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Transitioning from WPF
ASP.NET WEB ItemsControl
API 2 TO MVC 6 Fundamentals
08 42

What’s new in Single Responsibility

TypeScript 1.4 Principle
and 1.5 beta (Software Gardening)

86 68

New Debugging Service Oriented

features in Solutions using
VS 2015 MSMQ & WCF
20 78
Build a Using
Windows 10 ADFS with
Universal App Azure for Single
First Look Sign-on
72 30

Internet of Things Using

(IoT) and Azure REST APIs of TFS
The Way Ahead and Visual Studio
50 56
Editor In Chief
Suprotim Agarwal

Art Director
Minal Agarwal

Contributing Authors
Ahmed Ilyas
Craig Berntson
Filip W
Kent Boogaart
Kunal Chandratre
Mahesh Sabnis
Punit Ganshani
Ravi Kiran
Shoban Kumar
Subodh Sohoni

Technical Reviewers
Damir Arh
Mahesh Sabnis
Shoban Kumar
Suprotim Agarwal

Next Edition
1st Sep 2015

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If you want to grow old running websites or
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Today when we reach this milestone of 3 years,
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simply want to express my gratitude, if you will.

At DotNetCurry (DNC), we have a 'simple

goal' - to help you to learn, prepare and stay
ahead of the curve. We aim to offer different
Suprotim Agarwal
prespectives, detailed walkthroughs and peeks
Editor in Chief
into Microsoft and JavaScript technologies that
you can use, directly and indirectly and on a
daily basis, in your job.

Although as simple as it might sound, for us,

A special note of thanks to the following
it means digesting the latest developments
experts who shared their knowledge with the
in these exciting technologies as they
Developer community in the last year.
metamorphize, and asking ourselves the
same tough question about every piece of
Craig Berntson
information, technology or feature that we
Mahesh Sabnis
come across: “Does this make sense to our
Ravi Kiran
Subodh Sohoni
Gouri Sohoni
Fortunately my team comprises of Microsoft
Minal Agarwal
MVPs and invaluable industry experts.
Gil Fink
Together, we endeavour this goal. From the
Raj Aththanayake
bottom of my heart, I want to thank all my
Kunal Chandratre
fellow authors and reviewers for their time,
Vikram Pendse
energy and dedication.
Todd Crenshaw
Shoban Kumar
Of course, the most important thank-
Rion Williams
you of all goes to you, the reader. After
Punit Ganshani
all, without YOU, this magazine would
Pravinkumar Dabade
not exist. On behalf of the entire
Nish Anil
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Please do continue sending us your
Filip Ekberg
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@filip_woj @ganshani

@subodhsohoni @suprotimagarwal @shobankr

@kent_boogaart @kunalchandratre

@damirarh @ahmedailyas @saffronstroke

hile some of the concepts
(controllers, filters and so
on) may look similar at first
glance, because of Microsoft's
approach to rewrite everything from
scratch, transitioning your applications
from current Web API application model to
MVC 6 is actually not that simple.

There are obviously plenty of online - and

offline - resources from both Microsoft and
the community, discussing various new
features of the ASP.NET MVC 6 framework.
However, if you are worried about
backward compatibility issues, porting
your custom pipeline modifications or
understanding that gap between Web API
2 and MVC 6 - then this article is for you.


The first place to look at when you need to

migrate an existing Web API 2 project to
MVC 6 is the package called Microsoft.

TRANSITIONING ASP.NET MVC 6 is a very extensible

framework - and WebApiCompatShim
provides just that - a nice bridge between
the old Web API 2 world and the modern
reality of ASP.NET 5.

ASP.NET It is a layer of framework settings and

conventions that transform the default
MVC 6 behaviour into behaviour you might

be more used to, from Web API 2.

What's interesting is that even

the namespace of the types that

WebApiCompatShim introduces, that
are missing in MVC 6 but existed in Web
API; is the same as it used to be in the
Web API framework. Additionally, the
shim also references System.Net.Http for
This article will look at the parallels between the you in order to reintroduce the familar
Web API framework pipeline and the upcoming MVC 6 classes of HttpRequestMessage and
framework - attempting to ease your transition into the HttpResponseMessage.
new ASP.NET 5 world.
All of this to minimize the pain related

8 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

to porting your application. To enable the shim, You don't need to do anything special
you call the following extension method at your to enable this behavior - as long as
application startup, inside the ConfigureServices WebApiCompatShim is configured, you can
methods: simply use HttpRequestMessage in any action.
Additionally, an instance of HttpRequestMessage
services.AddWebApiConventions(); is also exposed as a Request property of the
This is really useful, as there are a lot of
MVC 6 does not have dedicated controllers for Web tools i.e. logging ones, that work directly with
API - this is because it unifies both MVC (web pages) HttpRequestMessage instance, rather than the
and Web API (web apis). new Microsoft.AspNet.Http.HttpContext
around which ASP.NET 5 is built.
WebApiCompatShim contains an ApiController
class which mimics the structure of the Web API The aforementioned
ApiController. It contains similar properties that HttpRequestMessageModelBinder will take care
your old Web API code might be using, such as User, of creating an instance of HttpRequestMessage
Request; as well as same action helpers - methods from the HttpContext on every request.
returning IHttpActionResult.
On top of all that, the WebApiCompatShim will also
While for new projects it is advisable to avoid introduce several extension methods that people
ApiController and simply build around the commonly used in ASP.NET Web API. They are listed
common MVC 6 Controller base class (or even here:
leverage the POCO-controller capabilities), if you public static class
are migrating from Web API 2, and a lot of your HttpRequestMessageExtensions
code was leaning on the members exposed by {
ApiController in Web API, it certainly can save public static HttpResponseMessage
you lots of hassle. CreateErrorResponse(this
HttpRequestMessage request,
An interesting note is that ApiController in invalidByteRangeException);
MVC 6 is actually a POCO-controller itself - it does
not inherit from Controller base class. public static HttpResponseMessage
HttpRequestMessage request,
HttpRequestMessage HttpStatusCode statusCode, string
WebApiCompatShim introduces a customized public static HttpResponseMessage
binder, HttpRequestMessageModelBinder, CreateErrorResponse(this
which allows you to bind an instance of System. HttpRequestMessage request,
Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage directly as HttpStatusCode statusCode, string
a parameter of your action. This behavior was message, Exception exception);
possible in Web API and you might have some
public static HttpResponseMessage
existing code relying on this capability. CreateErrorResponse(this
HttpRequestMessage request,
[Route("cars")] HttpStatusCode statusCode, Exception
public async Task<Ienumerable<Car>> exception);
Get(HttpRequestMessage request)
{ public static HttpResponseMessage
//access "request" parameter CreateErrorResponse(this
} HttpRequestMessage request,
HttpStatusCode statusCode,

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 9
ModelStateDictionary modelState); (MediaTypeFormatter, HttpError) or System.Net.
Http specific (MediaTypeHeaderValue).
public static HttpResponseMessage
HttpRequestMessage request, The shim introduces several other pain-relieving
HttpStatusCode statusCode, HttpError mechanisms, all of which I have discussed
error); extensively in an article at http://www.strathweb.
public static HttpResponseMessage exploring-web-api-compatibility-shim/.
HttpRequestMessage request, T value);

public static HttpResponseMessage

Old concepts mapped
HttpRequestMessage request,
to new world
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value);
Message Handlers vs Middleware
public static HttpResponseMessage
HttpRequestMessage request, In ASP.NET Web API, the way of dealing with cross-
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value, cutting concerns, such as logging or caching was
IEnumerable<MediaTypeFormatter> through message handlers. The concept of message
formatters); handlers was very simple, but very powerful. The
public static HttpResponseMessage handlers were chained one after the other, and
HttpRequestMessage request, each got a chance to process the incoming HTTP
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value, request and outgoing HTTP response. Together they
string mediaType); formed a so called "Russian doll model", because
the handler that interacted with the request first
public static HttpResponseMessage (the outer-most handler), got to interact with the
CreateResponse<T>(this response last.
HttpRequestMessage request,
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value,
MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType); The example here shows a typical Web API message
handler (created off the base DelegatingHandler
public static HttpResponseMessage class).
HttpRequestMessage request, public class MyMessageHandler :
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value, DelegatingHandler
MediaTypeFormatter formatter); {
protected async override
public static HttpResponseMessage Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
CreateResponse<T>(this HttpRequestMessage request,
HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value, {
MediaTypeFormatter formatter, string //process request
// Call the next (inner) handler.
public static HttpResponseMessage var response = await base.
CreateResponse<T>(this SendAsync(request,
HttpRequestMessage request, cancellationToken);
HttpStatusCode statusCode, T
value, MediaTypeFormatter formatter, //process response
MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType); return response;
} }
As you can see, the extension methods include
a bunch of types that were Web API specific The idea of handlers is sadly no longer present in

10 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

ASP.NET 5, and the closest concept that can allow Web API Filters vs MVC 6 Filters
you to achieve same behavior and support the same
functionality are OWIN middleware components.
Filters were the typical component used in Web API
While going into the details of OWIN middleware is
to wrap the functionality of your actions with some
beyond the scope of this article, the fact that
extra logic. Web API 2 had 4 types of filters:
ASP.NET 5 is a de facto OWIN implementation
allows you to plug in middleware in front of the
MVC pipeline. • action filters - for general aspect oriented
functionalities, allowing you to invoke code before
and after action execution
This is also a key difference between middleware
and message handlers - middleware components
are technically speaking, located outside of MVC • authentication filters - introduced in Web API 2,
6 pipeline, while message handlers were located allowed you to leverage host-level authentication
inside the Web API pipeline (albeit, at its very provided via OWIN security middleware
forefront, before controller selection).
• authorization filters - used for authorization (and
There are various ways of writing middleware - a in Web API 1, quite often, also for (!) authentication)
raw middleware has a rather unfriendly structure
shown below: • exception filters - exception handling on an
Func<Func<IDictionary<string, object>,
Task>, Func<IDictionary<string, object>,
Task>> In ASP.NET 5, all the authentication logic has been
moved to the Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication and
You can, however, write ASP.NET 5 middleware in related Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.* packages.
an object-oriented way, using the strongly typed This is where all the security middleware - direct
HttpContext from the new HTTP abstractions. It successors to Katana Project security components
will be the same HttpContext with which you get are located. ASP.NET MVC 6 integrates with
to interact i.e. inside of MVC 6 controllers. This is them deeply, and as a result, there is no need for
shown below. authentication filters anymore.

public class MyMiddleware

ASP.NET MVC 6 still uses action filters
private readonly RequestDelegate _ (IActionFilter), exception filters
next; (IExceptionFilter) and auhtorization filters
(IAuthorizationFilter), and they are virtually
public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate identical to those in Web API 2, so the transition in
next) those areas should be quite straight forward.
_next = next;
} Interestingly, aside from the "classic" filters
mentioned above, ASP.NET MVC 6 introduces two
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext extra types of filters, which are really specialized
context) versions of IActionFilters:
//process context.Request
• TypeFilters
await _next(context); • ServiceFilter

//process context.Response
} TypeFilters allow you to have a custom filter
} class instantiated on demand for each request
(potentially with extra parameters). Consider the
following example:

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 11
[TypeFilter(typeof(MyFilter))]public first place, otherwise this code would produce an
ActionResult Process(); error. On the contrary, in our previous example, our
MyFilter class didn't need to be registered in the
This allows you to write a MyFilter class, container - however it could consume dependencies
implementing IFilter itself, and have it that were coming from the container.
instantiated for you on every request. Why would you
want this? To have constructor dependency injection One extra feature worth mentioning is that MVC 6
into your filter! Normally this was not allowed in Web filters are sortable out-of-the-box, so each filter
API without heavily modifying the filter pipeline. In will have an Order property. Web API 2 lacked this
this case, MyFilter could look as follows: feature and that was actually quite constraining.
public class MyFilter : IActionFilter
DependencyResolver vs built in
private IMyFancyService _fancy; dependency injection
public MyFilter(IMyFancyService fancy) In ASP.NET Web API, the most common way to
enable dependency injection was to use the
_fancy = fancy;
} IDependencyResolver abstraction. Out-of-the-
box, DI was not possible - you had to explicitly
public void enable it by plugging in one of the community-
OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext provided implementations; pretty much every
context) major IoC container for .NET had its own
IDependencyResolver version.
//do stuff
Another option in Web API was to create a custom
public void IHttpControllerActivator, which was
OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext responsible for instantiating controllers. There you
could either resolve them by hand, or from a global
//do stuff DI container of your choice.
} As far as dependency injection into other
components in the Web API pipeline - message
In other words, IMyFancyService above is actually handlers, filters, formatters - constructor
being resolved from the built-in ASP.NET 5 IoC dependency injection was generally not supported.
container. You can also pass some extra arguments to The only reasonable workaround was to use a
the constructor of MyFilter explicitly - TypeFilter service-locator like approach - obtain an instance
exposes Arguments object array for that. of a registered IDependencyResolver from the
current HttpRequestMessage and use it to resolve
ServiceFilters are similar, only a bit simpler. Consider the necessary dependencies.
the following signature:
[ServiceFilter(typeof(OtherFilter))] In ASP.NET MVC 6 things are much cleaner - as the
public ActionResult Process(); underlying ASP.NET 5 runtime supports dependency
injection out-of-the-box, without the need of
In this case, OtherFilter will be immediately plugging in an external IoC container. The built-in
resolved from the ASP.NET 5 IoC container (where ASP.NET 5 IoC container is not very sophisticated,
you'd normally register services) - hence the name but it will fill the majority of needs most of the time.
"service". Obviously, that type would also need to
implement IFilter. Because the filter in this You configure the ASP.NET 5 DI in the Startup
case would be attempted to be obtained from the class, inside the ConfigureServices method.
container, it must have been registered in it in the

12 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

public void //create Autofac container build
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
{ //populate the container with services
services.AddMvc(); here..
services.AddSingleton<IService>(new builder.RegisterType<IService>().
MyService()); As<MyService>().
services.AddTransient<IAnotherService, InstancePerLifetimeScope();
} //build container
var container = builder.Build();
With the set up shown above, you can inject
both IService and IAnotherService into //return service provider
return container.
any controller through a constructor (inlcuding
POCO controllers!). You can also inject the }
dependencies into a controller's property, using the
[FromServices] attribute.
Different model binding
public class MyController : Controller
{ The out-of-the-box model binding behavior in
MVC 6 is much different than that of Web API and is
public IService Service { get; set; }
more closely aligned with the MVC 5 model.
//rest of controller omitted for
brevity MVC 5 used to model bind over everything in the
} request - that is both query string and body of the
request. In other words, a complex type that is being
These dependencies will also be hydrated if you accepted as a parameter of your action could have
inject them into the Invoke method of middleware one property bound from the body and another
components: from the query string. On the other hand, Web API
provided strict differentiation between the body -
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext which was unbuffered and read using formatters,
context, IService service)
and query parameters which were read using model
//do stuff with service binders.

await _next(context); MVC 6 also uses binding and formatters, however

} the behavior is much different from what you
might be used to when building APIs with Web API.
Finally, if you create ServiceFilterAttributes Consider the following model and a controller:
or TypeFilterAttributes, you can also inject
your dependencies into them through constructor. public class Item
ASP.NET MVC 6 also supports external IoC adapters public int Quantity { get; set; }
- and those can be used to govern the dependency public string Name { get; set; }
injection resolution in your application instead of
the built in one. In that case, you'd use a different public class ItemController
version of ConfigureServices method. The {
example here shows a simple set up of Autofac [Route("item")]
container: public void Post(Item item) {}
public IServiceProvider
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection If your action accepts this model as an input
services) parameter, the following requests are valid in MVC6:

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 13
• POST /item?quantity=1&name=foo, empty attribute should be applied.
public class
• POST /item?quantity=1, body: FromBodyApplicationModelConvention :
name=foo, content-type: application/x- IApplicationModelConvention {
www-form-urlencoded public void Apply(ApplicationModel
• POST /item, body: {
name=foo&quantity=1, content-type: foreach (var controller in
application/x-www-form-urlencoded application.Controllers)
In other words, you are able to mix-and-match foreach (var action in controller.
between body parameters and query parameters, {
however - and this is very important - this approach foreach (var parameter in action.
will only work for application/x-www-form- Parameters)
urlencoded content type. If you try to send your {
body as JSON or XML, the default MVC 6 input if (parameter.BinderMetadata is
binding behavior will not pick it up, and only bind IBinderMetadata ||
from query string! MVC 6 does not even support CanConvertFromString(parameter.
working with JSON out of the box - the following ParameterInfo.ParameterType))
request will not be bound correctly: {
// behavior configured or simple
type so do nothing
POST /item }
Content-Type: application/json else
{"name": "foo", "quantity": 1} {
// Complex types are by-default
This is obviously much different from the traditional from the body.
parameter.BinderMetadata = new
Web API behavior and can come back to haunt FromBodyAttribute();
you if you are not aware of these model binding }
changes. }
In order to force your API to use formatters to }
deserialize JSON/XML input from the body, you have }
to explicitly decorate your action parameter with
[FromBody] attribute.
Then you have to enable this convention in the
[Route("item")] Startup class.
public void Post([FromBody]Item item) {}
services.Configure<MvcOptions>(opt =>
You can also do it globally, for your entire {
application, which changes the default behavior Add(new
of MVC 6 to more Web API-like. The code FromBodyApplicationModelConvention());
below utilizes an extensibility point called });
IApplicationModelConvention that allows
you to iterate through all controllers, actions Similarily as in Web API, once you have decided
and parameters of all MVC 6 endpoints at the to use [FromBody] in your action, you can only
application startup and programmatically read one thing from the body, that is the following
alter them. Because of that, you can inject signature will be invalid:
FromBodyAttribute without having to manually
add it everywhere. In there you could also establish [Route("test")]
your own convention or logic about when this given public void Post([FromBody]Item item1,
[FromBody]Item item2) {}

14 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

On the other hand, if you remove [FromBody] from bool
one of the parameters, you can still utilize query CanWriteResult(OutputFormatterContext
string and body binding together: context, MediaTypeHeaderValue
Task WriteAsync(OutputFormatterContext
[Route("test")] context);
public void Post([FromBody]Item item1, }
Item item2) {} //item1 from body, item2 public interface IInputFormatter
from querystring {
POST /item?name=nameforitem2&quantity-4 bool CanRead(InputFormatterContext
Content-Type: application/json context);
{"name": "nameforitem1", "quantity": 1} Task<object>
Formatters in MVC 6 }

What is important to remember, as opposed to Web

Since MVC 6 is a unified MVC/Web API framework,
API, is that XML formatters are disabled by default
it is very natural that the concept of formatters
in MVC 6. If your API needs to support XML, you
(previously only present in Web API) was brought
will need to bring in the Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Xml
forward to the new world.
package and add XmlFormatters by hand:

However, in MVC 6, formatters have been split services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>

into input- and output-formatters, instead of the {
traditional single, bi-directional formatter types //this adds both inout and output
that Web API used. On top of that, I have already formatters
mentioned in the previous section that in order options.
to force MVC 6 to use input formatters in the first AddXmlDataContractSerializerFormatter();
place, you must annotate your action parameter });
with [FromBody].
Instead, out of the box MVC 6 contains only one input
Aside from that, the formatters are pretty much the formatter and three output formatters:
same - they have to declare two things:
• JsonInputFormatter / JsonOutputFormatter
• a flag whether they can read / write a given type -
since a specific formatter may not be applicable to a • PlainTex tFormatter - which didn't exist in Web
specific type, for example not every user type can be API and kicks in when you return a string from your
represented as RSS actions, producing text/plain response. This is an
important distinction, as Web API would produce an
• they read from request stream / write to response application/json response
stream process
• HttpNoContentOutputFormatter - also did
Output formatters should also define which content not exist in Web API. It is responsible for creating
types they support. The formatter interfaces are a response with status code 204 when your
listed here: action returns a void or Task. The behavior in
this case is identical to Web API, however it was
public interface IOutputFormatter handled differently there (through a service called
{ ResultConverter)
GetSupportedContentTypes( IHttpActionResult vs IActionResult
Type declaredType,
Type runtimeType,
MediaTypeHeaderValue contentType); One of the popular additions to ASP.NET Web

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 15
API 2 was IHttpActionResult, which was Content negotiation
used as a return type from an action, and
was really an interface representing various
In ASP.NET Web API, content negotiation was
factories for HttpResponseMessage. In fact,
handled by IContentNegotiator interface.
Web API shipped with a large number of
Normally, you would not use it directly, as the
implementations of IHttpActionResult
framework would handle content negotiation
in the box that you could use straight away
for you - when you returned a POCO object from
in your API - such as BadRequestResult or
an action (instead of HttpResponseMessage
CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<T> to name a
or IHttpActionResult), or when you
called one of the extension methods on the
HttpRequestMessage (i.e. CreateResponse).
On the other hand, classic MVC framework has
However, in some scenarios (for example
long had ActionResult as a base abstract
determining the response media types for caching
type representing various responses. MVC 6 has
purposes) you'd need direct access to the ConNeg
been aligned closely with that approach, and
IActionResult is the new abstraction that should
be used in your actions. Since Web API and MVC
To facilitate these types of (now legacy) use cases,
frameworks have been unified in MVC 6, various
WebApiCompatibilityShim actually reintroduces
IActionResult implementations can handle both
all of the types involved in the content negotiation
traditional API scenarios (i.e. content negotiated
- so not only IContentNegotiator, but also
object responses, No Content responses) and
DefaultContentNegotiator (the default
traditional MVC scenarios (i.e. view results).
implementation) or ContentNegotiationResult.
So all your old content negotiation code can be
public interface IActionResult
{ pretty much ported verbatim to ASP.NET MVC 6.
Task ExecuteResultAsync(ActionContext
context); On the other hand, ASP.NET MVC 6 does not
} have explicit service dedicated to running
content negotiation. Instead, the logic
Obviously, there are plenty of implementations of responsible for selecting the relevant formatter
that interface that come bundled in the framework is baked into the ObjectResult class. Inside its
itself, many of which can be mapped one to one to ExecuteResultAsync, responsible for writing
IHttpActionResult implementations from Web to the response stream, the framework will walk
API - for example BadRequestObjectResult is the through the available formatters and select a
rough equivalent of the old BadRequestResult. relevant one.
When building HTTP APIs with MVC 6, you will find
yourself working the most with ObjectResult The logic for choosing a formatter is similar to that
which is the type of IActionResult that has in ASP.NET Web API, and based on the following
content negotiation built in - more on that later. order of precedence:

Interestingly, when working with Web API, one of the • Accept header
annoyances was the lack of IHttpActionResults
• Content-Type header
that dealt with serving files, and more generally
• selection based on type match
speaking, binary content. Such components would
have to be built by hand or referenced through open
source packages that grew around Web API in its ASP.NET Web API also had a very useful concept of
vibrant community. This has been addressed in MVC 6, MediaTypeMappings. Mappings allowed you to
which introduces several specialized action results in override content negotiation for specific request
that area - FileContentResult, FilePathResult, structure - an extension (i.e. .json), querystring
FileResult and FileStreamResult. (i.e. ?format-json) or a predefined header (i.e.
Format: json).

16 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

While MediaTypeMapping as a base class formatters collection. This is slightly different
(that's how it was used in Web API) has no approach from Web API, where this type of
direct counterpart in ASP.NET MVC 6, the notion functionality was controlled by tweaking the
of media type mapping is indeed present DefaultContentNegotiator and passing
there. MvcOptions exposes an object called true into its constructor (representing
FormatterMappings, which you can use (through excludeMatchOnTypeOnly parameter).
SetMediaTypeMappingForFormat method) to
map specific media types to a predefined string services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
such as json or .json. {
options.OutputFormatters.Insert(0, new
options.FormatterMappings. HttpNotAcceptableOutputFormatter());
SetMediaTypeMappingForFormat( });
pdf")); HttpConfiguration vs MvcOptions

The whole mechanism is a little less extensible Finally, we should also briefly touch on the
than it used to be in Web API - in order to use this, changes in the configuration of the framework. In
you are forced to create a route with a format Web API, everything was controlled through the
placeholder or use a format querystring. Example HttpConfiguration type, which was the gateway
routes are shown below: to all important Web API components:

app.UseMvc(routes => • all services

{ • filters
"{controller}/{action}/{id}. • formatters
{format?}", new { controller = • properties dictionary
"Home", action = "Index" }); • routes (through extension methods)
"{controller}/{action}.{format?}", In MVC 6 the configuration happens through
new { controller = "Home", action = MvcOptions object, which over the course of this
"Index" }); article, we have grown familiar with already. The
outline is shown below:

What's interesting is that ASP.NET MVC 6 maps json public class MvcOptions
format to application/json out of the box. This {
means that by simply appending a ?format=json public AntiForgeryOptions
querystring to a request, you will always get a AntiForgeryOptions {get; set;}
JSON response. You can disable this behavior by public FormatterMappings
calling ClearMediaTypeMappingForFormat on FormatterMappings { get; }
FormatterMappings object. public ICollection<IFilter> Filters {
get; private set; }
options.FormatterMappings. public
ClearMediaTypeMappingForFormat("json"); IList<OutputFormatterDescriptor>
OutputFormatters { get; }
It is also worth mentioning, that if you wish public IList<InputFormatterDescriptor>
MVC 6 to issue 406 (Not Acceptable) response InputFormatters { get; }
codes for situations when content negotiation is
unnsuccessful - the framework defaults to JSON IList<ExcludeValidationDescriptor>
responses if it can't determine the media type ValidationExcludeFilters { get; }
- you do it by simply inserting a new formatter,
HttpNotAcceptableOutputFormatter to the public int MaxModelValidationErrors
{get; set;}

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 17
public IList<ModelBinderDescriptor> scale changes, there are certainly some hidden
ModelBinders { get; } landmines and subtle differences, and those are
usually the most frustrating to deal with. However,
public if you pay attention to the points highlighted in this
ModelValidatorProviders { get; } article, it shouldn’t be too frustrating of a task.

public IList<ViewEngineDescriptor> Let me close out by sharing an interesting thought

ViewEngines { get; } from Darrel Miller, who, himself an HTTP guru,
has been one of the most active members of the
IList<ValueProviderFactoryDescriptor> ASP.NET Web API community. He said recently on
ValueProviderFactories { get; } Twitter:

public “How many WebAPI people would be more likely

IList<IApplicationModelConvention> to use MVC6's WebAPICompatShim if it was named
Conventions { get; }
public bool RespectBrowserAcceptHeader
{ get; set; } And I think this hits the nail on the head. The Web
API Compatibility Shim is a great way of enforcing
public IDictionary<string, CacheProfile> specific coding standards and conventions, which
CacheProfiles { get; }
} have already proved to be useful and battle tested
in ASP.NET Web API. Do not be wary about using
them – even if you get shivers about a notion of
In many ways, MvcOptions plays the same role
using a “shim” in production. At the end of the day,
as HttpConfiguration, providing a central
the existence of the shim itself is just a testament
configuration point for many runtime settings such
to the extensibility of MVC 6
as formatters, filters or model binders. Additionally,
caching is also controlled through MvcOptions
(something that was completely missing in Web

About the Author

As far as the actual services go (for example,
DefaultFilterProvider, responsible Filip W is a Microsoft MVP,
for orchestrating the filter pipeline or popular ASP.NET blogger, open
source contributor and an author
DefaultControllerActivator, responsible
of "ASP.NET Web API 2:
for instantiating the controller types), they are Recipes". Specializes in ASP.NET
registered against the ASP.NET 5 IoC container Web Stack and modern Microsoft
directly. When you call AddMvc() method on web technologies. Experienced in
the IServiceCollection at the application delivering robust web solutions
startup (necessary to be able to use MVC 6 in your in corporate context, worked on
projects in many corners of the
application at all), the framework will add all of the
world (Canada, Switzerland, Finland,
necessary runtime services to the container. You can
then tweak or replace those by interacting with the filip w Poland, Scotland). Currently works
for a Canadian digital agency,
container itself. Climax Media. Follow him on Twitter


There are quite a few things to watch out for when

trying to transition from HTTP API development
using ASP.NET Web API to the new world of
ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6. Aside from the obvious large

18 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 19
Features in
Visual Studio
ebugging, diagnostics and profiling
are fundamental stages in software
development that ensures that all errors,
bugs and performance bottlenecks are
found and resolved, before the application is
deployed. Every application developer is responsible
for writing logical, syntactical and error free code.
However in real life, errors and bugs creep in, and
can slow down the application. For this reason,
developers are always looking out for tools to
manage code for debugging and performance.

Although some 3rd party profiling and debugging Figure 1: Empty ASP.NET MVC application
tools like RedGate’s Ants Performance Profiler for
.NET applications makes the job easy for you Visual In this MVC application, add a new SQL Server
Studio 2015 and recent Visual Studio 2013 updates Database of the name ApplicationDB.mdf in the
have also introduced new capabilities to maximize App_Data folder. In this database, add a table called
developer productivity and improve code quality. ‘EmployeeInfo’ with the following structure.

In this article, we will explore some of the

enhancements made to debugging features in
Visual Studio 2015 RC. We will also revisit some
Visual Studio 2013 debugging features wherever
applicable, for the sake of completeness.

Some new debugging features in Visual Studio

2015 RC are as follows:
Figure 2: EmployeeInfo table
• Understanding Debugging with Stepping
• Debugging a specific method out of multiple
method calls from a single statement Step 2: In the Models folder, add a new
• Debugging Code Data Visualizer ADO.NET Entity Data Model with the name
ApplicationDBEDMX.edmx. This step will start
• Managing the Display of the Debugged Data
a wizard. Select ApplicationDB.mdf file and the
• Evaluating lambda expressions in debugger
EmpoyeeInfo table. After completing the steps of
watch window
the wizard, the EmployeeInfo table mapping will be
Since this article is based on the Release Candidate
version of Visual Studio, it is possible that any
Step 3: In the same project, add a new folder with
feature discussed in this article may change in the
the name ‘DataAccess’. In this project, add a new class
file with the following code in it:

Before we get started with these features, let us set using System.Collections.Generic;
up a sample application. using System.Linq;
using MVC_ForDebugging.Models;
namespace MVC_ForDebugging.DataAccess
Set up a Sample MVC Application {
for Debugging public class EmployeeDAL
ApplicationDBEntities ctx;
Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2015 and create a public EmployeeDAL()
new empty ASP.NET MVC application as shown in {
Figure 1: ctx = new ApplicationDBEntities();

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 21
} return isValid;
public List<EmployeeInfo>
GetEmployees() { public void DeleteEmployee(int id,
return ctx.EmployeeInfoes. EmployeeInfo emp) {
ToList(); var e = ctx.EmployeeInfoes.Find(id);
} if (e != null)
public EmployeeInfo GetEmployee(int ctx.EmployeeInfoes.Remove(e);
id) { ctx.SaveChanges();
return ctx.EmployeeInfoes.Find(id); }
} }
public void }
AddNewEmployee(EmployeeInfo emp)
{ This class will be used for performing CRUD
ctx.EmployeeInfoes.Add(emp); operations using the Entity Framework model we
added in Step 2.

public void UpdateEmployee(int id, Step 4: In the Controllers folder, add a new MVC
EmployeeInfo emp) { controller with the name ‘EmployeeInfoController’.
var e = ctx.EmployeeInfoes. Add the following code in it:
if (e != null)
using System.Web.Mvc;
e.EmpName = emp.EmpName; using MVC_ForDebugging.Models;
e.Salary = emp.Salary; using MVC_ForDebugging.DataAccess;
e.DeptName = emp.DeptName;
e.Designation = emp.Designation; namespace MVC_ForDebugging.Controllers {
public class EmployeeInfoController :
ctx.SaveChanges(); Controller {
} EmployeeDAL obj;
} public EmployeeInfoController()
public bool CheckEmpNameExist(string obj = new EmployeeDAL();
ename) { }
bool isExist = false;
// GET: EmployeeInfo
foreach (var item in ctx. public ActionResult Index()
EmployeeInfoes.ToList()) {
{ var emps = obj.GetEmployees();
if (item.EmpName.Trim() == return View(emps);
ename.ToUpper().Trim()) }
isExist = true; // GET: EmployeeInfo/Details/5
break; public ActionResult Details(int id)
} {
} var emp = obj.GetEmployee(id);
return isExist; return View(emp);
} }
// GET: EmployeeInfo/Create
public bool public ActionResult Create()
CheckValidSalForDesignation(int sal) { {
bool isValid = true; var emp = new EmployeeInfo();
if (sal < 5000) return View(emp);
{ }
isValid = false;
} // POST: EmployeeInfo/Create

22 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

[HttpPost] return RedirectToAction("Index");
public ActionResult }
Create(EmployeeInfo emp) catch {
{ return View(emp);
try }
{ }
if (obj.CheckEmpNameExist(emp. }
EmpName) && obj.CheckValidSal }
{ This controller class contains action methods which
obj.AddNewEmployee(emp); calls the methods from EmployeeDAL class added
return RedirectToAction("Index");
in Step 3.
{ Generate Views from Index, Create, Details and Edit
return View(emp); action methods. To generate View, right click on the
} Action Method and select the Add View option from
it. Build and run the application.
return View(emp); Note: Open RouteConfig.cs file from the App_Start
} folder and change the routing as shown in the
} following code:
// GET: EmployeeInfo/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var emp = obj.GetEmployee(id);
return View(emp);

// POST: EmployeeInfo/Edit/5
[HttpPost] Figure 3: Changing Routing information
public ActionResult Edit(int id,
EmployeeInfo emp) This will display the Index View when the
{ application runs.
obj.UpdateEmployee(id, emp); Now that we have setup the application, let’s jump
return RedirectToAction("Index"); into the new Debugging features in Visual Studio
} 2015.
return View();

} New Debugging Features
// GET: EmployeeInfo/Delete/5
in Visual Studio 2015 RC
public ActionResult Delete(int id){
var emp = obj.GetEmployee(id); Understanding Debugging with
return View(emp); Stepping

// POST: EmployeeInfo/Delete/5 We will explore a new experience of stepping

[HttpPost] through the code. Open EmployeeInfoController.cs
public ActionResult Delete(int id, and apply breakpoint on the Index action method.
EmployeeInfo emp){
Run the application, and you will see that the
try {
obj.DeleteEmployee(id, emp); Index() method from the EmployeeInfoController

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 23
will be hit. We will make use of F10 (Step Over) Debugging a specific method from
and F11 (Step Into). We will use F10 to debug the
a statement with out of Multiple
GetEmployees() method call from Index() method
and check values returned from it.
Method Calls

In Visual Studio 2015, we can make use of Locals Consider a scenario in the debugging code, where
and Autos window to check return values from the we have a statement calling more than one method,
GetEmployees() method without jumping into it, as as shown in Figure 6:
shown in Figure 4:

Figure 6: Statement calling more than one method

Figure 4: Checking return value in Locals Window
The if statement makes calls to
CheckEmpNameExist() and CheckValidSal() methods
Using this feature, we can check the return values
(along with get() method call for EmpName and
from an external method call without Stepping into
Salary properties). In traditional debugging, to
the method. This is more useful if we are debugging
debug these methods we need to put a breakpoint
in a multi-layered application where the code
on every method. In case of Visual Studio 2015, we
getting debugged, makes calls to multiple external
can choose a specific method to debug using Step
Into Specific context menu.
Note: Visual Studio 2015 IDE provides a handy
To experience this new feature, apply a breakpoint
performance tooltip feature called PerfView, using
on the if statement of the Create() action method of
which we can check how much time is taken by a
the EmployeeInfoController as shown in Figure 6.
statement. Typically we need this in case of foreach
Run the Index View. Click on the Create New link of
loops. In Figure 4, you can see the PerfView tooltip
the Index View. This will bring up the Create view.
(yellow marked) which shows that the statement took
Enter Employee data in Create view and click on
1341ms to execute.
the Create button. This will display the code in the
debugger on the if statement as shown in Figure 7:
Alternatively we can also make use of the Watch
window to check returned values using pseudo
variable of the name ‘$ReturnValue’. Open the Watch
Window and use the $ReturnValue as shown in
Figure 5.

Figure 7: Debugger Code

Right-click on the debug statement and select Step

Into Specific option as shown in Figure 8:

Figure 5: Checking return value using Watch window

24 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

EmployeeInfoController.cs add the following
namespace reference:

using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

Figure 8: Step Into Specific option Add the following lines in the Index Action method
Figure 8 shows a list of all methods called in the
currently debugged statement. From here, we can public ActionResult Index()
now select specific methods to be debugged. This {
will apply one-time breakpoint to the entry-point to var Emps = obj.GetEmployees();
that method, and the method will be debugged.
var jObj = new JavaScriptSerializer();
Select CheckEmpNameExist() method from the list var jsonData = jObj.Serialize(Emps);
and this method will get debugged as shown here:
return View(Emps);

In the above method, add a breakpoint on the

return statement. The code serializes Emps into
JSON format. Run the application and place the
mouse cursor on the jsonData variable. You will see
a magnifier on debug as shown in Figure 10:

Figure 9: Debugging a method

This feature gives us the benefit of selection based Figure 10: Debug magnifier
debugging for a specific method. One important
thing to note here is that we can directly jump Click on the dropdown of the magnifier to display
to the specific statement for debugging using the data visualizer options window:
Run to Cursor option from the context menu
(available in Visual Studio 2013 as well). In the
CheckEmpNameExist() method, right-click the
if statement and select Run to Cursor, and the
if statement will be hit by the debugger. This Figure 11: Data Visualizer Options
eliminates the need to apply and remove breakpoint
on a specific statement for debugging. To go back to
Select the JSON Visualizer to display a window with
the immediate statement from which we started the
JSON data:
debugging, we can make use of the Step Out feature
from the Debug menu.

Debugging Code Data Visualizer (available in VS

2013 too)

When debugging code, if the current statement

contains a Data Source expression, we can view the
data using Text, XML, HTML and JSON Visualizers.
Figure 12: JSON Visualizer
To experience this feature, in the

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 25
Figure 13 below displays a Search window to search data from In this code, the DebuggerDisplay accepts the string
the received data. parameter. Here Emp represents the constant string
and the {EmpNo} represents the EmpNo property
which will represent the value of the Employee
Record. Debug the Index action method and view
the value for Emps as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Debugger display for Employee records

Figure 14 above shows the debugger display for

Employee records as Emp 1, Emp 2, etc.

Using Make Object ID to Maintain the State of the

Debug Result
Figure 13: Search JSON Visualizer

Another useful debugging feature in VS 2015

The data visualizer window will remember the (also present in VS 2013) is Make Object ID. While
selection made by us e.g. if we select JSON debugging the code, we make use of the Watch
visualizer, it will keep remembering the JSON window to evaluate the expression. The watch
visualizer option. Likewise we can take advantage window can maintain the state of the expression in
of various data visualizers. the current scope only. When the expression moves
out of the scope, the watch on it becomes invalid.
Managing the Display of the But sometime it is necessary for us to keep watch
Debugged Data (also present in VS on the data generated by the previous debug for
2013) the expression not in scope. We can implement this
using the Make Object Id on the watch expression.

While debugging the code using Visual Studio 2013

To experience this feature, apply a breakpoint on
and Visual Studio 2015 RC, we are given a feature
the Index and Create with HttpPost action methods.
of managing the data display. In our code, the Index
Run the application, the Index action method will
action method shows the Employees data. We can
be hit. Press F10 on the Emps = obj.GetEmployees();
manage the display of this data during debugging
expression. To add watch, right-click on Emps and
using DebuggerDisplay attribute class. To experience
select Add Watch from the context menu as shown
this feature, open the EmployeeInfo class and apply
in Figure 15:
the DebuggerDisplay attribute as shown here:

[DebuggerDisplay("Emp {EmpNo}")]
public partial class EmployeeInfo
public int EmpNo { get; set; }
public string EmpName { get; set; }
public int Salary { get; set; }
public string DeptName { get; set; } Figure 15: Add Watch option
public string Designation { get;
set; }
} This will display the watch window as shown in

26 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Figure 16. Here we cannot interact with Employee records
Emp 2 and Emp 3. But since we have generated the
object Id for Emp 1, we can check values generated
using the Object Id as $1. In the watch Window,
enter the Name as $1 and press enter, the values
will be displayed as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 16: Add watch window

To maintain the state of a specific record e.g. Emp

1, right-click on the [0] record and select the Make
Object Id option as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 19: Object ID base watch

Evaluating lambda expressions in

debugger watch window

While debugging code, sometimes we may come

across LINQ queries or lambda expressions. Now
we can evaluate these Lambda Expressions or LINQ
queries using the Immediate Window. To experience
this feature, we need to make some changes in the

Open EmployeeInfoController.cs and add the

Figure 17: Generate ObjectID using Make Object ID following reference in the code:
using System.Linq;
This will generate the Object Id,
Apply the breakpoint on the Index() action method.
Run the application and the Index method will
..and will maintain the state of the first Employee be hit. Complete debugging for the following
record. Complete the debugging to display the Index statement.
view in the browser. In this view, click on the Create
New link to display the Create view. This means now var emps = obj.GetEmployees();
we have come out of the scope of the Index action
method. Now open the Immediate Window and start typing
In the Create view, enter data in the TextBoxes
and click on the Create button. This step will start
debugging the Create action method. Once we enter
in the debug mode, we can see the watch window
where the previous watch is disabled as shown in
Figure 18.

Figure 20: Lambda Expression IntelliSense

Yes! We have IntelliSense!!

Figure 18: Disabled watch from previous debugging session

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 27
The Lambda Expression with its result can be seen
in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Evaluating lambda expressions in debugger watch


And with this feature, we can now evaluate Lambda

Expressions using the debugger Immediate Window
in Visual Studio 2015.


Visual Studio 2015 (currently in RC as of this

writing) has provided some cool developer friendly
and easy to use features for code debugging.
Developers can now make use of these features for
effective debugging management

Download the entire source code from GitHub at


Mahesh Sabnis is a Microsoft MVP

in .NET. He is also a Microsoft
Certified Trainer (MCT) since
2005 and has conducted various
Corporate Training programs for
.NET Technologies (all versions).
Follow him on twitter
@maheshdotnet. Mahesh blogs
regularly on .NET Server-side &
other client-side Technologies at
mahesh sabnis bit.ly/HsS2on

28 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Jump from your .NET code to the SQL Server queries that are slowing your application down

How to Find and Fix Slow .NET

Code, Even if the Problem is
in Your Database
As a .NET developer, you know how frustrating it You only need one tool, and you can do it in a single “This current release makes my
is when your code runs slowly, and how hard it is profiling session. favorite toolset even more
to pin the problem down. powerful. The new SQL features
that are parts of ANTS Performance
Debugging by hand, with manually inserted
Get line-level timings for your Profiler 9 make diagnosing and
timing statements, is a nightmare. It takes hours, .NET code tuning SQL performance within
even days. And there’s no guarantee you’ll find Alongside database profiling, you get award-win- .NET applications a breeze!”
the right problem. ning .NET code profiling. Mitchel Sellers,
CEO/Director of Development at
After all, it might not be in your code. If your You get performance data for each method, right IowaComputerGurus & C# MVP
application uses a database, the bottleneck could down to line-level timings. Expensive lines of code
be there. are highlighted for you, so you can find problems at
a glance. “We went from an hour or more to
So what should you do? A code profiler helps, but
identify a problem to 10 minutes
most of them stop at the database.
Work with any .NET language or less."
Peter Lewis,
But new ANTS Performance Profiler 9 or technology Development Manager, Citywire
is different.
.NET desktop applications
ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC applications
See expensive & data-heavy Silverlight, SharePoint, and Windows Store apps
operations Any .NET language, including C#, VB.NET, and F#
SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, &PostgreSQL
It is the only .NET profiler that shows you how .NET Framework 1.1-4.5, Windows XP-Windows 8,
your code interacts with your database. This is and Windows Server 2003-2012
particularly helpful if you use an ORM, where the Plus, integrates with Visual Studio 2005-2013
risk of slow queries or too many database
requests is high.

For SQL Server databases, it now shows you the

full execution plan for your query. See for yourself how ANTS Performance
Profiler 9 can speed up your application.
Expensive operations are picked out for you. You
get automatic warnings about problems like
missing indexes. Even if the problem’s in your
Try it free for 14 days at
database, it’s easy to find and fix. www.red-gate.com/dotnetcurry
www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 29
Introduction Language (SAML), can leverage this
federation authentication service.
read this article first. The steps shown
in this article are also applicable
to ADFS which already exists on-
Active Directory Federations In this article, we are going to use premises. For demonstration purposes,
Services (ADFS) is an enterprise- ADFS configured in Azure VM for we are not using on-premises ADFS
level identity and access Single Sign-on implementation. If but are going to use Azure VM to act as
management service provided by you have never configured an ADFS our domain controller and ADFS server.
Microsoft. ADFS runs as a separate in Azure VM or need to know the
service and hence any application
that supports WF-Federation
benefits of using an ADFS, along
with some key terminologies, I
and Security Assertion Markup strongly recommend you to Technology Stack
1. Windows Server 2012 R2

USING DataCenter
2. Azure VM based ADFS OR on-
premise ADFS

3. Self-Signed SSL Certificates
4. Visual Studio 2013 Community

Important ADFS

In this section, I will demonstrate what
ADFS should consist of, in order to
integrate well with your ASP.NET MVC

application. I will be using the same
setup as demonstrated over here.

Add details for

existing AD user and
FOR create new user

SINGLE The MVC application we are

developing is a claims-aware
application, therefore ADFS should

SIGN-ON IN AN send in the claims that will represent

information of the user on a successful
authentication. To make this possible,

important details of each ADFS user
must be configured in Active Directory.
This section highlights settings which

are necessary for a user to enable
him/her for use of claims-aware
Login to the Active Directory server. In my case, it Now we will add another user in the same active
is the Azure VM. In your case it may be Azure VM directory. Right click on “Users” in the left hand
or on-premises AD server. Remember the steps are panel and select option as “New User”.
going to be same irrespective of Azure VM or on-
premises Server. For this article, we will use Azure

From “Server Manager” options > select “Tools” menu

> and open “Active Directory Users and Computers”

From “AntarikshDomain.com”, locate the user

“antarikshadmin”. I am going to add my name ‘kunal’ as a new user. If
you wish, you can add yours or anybody else’s. Refer
to the following screenshot for details. Click Next
and provide a password of your choice. Make sure
that you check the options “User cannot change
password” and “Password Never Expires”. Click Next
to continue and then click on Finish to complete the
new user creation procedure.
Double click on the user to open the details window.
Fill in the details in the “General” tab as shown in
the following screenshot.

What is my Metadata URL

and where to find it?
First let me show how you can locate the metadata
URL of your ADFS and in the next section, we will
explore the why part of it.

To get your metadata url, open Server Manager or

Azure AD VM (or on-premises AD machine) > and
from “Tools” option > select “ADFS Management”
option as shown here –

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 31
this URL in a browser like IE, then this is what you
will see –

This step will bring up the “ADFS Management”

window. Then expand the “Service” tab in the
left hand panel and select “Endpoint” option. All
endpoints available on ADFS will be displayed. Scroll It is absolutely fine if you are not able to make any
to the bottom and you can locate the metadata URL sense out of this metadata. When we configure this
as shown here – metadata in our application, that’s when we will
realize its importance.

Note – If you face any certificate errors like “There is

problem with this websites security certificate” then
there’s nothing to worry here. Just click on “Continue to
this website (not recommended).” Option to continue.
The reason this error gets displayed in the browser is
because we are using Self-Signed Certificates.

If you have provided a different name to your cloud

service, then your URL will be


If you observe, the metadata URL in the screenshot is

If you are using on-premises ADFS, then you
being displayed as
metadata URL will be –
xml. This is only a part of the metadata URL. The full
metadata URL would be your DNS name + the URL
we just saw. As you know, in our case we are using
Azure VM for hosting ADFS, therefore our Azure Cloud
Service URL is nothing but our DNS name. Therefore
in this case, the complete Metadata URL will be – Before moving ahead, let’s first understand why do
we need this Metadata URL and what is its purpose.
This is explained in the next section ‘General Steps
for Claim Based Authentication’.

If you have used the link I shared earlier to set up

ADFS in Azure VM and followed all the steps till now,
then the URL will work for you as it is. Now if you put

32 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

General Steps for Claim using WIF and have used ADFS to issue security
token, the next step is to set up a trust relationship.
Based Authentication This is a very important step. An application needs
to trust the ADFS to identify and authenticate
When we say that our application will use ADFS for users and make claims about their identities. When
authentication, it means that our application should you configure an application to rely on a specific
be able to understand claims sent by ADFS. There issuer, you are establishing a TRUST (or TRUST
are 4 generic steps involved – RELATIONSHIP) with that issuer. The application
needs to understand what claims ADFS will be
offering, what key application should be using to
Step 1 - Add logic to your validate the tokens? What URL the user should be
application for supporting using to request token? And so on.

claims ADFS provides answers to the above questions

using “federation metadata”. This is an XML
When you are planning to build a claim-based document which ADFS provides to the application
application, your application needs to know how to and in our case it can be obtained from the URL –
validate security token coming from a security token
service (in our case ADFS) and how to retrieve claim https://antariksh.cloudapp.net/
from that security token. Microsoft has provided FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.
rich classes in its Windows Identity Foundation xml
(WIF) framework to handle implementation of
claims-based application. The WIF framework
I hope you now understand the important of the
provides a basic programming model for claim-
ADFS Metadata URL.
based authentication. In order to use WIF, you
will need to add a reference to the WIF assembly
(Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll) in your WCF or ASP.NET It includes a serialized copy of the issuer’s certificate
application. that provides your application with the correct
public key to verify incoming tokens. WIF includes
a wizard that automatically configures application’s
Step 2 - Acquire or build an identity settings based on this metadata. We just
issuer (ADFS) need to give the wizard the URL for the ADFS, and
it downloads the metadata and properly configures
your application.
I have already implemented this step over here
Configuring ADFS in Azure Virtual Machine.
Needless to mention, the same steps can be used if Step 4 – Configure the issuer
you are using on-premises ADFS.
(ADFS) to know about your
ADFS will be issuing security tokens and claims, application
therefore ADFS is also termed as Issuer. In a broader
view, all Identity Providers are treated as Issuer or The trust relationship is always two ways. In Step
Secure token Services (STS). 3, we saw that by using Metadata URL, we can
configure trust relationship between Applications
and ADFS. Now ADFS needs to know a few things
Step 3 – Configure about an application before it can issue it any
application to trust the issuer tokens. These questions include information related
to URI of the application, which claims are required
(ADFS) by applications out of issue by ADFS, URL of the
application to receive tokens and so on.
Once you have developed a claim-based application

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 33
ADFS can get this information about the application
when we configure the application as Relying Party.
Our application is going to rely on ADFS for security
token and authentication therefore it is called as
the Relying Party.

We will follow these 4 steps so as to implement

ADFS integration in an ASP.NET MVC application.


application secured by
• Cloud - Single Organization – this option should
So here we go with the actual implementation. I be chosen if your application is authenticating
hope you have noted the technology stack I have against Azure Active Directory.
mentioned at the beginning of the article.
• Cloud – Multiple Organization – this option is for
Create claims-aware ASP.NET SaaS applications where one application will be
used by multiple clients.
MVC application
• On – Premises – This option allows you to
The first step would to be open Visual Studio 2013 connect to any WS-Federation provider (like ADFS)
in the administrator mode and click on File > New which offers Metadata document and this is our
> Project. A dialog box appears where in you put option for the article!
the name of your project as SingleADFSDemo
(or anything else of your choice) and specify the Note – Don’t go by the literal name On-Premises.
appropriate location. When we click OK, another pop This option suggests that you can use any corporate
up appears where we need to choose the template ADFS irrespective of the fact that ADFS is hosted on-
of the project. We will select MVC template here. As premises or on Azure VM.
soon as we select the MVC template, automatically
in the right hand panel, the authentication mode
So select “On-Premises” and the following screen
changes to “Individual User Account” and we don’t
appears asking for 2 types of information.
want that!!

• On Premises Authority – this should be our ADFS

So click on “Change Authentication” button, another
metadata URL which can be from Azure VM based
pop up appears where you can select the option as
ADFS or On-premises hosted ADFS.
“Organization Account”. In the right hand panel, a
drop down appears with default value selected as
“Cloud-Single Organization” and we don’t want this • App Id URI – This will be the URL assigned to
option too!! the ASP.NET MVC project we are creating using
IIS Express. If we host it on a custom domain
like https://kunal.com then this URL of custom
In the same drop down, select the option
name will be my App Id URI. Of course this can be
On-Premises and here is the catch/confusion! Let’s
changed later after project creation using
understand these drop-down options one by one!
web.config. We are going to keep it blank and let it
get auto-populated after project creation.

34 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Add the metadata url (https://antariksh. The audience URL is the application URL so at a
cloudapp.net/FederationMetadata/2007-06/ later date after finishing testing with localhost, let
FederationMetadata.xml ) of domain Antariksh, keep us say we wish to host the MVC application on:
App Id URL blank and click on OK to continue. Keep
rest of the options as it is and click on OK to create • Azure cloud service, then my audience URI and
the project. realm would be https://mycloudservicename.
cloudapp.net/ or

• Azure webApps, then it would be https://

mywebsites.azurewebsites.net/ or

• Custom domain like kunal.com, then it would be

https://kunal.com/ and so on. You got the idea right?

So hereby we have defined the trust relation in our

After project creation, expand the references
MVC application or Relying Party to Azure VM based
from Solution explorer and you will observe that
System.IdentityModel.dll reference has got added
Adding MVC app as
Relying party trust in
Let us move back to ADFS to do some
configurations. In this step, we will essentially tell
ADFS that our MVC application with localhost url is
a trusted application and you can send the security
tokens to it after successful authentication from a
user. In technical terminology, this is nothing but
adding relying party trust in ADFS.

So login to the ADFS Azure VM. Open Server

Manager > Tools > ADFS Management. Expand
“Trust Relationships” from left hand panel and
select “Relying Party trusts” option. You will see that
Device Registration Service is already present as a
relying party. Now click on the option “Add Relying
Party Trust” in the right hand panel.

In web.config an entry for <system.

identityModel> gets added with all the settings
required for making application claim-aware and
trust the metadata of ADFS. It is also important
to note here that localhost IIS express URL will be The Add relying party wizard will appear. Click on
added under <audienceUris> tag and metadata the Start button to continue. Select the option
URL, realm etc. added under <appSettings>.

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 35
“Enter data about relying party manually” and click configure multi-factor authentication settings for
on Next to continue. Now we are going to use our this relying party trust at this time” and click Next
localhost URL as relying party therefore we are to continue. Select “Permit all users to access this
providing the name as localhost application. relying party” and click Next to continue.

Click Next to continue. In the Choose Profile In the “Ready to add trust” window, click Next to
window, select “ADFS Profile” option and click Next continue. In the “Finish” window, select the checkbox
to continue. The ADFS configured on Windows to open the claims rules and click on Close.
Server 2012 is ADFS 3.0 therefore we are not
selecting 1.0 and 1.1 profile option.

In the “Configure Certificate” option let’s not do

anything. This window gives you an option to The Edit claim rules window pops up. At this point,
choose the certificate for encrypting tokens. As of ADFS knows about our MVC application but there a
now, we are encrypting none of the tokens therefore couple of additional things required. This is where
simply click on Next to continue. In the “Configure we tell ADFS which claims need to be sent to the
URL” window, select the checkbox against the option relying party and what values will be present in
“Enable support for the WS-Federation passive those claims.
protocol”. The Textbox will get enabled and this is
where we need to put our relying party URL or in Click on the “Add Rule” button.
simple words- our MVC application URL. From web.
config file, copy value for the key ida:AudienceUri
and put in the textbox as shown here and then click
Next to continue.

Select template value as “Send LDAP attributes

as claims”. Actually claims will be sent by Active
In “Configure Identifiers” we already have the Directory and Active Directory is a LDAP based store,
required relying party added, therefore simply click therefore we are selecting this template. Now click
Next to continue. Now select “I do not want to on Next to continue.

36 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Enter the credentials of antarikshadmin or your
ADFS admin and you will be redirected to the home
page of the MVC application with your admin name
flashing in the right hand upper corner as shown
here –

In configure Rule window, provide the name for the

rule as Send AD Attributes. Select the attribute store
as “Active Directory”. In the mapping table, map the
values as shown here – Isn’t this amazing? We did a complete ADFS
integration in our MVC application without writing a
single line of code! Let’s go further and analyze the
claims we are receiving from ADFS.

Viewing the claims retrieved

Now we must understand the different claims our
application is receiving. We are going to populate
all the received claims in the About action. Let’s
first rename the About action to Showclaims from
Layout.cshtml as highlighted here –

Click on Finish to exit the wizard and then click OK

to complete claims rules configuration.

Running the application

Alright. Now is the time to test everything we Modify the HomeController About action to
have done so far. Going back to Visual Studio, hit ShowClaims and add some code to return claims to
F5 to start the application in debug mode. Click the views. You will need to use
continue on certificate errors and hurraahh! If you System.Security.Claims reference at the top. Refer to
are running your application in IE, you will see a the following screenshot for details –
credentials box from our Azure VM or on-premises
ADFS as shown here –

Rename the About.cshtml view to

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 37
ShowClaims.cshtml and add the following code in bound to get frustrated. That’s where I thought
the view as shown here – it is worth to spend some time explaining a
simple technique to bypass ADFS authentication
mechanism during development work.

Just open the web.config, search for <deny

users="?" /> and comment it. You are done!
Now if you run the application, ADFS login box will
not appear and entire application will be accessed

Run the application, enter ADFS admin credentials.

After successful login, click ShowClaims action at
the top and all the claims sent by ADFS will be

In this article we saw how easy it was to implement

a single ADFS integration in ASP.NET MVC and how
to retrieve the claims, relying party, claims rules
and many other aspects involved with a typical
WSFederation implementation using Windows
Identity Foundation (WIF) technique.
The way we used admin user, other AD users can
also be used in the same way. Remember we
configured an extra user in ADDC called ‘kunal’ or We can also configure our ASP.NET MVC application
whatever you chose the username as. Go ahead to consume multiple ADFS authentication (either
and use the credentials of this new user created in Azure VM configured or On-premises) using
ADDC and see if you get similar results. Microsoft OWIN KATANA. Keep an eye out for an
upcoming article on multiple ADFS authentication
on www.dotnetcurry.com
Now you can use any of these claims like email in
your application and can provide authorization to
the user based on authorization roles and rules in
your database. About the Author
Kunal Chandratre is a Microsoft Azure
Making life easier for MVP and works as an Azure Architect in

developers to bypass ADFS a leading software company in (Pune)

India. He is also an Azure Consultant to
authentication during various organizations across the globe
for Azure support and provides quick
development start trainings on Azure to corporates
and individuals on weekends. He
regularly blogs about his Azure
One of the most frequent questions I have experience and is a very active member
encountered in person and in forums is about in various Microsoft Communities and
developers asking how to bypass ADFS temporarily. kunal also participates as a ‘Speaker’ in many
Once ADFS integration is implemented in a project, chandratre events. You can follow him on Twitter
every time you run the application, it keeps asking at: @kunalchandratre or subscribe to
his blog at http://sanganakauthority.
you to enter the credentials and Developers who
are working everyday on the same project, are

38 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

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www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 39
www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 41
casual glance at WPF’s ItemsControl may
not elicit much excitement, but behind
its modest façade lies a wealth of power
and flexibility. Gaining a deep understanding of
the ItemsControl is crucial to your efficacy as a
WPF developer. Such an understanding will enable
you to recognize and rapidly solve a whole class
of UI problems that would otherwise have been
debilitating. This two part article will help you
obtain this understanding.

As an added bonus, the knowledge you garner here

will be applicable to the wider XAML ecosystem.
Windows Store, Windows Phone, and Silverlight
platforms all include support for ItemsControl.
There may be slight differences in feature sets or
usage here and there, but for the most part your
knowledge will be transferrable.

This is equivalent to invoking the ItemsControl

constructor and omitting any property
modifications. If you put this inside a Window, what
you get for your efforts is decidedly dull. Since the
ItemsControl has no items (how could it? - we’ve
not told it where to get items from) it renders
without obvious appearance. It’s still there, but we’ll
need to change the Background property to Red in
order to reveal it:

<ItemsControl Background="Red"/>

In this first part of the article, we will explore the

fundamental concepts of the ItemsControl class.
Figure 1 A default ItemsControl on the left, and with an explicit
The Basics background color on the right
As you can see in Figure 1, it’s now clear that our
The XAML for the simplest possible ItemsControl ItemsControl occupies the entire Window. This
is: implies that it must be having some effect on the

42 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

visual tree, and we can confirm this using Visual property is of type ItemCollection, which is
Studio 2015’s new WPF Visualizer tool. essentially just a non-generic collection of items
in the ItemsControl. As we’ll discover later,
Note: Alternatively, you could use the excellent Snoop different ItemsControl subclasses have different
utility. See http://snoopwpf.codeplex.com/. preferences for the type of items you place within
them, but the ItemsControl itself doesn’t care – as
In order to use this visualizer we need to be long as the item is a FrameworkElement subclass.
debugging, so we first need to set a breakpoint in For example:
the code-behind for our Window. But where? We <ItemsControl>
only have a constructor at this point and during
<Label>A Label</Label>
construction WPF has not yet had a chance to
<Button>A Button</Button>
realize the visual tree, so we need to add some <CheckBox>A CheckBox</CheckBox>
code. Perhaps the simplest thing to do is add this </ItemsControl.Items>
code to our constructor: </ItemsControl>

this.Loaded += delegate { We can simplify the XAML further because the

var dummy = this; Items property is the content property for an

Now we can set a breakpoint on our dummy variable. <ItemsControl>

<Label>A Label</Label>
Execute the application and when the breakpoint is <Button>A Button</Button>
hit, hover your cursor over this. Click the little <CheckBox>A CheckBox</CheckBox>
magnifying glass icon that appears in the tooltip. </ItemsControl>
You will then see the WPF Visualizer, per Figure 2.
Either way, we get the UI depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Some user interface items in an ItemsControl

What if we simply throw some textual content into

Figure 2 The WPF debug visualizer, new to Visual Studio 2015 an ItemsControl instead of UI components? Let’s
try throwing some places in there:
As you can see, even a default ItemsControl with <ItemsControl>
no items still includes some visual elements. The London
Border is what we see rendered when we set the Amsterdam
BackgroundColor on our ItemsControl. Inside Adelaide
the Border resides an ItemsPresenter and, inside </ItemsControl>
that, a StackPanel. Neither of these elements has
any visual appearance themselves – they’re only of Figure 4 shows the result, which is perhaps a little
utility if our ItemsControl actually has items. unexpected.

Populating Items

The simplest way to get some items into our Figure 4 Some textual items in an ItemsControl
ItemsControl is via the Items property. This

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 43
What happened here is that any text is Let’s start out by just assigning a List<string> to
automatically placed inside a TextBlock. Per the the DataContext of our Window:
rules of XML parsing, all three “items” are parsed as
one piece of text. We can confirm this via the public MainWindow()
WPF Visualizer – see Figure 5. {
this.DataContext = new List<string>

Now we can modify our XAML thusly:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}"/>

Figure 5 Our text has been hosted inside a single TextBlock The result is shown in Figure 6. It is visually
identical to what we’d get if we manually added
OK, so now we know we can add any number of user three TextBlock controls to the Items property of
interface elements to an ItemsControl simply by our ItemsControl. The resulting visual tree is also
including them as children of the ItemsControl very similar, but not exactly the same. When using
element in our XAML. But what’s the point? How is ItemsSource, each of our TextBlock controls
this any better than simply including the items as is hosted inside a ContentPresenter whereas
children of a StackPanel instead? In fact, if you when using Items they are not. The reasons are
look at Figure 5 you’ll see that a StackPanel is not terribly important here, but it comes down to
hosting our items anyway (we’ll find out why later). ItemsControl container generation logic, which
is responsible for wrapping items in a container if
The answer is: you normally wouldn’t. At least,
not with an ItemsControl. You might use this
approach with subclasses of ItemsControl,
for reasons we’ll discover later. Regardless, it’s
an instructive stepping-stone on our path to
a data-driven ItemsControl, which is where
ItemsSource comes in. Figure 6 Our ItemsControl is now obtaining its data from a
The Items and ItemsSource properties are
mutually exclusive – it makes sense to set only ItemsControl also provides a HasItems property,
one of them and any attempt to use both will but I haven’t found it to be of any use. If you need
result in an exception. ItemsSource allows us to to trigger UI changes based on your available data,
give the ItemsControl a data source from which to you’re better off modelling those requirements in
materialize the items it displays. This could be an your view models. Not only does this give you more
XML document or a list of CLR objects. In practice I centralized logic and greater flexibility (for example,
have found XML document data sources to be of use what if you need to know when you have only one
only in standalone demos, so I am going to ignore item?), it also enables you to test such scenarios too.
them here. In a production system, you will almost
certainly want to create view models around your Now that we know how to get items into our
data – whether it’s XML-based or otherwise – and ItemsControl, can we stop ignoring the fact that
bind your ItemsControl to them instead. the items are visually boring? How can we adjust
their appearance?

44 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Basic Item Appearance As mentioned earlier, we would typically have
view models wrapping the data we wish to bind to.
Suppose we want to refactor our list of cities into a
list of view models representing those cities. We can
A simple place to start with adjusting achieve this very quickly as follows:
the appearance of our items is with the
ItemStringFormat property. This property enables public sealed class CityViewModel
us to provide a format string that will be used to {
produce the displayed string for each of our items. private readonly string name;
For example, if we set it as follows: public CityViewModel(string name)
this.name = name;
ItemsSource="{Binding}" public string Name => this.name;
ItemStringFormat="City: {0}"/> }

// in our constructor
this.DataContext = new
new CityViewModel("London"),
new CityViewModel("Amsterdam"),
Figure 7 Using the ItemStringFormat property to modify the new CityViewModel("Adelaide")
text shown for each item };

The result is that each of our items is prefixed with If we revert our ItemsControl so that it does
“City: “, as you can see in Figure 7. Of course, all the not specify ItemStringFormat and run the
usual rules and behavior for .NET string formatting application, we see Figure 9. Clearly this is not what
apply here. In this case, our data items are of type we’re after. What’s happening here is WPF is calling
string, so we’re a little limited in our formatting ToString on each of our view models in order to
capabilities. Let’s change to using dates: obtain a default representation of them. After all, we
haven’t told WPF that we actually want to show the
this.DataContext = new List<DateTime> Name property on our view model.
new DateTime(2013, 02, 13),
new DateTime(2004, 12, 31)

Now we can set our ItemStringFormat as follows: Figure 9 Default visualization of our view models

We can do exactly that by specifying the
DisplayMemberPath property:
ItemStringFormat="MMMM dd, yyyy"/>
The result is depicted in Figure 8. ItemsSource="{Binding}"

This gets us back on track and is visually

indistinguishable from Figure 6 where we were
using a List<string> as our data source. Of
Figure 8 Binding to DateTime instances without course, we can combine DisplayMemberPath with
ItemStringFormat (left) and with it (right) ItemStringFormat:

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 45
<ItemsControl new CityViewModel(
ItemsSource="{Binding}" "London",
DisplayMemberPath="Name" 8.308f,
ItemStringFormat="City: {0}"/> BitmapLoader
This gets us the same UI as shown in Figure 7. .LoadFromResource(
The view model we created above is pretty Images/gb.png",
pointless. All it does is wrap our city name so it’s not null,
adding any value. In reality, we’d likely have several null))
properties for each city:
Again, the details aren’t terribly important for the
public sealed class CityViewModel :
ReactiveObject purposes of this article.
private readonly string name; Now that we have view models with more
private readonly float population; interesting data in them, how can we take
private readonly advantage of this from our view? The
countryFlag; ItemsControl class includes an ItemTemplate
property that allows us to specify a rich visual tree
public CityViewModel(string name, float to represent each item. Suppose we want to display
population, Task<IBitmap> countryFlag) the city name in bold with the population count
{ underneath it. Off to the right, we want to display
this.name = name; the country flag. We can achieve this as follows:
this.population = population;
this.countryFlag = countryFlag <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}">
.ToObservable() <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate>
.ToProperty(this, x => <DataTemplate>
x.CountryFlag); <Grid>
} <Grid.RowDefinitions>
public string Name => this.name; <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
public float Population => this. <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
population; </Grid.RowDefinitions>
public IBitmap CountryFlag => this. <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
countryFlag.Value; <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
} <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
I’ve added population (in millions) and a country <TextBlock
Text="{Binding Name}"
flag image. I’m using Splat for the image so that our FontWeight="Bold"
view model remains agnostic of the platform on FontSize="10pt"/>
which it is running. You’ll notice I’m also deriving <TextBlock
from ReactiveObject and using something called Grid.Row="1"
ObservableAsPropertyHelper. These are types Text="{Binding Population,
from ReactiveUI . ReactiveUI is outside the scope StringFormat=Population {0:0.#}
of this article, but you can see that our bitmap is FontSize="8pt"
loaded asynchronously. I’m using ReactiveUI as a Foreground="DarkGray"/>
simple means of surfacing the asynchronously- <Image Grid.Column="1"
loaded bitmap as a property. Until it has loaded, our Grid.RowSpan="2"
CountryFlag returns null. Once loaded, a property Source="{Binding CountryFlag,
changed notification is raised for CountryFlag, and Converter={StaticResource
it returns the loaded bitmap. </Grid>
I then construct the view models in this manner: </ItemsControl.ItemTemplate>

46 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

public override DataTemplate
What we’ve effectively done here is told the SelectTemplate(object item,
ItemsControl “hey, whenever you need to DependencyObject container)
render an item, please create a copy of this Grid
if (item is CountryViewModel){
with these children and these bindings”. The
DataContext for each Grid will be a view model, return CountryDataTemplate;
which is why the bindings will work. If we run the }
application again, we see the UI in Figure 10. It’s far else if (item is CityViewModel){
from perfect, but it’s a big step forward. return CityDataTemplate;
return null;

We’re using a simple type check to determine which

DataTemplate to return, where each possible
DataTemplate is provided to us via a separate
property. We can then define an instance of our
PlaceDataTemplateSelector in the resources for
Figure 10 Using an ItemTemplate to customize the visual tree our Window:
of each item
The ItemTemplate gives us a lot of flexibility x:Key="PlaceDataTemplateSelector">
over how our items are rendered, but <local:PlaceDataTemplateSelector.
ItemsControl offers us even more flexibility
by way of its ItemTemplateSelector <Grid>
property. Setting this property to an instance <Grid.RowDefinitions>
of DataTemplateSelector gives us a means <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
of dynamically selecting a template for each <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
item. Suppose, for example, we generalized our </Grid.RowDefinitions>
application such that it displays places, not just
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
cities. We can add a CountryViewModel alongside <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
our CityViewModel. Both view models extend </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
a base view model called PlaceViewModel. <TextBlock
We would like to display cities differently to Text="{Binding Name}"
countries, but all places are displayed inside FontWeight="Bold"
the same ItemsControl. This is precisely the
kind of scenario that ItemTemplateSelector Grid.Row="1"
accommodates. Text="{Binding Population,
StringFormat=Population {0:0.#}
Some simple refactoring of our existing code gives million}"
us our three view models. We can then define a
DataTemplateSelector as follows: <Image
public sealed class Grid.RowSpan="2"
PlaceDataTemplateSelector : Source="{Binding CountryFlag,
DataTemplateSelector Converter={StaticResource
{ ToNativeConverter}}"/>
public DataTemplate </Grid>
CountryDataTemplate { get; set; } </DataTemplate>
public DataTemplate CityDataTemplate { </local:PlaceDataTemplateSelector.
get; set; } CountryDataTemplate>

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 47
CityDataTemplate> Of course, the flexibility that we get from
<DataTemplate> ItemTemplateSelector does not end there. We
<Grid> could have it choose from any number of templates
<Grid.RowDefinitions> based on any programmable factor we desired. That
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> said, the use of ItemTemplate is far more common
</Grid.RowDefinitions> than ItemTemplateSelector. Most of the time
<TextBlock you will know at design-time what the item should
Text="{Binding Name}" look like, and there’s rarely a need to vary that
FontWeight="Bold" appearance dynamically.
Grid.Row="1" Conclusion
Text="{Binding Population,
StringFormat=Population {0:0.#}
million}" You should now have a firm grasp on
FontSize="8pt" ItemsControl fundamentals – how to declare one
Foreground="DarkGray"/> in XAML, how to populate it with data, and how to
</Grid> customize the appearance of items within it. For
</DataTemplate> some simple scenarios, this is all the knowledge you
need to create a solution. However, there is much
</local:PlaceDataTemplateSelector> and more to learn beyond what we’ve covered in
this first part of the article. In part 2 of this article,
We could also inline the definition within our we’ll dig much deeper and acquire the necessary
ItemsControl, but I usually find it cleaner to skills to utilize ItemsControl in advanced
separate any relatively complex elements out into scenarios
the resources section, or even other files altogether.
Regardless, we can now modify our ItemsControl
About the Author
ItemsSource="{Binding}" Kent Boogaart is a Microsoft MVP in
ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource Windows Platform Development since
PlaceDataTemplateSelector}"/> 2009. He lives in Adelaide, Australia
with his wife and two kids. You can
The end result is shown in Figure 10. As you can find his blog at
see, we’re only showing the flag now if the item http://kent-boogaart.com and follow
him on Twitter @kent_boogaart.
represents a country. In addition, the font size for
the country name is larger than the font size for city

kent boogaart

Figure 11 Using ItemTemplateSelector to vary the visuals on a

per-item basis

48 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

The Way Ahead
With each passing day, we are getting hooked on to an increasing
Embracing number of small devices. Besides, the Internet drives our lives like
never before. It is obvious, as well as natural, that the connectivity

Open Source of these small devices with the Internet, ultimately, will lead
towards their inter-connectivity; where not only data exchange,
but decision making will be a shared responsibility of these smart
Technologies devices. That means the real value of Internet of Things (IoT) does
not lie in just home automation, but rather in the data collection

for Connected
by these smart devices and analytics, further up the value chain.
In this article, we will explore the possibility of developing
applications for IoT devices that capture data from low-cost

Devices sensors and communicate with real-time scalable services in

Windows Azure – primarily using Open Source Technologies for
devices and Managed Services in Azure.

Connected Devices vs People

In the last decade, we have seen multiple platforms (through

50 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

the power of Internet) facilitate all facets of our the network of IoT devices, the collected data can
communication – email, chat, meetups, networking be used to feed Big Data platforms (like HDInsight)
or career development. People have more than one for the purpose of analytics.
device that allows them to remain connected to the
Internet to access platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Meetup, etc. With the current
trend, soon the number of Internet connected
devices (Internet-of-things, aka IoT) will outnumber
the world population. While this increase in the
number of Internet-connected devices will increase
the network traffic, and will force us to adopt IPv6,
it will also open the door to new opportunities for
developers, security analysts, business houses and Typical Tech Stack with Open
governments. Source
As developers and architects, it becomes essential
Choosing the right platform for IoT is an arduous
for us to think of IoT from the aspects of scale
task. The platform, while providing an ease of
of operation, autonomously connected devices,
development, should be extensible to any other
interoperability between them and seamless
IoT board with little modification, should not
collection of data captured by these IoT devices
compromise on the execution speed or security and
into a centralized data store, that can be used for
should execute our code with low-energy factor.
analytics. This makes the marriage of IoT with the
Some of the languages that meet the qualifying
Cloud, perfect!
criteria for IoT platforms are - C, CPP and JavaScript.
Choosing a language from these is a matter of
Internet of Things and Azure – The personal preference. For this article, we will
Way Ahead embrace the open-source technology stack and will
explore JavaScript on IoT.
There are several IoT boards available in the market
and new ones are getting released every month. So our tech stack appears like the following:
Whichever board we choose, the basic process of
getting our board connected to the cloud remains
the same. The 4 essential steps to have our sensors
stream or send data to the cloud are:

1. Connect the device that we have: start with

connecting sensors to our device and device to the
Ethernet/Wireless network.
Whether we use Raspberry Pi, Arduino or Intel
2. Utilize the Cloud Services: build services (Worker Galileo board, the same tech stack can be used with
Roles, Web Roles, Jobs) that run in the cloud and the example illustrated in the sections to follow.
help in persisting data in one of the data stores like
SQL database, DocumentDB, MongoDB, Blobs, etc. Editorial Note: For those who want to try this sample
on RaspberryPi, please note that Pi cannot read analog
3. Combine data collected from devices: With input from FS Resistor. Additional analog to digital
service contracts ready in step 2, we need to ensure converter can be added to original circuit to make
that our device consumes the service contracts and this project work. Please see http://acaird.github.io/
is able to push the sensor data to cloud services. computers/2015/01/07/raspberry-pi-fsr/ for more
information (feedback provided by Shoban Kumar
4. Generate new insights from data collected: From @shobankr).

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 51
Smart Garbage Bin Setting up the Azure Environment

One of the ideas that really fascinates me is With the tech stack mentioned earlier, we are
the Smart Garbage Bin that some nations have aiming to have our IoT device code use Javascript/
adopted. Smart Garbage Bins tend to decrease the jQuery to send the sensor data to Azure Cloud
operational cost of monitoring the garbage bins by Services. From an Azure perspective, we have the
intelligent monitoring for waste and recyclables. option to choose one of the multiple ways available
There are different versions of Smart Bins available to receive this data, for e.g. service bus queues/
in market but our rationale (for this article) is - topics, event hubs, blobs, tables, etc. For this

application, we will use Azure Service Bus Queues.
We need to develop a smart bin that detects if the bin
is full and should report to a centralized cloud service. So as the next step, we need to create a queue on
Detection of level of garbage in the bin can be done Azure Management Portal (or using PowerShell
either by calibrating the weight of garbage or the scripts) with name Q.FromSensorRealtimeValue
height of garbage in the bin.

And as mentioned earlier, we will follow the 4 step

process to accomplish this.

Setting up the IoT board Once the queue has been created, we can navigate
to the Configure tab and create shared access policy
with the following settings:
To begin with, we need the following electronic
• Name: DeviceSharedKey
• Permissions: Send
• IoT board – let’s take Intel Galileo Gen 2 running
Yocto (Embedded Linux)
This will restrict the device to only publish
• Force sensitive resistor (FSR) 0.5” or 6”
messages to the queue.
(depending upon surface area of bin)
• Resistor – 22K Ω
• LED Matrix 8x16 HT16K33
• Jumper cables
• Breadboard

The wiring of the Intel Galileo Gen 2 board with

FSR sensor and LED matrix needs to be done as
shown below:
This setup will then be placed at the bottom of the
bin so that we can measure the force of the garbage
on the bin.

52 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Now we need a persistent store, like SQL Database, 1OD0KM8EjhNmrnlcSTwFfTBQ7xOs9yALpJSwVjP4sIw=";
to store messages we receive on this queue.
We need to create a new database using Azure var os = require("os");
Management Portal and create one table in this var azure = require('azure');
var Galileo = require("galileo-io");
new database. var five = require("johnny-five");

The script of the table is as shown here: var serviceBusService =

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FSR]( console.log('Connected to Azure');
PRIMARY KEY, var board = new five.Board({
[MeasuredValueF] [numeric](7, 2) NOT io: new Galileo()
NULL, });
[DeviceName] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
[RecordedAt] [datetime] NOT NULL, board.on("ready", function () {
[ReceivedAt] [datetime] NULL,
[MessageJSON] [ntext] NULL console.log("Connection Established
) with IoT device");
var fsr = new five.Sensor({
pin: "A0",
IoT – Cross-Platform, Open Source freq: 60000
code });

var matrix = new five.Led.Matrix({

Javascript based platform NodeJS gives us the controller: "HT16K33",
flexibility to write code regardless of any platform, addresses: [0x70],
providing us with over thousands of npm modules to dims: "8x16",
do almost everything that we can do with managed rotation: 2
code like C# and Java. So we can write and build });
our IoT code using NodeJS and then run it on any
var open = [
device / platform. For this application, we will "0000000000000000", "0011110000111100",
require 4 npm modules to run with NodeJS – os, "0100001001000010", "1001100110011001",
azure, galileo-io and johnny-five. If these "1001100110011001", "0100001001000010",
modules are not installed on your IoT device, we "0011110000111100", "0000000000000000",
can execute the following installation commands: ];

var closed = [
npm install os "0000000000000000", "0000000000000000",
npm install azure "0000000000000000", "0000000000000000",
npm install galileo-io "0000000000000000", "0000000000000000",
npm install johnny-five "0000000000000000", "0000000000000000",
Once the modules have been installed on our IoT
var THRESHOLD = 500;
device, we can paste the following code snippet in a fsr.scale([0, 1000]).on("data",
file (say, smartbin.js) function () {
if (this.value > THRESHOLD) {
var message = {
var serviceBusConnectionString = Hostname: os.hostname(),
"Endpoint=sb://iotcomm-ns.servicebus. SensorType: "FSR",
windows.net/; SharedAccessKeyName= MeasuredValue: this.value,
DeviceSharedKey;SharedAccessKey= RecordedAt: new Date()

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 53
sendQueueMessage("Q. {
FromSensorRealtimeValue", JSON. "Hostname": "quark09877",
stringify(message), function (error) "SensorType": "FSR",
{ "MeasuredValue": 700,
if (!error) { "RecordedAt": "Wed Apr 29 2015 18:00:10
console.log("FSR sent to Azure GMT+0000"
Queue"); }
else { When we expand this solution to run on a network
console.log("Error sending to
Azure" + error); of IoT devices, we should ensure that the time-
} zones in the devices are either set to UTC and are
}); //sendQueueMessage synchronized, or the Azure Worker Role handles
} different time-zones.
else {
} Azure – Managed code to collect
}); //fsr.on("data") IoT data
}); //board.on('ready')

To deploy this code on our IoT device, we can use To collect the data sent by IoT device, we need a
FTP tools like FileZilla or use shared folders. Once Worker Role process that can pop the message
we have telnet / putty to the device, we can run our out of the Service Bus Queue and save it in SQL
IoT NodeJS code using database using Entity Framework. A typical Worker
Role requires implementation of 3 methods –
node smartbin.js OnStart, Run and OnStop. Our Worker Role
process will initiate the queue connection in the
The code will connect to Azure using the connection OnStart method, subscribe to the Queue in Run
string and will then initialize the Galileo board method and should close the queue connection in
using Johnny-Five libraries. OnStop method.

Johnny-Five is Firmata protocol based open-source public override void Run()

framework, that can be used to write programs on {
Trace.WriteLine("Starting processing of
all Arduino models, Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel messages");
Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, _queueClient.
Raspberry Pi, Spark Core, TI Launchpad and more with OnMessage((receivedMessage) =>
almost negligible code changes. The library exposes ProcessMessage(receivedMessage));
a board object which raises an event ‘ready’ once the CompletedEvent.WaitOne();
board has been initialized. }
private void
Once the board is ready, at a frequency of every 1 receivedMessage)
minute (60000 millisecond), analog sensor value {
(i.e. force measured by FSR) on the pin A0 will be try
determined and the output will be scaled on a {
DateTime receivedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
range of 0 to 1000.
Trace.WriteLine("Processing Service
When the force value goes beyond 500 (i.e. 50% of Bus message: " +
scaled value 0-1000), it will publish a message to receivedMessage.SequenceNumber.
Azure Queue and will dim off the display in LED ToString());
Stream stream =
matrix. receivedMessage.GetBody<Stream>();

A sample message on the queue will appear: StreamReader reader =

new StreamReader(stream);

54 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

string messageBody = The code we just saw can be extended to receive
reader.ReadToEnd(); data from any sensor attached to any IoT device as
far as the device can connect to the Internet.
Trace.WriteLine("Message > " +
Beyond reporting measurement
var sensorMessage = JsonConvert.
(messageBody); When we are looking forward to building a
production-ready IoT device, we would require more
var sender = efforts in reducing the size of device and ensuring
sensorMessage.Hostname.ToUpper(); low-battery consumption. For projects like Smart
Garbage Bin, we can use solar energy to power
if (sensorMessage.SensorType ==
our device and we could reduce the frequency of
{ checking the force from 1 minute to 15 minutes.
using (var unitOfWork =
new UnitOfWork()) If we are aiming at creating a network of such IoT
{ devices, we would require more services than just
decimal measuredValue = -1;
storing this data into database. We can explore
if (decimal.TryParse(sensorMessage.
MeasuredValue, out measuredValue)) several avenues of sending this data to tools like
{ Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Lake or
var fsr = new FSR(); Hadoop for trend analysis and then have actions
fsr.MeasuredValue = measuredValue; taken based on patterns like peak load time or
fsr.DeviceName = recycle duration.
fsr.ReceivedAt = receivedAt;
fsr.MessageJSON = messageBody; With IoT and Cloud, the possibilities of increasing
fsr.RecordedAt = automation and building smarter homes, cities and
sensorMessage.RecordedAt; nations appear to be seamless!

receivedMessage.Complete(); About the Author

catch (Exception ex)
{ Punit, a Microsoft .NET MVP and
Trace.TraceError(@"Error saving a FSR DZone MVB, is the author of 18
record due to exception: " + technical whitepapers published
ex.ToString()); in DeveloperIQ and a book on C
receivedMessage.Abandon(); programming. He is an expert at
} Application Design & Development,
} Performance Optimization and
defining Architecture for hybrid
systems involving Microsoft, Open-
The method ProcessMessage gets invoked when Source and Messaging Platforms. He
a sensor message is received in the queue. The is founder of KonfDB platform and
BrokeredMessage is designed to support XML punit runs a blogging platform Codetails,
serialization, so we have to retrieve the message ganshani organizes .NET sessions in Singapore,
has spoken in various international
body as a Stream object and parse it to JSON format
forums. He maintains his blog at
using Newtonsoft.Json Nuget package. Once we
have an object of the sensor data, we can store it
in a database (possibly, using Entity Framework or
ADO.NET) for analytics purpose.

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 55
REST APIs of TFS and
Visual Studio Online

Microsoft has been providing APIs n the early days of TFS, we were clients in technologies other than
for Team Foundation Services (TFS) expected to write only Microsoft Microsoft.NET; like Java, JavaScript and
from the earliest version of TFS (since .NET clients. We could give many others. For these technologies,
Visual Studio 2005). Using these APIs, reference to the components the components that are written in
we can create TFS clients and also that contained these APIs, and .NET are not useful.
write event handlers for the events use the referred classes in the code To assist such programming, Microsoft
raised by TFS. to access various TFS services. Over has recently published the APIs in
the years, to facilitate collaboration the form of RESTful services that
This article is co-authored by between different platforms, we encapsulate the services of TFS and
Subodh Sohoni and Manish Sharma are now also expected to create Visual Studio Online.
In the case of APIs we used in the early versions of
TFS, whenever we wanted to access a TFS service
programmatically from a client, we had to give
reference to assemblies that encapsulated calls to
webservices or WCF Services of TFS. It also meant
that these assemblies should be present on the
computer, the compatible .NET Framework should
be installed, and the assemblies should be stored
in the Global Assembly Cache. In a nutshell, Team
Explorer had to be installed on that computer.
These prerequisites were quite restrictive.
Since we are now dealing with RESTful services,
we do not have to worry about these conditions. As
long as we can create a HTTP request and send it Now you can create your first team project on VSO.
over the transport to TFS, and are able to read the You can provide a name to that Team Project and
response; we can write a TFS client. It can be using select process template between SCRUM, Agile and
any technology on any operating system, and on CMMI. For our example, we selected the SCRUM
any device. What sounds particularly interesting is a process template. That defines the work item types
case where a TFS client is able to run on a mobile that will be present in the team project. You can
device. also choose the version control mechanism – TFVC
or Git.
Accessing Visual Studio Online (VSO) using
such a client that uses RESTful services of TFS,
has one issue that we have to overcome. That
issue is related to security set up by VSO. While
accessing through the browser, the Team Web
Access application which is an ASP.NET application,
uses credentials of the logged-in user. These
credentials are usually the users Microsoft account
credentials like those derived from Hotmail or Live
account. RESTful services of TFS do not support
authentication using such credentials. It either
supports Basic authentication or OAuth. For each
account of VSO, we can enable Basic authentication.

Let us walk through a scenario of creating a VSO

account to enable Basic Authentication.

Enabling Basic Authentication

You can create a VSO account by going to

http://www.visualstudio.com and then select “Visual
Studio Online – Get Started for Free”. This free
account works for up to 5 users. You will need to Now that the team project is created, we will go
login with your Microsoft credentials like Hotmail, ahead and add the support for Basic authentication
Live etc. After that, you should provide a name that in our account. To do so, open the Settings section of
should be unique to your account. the account by clicking the name and then
My Profile on the right top corner. Then in the
profile, select the Credentials tab.

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 57
Let us now locate the RESTFul services which we
can call to access VSO services. For each account
the APIs are available from the base URL https://
From here we can access various services of VSO
like Projects, Work Item Tracking, Version Control,
Test Management, Team Room, Shared Services and
Build services. To get URL of each service API, you
can visit the page https://www.visualstudio.com/
en-us/integrate/api/overview. These services mainly
use GET and PATCH methods.

We will focus on one of the most frequently used

service and the one that requires most custom
Now enable Alternate credentials by clicking a link client creations, i.e. the Work Item Service. From
that says ‘Enable alternate credentials’. our custom applications, we often require to create
a new work item, view the data stored for that
work item and update that work item back in the
VSO. Functionality related to Work Item Tracking is
available from the services under the URL https://

Let us now view a simple method to get a work item

using its ID. Obviously it is a GET method with ID as
a querystring parameter. So the UTI will be https://

As you must have observed, there is no mention of

Team Project name here. That is because work item
ids are unique for Team Project Collection. This GET
Then give the User name and Password of your method returns a JSON object with the structure as
choice. This is the one which will be used for Basic follows:
Authentication to your account.
"count": 3,
"value": [
"id": 1,
"rev": 1,
"fields": {
"System.AreaPath": "TimeS",
"System.TeamProject": "TimeS",
"System.IterationPath": "TimeS",
"System.WorkItemType": "Product
Backlog Item",
"System.State": "New",
"System.Reason": "New backlog item",
"System.CreatedBy": "Manish Sharma

58 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

"System.ChangedDate": The response is a JSON object with the structure
"2015-05-09T20:49:20.77Z", as shown earlier. This response string will have to
"System.ChangedBy": "Manish Sharma be typecast into a Work Item object from where we
<manish_sharma123@hotmail.com>", will be able to get the field values. For that, we will
"System.Title": "Customer can sign
in using their Microsoft Account", write a class that has all the fields or properties
"Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort": that match the JSON object. We created a class
8, called WorkItemDetails for that.
Kanban.Column": "New", public class WorkItemDetails
"System.Description": "Our {
authorization logic needs to allow public string id; public string rev;
for users with Microsoft accounts public IDictionary<string, string>
(formerly Live Ids) - http://msdn. fields;
microsoft.com/en-us/library/live/ public string Url;
}, }
"url": "https://technizer.visualstudio.
com/DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/ So now, we will deserialize the JSON object
} and typecast it as WorkItemDetails. We will use
} NewtonSoft’s JSON.Net package for that. It has a
JsonConvert class which can deserialize the JSON
To send this request to the VSO, we will use the object and also typecast it as desired.
instance of the class System.Net.Http.HttpClient
WorkItemDetails wiDetails =
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
This client object can create HTTP Requests, Add
ID of the work item is obtained directly. But the
Headers to that request, Send the request to the
fields are returned as a dictionary object. We can get
known URI and get the Response back.
individual fields by using a loop for key-value pair.
We will first specify the request header for the foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> fld
type of message as JSON object. Then we specify in wiDetails.fields)
user credentials to authenticate with VSO. The user {
credentials are sent in the form of Authorization Console.WriteLine(fld.Key + ":\t" +
header with Basic Authentication. The URL will be as fld.Value);
mentioned earlier. }

The instance of this class can now send a request and The code for this entire functionality will look like
it does that asynchronously. That means, we can call the following:
Get() method on the URL as GetAsync() which returns
a result of call as HttpResponseMessage object. static async void GetWorkItem(string
username, string password, int WiId)
HttpResponseMessage response = client. {
GetAsync(Url).Result; try
using (HttpClient client = new
To read the contents of that response message, we HttpClient())
need to use the await keyword. {
string responseBody = await response. Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.
Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 59
client.DefaultRequestHeaders. URL of the method that creates a Task looks like
Authorization this:
= new AuthenticationHeaderValue https://{account}/DefaultCollection/{TeamProject}/_
string.Format("{0}:{1}", username, In addition to that, this method accepts following
password)))); data in the JSON format:
string Url = "https://ssgsonline. [
visualstudio.com/defaultcollection/ {
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.Title",
using (HttpResponseMessage response = "value": "JavaScript implementation
client.GetAsync(Url).Result) for Microsoft Account"
{ }
response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); ]
string responseBody = await
response.Content. The value of variable “op” indicates that the field
ReadAsStringAsync(); is to be added, “path” is the name of the field to be
WorkItemDetails wiDetails =
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject given the value and “value” obviously is the value to
<WorkItemDetails>(responseBody); be given to that field. It has to be sent as collection
Console.WriteLine("Work Item ID: of fields. The code for creation of work item will
\t" + wiDetails.id); look like this:

foreach (KeyValuePair<string,
string> static async void CreateWorkItem(string
fld in wiDetails.fields) username, string password)
{ {
Console.WriteLine(fld.Key + ":\t" + try
fld.Value); {
} using (HttpClient client = new
} HttpClient())
} {
Catch (Exception ex) client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.
{ Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue
} ("application/json-patch+json"));
The output looks similar to the following: Authorization = new
string.Format("{0}:{1}", username,

WorkItemPostData wiPostData = new


wiPostData.op = "add";
To create a new work item, we will use the PATCH wiPostData.path =
method for this service. PATCH method of this "/fields/System.Title";
wiPostData.value = "Employee edits
service accepts a parameter that indicates work other employees profile";
item of which work item type is to be created. The

60 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

List<WorkItemPostData> wiPostDataArr string requestUri, HttpContent content)
= new List<WorkItemPostData> {
wiPostData }; {
string wiPostDataString =JsonConvert. var method = new HttpMethod("PATCH");
SerializeObject(wiPostDataArr); var request = new
HttpContent wiPostDataContent = new HttpRequestMessage(method, requestUri)
StringContent(wiPostDataString, {
Encoding.UTF8, "application/json- Content = content
patch+json"); };
return await client.
string Url = SendAsync(request);
"https://ssgsonline.visualstudio.com/ }
DefaultCollection/SSGS EMS SCRUM/_
apis/wit/workitems/ To update the work item, we have to use the same
$Product%20Backlog%20Item?api- PATCH method but with different parameter. We
have to now send the work item id as the parameter.
using (HttpResponseMessage response = The URL for the same is:
wiPostDataContent).Result) https://{account}.visualstudio.com/
{ defaultcollection/_apis/wit/workitems/{id}?api-
string ResponseContent = await
ReadAsStringAsync(); The data that will be accepted, is in the JSON format
} as shown here:
catch(Exception ex)
{ {
Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); "op": "replace",
Console.ReadLine(); "path": { string }
} "value": { string or int, depending
} on the field }
There are two tasks that we have to do in this case. ]
One is to create a class that represents the data to
be sent to PATCH the method. The “op” variable has the values “add”, “replace”,
“remove” and “test”. The last one i.e. “test” checks if
public class WorkItemPostData the operation can be performed successfully or not;
{ it does not save the work item actually.
public string op;
public string path; Since we are sending a collection of fields, all of
public string value;
them can be updated in one round trip to server.
The code will look quite similar to the method for
Second is that the HttpClient does not by default creating work item but with few differences:
support the PATCH method. For that, we have to
static async void UpdateWorkItem(string
create an extension method ref https://msdn.
username, string password)
microsoft.com/en-IN/library/bb383977.aspx. This {
extension method is called PatchAsync() and has try
the following code: {

public async static using (HttpClient client = new

Task<HttpResponseMessage> HttpClient())
PatchAsync(this HttpClient client, {

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 61
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept. The only two differences are as follows:
Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.
MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue 1. Variable “op” has value “replace” as we are
replacing the title of work item
Authorization = new 2. URL now changes so that team project name
AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", is removed and instead of work item type we are
Convert.ToBase64String( sending the ID of work item to be updated.
GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", So far we have been using BASIC authentication
username, password)))); which is useful for applications like Console
Application, Windows Desktop (WinForms)
WorkItemPostData wiPostData = application, Windows Store Applications, other
new WorkItemPostData();
technology applications and can also be used
wiPostData.op = "replace"; for ASP.NET web applications. One issue in Basic
authentication is that password is sent over the
wiPostData.path = network in plain text. Although we are using a
"/fields/System.Title"; secure protocol like https, it still is less secure
wiPostData.value = "Employee edits compared to any other authentication mechanism
own profile in broser based app";
that does not require us to send any password over
List<WorkItemPostData> wiPostDataArr the internet. One such mechanism is OAuth.
= new List<WorkItemPostData> {
wiPostData }; Using OAuth
string wiPostDataString=JsonConvert.
SerializeObject(wiPostDataArr); OAuth is a service for authentication and
authorization (delegation based authorization)
HttpContent wiPostDataContent
which follows open standards. Open Standard is
= new StringContent(wiPostDataString,
Encoding.UTF8, something which is freely adopted, can be freely
"application/json-patch+json"); used and implemented, and can be extended.

string Url = OAuth allows an application to act on user’s behalf

to access server resources without providing their
workitems/1?api-version=1.0"; credentials. OAuth Protocol is designed to work with
HTTP, also OAuth allows web users to log into third
using (HttpResponseMessage response = party sites using their available accounts.
Let’s understand Oauth through a simple example.
string ResponseContent = await Suppose you are an end user for a website which
response.Content. provides contacts service, so that you can store
ReadAsStringAsync(); contacts and later use them to send mails.

catch(Exception ex)

62 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Hypothetically, say I wrote an application which can Let’s talk about the main components in an OAuth
send greetings to email addresses. You want to use communication. So in accordance with the example
this application. Now my Application will use your used above:
mailing list to send greetings every morning as per
scheduled. To do so, my application needs access to 1. End User – You
the website or the server which has your contacts
stored. 2. Resource – Contacts Server, it is your Resource
The application I have developed can access
the email address available on the server with 3. Consumer – Application created by me, it is
your credentials. If you are willing to share those Resource Consumer
credentials, I am more than happy to accept them.
But I am sure, you will never share your credentials
4. OAuth Provider - Trusted OAuth Providers such as
with me or in fact with any third party application
you are using.

Let us now extend this example to include VSO

So what’s the solution? This is the scenario where
which will be the Resource Provider. I have written
OAuth can help us. It uses one more party, the
an application that gives you a simple interface
known and trusted authorization engine. Let us now
to view work items, create new work items and
step through the entire scenario.
edit existing work items. It does so on VSO using
RESTFul API of VSO. So you need to allow access
You register with my application and then give me to my application, so that it can access the VSO
authority to send a request to your authentication on your behalf, without providing your credentials
provider, so that it will authenticate you and allow to me or my application. My application demands
me to use some token as evidence of that. This is a OAuth Token issued by the trusted authorization
one time task that you need to do. engine, which in this case is Microsoft’s VSO
Authorization Service.
Step 1: When you access my application, you are
redirected to that authorization engine. You can So if my application wants to use OAuth, there are
get authorization using that trusted authorization some steps needed:
engine, where I have no access to your credentials
1. First step is to register my application
(Consumer) to the OAuth Server (Provider).
Step 2: That engine vouches for your authenticity. Remember this provider also supports your resource
It gives me some token as evidence of your (VSO).
2. When I register my application, I have to specify
Step 3: I will take that token as evidence of your what all resources or features my application will
authentication and send it with my request to the access. These are also known as Scopes. I can
contacts server. restrict the scope to view work items only or allow
view, create and edit work items. Along with these
Step 4: That token will be acceptable to your details, I also have to specify the Redirect URL. In
contacts server as evidence of your authenticity and the case of regular user accessing this application in
also your trust in my application. It will then provide future, this URL will be used by VSO Authorization
your contact list to my application. Service to redirect the user to this URL.

Hope this helps you with some OAuth concepts.

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 63
4. Once we have got the details, we will use this
information in the application program to get
OAuth Token from the provider on behalf of end
user, and use the token to Log In and access the

Following are the steps taken between End User,

Provider and Consumer to complete the process:

1. End User browses the Consumer application


2. Consumer Application redirects the request

to Authorization Server (Provider), passing the
App Id, Scope and Redirect URL, through the User
Agent (browser). In the application we used a
login hyperlink which opens the page that has the
3. Once I complete the above steps, my application following code:
will be registered with the provider and provider
will provide me the following details: var authorizeUrl = String.
a. App ID – Unique ID for my application visualstudio.com/oauth2/
b. Secret Key – Also known as App Secret, will we type=Assertion&state=TestUser&scope=vso.
used by application work_write&redirect_uri={1}",
return new RedirectResult(authorizeUrl);

64 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

3. If the user is not logged in to the Authorization Uri.EscapeUriString(code),
Server (Provider), she/he has to Log In and Authorize redirectUrl);
Consumer application to access resources. The user }
also has a choice to deny the access. else
urlData = string.Format("client_
4. If user allows the access, a single use assertion_type=urn:ietf:param
authorization code is generated and given back s:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-
to the Redirect URL specified by the consumer bearer&client_assertion={0}&grant_
Application. In our application, AuthorizeCallback is type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-
the method that accepts mentioned callback with &redirect_uri={2}",
authorization code. Uri.EscapeUriString(appSecret),
public async Task<ActionResult> redirectUrl);
AuthorizeCallback(string code, string }
{ string responseData = string.Empty;
var token = await GetToken(code, AccessToken oauthToken = null;
Session["TokenTimeout"] = DateTime. HttpWebRequest request=
Now.AddSeconds(Int32.Parse(token. (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.
expires_in)); //Token is Valid for Create(tokenUrl);
approx. 14 Mins
Session["AuthToken"] = token; request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/
return RedirectToAction("GetWorkItems", x-www-form-urlencoded";
} using (StreamWriter sw =
new StreamWriter(await request.
5. Now Consumer Application passes the GetRequestStreamAsync()))
authorization code, its own App Id and secret to the sw.Write(urlData);
authorization server (Provider) and also the Redirect }
URL where user will receive the OAuth Token. (This
token may be permanent or timestamp based, which HttpWebResponse response =
is valid for a duration) (HttpWebResponse)(await request.
public async Task<AccessToken>
GetToken(string code, bool refresh) if (response.StatusCode ==
{ {
string tokenUrl = "https://app.vssps. using (StreamReader
visualstudio.com/oauth2/token"; srResponseReader =
string appSecret = HttpContext. new StreamReader
Application["AppSecret"].ToString(); (response.GetResponseStream()))
string redirectUrl = HttpContext. {
Application["RedirectUrl"].ToString(); responseData = srResponseReader.
string urlData = string.Empty; ReadToEnd();
if (refresh)
{ oauthToken = JsonConvert.
urlData = string.Format("client_ DeserializeObject<AccessToken>
assertion_type=urn:ietf:params: (responseData);
oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt- }
&grant_type=refresh_token& return oauthToken;
assertion={1}&redirect_uri={2}", }

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 65
6. After Validating the details, Authorization Server Some points to remember:
(Provider) returns an access token i.e. OAuth Token to
Consumer Application (oauthToken from our earlier 1. The current version of OAuth is OAuth 2.0
2. OAuth 2.0 Tokens can be shared only on secured
7. Consumer application uses this token to access channel i.e. HTTPS. It relies on SSAL to provide
resources on behalf of the user, Consumer App has encryption.
to send the token with every request to the Resource
Provider, which in our case is VSO 3. Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft Servers
are some of the OAuth Providers.
public ActionResult
Create(EntityForCreateAndUpdate c) Conclusion
if (DateTime. Visual Studio Online and TFS 2015 (RC Onwards)
provides RESTful APIs that allow you to extend
ToString()) <= DateTime.Now)
return RedirectToAction("RefreshToken", the functionality of VSO from your apps and
"Account", new { url = Request.Url. services. The possibilities of integration via client
LocalPath }); applications using any platform or device are
endless; right from iOS, Node.js, Android and our
if (ModelState.IsValid) very own Windows
ViewBag.Op = "Created";
var t = helper. Download the entire source code from GitHub at /
CreateWorkItemAsync(((AccessToken) bit.ly/dncm19-vsotfsrestapi
return View("Details", t.Result);
return View(); About the Authors
Subodh Sohoni, Team System
8. Resource Provider validates the token and returns MVP, is an MCTS – Microsoft Team
Foundation Server – Configuration
the resources needed by the Consumer Application.
and Development and also is a
In this code, we created a new work item in our team Microsoft Certified Trainer(MCT)
project. since 2004. Subodh has his own
  company and conducts a lot of
These steps will be easier to understand using the corporate trainings. He is an M.Tech.
in Aircraft Production from IIT
following visual:
Madras. He has over 20 years of
experience working in sectors like
subodh sohoni Production, Marketing, Software
development and now Software
Training. Follow him on twitter

66 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 67

R N C I ening: L S e e d s )

P R I G a rd
re a
oft w

In the last edition (May-June 2015 concepts that had been around languages as well.
edition) of the DNC Magazine, I for years and put them together.
covered some basics of Object However, he didn’t have them The Single Responsibility Principle
Oriented Programming (OOP). in SOLID order. We can credit (SRP) states that a class should do
As a quick review, I discussed Michael Feathers for coming one thing and one thing only. After
different types of inheritance, up with the SOLID acronym. So, years of working with OOP code,
polymorphism, encapsulation, what is SOLID? Well, it is five I’ve found that many developers
loose coupling, and tight cohesion. OOP principles, the first letter of violate this principle all the time.
Now I want to dive deeper into each spelling out SOLID: Single Yes, we write classes and methods,
good OOP techniques and begin a Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov but we tend to write one big
discussion on SOLID. Substitution, Interface Segregation, method that does something in
and Dependency Inversion. Over a procedural manner rather than
First introduced by Robert the next five issues, I’ll cover having smaller classes that do one
"Uncle Bob" Martin, SOLID is each one of these concepts. While thing. Here’s some typical code
not new. Uncle Bob simply took originally targeting OOP, many of that demonstrates this.
these concepts apply to non-OOP
public class CsvFileProcessor because it is difficult to unit test, but it increases
{ the odds of introducing bugs. If you change the
public void Process(string filename) code in the Parsing section, and you add a bug, then
{ Reading and Storing are also broken. And, because
TextReader tr = new
StreamReader(filename); unit tests will not exist or are very complex, it also
tr.ReadToEnd(); takes longer to track down and fix the bug.
In order to fix this, we need to break down the code
var conn = new into the individual pieces. You may be thinking you
integrated security=sspi; can just have three methods, one for each piece of
database=SRP"); functionality. But go back to the definition of SRP. It
conn.Open(); says that a class should have only one purpose. So,
we need three classes to do the work. Alright, we’ll
string[] lines = tr.ToString(). actually have more as you’ll see in a moment.
Split(new string[] {@"\r\l"},
foreach( string line in lines) The way to fix this code is through code refactoring.
{ Initially, we’ll put each piece of functionality into its
string[] columns = line.Split(new own method.
string[] {","}, StringSplitOptions.
var command = conn.CreateCommand(); public class CsvFileProcessor
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO {
People (FirstName, LastName, Email) public void Process(string filename)
VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName, {
@Email)"; var csvData = ReadCsv(filename);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ var parsedData = ParseCsv(csvData);
FirstName", columns[0]); StoreCsvData(parsedData);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ }
LastName", columns[1]);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ public string ReadCsv(string filename)
Email", columns[2]); {
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); TextReader tr = new
} StreamReader(filename);
conn.Close(); tr.ReadToEnd();
} tr.Close();
} return tr.ToString();
How many things is this class doing? One? Two?
public string[] ParseCsv(string
Three? More? You may be tempted to say one. csvData)
That is, the class processes a CSV file. Look at this {
class another way. How would you unit test this? It return csvData.ToString().
wouldn’t be easy. What if you had other things like Split(new string[] { @"\r\l" },
data validation and error logging? How would you StringSplitOptions.
unit test it then? RemoveEmptyEntries);

The truth is, this class is doing three things: public void StoreCsvData(string[]
1. Reading a CSV file {
var conn = new
2. Parsing the CSV file SqlConnection("server=(local);
3. Storing the data integrated security=sspi;
Doing lots of things in a class is bad not just conn.Open();
foreach (string line in csvData)

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 69
{ public void
string[] columns = line.Split(new Process(IContactDataProvider cdp,
string[] { "," }, IContactParser cp, IContactWriter cw)
StringSplitOptions. {
RemoveEmptyEntries); var providedData = cdp.Read();
var command = conn. var parsedData =
CreateCommand(); cp.Parse(providedData);
command.CommandText = cw.Write(parsedData);
"INSERT INTO People (FirstName, }
LastName, Email) VALUES }
(@FirstName, @LastName, @Email)";
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ public class CSVContactDataProvider :
FirstName", columns[0]); IContactDataProvider
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ {
LastName", columns[1]); private readonly string _filename;
Email", columns[2]); public CSVContactDataProvider(string
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); filename)
} {
conn.Close(); _filename = filename;
} }
public string Read()
As you can see, things still aren’t quite right. We’re {
parsing the CSV file into rows in the ParseCsv() TextReader tr = new StreamReader(_
method, but additional parsing is happening in
the StoreCsvData() method to get each row into tr.Close();
columns. The way to fix that is with a ContactDTO return tr.ToString();
that stores the data from each row. }
The next step is to add the DTO, but I’ll skip a step
public class CSVContactParser :
and also break out each method into its own class. IContactParser
But I’m going to think ahead here too. What if {
the data doesn’t come in as CSV? What it its XML public IList<ContactDTO> Parse(string
or JSON or something else? You solve this with csvData)
interfaces. {
IList<ContactDTO> contacts = new
public interface IContactDataProvider string[] lines = csvData.
{ Split(new string[] { @"\r\l" },
string Read(); StringSplitOptions.
} RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string line in lines)
public interface IContactParser {
{ string[] columns = line.Split(new
IList<ContactDTO> Parse(string string[] { "," },
contactList); StringSplitOptions.
} RemoveEmptyEntries);
var contact = new ContactDTO
public interface IContactWriter {
{ FirstName = columns[0],
void Write(IList<ContactDTO> LastName = columns[1],
contactData); Email = columns[2]
} };
public class ContactProcessor }

70 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

return contacts; green, lush, and vibrant, and you’re on your way to
} having a software garden.

public class ADOContactWriter : About Software Gardening

Comparing software development to constructing
public void Write(IList<ContactDTO>
contacts) a building says that software is solid and difficult
{ to change. Instead, we should compare software
var conn = new development to gardening as a garden changes all
SqlConnection("server=(local); the time. Software Gardening embraces practices
integrated security=sspi; and tools that help you create the best possible
garden for your software, allowing it to grow and
foreach (var contact in contacts) change with less effort
var command = conn.
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO
People (FirstName, LastName, About the Author
Email) VALUES (@FirstName, Craig Berntson is the Chief Software
@LastName, @Email)"; Gardener at Mojo Software Worx,
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ a consultancy that specializes in
FirstName", contact.FirstName); helping teams get better. He has
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ spoken at developer events across
LastName", contact.LastName); the US, Canada, and Europe for
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ over 20 years. He is the co-author
Email", contact.Email); of “Continuous Integration in .NET”
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); available from Manning. Craig has
} been a Microsoft MVP since 1996.
conn.Close(); Email: craig@mojosoftwareworx.com,

craig Blog: www.craigberntson.com/blog,

} berntson Twitter: @craigber. Craig lives in Salt

Lake City, Utah.

public class ContactDTO

public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }

We’re using generic method names of Read, Parse,

and Write because we don’t know what type of data
we’ll get. Now we can easily unit test this code. We
can also easily modify the Parse code and if we
introduce a new bug, it won’t affect the Read and
Write code. Another bonus is that we’ve loosely
coupled the implementation.

So, there you have it. We took what is fairly common

procedural code and refactored it using the Single
Responsibility Principle. Next time you look at a
class, ask yourself if you can refactor it to use SRP.
Applying the S of SOLID will help your code to be

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 71
Build a
- First Look Unless you have been living under a rock
for the last couple of months, you probably
already know that Microsoft’s next version
of Windows will be called Windows 10 and
it will be available from July 29th 2015
onwards. I have been using the
Windows 10 preview version in my
Windows Phone and Surface and I am
really excited for the final launch. As a
passionate developer, I would encourage
every fellow developer to try out the
preview version and experience why it is
the right time be a Microsoft Developer.

In this article, we will see what’s new in

Windows 10 and as a developer, how you
can make use of new features to build
apps, or even turn your existing Websites
Why is Windows 10 different? to Apps (Yes! You heard it right) and use
device features like Calendar, Notifications
etc. At the end of the article, we will also
One OS develop a simple Universal App to see
how it behaves in a Tablet/Desktop and
To counter the erosion of its once impregnable desktop market and the Windows Phone.
growing popularity of Linux servers, Microsoft’s strategy is very simple –
run one version of Windows on everything. So unlike previous versions
of Windows, Windows 10 will be a single operating system that will run
across all devices starting from High End desktops and laptops, all the
way through Tablets and Smart Phones, and even on IoT devices like
Raspberry Pi 2, Intel Galileo etc.

As a developer, this means there are no more multiple packages and

versions. You can maintain one code base and develop apps that run
across a large number of devices running Windows 10.

72 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

One developer platform Grouping these devices makes it easier for us to
identify unique APIs targeting a particular type of
We are already familiar with Universal apps which device. Developers can enable their apps to run in
allows us to share code between Windows 8.1 app one, or all of the devices and use adaptive code to
and Windows Phone app. Windows 10 introduces a activate or deactivate features.
completely new different way of developing apps
targeting multiple devices and it is called UWP apps Later in this article, we will see how we can run a
or Universal Windows Platform apps. sample app in Windows 10 Tablet, Windows Desktop
and Windows Phone.
This new platform also allows us to easily activate/
deactivate features, in different devices, using
unique APIs that target them. This also means there
API Contracts
is only One Dev Centre to manage our apps and One
API Contracts allow us to check the availability
Store where users browse and download our apps.
of a Windows feature during runtime. This makes
it possible to use device specific unique features
and provide a different experience for the user in
Multiple device families different devices, but maintain the same code.

Windows 10 UWP apps target different variety of

devices and they are grouped into Device families Adaptive UX
as shown below.
Windows 10 allows us to develop apps that use
a single UI that can adapt itself in small or large
screens, without writing any code behind. The new
RelativePanel makes this easy for developers to
implement layouts which is based on relationship
between its child elements. This also means lesser

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 73
and cleaner XAML code. immediately in the app. Hosted Web Apps can also
use Cortana to have unique user experience in their
Adaptive Visual States allow us to change the UI website.
based on the changes in size of the window without
writing any extra code. If your website does not have a Windows App, then
this may be a good starting point with very less
New controls like calendar, split view etc. have been code, time and investment.
introduced and existing controls have been updated
to work well in different screens.
Device Preview toolbar in Visual Studio allows us to
preview the UI in different devices without running Cortana is now a part of Windows 10 and is more
the app. Here is a screenshot of the toolbar. open for developers. Our App (even Hosted Web
App) can now react to voice commands and even
override the default app behaviour (Imagine
developing a Weather App which will be the default
weather app for Cortana)

Reference Links
Here are some links for you to get started with
Windows 10

1. Windows 10 Inside Preview

2. Download Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview
3. Visual Studio 2015 RC
4. Microsoft Virtual Academy – A Developer’s Guide
to Windows 10

Sample Windows 10 App

Let us develop a simple Music Player app to see
Adaptive Scaling makes it easy to reuse assets from how the Adaptive UI works in different devices
other operating system projects like Android and without writing any extra C# code.
iOS which will reduce a lot of design time. Common
Input Handling makes it even easier to gather input Note: Since this is an introduction article, we are
from various sources like Touch, Keyboard, Xbox covering just one feature. In the forthcoming articles,
controller etc. with only a few lines of code. we will be covering the others.

Step 1: Fire up Visual Studio 2015 RC, create a

Hosted Web Apps new Windows Universal Blank App and name it
If you are a Web Developer, you can convert your
existing Web Apps to a Universal Windows Apps
using this model and even use universal APIs like
camera, calendar, contact list etc. Users will be able
to download your App like any other app from the
store. Any updates done to the website is reflected

74 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Step 2: Add the following XAML to the main Grid in
<Setter Target="txtEnd.Visibility"
MainPage.xaml Value="Visible" />
<Setter Target="txtStart.Visibility"
Value="Visible" />
<VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups> </VisualState.Setters>
<VisualStateGroup </VisualState>
x:Name="VisualStateGroup"> </VisualStateGroup>
<VisualState x:Name="narrowView"> </VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups>
<VisualState.StateTriggers> <Grid>
<AdaptiveTrigger MinWindowWidth="0" <Grid.RowDefinitions>
/> <RowDefinition Height="6*"/>
</VisualState.StateTriggers> <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<VisualState.Setters> <Image Grid.Row="0" Source="Assets/
<Setter Target="sldProgress. Singer.jpg" x:Name="albumArt"
Visibility" Value="Collapsed"/> Stretch="UniformToFill" Margin="0"
<Setter Target="txtEnd.Visibility" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
Value="Collapsed" /> <Grid x:Name="grid" Grid.Row="1"
<Setter Target="txtStart.Visibility" Background="#f0f1f2" >
Value="Collapsed" /> <Grid.RenderTransform>
</VisualState.Setters> <CompositeTransform/>
</VisualState> </Grid.RenderTransform>
<VisualState x:Name="wideView"> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<VisualState.StateTriggers> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<AdaptiveTrigger <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
MinWindowWidth="1000" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
</VisualState.StateTriggers> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<VisualState.Setters> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<Setter Target="sldProgress. <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
Visibility" Value="Visible"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 75
<Image Grid.Column="0" Source="Assets/
Repeat.png" x:Name="btnRepeat"
Height="25" Stretch="Uniform" />
<Image Grid.Column="1" Source="Assets/
Previous.png" x:Name="btnPrevious"
Height="25" Stretch="Uniform" />
<Image Grid.Column="2" Source="Assets/
Play.png" x:Name="btnPlay"
Stretch="Uniform" Height="50" />
<Image Grid.Column="3"
x:Name="btnNext" Stretch="Uniform"
<TextBlock Margin="20,0"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.
Column="4" Foreground="#a2a7a9"
x:Name="txtStart" Text="00:13"
FontSize="30" />
<Slider Grid.Column="5"
Value="50" x:Name="sldProgress"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="450"
<TextBlock Margin="20,0"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.
Column="6" Foreground="#a2a7a9"
x:Name="txtEnd" Text="00:13"
FontSize="30" />
<Image Grid.Column="7" Source="Assets/
Shuffle.png" x:Name="btnShuffle"
Stretch="Uniform" Height="25"/>
Windows Phone
In this code, we have added the following

1. A Grid with the following controls:

a. ‘Image’ Controls to display Album Art and other
Media Control Buttons (Images are available in the
sample code)
b. ‘TextBlock’ controls to display start and end time
c. ‘Slider’ control to display the progress

2. We also added two Visual States called wideView

and narrowView to either display or not display the
three controls (txtStart, txtEnd, sldProgress) using
VisualState.Setters property.

3. We then use AdaptiveTrigger and MinWindowWidth

property to enable or disable the state.

Step 3: Press F5 and adjust the width of the app to

see how the UI changes. Here are some screenshots
of the app on different devices.

76 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)


minor code changes. With Windows 10, Microsoft

Here’s a link to the gif in case you want to see the
aims at bringing different platforms - PC, tablets,
app in action.
phones, XBox, Internet of Things (IoT) together
and we sincerely hope that this platform and
In future articles, we will add more controls
the benefits it brings, will create an attractive
and functionality to this app and make it a fully
ecosystem for Windows 10 devices
functional Music Player that looks and behaves
different in different devices.
Download the entire source code from GitHub at
Windows App Studio

As a side note, I thought of mentioning about the

About the Authors
Windows App Studio, a free web-based tool that lets
anyone create an app with ease. The app studio can Shoban Kumar is an ex-Microsoft
MVP in SharePoint who currently
now generate apps for Windows 10, as well as for
works as a SharePoint Consultant.
Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1. Give it a shot! You can read more about his
projects at http://shobankumar.com.
Conclusion You can also follow him in Twitter

The Universal Windows Platform Apps aims at

changing the way we create apps. Instead of
creating separate apps for different platforms, UWP
apps would run across all major platforms with shoban kumar

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 77
Service Oriented
Solutions using

Some systems commonly send a implement a cluster of servers to

request to a service (such as WCF attain a higher uptime level, but
services or even communicate with sometimes this is quite expensive
the legacy ASMX web services) for in terms of cost and resources; as
it to do some internal processing you would be dealing with different
(optionally) and finally insert data pieces of software to make it work
into the database, such as Microsoft together. Moreover to make it work
There are many types of
SQL Server. Such systems are very in such an environment (SQL Server,
messaging systems and
common and are used almost Web servers etc…), there will be
architectures available
everywhere in today’s world of a number of moving parts to be
at our disposal. All
technology. configured and possibly even re-
encompass one main
objective, which is
to be able to send a These systems, like with anything,
message (or “object”) can have a downtime such as server At times, you take a step back and
from a source to its issues or DB issues and therefore help but wonder if there is any way
destination, wherever the request coming from the client to simply send a message down the
the destination may be. can fail and therefore no data wire without having the systems
will be submitted. Sure, you can always being ON all the time, and
also without it having to lose messages or data.
There must be some way of receiving the message MSMQ Usage and some
successfully from a client and then be able to
process it at a later time, or when other systems are examples
up and running.
So now that we know what MSMQ is and that we
can use WCF on the .NET Framework to queue
This is where MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing)
messages and read them from the queue, where
comes into play. MSMQ has been in Windows for
do we use MSMQ? Well the fact is that you can use
a very long time and is also included in some
it anywhere. Some systems use it to communicate
Windows CE versions. It allows remote computers
with one another if there is no way to interact via
to connect and send messages to the destination in
services for instance.
a transactional and non-transactional manner and
allows you to persist these incoming messages to
the disk. So in case of a power failure, the messages Let’s see an example of a fictitious goods and a
are still on the disk, waiting to be processed the shipping company.
next time the system is functional.
Firstly, the systems are setup to be transactional,
You do not always have to have the server with so it is guaranteed that if there are multiple
MSMQ up and running. The sender will keep trying operations on different queues for a message, then
to connect and send messages in the queue until either all or none of the operations are completed
the destination it is aiming for, is back up and and that nothing is in a "half limbo” state.
running; so the client will hold onto the message
until there is a connection. This means that the Imagine there’s a goods company, “DNC Goods”,
message will not be lost but also that it will selling goods to customers. Also imagine that the
automatically be sent when the connection is shipping company “DNC Acme Shippers” is the
established. shipping company DNC Goods uses to request
and ship orders. Both have MSMQ and Distributed
This is one of the fundamental things about MSMQ Transactions installed in their system.
that has been with us for years and the best part
is that it is available for Free, as it is built into DNC Acme Shippers operates between 9-5pm and
the OS (but you do need to manually install it). It they do not accept any orders beyond this time.
has been available since Windows 95 clients and They also do not want to poll a database for orders
Windows 2000 for servers with different versions of which have been approved and are waiting to be
MSMQ being evolved overtime. But from Windows shipped, because it’s expensive to do so and error
XP (Professional), it has the ability to communicate prone at times. They however need to agree on a
via SOAP formatted messages and to be able to format/contract that both systems can understand.
multicast messages. This is where WCF is a great candidate to use in
such a system as it is based on a contract binding/
When WCF was developed by Microsoft on the .NET agreement basis.
Framework, MSMQ was a story that was included
where it would make it easy for developers to DNC Acme Shippers always switch on their
integrate with the system. It also meant that WCF systems between these times to receive requests
and MSMQ can be used to provide secure and from external companies such as DNC Goods for
reliable transportation of messages which was a shipping goods. They don’t want to know anything
big bonus for WCF developers. So with this, you else outside of these hours.
can send and also receive messages to and from
the MSMQ queue and also have the ability to read Now imagine a customer logging onto the DNC
the messages from the queue and start processing Goods website, placing an order and paying for the
them. order. The website takes the order request (checks
availability etc…) and when the card payment

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 79
is approved almost immediately, it will create a - C#
message object which will contain the order details
and finally send this off to DNC Acme Shippers. We install MSMQ (Message Queuing) via “Programs
and Features/Turn on or off Windows Features” and
DNC Goods website does not need to know the install with HTTP Support and Multicasting support.
technical implementation detail such as how We also install Distributed Transactions.
the communication channel works or even if it
is between the business hours that DNC Acme This is all that is needed for DNC Goods.
Shippers are operating on. All the website needs to
do is place the MSMQ message on the queue – that For DNC Acme Shippers, we need to create a queue,
is literally it. which is transactional. To do so, open the MMC
console, and go to File > Add/Remove Snap-ins and
MSMQ will then try to connect to the destination select “Computer Management” from the available
(which is provided in the MSMQ message object) snap-ins:
and send the message. If it cannot connect, it
will try again later. MSMQ takes care of this
communication for us, amongst other things that is
exposed in the MSMQ message object.

This system provides us the solution for the

requirements needed for DNC Acme Shippers where
they only want orders for shipping between their
business hours and that the message they expect is
of a certain agreed standard.

The DNC Goods website processes the order and

by executing its own internal logic, processes
the card transaction. Finally once the transaction Figure 1. Setting up MSMQ
is approved, it creates a message ready to be
submitted to DNC Acme Shippers for shipping. The Press “Add” and then on the dialog screen that
shipping company will take care of the order and appears, press “OK” to connect to the local computer.
email the customer when the goods are shipped.
Expand the “Services and Applications” and then
“Message Queuing”. You should see the following:
Setup MSMQ on your System
To setup the system, we will not get into the
technical details about setting up a full network
architecture, but instead focus more on the software
configuration and assume that it is a simple direct
end to end connection.
The technologies used for this specific example are
as follows:

- Windows 7 Ultimate
- MSMQ (installed from control panel)
- Visual Studio 2012 (non express SKU) Figure 2. Message Queueing
- .NET Framework 4.0 In the Private Queues, we will create a transaction

80 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

queue called “ShippingOrders”. Right click on the [DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
Private Queues and select “New > Private Queue”. public int OrderID { get; set; }
Type “ShippingOrders” in the Queue name and check
[DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
the “Transactional” box and press OK:
public DateTime SubmittedOn { get;
set; }

[DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
public string ShipToAddress { get;
set; }

[DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
public string ShipToCity { get; set;

[DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
public string ShipToCountry { get;
set; }

[DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
public string ShipToZipCode { get;
set; }
Figure 3. Creating a transactional MSMQ }
Now that we have MSMQ installed with a
transactional queue created, we need to write some In order to simulate the messages being sent
client code which will place an order to the queue. (and received), we first create a simple application
We first need to create a common project which has (Console/Winforms/WPF) which will create a
our contract agreement class “Order” which will be message and place it on the MSMQ named
created and placed on the queue. “ShippingOrders”. Be aware that this is not
production quality code but simply to illustrate how
Create a new project in Visual Studio (using .NET messages can be sent and received.
3.5 or higher) named “Acme.Shared.Contracts” and
create a class named Order. Add a reference to Create a new project named “Acme.Dispatcher”
“System.Runtime.Serialization” which is a .NET and add a reference to the “System.Messaging”
assembly and will expose the attributes we need .NET assembly, which gives us access to the
to apply to the class and properties, in order to MSMQ classes to interact with, and the “System.
serialize the object to and from the MSMQ using Transactions” assembly which gives us access to the
WCF as the communication protocol. TransactionScope class. Also add a project reference
to the “Acme.Shared.Contracts” project, as it contains
The following code will be written as a data the data contract we will be using to create and
contract: send the Order message. The order message will be
sent to the transactional private queue we created
using System; above “ShippingOrders”.
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
The code shown here is what is used to create a
namespace Acme.Shared.Contracts sample Order and place it on the queue:
public class Order namespace DNCDispatcher
{ {
public Order() class Program
{ {
} static void Main(string[] args)
{ needed and in this setup, it is not needed. For more
// create a fake order, for information about FormatName, please visit the
simulation: MSDN resource here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/
var anOrder = new Order { OrderID = en-us/library/ms700996(v=vs.85).aspx
1, ShipToAddress = "123 Abc avenue",
ShipToCity = "DNC", ShipToCountry =
"A country", ShipToZipCode = "12345", We are specifying that we want to send the
SubmittedOn = DateTime.UtcNow }; message to the remote computer. The “xx.xx.xx.
xx” should be replaced with the IP Address you are
// create a MessageQueue to tell MSMQ intending on sending the message to.
where to send the message and how to
connect to it
var queue = new When you run the simulator, you will see that the
MessageQueue(ConfigurationManager. message was sent, and when you pull up MSMQ in
AppSettings["MessageQueuePath"]); Microsoft Management Console (MMC), you will see
that the number of messages will be set to “1”:
// Create a Message and set the body
to the order object above
var msg = new Message { Body =
anOrder };
Figure 4. Message waiting
// Create a transaction
using (var ts = new Now we know our order is waiting to be read, we
TransactionScope can now create a final project which will be the one
(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) to read the message from MSMQ. To do this, for this
exercise, let us create another Console/Winforms/
MessageQueueTransactionType. WPF project named “Acme.OrderReader” and add
Automatic); // send the message the “Acme.Shared.Contracts” project reference. Also
ts.Complete(); // complete the add the “System.Transactions”, “System.Messaging”,
transaction “System.Runtime.Serialization” and “System.
} ServiceModel” .NET assembly references for us to be
able to process the incoming messages from MSMQ
Console.WriteLine("Message Sent");
Console.ReadLine(); through WCF.
} In order for MSMQ to dispatch the message to
} the reader application through WCF (since WCF
is the one to read the messages from the queue),
The “MessageQueuePath” is a setting pulled from WCF needs to know the type of the object we are
the app.config file which contains the queue path expecting so that it can deserialize it and finally
for MSMQ to know where to send the message to. dispatch it to our application for processing. To do
The app.config setting looks like as follows: so, we use the ServiceKnownType attribute.
<add key="MessageQueuePath" Let us create an interface called
value="FormatName:Direct=TCP:xx.xx.xx. “IOrderInboundMessageHandlerService” and
xx\private$\ShippingOrders"/> provide a single method that the implementer must
</appSettings>   implement:

The “FormatName” is used when sending messages

namespace Acme.OrderReader.Interfaces
directly to a computer or over the internet, or {
reading them while operating in a domain or [ServiceContract]
workgroup environment, or even in an offline [ServiceKnownType(typeof(Order))]
mode. It is also used to send messages when public interface
authentication, routing and encryption is not IOrderInboundMessageHandlerService

82 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, Console.WriteLine(orderRequest.
Action = "*")] ShipToZipCode);
void ProcessIncomingMessage Console.WriteLine(orderRequest.
(MsmqMessage<Order> SubmittedOn);
incomingOrderMessage); }
} #endregion
} }
Following this interface, let’s create a class called
“OrderInboundMessageHandlerService” which As you can see, with the parameters we defined
implements this interface and set the ConcurrencyMode above, we should now be able to receive the
enum to “Multiple” so it can process multiple incoming message and for the purpose of this exercise,
messages. You also have the option of creating a single display the details about the order on the console.
context service or multiple. This is a design choice that In reality, you would process the message to the
you must decide upon depending on the environment. business requirements definition (i.e check the
For this purpose, we will make it “Multiple”. As for order does not already exist in the system or insert
the transaction behaviour, we will autocomplete the into the database or print out shipping labels etc…).
transaction and ensure that a transaction scope is
required, since the queue is transactional. With these We now need to host the reader so the reader
configuration parameters in mind, the class will look can read and process incoming messages
similar to the following: placed on the queue. To do this, we use the
WCF ServiceHost object and then host the
namespace Acme.OrderReader OrderInboundMessageHandlerService like so:
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = using System;
ConcurrencyMode.Single, using System.ServiceModel;
=InstanceContextMode.Single, namespace Acme.OrderReader
ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete {
= false)] class Program
public class static void Main(string[] args)
OrderInboundMessageHandlerService : {
IOrderInboundMessageHandlerService ServiceHost host = new
{ ServiceHost(typeof(
#region OrderInboundMessageHandlerService));
IOrderInboundMessageHandlerService host.Faulted += host_Faulted;
Members host.Open();
[OperationBehavior ("The service is ready");
(TransactionScopeRequired = true, Console.WriteLine
TransactionAutoComplete = true)] ("Press <ENTER> to terminate the
public void service");
ProcessIncomingMessage Console.ReadLine();
(MsmqMessage<Order> if (host != null)
incomingOrderMessage) {
{ if (host.State ==
var orderRequest = CommunicationState.Faulted)
incomingOrderMessage.Body; {
Console.WriteLine(orderRequest.OrderID); host.Abort();
Console.WriteLine(orderRequest. }
ShipToAddress); host.Close();
Console.WriteLine(orderRequest. }
ShipToCity); }
ShipToCountry); static void host_Faulted(object

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 83
sender, EventArgs e) <security mode="None"/>
{ </binding>
Console.WriteLine("Faulted!"); // </msmqIntegrationBinding>
Change to something more sensible </bindings>
– this is just an example showing </system.serviceModel>
what happens when the host has
faulted. Notice that the endpoint address is set to look
} at the local computer MSMQ – this should once
} again, be changed to the machine where the queue
is located on the receiving end. For this exercise,
We are getting very close to completing our project. we are sending to a remote computer and the
The final step is to setup the application so that it OrderReader is running directly on the machine
will open the WCF service host and start reading where the messages are being sent to, thus the
the messages from the MSMQ. To do so, we use the reason to read the messages from the local MSMQ
ServiceHost class. But first, we must configure WCF endpoint.
settings in the config file (app.config). We simply need
to tell WCF the details about the service such as A B We are now finally ready to run the solution. First,
C (Address, Binding, Contract). The following is what fire up the OrderReader app and then secondly fire
we would enter in the config file: up the Dispatcher app. The dispatcher will send
<system.serviceModel> the message and the OrderReader will almost
<behaviors> immediately read the incoming message and
<endpointBehaviors> display the results in the console:
<behavior name=
"true" />
</behaviors> Figure 5. Order sent and received

<service name="Acme.OrderReader. As you can see, the message was sent and the order
OrderInboundMessageHandlerService"> was received.
<endpoint address="msmq.
.\private$\ShippingOrders" Whilst this solution works – in the real world,
binding="msmqIntegrationBinding" things differ slightly. You can have messages that
bindingConfiguration= are invalid and the application not expecting it,
"IncomingMessageHandlerBinding" therefore it would be known as a poison message
contract="Acme.OrderReader.Interfaces. and MSMQ will automatically place it in its own
IOrderInboundMessageHandlerService"> queue because the reader is unable to process the
</service> message (i.e it cannot deserialize it and does not
</services> know its type) and terminate the transaction.
<msmqIntegrationBinding> You can allow the receiver (OrderReader) to handle
<binding these poison messages if you wish within the code.
closeTimeout="00:30:00" For more information, please visit the following
receiveTimeout="01:00:00" MSDN resource. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/
retryCycleDelay="00:00:10" library/aa395218(v=vs.110).aspx

84 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)


DNC Goods and DNC Acme Shippers now have a

solution that both parties are satisfied with, where
orders are sent and are only received by DNC Acme
Shippers when they open for business during their
own business hours. The solution shows us that
the technologies are readily available at very little
cost, generally speaking. We can create a reasonably
straight forward service oriented solution that
meets the demands of businesses, using these
existing and ever evolving technologies

Download the entire source code from GitHub at


About the Author

After leaving Microsoft, Ahmed
Ilyas ventured into setting up a
consultancy company, Sandler Ltd,
offering the best possible solutions
for a magnitude of industries and
providing real world answers to those
problems. He uses the Microsoft stack
to build these solutions and has
been able to bring in best practices,
patterns and software to his client
base. This resulted in him being
ahmed awarded the MVP title thrice in C#

ilyas by Microsoft for “providing excellence

and independent real world solutions
to problems that developers face”.
His reputation and background has resulted in him having a large
client base in the UK and Sandler Software (USA) now includes
clients from different industries from medical to digital media and

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 85
As JavaScript’s popularity continues to grow and a
lot of exciting new features are added to its next
versions, compile-to-JavaScript languages have
a lot of challenges to face. TypeScript, the typed
superset of JavaScript from Microsoft has taken
up these challenges and continues adding more
features to the language to make developers more
productive. At the time of this writing, though the
language supports comparatively lesser number of
features of the next version of JavaScript, the team
has promised that it will have full support for ES6
by the time TypeScript 2.0 is released. In addition,
popularity of the language got a big push after the
AngularJS team chose to use TypeScript as their
language of development over AtScript.

One of the key reasons why TypeScript started

gaining a lot of popularity, is it stays true to
ECMAScript standards. This focus on JavaScript
makes the language look as close to JavaScript
as possible and makes developers still appreciate
the syntax of JavaScript. In the recent versions of
TypeScript (1.4 and 1.5 beta), the language got
some new features that loosens the type system to
make it appear a bit more dynamic and even adds
some new features of EcmaScript (ES) 6 & 7. We will
explore these features in this article.
What’s new in

Using TypeScript 1.5 Beta

The latest version of Visual Studio 2015 CTP
installs TypeScript 1.4 on the machine. Installer for
TypeScript 1.5 is not yet available as of this writing.
It is available through NPM. So you can install it
globally using the following NPM command:

• npm install –g typescript

If you have already installed an older version of

TypeScript using NPM, you can update it using the
following command:

• npm update –g typescript

Union Types
Because of the optional type system in TypeScript,
it was not so easy to define a function that takes
different types of parameters across different
invocations. It was also a challenge to write type
Type Aliases
definitions for such functions, as we needed to
write a declaration for each possible invocation. While writing considerably larger apps using
TypeScript adds a new feature in 1.4 called Union TypeScript, it is natural to have the application
Types. This feature allows us to specify multiple divided into several modules and each module
types for the same argument without having to depending on other modules to achieve its
write multiple declarations for the same function. functionality. If a class or an interface defined in a
module has to be used a number of times in the
Let us say I have to write a function that accepts importing module, we will have to keep referring to
either a number, or an array of numbers and returns the types using module’s reference again and again.
square of the number, or array of squares depending Also some types imported from another module
on the input passed in. Following is the function in may have longer names, or you may want to refer
TypeScript: to these types with different names. Thankfully,
TypeScript 1.4 adds a feature called Type Aliases,
which allows us to create alias names for a type.
function square(nums: number |
number[]): number | number[]{
if(typeof nums === 'number'){ Say I have a module with some interfaces
return nums * nums; representing contracts to define different types of
} cars. To keep it simple, I included two types of cars
else{ here, cheap and costly. Following is the module:
var squares = [];
nums.forEach(num => {
squares.push(num*num); module Cars{
}); interface ICar{
return squares; manufacturer: string;
} price: number;
drive(speed: number);
See the type of argument mentioned in the }
function. It says, the input can be either a number or, export interface ICheapCar extends
an array of numbers. Similarly, the function returns ICar
two types of values, so the return type is also {
specified in a similar way. mileage: number;
This feature eases the job of writing type export interface ICostlyCar extends
declarations for existing libraries. For example, ICar
jQuery’s find() method can be called by passing a {
string selector, an element or a jQuery object to it. If length: number;
you see the type declaration for this method in the width: number;
Definitely Typed project (http://bit.ly/1RImmxS), it }
has three declarations. They are:
The only way we know to refer to these interfaces, is
find(selector: string): JQuery;
find(element: Element): JQuery; by using the module name.
find(obj: JQuery): JQuery;
var car1 : Cars.ICheapCar;
Using the Union types, it can be replaced with a var car2 : Cars.ICostlyCar;
single declaration, as shown here:
Using this syntax over and over to refer to
find(seo: string | Element | JQuery): these types would tire us. So, let’s create aliases.
JQuery; Following snippet creates the aliases:

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 87
type IEconomicCar = Cars.ICheapCar; workers[count].buildADoor();
type ILuxuriousCar = Cars.ICostlyCar; }
Now you can use the alias names to refer to the workers[count].startFarming();
interfaces. }
var car1 : IEconomicCar;
var car2 : ILuxuriousCar; The loop that iterated over the items in the
collection checks for the type of the instance, before
it performs an operation.
It is also possible to create types on primitive types.
Here are some examples:

type setOfChars = string;

Better Generics and
type numericValues = number; Generic Type Inference
We can create aliases on mixed-generic types as Because of alias types, arrays infer types from the
well. Here’s an example: value assigned to them during declaration. For
example, consider the following snippet:
type CarCollection = Array<IEconomicCar
| ILuxuriousCar>; var arr = [10, new Carpenter()];
The type CarCollection can be used to store a list arr.push("Ravi"); //not allowed
of objects of both IEconomicCar and ILuxuriousCar arr.push(new Carpenter());
As the array is initialized with a number and an
The typeof and instanceof operators can be applied object of Carpenter type, type of the variable is
on variables defined using type aliases to check assigned as an array of a union type. So the first
their type before performing an operation. For statement is similar to:
example, the following snippet defines two classes var arr2:Array<number | Carpenter> =
and a collection to hold objects of these types: [10, new Carpenter()]

class Farmer{ As string is not compatible with any of these types,

console.log("Started. Don't disturb an attempt to insert a string value into the array
me for 3 hours from now."); results in an error.
} Generics have been made stricter and they restrict
assigning values of incompatible types on two
class Carpenter{
buildADoor(){ assignment targets declared using the same generic
console.log("Will start today. Meet notation. Following is an example of strict generics:
me after 10 days.");
} function add<T>(first: T, second: T) : T{
} if(typeof first === 'number' || typeof
first === 'string') {
type WorkersCollectionType = return first + second;}
Array<Farmer | Carpenter>; return null;
var workers: WorkersCollectionType = []; }
workers.push(new Carpenter()); console.log(add(1, 25)); //26
workers.push(new Farmer()); console.log(add("firstName","lastName"));
for(var count = 0; count<workers.length; //firstNamelastName
count ++){ console.log(add([1,2,3],[3,4,5])); //
if(workers[count] instanceof null
Carpenter){ console.log(add(1, "Ravi")); //Error

88 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

Const Enums level scoping. Any variable declared using the
var keyword at any level in a function, is hoisted
at the beginning of the function. ES6 adds block
We use enums to store a list of fixed values and level scoping by introducing a new keyword, let.
these values are collectively used to represent a set TypeScript has got support for this keyword now.
of values. On compilation, TypeScript generates an The let keyword can be used to declare intermediate
object for the enum and the values are assigned to variables that store temporary values, like counter
properties in the object. in for loop. Here is an example:

When marked with the keyword const, the compiler for(let c = 0; c< 10; c++){
doesn’t create an object for the enum. So it is not console.log(c*c);
allowed to access the const enum as an object in }
TypeScript. We can use the values alone and the
compiler replaces all usage occurrences with their The const keyword in ES6 is used to define scoped
corresponding values. constants. TypeScript now supports this keyword.
Any attempt to reassign value of a constant would
result in an error. The following function uses the
const enum Days {Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, const keyword:
var days = Days; //not allowed function findArea(radius: number):
console.log(Days.Monday); //0 number{
const pi=3.4159;
return pi * radius * radius;
ES6 Features }

As I stated in the introduction of my first article on
ES6 (http://www.dotnetcurry.com/javascript/1090/
ecmascript6-es6-new-features), ES6 got a lot Template Strings
of features from some compile-to-JavaScript
languages and from popular libraries. ES6 got some Appending values to strings in JavaScript has never
of its features like classes, arrow functions, some been enjoyable. ES6 adds support for template
part of module system and a couple of others from strings to make it easier to add values of variables
TypeScript as well. So some of the ES6 features are to a string and to easily assign multi-line values
already available in TypeScript. The team started to strings. TypeScript 1.4 adds this feature to the
implementing features of ES6 into the language language. The following snippet uses this feature:
and TypeScript 1.5 is going to have a decent support
for ES6. var person={
ES6 output mode lastName:'Kiran',
By default, TypeScript code gets converted to ES5 console.log(`${person.firstName}
or, ES3 version of JavaScript. Now we can transpile ${person.lastName} is a/an ${person.
TypeScript code to ES6 code using a compilation occupation}.`);
option. Use the following command: var template=`<div>
<span>Some text goes here...</span>
• tsc --target ES6 file.ts </div>`;

Let and Const Destructuring

The JavaScript we use today doesn’t have block Destructuring is a feature added to JavaScript in

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 89
ES6 that saves a lot of time in extracting values to export objects out of the module.
out of arrays and objects. It defines a shorter way
of assigning the values from arrays and objects
into variables. TypeScript 1.5 adds the support of class Employee{
id: number;
destructuring to the language and it gets transpiled name: string;
to its best possible alternative in the target version. dob:Date;

Following are a couple of examples of constructor(id, name, dob){

destructuring: this.id = id;
this.dob= dob;
var numbers=[20, 30, 40, 50]; }

var [first, second, third ] = numbers; getAge(){

//first: 20, third: 40 return (new Date()).getFullYear() -
var topic = {name:'ECMAScript 6', }
comment: 'Next version of JavaScript', }
browserStatus: { var [x, y] = [10, 20];
chrome: 'partial',
opera:'partial', function getEmployee(id, name, dob){
ie: 'very less', return new Employee(id, name, dob);
ieTechPreview: 'partial' }
export {Employee, getEmployee};
var {name, browserStatus:{opera}} =
topic; //name: 'ECMAScript 6', opera: Say, the file is saved as employee.ts. Following
'partial' command would transpile the module into a
CommonJS module:
Modules tsc employee.ts --module commonjs
--target ES5
Support of modules is one of the most important
features added to ES6. Addition of modules makes Now you can run the browserify command over the
it easier to structure the code and manage the generated file and load the file in a browser. To use
dependencies easily without need of an external browserify, you need to install the NPM package of
library. As the feature is not yet implemented browserify globally. The following command does
by browsers, we need to rely on an existing this for us:
module system like AMD or CommonJS today to
manage JavaScript dependencies in production npm install -g browserify
environments. Though TypeScript has its own
module system, it now embraces the module system Here is the browserify command to create a bundle
of ECMAScript 6 and provides a way to transpile the file containing the above file:
ES6 modules into either AMD or, CommonJS system.
browserify employee.js > bundle.js
If you are not already familiar with the syntax and
usage of ES6 modules, check the article on The bundle file is a self-contained file and it can
ES6 modules on DotnetCurry (http://www. be loaded into the browser without importing any
dotnetcurry.com/javascript/1118/modules-in- other external scripts.
ecmascript6). You may check the official site of browserify (http://
browserify.org/)if you want to learn more.
Consider the following code. It is a piece of
TypeScript code using the export statement of ES6 As you can see, the command accepts the module

90 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

flag in addition to the target flag discussed earlier. var p = new Person();
Using this flag, the TypeScript file can be transpiled for(let prop in p){
into either a CommonJS module or, an AMD module. console.log(prop);

Decorators (ES7) As the property name has been made non

enumerable using a decorator, the “for…in” loop
Decorators are not added to the specification of prints the property age alone on the console.
ES6; instead they are a part of the ES7 spec. Using
decorators, a JavaScript object can be extended
declaratively. This feature is already used in
Decorator Metadata
Angular 2.0 and in Aurelia (http://aurelia.io/). These
frameworks use this feature extensively to achieve Metadata Reflection API is another proposed feature
things like Dependency Injection, making a class for ES7 (link to proposal - http://bit.ly/1SUthGZ).
a component, to make a field bindable, and many This API is designed to be used along with the
more. decorators to implement features like Dependency
Injection, perform runtime type assertions and
mirroring. The feature is already in use in Angular 2
Though the name sounds like extra burden, defining
for DI and to declare components.
and using a decorator is fairly simple. A decorator is
a function that accepts the object to be decorated,
name of the property and object descriptor. It has To use this feature, we need the polyfill of
to be applied on a target using the “at the rate” (@) Reflection API. It can be installed using the
symbol. Following is the signature of a decorator following NPM command:
npm install reflect-metadata
function decoratorFunc(target, name,
descriptor){ We can either import this library into the TypeScript
file using the ES6 module syntax or, we may even
//body of the function load this script in the browser before the script
using it, loads to make the API available.

The following snippet defines and uses a decorator:

Now we can start defining the metadata
function nonEnumerable(target, name, annotations using this API and start using them.
descriptor){ Following is a decorator that uses the metadata API:
descriptor.enumerable = false;
return descriptor; function Inputs(value: Array<string>) {
} return function (target: Function) {
class Person { defineMetadata("InputsIntoClass", value,
fullName: string; target);
@nonEnumerable }
get name() { return this.fullName; }
This is a simple decorator that accepts the Type
set name(val) {
this.fullName = val; of data passed into a class or, a function. One can
} extend this idea to create a dependency injection
get age(){ The following class uses this decorator and passes
return 20; the metadata:

www.dotnetcurry.com/magazine 91
class MyClass {

emp: Employee;
constructor(e: Employee){
this.emp = e;

Now we can get the value of metadata applied

on this class using the metadata read APIs. The
following snippet reads the metadata of this class:

let value: Array<string> = Reflect.

getMetadata("InputsIntoClass", MyClass);

The console.log statement in the above snippet

prints value of the metadata passed into the
decorator, which is an array containing a single
value in this case. You can read this information to
create an abstraction to instantiate the class.


The TypeScript team is putting together a lot

of work to make the language better for larger
applications and by keeping it as close to JavaScript
as possible. The new features and the support for
ES6 helps to keep the language relevant in modern
JavaScript world too. The final version of TypeScript
1.5 may include a couple of additonal features and
the next version will have support for async/await
(part of ES7 spec). We will keep you updated with
these features as they release

About the Author

Ravi Kiran is a developer working on

Microsoft Technologies. These days,
he spends his time on the front-end
JavaScript framework Angular JS and
server frameworks like ASP.NET Web
API and SignalR. He actively writes
what he learns on his blog at
sravi-kiran.blogspot.com. He is a
DZone MVB. You can follow him on
twitter at @sravi_kiran

ravi kiran

92 DNC MAGAZINE Issue 19 (July-Aug 2015)

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