Aztec Myth Bien
Aztec Myth Bien
Aztec Myth Bien
(ork it out) ) )
/. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. :. /;. //. /1. /3. /4. /5. )hy do you believe the Aztecs had so many deities or gods0 In ancient mythology, the weather always plays a large role in creation and guiding the decision2 ma'ing. )hy do you thin' that is0 As well as weather, the stars, or celestial formations also play a large role in creation and decision2 ma'ing. )hy do you thin' that is0 The stars also play a large role in geography and navegation. ,ow accurate do you thin' these systems were0 )hy is mythological history more significan in Aztec legends than factual history0 ,ow were records 'ept in those days0 ,ow much are stories distorted when they are passed on through oral history0 9o you 'now of other tales of Aztec history0 Are they similar to the one you read in this chapter0 9o you believe that Aztec myths were interpreted in the same way in the days when these stories began0 9o you feel a sense of understanding of the Aztec culture when you hear such stories0 )hy does Aztec history seem so barbaric in modern day0 )hy is there more popular mythology available about the Aztecs than there is about the +ayans or Olmecs0 ,ow is the social or political hierarchy of the Aztecs similar to systems we have in modern day0 )hy do you thin' the Aztecs believed in more than one sun, or more than one moon0
In the active voice, the object receives the action of the verb< subject = verb = object >ats eat fish.
In the "assive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb< subject = verb = object !ish is eaten by cats.
The object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb< subject = verb = object $verybody drin's water. )ater is drun' by everybody.
,ow do we ma'e the ?assive0 )e ma'e the ?assive with the au%iliary verb to be plus the main verb. The main verb is the past participle< re!ular wash washed washed
@oo' at these e%amples< )ater is drun' by everyone. /;; people are employed by this company. I am paid in euro. )e are not paid in dollars. Are they paid in yen0
(hen do e use the %assive+ )e use the passive when< we want to ma'e the active object more important we do not 'now the active subject @oo' at these e%amples< ?resident Aennedy was 'illed by @ee ,arvey Oswald. +y wallet has been stolen.
&ote that we use #by# to introduce the passive object. &o do e con,u!ate the %assive+ To form the passive in the correct tense, we conjugate the au%iliary verb B($C. "o, for e%ample< present simple< It is made present continuous< It is being made present perfect< It has been made Chan!e the follo in! sentences from active voice to "assive voice/ +ary made the coo'ies. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 3 4 5 Eohn has read both newspapers today. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )ill "imon have finished his homewor' by tonight0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ,er brother would have made dinner, but he didnFt have time. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Our son painted the walls with crayons. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Chan!e the follo in! sentences from "assive voice to active voice/ 1 3 4 5 The damage has been done. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD This boo' was written in /:68. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )as the mista'e made by both of them0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD The project will have been completed by "aturday. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD The decision has been made. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Already and .et )hen the adverb already occurs in a verb phrase containing the present perfect tense, it usually suggests recent to fairly recent time in the past< Theyve already gone home Ban hour agoCG My birthday has already passed Ba couple of wee's agoC. ,owever, in some circumstances already may occur in statements about the distant past< I dont want to go to Mexico; Ive already been there Bfifteen years agoC. @i'e other adverbs Be.g., just finally notC already is inserted between the au%iliary and the main verb< Theyve already had three children but she wants one more; Theyve already done their homewor! so they can watch T"# In less formal usage, already occurs in the final position of a sentence< The mailman has come and gone already; The children have gone to bed already# The adverb yet usually occurs in the final position of a simple sentence or in the final position of a main clause in a comple% sentence< The rain hasnt started yet; I havent made a decision yet but I will soon# $et is used in negative verb phrases and yes%no .uestions only. Note- In more formal usage, and sometimes informal, one could say< &ain hasnt yet started; I havent yet made a decision# $et shows e%pectation Bsomething that we plan to doC and is closely related to a coming event in future time< 'e havent reached the top of the mountain yet but with luc! and determination we will soon; (ur child hasnt begun to spea! yet but he will soon# $et occurs in yes%no .uestions more fre.uently than the other adverbs of indefinite time< )ave you had lunch yet* )asnt your team won a game yet* (esides the usual no answers, the response +o not yet may occur in response to a yes%no .uestion.
Abridged BshortenedC main clauses containing will be going to and hope to often occur in sentences with yet< 'e havent done anything about the problem yet but we will ,so something-; They havent arrived yet but theyre going to ,arrive- soon; I havent seen that movie yet but I hope to ,see it-# This 'ind of abridgment also occurs with the verbs li!e and want. )er boyfriend doesnt li!e to dance but she likes to ,dance-; I havent gone to /apan yet but I want to ,go-# /se already in *erb %hrases 0ill in the blanks ith have (has) 1 already 1 a "ast "artici"le) / 1 3 BeatHleaveC The guests DDDDDDDDDDDDDD and DDDDDDDDDDDDDD BwriteHsendC I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD and DDDDDDDDDDDDDD the letter. BhaveC &o, than' you. I donFt care for another drin' because I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD four. BgetC I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD a little drun'. 4 BgoC Eac' is still here, but his wife DDDDDDDDDDDDDD home. 5 BseeC I donFt want to see that movie because I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD it. 6 BriseC ?lease letFs go home. The sun DDDDDDDDDDDDDD and IFm dead tired Bvery tiredC. BleaveC +ost of the other guests DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 7 BbeC )e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD for hours. 8 Bta'eC 9onFt worry about the problem because I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD care of it. Bspea'C I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD to my lawyer about it. : BhearC Iou donFt have to tell me about the scandal because I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD about it. BbeC It DDDDDDDDDDDDDD in all the newspapersG BcoverC even television DDDDDDDDDDDDDD it. /; Bspea'C I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD to her about the matter, and IFm not going to spea' to her about it again. Ne!ative *erb %hrases and Yet 0ill in the blank ith have (has) 1 not 1 a "ast "artici"le) /. BgetC ,e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD over his recent divorce yet, but he will. 1. BarriveC The guests DDDDDDDDDDDDDD yet, but I e%pect them any minute. B0ny minute means very soon#C 3. BsitC )e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD down to dinner yet, but weFre going to any minute now. B+ow may be added to any minute#4. BenterC Their son DDDDDDDDDDDDDD the army yet, but he wants to. 5. BgetC ,e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD over his last love affair yet, but he eventually will. BfindC ,e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD a new girlfriend yet. 6. BseeC I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD that movie yet, but I hope to. 7. BbeginC The movie DDDDDDDDDDDDDD yet, but it will any minute. 8. BcallC I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD my boss yet, but I will in a few minutes. :. BwriteC I DDDDDDDDDDDDDD my parents yet, but I will tomorrow. /;.BgoC +y headache DDDDDDDDDDDDDD away yet, but it will because IFve ta'en a few