2011 Cold War Review
2011 Cold War Review
2011 Cold War Review
Name ____________________________
Use your notes from lectures, sections 17.1, 17.2, 17.4, 17.5, and 19.2 in your textbook, and handouts/worksheets to help you study. Definitions: Define each and explain its significance to the Cold War period. Cold War Capitalism Communism Iron Curtain Satellite states M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction)
People: Identify each person and explain his or her role in the Cold War. Harry S Truman Joseph Stalin Fidel Castro John F. Kennedy Nikita Khrushchev Senator Joseph McCarthy Bert the Turtle Mikhail Gorbachev Ronald Reagan
Cold War Events: Explain each, its purpose, and how if impacted U.S./Soviet relations. Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Warsaw Pact Nuclear Arms Race Hydrogen Bomb Korean War Berlin Wall The U-2 Incident
Cuban Missile Crisis Limited Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Space Race Sputnik Apollo 11
Cold War at Home: Explain each and how it affected Americans. Second Red Scare House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) McCarthyism Interstate Highway System Federal Civil Defense Administration Fallout Fears Reasons for Fear Plans Effectiveness of plans
End of Cold War: Explain each and how it contributed to the end of the Cold War. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Detente Afghanistan Fall of communism Fall of Berlin Wall
Connections to Today: Explain each and how it affects our world today. START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) New START Treaty Nuclear threat today
Concept Words Short Answer. Define each in context of the Cold War. Give examples of how each concept is connected to the Cold War (i.e. The Soviet Union was in a competition with the United States in the space race.) Competition Containment Preparedness Paranoia
Possible Essay: Be sure to use proper essay formattopic sentence, three reasons with examples, and a conclusion. 1. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, which policy should the U.S. have followed (i.e. pursue diplomacy, blockade Cuba or destroy the missiles)? Explain. 2. What was the most important event or most important leader in the Cold War? Why?