other
code element, parameter naming should be meaningful and should carry
useful information.
Good examples of parameter names are the following: firstName, report,
fontSizeInPixels, speedKmH, font, usersList.
Bad examples of parameter names are: p, p1, p2, populate, LastName,
last_name, convertImage.
Property Names
Property names start with an uppercase letter (PascalCase, like methods),
but do not contain a verb (like variables). A property name consists of an
[Adjective] + [Noun] or just [Noun].
In the presence of a property called X, it is not a good practice to have a
method called GetX() it will be confusing.
If the property is of type enumeration, you could think about naming the
property like the enumeration type itself. In the presence of an enumeration
called CacheLevel, the property would as well be called CacheLevel.
Using the same name for the property and its type is allowed and is usual
in .NET Framework class library. For example the property Cursor of the class
Button in Windows Forms is of type Cursor.
868 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Variable Names
Variable names (local variables in a method) and member-variables (fields in
a class) should adhere to the camelCase notation, according to Microsoft.
Variables should have a good name, as all other identifiers in the code
should. A good variable name clearly and precisely describes the object that
the variable holds. Good variable names are: account, blockSize and
customerDiscount. Bad names are: r18pq, __hip, rcfd, val1, val2.
A name should address the problem that the variable solves. It should
answer the question What?, not How?. In this sense, good names are
employeeSalary, employees. Bad names are the ones that are irrelevant to
the solved problem: myArray, customerFile, customerHashTable.

Prefer names from the business domain in which the
software operates, not from the technical names that come
from the programming language: use CompanyNames rather
than StringArray.
The optimal length of a variable name is from 10 to 16 characters. The
length of the name depends on the scope variables with wider scope and a
longer lifetime should have a more descriptive name:
protected Account[] customerAccounts;
Variables with a narrower scope and a shorter lifetime could have shorter
for (int i=0; i < customers.Length; i++) { }
Variable names should be instantly understandable. Because of this it is not
a good idea to remove vowels from the name in order to abbreviate it
btnDfltSvRzlts is not quite understandable.
The most important thing is: whatever naming rules are chosen for variables,
they should be applied consistently throughout the code in all the modules
of the project and by the whole team. An inconsistently applied rule is worse
than not having a rule at all.
Names of Boolean Identifiers
Parameters, properties and variables can be of a Boolean type. In this point
we describe the specifics of these identifiers.
Their names should be a prerequisite for either truth or falsehood. For
example, names like canRead, available, isOpen and valid are good.
Examples of inadequate names for Boolean variables are: student, read,
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 869
It would be useful if Boolean identifiers start with is, has or can (with an
uppercase letter for properties), but only if this adds for clarity.
Negated names should not be used (avoid prefixing with not), because the
following oddities may occur:
if (! notFound) { }
Good examples: configFileLoaded, hasPendingPayment, customerFound,
validAddress, positiveBalance, isPrime.
Bad examples: notFound, fsafdashghg, run, programStop, player, list,
findCustomerById, isUnsuccessfull.
Named Constants
Like we already know from the chapter Defining Classes constants in C# are
something like static immutable variables and are defined as follows:
public struct Int32
public const int MaxValue = 2147483647;
Names of constants should be written in Pascal Case or entirely in
uppercase, with underscores between words (ALL_CAPS):
public static class Math
public const double PI = 3.14159265359;
public const double GoldenRatio = 1.61803398875;
Named constants should clearly describe what the purpose of the
particular number, string or whatever value is, rather than the value itself. A
constant named number314159 is useless and confusing.
The official recommendation from Microsoft for naming the constants (const
and readonly identifiers) is to use Pascal Case but some developers prefer
the ALL_CAPS style which is widely used in C++ and Java.
Naming of Specific Data Types
Names of variables used as counters are recommended to contain a word
that specifies that, for example usersCount, rolesCount, filesCount.
Variables that represent the state of an object should be named accordingly.
A few examples: threadState, transactionState.
870 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Temporary variables should most often have common and short names,
which make obvious that they are temporary, with a very short lifetime. Good
examples are index, oldValue, count. Inappropriate names are a, aa,
tmpvar1, tmpvar2. Although using names like tmp and temp is acceptable it is
better to choose more meaningful name like oldValue and lastIndex.
Naming by Prefixing or Suffixing
Prefix and suffix naming conventions do exist in older languages such as C.
A very popular notation during many years has been the Hungarian
notation. Hungarian notation is a prefix naming notation in which every
variable comes with a prefix that indicates its type and purpose. For example,
in Win32 API, the name lpcstrUserName would mean a variable that is a
pointer to an array of characters, which ends in 0, and is interpreted as a
non-Unicode string.
In C#, .NET Framework, Java and all modern programming languages, similar
conventions have never gained popularity because the development
environments are able to show the type of any variable. Do not use
Hungarian notation in C#! Exceptions are made by some graphics libraries,
to a certain extent.
Code Formatting
Formatting, along with naming is one of the most basic prerequisites for
readable code. Without proper formatting, the code is not going to be
readable, whatever rules for naming and code structuring are chosen.
Formatting has two objectives: easier to read code, and, as a consequence
code that is easy to maintain. Formatting that makes the code harder to
read is not good. Every aspect of formatting (indentation, empty lines,
alignment, etc.) can provide benefits as well as cause harm. Formatting
should follow the logical structure of the program so that the logical
understanding is supported.

The formatting of a program should represent its logical
structure. All formatting rules are introduced towards
improving code readability by exposing its logical structure.
In Visual Studio, the code can be automatically formatted with the [Ctrl+K,
Ctrl+F] key combination. Different standards can be applied whenever auto
formatting is performed the Microsoft conventions as well as user-defined
standards are available. Try it yourself: select a piece of code and press
[Ctrl+K] followed by [Ctrl+F].
Now we are going to review the formatting rules according to the coding
convention of Microsoft for C#.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 871
Why Does Code Need Formatting?
First lets look at the below example:
public const string FILE_NAME
="example.bin" ; static void Main ( ){
FileStream fs= new FileStream(FILE_NAME,FileMode
. CreateNew) // Create the writer for data .
;BinaryWriter w=new BinaryWriter ( fs );//
Write data to Test.data.
for( int i=0;i<11;i++){w.Write((int)i);}w .Close();
fs . Close ( ) // Create the reader for data.
;fs=new FileStream(FILE_NAME,FileMode. Open
, FileAccess.Read) ;BinaryReader r
= new BinaryReader(fs); // Read data from Test.data.
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++){ Console .WriteLine
(r.ReadInt32 ())
;}r . Close ( ); fs . Close ( ) ; }
Is that enough as an answer?
Block Formatting
Blocks are surrounded by { and }. In C# they should be on separate
lines (unlike in Java and JavaScript). The contents of the block should be
indented to the right by a single tab:
if (some condition)
// Block contents indented by a single [Tab]
// Don't use spaces for indentation
This rule applies for namespaces, classes, methods, conditional statements,
loops, etc.
Nested blocks are indented additionally. The body of the class here is
indented relative to the body of the namespace, and the body of the method
is indented additionally, as well as the conditional statement:
namespace Chapter_21_Quality_Code
public class IndentationExample
private int Zero()
if (true)
872 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
return 0;
Rules for Formatting a Method
According to the Microsofts coding convention, some formatting rules when
declaring methods should be adhered to.
Formatting Multiple Method Declarations
Whenever a class has more than one method, their declarations should be
separated by an empty line:
public class IndentationExample

public static void FirstMethod()
} // One blank line follows

public static void SecondMethod()
How to Put Parentheses?
The Microsoft coding convention suggests that a space should be put
between a keyword (for, while, if, switch) and an opening parenthesis:
while (!EOF)
// Code
This is made for the keywords to stand out.
Next to a method name and before an opening parenthesis, no whitespace
should be present:
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 873
public void CalculateCircumference(int radius)
return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
In this line of thought, between the name of the method and the opening
parenthesis "(" there should not be any whitespace (spaces, tabs etc.):
public static void PrintLogo()
// Code
Formatting the Parameter List of Methods: Space after Commas
When a method has many parameters, we should put a space between the
previous comma and the type of the next parameter, but not before the
public void CalcDistance(Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
Similarly, the same rule is applied when calling a method with more than one
parameter. Before the arguments preceded by a comma, a space should be
DoSmth(1, 2, 3);
Rules for Formatting of Types
When classes, interfaces, structures and enumerations are created, a few
recommendations should be followed for formatting the code inside.
Rules for Ordering the Contents of a Class
As we know, the class name is declared on the first line, preceded by the
class keyword:
public class Dog
Constants follow next. They should be ordered according to their access
modifier public constants are first, then protected and then private:
// Static variables
public const string SPECIES = "Canis Lupus Familiaris";
874 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Then follow the non-static fields. Like static fields, those labeled public are
first, then protected and finally private fields follow:
// Instance variables
private int age;
After non-static class fields, constructor declarations follow:
// Constructors
public Dog(string name, int age)
this.Name = name;
this.age = age;
After the constructors, properties are declared:
// Properties
public string Name { get; set; }
Finally, after the properties, the methods are declared. It is recommended
that methods are grouped by functionality, not by access level or scope. For
example, a method with a private access modifier could easily be between
two methods with a public modifier in order to make reading and
understanding the code easier. We end by putting a curly bracket for the end
of the class:
// Methods
public void Breath()
// TODO: breathing process

public void Bark()
Formatting Rules for Loops and Conditional
Formatting of loops and conditional statements follows the same rules as
methods and classes. The body of a conditional statement or a loop is always
put in a block beginning with { and ending with }. The opening bracket is
always on a new line, immediately after the condition of the loop or the
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 875
conditional statement. The body of a loop or a conditional statement is always
indented to the right by a single tabulation. If the condition is long and does
not fit at a single line, it is carried over on a new line and then indented to the
right by two tabs. Here is an example of a correctly formatted loop and a
conditional statement:
static void Main()
Dictionary<int, string> bulgarianNumbersHashtable =
new Dictionary<int, string>();
bulgarianNumbersHashtable.Add(1, "one");
bulgarianNumbersHashtable.Add(2, "two");
bulgarianNumbersHashtable.Add(3, "three");

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in
Console.WriteLine("Pair: [{0},{1}]", pair.Key, pair.Value);
It is especially wrong to indent the body of a loop or a conditional statement
as follows:
foreach (Student s in students) {
Usage of Empty Lines
It is very common for beginner programmers to insert empty lines in a
chaotic manner. Really, when new lines do not harm, why shouldnt we put
them wherever we want and why should we remove them since they do not
affect the meaning of the code? The reason is very simple: empty lines are
used for separating parts of the program, which are not logically
connected, much like new lines separate the end and the beginning of two
Empty lines are used to separate two methods, to separate a group of
member-variables from another group of member-variables with a different
logical task, for separating a group of related statements from another group
of related statements.
Here is a bad example of two methods in which empty lines are used
inappropriately and that hinders code readability:
876 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public static void PrintList(IList<int> list)
Console.Write("{ ");
foreach (int item in list)

Console.Write(" ");

static void Main()
IList<int> firstList = new List<int>();

Console.Write("firstList = ");
List<int> secondList = new List<int>();

Console.Write("secondList = ");
List<int> unionList = new List<int>();
Console.Write("union = ");

You see that the empty lines do not represent the logical structure of the
program, and that is why they break the main rule in formatting.
If we reformat the program so that empty lines are properly used to
separate logically related groups of statements, we will come up with much
more readable code:
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 877
public static void PrintList(IList<int> list)
Console.Write("{ ");
foreach (int item in list)
Console.Write(" ");

static void Main()
IList<int> firstList = new List<int>();
Console.Write("firstList = ");

List<int> secondList = new List<int>();
Console.Write("secondList = ");

List<int> unionList = new List<int>();
Console.Write("union = ");
Rules for Moving to the Next Line and Alignment
When a line is longer, split it up into two or more lines and indent the lines
after the first one by a single tab:
Dictionary<int, string> egyptianNumbersHashtable =
new Dictionary<int, string>();
It is wrong to align similar statements according to the longest of them,
since that can obstruct the maintenance of the code:
878 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
DateTime date = DateTime.Now.Date;
int count = 0;
Student student = new Strudent();
List<Student> students = new List<Student>();
matrix[x, y] == 0;
matrix[x + 1, y + 1] == 0;
matrix[2 * x + y, 2 * y + x] == 0;
matrix[x * y, x * y] == 0;
It is wrong to align arguments to the right, based on the opening parenthesis
of a method call:
Console.WriteLine("word '{0}' is seen {1} times in the text",
The above code should be properly formatted as follows (this is not the only
proper way, though):
"word '{0}' is seen {1} times in the text",
High-Quality Classes
Lets now discuss the classes and the best practices about using efficiently
classes when writing high-quality code.
Software Design
When a system is designed, separate subtasks are often divided into
separate modules or subsystems. The task that each one solves must be
clearly defined. The relationships between the modules should be decided in
advance, not on the go.
In the previous chapter we explained OOP and we showed how object-
oriented modeling can be used to define classes of the real actors in the
domain of the solved problem. We mentioned design patterns as well.
Good software design has minimal complexity and is easy to understand.
It is maintained easily and changes are incorporated straightforwardly (see
the "Spaghetti Code" section in the previous chapter). Every program element
(method, class, module) is logically connected internally (strong cohesion),
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 879
functionally-independent and minimally tied to the other modules (loose
coupling). Well-designed code is easily reused.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
When creating quality classes, the main rules stem from the four main OO
principles: abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.
A few basic rules:
- Public properties of a class should have the same level of abstraction.
- The interface of a class should be simple and clear.
- A class should describe only one thing.
- A class should hide its internal implementation.
Code is developed and changes and evolves over time. In spite of the
evolution of classes, their interfaces should remain in-tact. A bad practice of
a class having inconsistent interface is shown below:
class Employee
public string firstName;
public string lastName;

public SqlCommand FindByPrimaryKeySqlCommand(int id);
The latter method is incompatible with the level of abstraction at which
Employee works. The user of this class should not be aware at all that a
database is used internally.
Do not hide methods in derived classes:
public class Timer
public void Start() { }

public class AtomTimer : Timer
public void Start() { }
880 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The method in the derived class hides the base (original) implementation.
This is not recommended. If, in a rare case, this is desired and necessary,
the keyword new should be used.
Move common methods, data and behavior as high as possible in the
inheritance tree. This way, functionality is less likely to be duplicated and will
be accessible to a wider audience.
If you have a class with a single successor only, consider this suspicious.
That level of abstraction is probably unnecessary. A suspicious method would
be one that re-implements a base method, but does nothing more than the
corresponding base method.
Deep inheritance with more than 6 levels is hard for tracing, debugging and
maintaining, and is not recommended. In a derived class, use member-
variables through properties, rather than directly.
The example below demonstrates wrongly written code when inheritance
should be preferred over type checking:
switch (shape.Type)
case Shape.Circle:
case Shape.Square:

It would make more sense if Shape was inherited by Circle and Square,
which implement the virtual method Shape.Draw().
A good approach is to make all members private. Only those of them that
should be visible from outside could be marked protected, or eventually
Implementation details should be hidden. The user of a high-quality class
should not be aware of its inner-workings; he should only know what it does
and how it is used.
Member-variables (fields) should be hidden behind properties. Public
member-variables are a manifestation of low-quality code. Constants are an
exception in this regard.
The public members of a class should be consistent with the abstraction
represented by this class. Do not make assumptions about the usage scenario
of a class.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 881

Do not rely on undocumented, internal implementation logic.
It is preferred that all class members are initialized in the constructor.
Usage of an uninitialized class is dangerous. A half-initialized class is maybe
even more dangerous. Initialize member-variables in the same order as they
are declared.
Deep and Shallow Copy
When we assign values sometime we need to copy an object (make a
duplicate). This can be done in two ways: deep copy or shallow copy.
Deep copies of an object are copies in which all member-variables are
copied, and their member-variables also, and so on, until no other member-
variables refer to objects. In a shallow copy, only the members at the first
level are copied. Example of deep copied object and its members:

Shallow copies work differently. When a shallow copy is created, the original
object and its copy share some of their members:

Original John 14yold
Irene 5yold
Barack 48yold
882 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Shallow copies are dangerous because a change in one object leads to
indirect changes in others. Notice how the change of Irens age in the original
does not affect the age of Iren in the copy when we use deep copies. With
shallow copies, the change will be reflected in both places.
High-Quality Methods
The quality of our methods is of significant importance to creating high-quality
software and its maintenance. They contribute to more readable and more
comprehensible programs. Methods do help us reduce the complexity of
our software, in order to make it more flexible and easier to modify.
It is up to us, to what extent we will benefit from these advantages. The
higher the quality of our methods, the more we gain from their usage. In the
next paragraphs we are introducing some of the basic principles for creating
quality methods.
Why Should We Use Methods?
Before talking about good method names, lets spend some time and
summarize the reasons for using methods.
A method solves a small problem. Many individual methods solve many
small problems. Taken together, they solve a bigger problem this is an
illustration of the old Roman principle Divide and conquer, which, in this
case allows us to tackle smaller problems more easily.
With methods, the overall complexity of a task is reduced: complex
problems are being split up into simpler ones, additional layers of abstraction
are added, implementation details are hidden, and the risk of failure is
lowered. Code duplication is avoided as well. Complex sequences of
actions are hidden.
Since methods are the smallest reusable unit of code, their biggest advantage
is the ability they give us to reuse code. In fact, thats exactly how methods
What Should a Method Do?
A method should do the work described by its name, and nothing more.
If a method does not do what its name suggests, then either its name is
wrong, or it does many things at the same time, or the method simply is
incorrectly implemented. In any of these three cases, the method does not
meet the requirements for code quality and should be refactored accordingly.
A method should either do its expected job, or should inform for an error
and terminate. In .NET, informing for errors is done by throwing an
exception. In case of invalid input, it is unacceptable for a method to return
a wrong result. Instead, the method should inform the caller that it cannot do
its job because the necessary preconditions are not met (such as invalid
parameters being supplied, or an unexpected internal object state, etc.).
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 883
For example, suppose we have a method for reading the contents of a file. It
should be called ReadFileContents() and should return byte[] or string,
depending on whether we are treating the contents as binary or text. If the
file does not exist or cannot be opened for whatever reason, the method
should throw an exception rather than return an empty string or null.
Returning a neutral value (such as null) instead of an error message is
generally not recommended, except in cases where that value does not
collide with an error condition, such as a Find() method returning null
because nothing was found. Otherwise, the caller loses its ability to handle
the error, and the cause of the error is lost because of the lack of a richly
informative exception.

A public method should either correctly accomplish exactly
what its name suggests, or should inform the caller for an
error by throwing an exception.
Any other behavior is incorrect!
The above rule has some exceptions when private methods are concerned.
Unlike public methods, which should either work correctly or throw an
exception, a compromise can be made for private methods. Since only the
author of the class is supposed to call them, he should be aware of the
validity of the passed arguments. Therefore, error conditions need not be
handled because they can be predicted and prevented in the first place. But
do not forget this is still a compromise.
Two examples of high-quality methods:
long Sum(int[] elements)
long sum = 0;
foreach (int element in elements)
sum = sum + element;
return sum;

double CalcTriangleArea(double a, double b, double c)
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Sides should be positive.");
double s = (a + b + c) / 2;
double area = Math.Sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
return area;
884 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Strong Cohesion and Loose Coupling
The rules regarding the logical relatedness of the responsibilities (strong
cohesion) and the functional independence through a minimal amount of
interaction with other methods and classes (loose coupling) are of a major
importance when methods are concerned.
As we already explained, a method should solve only one problem, not
many. A method should not solve numerous unrelated problems and should
not have side effects. Otherwise, coming up with a precise and descriptive
name is hard. This means that all of our methods should have strong
cohesion, i.e. be concerned towards solving a single problem.
Methods should depend as little as possible on the rest of the methods in their
class and on the methods / properties / fields in other classes. This concept is
called loose coupling.
In the best-case scenario, a method should depend only on its parameters
and not use any other data as its input or output. Such methods can be easily
pulled out and reused in another project, because they are unbound to
the environment in which they execute.
Sometimes methods depend on private variables declared within their class,
or they alter the state of the object they belong to. This is not wrong and is
entirely OK. In such a case we are talking about coupling between the
method and its class. Such coupling is not problematic because the class
and its internal data and logic are encapsulated: the whole class can still be
moved into another project and reused without any modifications.
Most of the classes from .NET Common Type System (CTS) and .NET
Framework define methods that depend only on the data within their class
and the passed arguments. In standard libraries, the methods dependencies
from external classes are minimal and that is why they are easy to reuse.
The .NET Framework class library strongly follows the idea of loose coupling.
Whenever a method reads or modifies global data and depends on 10
additional objects, which must be initialized within the instance of its own
class, it is considered a coupled to its environment and to all of these
objects. This means that it functions in an overly complex way and is affected
by too many external conditions, therefore the probability for an error is high.
Methods that depend on too many external conditions are hard to read,
understand and maintain. Strong functional coupling is bad and should
be avoided as much as possible, because it often leads to spaghetti code.
Look at the same two methods like at our previous example. They are slightly
modified and no longer fulfill the requirements of loose coupling and strong
cohesion. Do you spot errors?
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 885
long Sum(int[] elements)
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
sum = sum + elements[i];
elements[i] = 0; // Hidden side effect
return sum;

double CalcTriangleArea(double a, double b, double c)
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0)
return 0; // Incorrect result
double s = (a + b + c) / 2;
double area = Math.Sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
return area;
How Long Should a Method Be?
Throughout the years, research has been done regarding the optimal length of
methods, but after all, a universal formula has not been found.
The practice shows that, in general, shorter methods (not longer than a
single screen) should be preferred. Such methods are visible on the screen
without scrolling and this simplifies their reading and understanding and the
probability for making mistakes.
The longer a method, the more complex it becomes. Consequent modifica-
tions become considerably harder and more time-consuming than with shorter
methods. These factors lead towards errors and harder maintenance.
The recommended length of a method is not more than a single screen, but
this recommendation is only advisory. If a method fits on the screen, it is
easier to read because scrolling is not needed. If a method is longer than one
screen, we should think whether we can split it up into a few simpler
methods. Since splitting is not always possible to be done in a meaningful
way, the recommendation about method length is only advisory.
Although longer methods are not preferred, the latter should not be an
absolute excuse for splitting up a method only to make it shorter. Methods
should be as long as necessary.
886 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Strong cohesion of methods is much more important than
their length.
If we are implementing a complex algorithm and consequently come up with a
longer, meaningful method, which does one thing and does it well, the length
is not a problem.
In any case, we should at least consider splitting up a longer method into
smaller methods solving particular subtasks, whenever the method becomes
too long.
Method Parameters
One of the basic rules for ordering method parameters is that the primary
one(s) should precede the rest. For example:
public void Archive(PersonData person, bool persistent) { }
The opposite would be much more confusing:
public void Archive(bool persistent, PersonData person) { }
Another rule is to have meaningful parameter names. A common mistake
is to tie the parameter names to their type:
public void Archive(PersonData personData) { }
Instead of the meaningless personData (which carries information only
about the type), we can use a better name so that it becomes clear what kind
of an object we are archiving:
public void Archive(PersonData loggedUser) { }
If there are other methods with similar parameters, their ordering should
be consistent:
public void Archive(PersonData person, bool persistent) { }

public void Retrieve(PersonData person, bool persistent) { }
It is important that no parameters are left unused. Unused parameters can
only mislead the person who uses the code.
Parameters should not be used as local variables, that is, they should
not be modified. Modifying method parameters makes the code harder to read
and the logic becomes more convoluted. You can always declare a new
variable instead of modifying a parameter. Conserving memory is not an
excuse in such a scenario.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 887
Implicit assumptions should be documented. An example would be to
specify the measurement unit of a parameter to a method that computes the
cosine of an angle whether the angle is in radians or degrees, in case the
name does not make it obvious.
The parameter count should not exceed 7. Seven is a special, magic
number. It is proven in the psychology that the human mind cannot trace
more than 7 (+/- 2) things simultaneously. As with parameter count, this
recommendation is only advisory. Sometimes you need to pass more
parameters. If that is the case, think about passing them as an object that
represents a class with many fields. For example, instead of having an
AddStudent() method with 15 parameters (name, address, contacts, etc.),
you can reduce them by grouping logically related parameters into separate
objects: AddStudent(personalData, contacts, universityDetails). This
way, each of the three parameters will contain a few fields inside, and the
same information will be passed to the method, but in an easier to understand
Sometimes it is more appropriate, from a logical standpoint, to pass only one
or a few of the fields of an object, rather than the whole object. This
mostly depends on whether the method should be aware of the existence of
this object or not. Suppose we have a method that calculates the final grade
of a given student CalcFinalGrade(Student s). Because the final grade
depends only on the previous grades and the rest of the students data does
not matter, it would be better if only the list of grades is passed
CalcFinalGrade(IList<Grade>), instead of a Student object.
Proper Use of Variables
In this section we review a few good practices for using local variables.
Returning a Result
Whenever a result is returned, it should first be saved in a variable, before
being returned. The following example does not hint at what exactly is
return days * hoursPerDay * ratePerHour;
It would be better like that:
int salary = days * hoursPerDay * ratePerHour;
return salary;
There are a few reasons for saving the result before returning it. For one, the
additional variable contributes to self-documenting the code and makes it
clear exactly what is returned. Another reason is tracing the returned value
when debugging we can stop the program from executing as soon as the
888 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
value is computed and then inspect it. A third reason is that it helps us avoid
long expressions, which can become quite convoluted.
Principles for Initialization
In .NET, all member-variables (fields) belonging to a class are initialized
automatically at the time of being declared (unlike C/C++). This is managed
by the runtime and provides for a safer environment, less prone to errors
caused from incorrectly initialized memory. All reference type variables are
initialized to null and all primitive types to 0 (false for bool).
The compiler forces the explicit initialization of all local variables;
otherwise a compile-time error is given. Here is an example that would cause
such an error, because an attempt is made to use an uninitialized variable:
static void Main()
int value;
Here is how the compilation attempt looks like in Visual Studio:

Here is how the compilation attempt looks like in the console C# compiler:
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 889

Lets look at the following more complex example:
int value;
if (condition1)
if (condition2)
value = 1;
value = 2;
Fortunately, the compiler is smart enough to analyze the control flow and
to catch such problems the same error is thrown, because not all scenarios
assign correctly the variable.
Note that adding an else to the nested if in the above code will make it
compile without errors. If the variable is not initialized at its declaration, but is
assigned to a value in all the possible paths of the control flow, the compiler
will still be happy.
A good practice, however, is to initialize all variables explicitly at the time of
their declaration:
int value = 0;
Student intern = null;
Partially Initialized Objects
Some objects, in order to be properly initialized, should have at least a few of
their fields set. For example, an object of type Person should have valid
values set for at least the name and the family name fields. This is
something the compiler cannot prevent us from forgetting.
890 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
One way to solve this problem is to remove the default constructor (the one
not taking any parameters) and to add one or more constructors, which take
the sufficient data as their parameters, to enable the proper initialization of
the object. This is the sole purpose of parameterized constructors.
Declaring a Variable within a Block or a Method
According to the coding convention for .NET, a local variable should be
declared at the beginning of its enclosing block or method:
static int Archive()
int result = 0; // beginning of method body
// Code
Another example:
if (condition)
int result = 0; // beginning of an "if" block
// Code
An exception is made for variables declared within the initialization part of a
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { }
The above recommendation is pretty disputable. Most good programmers
prefer to declare a local variable as close to its intended place of use as
possible. This helps reduce a variables lifetime (refer to the next paragraph),
and, at the same time, the probability for mistakes.
Scope, Lifetime and Span of Variables
The term variable scope actually denotes how famous a variable is. In
.NET, three layers of variable scope exist: static variables, member-variables
of a class (fields), and local variables inside a method.
Minimizing the Variable Scope
The wider the scope of a variable, the higher the probability that more code
will be tied to it, thereby increasing the level of coupling. Since strong
coupling is not desirable, variable scope should be as narrow as possible.
A good approach in using variables is to initially declare them with the
minimal scope, and extend it only when necessary. This is a natural way of
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 891
assigning a variable the scope it needs. If you dont know what scope to use,
start with private and if needed, switch to protected or public.
Static variables should best be private and accessing them should be
controlled via appropriate methods.
Here is an example of bad semantic coupling based on a static variable, a
horribly bad practice:
public class Globals
public static int state = 0;

public class Genious
public static void PrintSomething()
if (Globals.state == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Good bye.");
If the state variable was marked private, such coupling would be
impossible, at least not possible directly.
Minimizing the Variable Span
The span of a variable corresponds to the average amount of lines
between its occurrences in the code. Considering minimal variable span,
variables should be declared and initialized as close as possible to their
first occurrence in the code, and not necessarily in the beginning of a
method or a code block.
Keep the variable span as small as possible! This improves the code
quality, readability, understandability and maintainability because less code
needs to be inspected in order to read and understand the code.
Minimizing the Variable Lifetime
The lifetime of a local variable inside a method lasts between the place of
its declaration (the beginning of a block, most usually), until the end of
the enclosing block. Class fields (member-variables) exist as long as their
class is instantiated. Static variables last throughout the entire execution of
the program.
As you may guess, the lifetime should be kept minimal. This reduces the
lines of code that you should consider at the same time when reading the
892 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
code. This will maximized the portion of the code you can safely ignore when
you read the code. This will reduce the total complexity in your brain, because
it works better with smaller and simpler pieces of code, right?
Minimizing the Variable Span and Lifetime Example
Below we have an example of bad use of local variables (unnecessarily
large span):
int count;
int[] numbers = new int[100];

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length / 2; i++)
numbers[i] = numbers[i] * numbers[i];

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
if (numbers[i] % 3 == 0)


lifetime =
23 lines
span =
23 / 4 =
In this example, the count variables purpose is to count the numbers, which
are evenly divisible by 3. It is used only in the last for loop, but is declared
and initialized long before it.
What's wrong with the above code? If you try to read it and find how the
count is calculated, you will need to inspect all its 23 lines, right? The code
might be written differently and the variable count might be declared and
zeroed just before the last for-loop. Thus if we need to read the code and
find how count is calculated, we will need to inspect only 10 lines, not 23.
See below how the above code fragment can be refactored in order to reduce
the lifetime and span of the count variable:
1 int[] numbers = new int[100];

Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 893
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
numbers[i] = i;

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length / 2; i++)
numbers[i] = numbers[i] * numbers[i];

int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
if (numbers[i] % 3 == 0)


lifetime =
10 lines

span =
10 / 3 =
It is important that the programmer tracks the usage of a particular variable,
along with its scope, span and lifetime. The main objective is to reduce the
scope, the lifetime and the span as much as possible. This leads to an
important rule about correctly using variables:

Declare local variables as late as possible, immediately
before using them for the first time. Initialize them at the
time of declaration.
Variables with a wider scope and a longer lifetime should have more
descriptive names, such as totalStudentsCount instead of count. That is
because they occur at more locations within a larger piece of code, and hence
the context around them is not going to be entirely clear.
Variables that span across just 4-5 lines can have short and simple names,
for example count. They do not need long names because their purpose
becomes clear from their limited context (a few lines), and ambiguities can
rarely arise there.
Use of Variables More Rules
A very important rule is to use a variable for one purpose only. The excuse
that memory is conserved the other way is not generally convincing. If a
variable is used for multiple different purposes, what name can we give it?
Consider a variable that is used to count the number of students, and
894 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
occasionally the count of their grades. How would you call it: count,
studentsCount, gradesCount or studentsOrGradesCount?

Use one variable for a single purpose only. Otherwise, an
appropriate name cannot be found.
Unused local variables should not be present in the code. Their declarations
alone are useless. Fortunately, most of the decent development environments
do warn you about such anomalies.
The use of local variables with hidden meaning should be avoided. For
example, John has left the variable X for Tom to see, so that he could get to
the conclusion to implement another method that would use that same
variable. Didnt get it? Good, lets hope you dont do it either.
Proper Use of Expressions
When using expressions, the simple rule is: avoid complex expressions! A
complex expression is one that performs more than one thing:
for (int i = 0; i < xCoord.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < yCoord.Length; j++)
matrix[i][j] =
matrix[xCoord[FindMax(i) + 1]][yCoord[FindMin(i) + 1]] *
matrix[yCoord[FindMax(i) + 1]][xCoord[FindMin(i) + 1]];
In the above sample we have a complex calculation, which fills a given
matrix based on a computation over some coordinates. It is in fact very hard
to understand what exactly is going on, because the used expressions are
overly complex.
There are many reasons to avoid the use of complex expressions as in the
above example. Lets mention a few:
- Code becomes hard to read. Therefore, tracing what is going on and
whether the code is correct becomes hard, too.
- Code is hard to maintain think about the effort involved in fixing an
error, in case the code does not work as expected.
- Code is hard to fix in case of defects. If the above code throws
IndexOutOfRangeException, how would we know exactly which array
has been involved? It could be xCoord or yCoord or matrix, occurrences
of which are all scattered within the expressions.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 895
- Code is hard to debug. In case of an error, it would be much harder to
debug a complex expression because it stays on a single line, and
debuggers step through the code in terms of lines.
All of these reasons suggest that writing complex expressions is harmful
and should be avoided. Instead of a single complex expression, we can write
a few less complex ones and save them in variables with descriptive names.
In this way the code becomes simpler, easier to read and understand and
easier to maintain, debug and fix.
Lets rewrite the above code without using complex expressions:
for (int i = 0; i < xCoord.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < yCoord.Length; j++)
int maxStartIndex = FindMax(i) + 1;
int minStartIndex = FindMax(i) - 1;
int minXcoord = xCoord[minStartIndex];
int maxXcoord = xCoord[maxStartIndex];
int minYcoord = yCoord[minStartIndex];
int maxYcoord = yCoord[maxStartIndex];
matrix[i][j] =
matrix[maxXcoord][minYcoord] *
Notice how simple and readable the code has become. Without knowing the
exact calculation that this code is supposed to do, it is still hard to understand
it, but at least we can debug it in case of an exception and find which line is
causing it, and eventually fix it.

Do not write complex expressions. Only one operation should
be performed at one line, otherwise the code becomes hard
to read, maintain, debug and modify.
Use of Constants
Well written code should not contain magic numbers and magic
strings. Such constants are all the literals in a program having a value other
than 0, 1, -1, "" and null (with little exceptions).
In order to explain the concept why we need named constants, lets
examine the code below. In this code we use the number 3.14159206 ()
three times (directly and in a formula), which introduces duplicated code. If,
for example, we decide to increase the precision of this constant or change it,
we will need to modify the program at three different locations:
896 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public class GeometryUtils
public static double CalcCircleArea(double radius)
double area = 3.14159206 * radius * radius;
return area;

public static double CalcCirclePerimeter(double radius)
double perimeter = 6.28318412 * radius;
return perimeter;

public static double CalcElipseArea(
double axis1, double axis2)
double area = 3.14159206 * axis1 * axis2;
return area;
It comes to mind that it is better to define the repeating values only once on
the code. In .NET such values are declared as named constants as follows:
public const double PI = 3.14159206;
After this declaration, the PI constant is accessible to the whole program and
can be used an unlimited number of times. In case we need to change the
value, we change it at one location only, and the changes are reflected
everywhere. Here is how our GeometryUtils class looks after declaring the
number 3.14159206 as a named constant:
public class GeometryUtils
public const double PI = 3.14159206;

public static double CalcCircleArea(double radius)
double area = PI * radius * radius;
return area;

public static double CalcCirclePerimeter(double radius)
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 897
double perimeter = 2 * PI * radius;
return perimeter;

public static double CalcElipseArea(
double axis1, double axis2)
double area = PI * axis1 * axis2;
return area;
When to Use Constants?
The use of constants allows us to avoid the use of magic numbers and
strings in our programs, and enables us to give names to the numbers and
strings we use. In the above example not only we avoided code
duplication, but we documented the fact that the number 3.14159206 is the
well-known mathematical constant .
Constants should be used whenever we need to use numbers or strings
whose origin and meaning are not obvious. Constants should generally
be defined for every number or string that is used more than once in a
program (with some exceptions).
Here are a few typical cases in which named constants should be used:
- For filenames the program operates on. They need to be frequently
changed and it is convenient to have them as named constants at the
beginning of the program.
- For constants taking part in mathematical expressions. A good
constant name improves the chance of understanding the formula.
- For buffer sizes and sizes of memory blocks. These sizes often need
to be changed and that is why it is convenient to have them declared as
named constants. Apart from that, using a constant named
READ_BUFFER_SIZE rather than the number 8192 makes the code a lot
more readable and comprehensible.
When Not to Use Constants?
Although many books recommend that all numbers and strings except 0, -1,
1, "" and null are best declared as named constants, there are a few
exceptions in which declaring constants can be harmful. Remember,
declaring constants is made in order to improve the readability and the
maintainability of the code. When a constant does not contribute to the
readability of the code, you should avoid it.
898 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Here are a few situations in which using a named constant can be harmful:
- Error messages and other messages intended for the user (Enter your
name, for example). Making such strings named constants will actually
hinder the readability.
- SQL queries in named constants are not recommended (in case you
are using a database, queries are usually written in SQL, and that is
usually a string in the terms of the programming language).
- Button labels, dialog box titles, menu entries and captions of other UI
components should not be declared as named constants.
The .NET Framework provides libraries that facilitate internationalization and
allow exporting all the messages, captions and labels from the UI in special
resource files. These are not constants, however. This approach is
encouraged if the program you are writing will have to be internationalized.

Use named constants to avoid the usage and duplication of
magic numbers and strings, and mostly to improve code
readability. If the introduction of a named constant hinders
the readability, better leave the hardcoded value in the code!
Proper Use of Control Flow Statements
Control flow statements are represented by loops and conditional statements.
We are going to review the good practices for using them properly.
With or Without Curly Brackets?
Loops and conditional statements allow their body to not be surrounded by
brackets, in case the body consists only of a single statement. This can be
dangerous. Consider the following example:
static void Main()
int two = 2;
if (two == 1)
Console.WriteLine("This is the ...");
Console.WriteLine("... number one.");
"Example of an if-clause without curly brackets.");
We are expecting to see only the last sentence, arent we? The result is a bit
... number one.
Example of an if-clause without curly brackets.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 899
That is because an if-statement without curly brackets only takes the first
statement as its body, regardless of the indentation, which makes matters

Always enclose the body of loops and conditional statements
in curly brackets { and }.
Proper Usage of Conditional Statements
Conditional statements in C# are represented by the if-else and the
switch-case statements.
if (condition)


Deep Nesting of Conditional Statements
Deep nesting of if statements is a bad practice because it obstructs the
comprehensibility of the code:
private int Max(int a, int b, int c, int d)
if (a < b)
if (b < c)
if (c < d)
return d;
return c;
else if (b > d)
return b;
900 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
return d;
else if (a < c)
if (c < d)
return d;
return c;
else if (a > d)
return a;
return d;
This code is hardly readable because of the deep nesting. In order to improve
it, we could introduce a few more methods where parts of the logic are
exported and isolated. Here is how we could do that:
private int Max(int a, int b)
if (a < b)
return b;
return a;

private int Max(int a, int b, int c)
if (a < b)
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 901
return Max(b, c);
return Max(a, c);

private int Max(int a, int b, int c, int d)
if (a < b)
return Max(b, c, d);
return Max(a, c, d);
Extracting parts of the code into separate methods is the easiest and most
efficient way to reduce the level of nesting of a group of conditional
statements, while preserving their logic.
The refactored method is split into a few smaller ones. The overall length of
the code has been decreased by 9 lines. Each of the new methods is simpler
and easier to read. As a side benefit, we get two methods that can be easily
reused for other purposes.
Proper Use of Loops
Proper use of the different looping constructs is very important to the creation
of quality software. In the next paragraphs we outline some of the principles,
which help us decide when, and how to use a particular loop construct.
Choosing an Appropriate Looping Construct
If we are not able to decide whether to use for, while or do-while loop, we
can easily pick up one, adhering to the following principles.
If we need a loop that will execute a fixed number of times, a for-loop is a
good fit. This kind of loop is used in the most basic situations where
interrupting the control is not necessary. The initialization, the check of the
condition and the incrementing are all in the for-construct and the loop body
does not care about that. The value of the counter should not be altered
within the body.
902 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
If it is necessary to check some conditions in order to stop the execution
of the loop, then it is probably better to pick a while loop. A while loop is
suitable in cases where the exact number of iterations is not known. The
execution there continues until the exit condition has been encountered. If the
prerequisites for using a while loop are in place, but the loop body must
unconditionally execute at least once, a do-while loop should be used
Do Not Nest Too Many Loops
As with conditional statements, deep nesting of loops is a bad practice.
Deep nesting usually happens because of a large number of loops and
conditional statements residing in one another. This makes the code hard to
read and maintain. Such code can easily be improved by moving away parts
of it into separate methods. Modern development environments can do such
refactoring automatically (we talk about that in the code refactoring section).
Defensive Programming
Defensive programming is a term denoting a practice towards defending the
code from incorrect data. Defensive programming keeps the code from
errors that nobody expects. It is implemented by checking the validity of
all input data. This is the data coming from external sources, input
parameters of methods, configuration files and settings, input from the user,
and even the data from another local method.
The main idea behind defensive programming is that methods should check
their input parameters (and other input data) and inform the caller when
the objects internal state or the input parameters are incorrect.
Defensive programming requires that all data is checked, even if it is
coming from a trusted source. If this trusted source happens to have a bug,
the bug will be found earlier and more easily.
Defensive programming is implemented through assertions, exceptions and
other means of error handling.
Assertions are special conditions that should always be met. If not met,
they throw an error message and the program terminates.
A quick example of assertion in C# is shown below:
void LoadTemplates(string fileName)
bool templatesFileExist = File.Exists(fileName);
"Can't load templates file: " + fileName);
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 903
Assertions vs. Exceptions
Exceptions are announcements for an error or for an unexpected event.
They inform the programmer using the code for an error. Exceptions can be
caught and program execution can still continue.
Assertions produce fatal errors. They cannot be caught or handled,
because they are meant to indicate a bug in the code. A failed assertion
causes the program to terminate.
Assertions can be turned off. The concept is to have them turned on only
at the time of developing, in order to find as many bugs as possible. When
turned off, the conditions are no longer checked. Turning off the assertions is
plausible when the software goes to production, since these checks are
affecting the performance and the messages are not always meaningful to the
end user.
If a particular check should continue to exist when the software goes to
production (for example, checking the input that comes from the user), it
should not be implemented as an assertion in the first place. Exceptions
should be used in such cases instead.

Assertions should only be used for conditions that, if not
met, it is due to a bug in the program.
Defensive Programming with Exceptions
Exceptions provide a powerful mechanism for centralized handling of
errors and unusual conditions. They are covered in details in the
Exception Handling chapter.
Exceptions allow problematic situations to be handled at many levels. They
ease the writing and the maintenance of reliable program code.
Another difference between exceptions and assertions is that, in defensive
programming, exceptions are mainly used for protecting the public interface
of a class or component. This provides for a fail-safe mechanism.
If the Archive method described above was a part of the public interface of
an archiving component rather than an internal method, it would have to be
implemented as follows:
public int Archive(PersonData user, bool persistent)
if (user == null)
throw new StorageException("null parameter");

// Do some processing
904 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int resultFromProcessing =

Debug.Assert(resultFromProcessing >= 0,
"resultFromProcessing is negative. There is a bug!");

return resultFromProcessing;
The Assert still remains because it is validating a variable created within the
method itself.
Exceptions should be used to inform other parts of the code for problems that
should not be ignored. Throwing an exception is reasonable only in
situations when an abnormal condition has occurred. For more
information on the situations considered exceptional, refer to the Exception
Handling chapter.
If a particular problem can be handled locally, the handling should be
performed in the method itself and no exceptions should be thrown. If a
problem cannot be handled locally, the exception should be thrown to the
The thrown exceptions should be at an appropriate level of abstraction. For
example GetEmployeeInfo() could throw EmployeeException, but not
FileNotFoundException. The last example throws StorageException rather
than NullReferenceException.
Code Documentation
The C# specification allows putting comments in the code. We are already
familiar with the basic principles for writing comments. In the next few
paragraphs we explain how to write effective comments.
Self-Documenting Code
A very important point to remember is that comments in the code are not the
primary source of documentation. Good programming style provides the
best documentation. Self-documenting code rarely needs comments
because its intention becomes clear directly by reading it. Self-documenting
code means a code that is easy-to-read and easy-to-understand without
having comments inside.

The best way to document the code is to write quality code.
Bad code should not be documented but should rather be
rewritten! Comments are only a complement to the well-
written code.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 905
Properties of Self-Documenting Code
Self-documenting code boasts a good structure: everything mentioned in
this chapter matters. The implementation should be as simple as possible so
that anyone can understand it.
Self-Documenting Code Important Questions
In order to qualify our code as self-documenting, there are a few questions
we should ask ourselves:
- Is the class name appropriate and does it describe its main purpose?
- Is the public interface of the class intuitive to use?
- Does the name of a method describe its main purpose?
- Is every method performing a single, well-defined task?
- Are the names of the variables corresponding to the intent of their
- Are loops performing only a single task?
- Are conditional statements deeply nested?
- Does the organization of the code illustrate its logical structure?
- Is the design clear and unambiguous?
- Are implementation details hidden as much as possible?
Effective Comments
Comments can sometimes do more harm than good. Good comments do
not repeat the code and do not explain it line by line: they rather clarify its
idea. Comments should describe at a higher level what our intentions are.
Comments enable us to think better about what we want to implement.
Here is an example of bad comments, which, instead of making the code
more comprehensible, are actually annoying:
public List<int> FindPrimes(int start, int end)
// Create new list of integers
List<int> primesList = new List<int>();
// Perform a loop from start to end
for (int num = start; num <= end; num++)
// Declare boolean variable, initially true
bool prime = true;
// Perform loop from 2 to sqrt(num)
for (int div = 2; div <= Math.Sqrt(num); div++)
906 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// Check if div divides num with no remainder
if (num % div == 0)
// We found a divider -> the number is not prime
prime = false;
// Exit from the loop
// Continue with the next loop value

// Check if the number is prime
if (prime)
// Add the number to the list of primes

// Return the list of primes
return primesList;
If, instead of writing naive comments, we write comments to clarify the
unobvious facts in the code, comments can be very useful. Here is how the
same code can be commented meaningfully:
/// <summary>Finds the primes from a range [start, end] and
/// returns them in a list.</summary>
/// <param name="start">Top of range</param>
/// <param name="end">End of range</param>
/// <returns>a list of all the found primes</returns>
public List<int> FindPrimes(int start, int end)
List<int> primesList = new List<int>();
for (int num = start; num <= end; num++)
bool isPrime = IsPrime(num);
if (isPrime)
return primesList;
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 907

/// <summary>Checks if a number is prime by checking for any
/// dividers in the range [2, sqrt(number)].</summary>
/// <param name="number">The number to be checked</param>
/// <returns>True if prime</returns>
public bool IsPrime(int number)
for (int div = 2; div <= Math.Sqrt(number); div++)
if (number % div == 0)
return false;

return true;
The logic of the code is obvious and does not need any comments. In such
case it is sufficient only to describe what are the particular methods purpose
and its general idea, in a single sentence.
In order to write effective comments, it is desirable to use pseudo-code,
whenever possible. Comments should be written at the time the code is
written, not after that.
Productivity (i.e. writing code quickly) is never a good excuse for not writing
comments. Everything that is not instantly obvious should be documented.
Writing too much unnecessary comments is as bad as not having any at all.
Bad code cannot be improved by putting more comments. It should instead
be rewritten or refactored.
XML Documentation in C#
You might have already noted the special comments in the code that explain
the purpose of a class or a method and its parameters:
/// <summary>Finds the primes from a range [start, end] and
/// returns them in a list.</summary>
/// <param name="start">Top of range</param>
/// <param name="end">End of range</param>
/// <returns>a list of all the found primes</returns>
public List<int> FindPrimes(int start, int end)
{ }
908 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
This special style of documentation built-in the C# source code is called XML
documentation. It is enclosed in the triple comments /// and uses few
special XML tags: to document a type / method summary (<summary>), to
describe methods parameters (<param name="">), to describe a methods
return value (<returns>), to document exceptions that eventually might be
thrown (<exception cref=""), to make a cross-reference link to related
type (<seealso cref=""/>), to describe some remarks (<remarks>), to give
an example how to use the type / method (<example>), etc.
Using XML-style documentation in the source code has several advantages:
- The XML documentation is built-in the source code itself.
- The XML documentation is automatically processed by Visual Studio
and is displayed in its autocomplete feature.
- The XML documentation can be compiled into an MSDN-style web
site or e-book (in CHM format) through specialized tools like
Sandcastle (http://shfb.codeplex.com).
More about writing and using XML documentation can be found in MSDN
Library: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b2s063f7.aspx.
Code Refactoring
The term refactoring appears in 1993 and is popularized by Martin
Fowler in his book with the same name. This book reviews a lot of techniques
for code refactoring (called refactoring patterns). We are going to mention
a few of them.
A program needs refactoring in case of code duplication. Code duplication is
dangerous because a change in one place requires that all the other
duplicated code be changed as well. The latter is error-prone and
inconsistencies can arise therefore. Avoiding code duplication can be achieved
by putting the particular piece of code in a method, or by moving common
functionality to base classes.
Refactoring is necessary for methods, which have grown over time. The
excessive length of a method is a good reason to think about splitting it up
logically into few smaller and simpler methods.
Deeply nested constructs are another reason for refactoring. They can be
eliminated by taking out a block of code into a method.
Classes that do not provide a sufficiently good level of abstraction or ones
that perform unrelated tasks (weak cohesion) are candidates for refactoring
as well.
Long parameter lists and public fields should also go to the fix-it list.
Tightly coupled classes go in the same category.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 909
Refactoring at Data Level
A good practice is to avoid magic numbers scattered throughout the code.
They should be replaced by named constants. Variables with unclear names
should be renamed. Long conditional expressions can be refactored into
separate methods. Variables can be used to hold the intermediate results of
expressions. A group of data that always appears together can be refactored
into a separate class. Related constants should be grouped into enumerations.
Refactoring at Method and Class Level
Within a longer method, all tasks that are unrelated to its main purpose are
better moved into separate methods. Similar tasks should be grouped in
common classes, similar classes in a common package. If a group of classes
have common functionality, it should be moved into a base class.
Circular dependencies between the classes should not exist, they should be
removed. In most cases the more common class has a reference to the more
specialized class (parent-child relationship).
Unit Testing
Unit testing means to write a program that tests a certain method or
class. A typical unit test executes the method that should be tested, passes a
sample data to (parameters and object states) and checks whether the
methods result is correct (for this sample data), i.e. whether the method
does exactly what it should do and whether it does it correctly.
A single method usually is tested by several unit tests, each implementing a
different testing scenario. First, the typical case is checked. Then the border
cases are checked. The border cases are special cases which could need
special processing logic, e.g. the largest or the smallest possible value, the
first or last element, etc. Finally the method is tested with incorrect data
and an exception is expected to be thrown. Sometimes a performance test
may be involved to check whether the method is fast enough.
Unit Testing Example
Lets see a small example a method that sums an array of numbers:
static int Sum(int[] numbers)
int sum = numbers[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
sum += numbers[i];
return sum;
910 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The above method may look correct but in fact it has several bugs that we
will catch through unit testing. Lets first test the typical case:
if (Sum(new int[] {1, 2}) != 3)
throw new Exception("1 + 2 != 3");
Seems like the Sum() method is working correctly in its typical case: the
sum 1+2 is 3 (as expected) and the above code produces nothing. The above
piece of code is called unit test. It tests a certain method, class or other
functionality against certain testing scenario and notifies us if the code
behaves unexpectedly. If the test passes, the code produces no result.
Lets now test the border cases. What will happen if we sum only one
number? Lets try:
if (Sum(new int[] {1}) != 1)
throw new Exception("Sum of 1 != 1");
Seems like our method still works correctly. New lets try to sum an empty
list of numbers. Their sum should be 0, right? Lets try this:
if (Sum(new int[] {}) != 0)
throw new Exception("Sum of 0 numbers != 0");
The above code produces unexpected exception in the Sum() method:
Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was
outside the bounds of the array.
We found a bug, right? Lets fix it. We could start summing from 0 instead
from the first element in the array (which could be missing when an empty
array is passed as an argument). Below is the fixed code:
static int Sum(int[] numbers)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
sum += numbers[i];
return sum;
We repeat our last test (summing an empty array of numbers) and it now
passes correctly. Next we could try other special (border) cases, e.g.
summing negative numbers:
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 911
if (Sum(new int[] {-1, -2}) != -3)
throw new Exception("-1 + -2 != -3");
What else to try? Seems like our method work correctly. We could try to find
some extreme case when the method eventually fails. What will happen if
we sum too big numbers? Int32 cannot hold too big integers. Lets try:
if (Sum(new int[] { 2000000000, 2000000000 }) != 4000000000)
throw new Exception("2000000000 + 2000000000 != 4000000000");
We found another bug in our method for summing numbers:
Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: 2000000000 +
2000000000 != 4000000000
Obviously the integer type Int32 overflows and this causes incorrect result
when summing too large numbers. Lets fix this. We can use long to keep the
sum of the numbers instead of int:
static long Sum(int[] numbers)
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
sum += numbers[i];
return sum;
Lets repeat the last test. Now it works. What else to test? What will happen if
we pass null as an argument to the Sum() method? The recommendations
about high-quality methods say that a method should return what its
name says or throw and exception if it cannot do its job. So our
method should throw an exception if we try to sum a null array. We could
test this in the following way:
// An exception is expected --> the test fails
throw new Exception("Null array cannot be summed.");
catch (NullReferenceException)
// NullReferenceException is expected --> the test passes
912 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The above unit test is a bit more complicated: it expects an exception and
if it is not thrown, it fails.
What else to test? Maybe we could make a performance test? For example
we could sum 10,000,000 numbers and expect this will take time less than 1
second (we assume a modern computer will run the tests):
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
int[] arr = new int[10000000];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
arr[i] = 5;
if (Sum(arr) != 50000000)
throw new Exception("5 + ... (10000000 times) != 50000000");
DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
if (endTime - startTime > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))
throw new Exception("Performance issue: summing 10000000 " +
"numbers takes more that 1 second");
The performance test passes without any issues.
We repeat all tests again to ensure that after the modifications we made all
tests are still working correctly. All tests pass! We can now be confident that
the Sum() method works correctly (even in unusual situations) and it is well
tested. Lets think about what are the benefits if we test in similar manner
all methods in our code.
Benefits of Unit Testing
Unit testing has many benefits for our code quality. Lets discuss the most
important of them:
- Unit testing significantly improves the code quality. If the unit tests
are well written and the entire functionality is covered, the code is
expected to be bug free. In practice it is very hard to cover with tests
any possible scenario so unit testing only dramatically reduces the
number of bugs but does not make the code bug free.
- Unit testing allows the tests to be executed many times, continuously,
e.g. at every hour. If some test fails, the problem is caught almost
instantly. In software engineering the practice of executing the unit
tests continuously is called continuous integration.
- The code quality is preserved every time the method is modified. This
dramatically simplifies the maintenance. If we change the algorithm
inside some method or class and we have covered it well with tests, we
will be sure that the new algorithm behaves the same way like the old.
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 913
- Unit tests allow code refactoring without worrying of something being
broken. It can happen that we refactor the code to improve its internal
quality but by mistake after the refactoring the code does not work
correctly in all special cases.
All serious software development companies and software products use unit
testing. For example if you download the source code of Firefox, you will
notice that half of the code is written to perform unit tests over the other half
of code. In practice it is impossible to write complex product (like for
example MS Word or Android OS or Firefox browser) without unit testing.
Benefits of Unit Testing Example
Lets see one of the benefits of unit testing: the ability to change the internal
implementation of a method and re-test it to ensure the new implementation
works as expected. Consider the following new implementation of the Sum()
method that uses the Sum() extension method from System.Linq:
using System;
using System.Linq;

static long Sum(int[] numbers)
return numbers.Sum();
We will explain how the above code works in the next chapter Lambda
Expressions and LINQ. Now lets test it to ensure this code behaves as
expected. If we run the same set of tests we discussed above, we will find a
problem: two of our tests do not work. The first failing test is:
if (Sum(new int[] { 2000000000, 2000000000 }) != 4000000000)
throw new Exception("2000000000 + 2000000000 != 4000000000");
We found a bug in our new implementation of our Sum() method: instead of
returning the correct result it produces System.OverflowException. We
cannot find an easy solution to this problem so we can either assume that
summing too big numbers will not be supported and modify the test to expect
OverflowException or we can rewrite the Sum() method with a new
If we pass ahead, we will find that one more unit test fails: when we try to
sum a null array, we will get System.ArgumentNullException instead of
NullReferenceException. This is easy to fix by modifying the unit test code:
914 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// An exception is expected --> the test fails
throw new Exception("Null array cannot be summed.");
catch (ArgumentNullException)
// NullReferenceException is expected --> the test passes
Now all unit tests works correctly. The conclusion form the above experience
is that when we modify the code and a unit test fails, either the tested
code is incorrect, or the unit test is incorrect. In both cases we are
notified that our new code behaves differently than our old code. This is very
important in software engineering process. When we develop a complex
software product, we want the features that work in its current version to
continue to works the same way in all its next versions. For example, if we
work on MS Word and we add PDF export for its next version, we want to be
sure that saving in DOCX format still works after the PDF export is introduced.
Unit Testing Frameworks and Tools
To simplify writing unit tests and execute them many unit testing
frameworks and tools have emerged. In C# we can use Visual Studio
Team Test (VSTT) or NUnit frameworks to simplify the process of writing
tests, asserting test conditions and executing test cases and test suites.
Unit Testing with Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT)
If you have installed Visual Studio 2010 edition which supports unit testing
(e.g. Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate), you will have the [Create Unit Tests ]
feature in the popup menu when you right click at some method in your C#

Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 915
The above feature was introduced in VS 2010 and is missing in VS 2012 for
unknown reason. So if you are using Visual Studio 2012, you need to create a
unit test project by hand (File New Project Unit Test Project).
The unit tests in Visual Studio Team Test look like the following:
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

public class SumatorTest
public void SumTestTypicalCase()
int[] numbers = new int[] { 1, 2 };
long expected = 3;
long actual = Sumator_Accessor.Sum(numbers);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

public void SumTestOverflow()
int[] numbers = new int[] { 2000000000, 2000000000 };
long expected = 4000000000;
long actual = Sumator_Accessor.Sum(numbers);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

public void SumTestNullArray()
A detailed explanation of VSTT will not be given in this book, but anyone could
research how to use unit testing in Visual Studio. As you see from the
example above, VSTT simplifies unit testing by introducing test classes and
test methods. Each test method has a meaningful name which and tests a
certain test case. VSTT can test private methods, can set time limit for the
test execution and can expect exception to be thrown by certain test case
things that simplify writing the testing code. Visual Studio can execute
and visualize the results of the test execution:
916 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Additional Resources
We hope this chapter made the first steps in making you a real high-quality
software engineer. If you want to learn more about writing quality code, you
might refer to these additional resources:

The Bible of quality programming code is called Code
Complete and its second edition was published in 2004. Its
author, Steve McConnell, is a world-famous expert on
writing quality software, a former Microsoft employee. The
book contains a lot more examples and more general practices
for writing high-quality code.

Another good book on software quality is Martin Fowlers
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code.
This book is considered to be the Bible of code refactoring.
Terms such as extract method, encapsulate field, extract
constant and other basic modern refactoring patterns were
first described in this book.

The free training course "High-Quality Code" @ Telerik
Software Academy http://codecourse.telerik.com. It
provides comprehensive teaching materials, presentations,
examples, homework assignments and videos (in Bulgarian)
about writing high-quality code and high-quality software, unit
testing and code refactoring.
1. Take the code from the first example in this chapter and refactor it to
meet the quality standards discussed in this chapter.
2. Review your own code from the exercises from the previous chapters
and find the mistakes you have made. Refactor the code to improve its
quality. Think how you can avoid such mistakes and bad coding style in the
3. Open other peoples code and try to understand it only by reading the
code itself. Is everything obvious at first sight? What would you change in
that code, how would you write it?
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code 917
4. Review the classes from .NET Common Type System (CTS). Can you find
examples of low-quality code?
5. Have you used or seen any coding conventions? Having read this
chapter, would you consider them good or bad?
6. We are given a square matrix of n x n cells. A rotating walk in the
matrix is walk that starts from the top left corner of the matrix and goes
in down-right direction. When no continuation is available at the current
direction (either the matrix wall or non-empty cell is reached), the
direction is changed to the next possible direction clockwise. The eight
possible directions are as follows:

When no empty cell is available at all directions, the walk is restarted
from an empty cell at the smallest possible row and as close as possible to
the start of this row. When no empty cell is left in the matrix, the walk is
finished. Your task is to write a program that reads from the console an
integer number n (1 n 100) and displays the filled matrix on the
Sample input:
n = 6

Sample output:
1 16 17 18 19 20
15 2 27 28 29 21
14 31 3 26 30 22
13 36 32 4 25 23
12 35 34 33 5 24
11 10 9 8 7 6

Download a sample low-quality solution of that problem from here:
Refactor the code so that it meets the recommended standards for
quality code stated in this chapter. Note that fixing bugs in the solution
might be necessary if it does not work correctly.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Use [Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F] in Visual Studio to reformat the code and see the
differences. Then rename the variables, omit the unnecessary statements
and variables, and make the output that is printed more meaningful.
2. Pay special attention to the recommendations for quality code from this
chapter. Remember your most frequent mistakes and try to avoid them.
The most often problem with the code written by inexperienced
programmers is the naming. You can use the rename feature in Visual
Studio (shortcut [Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R]) to rename the identifiers in the code
* * * *
918 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
when necessary. You may need to reformat your code through [Ctrl+K,
Ctrl+F] in Visual Studio. You may need to extract pieces of code in
separate method. This can be done through Refactor Extract
Method feature in Visual Studio (shortcut [Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M]).
3. Take some well-written software as an example (e.g. Wintellect Power
Collections for .NET http://powercollections.codeplex.com). You would
probably find things that you would write in a different way, or things that
this chapter suggests should be done differently. Deviations are possible
and are completely normal. One of the biggest differences between low-
quality and high-quality code is the consistency in following the rules.
The rules in different projects may be different (e.g. different formatting
style, different documentation style, different naming style, different
project structure, etc.) but the general recommendations for writing
high-quality code will be followed.
Take another example: bad code that is hard to read, understand and
maintain. You may find many examples in Internet but to save time you
may look at the projects from the High-Quality Code course at Telerik
Software Academy (May 2011): https://qualitycode.googlecode.com/svn/
Final-Projects.rar. There are C#, Java, C++ and PHP projects with low-
quality code that needs deep refactoring and quality improvement.
4. The code from CTS is written by engineers with an extensive experience
and you can rarely encounter low-quality code there. Despite of that,
anomalies such as using complex expressions and inappropriately named
variables can still be seen. Try to find some examples of bad coding
practices in CTS. Use JustDecompile or other decompilation tool because
the source code of CTS is unavailable. Keep in mind that local variable
names and comments in the code are lost when the code is compiled and
decompiled so the variable names might be incorrect.
Instead of decompiling the .NET CTS you may look at the source code of
Mono (the open-source .NET implementation for Linux) at GitHub:
https://github.com/mono/mono/tree/master/mcs/class/corlib. An example
of code that needs improvement is the Dictionary<K,T> implementation
in Mono: Dictionary.cs.
5. Just answer based on your personal experience. You may ask your
colleagues whether they use coding conventions. You may also read the
official C# code conventions from Microsoft: http://msdn.microsoft.com/
6. Review all the learned concepts from this chapter and apply them to the
code you are given. First understand how the code works and then fix
the bugs you discover. The best way to start is by reformatting the code
and renaming the identifiers. Then you may write unit tests to enable
refactoring without a risk to break something. Then step by step you may
extract methods, remove the duplicated code, and rewrite pieces of
the code which cannot be refactored. Be sure to test after each change.
Chapter 22. Lambda
Expressions and LINQ
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will become acquainted with some of the advanced
capabilities of the C# language. To be more specific, we will pay attention on
how to make queries to collections, using lambda expressions and LINQ,
and how to add functionality to already created classes, using extension
methods. We will get to know the anonymous types, describe their usage
briefly and discuss lambda expressions and show in practice how most of the
built-in lambda functions work. Afterwards, we will pay more attention to
the LINQ syntax we will learn what it is, how it works and what queries we
can build with it. In the end, we will get to know the meaning of the
keywords in LINQ, and demonstrate their capabilities with lots of examples.
Extension Methods
In practice, programmers often have to add new functionality to already
existing code. If the code is available, we can simply add the required
functionality and recompile. When a given assembly (.exe or .dll file) has
already been compiled, and the source code is not available, a common way
to extend the functionality of the types is trough inheritance. This approach
can be quite difficult to apply, due to the fact that we will have to change the
instances of the base class with the instances of the derived one to be able to
use our new functionality. Unfortunately, that is the least of our problems. If
the type we want to inherit is marked with the keyword sealed, inheritance is
not possible.
Extension methods solve that very same problem they present to us the
opportunity to add new functionality to already existing type (class or
interface), without having to change its original code or use inheritance, i.e.
also works fine with types that cannot be inherited. Notice that trough
extension methods we can add implemented methods even to interfaces.
The extension methods are defined as static in ordinary static classes.
The type of their first argument is the class (or the interface) they extend. In
front of it, we should place the keyword this. That is what makes them
different from other static methods, and indicates the compiler that this is an
extension method. The parameter with the keyword this in front of it can be
used in the method body to create its functionality. Practically, it is the object
that is used by the extension method.
920 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Extension methods can be applied directly to objects of the class/interface
they extend. They can also be invoked statically through the static class they
are defined in, but it is not a good practice.

To refer to a specific extension method, we should add
using and the corresponding namespace, where the static
class, describing this method, is defined. Otherwise the
compiler has no way of knowing about their existence.
Extension Methods Examples
Lets take for example the definition of an extension method that counts
the number of words in a given string. Have in mind, that the type string is
sealed, so it cannot be inherited.
public static class StringExtensions
public static int WordCount(this string str)
return str.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', '?', '!' },
The method WordCount() extends the class String. This is indicated by the
keyword this before the type and the name of the first argument of the
method (in our case str). The method itself is static and it is defined in the
static class StringExtensions. The usage of the extension method is done
the same way as all the other methods of the class String. Do not forget to
add the corresponding namespace, where the static class, describing the
extension methods, is defined. Example of using an extension method:
static void Main()
string helloString = "Hello, Extension Methods!";
int wordCount = helloString.WordCount();
The method is invoked on the object helloString, which is of type string. It
also takes the object as an argument and works with it (in our case refers to
its Split() method and returns the number of elements of the array,
produced by the Split() method).
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 921
Extension Methods for Interfaces
Extension methods can not only be used on classes, but on interfaces as well.
Our next example takes an instance of a class, that implements the interface
list of integers (IList<int>), and increases their value by a certain number.
The method IncreaseWith() can access only those elements that are
included in the interface IList (e.g. the property Count).
public static class IListExtensions
public static void IncreaseWith(
this IList<int> list, int amount)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
list[i] += amount;
The extension methods also give us the opportunity to work on generic types.
Lets take for example a method that loops trough a collection, using
foreach, implementing IEnumerable from generic type T. Its purpose is to
convert to a meaningful string a sequence of elements (e.g. a list of integers):
public static class IEnumerableExtensions
public static string ToString<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> enumeration)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in enumeration)
result.Append(", ");
if (result.Length > 1)
result.Remove(result.Length - 2, 2);
return result.ToString();
Example of how to use the two extension methods declared above:
922 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
The output of the execution of the program will be the following:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Anonymous Types
In object-oriented languages (such as C#), it is common to define small
classes that will be used only once. Typical example is the class Point that
has only two fields the coordinates of a point. Creating a simple class with
the idea of using it just once is inconvenient and time consuming for the
programmer, especially when the standard operations for each class:
ToString(), Equals() and GetHashCode() have to be predefined.
In C# there is a built-in way to create single-use types, called anonymous
types. Objects of such type are created almost the same way as other
objects in C#. The thing with them is that we dont need to define data type
for the variable in advance. The keyword var indicates to the compiler that
the type of the variable will be automatically detected by the expression, after
the equals sign. We actually dont have a choice here, since we cant tell the
specific type of the variable, because it is defined as one of an anonymous
type. After that, we specify name for the object, followed by the "=" operator
and the keyword new. In curly braces we enumerate the names and the
values of the properties of the anonymous type.
Anonymous Types Example
Here is an example of creating an anonymous type that describes a car:
var myCar = new { Color = "Red", Brand = "BMW", Speed = 180 };
During compilation, the compiler will create a class with a unique name
(something like <>f__AnonymousType0) and will generate properties for it
(with getter and setter). In the example above, the compiler will guess by its
own, that the properties Color and Brand are of type string and Speed will
be set as int. Right after the initialization, the object of the anonymous type
can be used as one of an ordinary type with its three properties:
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 923
Console.WriteLine("My car is a {0} {1}.",
myCar.Color, myCar.Brand);
Console.WriteLine("It runs {0} km/h.", myCar.Speed);
The output of the code above will be as follows:
My car is a Red BMW.
It runs 180 km/h.
More about Anonymous Types
As any other type in .NET, the anonymous ones inherit the class System.
Object. During compilation, the compiler will automatically redefine the
methods ToString(), Equals() and GetHashCode() for us.
Console.WriteLine("ToString: {0}", myCar.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Hash code: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Equals? {0}", myCar.Equals(
new { Color = "Red", Brand = "BMW", Speed = 180 }
Console.WriteLine("Type name: {0}", myCar.GetType().ToString());
The output of the code above will be the following:
ToString: { Color = Red, Brand = BMW, Speed = 180 }
Hash code: 1572002086
Equals? True
Type name:
As we can see from the result, the method ToString() is redefined, so that
it can list the properties of the anonymous type in the order of their definition
in the initialization of the object (in our case myCar). The method
GetHashCode() is wrote in such a way, that it uses all fields and on their
basis it calculates a hash function with a small number of collisions. The
redefined by the compiler method Equals() compares the objects field by
field. As we can notice from the example, we have created a new object that
has exactly the same properties as myCar, and returns a result stating that
the newly created object and the old one have equal values.
Arrays of Anonymous Types
The anonymous types, like ordinary ones, can be used as elements of
arrays. We can initialize them with the keyword new, followed by square
brackets. The values of the elements of the array are listed the same way, as
924 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
the values assigned to the anonymous types. The values in the array should
be homogeneous, i.e. it is not possible to have different anonymous types in
the same array. An example of defining an array of anonymous types with
two properties (X and Y):
var arr = new[] {
new { X = 3, Y = 5 },
new { X = 1, Y = 2 },
new { X = 0, Y = 7 }
foreach (var item in arr)
The result of the execution of the code above will be the following:
{ X = 3, Y = 5 }
{ X = 1, Y = 2 }
{ X = 0, Y = 7 }
Lambda Expressions
Lambda expressions are anonymous functions that contain expressions
or sequence of operators. All lambda expressions use the lambda operator =>,
which can be read as goes to. The idea of the lambda expressions in C# is
borrowed from the functional programming languages (e.g. Haskell, Lisp,
Scheme, F# and others). The left side of the lambda operator specifies the
input parameters and the right side holds an expression or a code block
that works with the entry parameters and conceivably returns some result.
Usually lambda expressions are used as predicates or instead of delegates
(a type that references a method instance), which can be applied on
collections, processing their elements and/or returning a certain result.
Lambda Expressions Examples
As an example, lets take the extension method FindAll(), which can be
used to filter the necessary elements. It works on a certain collection by
applying a given predicate on it that checks if an element matches a certain
requirement. In order to use it we have to add a reference to the assembly
System.Core.dll (if it is not already added) and include the namespace
System.Linq, because the extension methods for the collections are there.
For example, if we want to take only the even numbers from a collection of
integers, we can use the method FindAll() on that collection, passing a
lambda method to it that checks if a certain number is even:
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 925
List<int> list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
List<int> evenNumbers = list.FindAll(x => (x % 2) == 0);
foreach (var num in evenNumbers)
Console.Write("{0} ", num);
The result is:
2 4 6
The example above loops through the whole collection of numbers and for
each element (named x) a check, if the number is multiple of 2, is made
(through the Boolean expression (x % 2) == 0).
Lets now focus on an example in which trough an extension method and a
lambda expression we will create a collection, containing data from a
certain class. In the example, from the class Dog (with properties Name and
Age), we want to get a list that contains all dogs names. We can do that with
the extension method Select() (defined in the namespace System.Linq)
by assigning to it to turn each dog (x) into dogs name (x.Name) and writing
that result in the variable names. With the keyword var, we tell the compiler
to define the type of the variable according to the result that we assign on the
right side of the equals sign.
class Dog
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }

static void Main()
List<Dog> dogs = new List<Dog>() {
new Dog { Name = "Rex", Age = 4 },
new Dog { Name = "Sean", Age = 0 },
new Dog { Name = "Stacy", Age = 3 }
var names = dogs.Select(x => x.Name);
foreach (var name in names)
926 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The result is:
Using Lambda Expressions with Anonymous Types
We can create collections of anonymous types from a collection with some
elements by using lambda expressions. Lets take the collection dogs,
containing elements of type Dog, and create new collection consisting of
elements of an anonymous type, having two properties age and the initial
letter of the dogs name:
var newDogsList = dogs.Select(
x => new { Age = x.Age, FirstLetter = x.Name[0] });
foreach (var item in newDogsList)
The result is:
{ Age = 4, FirstLetter = R }
{ Age = 0, FirstLetter = S }
{ Age = 3, FirstLetter = S }
As it is obvious from the example above, the newly created collection
newDogsList has elements of an anonymous type, taking the properties Age
and FirstLetter as parameters. The first line of the example can be read as
follows: "Create a variable of undefined (at this point) type, name it
newDogsList and create a new element of an anonymous type for each
element x of the dogs collection with two properties: Age that is equal to the
property Age of the element x, and the property FirstLetter that is equal to
the first character of the string x.Name".
Sorting with Lambda Expressions
If we want to sort the elements in a certain collection, we can use the
extension methods OrderBy() and OrderByDescending(), by defining the
way of sorting in a lambda function. An example on our collection dogs:
var sortedDogs = dogs.OrderByDescending(x => x.Age);
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 927
foreach (var dog in sortedDogs)
"Dog {0} is {1} years old.", dog.Name, dog.Age));
The result is:
Dog Rex is 4 years old.
Dog Stacy is 3 years old.
Dog Sean is 0 years old.
Statements in Lambda Expressions
Lambda functions can also have a body. So far we have used lambda
functions with only one statement. Now we will pay more attention to lambda
functions that have a body. Lets return to the example with the even
numbers. Suppose we want to print to the console the values of all numbers,
to which our lambda function is applied to and to return the result if they are
even or not. We can do it the following way:
List<int> list = new List<int>() { 20, 1, 4, 8, 9, 44 };
// Process each argument with code statements
var evenNumbers = list.FindAll((i) =>
Console.WriteLine("Value of i is: {0}", i);
return (i % 2) == 0;
The result from the above code is:
Value of i is: 20
Value of i is: 1
Value of i is: 4
Value of i is: 8
Value of i is: 9
Value of i is: 44
Lambda Expressions as Delegates
Lambda functions can be written in delegates. Delegates are such a type of
variables that contains functions (methods). Some standard delegate types in
.NET are: Action, Action<in T>, Action<in T1, in T2>, and so on and
Func<out TResult>, Func<in T, out TResult>, Func<in T1, in T2,
out TResult> and so on. The types Func and Action are generic and
928 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
contain the types of the return value, and the types of the parameters of the
functions. The variables of such types are references to functions. Below is an
example for using and assigning values to these types:
Func<bool> boolFunc = () => true;
Func<int, bool> intFunc = (x) => x < 10;
if (boolFunc() && intFunc(5))
Console.WriteLine("5 < 10");
The result is:
5 < 10
In the example above we define two delegates. The first one boolFunc is
a function that has no input parameters and returns a Boolean result. We
have given an anonymous lambda function that does nothing and always
returns true as a value to that function. The second delegate intFunc takes
as an argument an int variable and returns a Boolean value true when x is
less than ten, and false otherwise. At the end, in the if statement, we call
these two delegates as we give to the second one value of 5 as an argument,
and the result from their invocation is true, as we can see.
LINQ Queries
LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) is a set of extensions of the .NET
Framework, that includes language integrated queries and operations on the
elements of a certain data source (most often arrays or collections). LINQ is
a very powerful tool, similar to most SQL languages by logic and syntax. It
actually works with collections in the same way as SQL languages work with
table rows in databases. It is part of the syntax of C# and Visual Basic .NET
and consists of few special keywords like from, in and select. In order to
use LINQ queries in C#, we have to include a reference to System.Core.dll
and to include the namespace System.Linq in the beginning of the C#
Data Sources with LINQ
To define the data source (collection, array and so on), we have to use the
keywords from and in and a variable for the iteration of the collection (the
iteration is similar to the one with the foreach operator). For example, a
query that starts like this:
from culture
in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures)
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 929
can be read as follows: "for each element of the collection CultureInfo.
GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures) assign the variable culture and
use it to refer to these items further in the query".
Data Filtering with LINQ
The keyword where can be used to set conditions, that should be kept by each
item of the collection, in order to continue with the execution of the query.
The expression after where is always of a Boolean type. We can say that
where works as a filter for the elements. For example, if we want to see
only those cultures, whose name begins with the lowercase Latin letter b, we
can continue the query from our last example like this:
where culture.Name.StartsWith("b")
As we can notice, after where in, we use only the name we gave for the
iteration of the variables in the collection. The keyword where is compiled up
to the invoking of the extension method Where().
where culture.Name.StartsWith("b")
Results of LINQ Queries
To choose the output data for the query, we can use the keyword
select. The result is an object of an existing class or an anonymous type.
The result can also be a property of the objects, the query runs through or the
objects themselves. The select statement and everything following it is
placed always at the end of the query. The four keywords: from, in, where
and select, are completely enough to create a simple LINQ query. Here is an
List<int> numbers = new List<int>() {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
var evenNumbers =
from num in numbers
where num % 2 == 0
select num;
foreach (var item in evenNumbers)
Console.Write(item + " ");
The result is:
2 4 6 8 10
930 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The example above runs a query over a collection of integers called
numbers and filters only the even ones in a new collection. The query can be
read as follows: "for each number num from numbers check if it is multiple of
2, and if so, add it to the new collection".
Sorting Data with LINQ
Sorting with LINQ queries is done through the keyword orderby. The
conditions, used for sorting the elements, are placed after it. For each
condition the order of arrangement can be indicated: ascending (using the
keyword ascending) and descending (with the keyword descending), as by
default the elements are ordered in ascending order. If we want to sort an
array of strings by their length in descending order, for example, we can write
the following query:
string[] words = { "cherry", "apple", "blueberry" };
var wordsSortedByLength =
from word in words
orderby word.Length descending
select word;
foreach (var word in wordsSortedByLength)
The result is:
If no instruction for the order is given (i.e. the keyword orderby is missing
from the query) the items are printed in the way they would be processed, if
the foreach operator was used.
Grouping Results with LINQ
To group the results by some criteria the keyword group should be used. The
pattern is as follows:
group [variable name] by [grouping condition] into [group name]
The result of grouping is a new collection of a special type that can be
used further in the query. After the grouping, however, the query stops
working with its initial variable. This means that in the select statement, we
can use only the group. An example of grouping:
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 931
int[] numbers =
{ 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13 };
int divisor = 5;

var numberGroups =
from number in numbers
group number by number % divisor into group
select new { Remainder = group.Key, Numbers = group };

foreach (var group in numberGroups)
"Numbers with a remainder of {0} when divided by {1}:",
group.Remainder, divisor);
foreach (var number in group.Numbers)
The result is:
Numbers with a remainder of 0 when divided by 5:
Numbers with a remainder of 4 when divided by 5:
Numbers with a remainder of 1 when divided by 5:
Numbers with a remainder of 3 when divided by 5:
Numbers with a remainder of 2 when divided by 5:
As we can see from the example above, the numbers printed to the console
are grouped by their remainders of the division by 5. In the query, for each
number number % divisor is calculated, and for each different result a new
932 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
group is formed. Further in the query, the select operator works on the list
of created groups, and for each group creates an anonymous type with two
properties: Remainder and Numbers. To the property Remainder the key of
the group is assigned (in our case the remainder of the division by the
divisor of the number). And to the property Numbers the collection group is
assigned, that contains all the elements in the group. Notice that select is
executed only over the list of groups. The variable number cannot be used
there. Further in the example of two nested foreach statements, the
remainders (the groups) and the numbers that have the remainder (located in
the group) are printed.
Joining Data with LINQ
The join statement is a bit more complicated than the other LINQ
statements. It joins collections by certain matching criteria and extracts the
needed data. Its syntax is as follows:
from [variable name from collection 1] in [collection 1] join
[variable name from collection 2] in [collection 2] on [part of
the compare condition from collection 1] equals [part of the
compare condition from collection 2]
Further in the query (e.g. in the select part), both, the name of the variable
from collection 1, and the name of the variable from collection 2, can be used.
public class Product
public string Name { get; set; }
public int CategoryID { get; set; }

public class Category
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The code that illustrates how to use LINQ joins:
List<Category> categories = new List<Category>()
new Category() { ID = 1, Name = "Fruit" },
new Category() { ID = 2, Name = "Food" },
new Category() { ID = 3, Name = "Shoe" },
new Category() { ID = 4, Name = "Juice" },
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 933
List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
new Product() { Name = "Strawberry", CategoryID = 1 },
new Product() { Name = "Banana", CategoryID = 1 },
new Product() { Name = "Chicken meat", CategoryID = 2 },
new Product() { Name = "Apple Juice", CategoryID = 4 },
new Product() { Name = "Fish", CategoryID = 2 },
new Product() { Name = "Orange Juice", CategoryID = 4 },
new Product() { Name = "Sandal", CategoryID = 3 },
var productsWithCategories =
from product in products
join category in categories
on product.CategoryID equals category.ID
select new { Name = product.Name,
Category = category.Name };
foreach (var item in productsWithCategories)
The result is:
{ Name = Strawberry, Category = Fruit }
{ Name = Banana, Category = Fruit }
{ Name = Chicken meat, Category = Food }
{ Name = Apple Juice, Category = Juice }
{ Name = Fish, Category = Food }
{ Name = Orange Juice, Category = Juice }
{ Name = Sandal, Category = Shoe }
In the example above, we create two classes and an imaginary relationship
between them. To each product some category CategoryID (represented by
a number) corresponds, that matches the number ID from the class
Category in the collection categories. If we want to use this relation and to
create a new anonymous type, where to store the products and their names
and category, we can write the above LINQ query. It joins the collection of
elements of type Category with the one of type Product by the mentioned
criteria (match between ID from Category and CategoryID from Products).
In the select part of the query, we use both names category and product
to construct an anonymous type with the name of the product and the name
of the category.
934 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Nested LINQ Queries
LINQ also supports nested queries. For example our last query can be
written by nesting two queries in the following way (the result is exactly the
same as the one with join):
var productsWithCategories =
from product in products
select new {
Name = product.Name,
Category =
(from category in categories
where category.ID == product.CategoryID
select category.Name).First()
Since each query in LINQ returns a collection of items (irrespective of whether
the result from it is of 0, 1 or more elements), we need to use the extension
method First() over the result of the nested query. The method First()
returns the first element (in our case the only one) of the collection it is
applied on. In this way we get the name of the category only by its ID
LINQ Performance
As a rule using LINQ and extension methods is slower than using direct
operations over a collection of elements, so beware of using LINQ when
processing large collections or the performance is critical.
Lets compare the speed of adding 50,000,000 elements to a list through
extension methods and directly with a for-loop:
List<int> l1 = new List<int>();
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
l1.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 50000000));
Console.WriteLine("Ext.method:\t{0}", DateTime.Now - startTime);

startTime = DateTime.Now;
List<int> l2 = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000000; i++) l2.Add(i);
Console.WriteLine("For-loop:\t{0}", DateTime.Now - startTime);
The result might be as follows (depends on the computers CPU speed):
Ext.method: 00:00:01.6430939
For-loop: 00:00:00.9120522
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 935
LINQ technology and extension methods work through the concept of
expression trees. Each LINQ query is translated by the compiler to an
expression tree and is executed when its results are actually accessed (not
earlier). For example lets consider the following code:
List<int> list = new List<int>();
list.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 100000));

DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
var elements = list.Where(e => e > 20000);
Console.WriteLine("No execution:\t{0}", DateTime.Now - start);

start = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
var element = list.Where(e => e > 20000).First();
Console.WriteLine("Execution:\t{0}", DateTime.Now - start);
The result might be as follows (depends on the computers CPU speed):
No execution: 00:00:00.0070004
Execution: 00:00:02.7231558
This shows that if we call a .Where() filter (or where clause in LINQ) it is not
actually executed until its result is actually needed. The elements get filtered
on demand, at the time they are really required. In our case this is when we
invoke First() method. Moreover, if we get the first element of a sequence,
the rest elements are not processes until needed. Thus if we use change the
filtering lambda function from e => e > 20000 to e => e > 500000, the
filtering becomes times slower because more elements are processed until the
first matching the filtering condition is found:
No execution: 00:00:00.0060004
Execution: 00:00:06.3663641
Standard .NET Framework collection classes like List<T>, HashSet<T> and
Dictionary<K,V> are optimized to work fast with LINQ. Most operations with
LINQ work almost as fast as if we run them directly. Lets check this example:
HashSet<Guid> set = new HashSet<Guid>();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
936 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
set.Add(Guid.NewGuid()); // Add random GUID

Guid keyForSearching = new Guid();
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
// Use HashSet.Contains()
bool found = set.Contains(keyForSearching);
Console.WriteLine("HashSet: {0}", DateTime.Now - start);

start = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
// Use IEnumerable<Guid>.Contains() extension method
bool found = set.Contains<Guid>(keyForSearching);
Console.WriteLine("Contains: {0}", DateTime.Now - start);

start = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
// Use IEnumerable<Guid>.Where() extension method
bool found = set.Where(g => g==keyForSearching).Count() > 0;
Console.WriteLine("Where: {0}", DateTime.Now - start);
The result is as follows (though it depends on the computers CPU speed):
HashSet: 00:00:00.0030002
Contains: 00:00:00.0040003
Where: 00:02:49.9717218
Seems like .NET Framework takes into account the capability to search in
constant time O(1) in a HashSet<T>, so searching though the native method
Contains() and though the extension methods IEnumerable.Contains()
both run in time O(1). By contrast, the IEnumerable.Where() method is
dramatically slower and runs in linear time O(n). This is expected, because
the Where() method checks certain condition for each element in a collection
and it is expected to process all elements one by one. By contrast the
Contains() method just searches for single element which is fast operation.
In case you do not remember about the asymptotic notation O(1) and O(n),
please check the chapter Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity.
Chapter 22. Lambda Expressions and LINQ 937
In the above example we use the system structure Guid. This is a global
unique identifier often used in computer technologies to identify an object. It
may look like the following: 8668f585-faf8-4685-8025-6a8d1d2aba0a. If
you want to generate a global unique (world-wide) identifier, you might
benefit from the method Guid.NewGuid(), like we do in the code above.
1. Implement an extension method Substring(int index, int length) for
the class StringBuilder that returns a new StringBuilder and has the
same functionality as the method Substring() of the class String.
2. Implement the following extension methods for the classes, implementing
the interface IEnumerable<T>: Sum(), Min(), Max(), Average().
3. Write a class Student with the following properties: first name, last name
and age. Write a method that for a given array of students finds those,
whose first name is before their last one in alphabetical order. Use LINQ.
4. Create a LINQ query that finds the first and the last name of all students,
aged between 18 and 24 years including. Use the class Student from the
previous exercise.
5. By using the extension methods OrderBy() and ThenBy() with lambda
expression, sort a list of students by their first and last name in
descending order. Rewrite the same functionality using a LINQ query.
6. Write a program that prints to the console all numbers from a given array
(or list), that are multiples of 7 and 3 at the same time. Use the built-
in extension methods with lambda expressions and then rewrite the
same using a LINQ query.
7. Write an extension method for the class String that capitalizes all
letters, which are the beginning of a word in a sentence in English. For
example: "this iS a Sample sentence." should be converted to "This
Is A Sample Sentence.".
8. Create a hash-table to hold a phone book: a set of person names and
their phone numbers (e.g. Kate Wilson +3592981981, +3598862536;
Alex & Co. 1-800-ALEX; Steve Milton +496023456). Fill enough
random data (e.g. 50,000 key-value pairs). Measure how much time it
takes to perform searching by key in the hash-table using its native search
capabilities, using the extension methods IEnumerable.Contains() and
IEnumerable.Where(). Can you explain the difference?
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Follow the syntax explained in the section Extension Methods. You
may create a new StringBuilder and to write in it all the characters with
indices, starting from index and with length length, from the object that
the extension method will work on.
938 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
2. For generic implementation of the Min() and Max() methods for any
generic type T you can add a restriction to the passed type T to be
comparable, i.e. you should have something like this:
public static T Min<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements)
where T : IComparable<T>
{ }
Since not all data types have predefined operators + and /, it will not be
possible to apply the functions Sum() and Average() to all types directly.
There are no interfaces ISummable<T> and IDividable<T> in .NET. One
way to work around this problem is to convert all input objects to
decimal and then to calculate sum / average and return decimal as result.
For the conversion you can use the static method Convert.ToDecimal().
Another interesting approach is to use the dynamic data type in C# to
hold the arguments and results and to execute the operations over them at
runtime (due to the dynamic evaluation capabilities in C#):
public static dynamic Min<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements)
{ }
This is easier to implement and works better but could have performance
issues and some special cases to be handled.
3. Review the keywords from, where and select from the "LINQ Queries"
section in this chapter.
4. Write a LINQ query to select the described students in an anonymous
type that contains only two properties FirstName and LastName.
5. For the LINQ query use from, orderby, descending and select. For the
implementation with the lambda expressions, you can use the methods
OrderByDescending() and ThenByDescending().
6. It is enough to check if the numbers are multiples of 21, instead of writing
two where conditions.
7. Use the method ToTitleCase() of the property TextInfo in the culture
en-US in the following way:
new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(text);
8. See the examples at the end of the section LINQ Performance. You can
use Dictionary<string, List<string>> to hold the phone book. You
may explain the difference in the execution speed by trying to explain
how searching works internally and by the assumption that searching in a
hash-table takes time O(1) and searching in a collection element by
element runs in linear time O(n).
Chapter 23. Methodology
of Problem Solving
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will discuss one recommended practice for efficiently
solving computer programming problems and make a demonstration with
appropriate examples. We will discuss the basic engineering principles of
problem solving, why we should follow them when solving computer
programming problems (the same principles can also be applied to find the
solutions of many mathematical and scientific problems as well) and we will
make an example of their use. We will describe the steps, in which we
should go in order to solve some sample problems and show the mistakes
that can occur when we do not follow these same steps. We will pay attention
to some important steps from the methodology of problem solving, that we
usually skip, e.g. the testing. We hope to be able to prove you, with proper
examples, that the solving of computer programming problems has a "recipe"
and it is very useful.
Basic Principles of Solving Computer
Programming Problems
You probably think this chapter is about an idle talk like "first think, then act"
or "be careful when you write and try to not miss something". In fact this
chapter will not be so tedious and boring and will give you some practical
guidelines for solving algorithmic problems as well as other problems.
Without making any claim of completeness, we will give you some important
suggestions, based on Svetlin Nakovs personal experience acquired
during his work of 10+ years as a competitor in International and Bulgarian
programming competitions. Svetlin has gained tens of International awards
from programming contests including medals from International Olympiad in
Informatics (IOI) and has been training students from Sofia University St.
Kliment Ohridski (SU), New Bulgarian University (NBU), Technical
University of Sofia (TU-Sofia), National Academy for Software
Development (NASD), and Telerik Software Academy, and his experience
during the last 10 years confirms that this methodology works well in practice.
Lets start with the first key suggestion.
940 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Use Pen and Paper
The use of a pen and sheet of paper and the making of drafts and sketches
when solving problems is something normal and natural, which every
experienced mathematician, physicist and software engineer does when
tasked with a non-trivial problem.
Unfortunately, our experience with students showed us most of the novice
programmers do not even bring with them a pen and paper. They have
the false perception that in order to solve programming problem they only
need a keyboard. Most of them need some time and exams failures to finally
realize that the making of some kind of drafts on paper is crucial for
understanding the problem and constructing a correct solution.

Everyone who does not use a pen and paper will be in a
serious trouble when solving computer programming
problems. It is important always to make drafts of your
ideas on paper or blackboard before even start typing on the
Maybe, it is a little old-fashioned, but the "era of the paper" is not over
yet! The easiest way for you to visualize your idea is to put it on paper. It is
very difficult for most people to try and think about a problem without some
kind of visualization. The visual system in the human brain, which
absorbs information, is strongly connected to these parts of the brain, which
are responsible for the creative potential and logical thinking.
People who have well-developed their visual system in the brain are able to
easily "see" the solution of a problem in their mind. Then they only have to
polish their idea and implement it. These people actively use their visual
memory and their ability to create visual imagery, which is the reason why
they can quickly create ideas and reflect on algorithms for solving problems.
These people can quickly recognize and discard the wrong ideas and
visualize the correct algorithm for the programming problem in a matter
of seconds. Regardless of whether you are a "visual" type of person or not,
writing down and sketching your idea is very useful and will most certainly
help your thoughts on the matter. Most people have the ability to easily
present information to the brain visually.
Think for example, how hard it is for you to multiply five digit numbers in
your head and how less effort does it cost when you use a pen and paper
(we eliminate the possibility of using electronic calculating devices, of course).
It is basically the same with problem-solving, when you need a clear view
on the problem you should use pen and paper. When you need to check for
flaws in your algorithm, you should make some calculations using a pen and
paper. When you need to think about a case in which your algorithm might
not work, you should use pen and paper. Thats why you should always
use pen and paper!
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 941
Generate Ideas and Give Them a Try!
As we have mentioned previously, the first thing to do is to sketch some
sample examples for the problem on a piece of paper. When we have a real
example of the problem in front of us, we can reflect on it and the ideas
When the idea is a fact, we need more examples in order to check if it is a
good one. Then we need some more examples, drafted on paper to verify it
again. We should be completely sure our solution is correct. Then we should
go through our solution one more time, step by step, the same way like one
actual computer program would do, and see if everything runs correctly.
The next thing to do is to try "breaking" our solution and thinking of a
case, in which our idea would not work properly (a counter-example). If we
fail at that, then our idea is probably right. If our solution definitely has a
flaw, we should think of a way to fix it. If our idea does not pass every test,
we should invent a new one. Not always the first idea that comes to your
mind is the right one and is a true solution of the problem.
Problem-solving is an iterative process, which represents the invention of
ideas and then testing them over different examples until you reach one,
which seems to work correctly with every example that you could think of.
Sometimes it can take hours for you to try and find the right solution of
a given problem. This is completely normal. Nobody has an ability to instantly
find the correct solution of a problem, but surely the more experience you
have the faster the good ideas will come. If a particular problem has
something in common with one that you have solved in the past, then the
proper idea will come to your mind more quickly, because one of the basic
characteristics of the human brain is to work with analogies. The
experience you get from solving given type of problems will help you with the
invention of ideas for a solution of other analogical problems.
In order to generate ideas and test them it is mandatory to have a piece of
paper, pen and different examples, which you need to visualize with the
help of drafts, sketches or other means. That can help you a lot to quickly try
different ideas and reflect on the solutions, which can occur to you. The basic
things you need to do when you solve problems is to logically think of some
problems that are analogical to the current one, summarize or try to use
general ideas and then construct your solution using pen and paper. When
you have a sketch in front of you it is easier to imagine what could possibly
go wrong. This might give you an idea for the next step or make you give up
your current idea entirely. In this way we can get a complete algorithm, the
correctness that can be tested by a specific example.

The problem solving starts with the invention of ideas and
testing them. This is best done with a pen and paper in hand
and sample sketches and drafts to help you think. Always
test your ideas and solutions with proper examples!
942 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The recommendations given above are also very useful in one more case
when you are at a job interview. Every experienced interviewer could agree,
that when he gives an algorithmic problem to the interviewee he expects from
him to take a pen and piece of paper, to reflect on the problem out loud
and to give different suggestions for the solution. This is a sign this person
can think and has a proper approach to the problem solving. Thinking out
loud and rejecting different ideas shows that the interviewee has the right
thinking. Even if he fails to solve the problem, this behavior will make a good
impression to the interviewer!
Decompose the Task into Smaller Subtasks
Complex tasks can always be divided into smaller more manageable
subtasks. We will show this with some examples below. There is not a single
complex problem in this world that has been solved with one try. The correct
formula for solving such a task is to split it into smaller simpler tasks,
which have to be independent and different from one another. If these smaller
subtasks prove to be complicated, we should split them again. This technique
is called "divide and conquer" and it is in use since the time of the Roman
The division of the problem into smaller units is easier said than done. The
essence of solving algorithmic problems is in the good technique of division of
the given task into simpler subproblems and, of course, the invention of good
ideas that can be achieved with gaining more experience.

Complex tasks can always be divided into smaller more
manageable subtasks. When you have to solve big
complicated tasks, you should always try to divide it into
simpler problems, which are easier to solve.
"Cards Shuffle" Problem Example
Lets give the following example: we have one ordered deck of cards and
we have to shuffle it in random order. Lets assume that the deck is
represented as an array or list of N objects (every card is an object). These
types of tasks require multiple repeating steps (series of removal, placing,
replacing and realignment of elements). Each of these steps itself is simpler,
easier and more manageable subtask, than the "Cards Shuffle" task as a
whole. If we succeed in decomposing the complex task into smaller subtasks,
we will basically find the right way to solve the problem. Exactly this is the
essence of the algorithmic thinking: the ability to decompose complex
problems into smaller ones and then find the correct solutions for them. Of
course, this principle can be applied not only to programming problems, but
also to ones from other scientific disciplines like math and physics. In fact this
algorithmic thinking is the reason why the mathematicians and the physicists
show a rapid progress when they begin to learn computer programming.
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 943
Now lets go back to the given task and think about how to find the simple
subtasks, which are needed in order to meet the requirements to randomly
shuffle the cards.
If we take one deck of cards in our hands or try to sketch something on paper
(e.g. series of rectangular cells, each of them representing one card), some
ideas instantly come up, for example we need to change or realign
elements from the deck.
Thinking like this, we can easily reach the conclusion we need to make more
than one swap of one or more cards. If we make only one swap, the deck of
cards would not be completely random. Therefore we need many simpler
operations for a single swap (exchange).
We reached the point where we do the first decomposition into smaller
subtasks: we need series of swaps, which can be considered as smaller
tasks, a part of the bigger problem.
First Subtask: a Single Swap
How do we make a single swap of cards in the deck? We can answer this
question in many ways and take the first idea that come to our mind. If it is
any good, we will use it. Otherwise we will think of something else.
Our first idea can be: if we have a deck of cards, we can split it at random
card and then separate and swap the two parts. Now do we have an idea for a
single swap? Yes, we have. The next thing to do is to check if our solution is
working properly (we will demonstrate this after a while).
Now lets go back to the base task: after applying our idea, we need the
deck of cards to be randomly shuffled. Now we split and swap it many times
and check the result. It seems that our algorithm works fine and the subtask
"single swap" will do the work.
Second Subtask: Choosing a Random Number
How to generate a random number and use it to split the deck? If we have N
cards, we need a random number between 1 and N-1, dont we?
In order to solve this problem we might need an additional help. If we know
that in .NET Framework this task is already solved, we can simply use the
integrated random number generator.
Otherwise we have to think of a solution e.g. we can read one line from the
keyboard and then measure the time span between the start of the program
and the pressing of the button [Enter]. Since the time of every input is
different (especially, if we report with accuracy to nanoseconds), we have a
way to calculate a random number. The only problem now is to find a way
to place this number in the interval [1N-1] and probably most of us will
remember that we can use the remainder of its division by (N-1).
We can see that even the simplest subtasks can be divided into smaller
tasks, which sometimes can be already solved for us. When we find a
944 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
suitable solution for the current subtask, we need to go back to the base
problem and test everything and see if it is working correctly put together.
Lets do that now, shall we?
Third Subtask: Combining Swaps
Lets go back to the main task. We have reached the conclusion we have to
make as many "single swap" operations as needed to ensure the deck of
cards will be correctly shuffled. This idea seems right and we should try it.
Now this raises the question how many operations "single swap" are
enough? Are 100 enough? Arent they too many? And what about 5 times? In
order to give a good answer to this question, we need to think for a while.
How many cards do we have? If we have several cards in the deck, we need
fewer swaps. And if we have many cards, we need much more swaps, right?
Therefore the number of swaps depends on the number of cards in the deck.
To see how many swaps are enough, we can take one standard deck of cards.
How many cards are there in one standard deck? Most of us know there are
52 cards in it. Well then try to figure out how many "single swap" operations
are needed to randomly shuffle one deck of 52 cards. Are 52 enough? It
seems enough because if we swap 52 times at random position it is likely that
we will split the deck at every card (this conclusion is clear even if we do not
know anything about Probability and Statistics). 52 "single swap"
operations seem too much, isnt it? Lets think of even smaller number.
What about the half of the number 52? It seems fine as well, but it would be
more difficult to explain why.
Some of you probably think that the best way to find the correct number is to
use complex formulas from the probability theory, but does it make any
sense? The number 52 is small enough and there is no need to look for
other number. One loop of 52 iterations is fast enough. The cards in the deck
would not be billions, would they? Therefore we do not have to think in that
direction. We assume that the correct number of "single swap" equals the
number of the cards in the deck neither too big nor too small. And this is
the end of the current subtask.
Another Example: Sorting Numbers
Lets think of another example. We are given an array of numbers and our
task is to sort it in ascending order. There is an abundance of algorithms
for this problem and some of them conceptually different from one another.
Even you could think of some ideas to solve this problem, some of them
would be right and others not quite.
So we have to solve this task and we are not allowed to use built-in .NET
Framework sorting methods. The first obvious thing to do is to take a pen and
piece of paper and to think of one example and then to reflect on the task.
Thus we can invent multiple and very different ideas like:
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 945
- First idea: we can find the smallest number, print it and then remove it
from the array of numbers. The next thing to do is to repeat the same
action until the array is empty. Thinking like this, we can decompose
this task into simpler tasks: finding the smallest number in array;
deleting a number from array; printing a number.
- Next idea: we can find the smallest number and put it at the first
position of the array (swap operation). Then we can do the same action
for the rest of the array. Since we have already placed number on the
first position, we go to the next one. If we repeat this k times, we will
have the first k smallest numbers from the array at the first k positions.
This approach takes us naturally to a task, which can be very easily
divided into smaller subtasks: finding the number with the smallest
value in a part of the array and exchanging the positions of two
numbers from the array. The second subtask can be divided one more
time: removing an element from a given position and placing an
element at a given position.
- Another idea, which uses a method, conceptually different from the
previous two solutions: we split the array into two subarrays with
approximately the same number of elements. Then we sort them
individually and finally we merge them into one. We can do this action
recursively with every subarray until every one of them holds exactly
one element. Array with one element is a sorted one. Here, like in the
previous two ideas, we can divide the complex problem into smaller
more manageable problems: splitting one array into two parts with
approximately equal number of elements; merging two arrays into one
big array.
There is no need to continue, right? It is obvious that every one of you can
think of several different solutions or you can read about the subject in a book
about algorithms. We demonstrated that every complicated problem can
be divided into smaller simpler problems. These is a correct approach to
solving computer programming problems to think of the big task like it is a
collection of smaller easier subtasks. This technique may be hard to learn, but
in time you will get used to it.
Verify Your Ideas!
It seems that we have figured out everything. We have an idea. It seems to
work properly. The only thing for us to do is to check if our idea is correct or it
is only correct in our minds. After that we can start with the implementation.
How to verify an idea? Usually this happens with the help of some
examples. We should choose examples that fully cover all different cases,
which our algorithm should be able to pass. The sample examples should not
be too easy for your algorithm, but also they should not be so hard to be
sketched. We call these certain types of examples "good representatives of
the common case".
946 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
E.g. if our task is to sort an array in ascending order, then a suitable example
would be an array with 5-6 elements. Two of the numbers in the array
should be equal and the other different. The numbers should be randomly
placed in the array. This is a good example, because it covers most of the
common cases, in which our algorithm should work.
There are many inappropriate examples for the sorting numbers problem
that could not help you test your idea properly. For example if you use an
array of only two elements. Your solution could work correctly with it, but
your core idea could be completely wrong. Another inappropriate example is
an array of equal numbers. Every sorting algorithm would work correctly with
it. And another bad example we can use an array that is already sorted.
Algorithm could also work correctly and yet the idea could be wrong.

When verifying your ideas, choose your examples carefully.
They should be simple and easy enough for you to be able to
sketch them down by hand in a minute and at the same time
they should represent most general case in which your idea
should work. Your examples should be good representatives
of the common case and cover as much cases as possible
without being too big and complicated.
"Cards Shuffle" Problem: Verifying the Idea
Lets think of one sample example for our "Cards Shuffle" task. Lets say we
have 6 cards. In order our example to be good, our deck of cards should not
be too small (e.g. 2-3 cards), because in this way our example might
become very easy. Also, if we want to easily check our idea with the deck, it
should not be too big. Initially it is a good idea to get six cards and order
them in the deck. In this way it would be easier for us to see if the cards are
well shuffled or partially shuffled or not shuffled at all. So one of the smartest
things to do is to choose 6 cards regardless of their suit and order them by
Now we already have one example, which is a good representative of the
common case of our problem. Lets now sketch it down on a piece of paper
and check our algorithm on it. We should split the deck into two parts, at a
random position 6 times and then swap them. Our cards are ordered by
value. At the end we expect them to be randomly shuffled.
Lets see what is going to happen:
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 947

There is no need to do 6 swaps. After only 3 swaps we came back to the
starting position. This is probably not an accident. What happened? We have
just found an error in our algorithm. When we reflect on the problem we
can see that with every swap at a random position we rotate the deck to left
and after N times it goes to the starting position. So it was a good thing that
we tested our idea before even started writing some code, wasnt it?
Sorting Numbers: Verifying the Idea
It is time to check our first idea considering the sorting numbers problem.
We can easily see if it is right or wrong. We start with an array of N elements
and we find the smallest number, print it and then delete it from the array N
times. Even if we do not sketch the idea, it seems faultless. Still lets think of
one example and see what is going to happen. We take 5 numbers, two of
them are equal: 3, 2, 6, 1, 2. We have 5 steps to do:
1) 3, 2, 6, 1, 2 1
2) 3, 2, 6, 2 2
3) 3, 6, 2 2
4) 3, 6 3
5) 6 6
Seems like our algorithm works properly. Our result is correct and we do
not have a reason to think that our idea will not work with any other example.
If a Problem Occurs, Invent a New Idea!
When you find your idea is incorrect, the obvious thing to do is to invent a
new, better idea. We can do this in two ways: we can either try to fix our
old idea or create a completely new one. Lets see how this works with our
cards shuffle problem, shall we?

948 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

The creating of a solution for a computer programming
problem is an iterative process, which consists of inventing
ideas, verifying them and sometimes, when problem occurs,
inventing new ones. Sometimes the first idea that comes to
our mind is the right one, but most of the times we need to
go through many different ideas until we reach the best one.
Lets go back to our card shuffle problem. Firstly lets see why our premier
idea is wrong and is it possible to fix it? The problem here is easily
recognized: the continuous splitting and card swapping does not shuffle them
randomly; it simply rotates them to left.
How to fix this algorithm? We need to think of a new and better way to
make a "single swap" operation, dont we? Our new idea for one single swap
is: randomly choose two cards from the deck and swap their places. If we do
this N number of times, we would probably get randomly shuffled deck. This
idea looks better than the previous one and maybe it would work correctly
this time. We already know that before we even start thinking of
implementing our new algorithm it is better to check it and see if it is
working properly. We can verify our idea by using pen and paper and the
example with the 6 cards that we used above.
In this moment we think of an even better idea, instead of choosing 2 random
cards from the deck, why not just pick one random card and swap it with
the first card from the deck? Isnt this idea simpler and easier to
implement? The result should be random too. Lets start by choosing a
random card at position k
and swap it with the first card. Now we have a
random card at the first position and the first card is at the k
position. On the
next step of the algorithm we pick another card at random position k
then swap it with the card from the first position (previously the card from the
position k
). It is apparent that with only 2 steps we have changed the place
of the first, the k
-st and the k
-nd cards from the deck with random cards. It
seems that at every step one card changes its position with a random one.
After N number of steps we can expect that every card from the deck has
changed its position averagely one time. Hence our solution is working and
the cards should be well shuffled.
Now we should test our new idea. Does it work properly? Lets make sure
that what has happened last time will not happen again, shall we? Lets
thoroughly check this idea as well. Again, we can take the 6 cards example,
which represents most of the general cases of the card shuffle problem
(good representative of the common case). Then use the new algorithm and
shuffle them. We should do this 6 times in a row. This is the result:
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 949

From the example above we can see that the result is correct we have
randomly shuffled six cards. If our algorithm works well with 6 cards, it should
work with decks with different number of cards as well. If we are not sure in
that, we should think of another more complicated example and then test the
algorithm again.
Otherwise we could avoid drawing new examples and continue with our task.
Lets summarize what we have done so far and how with consecutive
actions we have figured out a solution for our problem. As we have gone
through every step, we have done so far the following steps:
- We have used a sheet of paper and pen to sketch a deck of cards.
We have visually represented the deck of cards as an array of boxes.
- As we already have a visual feedback, we could easily think of some
sample ideas: firstly we should make some kind of a single swap
operation and secondly we do this N number of times.
- We had decided that our "single swap" operation was going to be
splitting the deck at random position into left and right part and then
swap them.
- We have decided that we should do this "single swap" as much times as
the number of cards in the given deck.
- We have considered the problem of choosing a random number, but
have finally decided to use a ready solution for the job.

950 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

- We have decomposed the main problem into three smaller subtasks:
"single swap" operation; choosing a random split point; combining a
sequence of "single swap" operations.
- We have checked our idea for mistakes and found one. It was a good
thing to check it when we did, because it was not too late to fix it.
- We have thought of a new, more reliable solution of the single swap
- We have checked our new idea with an appropriate example and
we assured ourselves that this time the solution was right.
Now we finally have a working idea, backed up with good examples. This is
the most important thing to do in order to solve a given problem inventing
of the algorithm. The easier part remains the implementation of our
idea. Lets see how this can be done.
Choose Appropriate Data Structures!
If we already have a correct and working idea for the solution of the problem,
the next thing to do is to write the program code. We have missed something,
right? What have we missed? Have we done everything necessary to be able
to write fast, easy and trouble-free implementation of our solution?
The thing that we have missed is the manner in which our idea (which we
have checked on a sheet of paper) is going to be implemented as a computer
program. The implementation is not always a simple task and sometimes
it requires additional ideas. This is the next major step: to think of our ideas
in terms of the computer programming. This means to think for specific data
structures and not for abstract ones like "card" and "deck". We should choose
the right data structures, which are going to help us build a correct solution.

Before you even start with the implementation of your idea,
you should choose the proper data structures. It may turn
out that your current idea is not as good as it seems. The
solution could be inefficient or difficult to implement. It is
better to figure this out before you write any programming
In our case we have spoken of swapping one card from the deck with another,
but in terms of programming this means to swap two elements from
specific data structure (i.e. array, list or something else). We have reached
the moment where we have to choose one data structure and show you how
it is done.
What Kind of Data Structure Should We Use?
The first question that comes to our mind is: What kind of data structure
should we use? We may have all kinds of different ideas for data structures,
but not all of them can do the work. Lets reflect for a while, shall we? We
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 951
have a collection of cards and the way in which the cards are ordered matters.
Thats why we need a data structure that can hold a collection of elements
and keep their order.
Can We Use an Array?
The first thing we can think of is using the structure "array". The array
structure is the simplest data structure, which can hold a collection of
elements. The array also keeps the order of the elements (first, second, third
and so on) and we can reach each element by index. The array has a fixed
number of elements and we cannot change its size during the execution of the
Is the array the correct data structure for us? To answer this question we
have to know what kind of operations we are going to apply on the deck,
represented as an array, and whether they are feasible and efficient.
What kind of operations are we going to apply in order to implement our
algorithm? Lets enumerate them:
- Choosing a random card. Since we can access every element from the
array by index we can easily pick a random position k between the
interval [1N-1].
- Swapping the first card with the k-positioned one (single swap).
After choosing the random card, we should swap it with the first one.
Again this operation seems easy enough. We can do the swap with three
simple steps and one temporary variable.
- More operations that we might use: initialization of the deck;
traversing the deck; printing the deck. All these operations seem trivial
when applied on array.
It seems that one simple data structure like the array can represent a deck of
cards quite well.
Can We Use Another Data Structure?
It is normal to ask ourselves whether an array is the best data structure for
our problem. It seems that every operation that we use in our algorithm can
be applied efficiently to the array.
But still, lets try and think of an even better data structure for the deck of
cards than the array. What other options do we have?
- Linked list we do not have an indexer and it will be difficult for us to
access element at a random position.
- Array with a non-defined size (List<T>) this structure seems to
have all the benefits of the arrays and we can apply every operation to it
as well. If we use List<T>, we increase our comfort we can easily
remove and add elements, which may help us to initialize the deck
faster and do some other helpful operations.
952 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Stack / queue the deck of cards does not have a behavior of FIFO or
LIFO, so these structures are not appropriate for our algorithm.
- Sets (TreeSet<T> / HashSet<T>) with the use of sets we lose the
original order of the elements which is a major obstacle. The use of sets
is inappropriate.
- Hash table the structure card deck is not from the type key-value, so
the structure hash table cannot store the deck efficiently. Also it does
not allow us to keep the original order of the elements.
Generally speaking, we have just covered the basic data structures, which
can hold a collection of elements. We have reached the conclusion that either
array or List<T> will be suitable for the job. List<T> is more flexible than the
ordinary array, so we decide to use List<T> to represent our deck of cards.

The choice of data structure begins with the consideration of
all key operations that we are going to perform on it. Next
we analyze all suitable structures and choose the one that
will be the most efficient and easiest to use. And sometimes
we should make a compromise between efficiency and the
How to Represent the Other Data Objects?
We have already decided how to represent our deck of cards and now we
should do the same with the other objects that we are going to use in our
algorithm. If we think about it, it seems that beside the two objects a "card"
and "deck", which we use in our algorithm, we do not use other data objects.
The next question that arises is how to represent a single card? We can
represent it as a string, number or class, which has two fields face and suit.
There are, of course, other variants, which have their advantages and
Before we even start considering which of these representations of one card is
"the best", we should go back to the requirements of the task. It suggests
that we are given a deck of cards (as an array or list) and our task is to
shuffle it. How a card is represented is not of importance in the task. So it
does not matter what we shuffle, we could shuffle cards, chess figures, boxes
of tomatoes or other objects. We have an ordered collection of elements
and we need to randomly shuffle it. The fact that we shuffle cards is not
significant for our task, thats why we do not need to waste time to choose
the best way to represent one card. Lets use the first thing that come to our
mind, i.e. we will define a class Card with 2 fields Face and Suit. Even if we
use a number between 1 and 52 to represent one card, it still does not
change anything. We shall not discuss this any further.
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 953
Sorting Numbers: Choosing a Data Structures
Lets go back to the sorting numbers problem and choose an appropriate
data structures for it too. We choose to use the simplest algorithm that we
could think of: to pick the smallest number until we can, print it and after that
delete it. This solution can be easily sketched on a piece of paper and checked
for errors.
Again, in order to answer this question we need to figure out what kind of
operations we are going to use in our algorithm. The operations are as
- Searching for the smallest number in the structure.
- Removing of the previously found smallest number.
Obviously, the use of an array is not reasonable, because we need the
operation "remove". The use of List<T> seems better, because both
operations can be simply and easily implemented. Data structures like stack
or queue have a little use for us, because we do not have a LIFO or FIFO
behavior. There is not much sense to use a hash table, because the "search
by value" operation is not fast, despite the fact that the removal of an
element should be very efficient.
Lets talk about the two sets HashSet<T> and TreeSet<T>. The two sets
have one major problem. They cannot contain elements with an equal value.
Despite that lets see what they can do. The HashSet<T> is not of any
interest, because like the hash tables it does not support efficient way to find
the element with the smallest value. The data structure TreeSet<T>,
however, looks very promising. Lets take a look, shall we?
The TreeSet<T> class is a balanced search tree by design, so it supports
the operation "finding the smallest element". Thats interesting, isnt it? Now
we have a new solution for the task, we put all the input elements in a
TreeSet<T> and then we get the smallest from the set until it remains empty.
Easy, simple and very efficient. The two operations, which we want, are
internally implemented (searching for the smallest number and deleting it).
While we skim through the documentation, we figure out something very
interesting: the TreeSet<T> stores its elements ordered by value. And this
is the solution of our problem, right? Therefore if we keep all the input
elements in a TreeSet<T> and then traverse the ordered set (with the help of
the built-in enumeration), we will have all the elements ordered by value.
Problem solved!
We are now very happy, we found one very nice way to solve our task, but
soon we discover one major problem: TreeSet<T> does not store two
elements with the same value. I.e. if we add the number 5 several times,
at the end there will be only one entry with a value 5. Eventually we will lose
some of the input elements irreversibly.
954 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Naturally we want this problem fixed. If there was a way to store how many
times one number occurs in a set that would solve our problem. Then we
think of the SortedDictionary<K,T>. This class can store ordered keys,
which have a value. We can store the number of occurrences of a key in its
corresponding value. We can traverse all the elements and then store the
number of occurrences in the SortedDictionary<K,T>. Although it seems our
problem is solved, it is not going to be implemented as elegant and simple as
with List<T> or TreeSet<T>.
If we read the documentation of the SortedDictionary<K,T> carefully, we
will find that this class internally uses a redblack tree and some day we can
implement that this type of sorting is very famous and it is called a Binary
Tree Sorting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_tree_sort).
With this little demonstration we showed you how when you put some
thoughts into the selection of the best data structures, you can come up
with some new solutions for the problem. We start with an algorithm, which
leads us to a new, better one. This is normal to happen during the process of
consideration of our algorithm and not after we have written 300 lines of
code, which we will then have to be redone. This is another proof it is better
to firstly think of the best data structures and then to start writing the
programming code.
Think about the Efficiency!
Again, it seems we should grab the keyboard and start writing a programming
code. And again, it is better not to hurry. The thing is that we have not
thought of something very important: the efficiency and performance of
our algorithm.

You should think of efficiency before writing even a line of a
programming code. Otherwise, you risk to waste time
implementing an algorithm, which is inefficient and slow.
Lets return to our "card-shuffle" problem. We have a working idea for solving
the problem (we have invented the algorithm). The idea appears to be correct
(we have checked the algorithm with examples). We should not have any
problems implementing our idea (we are going to use List<Card> for the
deck and class Card for a single card). Everything seems fine, but lets think
about how many cards we are going to shuffle. Is our idea going to work
fast enough when using the chosen data structures?
How to Estimate the Performance of Given Algorithm?
How fast is our algorithm? To answer this question we should estimate how
many operations it performs when shuffling one deck of 52 cards.
For one deck of 52 cards our algorithm makes 52 "single swap"
operations, do you agree? How many elementary operations cost one "single
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 955
swap"? 4 operations: the choice of one random card; the placing of the first
card in a temporary variable; the replacing of the first card with the random
card; the replacing of the random card with the first card (from the temporary
variable). How many operations does our algorithm do? They are
approximately 52 * 4 = 208.
Are 208 operations too much? Lets do a loop with 208 iterations. Are they too
much? Give it a try! We can assure you that one loop with 1,000,000
iterations on a modern computer goes imperceptibly fast, and one with 208
for an insignificant amount of time. Therefore we can easily conclude that our
algorithm has a good performance. Our algorithm is extremely fast when
working with 52 cards.
Despite the fact that in reality we rarely play cards with more than 1 2
decks, lets assume that we have 50,000 cards in the deck. Lets estimate
the performance of our algorithm with a large number of cards. We have
50,000 single swap operations and each of them consists of 4 operations,
which makes about 200,000 operations, which are going to be executed for a
small amount of time as well.
The Efficiency Is a Matter of Compromise
Finally we can conclude that our algorithm is efficient and will work well even
with decks with large amount of cards. Here we had luck. Usually the things
are not so simple and we must make a compromise with the performance and
the efforts, which we put, when we implement our algorithm. For example if
we sort numbers, we can solve this problem in minutes when we use some of
the simplest sorting algorithms. We can also do this much more efficiently
when we use some of the more complex algorithms, but that will waste
more of our time (in searching and reading books and Internet).
Is it worth it? We should consider that. If we have to sort 20 numbers, it does
not matter which algorithm we are going to use. It will always be fast, even
with the most naive algorithm. If we are going to sort 20,000 numbers, the
algorithm matters, and if we need to sort 20,000,000, we should look at the
task from a completely new angle. The efforts for solving efficiently the
problem of sorting 20,000,000 numbers is far more than the efforts for
writing a straightforward algorithm to sort 20 numbers. We should answer the
question: is it worth it?

The efficiency is a matter of compromise sometimes it
does not worth to complicate your algorithm and put time
and effort to make it work faster. But occasionally the
performance is crucial and we should pay serious attention
to it.
956 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Sorting Numbers: Estimating the Performance
It is obvious that the performance depends on whether a particular task
requires it. And now lets return to the sorting numbers problem, because we
want to show you that the efficiency is directly related to the right
choice of data structures.
Lets go back to the point where we have decided what kind of data structures
to use for keeping the input data. Which is better: List<T> or
SortedDictionary<K,T>? Shouldnt we use a data structure that we know
well instead of some complex structure that we have never used? Do you
know well red-black trees (the internal implementation of the
SortedDictionary<K,T>)? With what are they better than List<T>? In fact it
may turn out that you do not need to answer this question after all.
If we have to sort 20 numbers, does it matter what data structure are we
going to use? We can choose the simplest algorithm and the first data
structure that is actually suitable for the job and thats it. It does not matter
how fast is the algorithm and the data structure, because the numbers are
not so many.
But if we have to sort 300,000 numbers, then everything is different. We
should carefully study how exactly the class SortedDictionary<K,T>
behaves. We should figure out how fast is the "search" operation. How fast
does this data structure add elements? How fast can you traverse through
every element of the collection? If we read the documentation of the class we
will see that the adding of an element takes on average log
(N) steps, where
N is the number of the elements in the structure. After few simple
mathematical calculations (which require additional skills), we can roughly
estimate that we need about 5-6 million steps to sort all numbers. For
300,000 numbers this number is reasonably small.
Similarly we can prove that the search and delete operations in List<T> with
N elements take N steps. Therefore for 300,000 elements we will need
roughly 2 * 300,000 * 300,000 steps. In fact this number is an approximate
guess, because at the beginning we have one number in the list, not 300,000
elements. Nevertheless this estimation is approximately right, maybe a bit
rough but right. We can see that the number of steps needed in this case is
extremely large, that is why here the simple algorithm will not work
properly (the program might "hang").
And again we reach a point where we need to choose between one simple
and one complex algorithm. One of them can be very easily but slow when
implemented. The other is more efficient, but very difficult to implement and
we will probably need an additional reading of documentation and thick books
in order to correctly estimate the performance. Everything is a matter of
Naturally, at this point we can think of some of the other algorithms that we
have considered previously. And precisely, to split the array into two parts
then to sort them separately (by a recursive call) and then merge the two
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 957
parts into one sorted array. As we consider this algorithm we will find that this
solution will work efficiently with such structures like the dynamic array
(List<T>). This sorting algorithm has an average and worst-case perfor-
mance of n*log(n) steps, where n is the count of the elements in the array.
This algorithm will work efficiently with 300,000 numbers. Lets not go any
further, if you want more details about the algorithm you should read more
about MergeSort in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort).
Implement Your Algorithm!
We have finally reached the time where we can start with the
implementation of our solution. We already have a working idea, we have
chosen the best data structure and now it is the time to start writing the
programming code. If we have not done some of the previous steps, we
should go back to them before start writing the code.

If you do not have an invented idea, do not start writing
programming code! What are you going to write if you do
not have a working idea? This is like to go to the train
station and get on the first train that you can see, without
even deciding where you are going.
This is typical for novice programmers: once they see the requirements,
they proceed with the writing of the programming code. After some time, that
they waste in a pursuit of wrong ideas (that occur to them during the writing),
they realize that it is better to stop and think a bit more about the solution.
This whole concept is wrong and the main goal of this chapter is to protect
you from this frivolous and very inefficient approach to problem-solving.

If you have not checked your ideas, there is no sense to start
implementing them! Is it necessary to write 300 lines of
code before implementing that your idea is totally wrong? Is
it necessary for you to start over?
The implementation of already invented and checked idea is very easy and
simple. But the implementation itself requires additional skills and mostly
experience. The more experience you have the faster and easier it will be for
you to write efficient programming code. With lots of practice, which will come
with time, you will become very skilled in writing high-quality code and you
will be able to write code faster. If you want to know more about high-quality
programming code you should read the chapter "High-Quality Programming
Code". But for now lets focus on the implementation of our ideas.
We assume that you should already know the basic steps needed to write
programming code: you know how to work with the development environment
(Visual Studio), the compiler; how to understand the error messages and use
the "auto complete" function; how to create methods, constructors and
properties and fix errors and use the debugger. Therefore these next advices
958 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
are not so much connected with the writing itself but with the overall
approach when writing programming code.
Write the Code Step by Step!
Have you written 200-300 lines of code without even compiling or testing it?
Do not do that! Do not write large lumps of code at one time, instead you
should write small parts and then test them.
How to write code step by step? This depends on the given task and the way,
in which it is decomposed into smaller tasks. For example if the main task
consists of 3 independent parts, we should write one of them, compile and
test it with a proper input data until we are sure that it works correctly. After
that we move to the second part write code, compile, test and then
proceed with the third part with the same approach and finally integrate
the parts and test everything as a whole.
Why to write code step by step? Because we reduce the amount of code
that we have to concentrate on in any given moment. By treating the
problem in parts, we decrease its complexity. Remember: the large and
complicated task could always be divided into several smaller and simpler
subtasks. And it is always easier to solve simple problems.
When writing large chunks of code, without compiling it, we accumulate a
great amount of errors, which could easily be avoided by a simple
compilation. The modern programming environments (like Visual Studio) try
to recognize the syntactic errors automatically while we are writing the code.
Use this function and fix the obvious coding errors as early as possible. Early
troubleshooting takes less time and nerves. However if we delay the
troubleshooting, it could cost us a lot of efforts, sometimes even rewriting the
whole programming code.
When you write a huge amount of code, which is not tested, and decide to
test it as a whole with some input data, you usually receive a lot of errors,
which can be avoided if one just compiles. The larger the code is, more
difficult it is to be fixed. These problems could be caused by a variety of
reasons: incorrect use of data structures; wrong algorithm; badly structured
code; bad condition in the if-statement; wrongly implemented loop; going
out of bounds of the array and many other problems that could have been
fixed earlier. Do not wait for the last moment. Eliminate the mistakes
as soon as possible!

Write your program in parts, not at once! Take, write and
compile one logically independent part, fix the errors, test it
and if it works fine, move to the next part.
Writing Code Step by Step Example
In order to demonstrate how to write code step by step, we should
illustrate it with the "card-shuffle" algorithm that we invented previously.
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 959
Step 1 Defining the Class "Card"
Our task is to shuffle the card deck, so lets start with the definition of the
class "card". If we do not have an idea of how to represent one single card,
we could not have any idea how to represent a deck as well. Therefore it will
not be possible to define a method for shuffling the cards. We have already
agreed the representation of one card does not matter, so any kind of them
might work.
We will define a class "card" with fields face and suit. We will use a string
variable for the face of the card (with possible values: "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K" or "A") and enumerable variable for the suit of
the card (possible values: "Club", "Diamond", "Heart", "Spade"). The class
Card might look like the following code:
class Card
public string Face { get; set; }
public Suit Suit { get; set; }

public override string ToString()
string card = "(" + this.Face + " " + this.Suit + ")";
return card;

enum Suit
For comfort we have overridden the method ToString() for the class Card.
In this way we could easily print a single card on the console. We have
defined enumerable type for the Suit.
Testing of the Class "Card"
Some of us would probably proceed with writing the code, but if we follow the
principle "Writing Code Step by Step", we should firstly compile and test
how the class Card works.
In order to do so, we can write a small simple program to initialize a single
card (e.g. Ace of Clubs) and print it on the console. This will check whether
our class Card, its constructor and its ToString() method work correctly:
960 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
Card card = new Card() { Face="A", Suit=Suit.CLUB };
We start the program and check if the card is printed correctly. We should see
the following:
Step 2 Creating and Printing a Deck of Cards
Before we proceed with the main task (randomly shuffling the deck of cards)
we should try to initialize and print a whole deck of 52 cards. Thus we
will be completely sure that the input data for the card-shuffle method is
correct. Based on our previous analysis on the data structures, we should use
List<Card> in order to represent the deck. Lets create and print a deck of
five cards, shall we? Later we can try with a full deck of 52 cards.
class CardsShuffle
static void Main()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "7", Suit = Suit.HEART });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "A", Suit = Suit.SPADE });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "10", Suit = Suit.DIAMOND });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "2", Suit = Suit.CLUB });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "6", Suit = Suit.DIAMOND });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "J", Suit = Suit.CLUB });

static void PrintCards(List<Card> cards)
foreach (Card card in cards)
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 961
Printing the Deck Testing the Code
Before we proceed forward, lets start the program and verify the output
result. It seems that there are no mistakes, the result is correct:
Step 3 Single Swap
Lets implement the next step to the task solution the subtask "single
swap". When we have a logically independent piece of code, the best thing to
do is to extract it as a separate method. We should think of what is our input
and output. Our input should be a single deck of cards (List<Card>). As a
result of its work the method should change the input deck List<card>. The
method should not return any result, because it does not create a new
List<Card>, it just operates with the already created and submitted list.
What should be the name of the method? Following the recommendations for
working with methods, we should give "descriptive" name (with 1-2 words)
what the method is for. Suitable name for it is: PerformSingleSwap(). The
name clearly describes what the method does: executes a single swap.
Lets firstly define the method and then write its body. This is a good practice,
because before we proceed with the implementation of the method, we should
be aware: what does it do; how does it work and what is its name. Here it is
the definition of the method:
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards)
// TODO: Implement the method body
The next thing to do is to write the body itself. Firstly lets recall the
algorithm: we choose one random number k in the interval between 1 and
the length of the array minus 1 and then swap the element at the position
k with the first element. Everything seems easy, but how do we generate a
random number in a given interval with the language C#?
Search in Google!
When we encounter a common problem, which we cannot solve, but we are
sure that many people have faced it, the easiest way to cope with it is to
search for information in Google. We should adequately structure our search.
In our case we look for sample C# code, which returns as a result a
random number in a given interval. We could try the following search:
C# random number example
962 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Among the first results there is a C# program, which uses the class
System.Random for generating a random number. Now we have a direction
in which we look for a solution. We know that in .NET Framework there is a
standard class called Random, which serves for generating random numbers.
After that we could try to guess how this class works (most of the times it
takes less time to guess instead of reading the documentation). We are trying
to find an appropriate static method for generating a random number, but it
seems there is none. Then we make an instance and search for a method,
which could return a number in given a diapason. We have luck, there is a
method Next(minValue, maxValue), which returns what we need.
Lets try to write the whole code for the method. We have the following:
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards)
Random rand = new Random();
int randomIndex = rand.Next(1, cards.Count - 1);
Card firstCard = cards[1];
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[1] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;
Single Swap Testing the Code
The next step is to test the code. Before proceeding forward, we have to be
sure that the single swap (exchange) operation works properly. We do not
want to find an eventual problem just when we test the "card-shuffle" method
with the entire deck? It is better when there is a problem to be found
immediately and when there is none, to continue forward with confidence.
We act step by step before going to the next step we should make sure that
the current step is working fine. For this purpose we make a small test
program, lets say with 3 cards (2, 3 and 4):
static void Main()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "2", Suit = Suit.CLUB });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "3", Suit = Suit.HEART });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "4", Suit = Suit.SPADE });
Lets perform several times a single swap operation with our 3 cards.
The first card (card 2) is supposed to be with one of the other two cards
(cards 3 or 4). We execute the program several times in a sequence. We
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 963
should expect the half of the obtained results to contain (3, 2, 4) and the
other half (4, 3, 2), shouldnt we? Lets see what is going to happen. We
start the program and see the following results:
We start it again and again and the result is the same no swap is made.
How is that possible? What has just happened? Did we miss to execute the
single swap before printing the cards? There is something wrong here. It
seems that the program did not make even one swap in the deck of cards.
How did this happen?
Single Swap Correcting the Mistakes
It is obvious that there is a mistake. Lets put a breakpoint and follow what
is happening via the debugger of Visual Studio:

It is clear that during the first execution the random position happens to be
one. This is acceptable so we continue on. When we look the code we follow,
we notice that we swap the random element at index 1 with the element
at position 1 i.e. with itself. We apparently did something wrong. And
then we remember that indexing in List<T> is zero-based i.e. the first
element is at position 0. We immediately change the code:
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards)
Random rand = new Random();
int randomIndex = rand.Next(1, cards.Count - 1);
Card firstCard = cards[0];
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[0] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;
We start the program several times and we get unexpected results, again:
964 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
It seems that the random number is not so random. What to do now? Do
not rush to blame .NET Framework, CLR, Visual Studio and all other usual
suspects! It is possible that the mistake is ours. Lets look at the execution
of the method Next(). Since cards' count is 3, we always call Next(1, 2)
and expect from it to return a number between one and two. It seems correct
but if we read what the documentation says for the method Next(), we will
notice that the second parameter should be one unit bigger than the upper
border we want to obtain.
We were wrong about the diapason of the random number that we
selected. We correct the code and once again we test it to see how it works.
After the second correction we get the following results:
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards)
Random rand = new Random();
int randomIndex = rand.Next(1, cards.Count);
Card firstCard = cards[0];
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[0] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;
Here are the possible results after several executions of the previous method:
It seems that after enough executions the first card is replaced by each of the
other two cards i.e. we have a random swap indeed and every card has the
equal chance to be randomly chosen. We are finally ready with the method
"single swap". It is better that we found these two mistakes now and not
later when the whole program is supposed to start working, right?
Step 4 Card Shuffling
The last step is simple: we use the single-swap method N times:
static void ShuffleCards(List<Card> cards)
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 965
for (int i = 1; i <= cards.Count; i++)
We now can put it all together. We combine all the pieces of code we
already wrote, tested and we checked they work correctly. The entire code of
our program looks like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class CardsShuffle
static void Main()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "2", Suit = Suit.CLUB });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "6", Suit = Suit.DIAMOND });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "7", Suit = Suit.HEART });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "A", Suit = Suit.SPADE });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "J", Suit = Suit.CLUB });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "10", Suit = Suit.DIAMOND });

Console.Write("Initial deck: ");

Console.Write("After shuffle: ");

static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards)
Random rand = new Random();
int randomIndex = rand.Next(1, cards.Count);
Card firstCard = cards[0];
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[0] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;

966 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void ShuffleCards(List<Card> cards)
for (int i = 1; i <= cards.Count; i++)

static void PrintCards(List<Card> cards)
foreach (Card card in cards)
Card Shuffling Testing
Now we only need to test whether the algorithm for shuffling a deck of cards
works correctly. Here is the output of our program:
Initial deck: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
After shuffle: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
As we can see, we encounter a problem: after the shuffle the cards did not
change their order. We run the program several times and the result is the
same. Did we forget to call the card-shuffling method ShuffleCards?
We take a close look at our source code: everything looks fine. We decide
to set a breakpoint after the call of the method PerformSingleSwap() in the
body of the loop, responsible for the shuffling of the cards. We run our
program in debugging mode by pressing the [F5] button. After the first
stop of the debugger at our breakpoint everything seems good the first
card is exchanged with another one, as it supposed to. After the second stop
of the debugger everything is still all right a random card is swapped with
the first one. We continue tracing the program execution with the debugger
and everything seems to work just fine.
The card shuffling program works flawlessly when we run it step by step
through the Visual Studio debugger:
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 967

But why is the final result wrong? We decide to set another breakpoint in the
body of ShuffleCards() at the end. The debugger stops and at this point
and the result is still correct the cards are randomly shuffled. We continue
debugging and we reach the place where we print the deck. We go pass it and
the cards are printed to the console in random order. Strangely: still the
correct result. What is the problem?
We start the program without debugging it with [Ctrl+F5]. The result is
wrong the cards are not shuffled. We run our program in debugging mode
again with the press of [F5]. The debugger once more stops at the
breakpoints and the program yet again is working without any problem. It
looks like that, when we run our program in debug mode the result is
correct, but when we start it normally, without the debugger, the answer
is wrong. Strange indeed!
We decide to add a line of code, which is going to print the deck after
every single swap:
static void ShuffleCards(List<Card> cards)
for (int i = 1; i <= cards.Count; i++)
We run our program in debug mode (with [F5]), observe the execution step
by step and we find that it works correctly:
Initial deck: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
968 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
After shuffle: (10 DIAMOND)(7 HEART)(A SPADE)(J CLUB)(2 CLUB)(6
We run again our program in normal mode (with [Ctrl+F5]) and the answer
is still incorrect. Yet again we try to find out why it is happening:
Initial deck: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
After shuffle: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
We can clearly see that at every step, on which we expect to be done a
single-swap, actually the same cards are swapped: 7 and 6. The only
way this to happen is if every time the random number is the same. The
conclusion is that we have a problem with the generation of random numbers.
The random generator does not work correctly.
We instantly think about taking a look at the documentation of the class
System.Random(). On MSDN we can read, that by creating a new instance of
the generator of pseudo-random numbers with the constructor Random(), the
generator is initialized with a value, equal to the current system time. In
the documentation we can further read that by creating two or more instances
of the class Random in a relatively short time span, there is a great chance the
numbers to be the same. It turns that the problem consists in the misuse of
the class Random.
Now being more familiar with the current problem, we could correct it by
creating an instance of the class Random only once at the beginning of
the program. After that, if we need a random number, we are going to use
the already created generator of pseudo-random numbers. After the
correction, the code looks like this:
class CardsShuffle

static Random rand = new Random();

Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 969
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards)
int randomIndex = rand.Next(1, cards.Count);
Card firstCard = cards[0];
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[0] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;

It seems that the program finally works correctly. At every run the order
of the cards is different and looks randomly:
Initial deck: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
After shuffle: (2 CLUB)(A SPADE)(J CLUB)(10 DIAMOND)(7 HEART)(6
Initial deck: (7 HEART)(A SPADE)(10 DIAMOND)(2 CLUB)(6
After shuffle: (6 DIAMOND)(10 DIAMOND)(J CLUB)(2 CLUB)(A
We try some other tests and the final result is still correct. Now we can say
that we have a correct implementation of our algorithm, which we have
designed earlier.
Step 5 Console Input
Now we only need to be able to read the deck from the console so that the
user can enter the cards, which need to be shuffled. Notice that we left this
step as last. Why? The answer is pretty simple: we do not want to enter the
same data at the start of our program just to check whether a piece of our
code works correctly. By having the needed data hard-coded in the source
code, we save a lot of time during the developing process.

If the problem involves entering data from the console, leave
this as last step and be sure that everything else works
flawlessly before implementing the reading of the input.
While writing the source code, do your tests with hard-coded
examples so that you dont have to enter any data. This way
you are going to save your time and your nerves.
Data entry is a low-priority task, which everyone can handle. You only
need to think of the format the cards are entered are they entered one by
970 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
one or at once; are the face and the color entered at once or separately.
There is nothing difficult so we leave this to our readers.
Sorting Numbers Step by Step
Till this moment, we showed you how important it is to write your
program step by step and before proceeding to the next step you must be
sure that the previous one is working correctly.
Lets take a look at the problem of ordering numbers in ascending order.
The steps for solving this problem are the same. Once again the right
approach for solving this task is to work step by step. Lets see shortly
which the steps are. We are not going to write any code, but we are going to
consider the main parts of the solution. Suppose that we use List<int>, in
which we successively find the lowest number, print it and erase it from the
list of numbers. These are the steps:
Step 1. Think up a good test data (example). For example the numbers:
7, 2, 4, 1, 8 and 2. We create a List<int> and fill it with the numbers
from the example. We create a method, which outputs the numbers.
We compile and test the piece of code we just wrote.
Step 2. We create a method to find the lowest number in the array and
return its position.
We test the method, responsible for the search of the lowest number. We
try different sets of numbers to be sure that the search works correctly (we
set the lowest element at the beginning, at the end, at the middle; we also
consider a case when the lowest number occurs more than once).
Step 3. We create a method to find the lowest number, print it and
after that delete it.
We test with our example if the method works correctly. We must also
try with other examples.
Step 4. We create a method to sort the numbers. This method executes
N times the previous one (where N is the count of the numbers).
We must test whether everything works correctly.
Step 5. If data input is required we implement it after everything else.
You can see that the approach to break the main problem into smaller
problems can work well for all tasks. Simply we just need to figure out which
are the smaller problems, from the bigger one, and implement them. On
every smaller problem implemented we need to test it. After every step we
need to start our program to be sure that till this moment everything works
flawlessly. In this way we are be able to find out errors quickly and debug
them. It would be much faster than trying to debug them after we have
written tons of code.
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 971
Test Your Solution!
Does the following sound familiar to you: "I am ready with the first task so I
have to start the next one."? Everybody has thought of this on an exam. But
in programming to be ready with a task means:
1. I have understood well the description of the task.
2. I have come up with an algorithm to solve the problem.
3. I have tested my algorithm on a piece of paper and I am sure that is
4. I have thought up for the data structures we need and for the
complexity of my algorithm.
5. I have written a program, which implements my algorithm correctly.
6. I have tested my program with suitable examples so that I can be
sure that everything works flawlessly, even in unusual situations.
Inexperienced software developers often forget about the last step. They
think that testing is not their job, which is their biggest mistake. It is like to
think that Microsoft is not supposed to test Windows and let it crash every

Testing is an important part of the programmers duties.
Writing code without testing is like typing on the keyboard
without looking at the screen you think that the text, you
have written, is correct, but most likely it is full of bugs.
Experienced programmers know that untested code is not finished. In
most software companies it is completely unacceptable not to test your work.
In the software industry is widely spread the idea of unit testing
automatic testing of every unit of code (methods, classes and modules).
Unit testing means, that for every program, we create another one, which to
test our work. In some companies firstly they think up the testing scenario,
build the tests and only then start working on the program. The things you
should know about unit testing are quite many, but you will get more familiar
with them as you get deeper in the "software engineering". For now we are
going to focus on the manual testing every programmer must do. Unit testing
frameworks and test automation can be used to simplify the process.
How to Test?
A program works correctly if it can handle every kind of input data. Testing is
a process, which aims to find any type of bugs. It cannot detect whether a
program works flawlessly, but it can help you to find most of the bugs, which
cause incorrect results and other types of errors.
Sadly you cant predict all cases and test them. Therefore you must think up
examples, which cover most of the situations, which could happen. In this
972 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
way you could with minimum efforts (i.e. with minimum count of simple tests)
to check all common cases of usage of the program. If no bugs are found
after testing, this doesnt mean that the program works 100% correctly, but
in this way we reduce the chance of the program to crash in a later phase.

Testing can only find the existence of bugs. It cant prove
that a program works flawlessly! Programs, which are
carefully tested, have fewer bugs than untested or not
carefully tested programs.
It is good to start testing with a typical case for our program. Often this is
the same example we have tested on a piece of paper and which our
algorithm can handle correctly.
Normally, after the code is written we only need to fix some minor bugs so
that our program can pass the test correctly. After that we have to test our
program with more difficult and bigger examples to see how our program
behaves in more complicated situations. We now have to test with borderline
cases and test for performance. Depending on the complexity of the current
task, we do from 1-2 to dozens of tests to cover the main cases of usage.
With more complicated software, i.e. Microsoft Word, the number of tests can
be thousands, even hundreds of thousands. If a programs functionality is
not carefully tested you cant say that it works correctly. Testing during
software development is as important as writing the code. In big software
companies for every programmer there is a tester. For example in Microsoft
for every programmer, who writes the code (software developer), there are
two people hired to test the code (software quality assurance engineers).
Although these people do not write the main software, they write testing
software and therefore we call them software engineers.
Testing with Good Examples of the Common Cases
As we already mentioned, it is good to start testing with a good example of a
common situation. This is a test, which is enough simple to be written
down on a piece of paper and accurate enough to cover the usual usage
of the program excluding special cases. The steps are as follows:
1. Think up a test, which is a good example of a common situation.
2. Test this example on a piece of paper.
3. Expect the program to work correctly for that test.
4. Be sure that the example works correctly after the program is written
and the errors in the development process are fixed.
Sadly, many programmers end their testing at this moment. Some
inexperienced programmers do something even worse: think up a stupid test
case (which is a special case for the current program), dont write it down,
write some code and, after the program passes the example, they continue.
Dont do like this! This is like repairing a car and once you are finished,
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 973
driving it downhill, thinking that the car is repaired (but the car has no power
to drive uphill).
What Else to Test For?
Testing the case, drawn on a piece of paper, is only the first step. Next you
need to do some additional tests to be sure that your program works
- A hard common-case test. The goal is to check whether your program
can handle a bigger and harder to compute example. For our task that
kind of a test is to shuffle a deck of 52 cards.
- Borderline tests. They check whether your program can handle an
unusual case, which could happen. In our case this could be shuffling a
deck, which contains only one card.
- Performance tests. These tests put our program in extreme
conditions. Usually these tests consist of large data, which needs to be
inputted and processed.
Lets take a look at the groups of tests above one be one.
A Hard Common-Case Test
We have already tested our program for one case, which we have written
down on a piece of paper. Our program works correctly. This case covers a
typical scenario of usage of our program. What more do we have to test for?
It is possible our program to be incorrect, but accidentally to work for our
How to think up a harder test? It depends on the task. It must consist of
larger amounts of data and we must be able to see whether the output of our
program is correct.
In our case we have to test with a full deck 52 cards. We can easily produce
such a test with two nested loops. After the execution of our program we
could also easily check whether the answer is correct the cards must be
randomly shuffled. It is necessary to check whether the cards are again
randomly shuffled after two consecutive executions of this test. The code for
this test looks like this:
static void TestShuffle52Cards()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
string[] allFaces = new string[] { "2", "3", "4", "5",
"6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A" };
Suit[] allSuits = new Suit[] { Suit.CLUB, Suit.DIAMOND,
Suit.HEART, Suit.SPADE };
foreach (string face in allFaces)
974 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
foreach (Suit suit in allSuits)
Card card = new Card() { Face = face, Suit = suit };
If we execute it, the returned result is:
If we take a careful look we notice that most of the cards are at the same
place. After the first 4 cards, the half of the cards didnt change their
place after the shuffle: 2 and 2.
It is never late to find a bug in our program and the only way we can do
that is to test it with many tests, which cover practical situations. It was
useful to test with a real deck of 52 cards, wasnt it? We came upon a serious
bug, which cannot be left unfixed.
How to fix the problem? The first idea, we come up with, is to do more
single-swaps (obviously N times are not enough). Another idea is at the N

single-swap to swap the N
card from the deck with a random one
instead of changing it with the first one. In this way we can guarantee
that every card is going to be swapped. The second idea is better. Lets
implement it. We have the following changes in the code:
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards, int index)
int randomIndex = rand.Next(1, cards.Count);
Card firstCard = cards[index];
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[index] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 975

static void ShuffleCards(List<Card> cards)
for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
PerformSingleSwap(cards, i);
We execute the program and get a better shuffle of the deck of 52 cards:
It looks like the cards are finally randomly ordered at every execution of
our program. For now we dont see any bugs (i.e. repeating or missing cards,
or cards, which are at the same place). The program is fast and it doesnt fall
asleep. It looks like we have done well.
Lets take a look at the other sample task: sorting numbers. What would be
a serious common-case test? Easy for us would be to generate 100 or even
1000 random numbers and sort them. It is easy to check whether the final
answer is correct: the numbers must be sorted by size. Another good test
would be to enter the numbers from 1000 to 1 in descending order. The
output must also consist of 1000 numbers, but sorted in ascending order. We
could say that the hardest test is to check whether our program can handle
many numbers then we could say that our program probably works
Lets take a look at some other types of tests, which we must consider when
we solve programming problems.
Borderline Cases
The step, we often miss in problem solving, is testing for borderline cases.
Borderline situations occur when the input data is on the border between a
normal situation and a situation, which most likely will not happen. In this
situation the program often crashes, because very large or very small
amounts of data are not considered, although they are possible to be entered.
This is clearly a programmers fault, because he has not thought that this
could happen.
976 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
How to think up borderline cases? We analyze all of the data, which is being
entered, to our program and think up such extreme values, which are
possible to be entered. These values could be extremely small, extremely
large or just strange. If it is said that the upper limit is 52 cards, the values
around 52 are also borderlines and they could cause errors.
Borderline Case: Shuffling One Card
In our shuffling-cards problem a borderline case is to shuffle only one card.
This case is absolutely valid (although it is quite unusual), but our program
may not handle it correctly. Lets take a look what could happen if we enter a
deck of one card. We could write the following little test:
static void TestShuffleOneCard()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "A", Suit = Suit.CLUB });
We execute our program and get an unexpected result:
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index
was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of
the collection. Parameter name: index
ument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at CardsShuffle.PerformSingleSwap(List`1 cards, Int32 index)
in D:\Projects\Cards\CardsShuffle.cs:line 61

The error occurred because the arguments passed to the method, which
generates random numbers, were invalid. Our program can handle a normal
deck of cards, but it cant handle a deck of one card. We found an easy fix
for this bug, which we could miss lightly, if we skipped checking the borderline
cases. After we have established the nature of the problem, we can fix it:
static void ShuffleCards(List<Card> cards)
if (cards.Count > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 977
PerformSingleSwap(cards, i);
We test again and we are sure that the bug is fixed.
Borderline Case: Shuffling Two Cards
After there is a problem with one card, there may be also a problem with
two cards. It sounds logical, does it? It doesnt bother us to test it. We run
the program several times with only two cards to be shuffled and expect to
get a different order on every run. Here is an example source code that will
do the trick:
static void TestShuffleTwoCards()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "A", Suit = Suit.CLUB });
cards.Add(new Card() { Face = "3", Suit = Suit.DIAMOND });
We run the program several times and the output is always the same:
It seems something is still not right. If we take a look at the source code
or run the debugger we notice that two swaps are made: this first card with
the second and immediately after that the second with the first one. The
result is one and the same. How to solve this problem? Instantly we can think
up a few solutions:
- We perform N+K single swaps, where K is a random number between 0
and 1.
- We assume that the random position can be also a zero position.
- We consider a deck of 2 cards as a special case and write a separate
method to handle this case.
This second solution is the simplest to be implemented. Lets try it. Here is
the source code:
static void PerformSingleSwap(List<Card> cards, int index)
int randomIndex = rand.Next(0, cards.Count);
Card firstCard = cards[index];
978 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Card randomCard = cards[randomIndex];
cards[index] = randomCard;
cards[randomIndex] = firstCard;
We test again and it looks like the program works correctly: sometimes
the cards are shuffled and sometimes not.
If there is a problem with 2 cards, there may be also a problem with 3 cards,
right? If we do a test with 3 cards we see that it works flawlessly. After a few
runs we get every possible order of the cards (all permutations of the cards).
This time we did not find any bugs and we do not need to edit the code.
Borderline Case: Shuffling Zero Cards
What other tests do we need to do? Are there other unusual, borderline
cases? Lets think. What is going to happen if we shuffle an empty list of
cards? This really is a bit strange, but a program must work correctly or it
must properly alert for an error. Lets look at result of our program. The result
is an empty list. Is this correct? Yes, if we try to shuffle zero cards the answer
should be again a deck of zero cards. Everything looks fine.

With the input of invalid data the program must not return
an incorrect result. It must return a correct result or alert
that the input data is wrong.
What do you think about the rule above? It is logical, right? Imagine a
program, which displays images. What is going happen if we input an image,
which is actually an empty file? This is an unusual situation, which should not
happen, but it may happen. If with the input of an empty file the program
crashes or throws an unprocessed exception, this would be annoying for the
user. Normally, instead of an empty file, a special image should be displayed
or an alert should pop-up, which contains that the image is invalid.
Think about how many borderline cases are there in Windows. What
happens if we try to print an empty file? Does Windows crash or the the blue
screen of death appears? What happens if in the Windows calculator we try
divide by zero? What happens if we try to copy an empty file (with size of 0
bytes) using Windows Explorer? What happens if try to save a file without a
name in Notepad (with an empty string as a name)? You see that there are
many borderline cases. Our duty as programmers is to fix the bugs before
the product is released on the market.
Lets go back to the card-shuffling problem. Thinking about other borderline
and unusual cases, we consider a case with -1 cards to be shuffled? Because
we cannot initialize an array of -1 elements, we consider it as incorrect.
We dont have an upper bound, so we dont have any other special cases
(similar to the case with 1 card). We stop searching for borderline cases
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 979
having to do with the count of the cards. It looks like we considered all of the
Now we only need to check whether there are such values of the input,
which can cause errors an invalid suit, a card with negative value (i.e. -1
club). Actually our algorithm does not care about what is being shuffled (cards
or books), so this should not be a problem. If we have any doubts, we could
do a test and be sure, that even with an invalid deck of cards, the answer is
We look around for other borderline case in the input data, but we could not
think up any. We only need to do a performance test, right? Actually we
forgot to test our program again after the corrections.
Regression Testing
While fixing bugs, we often create new bugs without to notice. For example if
we fix a bug for two cards with editing the method, responsible for the
shuffling of the cards, a new bug with 3 cards may occur. On every edit of
code, which concerns other cases, we must again do the same test, we have
done earlier. Thats why it is a good idea to save the tests as methods
(naming them with a prefix Test) and be able to run them again. Re-testing
with the tests already passed in the past is called regression testing. We
may also use the unit testing framework that comes with Visual Studio (see
Unit Testing section in the High-Quality Code chapter) to simplify re-running
the tests after making changes in the code.
The idea of repeating the tests is implicit in the concept of unit testing. As
we mentioned earlier, this concept is for more advanced programmers.
After the changes we need to try again shuffling 0 cards, 1 card, 2 cards, 3
cards and 52 cards.

When you have found and fixed in your code a bug, which
concerns a specific test, make sure that no other bugs have
been introduced after the code has been changed. It is a
good idea to keep the tests saved for repeated execution.
Performance Tests
It is normal to have some performance requirements about a module or the
program at all. No one likes his computer to be slow, right? Thats why you
have to write software, which works slow only if there is a good reason.
How to check the speed (performance) of our program? We must firstly
consider whether we have any performance requirements. Then what are
they? If we dont have any, we should use some conventional criteria.
980 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Shuffling Cards Performance Tests
Lets take a look at our deck-shuffling program. What are the performance
criteria? Do we have such? We dont have any requirements like: "the
program must compute the answer in less than a second with an upper bound
of 500 cards on a modern computer". After we dont have such explicit
criteria, we should set our own.
Because the data is a set of cards, we consider testing with a normal deck of
52 cards. We already ran such a test and the answer was output immediately.
It looks like our program works fast in normal conditions.
It is normal to test also with a deck of many more cards (i.e. 52,000). In a
very particular situation someone might like to shuffle a deck of 52,000
cards and we could not allow our program to crash at this later phase. We
can easily create such a test by adding 1000 times our 52 cards. Here is some
example code:
static void TestShuffle52000Cards()
List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
string[] allFaces = new string[] {"2", "3", "4", "5",
"6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"};
Suit[] allSuits = new Suit[] { Suit.CLUB, Suit.DIAMOND,
Suit.HEART, Suit.SPADE};
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
foreach (string face in allFaces)
foreach (Suit suit in allSuits)
Card card = new Card() { Face = face, Suit = suit };
We start the program and notice that it works without stopping for 5-10
seconds. Of course with slower computers it is going to take more time.
What is happening? The count of the operations with a deck of 52,000 cards is
almost the same as with a deck of 52 cards for example. Why is the program
so slow? Advanced programmers will immediately guess that the delay is
because we output big amounts of data and printing to the console is a
slow operation. If we comment the line, where the printing is done, as a
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 981
comment, we will see how fast our program is, even with a deck of 52,000
cards. Heres how we can count the time:
static void TestShuffle52000Cards()

DateTime oldTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime newTime = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Execution time: {0}", newTime - oldTime);
We can check how long it takes for the method, responsible for the shuffling
of the cards, to be executed:
Execution time: 00:00:00.0156250
One millisecond is absolutely acceptable. We dont have any performance
Sorting Numbers Performance Tests
Lets take a look at another one of our problems: sorting an array of
numbers. Here performance might be a problem. We have thought up a
simple solution: our algorithm finds the lowest number in the array and swaps
it with the number at position 0. Then it finds the next lowest number and
sets it at position 1. The algorithm continues until we reach the last position.
We will not comment the correctness of the algorithm. It is well known as
"Selection sort" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_sort).
Lets suppose that we have passed all the steps for solving a programming
problem, except the last one. Therefore we will try to sort 10,000 random
using System;

public class Sort10000Numbers
static void Main()
int[] numbers = new int[10000];
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
982 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
numbers[i] = rnd.Next(2 * numbers.Length);

static void SortNumbers(int[] numbers)
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length - 1; i++)
int minIndex = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < numbers.Length; j++)
if (numbers[j] < numbers[minIndex])
minIndex = j;

int oldNumber = numbers[i];
numbers[i] = numbers[minIndex];
numbers[minIndex] = oldNumber;

static void PrintNumbers(int[] numbers)
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
if (i < numbers.Length - 1)
Console.Write(", ");
We run our program and it looks like it finishes in less than a second on a
typical modern computer. The shortened result would be something like that:
[0, 14, 19, 20, 20, 22, , 19990, 19993, 19995, 19996]
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 983
We do another test, this time with an array of 300,000 random numbers,
and notice that our program falls asleep or it is just too slow. This is a
serious performance problem.
Before we start fixing it, we must ask ourselves: is this a real situation. If we
sort students marks, the elements will not be more than a couple of dozens.
However if we sort the stocks currencies of a large software company for its
being on the stock market, we have a lot of numbers to be sorted. This is
because the price of the stocks can change every second. In about ten years
the price can change hundreds of thousands times of times. In this case we
should look for a better sorting algorithm.
We can easily find information about sorting algorithms in many websites and
books. In our case, it is most appropriate to use the non-comparative integer
sorting algorithm "radix sort" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_sort) which runs
in linear time, but this discussion is beyond the objectives of this book.
Lets recall the efficiency rule:

You must always make a compromise between the time,
spent on writing the program, and the performance, which
we want to achieve. Otherwise you might lose your time for
solving a problem, that doesnt exist, or come up with a
solution, which is inefficient.
We must consider that for some problems there arent any fast algorithms.
For example there arent any fast solutions for finding all prime dividers of
an integer (take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_factorization).
In some situations the input data is too small and we dont need a fast
algorithm to process it. For example: sorting the students marks. It can be
solved with every sorting algorithm, because the count of the students is
General Conclusions
Before you have started reading this chapter, you have probably thought that
it is going to be boring. We believe that you think of this chapter in a different
way now. Many people think that they can solve programming problems and
that there is no recommended approach (you just have to do it).
Unfortunately, there are lots of approaches for solving problems. We did not
only tell you how, we showed you how! We convinced you that our
approach can give good results, right?
Just think how many bugs we found while we were solving quite an easy
problem: shuffling a deck of cards. Would we have written an efficient
solution, if we had not considered the steps above? And what will happen if
we try to solve a more difficult problem, i.e. finding the optimal path through
the traffic jams in New York with a map and current statistics given? Its
absolutely insane to try the first idea you come up with without considering
many more. The first step in acquiring programming-problem-solving
984 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
techniques is to learn to approach the problem systematically and to
acquire the recipe for problem solving, we demonstrated earlier. Of course,
this is not enough, but it is a crucial step!

There is a recipe for programming-problem solving! Use a
systematical approach for better results, instead of your
sense. Even professionals, with more than 10 years of
experience, use the approach described in this chapter. Use
it yourself and you will be convinced that it works! Dont
forget to test your solution seriously and deeply.
Finally we want to take a note on the cards shuffle algorithm. The cards
shuffling is well-known problem in computer science and there are classic
algorithms for solving it like the "Fisher-Yates Shuffle". Read more in
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle.
1. Using the described in this chapter methodology of solving
programming problems, solve this problem: In a plane N points are
given (N < 100,000). The coordinates of the points are integers (x
, y
Write a program, which finds all horizontal and vertical lines, such
that they split the plane into two parts, each containing an equal set of
points (points lying on the line are note counted).
2. Using the described in this chapter methodology of solving programming
problems, solve this problem: A set S of n integers and a positive integer
k (k n 10) are given. An alternating sequence is a sequence, which
changes its behavior from ascending to descending and vice versa after
every element. Write a program, which generates all possible sequences
, s
, , s
containing k different elements from S.
Example: S = { 2, 5, 3, 4 }, K = 3: {2, 4, 3}, {2, 5, 3}, {2, 5, 4}, {3,
2, 4}, {3, 2, 5}, {3, 4, 2}, {3, 5, 2}, {3, 5, 4}, {4, 2, 3}, {4, 2, 5}, {4,
3, 5}, {4, 5, 2}, {4, 5, 3}, {5, 2, 3}, {5, 2, 4}, {5, 3, 4}.
3. Using the described methodology of creating solutions to programming
problems, solve the following problem: a map of a city is given. At this
map there are given roads and crossroads. For every road a length is
given. One crossroad can connect a couple of roads. Your program must
find the shortest path from one crossroad to another (the shortest
path is measured as the sum of the lengths of all includes roads).
A sample map is given below. At this map the shortest path between the
crossings A and D has length of 70 and it is shown on the figure with
bold lines. As you can see, this is not the only path from A to D: there are
more paths with different lengths. Note that not always the first shortest
road considered as current next node leads to finding the shortest path,
neither does the lowest count of roads. Between some crossings there
may not even be a road. This creates a very interesting problem.
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 985

The input data is contained in the file map.txt. A list of the roads and
their length are given first, followed by a blank line and the pairs of
crossroads, between which we need to find the shortest path. At the end
of the file a blank line is given. Crossroads are denoted by a single letter
of sequence of letters. Here is a sample input file:
A B 20
A H 30
B H 5

L M 5
(blank line)
(blank line)
The result from the execution of your program should be printed on the
console in the following format: for every pair of crossroads from the
input file, the shortest path length should be printed, followed by the
path itself. For the map above the output will look like this:
No path!
4. * In a plane N points are given with integer positive coordinates. These
points represent trees in a field. The gardener wants to enclose all
trees using a minimum amount of fence. Write a program, which
986 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
finds the appropriate points, through which the fence goes. Use the
methodology of solving programming problems!
For example the garden may look like this:

The input data is read from the text file garden.txt. On the first line we
are given N the number of points is given. Next we are given N pairs
the coordinates of the points. For our example garden the file contains
the following data:
60 50
100 30
40 40
20 70
50 20
30 70
10 10
110 70
90 60
80 20
70 80
20 20
30 60
The output data must be printed to the console as a sequence of points,
through which the fence goes. Here is an output example:
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
(10, 10)
(20, 20)
(20, 70)
(100, 30)
(60, 50)
(40, 40)
(80, 20)
(70, 80)
(110, 70)
(30, 60)
(50, 20)
(90, 60)
(30, 70)
Chapter 23. Methodology of Problem Solving 987
(10, 10) - (20, 70) - (70, 80) - (110, 70) - (100, 30) -
(80, 20) - (10, 10)
Solutions and Guidelines
1. First find a sheet of paper, on which you can draw the coordinate
system and the points. In this way you can easily think up a solution and
consider some tests. Consider different solutions and compare them in
terms of quality, performance and time needed to be implemented. Hint:
you may sort the points by X or Y and find the lines with a linear scan.
2. Again take a pencil and a sheet. Write down many examples and consider
them. What ideas do you come up with? Do you need more examples?
Think over your ideas, write them down on a sheet of paper, if you are
sure they are correct implement them. Think for examples that your
program may not handle. It is always a good idea to think up specific
examples and then to implement them. Think how your solution will work
with different values of K and different values and count of elements in S.
3. Use the described methodology for creating solutions to programming
problems! The problem is difficult and you will have to spend more time
on it. First draw the map on a sheet of paper. Try to think up a correct
algorithm for finding the shortest path yourself. Then search for "shortest
path algorithm" in the Internet. Most likely you will be able to find some
article about the problem quickly.
Check whether the algorithm is correct. Test with different cases.
In what data structure are you going to keep the map of the city? Think
about which are the operations your algorithm is going to use. Probably
you will come up with idea to keep a list of the roads for every
crossroad and the crossroads in a hash table.
Think about the performance. Will your algorithm handle 1,000
crossings and 5,000 roads fast enough?
Write the code step by step. First write the method, which reads the
input file. In this case the data is entered from a file and therefore you
can consider it as your first step. If the data was entered from the
console, we would have to leave it as our last step. Then implement the
algorithm for finding the minimum path length. If you can, break up the
implementation into smaller steps. For example you could firstly find
the length of the minimal path without the path itself, because it is easier.
Then implement the finding of the shortest path itself (as a list of
crossroads). Think what could happen if there are several shortest
paths. Finally implement the output of the result.
Test your solution! Test with an empty map. Test with a map with one
crossroad. Test with an example, in which there are no roads between the
crossroads. Test with a big map (1,000 crossings and 5,000 roads). You
988 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
can generate such a case with a small program. For the names of the
crossroads you have to use string instead of char, right? If you use
char, it will not be possible to have 1,000 crossings? Is your solution fast?
Does it work correctly?
Be careful with the input and output data formats. Comply with the
described format requirements in the problem statement!
4. If you are not very good with analytic geometry, you may not come up
with a correct solution by yourself. Search in the Internet for convex
hull algorithm. Knowing that the fence is called a convex hull of a set
of points in the plane, you will be able to find hundreds of articles even
some with source code in C#. Dont copy others mistakes, especially the
source code! Think! Study how the algorithm works.
Check whether the algorithm is correct. Test with different examples
(firstly on a sheet of paper). What could happen if there are a couple of
points, lying on a line in the plane? Do you need to include all of them?
Think what could happen if there is a couple of convex hulls. From which
point will the hull start? Will you move clockwise or counterclockwise? Is
there a requirement in the description of the task how must the points be
ordered? What if some of the points are the same? What should happen if
we have no points or just one point in the field?
In what data structure will you keep the points? In what data structure
will you keep the convex hull?
Think about the performance. Will your algorithm work for 1,000 points?
Write your program step by step. First implement the reading of the
input data. Implement your convex hull finding algorithm. If it is possible,
break your algorithm into smaller parts. Finally implement the output
of the result in the described format.
Test your solution! What will happen if we have 0 points? Try with 1
point. Try with 2 points. Try with 5 point, which lie on a line. Does your
algorithm work? What will happen if we have 10 points and another 10,
which match the first 10? What will happen if we have 10 points, which lie
one over another? What will happen if you have many points, i.e. 1,000?
Does your algorithm work fast? What will happen if the coordinates of the
points are large numbers (100,000,000; 200,000,000)? Does this affect
your algorithm? Can you face precision errors in the calculations?
Be careful with the input and output data. Consider the format in the
description! Do not invent your own format of the input and
output data. The formats are defined and they must be respected.
If you want, you could implement visualization of the points and the
convex hull using Windows Forms or in WPF. You may implement a
generator of random tests and test your solution many times by
observing the visualization of the hull does it really wrap the points.
Chapter 24. Sample
Programming Exam
Topic #1
In This Chapter
In this chapter we will look at and offer solutions to three problems from
a sample programming exam. While solving them we will put into practice
the methodology described in the chapter "Methodology of Problem Solving".
Problem 1: Extract Text from HTML Document
We are given HTML file named Problem1.html. Write a program, which
removes all HTML tags and retains only the text inside them. Output should
be written into the file Problem1.txt.
Sample input file for Problem1.html:
<head><title>Welcome to our site!</title></head>
<img src="/en/img/logo.gif" width="130" height="70" alt="Logo">
<font size="-1"><a href="/index.html">Home</a>
<a href="/contacts.html">Contacts</a>
<a href="/about.html">About</a></font><p>
Sample output file for Problem1.txt:
Welcome to our site!
990 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Inventing an Idea
The first thing that occurs to us as an idea for solving this problem is to
read sequentially (e.g. line by line) the input file and to remove any tags. It is
easily seen that all tags starting with the character "<" and end with the
character ">". This also applies to opening and closing tags. This means that
for each line in the file we should remove all substrings starting with "<" and
ending with ">".
Checking the Idea
We have an idea for solving the problem. Whether the idea is correct? First
we should check it. We can ensure it is correct for the sample input file, and
then consider whether there are specific cases where the idea could be
We take a pen and paper and check by manually whether the idea is
correct. We do this by striking out all text substrings that start with the
character "<" and end with the character ">". As we do so, we see that there
is only pure text and any tags disappear:
<head><title>Welcome to our site!</title></head>
<img src="/en/img/logo.gif" width="130" height="70" alt="Logo">
<font size="-1"><a href="/index.html">Home</a>
<a href="/contacts.html">Contacts</a>
<a href="/about.html">About</a></font><p>
Now we have to think of some more special cases. We do not want to write
200 lines of code and only then think about special case, finding out we have
to redesign the entire program. It is important to check the problematic
situations now, before we begin writing the code of the solution. We can think
of the following special example:
Click<a href="info.html">on this
link</a>for more info.<br />
This is<b>bold</b>text.
There are two things to consider:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 991
- There are tags containing text that open and close at separate lines.
Such tags in our example are <html>, <body> and <a>.
- There are tags that contain text and other tags in themselves (nested
tags). For example <body> and <html>.
What should be the result of this example? If we directly remove all tags we
will get something like this:
Clickon this
linkfor more info.
This isboldtext.
Or maybe we should follow the rules of the HTML language and get the
following result:
Click on this link for more info.
This is bold text.
There are other options, such as putting each piece of text, which is not a
tag, on a new line:
on this
for more info.
This is
If we remove all the text in tags and snap the other text, we will get words
that are stuck together. From the tasks description it is not clear if this is
the requested result or it must be as in the HTML language. In the HTML
language each series of separators (spaces, new lines, tabs, etc.) appear as a
space. However, this was not mentioned in the tasks description it is not
clear from the sample input and output.
It is not clear yet whether to print the words that are in a tag which holds
other tags or to skip them. If we print only the contents of the tags, which
consist of text only, we will get something like this:
on this
It is yet not clear from the description, how to display the text that
is located on a few lines inside a tag.
992 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Clarification of the Statement of the Problem
The first thing to do when we find ambiguity in the description of the task is
to read it carefully. In this case the problem statement is not really clear
and does not give us the answers. Probably we should not follow the HTML
rules, because they are not described in the problem statement, but it is not
clear whether to connect the words in neighboring tags or separate them by a
space or new line.
This leaves us only one thing to ask. If we have an exam, we will ask the
one who gives us the task. In real life, someone is an owner of the software
we develop, and he could answer the questions. If nobody can give an
answer, choose one option that seems most correct under the information we
have and act on it. Assume that we need to print text, which remains after
removing all opening and closing tags, using a blank line separator at the
positions of the tags. If there are blank lines in the text, we keep them. For
our example, we should obtain the following correct output:
on this
for more info.
This is
A New Idea for Solving the Problem
So, after adapting these new requirements, the following idea comes: read
file line by line and substitute each tag with a new line. To avoid
duplication of new lines in the resulting file, replace every two consecutive
lines of new results with a new line.
We check the new idea with the example from the original statement of the
problem with our example to ensure it is correct. It remains to implement it.
Break a Task into Subtasks
The task can easily break into 3 subtasks:
- Read the input file.
- Processing of a line of input file: replace tags with a new line.
- Print results in the output file.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 993
What Data Structures to Use?
In this task we must perform simple word processing and file management.
The question of what data structures to use is not a problem for word
processing we use string and if necessary StringBuilder.
Consider the Efficiency
If we read the lines one by one, it will not be a slow operation. Processing of
one line can be done by replacing some characters with others a quick
operation. We should not have performance problems.
A possible problem could be the clearing of the empty lines. If we collect all
lines in a buffer (StringBuilder) and then remove double blank lines, this
buffer will occupy too much memory for large input files (for example 500 MB
input file).
To save memory, we will try to clean the excess blank lines just after the
replacement tags with the white space character.
Now we examined the idea of solving the task, we ensured that it is good and
covers the special cases that may arise, and believe we will have no
performance issues.
Now we can safely proceed to implementation of the algorithm. We will
write the code step by step to find errors as early as possible.
Step 1 Read the Input File
The first step solving the given task is reading the input file. In our case it
is a HTML file. This should not bother us, because HTML is a text format.
Therefore, to read it, we will use the StreamReader class. We will traverse
the input file line by line and each line we will derive (for now it is not
important how we will do it) all the information we need (if any) and save it
into an object of type StringBuilder. Extraction we will implement in the
next step (step 2). Lets write the necessary code for the implementation of
our first step:
string line = string.Empty;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Problem1.html");

while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
// Find what we need and save it in the result

With this code we will read the input file line by line. Lets think whether we
have completed a good first step. Do you know what we have missed?
994 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
From the code written we will read the input file, but only if it exists. What if
the input file does not exist or could not be opened for some reason? Our
present decision does not deal with these problems. There is another problem
in our code too: if an error occurs while reading or processing the data file, it
will not be closed.
With File.Exists() we will check if the input file exists. If not we will
display an appropriate message and stop program execution. To avoid the
second problem we will use the try-catch-finally statement (we may use
the using statement in C# as well). Thus, if an exception arises, we will
process it and will always close the file, which we worked with. We must not
forget that the object of the StreamReader class must be declared outside the
try block, otherwise it will be unavailable in the finally block. This is not a
fatal error, but often made by novice programmers.
It is better to define the input file name as a constant, because we
probably will use it in several places.
Another thing: when reading from a text file it is appropriate to specify
explicitly the character encoding. Lets see what we get:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

class HtmlTagRemover
private const string InputFileName = "Problem1.html";
private const string Charset = "windows-1251";

static void Main()
if (!File.Exists(InputFileName))
"File " + InputFileName + " not found.");

StreamReader reader = null;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Charset);
reader = new StreamReader(InputFileName, encoding);
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 995
// Find what we need and save it in the result
catch (IOException)
"Can not read file " + InputFileName + ".");
if (reader != null)
Test the Input File Reading Code
We handled the described problems and it seems we have implemented
the reading of the input file. We wrote a lot of code. To be convinced that
it is correct, we can test our unfinished code. For example lets print the
content of the input file to the console, and then try processing nonexistent
files. The writing will be done in a while loop using Console.WriteLine():

while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

If we test the piece of code we have with the Problem1.html sample file from
the problem description, the result is correct the input file itself:
<title>Welcome to our site!</title>
<img src="/en/img/logo.gif" width="130" height="70" alt="Logo">
<font size="-1"><a href="/index.html">Home</a> -
996 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
<a href="/contenst.html">Contacts</a> -
<a href="/about.html">About</a></font><p>
Lets try a nonexistent file. We change the file name Problem1.html with
Problem2.html. The result is the following:
File Problem2.html not found
We are convinced that the code till now is correct. Lets move to the next
step of the implementation of our idea (algorithm).
Step 2 Remove the Tags
Now we want to find a suitable way to remove all tags. How should we do
One possible way is to check the line character by character. For each
character in the current row we will look for the character "<". On the right
side of it we will know that we have a tag (opening or closing). The end tag
character is ">". So we can find tags and remove them. To not get the words
connected between adjacent tags, each tag will be replaced with the character
for a blank line "\n".
The algorithm is simple to implement, but isnt there a more clever way? Can
we use regular expressions? They can easily look for tags and replace them
with "\n", right? In the same time the code will be simple and in case of
errors, they will be removed more easily. We will consider this option. What
should we do? First we need to write a regular expression. Here is how it may
The idea is simple: any string, that starts with "<", continues with arbitrary
sequence of characters, other than ">" and ends with ">" is an HTML tag.
Heres how we can replace the tags with a new line:
private static string RemoveAllTags(string str)
string textWithoutTags = Regex.Replace(str, "<[^>]*>", "\n");
return textWithoutTags;
After coding this step, we should test it. For this purpose again we print to the
console the strings we found via Console.WriteLine(). And test the code:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 997
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class HtmlTagRemover
private const string InputFileName = "Problem1.html";
private const string Charset = "windows-1251";

static void Main()
if (!File.Exists(InputFileName))
"File " + InputFileName + " not found.");

StreamReader reader = null;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Charset);
reader = new StreamReader(InputFileName, encoding);
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
line = RemoveAllTags(line);
catch (IOException)
"Can not read file " + InputFileName + ".");
if (reader != null)
998 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

private static string RemoveAllTags(string str)
string strWithoutTags =
Regex.Replace(str, "<[^>]*>", "\n");
return strWithoutTags;
Testing the Tag Removal Code
Lets test the program with the following input file:
Click<a href="info.html">on this
link</a>for more info.<br />
This is<b>bold</b>text.
The result is as follows:
(empty rows)
on this
for more info.
(empty row)
This is
(empty rows)
Everything works perfectly, only that we have extra blank lines. Can we
remove them? This will be our next step.
Step 3 Remove the Empty Lines
We can remove unnecessary blank lines, replacing a double blank line "\n\n"
with a single blank line "\n". We should not have groups of more than one
character for a new line "\n". Here is an example how we can perform the
private static string RemoveDoubleNewLines(string str)
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 999
return str.Replace("\n\n", "\n");
Testing the Empty Lines Removal Code
As always, before we move forward, we test whether the method works
correctly. We try a text, which has no blank rows, and then add 2, 3, 4 and 5
blank lines, including at the beginning and at the end of text.
We find that the above method does not work correctly, when there are
4 blank lines one after another. For example, if we submit as input
"ab\n\n\n\ncd", we will get "ab\n\n\cd" instead of "ab\ncd". This defect
occurs because the Replace() finds and replaces a single match, scanning
the text from left to right. If in result of a substitution the searched string
reappears, it is skipped.
See how useful it is when each method is tested on time. We do not end up
wondering why the program does not work when we have 200 lines of code,
full of errors. Early detection of defects is very useful and we should do it
whenever possible. Here is the corrected code:
private static string RemoveDoubleNewLines(string str)
string pattern = "[\n]+";
return Regex.Replace(str, pattern, "\n");
The above code uses a regular expression to find any sequence of \n
characters and replaces it with a single \n.
After a series of tests, we are convinced that the method works
correctly. We are ready to test the program that removes all unnecessary
newlines. For this purpose we make the following changes:
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
line = RemoveAllTags(line);
line = RemoveDoubleNewLines(line);
We test the code again. Still it seems there are blank lines. Where do they
come from? Perhaps, if we have a line that contains only tags, it will cause a
problem. Therefore we may prevent this case. We add the following checks:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
1000 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
This removes most of the blank lines, but not all.
Remove the Empty Lines: Second Attempt
If we think more, it could happen so, that a line begins or ends with a tag.
Then this tag will be replaced with a single blank line and so at the beginning
or at the end of the line we may get a blank line. This means that we should
clean the empty rows at the beginning and at the end of each line. Heres how
we can make the cleaning:
private static string TrimNewLines(string str)
int start = 0;
while (start < str.Length && str[start] == '\n')

int end = str.Length - 1;
while (end >= 0 && str[end] == '\n')

if (start > end)
return string.Empty;

string trimmed = str.Substring(start, end - start + 1);
return trimmed;
The method works very simply: goes from left to right and skips all newline
characters. Then passes from right to left and skips again all newline
characters. If the left and right positions have passed each other, this means
that the string is either empty or contains only newlines. Then the method
returns an empty string. Otherwise it returns back everything to the right of
the start position and to the left of the end position.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1001
Remove the Empty Lines: Test Again
As always, we test whether the above method works correctly with
several examples, including an empty string, no string breaks, string breaks
left or right or both sides and a string with new lines. We make sure, that the
method now works correctly.
Now we have to modify the logic of processing the input file:
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
line = RemoveAllTags(line);
line = RemoveDoubleNewLines(line);
line = TrimNewLines(line);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
Step 4 Print Results in a File
It remains to print the results in the output file. To print the results in the
output file we will use the StreamWriter. This step is trivial. We must only
consider that writing to a file can cause an exception and thats why we need
to change the logic for error handling slightly, opening and closing the flow of
input and output to the file.
Here is what we finally get as a complete source code of the program:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class HtmlTagRemover
private const string InputFileName = "Problem1.html";
private const string OutputFileName = "Problem1.txt";
private const string Charset = "windows-1251";

static void Main()
if (!File.Exists(InputFileName))
1002 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
"File " + InputFileName + " not found.");

StreamReader reader = null;
StreamWriter writer = null;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Charset);
reader = new StreamReader(InputFileName, encoding);
writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFileName, false,

string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
line = RemoveAllTags(line);
line = RemoveDoubleNewLines(line);
line = TrimNewLines(line);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
catch (IOException)
"Can not read file " + InputFileName + ".");
if (reader != null)

if (writer != null)
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1003

/// <summary>
/// Replaces every tag with new line
/// </summary>
private static string RemoveAllTags(string str)
string strWithoutTags =
Regex.Replace(str, "<[^>]*>", "\n");
return strWithoutTags;

/// <summary>
/// Replaces sequence of new lines with only one new line
/// </summary>
private static string RemoveDoubleNewLines(string str)
string pattern = "[\n]+";
return Regex.Replace(str, pattern, "\n");

/// <summary>
/// Removes new lines from start and end of string
/// </summary>
private static string TrimNewLines(string str)
int start = 0;
while (start < str.Length && str[start] == '\n')

int end = str.Length - 1;
while (end >= 0 && str[end] == '\n')

if (start > end)
return string.Empty;

string trimmed = str.Substring(start, end - start + 1);
return trimmed;
1004 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Testing the Solution
Until now, we were testing the individual steps for the solution of the task.
Through the tests of individual steps we reduced the possibility of errors, but
that does not mean that we should not test the whole solution. We may have
missed something, right? Now lets thoroughly test the code.
- Test with the sample input file from the problem statement. Everything
works correctly.
- Test our "complex" example. Everything works fine.
- Test the border cases and run an output test.
- We test with a blank file. Output is correct an empty file.
- Test with a file that contains only one word "Hello" and does not
contain tags. The result is correct the output contains only the word
- Test with a file that contains only tags and no text. The result is
again correct an empty file.
- Try to put blank lines of at the most amazing places in the input file.
These empty lines should all be removed. For example we can run the
following test:


<b>I<b> am here

I am not <b>here</b>
The result is as follows:
am here
I am not
It seems we found a small defect. There is a space at the beginning of
some of the lines.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1005
Fixing the Leading Spaces Defect
Under the problem description it is not clear whether this is a defect but lets
try to fix it. We could add the following code when processing the next line of
the input file:
line = line.Trim();
The defect is fixed, but only from the first line. We run the debugger and we
notice why it is so. The reason is that we print into the output file a string of
characters with value "I\n am here" and so we get a space after a blank line.
We can correct the defect, by replacing all blank lines, followed by white
space (blank lines, spaces, tabs, etc.) with a single blank line. Here is the
private static string RemoveDoubleNewLines(string str)
string pattern = "\n\\s+";
return Regex.Replace(str, pattern, "\n");
We fixed that error too. Now we have only to change this name to a more
appropriate one, for example RemoveNewLinesWithWhiteSpace().
Now we need to test again after the fixes in the code (regression test).
We put new lines and spaces scattered randomly and make sure that
everything works correctly now.
Performance Test
One last test remains: performance. We can create easily create a large
input file. We open a site, for example http://www.microsoft.com, grab the
source code and copy it 1000 times. We get a large enough input file. In our
case, we get a 44 MB file with 947,000 lines. Processing it takes under 10
seconds, which is a perfectly acceptable speed. When we test the solution
we should not forget that the processing of the file depends on our hardware
(our test was performed in 2009 on an average fast laptop).
Taking a look at the result, however, we notice a very troublesome problem.
There are parts of a tag. More precisely, we see the following:
var s_pageName="home page"
It quickly becomes clear that we missed a very interesting case. In an
HTML tag can be closed few lines after its opening, e.g. a single tag may
span several consecutive lines. That was exactly our case: we have a
1006 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
comment tag that contains JavaScript code. If the program worked correctly,
it would have cut the entire tag rather than keep it in the source file.
Did you see how testing is useful and how testing is important? In some
big companies (like Microsoft) having a solution without tests is considered as
only 50% of the work. This means that if you write code for 2 hours, you
should spend on testing (manual or automated) at least 2 more hours! This is
the only way to create high-quality software.
What a pity that we discovered the problem just now, instead of at the
beginning, when we were checking whether our idea for the task is correct,
before we wrote the program. Sometimes it happens, unfortunately.
How to Fix the Problem with the Tag at Two Lines?
The first idea that occurs to us is to load in memory the entire input file
and process it as one big string rather than row by row. This is an idea that
seems to work but will run slow and consume large amounts of memory.
Lets look for another idea.
A New Idea: Processing the Text Char by Char
Obviously we cannot read the file line by line. Can we read it character
by character? If yes, how we will treat tags? It occurs to us that if we read
the file character by character, we can know at any moment, whether we are
in or outside of a tag, and if we are outside the tag, we can print everything
that we read (followed by a new line). We need to avoid adding new lines, as
well as and trailing whitespace. We will get something like this:
bool inTag = false;
while (! <end of file is reached>)
char ch = (read the next character);
if (ch == '<')
inTag = true;
else if (ch == '>')
inTag = false;
if (!inTag)
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1007
Implementing the New Idea
The idea is very simple and easy to implement. If we implement it
directly, we will have a problem with empty lines and the problem of merging
text from adjacent tags. To solve this problem, we can accumulate the text in
the StringBuilder and print it at the end of file or when switching from text
to a tag. We will get something like this:
bool inTag = false;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
while (! <end of file is reached>)
char ch = (read the next character);
if (ch == '<')
if (!inTag)
inTag = true;
else if (ch == '>')
inTag = false;
if (!inTag)
The missing PrintBuffer() method should clean the whitespace from the
text in the buffer and print it in the output followed by a new line. Exception is
when we have whitespace only in the buffer (it should not be printed).
We already have most of the code, so step-by-step implementation mat
not be necessary. We can just replace the pieces of wrong old code with the
new code implementing the new idea. If we add the logic for avoiding empty
1008 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
lines as well as reading input and writing the result we obtain is a complete
solution to the task with the new algorithm:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class SimpleHtmlTagRemover
private const string InputFileName = "Problem1.html";
private const string OutputFileName = "Problem1.txt";
private const string Charset = "windows-1251";
private static Regex regexWhitespace = new Regex("\n\\s+");

static void Main()
if (!File.Exists(InputFileName))
"File " + InputFileName + " not found.");

StreamReader reader = null;
StreamWriter writer = null;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Charset);
reader = new StreamReader(InputFileName, encoding);
writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFileName, false,
RemoveHtmlTags(reader, writer);
catch (IOException)
"Cannot read file " + InputFileName + ".");
if (reader != null)
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1009
if (writer != null)

/// <summary>Removes the tags from a HTML text</summary>
/// <param name="reader">Input text</param>
/// <param name="writer">Output text (result)</param>
private static void RemoveHtmlTags(
StreamReader reader, StreamWriter writer)
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
bool inTag = false;
while (true)
int nextChar = reader.Read();
if (nextChar == -1)
// End of file reached
PrintBuffer(writer, buffer);
char ch = (char)nextChar;
if (ch == '<')
if (!inTag)
PrintBuffer(writer, buffer);
inTag = true;
else if (ch == '>')
inTag = false;
// We have other character (not "<" or ">")
if (!inTag)
1010 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

/// <summary>Removes the whitespace and prints the buffer
/// in a file</summary>
/// <param name="writer">the result file</param>
/// <param name="buffer">the input for processing</param>
private static void PrintBuffer(
StreamWriter writer, StringBuilder buffer)
string str = buffer.ToString();
string trimmed = str.Trim();
string textOnly = regexWhitespace.Replace(trimmed, "\n");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textOnly))
The input file is read character by character with the class StreamReader.
Originally the buffer for accumulating of text is empty. In the main loop we
analyze each read character. We have the following cases:
- If we get to the end of file, we print whatever is in the buffer and the
algorithm ends.
- When we encounter the character "<" (start tag) we first print the
buffer (if we find that the transition is from text to tag). Then we clear
the buffer and set inTag = true.
- When we encounter the character ">" (end tag) we set inTag = false.
This will allow the next characters after the tag to accumulate in the
- When we encounter another character (text or blank space), it is
added to the buffer, if we are outside tags. If we are in a tag the
character is ignored.
Printing of the buffer takes care of removing empty lines in text and
clearing the empty space at the beginning and end of text (trimming the
leading and trailing whitespace). How exactly we do this, we already
discussed in the previous solution of the problem.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1011
In the second solution the processing of the buffer is much lighter and
shorter, so the buffer is processed immediately before printing.
In the previous solution of the task we used regular expressions for replacing
with the static methods of the class Regex. For improved performance now
we create the regular expression object just once (as a static field). Thus
the regular expression pattern is compiled just once to a state machine.
Testing the New Solution
It remains to test thoroughly the new solution. We have to perform all
tests conducted on the previous solution. Add test with tags, which are spread
over several lines. Again, test performance with the Microsoft website copied
1000 times. Assure that the program works correctly and is even faster.
Lets try with another site, such as the official website of this book
http://www.introprogramming.info (as of April 2011). Again, take the source
code of the site and run the solution of our task with it. After carefully
reviewing the input data (source code on the website of the book) and the
output file, we notice that there is a problem again. Some content of this
tag is printed in the output file:
<br />
<br />
Read the free book by Svetlin Nakov and team for developing with

Where Is the Problem?
The problem seems to occur when one tag meets another tag, before the
first tag is closed. This can happen in HTML comments. Heres how to get to
the error:
<br />
<br />

As we know, in the solution of the task we use Boolean variable (inTag), to
know whether the current character is in the tag or not. On the figure above
we have shown that in moment 1 we set inTag = true. So far so good. Then
comes moment 2, where the current character read is ">". At this point we
find inTag = false. The problem is that the tag, which is open from moment
1 is not yet closed, and the Boolean variable indicates that we are not in the
1. InTag = true
2. InTag = false
1012 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
tag anymore and the following characters are saved in the buffer. If between
the two tags for a new line (<br />) we have text, it would also be saved in
the buffer.
How to Fix the Problem?
It turned out that in the second solution there is a mistake. The program
does not work correctly in the presence of nested tags in a comment tag.
By Boolean variable can only know whether we are in a tag or not, but cannot
remember if we are still in the preceding. This tells us that instead of using a
Boolean variable, we can store the number of tags in which we are (in
variable of type int tag counter). We will modify the solution:
int openedTags = 0;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
while (! <end of file is reached>)
char ch = (read the next character);
if (ch == '<')
if (openedTags == 0)
buffer.Remove(0, buffer.Length);
else if (ch == '>')
if (openedTags == 0)
In the main loop we analyze each read character. We have the following
- If we get to the end of the file, print whatever is in the buffer and the
algorithm ends.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1013
- When we encounter the character "<" (start tag) first we print the
buffer (if we find that the transition from text to the tag). Then we clear
the buffer and increase the counter by one.
- When we encounter the character ">" (end tag) we reduce the
counter by one. Closing of a nested tag will not allow accumulation in
the buffer. If after closing a tag we are out of all tags, the characters will
begin to accumulate in the buffer.
- When we encounter another character (text or blank space), it is
added to the buffer, if we are outside all tags. If we are inside a tag
the character is ignored.
It remains to write the whole solution again and then test it. The logic
for reading the input file and printing the buffer remains the same:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class SimpleHtmlTagRemover
private const string InputFileName = "Problem1.html";
private const string OutputFileName = "Problem1.txt";
private const string Charset = "windows-1251";
private static Regex regexWhitespace = new Regex("\n\\s+");

static void Main()
if (!File.Exists(InputFileName))
"File " + InputFileName + " not found.");

StreamReader reader = null;
StreamWriter writer = null;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Charset);
reader = new StreamReader(InputFileName, encoding);
writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFileName, false,
1014 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
RemoveHtmlTags(reader, writer);
catch (IOException)
"Cannot read file " + InputFileName + ".");
if (reader != null)
if (writer != null)

/// <summary>Removes the tags from a HTML text</summary>
/// <param name="reader">Input text</param>
/// <param name="writer">Output text (result)</param>
private static void RemoveHtmlTags(
StreamReader reader, StreamWriter writer)
int openedTags = 0;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
while (true)
int nextChar = reader.Read();
if (nextChar == -1)
// End of file reached
PrintBuffer(writer, buffer);
char ch = (char)nextChar;
if (ch == '<')
if (openedTags == 0)
PrintBuffer(writer, buffer);
buffer.Length = 0;
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1015
else if (ch == '>')
// We aren't in tags (not "<" or ">")
if (openedTags == 0)

/// <summary>Removes the whitespace and prints the buffer
/// in a file</summary>
/// <param name="writer">the result file</param>
/// <param name="buffer">the input for processing</param>
private static void PrintBuffer(
StreamWriter writer, StringBuilder buffer)
string str = buffer.ToString();
string trimmed = str.Trim();
string textOnly = regexWhitespace.Replace(trimmed, "\n");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textOnly))
Testing the New Solution
Again we test the solution of the problem. We perform all tests made on
the previous solution (see section "Testing the Solution"). We also try the site
of MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com). Lets carefully check the output file.
We can see that at its end the file contains wrong characters (in April 2011).
After carefully reviewing the source code of the MSDN site, we notice that
there is an incorrect representation of the character ">" (to visualize this
character in the HTML document "&gt;" should be used, not ">"). However,
this is an error in the MSDN site, not in our program.
1016 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Now it remains to test the performance of our program with the site of this
book (http://www.introprogramming.info) copied 1000 times. We assure that
the program works fast enough for it too.
Finally we are ready for the next task.
Problem 2: Escape from Labyrinth
We are given a labyrinth, which consists of N x N squares and each of it
can be passable (0) or not (x). Our hero Jack is in one of the squares (*):
x x x x x x
0 x 0 0 0 x
x * 0 x 0 x
x x x x 0 x
0 0 0 0 0 x
0 x x x 0 x
Two of the squares are neighboring, if they have a common wall. In one
step Jack can pass from one passable square to its neighboring passable
square. If Jack steps in a cell, which is on the edge of the labyrinth, he can go
out from the labyrinth with one step.
Write a program, which by a given labyrinth prints the minimal number of
steps, which Jack needs, to go out from the labyrinth or -1 if there is no
way out.
The input data is read from a text file named Problem2.in. On the first line of
the file is the number N (2 < N < 100). On the each of next N lines there are
N characters, each of them is either "0" or "x" or "*". The output is one
number and must be in the file Problem2.out.
Sample input Problem2.in:
Sample output Problem2.out:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1017
Figure Out an Idea for a Solution
We have a labyrinth and we should find the shortest path in it. This is not
an easy task and we should think a lot or we should read somewhere how to
solve such kinds of tasks.
Our algorithm will begin its movement from the initial point we are given. We
know we can move to a neighboring cell horizontally or vertically, but not
diagonally. Our algorithm must traverse the labyrinth in some way, to find the
shortest path in it. How to traverse the cells in the labyrinth?
One possible decision is the following: we start from the initial cell. Move to
one of its neighboring cells, after this in a neighboring cell of the current
(which is passable and still unvisited), after this in a neighboring cell of the
last visited (which is passable and still unvisited) and we go on forward
recursively until we reach an exit of the labyrinth, or we reach a place where
we cant continue (there is no neighboring cell which is free or unvisited). In
this moment we go back from the recursion (to the previous cell) and visit
another neighboring cell for the previous cell. If we cant continue, we go back
again. The described recursive process is the process of traversing the
labyrinth in depth (remember the chapter "Recursion" and DFS traversal).
The question Is it needed to walk through one cell more than once occurs to
us? If we walk through one cell at most once, we can walk through the whole
labyrinth faster and if there is an exit, we will find it. But will this be the
minimal path? If we draw the whole process on a paper, we will find out
quickly the path will not be the minimal.
If we mark the cell we leave on the way back of the recursion as free, this will
allow us to reach each cell repeatedly, coming from a different path. The full
recursive walk of the labyrinth will find all possible paths from the
initial cell to any other cell. From all the found paths we can choose the
shortest path to a cell on the bound of the labyrinth (exit) and thats how we
will find a solution for the problem.
Verification of the Idea
It seems we have an idea for solving the problem: with recursive walk we
find all the possible paths in the labyrinth from the initial cell to a cell on
the bounds of the labyrinth and from all these paths we choose the shortest
one. Lets check the idea.
We take a sheet of paper and make one example of the labyrinth. We try the
algorithm. Its obvious it finds all the paths from the initial cell to the one of
the exits and it travels a lot forwards-backwards. As a result it finds all exits
and among all paths it can be chosen the shortest one.
Does the idea work if there is no exit? We create a second labyrinth, which
is without exit. We try out the algorithm on it, again on a sheet of paper. We
see after long circulation forwards-backwards that the algorithm does not find
an exit and finishes.
1018 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
It looks we have a correct idea for solving the problem. Lets move forward
and think for the data structures.
What Data Structures to Use?
First, we have to decide how to store the labyrinth. Its natural to use a
matrix of characters, just as the one on the figure. We will consider that one
cell is passable and we can enter it, if it has a character, different from the
character 'x'. We can store the labyrinth in a matrix of numbers and Boolean
values, but the difference is not significant. The matrix of characters is
comfortable for printing, and this will help us while debugging. There are not
many options. We will store the labyrinth in a matrix of characters.
After this, we have to decide in what structure to keep the visited through
the recursion (current path) cells. We always need the last visited cell. This
leads us to a structure, which is last in, first out, i.e. stack. We can use
Stack<Cell>, where Cell is a class, containing the coordinates of one cell
(number of row and number of column). It remains to think where to keep
the found paths, to find the shortest of them. If we think of it, it is not
necessary to keep all the paths. It is enough to keep the current path and the
shortest till this moment. Its not even necessary to keep the shortest path till
this moment but only its length. Every time we find a path to an exit of the
labyrinth we can take its length and if it is shorter than the shortest path to
this moment to keep it.
It seems we found efficient data structures. According to our recommen-
dations for problem solving, it is early to write the code of the program,
because we have to think of the efficiency of the algorithm.
Think About the Efficiency
Lets check our idea against efficiency. What are we doing? We find all the
possible paths and we take the shortest. Theres no argument the algorithm
will not work, but if the labyrinth is way bigger, will it work fast?
To answer this question, we should think how much paths there are. If we
take an empty labyrinth, on the each step of the recursion we will have an
average number of 3 free cells to go (without the cell we are coming from).
If we have for example a labyrinth 10x10, the path could be 100 cells and
while we travel on each step we will have 3 neighboring cells. It seems the
numbers of paths are sort of 3 to the power of 100. Its obvious the
algorithm will slow down the computer very much and very fast.
We found a serious problem with the algorithm. It will work very slowly,
even with small labyrinths, and with bigger ones it will not work at all! The
good news is that we havent written a single line of code and the general
change of our approach to the problem will not cost us much time.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1019
Think of Another Idea
We found that walking through all the paths in the labyrinth is wrong
approach, so we have to think of another.
Lets start with the initial cell and walk through all its neighboring cells and
mark them as visited. For each visited cell we can keep a number equal
to the number of cells, which we have travelled to reach it (the length
of the minimal path from the initial cell to the current cell).
For the initial cell the length of the path is 0. For its neighboring cells it should
be 1, because we can reach them from the initial cell with one move. For the
neighboring cells for the neighbors of the initial cell the length of the path is
2. We can continue this way and we will get to the following algorithm:
1. Write the length of the path 0 for the initial cell. Mark it as visited.
2. For each neighboring cell to the initial we mark the length of the path is
1. Mark these cells as visited.
3. For each cell, which is, neighboring to a cell with length of the path 1
and it is not visited, write the length of the path is 2. Mark the cells as
4. Continuing analogous, on the N step we find all the still unvisited cells,
which are on a distance of N moves from the initial cell and mark them
as visited.
Check the New Idea
To check whether the new idea for solving the Escape from the Labyrinth
problem is correct we can visualize the process. We take another labyrinth
to test our idea in a better way. At each step k our goal is to fill with the
number k all cells that can be reached in k steps. If at step 0 we fill the initial
cell with 0, at step 1 we fill all cells reachable in 1 step from the initial cell, at
step 2 we fill all cells reachable in 2 steps, etc. we will be sure that when we
fill a cell with a number, this number reflects the minimal number of steps
to reach this cell starting from the initial cell, right?
Step 0 mark the distance from the initial cell to itself with 0 (mark the free
cells with "-"):
x x x x x x
- x - - - x
x 0 - x - x
x - - x - x
x - - - - x
- x x x - x
Step 1 mark with 1 all the neighbors to cells with a value of 0:
1020 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
x x x x x x
- x - - - x
x 0 1 x - x
x 1 - x - x
x - - - - x
- x x x - x
Step 2 mark with 2 all the passable neighbors to cells with value 1:
x x x x x x
- x 2 - - x
x 0 1 x - x
x 1 2 x - x
x 2 - - - x
- x x x - x
Step 3 mark with 3 all passable neighbors to cells with value of 2:
x x x x x x
- x 2 3 - x
x 0 1 x - x
x 1 2 x - x
x 2 3 - - x
- x x x - x
Continuing this way, in a moment either we will reach a cell at the edge of the
labyrinth (an exit) or we will find such a cell is unreachable. It seems like our
algorithm works correctly. It will either find an exit or will find that there is
no reachable exit. If at some step an exit is found, the path to it will be
guaranteed to be the shortest possible (otherwise the exit should already
be found at some of the earlier steps).
Breaking the Problem into Subproblems
Having invented the idea for solving the labyrinth escaping problem, it will be
easy to break it into subproblems. The main subproblems could be: reading
the input labyrinth, finding the shortest path to some of its exits and
printing the results. The path finding subproblem could be further
divided into subproblems (steps) which we discussed in the previous section.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1021
Checking the Performance of the New Algorithm
Because we never visit a cell more than once, the number of steps, which this
algorithm does, should not be big. For example, if we have a labyrinth with
size 100 x 100, it will have 10,000 cells, we will visit each of the cells at most
once and for each of them we will check every neighbor if it is free, i.e. we
will check 4 times each cell. At the end we will do at most 40,000 checks and
we will visit at most 10,000 cells. We will do a total amount of 50,000
operations. This means the algorithm will work instantly.
Check If the New Algorithm Is Correct
It seems this time we dont have a problem with the performance. We have a
fast algorithm.
Lets check if it is correct. For this purpose we draw a bigger and more
complex example on a sheet of paper, which has many exits and a lot of
paths, and we begin to perform the algorithm. After this we try with a
labyrinth with no exit. It seems the algorithm ends, but does not find an exit
so its working. We try another 2-3 examples and convince ourselves this
algorithm always finds the shortest path to an exit and always works
fast, because it visits each of the cells of the labyrinth at most once.
What Data Structures to Use?
With the new algorithm we walk consequently through all neighboring cells to
the initial cell. We can put them into a data structure, for example in an
array or better a list (or list of lists), because we cant add in the array.
Then we take the list of the reached cells on the last step and we add
their neighbors in another list.
Thats how if we index the lists we have list
which contains the initial cell,
which contains passable neighboring cells to the initial, after this
which contains passable neighbors to list
and so on. At the N step
we have the list
, which contains all the cells, which we can reach in exactly
N steps, i.e. which are at a distance of n from the initial cell.
It seems we can use a list of lists, to keep the cells on each step. If we think
about it, to get the n list, we need the (n-1)-list. So it seems we dont need
list of lists but only the list from the last step.
We can make general conclusion: cells are processed in the order of entry:
when the cells of step k are finished, then we process the cells from step k+1,
and just after them the cells from step k+2, and so on. The process seems
like a queue: earlier accessed cells are processed earlier. If we dig a bit
inside, we will conclude, that we have just re-invented the Breadth-First-
Search algorithm (read about BFS in Wikipedia).
To implement the BFS algorithm we can use a queue of cells. For this
purpose we have to define class Cell, which contains the coordinates of
1022 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
given cell (row and column). We can keep the distance from each cell to the
initial cell in a matrix. If the distance is not calculated yet, we store -1.
If we think a little more, the distance from the initial cell can be kept in the
cell itself (in the class Cell) instead of creating a special matrix for the
distances. That way we will save memory.
Now we are clear about the data structures. Now we have to implement the
algorithm step by step.
Step 1 The Class Cell
We can begin with the definition of the Cell class. We need it to save the
initial cell, from which begins the searching of the path. We will use auto-
implemented properties to make the code shorter and more readable. Here is
the Cell class:
public class Cell
public int Row { get; set; }
public int Column { get; set; }
public int Distance { get; set; }
We can add a constructor to simplify the way we use this class:
public Cell(int row, int column, int distance)
this.Row = row;
this.Column = column;
this.Distance = distance;
Generally it is a good idea to test the code after each step, but the above
code is too simple to be tested. We will test is later as part of some more
complex piece of code.
Step 2 Reading the Input File
We will read the input file line by line using the well-known class
StreamReader. On the each of the lines we will analyze the characters and we
will write them in a matrix of characters. When we reach the character "*" we
will keep its coordinates in an instance of class Cell to know where to start
the searching of the shortest path for getting out of the labyrinth.
We can define a class Maze and keep the matrix of the labyrinth and the
initial cell in it:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1023
public class Maze
private char[,] maze;
private int size;
private Cell startCell = null;

public void ReadFromFile(string fileName)
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
// Read the maze size and create the maze
this.size = int.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
this.maze = new char[this.size, this.size];

// Read the maze cells from the file
for (int row = 0; row < this.size; row++)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
for (int col = 0; col < this.size; col++)
this.maze[row, col] = line[col];
if (line[col] == '*')
this.startCell = new Cell(row, col, 0);
For simplicity we will skip processing the errors while reading and writing in a
file. When an exception occurs we will skip to catch it in the main method
and thus we will leave the CLR to print it on the console.
Testing the Input File Reading Code
We already have the class Maze and appropriate representation of data of the
input file. To be sure the written so far is correct we should test. We can
check if the matrix is truly filled as we print it on the console. The other
possibility is to view the values of the fields in the class Maze through the
debugger of Visual Studio. We add a Main() method which invokes the maze
reading method and we test it:
1024 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
Maze maze = new Maze();
Through the Visual Studio debugger we get convinced that the input file is
correctly read from the input file:

Step 3 Finding the Shortest Path
We can implement the algorithm directly from what we already discussed.
We must define a queue and put in its beginning the initial cell. Afterwards we
must take the cell in turn from the queue and add all of its passable unvisited
neighbors in a loop. At each step there is a chance to enter in a cell, which is
at the border of the labyrinth, and we see we have found an exit and the
searching ends. We repeat the loop until the queue is empty. At each
visitation of a given cell we check if it is free and if it is, we mark it as
impassable. This way we avoid repeatedly visiting the same cell.
Here is how the implementation of the algorithm looks like:
public int FindShortestPath()
// Queue for traversing the cells in the maze
Queue<Cell> visitedCells = new Queue<Cell>();
VisitCell(visitedCells, this.startCell.Row,
this.startCell.Column, 0);

// Perform Breath-First-Search (BFS)
while (visitedCells.Count > 0)
Cell currentCell = visitedCells.Dequeue();
int row = currentCell.Row;
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1025
int column = currentCell.Column;
int distance = currentCell.Distance;
if ((row == 0) || (row == size - 1)
|| (column == 0) || (column == size - 1))
// We are at the maze border
return distance + 1;
VisitCell(visitedCells, row, column + 1, distance + 1);
VisitCell(visitedCells, row, column - 1, distance + 1);
VisitCell(visitedCells, row + 1, column, distance + 1);
VisitCell(visitedCells, row - 1, column, distance + 1);

// We didn't reach any cell at the maze border -> no path
return -1;

private void VisitCell(Queue<Cell> visitedCells,
int row, int column, int distance)
if (this.maze[row, column] != 'x')
// The cell is free --> visit it
maze[row, column] = 'x';
Cell cell = new Cell(row, column, distance);
Checking after Step 3
Before the next step, we must test, to check our algorithm. We must try
the normal case and the border cases, when there is no exit, when we step
on an exit, when the input file doesnt exist or the square matrix is with size
of 0. Only then can we start doing the next step. Lets start with testing the
normal (typical) case. We create the following code to quickly test it:
static void Main()
Maze maze = new Maze();
1026 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We run the above code over the sample input file from the problem
description and it works. The code correctly returns the length of the
shortest path to the nearest exit:
Now lets test the border cases, e.g. a labyrinth of size 0. Unfortunately
we get the following result:
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object
reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Maze.FindShortestPath()
Weve made a mistake. The problem is when the variable, in which we keep
the initial cell, is initialized with null. This can happen in many scenarios. If
the labyrinth has no cells (e.g. size of 0) or the initial cell is missing, the
result that the program should return is -1, but not an exception.
To fix the bug we just found we can add a check in the beginning of the
FindShortestPath() method:
public int FindShortestPath()
if (this.startCell == null)
// Start cell is missing -> no path
return -1;

We retest the code with the typical and the border cases. After the fix it
seems the algorithm works correctly now.
Step 4 Writing the Result to a File
It remains to write the result of the FindShortestPath() to the output file.
This is a trivial problem:
public void SaveResult(String fileName, int result)
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))
writer.WriteLine("The shortest way is: " + result);
Here is how the complete source code of the solution looks:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1027
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Maze
private const string InputFileName = "Problem2.in";
private const string OutputFileName = "Problem2.out";

public class Cell
public int Row { get; set; }
public int Column { get; set; }
public int Distance { get; set; }

public Cell(int row, int column, int distance)
this.Row = row;
this.Column = column;
this.Distance = distance;

private char[,] maze;
private int size;
private Cell startCell = null;

public void ReadFromFile(string fileName)
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
// Read maze size and create maze
this.size = int.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
this.maze = new char[this.size, this.size];

// Read the maze cells from the file
for (int row = 0; row < this.size; row++)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
for (int col = 0; col < this.size; col++)
this.maze[row, col] = line[col];
1028 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
if (line[col] == '*')
this.startCell = new Cell(row, col, 0);

public int FindShortestPath()
if (this.startCell == null)
// Start cell is missing -> no path
return -1;

// Queue for traversing the cells in the maze
Queue<Cell> visitedCells = new Queue<Cell>();
VisitCell(visitedCells, this.startCell.Row,
this.startCell.Column, 0);

// Perform Breath-First-Search (BFS)
while (visitedCells.Count > 0)
Cell currentCell = visitedCells.Dequeue();
int row = currentCell.Row;
int column = currentCell.Column;
int distance = currentCell.Distance;
if ((row == 0) || (row == size - 1)
|| (column == 0) || (column == size - 1))
// We are at the maze border
return distance + 1;

VisitCell(visitedCells, row, column + 1, distance + 1);
VisitCell(visitedCells, row, column - 1, distance + 1);
VisitCell(visitedCells, row + 1, column, distance + 1);
VisitCell(visitedCells, row - 1, column, distance + 1);

// We didn't reach any cell at the maze border -> no path
return -1;
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1029

private void VisitCell(Queue<Cell> visitedCells,
int row, int column, int distance)
if (this.maze[row, column] != 'x')
// The cell is free --> visit it
maze[row, column] = 'x';
Cell cell = new Cell(row, column, distance);

public void SaveResult(string fileName, int result)
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))

static void Main()
Maze maze = new Maze();
int pathLength = maze.FindShortestPath();
maze.SaveResult(OutputFileName, pathLength);
Testing the Complete Solution of the Problem
After we have a solution of the problem we must test it. We have already
tested the typical case and the border cases (like missing exit or when
the initial position stays at the labyrinth edge). We will execute these
tests again to get convinced that the algorithm behaves correctly:
Input Output Input Output Input Output Input Output
0 -1 2
-1 3
-1 3
1030 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The algorithm works correctly. The output for each of the test is correct.
It remains to test with a large labyrinth (performance test), for example
1000 x 1000. We can make such a labyrinth very easy with copy / paste.
We perform the test and we convince ourselves the program is working
correctly for the big test and works extremely fast there is no delay.
While testing we should try every way to break our solution. We run a
few more difficult examples (for example a labyrinth with passable cells in
the form of spiral). We can put large labyrinth with a lot of paths, but without
exit. We can try whatever else we wish.
At the end we make sure, that we have a correct solution and we pass to
the next problem from the exam.
Problem 3: Store for Car Parts
A company is planning to create a system for managing a store for auto
parts. A single part can be used for different car models and it has following
characteristics: code, name, category (e.g. suspension, tires and wheels,
engine, accessories and etc.), purchase price, sale price, list of car
models, with which it is compatible (each car is described with brand, model
and year of manufacture, e. g. Mercedes C320, 2008) and manufacturing
company. Manufacturing companies are described with name, country,
address, phone and fax.
Design a set of classes with relationships between them, which model the
data for the store. Write a demonstration program, which demonstrates
the classes and their all functionality work correctly with some sample data.
Inventing an Idea for Solution
We have a non-algorithmic problem which is intended to check whether the
students at the exam know how to use object-oriented programming
(OOP), how to design classes and relationships between them to model real-
world objects (object-oriented analysis and design) and how to use
appropriate data structures to hold collections of objects.
We are required to create an aggregation of classes and relationships between
them, which have to describe the data of the store. We have to find which
nouns are important for solving the problem. They are objects from the real
world, which correspond to classes.
Which are these nouns that interest us? We have a store, car parts, cars
and manufacturing companies. We have to create a class defining a store.
It could be named Shop. Other classes are Part, Car and Manufacturer. In
the requirements of the problem there are other nouns too, like code for one
part or year of manufacturing of given car. For these nouns we are not
creating individual classes, but instead these will be fields in the already
created classes. For example in the Part class there will be lets say a field
code of string type.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1031
We already know which will be our classes, and fields to describe them.
We have to identify the relationships between the objects.
Checking the Idea
We will not check the idea because there is nothing to be proven with
examples and counterexamples or checked whether it will work. We need to
write few classes to model a real-world situation: a store for car parts.
What Data Structures to Use to Describe the Relationship
between Two Classes?
The data structures, needed for this problem, are of two main groups:
classes and relationships between the classes. The interesting part is
how to describe relationships.
To describe a relationship (link) between two classes we can use an array.
With an array we have access of its elements by index, but once it is created
we cant change its length. This makes it uncomfortable for our problem,
because we dont know how many parts we will have in the store and more
parts can be delivered or somebody can buy parts so we have to delete or
change the data. List<T> is more comfortable. It has the advantages of an
array and also is with variable length and it is easy to add or delete elements.
So far it seems List<T> is the most appropriate for holding aggregations of
objects inside another object. To be convinced we will analyze a few more
data structures. For example hash-table it is not appropriate in this case,
because the structure parts is not of the key-value type. It would be
appropriate if each of the parts in the store has unique number (e.g. barcode)
and we needed to search them by this unique number. Structures like stack
and queue are inappropriate.
The structure set and its implementation HashSet<T> is used when we have
uniqueness for given key. It would be good sometimes to use this structure
to avoid duplicates. We must recall that HashSet<T> requires the methods
GetHashCode() and Equals() to be correctly defined by the T type.
Our final decision is to use List<T> for the aggregations and HashSet<T> for
the aggregations which require uniqueness.
Dividing the Task into Subtasks
Now we have to think from where to start writing the code. If we start to
write the Shop class, we will need the Part class. This reminds us we will
have to start with a class, which does not depend on others. We will divide
the writing of each class to subtask, and we will start from the independent
- Class describing a car Car
- Class describing manufacturer of parts Manufacturer
- Class or enumeration for the categories of the parts PartCategory
1032 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
- Class describing part for a car Part
- Class for the store Shop
- Class for testing rest of the classes with sample data TestShop
Implementation: Step by Step
We start writing classes, which we described in our idea. We will create them
in the same sequence as in the list above.
Step 1: The Class Car
We start solving the problem by defining the class Car. In the definition we
have three fields, which keep the manufacturer, the model and the year of
manufacturing of the car and the standard method ToString(), which returns
a human-readable string holding the information about the car. We define the
class Car in the following way:
public class Car
private string brand;
private string model;
private int productionYear;

public Car(string brand, string model, int productionYear)
this.brand = brand;
this.model = model;
this.productionYear = productionYear;

public override string ToString()
return "<" + this.brand + "," + this.model + ","
+ this.productionYear + ">";
Note that the class Car is designed to be immutable. This means that once
created, the cars properties cannot be later modified. This design is not
always the best choice. Sometimes we want the class properties to be freely
modifiable; sometimes. For our case the immutable design will work well.
Testing the Class Car
Once we have the class Car, we could test it by the following code:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1033
Car bmw316i = new Car("BMW", "316i", 1994);
The result is as expected:
We are convinced the class Car is correct so far and we can continue with the
other classes.
Step 2: The Class Manufacturer
We have to implement the definition of the class Manufacturer, which
describes the manufacturer for given part. It will have five fields name,
country, address, phone number and fax. The class will be immutable,
because we will not need to change its members after creation. We also
define the standard method ToString() for representing the object as
human-readable string.
public class Manufacturer
private string name;
private string country;
private string address;
private string phoneNumber;
private string fax;

public Manufacturer(string name, string country,
string address, string phoneNumber, string fax)
this.name = name;
this.country = country;
this.address = address;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.fax = fax;

public override string ToString()
return this.name + " <" + this.country + "," + this.address
+ "," + this.phoneNumber + "," + this.fax + ">";
1034 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Testing the Class Manufacturer
We test the class Manufacturer just like we tested the class Car. It works.
Step 3: The Part Category Enumeration
Part categories are fixes set of values and do not have additional details
(like name, code and description). This makes them perfect to be modeled as
public enum PartCategory
Step 4: The Class Part
Now we have to define the class Part. Its definition will include the
following fields: name, code, category, list with cars, where we can use the
given part, starting and closing price and manufacturer. Here we will use the
data structure HashSet<Car> to hold all compatible cars.
The field that keeps the manufacturer of the part will be of Manufacturer
class, because the task requires us to keep additional information about the
manufacturer. If it was required to keep only the name of the manufacturer
(as in the case with class Car) this class should not be necessary. We would
have a field of string type.
We need a method for adding a car (object of type Car) to the list of cars (in
HashSet<Car>). It will be named AddSupportedCar(Car car).
Below is the code of the class Part which is also designed as set of
immutable fields (except that it accepts adding cars):
public class Part
private string name;
private string code;
private PartCategory category;
private HashSet<Car> supportedCars;
private decimal buyPrice;
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1035
private decimal sellPrice;
private Manufacturer manufacturer;

public Part(string name, decimal buyPrice, decimal sellPrice,
Manufacturer manufacturer, string code,
PartCategory category)
this.name = name;
this.buyPrice = buyPrice;
this.sellPrice = sellPrice;
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
this.code = code;
this.category = category;
this.supportedCars = new HashSet<Car>();

public void AddSupportedCar(Car car)

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.Append("Part: " + this.name + "\n");
result.Append("-code: " + this.code + "\n");
result.Append("-category: " + this.category + "\n");
result.Append("-buyPrice: " + this.buyPrice + "\n");
result.Append("-sellPrice: " + this.sellPrice + "\n");
result.Append("-manufacturer: " + this.manufacturer +"\n");
result.Append("---Supported cars---" + "\n");
foreach (Car car in this.supportedCars)
return result.ToString();
In the class Part we use HashSet<Car> so it is necessary to redefine the
methods Equals() and GetHashCode() for the class Car:
1036 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
// The Equals() and GetHashCode() methods for the class Car

public override bool Equals(object obj)
Car otherCar = obj as Car;
if (otherCar == null)
return false;
bool equals =
object.Equals(this.brand, otherCar.brand) &&
object.Equals(this.model, otherCar.model) &&
return equals;

public override int GetHashCode()
const int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((this.brand == null) ? 0 :
result = prime * result + ((this.model == null) ? 0 :
result = prime * result + this.productionYear;
return result;
Testing the Class Part
We test the class Part. It is a bit more complicated than when testing the
classes Car and Manufacturer, because Part it is more complex class. We
can create a part, assign all its properties and print it:
Manufacturer bmw = new Manufacturer("BWM",
"Germany", "Bavaria", "665544", "876666");
Part partEngineOil = new Part("BMW Engine Oil",
633.17m, 670.0m, bmw, "Oil431", PartCategory.Engine);
Car bmw316i = new Car("BMW", "316i", 1994);
Car mazdaMX5 = new Car("Mazda", "MX5", 1999);
Seems like the result is correct:
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1037
Part: BMW Engine Oil
-code: Oil431
-category: Engine
-buyPrice: 633.17
-sellPrice: 670.0
-manufacturer: BWM <Germany,Bavaria,665544,876666>
---Supported cars---
Before we can continue with the next class, we could test for duplicated
cars in the set of supported cars for certain part. Duplicates are not allowed
by design and we should check whether this is enforced:
Manufacturer bmw = new Manufacturer("BWM",
"Germany", "Bavaria", "665544", "876666");
Part partEngineOil = new Part("BMW Engine Oil",
633.17m, 670.0m, bmw, "Oil431", PartCategory.Engine);
partEngineOil.AddSupportedCar(new Car("BMW", "316i", 1994));
partEngineOil.AddSupportedCar(new Car("BMW", "X5", 2006));
partEngineOil.AddSupportedCar(new Car("BMW", "X5", 2007));
partEngineOil.AddSupportedCar(new Car("BMW", "X5", 2006));
partEngineOil.AddSupportedCar(new Car("BMW", "316i", 1994));
The result is correct. The duplicated cars are taken into account only once:
Part: BMW Engine Oil
-code: Oil431
-category: Engine
-buyPrice: 633.17
-sellPrice: 670.0
-manufacturer: BWM <Germany,Bavaria,665544,876666>
---Supported cars---
Step 5: The Class Shop
We already have all needed classes for creating the class Shop. It will have
two fields: name and list of parts, which are for sale. The list will be
List<Part>. We will add the method AddPart(Part part), with which we
1038 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
will add new parts. With a redefined ToString() we will print the name of the
shop and the parts in it.
Here is an example of implementation of our class Shop holding the catalog of
auto parts (its name is immutable but it can add parts):
public class Shop
private string name;
private List<Part> parts;

public Shop(string name)
this.name = name;
this.parts = new List<Part>();

public void AddPart(Part part)

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.Append("Shop: " + this.name + "\n\n");
foreach (Part part in this.parts)
return result.ToString();
It might be a subject of discussion whether we should use List<Part>
or Set<Part> for the parts in the car shop. The set data structure has an
advantage that it avoids any duplicates. Thus if we have for example few
tires of certain model, they will be found only once in the set. To use set we
need to be sure the parts are uniquely identified by their code or by some
other unique identifier. In our case we assume we could have parts with
exactly the same code, name, etc. which come at different buy and sell prices
(e.g. if the prices change over the time). So we need to allow duplicated parts
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1039
and thus using a set will not be appropriate. Parts in the shop will be kept
in List<Part>.
We will test the class Shop though the especially written class TestShop.
Step 6: The Class TestShop
We created all classes we need. We have to create one more, with which we
will have to demonstrate the usage of the rest of the classes. It will be
named TestShop. In the Main() method we will create two manufacturers
and a few cars. We will add them to two parts. We will add the parts to the
Shop. At the end we will print everything on the console.
public class TestShop
static void Main()
Manufacturer bmw = new Manufacturer("BWM",
"Germany", "Bavaria", "665544", "876666");
Manufacturer lada = new Manufacturer("Lada",
"Russia", "Moscow", "653443", "893321");

Car bmw316i = new Car("BMW", "316i", 1994);
Car ladaSamara = new Car("Lada", "Samara", 1987);
Car mazdaMX5 = new Car("Mazda", "MX5", 1999);
Car mercedesC500 = new Car("Mercedes", "C500", 2008);
Car trabant = new Car("Trabant", "super", 1966);
Car opelAstra = new Car("Opel", "Astra", 1997);

Part cheapPart = new Part("Tires 165/50/R13", 302.36m,
345.58m, lada, "T332", PartCategory.Tires);

Part expensivePart = new Part("Universal Car Engine",
6733.17m, 6800.0m, bmw, "EU33", PartCategory.Engine);

Shop newShop = new Shop("Tuning Pro Shop");
1040 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

This is the result of the execution of the above code:
Shop: Tuning Pro Shop

Part: Tires 165/50/R13
-code: T332
-category: Tires
-buyPrice: 302.36
-sellPrice: 345.58
-manufacturer: Lada <Russia,Moscow,653443,893321>
---Supported cars---

Part: Universal Car Engine
-code: EU33
-category: Engine
-buyPrice: 6733.17
-sellPrice: 6800.0
-manufacturer: BWM <Germany,Bavaria,665544,876666>
---Supported cars---
Testing the Solution
At the end we need to test our code. In fact we have done this in the class
TestShop. This doesnt mean that we have tested entirely our problem. We
have to check the border cases, for example when some of the lists are
empty. Lets make a little change of the code in Main() method, to start the
program with an empty list:
static void Main()
Shop emptyShop = new Shop("Empty Shop");
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1041

Manufacturer lada = new Manufacturer("Lada",
"Russia", "Moscow", "653443", "893321");
Part tires = new Part("Tires 165/50/R13", 302.36m,
345.58m, lada, "T332", PartCategory.Tires);

Manufacturer bmw = new Manufacturer("BWM",
"Germany", "Bavaria", "665544", "876666");
Part engineOil = new Part("BMW Engine Oil",
633.17m, 670.0m, bmw, "Oil431", PartCategory.Engine);
engineOil.AddSupportedCar(new Car("BMW", "316i", 1994));

Shop ultraTuningShop = new Shop("Ultra Tuning Shop");

The result of this test is:
Shop: Empty Shop

Shop: Ultra Tuning Shop

Part: Tires 165/50/R13
-code: T332
-category: Tires
-buyPrice: 302.36
-sellPrice: 345.58
-manufacturer: Lada <Russia,Moscow,653443,893321>
---Supported cars---

Part: BMW Engine Oil
-code: Oil431
-category: Engine
-buyPrice: 633.17
-sellPrice: 670.0
-manufacturer: BWM <Germany,Bavaria,665544,876666>
---Supported cars---
1042 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
From the result it seems the first shop is empty and in the second shop the
list of cars for the first part is empty. This is the correct output. Therefore
our program works correctly with the border case of empty lists.
We can continue testing with other border cases (e.g. missing part name,
missing price, missing manufacturer, etc.), as well as with some kind of
performance test (e.g. shop with 300,000 parts for 5,000 cars and 200
manufacturers). We will leave this for the readers.
1. You are given an input file mails.txt, which contains names of users
and their email addresses. Each line of the file looks like this:
<first name> <last name> <username>@<host>.<domain>
There is a requirement for email addresses <username> can be a
sequence of Latin letters (a-z, A-Z) and underscore (_), <host> is a
sequence of lower Latin letters (a-z), and <domain> has a limit of 2 to 4
lower Latin letters (a-z). Following the guidelines for problem solving
write a program, which finds the valid email addresses and writes
them together with the names of the users (in the same format as in the
input) to an output file valid-mails.txt.
Sample input file (mails.txt):
Steve Smith steven_smith@yahoo.com
Peter Miller pm<5.gmail.com
Svetlana Green svetlana_green@hotmail.com
Mike Johnson mike*j@888.com
Larry Cutts larry.cutts@gmail.com
Angela Hurd angel&7@freemail.hut.fi
Output file (valid-mails.txt):
Steve Smith steven_smith@yahoo.com
Svetlana Green svetlana_green@hotmail.com
Larry Cutts larry.cutts@gmail.com
2. You are given a labyrinth, which consists of N x N squares, and each of
them can be passable (0) or not (x).
In one of the squares our hero Jack (*) is positioned. Two squares are
neighbors, if they have a common wall. At one step Jack can pass from
one passable square to its neighboring passable square. Write a program,
which prints the number of possible exits from given labyrinth. At the
figure below we have 7 possible exits, reachable from the start position.
Chapter 24. Sample Programming Exam Topic #1 1043
x x x 0 x x
0 x 0 0 0
0 * 0 x 0 0
x x x x 0 x
0 0 0 0 0 x
0 x 0 x x 0
The input data is read from a text file named Labyrinth.in. At the first
line in the file is the number N (2 < N < 1000). At the next N lines there
are N characters, each either "0" or "x" or "*". The output is a single
number and should be printed in the file Labyrinth.out.
3. You are given a labyrinth, which consists of N x N squares, each of it
can be passable or not. Passable cells consist of lower Latin letter
between "a" and "z", and the non-passable '#'. In one of the squares is
Jack. It is marked with "*".
Two squares are neighbors, if they have common wall. At one step Jack
can pass from one passable square to its neighboring passable square.
When Jack passes through passable squares, he writes down the letters
from each square. At each exit he gets a word. Write a program, which
from a given labyrinth prints the words, which Jack gets from all the
possible exits. At the example below Jack can get 10 different words
corresponding to its 10 possible paths he could find to some of the exits:
a, az, aza, madk, madkm, madam, madamk, dir, did, difid.
a # # k m #
z # a d a #
a * m # # #
# d # # # #
r i f i d #
# d # d # t
The input data is read from a text file named Labyrinth.in. At the first
line in the file there is the number N (2 < N < 10). At each of the next N
lines there are N characters, each of them is either Latin letter between
"a" and "z" or "#" (impassable wall) or "*" (Jack). The output must be
printed in the file Labyrinth.out.
4. A company plans to create a system for managing of a sound
recording company. The sound recording company has a name,
address, owner and performers. Each performer has name, nickname
and created albums. Albums are described with name, genre, year of
creation, number of sold copies and list of songs. The songs are
described with name and duration. Design a set of classes with
1044 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
relationships between each other, which models the data of the record
company. Implement a test class, which demonstrates the work of rest of
the classes.
5. A company plans on creating of a system for managing a company
for real estates. The company has name, owner, tax ID, employees and
has a list of estates for sale. Employees are described with name, work
position and experience. The company sells several types of estates:
apartments, houses, undeveloped areas and shops. All of them are
characterized with area, price of square meters and location. For some of
them there is additional information. For the apartments there is data
about the number of the floor, whether there is an elevator in the block,
and if it is furnished. For the houses the data is square meters for the
undeveloped area and for the developed (yard), how many floors it has
and whether it is furnished. Design a set of classes with relationships
between them, which model the data for the company. Implement a
test class, which demonstrates the work of the rest of the classes.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. The problem is similar to the first problem from our sample exam. Again
we can read line by line the input file and with appropriate regular
expression to check the email addresses. Test the solution carefully
before you go to the next problem.
2. Possible exits from the labyrinth are all the cells, which are positioned
at the border of the labyrinth and are reachable from the initial cell. The
problem could be solved using BFS with just little modification of the
solution of the Escape from Labyrinth. Test your solution carefully!
3. The problem is similar to the previous one, but all possible paths to the
exit are required. You can do recursive search with backtracking (DFS)
and keep in a StringBuilder the letters to the exit, to create the words,
which you have to print. With bigger labyrinths the problem has no
optimal solution (there is no way to print all the paths, without generating
all of them, but they grow exponentially to the labyrinth size). Test
carefully your solution and think of special cases that need special care.
4. You must write the required classes: MusicCompany, Artist, Album,
Song. Think of the links between classes and what data structures to use
for them. For the printing redefine the method ToString() from
System.Object. Test all methods and the border cases.
5. The classes you must write are EstateCompany, Employee, Apartment,
House, Shop and UndevelopedArea. Export all shared characteristics in
separate abstract base class Estate. Encapsulate all fields with
properties. Override the method ToString(), which to collect the data of
the corresponding class and print it to the console. Test all methods and
special border cases (like missing property values).
Chapter 25. Sample
Programming Exam
Topic #2
In This Chapter
In this chapter, we will take a look at the specifications of a few practical
algorithmic problems from a sample programming exam, and we will offer
solutions. While solving the problems, we will follow the guidelines from the
chapter Problem Solving Methodology, and we are going to illustrate their
Problem 1: Counting the Uppercase / Lowercase
Words in a Text
Write a program that counts the words in a text entered from the console.
The program must output the total number of words, the number of words
written in uppercase and the number of words written in lowercase. If a
word appears more than once in the text, each repetition counts as a new
occurrence. Every character that is not a letter counts as a word separator.
Sample input:
Welcome to your first programming exam! Can you think of a
solution to this problem and write it down? GOOD LUCK!
Sample output:
Word count: 21
Upper case words: 2
Lower case words: 17
Coming Up with an Appropriate Idea for a Solution
Intuitively, it comes to mind, that the problem may be solved by splitting
the text up into separate words and counting those that meet the
specified conditions.
Obviously, this approach is correct, but far too general, and it doesnt lead to
a particular method for solving the problem. Lets try to be more specific,
and see if by doing so, we could implement an algorithm that will lead to a
1046 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
solution. It might turn out that the implementation is difficult, or that the
complexity of the solution is too great for the program to complete its
execution even with todays powerful computers. If that is the case, we would
have to find another solution to the problem.
Breaking Down the Problem into Subproblems
A useful approach for solving algorithmic problems is to try breaking them
down into smaller problems that are easier and quicker to solve. Lets try
defining the necessary steps for solving this problem.
First of all, we have to split the text up into separate words. This, in and
of itself, is not a simple task, but it is the first step towards breaking down the
problem into smaller, although still complicated, subproblems.
Then we need to count the words that concern us. This is the second major
problem we have to solve. Lets take a look at both problems separately and
try breaking them down even further.
How Do We Split the Text Up into Separate Words?
In order to split the text up into separate words, we need to find a way to
identify them first. According to the problem specifications every non-letter
character functions as a word separator. Therefore, we must first identify
these separators and use them to split the text in tokens.
So far, we have formulated two subproblems finding the separators and
partitioning (splitting) the text in accordance with the characters found.
We can implement their solutions right away. This was in fact our goal from
the start breaking down complicated problems into smaller and easier
In order to find the separators, all we need to do is iterate through all
characters and extract those that arent letters.
Once we have identified the separators, we can implement the text
partitioning by invoking the Split() method of the String class.
How Do We Count the Words?
Lets assume we already have a list of all words from the text. We want to
find the total word count, the number of words in uppercase and the
number of words in lowercase.
To do this, we can go through each and every word from the list and check if
it meets either of the necessary conditions. At each step we increment the
total word count. We check if the current word is in uppercase and, if so, we
increment the number of words in uppercase. Likewise, we check if the
word consists only of lowercase letters and increment the lowercase word
Thus, we have defined another two subproblems recognizing uppercase
and lowercase words. These appear to be very easy. It might even turn out
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1047
that the string class provides such functionality. After we check, it turns out
this is not the case. Yet we notice that there are methods that allow us to
convert a string to an uppercase or a lowercase string. This might be of use.
To check if a word consists only of uppercase letters, all we have to do is
compare it to the string resulting after converting the word to uppercase. If
the two are equal, then the comparison returns true. Performing the check for
lowercase words is done likewise.
Verifying the Idea
It seems our idea is a good one. Weve broken down the problem into
subproblems and we know how to solve each of them. Should we continue
towards the implementation? Havent we overlooked something?
Shouldnt we have verified the idea by writing down a few examples on
paper? Perhaps we would come across something we have missed. We could
start with the example given in the problem statement:
The separators would be: spaces, ? and !. The words that have come up
are the following: Welcome, to, your, first, programming, exam, Can,
you, think, of, a, solution, to, this, problem, and, write, it, down,
Counting the words we acquire the correct result. It seems the idea is
adequate, and it works. Now we can proceed towards implementing it. We
will do this step by step and at each step we will implement one subproblem.
Lets Consider the Data Structures
The problem is simple and doesnt need complex data structures.
We can use the char data type for storing each separator. During the process
of finding the separator characters we add each of them to a list. We can use
either char[] or List<char>. In this case, we will choose the latter.
As for the words in the text, we can use an array of strings string[] or
Lets Consider the Efficiency
Are there any performance requirements? How long can the text be?
Since the text will be entered from the console, its unlikely to be very long.
No one is going to type 1MB of text into the console. We can assume that the
solutions performance is not critical.
Welcome to your first programming exam! Can you think of a
solution to this problem and write it down? GOOD LUCK!
1048 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets Write Down the Solution
Its very good practice to write the solution down on a piece of paper
before typing it on the computer. This helps uncover drawbacks in our idea or
implementation beforehand. In addition, implementing the solution will be
considerably quicker, because of the outlines we can provide and because we
would then have a better grasp of both the problem and the solution.
Step 1: Finding the Separators in the Text
We will define a method that extracts all non-letter characters from the
text and return them as an array of characters. Then we will use that array
for splitting the text up into separate words. We will use List<char> to keep
the separators we find when passing through the text:
private static char[] ExtractSeparators(string text)
List<char> separators = new List<char>();
foreach (char character in text)
// If the character is not a letter,
// then by definition it is a separator
if (!char.IsLetter(character))
return separators.ToArray();
We use a loop to iterate through all of the characters in the text. We check if
the current character is a letter by invoking the IsLetter() method of the
primitive data type char. If its not, we add the character to the separators.
Finally, our method returns an array containing the separators.
Testing the ExtractSeparators() Method
Before we go any further, its advisable to test if extracting the separators
is working correctly. For this purpose, we will write two additional methods.
The first of these is TestExtractSeparators() which will test the execution
of ExtractSeparators() and the second GetTestData() will return
different texts, which will allow us to test our solution:
private static void TestExtractSeparators()
List<string> testData = GetTestData();
foreach (string testCase in testData)
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1049
"Test Case:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, testCase);
foreach (char separator in ExtractSeparators(testCase))
Console.Write("{0} ", separator);

private static List<string> GetTestData()
List<string> testData = new List<string>();
testData.Add("This is wonderful!!! All separators like " +
"these ,.(? and these /* are recognized. It works.");
return testData;

static void Main()
We start the program and check if the separators have been correctly
identified. The first tests result is as follows:
Test Case:
This is wonderful!!! All separators like these ,.(? and these /*
are recognized.
It works.
! ! ! , . ( ? / * . .
Test Case:

Test Case:

1050 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Test Case:
> ? ! > ? # @ ?
We might think of the above output as partially correct. In fact it does
extract correctly the separators between the words but most of them are
duplicated several times. We need all the separators without duplications,
Correcting the ExtractSeparators() Method
To correct the method for extracting the separators between the words in the
text, we can use a different data structure to keep them. We know that sets
keep elements without duplications. So we could use HashSet<char> instead
of List<char> to hold the separator characters we find in the text:
private static char[] ExtractSeparators(string text)
HashSet<char> separators = new HashSet<char>();
foreach (char character in text)
// If the character is not a letter,
// then by definition it is a separator
if (!char.IsLetter(character))
return separators.ToArray();
The code is almost the same, but we use a set instead of list to avoid
duplicated separators. We might need to include the System.Linq namespace
in the start of the program to use the ToArray() extension method for
converting a hash set to an array.
Testing Again after the Fix
We test the above method with the same testing code and we find it now
works correctly. The separators are extracted correctly with no duplicates:
Test Case:
This is wonderful!!! All separators like these ,.(? and these
/* are recognized.
It works.
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1051
! , . ( ? / *
Test Case:

Test Case:


Test Case:
> ? ! # @
We test also with some borderline cases text consisting of a single word
without separators; text consisting of separators only; an empty string. Weve
already included such tests in our GetTestData() method. It seems that the
method works fine and we can proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Splitting Up the Text in Separate Words
We will use strings Split() method with the specified separators for
splitting up the text by the separators and extracting the words from it. This
is how our method looks like:
private static string[] ExtractWords(string text)
char[] separators = ExtractSeparators(text);
string[] words = text.Split(separators,
return words;
Testing the Word Extracting Method
Before we carry on to the next step, we have to see if the method works
correctly. To do this, we will reuse the GetTestData() for the input test data
and we will test the new ExtractWords() method:
private static void TestExtractWords()
List<string> testData = GetTestData();
foreach (string testCase in testData)
1052 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Console.WriteLine("\nTest Case: {0}", testCase);
string[] words = ExtractWords(testCase);
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", string.Join(" ", words));

static void Main()
The result from the above test looks correct:
Test Case: This is wonderful!!! All separators like these ,.(?
and these /* are
recognized. It works.
Result: This is wonderful All separators like these and these
are recognized It

Test Case: SingleWord
Result: SingleWord

Test Case:

Test Case: >?!>?#@?
We check the results from the other test cases. We verify that they are
correct and that our algorithm is accurate (till this stop).
Step 3: Determining Whether a Word Is in Uppercase
or Lowercase
We already have an idea how to implement the uppercase / lowercase
checks, and we can write the corresponding methods directly:
private static bool IsUpperCase(string word)
bool result = word.Equals(word.ToUpper());
return result;

private static bool IsLowerCase(string word)
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1053
bool result = word.Equals(word.ToLower());
return result;
We test the above methods by passing words in uppercase, lowercase and
mixed case. The results are correct.
Step 4: Counting the Words
Now we can proceed to solving the problem itself counting the words. All
we have to do is iterate through the list of words and depending on the words
type to increment the corresponding counters. Then we print the result:
private static void CountWords(string[] words)
int allUpperCaseWordsCount = 0;
int allLowerCaseWordsCount = 0;
foreach (string word in words)
if (IsUpperCase(word))
else if (IsLowerCase(word))

Console.WriteLine("Total words count: {0}", words.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Upper case words count: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Lower case words count: {0}",
Testing the Word Counting Method
Lets check if we count the words correctly. We will write another test
method using the data from the GetTestData() method and the previously
written and tested ExtractWords() method:
private static void TestCountWords()
1054 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
List<string> testData = GetTestData();
foreach (string testCase in testData)
Console.WriteLine("Test Case: {0}", testCase);
Console.WriteLine("Result: ");

static void Main()
Executing the application, we obtain the correct result:
Test Case: This is wonderful!!! All separators like these ,.(? and these /* are
recognized. It works.
Total words count: 13
Upper case words count: 0
Lower case words count: 10

Test Case: SingleWord
Total words count: 1
Upper case words count: 0
Lower case words count: 0

Test Case:
Total words count: 0
Upper case words count: 0
Lower case words count: 0

Test Case: >?!>?#@?
Total words count: 0
Upper case words count: 0
Lower case words count: 0
The above results are correct (the typical case and a few borderline
cases). We perform few other borderline tests, e.g. when the list contains
words in uppercase or lowercase only, or when the list is empty. All of them
work correctly.
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1055
Note that it is a good idea to use unit testing instead of these semi-
automated tests. Recall how we write unit tests in Visual Studio (in the
chapter High-Quality Code) and try to convert our test methods to unit tests
for the Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT) framework.
Step 5: Console Input
All thats left to implement is the final step allowing the user to input text:
private static string ReadText()
Console.WriteLine("Enter text:");
return Console.ReadLine();
Note that as a rule unless the input comes from a text file or is very short
(e.g. just one number or few characters) it should be read as a final step.
Otherwise we will need to enter the input data each time when we start the
program and this will waste a lot of time and can lead to errors.
Step 6: Putting All Together
Now after all subproblems have been solved, we can proceed to the
complete solution to the problem. We need to add a Main() method, which
will combine together the different parts of the solution:
static void Main()
string text = ReadText();
string[] words = ExtractWords(text);
Testing the Solution
While implementing the solution, we wrote test methods for every
method, integrating them with each other gradually. For the moment, we are
certain they interact correctly; theres nothing we have overlooked and there
is no method that does unnecessary work or that returns incorrect results.
If we would like to test the solution with more data, we would only need
to add it to the GetTestData() method. If we want, we may even rewrite
the GetTestData() method so that it reads the test data from an external
source, e.g. from a text file.
Heres how the final solution looks like at the end:
1056 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class WordsCounter
static void Main()
string text = ReadText();
string[] words = ExtractWords(text);

private static string ReadText()
Console.WriteLine("Enter text:");
return Console.ReadLine();

private static char[] ExtractSeparators(string text)
HashSet<char> separators = new HashSet<char>();
foreach (char character in text)
// If the character is not a letter,
// then by definition it is a separator
if (!char.IsLetter(character))
return separators.ToArray();

private static string[] ExtractWords(string text)
char[] separators = ExtractSeparators(text);
string[] words = text.Split(separators,
return words;

private static bool IsUpperCase(string word)
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1057
bool result = word.Equals(word.ToUpper());
return result;

private static bool IsLowerCase(string word)
bool result = word.Equals(word.ToLower());
return result;

private static void CountWords(string[] words)
int allUpperCaseWordsCount = 0;
int allLowerCaseWordsCount = 0;

foreach (string word in words)
if (IsUpperCase(word))
else if (IsLowerCase(word))

Console.WriteLine("Total words count: {0}", words.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Upper case words count: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Lower case words count: {0}",
We removed the testing methods from our code to simplify it. The best
practice is instead of removing the tests to create a separate testing
project and put all the tests in a testing class. This is best achieved though
the Visual Studios unit testing framework, as it was shown in the chapter
High-Quality Code.
A Word on Performance
Since there are no explicit performance requirements, we will only make
a suggestion for dealing with the situation when the algorithm turns out to be
slow. Splitting the text with separators assumes that the entire text will be
1058 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
loaded into memory. The list of words, after partitioning the text, will also
be written to memory. Therefore, if the input text is large, the program will
also consume a large amount of memory. For example, if the input text is
200MB long, then the program will consume at least 800MB of memory,
because each word is stored as 2 bytes for every character (.NET uses UTF-16
character encoding for the strings in memory).
If we want to avoid high memory consumption then the words must not
be stored in memory all at once. We can come up with another algorithm:
scanning the text char by char and storing the letters into a buffer (such
as StringBuilder). If at a certain moment a separator is encountered, then
the buffer contains the most recent word. We can analyze its casing and then
empty the buffer. We can repeat this until the end of the file is reached. This
appears to be more efficient, doesnt it?
A more efficient lower / upper case checker would be to iterate through
all letters using a loop and to examine them char by char. That way we can
skip a lower / upper case conversion, which allocates extra memory for every
word. After the word has been processed, the memory will be freed, which
would eventually lead to extra CPU utilization (for the .NET garbage collector).
Obviously, the latter solution is more efficient. The question is if we should
scrap the original solution and write a completely different one. It all
depends on the performance requirements. The problem description
doesnt hint at an input text measuring in the hundreds of megabytes.
Therefore the current solution, although not optimal, is still correct and will
suffice. We suggest the reader to implement the proposed fast solution
and to compare how faster it is, e.g. by processing an input of 100 MB.
Problem 2: A Matrix of Prime Numbers
Write a program that reads a positive integer N from the standard input and
prints the first N
prime numbers as a square matrix of size N x N. The
matrix must be filled with numbers starting from the first row and ending at
the last one. Each row must be filled with prime numbers from left to right.
Note: A prime number is a number that has no divisors other than 1 and
itself. The number 1 is not a prime number.
Sample input:
2 3 4
Sample output:
2 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 7
5 7 7 11 13 11 13 17 19
17 19 23 23 29 31 37
41 43 47 53
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1059
Coming Up with an Appropriate Idea for a Solution
We can solve the problem by printing the rows and columns of the resulting
matrix using two nested loops. For each of its elements we will extract and
print the corresponding prime number.
Breaking Down the Problem into Subproblems
We must solve at least two subproblems finding each successive
prime number and printing the prime numbers into a matrix. We can
print the matrix right away, but the process of finding each successive prime
number will require additional thinking. Perhaps the most intuitive way to
accomplish this is to start testing the primality of each number starting from
the last prime number that we found. When a new prime is encountered, it is
returned as a result. Thus, a new subproblem has come up checking
whether or not a number is a prime.
Verifying the Idea
Our idea for a solution leads directly to the required result. We write down a
couple of examples on a piece of paper and make sure that it works.
Consider the Data Structures
The problem makes use of one data structure only a matrix. Its only
natural to use a two-dimensional array (matrix).
Consider the Efficiency
Displaying at the console large matrices (for example of size 1000 x 1000)
cannot be properly handled. This means our solution should work for
reasonably large matrices, e.g. on the order of N 200. We dont need to
consider cases where the matrix is too large. When N = 200, our algorithm
will find the first 40,000 prime numbers and should not run slowly.
Now we are ready for the implementation of the algorithm we invented.
Step 1: Check to Find If a Number Is a Prime
To test a number for primality, we can define a method called IsPrime().
The test will verify that dividing the number by any of its predecessors always
yields a division remainder. To be more precise, it is sufficient to check the
integers between 2 and the square root of the number. This holds true,
because if the number p has a divisor x, then p = x.y, and at least one or
both of the numbers x and y will be less than or equal to the square root of p.
What follows is an implementation of the method:
private static bool IsPrime(int number)
1060 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int maxDivider = (int)Math.Sqrt(number);
for (int divider = 2; divider <= maxDivider; divider++)
if (number % divider == 0)
return false;
return true;
The algorithm complexity of the above example is O(sqrt(number)),
because the amount of checks that will be made is not greater than the
square root of the number. This complexity will suffice for the problem at
hand, but is it possible to optimize this method even further?
Come to think about it, every second number is even and all even numbers
are divisible by 2. In that case, if the number we are testing is odd, the above
method will needlessly check all odd numbers from 2 to the square root of the
number. How can we omit these unnecessary checks? We could find out if the
number is even at the very beginning of the method. If its not, it will be
processed in a modified version of the main loop that skips even numbers.
Using this new approach, we have achieved the same computational
complexity of O(sqrt(number)), but with a better constant 1/2.
This example illustrates how to optimize a bit the existing method:
private static bool IsPrime(int number)
if (number == 2)
return true;
if (number % 2 == 0)
return false;

int maxDivider = (int)Math.Sqrt(number);
for (int divider = 3; divider <= maxDivider; divider += 2)
if (number % divider == 0)
return false;
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1061
return true;
As we can see, there was a minimal amount of changes compared to the non-
optimized version.
Testing the Prime Checking Method
We can make sure both methods work correctly by consecutively passing to
them different numbers, some of which will be primes, and verifying the

Always test a method to make sure it works before
optimizing it.
The reason to test your methods is that after optimization, the code usually
gets longer, more difficult to read and therefore more difficult to debug, if it is

Be careful when optimizing a piece of code. Do not go to
extremes by making unnecessary optimizations that will
make your program marginally faster at the expense of
readability and maintenance.
To check the prime checking method we could write a piece of code like this:
static void Main()
It runs as expected and the produced results are correct:
Step 2: Finding the Next Prime Number
In order to find the next prime number, we can define a method that takes
an integer as a parameter and returns the first prime number equal or larger
1062 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
than it. To check if the number is prime, we will use the method from the
previous step. Below is an implementation of the method:
private static int FindNextPrime(int startNumber)
int number = startNumber;
while (!IsPrime(number))
return number;
Testing the Next Prime Number Finder
Once again we have to test the method by passing a few numbers and
verifying that the result is correct:
static void Main()
The result is correct, as expected:
Step 3: Printing the Matrix
Now that we have defined the previous methods, we are all set to print the
entire matrix of prime numbers:
private static void PrintMatrixOfPrimes(int dimension)
int lastPrime = 1;
for (int row = 0; row < dimension; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < dimension; col++)
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1063
int nextPrime = FindNextPrime(lastPrime + 1);
Console.Write("{0,4}", nextPrime);
lastPrime = nextPrime;
We will test this method as part of testing the entire program.
Step 4: Console Input
All thats left is to add functionality allowing us to read N from the console.
static void Main()
int n = ReadInput();

private static int ReadInput()
Console.Write("N = ");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
int n = int.Parse(input);
return n;
Testing the Entire Solution
After we have completed all other steps, we can proceed with testing the
entire solution. To do this, we could look up the first 25 prime numbers (at
a sheet of paper) and test the programs output for values of N between 1 and
5. We should include special border cases like N=0 and N=1. We know that
at border cases the likelihood of making a mistake is significantly higher.
In our case, we can confine ourselves with the examples from the problem
description, provided that the methods have been thoroughly tested at each
step. This is the output of the program for N = 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively:
2 2 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 7
5 7 7 11 13 11 13 17 19
17 19 23 23 29 31 37
41 43 47 53
1064 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
The result is correct and after few more tests we get convinced that we have
solved correctly the problem Matrix of Prime Numbers.
We can make sure the solution works relatively fast even for larger values of
N. For example, there is no perceived lag for N = 200.
A Word on Performance
We should point out, that our solution does not find prime numbers in the
most efficient way. Despite of this drawback, due to the solutions clarity
and the reasonably small size of the matrix, we can utilize this algorithm
without performance issues.
Improved Performance: Sieve of Eratosthenes
If we have to improve the performance, we can find the first N
numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes. That way we will not need to check
if every number is prime until we find N
prime numbers. You might ask
yourself how large Eratostheness Sieve will be needed if we want to find
the first N
prime numbers. You might use the following approximation
(without any mathematical proof):
long sieveSize =
(long)Math.Truncate(2.4 * n * n * Math.Log(n, Math.E)) + 2;
If the Eratostheness Sieve is at least sieveSize elements large, it will be
enough to produce the first N
prime numbers and not too much above them.
You could check this manually or you might invite a better formula using
complex mathematical calculations (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime-
counting_function). For example if N=10, the estimated sieveSize will be
554 and it will find the first 101 prime numbers (we need 10
= 100 prime
numbers to fill the matrix, so these 101 prime numbers are enough). If
N=1,000, the sieveSize will be 16,578,614 and it will find the first 1,065,855
prime numbers. For N=5,000 the sieveSize will be 511,031,593 and it will
find the first 26,905,486 prime numbers. For significantly bigger sizes
Eratostheness Sieve will not fit in the memory. You might try to implement
this algorithm and check how faster it is. When comparing the speed, you
may redirect the output to a file to save some time which is spent in printing
the matrix.
Problem 3: Evaluate an Arithmetic Expression
Write a program that evaluates a simple arithmetic expression consisting
of unsigned integers and the arithmetic operations "+" and "-". There will be
no blank spaces between the integers.
The expression will have the following format:
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1065
Sample input:
Sample output:
Coming Up with an Appropriate Idea for a Solution
To solve this problem, we can take advantage of the strict expression format,
which guarantees we have a sequence of a number, operation, another
number and so on.
That way, we can first extract all numbers from the expression, and then
we can extract all operators and finally evaluate the result by combining
the numbers with the operators.
Verifying the Idea
Sure enough, if we test this approach with a few expressions using pen and
paper, we acquire a correct result. Initially, the result is equal to the first
number and at each step we either add or subtract the next number
depending on the current operator.
Data Structures and Efficiency
The problem is too simple for us to use complex data structures. The
numbers and characters can be stored in arrays. Performance issues are out
of the question, because the characters and numbers are processed exactly
once, i.e. the complexity of the algorithm is linear. Even with millions of
integers and operators, the algorithm is expected to work fast.
Breaking Down the Problem into Subproblems
Now that we have made sure the idea works, we can move on to breaking
down the problem into subproblems. The first subproblem we will have to
solve is extracting the numbers from the expression. The second
extracting the operators. Finally, we will evaluate the entire expression
using the extracted numbers and operators.
Step 1: Extracting the Numbers
In order to extract the numbers, we need to split the expression using the
operators (+ and -) as separators. This is easily done using the Split()
method of the string class. Afterwards, we have to convert the resulting
array of strings to an array of integers:
1066 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
private static int[] ExtractNumbers(string expression)
string[] splitResult = expression.Split('+', '-');
int[] resultNumbers = new int[splitResult.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < splitResult.Length; i++)
resultNumbers[i] = int.Parse(splitResult[i]);
return resultNumbers;
We use the Parse() method of the Int32 class to convert strings to
integers. It takes a string as a parameter and returns the integer value that
the string represents.
Why do we use an array to store the numbers? Cant we use a linked list
or a dynamic array? Of course we can, but in our case we only need to store
the integers and iterate through them when evaluating the result. Therefore,
an array is sufficient and is the simplest collection that will work.
Testing the Extraction of Numbers
Before we move on to the next step we should check if the numbers are
extracted correctly. We may use the following example:
static void Main()
int[] numbers = ExtractNumbers("1+2-7+2-1+28");
foreach (int x in numbers)
Console.Write("{0} ", x);
The result is exactly as it should be:
1 2 7 2 1 28
We examine the border case when the expression consists only of one
number and no operators, and we make sure it is handled properly.
Step 2: Extracting the Operators
We can extract the operators by iterating through each consecutive
character from the string and check if it is one of the specified operators:
private static char[] ExtractOperators(string expression)
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1067
string operatorCharacters = "+-";
List<char> operators = new List<char>();
foreach (char c in expression)
return operators.ToArray();
Testing the Extraction of Operators
Heres how we test whether or not the method works correctly:
static void Main()
char[] operators = ExtractOperators("1+2-7+2-1+28+3+1");
foreach (char oper in operators)
Console.Write("{0} ", oper);
The output after the programs execution is correct:
+ - + - + + +
We create a test for the border case when the expression consists of only
one number and no operators. Just as expected, we get an empty array and
the output of the above testing program is and empty string.
Step 3: Evaluating the Expression
When evaluating the expression, we can make use of the fact that the
numbers count is always greater than the operators count by one.
Using a single loop we can evaluate the expression, provided we have the lists
of numbers and operators:
private static int CalculateExpression(int[] numbers,
char[] operators)
int result = numbers[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
1068 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
char operation = operators[i - 1];
int nextNumber = numbers[i];
if (operation == '+')
result += nextNumber;
else if (operation == '-')
result -= nextNumber;
return result;
Test the Evaluation of Expression
We test the methods execution:
static void Main()
// Expression: 1 + 2 - 3 + 4
int[] numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
char[] operators = new char[] { '+', '-', '+' };
int result = CalculateExpression(numbers, operators);
// Expected result is 4
The result seems to be correct:
We perform few other tests (e.g. a 1, 1+2, 1-1) and it still works correctly.
Step 4: Console Input
We have to provide the user with the means to enter an expression:
private static string ReadExpression()
Console.Write("Enter expression: ");
string expression = Console.ReadLine();
return expression;
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1069
This could be left untested, because it is too simple and it will be tested later
when the entire program is finished and gets tested.
Step 5: Putting All Together
All thats left is to integrate all methods so that they can function together.
static void Main()
string expression = ReadExpression();

int[] numbers = ExtractNumbers(expression);
char[] operators = ExtractOperators(expression);

int result = CalculateExpression(numbers, operators);
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", expression, result);
Testing the Solution
We can use the example from the problem description when testing the
solution. We get a correct result:
Enter expression: 1+2-7+2-1+28+2+3-37+22
1+2-7+2-1+28+2+3-37+22 = 15
In order to make sure the solution runs correctly, we must create a few
more tests with different parameters, which will include the case when the
expression consists of one number only.
We can even test with an empty string. Its not clear if such input is valid,
but we can take it into account just to be on the safe side. Its also ambiguous
what would happen, if "2 + 3" (with spaces) is entered, instead of "2+3". Its
a good idea to cope with these situations.
One test case we neglected occurs when a number doesnt fit in an int
variable. What do you think would happen, if the user enters the expression
Small Corrections and Repeated Testing
The program will raise an exception (of type System.FormatException or
System.OverflowException in all likelihood) when the expression is invalid.
Its sufficient to catch the exceptions, and when they are thrown, to report
that an invalid expression has been entered. Below is the solutions full
implementation after this correction:
1070 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class SimpleExpressionEvaluator
private static int[] ExtractNumbers(string expression)
string[] splitResult = expression.Split('+', '-');
int[] resultNumbers = new int[splitResult.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < splitResult.Length; i++)
resultNumbers[i] = int.Parse(splitResult[i]);
return resultNumbers;

private static char[] ExtractOperators(string expression)
string operationsCharacters = "+-";
List<char> operators = new List<char>();
foreach (char c in expression)
if (operationsCharacters.Contains(c))
return operators.ToArray();

private static int CalculateExpression(
int[] numbers, char[] operators)
int result = numbers[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
char operation = operators[i - 1];
int nextNumber = numbers[i];
if (operation == '+')
result += nextNumber;
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1071
else if (operation == '-')
result -= nextNumber;
return result;

private static string ReadExpression()
Console.WriteLine("Enter expression:");
string expression = Console.ReadLine();
return expression;

static void Main()
string expression = ReadExpression();

int[] numbers = ExtractNumbers(expression);
char[] operators = ExtractOperators(expression);

int result = CalculateExpression(numbers, operators);
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", expression, result);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid expression!");
To ensure everything works correctly after the fix we need to test the above
code again with: single number, two numbers, typical expression (like the
sample input from the problem description), expression with spaces (e.g. "1 +
2 -3"), expression with large numbers, invalid expression (e.g. -1).
Performance Test
Finally we could test with very long expression (performance test), e.g. sum
of 1,000,000 ones. We could generate a test of 1,000,000 numbers with the
following sample code:
1072 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
static void Main()
StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
string expr = expression.ToString();
int[] numbers = ExtractNumbers(expr);
char[] operators = ExtractOperators(expr);
int result = CalculateExpression(numbers, operators);
The running time seems acceptable and the result is correct.
But what will happen if we sum 1,000,000 times the value of 5,000,000?
We will get an integer overflow. We might fix this by using long for the sum
instead of int:
private static long CalculateExpression(
int[] numbers, char[] operators)
long result = numbers[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
char operation = operators[i - 1];
int nextNumber = numbers[i];
if (operation == '+')
result += nextNumber;
else if (operation == '-')
result -= nextNumber;
return result;
After this small fix we sum 1,000,000 times the value of 5,000,000 and we
get the correct result: 5,000,000,000,000. The problem is solved.
Chapter 25. Sample Programming Exam Topic #2 1073
1. Solve the problem "Counting the Number of Words in a Text" by using
a buffer (StringBuilder) to read the text. Was there a change in the
complexity of your algorithm?
2. Implement a more efficient solution to the problem "A Matrix of Prime
Numbers" by using the "Sieve of Eratosthenes":
3. Add support for integer multiplication and division to the solution of
"Arithmetic Expression". Bear in mind that these operations have priority
over addition and multiplication!
4. Add support for floating point numbers in the solution of the "Arithmetic
Expression" problem.
5. * Add parentheses support to the solution of "Arithmetic Expression".
Try to process correctly the unary minus (e.g. in the expression -2 + 3).
6. * Write a program that validates an arithmetic expression. For example,
"2*(2.25+5.25)-17/3" is a valid expression, but "*232*-25+(33+a" is not.
Solutions and Guidelines
1. Your program can read from the input file character by character. If the
current character is a letter, append it to the buffer, and if it is a
separator, analyze the buffer (since it holds the current word) and clear it.
When the end of the input file is reached and the file does not end with a
separator, analyze the last word in the buffer. Test the solution!
2. First, estimate the count of prime numbers you will need. Then consider
what the upper limit of the iterations for the Sieve of Eratosthenes
should be, so that there are enough numbers to fill the matrix. You can
come up with a formula by experimenting or you may use the formula
from the section Improved Performance: Sieve of Eratosthenes.
3. Taking into account that in math multiplication and division has a priority
over addition and subtraction you can calculate all multiplications and
divisions first, replace them with their result and then all the additions
and subtractions. For example, lets the expression is 2*5-8/2+11. You
may first calculate all multiplications and divisions and replace them with
the results of their execution: 2*5-8/2+11 10-4+11. Then you may
use the algorithm from the Evaluate an Arithmetic Expression section.
Did you consider division by zero? Test your code. Think of special cases.
4. Floating point arithmetic can be implemented by allowing the use of the
character "." and replacing int with double or decimal. Test your code!
5. You can do the following: locate the first closing parenthesis and match
it with its corresponding opening parenthesis. What remains between
them is an arithmetic expression that can be evaluated with the same
algorithm recursively. You can substitute the expression with its value and
1074 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
repeat the process until there arent any more parentheses. Eventually,
you will end up with an expression without parentheses.
For example, if the expression "2*((3+5)*(4-7*2))" is entered, you will
substitute "(3+5)" with 8, and "(4-7*2)" with -10. Finally, you will replace
"(8*-10)" with -80 and calculate 2*-80, thus getting the result -160. You
will have to consider the arithmetic operations with negative numbers, i.e.
adding negative numbers support when parsing the numbers.
There is one more algorithm. It utilizes a stack and converts the expression
to reverse Polish notation (RPN). Look up the terms "postfix
notation" and "shunting yard algorithm" on the Internet.
To handle correctly the unary minus, you may consider two situations.
The first is a leading unary minus (e.g. -3 + 5). The second is a minus
after another operator or after a bracket, e.g. 3 * -2 + 4. The minus can
be applied to a number of to an expression in brackets. In both cases you
may insert 0- and put the number or expression on the right in
brackets. Examples:
- -3 + 5 (0-3) + 5
- 3 * -2 + 5 3 * (0-2) + 5
- -(3+2) (0-(3+2))
- -(-1) * 3 - -1 (0-((0-1))) * 3 (0-1)
6. If you evaluate the expression using reverse polish notation, you can
expand your algorithm to check the expression for validity. Follow
these rules: when you expect a digit, but the next token is not a digit, then
the expression is invalid; when an arithmetic operation is expected, but the
next token is not a valid operator, then the expression is invalid; when the
parentheses do not match, the stack will either underflow or remain non-
empty at the end. Dont forget the special cases "-1", "-(2+4)", etc. Test
thoroughly your code! There are many special cases to consider.
Chapter 26. Sample
Programming Exam
Topic #3
In This Chapter
In the present chapter we will review some sample exam problems and
suggest solutions for them. While solving the problems we will stick to the
advices given in the chapter "Methodology of Problem Solving".
Problem 1: Spiral Matrix
With a given number N (input from the keyboard) generate and print a
square matrix containing the numbers from 0 to N
-1, located as a
spiral beginning from the center of the matrix and moving clockwise starting
downwards (look at the examples).
Sample output for N=3 and N=4:

Start Thinking on the Problem
Its obvious from the requirement that we are given an algorithmic
problem. Contriving the appropriate algorithm for filling up the square matrix
cells in the required way is the main part of the solution to the problem. We
will demonstrate to the reader the typical reasoning needed for solving this
particular problem.
Inventing an Idea for the Solution
The next step is to think up the idea for the algorithm, which we will
implement. We must fill the matrix with the numbers from 0 to N
-1 and we
may immediately notice that this could be made by a loop, which puts one
of the numbers in the supposed cell of the matrix at each iteration. We
first put 0 at its place, then put 1 at its place, then put 2, and so on until we
finish with putting N
-1 at its place.
1076 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Lets suppose we know the starting position the one we have to put the
first number on (the zero). Thats how the problem is reduced to finding a
method for determining each of the next positions, which we must put a
number at this is our primary subtask.
We try to find an approach for determining the next to the current
position: we search a strict regularity for changing the indices during the
traversal of the cells. It looks like the directions of the numbers are changed
from time to time, right? First the direction if down, then the direction is
changed to left, later to up, then to right then again to down. Changing of the
directions is always clockwise and the initial direction is always
If we define an integer variable direction that holds the current moving
direction, it will take sequentially the values 0 (down), 1 (left), 2 (up), 3
(right) and then again 0, 1, 2, Looking at the problem examples (for N=3
and N=4) we can conclude that the direction stays down for some time, then
changes to left, stays some time, then changes to up, stays some time, etc.
We can assume that with changing the moving direction we can increase the
value of direction by one and take its remainder of division by 4. Thus the
next direction after 3 (right) will be 0 (down).
The next step is to determine when the moving direction changes: what is
the number of moves in each direction. This may take some time. We can
take a sheet of paper and test few hypotheses we might have.
From the two examples we can see that the number of moves in the
consequent directions does form special sequences: for N=3 1, 1, 2, 2, 2
and for N=4 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3. This means that for N=3 we move 1 cell
down, then 1 cell left, then 2 cells up, then 2 cells right and finally 2 down.
For N=4, the process is the same. We found an interesting dependency
which can evolve into an algorithm for filling the spiral matrix.
If we write down a bigger matrix of the same type on a sheet of paper, we will
see that the sequence of the changes of direction follows the same
pattern: the numbers increases by 1 at an interval of two and the last number
does not increase.
Seems like we have an idea to solve the problem: start from the middle of
the matrix and move 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 2 cells up, 2 cells right, 3 cells
down, 3 cells left, etc. During the moving we can fill the numbers from 0 to
-1 consequently at the cells we visit.
Checking the Idea
Lets check the idea. First we need to find the starting cell and check we
have a correct algorithm for it. If N is odd, the starting cell seems to be the
absolute center cell of the matrix. We can check this for N=1, N=3 and N=5
on a sheet of paper and this confirms to be correct. If N is even number, it
seems like the starting cell is located upper-right from the central point of
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1077
the matrix. At the figure below the central point is shown for a matrix of size
4 x 4 and the starting point located at the upper-right direction:

Now lets check the matrix filling algorithm. We take for example N=4.
Lets start from the starting cell. The first direction is down. We go down 1
cell, then left 1 cell, then up 2 cells, then right 2 cells, then down 3 cells, then
left 3 cells and finally up 3 cells. For simplicity we can assume the last step is
4 cells up but we stop at the first moment when the entire matrix if filled. The
figure below shows what we could draw on a sheet of paper to trace how
the algorithm works. See the small sketch of our algorithm, done by hand
during the idea checking process:

After sketching the algorithm paper for N = 1, 2 and 3 on a sheet of paper
we see that it works correctly. Seems like the idea is correct and we can
thinks about how to implement it.
Data Structures and Efficiency
Lets start with choosing the data structure for implementing the matrix. Its
appropriate to have direct access to each element of the matrix so we will
choose a two-dimensional array matrix of integer type. When starting the
program we read from the standard input the dimensionality n of the matrix
and initialize it as it follows:
int[,] matrix = new int[n,n];
In this case the choice of a data structure is unambiguous. We will keep
the matrix in a two-dimensional array. We have no other data. We will not
have problems with the performance because the program will make as much
steps as the elements in the matrix are.
from the center
the central point
in the matrix
1078 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Implementation of the Idea: Step by Step
We may split the implementation into few steps. A loop runs from 0 to N
and at each iteration it does the following steps:
- Fill the current cell of the matrix with the next number (this is a single
move in the current direction).
- Check whether the current direction should be changed and if
yes, change it and calculate the number of moves in the new direction.
- Move the current position to the next cell in the current direction
(e.g. one position down / left / up / right).
Implementing the First Few Steps
We can represent the current position with integer variables positionX and
positionY the two coordinates for the position. At each iteration we will
move to the next cell in the current direction and positionX and positionX
will change accordingly.
For modeling the behavior of filling the spiral matrix we will use the variables
stepsCount (total number of moves in the current direction), stepPosition
(the move number in the current direction) and stepChange (flag showing if
we have to change the value of stepCount increments after every 2
direction changes).
Lets see how we can implement this idea as a code:
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Fill the current cell with the current value
matrix[positionY, positionX] = i;

// Check for direction / step changes
if (stepPosition < stepsCount)
stepPosition = 1;
if (stepChange == 1)
stepChange = (stepChange + 1) % 2;
direction = (direction + 1) % 4;
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1079

// Move to the next cell in the current direction
switch (direction)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Performing a Partial Check after the First Few Steps
This is the moment to point out the unlikelihood of creating the body of such a
loop from the first time, without making any mistakes. We already know the
rule for writing the code step by step and testing after each piece of
code is written but for the body of this loop the rule is hard to be applied
we have no independent subproblems, which can be tested separately
of each other. To test the above code we need first to finish it: to assign initial
values for all the variables used.
Assigning the Initial Values
After we have a well thought-out idea for the algorithm (even if we are not
completely sure that the written code will work correctly), it remains to set
initial values of the already defined variables and to print the matrix,
obtained after the implementation of the loop.
It is clear that the number of loop iterations is exactly N
and thats why we
replace the variable count with this value. From the two given examples and
our own additional examples (written on a paper) we determine the initial
position in the matrix depending on the parity (odd / even) of its size:
int positionX = n / 2; // The middle of the matrix
int positionY = n % 2 == 0 ? (n / 2) - 1 : (n / 2); // middle
To the rest of the variables we give the following initial values (we have
already explained their semantics):
1080 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
int direction = 0; // The initial direction is "down"
int stepsCount = 1; // Perform 1 step in the current direction
int stepPosition = 0; // 0 steps already performed
int stepChange = 0; // Steps count will change after 2 steps
Putting All Together
The last subproblem we have to solve for creating a working program is
printing the matrix on the standard output. Lets write it, then put all code
together and start testing.
The fully implemented solution is shown below. It includes reading the
input data (matrix size), filling the matrix in a spiral (calculating the matrix
center and filling it cell by cell) and output the result:
using System;

public class MatrixSpiral
static void Main()
Console.Write("N = ");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int[,] matrix = new int[n, n];

FillMatrix(matrix, n);

PrintMatrix(matrix, n);

private static void FillMatrix(int[,] matrix, int n)
int positionX = n / 2; // The middle of the matrix
int positionY = n % 2 == 0 ? (n / 2) - 1 : (n / 2);

int direction = 0; // The initial direction is "down"
int stepsCount = 1; // Perform 1 step in current direction
int stepPosition = 0; // 0 steps already performed
int stepChange = 0; // Steps count changes after 2 steps

for (int i = 0; i < n * n; i++)
// Fill the current cell with the current value
matrix[positionY, positionX] = i;
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1081

// Check for direction / step changes
if (stepPosition < stepsCount)
stepPosition = 1;
if (stepChange == 1)
stepChange = (stepChange + 1) % 2;
direction = (direction + 1) % 4;

// Move to the next cell in the current direction
switch (direction)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:

private static void PrintMatrix(int[,] matrix, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
Console.Write("{0,3}", matrix[i, j]);
1082 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Testing the Solution
After we have implemented the solution it is appropriate to test it with enough
values of N to ensure it works properly. We start with the sample values 3
and 4 and then we check for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, It works well.
It is important to check the border cases: 0 and 1. They work correctly as
well. We do few more tests and we make sure all cases work correctly. We
might notice that when N is large (e.g. 50) the output looks ugly, but this
cannot be improved much. We can add more spaces between the numbers
but the console is limited to 80 characters and the result is still ugly. We will
not try to improve this further.
It is not necessary to test the program for speed (performance test, for
example with N=1,000) because with a very big N the output will be
extremely large and the task will be pointless.
We cannot find any non-working cases so we assume the algorithm and its
implementation are both correct and the problem is successfully solved.
Now we are ready for the next problem from the exam.
Problem 2: Counting Words in a Text File
We are given a text file words.txt, which contains several words, one per
each line. Each word consists of Latin letters only. Write a program, which
retrieves the number of matches of each of the given words as a
substring in the file text.txt. The counting is case insensitive. The result
should be written into a text file named result.txt in the following format
(the words should appear in the same order as given in the input file
> --> <number of matches>
> --> <number of matches>

Sample input file words.txt:
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1083
Sample input file text.txt:
The Telerik Academy for software development engineers is a
famous center for free professional training of .NET experts.
Telerik Academy offers courses designed to develop practical
computer programming skills. Students graduated the Academy are
guaranteed to have a job as a software developers in Telerik.
Sample result file result.txt:
for --> 2
academy --> 3
student --> 1
Java --> 0
develop --> 3
CAD --> 3
Below are the locations of the matched words from the above example:
The Telerik Academy for software development engineers is a
famous center for free professional training of .NET experts.
Telerik Academy offers courses designed to develop practical
computer programming skills. Students graduated the Academy are
guaranteed to have a job as a software developers in Telerik.
Start Thinking on the Problem
The emphasis of the given problem seems not so much on the algorithm,
but on its technical implementation. In order to write the solution we must
be familiar with working with files in C# and with the basic data structures, as
well as string processing in .NET Framework.
Inventing an Idea for a Solution
We get a piece of paper, write few examples and we come up with the
following idea: we read the words file, scan through the text and check
each word from the text for matches with the preliminary given list of
words and increase the counter for each matched word.
Checking the Idea
The above idea for solving the task is trivial but we can still check it by
writing down on a piece of paper the sample input (words and text) and the
expected result. We just scan through the text word by word in our paper
1084 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
example and when we find a match with some of the preliminary given words
(as a substring) we increment the counter for the matched word. The idea
works in our example.
Now lets think of counterexamples. In the same time we might also come
with few questions regarding the implementation:
- How do we scan the text and search for matches? We can scan the
text character by character or line by line or we can read the
entire text in the memory and then scan it in the memory (by string
matching or by a regular expression). All of these approaches might
work correctly but the performance could vary, right? We will think
about the performance a bit later.
- How do we extract the words from the text? Maybe we can read the
text and split it by all any non-letter characters? Where shall we take
these non-letter characters from? Or we can read the text char by char
and once we find a non-letter character we will have the next word from
the text? The second idea seems faster and will require less memory
because we dont need to read all the text at once. We should think
about this, right?
- How do we match two words? This is a good question. Very good
question. Suppose we have a word from the text and we want to match
it with the words from the file words.txt. For example, we have
Academy in the text and we should find whether it matches as
substring the CAD word from the list of words. This will require
searching each word from the list as a substring in each word from the
text. Also can we have some word appearing several times inside
another? This is possible, right?
From all the above questions we can conclude that we dont need to read
the text word by word. We need to match substrings, not words! The title
of the problem is misleading. It says Counting Words in a Text File but it
should be Counting Substrings in a Text File.
It is really good that we found we have to match substrings (instead of
words), before we have implemented the code for the above idea, right?
Inventing a Better Idea
Now, considering the requirement for substring matching, we come with few
new and probably better ideas about solving the problem:
- Scan the text line by line and for each line from the text and each
word check how many times the word appears as substring in the
line. The last can be counted with String.IndexOf() method in a
loop. We already have solved this subproblem in the chapter Strings
and Text Processing (see the section Finding All Occurrences of a
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1085
- Read the entire text and count the occurrences of each word in it
(as a substring). This idea is very similar to the previous idea but it
will require much memory to read the entire text. Maybe this will not be
efficient. We gain nothing, but potentially we will run out of memory.
- Scan the text char by char and store the read characters in a buffer.
After each character read we check if the text in the buffer ends
with some of the words from the list. We will not need to search the
words in the buffer because we check for each word after each character
is read. We could also clear the buffer when we read any non-letter
character (because the list of words for matching should contain letters
only). Thus the memory consumption will be very low.
The first and the last idea seem to be good. Which of them to implement?
Maybe we could implement both of them and choose the faster one. Having
two solutions will also improve the testing because we should get identical
results with both of the solutions on all test cases.
Checking the New Ideas
We have two good ideas and we need to check them for correctness
before thinking about implementation. How to check the ideas? We can invent
a good test case on a piece of paper and try the ideas on it.
Lets have the following list of words:
We might be interested to find the number of occurrences of the above words
in the following text:
Word? We have few words: first word, second word, third word.
Some passwords: PASSWORD123, @PaSsWoRd!456, AAaA, !PASSWORD
The expected result is as follows:
Word --> 9
S --> 13
MissingWord --> 0
DS --> 2
aa --> 3
In the above example we have many different special cases: whole-word
matching, matching as a substring, matching in different casing, matches in
the start / end of the text, several matches inside the same word, overlapping
1086 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
matches, etc. This example is a very good representative of the common
case for this problem. It is important to have such short but
comprehensive test case when solving programming problems. It is
important to have it early, when checking the ideas, before any code is
written. This avoids mistakes, catches incorrect algorithms and saves time!
Checking the Line by Line Algorithm
Now lets check the first algorithm: read the two lines of text and check
how many times each of the words from the given list occurs in each line
ignoring the character casing. At the first line we find as substrings (ignoring
the case) word 5 times, s 3 times, MissingWord 0 times, aa 0 times
and ds 1 time. At the second line we find as substrings (ignoring the case)
word 4 times, s 10 times, MissingWord 0 times, aa 3 times and ds
1 time. We sum the occurrences and we find that the result is correct.
We try to find counterexamples, but we cant. The algorithm may not work
with words spanning multiple lines. This is not possible by definition. It may
also have issues with the overlapping matches like finding aa in AAaA.
This will be definitely checked after the algorithm is implemented.
Checking the Char by Char Algorithm
Lets check the other algorithm: scan through the text char by char,
holding the characters in a buffer. After each character if the buffer ends with
some of the words (ignoring the character casing), the occurrences of the
matched word are increased. If a non-letter is occurred, the buffer is cleaned.
We start from empty buffer and append the first char from the text W to
the buffer. None of the words match the end of the buffer. We append
o and the buffer holds Wo. No matches. Then we append r. The buffer
holds Wor. Again no matches are found with any of the words. We append
the next char d and the buffer holds Word. We have found a match
with the word form a list: word. We increase the number of occurrences of
the matched word from zero to one. The next char is ? and we clean the
buffer, because it is not a letter. The next char is (space). We again clean
the buffer. The next char is W. We append it to the buffer. No matches with
any of the words. We continue further and further After the last character is
processed, the algorithm finishes and the results are correct.
We try to find counterexamples, but we cant. The algorithm may not work
with words spanning multiple lines, but this is not possible by definition.
Decompose the Problem into Subproblems
Now lets try to divide the problem into subproblems. This should be done
separately for the both algorithms we want to try because they differ
Line by Line Algorithm Decomposed into Subproblems
Lets decompose the line by line algorithm into subproblems (sub-steps):
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1087
1. Read the input words. We can read the file words.txt by using
File.ReadAllLines(). It reads a text file in a string[] array of lines.
2. Process the lines of the text one by one to count the occurrences of
each word in it. Initially assign zero occurrences for each word. Read the
input file text.txt line by line. For each line from the text and for
each word check the number of its occurrences (this is a separate
subproblem) and increase the counters for each match. The occurrences
counting should be case-insensitive.
3. Count the number of occurrences of certain substring in certain
text. This is a separate subproblem. We find the leftmost occurrence of
the substring in the text though string.IndexOf(). If the returned
index > -1 (the substring exists), we increase the counter and find the
next occurrence of the substring on the right from the last found index.
We perform this in a loop until we find -1 as a result which means that
there are no more matches. To perform case-insensitive searching we
can pass a special parameter StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase
to the IndexOf() method.
4. Print the results. Process all words and for each word print it along
with its counter holding its occurrences in the output file result.txt.
Char by Char Algorithm Decomposed into Subproblems
Lets decompose the char by char algorithm into subproblems (sub-steps):
1. Read the input words. We can read the file words.txt by using
File.ReadAllLines(). It reads a text file in a string[] array of lines.
The original words can be saved and a copy of them in lowercase can be
made to simplify the matching with ignoring the character casing.
2. Process the text char by char. Read the input file text.txt and
append the letters into a buffer (StringBuilder). After each letter
appended check whether the text in the buffer ends with some of the
words in the input list of words (this check is a separate subproblem). If
so, increase the number occurrences of the matched word. If a non-
letter character is found, clean the buffer. Letters are converted to
lowercase before added in the buffer.
3. Check whether a certain text (StringBuilder) ends by a certain
string. In case the string has length n lower than the length of the text,
the result is false. Otherwise the n letters of the string should be
compared one by one with the last n letters of the text. If a mismatch is
found, the result is false. If all checks pass, the result is true.
4. Print the results. Process all words and for each word print it along
with its counter holding its occurrences in the output file result.txt.
1088 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Think about the Data Structures
In the line by line algorithm we dont have any need of special data
structures. We can keep the words in an array or list of strings. We can
keep the number of occurrences for each word in array of integer values.
The text lines we can keep in strings.
In the char by char algorithm the situation is similar. We dont need any
special data structures. We can keep the words in an array or list of
strings. We can keep the number of occurrences for each word in array of
integer values. The buffer for the characters we can implement by
StringBuilder (because we need to append chars many times).
Think about the Performance
Following the guidelines for problem solving from the chapter Methodology of
Problem Solving we should think about the efficiency and performance
before writing any code.
The line by line algorithm will process the entire text line by line and for
each text line it will search for all of the words. Thus if the text has a total size
of t characters and the number of words are w, the algorithm will totally
perform w string searches in t characters. Each search for a word in the text
will pass through the entire text (at least once, but maybe not always). If we
assume that searching for a word in a text is a linear time operation, we will
have w scans through the entire text, so the excepted running time in
quadratic: O(w*t). If we search in MSDN or in Internet, we will be unable to
find any information about how exactly String.IndexOf() works internally
and whether it runs in linear time or it is slower. This method calls a Win32
API function so it cannot be decompiled. Thus the best way to check its
performance is by measuring.
The char by char algorithm will process the entire text char by char and for
each character it will perform a string matching for each of the words.
Suppose the text has t characters and the number of the words is w. In the
average case the string matching will run in constant time (it will require just
one check if the first letter is not matching, two checks if the first letter
matches, etc.). In the worst case the string matching will require n
comparisons where n is the length of the word being matched. Thus in the
average case the expected running time of the algorithm will be
quadratic: O(w*t). In the worst case it will be significantly slower.
It seems like the line by line algorithm is expected to run faster but we
are uncertain about how fast is string.IndexOf(), so this cannot be
definitely stated. If we are at an exam, we will probably choose to implement
the line by line algorithm. Just for the experiment, lets implement both of
them and compare their performance.
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1089
Implementation: Step by Step
If we directly follow the steps, which we have already identified we can
write the code with ease. Of course it is better to implement the algorithms
step-by-step, to find and fix the bugs early.
Line by Line Algorithm: Step by Step Implementation
We can start implementing the line by line algorithm for word counting in a
text file from the method that counts how many times a substring
appears in a text. It should look like the following:
static int CountOccurrences( string substring, string text)
int count = 0;
int index = 0;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf(substring, index);
if (index == -1)
// No more matches
return count;
Lets test it before going further:
CountOccurrences("hello", "Hello World Hello"));
The result is 0 wrong! It seems like we have forgotten to ignore the
character casing. Lets fix this. We need to change the name of the method
as well and add the StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase option when
searching for the given substring:
static int CountOccurrencesIgnoreCase(
string substring, string text)
int count = 0;
int index = 0;
while (true)
1090 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
index = text.IndexOf(substring, index,
if (index == -1)
// No more matches
return count;
Lets test again with the same example. The program hangs! What
happens? We step through the code using the debugger and we find that the
variable index takes the first occurrence at position 0 and at the next
iteration it takes the same occurrence again at position 0 and the program
enters into an endless loop. This is easy to fix. Just start searching from
position index+1 (the next position on the right), not from index:
static int CountOccurrencesIgnoreCase(
string substring, string text)
int count = 0;
int index = 0;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf(substring, index + 1,
if (index == -1)
// No more matches
return count;
We run the fixed code with the same test. Now the result is incorrect (1
occurrence instead of 2). We again trace the program with the debugger and
we find that the first match is at position 12. Immediately we find out why
this happens: initially we start from position 1 (index + 1 when index is 0)
and we skip the start of the text (position 0).
This is easy to fix:
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1091
static int CountOccurrencesIgnoreCase(
string substring, string text)
int count = 0;
int index = -1;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf(substring, index + 1,
if (index == -1)
// No more matches
return count;
We test again with the same example and finally the result is correct. We
take another, more complex test:
"Word", "Word? We have few words: first word, second word," +
"third word. Passwords: PASSWORD123, @PaSsWoRd, !PASSWORD"));
The result is again correct (9 matches). We test with missing word and the
result is again correct (0 matches). This is enough. We assume the method
works correctly. Now lets continue with the next step: read the words.
string[] words = File.ReadAllLines("words.txt");
There is no need to test this code. It is too simple to have bugs. We will
test it when we test the entire solution. Lets not write the main logic of the
program which reads the text line by line and counts the occurrences of
each of the input words in each of the lines:
int[] occurrences = new int[words.Length];
using (StreamReader text = File.OpenText("text.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = text.ReadLine()) != null)
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
1092 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string word = words[i];
int wordOccurrences =
CountOccurrencesIgnoreCase(word, line);
occurrences[i] += wordOccurrences;
This code definitely should be tested but it will be easier to write the code
which prints the results to simplify testing. Lets do this:
using (StreamWriter result = File.CreateText("result.txt"))
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
result.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", words[i], occurrences[i]);
The complete implementation of the line by line string occurrences
counting algorithms looks as follows:
using System;
using System.IO;

public class CountSubstringsLineByLine
static void Main()
// Read the input list of words
string[] words = File.ReadAllLines("words.txt");

// Process the file line by line
int[] occurrences = new int[words.Length];
using (StreamReader text = File.OpenText("text.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = text.ReadLine()) != null)
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
string word = words[i];
int wordOccurrences =
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1093
CountOccurrencesIgnoreCase(word, line);
occurrences[i] += wordOccurrences;

// Print the result
using (StreamWriter result = File.CreateText("result.txt"))
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
result.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}",
words[i], occurrences[i]);

static int CountOccurrencesIgnoreCase(
string substring, string text)
int count = 0;
int index = -1;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf(substring, index + 1,
if (index == -1)
// No more matches
return count;
Testing the Line by Line Algorithm
Now lets test the entire code of the program. We try our test and it
works as expected!
1094 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Word? We have few words: first word, second word, third word.
Some passwords: PASSWORD123, @PaSsWoRd!456, AAaA, !PASSWORD
Word --> 9
S --> 13
MissingWord --> 0
DS --> 2
aa --> 3
We also try the sample test from the problem description and it also
works correctly. We try few other tests and all they work correctly. We try
also few border cases like empty text and empty list of words. All these
cases are handled correctly. It seems like our line by line word counting
algorithm and its implementation correctly solve the problem.
We need to conduct only a performance test but lets first implement the
other algorithm to be able to compare which is faster.
Char by Char Algorithm: Step by Step Implementation
Lets now implement the char by char string occurrences counting
algorithm. We will need a StringBuilder to hold the characters we read
and a method to check for a match at the end of the StringBuilder. Lets
define this method first. For more flexibility it can be implemented as
extension method to the StringBuilder class (recall how extension
methods work from the chapter Lambda Expressions and LINQ):
static bool EndsWith(this StringBuilder buffer, string str)
for (int bufIndex = buffer.Length-str.Length, strIndex = 0;
strIndex < str.Length;
bufIndex++, strIndex++)
if (buffer[bufIndex] != str[strIndex])
return false;
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1095
return true;
Lets test the method with a sample text and its ending:
new StringBuilder("say hello").EndsWith("hello"));
This test produces a correct result: True. Lets test the negative case:
Console.WriteLine(new StringBuilder("abc").EndsWith("xx"));
This test produces a correct result: False. Lets test what will happen if the
ending is longer than the test:
Console.WriteLine(new StringBuilder("a").EndsWith("abcdef"));
We get IndexOutOfRangeException. We found a bug! It is easy to fix we
can return false if the ending string is longer than the text where it should
be found:
static bool EndsWith(this StringBuilder buffer, string str)
if (buffer.Length < str.Length)
return false;
for (int bufIndex = buffer.Length - str.Length, strIndex = 0;
strIndex < str.Length;
bufIndex++, strIndex++)
if (buffer[bufIndex] != str[strIndex])
return false;
return true;
We run all the tests again and all of them pass. We assume the above
method is correctly implemented.
Now lets continue with the step-by-step implementation. Lets implement the
reading of the words:
1096 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string[] wordsOriginal = File.ReadAllLines("words.txt");
This is the same code from the line by line algorithm and it should work.
Lets now implement the main program logic which reads the text char by
char in a buffer of characters and after each letter checks all input words for
matches at the ending of the buffer:
int[] occurrences = new int[words.Length];
using (StreamReader text = File.OpenText("text.txt"))
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int nextChar;
while ((nextChar = text.Read()) != -1)
char ch = (char)nextChar;
if (char.IsLetter(ch))
// A letter is found --> check all words for matches
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
string word = words[i];
if (buffer.EndsWith(word))
// A non-letter character is found --> clean the buffer
To test the code we will need few lines of code to print the output:
using (StreamWriter result = File.CreateText("result.txt"))
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
result.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}",
words[i], occurrences[i]);
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1097
Now the program is completed and we should test it.
Testing the Char by Char Algorithm
Lets test the entire code of the program. We try our test and it fails. The
produced result is incorrect:
Word --> 1
S --> 6
MissingWord --> 0
DS --> 0
aa --> 0
Whats wrong? Maybe the character casing? Do we compare the
characters in case-insensitive fashion? No. We found the problem.
How to fix the character casing? Maybe we need to fix the EndsWith()
method. We search in MSDN and in Internet and we cannot find a method to
compare case-insensitively characters. We can do something like this:
if (char.ToLower(ch1) != char.ToLower(ch2))
The above code will work but it will convert the characters to lowercase many
times, at each character comparison. This may be slow so it is better to
lowercase the words and the text preliminary before comparing. If we
lowercase the words, they will be printed in lowercase at the output and this
will be incorrect. So we need to remember the original words and to make a
copy of them in lowercase. Lets try it. We can use the built-in extension
methods from System.Linq to perform the lowercase conversion:
string[] wordsOriginal = File.ReadAllLines("words.txt");
string[] wordsLowercase =
wordsOriginal.Select(w => w.ToLower()).ToArray();
We need to apply few other fixes and finally we get the following full source
code of the char by char algorithm for counting the occurrences of a list of
substrings in given text:
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

1098 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
public static class CountSubstringsCharByChar
static void Main()
// Read the input list of words
string[] wordsOriginal = File.ReadAllLines("words.txt");
string[] wordsLowercase =
wordsOriginal.Select(w => w.ToLower()).ToArray();

// Process the file char by char
int[] occurrences = new int[wordsLowercase.Length];
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
using (StreamReader text = File.OpenText("text.txt"))
int nextChar;
while ((nextChar = text.Read()) != -1)
char ch = (char)nextChar;
if (char.IsLetter(ch))
// A letter is found --> check all words for matches
ch = char.ToLower(ch);
for (int i = 0; i < wordsLowercase.Length; i++)
string word = wordsLowercase[i];
if (buffer.EndsWith(word))
// A non-letter is found --> clean the buffer

// Print the result
using (StreamWriter result = File.CreateText("result.txt"))
for (int i = 0; i < wordsOriginal.Length; i++)
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1099
result.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}",
wordsOriginal[i], occurrences[i]);

static bool EndsWith(this StringBuilder buffer, string str)
if (buffer.Length < str.Length)
return false;
for (int bufIndex = buffer.Length-str.Length, strIndex = 0;
strIndex < str.Length;
bufIndex++, strIndex++)
if (buffer[bufIndex] != str[strIndex])
return false;
return true;
We need to test again with our example. Now the program works. The
result is correct:
Word --> 9
S --> 13
MissingWord --> 0
DS --> 2
aa --> 3
We test with all other tests we have (the test from the problem statement,
the border cases, etc.) and all of them pass correctly.
Testing for Performance
Now it is time to test for performance both our solutions. We need a big
test. We can do it with copy-paste. It is easy to copy-paste the text from
our text example 10,000 times and its words 100 times. The repeating
words might cause inaccuracies in performance measuring so we manually
replace the last 26 words with the letters from a to z. We also play a bit
with the rectangular selection in Visual Studio ([Alt] + mouse selection)
1100 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
and we insert the alphabet as a vertical column in few other places. All this
will result in 20,000 lines of text (1.2 MB) and 500 words (3 KB).
To measure the execution time we add two lines of code before the first
line of the Main() method and after the last line of the Main() method:
static void Main()
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
// The original code goes here
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - startTime);
Now we execute first the line by line algorithm and it seems not very fast.
On average computer from 2008 it prints the following result:
After that we execute the char by char algorithm. It produces the
following output:
Unbelievable! Our char by char processing algorithm is more than 5 times
faster than the line by line processing algorithm! But it still is slow! 18
seconds for 1 MB file is not fast. How about processing 500 MB input and
search for 10,000 words?
Invent a Better Idea (Again)
If we are at exam, we could decide whether to take the risk to submit the
char by char solution or spend more time to think of faster algorithm.
This depends on how much time we have to the end of the exam and how
much problems we have already solved, how hard are the unsolved problems,
etc. Suppose we have enough time and we want to think more.
What makes our solution slow? If we have 500 words, we check for each
of them at each character. We do 500 * length(text) string comparisons.
The text is scanned only once (char by char). This cannot be improved, right?
If we do not scan the entire text, we will be unable to find all occurrences. So
if we want to improve the performance, we should look how to check the
words faster after each character is read, right? For 500 words we perform
500 checks after each character is read. This is slow! Cant we do it faster?
In fact we perform a kind of searching for a matching word in a list of
words? From the data structures we know that this takes linear time. Also,
from the data structures we know that the fastest data structure for
searching is the hash-table. OK, cant we use a hash table? Instead of
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1101
searching the words by trying each of them one by one, cant we directly find
the word we need through a hast-table lookup?
We take a sheet of paper and the pencil and we start making sketches and
thinking. Suppose we have the text passwords and the word s. We can
check the word that we obtain when we append the letters one after another:
p, pa, pas, pass, passw, passwo, passwor, password, passwords
In this case we will not match the word s, right. In fact, when we find a
word in the text, we should check all its substrings in the hash table. For
example if the text is password, all its substrings are:
p, pa, a, pas, as, s, pass, ass, ss, s, passw, assw, ssw, sw, w, passwo,
asswo, sswo, swo, wo, o, passwor, asswor, sswor, swor, wor, or, r,
password, assword, ssword, sword, word, ord, rd, d, passwords,
asswords, sswords, swords, words, ords, rds, ds, s
There are 45 substrings of the word password. In a word of n characters we
have n*(n+1)/2 substrings. This will work well with short words (e.g. 3-4
characters) and will be slow for the long words (e.g. 15-20 characters).
We get into another idea? This multi-pattern matching problem should have
a standard solution. Why dont we search for it in Internet? We try to search
for multi-pattern matching algorithm in Google and after exploring the
first few results we learn about the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm.
Once we know the algorithm name we search for Aho Corasick C# and we
find a nice C# implementation: https://github.com/tupunco/Tup.AhoCorasick.
The theory says that after we have a new idea, we should check it for
correctness. The best way to check this idea is by putting the code we found
in action. In fact we do not implement the algorithm. We just try to adopt it to
solve the problem we have.
Counting Substrings with the Aho-Corasick Algorithm
From the open-source implementation of the Aho-Corasick multi-pattern
string matching algorithm mentioned above we can take the class
AhoCorasickSearch and put it in action. We write a new solution of the
substring counting problem based on what we have learned from the previous
solutions. We find all matches of all words by the SearchAll() method of
the AhoCorasickSearch class. Then we use a hash-table to count the number
of occurrences for each of the words. To ensure we ignore the character
casing we convert the text and the words into lowercase. This is the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
1102 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;

class CountSubstringsAhoCorasick
static void Main()
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

// Read the input list of words
string[] wordsOriginal = File.ReadAllLines("words.txt");
string[] wordsLowercase =
wordsOriginal.Select(w => w.ToLower()).ToArray();

// Read the text
string text = File.ReadAllText("text.txt").ToLower();

// Find all word matches and count them
var search = new AhoCorasickSearch();
var matches = search.SearchAll(text, wordsLowercase);
Dictionary<string, int> occurrences =
new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (string word in wordsLowercase)
occurrences[word] = 0;
foreach (var match in matches)
string word = match.Match;

// Print the result
using (StreamWriter result = File.CreateText("result.txt"))
foreach (string word in wordsOriginal)
result.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", word,

Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - startTime);
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1103
We test the above code with all tests we already have and it seems to work
correctly. We try the performance test and this time we can be amazed
by its speed:
It runs really fast. This is the solution we needed and if we are allowed to
use Internet at the exam, the best way to start when we have a standard
well-known problem is to look for a well-known solution.
Problem 3: School
Students, which are studying in a school, are separated into groups. Each
of the groups has a teacher. The following information is kept for the
students: first name and last name. The following information is kept for the
groups: name, a list of students and teacher. The following information is kept
for the teachers: first name, last name and a list of groups he is teaching.
Each teacher can teach more than one group. The following information is
kept for the school: name, list of the teachers, list of the groups and list of
the students. Your task is to:
1. Design a set of classes and relationships between them to model the
school, its students, teachers and groups.
2. Implement functionality for add / edit / delete teachers, students,
groups and their properties.
3. Implement functionality for printing in human-readable form the
school, the teachers, the students, the groups and their properties.
4. Write a sample test program, which demonstrates the work of the
implemented classes and methods.
Example of school with teachers, students and groups:
School "Freedom". Teachers: Tom Johnson, Elizabeth Hall.
Group "English": David Russell, Nicholas Grant, Emma Fletcher,
John Brown, Emily Cooper, teacher Elizabeth Hall.
Group "French": Kevin Simmons, Ian Hayes, teacher Elizabeth
Group "Informatics": Jessica Carter, Andrew Cooper, Ashley
Moore, Olivia Adams, Jonathan Smith, teacher Tom Johnson.
Start Thinking on the Problem
This is a good example of an exam assignment the purpose of which is to test
your abilities to use object-oriented programming (OOP) for modeling
1104 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
problems from the real life, design classes and relationships between them
as well as working with collections.
All we need to solve this problem is to use our object-oriented modeling
skills that we have gained from chapter Object-Oriented Programming
Principles, especially from the section Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM).
Inventing an Idea for Solution
In this task there is nothing complex to invent. It is not algorithmic and
there is not anything to be thought up. We must define a class for each of
the described in the problem description objects (students, teachers,
school students, groups, school, etc.) and after that we should define in each
class properties to describe its characteristics and methods to implements
the actions the class can do, e.g. printing in human-readable form. Thats all.
Following the directions from the section Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM)
we could identify the nouns in the problem description. Some of them
should be modeled as classes; some of them as properties; and some of them
may not be important and could be disregarded.
Reading the text from the problem description and analyzing the nouns, we
could come to the idea to model the school through defining few interrelated
classes: Student, Group, Teacher and School. For testing the classes we
could create a class SchoolTest, which will create few objects of each class
and will demonstrate their work in action.
Checking the Idea
We will not check the idea because there is nothing to be proven or
checked. We need to write few classes to model a real-world situation: a
school with students, teachers and groups.
Dividing the Problem into Subproblems
The implementation of each of the classes we already identified can be
considered a subproblem of the given school modeling problem. Thus we
have the following subproblems:
- Class for the students Student. Students will have first name, last
name and a method for printing in human-readable form ToString().
- Class for the groups Group. Groups will have a name, a teacher and a
list of students. It will also have method for printing in human-
readable form.
- Class for the teachers Teacher. Teachers will have first name, last
name and a list of groups, as well as method for printing in human-
readable form.
- Class for the school School. It will have a name and will hold all
students, all teachers and all groups.
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1105
- Class for testing the other classes SchoolTest. It will create a school
with a few students, a few groups holding subsets of the students and a
few teachers. It will assign one teacher per group and a few groups per
teacher accordingly. Finally the class will print the school and all its
teachers, groups and students.
Think about the Data Structures
The data structures, needed for this problem, are of two main groups:
classes and relationships between the classes. Classes will be classes.
We have nothing to decide here. The interesting part is how to describe the
relationships between the classes, e.g. when a group has a collection of
To describe a relationship (link) between two classes we can use an array.
With an array we have access to its elements by index, but once it is created
we will not be able to add or delete items (arrays have a fixed size). This
makes it uncomfortable for our problem, because we dont know how
many students we will have in the school and more students can be added or
removed after the school is once created.
List<T> seems more comfortable. It has the advantages of an array and
also has a variable length it is easy to add or delete elements. List<T> can
hold lists of students (inside the school and inside a group), lists of teachers
(inside a school) and lists of groups (inside a school and inside a teacher).
So far it seems List<T> is the most appropriate for holding aggregations of
objects inside another object. To be convinced we will analyze a few more
data structures. For example hash-table it is not appropriate in this case,
because the school, teachers, students and groups are not of a key-value
type. A hash-table would be appropriate if we need to search a student by its
unique student ID, but this is not the case. Structures like stack and queue
are inappropriate we do not have LIFO or FIFO behavior.
The structure set and its implementation HashSet<T> may be used when we
need to have uniqueness for given key. It would be good sometimes to use
this structure to avoid duplicates. We must recall that HashSet<T> requires
the methods GetHashCode() and Equals() to be correctly defined by the T
type. Shall we use sets and where? To answer this question we need to
recall the problem description. What is says? We need to design a set of
classes to model the school, its students, teachers and groups and
functionality for add / edit / delete teachers, students, groups and their
properties. The easiest way to implement it is to hold a list of students in the
school, a list of groups for each teacher, etc. Lists are easier to implement.
Sets give uniqueness, but require Equals() and GetHashCode(). Sets need
more effort to be used. So we may use lists to simplify our work.
According to the requirements the school should allow add / edit / delete of
students, teachers and groups. The easiest way to implement this is to expose
the lists of students, teachers and groups as public properties. List<T>
1106 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
already have methods for add and delete of its elements and its elements are
accessible by index and editable. It does the job.
Finally we choose to use List<T> for all aggregations in our classes and we
will expose all the class members as properties with read and write access.
We do not have a good reason to restrict the access to the members or
implement immutable behavior.
Implementation: Step by Step
Its appropriate to start the implementation with the class Student because it
does not depend on any of the other classes.
Step 1: Class Student
In the problem definition we have only two fields representing the first name
and the last name of a student. We may add a property Name, which returns
a string with the full name of the student and a ToString() implementation
to print the student in human-readable form. We might define the class
Student as follows:
public class Student
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

public Student(string firstName, string lastName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;

public string Name
return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName;

public override string ToString()
return "Student: " + this.Name;
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1107
We want to allow the class members to be editable so we define the
FirstName and LastName as public read-write properties.
Testing the Class Student
Before continuing forward we want to test the class Student to be sure it is
correct. Lets create a testing class with a Main() method and create a
student in it and print the student:
class TestSchool
static void Main()
Student studentPeter = new Student("Peter", "Lee");
We run the testing program and we get a correct result:
Student: Peter Lee
Now we can continue with the implementation of the other classes.
Step 2: Class Group
The next class we can define is Group. We choose it because the only one
required for its definition is the class Student. The properties, which we will
define, are the name of the group, a list of the students, which belong to
the group, and a teacher who teaches the group. To implement the list with
of the students we will use List<Student>. We will add a ToString()
method to enable printing the group in a human-readable text form. Lets see
the implementation of the class Group:
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Group
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Student> Students { get; set; }

public Group(string name)
this.Name = name;
this.Students = new List<Student>();
1108 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder groupAsString = new StringBuilder();
groupAsString.AppendLine("Group name: " + this.Name);
groupAsString.Append("Students in the group: " +
return groupAsString.ToString();
It is important when we create a group to assign an empty list of students
to it. If we leave the list of students unassigned, it will be null and when we
try to add a student, we will get an exception.
Testing the Class Group
Lets now test the Group class. Lets create a sample group, add few
students to it and print the group at the console:
static void Main()
Student studentPeter = new Student("Peter", "Lee");
Student studentMaria = new Student("Maria", "Steward");
Group groupEnglish = new Group("English language course");
We run the above testing code and we find a bug:
Group name: English language course
Students in the group:
It seems like the list of students is printed incorrectly. It is easy to find
why. The List<T> class does not correctly implement ToString() and we
need to use another way to print a list of students. We can do this with a for-
loop but lets try something shorter and more elegant:
using System.Linq;

groupAsString.Append("Students in the group: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Students.Select(s => s.Name)));
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1109
The above code uses an extension method and a lambda expression to
select all students names as IEnumerable<string> and then combines them
into a string using a comma as separator. Lets test the Group class again
after the fix:
Group name: English language course
Students in the group: Peter Lee, Maria Steward
The group class now works correctly.
Lets think a bit: who is teaching the students in the group? We should have
a teacher, right. Lets try to add the simplest possible class Teacher and
define a property of it in the Group class:
public class Teacher
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

public string Name
return this.FirstName + ' ' + this.LastName;

public class Group
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Student> Students { get; set; }
public Teacher Teacher { get; set; }

public Group(string name)
this.Name = name;
this.Students = new List<Student>();

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder groupAsString = new StringBuilder();
groupAsString.AppendLine("Group name: " + this.Name);
groupAsString.Append("Students in the group: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Students.Select(s => s.Name)));
1110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
groupAsString.Append("\nGroup teacher: " +
return groupAsString.ToString();
Lets test again with our sample groups of two students studying English:
Student studentPeter = new Student("Peter", "Lee");
Student studentMaria = new Student("Maria", "Steward");
Group groupEnglish = new Group("English language course");
We find another bug:
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object
reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Group.ToString()
We step through the debugger and we see that we try to print the teachers
name but there is no teacher (it is null). This is easy to fix. We could check
whether the teacher exists prior to printing it in the ToString() method:
if (this.Teacher != null)
groupAsString.Append("\nGroup teacher: " + this.Teacher.Name);
Lets test again after the fix. Now we get the following correct result:
Group name: English language course
Students in the group: Peter Lee, Maria Steward
Lets now add a teacher to the testing group and check what happens:
Student studentPeter = new Student("Peter", "Lee");
Student studentMaria = new Student("Maria", "Steward");
Group groupEnglish = new Group("English language course");
Teacher teacherNatasha = new Teacher() {
FirstName = "Natasha", LastName = "Walters" };
groupEnglish.Teacher = teacherNatasha;
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1111
The result is correct:
Group name: English language course
Students in the group: Peter Lee, Maria Steward
Group teacher: Natasha Walters
Now the Group class works correctly. We can continue with the next class.
Step 3: Class Teacher
Lets define the class Teacher. We already have some piece of it, but lets
define it in a better way. The teacher should have first name, last name and a
list of group he teaches and should be printable in human-readable form. We
can define it directly repeating the logic in the Group class:
public class Teacher
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public List<Group> Groups { get; set; }

public Teacher(string firstName, string lastName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;
this.Groups = new List<Group>();

public string Name
return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName;

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder teacherAsString = new StringBuilder();
teacherAsString.AppendLine("Teacher name: " + this.Name);
teacherAsString.Append("Groups of this teacher: " +
1112 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
string.Join(", ", this.Groups.Select(s => s.Name)));
return teacherAsString.ToString();
Like in the class Group, it is important to create and empty list of groups
instead of leaving the Groups property uninitialized.
Testing the Class Teacher
Before going further, lets test the class Teacher. We can create a teacher
with a few groups and print it at the console:
static void Main()
Teacher teacherNatasha = new Teacher("Natasha", "Walters");
Group groupEnglish = new Group("English language");
Group groupFrench= new Group("French language");
The result is correct:
Teacher name: Natasha Walters
Groups of this teacher: English language, French language
This was expected. We just repeated the same logic like in the Group class
which was already tested and all bugs in it was fixed. We found once again
how important is to write the code step by step with testing and bug-
fixing after each step, right? The bug with incorrectly printing the list of
students would have been repeated when printing the list of groups, right?
Step 4: Class School
We finish our object model with the definition of the class School, which
uses all of the classes we already defined. It should have a name and should
hold a list of students, a list of teachers and a list of groups:
public class School
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Teacher> Teachers { get; set; }
public List<Group> Groups { get; set; }
public List<Student> Students { get; set; }

Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1113
public School(string name)
this.Name = name;
this.Teachers = new List<Teacher>();
this.Groups = new List<Group>();
this.Students = new List<Student>();
Before testing the class, lets think what the class School is expected to
do. It should hold the students, teachers and groups and should be printable
at the console, right? If we print the school, what should be printed? Maybe
we should print its name, all its students (with their inner details), all its
teachers (with their inner details) and all its groups (with their inner details).
Lets try to define the ToString() method for the class School:
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder schoolAsString = new StringBuilder();
schoolAsString.AppendLine("School name: " + this.Name);
schoolAsString.AppendLine("Teachers: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Teachers.Select(s => s.Name)));
schoolAsString.AppendLine("Students: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Students.Select(s => s.Name)));
schoolAsString.Append("Groups: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Groups.Select(s => s.Name)));
foreach (var teacher in this.Teachers)
foreach (var group in this.Groups)
foreach (var student in this.Students)
return schoolAsString.ToString();
1114 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
We shall not test the class School, because this will be the main purpose of
our last class: SchoolTest.
Step 5: Class SchoolTest
The final thing is the implementation of the class SchoolTest the purpose of
which is to demonstrate all the classes we have defined (Student, Group,
Teacher and School) and their methods and properties. This is our last
subproblem. For the demonstration we create a sample school with a few
students, a few teachers and a few groups and we print it:
class TestSchool
static void Main()
// Create a few students
Student studentPeter = new Student("Peter", "Lee");
Student studentGeorge = new Student("George", "Redwood");
Student studentMaria = new Student("Maria", "Steward");
Student studentMike = new Student("Michael", "Robinson");

// Create a group and add a few students to it
Group groupEnglish = new Group("English language course");

// Create a group and add a few students to it
Group groupJava = new Group("Java Programming course");

// Create a teacher and assign it to few groups
Teacher teacherNatasha = new Teacher("Natasha", "Walters");
groupEnglish.Teacher = teacherNatasha;
groupJava.Teacher = teacherNatasha;

// Create another teacher and a group he teaches
Teacher teacherSteve = new Teacher("Steve", "Porter");
Group groupHTML = new Group("HTML course");
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1115
groupHTML.Teacher = teacherSteve;

// Create a school with few students, groups and teachers
School school = new School("Saint George High School");

// Modify some of the groups, student and teachers
groupEnglish.Name = "Advanced English";
studentPeter.LastName = "White";
teacherNatasha.LastName = "Hudson";

// Print the school
We run the program and we get the expected result:
School name: Saint George High School
Teachers: Natasha Hudson, Steve Porter
Students: Peter White, George Redwood, Maria Steward, Michael
Groups: Advanced English, Java Programming course, HTML course
Teacher name: Natasha Hudson
Groups of this teacher: Advanced English, Java Programming
Teacher name: Steve Porter
Groups of this teacher: HTML course
Group name: Advanced English
Students in the group: Michael Robinson, Maria Steward, George
1116 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Group teacher: Natasha Hudson
Group name: Java Programming course
Students in the group: Maria Steward, Peter White
Group teacher: Natasha Hudson
Group name: HTML course
Students in the group: Michael Robinson, Maria Steward
Group teacher: Steve Porter
Student: Peter White
Student: George Redwood
Student: Maria Steward
Student: Michael Robinson
Of course in real life programs do not start from the first time, but in this task
the mistakes you could make are trivial so theres no point in discussing
them. All classes are implemented and tested. We are almost finished
with this problem.
Testing the Solution
As usually, it remains to test if the entire solution is working correctly.
Weve already done this. We tested all the classes in their nominal case.
We can do some tests with the border cases, for instance a group without
students, empty school, etc. It seems like these cases work correctly. We
might test a student without a name, but it is unclear whether the class
should keep itself of incorrect names and what is a correct name. We can
leave these classes without checks for the names. It will be a responsibility of
their caller to put correct names though their constructors and properties. The
problem description says nothing about this.
It is interesting how we delete a student. In our current implementation, if
we delete a student, we will need to remove it from the school and to remove
it from all groups he belongs to. The removal itself will require the student to
have the Equals() method defined correctly or we should compare students
by hand (property by property). It is unclear from the problem description
how exactly the delete student operation should work.
We assume we dont have time and we submit the solution in its current state
without efficient delete operation. Sometimes it takes too much time to
fix something and it is better to leave it in not perfect form. Below is the full
source code of the solution of the school modeling problem:
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1117
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

public class Student
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

public Student(string firstName, string lastName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;

public string Name
return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName;

public override string ToString()
return "Student: " + this.Name;

public class Group
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Student> Students { get; set; }
public Teacher Teacher { get; set; }

public Group(string name)
this.Name = name;
this.Students = new List<Student>();
1118 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder groupAsString = new StringBuilder();
groupAsString.AppendLine("Group name: " + this.Name);
groupAsString.Append("Students in the group: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Students.Select(s => s.Name)));
if (this.Teacher != null)
groupAsString.Append("\nGroup teacher: " +
return groupAsString.ToString();

public class Teacher
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public List<Group> Groups { get; set; }

public Teacher(string firstName, string lastName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;
this.Groups = new List<Group>();

public string Name
return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName;

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder teacherAsString = new StringBuilder();
teacherAsString.AppendLine("Teacher name: " + this.Name);
teacherAsString.Append("Groups of this teacher: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Groups.Select(s => s.Name)));
return teacherAsString.ToString();
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1119

public class School
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Teacher> Teachers { get; set; }
public List<Group> Groups { get; set; }
public List<Student> Students { get; set; }

public School(string name)
this.Name = name;
this.Teachers = new List<Teacher>();
this.Groups = new List<Group>();
this.Students = new List<Student>();

public override string ToString()
StringBuilder schoolAsString = new StringBuilder();
schoolAsString.AppendLine("School name: " + this.Name);
schoolAsString.AppendLine("Teachers: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Teachers.Select(s => s.Name)));
schoolAsString.AppendLine("Students: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Students.Select(s => s.Name)));
schoolAsString.Append("Groups: " +
string.Join(", ", this.Groups.Select(s => s.Name)));
foreach (var teacher in this.Teachers)
foreach (var group in this.Groups)
foreach (var student in this.Students)
return schoolAsString.ToString();
1120 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

class TestSchool
static void Main()
// Create a few students
Student studentPeter = new Student("Peter", "Lee");
Student studentGeorge = new Student("George", "Redwood");
Student studentMaria = new Student("Maria", "Steward");
Student studentMike = new Student("Michael", "Robinson");

// Create a group and add a few students to it
Group groupEnglish = new Group("English language course");

// Create a group and add a few students to it
Group groupJava = new Group("Java Programming course");

// Create a teacher and assign it to few groups
Teacher teacherNatasha = new Teacher("Natasha", "Walters");
groupEnglish.Teacher = teacherNatasha;
groupJava.Teacher = teacherNatasha;

// Create another teacher and a group he teaches
Teacher teacherSteve = new Teacher("Steve", "Porter");
Group groupHTML = new Group("HTML course");
groupHTML.Teacher = teacherSteve;

// Create a school with few students, groups and teachers
School school = new School("Saint George High School");
Chapter 26. Sample Programming Exam Topic #3 1121

// Modify some of the groups, student and teachers
groupEnglish.Name = "Advanced English";
studentPeter.LastName = "White";
teacherNatasha.LastName = "Hudson";

// Print the school
We will not run performance tests because the task is not of a
computational nature which requires a fast algorithm. Operations that could
be slow are deleting of elements from a collection. Creating objects,
assigning their properties and adding elements to their collections of child
elements are all fast operations. Only the deletion could be slow. We could
improve its performance by using HashSet<T> instead of List<T> in all
aggregations. We leave this to the reader.
Lets make just one more note. Why we did not notice the performance
problem with deleting elements earlier? Lets recall how we proceeded
with solving this problem. After thinking about the data structures we had to
thing about the performance right? Did we do this step? We omitted this step
and we found the problem too late. The conclusion is: follow the guidelines for
problem solving. They are very wise.
1. Write a program, which prints a square spiral matrix beginning from
the number 1 in the upper right corner and moving clockwise. Examples
for N=3 and N=4:

4 5 6 7
3 14 15 8
2 13 16 9
1 12 11 10
4 5 6 7
3 14 15 8
2 13 16 9
1 12 11 10
3 4 5
2 9 6
1 8 7
3 4 5
2 9 6
1 8 7
1122 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
2. Write a program, which counts the phrases in a text file. Any
sequence of characters could be given as phrase for counting, even
sequences containing separators. For instance in the text "I am a student
in Sofia" the phrases "s", "stu", "a" and "I am" are found respectively 2,
1, 3 and 1 times.
3. Model with OOP the file system of a computer running Windows. We
have devices, directories and files. The devices are for instance floppy
disk, HDD, CD-ROM, etc. They have a name and a tree of directories and
files. Each directory has a name, date of last change and list of files and
directories, which it holds. Each file has a name, date of creation, date of
last change and content. Each file is placed in one of the directories. Each
file can be text or binary. Text files contain text (string), and the
binary ones sequence of bytes (byte[]). Create a class, which tests
the other classes and demonstrates how we can build a model for
devices, directories and files in the computer.
4. Using the classes from the previous task write a program which takes
the real file system from your computer and loads it in your
classes (just the names of the devices, directories and files, without the
content of the files because you will run out of memory).
Solutions and Guidelines
1. The task is analogical to the first task of the sample exam. You can
modify the sample solution given above.
2. You may read the text char by char and after each char to append it to
the current buffer buf and check each of the searched word for a match
with EndsWith() in the buffers end. Of course you cannot use efficiently
hash-table and you will have a loop for each letter from the text, which is
not the fastest solution. This is a modification of the char by char
algorithm for word counting.
Implementing a faster solution needs to adapt the Aho-Corasick
algorithm. Try to play with it and modify the code from the section
Counting Substrings with the Aho-Corasick Algorithm.
3. The problem is analogical with the School problem from the sample
exam and it can be solved by using the same approach. Define classes
Device, Directory, File, ComputerStorage and ComputerStorageTest.
Think of what properties each of these classes has and what are the
relationships between the classes. Create a base abstract class File
and inherit it from TextFile and BinaryFile. Test your code with
sample hierarchy of devices, files and folders. Note: a file can be listed in
more than one directory at the same time (unlike in the file system).
4. Use the class System.IO.Directory and its static methods GetFiles(),
GetDirectories() and GetLogicalDrives(). Traverse the files system
using the BFS or DFS graph traversal algorithm. Load partially the
content of long files (e.g. the first 128 bytes / chars) to save memory.

If you are reading this conclusion and if you have read carefully the entire
book, then please accept our well-deserved congratulations! We are
certain that you have earned valuable knowledge in the principles of
programming that will stick for life. Even if the years pass, even if technology
evolves and computers are far from their current state, the fundamental
knowledge of data structures in programming and the algorithmic way of
thinking as well as the experience gained in solving programming problems
will always aid you, if you work in the field of information technology.
Did You Solve All Problems?
If you have solved all problems from all chapters, in addition to reading
carefully the entire book, then you can proudly declare yourself a
programmer. Whatever technology you pick up from now on will be childs
play. Now that you have grasped the basics and fundamental principles of
programming, youll easily learn to use databases and SQL, develop Web
applications and server-side software (e.g. with ASP.NET and WCF), write
HTML5 applications, develop for mobile devices and whatever else youd like.
You have a great advantage over the majority of programmers who do
not know what a hash-table is, how searching in a tree works and what
algorithm complexity is. If you have really made the tremendous effort to
solve all problems from the book, then you have most certainly reached a
level of fundamental understanding of the concepts of programming
and a programmers way of thinking, which will aid you for many years.
Have You Encountered Difficulties with the
If you havent solved all exercise problems or at least the vast majority of
them, turn back and solve them! Yes, it does take a lot of time, but thats
the way to learn programming with a lot of work and effort. You wont learn
programming without practicing it diligently!
If you have encountered difficulties, use the discussion forum of the
courses on fundamentals of programming at Telerik Software Academy, which
follow this book: http://forums.academy.telerik.com. Several hundred people
have taken these courses and the majority of them have solved all problems
and shared their solutions. So, examine them, try solving the problems and
then try again without using any guides.
1124 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
Many lectures and video tutorials have been uploaded on the books Web
site (http://www.introprogramming.info). We have free PowerPoint slides
and videos in English and Bulgarian for each chapter of the book. They will
be of great use to you, especially if this is the first time you are getting
involved in programming. If you decide to teach C#, programming or data
structures and algorithms, the slides and exercises will help you focus on the
training and save time preparing the content. Its worth checking them out.
Also, check out the free courses available from Telerik Software Academy
(http://academy.telerik.com). All of their lectures' study materials and video
recordings have been made available for free download on each courses
respective Web site. These courses are an excellent follow-up to your
progress as software engineers and professionals in software development. All
materials (lecture slides, exercises, demos) and some video recordings, both
at this books and at Telerik Academys Web site, are available in English.
How Do You Proceed After Reading the Book?
Maybe you are wondering how you should continue your development as a
software engineer. Youve laid solid foundations with this book, so it wont be
difficult. We can give you the following instructions:
1. Choose a language and a programming platform, e. g. C# + .NET
Framework, Java + Java EE, Ruby + Rails or PHP + CakePHP. Theres
nothing wrong with giving up C#. Focus on the technologies your platform
supports; youll learn the corresponding language quickly. For example, if
you choose Objective-C and iPhone / iPad / iOS / Xcode programming, the
algorithmic way of thinking you have acquired with this book will help you
make progress.
2. Read a book on relational databases and learn how to model your
applications data using tables and relations between them. Learn how to
build queries for selecting and updating data in SQL. Learn how to work
with a database server, like Oracle, SQL Server or MySQL. The next natural
course of action is to acquire some ORM technology, like ADO.NET Entity
Framework, Hibernate or JPA. You might also try the NoSQL database
systems available in the public clouds.
3. Acquire a technology for building dynamic Web sites. Start with a
book on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, or with our free course on
HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (http://html5course.telerik.com). Then
explore the web development tools your platform supports, such as
ASP.NET Web Forms / ASP.NET MVC using the .NET Platform and C#,
Servlets / JSP / JSF using the Java platform, CakePHP / Symfony / Zend
Framework with PHP, Ruby on Rails using Ruby or Django using Python.
Learn how to make simple Web sites with dynamic content. Try creating a
Web application for mobile devices using some mobile UI toolkit.
4. Take up working on a more serious project, like a Web market or a
program for managing warehouse or accounting software. This will give
you the opportunity to encounter the practical problems of practical
Conclusion 1125
software development. Youll gain the more valuable practical experience
and youll see for yourself that coding advanced software is much more
difficult than coding simple programs.
5. Get a job at a software company! This is very important. If you have
really solved all problems from this book, youll easily get a job offer. By
working on practical software projects youll learn a great deal of new
software technologies, unlike your colleagues, and youll come to realize
that, even though you know a lot about programming, you are only at the
very beginning of your career as a software engineer. Youll only get to
tackle the challenges of team work in practice, and acquire the tools for
dealing with them by working on actual software projects at an actual work
environment. Youll have to work at least for a few years until you establish
yourself as a software development professional. Then, perhaps, youll
remember about this book and youll realize that you havent gone wrong
by starting with data structures and algorithms rather than directly with
Web technologies, databases and mobile development.
Free Courses at Telerik Software Academy
You can save yourself a lot of trouble and nerves, if you decide to go through
all of the above steps of your development as a software engineer at Telerik
Academy. Youll learn under the guidance of Svetlin Nakov and instructors
with practical experience in the software industry. The Academy is the easiest
and absolutely free-of-charge way to lay the foundations of your development
as a software engineer, but it is not the only way. Everything depends on you!
If you do decide to take advantage of the free courses in programming
and software technologies at Telerik Academy for software engineers (on-
site or online), take a look at the courses of the academy. As of April 2012 the
following free courses are available:
Fundamentals of C# Programming
The course follows very closely the subject matter of this book, which is its
principal textbook. The course provides free tutorials in the form of lectures,
examples, demos, homework and video recordings of the lectures held at
Telerik Software Academy, which are also available in English.
Successful course graduates may participate in the next installment of free
courses at Telerik Academy and train in becoming .NET developers, QA
engineers, Web Front-end developers, developer support specialists or other
software engineering professionals.
The course is held annually and starts in fall (September-October).
Official Web site of the C# course: http://csharpfundamentals.telerik.com (in
1126 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
.NET Development Essentials
The course consists of a very thorough training in software development
targeting the .NET Framework with C#. It lasts for 5 months full-time and
covers all essential technologies a .NET software engineer has to be fully
skillful at: .NET Framework, databases, SQL, SQL Server, NoSQL databases,
ORM technologies, ADO.NET Entity Framework, Web services, REST and WCF,
Web front-end technologies, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, ASP.NET, ASP.NET
MVC, XAML, WPF, Silverlight, Win8 apps, mobile apps, rich Internet apps,
software engineering, design patterns, unit testing, team work and SCRUM.
Software Quality Assurance and Test Automation (QA
The course is a very extensive and thorough training in software quality
assurance and includes theoretical fundamental knowledge in software
testing, as well as practical knowledge and skills in utilizing test automation
tools. The course covers the fundamentals of software testing, black-box and
white-box test design techniques, test automation techniques and tools,
testing of web applications, desktop applications, web services and rich
Internet applications, load tests and QA process management.
Successful graduates with good results have the opportunity to start working
at Telerik as software quality assurance engineers. The course study materials
are not public.
The course is held annually, free of charge, and starts in spring. Only
graduates of "Fundamentals of C# Programming" may participate. Official
Web site: http://qaacademy.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
School Academy
Telerik School Academy is an initiative for software and software technology
development aimed at high school students, which aids them in preparing
for the National Olympiad in Information Technology (NOIT). Trainings are
held monthly, full-time, over the course of 3 days each month. They are
free of charge, but any additional expenses are covered by the students
themselves or their schools. Non-students may participate whenever there are
free seats.
The curriculum of Telerik School Academy covers a wide variety of
languages and technologies: C# PHP, the .NET Framework environment,
databases, SQL Server, MySQL, ORM technologies, front-end web applications
development with HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery, Web applications
development with ASP.NET, MVC and AJAX, HTML5, game development,
mobile applications development, desktop applications development with
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and RIA development using
Silverlight, Win8 apps, embedded development. Special emphasis is placed on
the preparation for the official technical test at the Bulgarian National
Olympiad in Information Technology (NOIT) http://noit.devbg.org.
Conclusion 1127
All study materials for the trainings are put out for free download, and are
also available in English. The lectures can be watched for free through video
recordings at the academys Web site.
Telerik School Academy is held for free every year. It starts in fall at the
beginning of the school year (in September) and finishes in May. Official Web
site: http://schoolacademy.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
Kids Academy
The Kids Academy for Computer Programming introduces primary school
students between 4th and 6th grade to the fundamentals of programming.
Currently, 25 divisions have been formed and actively teach 600 kids from the
entire country (Bulgaria). Session trainings are held on-site in 17 cities. The
fundamentals of programming with C++ are studied and all participants
compete in online programming competitions, which are held every month of
the school year.
Telerik Kids Academy is an excellent start in programming and information
technology. It aims to spark students' interest in computers and software
development. Upon completing it, they may either proceed to Telerik School
Academy or tread the path of competitive programming in Algo Academy.
The course is held annually and starts at the beginning of each school year.
Official Web site: http://www.telerik-kids.com (in Bulgarian).
Algo Academy
The academy in algorithmic programming (Algo Academy) helps the high
school and college students during their preparation for contests and
Olympiads in Informatics such as the International Olympiad in Informatics
(IOI) and ACM International College Programming Contest (ICPC).
During the training meetings, complex algorithms and data structures are
examined. All students take part in practical contests and learn to solve
problems from national and international informatics Olympiads. The
participants study programming techniques, implement algorithms, share
knowledge and gain experience, in order to become world-class competitors.
They can use either the C++ or C# programming languages (at their own
convenience). AT each meeting a training contest is organized which
comprises of 5 easy and 5 hard practical problems for 6 hours. The problems
are automatically evaluated through our online judge system BG Coder
All study materials, lectures, exercises, solutions, algorithms, source code and
other resources are put out for free download on the Algo Academys Web
site. Whenever possible, videos of the trainings are recorded and uploaded.
Trainings are held monthly over the course of 2 days, full-time. They are
free of charge, but any additional expenses for travel and accommodation are
1128 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
covered by the students themselves or their schools. Official Web site:
http://algoacademy.telerik.com/ (in Bulgarian).
Web Applications with ASP.NET MVC
The "Web Applications with ASP.NET MVC" course introduces students to the
practical development of modern web applications on Microsofts
ASP.NET MVC platform. The course starts with the fundamentals of and
object-oriented programming with C#, relational databases, SQL, Microsoft
SQL Server, ADO.NET, LINQ and ADO.NET Entity Framework. The subject
matter emphasizes mainly on web technology and web programming with
.NET. Subjects covered during the course include unit testing, test-driven
development, security, tuning and monitoring of ASP.NET MVC applications.
There is also a practical session where, step by step, an entire, fully functional
ASP.NET MVC web application is built from scratch.
The best participants who have submitted all their homework assignments
and defended their projects successfully receive certificates signed by the
course instructors.
All subject materials are available in English and put out for free download.
Video recordings of the lectures are also available (in Bulgarian).
The course is held annually and starts in fall. Official Web site:
http://mvccourse.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
Software Development in the Cloud
The course covers the most frequently offered services in platforms for
cloud development: non-relational (cloud) databases, relational databases
in the cloud, blob / file storage, queues and others. Special emphasis is placed
on the practical development of applications on leading cloud platforms like
Amazon AWS, Google App Engine, Windows Azure, AppFog, Heroku
and AppHarbor.
The course ends with the development of a practical project, which includes
building an entire cloud-based system. Students who submit all homework
assignments, develop and defend their practical projects and perform
excellently on the test will receive certificates signed by the instructors.
All subject materials and lectures are available in English and published
online. Video recordings of the lectures are also available.
The course is held annually and starts in spring. Official Web site:
http://clouddevcourse.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
SEO Search Engine Optimization
The course on search engine optimization aims to provide basic knowledge on
better indexing and discovery of web pages by Google and other search
engines. Course participants learn how to choose a domain, find and pick
keywords, build links, work with useful SEO tools and apply important
Conclusion 1129
techniques for online reputation management (ORM). Current subjects, like
interactions in social networks, generating friend circles, creating a blog and
optimizing its content, are also covered. The free training in SEO is suitable
for all Web site developers, beginner digital marketing specialists and PR
All subject materials are available in English and are published on the courses
Web site. Video recordings of the lectures are also available (in Bulgarian).
The course starts in the spring every year. The official Web site of the SEO
course: http://seocourse.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
Web Design with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
The training provides concepts, technology and skills in web front-end
development. The subjects of the course focus on HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
and jQuery. Work with popular CMS systems, such as WordPress, is also
covered. The free lectures on web design are suitable for all high school and
college students who want to make progress in the field of web design and
web development.
Course participants who submit their homework assignments and develop and
successfully defend their practical projects will be awarded a certificate
signed by the course instructors as well as the opportunity for professional
All lectures and subject materials are in English and published online. Video
recordings of the lectures are also available.
The course is held annually and starts in spring. Official Web site:
http://html5course.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
Mobile Applications Development
The course covers modern technologies for applications development
targeting mobile devices. The course deeply explores cross-platform
development technologies, such as Apache Cordova and PhoneGap, and
development for leading mobile platforms, such as Android, iPhone, Windows
Phone and Windows 8.
All study materials of the training (lectures, exercises and demos) are
published on the courses Web site and are available in English. Video
recordings are also available.
The course is held annually and starts in fall. Official Web site:
http://mobiledevcourse.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
High-Quality Code
The course covers the concepts in creating high-quality programming
code in the process of software development. The quality of code is
examined regarding its three most important characteristics: correctness,
1130 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
readability and maintainability. The course gives out guidelines,
recommendations and best practices for writing classes and methods, working
with loops and data, formatting code, defensive programming and many
others. The principles of unit testing, test-driven development (TDD) and
refactoring are introduced.
All participants must defend, along with the theoretical knowledge gained, a
practical project through which they acquire the real-world principles of
high-quality code, unit testing and refactoring of low-quality code.
All study materials of the training (lectures, exercises and demos) are
published on the courses Web site and are available in English. Video
recordings are also available.
The course is held annually and starts in spring. Official Web site:
http://codecourse.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
Web Applications Development with .NET Framework
The course introduces its students to the practical development of modern
web applications on the Microsoft .NET platform. It covers the
fundamentals of the C# programming language, the .NET platform, databases
and web applications development with ASP.NET Web Forms and AJAX.
Course participants learn how to build dynamic web applications with
databases based on ASP.NET, SQL Server and ADO.NET Entity Framework.
The subject matter emphasizes mainly on web technology and web
programming on the .NET platform starting with HTTP, HTML, CSS and
JavaScript, going through the fundamentals of ASP.NET and ASP.NET Web
Forms and concluding with more complex concepts in ASP.NET (state
management, master pages, user controls and AJAX). The course also
touches upon technologies such as Rich Internet Applications, Silverlight and
All subject materials of the trainings (lectures, exercises and demos) are
available in English and are published on the courses Web site. Video
recordings of the lectures are also available.
The course is archived and there are no plans for holding it again. Official Web
site: http://aspnetcourse.telerik.com (in Bulgarian).
Good Luck to Everyone!
On behalf of the entire panel of authors, we wish you endless success in your
career and personal life!
Svetlin Nakov,
Technical Training Manager, Telerik Corp.,
Telerik Software Academy http://academy.telerik.com
April 7
, 2013

Telerik Software Academy Free Training for Software Engineers

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
(The Bulgarian C# Programming Book)
by Svetlin Nakov and Co.


Book Back Cover

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