Passive and Active
Passive and Active
Passive and Active
Let us first understand the meaning of voice, and what is active voice and passive voice.
What is Voice of a verb?
The voice of a verb expresses whether the subject in the sentence has performed or received the
List of Synonyms And Antonyms Direct & Indirect Speech Rules Letter Writing Format
I Me
We Us
He Him
She Her
They Them
You You
It It
Rule 6. Use the suitable helping or auxiliary verb (is/am/are/was, etc.). The rules for using auxiliary
verbs in passive voice sentences are different for each tense.
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She cares for the rabbit The rabbit is being cared for by her
Jacob always plays the guitar The guitar is always played by Jacob
They are eating bananas The bananas are being eaten by them
Bob is drawing a diagram A diagram is being drawn by Bob
Has he done the work? Has the work been done by him?
Have they left the apartment? Has the apartment been left by them?
The teacher called the student The student was called by the teacher
She did not buy the fruits The fruits were not bought by her
They were waiting for him He was being waited for by them
She won the match The match had been won by her
I had finished her work Her work had been finished by me
He had missed the last metro The last metro had been missed by him
Meena will not have changed the bedsheet The bed sheet will not have been changed by Meena
They will have won the match The match will have been won by them
Reena will have washed the skirt The skirt will have been washed by Reena
Rules of Active & Passive Voice in English Grammar – Part 2
1. It is be done by me.
2. It should to be done by me.
3. It has to be done by me.
4. It would to be done by me.
Aspirants preparing for the upcoming government exams must carefully go through the concept and
rules of active and passive voice in English grammar, as they tend to score the least in the English
Language section.
To ace this section, it is important that candidates have a clear concept of mistaken words or the
confusing words in the English language. Given below are a few such words that they can check for
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