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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

Johnny, Be Good Tonight

The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time 1st Edition

by Eric Mack

Copyright The Attack one! "o# may not copy this $ook!

Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

PREFACE........................................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 1: #100-91.............................................................................................................. #100: The Verve Bitter Sweet Symphony !199"#.........................................................8 #99: B$%%&'o Sprin(%ie') *or +h&t ,t-. +orth !19/"#................................................9 #90: 1&me. T&y'or *ire &n) R&in !19"0#...................................................................... 10 #9": A)e'e Ro''in( in the 2eep !3010#.......................................................................... 11 #9/: Bi'' H&'ey &n) Hi. Comet. !+e-re 4onn&# Ro56 Aro$n) the C'o56 !1978#.....12 #97: 21 Sh&)ow 9i)ni(ht in & Per%e5t +or') !199/#................................................13 #98: 2ire Str&it. S$'t&n. o% Swin( !19"0#.................................................................... 14 #9:: The 9&m&. &n) the P&p&. C&'i%orni& 2re&min- !19/7#....................................15 #93: Eminem ;o.e <o$r.e'% !3003#...............................................................................16 #91: =3 , Sti'' H&ven-t *o$n) +h&t ,-m ;oo6in( *or !190"#...................................17 CHAPTER 3: #90-01................................................................................................................ #90: The +ho B&>& ?-Ri'ey !19"1#..............................................................................18 #09: R&)iohe&) Everythin( in ,t. Ri(ht P'&5e !3000#................................................19 #00: Tom Petty *ree *&''in- !1909#............................................................................... 20 #0": The Ro''in( Stone. <o$ C&n-t A'w&y. 4et +h&t <o$ +&nt !19/9#..................21 #0/: Eri5 B@ A R&6im P&i) in *$'' !190"#................................................................... 22 #07: *'eetwoo) 9&5 4o <o$r ?wn +&y !19""#.......................................................... 23 #08: The Be&5h Boy. C&'i%orni& 4ir'. !19/7#..............................................................24 #0:: 4$n. B- Ro.e. Sweet Chi') o- 9ine !190"#.........................................................25 #03: ;itt'e Ri5h&r) 4oo) 4o''y 9i.. 9o''y !1970#.................................................... 26 #01: 2&vi) Bowie Heroe. !19""#...................................................................................27 CHAPTER :: #00-"1................................................................................................................ #00: Cree)en5e C'e&rw&ter Reviv&' Pro$) 9&ry !19/9#........................................... 28 #"9: R$n-2@9@C@ +&'6 Thi. +&y !190/#.....................................................................29 #"0: 1e%%er.on Airp'&ne +hite R&>>it !19/"#............................................................. 30 #"": E'vi. Pre.'ey S$.pi5io$. 9in). !19/9#.................................................................31 #"/: The Ve'vet =n)er(ro$n) ,-m +&itin( %or the 9&n !19/"#................................32 #"7: The +&i'er. 4et =pC St&n) =p !19":#................................................................. 33 #"8: 9&rth& &n) the V&n)e''&. 2&n5in( in the Street !19/8#.................................... 34 #":: R@E@9@ ;o.in( 9y Re'i(ion !19":#...................................................................... 35 #"3: B'&56 S&>>&th P&r&noi) !19"0#............................................................................36 #"1: Bo 2i))'ey Bo 2i))'ey !1977#.............................................................................. 37

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

CHAPTER 8: #"0-/1................................................................................................................ #"0: The Be&t'e. Borwe(i&n +oo) !Thi. Bir) H&. *'own# !19/7#............................38 #/9: 2ionne +&rwi56 +&'6 on By !19/7#....................................................................39 #/0: Prin5e Si(n -?- the Time.- !190"#.........................................................................40 #/": S'y &n) the *&mi'y Stone Every)&y Peop'e !19/0#.............................................41 #//: The 2oor. ;i(ht 9y *ire !19/"#.......................................................................... 42 #/7: The Bo>>y *$''er *o$r , *o$(ht the ;&w !19//#............................................... 43 #/8: The Be&t'e. +hi'e 9y 4$it&r 4ent'y +eep. !19/0#..........................................44 #/:: The Din6. +&ter'oo S$n.et !19/"#...................................................................... 45 #/3: Ch$56 Berry 9&y>e''ene !1977#.......................................................................... 46 #/1: =3 ?ne !1991#........................................................................................................ 47 CHAPTER 7: #/0-71................................................................................................................ #/0: A' 4reen ;et-. St&y To(ether !19"1#....................................................................48 #79: The 1imi Hen)riE EEperien5e Hey 1oe !19//#.................................................... 49 #70: How'in- +o'% Smo6e.t&56 ;i(htnin- !197/#........................................................ 50 #7": Pin6 *'oy) Com%ort&>'y B$m> !19"9#................................................................51 #7/: 9&..ive Att&56 =n%ini.he) Symp&thy !1991#..................................................... 52 #77: Cre&m S$n.hine o% <o$r ;ove !19/"#.................................................................. 53 #78: The C'&.h ;on)on C&''in( !19"9#........................................................................ 54 #7:: Br$5e Sprin(.teen Th$n)er Ro&) !19"7#............................................................55 #73: 9i5h&e' 1&56.on Bi''ie 1e&n !1903#...................................................................... 56 #71: ;e) Feppe'in +ho'e ;ott& ;ove !19/9#...............................................................57 CHAPTER /: #70-81................................................................................................................ #70: Bi( 1oe T$rner Sh&6eC R&tt'e &n) Ro'' !1978#....................................................58 #89: P$>'i5 Enemy *i(ht the Power !1909#................................................................. 59 #80: The Be&t'e. A 2&y in the ;i%e !19/"#................................................................... 60 #8": The Din(.men ;o$ie ;o$ie !19/:#.......................................................................61 #8/: 1immy C'i%% The H&r)er They Come !19"3#....................................................... 62 #87: The Ro''in( Stone. !, C&n-t 4et Bo# S&ti.%&5tion !19/7#...................................63 #88: Stevie +on)er S$per.tition !19"3#.......................................................................64 #8:: E'vi. Pre.'ey 2on-t Be Cr$e' !197/#.....................................................................65 #83: The Be&t'e. Str&w>erry *ie'). *orever !19/"#................................................... 66 #81: The Cri56et. Th&t-'' Be the 2&y !197"#............................................................... 67 CHAPTER ": #80-:1................................................................................................................ #80: The Be&5h Boy. 4o) ?n'y Dnow. !19//#...........................................................68 #:9: The 1imi Hen)riE EEperien5e Voo)oo Chi') !S'i(ht Ret$rn# !19/0#................69 #:0: Cree)en5e C'e&rw&ter Reviv&' *ort$n&te Son !19/9#........................................70 #:": Simon &n) 4&r%$n6e' Bri)(e over Tro$>'e) +&ter !19"0#...............................71 #:/: 4r&n)m&.ter *'&.h A the *$rio$. *ive The 9e..&(e !1903#............................72 #:7: S&m Coo6e A Ch&n(e ,. 4onn& Come !19/8#....................................................73 #:8: 1&me. Brown P&p&-. 4ot & Br&n) Bew B&( !19/7#...........................................74 #::: R&mone. B'itG6rie( Bop !19"/#............................................................................75 #:3: Bo> 2y'&n B'owin- in the +in) !19/:#................................................................ 76 #:1: E'vi. Pre.'ey 1&i'ho$.e Ro56 !197"#.....................................................................77

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

CHAPTER 0: #:0-31................................................................................................................ #:0: R&y Ch&r'e. +h&t-) , S&y !1979#........................................................................ 78 #39: The Be&t'e. , +&nt to Ho') <o$r H&n) !19/:#................................................... 79 #30: ?ti. Re))in( !Sittin- ?n# The 2o56 o% the B&y !19/0#......................................80 #3": 9&rvin 4&ye , He&r) ,t Thro$(h the 4r&pevine !19/0#................................... 81 #3/: The Ri(hteo$. Brother. <o$-ve ;o.t Th&t ;ovin- *ee'in- !19/8#......................82 #37: E&('e. Hote' C&'i%orni& !19"/#............................................................................. 83 #38: Smo6ey Ro>in.on &n) the 9ir&5'e. The Tr&56. o% 9y Te&r. !19/7#...............84 #3:: The Ronette. Be 9y B&>y !19/:#.........................................................................85 #33: Birv&n& Sme''. ;i6e Teen Spirit !1991#...............................................................86 #31: The Ro''in( Stone. Symp&thy %or the 2evi' !19/0#.............................................87 CHAPTER 9: #30-11................................................................................................................ #30: Pin6 *'oy) +i.h <o$ +ere Here !19"7#..............................................................88 #19: Br$5e Sprin(.teen Born to R$n !19"7#................................................................89 #10: The 1imi Hen)riE EEperien5e A'' A'on( the +&t5htower !19/0# ......................90 #1": H$een Bohemi&n Rh&p.o)y !19"7#......................................................................91 #1/: The B&n) The +ei(ht !19/0#................................................................................92 #17: The Be&t'e. Hey 1$)e !19/0#................................................................................ 93 #18: The +ho 9y 4ener&tion !19/7#.......................................................................... 94 #1:: 2ere6 &n) the 2omino. ;&y'& !19"0#.................................................................. 95 #13: Areth& *r&n6'in Re.pe5t !19/"#........................................................................... 96 #11: Roy ?r>i.on ?hC Pretty +om&n !19/8#.............................................................. 97 CHAPTER 10: #10-1................................................................................................................ #10: The Be&5h Boy. 4oo) Vi>r&tion. !19//#.............................................................98 #9: 9&rvin 4&ye +h&t-. 4oin( ?n !19"1#..................................................................99 #0: The Be&t'e. ;et ,t Be !19"0#................................................................................... 100 #": The Ro''in( Stone. 4imme She'ter !19/9#............................................................ 101 #/: E'vi. Pre.'ey He&rt>re&6 Hote' !197/#.................................................................. 102 #7: ;e) Feppe'in St&irw&y to He&ven !19"1#.............................................................. 103 #8: 1ohn ;ennon ,m&(ine !19"1#..................................................................................104 #:: Bo> 2y'&n Hi(hw&y /1 Revi.ite) !19/7#............................................................... 105 #3: The Be&t'e. <e.ter)&y !19/7#..................................................................................106 #1: Ch$56 Berry 1ohnny B@ 4oo)e !1970#...................................................................107 300/ VERS,?B......................................................................................................................... 108 3010 VERS,?B......................................................................................................................... 112 301: VERS,?B......................................................................................................................... 116

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

When I was seventeen, I scribbled down the first edition of what wo ld beco!e this list. I had listened with "reat interest as !# ho!etown classic roc$ station co nted down their ann al %e!orial &a# 500, onl# to hit !# b ''er when I discovered that listeners had voted ()weet *!otion+ b# ,eros!ith n !ber one. -.ove the son", / st not as n !ber one. 0n an# list.1 ,ct all#, the entire list s c$ed2 (.a#la+ was n !ber 25 and ()tairwa# to 3eaven+ was n !ber 18, and if I re!e!ber correctl#, the to4 five was2 (5arr# 0n Wa#ward )on+ -61, (.a 7ran"e,+ (8lac$ &o",+ (,nother 8ric$ in the Wall -9art 21,+ and, #es, ()weet *!otion.+ I rolled !# e#es and told !#self, (I can do better than that,+ and : ic$l# wrote down 25 favorites. 8# later in the s !!er, I had fleshed o t the list to 100, and listened to the! with !# dad as we drove to and fro! the beach on !# i9od e: i44ed with the i;ri4 <% trans!itter. 8# the fall, I had revised the list f rther, and b# ha44# coincidence had si"ned 4 to ta$e an elective class called =a"ti!e, =a4 and the =ollin" )tones. I showed the list to !# teacher, who! I alread# $new fairl# well, and I re!e!ber she was i!4ressed b# it. -)he also "ave !e a loo$ of wide>e#ed shoc$ when I correctl# identified %iles &avis? (<reddie <reeloader+ when she 4la#ed it for s on the first da# of class. I certainl# was no lon"er the sa!e $id who had filled in (.i!4 8i'$it+ as his favorite band in her si@th "rade chor s class, tho "h to be fair, I had onl# been listenin" to ! sic for li$e three !onths at that 4oint in !# life.1 ,fter another ro nd of revisions, I sent the list to the editor of the school news4a4er, who had e@4ressed an interest in feat rin" it. ;hat?s the first 4 blic e@4os re !# list ever received. -7ood l c$ trac$in" that edition of it down.1 8# the s4rin", I had revised it so!e !ore, and I 4 blished it as a web4a"e on a site called ): idoo, which had / st been 4rofiled in the New York Times as a "ro ndbrea$in" site that 4aid the !a$ers of its 4a"es ro#alties. I never tho "ht >> ever >> that an#bod# wo ld loo$ at it. ,t !ost, I tho "ht !# friends and fa!il# !i"ht loo$ at it, b t "iven the constant str ""le it was to "et the! to listen to the (ri"ht+ ! sic, I didn?t thin$ I wo ld reall# s cceed at "ettin" the! to do that. Well, I was wron". ;he n !ber of ni: e visitors to that 4a"e n !bers in the !illions, and 4eo4le still contact !e on a re" lar basis to than$ !e for 4 ttin" to"ether that list. ,s #o ?ll read ne@t in the introd ction, I event all# "rew dissatisfied with the list I 4osted on ): idoo over seven #ears a"o now, and this is !# latest ta$e on it. I have fo nd that a s r4risin" n !ber of !# readers as$ !e 4rett# fre: entl# if I still wor$ on this list, which I alwa#s find rather c rio s. -If #o li$e the list so ! ch, wh# wo ld #o want !e to 4dateAchan"e itB1 8 t it co!es 4 !ore often than #o ?d thin$. I have also been s r4rised b# how !an# as$ if I can offer the list in boo$ for!. I " ess I have a different 4ers4ective on the list than ever#one else, so I have alwa#s shr ""ed off the s ""estion, thin$in" a boo$ version wo ld / st be red ndant, b t now that I have 4 t this boo$ to"ether, I?! ver# ha44# with it, and I ho4e #o are, too. -8# the wa#, chec$ the bac$ for the ori"inal list.1

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

I started tin$erin" with !# list of the 100 "reatest son"s of all ti!e when I was in hi"h school, 4 blishin" it on the Internet as an 18>#ear>old who was read#in" hi!self for colle"e. I $new a lot abo t ! sic bac$ then, to be s re >> es4eciall# for so!eone !# a"e >> b t b# no !eans eno "h to 4rod ce an#where close to a definitive list of the "reatest son"s of all ti!e. )hortl# after I "ot to colle"e I 4dated the list, e@4andin" it to 200. -,ct all#, I left the ori"inal list 4 and si!4l# created a new 4a"e.1 I was still discoverin" a lot of new ! sic bac$ then and !# taste and ! sical sensibilities hadn?t solidified : ite #et, so it !ade sense for !e to do it at the ti!e. ,t the ti!e I finished the 200 son"s list, I wanted to $ee4 "oin" with it, e@4andin" it to 300. <ollowers of !# wor$ >> if #o can call it that >> will $now that list never ca!e to fr ition, for a lot of reasons. I beca!e ! ch !ore interested in the alb ! for!at, since that?s the 4o4 ! sic artist?s tr est for! of e@4ression. We live in an alb ! a"e, tho "h that will 4robabl# chan"e sooner than we all thin$ >> alb !s are e@4ensive to !a$e and are hard to sell in an era of free strea!in". When so!eone releases new ! sic, it?s alwa#s in the for! of an alb !. -)erio sl#, standalone sin"les are incredibl# rare now. *ven if the# do see the li"ht of da#, the#?ll be licensed to a so ndtrac$ or so!ethin". Co never see a sit ation li$e the 8eatles in ?68, where the# said, D3!!. The White Album?s ta$in" a while. .et?s "ive the! D3e# E de.D1 I "ot so into alb !s that a #ear a"o I !ade a list of !# 100 favorite alb !s, which was f n and cool b t I soon discovered after co!4letin" that list that !ost 4eo4le don?t listen to alb !s, and if the# do, it?s not reall# to a44reciate art or an#thin", it?s s all# / st a !eans of entertainin" the!selves for an ho r. I s4ent si@ !onths basicall# writin" a boo$, leavin" no stone nt rned in "ivin" each alb ! on the list its own detailed entr#. 8 t even tho "h alb !s are a lot !ore interestin" and rewardin" than individ al son"s are, !ost 4eo4le don?t see! to be willin" to "ive the! their d e. ;hat?s / st the wa# it is. 8 t I?! "ettin" ahead of !#self. ;o "et bac$ to wh# I didn?t e@4and !# "reatest son"s of all ti!e list to 300, well, I "ot into 4la#in" the " itar when I was in colle"e, and I was st d#in" fil! bac$ then too, so I watched a ton of !ovies, which too$ 4 a lot of ti!e. ;he Dwhat are the "reatest son"s of all ti!eD : estion beca!e less and less interestin" to !eF it was $ind of a Dbeen there, done thatD thin". <or a co 4le of #ears when I was 17>18, the D"reatest son"s of all ti!eD : estion felt ver# relevant to !e. *ver since, it hasn?t. *ver# once in a while, I?ll di" o t the list >> !eanin", I?ll clic$ on the Dto4 100D 4la#list on !# i; nes >> and "ive it a loo$. *ver# #ear or two I 4robabl# do that. If I still basicall# a"ree with it, I don?t !ess with it. If I thin$ it needs an 4date, I?ll 4date it. ;hat?s basicall# how I a44roach list>!a$in" >> the#?re all wor$s in 4ro"ress.
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

;his is onl# !# second 4date to the list since I e@4anded it to 200. ;he first 4date to the list was in 2010, ri"ht as I was "rad atin" colle"e. It !ade sense at the ti!e for !e to do it. I was enterin" a new 4hase of !# life then, and I wasn?t ha44# with the ori"inal list, since !# taste had chan"ed and I had a better nderstandin" of the 4o4 narrative. I tho "ht, at the ti!e, that that was "oin" to be the last 4date. 8# this ti!e, the list had "otten over a !illion views and was ran$in" at the to4 of the 7oo"le )*=9 for D"reatest son"s of all ti!eD ahead of Rolling Stone?s list, which I was 4ro d of. 9art of !e / st wanted to leave the ori"inal as is / st for the hell of it. 8 t another 4art of !e didn?t li$e the list itself an#!ore and hated the little bits of co!!entar# I had written for each son" even !ore, since I had "otten a lot better at writin" and wasn?t ha44# with the idea that there was s ch slo44il# written wor$ bearin" !# na!e on the internet for the whole world to see. )o I 4dated the son" order, deleted the co!!entar#, and tho "ht that wo ld be the end of it. 8 t so!e of !# readers have co!4lained to !e that the# li$ed the co!!entar#. -)o!e li$ed the ori"inal list better than the 2010 version, as well.1 ,nd in 2013, I s ddenl# fo nd !#self in a !ood to start !essin" with the "reatest son"s of all ti!e list. <or one thin", I reali'ed I had a new G1, and if there?s a r le I have when it co!es to 4datin" a list, it?s to not bother nless #o have a different G1 4ic$. ,lso, tre!endo s advances have been !ade in 4la#list interactivit#, so I a! 4leased to anno nce that #o !a# listen to this list as a )4otif# 4la#list. I have !ade two se4arate 4la#lists, one in descendin" order >> which will a44ear first, since the list descends >> and another in ascendin" order. -0bvio sl#, not all of the son"s on the list are on )4otif# >> the 8eatles, .ed He44elin and so!e other artists are still holdin" o t on the strea!in" "a!e >> so #o won?t be able to listen to the! here, either. 8 t 84 of the! are.1 8# the wa#, the co!!entar# is bac$. I didn?t thin$ it was necessar# to do it last ti!e, b t #o " #s let !e $now it was a cr cial 4art of the first list and so I have res4onded. -I tr# to be a !an of the 4eo4le.1 I have tried to $ee4 each one to aro nd 3>5 sentences each. )o!e are / st one or two. I?! also "ivin" #o " #s a h "e bon s2 I?! reco!!endin" five additional son"s 4er trac$ on the list. -Ceah, 500 total.1 ;hese son"s are related in so!e wa# in so!e wa# to the !ain selections >> whether b# artist, "enre andAor ti!e 4eriod >> and ho4ef ll# will hel4 flesh o t !# choices better as well as "ive #o !ore ideas of what else is o t there to listen to. )o #eah, this is a 4rett# h "e / $ebo@ of son"s that #o ?re "ettin". I?ve done the wor$ to 4 t all this to"ether so this can serve as a reso rce for ever#one. I reall# thin$ the ! sic ind str# and cons !ers ali$e will start >> if the# haven?t alread# >> rel#in" on Dtaste!a$ersD who will act as so!ethin" of a brid"e between the two ca!4s. -,nd there will li$el# be !one# in it for the! >> record co!4anies will start !ar$etin" directl# to the taste!a$ers who have a!assed a s bstantial followin".1 =i"ht now the entire ! sic ind str# is in disarra#, des4ite the fact that de!and for content is, as far as I can tell, as hi"h is it has ever been and there are as !an# >> if not !ore >> artists tr#in" to !a$e it as ! sicians now. Cet It has beco!e harder for ! sicians to !a$e !one# and ar" abl# even to "her for cons !ers to even find ! sic the# li$e -! ch less s4end !one# on1.
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

In recent #ears it has beco!e necessar# for taste!a$ers to Dc rateD the contentF ri"ht now there are so !an# voices in the choir that !an# cons !ers now don?t even try to find ! sic the# !i"ht li$e. -D;oo !an# voices in the choirD I too ! ch ! sic bein" !ade J too !an# wa#s of findin" it.1 It?s !ade for a disorientin" and disa44ointin" cons !er e@4erience, that?s for s re. %# ori"inal ): idoo list in 2006 was !# initial fora# into the real! of taste!a$in", tho "h I didn?t $now it at the ti!e. I thin$ the role of taste!a$er has alwa#s been one I have wanted to 4la#F I have alwa#s resisted the title of DcriticD whenever an#one has tried to bestow it 4on !e or has enco ra"ed !e to beco!e one. 0ne, I?! not reall# : alified >> at least not to the e@tent that a critic should be, in !# o4inion >> and two, ! sic critics tend to be s! ", which I don?t li$e. ,t an# rate, here we "o. .et?s c rate so!e da!n content. K *ric

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

The Verve !"itter #$eet #%&'hon%( )1**+, 7*L=*2 8rit4o4 .,8*.2 3 t W=I;;*L 8C2 %ic$ Ea""er, Meith =ichards, =ichard ,shcroft 9=0&N5*& 8C2 %artin DCo thD 7lover, ;he Oerve ;he alternative revol tion was an i!4ortant one, and I wanted 8rit4o4 >> *n"landPs reaction to ,!erican "r n"e >> to be re4resented on the list. 3ard to "o wron" with (8itter )weet )#!4hon#,+ ri"htB ,44ears on2 Urban Hymns -19971 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he )tone =oses > D)he 8an"s the &r !sD -19891 ) ede QNMR A ;he .ondon ) ede QN)R > D,ni!al LitrateD -19931 8l r > D7irls S 8o#sD -19941 0asis > D.ive <oreverD -19941 ;he Oerve > D)onnetD -19971

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

"uffa-o #'rin.fie-d 7*L=*2 <ol$ =oc$ .,8*.2 ,tco W=I;;*L 8C2 )te4hen )tills 9=0&N5*& 8C2 LA, 8efore Leil Co n" was on his own -and, briefl#, in 5)LC1, he 4la#ed in 8 ffalo )4rin"field with )te4hen )tills. ;his 4rotest son" is their !ost lastin" c t. =eco!!ended listenin"2 5rosb#, )tills S Lash > D) ite2 E d# 8l e *#esD -19691 5rosb#, )tills, Lash S Co n" > D0hioD -19701 Leil Co n" > D3eart of 7oldD -19721 Leil Co n" > D5orte' the MillerD -19751 Leil Co n" S 5ra'# 3orse > D%# %#, 3e# 3e# -0 t of the 8l e1D -19791 !For /hat It0s /orth( )1*1+,

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

3a&es Ta%-or 7*L=*2 <ol$ =oc$ .,8*.2 Warner 8ros. W=I;;*L 8C2 Ea!es ;a#lor 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9eter ,sher ;his son" is so "ood it 4rett# ! ch defines Ea!es ;a#lor, which isnPt necessaril# a "ood thin". %eanwhile, none other than 5arole Min" 4la#s the 4iano on the recordin"F she wor$ed as a son"writerAsession ! sician before hittin" it bi" with her Tapestry alb ! in P71. ,44ears on2 Sweet Baby James -19701 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Eoni %itchell > D8oth )ides, LowD -19691 5arole Min" > DI <eel the *arth %oveD -19711 5arole Min" > DIt?s ;oo .ateD -19711 Eoni %itchell > D,ll I WantD -19711 ;rac# 5ha4!an > D<ast 5arD -19881 !Fire and Rain( )1*+0,

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Ade-e !Ro--in. in the Dee'( )4010, 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 T. QNMR A 5ol !bia QN)R W=I;;*L 8C2 ,dele, 9a l *4worth 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9a l *4worth ,dele is alread# considered so!ethin" of a "enerational fi" re to s %illennials, and I a! confident that #ears fro! now both (=ollin" in the &ee4+ and her dia!ond>sellin" alb ! ! will be considered once>in>a>"eneration 4heno!ena, li$e LirvanaPs Ne"ermind and ()!ells .i$e ;een )4irit+ were for 7eneration T. ,44ears on2 ! -20111 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ,dele > D5hasin" 9ave!entsD -20081 ,dele > D3o!etown 7lor#D -20081 ,dele > D.oveson"D -20111 ,dele > D= !o r 3as ItD -20111 ,dele > D)o!eone .i$e Co D -20111

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"i-- 5a-e% and 5is Co&ets !)/e0re 6onna, Roc7 Around the C-oc7( )1*89, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 &ecca W=I;;*L 8C2 %a@ 5. <reed!an, Ea!es *. %#ers 9=0&N5*& 8C2 %ilt 7abler ;here were three candidates for this, the birth>of>roc$>and>roll slot2 D=oc$ ,ro nd the 5loc$D and two *lvis 9resle# c ts fro! his ) n =ecords ten re, (;hatPs ,ll =i"ht+ and (%#ster# ;rain.+ In the end I 4ic$ed this one, since *lvis has other a44earances later on the list and, relativel# s4ea$in", (;hatPs ,ll =i"ht+ and (%#ster# ;rain+ arenPt as "ood as his later !aterial, even if the# >> es4eciall# (;hatPs ,ll =i"ht+ >> were cr cial. =eco!!ended listenin"2 3an$ Willia!s > DI?! )o .oneso!e I 5o ld 5r#D -19491 % dd# Waters > D=ollin? )toneD -19501 *lvis 9resle# > D;hat?s ,ll =i"htD -19541 *lvis 9resle# > D%#ster# ;rainD -19551 Eohnn# 5ash > DI Wal$ the .ineD -19561

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D3 #hado$ !:idni.ht in a Perfect /or-d( )1**1, 7*L=*2 ;ri4>3o4 .,8*.2 %o? Wa@ W=I;;*L 8C2 Eosh &avis, 8ara$a, 9e$$a 9oh/ola 9=0&N5*& 8C2 &E )hadow #ndtrodu$ing%, the alb ! on which (%idni"ht+ a44ears, is considered a brea$thro "h in 4o4 lar ! sic, as it was created entirel# fro! sa!4les stitched to"ether in a finel# te@t red and co!4le@ 63>!in te narrative. %ost of its trac$s are too nwield# for s ch a list as this one, b t (%idni"ht in a 9erfect World+ is a >> indeed, 4erha4s the >> "lorio s e@ce4tion. ,44ears on2 #ndtrodu$ing&&& -19961 =eco!!ended listenin"2 &E )hadow > D8 ildin" )tea! with a 7rain of )altD -19961 &E )hadow > D5han"elin"D -19961 &E )hadow > DLa4al! 8rain A )catter 8rainD -19961 &E )hadow > D)te! A .on" )te!D -19961 &E )hadow > DWhat &oes Co r )o l .oo$ .i$e -9art 1 > 8l e )$# =evisit1D -19961

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Dire #traits ; !#u-tans of #$in.( )1*+2, 7*L=*2 =oots =oc$ .,8*.2 Oerti"o W=I;;*L 8C2 %ar$ Mno4fler 9=0&N5*& 8C2 % ff Winwood ;here were three son"s on this list that I si!4l# co ldnPt 4art with beca se the#Pre / st too "ood, and this is one of the!. , lot of what a44ears on !# list can 4robabl# be filed nder (classic roc$,+ b t onl# this one !arries the slic$ fin"er4ic$in" of " itarist %ar$ Mno4fler with the i!4eccable 4rod ction of the &ire )traits. ,44ears on2 'ire Straits -19781 =eco!!ended listenin"2 )teel# &an > D=eelin? in the CearsD -19721 )teel# &an > D)how 8i' MidsD -19731 )teel# &an > D=i$$i &on?t .ose ;hat L !berD -19741 &ire )traits > D)o thbo nd ,"ainD -19781 &ire )traits > D%one# for Lothin"D -19851

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The :a&as and the Pa'as 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 & nhill W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn 9hilli4s, %ichelle 9hilli4s 9=0&N5*& 8C2 .o ,dler ,n# $id who has ever "rown 4 on the east coast of the Nnited )tates can relate to this one. )o!ethin" that I didnPt notice ntil a friend 4ointed it o t -itPs $ind of hidden in 4lain si"ht12 when the %a!as re4eat each line d rin" the verses, the#Pre act all# sin"in" an entirel# different !elod#F the# donPt har!oni'e with the 9a4as e@ce4t s4oradicall# d rin" the chor s. ItPs what "ives the son" its drivin" !o!ent !. ,44ears on2 () You *an Belie"e Your #yes and #ars -19661 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8#rds > DI?ll <eel a Whole .ot 8etterD -19651 ;he 8#rds > D%r. ;a!bo rine %anD -19651 ;he 8#rds > D; rn6 ; rn6 ; rn6D -19651 ;he %a!as and the 9a4as > D%onda#, %onda#D -19661 ;he 8#rds > D3ic$or# WindD -19681 !Ca-ifornia Drea&in0( )1*18,

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E&ine& !=ose >ourse-f( )4004, 7*L=*2 3i4>3o4 .,8*.2 )had# W=I;;*L 8C2 %arshall %athers, . is =esto, Eeff 8ass 9=0&N5*& 8C2 *!ine!, Eeff 8ass I re!e!ber this one : ite well. It ca "ht fire instantl#, to44in" the charts across the "lobe within wee$s, and itPs still a blast to listen to even now. ,b sive over4la# has rendered (.ose Co rself+ so!ewhat trite, to 4 t it !ildl#, b t I re!ain b llish on its "reatness >> listenin" to it for the first ti!e in a while alwa#s "ets the adrenaline 4 !4in" all over a"ain. ,44ears on2 + ,ile Q)o ndtrac$R -20021 =eco!!ended listenin"2 &r. &re feat. )noo4 &o""# &o"" > DL thin? 8 t a ?7? ;han"D -19921 )noo4 &o""# &o"" > D7in and E iceD -19931 29ac feat. &r. &re > D5alifornia .oveD -19951 *!ine! > D)tanD -20001 0 tMast > D3e# Ca6D -20031

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U4 ; !I #ti-- 5aven0t Found /hat I0& =oo7in. For( )1*2+, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 Island W=I;;*L 8C2 N2 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8rian *no, &aniel .anois ;here isnPt a sin"le wea$ trac$ >> or even a son" that isnPt 4rett# "reat >> on The Joshua Tree, so / st 4ic$in" one c t fro! it was to "h. , "ood case can be !ade for an# of the first three trac$s, b t 4ersonall#, I have alwa#s been 4artial to this one. ,44ears on2 The Joshua Tree -19871 =eco!!ended listenin"2 N2 > DI Will <ollowD -19801 N2 > D) nda# 8lood# ) nda#D -19831 N2 > D9ride -In the La!e of .ove1D -19841 N2 > DWhere the )treets 3ave Lo La!eD -19871 N2 > DWith 0r Witho t Co D -19871

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The /ho 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 &ecca QN)R A 9ol#dor QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 9ete ;ownshend 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ;he Who, 7l#n Eohns ;his is another alb ! slot. I sed to have both (8aba 0P=ile#+ and (WonPt 7et <ooled ,"ain+ fro! Who-s Ne.t on here, b t I onl# had roo! for one, and (WonPt 7et <ooled ,"ain+ "ot the boot. ,44ears on2 Who/s Ne.t -19711 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Who > D8ehind 8l e *#esD -19711 ;he Who > DWon?t 7et <ooled ,"ainD -19711 ;he Who > D.ove, =ei"n 0?er %eD -19731 ;he Who > DWho ,re Co BD -19781 ;he Who > D*!inence <rontD -19811 !"a?a O0Ri-e%( )1*+1,

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Radiohead !Ever%thin. in Its Ri.ht P-ace( )4000, 7*L=*2 *lectronic .,8*.2 5a4itol QN)R A 9arlo4hone QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 =adiohead 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Li"el 7odrich, =adiohead =adiohead is obvio sl# ver# 4o4 lar and hi"hl# acclai!ed, so I felt li$e the# sho ld be re4resented. ,fter s rve#in" their catalo", I settled on (*ver#thin" in Its =i"ht 9lace+ fro! 0id A. It was never released as a sin"le >> no sin"les were released fro! 0id A, act all# >> b t it showcases the bandPs brea$thro "h in f ll# absorbin" electronica into their alternative roc$ re4ertoire, in addition to bein" $iller "ood. ,44ears on2 0id A -20001 =eco!!ended listenin"2 =adiohead > D5ree4D -19931 =adiohead > D<a$e 9lastic ;reesD -19951 =adiohead > D9aranoid ,ndroidD -19971 =adiohead > D9#ra!id )on"D -20011 =adiohead > D;here ;hereD -20031

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To& Pett% !Free Fa--in0( )1*2*, 7*L=*2 3eartland =oc$ .,8*.2 %5, W=I;;*L 8C2 ;o! 9ett#, Eeff .#nne 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eeff .#nne, ;o! 9ett#, %i$e 5a!4bell Co Pve all heard the son" co ntless ti!es, IP! s re. ItPs the best 4 re aco stic roc$ son" of the 4ast 25 #ears, 4lain and si!4le. ,44ears on2 1ull ,oon 1e"er -19891 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8ob )e"er > DLi"ht %ovesD -19761 )teve %iller 8and > D=oc$?n %eD -19761 ;o! 9ett# and the 3eartbrea$ers > D,!erican 7irlD -19761 ;o! 9ett# and the 3eartbrea$ers > D=ef "eeD -19791 ;o! 9ett# > D= nnin? &own a &rea!D -19891

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The Ro--in. #tones !>ou Can0t A-$a%s 6et /hat >ou /ant( )1*1*, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 .ondon QN)R A &ecca QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 %ic$ Ea""er, Meith =ichards 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!!# %iller Eohn .ennon acc sed this son" of bein" the )tonesP answer to (3e# E de,+ b t re"ardless of whether or not thatPs tr e, itPs 4rett# da!n aweso!e. 0ne of the definitive alb ! closers, for s re, and one of the few ti!es the )tones stretch a son" 4ast seven !in tes. ,44ears on2 2et (t Bleed -19691 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he =ollin" )tones > D8rown ) "arD -19711 ;he =ollin" )tones > D; !blin" &iceD -19721 ;he =ollin" )tones > D%iss Co D -19781 ;he =ollin" )tones > D8east of 8 rdenD -19781 ;he =ollin" )tones > D)tart %e N4D -19811

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Eric "@ A Ra7i& 7*L=*2 3i4>3o4 .,8*.2 4th S 8?wa# W=I;;*L 8C2 *ric 8arrier, =a$i! ,llah 9=0&N5*& 8C2 *ric 8. S =a$i! 8efore =and# %oss enli"htened the world to the 4hrase (strai"ht cash, ho!ie,+ t rntablist *ric 8. and !aster of the !ic =a$i! c t this, the title trac$ of their deb t record. <eat rin" what wo ld beco!e hi4>ho4Ps !ost distinctive loo4 as its beat and the inoffensive vocal st#lin"s of ra4Ps "reatest %5, this is a son" ever#one can en/o#. ,44ears on2 3aid in 1ull -19871 =eco!!ended listenin"2 *9%& > D)trictl# 8 sinessD -19881 *ric 8. S =a$i! > D%icro4hone <iendD -19881 )lic$ =ic$ > D5hildren?s )tor#D -19881 &e .a )o l > D%e %#self ,nd ID -19891 , ;ribe 5alled U est > D,ward ;o rD -19931 !Paid in Fu--( )1*2+,

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F-eet$ood :ac !6o >our O$n /a%( )1*++, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 Warner 8ros. W=I;;*L 8C2 .indse# 8 c$in"ha! 9=0&N5*& 8C2 <leetwood %ac, =ichard &ash t, Men 5aillat ,n#one who has heard Rumours $nows that record is loaded with "reat son"s, b t when it co!es to choosin" one for "reatest son"s lists, (7o Co r 0wn Wa#+ alwa#s "ets 4ic$ed beca se it has that $ind of feel to it. ItPs certainl# not !# favorite son" on the alb ! >> which is (&rea!s,+ incidentall# >> or even the best >> which is 4robabl# (7old & st Wo!an+ >> #et those son"s / st donPt fit on this list. ,44ears on2 Rumours -19771 =eco!!ended listenin"2 <leetwood %ac > D=hiannonD -19751 <leetwood %ac > D&rea!sD -19771 <leetwood %ac > D7old & st Wo!anD -19771 <leetwood %ac > D)araD -19791 )tevie Lic$s > D*d"e of )eventeenD -19811

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The "each "o%s 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 5a4itol W=I;;*L 8C2 8rian Wilson, %i$e .ove 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8rian Wilson .isten caref ll# to (5alifornia 7irls+ and #o Pll hear the roots of what, sonicall#, wo ld later 4o4 late their !on !ental alb ! 3et Sounds the followin" #ear. .#ricall#, itPs a little !ore in line with their 4re>3et Sounds wor$, which !a$es sense. 8 t then a"ain, (I wish the# all co ld be 5alifornia 7irls+ isnPt all that different fro!, (Wo ldnPt it be nice if we were !arried,+ now is itB ,44ears on2 Summer 'ays 4And Summer Nights556 -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 &ic$ &ale > D%isirlo D -19621 ;he 8each 8o#s > DIn %# =oo!D -19631 ;he 8each 8o#s > D) rfin? N.).,.D -19631 ;he 8each 8o#s > D&on?t Worr# 8ab#D -19641 ;he 8each 8o#s > DI 7et ,ro ndD -19641 !Ca-ifornia 6ir-s( )1*18,

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6uns N0 Roses 7*L=*2 7la! %etal .,8*.2 7effen W=I;;*L 8C2 7 ns L? =oses 9=0&N5*& 8C2 %i$e 5lin$ ;here arenPt reall# an# stando t !etal trac$s fro! the V80s aside fro! this one, and Appetite )or 'estru$tionPs 4rod ction >> which act all# doesnPt so nd ver# V80s, relativel# s4ea$in" >> $ind of so nds the !ost li$e a "r n"e 4rec rsor, so its 4o4 larit# !a$es sense in retros4ect. 9o4Ahair !etal was in, b t 7L= werenPt chees#, the# were / st 4lain nast#, and the# didnPt fit into that crowdW and #et the alb ! sold 28 !illion co4ies an#wa#. ,44ears on2 Appetite )or 'estru$tion -19871 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Iron %aiden > (3allowed 8e ;h# La!e+ -19821 %etallica > D<ade to 8lac$D -19841 7 ns L? =oses K DWelco!e to the E n"leD -19871 7 ns L? =oses > DLove!ber =ainD -19911 %etallica > DLothin" *lse %attersD -19911 !#$eet Chi-d o0 :ine( )1*2+,

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=itt-e Richard !6ood 6o--% :iss :o--%( )1*82, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 )4ecialt# W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn %arascalco, =obert D8 !4sD 8lac$well 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =obert D8 !4sD 8lac$well IP! swa44in" in (7ood 7oll# %iss %oll#+ for (; tti <r tti,+ which sed to !a$e the list b t is !ore a son" with "reat !o!ents >> na!el#, the $iller introAo tro >> than a "reat son". -I li$e (77%%+ !ore. )i!4le as that.1 *arl# roc$ and roll doesnPt "et ! ch better than this. ,44ears on2 2ittle Ri$hard -19581 =eco!!ended listenin"2 .ittle =ichard > D; tti <r ttiD -19551 5arl 9er$ins > D8l e ) ede )hoesD -19561 .ittle =ichard > D.on" ;all )all#D -19561 Eerr# .ee .ewis > D7reat 8alls of <ireD -19571 Eerr# .ee .ewis > DWhole .otta )ha$in? 7oin? 0nD -19571

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David "o$ie 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 =5, W=I;;*L 8C2 &avid 8owie, 8rian *no 9=0&N5*& 8C2 &avid 8owie, ;on# Oisconti I onl# had roo! for one 8owie son" >> hePs !ore e@4ressive in the alb ! for!at >> so of co rse I 4ic$ed (3eroes.+ I have a lot of favorite 8owie son"s tho "hF hePs "ot an a!a'in" bod# of wor$. ,44ears on2 Heroes -19771 =eco!!ended listenin"2 &avid 8owie > D)4ace 0ddit#D -19691 &avid 8owie > D5han"esD -19711 &avid 8owie > DHi""# )tard stD -19721 &avid 8owie > D=ebel =ebelD -19741 U een S &avid 8owie > DNnder 9ress reD -19811 !5eroes( )1*++,

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Creedence C-ear$ater Reviva7*L=*2 =oots =oc$ .,8*.2 <antas# W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn <o"ert# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eohn <o"ert# 55= has so !an# "ood ones, b t (9ro d %ar#+ is 4robabl# the !ost ti!eless of their !an# hits. (<ort nate )on+ has !ore artistic !erit, b t (9ro d %ar#+ has collected !ore c lt ral ca4ital >> for one thin", it "ets s n"Ab tchered d rin" the a dition e4isodes of Ameri$an (dol ever# #ear, for better or worse. ,44ears on2 Bayou *ountry -19691 =eco!!ended listenin"2 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D8ad %oon =isin"D -19691 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D8orn on the 8a#o D -19691 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D&own on the 5ornerD -19691 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D7reen =iverD -19691 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D.odiD -19691 !Proud :ar%( )1*1*,

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Run;D@:@C@ !/a-7 This /a%( )1*21, 7*L=*2 3i4>3o4 .,8*.2 9rofile W=I;;*L 8C2 )teven ;#ler, Eoe 9err# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =ic$ = bin, = ssell )i!!ons IP! $illin" two birds with one stone here2 this fills an earl#A4ivotal hi4>ho4 slot and an ,eros!ith hole. -Ceah, I had to 4art with (&rea! 0n.+1 ItPs a da!n f n son" to boot. ,44ears on2 Raising Hell -19861 =eco!!ended listenin"2 = n>&.%.5. > DIt?s .i$e ;hatD -19841 .. 5ool E > DI 5an?t .ive Witho t %# =adioD -19851 = n>&.%.5. > DIt?s ;ric$#D -19861 8eastie 8o#s > D-Co 7otta1 <i"ht for Co r =i"ht -;o 9art#1D -19861 8eastie 8o#s > D3i"h 9lains &rifterD -19891

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3efferson Air'-ane 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic =oc$ .,8*.2 =5, Oictor W=I;;*L 8C2 7race )lic$ 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =ic$ Earrard I had a to "h, to "h ti!e choosin" between (White =abbit+ and ()o!ebod# to .ove,+ which both a44ear on 1967Ps Surrealisti$ 3illow. IP! tr#in" to cover !ore "ro nd this ti!e "enre>wise, so I have avoided (d 4licate 4ic$s+ wherever 4ossible. I li$e (White =abbit+ !ore, 4ersonall#, and feel that, of the two, it is the !ore re4resentative of the 4s#chedelic era. ,44ears on2 Surrealisti$ 3illow -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8#rds > D*i"ht %iles 3i"hD -19661 Eefferson ,ir4lane > D)o!ebod# to .oveD -19671 .ove > D,lone ,"ain 0rD -19671 8i" 8rother and the 3oldin" 5o!4an# > D9iece of %# 3eartD -19681 Eanis Eo4lin > D%e and 8obb# %c7eeD -19711 !/hite Ra??it( )1*1+,

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E-vis Pres-e% !#us'icious :inds( )1*1*, 7*L=*2 8l e>*#ed )o l .,8*.2 =5, W=I;;*L 8C2 %ar$ Ea!es 9=0&N5*& 8C2 5hi4s %o!an, <elton Earvis *lvis disa44eared fro! the ! sic scene in 1958 after he was drafted b# the !ilitar# >> with no war "oin" on >> and stationed in 7er!an# for two #ears. N4on his ret rn to the )tates, he !ade a "reat livin" as a 3oll#wood hac$ for several #ears before reinventin" hi!self as a bl e>e#ed -read2 white1 so l act. () s4icio s %inds,+ feat rin" ! ch !ore elaborate 4rod ction techni: es than 9resle#Ps V50s wor$, shot to G1 4on its release in 1969. =eco!!ended listenin"2 *lvis 9resle# > D8ossa Lova 8ab#D -19631 & st# )4rin"field > DCo &on?t 3ave to )a# Co .ove %eD -19681 & st# )4rin"field > D)on of a 9reacher %anD -19691 *lvis 9resle# > DIn the 7hettoD -19691 *lvis 9resle# > D8 rnin" .oveD -19721

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The Ve-vet Under.round 7*L=*2 7ara"e =oc$ .,8*.2 Oerve W=I;;*L 8C2 .o =eed 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ,nd# Warhol ItPs been a severe oversi"ht on !# 4art not to have incl ded a son" b# the Oelvet Nnder"ro nd on the list ntil now. (IP! Waitin" for the %an+ has that 4 n$ish, "ara"e roc$>ish rh#th! and that cra'# !#sti: e abo t it that the entire 7el"et Underground 8 Ni$o alb ! hasF in this case, .o =eed, with 26 dollars in his hand, is literall# waitin" for a dr " dealer to show 4. What a stran"e 4lace 1960s Lew Cor$ 5it# ! st have been. ,44ears on2 The 7el"et Underground 8 Ni$o -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Oelvet Nnder"ro ;he Oelvet Nnder"ro ;he Oelvet Nnder"ro ;he Oelvet Nnder"ro ;he Oelvet Nnder"ro nd > D3eroinD -19671 nd > DOen s in < rsD -19671 nd > D0h6 )weet L thin?D -19701 nd > D=oc$ and =ollD -19701 nd > D)weet EaneD -19701 !I0& /aitin. for the :an( )1*1+,

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The /ai-ers !6et U'B #tand U'( )1*+<, 7*L=*2 =e""ae .,8*.2 ; ff 7on"AIsland W=I;;*L 8C2 8ob %arle#, 9eter ;osh 9=0&N5*& 8C2 5hris 8lac$well, the Wailers I sed to have two different 8ob %arle# son"s on the list2 (Lo Wo!an, Lo 5r#+ and (=ede!4tion )on".+ ;he incl sion of (Lo Wo!an, Lo 5r#+ $ind of bothered !e since I have never 4artic larl# li$ed the st dio version >> the live c t fro! 2i"e5 and the 2egend co!4ilation is s 4erior >> and I wanted !# 8ob %arle# 4ic$ to co!e fro! the earl# 4art of his career, so that !eant c rtains for (=ede!4tion )on".+ (7et N4, )tand N4+ see!ed li$e the !ost lo"ical choice. ,44ears on2 Burnin/ -19731 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Wailers > D5oncrete E n"leD -19731 ;he Wailers > DI )hot the )heriffD -19731 8ob %arle# and the Wailers > DLo Wo!an, Lo 5r#D -19741 8ob %arle# and the Wailers > D*@od sD -19771 8ob %arle# and the Wailers > D=ede!4tion )on"D -19801

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:artha and the Vande--as !Dancin. in the #treet( )1*19, 7*L=*2 )o l .,8*.2 7ord# W=I;;*L 8C2 %arvin 7a#e, Willia! D%ic$e#D )tevenson, Iv# Eo 3 nter 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Willia! D%ic$e#D )tevenson Ointa"e %otown. )even #ears before %arvin 7a#e did (WhatPs 7oin" 0n,+ he co>wrote >> and 4la#ed dr !s on >> this 4art# son" that wo ld later be cited as a $e# trac$ in the ,!erican civil ri"hts !ove!ent after 4rotesters fre: entl# 4la#ed (&ancin" in the )treet+ d rin" de!onstrations. ,44ears on2 'an$e 3arty -19651 =eco!!ended .istenin"2 %artha and the Oandellas > D-.ove Is .i$e ,1 3eat WaveD -19631 %ar# Wells > D%# 7 #D -19641 ;he ) 4re!es > D8ab# .oveD -19641 %artha and the Oandellas > DLowhere to = nD -19651 ;he ) 4re!es > D)to46 In the La!e of .oveD -19651

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R@E@:@ 7*L=*2 ,lternative =oc$ .,8*.2 Warner 8ros. W=I;;*L 8C2 =.*.%. 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )cott .itt, =.*.%. =.*.%. was >> b# far >> the "reatest and !ost i!4ortant alternative roc$ bandF no other alternative artistPs catalo" even be"ins to co!4are to =.*.%.Ps wor$ fro! P83>P92. ;he# were the alternative nder"ro nd in the V80s, and / !4ed fro! indie label I.=.). to !a/or label Warner 8ros. >> other alternative bands li$e Lirvana wo ld later follow s it >> after the s ccess of 1987Ps 'o$ument. (.osin" %# =eli"ion+ was released in earl# 1991 and was a 4o4 s!ash, hittin" G4 on the 3ot 100. ;he " shin" s ccess of ()!ells .i$e ;een )4irit+ wo ld follow later that #ear, b t therePs no nderesti!atin" the i!4ortance of what (.osin" %# =eli"ion,+ and =.*.%. "enerall#, did to 4ri!e the 4 !4 beforehand. ,44ears on2 9ut o) Time -19911 =eco!!ended listenin"2 =.*.%. > D=adio <ree * ro4eD -19831 =.*.%. > D;i!e ,fter ;i!e -,nnelise1D -19841 =.*.%. > D;he 0ne I .oveD -19871 =.*.%. > D0ran"e 5r shD -19881 =.*.%. > D%an on the %oonD -19921 !=osin. :% Re-i.ion( )1**1,

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"-ac7 #a??ath 7*L=*2 3eav# %etal .,8*.2 Oerti"o W=I;;*L 8C2 8lac$ )abbath 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =od"er 8ain I didnPt reall# have roo! for ! ch !etal on the list, so wh# not 4ic$ one fro! the be"innin"B ,ltho "h the title trac$ fro! )abbathPs second record isnPt e@actl# the first heav# !etal son", its infl ence is ridic lo sl# self>evident2 (9aranoid,+ a h#brid of distorted !etal and down>stro$ed 4 n$, contains ever#thin" the "r n"e !ove!ent, a h#brid of distorted !etal and down>stro$ed 4 n$, ever needed. ,44ears on2 3aranoid -19701 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Eeff 8ec$ > DI ,in?t ) 4erstitio sD -19681 %55 > DMic$ 0 t the Ea!sD -19691 8lac$ )abbath > DIron %anD -19701 8lac$ )abbath > DL.I.8.D -19701 8lac$ )abbath > DWar 9i"sD -19701 !Paranoid( )1*+0,

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"o Didd-e% !"o Didd-e%( )1*88, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 5hec$er W=I;;*L 8C2 *llas %c&aniel 9=0&N5*& 8C2 .eonard 5hess, 9hil 5hess, 8o &iddle# 7ive (8o &iddle#+ a s4in and #o Pll i!!ediatel# reco"ni'e the rh#th!F $nown si!4l# as the 8o &iddle# 8eat, it has been co44ed re4eatedl# over the co rse of the last si@ decades b# other artists, fro! the Who -1968?s D%a"ic 8 sD1 to N2 -1988Ps (&esire+1 to 7eor"e %ichael -1987Ps (<aith+1. Nnfort natel# for 8o &iddle#?s ban$ acco nt, rh#th!s canPt be co4#ri"hted. =eco!!ended listenin"2 % dd# Waters > D3oochie 5oochie %anD -19541 8o &iddle# > DI?! a %anD -19551 % dd# Waters > D%annish 8o#D -19551 8o &iddle# > DWho &o Co .oveBD -19561 % dd# Waters > D7ot %# %o/o Wor$in"D -19571

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The "eat-es !Nor$e.ian /ood )This "ird 5as F-o$n,( )1*18, 7*L=*2 =a"a =oc$ .,8*.2 5a4itol QN)R A 9arlo4hone QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin Rubber Soul shered in the 4s#chedelic era, and the !ost overtl# otherworldl# trac$ is the sitar> laden (Lorwe"ian Wood.+ *ven tho "h the# had / st done (Cesterda#+ >> ar" abl# the 8eatlesP finest son" >> for the Help5 alb !Aso ndtrac$, Rubber Soul was a "iant creative lea4 forward for the <ab <o r, and (Lorwe"ian Wood+ narrowl# ed"es o t (In %# .ife+ and (7irl+ as the stando t trac$. ,44ears on2 Rubber Soul -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D7irlD -19651 ;he 8eatles > DI?! .oo$in" ;hro "h Co D -19651 ;he 8eatles > DIf I Leeded )o!eoneD -19651 ;he 8eatles > DIn %# .ifeD -19651 ;he 8eatles > DWhat 7oes 0nD -19651

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Dionne /ar$ic7 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 )ce4ter W=I;;*L 8C2 8 rt 8acharach, 3al &avid 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8 rt 8acharach, 3al &avid ,nother treas re fro! the !ost e@citin" ti!e in the histor# of 4o4 ! sic. ;he 4rod ction isnPt "reat >> he#, this was 1964 >> b t DWal$ on 8#D is nevertheless a slice of 4o4 4erfection. It has a reall# effortless : alit# to it. ,44ears on2 ,ake Way )or 'ionne Warwi$k -19641 =eco!!ended listenin"2 *tta Ea!es > D,t .astD -19601 9ats# 5line > D5ra'#D -19611 Lanc# )inatra > D;hese 8oots ,re %ade for Wal$in?D -19661 9erc# )led"e > DWhen a %an .oves a Wo!anD -19661 9rocol 3ar ! > D, Whiter )hade of 9aleD -19671 !/a-7 on "%( )1*19,

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Prince 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 9aisle# 9ar$ W=I;;*L 8C2 9rince 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9rince (9 r4le =ain+ sed to ro tinel# !a$e this list, b t this ti!e aro nd I had a hard ti!e choosin" between (9 r4le =ain+ and (When &oves 5r#.+ W)o I 4ic$ed ()i"n ?0P the ;i!es,+ the title trac$ fro! 9rincePs 1987 do ble alb ! thatPs fre: entl# cited as one of the best alb !s of the V80s. ItPs an e@cellent son" and was the alb !Ps lead sin"le and lead trac$, so I donPt thin$ itPs too o t of 4lace here as the lone 9rince re4resentative. ,44ears on2 Sign :9; the Times -19871 =eco!!ended listenin"2 9rince and ;he =evol 9rince and ;he =evol 9rince and ;he =evol 9rince and ;he =evol 9rince and ;he =evol tion > D.ittle =ed 5orvetteD -19821 tion > D1999D -19821 tion > D9 r4le =ainD -19841 tion > DWhen &oves 5r#D -19841 tion > DMissD -19861 !#i.n 0O0 the Ti&es( )1*2+,

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#-% and the Fa&i-% #tone 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic )o l .,8*.2 *4ic W=I;;*L 8C2 )l# )tone 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )l# )tone )l# and the <a!il# )tone have a ton of "reat ones, b t this one has alwa#s been the stando t to !eF itPs 4robabl# the best e@a!4le of a 4ost>Ea!es 8rown, V60s>f n$>with>social>co!!entar# son" in 4o4 lar ! sic. ,44ears on2 Stand5 -19691 =eco!!ended listenin"2 )l# and the <a!il# )tone > D&ance to the % sicD -19681 )l# and the <a!il# )tone > DI Want to ;a$e Co 3i"herD -19691 )l# and the <a!il# )tone > D;han$ Co -<alettin!e 8e %ice *lf ,"in1D -19691 )l# and the <a!il# )tone > DCo 5an %a$e It If Co ;r#D -19691 )l# and the <a!il# )tone > D<a!il# ,ffairD -19711 !Ever%da% Peo'-e( )1*12,

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The Doors 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic =oc$ .,8*.2 *le$tra W=I;;*L 8C2 ;he &oors 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9a l ,. =othchild It wasnPt the first sin"le b# the &oors >> (8rea$ on ;hro "h -;o the 0ther )ide1+ has that honor >> b t it nevertheless s !!ari'es the bandPs earl# wor$ and the 4s#chedelic era !ore "enerall#. ,44ears on2 The 'oors -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he &oors > D8rea$ on ;hro "h -;o the 0ther )ide1D -19671 ;he &oors > D;he *ndD -19671 ;he &oors > D3ello, I .ove Co D -19681 ;he &oors > D=oadho se 8l esD -19701 ;he &oors > D=iders on the )tor!D -19711 !=i.ht :% Fire( )1*1+,

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The "o??% Fu--er Four 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 % stan" W=I;;*L 8C2 )onn# 5 rtis 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8ob Meane ,fter 8 dd# 3oll# died in an infa!o s 4lane crash on what later wo ld be called (the da# the ! sic died,+ )onn# 5 rtis too$ his 4lace in the 5ric$ets, and one of the son"s he had written was (I <o "ht the .aw.+ ;his 8obb# < ller <o r cover is the best>$nown version, altho "h the 5lash wo ld also record a version in 1979. ,44ears on2 ( 1ought the 2aw -19661 =eco!!ended listenin"2 *ddie 5ochran > D5?!on *ver#bod#D -19581 *ddie 5ochran > D) !!erti!e 8l esD -19581 &ion > D;he WandererD -19611 ;he ;ro""s > DWild ;hin"D -19661 ;he 5lash > DI <o "ht the .awD -19791 !I Fou.ht the =a$( )1*11,

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The "eat-es !/hi-e :% 6uitar 6ent-% /ee's( )1*12, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 ,44le W=I;;*L 8C2 7eor"e 3arrison 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin Eohn .ennon and 9a l %c5artne# overshadowed 7eor"e 3arrison thro "ho t the 8eatlesP r n, restrictin" hi! to one son" 4er side on / st abo t ever# alb !. In the bandPs earl# da#s, 3arrison si!4l# wasnPt as "ood -or 4rolific1 at son"writin", b t b# the ti!e The White Album and Abbey Road were recorded, there was no : estion that 7eor"e was on e: al footin" with Eohn and 9a l as far as son"writin" is concerned. (While %# 7 itar 7entl# Wee4s+ fro! The White Album, feat rin" *ric 5la4ton on lead " itar in the onl# " est a44earance e"er >> b# an# artist >> on a 8eatles son", is 3arrisonPs best trac$. ,44ears on2 The Beatles Q;he White ,lb !R -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D.on", .on", .on"D -19681 ;he 8eatles > D)avo# ;r ffleD -19681 ;he 8eatles > D3ere 5o!es the ) nD -19691 ;he 8eatles > D)o!ethin"D -19691 7eor"e 3arrison > D%# )weet .ordD -19701

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The Cin7s 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 9#e QNMR A =e4rise QN)R W=I;;*L 8C2 =a# &avies 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =a# &avies (Co =eall# 7ot %e,+ which sed to !a$e this list, is an ndeniabl# "reat earl# roc$ S roll son", b t since there are 4lent# of "reat earl# roc$ S roll son"s on this list and I onl# have roo! for one Min$s c t, IP! "oin" to switch !# vote to the achin"l# bea tif l (Waterloo ) nset.+ ,44ears on2 Something #lse by the 0inks -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he ,ni!als > D;he 3o se of the =isin" ) nD -19641 ;he Min$s > D,ll &a# and ,ll of the Li"htD -19641 ;he Min$s > DCo =eall# 7ot %eD -19641 ;he ,ni!als > DWe 7otta 7et 0 t of ;his 9laceD -19651 ;he Min$s > D.olaD -19701 !/ater-oo #unset( )1*1+,

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Chuc7 "err% !:a%?e--ene( )1*88, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 5hess W=I;;*L 8C2 5h c$ 8err# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 .eonard 5hess, 9hil 5hess *ver# 5h c$ 8err# son" is !ore or less the sa!e thin", b t (%a#bellene+ towers above the rest >> aside fro! (Eohnn# 8. 7oode,+ of co rse >> as one of the !ost st nnin" deb t sin"les in roc$ S roll histor#F roc$ stars e@isted before 5h c$ 8err#, b t " itar "ods did not. Indeed, (%a#bellene+ 4 t flin"in" violent noise thro "h electric " itar a!4s on the !a4. =eco!!ended listenin"2 5h 5h 5h 5h 5h c$ 8err# > D;hirt# &a#sD -19551 c$ 8err# > D=oll 0ver 8eethovenD -19561 c$ 8err# > D;oo % ch %on$e# 8 sinessD -19561 c$ 8err# > D0h 8ab# &ollD -19571 c$ 8err# > D)chool &a#D -19571

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U4 !One( )1**1, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 Island W=I;;*L 8C2 N2 9=0&N5*& 8C2 &aniel .anois, 8rian *no N2 rose o t of the 4ost>4 n$ ! c$ to beco!e s 4erstars b# the ti!e the# had reached their late twentiesF with 1987Ps The Joshua Tree, the# had "otten ever#thin" ri"ht. ;he 1988 blac$>and> white concert doc !entar#Alive alb ! Rattle and Hum, howeverB Lot so ! ch. ;he sessions for A$htung Baby were hostile as hell, and 4 llin" (0ne,+ a 4ersonal son" abo t 8onoPs relationshi4 with his father, o t of the hat was re4ortedl# the onl# thin" that $e4t N2 fro! 4artin" wa#s. =arel# has a son" so 4ersonal been so niversall# a44licableF it 4erfectl# enca4s lates how the band !e!bers were feelin" towards each other at the ti!e, and was released as a benefit sin"le, with all 4rofits "oin" to ,I&) research. ,44ears on2 A$htung Baby -19911 =eco!!ended listenin"2 N2 > D*ven 8etter ;han the =eal ;hin"D -19911 N2 > D%#sterio s Wa#sD -19911 N2 > D8ea tif l &a#D -20001 N2 > D*levationD -20001 N2 > DOerti"oD -20041

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A- 6reen !=et0s #ta% To.ether( )1*+1, 7*L=*2 =S8 .,8*.2 3i W=I;;*L 8C2 ,l 7reen, Willie %itchell, ,l Eac$son, Er. 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ,l 7reen, Willie %itchell 5hoosin" one ,l 7reen son" is a tall order, since (.ove and 3a44iness+ and es4eciall# (;a$e %e to the =iver+ are two of !# favorites -and (;ired of 8ein" ,lone+ is reall# "ood too1, b t (.etPs )ta# ;o"ether+ reall# is a!a'in" and is 7reenPs best>$nown son". ,44ears on2 2et/s Stay Together -19711 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ,l 7reen > D;ired of 8ein" ,loneD -19711 8ill Withers > D,in?t Lo ) nshineD -19711 ,l 7reen > D.ove and 3a44inessD -19721 8ill Withers > D.ean on %eD -19721 ,l 7reen > D;a$e %e to the =iverD -19741

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The 3i&i 5endriD ED'erience 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 =e4rise -N)1 A 9ol#dor -NM1 W=I;;*L 8C2 8ill# =oberts 9=0&N5*& 8C2 5has 5handler (9 r4le 3a'e+ was the first 3endri@ sin"le in the N), b t his first sin"le ever released was (3e# Eoe+ si@ !onths earlier in the NM, which he had e!i"rated to earlier beca se White ,!erica wasnPt rece4tive to a blac$ " itarist. -5onvenientl#, I also ha44en to li$e (3e# Eoe+ a lot !ore than (9 r4le 3a'e.+1 ,44ears on2 Are You #.perien$ed QN)R -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D,re Co *@4eriencedBD -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D<ireD -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D<o@e# .ad#D -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D9 r4le 3a'eD -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D;he Wind 5ries %ar#D -19671 !5e% 3oe( )1*11,

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5o$-in0 /o-f !#&o7estac7 =i.htnin0( )1*81, 7*L=*2 8l es .,8*.2 5hess W=I;;*L 8C2 5hester 8 rnett 9=0&N5*& 8C2 .eonard 5hess, 9hil 5hess, Willie &i@on ,nother one of !an#, !an# i!4ortant bl es son"s that finall# "ot recorded once the roc$ S roll era was nderwa#, ()!o$estac$ .i"htnin?+ contin es to serve as an i!4ortant 4iece of the 4o4> ! sic vocab lar#. =eco!!ended listenin"2 =obert Eohnson > DMind 3earted Wo!an 8l esD -19371 3owlin? Wolf > D)4oonf lD -19601 Eohn .ee 3oo$er > D8oo! 8oo!D -19611 8.8. Min" > D;he ;hrill Is 7oneD -19691 )tevie =a# Oa "han and &o ble ;ro ble > D9ride and Eo#D -19831

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Pin7 F-o%d !Co&forta?-% Nu&?( )1*+*, 7*L=*2 9ro"ressive =oc$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia -N)1 A 3arvest -NM1 W=I;;*L 8C2 &avid 7il!o r, =o"er Waters 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8ob *'rin, &avid 7il!o r, Ea!es 7 thrie, =o"er Waters ItPs eas# to cast (5o!fortabl# L !b+ aside as (/ st another classic roc$ son",+ b t this trac$ has the "reatest " itar solo of all ti!e, so itPs b# definition an#thin" b t. 9l s, this !aster4iece has a 4ainterl# : alit# to it, with rich sonic detail. ,44ears on2 The Wall -19791 =eco!!ended listenin"2 9in$ <lo#d > D&o"sD -19771 9in$ <lo#d > D,nother 8ric$ in the Wall, 9art 2D -19791 9in$ <lo#d > D3e# Co D -19791 9in$ <lo#d > D%otherD -19791 9in$ <lo#d > D= n .i$e 3ellD -19791

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:assive Attac7 !Unfinished #%&'ath%( )1**1, 7*L=*2 ;ri4>3o4 .,8*.2 Oir"in W=I;;*L 8C2 %assive ,ttac$, Eonathan )har4, )hara Lelson 9=0&N5*& 8C2 %assive ,ttac$, Eonn# &ollar ;hree narrative strands of the 4o4>! sic fra!ewor$ bro$e thro "h to the 4 blic conscio sness in the earl# V90s2 alternative roc$, hi4>ho4 and electronica. %assive ,ttac$Ps deb t alb ! Blue 2ines didnPt / st introd ce the world to the electronic s b>"enre tri4>ho4, it 4 t electronic ! sic on the !a4 !ore broadl#, and (Nnfinished )#!4ath#+ was its bi""est hit and best son". ,44ears on2 Blue 2ines -19911 =eco!!ended listenin"2 %assive ,ttac$ > D8e ;han$f l for What Co ?ve 7otD -19911 %assive ,ttac$ > D&a#drea!in"D -19911 %assive ,ttac$ > D)afe fro! 3ar!D -19911 %# 8lood# Oalentine > D0nl# )hallowD -19911 %assive ,ttac$ > D;eardro4D -19981

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Crea& !#unshine of >our =ove( )1*1+, 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic =oc$ .,8*.2 ,tco QN)R A 9ol#dor QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 Eac$ 8r ce, 9ete 8rown, *ric 5la4ton 9=0&N5*& 8C2 <eli@ 9a44alardi 0ne of the !ost definitive " itar son"s ever recordedF nfor"ettable lic$, incredible solo, and a reall# weird dr ! 4attern. ;he 4rod ctionPs not ver# "ood, b t that hardl# !atters. ,44ears on2 'israeli <ears -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 5rea! > DI <eel <reeD -19661 5rea! > D)W.,8=D -19671 5rea! > D;ales of 8rave Nl#ssesD -19671 5rea! > D5rossroadsD -19681 5rea! > DWhite =oo!D -19681

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The C-ash !=ondon Ca--in.( )1*+*, 7*L=*2 9 n$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia QN)R A 58) QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 Eoe )tr !!er, %ic$ Eones 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7 # )tevens ;he alb !Ps a ! ch better achieve!ent than the son", b t (.ondon 5allin"+ nevertheless re4resents >> on this list, at least, since I onl# have roo! for one 2ondon *alling son" >> ever#thin" 4 n$ $an be. ,44ears on2 2ondon *alling -19791 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 5lash > D&eath or 7lor#D -19791 ;he 5lash > D.ost in the ) 4er!ar$etD -19791 ;he 5lash > D;rain in OainD -19791 ;he 5lash > D=oc$ the 5asbahD -19821 ;he 5lash > D)ho ld I )ta# or )ho ld I 7oD -19821

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"ruce #'rin.steen !Thunder Road( )1*+8, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia W=I;;*L 8C2 8r ce )4rin"steen 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8r ce )4rin"steen, Eon .anda (;h nder =oad,+ shoc$in"l#, was never released as a sin"le, which is do bl# s r4risin" considerin" a le"al battle with !ana"er %i$e ,44el wo ld sideline 8r ce ntil 1978Ps 'arkness on the #dge o) Town. ,las, onl# two sin"les were released fro! Born to Run, the title trac$ and (;enth ,ven e <ree'e>0 t.+ Levertheless, (;h nder =oad+ re!ains an incredible o4ener to one of roc$Ps "reat o4 ses, weavin" to"ether V50s and V60s roc$ S 4o4 infl ences to create a feel thatPs si! ltaneo sl# old>ti!e# and ti!eless. ,44ears on2 Born to Run -19751 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8r 8r 8r 8r 8r ce )4rin"steen > D8linded b# the .i"htD -19731 ce )4rin"steen > DLew Cor$ 5it# )erenadeD -19731 ce )4rin"steen > D=osalita -5o!e 0 t ;oni"ht1D -19731 ce )4rin"steen > D8ac$streetsD -19751 ce )4rin"steen > DE n"lelandD -19751

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:ichae- 3ac7son !"i--ie 3ean( )1*24, 7*L=*2 &ance>9o4 .,8*.2 *4ic W=I;;*L 8C2 %ichael Eac$son 9=0&N5*& 8C2 %ichael Eac$son, U inc# Eones 9o4, f n$, dance >> whatever #o want to call it, it wor$s. Thriller did too, to the t ne of over 50 !illion co4ies sold worldwide. Eac$son wor$ed with 4rod cer U inc# Eones to !a$e ! sic infectio s as hell, and itPs safe to sa# the# s cceeded. ,44ears on2 Thriller -19821 =eco!!ended listenin"2 %ichael Eac$son > D&on?t )to4 ?;il Co 7et *no "hD -19791 %ichael Eac$son > D8eat ItD -19821 %ichael Eac$son > D;hrillerD -19821 %ichael Eac$son > DWanna 8e )tartin? )o!ethin?D -19821 %ichael Eac$son > D)!ooth 5ri!inalD -19871

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=ed Ee''e-in !/ho-e =otta =ove( )1*1*, 7*L=*2 3ard =oc$ .,8*.2 ,tlantic W=I;;*L 8C2 .ed He44elin, Willie &i@on 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!!# 9a"e I reall# wish !ore He44elin co ld have !ade the list, b t nfort natel#, (Whole .otta .ove+ is "oin" to have to stand in for a whole lotta son"s >> (3eartbrea$er,+ (=a!ble 0n,+ (3ow %an# %ore ;i!es,+ (I!!i"rant )on",+ etc. >> on their first three alb !s. ,44ears on2 2ed =eppelin (( -19691 =eco!!ended listenin"2 .ed He44elin > D3eartbrea$erD -19691 .ed He44elin > D3ow %an# %ore ;i!esD -19691 .ed He44elin > D=a!ble 0nD -19691 .ed He44elin > DI!!i"rant )on"D -19701 .ed He44elin > D)ince I?ve 8een .ovin" Co D -19701

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"i. 3oe Turner 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 ,tlantic W=I;;*L 8C2 5harles *. 5alho n 9=0&N5*& 8C2 LA, ()ha$e, =attle and =oll+ was released in ,4ril 1954 >> itPs the oldest son" on the list >> b t itPs still a blast to listen to nearl# si@ f ll decades after its recordin". =oc$ S roll novices need to incor4orate this trac$ into their re4ertoire. Low. =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he &o!inoes > D)i@t# %in te %anD -19511 5l#de %c9hatter and ;he &rifters > D%one# 3one#D -19531 <ats &o!ino > D,in?t ;hat a )ha!eD -19551 Eohnn# 5ash > D<olso! 9rison 8l esD -19551 <ats &o!ino > D8l eberr# 3illD -19561 !#ha7eB Ratt-e and Ro--( )1*89,

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Pu?-ic Ene&% !Fi.ht the Po$er( )1*2*, 7*L=*2 3i4>3o4 .,8*.2 %otown W=I;;*L 8C2 5arlton =idenho r, *ric )adler, 3an$ 8o@le#, Meith 8o@le# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ;he 8o!b ): ad ,ltho "h (<i"ht the 9ower+ closed o t their third alb !, 1990Ps 1ear o) a Bla$k 3lanet, it a44eared thro "ho t )4i$e .eePs "ro ndbrea$in" fil! 'o the Right Thing the #ear before. ,t an# rate, altho "h (8lac$ )teel in the 3o r of 5haos+ re!ains !# favorite 9* t ne, (<i"ht the 9ower+ is clearl# their finest son". ,44ears on2 'o the Right Thing Q)o ndtrac$R -19891 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8oo"ie &own 9rod ctions > D)o th 8ron@D -19861 9 blic *ne!# > D8rin" the LoiseD -19871 L.W., > D)trai"ht 0 tta 5o!4tonD -19881 9 blic *ne!# > D8lac$ )teel in the 3o r of 5haosD -19881 .. 5ool E > D%a!a )aid Mnoc$ Co 0 tD -19901

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The "eat-es !A Da% in the =ife( )1*1+, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 5a4itol QN)R A 9arlo4hone QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin , well>reasoned case can be !ade that (, &a# in the .ife+ belon"s in the G1 s4otF it is, after all, the crown /ewel of the "reatest alb ! of all ti!e, Sgt& 3epper-s 2onely Hearts *lub Band , and on a related note, itPs hard to i!a"ine an# other son" bestin" it on a serio s "reatest alb ! closers list. 8 t listen to (, &a# in the .ife+ o tside the conte@t of )"t. 9e44er and #o Pll s rel# notice that itPs not : ite the sa!eF the !a"ic / st isnPt there. Levertheless, it re!ains a towerin" achieve!ent. ,44ears on2 Sgt& 3epper/s 2onely Hearts *lub Band -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D*leanor =i"b#D -19661 ;he 8eatles > D3ere, ;here and *ver#whereD -19661 ;he 8eatles > D;o!orrow Lever MnowsD -19661 ;he 8eatles > D. c# in the )$# with &ia!ondsD -19671 ;he 8eatles > DWith a .ittle 3el4 fro! %# <riendsD -19671

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The Cin.s&en 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 EerdenAWand W=I;;*L 8C2 =ichard 8err# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Men 5hase, Eerr# &ennon I honestl# donPt $now a sin"le word of this son", and, clearl#, neither does the sin"er. Levertheless, this son" is still tons of f n no !atter how !an# ti!es #o have heard it and is another "reat earl# roc$ S roll trac$. ,44ears on2 The 0ingsmen in 3erson -19631 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8arrett )tron" > D%one# -;hat?s What I Want1D -19591 5h bb# 5hec$er > D;he ;wistD -19601 ;he 8eatles > DI )aw 3er )tandin" ;hereD -19631 ;he 8eatles > D;wist and )ho tD -19631 Eohnn# 5ash > D=in" of <ireD -19631 !=ouie =ouie( )1*1<,

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3i&&% C-iff 7*L=*2 =e""ae .,8*.2 Island W=I;;*L 8C2 Ei!!# 5liff 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!!# 5liff ;ho "h 8ob %arle# wo ld later f ll# e!bod# re""ae, the world was first introd ced to re""ae thro "h the fil! The Harder They *ome, which feat red a d#na!ite line 4 of son"s b# Ei!!# 5liff and a handf l of other artists on its so ndtrac$. %arle#Ps "reat alb !s wo ld follow, be"innin" with *at$h a 1ire in P73. ,44ears on2 The Harder They *ome Q)o ndtrac$R -19721 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Ei!!# 5liff > D%an# =ivers to 5rossD -19691 ;he %a#tals > D9ress re &ro4D -19701 Ei!!# 5liff > D)ittin" in .i!boD -19721 Ei!!# 5liff > DCo 5an 7et It If Co =eall# WantD -19721 ;he Wailers > D=asta %an 5hantD -19731 !The 5arder The% Co&e( )1*+4,

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The Ro--in. #tones !)I Can0t 6et No, #atisfaction( )1*18, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 .ondon QN)R A &ecca QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 %ic$ Ea""er, Meith =ichards 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ,ndrew .oo" 0ldha! ;he reason wh# I alwa#s 4 t ()atisfaction+ so low on !# list >> co!4ared to other lists, at least, where it fre: entl# crac$s the to4 five >> is beca se the )tones wo ld 4rod ce thoro "hl# s 4erior wor$ in / st a few #ears. Levertheless, this son" was 4rett# !on !entalF it established the =ollin" )tones as the band we now $now and love after a few #ears of doin" solid b t relativel# decent wor$. =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he =ollin" )tones > D7et 0ff %# 5lo dD -19651 ;he =ollin" )tones > D;he .ast ;i!eD -19651 ;he =ollin" )tones > DNnder %# ;h !bD -19661 ;he =ollin" )tones > D= b# ; esda#D -19671 ;he =ollin" )tones > DE !4in? Eac$ <lashD -19681

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#tevie /onder 7*L=*2 < n$ .,8*.2 ;a!la W=I;;*L 8C2 )tevie Wonder 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )tevie Wonder )tevie reall# had a "reat r n d rin" the earl# to !id V70s, craftin" si@ !a"nificent alb !s in a row d rin" a five>#ear 4eriod. 5o ntless son"s co ld be chosen for the )tevie Wonder slot, b t for !e () 4erstition+ and (3i"her 7ro nd+ have alwa#s been the stando t )tevie Wonder trac$s. ,las, (3i"her 7ro nd,+ we hardl# $new #e. ,44ears on2 Talking Book -19721 =eco!!ended listenin"2 )tevie Wonder > DCo ,re the ) nshine of %# .ifeD -19721 )tevie Wonder > D3i"her 7ro ndD -19731 )tevie Wonder > D.ivin" for the 5it#D -19731 )tevie Wonder > D8lac$ %anD -19761 )tevie Wonder > DIsn?t )he .ovel#D -19761 !#u'erstition( )1*+4,

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E-vis Pres-e% !Don0t "e Crue-( )1*81, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 =5, W=I;;*L 8C2 0tis 8lac$well, *lvis 9resle# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )teve )holes, *lvis 9resle# *ven with its se of obvio sl# 4ri!itive recordin" technolo"#, (&onPt 8e 5r el+ has a s4rin"# ste4. ItPs si!4l# one of *lvisP best t nes, and fran$l# itPs too hard to leave it off the list. =eco!!ended listenin"2 *lvis 9resle# > D8l e %oon of Ment c$#D -19541 *lvis 9resle# > D8ab#, .et?s 9la# 3o seD -19551 *lvis 9resle# > D8l e ) ede )hoesD -19561 *lvis 9resle# > D.ove %e ;enderD -19561 *lvis 9resle# > D,ll )hoo$ N4D -19571

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The "eat-es !#tra$?err% Fie-ds Forever( )1*1+, 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic =oc$ .,8*.)2 5a4itol QN)R A 9arlo4hone QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin ;he le"ac# of ()trawberr# <ields <orever+ has alwa#s been so!ewhat short>chan"edF it was ori"inall# intended for incl sion on Sgt& 3epper b t was released beforehand as the do ble ,> side to the (9enn# .ane+ sin"le released in <ebr ar# 1967. - Sgt& 3epper wasnPt released ntil E ne 1.1 Who $nows how its 4lace!ent on Sgt& 3epper wo ld have affected thin"s, b t ()trawberr# <ields+ now stands 4ro dl# with (, &a# in the .ife+ as one of the twin towers of the 8eatles? P67 4s#chedelic 4ea$. =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D,ll Co Leed Is .oveD -19671 ;he 8eatles > DI ,! the Walr sD -19671 ;he 8eatles > D9enn# .aneD -19671 ;he 8eatles > D3a44iness Is a War! 7 nD -19681 ;he 8eatles > D=evol tionD -19681

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The Cric7ets !That0-- "e the Da%( )1*8+, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 8r nswic$ W=I;;*L 8C2 8 dd# 3oll#, Eerr# ,llison, Lor!an 9ett# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Lor!an 9ett# I love these old and roc$ S roll son"s. ItPs an accident, reall#, that these son"s still hold 4 after all these #ears. Nnfort natel# for roc$ S roll forefather -and 5ric$et1 8 dd# 3oll#, he didnPt live lon" eno "h to see this 4heno!enon ta$e 4laceF as #o !a# have heard, he died in a 4lane crash on <ebr ar# 3, 1959, at the tender a"e of 22. ,44ears on2 The :*hirping; *ri$kets -19571 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8 dd# 3oll# > D*ver#da#D -19571 ;he 5ric$ets > DLot <ade ,wa#D -19571 8 dd# 3oll# > D9e""# ) eD -19571 8 dd# 3oll# > D=ave 0nD -19581 8 dd# 3oll# > DIt &oesn?t %atter ,n#!oreD -19591

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The "each "o%s 7*L=*2 8aro: e 9o4 .,8*.2 5a4itol W=I;;*L 8C2 8rian Wilson, ;on# ,sher 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8rian Wilson ;here are a lot of "reat son"s on 3et Sounds >> !# favorite is (5aroline, Lo+ >> b t co!e on. Co $now (7od 0nl# Mnows+ has to be the official 3et Sounds re4resentative on the list. 8eca se it has the word (7od+ in the title >> it was the first sin"le in ,!erican histor# that did >> and beca se itPs "reat. ,44ears on2 3et Sounds -19661 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8each 8o#s > D5aroline, LoD -19661 ;he 8each 8o#s > D&on?t ;al$D -19661 ;he 8each 8o#s > D)loo4 Eohn 8.D -19661 ;he 8each 8o#s > DWo ldn?t It 8e LiceD -19661 ;he 8each 8o#s > DCo )till 8elieve in %eD -19661 !6od On-% Cno$s( )1*11,

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The 3i&i 5endriD ED'erience 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic =oc$ .,8*.2 ;rac$A9ol#dor W=I;;*L 8C2 Ei!i 3endri@ 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!i 3endri@ 8listerin" doesnPt even be"in to describe 3endri@Ps " itar 4la#in" on (Ooodoo 5hild,+ which !ana"es to thrill and enthrall ever# sin"le listen. #le$tri$ 2adyland was also 3endri@Ps first fora# into stereo >> #e4, his first two alb !s were in !ono, tho "h each received a stereo release with an awf l (fa$e stereo+ !i@, as well >> which adds considerabl# to the 4anora!ic 4s#chedelia. ,44ears on2 #le$tri$ 2adyland -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D8old as .oveD -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > DIf 6 Was 9D -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D.ittle Win"D -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D)4anish 5astle %a"icD -19671 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > DCo 7ot %e <loatin?D -19671 !Voodoo Chi-d )#-i.ht Return,( )1*12,

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Creedence C-ear$ater Reviva7*L=*2 =oots =oc$ .,8*.2 <antas# W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn <o"ert# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eohn <o"ert# ,r" abl# the "reatest of the Oietna! War 4rotest son"s to e!er"e fro! the 1960s ,!erican co nter>c lt re !ove!ent, itPs Eohn <o"ert# at his i!4eccable best. ,44ears on2 Willy and the 3oor Boys -19691 =eco!!ended listenin"2 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D3ave Co *ver )een the =ainD -19701 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D.on" as I 5an )ee the .i"htD -19701 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D= n ;hro "h the E n"leD -19701 5reedence 5learwater =evival > D;ravelin? 8andD -19701 5reedence 5learwater =evival > DN4 ,ro nd the 8endD -19701 !Fortunate #on( )1*1*,

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#i&on and 6arfun7e!"rid.e over Trou?-ed /ater( )1*+0, 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 5ol !bia W=I;;*L 8C2 9a l )i!on 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =o# 3alee, 9a l )i!on, ,rt 7arf n$el ;his onePs a str ""le for !eF !# favorite )S7 son" is -easil#1 ()carboro "h <air A 5anticle,+ and tr th be told, I act all# li$e (;he 8o@er+ and (;he )o nd of )ilence+ !ore than (8rid"e over ;ro bled Water,+ which, letPs not $id o rselves, is an e@cellent son" that deserves to !a$e this list. ,44ears on2 Bridge o"er Troubled Water -19701 =eco!!ended listenin"2 )i!on S 7arf )i!on S 7arf )i!on S 7arf )i!on S 7arf )i!on S 7arf n$el > D;he )o nd of )ilenceD -19651 n$el > D)carboro "h <air A 5anticleD -19661 n$el > D,!ericaD -19681 n$el > D%rs. =obinsonD -19681 n$el > D;he 8o@erD -19701

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6rand&aster F-ash A the Furious Five !The :essa.e( )1*24, 7*L=*2 0ld>)chool =a4 .,8*.2 ) "ar 3ill W=I;;*L 8C2 *d D& $e 8ooteeD <letcher, 7rand!aster %elle %el, )#lvia =obinson 9=0&N5*& 8C2 *d <letcher, 5lifton DEi""sD 5hase, )#lvia =obinson ;his old>school ra4 c t contains ever#thin" f t re ra44ers and &Es wo ld later e@4and 4on, with instantl# !e!orable l#rics and a s4ac# s#nth hoo$. It too$ another co 4le of #ears for a hi4> ho4 artist to asse!ble an entire alb !Ps worth of "reat !aterial >> = n>&.%.5.Ps self>titled deb t shered in the new school, #o see >> b t (;he %essa"e+ was the first son" to "et hi4>ho4 ri"ht. *ver# s bse: ent hi4>ho4 son" owes so!ethin" to it in so!e wa#. ,44ears on2 The ,essage -19821 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he ) "arhill 7an" > D=a44er?s &eli"htD -19791 M rtis 8low > D;he 8rea$sD -19801 ,fri$a 8a!baataa S the )o lsonic <orce > D9lanet =oc$D -19821 3erbie 3ancoc$ > D=oc$itD -19831 %antroni@ > D8asslineD -19851

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#a& Coo7e !A Chan.e Is 6onna Co&e( )1*19, 7*L=*2 )o l .,8*.2 =5, Oictor W=I;;*L 8C2 )a! 5oo$e 9=0&N5*& 8C2 3 "o 9eretti, . i"i 5reatore )a! 5oo$e !i"ht have the s!oothest voice I have ever heard, which serves hi! well as far as (, 5han"e Is 7onna 5o!e+ is concerned, since neither before nor since has a son" abo t racis! "one down so eas#. ,44ears on2 Ain/t That <ood News -19641 =eco!!ended listenin"2 )a! 5oo$e > DCo )end %eD -19571 )a! 5oo$e > D5hain 7an"D -19601 )a! 5oo$e > DWonderf l WorldD -19601 )a! 5oo$e > D5 4idD -19611 )a! 5oo$e > D)ha$eD -19651

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3a&es "ro$n 7*L=*2 =S8 .,8*.2 Min" W=I;;*L 8C2 Ea!es 8rown 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ea!es 8rown Cet another case of !e onl# allowin" one slot for a "reat artist who is deservin" of several. (9a4a+ has alwa#s been !# 4ic$ for 8rownPs best, tho "h of co rse the o!ni4resent (I 7ot Co -I <eel 7ood1+ is also 4 there. %# 4ersonal favorite is -of co rse1 (7et N4 -I <eel .i$e 8ein" ,1 )e@ %achine.+ ,44ears on2 3apa/s <ot a Brand New Bag -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Ea!es 8rown > D9lease 9lease 9leaseD -19561 Ea!es 8rown > DI 7ot Co -I <eel 7ood1D -19651 Ea!es 8rown > DIt?s a %an?s %an?s %an?s WorldD -19661 Ea!es 8rown > D)a# It .o d > I?! 8lac$ and I?! 9ro dD -19681 Ea!es 8rown > D7et N4 -I <eel .i$e 8ein" ,1 )e@ %achineD -19701 !Pa'a0s 6ot a "rand Ne$ "a.( )1*18,

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Ra&ones !"-itF7rie. "o'( )1*+1, 7*L=*2 9 n$ .,8*.2 )ireA,85 W=I;;*L 8C2 ;o!!# =a!one, &ee &ee =a!one 9=0&N5*& 8C2 5rai" .eon ;he son" that $ic$>started the 4 n$ revol tion. 8# 1976, roc$ S roll had "rown increasin"l# ind l"ent as cor4orate arena roc$ flew off the shelves and 4eo4le 4ac$ed the stadi !s to watch ten>!in te " itar solos. In one of the !ost seis!ic !ove!ents in the histor# of 4o4 ! sic, 4 n$ ! sicians across the N) and NM started crawlin" into the cl bs to !a$e so!e noiseW and 4eo4le act all# showed 4 to watch the! do it. ,44ears on2 Ramones -19761 =eco!!ended listenin"2 )e@ 9istols > D,narch# in the NMD -19761 ;he 5lash > DWhite =iotD -19771 =a!ones > D)heena Is a 9 n$ =oc$erD -19771 )e@ 9istols > D7od )ave the U eenD -19771 =a!ones > DI Wanna 8e )edatedD -19781

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"o? D%-an 7*L=*2 <ol$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia W=I;;*L 8C2 8ob &#lan 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eohn 3. 3a!!ond ;here are so !an# "reat 8ob &#lan son"s2 fol$ son"s, roc$ son"s, earl# son"s, newer son"s, short son"s, lon" son"s, and ever#thin" in between. ,fter ta$in" all of the s al s s4ects nder consideration, I decided (8lowinP in the Wind+ is the best re4resentative for the non>(.i$e a =ollin" )tone+ slot. -In co!4osin" the list this ti!e aro nd, I was s r4rised to discover the list doesnPt lose all that ! ch 4ower when &#lanPs in4 t is red ced to / st two trac$s.1 ,44ears on2 The 1reewheelin/ Bob 'ylan -19631 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8ob &#lan > D&on?t ;hin$ ;wice, It?s ,ll =i"htD -19631 8ob &#lan > D%asters of WarD -19631 8ob &#lan > D;he ;i!es ;he# ,re ,>5han"in?D -19641 8ob &#lan > D) bterranean 3o!esic$ 8l esD -19651 8ob &#lan > D%r. ;a!bo rine %anD -19651 !"-o$in0 in the /ind( )1*1<,

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E-vis Pres-e% !3ai-house Roc7( )1*8+, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 LA, W=I;;*L 8C2 Eerr# .eiber, %i$e )toller 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eerr# .eiber, %i$e )toller 8efore Eohn .ennon and 9a l %c5artne#Ps .ennon>%c5artne# son"writin" 4artnershi4 beca!e the do!inant force of V60s 4o4 lar ! sic, there was Eerr# .ieber and %i$e )toller, who were a hit>!a$in" d o in roc$ S rollPs earliest da#s. *lvis !ade their son" (3o nd &o"+ >> recorded n !ero s ti!es b# vario s artists as earl# as 1953 >> fa!o s in 1956, and when 9resle#Ps new !ovie Jailhouse Ro$k ca!e o t the followin" #ear, the# had a trac$ read# / st for hi!. =eco!!ended listenin"2 *lvis 9resle# > D3o nd &o"D -19561 ;he &rifters > D;here 7oes %# 8ab#D -19591 8en *. Min" > D)4anish 3arle!D -19611 8en *. Min" > D)tand b# %eD -19611 &onald <a"en > D= b# 8ab#D -19821

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Ra% Char-es 7*L=*2 =S8 .,8*.2 ,tlantic W=I;;*L 8C2 =a# 5harles 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eerr# We@ler =a# is another artist that "ot sort s: ee'ed o t e@ce4t for this one slot. I love a lot of =a#Ps son"s, b t (WhatPd I )a#+ is easil# the ideal candidate to re4resent his !a"nificent bod# of wor$. ,44ears on2 What/d ( Say -19591 =eco!!ended listenin"2 =a# 5harles > DI?ve 7ot a Wo!anD -19541 =a# 5harles > D7eor"ia on %# %indD -19601 =a# 5harles > D3it the =oad, Eac$D -19611 =a# 5harles > DI 5an?t )to4 .ovin" Co D -19621 Eohn %a#all > DWhat?d I )a#D -19661 !/hat0d I #a%( )1*8*,

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The "eat-es !I /ant to 5o-d >our 5and( )1*1<, 7*L=*2 8ritish Invasion .,8*.2 9arlo4hone W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin If there is a son" that enca4s lates 8eatle!ania, this is certainl# it. (I Want to 3old Co r 3and+ didnPt a44ear on 3lease 3lease ,e or With the Beatles, b t it did, however, a44ear as the first trac$ on the N)>onl# ,eet the Beatles, which is now o t of 4rint, since the NM versions have beco!e standard in the di"ital era. Low it can be onl# fo nd on co!4ilations li$e ! and 3ast ,asters> 7ol& !. =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D.ove %e &oD -19621 ;he 8eatles > D9lease 9lease %eD -19631 ;he 8eatles > D)he .oves Co D -19631 ;he 8eatles > D5an?t 8 # %e .oveD -19641 ;he 8eatles > D, 3ard &a#?s Li"htD -19641

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Otis Reddin. !)#ittin0 On, The Doc7 of the "a%( )1*12, 7*L=*2 =S8 .,8*.2 Oolt W=I;;*L 8C2 )teve 5ro44er, 0tis =eddin" 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )teve 5ro44er 3ow "reat is this son"B (-)ittinP 0n1 ;he &oc$ of the 8a#+ is one of those son"s where the 4ieces fit to"ether 4erfectl#, 4lain and si!4le. -)e!antics iss e2 sho ldnPt (4ier+ be sed instead of (doc$+B ;hatPs alwa#s sort of na""ed !e, as so!eone who co!es fro! a Lav# fa!il#.1 ,44ears on2 The 'o$k o) the Bay -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 0tis =eddin" > DI?ve 8een .ovin" Co ;oo .on" -;o )to4 Low1D -19651 Wilson 9ic$ett > DIn the %idni"ht 3o rD -19651 0tis =eddin" > D;r# a .ittle ;endernessD -19661 Wilson 9ic$ett > D% stan" )all#D -19661 0tis =eddin" > D;ra!4D -19671

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:arvin 6a%e !I 5eard It Throu.h the 6ra'evine( )1*12, 7*L=*2 )o l .,8*.2 ;a!la W=I;;*L 8C2 Lor!an Whitfield, 8arrett )tron" 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Lor!an Whitfield I act all# still havenPt bothered to listen to the ori"inal 7lad#s Mni"ht version >> 7a#ePs cover is so 4erfect and iconic that I donPt want to s4oil that. 5reedence 5learwater =evivalPs 11>!in te version is 4rett# e4ic tho "h. ,44ears on2 ( Heard (t Through the <rape"ine5 -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 %arvin 7a#e > D5an I 7et a WitnessD -19631 %arvin 7a#e > D,in?t ;hat 9ec liarD -19651 %arvin 7a#e and ;a!!i ;errell > D,in?t Lo %o ntain 3i"h *no "hD -19671 %arvin 7a#e and ;a!!i ;errell > D,in?t Lothin" .i$e the =eal ;hin"D -19681 5reedence 5learwater =evival > DI 3eard It ;hro "h the 7ra4evineD -19701

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The Ri.hteous "rothers !>ou0ve =ost That =ovin0 Fee-in0( )1*19, 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 9hilles W=I;;*L 8C2 9hil )4ector, 8arr# %ann, 5#nthia Weil 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9hil )4ector Ointa"e 9hil )4ector. ;he Wall of )o nd 4rod cer wor$ed with a lot of acts thro "ho t the V50s and V60s !ono era, and this is !# 4ic$ as the finest trac$ fro! the !ale artists he wor$ed with. -Mee4 readin" to see where the to4 fe!ale artist 4laces.1 ,44ears on2 You/"e 2ost That 2o"in/ 1eelin/ -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he *verl# 8rothers > D8#e 8#e .oveD -19571 ;he *verl# 8rothers > D,ll I 3ave to &o Is &rea!D -19581 ;he *verl# 8rothers > D5ath#?s 5lownD -19601 ;he =i"hteo s 8rothers > DNnchained %elod#D -19651 I$e S ;ina ; rner > D=iver &ee4 > %o ntain 3i"hD -19661

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Ea.-es !5ote- Ca-ifornia( )1*+1, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 ,s#l ! W=I;;*L 8C2 &on <elder, 7lenn <re#, &on 3enle# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8ill )'#!c'#$ )o ! ch has been written and debated abo t this da!n son", which is now fir!l# e!bedded in the fibers of ,!erican c lt re, that I hate to reall# add to the hea4. %a#be at so!e 4oint IPll write !# own ta$e on it where I brea$ the whole thin" down line b# line, b t for now, IPll sa# this2 re"ardless of what #o !a# thin$ of it, (3otel 5alifornia+ re!ains, close to fo r decades after its release, one of roc$Ps "randest e4ics and a twisted co!!entar# on the ra4idl# increasin" 3oll#woodificationAcor4orati'ation of the ! sic ind str# d rin" the late V70s. ,44ears on2 Hotel *ali)ornia -19761 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Eac$son 8rowne > D&octor %# *#esD -19721 *a"les > D&es4eradoD -19731 *a"les > D0ne of ;hese Li"htsD -19751 *a"les > D.ife in the <ast .aneD -19761 Eac$son 8rowne > D= nnin" on *!4t#D -19771

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#&o7e% Ro?inson and the :irac-es !The Trac7s of :% Tears( )1*18, 7*L=*2 )o l .,8*.2 ;a!la W=I;;*L 8C2 Willia! D)!o$e#D =obinson, Er.F Warren %ooreF %arvin ;ar4lin 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )!o$e# =obinson *asil# one of the best son"s to e!er"e fro! %otownPs !id>V60s hit factor#. ,nd )!o$e# =obinsonPs voice is i!4ossibl# hi"h. ,44ears on2 <oing to a <o?<o -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he ;e!4tations > D%# 7irlD -19641 ;he I!4ressions > D9eo4le 7et =ead#D -19651 ;he ;e!4tations > D,in?t ;oo 9ro d to 8e"D -19661 )!o$e# =obinson S the %iracles > D;he ;ears of a 5lownD -19671 ;he ;e!4tations > D9a4a Was a =ollin? )toneD -19721

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The Ronettes !"e :% "a?%( )1*1<, 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 9hilles W=I;;*L 8C2 9hil )4ector, Eeff 8arr#, *llie 7reenwich 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9hil )4ector With a4olo"ies to the =i"hteo s 8rothersP (Co Pve .ost ;hat .ovinP <eelinP,+ this is the "reatest 4o4 son" fro! the 9hil )4ector era. ItPs si!4le as hell, and IP! not s re it co ld have s rvived in a 4ost>8ritish Invasion ! sic landsca4e >> it has that sli"htl# stiff feelin" fre: entl# fo nd in ! sic 4rod ced fro! 1959>1963 >> and IP! not s re the son" co ld wor$ witho t )4ectorPs !ono Wall. Cet itPs absol tel# infectio s, and is 4erha4s the earliest e@a!4le of 4 re 4o4. ,44ears on2 3resenting the 1abulous Ronettes 1eaturing 7eroni$a -19641 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 5oasters > DCa$et# Ca$D -19581 ;he 5r#stals > D&a &oo =on =onD -19631 ;he 5r#stals > D;hen 3e Missed %eD -19631 ;he &rifters > DNnder the 8oardwal$D -19641 ;he =onettes > DWal$in" in the =ainD -19641

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Nirvana !#&e--s =i7e Teen #'irit( )1**1, 7*L=*2 7r n"e .,8*.2 &75 W=I;;*L 8C2 M rt 5obain, &ave 7rohl, Mrist Lovoselic 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8 tch Oi" Co Pd have to "o all the wa# bac$ to *lvis 9resle#Ps (;hatPs ,ll =i"ht+ >> the son" that, before there was s ch a thin" as roc$ and roll in the 4 blic conscio sness, was dee!ed too blac$ for white 4eo4le and too white for blac$ 4eo4le >> to find a son" that chan"ed the co rse of 4o4 lar ! sic li$e (;een )4irit+ did. % sic en/o#ed its !ost fr itf l decade since the V60s as the 7eneration T rebellion bro "ht a sea chan"e in what was 4o4 lar thro "ho t the V90s, as alternative roc$, hi4>ho4 and electronic ! sic all en/o#ed broader !ainstrea! s ccess. ,44ears on2 Ne"ermind -19911 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ,lice in 5hains > D%an in the 8o@D -19901 Lirvana > D5o!e ,s Co ,reD -19911 9earl Ea! > D8lac$D -19911 9earl Ea! > DEere!#D -19911 )o nd"arden > DEes s 5hrist 9oseD -19911

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The Ro--in. #tones !#%&'ath% for the Devi-( )1*12, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 .ondon QN)R A &ecca QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 %ic$ Ea""er, Meith =ichards 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!!# %iller When #o listen to ()#!4ath# for the &evil,+ abo t the onl# a44ro4riate res4onse #o can reasonabl# "ive is to ti4 #o r ca4 and tell the =ollin" )tones, (Co " #s are reall# "ood at what #o do.+ ,44ears on2 Beggars Ban@uet -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he =ollin" )tones > D)treet <i"htin" %anD -19681 ;he =ollin" )tones > D%idni"ht =a!blerD -19691 ;he =ollin" )tones > D%oonli"ht %ileD -19711 ;he =ollin" )tones > D)hatteredD -19781 ;he =ollin" )tones > D)laveD -19811

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Pin7 F-o%d !/ish >ou /ere 5ere( )1*+8, 7*L=*2 ,co stic =oc$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia QN)R A 3arvest QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 &avid 7il!o r, =o"er Waters 9=0&N5*& 8C2 9in$ <lo#d Lot the !ost infl ential son" on the list, b t I ref se to let "o of this son"Ps hi"h ran$in" >> itPs too da!n "ood. ,44ears on2 Wish You Were Here -19751 =eco!!ended listenin"2 9in$ <lo#d > D*choesD -19711 9in$ <lo#d > D%one#D -19731 9in$ <lo#d > D;i!eD -19731 9in$ <lo#d > D3ave a 5i"arD -19751 9in$ <lo#d > DWelco!e to the %achineD -19751

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"ruce #'rin.steen !"orn to Run( )1*+8, 7*L=*2 3eartland =oc$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia W=I;;*L 8C2 8r ce )4rin"steen 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8r ce )4rin"steen, %i$e ,44el 8r cePs first two alb !s were co!!ercial d ds, and (8orn to = n+ >> as well as the alb ! >> was his bid to brea$ o t of ,sb r# 9ar$, his s!all town coastal Lew Eerse# ho!e, and settle into the national s4otli"ht. Leedless to sa#, it wor$ed. ,44ears on2 Born to Run -19751 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8r 8r 8r 8r 8r ce )4rin"steen > D)he?s the 0neD -19751 ce )4rin"steen > D;enth ,ven e <ree'e>0 tD -19751 ce )4rin"steen > D)o!ethin" in the Li"htD -19781 ce )4rin"steen > D&rive ,ll Li"htD -19801 ce )4rin"steen > D8orn in the N.).,.D -19841

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The 3i&i 5endriD ED'erience 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic =oc$ .,8*.2 =e4rise W=I;;*L 8C2 8ob &#lan 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!i 3endri@ 3ow 3endri@ !ana"ed to ever envision this e@traordinaril# e@4losive cover when he heard 8ob &#lanPs aco stic ori"inal has bo""led !# !ind for #ears now. ;his is tr l# the !aster at the to4 of his "a!e here. ,44ears on2 #le$tri$ 2adyland -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D8 rnin" of the %idni"ht .a!4D -19681 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D5rosstown ;rafficD -19681 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D1983... -, %er!an I )ho ld ; rn to 8e1D -19681 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D=ain# &a#, &rea! ,wa#D -19681 ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience > D)till =ainin", )till &rea!in"D -19681 !A-- A-on. the /atchto$er( )1*12,

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Gueen !"ohe&ian Rha'sod%( )1*+8, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 *le$tra QN)R A 9arlo4hone QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 <reddie %erc r# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 =o# ;ho!as 8a$er, U een )tr ct rall#, (8ohe!ian =ha4sod#+ is certainl# one of the !ore interestin" son"s in the 4o4 ! sic canon. ;his si@>!in te, hard roc$ 4se do>o4era is also ridic lo sl# f n, no !atter how !an# ti!es #o have heard it. ,44ears on2 A Night at the 9pera -19751 =eco!!ended listenin"2 U U U U U een > DMiller U eenD -19741 een > D)o!ebod# to .oveD -19761 een > DWe ,re the 5ha!4ionsD -19771 een > DWe Will =oc$ Co D -19771 een > D,nother 0ne 8ites the & stD -19801

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The "and 7*L=*2 <ol$ =oc$ .,8*.2 5a4itol W=I;;*L 8C2 =obbie =obertson 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eohn )i!on , "reat e@a!4le of how effortless 4o4 sed to be. ItPs diffic lt to 4in4oint e@actl# which 4art of ,!erica this ! sic ste!s fro!F considerin" the 8andPs !e!bers are !ostl# 5anadian, this act all# isnPt s r4risin". ,s it stands, (;he Wei"ht+ is a !a"nificent s !!ation of the best of what ,!erican ! sic had to offer to o r nei"hbors to the north. ,44ears on2 ,usi$ )rom Big 3ink -19681 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8and > D;he Li"ht ;he# &rove 0ld &i@ie &ownD -19691 Leil Co n" > D&on?t .et It 8rin" Co &ownD -19701 Leil Co n" > D)o thern %anD -19701 Leil Co n" > D;he Leedle and the &a!a"e &oneD -19721 Leil Co n" > D0ld %anD -19721 !The /ei.ht( )1*12,

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The "eat-es !5e% 3ude( )1*12, 7*L=*2 9o4 .,8*.2 ,44le W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin (3e# E de+ has the 4ower to sto4 #o in #o r trac$s with that !a/estic codaAfade>o t, which, b# the wa#, is lon"er than the !ain bod# of the son". )till, (3e# E de+ re!ains bittersweet. ItPs reall# the last ti!e the band was in an# $ind of s#nc >> The White Album and Abbey Road, while e@cellent, were !ore li$e collections of se4arate solo visions. =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D8lac$birdD -19681 ;he 8eatles > D3elter )$elterD -19681 ;he 8eatles > D7et 8ac$D -19691 ;he 8eatles > D0h6 &arlin"D -19691 ;he 8eatles > D;he .on" and Windin" =oadD -19701

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The /ho 7*L=*2 8ritish Invasion .,8*.2 &ecca QN)R A 8r nswic$ QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 9ete ;ownshend 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )hel ;al!# )till an e@hilaratin" listen after all these #ears. ;he Who have finer son"s and !ore acco!4lished wor$, b t nothin" in their catalo" co!4ares to this bo!b of a son". ,44ears on2 ,y <eneration QNMR -19651 A The Who Sings ,y <eneration QN)R -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he Who > DI 5an?t *@4lainD -19651 ;he Who > DI 5an )ee for %ilesD -19671 ;he Who > D%a"ic 8 sD -19681 ;he Who > D9inball Wi'ardD -19691 ;he Who > D;he )ee$erD -19701 !:% 6eneration( )1*18,

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Dere7 and the Do&inos 7*L=*2 8l es =oc$ .,8*.2 ,tco QN)R A 9ol#dor QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 *ric 5la4ton, Ei! 7ordon 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ;o! &owd, &ere$ and the &o!inos ;he fact that itPs basicall# two son"s h rts it !ore than it hel4s it, as far as this ran$in" st ff "oes. I love it to death, b t itPs ver# nli$el# it will ever reclai! the to4 s4ot on !# list. ;r l# !a"nificent st ff tho "h. ,44ears on2 2ayla and 9ther Assorted 2o"e Songs -19701 =eco!!ended listenin"2 &ere$ and the &o!inos > D8ell 8otto! 8l esD -19701 &ere$ and the &o!inos > D3ave Co *ver .oved a Wo!anD -19701 &ere$ and the &o!inos > D;ell the ;r thD -19701 *ric 5la4ton > DI )hot the )heriffD -19741 *ric 5la4ton > D;ears in 3eavenD -19921 !=a%-a( )1*+0,

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Aretha Fran7-in 7*L=*2 )o l .,8*.2 ,tlantic W=I;;*L 8C2 0tis =eddin" 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eerr# We@ler 8# now IP! s re #o have heard the stor#2 (=es4ect+ was ori"inall# recorded b# a !an -0tis =eddin"1, then re>recorded b# a wo!an -,retha1. It was 4rett# ! ch the si"nat re son" of the wo!enPs lib !ove!ent. 7o ,retha. ,44ears on2 ( Ne"er 2o"ed a ,an the Way ( 2o"ed You -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ,retha <ran$lin > D5hain of <oolsD -19671 ,retha <ran$lin > D&o =i"ht Wo!an > &o =i"ht %anD -19671 ,retha <ran$lin > DI Lever .oved a %an -;he Wa# I .ove Co 1D -19671 ,retha <ran$lin > D-Co %a$e %e <eel .i$e1 , Lat ral Wo!anD -19671 ,retha <ran$lin > D;hin$D -19681 !Res'ect( )1*18,

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Ro% Or?ison 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 %on !ent W=I;;*L 8C2 =o# 0rbison, 8ill &ees 9=0&N5*& 8C2 <red <oster )till one of the definitive " itar lic$s five decades later. 0h, and =o# 0rbisonPs voice is a!a'in". =eco!!ended listenin"2 .in$ Wra# > D= !bleD -19581 =o# 0rbison > D0nl# the .onel#D -19601 =o# 0rbison > D5r#in"D -19611 8oo$er ;. S the %7s > D7reen 0nionsD -19621 =o# 0rbison > DIn &rea!sD -19631 !OhB Prett% /o&an( )1*19,

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The "each "o%s 7*L=*2 9s#chedelic 9o4 .,8*.2 5a4itol W=I;;*L 8C2 8rian Wilson, %i$e .ove 9=0&N5*& 8C2 8rian Wilson ;he 8each 8o#s followed 4 their 3et Sounds !asterwor$ with (7ood Oibrations,+ their "reatest son". 8rian Wilson slaved over this trac$ for !onths, re4ortedl# sin" over 90 ho rs of ta4e and event all# 4astin" the son"Ps -noticeable1 fra"!ents to"ether. 8rian?s ten re as the "eni s of ,!erican 4o4 ! sic was 4ainf ll# short >> !ental illness and "ro 4 tensions sidelined hi! shortl# after D7ood OibrationsD was co!4leted >> b t he did res rrect the abandoned Smile .9 >> the follow> 4 to 3et Sounds ?? in 2004 to "reat acclai!. ,44ears on2 Smiley Smile -19671 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8each 8o#s > D3eroes and OillainsD -19671 ;he 8each 8o#s > D) rf?s N4D -19711 8rian Wilson > D=oll 9l#!o th =oc$D -20041 8rian Wilson > D5abin *ssenceD -20041 8rian Wilson > D) rf?s N4D -20041 !6ood Vi?rations( )1*11,

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:arvin 6a%e !/hat0s 6oin. On( )1*+1, 7*L=*2 )o l .,8*.2 ;a!la W=I;;*L 8C2 ,l 5leveland, =enaldo 8enson, %arvin 7a#e 9=0&N5*& 8C2 %arvin 7a#e 3ow !an# son"s can clai! the# chan"ed how an entire ind str# did their b sinessB %otownPs o tdated sin"le factor# was histor# after the 4 blic ate 4 (WhatPs 7oin" 0n+ and label 4re' 8err# 7ord# de!anded an alb !Ps worth of !aterial fro! 7a#e. ,44ears on2 What/s <oing 9n -19711 =eco!!ended listenin"2 %arvin 7a#e > DInner 5it# 8l es -%a$e %e Wanna 3oller1D -19711 %arvin 7a#e > D%erc# %erc# %e -;he *colo"#1D -19711 %arvin 7a#e > D=i"ht 0nD -19711 %arvin 7a#e > D.et?s 7et It 0nD -19731 %arvin 7a#e > D)e@ al 3ealin"D -19821

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The "eat-es !=et It "e( )1*+0, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 ,44le W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin It ca!e at the end of the 8eatlesP r n, b t than$f ll#, %c5artne# saved one of his best, !a"ical, and !ost to chin" son"s for last. =eco!!ended listenin"2 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a l %c5artne# > D%a#be I?! ,!a'edD -19701 l S .inda %c5artne# > D;oo %an# 9eo4leD -19711 l %c5artne# S Win"s > D8and on the = nD -19731 l %c5artne# S Win"s > DEetD -19731 l %c5artne# S Win"s > D.ive and .et &ieD -19731

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The Ro--in. #tones 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 .ondon QN)R A &ecca QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 %ic$ Ea""er, Meith =ichards 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!!# %iller 0nl# the )tones can !a$e s ch dar$, a4ocal#4tic content so f n and e@citin". ;his son" is serio sl# too "ood. ,44ears on2 2et (t Bleed -19691 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he =ollin" )tones > D3on$# ;on$ Wo!enD -19691 ;he =ollin" )tones > D)wa#D -19711 ;he =ollin" )tones > DWild 3orsesD -19711 ;he =ollin" )tones > D=oc$s 0ffD -19721 ;he =ollin" )tones > DOentilator 8l esD -19721 !6i&&e #he-ter( )1*1*,

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E-vis Pres-e% !5eart?rea7 5ote-( )1*81, 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 =5, Oictor W=I;;*L 8C2 %ae 8oren ,@ton, ;ho!as & rden, *lvis 9resle# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 )teve )holes *asil# the !ost aweso!e *lvis t neF itPs his best roc$er and his !ost heartfelt son", which is a rather wic$ed co!bo, for s re. =eco!!ended listenin"2 *lvis 9resle# > DI .ove Co 8eca seD -19541 *lvis 9resle# > DCo ?re a 3eartbrea$erD -19541 *lvis 9resle# > DI <or"ot to =e!e!ber to <or"etD -19551 *lvis 9resle# > DI?! .eft, Co ?re =i"ht, )he?s 7oneD -19551 *lvis 9resle# > DI Want Co , I Leed Co , I .ove Co D -19561

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

=ed Ee''e-in !#tair$a% to 5eaven( )1*+1, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 ,tlantic W=I;;*L 8C2 Ei!!# 9a"e, =obert 9lant 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Ei!!# 9a"e He44elinPs s bse: ent e4ics wo ld be a tad overblown -(Mash!ir+1 or a bit flat -(,chilles .ast )tand+1, b t ()tairwa#+ is when all of the 4ieces fell into 4lace d rin" their !a"ical 4ea$. ,44ears on2 2ed =eppelin (7 -19711 =eco!!ended listenin"2 .ed He44elin > D8lac$ &o"D -19711 .ed He44elin > DWhen the .evee 8rea$sD -19711 .ed He44elin > DLo U arterD -19731 .ed He44elin > DIn %# ;i!e of &#in"D -19751 .ed He44elin > DMash!irD -19751

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

3ohn =ennon !I&a.ine( )1*+1, 7*L=*2 =oc$ .,8*.2 ,44le W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon 9=0&N5*& 8C2 Eohn .ennon, Co$o 0no, 9hil )4ector (I!a"ine+ 4erfectl# ca4t res the twili"ht of )ilent "eneration do!inance, with a si!4le #et ele"ant ode to the 4assin" ideals of the V60s as 4ower shifted to the risin" 8ab# 8oo!ers. ,44ears on2 (magine -19711 =eco!!ended listenin"2 Eohn .ennon > D7odD -19701 Eohn .ennon > DInstant Mar!a6 -We ,ll )hine 0n1D -19701 Eohn .ennon > D%otherD -19701 Eohn .ennon > DWell Well WellD -19701 Eohn .ennon > D3ow &o Co )lee4BD -19711

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

"o? D%-an 7*L=*2 <ol$ =oc$ .,8*.2 5ol !bia W=I;;*L 8C2 8ob &#lan 9=0&N5*& 8C2 ;o! Wilson 8oth the Highway A! Re"isited alb ! and this, its lead trac$Asin"le, bro "ht head# fol$ l#ricis! and f ll>blown roc$ instr !entation to"ether for the first ti!eF itPs the birth of !odern roc$ S roll as we $now it. ,44ears on2 Highway A! Re"isited -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 8ob &#lan > DOisions of EohannaD -19661 8ob &#lan > D,ll ,lon" the WatchtowerD -19671 8ob &#lan > DMnoc$in? on 3eaven?s &oorD -19731 8ob &#lan > DIdiot WindD -19751 8ob &#lan > D3 rricaneD -19761 ! =i7e a Ro--in. #tone( )1*18,

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The "eat-es !>esterda%( )1*18, 7*L=*2 8ritish Invasion .,8*.2 5a4itol QN)R A 9arlo4hone QNMR W=I;;*L 8C2 Eohn .ennon, 9a l %c5artne# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 7eor"e %artin DCesterda#D has been covered !ore than 2,000 ti!es for a reason2 itPs si!4le, effective and witho t flaws. With (Cesterda#,+ the 8eatlesP earl# roc$ S roll / venilia !at red at lastF the son" is the all>i!4ortant brid"e between those relativel# si!4listic earl# da#s and the sheer "eni s of the 8eatlesP o t4 t in the bac$ half of the V60s. ,44ears on2 Help5 -19651 =eco!!ended listenin"2 ;he 8eatles > D*i"ht &a#s a Wee$D -19641 ;he 8eatles > D&a# ;ri44erD -19651 ;he 8eatles > D3el46D -19651 ;he 8eatles > D;ic$et to =ideD -19651 ;he 8eatles > DWe 5an Wor$ It 0 tD -19651

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

Chuc7 "err% 7*L=*2 =oc$ S =oll .,8*.2 5hess W=I;;*L 8C2 5h c$ 8err# 9=0&N5*& 8C2 .ittle D8on"oD Mra s 0f all of the son"s !ade in the 4o4 ! sic era, none carries !ore wei"ht than this one >> it co!4letel# e!bodies ever#thin" roc$ S roll is, was and ever can be. =eco!!ended listenin"2 5h 5h 5h 5h 5h c$ 8err# > D=oc$ and =oll % sicD -19571 c$ 8err# > D,ro nd and ,ro ndD -19581 c$ 8err# > D5arolD -19581 c$ 8err# > D=eelin? and =oc$in?D -19581 c$ 8err# > D)weet .ittle )i@teenD -19581 !3ohnn% "@ 6oode( )1*82,

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

4001 Version
E st abo t all of these can be heard on an# classic roc$ station, altho "h so!e choice alternative roc$ c ts are thrown in, as well. ;his is act all# the first ti!e I have loo$ed at this version in #ears. ;ho "h !an# of the s al s s4ects co!4rise the to4 ten, the list falls a4art 4rett# : ic$l# after that. 1. &ere$ and the &o!inos K (.a#la+ -19701 2. .ed He44elin K ()tairwa# to 3eaven+ -19711 3. ;he 8eatles K (.et It 8e+ -19701 4. *a"les K (3otel 5alifornia+ -19761 5. 8ob &#lan K (.i$e a =ollin" )tone+ -19651 6. ;he =ollin" )tones K (7i!!e )helter+ -19691 7. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (8orn to = n+ -19751 8. ;he 8eatles K (3e# E de+ -19681 9. Eohn .ennon K (I!a"ine+ -19711 10. 9in$ <lo#d K (Wish Co Were 3ere+ -19751 11. ;he Who K (*!inence <ront+ -19821 12. N2 K (0ne+ -19911 13. .#n#rd )$#n#rd K (<ree 8ird+ -19731 14. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (9ro d %ar#+ -19691 15. 7 ns L? =oses K (Love!ber =ain+ -19911 16. ;he &oors K (;he *nd+ -19671 17. %arvin 7a#e K (What?s 7oin" 0n+ -19711 18. .ed He44elin K (Mash!ir+ -19751 19. %ichael Eac$son K (8illie Eean+ -19821 20. ;he =ollin" )tones K (-I 5an?t 7et Lo1 )atisfaction+ -19651 21. N2 K (I )till 3aven?t <o nd What I?! .oo$in" <or+ -19871 22. ;he 9olice K (*ver# 8reath Co ;a$e+ -19831 23. &on 3enle# K (;he *nd of the Innocence+ -19891 24. 9earl Ea! K (8lac$+ -19911 25. &ire )traits K () ltans of )win"+ -19781 26. *a"les K (0ne of ;hese Li"hts+ -19751
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

27. ;he 8eatles K (While %# 7 itar 7entl# Wee4s+ -19681 28. ;he Who K (Won?t 7et <ooled ,"ain+ -19711 29. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (,ll ,lon" the Watchtower+ -19681 30. ;he 8eatles K (Cesterda#+ -19651 31. ;he &oors K (.i"ht %# <ire+ -19671 32. U een K (8ohe!ian =ha4sod#+ -19751 33. 5h c$ 8err# K (Eohnn# 8. 7oode+ -19581 34. Eac$son 8rowne K (= nnin" on *!4t#+ -19771 35. N2 K (With or Witho t Co + -19871 36. *a"les K (I 5an?t ;ell Co Wh#+ -19791 37. ;o! 9ett# K (<ree <allin?+ -19891 38. ;he 8eatles K (, &a# in the .ife+ -19671 39. 9rince and ;he =evol tion K (9 r4le =ain+ -19841 40. ;he &oors K (;o ch %e+ -19691 41. &on 3enle# K () nset 7rill+ -19841 42. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (3ave Co *ver )een the =ain+ -19711 43. 9in$ <lo#d K (5o!fortabl# L !b+ -19791 44. ;he 8eatles K (In %# .ife+ -19651 45. 5rea! K (White =oo!+ -19681 46. %arvin 7a#e K (I 3eard It ;hro "h the 7ra4evine+ -19681 47. ,eros!ith K (&rea! 0n+ -19731 48. )tevie Wonder K () 4erstition+ -19721 49. 5rea! K () nshine of Co r .ove+ -19671 50. ;he Who K (.ove, =ei"n 0?er %e+ -19731 51. *a"les K (&es4erado+ -19731 52. )o nd"arden K (Ees s 5hrist 9ose+ -19911 53. )teel# &an K (,/a+ -19771 54. <leetwood %ac K (7o Co r 0wn Wa#+ -19771 55. ;he 5lash K (.ondon 5allin"+ -19791 56. %etallica K (Lothin" *lse %atters+ -19911 57. Ea!es 8rown K (I 7ot Co -I <eel 7ood1+ -19651 58. 7rand!aster <lash S the < rio s <ive K (;he %essa"e+ -19821 59. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (;h nder =oad+ -19751 60. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (Ooodoo 5hild -)li"ht =et rn1+ -19681
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61. )tevie Wonder K (3i"her 7ro nd+ -19731 62. ;he Who K (8aba 0?=ile#+ -19711 63. ;he 8eatles K (Lorwe"ian Wood -;his 8ird 3as <lown1+ -19651 64. *a"les K (;he .ast =esort+ -19761 65. 9in$ <lo#d K ()hine 0n Co 5ra'# &ia!ond+ -19751 66. 7 ns L? =oses K ()weet 5hild o? %ine+ -19871 67. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (&ancin" in the &ar$+ -19841 68. ;he =ollin" )tones K (Co 5an?t ,lwa#s 7et What Co Want+ -19691 69. *lton Eohn K (8ennie and the Eets+ -19731 70. &ee4 9 r4le K ()!o$e on the Water+ -19721 71. N2 K (Lew Cear?s &a#+ -19831 72. ;he 8and K (;he Wei"ht+ -19681 73. 8ob %arle# K (Lo Wo!an, Lo 5r#+ -19741 74. Lirvana K ()!ells .i$e ;een )4irit+ -19911 75. U een S &avid 8owie K (Nnder 9ress re+ -19811 76. *a"les K (;a$e It *as#+ -19721 77. =.*.%. K (.osin" %# =eli"ion+ -19911 78. *lvis 9resle# K (Eailho se =oc$+ -19571 79. *ric 5la4ton K (;ears in 3eaven+ -19921 80. *lton Eohn K (=oc$et %an+ -19721 81. 9eter <ra!4ton K (&o Co <eel .i$e We &o+ -19761 82. Ea!es ;a#lor K (<ire and =ain+ -19701 83. 29ac feat. &r. &re K (5alifornia .ove+ -19951 84. 8ob &#lan K (3 rricane+ -19761 85. =a# 5harles K (What?d I )a#+ -19591 86. Leil Co n" K (3eart of 7old+ -19721 87. ;he 8eatles K (;he .on" and Windin" =oad+ -19701 88. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (<ort nate )on+ -19691 89. ;he ;e!4tations K (9a4a Was a =ollin? )tone+ -19721 90. Ces K (=o ndabo t+ -19711 91. =ed 3ot 5hili 9e44ers K (Nnder the 8rid"e+ -19911 92. 7eor"e 3arrison K (%# )weet .ord+ -19701 93. ;he Wailers K (7et N4, )tand N4+ -19731 94. 8ob &#lan K (Mnoc$in? on 3eaven?s &oor+ -19731
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95. 9earl Ea! K (Eere!#+ -19911 96. ;he =ollin" )tones K ()#!4ath# for the &evil+ -19681 97. ,5A&5 K (8ac$ in 8lac$+ -19801 98. ;he ,ll!an 8rothers 8and K (Whi44in" 9ost+ -19691 99. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (8orn in the N.).,.+ -19841 100. 5rosb#, )tills, Lash S Co n" K (0hio+ -19701

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

4010 Version
Whereas the 2006 edition ca4t red !# view4oint as I was leavin" hi"h school, this version of the list was 4 blished as I left colle"e. , lot !ore 4re>classic>roc$>era son"s were added into the !i@, which alienated !an# who en/o#ed !# !ore 4o4 list>oriented ori"inal list. I still $ind of li$e this list, b t I obvio sl# feel now that revisions needed to be !ade to it. 1. Eohn .ennon K (I!a"ine+ -19711 2. .ed He44elin K ()tairwa# to 3eaven+ -19711 3. 5h c$ 8err# K (Eohnn# 8. 7oode+ -19581 4. &ere$ and the &o!inos K (.a#la+ -19701 5. 8ob &#lan K (.i$e a =ollin" )tone+ -19651 6. ;he 8eatles K (.et It 8e+ -19701 7. %arvin 7a#e K (What?s 7oin" 0n+ -19711 8. *a"les K (3otel 5alifornia+ -19761 9. N2 K (0ne+ -19911 10. ;he 8eatles K (3e# E de+ -19681 11. =o# 0rbison K (0h, 9rett# Wo!an+ -19641 12. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (8orn to = n+ -19751 13. ;he =ollin" )tones K (7i!!e )helter+ -19691 14. ;he 8eatles K (Cesterda#+ -19651 15. *lvis 9resle# K (3eartbrea$ 3otel+ -19561 16. 9in$ <lo#d K (Wish Co Were 3ere+ -19751 17. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (,ll ,lon" the Watchtower+ -19681 18. ;he 8each 8o#s K (7ood Oibrations+ -19661 19. 8ob %arle# and the Wailers K (Lo Wo!an, Lo 5r#+ -19741 20. =a# 5harles K (What?d I )a#+ -19591 21. ;he 5ric$ets K (;hat?ll 8e the &a#+ -19571 22. ;he Who K (%# 7eneration+ -19651 23. ;he =onettes K (8e %# 8ab#+ -19631 24. %arvin 7a#e K (I 3eard It ;hro "h the 7ra4evine+ -19681 25. 9in$ <lo#d K (5o!fortabl# L !b+ -19791 26. ;he =ollin" )tones K ()#!4ath# for the &evil+ -19681
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27. 5rea! K () nshine of Co r .ove+ -19671 28. ;he 8eatles K (In %# .ife+ -19651 29. *lvis 9resle# K (3o nd &o"+ -19561 30. Lirvana K ()!ells .i$e ;een )4irit+ -19911 31. ;he Min$s K (Co =eall# 7ot %e+ -19641 32. ;he %iracles K (;he ;rac$s of %# ;ears+ -19651 33. Ea!es 8rown K (9a4a?s 7ot a 8rand Lew 8a"+ -19651 34. U een K (8ohe!ian =ha4sod#+ -19751 35. ;he Who K (Won?t 7et <ooled ,"ain+ -19711 36. 8o &iddle# K (8o &iddle#+ -19551 37. 0tis =eddin" K (-)ittin? 0n1 ;he &oc$ of the 8a#+ -19681 38. .#n#rd )$#n#rd K (<ree 8ird+ -19731 39. N2 K (I )till 3aven?t <o nd What I?! .oo$in" <or+ -19871 40. %artha and the Oandellas K (&ancin" in the )treets+ -19641 41. 9earl Ea! K (8lac$+ -19911 42. ;he 8eatles K (While %# 7 itar 7entl# Wee4s+ -19681 43. ;he 8and K (;he Wei"ht+ -19681 44. ;he 8each 8o#s K (7od 0nl# Mnows+ -19661 45. ;he &oors K (.i"ht %# <ire+ -19671 46. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (9ro d %ar#+ -19691 47. .ed He44elin K (Mash!ir+ -19751 48. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (Ooodoo 5hild -)li"ht =et rn1+ -19681 49. 8ob &#lan K (;he ;i!es ;he# ,re ,>5han"in? -19641 50. 5h c$ 8err# K (%a#bellene+ -19551 51. ;he =ollin" )tones K (-I 5an?t 7et Lo1 )atisfaction+ -19651 52. %ichael Eac$son K (8illie Eean+ -19821 53. .ittle =ichard K (; tti <r tti+ -19561 54. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (;h nder =oad+ -19751 55. 8ob &#lan K (8lowin? in the Wind+ -19631 56. 9rince and ;he =evol tion K (9 r4le =ain+ -19841 57. ;he 8eatles K (, &a# in the .ife+ -19671 58. Eefferson ,ir4lane K ()o!ebod# to .ove+ -19671 59. 8i" Eoe ; rner K ()ha$e, =attle and =oll+ -19541 60. &ire )traits K () ltans of )win"+ -19781
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61. ;he 5lash K (.ondon 5allin"+ -19791 62. ;he Min"s!en K (.o ie .o ie+ -19631 63. 7rand!aster <lash S the < rio s <ive K (;he %essa"e+ -19821 64. Eohn .ee 3oo$er K (8oo! 8oo!+ -19631 65. )i!on and 7arf n$el K (8rid"e over ;ro bled Water+ -19701 66. N2 K (With or Witho t Co + -19871 67. ;he &oors K (;he *nd+ -19671 68. )tevie Wonder K () 4erstition+ -19721 69. 8lac$ )abbath K (9aranoid+ -19701 70. 8ob %arle# S the Wailers K (=ede!4tion )on"+ -19801 71. ;o! 9ett# K (<ree <allin?+ -19891 72. ,retha <ran$lin K (=es4ect+ -19671 73. ,eros!ith K (&rea! 0n+ -19731 74. *lvis 9resle# K (Eailho se =oc$+ -19571 75. ;he 8eatles K (Lorwe"ian Wood -;his 8ird 3as <lown1+ -19651 76. 3owlin? Wolf K ()!o$estac$ .i"htnin?+ -19561 77. Ea!es 8rown K (I 7ot Co -I <eel 7ood1+ -19651 78. 7len 3ansard S %ar$Xta Ir"lovY K (<allin" )lowl#+ -20061 79. ;he &o!inoes K ()i@t# %in te %an+ -19511 80. )l# S the <a!il# )tone K (*ver#da# 9eo4le+ -19681 81. ;he Who K (8aba 0?=ile#+ -19711 82. <leetwood %ac K (7o Co r 0wn Wa#+ -19771 83. 5rea! K (White =oo!+ -19681 84. Ea!es ;a#lor K (<ire and =ain+ -19701 85. )i!on and 7arf n$el K (;he 8o@er+ -19701 86. =.*.%. K (.osin" %# =eli"ion+ -19911 87. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (9 r4le 3a'e+ -19671 88. )tevie Wonder K (3i"her 7ro nd+ -19731 89. ,l 7reen K (.et?s )ta# ;o"ether+ -19711 90. ;he %a!as and the 9a4as K (5alifornia &rea!in?+ -19651 91. Eefferson ,ir4lane K (White =abbit+ -19671 92. ;he =ollin" )tones K (Co 5an?t ,lwa#s 7et What Co Want+ -19691 93. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (<ort nate )on+ -19691 94. 8 ffalo )4rin"sfield K (<or What It?s Worth+ -19671
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

95. .ed He44elin K (Whole .otta .ove+ -19691 96. ;he 8#rds K (%r. ;a!bo rine %an+ -19651 97. ;he ,ni!als K (3o se of the =isin" ) n+ -19641 98. 8ill Withers K (,in?t Lo ) nshine+ -19711 99. ;he 8obb# < ller <o r K (I <o "ht the .aw+ -19661 100. &avid 8owie K (3eroes+ -19771

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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

401< Version
,nd that brin"s s to the c rrent version of the list. I ho4e #o have en/o#ed loo$in" at how the list has evolved over the #ears. 1. 5h c$ 8err# K (Eohnn# 8. 7oode+ -19581 2. ;he 8eatles K (Cesterda#+ -19651 3. 8ob &#lan K (.i$e a =ollin" )tone+ -19651 4. Eohn .ennon K (I!a"ine+ -19711 5. .ed He44elin K ()tairwa# to 3eaven+ -19711 6. *lvis 9resle# K (3eartbrea$ 3otel+ -19561 7. ;he =ollin" )tones K (7i!!e )helter+ -19691 8. ;he 8eatles K (.et It 8e+ -19701 9. %arvin 7a#e K (What?s 7oin" 0n+ -19711 10. ;he 8each 8o#s K (7ood Oibrations+ -19661 11. =o# 0rbison K (0h, 9rett# Wo!an+ -19641 12. ,retha <ran$lin K (=es4ect+ -19671 13. &ere$ and the &o!inos K (.a#la+ -19701 14. ;he Who K (%# 7eneration+ -19651 15. ;he 8eatles K (3e# E de+ -19681 16. ;he 8and K (;he Wei"ht+ -19681 17. U een K (8ohe!ian =ha4sod#+ -19751 18. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (,ll ,lon" the Watchtower+ -19681 19. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (8orn to = n+ -19751 20. 9in$ <lo#d K (Wish Co Were 3ere+ -19751 21. ;he =ollin" )tones K ()#!4ath# for the &evil+ -19681 22. Lirvana K ()!ells .i$e ;een )4irit+ -19911 23. ;he =onettes K (8e %# 8ab#+ -19631 24. ;he %iracles K (;he ;rac$s of %# ;ears+ -19651 25. *a"les K (3otel 5alifornia+ -19761 26. ;he =i"hteo s 8rothers K (Co ?ve .ost ;hat .ovin? <eelin?+ -19641 27. %arvin 7a#e K (I 3eard It ;hro "h the 7ra4evine+ -19681
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

28. 0tis =eddin" K (-)ittin? 0n1 ;he &oc$ of the 8a#+ -19681 29. ;he 8eatles K (I Want to 3old Co r 3and+ -19631 30. =a# 5harles K (What?d I )a#+ -19591 31. *lvis 9resle# K (Eailho se =oc$+ -19571 32. 8ob &#lan K (8lowin? in the Wind+ -19631 33. =a!ones K (8lit'$rie" 8o4+ -19761 34. Ea!es 8rown K (9a4a?s 7ot a 8rand Lew 8a"+ -19651 35. )a! 5oo$e K (, 5han"e Is 7onna 5o!e+ -19641 36. 7rand!aster <lash S the < rio s <ive K (;he %essa"e+ -19821 37. )i!on and 7arf n$el K (8rid"e over ;ro bled Water+ -19701 38. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (<ort nate )on+ -19691 39. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (Ooodoo 5hild -)li"ht =et rn1+ -19681 40. ;he 8each 8o#s K (7od 0nl# Mnows+ -19661 41. ;he 5ric$ets K (;hat?ll 8e the &a#+ -19571 42. ;he 8eatles K ()trawberr# <ields <orever+ -19671 43. *lvis 9resle# K (&on?t 8e 5r el+ -19561 44. )tevie Wonder K () 4erstition+ -19721 45. ;he =ollin" )tones K (-I 5an?t 7et Lo1 )atisfaction+ -19651 46. Ei!!# 5liff K (;he 3arder ;he# 5o!e+ -19721 47. ;he Min"s!en K (.o ie .o ie+ -19631 48. ;he 8eatles K (, &a# in the .ife+ -19671 49. 9 blic *ne!# K (<i"ht the 9ower+ -19891 50. 8i" Eoe ; rner K ()ha$e, =attle and =oll+ -19541 51. .ed He44elin K (Whole .otta .ove+ -19691 52. %ichael Eac$son K (8illie Eean+ -19821 53. 8r ce )4rin"steen K (;h nder =oad+ -19751 54. ;he 5lash K (.ondon 5allin"+ -19791 55. 5rea! K () nshine of Co r .ove+ -19671 56. %assive ,ttac$ K (Nnfinished )#!4ath#+ -19911 57. 9in$ <lo#d K (5o!fortabl# L !b+ -19791 58. 3owlin? Wolf K ()!o$estac$ .i"htnin?+ -19561 59. ;he Ei!i 3endri@ *@4erience K (3e# Eoe+ -19661 60. ,l 7reen K (.et?s )ta# ;o"ether+ -19711 61. N2 K (0ne+ -19911
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

62. 5h c$ 8err# K (%a#bellene+ -19551 63. ;he Min$s K (Waterloo ) nset+ -19671 64. ;he 8eatles K (While %# 7 itar 7entl# Wee4s+ -19681 65. ;he 8obb# < ller <o r K (I <o "ht the .aw+ -19661 66. ;he &oors K (.i"ht %# <ire+ -19671 67. )l# and the <a!il# )tone K (*ver#da# 9eo4le+ -19681 68. 9rince K ()i"n ?0? the ;i!es+ -19871 69. &ionne Warwic$ K (Wal$ on 8#+ -19641 70. ;he 8eatles K (Lorwe"ian Wood -;his 8ird 3as <lown1+ -19651 71. 8o &iddle# K (8o &iddle#+ -19551 72. 8lac$ )abbath K (9aranoid+ -19701 73. =.*.%. K (.osin" %# =eli"ion+ -19911 74. %artha and the Oandellas K (&ancin" in the )treets+ -19641 75. ;he Wailers K (7et N4, )tand N4+ -19731 76. ;he Oelvet Nnder"ro nd K (I?! Waitin" for the %an+ -19671 77. *lvis 9resle# K () s4icio s %inds+ -19691 78. Eefferson ,ir4lane K (White =abbit+ -19671 79. = n>&.%.5. K (Wal$ ;his Wa#+ -19861 80. 5reedence 5learwater =evival K (9ro d %ar#+ -19691 81. &avid 8owie K (3eroes+ -19771 82. .ittle =ichard K (7ood 7oll# %iss %oll#+ -19581 83. 7 ns L? =oses K ()weet 5hild o? %ine+ -19871 84. ;he 8each 8o#s K (5alifornia 7irls+ -19651 85. <leetwood %ac K (7o Co r 0wn Wa#+ -19771 86. *ric 8. S =a$i! K (9aid in < ll+ -19871 87. ;he =ollin" )tones K (Co 5an?t ,lwa#s 7et What Co Want+ -19691 88. ;o! 9ett# K (<ree <allin?+ -19891 89. =adiohead K (*ver#thin" in Its =i"ht 9lace+ -20001 90. ;he Who K (8aba 0?=ile#+ -19711 91. N2 K (I )till 3aven?t <o nd What I?! .oo$in" <or+ -19871 92. *!ine! K (.ose Co rself+ -20021 93. ;he %a!as and the 9a4as K (5alifornia &rea!in?+ -19651 94. &ire )traits K () ltans of )win"+ -19781 95. &E )hadow K (%idni"ht in a 9erfect World+ -19961
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Johnny, Be Good Tonight The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time

96. 8ill 3ale# and 3is 5o!ets K (-We?re 7onna1 =oc$ ,ro nd the 5loc$+ -19541 97. ,dele K (=ollin" in the &ee4+ -20101 98. Ea!es ;a#lor K (<ire and =ain+ -19701 99. 8 ffalo )4rin"field K (<or What It?s Worth+ -19671 100. ;he Oerve K (8itter )weet )#!4hon#+ -19971

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