This document provides conversion factors between various units of measurement in areas such as length, area, volume, temperature, mass, force, power, and energy. It lists equivalencies between imperial and metric units as well as other derived units including barrels, gallons, cubic feet, pounds, tons, horsepower, and British Thermal Units. The extensive list covers many common units that are used in engineering, construction, and other technical fields.
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Tabla-Conversión de Unidades: by Marcelo Hirschfeldt - 1
This document provides conversion factors between various units of measurement in areas such as length, area, volume, temperature, mass, force, power, and energy. It lists equivalencies between imperial and metric units as well as other derived units including barrels, gallons, cubic feet, pounds, tons, horsepower, and British Thermal Units. The extensive list covers many common units that are used in engineering, construction, and other technical fields.
This document provides conversion factors between various units of measurement in areas such as length, area, volume, temperature, mass, force, power, and energy. It lists equivalencies between imperial and metric units as well as other derived units including barrels, gallons, cubic feet, pounds, tons, horsepower, and British Thermal Units. The extensive list covers many common units that are used in engineering, construction, and other technical fields.
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Tabla-Conversión de Unidades: by Marcelo Hirschfeldt - 1
This document provides conversion factors between various units of measurement in areas such as length, area, volume, temperature, mass, force, power, and energy. It lists equivalencies between imperial and metric units as well as other derived units including barrels, gallons, cubic feet, pounds, tons, horsepower, and British Thermal Units. The extensive list covers many common units that are used in engineering, construction, and other technical fields.
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Acre = 43,560 square feet Foot per second = 0.68182 mile per hour Mile per hour = 1.
4667 feet per second
Acre = 4.047 square meters Foot pound = 0.001286 British Thermal Unit Ounce (Avoirdupois) = 28.3495 grams Acre foot = 7,758 barrels Foot pound per second = 0.001818 horsepower Part per million = 0.05835 grain per gallon At mosphere = 33.94 feet of water Gallon (U.S.) = 0.02381 barrel Part per million = 8.345 pounds per million gal At mosphere = 29.92 inches of mercury Gallon (U.S.) = 0.1337 cubic f eet Pascal (Pa) = 0.000145 pound per square inch At mosphere = 760 millimeters of mercury Gallon (U.S.) = 231. 000 cubic inches Pound = 7000 grains At mosphere = 14.70 pounds per square inch Gallon (U.S.) = 3.785 liters Pound = 0.4536 kilogram Bar = 14.504 pounds per square inch Gallon (U.S.) = 0.83267 gallon (Imperial) Pound per square inch = 2.309 feet of water @ 60 o F Barrel = 5.6146 cubic f eet Gallon (U.S.) = 0.003785 cubic meters Pound per square inch = 2.0353 inches of mercury Barrel = 42 gallons Gallon (Imperial) = 1.20095 gallons (U.S.) Pound per square inch = 51.697 millimeters of mercury Barrel of water @60 o F= 0.1588 metric ton Gallon (imperial) = 277. 274 cubic inches Pound per square inch = 0.0703 kilograms per sq. cm Barrel (36 o A.P.I) = 0.1342 metric ton Gallon per minute = 1.429 barrels per hour Pound per square inch = 0.0689 bar Barrel per hour = 0.0936 cubic f eet per minute Gallon per minute = 0.1337 cubic f eet per minute Pound per square inch = 0.006895 Mega Pascal (MPa) Barrel per hour = 0.700 gallon per minute Gallon per minute = 34.286 barrels per day Pound per square inch = 6.895 Kilo Pascal (KPa) Barrel per hour = 2.695 cubic inches per second Gram = 0.03527 ounce Pound per square inch = 6895 Pascal (Pa) Barrel per day = 0.0292 gallon per minute Horsepower = 42.44 B. T.U.'s per minute Pound per million gals. = 0.00700 grain per gallon British Thermal Unit = 0.2520 kilogram calorie Horsepower = 33 foot-pounds per minute Pound per million gals. = 0.11982 parts per million British Thermal Unit = 0.2928 watt hour Horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second Quart (Liquid) = 0.946 liter B. T.U. per minute = 0.0236 horse power Horsepower = 1.014 horsepower (met ric) Sack cement (set) = 1.1 cubic f eet Centimeter = 0.3937 inch Horsepower = 0.7457 kilowatt Square centimeter = 0.1550 square inch Centimeter of mercury = 0.1934 pound per square inch Horsepower hour = 2.547 British Thermal Units Square foot = 0.0929 square meter Cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inch Inch = 2.540 centimeters Square inch = 6.452 square centimeters Cubic foot = 0.1781 barrel Inch of mercury = 1.134 feet of water Square kilometer = 0.3861 square mile Cubic foot = 7.4805 gallons (U.S.) Inch of mercury = 0.4912 pound per square inch Square meter = 10.76 square feet Cubic foot = 0.0283 cubic meter Inch of water @60 o F = 0.0361 pound per square inch Square mile = 2.590 square kilometers Cubic foot = 0.9091 sacks cement (set) Kilogram = 2.2046 pounds Temp. Centigrade = 5/9 (Temp. o F) -32 Cubic foot per minute = 10.686 barrels per hour Kilogram Calorie = 3.968 British Thermal Units Temp. Fahrenheit = 9/5 (Temp. o C)+32 Cubic foot per minute = 28.80 cubic inches per second Kiologram per square cm = 14.223 pounds per square inch Temp. Absolute (Kelvin) = Temp. o C +273 Cubic foot per minute = 7.481 gallons per minute Kilometer = 3.281 feet Temp. Absolute (Rankine) = Temp. o F +460 Cubic inch = 16.387 cubic cent imeters Kilometer = 0.6214 mile Ton (Long) = 2.24 pounds Cubic met er = 6.2897 barrels Kilo Pascal (KPa) = 0.145 pounds per square inch Ton (Met ric) = 2.205 pounds Cubic met er = 35.314 cubic f eet Kilowat t = 1.341 horsepower Ton (Short or Net) = 2,000 pounds Cubic met er = 1.308 cubic yards Liter = 0.2642 gallon Ton (Met ric) = 1.102 tons (short or net) Cubic met er = 264. 20 gallon U.S. Liter = 1.0567 quarts Ton (Met ric) = 1,000 kilograms Cubic yard = 4.8089 barrels Mega Pascal (MPa) = 145. 03 pound per square inch Ton (Met ric) = 6.297 barrels of water @ 60 o F Cubic yard = 46,656 cubic inches Meter = 3.281 feet Ton (Short or Net) = 7.454 barrels (36 o A.P.I.) Cubic yard = 0.7646 cubic meter Meter = 39.37 inches Watt-hour = 0.907 ton (metric) Foot = 30.48 centimeters Mile = 5280.000 feet Watt-hour = 3.415 British Thermal Units Foot = 0.3048 meter Mile = 1.609 kilometers Yard = 0.9144 meter Foot of water @ 60 o F = 0.4331 pound per square inch by Marcelo Hirschfeldt - 1 -