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JavaScript - ES6 Interview Questions

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JavaScript/ES6 Interview Questions & Answers

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Release History
• Initial Release 1.0 - 7th Feb 2018

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Dot Net Tricks is founded by Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP), in Jan 2010. Dot Net Tricks came into existence
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I would like to say thanks to my mom Mrs. Indra and my brother Mr. Vikram for their support. They
deserve their name on the cover as much as I do for all their support made this possible. I would like to
say thanks to all my family members, friends, and the mentors who supported me throughout my carrier
either directly or indirectly to achieve my goals.

-Gowtham k

What Where Author Qualification to Write This Book
Gowtham K is awarded as MVP by Microsoft for his exceptional contribution in Microsoft technologies under the
category "Developer Technologies" for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018. He has more than 5 years of experience on
Microsoft technologies such as C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Core, MS SQL Server, and Azure.
and other technologies such as JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS.

He is also a blogger and author of articles on various technologies. He is also a speaker and delivered talk on
various technologies like ASP.NET MVC, Azure and Azure DevOps in the public events.

What This Book Is

JavaScript is the most popular language to create a web application with HTML and CSS, today JavaScript can
execute not only in the browser but also on the server. In this book, we are going to learn about the fundamentals
of JavaScript like DOM, String, Array, Objects, Events. Error handling and many more.

What You’ll Learn

This book is for those who want to learn JavaScript and for those who are going to appear for the JavaScript
interview to have a bright future in front-end technologies.

• Document Object Model

• How to Manipulate the HTML element
• Working with strings
• Working with Array in JavaScript
• Handling different type of events
• Working with Object
• Usage of the window object
• Working with Web Storage
• How to use the regular expression
• Working with error handling

Our best wishes always with you for your learning and growth!
About the Author
Gowtham K - An Author, Blogger, and Contributor
Gowtham K is awarded as MVP by Microsoft for his exceptional
contribution in Microsoft technologies under the category "Developer
Technologies" for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018. He has more than 5
years of experience on Microsoft technologies such as C#, ASP.NET MVC,
ASP.NET WEB API, ASP.NET Core, MS SQL Server, and Azure. and other
technologies such as JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS.

He is also a blogger and author of articles on various technologies. He is

also a speaker and delivered talk on various technologies like ASP.NET
MVC, Azure and Azure DevOps in the public events.

He always tries to keep updated himself about new technologies and learning new skills and shared with other
in simple manner.

He hopes that this e-book helps you to crack interview of JavaScript. This is the first edition of this book but not
last. Please provide your feedback that helps us to improve this book quality.

How to Contact Us
Although the author of this book has tried to make this book as accurate as it possible but if there is something
strikes you as odd, or you find an error in the book please drop a line via e-mail.

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• mentor@dotnettricks.com
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Table of Contents

JavaScript/ES6 Interview Questions & Answers ............................................................. 1

Release History ....................................................................................................................................................1
About Dot Net Tricks ...........................................................................................................................................2
Dot Net Tricks Training Solutions .........................................................................................................................2
Dedication ...........................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................5
About the Author ................................................................................................................................................6
How to Contact Us...............................................................................................................................................7

Introducing JavaScript .................................................................................................... 13

Q1. What is JavaScript? .................................................................................................................................. 13
Q2. What is ECMAScript? ............................................................................................................................... 13
Q3. What are the data types supported by JavaScript? ................................................................................ 13
Q4. What are the Primitive data types supported in JavaScript? .................................................................. 14
Q5. How to declare the variable in JavaScript? ............................................................................................. 14
Q6. What is “let” keyword in JavaScript?....................................................................................................... 14
Q7. What are the differences between var and let? ..................................................................................... 15
Q8. What is the difference between undefined and not defined? ................................................................ 15
Q9. What is DOM? ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Q10. What is BOM? .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Q11. What are the different ways to access HTML element in JavaScript? .................................................... 17
Q12. How to write dynamic code in JavaScript? .............................................................................................. 18
Q13. What are the differences between attribute and property? .................................................................. 19
Q14. How to use external JavaScript?.............................................................................................................. 19
Q15. What is the scope of the variables in JavaScript? ................................................................................... 19
Q16. What is hoisting? ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Q17. How to do comments in JavaScript? ....................................................................................................... 20
Q18. What is variable typing in JavaScript? ..................................................................................................... 20

Q19. What is the use of typeof operator? ....................................................................................................... 20

Q20. What is the instanceof operator?............................................................................................................ 21
Q21. What is the difference between undefined and null?............................................................................. 21
Q22. What is the difference between == and === operator? .......................................................................... 21
Q23. What is a cookie?..................................................................................................................................... 22
Q24. How to set a cookie? ............................................................................................................................... 22
Q25. How to read cookie?................................................................................................................................ 22
Q26. How to delete cookie? ............................................................................................................................. 23
Q27. What is the web storage system? ........................................................................................................... 23
Q28. What is JavaScript “this” keyword? ......................................................................................................... 24
Q29. Is the JavaScript a case-sensitive language? ........................................................................................... 24
Q30. How to check a number equal to NaN? .................................................................................................. 24
Q31. What is JavaScript “const” keyword? ...................................................................................................... 24
Q32. Can you change the property of a constant object? ............................................................................... 24
Q33. What is the use of delete operator? ....................................................................................................... 25
Q34. What is the looping statement in JavaScript? ......................................................................................... 25
Q35. What is strict mode?................................................................................................................................ 26
Q36. Define Closure? ....................................................................................................................................... 26

String ............................................................................................................................. 28
Q1. Explain String in JavaScript? .................................................................................................................... 28
Q2. How to find the length of the string? ...................................................................................................... 28
Q3. How to find the character index in a string? ........................................................................................... 28
Q4. How to find the Unicode for the character? ........................................................................................... 28
Q5. How to handle the double quotes special character in the string? ........................................................ 28
Q6. What are the escape sequences available? ............................................................................................ 29
Q7. Is the String can be an object? ................................................................................................................ 29
Q8. What are the differences between search() and indexOf() ? .................................................................. 29
Q9. What are the differences between indexOf() and lastIndexOf() ? .......................................................... 29
Q10. What are the differences between substr() and substring()? ................................................................. 30
Q11. What is the answer for below code? ....................................................................................................... 30
Q12. What is the answer for below code? ....................................................................................................... 30

Q13. What is the answer for below code? ....................................................................................................... 30

Q14. What is the answer for below code? ....................................................................................................... 31

Object ............................................................................................................................ 32
Q1. How to create an object? ........................................................................................................................ 32
Q2. How to read and write the JavaScript object properties?....................................................................... 32
Q3. How to copy the object? ......................................................................................................................... 32
Q4. What is JavaScript object prototype? ...................................................................................................... 33
Q5. What is Prototypal Inheritance?.............................................................................................................. 33
Q6. What is window object? .......................................................................................................................... 33
Q7. What are the window object methods? .................................................................................................. 33
Q8. What is a math object?............................................................................................................................ 34
Q9. What is the output for below code? ....................................................................................................... 34
Q10. Is it possible to change an object declared with const? .......................................................................... 34

Array .............................................................................................................................. 35
Q1. What is an array and how to create it in JavaScript? .............................................................................. 35
Q2. Is the Array being an object? ................................................................................................................... 35
Q3. Can your store an object as an array element?....................................................................................... 35
Q4. Can JavaScript Array have different types of elements? ......................................................................... 35
Q5. How to find the length of the array? ....................................................................................................... 36
Q6. How to read the array? ........................................................................................................................... 36
Q7. How to iterate the Array elements? ........................................................................................................ 36
Q8. What are the differences between array and object? ............................................................................ 36
Q9. How to recognize an Array? .................................................................................................................... 37
Q10. How to convert Array to string? .............................................................................................................. 37
Q11. How to add an item to an array?............................................................................................................. 37
Q12. How to remove the item from Array? ..................................................................................................... 37
Q13. What is the use of the splice()? ............................................................................................................... 37
Q14. How to sort an Array? ............................................................................................................................. 38
Q15. How to empty an Array? ......................................................................................................................... 38
Q16. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 39

Q17. How to perform numeric sort in Array? .................................................................................................. 39


Functions ....................................................................................................................... 40
Q1. What are Anonymous Functions and Named Functions? ....................................................................... 40
Q2. What is the Self-Executing Function? ...................................................................................................... 40
Q3. What is Call back function? ..................................................................................................................... 40
Q4. What is arrow function? .......................................................................................................................... 41
Q5. What is time out function? ...................................................................................................................... 41
Q6. What is the use case of the slice()? ......................................................................................................... 41
Q7. What is the use of valueOf()? .................................................................................................................. 41
Q8. How to convert a string to lowercase or uppercase in Javascript? ......................................................... 41
Q9. How to read the character from a string based on the index? ............................................................... 42
Q10. What is the use of forEach()? .................................................................................................................. 42

Regular Expression ......................................................................................................... 43

Q1. How the RegExp is used in JavaScript? .................................................................................................... 43
Q2. What is the use of test()? ........................................................................................................................ 43
Q3. What is the use of exec()? ....................................................................................................................... 43
Q4. What is the flag in a regular expression? ................................................................................................ 43

Events ............................................................................................................................ 45
Q1. What are Events? .................................................................................................................................... 45
Q2. What is the use of addEventListener() ? ................................................................................................. 45
Q3. What is onclick Event? ............................................................................................................................. 46
Q4. What are most used Mouse Events? ....................................................................................................... 46
Q5. What is onfocus() event in Javascript ? ................................................................................................... 47
Q6. What type of event is used when the control loses its focus? ................................................................ 48
Q7. What are the HTML DOM Keyboard events? .......................................................................................... 48

Window objects ............................................................................................................. 50

Q1. How to find the browser which is running the web page? ..................................................................... 50
Q2. How to find the online status of the application? ................................................................................... 50
Q3. How to redirect the user to a new page? ................................................................................................ 50
Q4. How to open a web page in a new tab on the browser? ........................................................................ 50
Q5. What is the use of localStorage? ............................................................................................................. 50

Q6. What is the use of sessionStorage? ......................................................................................................... 51


Error Handling and Code Snippets ................................................................................. 52

Q1. What is the use of onerror()? .................................................................................................................. 52
Q2. Can JavaScript method contains try, catch and finally block? ................................................................ 52
Q3. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 53
Q4. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 53
Q5. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 53
Q6. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 54
Q7. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 54
Q8. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 54
Q9. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 54
Q10. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 54
Q11. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 54
Q12. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 55
Q13. What is the output of below code? ......................................................................................................... 55

References ..................................................................................................................... 56

Introducing JavaScript
Q1. What is JavaScript?
Ans. JavaScript is an object-based programming language, mostly it used as a client-side programming
language with the HTML page to add some behaviour for it.

JavaScript initially created as a browser only language, but now it can be executed on the server or any client
which has a JavaScript Engine. The product like Node.js, MongoDB, jaggery.js, ASP and many more uses server-
side JavaScript.

In the browser, JavaScript can do many things as given below:

• Manipulating the HTML element.

• React to a user action, like running some event while user clicks on the mouse or by using the
• Send request to the remote server.
• Downloading and uploading the files.
• Get and Set cookies and handling the client-side storage (local and session storage).

Major Advantage of using the JavaScript

• Full integration with HTML/CSS.

• Supported by all major browser which is enabled by default.

Q2. What is ECMAScript?

Ans. ECMAScript is a scripting language standardized by ECMA International in ECMA-262. Languages like
ActionScript, JavaScript and many more scripting languages are used ECMAScript, among these JavaScript is a well
know client-side scripting language and an implementation of ECMAScript, since the standard was published. The
latest version is ECMAScript6

Q3. What are the data types supported by JavaScript?

Ans. JavaScript variables are dynamically typed, which means there is a data type but it will not bound to a
particular type, example while initializing the variable it can be string type but later It can also assign to a numeric

The data types which are supported by JavaScript

• Undefined
• Null
• Boolean
• Object
• String
• Symbol
• Number

Q4. What are the Primitive data types supported in JavaScript?

Ans. The primitive data types in JavaScript are,

• Undefined
• Null
• Boolean
• String
• Number

Q5. How to declare the variable in JavaScript?

Ans. The var keyword is used to declare the variable in JavaScript. A variable can begin with a letter, $ or_

var _myvar = "Hello"

var x = true;
var $y = 1;

From the code snippet, you can observe the var keyword for _myvar is used to declare the string, x for boolean

And $y for integer.

Q6. What is “let” keyword in JavaScript?

Ans. let keyword came from ES2015, it is used to provide a block scope before ES2015 JavaScript had only
global scope and function scope
function iterate() {
//a is *not* visible out here
for (let a = 0; a < 5; a++) {
//a is only visible inside this for()
//and there is a separate variable for each iteration of the loop
//a is *not* visible out here

Unlike var, the main benefit of let is to free up the memory when it is not in use.
Q7. What are the differences between var and let?
Ans. The differences between var and let keywords are given below:

Var let
var is used to declare a variable in JavaScript. It is let keyword is introduced in ES6
used from the beginning of the JavaScript
It has a functional scope It has block scope
var a = 10; let x = 10;
console.log(window.a);//print 10 console.log(window.x);//undefined
in console

var can be added as a property on the global

window object let cannot be added as a property on global
window object because of its block scope

var x = 10; let x = 10;

add() add()
function add() { function add() {
var y = 15; let y = 15;
console.log(x + y); // return 25 console.log(x + y); // gives
} error like x is already been

Q8. What is the difference between undefined and not defined?

Ans. Considers below example

var x;

Now in the console, we will get a message x is ‘undefined’ which means the variable is declared and memory is
created but the value is not assigned to it.


In this case, you will get a message like ‘not defined’ because the variable y is not created, and memory is not
allocated for it and we try to reference the variable.

Q9. What is DOM?

Ans. DOM is a W3C (World wide web consortium) standard, when the HTML page loads in the browser, the
browser creates the DOM (Document object model). It defines the HTML element as an object and allows scripts
to dynamically manipulate the content, and the structure of the document.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
<h1>Document Object Model</h1>

In DOM, every HTML is an object, Nested tag are “children”, the text inside a <h1> is an object as well

The DOM Tree of objects


Root Element


<Head> <body>


The DOM represents HTML as a tree structure of tags. Here’s how it looks in browser inspect element

Q10. What is BOM?
Ans. BOM (Browser Object Model) which provides an interaction with the browser, the default object of the
browser is a window. Various property provided by windows is a document, history, screen, location, navigator


navigator history screen location document

Q11. What are the different ways to access HTML element in JavaScript?
Ans. The following DOM Methods are used to capture the HTML element and manipulate it.

1. getElementById(‘idname’) - > This function is used to select the HTML element based on ID

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<label id="myelement"></label>
document.getElementById('myelement').innerHTML = '<h3> Welcome </h3>'

2. getElementsByClassName(‘className’) - > This function is used to select the HTML elements based on the
class name in DOM, it will return all matched HTML element with respect to the class name.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
.lblMsg {
color: #000;


<label id="myelement" class="lblMsg"></label>
document.getElementsByClassName('lblMsg')[0].innerHTML = '<h3> Welcome

3. getElementsByTagName(‘HTMLtagname’) - > This function is used to select the HTML elements based on
the Tag name in DOM, it will return all matched HTML element with respect to the Tag name.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
.lblMsg {
color: #000;
<label id="myelement" class="lblMsg"></label>
document.getElementsByTagName('label')[0].innerHTML = '<h3> Welcome

Q12. How to write dynamic code in JavaScript?

Ans. We can manipulate the data dynamically using the DOM methods.

getElementById DOM method is used to capture the HTML element as an object, from this object we can
dynamically control the element based on its property.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<label id="myelement"></label>

document.getElementById('myelement').innerHTML = '<h3> Welcome </h3>'


Q13. What are the differences between attribute and property?

Ans. Most of the time people will think both property and attribute are the same, but there is a difference
between the two.

Attribute Property
The attribute will be in HTML itself JS DOM object will contain the property of the
HTML element
The attribute is always a string The property will return multiple types of data

Note: If there is a property it’s always recommended to use the property of the element instead of the attribute.

Q14. How to use external JavaScript?

Ans. Assume my JS file name is module.js, then we can refer this js file from the HTML page using <script> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="module.js"> </script>

In src attribute, we need to give the path of the JS file

Q15. What is the scope of the variables in JavaScript?

Ans. There are two types of the variable based on scope, that is a local and global variable

1. Global variable – It has a scope everywhere in the JavaScript code.

2. Local variable – It has a scope within the function where it is defined.

var x = 10;
function add()
var y = 15;
console.log(x + y);
function Mul()
var z = 10;
console.log(x * z);

From the above code, x is a global variable where the scope will be entire JavaScript code so that you can use in
a different function block, and y is local variable where the scope of it will be within add()
Q16. What is hoisting?
Ans. In JavaScript the variable can be declared after it has been used.

x = 5; // Assign 5 to x
var x; // Declare x

It is a default behavior of JavaScript. Consider below example,

var x = 5; // Initialize x
console.log(x)// Display x
console.log(y)//Display y
var y = 7; // Initialize y

This will print x as 5 and y as undefined because the y is used before it is initialized, to avoid this we need to
declare all variables at beginning of every scope.

Q17. How to do comments in JavaScript?

Ans. // is used to comment single line, /**/ is used to comment multiple lines

// single line comment

Multi-line comment

Q18. What is variable typing in JavaScript?

Ans. Consider below example,

var x = 10;
x = 'hello';

From the above example, you can notice the variable x is first assigned with the integer and the same variable is
assigned to a string, this is called variable typing.

Q19. What is the use of typeof operator?

Ans. The typeof is a unary operator which means it takes a single operand in a statement or expression, it is
used to check the data type of its operand in the form of a string.

var x=10;
console.log(typeof (x))

It will print number in console

var x = 10;

console.log(typeof (x) == 'number')


From the above code if the typeof x is number, so from the expression it will print true in the console.
Q20. What is the instanceof operator?
Ans. Instanceof operator checks whether the object is an instance of a class or not.

function Country(name){this.name=name};
var country = new Country("India");
console.log(country instanceof Country) // return true

It will also consider inheritance

let arr = ['apple', 'orange', 'grapes'];

console.log(arr instanceof Array); //prints true in console
console.log(arr instanceof Object); //prints true in console

arr is an array, but it also belongs to object, because array prototypal inherits from object.

Q21. What is the difference between undefined and null?

Ans. When the variable is declared, and the value is not defined then we call the variable as undefined and JS
will also return undefined when we use typeof operator, where null is manually done.

1. undefined

var x;
typeof(x); // Undefined

2. null

var y = null;
typeof(y) //object with null

Q22. What is the difference between == and === operator?

Ans. == is used to check the value

var x = "10"
var y = 10;
if (x == y) {
//Control Will enter into this block, since == operator will check only the value

=== is used to check both value and type

var x = "10"
var y = 10;
if (x === y) {
//Control Will not enter into this block, since === operator will check both the
value and type of the variable
From the above code, you can notice the value of x and y are 10, but the data type of x is string and y is number
since we have used === operator it will return false

Q23. What is a cookie?

Ans. Cookies is a client-side storage system, which is used to store the data in the browser as a key and value
pair, it can be accessed by both web browser and web server. It can also call as an HTTP cookie, browser cookie
or web cookie. When we run a website, the website sends the cookie to our computer, where it will be stored in
a file located inside our web browser.

Q24. How to set a cookie?

Ans. Cookie can be created using the document object.

document.cookie = 'myCookie = cookievalue';

You can check the cookie using the developer tool in the browser, as shown in below Image, in chrome, it will be
under the application section.

Q25. How to read cookie?

Ans. The cookie is basically just the value of the object in the document which can be easily read using
document object. The value of the cookie is just the string value.

var x = document.cookie; // This will return all the cookies which are used in
the web application which is running

To read the particular cookie value use below generic function

function getCookie(cookiename) {
var name = cookiename + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++)
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ')
c = c.substring(1);

if (c.indexOf(name) == 0)

return c.substring(name.length, c.length);

return "";

console.log(getCookie("myCookie"));// prints cookievalue in console

We can read a cookie value by passing a cookie name to the getCookie function.

Q26. How to delete cookie?

Ans. To delete the cookie, we need to set the value of the cookie to empty

document.cookie ='cookiename = ';

var deletecookie = function (name)

document.cookie = name + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

The generic function deletecookie() is used to delete cookie based on cookie Name.

Q27. What is the web storage system?

Ans. The concept of local and session storage in a web application was introduced in HTML 5. Before HTML 5,
the local data in client side was stored in the cookies. Unlike cookies, now the web application can store the data
locally within the browser which can’t be transferred to the server.

There are two types of web storage.

1. Local Storage
2. Session Storage

Local Storage

Local storage stores the data, the data persists until the user manually clears the browser cache or
programmatically clears the storage.

Session Storage

Unlike local storage the data in session storage will persist only until the window or the tab in the browser is
closed, which means the data will be available only for the session.

Between Local and session storage the difference will be only in the persistence of data other than that
functionality and functions used in both objects will remain the same.
Q28. What is JavaScript “this” keyword?
Ans. It refers to the global object if there is no current object.

var employee = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Davis",
fullName: function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; // Now "refers" a
current object employee

window.Hello = "Hello World"

function globalObjectTest()
console.log(this.Hello);// Now "this" refers a global object

Q29. Is the JavaScript a case-sensitive language?

Ans. Yes, JavaScript is a case-sensitive language, which means the variable, keyboard, function names, and
any other identifier should be in the same case when we are using in the JavaScript language.

var x = 10;
console.log(X);//X is undefined

Q30. How to check a number equal to NaN?

Ans. NaN represent a value that is “Not a Number”. isNaN() is used to check a number is equal to NaN or not.

var x = "10";
var result = isNaN(x);
console.log(result)// false because x is number

Q31. What is JavaScript “const” keyword?

Ans. const came from ES2015, it behaves like let but it can’t be reassigned.

const x = 10;
console.log(x)// print 10
x = 11; // this will give error

x is a const variable, initially, 10 is assigned to x, when 11 is reassigned to x it will give you an error because const
variable can’t be reassigned.

Q32. Can you change the property of a constant object?

Ans. Yes, you can change the property of a constant object, but you cannot reassign the object.

const employee = { name: "Ram", age: 25 }

employee.name = "Raju" // it is possible

const employee = { name: "Ram", age: 25 }

employee = { name: "Raju", age: 25 }// will give error

Q33. What is the use of delete operator?

Ans. The delete operator is used to delete the property of the object, on successful deletion, it will return
true or else false.

var employee = { name: "Ram", age: 25 }

delete employee.age;

Q34. What is the looping statement in JavaScript?

Ans. The looping statement in JavaScript are

▪ for
▪ for in
▪ while
▪ do-while loops


var message = "";

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
message += "The number is " + i + "<br>";

As like other programming language for loop in JavaScript contains 3 statement which is separated by semi
colon. All the three statement are optional in for loop.

for in

for in will loops through the property of an object

var employee = { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" };

var message = "";
for (var x in employee) {
message += employee[x];


It will loop through a block till the condition is true.

var i = 0;
var serialNumber = "";

while (i < 10) {


serialNumber += i;

do while

do while loop executes at least once, this is because the code block is executed before the condition check.

text += "The number is " + i;
while (i < 10);

Q35. What is strict mode?

Ans. “use strict” is not a statement but a literal expression which is supported by ECMAScript version 5. This
statement instruct browser to use the strict mode, which is a safer future in JavaScript. It will eliminate some
JavaScript silent errors.


"use strict";
x = 10; // this will give error

The above statement will give an error because in strict mode the variable should be declared before it is used.

The “use strict” expression can be in global scope as well as local scope

Global scope

const employee = { name: "Ram", age: 25 }

employee.name = "Raju" // it is possible
use strict";
x = 10; // this will give error

local scope

x = 10; // This will not give error.

function myFunction() {
"use strict";
y = 15; // This will give error

Q36. Define Closure?

Ans. The closure is needed when a variable which is defined outside the scope in reference is accessed from

some inner scope. In JavaScript, the closure is created when the function is created. Simply we can say the
closure is an inner function that has access to the outer function’s variable.
function showName (firstName, lastName) {
var message = "Your name is ";
// Inner function has access to the outer function variables
function FullName () {
return message + firstName + " " + lastName;

return FullName ();

showName ("John", "Davis");

The closure has access to variables that are declared and defined in the parent function scope. The closure has
access to the variables in following scopes.

• In its own scope

• Parent function scope
• Global scope

var globalStr = "Welcome, " // global scope

function showName(firstName, lastName) {
var message = "Your name is ";
// Inner function has access to the outer function variables
function FullName() {
var str = "Hello "//local scope
return globalStr + str + message + firstName + " " + lastName;

return FullName();
showName("John", "Davis");

As per the above statement and from the code you can observe globalStr, message, str are the variable with
global scope, parent function scope and local scope respectively, which can be accessed through closure.

Q1. Explain String in JavaScript?
Ans. The group of character or textual data is called string, in JavaScript, there is no separate type for the
character, even a single character will be stored as a string. In JavaScript, the string can be enclosed with single
quotes or double quotes

var str = 'hello';

console.log(str);//print hello

Q2. How to find the length of the string?

Ans. Length property is used to find the length of the string

var str = 'hello';


Q3. How to find the character index in a string?

Ans. indexOf() is used to find the index of particular character from the string , it will return -1 if it is not

var str = 'hello'

str.indexOf(e)// it will return 1.

Q4. How to find the Unicode for the character?

Ans. charCodeAt() is used to find the Unicode for given character.

var temp = "hello";

console.log(temp.charCodeAt(2));// it will print 101 in console.

The above code will print 101 in the console since the Unicode of ‘e’ is 101

Q5. How to handle the double quotes special character in the string?
Ans. The double quote special character can be handled using the escape sequence \”

var x = 'Use of \"this"\ Keyword in JavaScript';


console.log(x);// it will print Use of “this” keyword in Java in the console.

Q6. What are the escape sequences available?
Ans. Following are the escape sequences available.

Code Result
\b Backspace
\f Form Feed
\n New Line
\r Carriage Return
\t Horizontal Tabulator
\v Vertical Tabulator

Q7. Is the String can be an object?

Ans: Yes, Strings can be an object.

var temp = new string('Raj');

Note: JavaScript strings are primitive values which are created from literals.

Q8. What are the differences between search() and indexOf() ?

Ans: The differences between search and indexOf methods are given below:

search() indexOf()
It is used to find a specified value and returns the It is used to find a specified value and returns the
position of the match, the value can be a string or position of the match, the value should be a
regular expression string, it won’t accept a regular expression

var m = /e/; var m = /e/;

var str = "apple"; var str = "apple";
str.search(m)//return 4 str.indexOf(m)//return -1

Since indexOf() will not support the regular

expression it will return -1

var m = e;
var str = "apple";
str.indexOf(m)//return 4

Q9. What are the differences between indexOf() and lastIndexOf() ?

Ans: The differences between indexOf and lastIndexOf methods are given below:

indexOf() lastIndexOf()
It will return the index of the first occurrence of It will return the index of the last occurrence of
specific text in a string specific text in a string
var str = 'Hello find me test var str = 'Hello find me test
me'; me';
str.indexOf('me') // return 11 str.lastIndexOf('me') //
return 19

Q10. What are the differences between substr() and substring()?

Ans: The differences between substr and substring methods are given below:

substr() substring()
It is used to return the characters in a string It is used to return the characters in a string
beginning at the specified index and returns the beginning at the specified index and returns the
number of characters based on length provided number of characters based on length provided-1

var x = "hello"; var x = "hello";

console.log((x.substr(1, 4) == console.log((x.substring(1, 4) ==
"ello")) "ello"))

It will print true in the log It will print false in the log

var x = "hello";
console.log((x.substring(1, 5) ==
"ello"))//print true in console

Q11. What is the answer for below code?

var x = "Raj";
var y = new String("Raj");
var result = (x == y)

Ans. true // because x and y have same value

Q12. What is the answer for below code?

var x = "Raj";
var y = new String("Raj");
var result = (x === y)

Ans. false // because x and y have different types x- string, y-object

Q13. What is the answer for below code?

var x = new String("Raj");
var y = new String("Raj");

var result = (x === y)

Ans. false // because x and y are different objects.

Q14. What is the answer for below code?

var x = new String("Raj");
var y = new String("Raj");
var result = (x == y)

Ans. false // because x and y are different objects.

Q1. How to create an object?
Ans. JavaScript support to use the object concept. The object is used to store a collection of data with different
types and even more complex entities. An object can be created with the brackets {…} and a property list which is
optional. The property is a key and value pair. Example as given below

var employee = {name: 'Raj', age: 25, company: 'ABC'}

Using the new keyword

var employee = new Object ()

employee.name ='Raj';
employee.company ='ABC'

Q2. How to read and write the JavaScript object properties?

Ans. Using the dot notation, we can read and write the properties in the object

var customer = { name: 'Raj', age: 25, company: 'ABC' }// set the value
customer.name = 'Arun'; //getting the value

Q3. How to copy the object?

Ans. We can copy the data from one object to another using the looping statement with an independent object
because by copying the object will create one more reference to the same object.

let employee = {
name: "David",
age: 30
let newObject = {}; // the new empty object
// let's copy all user properties into it
for (let key in employee) {
newObject[key] = employee[key];

newObject.name = "Alex";
Q4. What is JavaScript object prototype?
Ans. The properties and methods of the JavaScript objects are inherited from a prototype. We can add
properties and method to objects using prototype property.

function Employee(name, company) {

this.name = name;
this.company = company;

Employee.prototype.Age = 25;
Employee.prototype.getname = function () {
return this.name;
var employee = new Employee('Ram', 'XYZ');

Q5. What is Prototypal Inheritance?

Ans. Each object in the JavaScript has a property called Prototype, we can add a method to it, as well as we
can add another object for it, in this case, it will also inherit the parent object properties, this process is called
prototypal inheritance.

Date object inherits from Date.prototype , Array object inherit from Array.prototype, The Employee object
inherit from Employee.prototype as given in below code,

function Employee(name, company) {

this.name = name;
this.company = company;
Employee.prototype.Age = 25;
Employee.prototype.getname = function () {
return this.name;
var employee = new Employee('Ram', 'XYZ');

Q6. What is window object?

Ans: Window object is not a JavaScript object, it is a browser object, and it will be created by the browser that
represents a window of a browser.

Q7. What are the window object methods?

Ans. Some of the frequently used window object methods are listed below

Method Description
alert() Display the alert box containing the message with an Ok button
prompt() This box is used to get the input from the user
confirm() Display confirm box containing the message with ok and cancel

open() opens the new window

close() close the current window

Q8. What is a math object?
Ans. It is a build-in object which has a mathematical property and methods.

console.log(Math.PI) // 3.141592653589793
console.log(Math.abs(1.0)); // 1

Q9. What is the output for below code?

let x = {};
let y = {};
console.log((x == y));

Ans. false, because x and y are two independent objects even though both the value are same

Q10. Is it possible to change an object declared with const?

Ans. Yes, the const will protect only the variable itself from changing, consider below example

const employee = {
firstName: "David"
employee.firstName = "Alex"; // yes, this is possible

From the above example, you can notice the firstName property from the employee object is got changed even
though the object is constant, at same case consider below example,

const employee = {
firstName: "David"
employee = "hello";// this won’t work

Modifying the constant variable will not work.

Q1. What is an array and how to create it in JavaScript?
Ans. Array is a variable which can store multiple value in a single variable as an ordered collection, example
as given below:

var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes']

We can also create an array, and assign a value to it by below statement

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

Array elements are numbered, which starts with zero

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');


Q2. Is the Array being an object?

Ans. Yes, it is a special type of object. The typeof operator will return the array as an object type.

The difference between array and object is the array will use numbers to access its elements where object use
name to access its members

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

console.log(typeof (fruits));//object

Q3. Can your store an object as an array element?

Ans. Yes, the array element can be an object

var myArray = [];

myArray[0] = Date.now;
Note: Array element can also have a functions and objects

Q4. Can JavaScript Array have different types of elements?

Ans. Yes, In JavaScript we can have array with different type

var myArray = [];

myArray[0] = Date.now;

myArray[1] = 1;
myArray[2] = "hello";

Q5. How to find the length of the array?

Ans. The length property is used to find the length of the array

var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes']


Q6. How to read the array?

Ans. We can read the array using its index and to read the complete list in the array, we can do using looping
so that we can iterate through each element in the array.

var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes']

for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++)

Q7. How to iterate the Array elements?

Ans. We can loop the array in JavaScript using the various looping statement. Best way is using the for loop

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++)

We can also use the forEach method,

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

function myFunction(value)

Q8. What are the differences between array and object?

Ans. The differences between array and object are given below:

Array object
The array uses the numbered indexes to access The object uses the named indexes to access the
the element in it members in it
You should use an array when you want the You should use an object when you want the
element name to be number element name to be a string
It is an ordered collection It is a collection of unorder properties
Q9. How to recognize an Array?
Ans. The typeof operator will return the array as an object type, then how we can find a variable is an array?
The simple solution is to use the Array.isArray().

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

Array.isArray(fruits) // it will returns true

Note: Array.isArray() came from ECMAScript 5 which is not supported in the old browser

Q10. How to convert Array to string?

Ans. toString() method is used to convert the array to string.

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

console.log(fruits.toString()); // output : Apple,Orange,Grapes

Q11. How to add an item to an array?

Ans. push() is used to add the item in an array.

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

console.log(fruits.toString()); // output : Apple,Orange,Grapes,Papaya

Q12. How to remove the item from Array?

Ans. pop() method is used to remove the last item/element from an array.

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

console.log(fruits.toString()); // output : Apple,Orange

Q13. What is the use of the splice()?

Ans . splice() is used to add/remove an element from the Array, it is like replace function

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

fruits.splice(1, 0, 'Papaya')

first parameter ‘1’ represents the index of the array where the element needs to be added

second parameter ‘0’ is used to define how many elements should be removed from the list

the third parameter is the element which should be added

console.log(fruits.toString()); // Apple,Papaya,Orange,Grapes

To remove the element


var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

fruits.splice(1, 1)
console.log(fruits.toString()); // Apple, Grapes

Q14. How to sort an Array?

Ans. sort() is used to sort the Array based on the values as string

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');


Q15. How to empty an Array?

Ans. We have multiple methods to empty an array

Method 1

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


We can reassign the array with empty list, but by doing this the original referenced array will remain unchanged,
as shown in below code.

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

var newArrayList = arr;
arr = []
console.log(newArrayList)//[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Method 2

We can clear the array list by making the array length as 0, this method is useful when we want to update all
reference variable pointing to array list.

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

var newArrayList = arr;

Method 3

We can clear the array list using the splice (), as like method 2 this method is useful when we want to update all
reference variable pointing to array list.

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

var newArrayList = arr;

Q16. What is the output of below code?
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
delete numbers[3];

Ans. It will print 5 in console. When we use the delete operator to delete the array element, the array
element length will not get affected, but the value will be updated as empty in chrome and <1 empty slot> in

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

delete numbers[3];
console.log(numbers);// (5) [1, 2, 3, empty, 5]

Q17. How to perform numeric sort in Array?

Ans. sort() will sort the array based on string, for numeric sorting we need to provide a compare function as a
call back function to sort().

var numArr = [4, 9, 8, 2, 1]

var resultAsc = numArr.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b }); // Ascending
var resultDesc = numArr.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a }); // Descending

Q1. What are Anonymous Functions and Named Functions?
Ans. The function which exists only after it is called is named as Anonymous function, whereas named
function will exist even when it is not called.

Named function – Function contains the name at time of the definition

function myfunc()
alert('Named function');

Anonymous function – It is declared dynamically at runtime

var display = function ()

alert('anonymous function')

Q2. What is the Self-Executing Function?

Ans. The self-executing function will execute right after it has been defined. The advantage of using it is, it
will execute the code without declaring any global. Mostly it will be used to attach event listeners to DOM
elements and another initialization work.

(function ()
//function body

Q3. What is Call back function?

Ans. Passing function as an argument to another function is called as call back functions.

Myfunction('onclick', function ()
//call back function body

Q4. What is arrow function?
Ans. The arrow function will support in JavaScript only after ES6 or above, it is a short way to write function
expression. The conventional way of writing a function

function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
console.log(add(1, 2));//3

Using arrow function

add = (a, b) => { return a + b }

console.log(add(1, 2));//3

Q5. What is time out function?

Ans. The timeout function can be used to set a particular time for the function execution, for example, if you
need to execute a function after some delay once it is called, then this will do the trick.

setTimeout(function ()
}, 3000);

The above function will be executed after 3 secs from its call time.

Q6. What is the use case of the slice()?

Ans. We can copy array simply by assigning to another variable in JavaScript as given below.

var arr1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

var arr2 = arr1;

But the problem in above code is both arr1 and arr2 will have same reference, we can use the slice() to return
the reference of the new array.

var arr1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

var arr2 = arr1.slice();

Q7. What is the use of valueOf()?

Ans. valueOf() is used to get the primitive value of string

var temp ='Hello'


Q8. How to convert a string to lowercase or uppercase in Javascript?


Ans. We can convert the string to lower or upper case using toUpperCase() and toLowerCase()

var temp = "Hello";
console.log(temp.toLowerCase());//print hello


var temp = "Hello";


Q9. How to read the character from a string based on the index?
Ans. charAt() is used to get the character from the string based in index

var temp = "hello";

temp.charAt(1)//return "e"

Q10. What is the use of forEach()?

Ans. forEach() is used to call a function for each element in the array

var fruits = new Array('Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes');

function myFunction(value)

The above code will print each element in the array list.

Regular Expression
Q1. How the RegExp is used in JavaScript?
Ans. Regular Expression will describe the pattern of characters. It is an object. RegEx is a universal concept. It
is the best way of finding the pattern which is used to search and replace inside a string. In JavaScript,
expressions are defined using the objects of RegExp class which is built-in.

var str = "burger";

var regex = /ge/;
str.search(regex)// return 3

Q2. What is the use of test()?

Ans. test() is a regular expression method. It searches a string for a specific pattern. It will return true or false
as a result.

var patternVar = /o/;

var result = patternVar.test('Hello World');
console.log(result) //It will print true in browser console

Q3. What is the use of exec()?

Ans. exec() is a regular expression method. It searches a string for a specific match. It will return the text as
an object, if there is no match it will return empty object.

var patternVar = /o/;

var result = patternVar.exec('Hello World');
console.log(result) // It will print the result as an object

1. 0: "o"
2. groups: undefined
3. index: 4
4. input: "Hello World"
5. length:

Q4. What is the flag in a regular expression?

Ans. There are 5 flags in JavaScript regular expression that affects the search

g- This indicates that the regular expression should be tested against all possible matches in a string
var str = "Test hello Test";
var regex = /Test/g;
var result = str.match(regex);
console.log(result); // return all "Test" found in a string in the form of

i- This flag is the used in search string pattern by ignoring the case

var str = "burGEr";

var regex = /ge/;
str.search(regex)// return -1 without flag

var str = "burGEr";

var regex = /ge/i;
str.search(regex)// return 3 with i flag

m- do a multiline search for test at the beginning of each line in a string

var str = "\nTest hello \nTest";

var regex = /^Test/gm;
var result = str.match(regex);

u - It enables the Unicode support, treats the pattern as a sequence of Unicode code points

y- This makes the search should find an exact match at the position specified by the property regexp.lastIndex

let str = "Hello from Dot Net Tricks";

let reg = /Dot/iy;
console.log(reg.lastIndex); // 0 (default)
console.log(str.match(reg)); // null, not found at position 0
reg.lastIndex = 11;
console.log(str.match(reg)) // Dot, the word start at the position 11

Q1. What are Events?
Ans. JavaScript interacts with HTML through the events. Different types of event will be fired when the HTML
page loads, buttons click, input field change and much more.

List of most used DOM events,

Keyboard events:

• Keydown – This event will be invoked when the user presses down the keys in the keyboard
• keyup - This event will be invoked when the user releases the keys in the keyboard

Mouse events:

• click – this event will be invoked when the mouse clicks on an element
• mouseover/mouseout- this event will be invoked when the mouse cursor moves over/ leaves an
• mousedown/mouseup – when the mouse button is pressed/ released over an element
• mousemove- When the mouse is moved
• contextmenu – When the mouse right-clicks on the element

Form events:

• submit – this will invoke when the form is submitted

• focus- the will be invoked when the user focuses on the input field.

Q2. What is the use of addEventListener() ?

Ans. addEventListner() is the DOM element which is used to attach the event to the control, for example
when we need to execute a function when the button is clicked we can use this method as written in below
<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<input type="button" id="myBtn" value="Click Me" />
document.getElementById("myBtn").addEventListener("click", function () {
sayHello()//click event call back

function sayHello()

Note: This method will not support in IE 8 and earlier version

Q3. What is onclick Event?

Ans. The onclick event is most used event type. This event will execute when the user clicks on left button
from mouse.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<input type="button" onclick="sayHello()" value="Click Me" />
function sayHello()

Mouse click event only within HTML

<input type="button" onclick="alert('Hello')" value="Button">

Q4. What are most used Mouse Events?

Ans. onmouseover and onmouseout are the two most commonly used mouse events. The mouseover event
will trigger when you mouse over the HTML element, on the other hand, the onmouseout event will fire when
you leave the HTML element.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div onmouseover="mouseover()" onmouseout="mouseout()">
<h2 id="txt"> Hello Welcome ! </h2>
function mouseover() {
document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML = "Mouse Over";

function mouseout() {
document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML ="Mouse Out"

mouseover() this method is fired when the user mouse over the div element.

mouseout() this method is fired when the user leaves the div element.

Q5. What is onfocus() event in Javascript ?

Ans. This event will be fired when the control gets a focus, mostly this event is used with the input control.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<<input type="text" id="text1" onfocus="focusFunction()"/>
function focusFunction()
console.log("I'm focus event")

We can also pass the event object so that we can manipulate the control.

<input type="text" id="text1" onfocus="focusFunction(this)"/>

function focusFunction()
e.style.background = "Aqua";// this is dynamically change the text box
color when we focus the textbox

Q6. What type of event is used when the control loses its focus?
Ans. onblur() event will get fired when the control losses it’s focus, basically this event is used to the input
control. It is just opposite to onfocus().
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<<input type="text" id="text1" onblur="blurFunction()"/>
function blurFunction()
console.log("I'm blur event")

Q7. What are the HTML DOM Keyboard events?

Ans. List of HTML DOM Keyboard events which are used more frequently

• onkeydown.
• onkeypress
• onkeyup


This event will get fired when user pressing a key

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<input type="text" onkeydown="keyDown()">


function keyDown()
alert("I'm key Down Event ")


This event will get fired when user releases a key

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<input type="text" onkeyup="keyUp()">
function keyUp()
alert("I'm key Up Event")


This event will get fired when the user presses a key

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<input type="text" onkeypress=" keyPress()">
function keyPress()
alert("I'm key Press Event")

Window objects
Q1. How to find the browser which is running the web page?
Ans. The window object navigator is used to find the browser which is currently running the web application.

var browsername = navigator.appName;


Q2. How to find the online status of the application?

Ans. The online property of the navigator is used to find the application in online or offline

var browsername = navigator.onLine;


Q3. How to redirect the user to a new page?

Ans. We can use the window object location to redirect the user to new page


Q4. How to open a web page in a new tab on the browser?

Ans. We can use the window method open to launch the web application in a new tab on the browser

window.open("https://www.dotnettricks.com/", '_blank')

Q5. What is the use of localStorage?

Ans. localStorage is the window object which is used to save the data in the local storage of the browser.

Local storage stores the data, the data persists until the user manually clears the browser cache or
programmatically clears the storage.

setItem() is used to store the data in localStorage.

localStorage.setItem('name', 'value2')

getItem() is used to get the data in local storage



removeItem() is used to remove the data in local storage


Q6. What is the use of sessionStorage?

Ans. sessionStorage is the window object which is used to save the data in session storage of browser.

Unlike local storage the data in session storage will persist only until the window or the tab in the browser is
closed, which means the data will be available only for the particular session.

setItem() is used to store the data in sessionstorage.

sessionStorage.setItem('name', 'value2')

getItem() is used to get the data in session storage


removeItem() is used to remove the data in session storage


Error Handling and Code
Q1. What is the use of onerror()?
Ans. onerror() is the event handler which is fired whenever the exception occurs on the page. It is a window
object method.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onerror = function (msg, url, line)
alert("Message : " + msg + ',' + "url : " + url + ',' + "Line number : " +
<p>Click the following to see the result:</p><input type="button"
value="Click Me" onclick="onErrorMessage();" />

From the above example, you can notice onErrorMessage() is called when the user clicks on the button, but
there is no definition for onErrorMessage() so it will enter into onerror window object method.

Q2. Can JavaScript method contains try, catch and finally block?
Ans. Yes, we can have try, catch and finally block in javascript

function keyDown() {
try {


catch (e) {
//catch block
finally {
//final block
<input type="text" onkeydown="keyDown()">

Q3. What is the output of below code?

var num = "10";
(function () {
console.log("Original Number " + num);
var num = "50";
console.log("New Number " + num);

Ans. Original Number undefined

New Number 50

Reason: You will expect the original number will take the value from the outer scope, but the salary value was
undefined, because of hoisting.

Q4. What is the output of below code?

var x = typeof null;

Ans. It will print object

Q5. What is the output of below code?

(function () {
var x = y = 5;

Ans. It will print 5 for y and undefined error for x


Reason: var x=y=5 is shorthand for,


x=y ;

so, y ends up as a global variable, it will have the scope outside of the block. This is a common behaviour of
JavaScript, by using the strict mode, we can avoid these kinds of bugs.

Q6. What is the output of below code?

console.log(typeof NaN === "number");
Ans. true

Reason: NaN property represents the value which is ‘Not a Number’, this is because of the result of the
operation is not numeric, so NaN means “Not a Number”, it’s type is Number;

Q7. What is the output of below code?

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(function () { console.log(i); }, 10);

Ans: It will print 5,5,5,5,5 because each function which is executed within the loop will execute after the
entire loop has completed, therefore the last value stored in I will get printed. To avoid this we should use
closures concept.

Q8. What is the output of below code?

console.log(true == '1')
console.log(true === '1')

Ans. It will print true, false. Since === operator will check the type of the operand along with value it will print
as false.

Q9. What is the output of below code?

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(function () { console.log(i); }, 10);

Ans. It will print 0,1,2,3,4 because we use let instead of var

Q10. What is the output of below code?

console.log(typeof typeof true)

Ans. It will print a string, type of true will return “boolean” and type of “boolean” is a string

Q11. What is the output of below code?


var obj = { a: 1 };
var output = (function ()

delete obj.a;
return obj.a;

console.log(output);// undefined

Ans. The output will be 10 because the delete operator will delete the property of an object.

Q12. What is the output of below code?

var a = 10;
var output = (function ()
delete a;
return a;

Ans. The output will be 10 because the delete operator is used to delete the property of an object, here a is
not an object

Q13. What is the output of below code?

for (; ;)

Ans. The application will get crashed because of this infinite loop, it’s always recommended to use the break
statement if there is no conditional check in for a loop.


This book has been written by referring to the following sites:

1. https://developer.mozilla.org - JavaScript MDN

2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/javascript - Stack Overflow - JavaScript
3. https://www.dotnettricks.com/learn/javascript - Dot Net Tricks - JavaScript


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