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Tabla-Conversión de Unidades: by Marcelo Hirschfeldt - 1

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Acre = 43,560 square feet Foot per second = 0.68182 mile per hour Mile per hour = 1.

4667 feet per second

Acre = 4.047 square meters Foot pound = 0.001286 British Thermal Unit Ounce (Avoirdupois) = 28.3495 grams
Acre foot = 7,758 barrels Foot pound per second = 0.001818 horsepower Part per million = 0.05835 grain per gallon
At mosphere = 33.94 feet of water Gallon (U.S.) = 0.02381 barrel Part per million = 8.345 pounds per million gal
At mosphere = 29.92 inches of mercury Gallon (U.S.) = 0.1337 cubic f eet Pascal (Pa) = 0.000145 pound per square inch
At mosphere = 760 millimeters of mercury Gallon (U.S.) = 231. 000 cubic inches Pound = 7000 grains
At mosphere = 14.70 pounds per square inch Gallon (U.S.) = 3.785 liters Pound = 0.4536 kilogram
Bar = 14.504 pounds per square inch Gallon (U.S.) = 0.83267 gallon (Imperial) Pound per square inch = 2.309 feet of water @ 60
Barrel = 5.6146 cubic f eet Gallon (U.S.) = 0.003785 cubic meters Pound per square inch = 2.0353 inches of mercury
Barrel = 42 gallons Gallon (Imperial) = 1.20095 gallons (U.S.) Pound per square inch = 51.697 millimeters of mercury
Barrel of water @60
F= 0.1588 metric ton Gallon (imperial) = 277. 274 cubic inches Pound per square inch = 0.0703 kilograms per sq. cm
Barrel (36
A.P.I) = 0.1342 metric ton Gallon per minute = 1.429 barrels per hour Pound per square inch = 0.0689 bar
Barrel per hour = 0.0936 cubic f eet per minute Gallon per minute = 0.1337 cubic f eet per minute Pound per square inch = 0.006895 Mega Pascal (MPa)
Barrel per hour = 0.700 gallon per minute Gallon per minute = 34.286 barrels per day Pound per square inch = 6.895 Kilo Pascal (KPa)
Barrel per hour = 2.695 cubic inches per second Gram = 0.03527 ounce Pound per square inch = 6895 Pascal (Pa)
Barrel per day = 0.0292 gallon per minute Horsepower = 42.44 B. T.U.'s per minute Pound per million gals. = 0.00700 grain per gallon
British Thermal Unit = 0.2520 kilogram calorie Horsepower = 33 foot-pounds per minute Pound per million gals. = 0.11982 parts per million
British Thermal Unit = 0.2928 watt hour Horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second Quart (Liquid) = 0.946 liter
B. T.U. per minute = 0.0236 horse power Horsepower = 1.014 horsepower (met ric) Sack cement (set) = 1.1 cubic f eet
Centimeter = 0.3937 inch Horsepower = 0.7457 kilowatt Square centimeter = 0.1550 square inch
Centimeter of mercury = 0.1934 pound per square inch Horsepower hour = 2.547 British Thermal Units Square foot = 0.0929 square meter
Cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inch Inch = 2.540 centimeters Square inch = 6.452 square centimeters
Cubic foot = 0.1781 barrel Inch of mercury = 1.134 feet of water Square kilometer = 0.3861 square mile
Cubic foot = 7.4805 gallons (U.S.) Inch of mercury = 0.4912 pound per square inch Square meter = 10.76 square feet
Cubic foot = 0.0283 cubic meter Inch of water @60
F = 0.0361 pound per square inch Square mile = 2.590 square kilometers
Cubic foot = 0.9091 sacks cement (set) Kilogram = 2.2046 pounds Temp. Centigrade = 5/9 (Temp.
F) -32
Cubic foot per minute = 10.686 barrels per hour Kilogram Calorie = 3.968 British Thermal Units Temp. Fahrenheit = 9/5 (Temp.
Cubic foot per minute = 28.80 cubic inches per second Kiologram per square cm = 14.223 pounds per square inch Temp. Absolute (Kelvin) = Temp.
C +273
Cubic foot per minute = 7.481 gallons per minute Kilometer = 3.281 feet Temp. Absolute (Rankine) = Temp.
F +460
Cubic inch = 16.387 cubic cent imeters Kilometer = 0.6214 mile Ton (Long) = 2.24 pounds
Cubic met er = 6.2897 barrels Kilo Pascal (KPa) = 0.145 pounds per square inch Ton (Met ric) = 2.205 pounds
Cubic met er = 35.314 cubic f eet Kilowat t = 1.341 horsepower Ton (Short or Net) = 2,000 pounds
Cubic met er = 1.308 cubic yards Liter = 0.2642 gallon Ton (Met ric) = 1.102 tons (short or net)
Cubic met er = 264. 20 gallon U.S. Liter = 1.0567 quarts Ton (Met ric) = 1,000 kilograms
Cubic yard = 4.8089 barrels Mega Pascal (MPa) = 145. 03 pound per square inch Ton (Met ric) = 6.297 barrels of water @ 60
Cubic yard = 46,656 cubic inches Meter = 3.281 feet Ton (Short or Net) = 7.454 barrels (36
Cubic yard = 0.7646 cubic meter Meter = 39.37 inches Watt-hour = 0.907 ton (metric)
Foot = 30.48 centimeters Mile = 5280.000 feet Watt-hour = 3.415 British Thermal Units
Foot = 0.3048 meter Mile = 1.609 kilometers Yard = 0.9144 meter
Foot of water @ 60
F = 0.4331 pound per square inch

www.oilproduction.net by Marcelo Hirschfeldt - 1 -

Tabla-Conversin de unidades

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