London is the Capital city of the UK.It is the biggest city in Europe. It is at the South east of England. There are 8 million inhabitants living there. This city receives a lot of tourists from different countries every year specially Spanish and Italian people. It has a !arm and rainy !eather. The "lympic #ames $%&$ too' place there.
London has more than $+% museums and art galleries. *or instance) the ,ational gallery and the ,atural -istory museum. .esides it has very interesting theaters such as the Lyceum theater. The most 'no!n monument is the .ig .en. It is a big cloc' located at the /alace of 0estminster. The most famous par' is the -yde /ar'. It is very big and it is at the London center. 1ou can practice sports and riding a bi'e there. The .uc'ingham /alace is a very good option to visit too. It has famous bridges for e(ample) The 2lbert bridge and the London .ridge. 3adame Tussauds is a very funny and interesting place to visit. It is a !a( museum. 1ou can be closer to your favorite stars such as Cristiano 4onaldo "ne 5irection and 2dele .
People travel by train or by the red double decker bu ! "ou can al o travel by cab# $hich i %ore e&pen ive but it i co%'ortable!
1) Read the text and choose the best title for it.
a6*amous London movie stars. b6 London) a touristic capital city. c) London and the "lympic #ames.
,ame of the Capital city ,umber of inhabitants 0eather 3ain attractions Transportation Traditional dishes
a7 0here can you eat *rench food8 b7 Is the food in London e(pensive8 c7 -o! many museums and art galleries are there in London appro(imately8 d7 0hat can you see at the 3adame Tussauds museum8
London i a beauti'ul city! a borin( city! It i an intere tin( place! activitie there!