Final Dance
Final Dance
Final Dance
From the Billboard to the Front Row: Mar eting and Ad!erti"ing in the Dan#e World Emil$ %idwell &outh 'er(orming Art )#hool
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW * Ab"tra#t The number o( +atron" o( the art" dimini"he" $ear a(ter $ear, while the number o( "+ort" !iewer" e-+onentiall$ in#rea"e". The art" are beginning to lo"e the (unding that the$ need to maintain them"el!e" while "+ort" team" are "elling #hea+er and #hea+er ti# et" e!er$ "ea"on. The +ur+o"e o( thi" +a+er i" to in!e"tigate wh$ the +ubli# would rather attend "+orting e!ent" o!er +er(orman#e", and how dan#e #om+anie", in +arti#ular, #ould e-+and their audien#e. The +ro/e#t will u"e, 0What i" the be"t and mo"t e((i#ient wa$ to mar et a dan#e #om+an$ while maintaining the #om+an$1" (ull arti"ti# integrit$23 a" an o!erar#hing re"ear#h 4ue"tion. The mo"t e$ element" o( thi" +ro/e#t will be the in!e"tigation o( the mo"t e((i#ient and e((e#ti!e wa$" o( mar eting while t$ing the +er(orming art5" arti"ti# "ide to the ad!erti"ing, a" well a" the e-e#ution and +hotogra+hing o( the ad!erti"ement6#am+aign. Thi" +ro+o"al will in#lude a well7 thought out +lan (or +ro/e#t #om+letion, in#luding a detailed +ro#edure, a +ro/e#t timeline, a re(eren#e" +age, material" needed, and the #o"t. When (ini"hed, thi" +ro/e#t will mar the mental graduation o( being a dan#e ma/or at the &outh 'er(orming Art" )#hool 8&'A)9.
From Billboard to Front Row: Mar eting and Ad!erti"ing in the Dan#e World
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW : The e#onom$ i" not ind to +eo+le who dedi#ate their li!e" to the art". Dan#er" who gi!e their time, bodie", and mind to their art are onl$ met with a "mall +a$#he# that barel$ #o!er" li!ing e-+en"e". Though it i" hard to #om+lain when $ou get to do what $ou lo!e e!er$ da$ while getting +aid, it i" "teadil$ be#ome more di((i#ult to "ur!i!e thi" wa$. On the other end o( the "+e#trum, (ootball +la$er" ma e u+ward" o( hundred" o( thou"and" o( dollar" +er "ea"on. )o#iet$ "ha+e" the wa$ #ertain #areer +ath" are !iewed. The art" are loo ed a" being le"" im+ortant than man$ thing", while anar#h$ would en"ue i( all +ro(e""ional "+ort" team" were #ut. The relation"hi+ between the #on"umer and the +rodu#er i" !er$ im+ortant in the bu"ine"" world, and the +er(orming art" are a bu"ine"". A" audien#e attendan#e ha" dro++ed, re!enue ha" a" well. Art" +rogram" are lo"ing the (unding the$ need in order to +rodu#e +er(orman#e". Figuring out a wa$ to hel+ mar et the +er(orming art" i" !er$ im+ortant (or the #ontinuation o( the art". It i" a to+i# o(ten o!erloo ed, but #an be a ma""i!e de(ining (a#tor in the "u##e"" o( a #om+an$. Without dan#e mar eting and ad!erti"ing, audien#e attendan#e would not begin to #o!er the elaborate wor " that we "ee in #ontem+orar$ wor ". I( the #ontinuation o( the +er(orming art" i" wanted, then an e((e#ti!e and e((i#ient wa$ o( mar eting the +er(orming art" 8+arti#ularl$ dan#e9 mu"t be (ound. M$ lo!e (or dan#e i" m$ in"+iration (or thi" +ro/e#t. The +er(orming art" are admired, but o(ten "we+t a"ide in the arrangement o( attendan#e. M$ +ro/e#t will be a learning and in!e"tigati!e /ourne$ to di"#o!er the man$ wa$" in whi#h dan#e #an be mar eted. Ti+" will be "trung together to (ind out what the mo"t e((e#ti!e and e((i#ient wa$ o( mar eting i" (or the +er(orming art". While #ondu#ting m$ initial re"ear#h, I #ame a#ro"" three "our#e" whi#h will be e-tremel$ bene(i#ial in the in!e"tigation o( m$ +ro/e#t. A" I had ne!er dug dee+l$ into the (ield
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW ; o( mar eting be(ore 8or more "+e#i(i#all$, dan#e mar eting9, I wa" (or#ed to "tart b$ learning the bare bone" o( mar eting and ad!erti"ing. In 0The Little Blue Boo o( Ad!erti"ing,3 )te!e Lan#e and <e(( Woll 8*==>9 "im+l$ and arti#ulatel$ e-+lain ma/or mar eting +rin#i+le" o( #ontem+orar$ time". I wa" +arti#ularl$ "tru# b$ the 4uote, 0)tart with an unu"ual !i"ual. ?et the !iewer to wonder what i" ha++ening,3 8+. :@9. Thi" hel+ed me to mor+h m$ idea" into a tangible and wor able +ro/e#t. For m$ +ro/e#t, I +re!iou"l$ had /u"t wanted to do a +hoto galler$ "im+l$ (or the "a e o( it, but now I now that ha!ing unu"ual and "tri ing +hotogra+h" or image" i" a u"e(ul te#hni4ue to mar eting. Thi" ha" hel+ed me to begin to under"tand the relation"hi+ between the audien#e and tho"e who are "elling. In m$ "e#ond "our#e, 0Made to )ti# : Wh$ )ome Idea" )ur!i!e and Other" Die,3 Heath and Heath 8*==A9 elaborate on man$ o( the idea" that were in the +re!iou" "our#e. The$ dig mu#h dee+er and be#ome mu#h more te#hni#al. There are man$ hel+(ul "e#tion" o( thi" boo that will be ea"il$ re(erable to (or later +art" o( the +ro/e#t and (or mar eting te#hni4ue. Through m$ third "our#e, 0)tanding Room Onl$: )trategie" (or Mar eting the 'er(orming Art",3 %otler and )#he(( 8BCCA9 were not onl$ able to elaborate on u"e(ul mar eting in(ormation, but the$ too a "te+ (orward and a++lied the"e "trategie" to the art". A" %otler and )#he(( wrote, 0The art" (a#e growing #om+etition (rom other, more a##e""ible and le"" e-+en"i!e (orm" o( entertainment a" lei"ure time de#rea"e" and the #o"t" o( attending +er(orming art" +rogram" in#rea"e dramati#all$,D 8+. :7;9. Thi" 4uote i" tantamount be#au"e it i" (undamentall$ m$ re"ear#h 4ue"tion. I ha!e alwa$" wondered wh$ +eo+le would rather go to a bad ba"eball game than go to the o+era. It "eem" "ill$ to +er(orming arti"t", but (or the re"t o( the world, the an"wer ma$ be "im+le. Whether it be e#onomi#", entertainment !alue, or +erha+" "omething el"e, thi" i" what I am tr$ing (igure out.
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW @ 0What i" the be"t and mo"t e((i#ient wa$ to mar et a dan#e #om+an$ while maintaining (ull arti"ti# integrit$23 will be m$ o!erar#hing 4ue"tion. E"uall$ ad!erti"ing, in general, loo " ta"tele"" and re+el" +eo+le. Being a +art o( the +er(orming art5" world, there i" a #ertain degree o( integrit$ that e!er$one mu"t maintain or el"e the$ will get laughed at. What i" thi" degree, howe!er2 What i" the mo"t e((i#ient and e((e#ti!e wa$ o( #am+aigning (or a dan#e #om+an$2 Dan#e i" arti"ti#, but it i" al"o mo!ement. What i" a wa$ to tran"(orm and interwea!e both o( the"e (a#tor" into a "till ad2 The !iewer need" to be "ho# ed or #aught o(( guard (or an$ idea to "ti# . It i" #lear what mu"t be done, but the 0how3 i" the main i""ue. How will the audien#e rea#t to the ad!erti"ement2 An$ ad!erti"ement mu"t be a re(le#tion o( the #om+an$ that it i" ad!erti"ing (or. It5" /u"t a matter o( how. To an"wer m$ re"ear#h 4ue"tion and to +ro!e m$ under"tanding o( m$ to+i#, I will di"+la$ m$ own (orm o( a mar eting #am+aign. To begin with, I will u"e m$ re"ear#h to guide m$ +ro#e"". Ha!ing learned that audien#e" rea#t better to an ad!erti"ement or #am+aign when the$ em+athiFe with it or are ta en o(( guard, I will embed both o( the"e thing" into m$ #am+aign to gi!e it a mu#h higher #han#e o( ta ing o((. M$ 0dan#e #om+an$3 that I am #am+aigning (or will be &outh 'er(orming Art" )#hool 8&'A)9 (or their ne-t +rodu#tion: Dan#e Gon#ert. I will begin b$ a" ing man$ o( the &'A) dan#er" i( there i" an$thing el"e that de(ine" them be"ide" dan#ing. Thi" wa$ I get a range o( di((erent intere"t" with one #ommon bond 77 dan#e. Ne-t, I will gather >7H intere"ting "ub/e#t" (rom the larger bod$ that I +olled, and will +hotogra+h them dan#ing while doing or being in the "etting o( their other intere"t. For e-am+le, one might be in an attitude on +ointe, while al"o in a "#ien#e lab mi-ing #hemi#al". For the #amera, I #urrentl$ own a Ganon Rebel I)I, though I ma$ be in!e"ting in a higher 4ualit$ #amera "oon. I do, howe!er, ha!e m$ (ir"t #amera a" a ba# u+. I will al"o +rint
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW > the +hoto" in matte (orm at %in o" a" H-B=5", whi#h I will +a$ (or m$"el(. For dan#er", I will +oll more than ne#e""ar$, a" well a" ta e +i#ture" o( more than ne#e""ar$, that wa$ I ha!e ba# u+" i( thing" go awr$. Man$ dan#er" ha!e he#ti# "#hedule", but "in#e I am (ree mo"t da$", I will be able to wor around m$ "ub/e#t"5 "#hedule". Ea#h dan#er will onl$ ta e u+ to an hour to +hotogra+h, and I will mo"t li el$ onl$ need them on#e, "o the li elihood that "#heduling will not wor i" !er$ "lim. For the lo#ation, I will tal with m$ dan#er * wee " or more ahead o( time about their other intere"t and we, together, will wor out a lo#ation. I( the lo#ation i" needing to ha!e +rior a++ro!al, I will be able to re4ue"t that * wee " in ad!an#e, whi#h i" u"uall$ what i" a" ed (or. I( the lo#ation i" not in a +arti#ular building, then we ha!e a##e"" to mo"t o( &'A) a" well a" their outdoor", whi#h +ro!ide" a lo!el$ ba# ground. I( we are doing an out"ide "hoot, I will #he# the weather da$" leading u+ to the date to ma e "ure that the "e""ion will not be #an#elled be#au"e o( +oor weather. M$ (inal +ro/e#t will be a +hoto galler$ e-hibiting m$ #am+aign o( dan#er" doing thing" that 0real +eo+le3 al"o do and en/o$. Thi" tie" together the audien#e being able to em+athiFe with the dan#er", (or the dan#er" are doing thing" that the general +ubli# al"o en/o$", a" well a" "ur+ri"ing the audien#e, a" one would not e-+e#t a ballerina to be in a "#ien#e lab or in a librar$. A "logan at the to+ will read "omething #at#h$, +erha+" along the line" o( 0Dan#er" are +eo+le too.3 Then under or on ea#h +hoto, a line (or the #am+aign ad will read, 0Dan#er" are... 8e-: #he(", "#ienti"t", writer"9 too.3 The +aralleli"m i" al"o a mar eting te#hni4ue that hel+" the !iewer to "ub#on"#iou"l$ remember it and a""o#iate good (eeling" toward" it. I will al"o ha!e to ma e a +hoto relea"e (orm, gi!ing me all right" to the +hoto" and right" to u"e them (or arti"ti# +ur+o"e" onl$. Thi" wa$ the +ro"+e#t o( them getting abu"ed or ta en awa$ greatl$ dimini"he".
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW A The #hart below i" the la$out (or how m$ +ro/e#t will be #om+leted. The #hart en#om+a""e" a wee l$ agenda o( the a#ti!itie", e!iden#e, and e"timated hour" (or when I will be wor ing on the +ro/e#t. Thi" wa$ o( organiFation hel+" to ma e "ure that m$ +ro/e#t will run e((i#ientl$ and that m$ time "+ent on it will be +rodu#ti!e and "tre""7(ree. Week # B Dates Wee o( No!ember *nd Estimated Hours J Will a" J 'oll" .*@ hour" e!er$one who i" JNote" on "ub/e#t" .@ hour" willing in m$ and +lanned .@ hour" en"emble #la"" to #alendar (ill out a brie( J <ournal 4ue"tionnaire, and the other #la"" i( ne#e""ar$, to "ee who will be a good "ub/e#t and will a" and +lan when a good time to meet with them will be. J<ournal6 Time Log B Due No!. Hth. J?et two "ub/e#t" J'hotogra+h" +hotogra+hed J ?et two "ub/e#t" J'hotogra+h" +hotogra+hed J<ournal J<ournal6Time Log * Due No!. **nd J?et two "ub/e#t" J'hotogra+h" +hotogra+hed. JNote" JTa e note" and re"ear#h how to di"+la$ a galler$ #am+aign. J* hour" J* hour" J.@ hour Activity Evidence
* :
J* hour"
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW H Week # @ Dates Wee o( No!ember :=th Activity Evidence Estimated Hours J* hour" J.@ hour"
J 'hotogra+h an$ J'hotogra+h" remaining "ub/e#t" J<ournal that "till need +hotogra+hing or #ould not ma e earlier time. J<ournal6Time Log : Due De#. >th. JDe!elo+ +hoto" inJ'hotogra+h" higher and larger JRe#ei+t" 4ualit$. J'i#ture o( J'ur#ha"e or ma e material" an$ e-#e"" material" needed (or galler$. JArrange galler$ J'i#ture o( J<ournal6Time Log arrangement and ; due De#. BCth. material" J<ournal
J* hour" J* hour"
The (ollowing #hart in#lude" the +eo+le who are needed in m$ +ro/e#t, whi#h are li"ted on the le(t, and their role" in m$ +ro/e#t, whi#h are li"ted are on the right. People J E!er$one willing in En"emble * J >7H Dan#er" who (illed out 4ue"tionnaire J Garoline Miller J Emil$ <one" J %ier"ten Edward" Role JFill out 4ue"tionnaire J'hotogra+h and #am+aign "ub/e#t" J'hotogra+h and #am+aign "ub/e#t J'hotogra+h and #am+aign "ub/e#t J'hotogra+h and #am+aign "ub/e#t
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW C I ha!e alread$ tal ed to Garoline, Emil$, and %ier"ten about being "ub/e#t" o( m$ +ro/e#t. I "till would li e to u"e the 4ue"tionnaire to di"#o!er who will be the mo"t intere"ting "ub/e#t" and who will attra#t the mo"t intere"t (rom the audien#e, a" thi" i" a #am+aign model. I will need to #onta#t the other dan#er" who I want to +hotogra+h, and i( "ome #annot (ul(ill their #ommitment, there are +lent$ o( other dan#er" who I will ha!e in(ormation on who #an (ill their "+ot. I "till need to tal with the three +eo+le who I alread$ ha!e to "ee what date" wor (or them (or me to +hotogra+h. I will need about an hour, to be "a(e, (or ea#h "ub/e#t. M$ "#hedule i" (airl$ #lear, "o I will be able to a##ommodate m$ "ub/e#t" ea"il$. I will al"o need to #onta#t m$ other "ub/e#t" a(ter getting all o( the 4ue"tionnaire" ba# to "ee i( and when the$ #an be +hotogra+hed. The #hart that (ollow #on"i"t" o( the (a#ilitie", e4ui+ment, and the budget (or m$ +ro/e#t. The le(t #olumn in#lude" the +la#e" where I will be +hotogra+hing m$ "ub/e#t" and editing the +hoto". The middle #olumn in#lude" the e4ui+ment I will be u"ing to +hotogra+h, edit the +hoto" and #reate the galler$. The third #olumn in#lude" how mu#h mone$ I will limit m$"el( to "+ending (or #ertain #om+onent" o( m$ +ro/e#t. Facilities &'A) 'ar " Manual M$ Hou"e Equipment Gamera Film6De!elo+ing )our#e" Gra(t Material" (or ?aller$ 'hoto7Editing )o(tware Budget None K*= None K:= None
There i" no budget (or mo"t o( the #om+onent", a" there are alread$ in m$ +o""e""ion. I will ha!e to a" Mr. Grad$ or another admini"trator i( #ertain +art" o( Manual6&'A) are needed
FROM THE BILLBOARD TO THE FRONT ROW B= (or +hotogra+hing in, but that will not be nown until I ha!e gi!en out m$ 4ue"tionnaire and +i# ed m$ "ub/e#t". I will a" * wee " in ad!an#e i( #ertain room" o( both building" are needed to allow time (or a++ro!al. M$ budget (or (ilm and #ra(t material" will be +aid (or out o( m$ own wallet. The +i#ture" #o"t about K* to be de!elo+ed in an H-B= and I ma$ need multi+le #o+ie". I do not (ull$ now what #ra(t "u++lie" I need, "o I am allowing m$"el( room, but I will mo"t li el$ be "+ending le"".
References Heath, G., L Heath, D. 8*==A9. ade to stick! W"y some ideas survive and ot"ers die. New &or , N&: Random Hou"e. %otler, '., L )#he((, <. 8BCCA9. #tanding room only! #trategies for marketing t"e performing arts$ Bo"ton, MA: Har!ard Bu"ine"" )#hool 're"". Lan#e, )., L Woll, <. 8*==>9. %"e little &lue &ook of advertising. New &or , N&: 'enguin ?rou+.