BS 5950-4-1994 (Englezesc) PDF
BS 5950-4-1994 (Englezesc) PDF
BS 5950-4-1994 (Englezesc) PDF
BS 5950-4: 1994
UDC 693.814:669.14.018.29-417.2:692.533.15
BS 5950-4:1994
This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of Technical Committee B/525, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 January 1994 BSI 12-1998 First published December 1982 Second edition January 1994 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/525/4 Draft for comment 86/16901 DC ISBN 0 580 21808 2
BS 5950-4:1994
Committees responsible Foreword Section 1. General 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Scope 1.2 References 1.3 Definitions 1.4 Symbols Section 2. Limit state design 2.1 General principles 2.2 Loading 2.3 Design methods 2.4 Ultimate limit states 2.5 Serviceability limit states 2.6 Durability Section 3. Materials 3.1 Profiled steel sheets 3.2 Steel reinforcement 3.3 Concrete 3.4 Shear connectors 3.5 Sheet fixings Section 4. Design: general recommendations 4.1 Form of construction 4.2 Design stages 4.3 Temporary supports 4.4 Provision of reinforcement 4.5 Cover to reinforcement 4.6 Methods of developing composite action 4.7 Minimum bearing requirements 4.8 Constructional details Section 5. Design: profiled steel sheeting 5.1 General 5.2 Load carrying capacity 5.3 Deflection of profiled steel sheeting Section 6. Design: composite slab 6.1 General 6.2 Strength 6.3 Moment capacity 6.4 Shear capacity 6.5 Vertical shear and punching shear 6.6 Deflection of the composite slab 6.7 Concentrated loads 6.8 Nominal reinforcement at intermediate supports 6.9 Transverse reinforcement 6.10 Shear connection Page Inside front cover iii 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 16 16 18 20 20 22 22 23 23
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Page Section 7. Fire resistance 7.1 General 7.2 Minimum thickness of concrete 7.3 Determination of fire resistance Section 8. Testing of composite slabs 8.1 General 8.2 Specific tests 8.3 Parametric tests Figure 1 Arrangement of construction loads Figure 2 Sheet and slab dimensions Figure 3 Typical composite slab Figure 4 Typical profiles Figure 5 Bearing requirements Figure 6 Modes of failure of a composite slab Figure 7 Stress blocks for moment capacity Figure 8 Shear spans Figure 9 Critical perimeter for shear Figure 10 Distribution of concentrated load Figure 11 Test details Figure 12 Shear-bond failure Table 1 Values of gf for ultimate limit states Table 2 Span-to-depth ratios List of references 24 24 24 25 26 27 3 7 9 11 12 17 18 19 21 23 25 28 4 22 Inside back cover
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BS 5950-4:1994
This Part of BS 5950 has been prepared under the direction of Technical Committee B/525, Building and civil engineering structures. BS 5950 comprises codes of practice which cover the design, construction and fire protection of steel structures and specifications for materials, workmanship and erection. It comprises the following Parts and Sections: Part 1: Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: hot rolled sections; Part 2: Specification for materials, fabrication and erection: hot rolled sections; Part 3: Design in composite construction; Section 3.1: Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams; Part 4: Code of practice for design of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting; Part 5: Code of practice for design of cold formed sections; Part 61): Code of practice for design of light gauge profiled sheeting; Part 7: Specification for materials and workmanship: cold formed sections; Part 8: Code of practice for fire resistant design; Part 9: Code of practice for stressed skin design. This Part of BS 5950 gives recommendations for the design of composite slabs in which profiled steel sheeting acts compositely with concrete or acts only as permanent formwork. This British Standard supersedes BS 5950-4:1982, which is withdrawn. BS 5950-4:1982 was the first Part of BS 5950 to be issued. Most of the other Parts have since been issued or are expected to be published shortly. In addition BS 8110 has superseded CP 110. It was therefore necessary to update the cross-references in this document, add material related to composite beams and align the values of the partial safety factors for loads with those now recommended in BS 5950-1. A number of minor amendments have also been made as a result of experience in the use of the code. The work on BS 5950-3 led to a survey of construction loads, which was also relevant to the recommendations of this Part and enabled the partial safety factors for these loads to be rationalized. In addition it had become apparent in the drafting of BS 5950-3 that some adjustments to terminology (such as composite slab) would be beneficial for clarity and some symbols needed additional subscripts to maintain compatibility with both BS 5950-3 and BS 5950-1. This revised terminology led to the modified title of Part 4. A few further improvements have been made. These include recommendations on span-to-depth ratios and on end anchorage. The density of lightweight concrete covered has also been aligned with that in BS 5950-3.1. The clauses on the design of profiled sheets have been replaced by cross-references to BS 5950-61), rather than updated to align with Part 6. The need to adjust the clause numbers to allow for the various additions and omissions, has provided the opportunity to restructure the document in a manner compatible with that now used in the other Parts of BS 5950, with the type of clause numbering system now used in the other Parts of BS 5950.
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BS 5950-4:1994
Apart from the above changes, the technical content of the standard is unchanged. It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people, and that construction and supervision are carried out by capable and experienced organizations. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 30, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. iv
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BS 5950-4:1994
Section 1. General
1.0 Introduction
1.0.1 Aims of economical structural design The aim of structural design of a composite slab is to provide, with due regard to economy, a slab capable of fulfilling its intended function and sustaining the specified loads for its intended life. The design should facilitate construction, both of the slab itself and of the structure of which it forms part. The composite slab should be sufficiently robust and insensitive to the effects of minor incidental loads applied during service that the safety of other parts of the structure is not prejudiced. Although the ultimate strength recommendations within this standard are to be regarded as limiting values, the purpose in design should be to reach these limits at as many places as possible, consistent with economy, in order to obtain the optimum combination of material and construction costs. 1.0.2 Overall stability The designer responsible for the overall stability of the structure should ensure compatibility of structural design and detailing between all those structural parts and components which are required for overall stability, even when some or all of the structural design and detailing of those parts and components is carried out by another designer. 1.0.3 Accuracy of calculation For the purpose of deciding whether a particular recommendation is satisfied, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis should be rounded off. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as in the value given in the recommendation. For the design of profiled steel sheeting as a stressed skin diaphragm, reference should be made to BS 5950-9.
1.2 References
1.2.1 Normative references This Part of BS 5950 incorporates, by reference, provisions from specific editions of other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate points in the text and the publications are listed on the inside back cover. Subsequent amendment to, or revisions of, any of these publications apply to this Part of BS 5950 only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. 1.2.2 Informative references This Part of BS 5950 refers to other publications that provide information or guidance. Editions of these publications current at the time of issue of this standard are listed on the inside back cover, but reference should be made to the latest editions.
1.3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5950, the following definitions apply. 1.3.1 composite slab a slab consisting of profiled steel sheets and a concrete slab, with steel reinforcement where necessary 1.3.2 composite action the structural interaction which occurs when the components of a composite slab interact to form a single structural element 1.3.3 permanent shuttering profiled steel sheeting designed to support wet concrete, reinforcement and construction loads 1.3.4 negative moment bending moment causing compression at the bottom of the slab 1.3.5 positive moment bending moment causing tension at the bottom of the slab 1.3.6 longitudinal reinforcement reinforcement of a composite slab, running parallel to the corrugations of the profiled steel sheets
1.1 Scope
This Part of BS 5950 gives recommendations for the design of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting. It covers slabs spanning only in the direction of span of the profiled steel sheets. This code applies to the design of composite slabs in buildings. It does not apply to highway or railway bridges, for which reference should be made to BS 5400-5. For the design of composite steel beams with a composite slab as the concrete flange, reference should be made to BS 5950-3.1. Diaphragm action produced by the capacity of the composite slab (or of the profiled steel sheets at the construction stage) to resist distortion in its own plane is not within the scope of this Part of BS 5950.
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Section 1
1.3.7 transverse reinforcement reinforcement of a composite slab, running perpendicular to the corrugations of the profiled steel sheets
Lv N
Shear span of composite slab Number of shear connectors attached to the end of each span of sheets, per unit length of supporting beam Empirical parameter (slope of reduction line from parametric tests) End anchorage capacity per shear connector Capacity per shear connector for composite beam design Design strength of profiled steel sheets Characteristic resistance per shear connector Specified yield strength of profiled steel sheets Thickness of finishes above concrete slab Critical perimeter for punching shear Shear capacity per unit width of composite slab due to the end anchorage provided by the shear connectors Total longitudinal shear capacity per unit width of composite slab Maximum experimental shear force Punching shear capacity of composite slab Shear-bond capacity of composite slab Shear-bond capacity of composite slab per unit width Vertical shear capacity of composite slab Design concrete shear stress Applied load capacity of composite slab Reaction or concentrated load Serviceability load Failure load Anticipated value of the applied load Depth of concrete in compression at midspan Lever arm Partial safety factor for loads Partial safety factor for resistances Deflection
mr Pa Pb pyp Qk Re.min tf u
1.4 Symbols
a Ap Bs ba bb beb ber bm bo Dp Ds ds E Fa Fb fcm fcu hagg ICA kr Lp Distance from a concentrated load to the nearer support Cross-sectional area of profiled steel sheeting Width of composite slab Mean width of trough (open sheet profile) Minimum width of trough (sheet profile) Effective width of slab (bending) Effective width of slab (shear) Effective load width Width of concentrated load Overall depth of profiled steel sheets Overall depth of composite slab Effective depth of slab to centroid of profiled steel sheets Modulus of elasticity of profiled steel sheets End anchorage force per shear connector Beam longitudinal shear force per shear connector Concrete cube strength (observed value) Characteristic concrete cube strength Nominal maximum size of aggregate Second moment of area of the composite slab about its centroidal axis (in equivalent steel units) Empirical parameter (intercept of reduction line from parametric tests) Effective span of profiled steel sheets, which is the smaller of: a) distance between centres of permanent or temporary supports, and b) clear span between permanent or temporary supports plus overall depth of profiled sheets Dp Effective span of composite slab, which is the smaller of: a) distance between centres of permanent supports, and b) clear span between permanent supports plus effective depth of composite slab ds
Vv vc Wc Wf Wser Wst Ww xc z gf gm d
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Section 2
BS 5950-4:1994
2.2 Loading
2.2.1 General All relevant loads should be considered separately and in such realistic combinations as to cause the most critical effects on the components and on the composite slab as a whole. Loading conditions during construction should also be considered (see 2.2.3). 2.2.2 Dead, imposed and wind loading Reference should be made to BS 6399-1:1984, BS 6399-3:1988 and CP 3:Chapter V-2:1972 for the determination of the dead, imposed and wind loads. The weight of the finished slab should be increased if necessary to allow for the additional concrete placed as a result of the deflection of the profiled steel sheeting (see 5.3).
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Section 2
2.2.3 Construction loads Basic construction loads Construction loads should be considered in addition to the weight of the wet concrete slab. In general purpose working areas the basic construction load on one span of the sheeting should be taken as not less than 1.5 kN/m2. The other spans should be taken as either loaded with the weight of the wet concrete slab plus a construction load of one-third of the basic construction load, or unloaded apart from the self-weight of the profiled steel sheets, whichever is the more critical for the positive and negative moments in the sheeting (see Figure 1). For spans of less than 3 m, the basic construction load should be increased to not less than 4.5/Lp kN/m2, where Lp is the effective span of the profiled steel sheets in metres. Allowance is made within these values for construction operatives, impact and heaping of concrete during placing, hand tools, small items of equipment and materials for immediate use. The minimum values quoted are intended for use in general purpose working areas, but will not necessarily be sufficient for excessive impact or heaping of concrete, or pipeline or pumping loads. Where excessive loads are expected, reference should be made to BS 5975:1982.
Reference should also be made to 5.3 for possible increased loading due to ponding at the construction stage. Storage loads Where materials to be stored temporarily on erected sheeting (or on a recently formed slab before it is self-supporting) produce equivalent distributed loads in excess of the basic construction loads, provision should be made in the design for the additional temporary storage loads. 2.2.4 Accidental loads Accidental loads should be treated as recommended in BS 5950-1.
The following methods may be used for the design of composite slabs: a) composite design in which the concrete and the profiled steel sheets are assumed to combine structurally to support loads (see section 6); b) design as a reinforced concrete slab as recommended in BS 8110-1:1985, neglecting any contribution from the profiled steel sheets; c) design by specific testing (see In all cases the profiled steel sheeting should be designed for use as permanent shuttering during construction (see section 5). Table 1 Values of gf for ultimate limit states
Type of load gf
1.4 1.0 1.6 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2
Dead load of wet concrete (see note) Construction loads (see 2.2.3)
Maximum Minimum
NOTE For dead loads, the minimum gf factor should be used for dead loads that counteract the effects of other loads causing overturning or uplift.
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Section 2
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2.3.2 Testing Specific tests Where testing is used as an alternative to calculation methods of design, the load carrying capacity of a composite slab may be determined directly from the results of specific tests as recommended in 8.2. Parametric tests In the calculation method for composite design given in section 6, the shear-bond capacity should be determined using the empirical parameters obtained from the results of parametric tests as recommended in 8.3.
2.6 Durability
2.6.1 Corrosion protection of profiled steel sheets The exposed surface at the underside of the profiled steel sheets should be adequately protected to resist the relevant environmental conditions, including those arising during site storage and erection. Reference should be made to BS 5493:1977 for the recommended protective systems. Any damage to zinc coating or other surface protection should be made good.
NOTE 1 Due to the possibility of corrosion caused by road de-icing salts or sea salt, composite slabs with zinc coated profiled steel sheeting may not be appropriate for use without special measures in car park structures, or in the vicinity of seawater or seawater spray. NOTE 2 Dilute acids from process industries (which are sometimes airborne) may corrode galvanized surfaces.
2.6.2 Concrete durability For the durability of the concrete in the composite slab, the relevant recommendations in BS 8110 should be followed. 2.6.3 Fire resistance The recommendations in section 7 should be followed.
The modulus of elasticity E of profiled steel sheets should be taken as 210 kN/mm2. The properties of concrete and reinforcement to be used in design should follow the recommendations of BS 8110.
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Section 3
Section 3. Materials
3.1 Profiled steel sheets
3.1.1 Specification The steel used to manufacture the profiled steel sheets should have a specified yield strength Re.min of not less than 220 N/mm2 and should generally be in accordance either with BS 2989:1992 or with BS EN 10147:1992. Steels conforming to other specifications may alternatively be used provided that they have similar properties. 3.1.2 Sheet thickness The structural thickness of the profiled steel sheets, to which the stresses and section properties apply, should be taken as the bare metal thickness of the sheets excluding any protective or decorative finish such as zinc coating or organic coating. The nominal bare metal thickness of the sheets should not normally be less than 0.75 mm except where the profiled steel sheets are used only as permanent shuttering (see 4.1). Thinner sheets should not be used unless adequate theoretical evidence and test data are available to justify their use. 3.1.3 Zinc coating The zinc coating should conform to the requirements of BS 2989:1992 or BS EN 10147:1992 as appropriate. A coating of 275 g/m2 total, including both sides (coating type G 275 in accordance with BS 2989) is normally specified for internal floors in a non-aggressive environment, but the specification may be varied depending on service conditions.
NOTE A 275 g/m2 coating adds approximately 0.04 mm to the bare metal thickness, 0.02 mm on each side. The nominal bare metal thickness is thus 0.04 mm less than the nominal thickness of the sheet. Before a zinc coating heavier than 275 g/m2 is
3.2.2 Ductility of reinforcement Wherever account is taken in design of the efficiency of continuity over a support, to ensure that the reinforcement has adequate ductility the steel fabric or reinforcing bars used as support reinforcement should satisfy the minimum elongation requirement specified in 10.1.2 of BS 4449:1988. This recommendation should be applied to the following: a) reinforcement used to resist negative moments in continuous spans or cantilevers; b) distribution steel for concentrated loads or around openings in the slab; c) reinforcement used to increase the fire resistance of the composite slab. However it need not be applied to the following: 1) secondary transverse reinforcement; 2) nominal continuity reinforcement over supports; 3) tensile reinforcement in the span.
3.3 Concrete
3.3.1 General Concrete should follow the recommendations given in BS 8110. 3.3.2 Lightweight concrete The dry density of lightweight aggregate structural concrete should normally be not less than 1 750 kg/m3. Other densities can be used, but all references to lightweight concrete elsewhere in this Part of BS 5950 assume a dry density of at least 1 750 kg/m3. Where lightweight concrete of less than 1 750 kg/m3 dry density is used, due allowance should be made for variations in properties of concrete and their effect on the resistances of shear connectors. 3.3.3 Density In the absence of more precise information, the nominal density should be taken as follows. a) For design of the profiled steel sheeting (wet density): 2 400 kg/m3 for normal weight concrete; 1 900 kg/m3 for lightweight concrete. b) For design of the composite slab (dry density): 2 350 kg/m3 for normal weight concrete; 1 800 kg/m3 for lightweight concrete.
NOTE For lightweight concrete the density may be found in manufacturers literature.
specified, confirmation should be obtained from the proposed manufacturer of the profiled steel sheets that the proposed coating thickness is compatible with the forming operations involved. All zinc coatings should be chemically passivated with a chromate treatment to minimize wet storage stains (white rusting) and reduce chemical reaction at the concrete/zinc interface.
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3.3.4 Aggregate size The nominal maximum size of the aggregate hagg depends on the smallest dimension in the structural element within which concrete is poured and should be not greater than the least of: a) 0.4 (Ds Dp) (see Figure 2); b) bb/3 (see Figure 2); c) 20 mm.
3.3.5 Slab thickness The overall depth of the composite slab Ds should be sufficient to provide the required resistance to the effects of fire (see 7.2) and as a minimum should not be less than 90 mm. The thickness of concrete (Ds Dp) above the main flat surface of the top of the ribs of the profiled steel sheets should be not less than 50 mm subject to cover of not less than 15 mm above the top of any shear connectors.
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Section 3
3.3.6 Admixtures Admixtures may be used following the recommendations of BS 8110, provided that the zinc coating of the profiled sheets is not adversely affected. The profiled steel sheets should be considered as embedded metal when applying the recommendations of BS 8110.
3.4.2 Stud shear connectors The influence of the density of concrete on the design value of stud shear connectors should be allowed for. The characteristic resistances of stud shear connectors in lightweight aggregate concrete of dry density not less than 1 750 kg/m3 should be taken as 90 % of the values in normal weight concrete, as recommended in BS 5950-3.1:1990.
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Section 4
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Where service ducts are formed in the slab, due allowance should be made for the resulting reduction in load carrying capacity (see 6.1.3).
NOTE 2 The reduction in load carrying capacity is particularly severe in the case of ducts running transverse to the span of the slab.
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Section 4
Regardless of the method of support used, the arrangement should be such that the soffit of the sheet is not cambered above a line joining the level of the permanent supports by a distance greater than Ls/350, where Ls is the effective span of the composite slab. Any slab used to support temporary props should be checked for adequate resistance to the forces applied by the props, or during the removal of the props, using the appropriate concrete strength for the age of that slab.
The method of providing temporary supports should be chosen to suit the conditions on site. Normally, one of the following should be used: a) temporary props from beneath; b) temporary beams at the soffit of the sheets. Alternative methods may be used where suitable but, in all cases, the temporary support should be capable of carrying all the loads and forces imposed on it without undue deflection. Where isolated temporary supports are used, a spreader beam should be incorporated in order to provide a continuous support to the profiled steel sheets. Unless otherwise specified in the design documents or drawings, this should be parallel to the permanent supports.
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e) Reinforcement in the top of the slab should have 25 mm4) nominal cover. f) Fire resistance reinforcement for negative moment capacity should be placed in the top of the slab with 25 mm4) nominal cover. g) Secondary transverse reinforcement for controlling shrinkage should be placed in the top of the slab with 25 mm4) nominal cover.
The curtailment and lapping of reinforcement should conform to BS 8110. Where a single layer of reinforcement is used to fulfil more than one of the above purposes, it should satisfy all the relevant recommendations.
NOTE Longitudinal and transverse are used here as defined in 1.3 to describe slab reinforcement. Where a composite slab forms the concrete flange of a composite beam, BS 5950-3.1 gives recommendations for transverse reinforcement of the beam, running perpendicular to the span of the beam. Such reinforcement can be either longitudinal or transverse relative to the slab.
nominal cover of 25 mm is common practice, but in appropriate cases this may be reduced to values in accordance with Tables 3.4 and 3.5 of BS 8110-1:1985 or Tables 5.1 and 5.2 of BS 8110-2:1985.
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Section 4
4.6.2 Plain open profiled sheets Plain open profiled sheets should not be used where composite action is required, unless accompanied by some means of shear connection (see 4.6.5 and 4.6.6). 4.6.3 Plain re-entrant angle profiled sheets Plain re-entrant angle profiled sheets, as illustrated in Figure 4 a), should be designed to provide shear connection between the sheets and the concrete by means of the interlocking effect of the re-entrant shape.
Section 4
BS 5950-4:1994
4.6.4 Embossed profiled sheets Embossed profiled sheets, as illustrated in Figure 4 b), Figure 4 c) and Figure 4 d), should be designed to develop shear connection through embossments (or embossments and indentations) in the webs and/or flanges of the sheets. 4.6.5 Small holes in profiled sheets Holes in the webs and/or flanges of profiled steel sheets, intended to develop shear connection, should be sufficiently large for concrete to fill the hole, but sufficiently small to minimize the loss of fine material from the concrete, unless a permanent backing tape is provided on the underside which prevents this loss. 4.6.6 End anchorage Shear connectors may be used as end anchorages to produce composite action in slabs which are designed as simply supported. Where sheets are not continuous over a support, end anchors should be provided at the ends of both sheets. Where the end anchorage provided by shear connectors is used in conjunction with the shear bond between the concrete and the profiled steel sheets, account should be taken of the influence of the deformation capacity of the shear connectors on the shear bond between the concrete and the sheets, as recommended in 6.4.3. The necessary interaction between stud shear connectors and the profiled steel sheets should normally be achieved by welding them to the structural steelwork by the site technique of through-the-sheet welding. Shear connectors directly attached to the structural steelwork prior to placing the profiled steel sheets should not be used as end anchorages unless the sheets are also attached to the steelwork as recommended in 4.8.1, by means of fixings of sufficient capacity.
NOTE If studs are welded to the beams prior to placing the profiled steel sheets, it may be found necessary to use single span sheets, in which case stop ends (see may be needed to prevent concrete loss.
Where composite slabs are used in conjunction with reinforced concrete beams (see 6.10.2), any end anchorage required should normally be achieved by means of reinforcing bars. 4.6.7 Sheet edges For profiles such as that shown in Figure 4 e), the edges of adjacent sheets should be overlapped or crimped in such a way as to provide an effective horizontal shear transfer between the sheets.
Where end anchorage is provided by types of shear connectors which connect the concrete slab directly to the profiled steel sheets, such as self-drilling self-tapping screws with enlarged washers, account should be taken of the deformation capacity of such shear connectors on the interaction between the slab and the sheets. Where shear connectors used as end anchorages are assumed in design to act also as shear connectors in composite beams, reference should be made to 6.10.1.
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Section 4
For fixing sheets to steelwork, the following types of fixing are available: shot fired fixings; self-tapping screws; welding; stud shear connectors welded through the sheeting; bolting. Due consideration should be given to any adverse effect on the supporting members. Site welding of very thin sheets should not be relied on to transfer end anchorage forces, unless the practicality and quality of the welded connections can be demonstrated by tests. When sheets are to be attached to brickwork, blockwork, concrete or other materials where there is a danger of splitting, fixing should be by drilling and plugging or by the use of suitable proprietary fixings. The number of fasteners should be not less than two per sheet at the ends of sheets nor less than one per sheet where the sheets are continuous. The spacing of fasteners should be not greater than 500 mm at the ends of sheets nor greater than 1 000 mm where the sheets are continuous. At side laps the sheets should be fastened to each other, as necessary, to control differential deflection, except where the sides of the sheets are supported or are sufficiently interlocking. The design of all sheet fixings should be in accordance with BS 5950-65). 4.8.2 Cantilever edges The design should include provisions for adequate support of profiled steel sheets during construction at all cantilever edges and the like, including unsupported edges occurring at cut-outs or openings for columns.
4.8.3 Openings Permanent openings Reinforcement should be provided around permanent openings to avoid cracking of the composite slab. Temporary openings Where sheets are required to be temporarily left out (or cut out) during construction, due allowance should be made for the resulting loss of continuity in the design of the profiled steel sheeting (see section 5). Where necessary, thicker sheets or temporary supports should be used at such locations. 4.8.4 Slab construction Preparation All extraneous grease, oil, dirt and deleterious matter should be removed from the upper surface of the sheets, but any greasiness remaining on the sheets from the forming process need not be removed. Construction joints Construction joints in composite slabs should be positioned close to the supporting beams. Stop ends Stop ends should be provided where necessary to prevent loss of grout at supports at which the sheeting is discontinuous. 4.8.5 Waterproofing Where composite slabs are used for roofs, or other locations with impervious surface membranes, the design should incorporate provision for the free passage of water vapour.
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Section 5
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Section 6
6.1.2 Continuous slabs For multiple spans designed as a continuous slab subjected to uniformly distributed imposed load, only the following arrangements of imposed load need be considered. a) alternate spans loaded; b) two adjacent spans loaded. For dead load, the same value of the partial safety factor for loads gf should be applied on all spans. 6.1.3 Effects of holes and ducts Where holes or ducts interrupt the continuity of a composite slab, the region affected should be designed as reinforced concrete and reference should be made to BS 8110. 6.1.4 Transverse spanning Where slabs or portions of slabs span onto supports in the transverse direction, this aspect of the design should be in accordance with BS 8110.
The relevant design criterion and capacity should be determined either by the procedure given in 6.2.2 or else by specific testing (see 6.2.3). Punching shear should also be checked where concentrated loads or reactions are applied to the slab (see 6.5.2). Where composite slabs are designed as continuous with full continuity reinforcement over internal supports in accordance with BS 8110, the resistance to shear-bond failure contributed by the adjacent spans should be allowed for by basing the value of the shear span Lv for use as described in 6.4.1 on an equivalent simple span between points of contraflexure when checking the shear-bond capacity of an internal span. However, for end spans the value of Lv should be based on the full end span length. 6.2.2 Design procedure Where propped construction is used, the composite slab should be designed assuming that all the loading acts on the composite slab. Where unpropped construction is used, the shear forces to be resisted by the composite slab should be determined allowing for the separate effects of loading applied to the profiled steel sheeting or to the composite slab, as appropriate. However, the moments to be resisted by the composite slab should be determined assuming that all the loading acts on the composite slab.
NOTE Generally, composite slabs are constructed unpropped.
6.2.3 Specific tests As an alternative to the design procedure given in 6.2.2, the relevant design criterion and capacity for a particular arrangement of profiled steel sheets and concrete slab may be determined by specific tests in accordance with 8.2.
6.2 Strength
6.2.1 Design criteria The capacity of the composite slab should be sufficient to resist the factored loads for the ultimate limit state. The critical sections indicated in Figure 6 should be considered. Section 2-2 represents the interface between the concrete and the profiled steel sheets. The following design criteria for the various modes of failure should be considered. a) Flexural failure at section 1-1: this criterion is represented by the moment capacity of the composite slab, based on full shear connection at section 2-2 (see 6.3). b) Longitudinal slip at section 2-2: this criterion is represented by the shear-bond capacity. In this case the capacity of the composite slab is governed by the shear connection at section 2-2 (see 6.4). c) Vertical shear failure at section 3-3: this criterion is represented by the vertical shear capacity of the composite slab (see 6.5.1). 16
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Section 6
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Tension reinforcement in positive moment regions should be neglected, unless the moment capacity is determined by testing.
The moment capacity in negative moment regions should be determined as recommended in BS 8110. In determining the negative moment capacity, the profiled steel sheets should be neglected.
NOTE Where steel fabric reinforcement is used to resist negative moments, refer to 3.2.2.
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Section 6
NOTE 1 The factor of 1.25 is a partial safety factor for resistances gm, selected on the basis of the behaviour and mode of failure of the slab.
where Ap Bs ds fcu kr Lv mr is the cross-sectional area of the profiled steel sheeting (in mm2); is the width of the composite slab (in mm); is the effective depth of slab to the centroid of the profiled steel sheets (in mm); is the characteristic concrete cube strength (in N/mm2); is an empirical parameter (in N/mm); is the shear span of the composite slab (in mm), determined in accordance with 6.4.2, but see also 6.2.1; and is an empirical parameter (in N/mm2).
The empirical parameters mr and kr in this formula should be obtained from parametric tests for the particular profiled sheet as recommended in 8.3. In using this formula the value of Ap should not be taken as more than 10 % greater than that of the profiled steel sheets used in the tests and the value of fcu should not be taken as more than 1.1fcm where fcm is the value used in 8.3.3 to determine mr and kr When the value of kr obtained from the tests is negative, the nominal strength grade of the concrete used in this formula should be not less than the nominal strength grade of the concrete used in the tests. The shear-bond capacity of a lightweight concrete composite slab should be assumed to be the same as that of a normal weight composite slab made with concrete of the same strength grade.
NOTE 2 As an alternative to calculation of the shear-bond capacity, the load carrying capacity of the composite slab can be determined directly by means of specific tests (see 8.2).
Where it is necessary to use end anchors to increase the resistance to longitudinal shear above that provided by the shear-bond capacity Vs, reference should be made to 6.4.3.
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6.4.2 Shear span Lv The shear span Lv should be taken as the distance from the support to the point within the span where at shear-bond failure a transverse crack in the concrete is deemed to occur (see Figure 8).
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The shear span Lv should be taken as: a) Ls/4 for a uniformly distributed load; b) the distance from the support to the nearest concentrated load for a symmetrical two-point load system. For other loading arrangements, including partial distributed loads and asymmetrical point load systems, the shear span Lv should be determined on the basis of appropriate tests or by approximate calculations similar to the following. The Ls/4 shear span for a uniformly distributed load is obtained by equating the area under the shear force diagram for the uniformly distributed load to that due to a symmetrical two-point load system, both loadings having the same total value 2 Wf (see Figure 8). 6.4.3 End anchorage End anchorage may be provided by welded stud shear connectors attached to supporting steel beams by the technique of through-the-sheet welding with an end distance, measured to the centre line of the studs, of not less than 1.7 times the stud diameter, or by other suitable ductile shear connectors. Provided that not more than one shear connector is used in each rib of the profiled steel sheets, the shear capacity per unit width should be determined from
V a = NP a ( d s x c /2) / Lx
Where end anchorage is used in conjunction with the shear bond between the concrete and the profiled steel sheets, the combined resistance to longitudinal shear should be limited as follows:
V c = V s + 0.5 Va
V c # 1.5 V s
Vc Vs
is the total longitudinal shear capacity per unit width of slab; and is the shear bond capacity per unit width.
where N is the number of shear connectors attached to the end of each span of sheets, per unit length of supporting beam; is the effective depth of the slab to the centroid of the profiled steel sheeting; is the depth of concrete in compression at midspan (for simplicity xc may conservatively be taken as 20 mm); is the shear span (for a uniformly loaded slab Lv is span/4); and is the end anchorage capacity per shear connector.
ds xc
6.5.2 Punching shear capacity The punching shear capacity Vp of a composite slab at a concentrated load should be determined from the method given in BS 8110-1:1985 taking d as Ds Dp and the critical perimeter u as defined in Figure 9.
Lv Pa
For the conditions defined above, the end anchorage capacity should be obtained from Pa = 0.4Qk where Qk is the characteristic resistance of the shear connector, determined in accordance with BS 5950-3.1:1990.
NOTE Values of Qk should be reduced by 10 % when lightweight concrete is used, see BS 5950-3.1:1990.
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The deflection of the composite slab should not normally exceed the following: a) deflection due to the imposed load: Ls/350 or 20 mm, whichever is the lesser; b) deflection due to the total load less the deflection due to the self-weight of the slab plus, when props are used, the deflection due to prop removal: L/250. These limits should be increased only where it can be shown that greater deflections will not impair the strength or efficiency of the slab, lead to damage to the finishes or be unsightly. 6.6.2 Calculation The deflection limits given in 6.6.1 should be satisfied either by calculation as outlined in this subclause, or by satisfying the recommended span-to-depth ratios given in 6.6.3. For uniformly distributed loading, the following approximate expressions may be used to calculate the deflection: a) for simply supported spans (with nominal reinforcement over intermediate supports)
3 5 W ser L s d = --------- --------------------384 EI CA
b) for end spans of continuous slabs (with full continuity reinforcement over intermediate supports) of approximately equal span, i.e. within 15 % of the maximum span
3 1 W ser L s d = --------- --------------------100 EI CA
c) for two-span slabs (with full continuity reinforcement over the internal support)
3 1- W ser L s d = ----------------------------135 EI CA
ICA is the second moment of area of the composite slab about its centroidal axis; Ls is the effective span of the composite slab; and
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The value of the second moment of area of the composite slab ICA about its centroidal axis (in equivalent steel units) should be taken as the average of ICA for the cracked section (i.e. the compression area of the concrete cross section combined with the profiled steel sheets on the basis of modular ratio) and for the gross section (i.e. the entire concrete cross section combined with the profiled steel sheets on the basis of modular ratio).
The effective width of slab resisting bending moments and shear forces due to a concentrated load should be determined as follows. 1) For resisting bending moments: i) simple slabs
The modular ratio should be determined as recommended in BS 5950-3.1:1990. 6.6.3 Span-to-depth ratios As an alternative to calculation as recommended in 6.6.2, the limiting deflections given in 6.6.1 should be assumed to be satisfied for slabs with nominal continuity reinforcement over intermediate supports, if the span-to-depth ratios do not exceed the values given in Table 2. In Table 2, the depth should be taken as the overall depth of the composite slab Ds and the span as the effective span of the profiled steel sheets Lp. Table 2 Span-to-depth ratios
Type of concrete Single spans Condition End spans Internal spans
where a Ls is the distance from the load to the nearer support; and is the effective span of the slab.
30 25
35 30
38 33
A line load running parallel to the span should be treated as a series of concentrated loads. Where there are discrete concentrated loads or line loads, transverse reinforcement should be placed on or above the profiled steel sheets. It should have a cross-sectional area of not less than 0.2 % of the concrete section above the ribs (Ds Dp) and should extend over a width of not less than beb. This transverse reinforcement, which may include reinforcement provided for other purposes, should be ductile (see 3.2.2).
NOTE The values in this table apply to slabs with nominal continuity reinforcement over intermediate supports.For slabs designed as continuous with full continuity over intermediate supports, reference should be made to BS 8110.
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where Fa Fb Pa Pb is the end anchorage force per shear connector; is the beam longitudinal shear force per shear connector; is the end anchorage capacity per shear connector (see 6.4.3); is the capacity per shear connector for composite beam design in accordance with BS 5950-3.1:1990.
6.10.2 Composite concrete beams Where composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting are used to form the slabs of composite concrete beams, the design of the shear connection should be in accordance with the recommendations for composite concrete construction given in BS 8110-1:1985.
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Section 8 Initial dynamic test A test slab, representative of the proposed composite slab should first be subjected to an applied cyclic load which varies between a lower value not greater than 0.5 Ww and an upper value not less than 1.5 Ww, where Ww is the anticipated value of the applied load (at gf = 1.0) excluding the weight of the composite slab. This loading should be applied for 10 000 cycles in a time of not less than 3 h. The mid-span deflection should be recorded during the test. The slab should be deemed to have satisfactorily completed this initial dynamic test if the maximum deflection does not exceed Ls/50, where Ls is the effective span of the composite slab. Static test After satisfactory completion of the initial dynamic test, the same slab should be subjected to a static test in which the applied load is increased progressively until failure occurs. The failure load applied to the test slab, the mid-span deflection and the load at which the mid-span deflection reaches Ls/50 should be recorded. Applied load capacity The load capacity Wc (at gf = 1.0) for the load applied to the slab should, for design purposes, be taken as the lowest of the following: a) 0.75 of the average applied static load (for a minimum of three tests) at a deflection of Ls/50, the slab not having failed; b) 0.5 of the average applied static load at failure Wst, when the slab fails with sudden and excessive end slip (i.e. when only partial horizontal shear connection is present between the concrete and the profiled steel sheets); c) 0.75 of the average applied static load at failure Wst, when the slab fails without sudden and excessive end slip (i.e. when full horizontal shear connection is present between the concrete and the profiled steel sheeting); d) the upper value of the applied load used for the dynamic test. If the applied load in the static test has reached twice Ww but has not caused failure in the slab under a), b) or c), then the dynamic and static tests may be repeated at higher values of Ww.
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8.2.3 Reporting of test results The following information should be included in the report for each slab tested: a) anticipated value of the applied load Ww (at gf = 1.0) for which the slab was tested; b) thickness and overall depth of profiled steel sheets; c) dimensions and spacing of shear transfer devices; d) ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of profiled steel sheets; e) dimensions of composite slab; f) observed values of concrete cube strengths fcm; g) load ranges during the dynamic test, e.g. 0.5 Ww to 1.5 Ww; h) load/deflection and load/end slip graphs for the static test; i) static load at failure Wst; j) mode of failure of composite slab (flexure, longitudinal slip or vertical shear) and type of failure (ductile or brittle); k) applied load capacity Wc; l) dead weight of composite slab; m) the total load carrying capacity of the slab (i.e. Wc plus dead weight of slab).
If the failure mode is vertical shear, the results should not be used for determining values of the empirical parameters mr and kr. 8.3.2 Testing arrangement and procedure At least two sets of slabs should be tested, each comprising not less than three samples. Testing should be carried out in accordance with 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 except that at least two sets of four concrete cubes will be required. The same nominal compressive cube strength grade of concrete should be used for all tests. The shape and embossment of the profiled steel sheets should accurately represent the sheets to be used in practice. Tolerances of 5 % on spacing of embossments and 10 % on depth of embossments should be applied. 8.3.3 Test results To establish the design relationship for shear-bond capacity, tests should be carried out on specimens in regions A and B indicated in Figure 12. The maximum experimental shear force VE should be taken as half of the value of the failure load Wst as defined in for each test. Only values from tests which resulted in shear-bond failure should be included. The variables used for the tests should have values such that the parameters VE/(Bsdsfcm) and Ap/(BsLvfcm) for the A and B regions: lie within the complete range of values for which a shear-bond type of failure is expected to occur; and encompass the actual range of values which are required for use in practice. For specimens in region A the shear span should be as long as practicable, whilst still producing a shear-bond type of failure. For specimens in region B the shear span should be as short as practicable, whilst still producing a shear-bond type of failure. However, shear spans less than 450 mm should not be used. The nominal shape and thickness of the profiled steel sheets used for the tests should be the same as those to be used in practice and the value of Ap should not vary by more than 10 % between the test specimens. The nominal strength grade of the profiled steel sheets should also be the same as that to be used in practice.
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The minimum cube strength fcm of the concrete for the specimens should not be less than 25 N/mm2 and the variation between the mean cube strengths of the concrete for the specimens in regions A and B should preferably not exceed 5 N/mm2. Where the variation is greater, the mean cube strength for all the specimens should be used when plotting the test results. From the tests a regression line should be plotted as shown in Figure 12. The regression line should be taken as the best straight line between the test results in region A and those in region B. There should be a minimum of three tests in each region, provided that the variation from the mean of the three results is not greater than 7.5 %. When the variation is greater than 7.5 %, three further tests should be carried out and the six test results should be used to obtain the regression line.
So that the experimental values will generally lie above the line used for design, the values of the empirical parameters mr and kr for use in design (see 6.4.1) should be determined on the basis of a reduction line, as indicated in Figure 12. Generally the reduction line should be 15 % below the regression line, except that, when eight or more tests are carried out, the reduction line should be taken as 10 % below the regression line. In the event that the value of the empirical parameter kr from the reduction line is negative [see Figure 12 b], the application of the test results to design should be restricted as described in 6.4.1.
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BS 476, Fire tests on building materials and structures. BS 476-21:1987, Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction. BS 2989:1992, Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated and iron-zinc alloy coated steel flat products: tolerances on dimensions and shape. BS 4449:1988, Specification for carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. BS 4482:1985, Specification for cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete. BS 4483:1985, Specification for steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. BS 5493:1977, Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion. BS 5950, Structural use of steelwork in building. BS 5950-1:1990, Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: hot rolled sections. BS 5950-3, Design in composite construction. BS 5950-3.1:1990, Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite construction. BS 5950-6, Code of practice for design of light gauge sheeting, decking and cladding7). BS 5950-8:1990, Code of practice for fire resistant design. BS 5975:1982, Code of practice for falsework. BS 6399, Loading for buildings. BS 6399-1:1984, Code of practice for dead and imposed loads. BS 6399-3:1988, Code of practice for imposed roof loads. BS 8110, Structural use of concrete. BS 8110-1:1985, Code of practice for design and construction. BS 8110-2:1985, Code of practice for special circumstances. CP 3, Code of basic data for the design of buildings. CP 3:Chapter V, Loading. CP 3:Chapter V-2:1972, Wind loads. BS EN 10002, Tensile testing of metallic materials. BS EN 10002-1:1990, Method of test at ambient temperature. BS EN 10147:1992, Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated structural steel sheet and strip. Technical delivery conditions.
Informative references
BSI standards publications
BS 5400, Steel, concrete and composite bridges. BS 5400-5:1979, Code of practice for design of composite bridges. BS 5950, Structural use of steelwork in building. BS 5950-9, Code of practice for stressed skin design7). Other references [1] CIRIA Technical Note 116. Design of profiled sheeting as permanent formwork. [2] SCI Publication 056. The fire resistance of composite floors with steel decking. [3] CIRIA Special Publication 42. Fire resistance of composite slabs with steel decking.
7) In
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