TRAVIS, Walton. Fire in The Sky - The Walton Experience
TRAVIS, Walton. Fire in The Sky - The Walton Experience
TRAVIS, Walton. Fire in The Sky - The Walton Experience
It was many years ago that I got out of a crew truck in the national forest and ran toward a large glowing object hovering in the darkening Arizona sky. But when I made that fateful choice to leave the truck, I was leaving behind more than just my six fellow workmen. I was leaving behind forever all semblance of a normal life, running headlong toward an ex erience so overwhelmingly mind! rending in its effects, so devastating in its aftermath, that my life would never"could never " be the same again. # Travis Walton
ri!ona observe" a strange, unusuall# bright light in the s$#. %ne of those men, Travis Walton, re&$lessl# left the safet# of their tru&$ to ta$e a &loser loo$. 'u""enl#, as he (al$e" to(ar" the light, Walton (as blaste" ba&$ b# a bolt of m#sterious energ#. )is &ompanions fle" in fear. When the# reporte" an en&ounter (ith a *+%something the# (oul" have &onsi"ere" impossible if the# ha" not (itnesse" it themselvesthe men (ere suspe&te" of mur"er. +or five "a#s authorities mounte" a massive manhunt in sear&h of Walton or his bo"#. Then Walton reappeare", "isoriente" an" initiall# unable to tell the (hole stor# of his terrif#ing en&ounter.
$he %alton &x erience
Travis Walton
,ublishe" b# -arlo(e . /ompan# 012 2roa"(a#, 'eventh +loor Ne( 3or$, Ne( 3or$ 14412 5'ons an" 6aughters7 rt Neville8 rthel Neville89an Neville8:orraine Neville8;on /u&&ia8-al&olm 2urn < 1994 Neville -usi& . rthelian -usi& =2-9> . Neeha -usi& . /hief ?oll# -usi& = '/ ,> ll rights a"ministere" b# 9rving -usi&, 9n&. =2-9> on behalf of Neville musi& for the (orl"8 lmo -usi& /orp. = '/ ,> a"ministere" for /hief ?oll# -usi& for the (orl". ,hotographs of 6.2. '(eene# an" ;obert ,atri&$ &ourtes# of ,aramount ,i&tures < 1991 ,aramount ,i&tures. ll rights reserve". ll other photographs an" illustrations &op#right < 197@, 1990 b# -i$e ;ogers. ll rights reserve". 5+ire in the '$#7 (ritten b# ,ete Ao!a$ < 1990. ll rights reserve". /op#right < 1979, 1990 b# Travis Walton 9'2N 1B50924B@44B4 :ibrar# of /ongress /ar" /atalog numberC 90B4755@2 ,rinte" in the *nite" 'tates of meri&a
Foreword Preface
1 4
PART I THE INCIDENT Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter Chapter ! Chapter " Chapter # Chapter $ +irst, an %pen -in" n %r"inar# 6a# b"u&tion Night 'ear&h -anhunt Ai"napping . . . or a AillingD ;eturn The liens )uman 21 25 15 45 54 04 71 @1 91
PART II ANA%YSIS Chapter 1& Chapter 11 Euestions of 2elief The +inal 5Euestions of 2elief7 B an" /on&lusive ns(ers 114 144
PART III %ATER DAYS Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 1 Chapter 1! ftermath The -a$ing of +ire /on&lusion Fpilogue 175 19@ 254 255
b# Tra&# Torme, '&reen(riter8,ro"u&er, 'ire in the (ky
9t (as November 5, 19@5, an" the signifi&an&e of the "ate ha"nGt es&ape" me. s the Hetliner "es&en"e" to(ar" the Ialle# of the 'un, m# min" reele" ba&$, ten #ears to the "a#. 9G" been sitting in the librar# at 2everl# )ills )igh =in the "a#s before its !ip &o"e be&ame a househol" (or">, listening to the ra"io on hea"phones, preten"ing to stu"#. fiveBminute ne(sbrea$ interrupte" the ro&$ an" roll, an" the last item &aught m# "istra&te" attention. . . . n ri!ona man name" Travis Walton (as missingan" his &o(or$Jers &ame up (ith the &ra!iest eK&use for his "isappearan&eC )e ha" been blaste" b# a ra# of light an" ta$en a(a# b# a fl#ing sau&er, the# sai". 9t (as &lear from the tone of the report that no one believe" them. -ur"er (as alrea"# being mentione". The lo&al ne(smen thre( in the stan"ar" line about 5little green men7 . . . then the 'tones returne" (ith a song about tumbling "i&e. 2ut 9 (asnGt listening. 9 (as thin$ing about Travis Walton. No(, ten #ears later, 9 (as tou&hing "o(n in ,hoeniK, on m# (a# to 'no(fla$e, ri!ona, an" a fa&eBtoBfa&e meeting (ith Travis. s 9 hurrie" to &at&h a &ommuter flight, 9 ran into the pilot, (ho informe" me that his plane (as groun"e". There (as a storm over the White -ountains, an" 9 (as out of lu&$. 9 offere" to "ouble the mone#. No go. 'tormD What stormD 9 loo$e" up at the &ool blue s$# in frustration. -# time (as limite"L 9 ha" to be ba&$ in :. . in three "a#s, an" 9 (as "eterB mine" to
2 Tra'(* .a/to)
rea&h 'no(fla$e. 'o 9 rente" a &ara ver# spe&ial &ar a&&or"ing to )ert!a bran"Bne( fourB (heelB"rive ,eugeotan" 9 (as off to 'no(fla$e. +or t(o hours 9 hea"e" east a&ross the "esert, enHo#ing the sunshine an" s&ener# in a (a# onl# a &it# bo# &an. n" then it starte" to sno(in a big (a#. s i&e, sleet, an" sno( pelte" m# little +ren&h &ar 9 ma"e an interesting "is&over#C The (in"shiel" (ipers "i"nGt (or$. 9 "rove on in eKasperation, sti&$ing m# hea" out the (in"o( an" tr#ing m# best to follo( the high(a#, then glan&ing ba&$ through the mist for the ra&ing flatbe" that (as sure to run me "o(n at an# moment. Near the ol" mining to(n of 'uperior, 9 pulle" off the roa" an" (aite" for the storm to abate. 9 thought of Travis an" the first time (eG" spo$en, a fe( "a#s earlier. 9G" gotten his number from 'no(fla$e 9nformationL 9 later "is&overe" it ha" been unliste" for ten #earsheG" Hust put it ba&$ in the phone boo$ a "a# or t(o before 9 &alle". 9 too$ that as a goo" omen. The &all ha" been spurre" b# a "is&ussion 9G" ha" (ith pro"u&er ;obert 'trauss a (ee$ previous. The Walton &ase (as so interesting, so spe&ta&ular, (h# ha"nGt an#one ma"e a movie about itD 9n m# preliminar# tal$s (ith Travis, the ans(er be&ame &lear. The Travis Walton 9 $ne( onl# b# voi&e seeme" eKtremel# suspi&ious of an#one from )oll#(oo". 9n fa&t, he seeme" suspi&ious of an#one, perio". 'o 9 (as Hourne#ing to 'no(fla$e for t(o maHor reasonsC to &onvin&e him that 9 (as sin&ere in m# ple"ge to ma$e a him that tol" his stor# truthfull#, an" to see for m#self if the &ase (as a hoaK. 9n m# min", the latter (asnGt a "eal brea$er. 9f the Walton in&i"ent (as an elaborate ruse, 9 still felt that ma"e for a great stor# that &oul" be translate" to the s&reen. The storm never en"e"L 9 arrive" in 'no(fla$e three hours later, half ama!e" still to be in one pie&e. %ver the &ourse of the neKt fe( "a#s an" several more trips to the area, 9 intervie(e" Travis an" 6ana Walton, -i$e ;ogers, Aenn# ,aterson, ?ohn Moulette, llen 6alis, Mlen +la$e, -arlin Millespie, et&. 9 spo$e (ith believers an" "isbelievers, (ellB(ishers an" s&ornmongers. 9n the en" there (as onl# one &on&lusion 9 &oul" possibl# rea&h. The (oo"smen ha" been telling the truth. 'omething built b# nonhuman han"s reall# "i" appear on the mountain that night. pie&e of unrealit# ha" be&ome all too real an" ha" &hange" seven #oung menGs lives forever. 9 (as ama!e" b# the s$epti&sG la&$ of a reaJsonable alternative, an" 9 (as impresse" b# the amount of suffering the inJ&i"ent ha" &ause" the (oo"smen. 'iK an" a half long #ears later, +ire in the '$# (ent into pro"u&tion. Wh# "i" it ta$e so longD 9n the film business, things that shoul" ta$e a (ee$ ta$e a month. n" ever# time (e sai", 5/oul" (e please have t(ent# million "ollars to ma$e this movieD7 . . . someone (ith t(ent# million "ollars sai" no. 9t (as m# sa" "ut# to report to Travis all the roa"blo&$s an" false alarms (e
,refa&eC /onteKt
$o erceive is to suffer. ristotle
9t (as man# #ears ago that 9 got out of a &re( tru&$ in the national forest an" ran to(ar" a large glo(ing obHe&t hovering in the "ar$ening ri!ona s$#. 2ut (hen 9 ma"e that fateful &hoi&e to leave the tru&$, 9 (as leaving behin" more than Hust m# siK fello( (or$men. 9 (as leaving behin" forever all semblan&e of a normal life, running hea"long to(ar" an eKperien&e so over(helmingl# min"Bren"ing in its effe&ts, so "evastating in its aftermath, that m# life (oul" never&oul" never be the same again. Nothing in this naive &ountr# bo#Gs life up to that moment &oul" have prepare" me for (hat follo(e". 2ut (hat 9 "i"nGt $no( then, 9 thin$ 9 $no( no(. 9tGs been a real e"u&ationO n" (ith this ne( boo$ 9 tr# to share those insights. When 9 first (rote $he %alton &x erience =2er$le# 2oo$s, 197@>, the boo$ (hi&h ,aramount ,i&turesG movie, 'ire in the (ky, is base" on, 9 state" m# "esire that the boo$ put the rea"er (here (e (ere (hen it happene". -# hope (as that if people &oul" vi&ariousl# live itsomeho( a&tuall# eKperien&e it as if the# (ere there in m# stea"perhaps the# &oul" ta$e a more openBmin"e" an" obHe&tive approa&h to their evaluation of it all. )o(ever, nothing approa&hes the goal of allo(ing people to live someone elseGs eKperien&e nearl# so (ell as a movie. 9 thin$ most people $ne( better than to eKpe&t a "o&umentar#, an" although some "ramati& li&ense (as eKer&ise", 9 believe that the movie su&&ee"e" in &onve#ing the emotional essen&e of (hat (e (ent through. ,ubli& response to the film fulfille" all reasonable eKpe&tations of
! Tra'(* .a/to)
(as Hust (hat these &loseBmin"e" rubes nee"e" to sha$e up their smug ortho"oK#, to pull their blin"ers off so the# might also begin to see a little more of the mo"ern (orl" outsi"e their little &ornBro( rut. ,erhaps. 2ut 9 believe their attitu"e is metro&entri&, their o(n "ear illusion that small to(ns are ba&$(ar" an" &ities are populate" solel# (ith hip, sophisti&ate", openBmin"e" people (ith a mu&h more a&&urate pi&ture of 5the real (orl".7 9 have ne(s for them. 9Gve seen both si"es an" 9 &an tell #ou that rural &ommunities have no &orner on tunnel vision. "mitte"l#, these mountain &ommunities are some(hat more homogeneous in their vie(s, but there is far more "iversit# here than metrophiles assume. The# seem to forget (eGre plugge" into the same national me"ia the# are, not sitting here (at&hing reruns of lo&al ne(s from the 1954s. Mrante", people here &an be ver# &ertain of their truths, but no more so than else(here. :iving among people (ith a greater variet# of vie(points "oesnGt ne&essaril# impart an openness to consider those vie(points. Toleran&e "oesnGt translate into openBmin"e"B ness. "iversit# of selfB&ertitu"es is still selfB&ertitu"e. The more 9 "is&over of the (orl", the more 9 see ho( fun"amentall# ali$e people ever#(here a&tuall# are. 9n a broa" sense (e all share the same basi& strengths an" failings, although to var#ing "egrees. n" it is this arra# of traits (hi&h some realists regar" as being the &ause of (hat is referre" to as 5the human &on"ition.7 9Gve &ome to reali!e that the biggest problem an#(here in the (orl" is that peopleGs per&eptions of realit# are &ompulsivel# filtere" through the s&reening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true. ,eople see (hat the# eKpe&t to see. ,re&on&eptions seem to pre"etermine Hu"gment of ever#thing. 9tGs not solel# be&ause this human failing pla#e" su&h a big part in the eKperien&es 9 re&ount here that 9 &onsi"er it so important in the overall s&heme of things. 9f #ou loo$, #ouGll fin" this human pro&livit# at the root of ever# single personal problem or so&ial ill humanit# has ever en"ure". These mountain &ommunities are more a mi&ro&osm of the (orl" than some (oul" eKpe&t. 'no(fla$e, ri!ona. To some people from out of state, these t(o (or"s soun" li$e an oK#moron, a &ontra"i&tion in terms. -an# times 9Gve ha" to persua"e those on the other en" of longB"istan&e phone lines that 9 (as not Ho$ing. The# Hust 5$no(7 that it never sno(s here in the 6esert 'tate, an" besi"es, (ho (oul" reall# name a to(n 'no(fla$eD Well, it "oes sno(, Nuite enough, than$s. Not as mu&h as some pla&es in ri!ona, but then, that isnGt (here the name &omes from an#(a#. When 9 tell them the to(n (as name" for t(o of the foun"ing families the 'no(s an" the +la$esan" that the 'no(s have all "rifte" a(a# but there are still plent# of +la$es here, the# be&ome &ertain 9Gm $i""ing. 2ut 'no(fla$e, ever sin&e its foun"ing in 1@7@, has been a to(n that people
# Tra'(* .a/to)
&ount# sheriffPs offi&ers. Fven in a to(n (here the smallest in&i"ents are reporte" =unli$e &ities (here people are so Ha"e" the# often "onGt even bother to report being the vi&tims of maHor &rimes>, 'no(fla$e still has an astonishingl# lo( &rime rate. rash of bro$en (in"o(s &an ma$e the lo&al ne(spaper. lthough "rug abuse use" to be virtuall# noneKistent here, (e still have the lo(est in&i"en&e in the state. 'ome of the $i"s ma# &omplain that 5nothing ever happens here,7 but their parents sa#, 5Than$ heavens for that.7 The train is gone no(. The 'anta +e ;ailroa" pulle" up the tra&$s through to(n a (hile ago. ;an&hing isnGt nearl# (hat it on&e (as. No( the total output raising pigs is more than "ouble that of &attleL the nationGs largest pig farm is lo&ate" here. 2ut forest pro"u&trelate" Hobs have "ominate" the areaGs e&onom# for a long time. This (a# of life ma# be in for an abrupt &hange here, along (hatGs been &alle" 5 meri&aGs last frontier,7 be&ause of timber &utba&$s "ue to environmental &on&erns. The ol" Ho$e about rolling up an" putting a(a# the si"e(al$s at nine oG&lo&$ still applies, eK&ept on 'atur"a# "an&e nights. ?ournalists an" movie people often &all this a )ast *icture (how# $in" of to(n. WesternBst#le "ress, though still popular an" in &urrent revival, no longer &ompletel# "ominates the fashion s&ene. 2ut the annual '(eet /orn +estival, ,ioneer 6a#s /elebration, an" the +ourth of ?ul# ;o"eo are still the biggest events of the #ear. The )ome&oming Mame ,ara"e gets almost as big a turnout, sin&e highB s&hool football is ta$en ver# seriousl# here. The #ear of the *+% in&i"ent, 'no(fla$e "efeate" nearb# ;oun" Ialle# "uring future gri"iron star -ar$ MastineauGs last #ear of highB s&hool pla# there. number of athletes have left here for the pros. 9 thin$ it (as ;obert 'ervi&e (ho sai" that big spa&es seem to pro"u&e big men. ri!ona has al(a#s been a pla&e of big spa&es an" probabl# al(a#s (ill be, sin&e onl# a tin# per&entage of the state is privatel# o(ne". The rest is 9n"ian reservations, state an" fe"eral lan", an" national forest. ri!ona has been &alle" a lan" of &ontrasts, an" man# of the bor"ers of those &ontrasts seem to fall in the area aroun" 'no(fla$e. The region, &alle" the White -ountain8-ogollon =moe gee on> ;im area, eKten"s from the &enter of ri!ona (here the ;im begins an" runs east(ar" into the White -ountains near the Ne( -eKi&o bor"er. 9t ranges south from the high "esert near the lo(er boun"aries of the ,etrifie" +orest, the ,ainte" 6esert, an" the NavaHo an" )opi 9n"ian ;eservations, &ontinuing south to the still higher elevations of the (etter, alpineB foreste" 'unrise '$i rea up near the timberline on the pa&he 9n"ian ;eservation. 'no(fla$e lies mi"(a#, in the s&rub &e"ar an" rolling prairie at the northern e"ge of the largest pon"erosa pine forest in the (orl". 9n ages past, 'no(fla$eGs valle# (as a vast la$e, "raine" b# a huge &ra&$ that opene" up from 'no(fla$e to the :ittle /olora"o ;iver ba&$ about the time a spa&e visitor of another sort impa&te", siKt#Bsome miles to the north(est, forming the (orl"Bfamous -eteor
12 Tra'(* .a/to)
it onl# half turne" aroun", 9 &oul" tell it (as alrea"# all set to hightail it. ?ust in &ase it "i"nGt, 9 (as &arefull# gauging the relative "istan&es bet(een the bear, me, an" the safet# of m# empt# seat in the tru&$. *suall#, if a pre"ator isnGt &ornere", its refleK is to flee (hen &hase", Hust as it (ill respon" b# giving &hase if #ou run a(a# from it. -ost of the foregoing (as years before the *+% in&i"ent. 9 survive", surprisingl# enough, (ithout a single bro$en bone. 9 ha" a fe( isolate" brushes (ith the la(, mostl# traffi& offenses, but nothing that left me (ith an# re&or". 9t (as a small part of m# life, a brief phase 9 (ent through, but 9 pai" the pri&es an" reall# learne" m# lesson, an" ha" not re&eive" so mu&h as a traffi& ti&$et for a number of #ears before the *+% in&i"ent. 9n fa&t, itGs been li$e that for all of the man# #ears sin&e m# (a#(ar" phase. 9 reall# "onGt li$e having to go into events of m# (il"er "a#s. 2ut 9 &ame to reali!e that, (ithout the perspe&tive provi"e" b# $no(ing these things about me, people (ill never un"erstan" the ans(er to (hat (as for so man# one of the more m#stif#ing Nuestions raise" b# m# stor#C Wh#D The other men (ere either fro!en in terror or franti&all# tr#ing to fin" a (a# to &ra(l un"er the seats. %hy was I the only one brazenly to get out of the crew truck and a roach such a fearsome unknown0 9 $ept getting this Nuestion, over an" over again, for #ears. ,erhaps no( itGs a bit &learer (hat $in" of man it too$ to rea&t in that (a#. )o(ever, #outhful brava"o is onl# half the eKplanation for that apparent m#ster#. The a&ute embarrassment 9 feel in revie(ing that time perio" (ill also be better un"erstoo" from $no(ing something else about me. nother si"e to m# personalit# ran "eeper, more true to m# real nature. 9 (as possesse" b# a seemingl# unNuen&hable thirst for $no(le"ge, espe&iall# of a t#pe others &onsi"ere" off limitsnot ba" things, Hust things hi""en, regar"e" as best left for a fe(, or truths that man# "en# solel# from bias or fear. -# allB&onsuming &uriosit# (as more po(erful than m# o(n fear, an" at its !enith in m# life the evening of November 5, 1975. -an# of those (ho "isapprove" of m# (a#s (ere probabl# in the throes of ba&$lash to the &hanges time ha" brought to their (orl", an" nee"e" a &ulprit, as if 9 (ere an agent of those &hanges. )o( little the# reall# $ne( about me. 'mall to(ns are al(a#s "es&ribe" as pla&es (here ever#one $no(s ever#one else. &tuall#, a small to(n is a pla&e (here people onl# thin$ the# $no( ever#one. The# $no( ever#oneGs namebut not al(a#s (ho the# reall# are. 9Gve hear" man# rumors ma$e the roun"s about fol$s here that prove" to be ri"i&ulousl# false (hen 9 finall# got verifiable (or". The more hushBhush the 5s&oop,7 the further itGs li$el# to be from the truth. 9Gve learne" to hol" off on "ra(ing an# &on&lusions about lateBbrea$ing lo&al ne(s. Metting the fa&ts straight right off is so rare that it ama!es me ho( man# people are (illing to Hump prematurel# to &on&lusions that so often prove false. )o(ever, itGs human nature for most people to vie( their o(n pasts through
14 Tra'(* .a/to)
9 have some /hero$ee in m# imme"iate an&estr# on m# motherGs si"e, so 9 "elve" into the language an" histor# of the /hero$ee nation. The /hero$eeGs status as one of the soB&alle" 5+ive /ivili!e" Tribes7 "i"nGt prevent ,resi"ent n"re( ?a&$son from or"ering in the 1@14s the for&e" foot mar&h of the tribe from their homelan"s on the Fast /oast to reservations half a &ontinent a(a# in %$lahoma. There (as tremen"ous suffering an" "eath among those her"e" along b# sol"iers, on (hat be&ame $no(n as the Trail of Tears. -# greatBgran"father (as a &hief (ho es&ape" the pro&ession an" settle" in Tennessee before later reHoining his people in %$lahoma. 9 be&ame a stateB&ertifie" F-T =Fmergen&# -e"i&al Te&hni&ian>. 9 (or$e" at the nearb# 'ho( :o( airport to pa# for m# privateBpilot groun" s&hool an" fl#ing lessons. 9 (or$e" on a number of inventions 9 &ame up (ith for automotive appli&ations. When mi"(ives 9 $ne( tol" me the# ha" been ta$ing the &ollege li&ensing preparation &ourse an" stu"#ing for the state mi"(ife li&ensing eKamination, 9 borro(e" their teKtboo$s a fe( "a#s before the test an" rea" them. 'in&e the statute permitte" persons (ho ha" not ta$en the &ollege &lasses to ta$e the test, 9 too$ the eKam (ith "o!ens of mi"(ives from aroun" ri!ona, some of (hom (ere registere" nurses (ho ha" alrea"# been pra&ti&ing mi"(ifer# for #ears un"er ph#si&iansG supervision. 9 re&eive" the se&on"Bhighest s&ore out of the entire group, Hust behin" a la"# (ho ha" a&tuall# ta$en the &ollege &ourse. 9 (as a person (ho seeme" to be from t(o (orl"s. ,eople from both (orl"s "i"nGt $no( Nuite ho( to ta$e me, ea&h probabl# believing 9 (as of the other. ""ing to some of the fri&tion bet(een me an" one or t(o gu#s on the &re( (as m# attitu"e to(ar" smo$ing an" "rin$ing. The# seeme" to miss the "istin&tion bet(een refusing to "rin$ (ith them an" simpl# refusing to "rin$. 'no(fla$e resi"ents, 9 thin$, vie(e" me as an outsi"er. -# moving to to(n from else(here an" m# &hur&h ina&tivit# &ontribute" greatl# to that impression. 9 never tol" an#one, but m# -ormon roots (ere as "eep as an#oneGs. The# "i"nGt $no( it but, going (a# ba&$, 9Gm a&tuall# relate" to some of them. -# greatB greatBgran"father, ?oseph Walton, (as among the pioneer families to settle the *tah Ialle# (ith 2righam 3oung. ?oseph Walton helpe" buil", an" live" in, Wor"s(orth +ort in lpine, *tah. )e serve" un"er /aptain /arlisle an" 'ergeant ?ohn :angston as a sol"ier in the +ifth Tenn, a -ormon militia &ompan#, an" later as a poli&e offi&er. )e sa( a lot of trouble (ith 9n"ian rai"s, in&lu"ing the Wal$er War an" the 2la&$ )a($ War, an" en"ure" the same har"ships as the other pioneers in taming the *tah Ialle#. )is son, m# greatBgran"father, ?ohn ?ames Walton, (or$e" in 2righam 3oungGs househol" to pa# his (a# in be&oming one of a small number in the ver# first gra"uating &lass of the 2righam 3oung &a"em#, later $no(n as 2righam 3oung *niversit#. 9Gve gone through maHor &hanges. No( that 9 bring these things out, some of (hi&h 9G" li$e to "en#, 9Gm put in the position of &ounseling m# $i"s to "o as 9
1! Tra'(* .a/to)
that game. The "rives to an" from (or$ (ere al(a#s long, but (e (oul" fill the time (ith tal$ of man# fas&inating things. The gu#s on the &re( (ho "i"nGt have a taste for all that foun" some of the tal$ a little be(il"ering. 5Woul" #ou gu#s Nuit arguing, for hellGs sa$eD7 the#G" sa#L an", 5Who in hell gives a damn about (h# humans enHo# hearing musi&D Fmbr#ologi&al neuroBartifa&ts of mathemati&al harmoni&s bullshitO inGt it enough to $no( (hat soun"s goo" to #ouD Wh# "o #ou gu#s have to pr# into ever#thingD WhatGs it ever going to get #ouD ll #ou gu#s ever "o is argue.7 2ut there (ere some (ho, although surprise", too$ a li$ing to it an" Humpe" right in an" hel" their o(n. We (oul" have &hallenges to see (ho &oul" pre"i&t (here a tree (oul" fall (ithout a nu"ge. Mames of rea&tion time, little unspo$en "uels, su&h as seeing (ho &oul" $eep from being the first to sa#, 5:etGs brea$,7 or 5:etGs &all it a "a#.7 'eeing (hoG" be first to get his sa( starte" or ra&e ba&$ to the tru&$. Who &oul" most &losel# estimate the "istan&e bet(een t(o trees, or ho( man# manBhours it (oul" ta$e to &omplete a given a&reage. s a pon"erosa pine gro(s, its lo(er limbs "ie off an" ne( ones are a""e" to the top. Normall# the# get "rier an" "rier until (in" or sno( brea$s them off. s $arate pra&ti&e, (eG" have mat&hes to see (ho &oul" snapB$i&$ off the highest limb above our hea"s (ithout falling on his &an. 2eing taller, 9 al(a#s (on this one. We (oul" ta$e one of the roun" files (e sharpene" our &hains (ith an" see (ho &oul" thro( it an" sti&$ it &losest to the &enter of the en" of a log. -i$e usuall# (on this one. We (oul" &ompete to see (hoG" be fastest to get his sa( through a log. -i$e usuall# (on this one, too. 9 guess -i$e has more sa("ust in his veins. -i$eGs father, :#le, be&ame a logger in 1947, at first using the manual &ross&ut sa(s the# &alle" 5'(e"ish violins,7 sin&e engineB"riven &hainsa(s ha"nGt #et &ome into use. When -i$e (as gro(ing up, he helpe" his "a" in the (oo"s. :#le has "one tree thinning intermittentl# for the *.'. +orest 'ervi&e sin&e leaving the railroa", an" is still "oing it at the age of sevent#Bplus. -i$eGs gran"pa, Meorge )o(ar", plante" trees in the forest in Nebras$a before be&oming a forest ranger in /olora"o. fter Mran"pa Meorge left the +orest 'ervi&e, he (as in timberBrelate" (or$ the rest of his life. n" -i$eGs mother, ?o#&e, (as bom t(o months premature (hen her parents (ere sno(e" in at a ranger station near 3ampa, /olora"o, "uring the (orst storm of the #ear. 'he spent her girlhoo" living in various lumber &s. si"e from being a born (oo"sman, all that &ompetitiveness on the Hob probabl# helpe" -i$e (hen he entere" the big lumberHa&$ &ontests, (here he "i" (ell. -i$e ha" been bi""ing *.'. +orest 'ervi&e thinning &ontra&ts sin&e he (as onl# nineteen #ears ol". 9n the fall of 1975, 9G" Hust helpe" him finish out his /an"# -ountain &ontra&t up near the 2lue Wil"erness rea. No( that (as some Hob. We (ere above 14,444 feet. There (ere times there (hen (e foun" ourselves loo$ing down at the &lou"sO 9tGs beautiful green &ountr#, thi&$ (ith
1# Tra'(* .a/to)
(ho returne" fire b# &alling 6(a#ne 5)erman -unster7 be&ause of his height. 'teveGs famil# (erenGt area natives, but his famil# o(ne" lan" east of 'no(fla$e. 'teve ha" been (ith us for a fe( (ee$s. )e (as the #oungest on the &re(, but he (as strong an" big for his age. 9t loo$e" as if he (as going to (or$ out o$a#. 'o there (e (ere. miKe" group of personalities, (ith various frien"ships an" antagonisms, all hea"e" off to(ar" (or$ in the mountains of northern ri!ona, an" the eKperien&e of a lifetime.
The 9n&i"ent
+irst, an %pen -in"
By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great roblems. Frnst )einri&h )ae&$el
efore giving the e#eB (itness a&&ount of the sighting an" subseNuent events, 9 (ant to appeal to reason an" briefl# eKplain (h# 9 go into the matter on&e more, after so mu&h time. +or a (hile it seeme" that ever#one (ante" to $no( more about the *+% in&i"ent. The# (ante" to $no( if an#thing so in&re"ibl# bi!arre &oul" a&tuall# happen. . . Moul" itD Well, it "i", but unfortunatel#, often it (as the ten"en&# of a great man# people to &onsi"er onl# those fa&ts (hi&h supporte" their pre&on&eive" beliefsnot onl# the la# publi&, but also s&ientists, la(men, an" ne(smen. 2oth the s$epti&s an" even those (ho a&&epte" the truth of our eKperien&e (ere often guilt# of ma$ing up their min"s on the basis of onl# part of the evi"en&e. '&ientifi& testing too$ time, an" man# people "i" not (ant to (ait until all the fa&ts (ere in before rea&hing a &on&lusion. There (as 5something for ever#one7 in the earl# ne(s reports of the in&i"ent. &ontrovers# rage" that offere" evi"en&e to &onfirm an# parti&ular bias a person might &hoose, an" offering foo" for thought for the unpreHu"i&e" an" more logi&al in"ivi"uals. Fver# time 9 rea" a ne(spaper or maga!ine arti&le about m# eKperien&e, it (as (ith outrage" eKasperation. Not one of the (ritten a&&ounts of m#
22 Tra'(* .a/to)
eKperien&e (as entirel# &orre&t. 9Gm not referring onl# to reports (hi&h too$ the "isbelieving vie(point. WeGre all entitle" to our opinions in matters of opinion. )o(ever, in matters of fa&t (e are not. 9Gm referring to those reports (hi&h garble" basi& fa&ts of an in"isputable naturenames, ages, pla&es, even the se3uence of eventsL reports in (hi&h Nuotations from nearl# ever#one involve" (ere pure invention. ;eports that repeate" the vaguest rumors an" even things (hi&h a simple &he&$ &oul" have "isprove" before the# (ere put before millions of people. number of soB&alle" eKperts appeare" ver# foolish b# &oming out in the me"ia an" spea$ing too soon. The# ma"e publi& statements as if from establishe" fa&t, (hi&h (ere proven totall# false (hen the real evi"en&e (as publi&i!e". 'eeing these things, 9 (oul" tell the neKt intervie(er ho( no one ever seeme" to get it right. )e (oul" s#mpathi!e, assuring me that he (oul" straighten things out. 'ure enough, (hen his arti&le &ame out, (or"s 9 har"l# re&ogni!e" (oul" be en&lose" b# Nuotes an" labele" 5Walton sai".7 9 starte" reall# overemphasi!ing the problem, even as$ing intervie(ers to repeat the basi& fa&ts ba&$ to me. 2ut the errors &ontinue". The "iffi&ult# (as not lessene" b# the silen&e 9 maintaine", at first, to the me"ia. The# printe" (hat the# &oul" get, (hi&h (as not mu&h. 'o the problem (as not entirel# their fault, as the profession of Hournalism has its o(n builtBin &ompli&ations. n hourBlong intervie( is &on"ense" into a half page of shorthan" notes. When those are eKpan"e" an" organi!e" into a fullBlength arti&le, ho( &an it possibl# be a&&urateD The &ontrast is li$e that bet(een re&onstitute" orange Hui&e an" the freshl# sNuee!e" stuff. The general flavor is there, but something is missing. The "iffi&ulties the intervie(ers ha" be&ame even more un"erstan"able to me after 9 began this boo$. 9 ha" m# o(n share of troubles in tr#ing to a&hieve absolute a&&ura&#an" 9Gm the one it happene" to. 9n resear&hing the fa&ts, 9 foun" that peopleGs memories pose" a problem. 9f it (as onl# that their re&all ha" faded, it (oul" not be so ba". 2ut people ten" to remember things a little "ifferentl# as time goes b#. Fven if the# remember something eKa&tl# as the# eKperien&e" it, the# might not have per&eive" it &orre&tl#. "o!en people &an (itness the same automobile a&&i"ent an" all have a "ifferent re&all of the event. 9 "ealt (ith this problem b# eliminating versions that "i" not agree (ith the maHorit#, an" b# &he&$ing (ith (ritten re&or"s. 9 ra&$e" m# brain for even the most insignifi&ant "etail about the sometimes enigmati& thing that ha" happene" to me. The "es&ription of the in&i"ent an" events imme"iatel# follo(ing it is as nearl# a&&urate as 9 (as able to ma$e it, an" it is repeate" from an a&&ount that 9 (rote (hile the fa&ts (ere fresh. There (ere reasons for m# (riting this boo$ other than the nee" to set the re&or" straight. +or one thing, m# reserve" nature ma"e me (ant to avoi" being eternall# intervie(e". 2ut at the same time, 9 ha" eKperien&e" something that 9
24 Tra'(* .a/to)
9magine our "ilemma. 9f (e &oul" have pro"u&e" har" ph#si&al proof su&h as bringing in a &rashe" sau&er on the ba&$ of a tru&$, or "ragging in an alien being in &hains, (e might possibl# have foun" ourselves in a more believable position. Fven if 9 &oul" have brought ba&$ some pie&e of ph#si&al 5proof,7 there (ere some har"B&ore "isbelievers (ho still (oul" not a&&ept it. +or eKample, there (ere man# people (ho insiste" that man (oul" never ma$e it to the moon. The# s(ore that Mo" (oul" never allo( it. ,erhaps mo"ern te&hnolog# is frightening to them. 9f man (ere meant to go to the moon, he (oul" have been put there, the# sai". When man "i" set foot on the moon in 1909, most of them &onvenientl# forgot their previous pre"i&tions. 2ut a fe( har"B&ore "isbelievers insiste" that man never "i" go to the moon an" that it (as all a television hoaK on the part of the governmentO ;eligious &onvi&tions are a &onsi"erable sour&e of bias in the matter of eKtraterrestrial visitors. 9t is not ne&essaril# a religious matterno more than the Nuestion of simple life on -ars is a religious matter. *nless #our parti&ular religion "enies that there are su&h things, it is an a&a"emi& matter rather than a religious one. Nevertheless, people ma"e unne&essar# religious interpretations, pro and &on, &on&erning the &on&ept of visitation of earth b# life from other (orl"s. The average in"ivi"ual is going to believe (hat he (ants to believe, regar"less of evi"en&e or fa&ts. Those (ho believe (e ha" a *+% eKperien&e are going to believe eKa&tl# that an" those (ho s&off (ill &ontinue to s&off. )o(ever, there is hope. There are alive to"a# totall# unbiase", rational in"ivi"uals =#ouD> (ho ma$e Hu"gments solel# on the basis of logic. ,eople (ho are a&tuall# &apable of (ithhol"ing Hu"gment indefinitely if there is insuffi&ient evi"en&e for them to base a &on&lusion on. -# siK &o(or$ers an" 9 $no( that the in&i"ent "i", in all realit#, happen. We have our memories to help us a&&ept the truth of our in&re"ible eKperien&e. 3ou are not so fortunate =or unfortunate, "epen"ing on (here #ouGre sitting>. 3ou have onl# #our po(ers of reason. )ereGs the straight of it. The &on&lusion is #ours. -ondemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. #
n %r"inar# 6a#
,ne im ulse from a vernal wood 1ay teach you more of man, ,f moral evil and of good, $han all the sages can. Wor"s(orth
t (as the morning of We"nes"a#, November 5, 1975. To us, the seven men (or$ing in pa&heB'itgreaves National +orest, it (as an or"inar# (or$"a#. There (as nothing in that sunn# fall morning to foresha"o( the tremen"ous fear, sho&$, an" &onfusion (e (oul" be feeling as "ar$ness fell. 9t often ama!es people from out of state to "is&over these forests in ri!ona the 5ari" !one.7 ri!ona &onHures up to them a hostile image of bare ro&$, &a&tus, an" san"# "eserts. 3et (e also have hun"re"s of sNuare miles of green forests. miKture of oa$, fir, an" pine &overs over a Nuarter of the state. ri!ona ;o&$# -ountain )ighO Television (esterns probabl# ma$e for some prett# (il" i"eas about the south(estern *.'. 9 on&e hear" of a la"# tourist inNuiring as to (hether (e ha" mu&h trouble (ith 9n"ian atta&$sO %ur man# pi&turesNue blue mountain la$es, forest mea"o(s, an" the star$ (hite an" emeral"Bgreen Nua$ing aspen trees are Hust not in $eeping (ith the par&he" mirage proHe&te" b# the movies. We (ere (or$ing on the Tur$e# 'prings treeBthinning &ontra&t. 2asi&all#, thinning involves spa&ing an" improving the thi&$ stan"s of smaller trees to allo( for their faster gro(th. Fven a virgin forest has "ense thi&$ets of small trees that reNuire man# #ears for natural "ominan&e to sele&t (hi&h of the trees
2! Tra'(* .a/to)
(ill survive. Thinning spee"s up the natural sele&tion b# &utting the imperfe&t, "isease", an" "amage" trees, thereb# spa&ing the remaining onesall a&&or"ing to a set of (ellBresear&he" spe&ifi&ations set "o(n in the +orest 'ervi&e gui"elines. The sign at the entran&e to pa&heB'itgreaves National +orest bears the (or"s 5:an" of -an# *ses.7 Thinning assists nearl# ever# one of the +orest 'ervi&e programs for multiuse of all the forest resour&es. The "e&rease" tree "ensit# allo(s for in&rease" gra!ing. Watershe" is in&rease" b# millions of gallons (ithout in&rease" erosion. )unting, fishing, an" even re&reation are lan"Buses that benefit from thinning. That "a#, November 5, (e (ere &utting a fuelBre"u&tion strip up the &rest of a ri"ge running south through the &ontra&t. +uel re"u&tion is the pro&ess of &utting the thinning slash into lengths an" piling it up to be burne" in the (et season. The loggers (ho ha" &ut the area before us ha" use" their bull"o!ers to push their logging slash into huge piles on the same strip. The +orest 'ervi&e burns all the piles, &arefull# $eeping them un"er &ontrol, at a time (hen fire "anger is lo(est in terms of moisture an" (in". This eliminates almost all of the flammable fuel in 154B#ar"B(i"e strips that se&tion off nearl# the entire forest. 9f a fire starts, it (ill not burn far before running into one of these fuel brea$s an", hopefull#, it (ill not be able to burn an# farther. When (e are piling, some of the men run sa(s (hile the others pile. 9 (as running a sa(, as (ere llen 6alis an" ?ohn Moulette. 6(a#ne 'mith, Aenneth ,eterson, an" 'teve ,ier&e (ere piling behin" the &utters as (e (or$e" our (a# up the strip. 'e&on" brea$ &ame =none too soon> after about three hours of (or$ sin&e first brea$. -i$e shoute" lou"l# over the noise an" gave the signal, thumbs up, then pointe" to his (at&h. We shut off our sa(s an" the forest stillness returne". +or half an hour, Nuiet (oul" reign again. 9 stoppe" an" (ipe" the s(eat off m# forehea" before &arefull# setting m# hot sa( on a nearb# stump. We &harge" "o(n the hill to the tru&$ par$e" in the roa" belo( an" grabbe" our lun&hes. 'ome of the men sat in the tru&$ an" others sat outsi"e on the &arpet of pine nee"les. Fver#one starte" eating. 9 (as starve" but that (as nothing unusual. )ar" (or$ in high, thin air &an reall# burn up the &alories. 9 (as the obHe&t of a lot of ribbing from the &re( about m# appetite on a&&ount of m# oversi!e" 5lun&hboK.7 9 began &arr#ing m# lun&h in a small suit&ase after fin"ing that even t(o or"inar# lun&hboKes &oul" not han"le the amount of foo" 9 reNuire" to be able to &ut trees all "a#. Those gu#s "i"nGt have mu&h room to tal$. The# ate a &onsi"erable amount themselvesL most of them &arrie" their o(n lun&hes in large, bro(n paper gro&er# bags. 2esi"es, 9 onl# (eighe" 105 poun"s, (hi&h (as light for m# height an" frame. We all foun" it ne&essar# to ta$e t(o lun&h brea$s "uring the "a#. 9t (as Hust too mu&h to go for t(o fourBhour stret&hes (ithout eating. 9
2# Tra'(* .a/to)
These &ool autumn "a#s are some of the best of the #ear for (or$ing. The la&$ of heat an" (in" allo(s us to maintain a reasonabl# &omfortable (or$ing temperature. lthough it &an get bitterl# &ol" at night, it usuall# gets up to a pleasant fort# or fift# "egrees in the mi""le of the "a#still &ool enough to be bra&ing. 6uring the summer rain# season, (e have to (orr# about getting stu&$ an" "igging the pi&$up out of mu"holes. Those unpre"i&table "o(npours (ill sometimes &ompletel# interrupt our (or$"a#, (asting our fort#BeightBmile "rive. llen 6alis an" ?ohn Moulette (ere leaning against an ol" gra# log in the sun, eating their san"(i&hes. 2oth (ere t(ent#Bone, ha" re&entl# serve" out their obligations in the nav#. The# ten"e" to $eep to themselves an" "i" not Hoin in tal$ mu&h of the time. The# preferre" to s(ap stories about the part#ing the# ha" "one an" the (omen the# ha" met in various ports overseas. Aen ,eterson (as a blon", blueBe#e" siKBfootera t#pi&al &leanB&ut, allB meri&an bo#. )e ha" been goo" in sports in high s&hool. t t(ent#BsiK he still loo$e" li$e an overgro(n $i". Aen ha" gotten more serious about life latel#. )e ha" a ne( son b# the prett# little seTorita he ha" marrie" from south of the bor"er. 9 (as engrosse" in m# apple an" "i" not Hoin in the religious "is&ussion -i$e an" Aen ha" stru&$ up. We tal$e" about ever#thing un"er the sun "uring our brea$s an" on the long "rive home. We ha" &onversations about religion, politi&s, an", of &ourse, (omen. We tal$e" about $arate a lot. We tou&he" on Hust about ever# subHe&t of interest to us. :ust# out"oor a&tivit# reall# brings the min" alive an" stimulates interest in life. 6(a#ne 'mith (as a Nuiet sortL 9 "i" not $no( too mu&h about him. )e loo$e" to be about t(ent#Bone. ?ohn ha" brought him up from ,hoeniK onl# t(o "a#s before. )e sat on a stump nearb# an" ate (ithout tal$ing mu&h. )e (as more than siK feet seven in&hes tall an" his height "i" not len" easil# to the repeate" ben"ing over involve" in piling. 2ut, for a green man, he (as "oing surprisingl# (ell. )e ha" been piling behin" me an" (as goo" at $eeping up, so far. 9 (as going to (ait to see ho( 6(a#ne panne" out. lot of ne( men Hump out there an" ma$e li$e a ball of fire to impress the boss an" the rest of the &re( (ith (hat har" (or$ers the# are. Then the# Nuit in a fe( "a#s (hen the a&&umulating fatigue (ears them "o(n. %r some hit it har", but &annot get themselves to (or$ ever# "a#. The# ma$e some eK&use to ta$e off "uring the (ee$ to re&uperate. 9 figure itGs best to hit a pa&e that is fast but still eas# enough to $eep up "a# after "a#. 'teve ,ier&e (as laughing at something ?ohn ha" sai" to llen. 'teve (as a big, hus$#, "ar$Bhaire" $i" (ho loo$e" ol"er than he (as. -i$e "i" not $no( it, but 'teve (as onl# seventeen. 'teve &ame from a famil# (ith a strong (or$ ethi&, so (hen he Nuit s&hool he ha" to fin" a Hob. The autumn sun slanting (ea$l# through the tall stan"s of pine (as failing to ta$e the fall &hill from the air. large &ro( s(oope" &lose for a &urious loo$ at
32 Tra'(* .a/to)
hea" &ount. We foun" ever#bo"# stan"ing an" in one pie&e. llen al(a#s &ut li$e a &ra!# man. )e (oul" put his hea" "o(n an" slash ever#thing in his path, not loo$ing (here the trees fell. )e (as a faster sa(#er than an#one out there, even me. )is spee" helpe" a&reBpro"u&tion, but it $ept him from being up to (or$ing ever# "a#. )is un&ontrollable temper (as probabl# (hat ma"e him sa( li$e that, ta$ing his anger out on the trees. llen ha" nearl# &ome to blo(s (ith almost ever#one on the &re(, in&lu"ing me. )e ha" a (a# of pi&$ing fights he never finishe". lthough our "ifferen&es (ere forgotten as far as 9 (as &on&erne", an" (e (ere frien"l# on the Hob, 9 suspe&te" that llen might have one or t(o lingering ba" feelings to(ar" me. The afternoon sun (as starting to &ool as it began angling steeper "o(n in the (est. 9n the mountains, sun"o(n &omes earl#. 9t gets "ar$ ver# Nui&$l# (hen ol" 'ol slips behin" the trees an" out of sight behin" the high ri"ges. That last part of the "a# al(a#s seems to &ra(l b#. The gathering &hill (as beginning to numb m# nose. We move" Nui&$l# in the lateBafterB noon nippiness. With summer en"ing, it (as starting to get "o(n to five or ten "egrees at night. &tivit# helpe" me buil" up bo"# heat insi"e m# lightB (eight, blue "enim Ha&$et. 9 (or$e" a little faster to (ar" off the &hill, eagerl# anti&ipating the reprieve of the "a#Gs &on&lusion. Not long to go before (e &oul" hea" for home an" a ni&e hot sho(er. 'unset ha" been fifteen minutes earlier, but (e $ept &utting in the (aning light. 9 &he&$e" m# (at&h again. 9t (as siK oG&lo&$ at lastO -i$e (as still "o(n the hill a little (a#, pi&$ing up an" repiling. 9 #elle" an" too$ the libert# of giving the stopB(or$ signal. The soun" of the sa(s "ie"L the final e&hoes absorbe" into the "eepening "us$. 5Time to goO7 9 announ&e" lou"l#. The tire" men (ere revitali!e" b# the prospe&t of Nuitting for the "a#, an" b# their feelings of a&&omplishment. We ha" move" a prett# goo" "istan&e up the strip in those eight hours of labor. 5:etGs go homeO7 ?ohn sai" enthusiasti&all#. llen grumble", 59tGs Gbout time.7 5We reall# hurtGem to"a#, bo#s,7 Aen eK&laime", rubbing his palms together (ith the &hara&teristi& ambitious mannerism he use" (hen he tal$e" about (or$. 5)urt me, #ou meanO7 6(a#ne sai", rubbing his lo(er ba&$. 5%ne of #ou gu#s (anna help me &arr# this stuffD7 'teve as$e", gathering up the nearl# empt# gas an" oil &ans. ?ohn grabbe" the (ater Hug an" an oil &an. 9 &arrie" the orange fiveBgallon plasti& gas &an in one han" an" m# sa( in the other as (e "es&en"e" the hill. We loa"e" the &hainsa(s an" gas an" oil &ans into the ba&$ of the tru&$. fter arranging the gas &ans so the# (oul" not tip over an" lea$ on the bumps, -i$e slamme" the tailgate tightl#. 53ou gu#s have got to start "oing a better Hob on those piles,7 -i$e sai". 5That mess 9 fiKe" up ba&$ there never (oul" have passe" inspe&tion. 9 $no(
34 Tra'(* .a/to)
Fver#bo"# laughe". ?ust then m# e#e (as &aught b# a light &oming through the trees on the right, a hun"re" #ar"s ahea". 9 i"l# assume" that the glo( (as the sun going "o(n in the (est. Then it o&&urre" to me that the sun ha" set half an hour ago. /urious, 9 thought it might be the light of some hunters &e" therehea"lights or ma#be a fire. 'ome of the gu#s must have &aught sight of it too, be&ause the men on the right si"e of the tru&$ ha" fallen silent. s (e &ontinue" "riving up the roa" to(ar" the brightness, (e passe" in sight of it for an instant. We barel# got a glimpse through gnarle" bran&hes before (e rolle" past the opening in the trees. 5'on of a . . llen starte". 5What the hell (as thatD7 9 as$e". -# e#es straine" to ma$e sense of the glimmering through the "ense stan" of trees blo&$ing our vision. +rom m# open (in"o(, 9 &oul" see the #ello(ish brillian&e (ashing a&ross our path onto the roa" another fort# #ar"s ahea". 9ntrigue", 9 (as impatient to get past the intervening pines. 5)urr# upO 6rive on up there (here (e &an seeO7 somebo"# urge". +rom the "riverGs seat, -i$e &oul" not loo$ up (ith the proper angle (ithout leaning (a# over. 5What "o #ou gu#s seeD7 he "eman"e" &uriousl#. 6(a#ne ans(ere", 59 "onGt $no(but it loo$e" li$e a &rashe" plane hanging in a treeO7 +inall#, our gro(ing eK&itement spurre" -i$e into (ringing out (hat little spee" the pi&$up &oul" still a&hieve on the in&line. We rolle" past the intervening evergreen thi&$et to (here (e &oul" have an unobstru&te" vie( of the sour&e of the strange ra"ian&e. 'u""enl# (e (ere ele&trifie" b# the most a(esome, in&re"ible sight (e ha" seen in our entire lives. 5'topO7 ?ohn &rie" out. 5'top the tru&$O7 s the tru&$ s$i""e" to a "ust# halt in the ro&$# roa", 9 thre( open the "oor for a &learer vie( of the "a!!ling sight. 5-# Mo"O7 llen #elle". It.s a flying saucer4#
+ust as yellow gold is tested by the fire, so is friendshi to be tested by adversity. %vi"
i$e shut off the engine. We (at&he", spellboun". The men on the left si"e of the tru&$ leane" over so that the# &oul" see. There, a mere ninet# feet above the groun", a strange, gol"en "is& hovere" silentl#. %ur attention (as rivete" on that obHe&t poise" in the air. 9mpale" b# the sight, (e (ere hel" transfiKe" for one long, silent moment that felt li$e an eternit#. The &ol", Harring realit# of (hat (e (ere (itnessing stru&$ fear an" a(e to the &ore of ever# one of us. 'u""enl# behol"ing its vivi", magnifi&ent stru&ture summone" all emotions at on&e. 3ou &oul" almost hear our hearts poun"ing above that suspen"e" instant of silen&e. :ess than thirt# #ar"s a(a#, the metalli& &raft hung motionless, fifteen feet above a tangle" pile of logging slash. The &raft (as stationar#, hovering (ell belo( the treetops near the &rest of the ri"ge. The har", me&hani&al pre&ision of the luminous vehi&le (as in sharp &ontrast to the primitive rugge"ness of the "ar$ surroun"ings. 9ts e"ges (ere &learl# "efine". The gol"en ma&hine (as star$l# outline" against the "eepening blue of the &lear evening s$#. The soft #ello( ha!e from the &raft "iml# illuminate" the imme"iate area (ith an eerie glo(. *n"er the (eir" light, the en&ir&ling forest too$ on bi!arre
3! Tra'(* .a/to) hues that (ere ver# "ifferent from its natural &olors. The trees, the brush, an"
the grass all refle&te" subtle, pe&uliar ne( sha"es. 9 estimate" the obHe&t to have an overall "iameter of fifteen or t(ent# feetL it (as eight or ten feet thi&$. The flattene" "is& ha" a shape li$e that of t(o giganti& pieBpans pla&e" lip to lip, (ith a small roun" bo(l turne" upsi"e "o(n on top. 2arel# visible at our angle of sight, the (hite "ome pea$e" over the upper outline of the ship. We &oul" see "ar$er stripes of a "ull silver sheen that "ivi"e" the glo(ing areas into panelBli$e se&tions. The "im #ello(ish light given off b# the surfa&e ha" the luster of hot metal, fresh from a blast furna&e. There (ere no visible antennae or protrusions of an# $in". Nothing that resemble" a hat&h, ports, or (in"o(li$e stru&tures &oul" be seen. There (as no motion an" no soun" from the &raft. 9t almost appeare" to be "ea" in the air. There (as no life visible an#(here. Nothing stirre". 9t seeme" that even the (in" hel" its breath. The entire s&ene(e the (or$ &re(, the pi&$up, an" the spe&ta&ular intru"erseeme" fro!en for a single instant. Aen shattere" the silen&e. 56amnationO This is . . . reall# . . . happeningO7 he breathe" hoarsel#, in a voi&e fraught (ith a(estru&$ fear. Those (or"s abruptl# shoo$ us from our reverie. No more than a se&on" ha" passe" sin&e 9 ha" thro(n open the "oor as the tru&$ stoppe". 9 glan&e" from one to another stri&$en fa&e. llen (as hi"ing "o(n lo( behin" the "oorsill. s 6(a#ne later eKpresse" itC 5)e $isse" his $nees.7 Turning ba&$ to that impelling spe&ta&le in the air, 9 (as su""enl# sei!e" (ith the urgen&# to see the &raft at &lose range. 9 (as afrai" it (oul" fl# a(a# an" 9 (oul" miss the &han&e of a lifetime to satisf# m# &uriosit# about it. 9 hurrie"l# got out of the tru&$ an" starte" to(ar" the hovering ship. The men (ere alarme" b# m# su""en a&tion. 5TravisO7 llen &alle", lo(. 5What "o #ou thin$ #ouGre "oingD7 -i$e "eman"e" in a lou", harsh (hisper. ,la&ing m# feet Nuietl#, 9 Nui&$l# stal$e" &loser to the m#sterious vehi&le. 'tepping over a lo(Bleaning fir sapling, 9 &arefull# pi&$e" m# (a# through the opening in the trees. 9 put m# han"s in m# po&$ets in response to the &ooler t(ilight air outsi"e the tru&$. fter 9 ha" traverse" about fifteen or t(ent# #ar"s, the men began urgentl# &alling to me, in straine", hushe" shouts, to return to the tru&$. 5TravisO7 5)e#, TravisO7 the men (arne" insistentl#. 5Met ba&$ here, manO7 one of the men &alle" in a lou"er voi&e. 9 stoppe" (al$ing for a long, hesitant moment. 9 pause" an" turne" to loo$ ba&$ at the siK men staring Nuestioningl# at me from the tru&$. The sober reali!ation of (hat 9 (as "oing abruptl# heightene" the "oubt 9 (as alrea"# (restling (ith. What shoul" 9 "oD 9 as$e" m#self. -a#be 9Gm being foolhar"#, 9 tol" m#self. 9 (onGt get too &lose . . . but (hat if thereGs somebo"# insi"e that
3# Tra'(* .a/to)
5Met this son of a bit&h movingO7 llen shrie$e" h#steri&all#. -i$e "i" not nee" to be as$e". )e (as alrea"# "esperatel# groping, fumbling aroun" for the ignition s(it&h. )is sha$ing fingers finall# sei!e" the $e#. The engine roare" to life. )e poppe" out the &lut&h an" the tru&$ lunge" for(ar". The $nobb# mu"Ban"Bsno( tires flung ro&$s an" &lou"s of "irt ba&$(ar" as the 9nternational spun out of the &learing. -i$e gunne" the tru&$ up the boul"erB stre(n tra&$. )e franti&all# spun the steering (heel one (a#, then the other, navigating the tortuous roa". 59s it follo(ing usD7 he #elle" over his shoul"er. Nobo"# ans(ere". 59s it after usD7 he shoute" again. When again no repl# &ame, he turne" to see the loo$s of stupefie" sho&$ on the fa&es of his &re(. Their pale fa&es stare" straight ahea", blan$l#. )e $ne( then that it (as entirel# up to him to get them all to safet#. 9n rea&tion to the unbelievable horror of (hat the# ha" (itnesse", siK har"ene" (oo"smen (ere re"u&e" to min"less terror. The tru&$ boun&e" (il"l# in their pani&$e" flight. 9t s&rape" lou"l# over the ro&$# (aterBbars. -i$e sent the pi&$up &areening off the roa", &rashing over bushes an" small trees. )e turne" aroun" to fin" the tru&$ hea"ing to(ar" the thi&$ trun$ of a big pine tree. )e Her$e" the ma&hine ba&$ onto the tra&$ in a spra# of "irt an" gravel. -i$e (as fearful that the sau&er (as pursuing them. )e put his hea" out the open (in"o( to tr# to see behin" an" (as stung in the fa&e b# the sharp pine nee"les of a passing limb. )e $ept hitting boul"ers an" other obsta&les in his attempts to loo$ behin". The errati&all# vibrating rearvie( mirrors onl# pro"u&e" a blurre", fli&$ering image, a faint #ello( glo( in the bla&$ness. Moa"e" b# a surge of terror, he stompe" on the gas pe"al. The rattling tru&$ shot for(ar" at thirt#Bfive miles an hourfar too fast for the &on"ition of that roa". passing limb slamme" into the right rearvie( mirror, ben"ing it uselessl# to the si"e of the tru&$. The ol" 9nternational (ent fl#ing through the air over the "irt ramp of a high (aterB bar. s it lan"e", the pi&$up smashe" "o(n "estru&tivel# on its (ea$ene" springs (ith a terrible &rash. The po(erful Holt of metal on metal brought -i$e to his senses. )e (as grippe" b# a su""en i&# reali!ation. 9f the tru&$ bro$e "o(n, the# (oul" be stran"e" an" at the mer&# of the un$no(n threat the# (ere fleeing. )e slo(e" the tru&$ "o(n to ten miles an hour. )e (as grateful to fin" the tru&$ still (or$ing, &apable of &arr#ing them a(a#. The roa" turne" east in a tight &urve to the left. The men remaine" petrifie" in stunne" silen&e. -i$e (as still ba"l# frightene", an" apprehensive of being pursue". )e loo$e" north, ba&$ a&ross the &urve of the roa", an" sa( the startling glo( of the sau&er in the gathering "ar$ness. 9t (as still barel# visible in the same &learing, t(o hun"re" #ar"s ba&$. )e (as ver# mu&h relieve" to fin" that their ma" "ash ha" put some "istan&e bet(een them an" it.
42 Tra'(* .a/to)
over thereD7 5WeGre Hust going to have to get out an" loo$ aroun",7 -i$e &ut in. 52efore (e "o an#thing(ho allGs &oming an" (ho all is sta#ingD7 Nobo"# (ante" to remain behin" alone. The (oo"s (ere ver# "ar$. 5:eave it running,7 'teve suggeste", as the# got out of the tru&$. The# left the "oors open, tooever#one sa( the sense of a Nui&$ geta(a#. ?ust in &ase. The# sear&he" first in the se&urit# of the hea"lights. Fver#bo"# sta#e" together, hu""ling &lose behin" -i$e, (ho &arrie" the onl# flashlight. The tightl#B$nit group sear&he" the imme"iate area thoroughl#, foot b# foot. The flashlight beam probe" into the night, eKamining ever# "ar$ shape. The# sear&he" behin" ever# log, bush, an" stump. The# &alle" repeate"l#C 5TravisO . . . T; I9'OO7 FK&ept for their &alls, the (oo"s (ere "eathl# Nuiet. Their e#es straine" into the "ar$ of the surroun"ing trees. The# &ast o&&asional apprehensive glan&es s$#(ar". There (as nothing but empt#, starB "uste" s$#. Their fra#e" nerves (ere straine" to the snapping point. 5:oo$ outO7 6(a#ne &rie", Humping. Fver#one Her$e" their hea"s this (a# an" that, loo$ing aroun" them. 5WhatGs the matterD7 the others as$e" urgentl#. 5%hhhO7 6(a#ne heave" a relieve" sigh. 5That moon up there s&are" the hell out of meO7 There ha" been a ne( moon the previous -on"a#, (hi&h ha" gro(n tonight to a thin, gol"en sliver onl# a little lighter in &olor than the fl#ing sau&er. 59 &aught it out of the &orner of m# e#e an" 9 thought it (as that fl#ing sau&er &oming ba&$O7 The a"renaline that ha" surge" into ever#oneGs bloo"stream left them sha$ing un&ontrollabl#. %&&asionall# &at&hing uneKpe&te" glimpses of the moon, an" anti&ipating at an# moment the "is&over# of a &harre" &orpse in&rease" ever# manGs gut fear. The# be&ame more an" more nervous as the# sear&he". 5T; I9'O7 the# &alle" at intervals. The# loo$e" farther north, as llen ha" suggeste", but there (ere no more slashBpiles there. lso, the groun" (as steeper than the# remembere" the site being. The# sear&he" be#on" the &rest of the ri"ge an" farther south, (here there (ere more piles. None of the piles loo$e" as mu&h li$e (hat the# remembere" as the first one the# ha" investigate". 5-a#be he ran after us (hen (e too$ offO7 Aen suggeste". The# sear&he" for tra&$s in the soft, po("er# "ust of the roa". There (ere no tra&$s but those of the tru&$. :oo$ing in the trees on the steepl# sloping groun" east of the roa", the men again foun" nothing. The# foun" no sign an#(hereno foreign obHe&ts or unusual mar$ings. No burns, pa" impressions, or "isturbe" groun". Not a tra&e of tra&$s an" no evi"en&e of a struggle. 5T; I9'O7 The longer the# &ontinue", the more (orrie" -i$e be&ame, more over&ome
44 Tra'(* .a/to)
(el&ome sight. The# par$e" the tru&$ an" got out. Aen pi&$e" up the &ol" bla&$ re&eiver an" "iale" %. 9t (as he (ho first bro$e the in&re"ible ne(s to the poli&e.
Night 'ear&h
&ven the bravest are frightened by sudden terrors. Ta&itus, @7 .6.
en ,eterson (aite" nervousl# for an operator to ans(er. )e glan&e" at his (at&h. 9t (as 7C15 p.m. )e loo$e" out the (in"o(, his breath fogging the &ol" glass. ?ust outsi"e the booth, -i$e an" llen (ere pa&ing up an" "o(n, o&&asionall# &asting anKious glan&es at him. The# stampe" their feet to (ar" off the &reeping numbness of the &ol" November night. The others sat in the (arm tru&$. ll five men (aite" tensel# (hile Aen tal$e". 5WellD7 llen sai", as Aen steppe" out of the telephone booth. 5)eGs &oming,7 Aen announ&e". 5WhoGs &omingD7 -i$e as$e". 5The sheriffD7 5No6eput# Fllison,7 Aen replie". 5)e (ants us to meet him up there.7 )e pointe" to(ar" a par$ing lot a blo&$ up the street b# the high(a#. 5What "i" #ou tell himD7 -i$e as$e" impatientl#. 5Nothing,7 Aen ans(ere". 59 mean, at the last minute 9 got to thin$ing. 9f 9 (as to tell him about the *+% on the phone, he mightGve thought it (as a &ra!# Ho$e or something an" hung up on me.7 The# starte" to(ar" the pi&$up. 59 Hust tol" him one of our &re( got lost,7 he finishe" lamel#. The heaterGs nois# fan (as blo(ing lu$e(arm air into the tru&$. Theirs (as the
4! Tra'(* .a/to)
onl# vehi&le in the freshl# pave" par$ing lot. The# "i" not tal$ mu&h. The eK&itement ha" "iminishe" into the numb silen&e of sho&$. While the# (aite" for 6eput# Fllison, the# struggle" to thin$ of a (a# to present their in&re"ible report. 53ou $no(,7 6(a#ne sai" "is&ouragingl#, 5itGs gonna be a(ful har" for him to a&&ept. WeGre gonna hafta eKpe&t that.7 5)ell no, he ainGt gonna believe us,7 llen grumble". 5The pigs never believe an#thing.7 This "erogator# term for the authorities bothere" the other men. 5)ere (e are, as$ing them for help,7 Aen reproa&he" him, 5an" #ou sit here tal$ing about them li$e that.7 llen ignore" their "isapproval. 5The#Gve gotta $no( (eGre telling the truth,7 ?ohn insiste". 59 sure "onGt $no( (hat the hell (eGre gonna "o if the# "onGt.7 5Well, (eGre about to fin" out,7 -i$e sai" griml#. 5)ere he is.7 The shin# bro(n &ount# &ar (as pulling into the par$ing lot. 9t rolle" up to the "riverGs si"e of the tru&$ an" stoppe". The big "eput# steppe" out an" sauntere" aroun" the &ar. ,assing in front of the hea"lights, he sent long, shifting sha"o(s out a&ross the "eserte" high(a#. -i$e rolle" "o(n his (in"o( as the offi&er steppe" up. )e stoo" about fiveB ten, a strong t(o hun"re" poun"s. )e (ore the bro(n, (esternBst#le uniform of the NavaHo /ount# 'heriff s 6epartment. %n the lapel of his heav# &oat glinte" the gol"en star of his ba"ge. 5%$a#, (hatGs the problem hereD7 he "eman"e". There (as a tone in his voi&e that ma"e them &ertain he (oul" not believe a single (or" of (hat the# (ere about to sa#. 5Well,7 -i$e began. 5 frien" of ours is probabl# lost. t least he might be lost, an#(a#. 9 mean, he ma# be "ea"O7 FllisonGs interest sharpene". )is e#es "arte" from one fa&e to the other. 'teveGs re""ene" e#es an" tearBstrea$e" fa&e, the various pale, taut eKpressions of the others, ma"e him &ertain of at least one thing. 'omething ver# serious ha" happene". 5What "o #ou mean, U)e might be "ea"GD 3ouGll have to be a little more spe&ifi& than that,7 the "eput# sai" (ith stern authorit#. 5What ma$es #ou thin$ he might be "ea"D7 5Well, sir . . .7 -i$e grope" for (or"s. 59tGs $in"a har" to eKplain. 3ou ma# thin$ (eGre ... 9 mean ... 9 "onGt reall# $no( (here to startO7 5)o( about starting at the beginningD7 Fllison or"ere" impatientl#. Aen &ame to -i$eGs res&ue. )e began relating (hat ha" happene". AenGs (or"s (ere li$e a lea$ springing in a "am. The others Hoine" in, a""ing more information an" agreeing (ith AenGs "es&riptions. The impa&t of their re&ent eKperien&e (as fresh in ever#oneGs spee&h. Their voi&es bro$e at the re&all of their nightmarish
4# Tra'(* .a/to)
The# "i" not (ant to start a pani& (ith an# (il" rumor. 6eput# +la$e agree", but sai" he (oul" stan" b#. 6eput# Fllison "rove the three men ba&$ to the par$ing lot (here the other three men ha" remaine". The# all (aite" for 'heriff Millespie to travel the fort#B five miles from )olbroo$. n hour later, 'heriff Millespie an" his se&on"BinB&omman", *n"ersheriff /oplan, arrive" in the &ount#Gs fourB(heelB"rive pi&$up. The &erB tru&$ (as a big ma&hine (ith at least a foot an" a half of groun" &learan&e. Aen /oplan got out an" strolle" over to (here Fllison (as Nuestioning Aen ,eterson, off to one si"e. /oplan (as a big gri!!l#, even &ompare" to the si!able Fllison. )o(ever, the trul# &omman"ing figure (as 'heriff Millespie. )is &hara&ter more than &ompensate" for his smaller frame. )e approa&he" -i$eGs (in"o(. The (ellB seasone" sheriffs eighteen #ears in la( enfor&ement ha" left little to be surprise" about, but this (as a ne( one. Millespie a""resse" the group in a &ongenial manner that smoothe" over the tough, serious un"er&urrent in his voi&e. 5Tell me again, (ho is this fella thatGs missingD7 -i$e too$ a "eep breath, loo$e" at the sheriff sNuarel# an" ans(ere", 5%ne of our &re(, Travis Walton.7 )e pause", loo$ing for some sign of ho( the sheriff (as going to ta$e (hat he (as about to sa#. With no &hange of eKpression the sheriff prompte", 5Well, letGs hear it from the start. What happene"D7 The la(man listene" &arefull# (hile the men eKplaine". )is sunB(eathere" 9rish &ompleKion (rin$le" into a har", ins&rutable eKpression as he stu"ie" the men. )e imme"iatel# note" the absen&e of an# s#mptom of intoKi&ation among them. 59tGs &ol"er than hell out here,7 he sai". 5-in" if 9 get in there a minute (hile 9 as$ #ou a fe( NuestionsD7 Millespie (al$e" aroun" the tru&$ an" sat in the right front seat. )e &ontinue" to Nuestion the men intentl#. t length he shoo$ his hea". 53ou $no(, this (hole thing soun"s &ra!#, but 9Gve got to a"mit9Gve not seen an#thing to give me a reason to "isbelieve #ouO7 +aith (as restore" for the &re(men. The# (ere no( sure that the# ha" "one the right thing in telling the truth an" reporting their problem. The sheriff ha" run into ever# sort of &ra&$pot an" &on artist in his #ears as a la( offi&er. 2# no( he ha" a goo" feel for "e&eption. None (as apparent here. These men (ere sin&ere. n" he $ne(if he ha" ever seen itthat this (as authenti& sho&$ on their fa&es. The eKisten&e of *+%s (as not so unhear"Bof to the la(man. )e relate" to them an in&i"ent he ha" eKperien&e" #ears ago in this same &ount#. The men (ere ama!e" to learn that 'heriff -arlin Millespie himself ha" eKperien&e" a &lose en&ounter (ith a large glo(ing obHe&tO 5%$a#, (eGve got to go out an" see if (e &an fin" this gu#,7 the sheriff
2 Tra'(* .a/to)
an" foun" the &ou&h. 'he &ame ba&$ (ith a /oleman gas lantern. 'he thre( a &hun$ of oa$ onto the "#ing embers in the ol" iron (oo"stove. The# sat there in the "im light &oming in the (in"o( from the pi&$up, (hile -i$e began to brea$ it to her, spea$ing (ith "iffi&ult#, groping for (or"s that (oul" not overl# alarm her. 'he manage" to hol" on to her &omposure on the surfa&e, but (hile he tal$e", she &ontinue" vigorousl# pumping the han"le of the lantern long after it (as rea"# to be lit. -i$e bro$e from his narrative to suggest politel#, 5*h, "onGt #ou thin$ thatGs about enoughD7 5%h, #es. 9 guess so,7 she sai", embarrasse". 'he stru&$ a big sti&$Bmat&h an" lit the lantern. When -i$e finishe" his in&re"ible report, she as$e" him to repeat it, as though she &oul" not Nuite grasp (hat he (as sa#ing. fter he repeate" the stor#, she as$e" the "eput#C 59s this trueD7 59 guess so, maGamL (eGve been out there loo$ing for him tonight,7 /oplan affirme". Then she thre( -i$e a har" loo$. 56o #ou mean to sit here an" tell me that #ou Hust "rove off an" left himD 3ou "i"nGt tr# to help himD7 -i$e loo$e" a(a# in shame. 53eah,7 he a"mitte". 52ut (hen (e sa( (hat happene", (e pani&$e" . . . (e Hust pani&$e"O We thought it (as after us, tooO What else &oul" (e "oD We "i" go ba&$ right a(a# an" loo$ for him. . . .7 5WeGre going to resume the sear&h at "a#brea$, -rs. Aellett,7 /oplan interrupte". 5WeGll have sear&h parties out there first thing.7 59G" better get "resse" an" go to to(n, an" tell the rest of the famil#. 9Gll &all 6uane an" get him up here.7 6uane is m# brother. -# father ha" "ie" nearl# three #ears before, an" -om ha" been "ivor&e" from him long before that. 6uane ha" a&te" as father to the famil# in man# (a#s in re&ent #ears. -om eKplaine" she ha" trouble (ith night blin"ness, an" as$e" -i$e to "rive her into Ta#lor to m# sisterGs. -i$e agree", although he figure" her reNuest ha" more to "o (ith being too upset to "rive an" not (anting to be alone. 6eput# /oplan follo(e" them in his pi&$up to Ta#lor, a small to(n outsi"e 'no(fla$e. The heater "i" not (or$ in the ol" /hev# &arr#all. The t(ent#Bmile ri"e in the ol" panel tru&$ (as miserabl# &ol". -i$e got -om to the home of m# sister lison an" her husban", Mrant, at t(ent# minutes to three. /oplan an" -i$e (ent in (hile -om tol" her "aughter an" sonBinBla(, as &alml# as she &oul", (hat -i$e ha" tol" her. lison (as true to famil# &hara&ter. lthough her first rea&tion (as naturall# in&re"ulous, she "i" not get h#steri&al or brea$ "o(n.
'ear makes men ready to believe the worst. Euintus /urtius ;ufus
o one reste" (ell that night. 'leep for some (as th(arte" b# "ream images of shimmering metalli& &rafts blasting "estru&tive ra#s in all "ire&tions. While morning refuse" to a&&elerate its arrival, the i"ea of a manGs life hanging tenuousl# in the balan&e (eighe" too heavil# for an#one to rest eas#. -om "i" not sleep at all. fter -i$e ha" left lisonGs (ith the un"erB sheriff, -om "rove over to 'no(fla$e (here 6on, m# ol"est brother, an" his (ife -ar#anne live" (ith their t(o little girls. When he hear" the ne(s, 6on rea&te" (ith barel# &on&eale" s$epti&ism. )e imme"iatel# suspe&te" that the stor# about the fl#ing sau&er (as a &overBup for some $in" of foul pla#. )e $ne( m# frien"s an" 9 (ere al(a#s pra&ti&ing 5them fan&# fighting te&hniNues7 (e learne" in $arate &lass. )e thought that pla#ful sparring might have flare" into a serious battle. )is o(n re"hea"e" temper ha" gotten him into his share of fistfights. )e $ne( ho( that sort of thing &oul" get out of han". )e (as &areful not to eKpress his suspi&ions to -om, so as not to in&rease her anKiet#. 2ut his o(n (orr# over the possibilit# generate" some hostilit# in his attitu"e to(ar" the &re(. -om remaine" at 6onGs house for a &ouple of hours, (hile he trie" to
! Tra'(* .a/to)
sproute" an" gro(n into fullBblo(n &onvi&tion. )e be&ame &ertain the &re( (ere &overing up for a bloo"# &hainsa( mur"er. )e, too, ha" (or$e" in the (oo"s an" $ne( (hat a &hainsa( &oul" "o to human flesh. Mhastl# images of m# bloo"#, "ismembere" bo"# tormente" him as the horrible image gre( more fiKe" in his min". 6on (as upset an" irritable, having been a(a$ene" at three in the morning. Not $no(ing (hat (as going on in&rease" his irritation. -om ha" been able to tell him onl# part of the stor#, an" it seeme" li$e no one else (oul" tell him an#thing "efinite, either. 6eput# Mlen +la$e ha" visite" his house at nine the night before, as$ing (here he thought 9 might be. +la$e ha" been as$e" not to let out an# "etails until the report (as &onfirme", so he onl# tol" 6on to have me report to 6eput# Fllison if 9 shoul" sho( up. 6onGs temper (as beginning to boil. 6on stompe" up -i$eGs front steps an" burst in the front "oor (ithout $no&$ing. Fver#one stoppe" tal$ing. )e stoo" angril# surve#ing the group, his boots plante" (i"e, his fists at his si"es. 5 ll right, "ammit. :etGs have itO7 he "eman"e" furiousl#. No one ans(ere" him. The# Hust stare" at him in surprise. 59 (ant to $no( (hat the hell is going onO7 he rage". 59 "onGt believe this fl#ingBsau&er &rap for one "amne" minuteO What "i" #ou "o (ith TravisD7 6(a#ne 'mith flare". 59t "onGt ma$e an# "amn "ifferen&e if #ou "onGt believe usO 9t happene" Hust li$e (e sai"O7 53ou Hust $eep Nuiet, boyO7 6on pointe" his finger threateningl# at 6(a#ne 'mith. 5-a#be #ouG" li$e to ma$e something of it, cowboyO7 6(a#ne 'mith &ountere" testil#. )e slo(l# stoo" up, his siK feet an" seven in&hes to(ering over 6on. The# stoo" glaring into ea&h otherGs e#es. Fver#one else sat in stunne" silen&e at the outbursteK&ept 6uane, (ho (as faintl# amuse". 5 ll right, #ou gu#s, thatGll be enoughO7 6uane or"ere". 56on, #ouG" better get on out of here an" &ool offO7 6uane (as more po(erfull# built than an#one in the room an" his status as a boKer establishe" his ph#si&al a"vantage as a given. 2ut 6onGs anger (oul" not be Nuelle". 59 ainGt ta$ing no or"ers from an#bo"#O7 6on shot ba&$ "efiantl#. )e glo(ere" at the &re(men. 59Gll tell the rest of #ou gu#s one thing for "amn sure,7 he storme". 5 n" ea&h an" ever# one of #ou better listen up real &areful. 9f #ou gu#s have "one something to Travis, 9Gm going to personall# stomp a mu"hole in the mi""le of ever# one of #ouO7 56on, thatGs enoughO7 6uane interrupte". 53ou better Hust get on out of here an" &alm #ourself "o(nO7 6uane stoo" up. 5/ome on, 6on,7 he sai" Nuietl#, hea"ing for the "oor. 6onGs anger (asnGt &ompletel# spent, but heG" ha" his sa#. )e follo(e"
# Tra'(* .a/to)
(earing :eviGs an" a blue "enim Ha&$et. :oo$ for arti&les of &lothing that ma# have been "is&ar"e". Aeep a &lose e#e out for tra&$s or an# other fresh signs. :oo$ for bloo" or an#thing unusual, an#thing out of the or"inar#. ... 9f #ou shoul" fin" an#thing at all, report ba&$ to me imme"iatel#.7 )e surve#e" the group. 5 n# NuestionsD7 Fver#one apparentl# un"erstoo". 5WeGre going to start up there at the ;im ;oa". WeGll spa&e ourselves out eNuall#, sta#ing (ithin &lose sight of the man on either si"e at all times. When (e get "o(n to the lo(er roa", (eGll regroup an" ma$e another s(eep. ll right, men, letGs go.7 -i$e (as "isplease" (hen his suggestion of using tra&$ing "ogs appeare" to be ignore". )e, the other &re(men, an" m# famil#, (ere not as$e" to Hoin the organi!e" sear&h, so the# too$ up their o(n. The professionals $ne( their Hob, but help &oul"nGt hurt. :ater that morning, a +orest 'ervi&e man (al$e" up to 6(a#ne 'mith, grabbe" his shirtfront an" t(iste" it, pulling 6(a#neGs fa&e &lose to his o(n. 5 ll right,7 he snarle", 5(hereG" #a hi"e the bo"#D7 6(a#ne proteste"C 5What bo"#D We "i"nGt $ill nobo"#. 6ammit, there (as a fl#ing sau&er here, Hust li$e (e tol" #ouO7 -# brother 6uane (al$e" up behin" the burl# forest ranger. 5)e# #ouO Ano&$ it offO7 'ome Nualit# in that Nuiet voi&e left no "oubt as to the (isest &ourse of a&tion. The man release" his grip on 6(a#ne 'mithGs shirt an" turne" aroun", still "efiant. 53ouGve got better things to "o than stan" aroun" hassling people,7 6uane suggeste". The man starte" to spea$. Then, loo$ing 6uane up an" "o(n, he &hange" his min". )e turne" an" stal$e" off. 5We "i" not $ill him,7 6(a#ne 'mith state" hotl#. )e loo$e" at the small group of sear&hers stan"ing about. 59Gll even ta$e a lieB"ete&tor test to prove itO7 53eah, (eGll ta$e lieB"ete&tor tests, truth serum, or an# "amn thing the# (ant to thro( at us, G&ause (eGre telling the truthO7 ?ohn Hoine" in. The other &re( members &hime" their agreement. -ean(hile, m# brother 6on (as &on"u&ting a ver# thorough sear&h of his o(n. )e (as "o(n on the piling strip (here (or$ ha" en"e" the night before. )e roote" aroun" in an# soil that ha" been even slightl# "isturbe". )e rolle" over big rotting logs, "rea"ing (hat he eKpe&te" to fin". 6on loo$e" into ever# hole an" hollo( log (here even a iece of a &orpse &oul" be hi""en. )e "ug into all the large slashBpiles of "ea" (oo", $i&$e" apart all the smaller green piles that ha" been sta&$e" in re&ent "a#s. That strip of piling (as &ertainl# not going to pass +orest 'ervi&e inspe&tion. 2a&$ up at the &learing, all the +orest 'ervi&e men (ere bringing in armloa"s of litter. The# (ere ta$ing a"vantage of the s(eep to &lean up the (oo"s. No( thatGs "e"i&ationO The# roun"e" up a "isgusting amount of refuse for su&h a remote area. %l"
!2 Tra'(* .a/to)
b# ra"io stations an" the sheriffs offi&e (ith the response onl# that a sear&h (as on for a lost person. 9nevitabl#, ho(ever, the ne(s es&ape" =probabl# via people listening to poli&e s&anner ra"ios> to the larger television an" ra"io stations. The me"ia unearthe" the stor# an", (ith ele&troni& spee", the entire (orl" (as hearing the in&re"ible report. long (ith the eKpan"e" sear&h team &ame *+% investigators an" reporters from as far a(a# as :on"on, Fnglan". 'ightseers (ere un"erfoot ever#(here. %ne *+% investigator, William 'paul"ing, of Mroun" 'au&er Wat&h =M'W> of ,hoeniK, reporte" his group ha" ta$en some eKtraor"inar# ele&tromagneti& rea"ings at the slashBpile near (here the &raft ha" been an" in the area above (hi&h the &raft ha" hovere". 'paul"ing suggeste" it (as in"i&ative of the previous presen&e of a &raft, possibl# "ue to some $in" of antigravit# propulsion. )e also reporte" fin"ing resi"ual tra&es of o!one in the area. The release of the stor# to the me"ia &ause" problems (orse than sightseers getting in the (a#. The telephones at the sheriff s offi&e an" at m# sisterGs home never &ease" ringing. ll "a# the &alls $ept &oming in. 'ome &allers (ere not mere &uriosit# see$ers. -# famil#Gs bur"en (as in&rease" b# some peopleGs insane &on&ept of humor. 'ome of the pran$ &alls (ere Hust nonsense, an" easil# "ismisse". %thers &ause" the 'heriffPs 6epartment to eKpen" valuable manpo(er in tra&$ing "o(n false reports. 9 (as reporte" to have been seen strolling alone in a variet# of pla&es all over the &ount#. %ne (oman preten"e" to be -rs. Travis Walton =at that time there (as no su&h person>, an" sai" sheG" re&eive" a message from her husban"he (as safe on -ars. Ier# funn#. -an# *+% sightings (ere reporte". 9t seeme" as if ever#bo"# (as out loo$ing at the s$#. reporting ever# little thing out of the or"inar#. 'ome &alls (ere serious an" (ellBmeaning. 'everal &alls verge" on the ominous. retire" /9 offi&er (arne" the famil# of possible &overt government intervention. The man soun"e" sin&ere an" left his name an" a""ress. nurse relate" an in&i"ent in (hi&h an el"erl# &ouple reporte"l# re&overing from a *+% eKperien&e "isappeare" from a hospital (here she (as (or$ing. Their re&or"s also reporte"l# vanishe" an" the top staff a&te" as if the in&i"ent ha" never o&&urre". 6uring those he&ti& "a#s the telephone be&ame the lifeline an" the (orst enem# of ever#one involve". Fver#bo"# (as tire" from sleeplessness an" harassment. s if the sear&hers "i" not have enough problems, a horse bolte" earl# 'atur"a# evening, for no apparent reason, an" &oul" not be foun". ll "a# 'un"a# the sear&h (i"ene". The men on horseba&$ &overe" ri"ge after ri"ge. The heli&opters &ir&le" (i"er an" (i"er. :ight planes &rissB &rosse"
Ai"napping ... or a AillingD
$ruth will come to light5 murder cannot be hid long. 'ha$espeare, The -er&hant of Ieni&e
ovember 14, 1975. The "a# the final "etermination (oul" be ma"e in ans(er to the Nuestion of (hat reall# happene" at Tur$e# 'prings on the evening of November 5. The unsu&&essful sear&h ha" left onl# t(o possibilities in the min"s of the publi& an" members of the 'heriffPs 6epartment. Fither the men ha" in"ee" (itnesse" the ab"u&tion of their &o(or$er b# a *+%, or the# (ere &overing up for (hat &oul" possibl# be a gor# &hainsa( mur"er. The &re(men (ere more eager than an#one to settle that Nuestion on&e an" for all. Farl# that -on"a# morning the# gathere" at -i$e ;ogersG house, then pile" into several &ars, along (ith a fe( famil# members, hea"ing for )olbroo$. When the men got out of their &ars in the &ount# &ourthouse par$ing lot, the# (ere imme"iatel# thronge" b# ne(smen. There (ere &ro("s of ne(spaper an" maga!ine reporters, plus ra"io an" television &re(s. The enthusiasti& me"ia men shove" mi&rophones into their fa&es. The &ameras follo(e" them into the &ourthouse. The more persistent of theB ne(smen too$ up a "a#long (at&h outsi"e the 'heriffs %ffi&e buil"ing. The &re( an" their group &ro("e" into the small outer vestibule of the
!! Tra'(* .a/to)
begin, to sort of let #ou $no( ho( the testing is going to be arrange". WeGve got &ertain rules #ouGre going to have to follo(. We &an onl# test one person at a time. We (ant #ou all to remain ba&$ here an", as ea&h one of #ou is teste", #ou are to remain here. )o(ever, (e "onGt (ant the teste" people asso&iating (ith the unteste" people. 'o, (hen #ouGre finishe", sti&$ aroun". 2ut "onGt &onverse (ith the unteste" people. These tests are going to ta$e all "a#, so . . .7 Fver#bo"# groane". The# (ere all un"er a lot of pressure from the reporters as (ell as from the a&&usations of suspi&ious people. The previous "a#s ha" left them e"g#. 9t loo$e" as if it (as going to be another hell of a "a#. Millespie &ontinue"C 5WeGre going to reNuire #ou to sign a &onsent8(aiver form before testing. This statement gives us the right to test #ou an" to use the results as evi"en&e in a &ourt of la(. ?ust be sure #ou un"erstan" that (hen #ou sign. The eKaminer &an eKplain it more full# to #ou if #ou have an# Nuestions.7 )e pause" briefl#. 53ou nee" to (or$ out an or"er bet(een #ou. 9t "oesnGt matter (hi&h of #ou goes first. 'oho(ever #ou (ant to (or$ it.7 ?ust then a large, lean man (ith "ar$ bro(n hair an" a tanne", serious fa&e entere" the room. 5This is -r. /# Milson,7 the sheriff intro"u&e" the man. 5)eGs the 6epartment of ,ubli& 'afet# pol#graph eKaminer. )eGll be the one testing all of #ou.7 llen spo$e the thought that ha" been ma$ing them all uneas#. 5)o( "o (e $no( (e &an trust this gu#D WeGve hear" that the government is al(a#s tr#ing to hush these $in"a things up. )o( "o (e $no( #ouGre not gonna rig these lieB "ete&tor testsD7 The men began murmuring bet(een themselves. The# ha" nothing to lose if this gu# (as on the level, but if he (as not, the# &oul" be trie" for mur"er. The i"ea too$ hol" an" the grumbling in&rease". -r. Milson snorte" at the affront. 59Gll guarantee #ou one thing. 9f #ou gu#s are telling the truth, those &harts (ill sho( it. n" if #ouGre l#ing, 9Gll fin" that out, too.7 53our guarantee "oesnGt ne&essaril# mean an#thing,7 -i$e &ountere". 53ou (oul" sa# that even if #ouGve been bought offO7 Milson (as in"ignant. 5WhatGs #our problemD7 he shot ba&$. 5 re #ou l#ingD7 )e lightl# poppe" -i$e on the shoul"er (ith the ba&$ of his fingers. 5)ell no, (eGre not l#ingO7 -i$e returne" hotl#. 5WeGre reall# onl# (orrie" that #ouGve been bought off. 9tGs not impossible, #ou $no(. WeGve hear" that the government tries to $eep these *+% things Nuiet.7 Tempers flare" an" all of them began raising their voi&es. No one (as more angr# than Milson at the insult to his integrit#. 53ou "onGt have a single thing to (orr# aboutunless #ouGre l#ing.7 s he spo$e, Milson again slappe" -i$e on the shoul"er (ith the ba&$ of his han". 5ThereGs one (a# (e &an ma$e sure these lieB"ete&tor tests are on the upBan"B
!# Tra'(* .a/to)
be teste" in. WeGll be &alling for the first one right a(a#.7 fter he "eparte", the men "re( stra(s to "etermine (ho (oul" go in (hat or"er. 'teve ,ier&e (as first. fter the# (or$e" out the seNuen&e, the "eput# &ame over from the &ourthouse an" es&orte" 'teve to the testing room. /# Milson (ent over the Nuestions (ith 'teve, an" eKplaine" the pol#graph ma&hine an" pro&e"ure. Milson then sat 'teve "o(n in a &hair an" (ire" him up. The eKaminer atta&he" ele&tri&al pi&$ups to 'teveGs han" an" passe" a fleKible bla&$ rubber hose aroun" his &hest. Then the &onstri&ting ban" of the bloo" pressure &uff (as tightene" aroun" the subHe&tGs left bi&ep. 'teve starte" to feel li$e a guinea pig in an ele&tri& &hair. When 'teve &oughe" or move", the nee"les on the ma&hine s&rat&he" (il"l# ba&$ an" forth on the rolling &hart of paper. The eKaminer tol" him i" sit ver# still an" relaK. Fver# breath, ever# beat of his heart, his ever# rea&tion (oul" tra&e itself neatl# in &olore" in$. The tiniest flu&tuation in his bo"# responses (oul" be pre&isel# re&or"e" for the eKaminerGs eKpert anal#sis. 'teveGs test laste" nearl# t(o hours. t that rate it (as going to be a long "a# of (aiting for the man last in line. llen 6alisG test (as se&on". )e entere" the eKamination room Hust beB tbre noon in a ver# suspi&ious an" agitate" state. )e (as the most eK&itable member of the group. The "a#s of suspense, he&$ling b# &urious people an" ne(smen, an" a&&usations from all Nuarters, ha" rattle" him more than a little. 'eeing the *+% ha" affe&te" him more than an# of the others, eKB &ept possibl# 'teve ,ier&e. fter little more than an hour, llen storme" out of the testing room. )e lou"l# &urse" the eKaminer an" slamme" the "oor behin" him. Q9 $no( that son of a bit&h has been bought offO7 he tol" the (aiting men. Q)e $eeps a&ting li$e he thin$s 9 $ille" Travis. 9Gm "amne" sure not l#ing an" if the bastar" sa#s 9 am, then 9 know heGs the one (hoGs l#ing.7 5What ma$es #ou thin$ heGs been pai" off, llenD7 -i$e as$e". 56i" he tell #ou the results of #our testD7 5No, itGs Hust that he $eeps a&ting li$e he "onGt believe us about the *+%O7 llen fume". 5Well, llen, if he "i"nGt a&tuall# sa# #ou faile" #our test, (h# are #ou so ma"D These gu#s are probabl# suppose" to a&t li$e the# "onGt believe us,7 -i$e reasone". The other &re( members starte" grumbling an" tal$ing about "riving ba&$ to 'no(fla$e. 5)ol" on, ever#bo"#,7 -i$e sai". 5ThereGs no &all to fl# off the han"leO7 -i$e, (ho ha" "ra(n the stra( for fifth pla&e, volunteere"C 59Gll go in neKt an" have a tal$ (ith the gu#. -a#be 9 &an fin" out (hatGs going on.7 -i$e (ent into the testing room an" ha" a long tal$ (ith the eKaminer. )e eKplaine" llenGs volatilit# as simpl# being one fa&et of his usual behavior, an"
%ho never doubted never half believed5 %here doubt, the truth is".tis her shadow. ,.?. 2aile#
pprehension ha" stea"il# gro(n in "ie -ogollon ;im area sin&e that fateful forest en&ounter. +ear ma"e some people prefer to believe that something as ominous as a *+% $i"napping &oul" not happen in their Nuiet little &ommunit#. 2ut as time "ragge" on after the m#sterious "isappearan&e, man# began to fa&e the more obvious possibilit# in ans(er to the grim Nuestion, 5Where is Travis WaltonD7 9t ha" been nearl# five "a#s an" siK hours sin&e the beginning of m# horrible or"eal. 9 regaine" &ons&iousness l#ing on m# stoma&h, m# hea" on m# right forearm. Mol" air brought me instantl# a(a$e. 9 loo$e" up in time to see a light turn off on the bottom of a &urve", gleaming hull. s 9G" raise" m# hea" up, a (hite light &aught m# e#e Hust before it blin$e" off. Fither a light ha" been turne" off or a hat&h ha" &lose", &utting off the light from insi"e. 9 onl# &aught a glimpse as 9 raise" m# hea"L 9 &oul" not be sure (hi&h it (as. Then 9 sa( the mirrore" outline of a roun"e", silver# "is& hovering four feet above the pave" surfa&e of the roa". 9t must have been about fort# feet in "iameter be&ause it eKten"e" several feet off the left si"e of the roa". 9t (as too large for the high(a# an" it eKten"e" past the roa"si"e to m# left to &lear a
#2 Tra'(* .a/to)
pol#graph>, an" his (ife, 6r. 2er#l ;osenbaum, all &on&urre" on that point. %ther ,;% &onsultants also later affirme" their &on&lusion. fter that pol#graph eKperiment on November 15, ?ean ;osenbaum state" in a press release to 2/BTI Ne(s 1 of ,hoeniKC 5%ur &on&lusion (hi&h is absoluteis that this #oung man is not l#ingthat there is no &ollusion involve", no attempt to hoaK ... or &ollusion of the famil# or an#one else. There is a rumor aroun" that thereGs &ontra&ts. There are no su&h &ontra&tsno motivation for a lie. The results of tests sho( this is a person (ho has been going through a $in" of life &risis li$e (e all "oL for eKample, a "eath or "ivor&e or an#thing of that $in". The results of ps#&hiatri& tests an" h#pnosis sho( he reall# believes these things. )e is not l#ing.7 EuestionC 5 n# possibilit# of l#ingD ThereGs no hoaK as #ou see itD7 )is ans(erC 5None (hatsoever, thereGs no (a# he &oul" have gotten aroun" these tests, that he &oul" have gotten aroun" in parti&ular the h#pnoti& series that he (as un"er.7 long session of regressive h#pnosis ha" been performe" b# 6r. )ar"er the night before, &on&erning the "etails of m# eKperien&e aboar" the &raft. The h#pnosis (as (itnesse" b# 6r. Aan"ell, 6r. 'aults, 6r. ?ean ;osenbaum, 6r. 2er#l ;osenbaum, long time asso&iate 6r. ;obert Manelin, an" also 6uane an" the &n3uirer &re(. 6r. ;osenbaum later state" he ha" no "oubt that the h#pnosis ha" been performe" &orre&tl#. )e note" that all signs of anKiet# =e#e movement, respiration, mus&le tension, s(eat> ha" vanishe" as soon as 9 (as put un"er an" that all the appropriate tests for a "eep tran&e &he&$e" out. 9 "i" not re&all an# eKperien&es un"er h#pnosis that 9 &oul" not remember before. 6r. )ar"er "i", ho(ever, allo( me to verbali!e m# eKperien&e in greater "etail, (ithout being over(helme" b# m# heretofore &linging anKiet#. 9t (as the first time an#one ha" hear" the entire a&&ount. Fver#one in the room listene" in silent ama!ement as the stor# of m# horrible or"eal unfol"e". . .
The liens
'ear will drive men to any extreme5 and the fear ins ired by a su erior being is a mystery which cannot be reasoned away. Meorge 2ernar" 'ha(
=The a&&ount hear" b# the roomful of s&ientists an" reporters "uring the
h#pnosis (oul" onl# appear here as a long series of gentle, probing Nuestions an" terse responses. fter 9 un"er(ent the h#pnoregression, 9 &ontinue" to be able to re&all m# eKperien&es insi"e the &raft (ith greatl# re"u&e" fear. Therefore, to avoi" the te"ium of NuestionBan"Bans(er form, 9 present the a&&ount in the form of a more "etaile", smooth narrative.>
#4 Tra'(* .a/to)
m# inner battle (ith the eK&ru&iating pain. 6esperatel# 9 summone" all 9 &oul" muster of the mental painB&ontrol 9 ha" learne" in $arate training. +irst managing to hol" the sensations at ba#, in&h b# in&h, 9 gaine" groun" against the tormenting a&he. ThatGs betterO 9 thought (ith relief. 9 manage" to put most of the pain out of m# min". -# hea" (as &learer an" 9 &oul" thin$ a little better, but 9 still nee"e" most of m# &on&entration to $eep the pain blo&$e" out. bitter, metalli& taste &overe" m# tongue. -# mouth (as "r# an" 9 (as ver# thirst#. %""l#, the (ea$ness in m# mus&les "i" not seem to &ome from hunger. The trembling felt o"", li$e a strange miKture of eKertion an" illness. 9 ha" never ha" a hea"a&he in m# entire life. 'omething (as terribl# (rong. Mo"O What happene" to meD 9 (on"ere" fearfull#. 9 trie" to remember. -# min" (as still some(hat grogg#. 9 &oul" not re&all an#thing. 9 sluggishl# "ragge" m# e#eli"s open. 9 &oul" not see an#thing. Then a blurre" image began to &oales&e. -# e#es struggle" against the agon#. -# sight shifte" in an" out of fo&us. -# vision slo(l# be&ame &learer. The ha!# s&intillations of light gra"uall# soli"ifie" into an image. 9 &oul" ma$e out some $in" of light sour&e above me. The fiKture (as a luminous re&tangle about three feet b# one an" a half feet. The "iffuse" light &ame from the flat, froste" surfa&e of the re&tangle. The "ire&t light sent "aggers of pain into m# hea". The fiKture gave off a &lear, soft (hite glo(. 9t (as not tremen"ousl# bright, but m# e#es &oul" not han"le it. 9 (in&e" an" blin$e", then shifte" m# ga!e to the tolerable "imness be#on" the glo(ing re&tangle. +or an instant 9 &oul" "istinguish the brushe" metal luster of a &eiling in the softer, refle&te" glo( above the light. The fiKture seeme" to be suspen"e" lo(er an" &loser to me than to the &eiling. 9 "e"u&e" from the nearness of the &eiling that the har" flat surfa&e 9 (as l#ing on (as a raise" table of some $in". WhatGs the matter (ith m# e#esD 9 as$e" m#self. The &eiling is all &roo$e". 9tGs too small on this en" an" too large on that en"O Were m# e#es pla#ing tri&$s on meD 9 &lose" them against the "is&omfort, but soon opene" them again to (ar" off the feeling of vertigo that (elle" up in me. The o""Bshape" &eiling (as in"ee" as 9 ha" per&eive" itC generall# triangular, (ith the base to(ar" m# feet. What a (eir" pla&eO 9 refle&te" (on"eringl#. 9 ha" been hurt. 3eah, that (as itO . . . 2ut (hatD 9 &oul" remember straightening up an" feeling as though somebo"# ha" (ha&$e" me (ith a baseball bat. 'u""enl#, the memor# of (hat happene" before 9G" bla&$e" out &ame rushing ba&$ (ith stunning impa&t. 9 remembere" stan"ing in the &learing in the (oo"s loo$ing up at that glo(ing sau&erO Moo" grief, (hat a sightO 9 ha" seen it move an" hear" its a(esome soun". -# approa&h ha" seeme" to &ause the thing to &ome alive. Then 9 re&alle" stan"ing up an" turning to get a(a# from it. 9 ha" been hurt someho(. . . -a#be that thing ha" hit me (ith somethingO
#! Tra'(* .a/to)
&aution. 9 loo$e" again at the vague but reassuring forms of the "o&tors aroun" me. bruptl# m# vision &leare". The su""en horror of (hat 9 sa( ro&$e" me as 9 reali!e" that 9 (as "efinitel# not in a hospital. 9 (as loo$ing sNuarel# into the fa&e of a horrible &reatureO -# senses (ere instantl# ele&trifie" to a ne( $eenness. Fver#thing &li&$e". The (eir"Bshape" room, the strange "evi&e, the o"" &lothing, all a""e" up to one ines&apable &on&lusionC Moo" Mo"O 9 must be insi"e that &raftO &reature (as loo$ing stea"il# ba&$ at me (ith huge, luminous bro(n e#es the si!e of NuartersO 9 re&oile". 9 loo$e" franti&all# aroun" me. There (ere three of themO )#steria over&ame me instantl#. 9 stru&$ out at the t(o on m# right, hitting one (ith the ba&$ of m# arm, $no&$ing it into the other one. -# s(ing (as more of push than a blo(, 9 (as so (ea$ene". The one 9 tou&he" felt soft through the &loth of its garment. The mus&les of its pun# ph#siNue #iel"e" (ith a sponginess that (as more li$e fat than sine(. The &reature (as light an" ha" fallen ba&$ easil#. 9 heave" m#self to a sitting position. The eKertion &ause" bea"s of s(eat to pop out on m# forehea". 9 lunge" unstea"il# to m# feet an" staggere" ba&$. 9 fell against a utensilBarra#e" ben&h that follo(e" the &urve of one (all. -# arm sent some of the instruments &lattering against the ba&$ of the shelf. 9 leane" there heavil#, $eeping m# e#es rivete" on those horri" entities. -# a&tion ha" &ause" the "evi&e a&ross m# &hest to &rash to the floor. No (ires or tubes &onne&te" it to me, or to an#thing else. 9t ro&$e" ba&$ an" forth on its upper si"e. The ro&$ing sent shifting beams of greenish light out onto the floor, from the un"ersi"e of the ma&hine. -# a&hing bo"# (oul" not "o (hat 9 tol" it to. -# legs felt too (ea$ to hol" me up. 9 leane" heavil# on the &ounter. The monstrous trio of humanoi"s starte" to(ar" me. Their han"s rea&he" out at me. With the superhuman effort of a &ornere" animal, 9 groun" out the strength to "efen" m#self. +ighting the splitting pain in m# s$ull, 9 grabbe" for something from the ben&h (ith (hi&h to fen" them off. -# han" sei!e" on a thin transparent &#lin"er about eighteen in&hes long. 9t (as too light to be an effe&tive &lub. 9 nee"e" something sharp. 9 trie" to brea$ the tip off the tube. 9 smashe" the en" of the glassli$e (an" "o(n on the (aistB high metal slab 9 ha" been l#ing on. 9t (oul" not brea$. 9 sprang into a fighting stan&e (ith m# legs sprea" (i"e to bra&e for the atta&$. 9 lashe" out (ith the (eapon at the a"van&ing &reatures, s&reaming "esperate, h#steri&al threats. 5Met a(a# from meO What are #ouD7 9 shoute" (il"l#, shrin$ing a(a# in revulsion. The &reatures slo(e" but &ontinue" to(ar" me, their han"s outstret&he". 5Aeep ba&$, "amn #ouO7 9 shrie$e" mena&ingl#.
## Tra'(* .a/to)
appearan&e. There (as ver# little of the (hite part of the e#e sho(ing. The# ha" no lashes an" no e#ebro(s. The o&&asional blin$ of their e#es (as stri$ingl# &onspi&uous. Their huge li"s sli" Nui&$l# "o(n over the glass# bubbles of their e#es, then flippe" open again li$e the release of rollBup (in"o(sha"es. These huge, moist, lashless e#es an" the mil$# translu&en&e of their s$in ma"e their appearan&e sligh"# reminis&ent of a &ave salaman"er. 2ut, strangel#, in spite of m# terror, 9 felt there (as also something gentle an" familiar about them. 9t hit me. Their overall loo$ (as "isturbingl# li$e that of a human fetusO Their sharp ga!e alternatel# "arte" about, then fiKe" me (ith an intense stare a loo$ so pier&ing it seeme" the# (ere seeing right through me. 9 felt na$e" an" eKpose" un"er their s&rutin#. 9 &oul" not bear to meet their ga!e, but 9 foun" m# e#es &ontinuall# returning to loo$ into theirs. 9t (as impossible to avoi" their &ompelling stare. Those e#es (ere the &reepiest, most frightening things 9 ha" seen in m# entire life. 9Gve got to get out of hereO -# min" sei!e" on that one "riving, pani&$e" thought. 9 ha" to get a(a# from those a(ful monsters, a(a# from those horri" e#esO 9 felt "esperate to es&ape. 6esperate to return to the open forest that 9 erroneousl# thought must be some(here Hust outsi"e this stifling pla&e. With all the s&reaming an" the h#steri&al Nuestions 9 ha" thro(n at them, the# never on&e sai" an#thing to me. 9 "i" not hear them spea$ to ea&h other. Their mouths never ma"e an# $in" of soun" or motion. The onl# soun"s 9 hear" (ere those of movements, an" of m# o(n voi&e. Those three silent beings (ere bet(een me an" the onl# apparent (a# out. With the instin&ts of a trappe" beast, 9 gathere" ever# oun&e of energ# 9 ha", to fight for m# life. 9t loo$e" as though those #ears of $arate training (ere about to pa# off. lthough 9 &oul"nGt for sure $no( (hat sort of a"versar# 9 (as up against, there (as nothing parti&ularl# formi"able about the aliens in the sense of han"BtoBhan" &ombat. 'till, 9 $ne( that an un$no(n opponent &oul" hol" man# surprises. What am 9 going to "oD 9 thought (il"l#. 9 "i" not $no( (hat $in" of &ombination of pun&hing or $i&$ing te&hniNues to thro(. -# "ilemma (as li$e that of a (oman nee"ing to brash a huge hair# spi"er off her arm, but too loath to tou&h it to move. 9f 9 &an, 9Gll Hust push them out of the (a# an" run past them . . . but the thought of tou&hing them is so revoltingO 9 groane" in(ar"l#. 9 "i"nGt have the slightest i"ea of (hat the# (ere &apable of "oing to methe# &oul" be &arr#ing hi""en (eapons, or even be venomous, or something (eir" li$e that. 9 onl# $ne( 9 ha" to get out of there, an" get a(a# from them, at an# &ost, even though the prospe&t of battling m# (a# past them (as utterl# terrif#ing. ?ust as 9 gir"e" m#self to spring at them, the# abruptl# turne" an" s&urrie" from the roomO The# (ent out the open "oor, turne" right an" "isappeare". The
,, the difference of man and man4 'ha$espeare
he "oor (as onl# a fe( feet ahea" on m# right, on the insi"e &urve of the hall(a#. 9 slo(e" "o(n, turne", an" stoppe" in the opening. 9 loo$e" in &autiousl#. 9 sa( a roun" room about siKteen feet a&ross (ith a "ome" &eiling about ten feet high. FNuall# spa&e" aroun" the room (ere three re&tangular outlines resembling &lose" "oor(a#s. No one there. The room (as totall# empt# eK&ept for a single &hair that fa&e" a(a# from me. 9 loo$e" behin" me. The hall(a# (as still empt#. 9 slo(l# entere" the room. 9 hesitate" to approa&h the highBba&$e" &hair. There might be somebo"# sitting in it that 9 &oul" not see from behin". 9 &ir&le", $eeping m# "istan&e from the &hair, &he&$ing to see if an#one (as sitting in it. 9 follo(e" the &urve of the (all to get aroun" to (here 9 &oul" see. 9 (as rea"# to beat an instant retreat if 9 shoul" see one of those hi"eous &reatures again. 9 stoppe" ever# fe( steps to &rane m# ne&$ over the ba&$ of the &hair. 'eeing nobo"#, 9 &ontinue" aroun" to (here 9 &oul" as&ertain, (ith mu&h relief, that the &hair (as uno&&upie". 9t seeme" to be ma"e of the same "ull gra# metal (as almost ever#thing else. 9t ha" a single leg that &urve" into the floor li$e the leg of the table in the first
$2 Tra'(* .a/to)
room. The &hair (as angular, (ith roun"e" e"ges. There (ere some buttons an" a strange lever on the arm of it. Mlan&ing apprehensivel# to(ar" the open "oor, 9 slo(l# (ent to(ar" the &hair. s 9 gra"uall# approa&he" it, a ver# &urious thing began to happen. The &loser 9 got to it, the "ar$er the room be&ameO 'mall points of light be&ame visible on, or through, the (alls, even the floor. 9 steppe" ba&$ an" the effe&t "iminishe". 9 steppe" for(ar" an" it in&rease" again, the points of light be&oming brighter in &ontrast to the "ar$ening ba&$groun". 9t (as li$e the stars &oming into vie( in the evening, onl# ver# mu&h faster. The matte gra# of the metal (all Hust fa"e" out to be repla&e" b# the glinting, spe&$le" "eepBbla&$ of spa&e. 9 thoughtC -a#be this is a planetariumBt#pe proHe&tion or. . . Moo" griefO What if this is a&tuall# some $in" of a vie(ing s&reen sho(ing (here this thing 9Gm in isD 'pa&e. -a#be it (asnGt like the stars &oming into vie( at nightma#be it (as the stars, in the eternal voi" of spa&eO 9 (as su""enl# grippe" (ith the i&# fear that even if 9 &oul" fin" a (a# outsi"e, 9 (oul" "ie in the airlessness of spa&e. -# Mo", the s(eet earth &oul" be millions of miles a(a#O 9 &oul" see no &onstellations 9 re&ogni!e" among the m#ria" points of light. Fven if 9 &oul" fin" a "oor or a hat&h, 9 might be trappe"O. . . No. . . /oO 9 hope" an" pra#e" it (as not true. There Hust had to be a (a# outO 9 loo$e" at the &ontrols on the &hair. -a#beHust ma#beone of those buttons (oul" open a "oor or something. 9 move" &loser an" stu"ie" the arra# of s(it&hes. %n the left arm, there (as a single short thi&$ lever (ith an o""l# mol"e" han"le atop some "ar$ bro(n material. %n the right arm, there (as an illuminate", limeBgreen s&reen about five in&hesPsNuare. *n"er that, a sNuare of approKimatel# t(ent#Bfive &olore" buttons. 9 loo$e" for s#mbols or (ritten (or"s an" foun" none. The s&reen ha" a lot of bla&$ lines on it that interse&te" ea&h other at all angles. The lines ha" short little "ashes interse&ting them at regular intervals. %n some of the lines, the "ashes (ere (i"el# spa&e"L on others, there (ere man# &losel#Bspa&e" "ashes. The buttons belo( the s&reen (ere arrange" in about five verti&al ro(s, (ith one &olor for ea&h ro(C re", #ello(, green, blue, an" violet. The &olors (ere bright, lit faintl# from (ithin. The eKperiment 9 (as &onsi"ering (as ris$#, but 9 (as "esperate. 9 rea&he" out, m# finger hovering over one of the green buttons un&ertainl#. %n impulse, 9 (ent ahea" an" pushe" it. 9 loo$e" aroun" the room an" listene" &arefull# nothing happene". When 9 pushe" the button, 9 noti&e" that the segmente" lines on the s&reen ha" move". 9 re&$lessl# pushe" another green one. The lines rapi"l# &hange" angles, sli" "o(n ea&h other, then stoppe". 9 pushe" some of the other &olore" buttons. Nothing happene". Nothing move" an" no soun" &oul" be hear".
$4 Tra'(* .a/to)
(as a human beingO 9 stoo" fro!en to the spot. )e (as a man about siK feet t(o in&hes tall. )is helmete" hea" barel# &leare" the "oor(a#. )e (as eKtremel# mus&ular an" evenl# proportione". )e appeare" to (eigh about t(o hun"re" poun"s. )e (ore a tightBfitting bright blue suit of soft material li$e velour. )is feet (ere &overe" (ith bla&$ boots, a bla&$ ban" or belt (rappe" aroun" his mi""le. )e &arrie" no tools or (eapons on his belt or in his han"sL no insignia mar$e" his &lothing. Wo(O )o( "i" he get hereD 9s he from the air for&eD WhatGs going on hereD -a#be heGs from N ' O 9Gm save"O nother humanone of m# o(n $in"O ;elief floo"e" over me. Never before ha" 9 been so gla" to see a total stranger. The man gesture" (ith his right han" for me to &ome to(ar" him. )e be&$one" (ith his open han". 9 ran up to him, eK&laiming, babbling all sorts of Nuestions. 5)o( "i" #ou get in hereD Man #ou get me out of hereD There (ere these horrible things in here. . . WhatGs going onD Who are #ouD ,lease, help meO7 The man remaine" silent throughout m# verbal barrage. 9 (as (orrie" b# his silen&e. 9 loo$e" &losel# at his fa&e through the helmet. )e ha" &oarse, san"#Bblon" hair of me"ium length, &overing his ears. )e ha" a "ar$ &ompleKion, li$e a "eep, even tan. )e ha" no bear" or musta&he. 9n fa&t, 9 &oul"nGt even see stubble or "ar$ sha"o( of (his$ers. )e ha" slightl# rugge", mas&uline features an" strange e#es. The# (ere a bright, gol"en ha!el &olor but there (as something o"" about those e#es besi"es their &olor that 9 &oul" not Nuite i"entif#. )is helmet (as li$e a transparent sphere, slightl# flattene". No tubes or hoses. 9ts (i"e bla&$ rim (as set "o(n &lose over the &ontour of his shoul"er. The bla&$ rim ha" a small oval opening in it in the ba&$. The helmet might have been lightl# froste" on the ba&$, or it might have been Hust the lighting that ma"e it appear that (a#. The man "i" not offer an# a&$no(le"gment of m# Nuestions. )e onl# smile" $in"l# in a faintl# tolerant manner. )e "i"nGt appear to even be attempting to repl#. Then it hit meC ThatGs itO %f &ourse he &anGt ans(er (ith that helmet on. )e probabl# &anGt even hear meO )e too$ me firml# but gentl# b# the left arm an" gesture" for me to go (ith him. )e seeme" frien"l# enough. )e probabl# Hust (ante" to get somepla&e (here he &oul" remove his helmet. )is nee" for the helmet ma"e me some(hat uneas#. -a#be 9G" better go (ith him, the sooner to get out of this air(hi&h, even if itGs not harmful, is stiflingl# (arm an" humi". n#(a#, heGs too big to argue (ith. 9 (as anKious to have all m# Nuestions ans(ere", but 9 figure" ever#thing (oul" be eKplaine" (hen (e got to (here (e (ere going. +or the moment, 9 (as relieve" merel# to be in the &ompan# of a real human being. 9 $ne( one thing for sureC 9f 9 &oul" get mm of here an" a(a# from (here those aliens lur$e", 9 (as going to &ooperate.
$! Tra'(* .a/to)
e"ge of the brushe"Bmetal &raft a silver# refle&tion that &oul" have been another shin#, roun"e" &raft. 9 &oul" see t(o of them ver# &learl#. against the (all at the en" of the hangarli$e room. The# (ere about fort# or fort#Bfive feet in "iameter, Nuite a bit smaller than the angular vehi&le 9 ha" Hust &ome out of. 9 sa( no proHe&tions or brea$s in the smooth, shin#, flattene" spheres. The# sat on ver# roun"e" bottoms an" 9 &oul" not see ho( the# balan&e" that (a#. ,erhaps the# (ere bra&e" or atta&he" in some (a# to the (all behin" them. The man es&orte" me a&ross the open floor to a "oor. The "ull green floor seeme" to be ma"e of a spring#, semihar" rubber# pavement, some(hat similar to the material of an in"oor tra&$. The "oors opene" silentl# an" Nui&$l# from the mi""le out(ar". We (ere in a hall(a# about siK feet (i"e, illuminate" from the eightBfootBhigh &eiling, (hi&h (as one long panel of softl# "iffuse" light. The (alls (ere a pastel offBgreen, the floor (as the same &arpetli$e soft pavement of the large room (e ha" Hust left. The hall(a# (as straight an" perhaps eight# feet long. /lose" "ouble "oors (ere "istribute" along the &orri"or. 5When "o 9 get to go homeD7 9 as$e". 5Where are (e going no(D7 No repl#. t the en" of the hall(a#, another pair of "ouble "oors. 9 (at&he" &losel# this time. 9 "i" not see him tou&h an#thing, but again the "oors sli" silentl# ba&$ from the mi""le. We entere" a (hite room approKimatel# fifteen feeC sNuare, (ith another eightBfootBhigh &eiling. The room ha" a table an" a &hair in it. 2ut m# interest (as imme"iatel# fo&use" on the three other humansO T(o men an" a (oman (ere stan"ing aroun" the table. The# (ere all (earing velvet# blue uniforms li$e the first manGs, eK&ept that the# ha" no helmets. The uniforms (ere &uffless an" &ollarless. The# fit ver# tightl# or. the upper bo"# an" upper legs, slightl# looser on the lo(er legs. The pant legs tu&$e" loosel# into or (ere atta&he" to the short boottops. The boots (ere ma"e of a soft, "ull bla&$ material. Neither the boots nor the bar. aroun" the (aist appeare" to be ma"e of leather. The boots "i" not have a har" soleL the# (ere more li$e mo&&asins. seam or a line in the material of their uniforms ran from the mi""le of the ne&$line "o(n to the (aist. There (as no bu&$le on the ban" aroun" the mi""le, no (eapons or tools on the ban". The# also (ore no insignia. The t(o men ha" the same mus&ularit# an" the sameB mas&uline goo" loo$s as the first man. The (oman also ha" a fa&e an" figure that (as the epitome of her gen"er. The# (ere smoothBs$inne" an" blemishless. No moles, fre&$les, (rin$les, or s&ars mar$e" their s$in. The stri$ing goo" loo$s of the man 9 ha" first met be&ame more obvious on seeing them all together. The# share" a famil#Bli$e resemblan&e, although the# (ere not i"enti&al. The# all ha" the same &oarse, bro(nish blon" hair. The (oman (ore hers longer than the men, past her shoul"ers. 'he "i" not appear to be (earing ma$eup. The# all seeme" to be in their mi"Bt(enties, perhaps ol"er. ll ha"
Euestion of 2elief
8ead not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider. 'ir +ran&is 2a&on
n opening this boo$ 9 in&lu"e" a "is&ussion of bias an" the nee" for an open min" in Hu"ging the vali"it# of our =mine an" m# &o(or$ersG> eKperien&e (ith the *+%. 6ue to the uniNue an" in&re"ible nature of that eKperien&e, 9 feel that man# of the Nuestions as$e" are perfe&tl# Hustifiable an" appropriate. 2ut (hen ans(ers to those Nuestions are arrive" at (ithout fair eKamination of all the evi"en&e, 9 strenuousl# obHe&t. 9 maintain that if all the evi"en&e ha" been anal#!e" (ith an open min", none of the various (il" a&&usations against m# &o(or$ers an" me ever (oul" have been ma"e. n#one un(illing to eKamine relevant evi"en&e is reall# not Hustifie" in forming an opinion about anything. While nearl# ever#one (as prematurel# ma$ing up their min"s (hether (e (ere sane or &ra!#, truthful or l#ing, the erial ,henomena ;esear&h %rgani!ation = ,;%> (ent Nuietl# about its business of assessing the vali"it# of the &ase from a s&ientifi& stan"point. ,;% performe" an eKtensive batter# of me"i&al, ps#&hiatri&, h#pnoti&, an" pol#graph eKaminations (hi&h, (ith other evi"en&e an" the ph#si&al fa&ts of the &ase, eKpose all the a&&usations as unHustifie". When 9 step ba&$ an" ta$e a loo$ at all the atta&$s ma"e on the vera&it# of m# in&i"ent over the #ears, 9 am "isturbe" b# the simple fa&t that some of this stuff (as ever Hu"ge" fit to print. To be fair, 9 have en&ountere" some eK&ellent
TravisC Q2athe" in the #ello( aura, 9 stare" up at the unbelievabl# smooth, unblemishe" surfa&e of the &urving hull. 9 (as fille" (ith a tremen"ous sense of a(e an" &uriosit# as pon"ere" the in&omprehensible m#steries. . .Q The in&re"ible obHe&t has been ren"ere" in various progressivel# improve" representations. 3et no art &oul" ever "o Husti&e to the imposing gran"eur of (hat the seven (oo"smen (itnesse".
2lin" pani&. The gut rea&tion to (itnessing their fello( &re(men being hurle" through the air b# an a(esome blast of unearthl# energ# sent siK har"ene" (oo"smen into re&$less flight "o(n that rough mountain roa".
The monstrous trio of humanoi"s star e" to(ar" me ... 9 sprang into a fightB ng stan&e (ith m# legs sprea" (i"e to bra&e for the atta&$.7
2urne" into his memor#, some of the most traumati& images Walton struggle" to &ope (ith (ere the huge "ar$ e#es of his &aptors.
Q+rom (here 9 sat 9 &oul" see stars all aroun" me The effe&t (as li$e sitting in a &hair in the mi""le of spa&e. )earing a faint soun", 9 (hirle" aroun". There stan"ing in the open "oor(a# (as (hat appeare" to be a human beingO7
Walton re&alle" seeing t(o varieties of "is& shape" &raft insi"e a huge en&lose" stru&ture of un$no(n lo&ation. buil"ing, or part of a larger &raftD
2efore a(a$ening on the roa"(a#, WaltonPs last memB or# aboar" the &raft (as of being for&e" "o(n onto a table b# large mus&ular, humanBloo$ing beings. Q+rom out of no(here the (oman su""enl# ha" an obHe&t in her han" that loo$e" li$e one of those &lear, softBplasti& oKB#gen mas$s... she presse" the mas$ "o(n over m# mouth... then there (as nothing at all but oblivious bla&$Bness....
fter being returne" to the roa"(a# outsi"e )eber, ri!ona, Travis Walton &omp hensive arra# of h#pnoti&, pol#graphi&, me"i&al an" ps#&hiatri& eKaminations to assess the vali"it# of his eKtraor"inar# eKperien&e an" to re&or" its s&ientifi& value.
In response to overwhelming demand LIMI!E" E"I!ION PRIN!# This boo$Gs &over painting, b# -i&hael ). ;oger, is title" 5+ire 9n The '$#7. This famous image "epi&ts the beginning of Travis WaltonGs histori& eKperien&e an" (hat be&ame re&ogni!e" (orl"(i"e as the most outstan"ing a&&ount of alien ab"u&tion ever re&or"e". Witnessing the in&re"ible event some ho( inspire" the artist to begin painting (ith an un&ann# abilit# not "emonstrate" earlier in his life. 9ts stri$ing realism is eKpresse" (ith a "egree of photographi& "etail not feasible to full# repro"u&e in a boo$ Ha&$et, but faithfull# ren"ere" in these vivi"l# beautiful, originalBsi!e prints =(ithout overlain printe" title, et&.> Fa&h highBNualit# print from either oneB time limite" run is in"ivi"uall# numbere" an" signe" b# the artist an" in&lu"es a &ertifi&ate of authenti&it#. Fa&h print is also personall# autographe" b# Travis Walton Co))o(**e0r1* %(2(ted Ed(t(o) of 225 fineBart lithographs, 1@Q K 24Q on Iintage Ielvet =a high gra"e, heav# 9pt. a&i"Bfree, Nualit# paper sto&$.> 'hippe" flat. Fa&h $19@.44 Co//ector1* %(2(ted Ed(t(o) of 2444 fineBart lithographs, 1@Q K 24Q on 0pt. a&i"Bfree, satin finish, framable print sto&$. Fa&h $129.44 PO#!ER# The nine &olor illustrations in the boo$ (ere all painte" b# -i&hael ). ;ogers. The# are offere" here unautographe" an" as a set onl#. Fa&h &omplete set of nine ama!ing, fullB&olor 12Q K 10Q posters are shippe" as a single item for $59.44. $I"EO# T(o professionall# pro"u&e" vi"eo programs are offere". The first is an evening (ith Travis Walton an" -i&hael ;ogers as the# personall# present their profoun" eKperien&e in a (a# never before seen. 9ntersperse" (ith illustrations an" photos. /on&lu"es (ith a provo&ative "is&ussion of the eK&iting ne( "evelopments of their ongoing stor# as reveale" in this boo$. =This tape (ill be perio"i&all# up"ate" as "evlopments unfol".> The se&on"
vi"eo is an eK&iting behin"BtheBs&enes Hourne# through the ma$ing of the movie, 5+ire 9n The '$#7 an" their (orl" promotional tour on behalf of ,aramount 'tu"ios. Ier# &olorful an" entertaining. :ength of ea&hC t(o hours approKimate. 'pe&if# 3A Per*o)a/ Acco0)t4 or 3The 5a6()7 8f F(re49 $29.44 per tape. To or"er, sen" legible instru&tions along (ith the total for all items =in&lu"e $4.44 'hipping . )an"ling per item> (ith &he&$ or mone# or"er toC +9;F 9N T)F 'A3 ,ro"u&tions ,.%. 2oK 1472 'no(fla$e, W @5917 ,lease allo( 2 to 0 (ee$s for "eliver#
'paul"ing never respon"e". *ltimatel#, even the photo anal#sis +rie"man &omplimente" 'paul"ing on (as "is&re"ite". "evastating &ritiNue of 'paul"ingGs (or$ (ritten b# ?an )err (as publishe" in the ?une 1977 ,;% 2ulletin. The 5m#ster# metal7 fragments 'paul"ing suppose"l# re&overe" from the site of the in&i"ent loo$e" li$e small &hips of shin#, silver#, gra#ish bla&$ obsi"ian, an" (oul" have noti&eabl# &ontraste" (ith the "rab tan earth at the site. The# suppose"l# turne" out, upon anal#sis, to be some $in" of highB temperature sili&onesu&h as one might fin" at a pla&e li$e 9;esear&h. 'paul"ing then reporte"l# suggeste" that 5someone7 might have "roppe" them at the site =again, (ith no one else fin"ing them in four "a#s of forensi& eKamination before 'paul"ing ha" even arrive">. 3eah, an" the# might never have been at the site. Who $no(sD 9tGs surprising ho( little interest this 5ph#si&al evi"en&e7 stimulate" in either *+% proponents or "ebun$ers. 'pea$ing of "ebun$ers, although one "ebun$er (ith (hom 'paul"ing ha" Hoine" for&es (as han"sBoff regar"ing "ubious &re"entials an" assertions &on&erning 'paul"ing or 'te(ar", it (as not out of gratitu"e for the help. 9t (as onl# to avoi" un"er&utting his o(n sta&$e" "e&$ against the &ase. 9n fa&t, this
The +inal 5Euestions of 2eliefQan" /on&lusive ns(ers
9eritatem dies a erit. :$ime discovers truth.#; 'ene&a
fter shooting began on 'ire in the (ky, 9 re&eive" a &all from Tra&# Torme, as$ing me if 9 ha" hear" of a *+% investigator name" ?err# 2la&$. 9 tol" him no, but that, sin&e 9 "onGt $eep up (ith the fiel", he might or might not be prominent. Tra&# tol" me heG" been re&eiving a series of phone &alls from 2la&$. Tra&# "es&ribe" 2la&$Gs approa&h as initiall# &ourteous, eKplaining that he (as &alling to provi"e -r. Torme (ith &ertain fa&ts of (hi&h -r. Torme evi"entl# must not be a(are, but his tone gra"uall# gre( more stri"ent. fter heG" rea" that +ire in the '$# (as in pro"u&tion, 2la&$ ha" hastene" to a"vise Tra&# of his foll#. Wh# in the (orl", 2la&$ (ante" to $no(, (oul" Torme (ant to ma$e a feature film about the Tur$e# 'prings in&i"ent, (hen that &ase ha" long ago been proven a hoaKD Tra&# (ante" to $no( (hat ma"e him believe that (as the &ase. 2la&$ respon"e" (ith great vehemen&e an" &ertaint#, proferring as evi"en&e some of the misinformation &larifie" in the appen"iK of this boo$. Tra&# ha" resear&he" the (hole &ase, in&lu"ing all the ol" allegations, an" (as therefore (ell a(are of the truth of the matter. 9 &an almost hear his eKasperate" sigh as he refute" 2la&$Gs &harges point b# point. lthough
t ?err# 2la&$Gs urging, -i$e trie" to tal$ me into Hoining him an" llen in being reteste". 9 hel" firm, repeating m# reasoning. 2ut on&e -i$e ha" been persua"e" to &ommit himself to being reteste", he be&ame an avi" proponent of broa"ening parti&ipation. )e (oul"nGt let up on me. )e enthusiasti&all# ti&$e" off M# MilsonGs &re"entials an" the improvements in sensitivit# an" reliabilit# of mo"ern eNuipment. 9 agree" that /# Milson (as the top eKaminerL it (as virtuall# &ertain (eG" get an a&&urate test. -# &on&erns (ere (ith getting "ragge" into "efen"ing against a ne( roun" of unfair atta&$s. 9 still felt 9 ha" nothing to gain. 9 reasone" that if onl# one test in three hun"re" gave ina&&urate results, that it (oul" be the eNuivalent of pla#ing ;ussian roulette. 9f there (as any possibilit# of "estro#ing #ourself, (ith nothing to gain, (h# (oul" an# sane person pla#D Fven if there (ere t(o hun"re" ninet#Bnine empt# &#lin"ers instea" of five, there (as still that one live roun". -i$e an" ?err# (oul" &onfer, then -i$e (oul" &ome ba&$ at me. )is reasoning ha" a gra"ual effe&t on me. 2ut (hat reall# &lin&he" it for me, at the last moment, (as (hen -i$e tol" me that /# Milson ha" eKpresse" his opinion that both the -&/arth# test and the ,fiefer test (ere in&on&lusive, for the same reasontheir same, obsolete metho"olog#. 9G" never before reali!e" that ,fiefer ha" been using the same metho" for (hi&h -&/arth#Gs test ha" been invali"ate". ,fiefer ha" use" a fe( ne(er refinements, ma$ing his test seem "ifferent from -&/arth#Gs. ll 9G" $no(n (as that -&/arth#Gs ha" been &alle" 5an ol" militar# metho".7 9 no( $no( that the vali"it# of ,fieferGs test &an still be Hustifiabl# "efen"e", be&ause the metho"olog#Gs ina&&ura&# in virtuall# all &ases leans in the "ire&tion of false positives. 2ut at the time the thought that 9 ha"nGt #et ta$en an unassailable test gave me pause. 9 finall# agree" to un"ergo reeKamination b# pol#graph. 9 ha" other business in ,hoeniK an#(a#. 2efore arriving at his offi&e &ompleK that "a#, 9G" never seen or spo$en to M# Milson. 9 pulle" up a &hair an" (e got "o(n to business. We resolve" a fe( minor issues, then 9 tol" him 9 (ante" to ta$e a "rug test both before an" after m# test. Milson sai" that (asnGt ne&essar#. 9 insiste", sa#ing that 9 (oul" pa# the a""itional &ost m#self. Milson sai" that sin&e it (asnGt ever nee"e" he "i"nGt $no( ho( to go about having su&h tests "one. =3ears before, ,?A ha" ma"e "rug tests a part of our pol#graph retest &hallenge,
Than$ #ou, ?err# 2la&$O These eKaminations &lear the air (ith a thoroughness, an utter finalit#, (hi&h &anGt be refute". /# Milson use" a (i"el# pra&ti&e", eKtremel# a&&urate, stateBofBtheBart metho" "evelope" an" perfe&te" at the *niversit# of *tah. This involves a &omputeri!e" monitoring an" anal#sis of the tra&ings along (ith a pointBs&oring s#stem of the &harts applie" b# the eKaminer. 9n summar#C The &omputer put all three of us near the top of the range "esignate" as &on&lusivel# truthful =almost no one ever a&hieves the theoreti&al maKimum of 1.44>, (ith me at .904 an" .901, -i$e at .994, an" llen at .991. %n the numeri&al s&ore 9 (as first (ith X14 an" X20 points, -i$e ha" X11 points an" llen ha" X22 points. 'in&e X0 an" up is &onsi"ere" truthful, the minor s&oring "ifferen&es bet(een the three of us are of no meaningful signifi&an&e be&ause the# are less than the "ifferen&e #ou &oul" get from t(o i"enti&al tests on the same person in the same "a#.
1en love to wonder and that is the seed of our science. Fmerson
n (riting of the events of m# ab"u&tion, 9Gve trie" ver# har" to sti&$ stri&tl# to "es&ribing the events as 9 ex erienced them, not as 9 inter reted them. 9Gve remaine" as obHe&tive an" fa&tual as possible, refraining from an# embellishments or assumptions of "etail, so as not to &ontaminate the s&ientifi& value of m# eKperien&e. )o(ever, (hat o&&urre" insi"e the &raft an" the events surroun"ing m# &apture an" return are not in the least selfBeKplanator#. 9n fa&t, in the absen&e of &onHe&ture or further "ata, these events "o not seem to ma$e mu&h sense. 9Gve been as$e" &ountless Nuestions b# those $eenl# "esirous of un"erstan"ing not onl# the ph#si&al events themselves, but the (i"er impli&ations, the overall meaning, of m# eKperien&e an" therefore possibl# to gain &lues to the m#steries of the phenomenon in general. WhoD WhatD Wh#D WhereD The uniform ans(er is that 9 "o not $no(. -an# of these same Nuestions have &ontinuall# nagge" m# o(n min" sin&e that November "a# in 1975. While almost nothing is "efinitel# eKplaine" b# the events themselves, en"less i"eas &an be inferre" from them. The s&ientifi& presentation of fa&ts has ha" its pla&e. )ere is the pla&e for spe&ulations. 9 "o not $no( (hi&h, if an#, of the possible s&enarios &onsi"ere" here best
1 2 Tra'(* .a/to)
&orrespon"s to realit#. The otential for a rough mat&hup is maintaine" b# sti&$ing to eKtrapolation of the $no(n fa&ts. )o(ever, (ithout more "ata, the likelihood of its a&tuall# being one of them is probabl# lo(. Nevertheless, it is both fas&inating an" some(hat &onstru&tive to tr# to pie&e it all together. The Nuestions that arise from the events are obviousL nor &an 9 &laim originalit# in formulating most of the theoreti&al eKplanations. Naturall#, 9 have "one mu&h thin$ing in the sear&h for meaning in m# eKperien&e. 2ut ne(smen, resear&hers, famil#, an" frien"s have also a"van&e" man# intriguing Nuestions, an" suggeste" still more fas&inating ans(ers. Who are these beingsD What "o the# (antD Where are the# fromD FKa&tl# ho( mu&h &an (e "e"u&e regar"ing them (ith the "ata (e haveD 9tGs logi&al to &on&entrate first on parti&ulars of m# o(n eKperien&e before attempting to a""ress the broa"er Nuestions. Wh# "i" the# pi&$ the seven of usD Was our being &hosen even "eliberateD What form of energ# "i" that beam &onsist ofD Wh# "i" it stri$e meD What (ere the &raftGs o&&upants "oing (ith meD Wh# (ere there t(o t#pes of beingsD Wh# "o 9 remember onl# t(o hours out of five "a#sD The Nuestions are en"less, but let us eKplore a fe(. 9 (ant to reemphasi!e ho(ever, that at this point it is purel# spe&ulation. +irst of all, (h# usD Wh# pi&$ seven or"inar# treeB&utters, instea" of a (orl"B reno(ne" s&ientist or national lea"erD %r, (as our &onta&t onl# a flu$e, entirel# uninten"e" beforehan"D 9tGs possible (e (ere single" out. The# &oul" have seen us (or$ing from high above the groun" an" (aite" near the path b# (hi&h the# $ne( (e (oul" leave. 9f the# "i" a&tuall# choose us from siK billion earth people, (h#D ,ossibl# the# "o not re&ogni!e the $in"s of "istin&tions bet(een persons that (e ma$e or &onsi"er su&h &riteria relevant to their purposes. 9t has o&&urre" to me that the# ma# have been attra&te" to us b# someho( overhearing or monitoring our &onversations on the Hob. 9t might seem presumptuous to thin$ that an#thing (e might sa# &oul" be of an# interest to them, but (e "i" philosophi!e on an in&re"ibl# (i"e arra# of topi&s "uring the months out there in the foresteven a brief &onversation or t(o about *+%s. 'o itGs not in&on&eivable that (e ina"vertentl# attra&te" un(el&ome interest. 9t "oesnGt seem to me a biologi&al eKamination &oul" reall# be of all that great use to them, espe&iall# if the# have alrea"# "one so on other humans, but (ho &oul" fathom the purposes of su&h a totall# strange &ivili!ationD 9t &oul" be that the# are instituting a 5&on"itioning7 program to prepare the people of earth for the so&ial impa&t of open &onta&t (ith other (orl"s. The# have not &ompletel# "isguise" their presen&e. 9f the# have the po(ers of motion an" memor#Berasing that some &laim the# have, the# &oul" easil# $eep their presen&e =or visits> com letely un$no(n. ,erhaps the gro(ing number of *+% reports &hara&teri!e" b# in&reasing believabilit# is inten"e" to a&&ustom us to (hat the future hol"s in store. 9t
1 4 Tra'(* .a/to)
/oul" (hat these men sa( !ap Travis Walton a&tuall# be the result of phenomena forme" b# shifting in the earthGs &rustD The -ogollon ;im is a giganti& fault lineL perhaps movement "eep in the earth release" gases that someho( ignite" or be&ame ele&tri&all# &harge". ='ha"es of s(amp gas.> 5FarthNua$e lights7 are (i"el# reporte" in asso&iation (ith un"ergroun" tremors. These are spe&ulate" to be a sort of pie!oele&tri& effe&tele&tri&al &harges generate" b# stresses in the &r#stalline stru&ture of ro&$ or &hanges in groun"B(ater flo( relate" to un"ergroun" pressure. 6r. -i&hael ,ersinger, a professor at :aurentian *niversit# of 'u"bur#, %ntario, /ana"a, an" ?ohn 6err, a geoph#si&ist (ith the *.'. Meologi&al 'urve# in lbuNuerNue, Ne( -eKi&o, sa# the# have a strong statisti&al anal#sis sho(ing a lin$ bet(een *+% sightings an" Nua$es. What about ball lightningD +orest 'ervi&e eKpert sa#s the -ogollon ;im area has the highest number of lightning stri$es per #ear of an# area in the *nite" 'tates eK&ept the +lori"a Fvergla"es. +or eKample, in the three "a#s bet(eenHune 11 an" ?une 10 of 1991 there (ere t(ent#Bseven lightningB&ause" fires in the 'itgreaves National +orestan" the storm# rain# season "oesnGt even begin untilHul#. 9f thereGs more lightning, ma#be thereGs also more of the rare ball form. What about plasmasD ,lasmas are gasses in a highl# energi!e" stateso energi!e" the# ra"iate intense light. -a#be ball lightning is a sort of plasma. 9n the basi& theor#, (hi&hever of the three t#pes of energi!e" balls (ere a&tuall# the *+%, the#Gre sa#ing Travis Walton &oul" have ina"vertentl# narro(e" the gap bet(een it an" the groun" (ith his bo"#, a&ting as a sort of lightning ro" b# provi"ing a groun"ing path for the &harge. The# believe this &oul" perhaps &reate bi!arre neurologi&al effe&ts li$e a fiveB"a# bla&$out replete (ith hallu&inations. -# eKperien&e ma"e me a lightning ro" all right, but onl# in the metaphori&al sense. 9n the first pla&e, the earth is prett# (ell net(or$e" (ith seismi& "ete&tors, an" as far as 9 $no( no tremors (ere reporte". 'e&on", lightning season (as over an" the (eather (as &lear an" "r#the least li$el# &on"itions to generate or sustain these $in"s of atmospheri& phenomena. The statisti&al anal#sis lin$ing *+% reports an" earthNua$es (as &riti&i!e" be&ause suppose"l# large time lags an" "istan&e allo(an&es (ere thro(n in to help ma$e a lin$ more li$el#. lso, all these phenomena are as eKoti& an" even more rarel# reporte" than *+%s. ;emember %&&amGs ;a!or. %ne "oesnGt eKplain a(a# an anomal# b# invo$ing an anomal#. )o( in the (orl" &oul" 9 be (an"ering aroun" the (oo"s in an ele&tri&all# in"u&e" hallu&ination for five "a#s an" not free!e to "eath or be foun" b# sear&hersD ,eople get stru&$ b# lightning ever# #ear in this area an" (hen the# survive the# bear unmista$able signsC the hair on their bo"ies is all singe" off, &lothes burne", parame"i&s have trouble getting vital signs be&ause their veins
1 ! Tra'(* .a/to)
before 9 (as ab"u&te". -# (eight loss is another m#ster#. 9 (eighe" m#self on m# o(n s&ale the ver# night 9 (as returne" =1C44 a.m., November 11>, revealing a loss of over ten poun"s sin&e leaving for (or$ the morning of November 5. -# s&ale (as later &ompare" for a&&ura&# to the ph#si&ianGs s&ale in 6r. Aan"ellGs offi&e an" foun" to register &orre&t (eight =unusual for a &ommon bathroom s&ale>. )o(ever, 6r. Aan"ell insists that if a (eightBloss is &ause" b# starvation, it results in the presen&e of $etones =a&etones> in the urine. Aetones (ere not present in m# first voi"e" sample, subHe&te" to anal#sis. 2ut are $etones al(a#s foun" in the absen&e of fee"ingD %r &oul" there be eK&eptions to this, base" on the patientGs prior bo"# reserves, or perhaps an eKtremel# high or lo( ambient temperatureD /oul" virtual immobilit# in a humi" environment further re"u&e $etone pro"u&tionD 9 have not #et sought eKpert me"i&al a"vi&e in regar" to this Nuestion. What else &oul" have happene" to &ause the (eight lossD ,erhaps m# &aptors "i" not $no( enough of human ph#siolog# to provi"e me (ith suffi&ient moisture. 9s it possible to lose as mu&h as ten poun"s solel# from "eh#"rationD 9 "i" have man# s#mptoms of "eh#"rationL but ten poun"s of (ater amounts to over a gallon. 9 "i" "rin$ at least that mu&h bet(een m# first an" se&on" (eighings, but normal losses of bo"#B(ater stores (oul" have &ontinue" to some "egree. 2ut if not starvation or "eh#"ration, (hat (as the &ause" of m# (eight lossD %ne obvious Nuestion that ver# often springs to min", an" is as$e" (ith some embarrassmentC What about the bo"#Gs pro&esses of eliminationD 9 (as &ons&ious for less than t(o hours of those five "a#sL 9 "o not re&all either using toilet fa&ilities or eating in that time. :etGs eKer&ise a little &lini&al obHe&tivit# here. -# un"er&lothes (ere &lean (hen 9 returne". -# bo(el habits are usuall# ver# regular, but 9 "i" not voi" urine for approKimatel# ten hours after m# return, an" ha" no bo(el movement for nearl# t(ent#B four hours. /oul" 9 have use" a toilet on the &raft an" not remembere" "oing soD 9 "onGt re&all m# bla""er pressure "uring m# brief &ons&ious perio", but that isnGt the sort of thing that &aptures oneGs a(areness in "angerous situations. -a#be 9 (as fe" intravenousl# (hile un&ons&ious. ,erhaps m# bo"#Gs metaboli& pro&esses (ere someho( lo(ere" to a ver# slo( rate, so that m# bo"# eKperien&e" the five "a#s as onl# a fe( hours . . . possibl# as a result of a state of suspen"e" animation, or some m#sterious spa&eBtravel time &ontra&tionD 9f so, then (h#, upon m# return, "i" m# fa&e have five "a#sG gro(th of bear"D -# siK &o(or$ers misse" seeing me ta$en aboar" the &raft "ue to their pani&$e" flight. 9 lost &ons&iousness (hen the beam stru&$ me, so ho( the remain"er of m# ab"u&tion (as a&&omplishe" remains a m#ster#. 'heriff Millespie an" his men &arefull# sear&he" the groun" at the site imme"iatel# after the ab"u&tion. The# foun" no burn mar$s, pa" impressions, or alien footprints.
1 # Tra'(* .a/to)
a(a$ening o&&ur soon after being stru&$ b# the ra#, or sometime later "uring the five "a#sD 9f it (as later, "i" the effe&t of the beam $eep me bla&$e" out so longD %r "i" the beings perpetuate m# un&ons&iousness b# other meansD 9f so, (h#D +or me"i&al treatment, tests of some $in", or some other purposeD Was m# mus&ular (ea$ness an" stiffness upon regaining &ons&iousness the effe&t of having been un&ons&ious an" immobile for an eKten"e" perio"D %r "i" that effe&t have some other &auseD -ost often m# Nuestioners are first intereste" in &ommuni&ation. 56i" the# tal$ to #ouD7 No, the# "i" not. 9 s&reame" at them, #elle" at them, thre( a veritable flurr# of Nuestions at them. The# ma"e no ans(er. 9 might have &hosen an" presente" m# Nuestions in a more effe&tive manner. 2ut (h# (ere the# silentD Were the# ignoring me be&ause of m# emotional "ispla#D re the# not vo&al beingsD 9 $no( 9 (oul" have hear" them ha" the# spo$en, be&ause 9 &oul" hear m# o(n voi&e, as (ell as the soun" of their movements an" of obHe&ts in the room. 9 "i" not see their mouths move at an# time. 9 "i" not even see teeth eKpose", if the# ha" an#. ,erhaps their voi&es (ere of a freNuen&# to (hi&h m# ears are not sensitive. The# &oul" be telepathi&. What if the# "i" not (ant an a&&ent of some sort to be "ete&te" that (oul" suggest something of their originD The# might simpl# not been able to spea$ or &omprehen" m# language. 6i" the# even have mouths at allD ,erhaps the# (ere (earing mas$s, for "isguise, so as not to give a(a# &lues to their true origin. %r perhaps their real fa&es (ere even more horri" than the mas$, so a(ful 9 &oul" not have stoo" it. -a#be the# (ore mas$s, not for "isguise, but perhaps in an entire bo"# shiel" for prote&tion from the environment or ra"iation. 9 remember seeing no fingernails on their han"s, (hi&h might in"i&ate the# (ere (earing gloves, as part of su&h an entire bo"# &overing. This might eKplain their rubber#, marshmallo(# apperan&eC a te&hnologi&all# a"van&e" surgi&al mas$8suit perhapseither to prote&t me from their mi&robes or themselves from mine =or both>. Then again, even the humanBloo$ing &reatures "i" not spea$ to me. t first 9 ha" believe" that the first man 9 en&ountere" &oul" not hear me through his helmet. 2ut (hen 9 en&ountere" the other three humanBloo$B ing in"ivi"uals, (ho (ore no helmets, the# also (ere non&ommuni&ative, "espite m# "esperate efforts. lthough the# appeare" human in nearl# ever# (a#, there (as something that "i"nGt seem right about their e#es, something ver# strange. 9Gve never been able to figure out (hat that (as. ,erhaps it (as something &ommuni&ate" b# eKpression or subtle movements (hi&h "o not mat&h our e#e fun&tionsL ma#be something stru&tural li$e pupil shape, si!e, proportion of subparts, &oloring, or light refle&tivit#L perhaps an artifi&ial &overing, a sort of (holeBe#e &onta&t lens. 9f the latter, (h#D 'omething to enhan&e sightD To prote&t the e#eD To hi"e
%ne of the most freNuent NuestionsC What sort of a person (as Travis Walton to be the onl# &re(man to get out of the tru&$ an" re&$lessl# approa&h su&h a "angerous un$no(nD t that time, eKa&tl# that sort.
-i&hael ;ogers, &re(Bboss sai" in 1975C Q9Pve beer (or$ing these (oo"s for over ten #ears an" this is the "amne"est thing that ever happene" to meOQ 9n 1995 he a""e"C Q9Pve been (or$ing these (oo"s for over 14 #ears an" this is still the "amne"est thing that ever happene" to meOQ
Travis WaltonC Q9f 9 ha" to "o it over again 9 (oul"nPt get out of the tru&$.QAenneth ,etersonC Q9 sa( a bluish light &ome from the ma&hine an" Travis (ent fl#Bingli$e heP" tou&he" a live (ireOQ
Aenneth ,etersonC Q9 sa( a bluish light &ome from the ma&hine an" Travis (ent fl#B ingli$e heP" tou&he" a live (ireOQ
+irst to spot the obHe&t (as llen 6alis. QWe &oul"nPt believe (hat (as happening. The horror (as unreal.Q
6(a#ne 'mithC QThe *+% (as smooth an" (as giving off a #ello(ishBorange light.Q
QThat ra# (as the brightest thing 9Pve ever seen in m# (hole lifeOQ "e&lares 'teve ,ier&e.
?ohn Moulette states emphati&all#, Q9 $no( (hat 9 sa(an" it (asnPt an#thing from this earthOQ
Q9 gotta sa# the# passe" the =lie "ete&tor> tests.Q When as$e" about the possibilit# of the &re(men being intoKi&atB e", 'heriff -arlin Millespie replie", Q9 sat in their tru&$ a short time after it happene" an" tal$e" to ea&h one for a long time. 9 sure "i"nPt spot an#thingan" 9 (as loo$ing.Q
This heli&opter, along (ith other air&raft, &riss&rosse" the rugge" -ogollon mountain area as part of a massive manhunt for the missing (oo"sman.
ri!ona 6epartment of ,ubli& 'afet# =state poli&e> pol#graph eKaminer /# MilsonPs report to the )olbroo$ 'heriffPs %ffi&e state", QThese pol#graph eKaminations prove that these five men "i" see some obHe&t the# believe to be a *+%. . . .Q No( in private pra&ti&e an" the top pol#B graph eKpert in the state, Milson later reteste" several of the &re(, in&lu"ing Walton. Q2ase" on the numeri&al s&ore of the pol#graph &harts an" the &omputer base" anal#sis, it is the opinion of this eKaminer that -r. =6alis, ;ogers, Walton> (as being truthful (hen he ans(ere" these relevant Nuestions.Q
-ap of area =V mar$s ab"u&tion site an" arro( mar$s site of return>.
Travis Walton an" the late :.?. :oren!en, 9nB ternational 6ire&tor of the erial ,henomena resear&h %rgani!ation an" &hief fiel" investiB gator of the Walton &ase.
6r. ?ames )ar"er, then 6ire&tor of ;esear&h for ,;%, ma"e it possible through regressive h#pnosis for Walton to relive his eKperien&es (ithout un"ue stress, an" (as present in the resear&h group to first hear the entire a&&ount of WaltonPs ama!ing or"eal.
n artistPs re&onstru&tion of the general la# of the interior of the &raft in (hi&h Walton regaine" &ons&iousness.
6r. ;. :eo 'prin$le, ,;%Ps &onsultant in ps#B &holog# an" 6ire&tor of /ounseling an" Testing at the *niversit# of W#omB ing, intervie(e" Walton an" revie(e" the results of ps#&hiatri& eKaminaB tions ta$en b# him. 6r. 'prin$le spo$e of Qin"i&aB tions of normalit#Q an" "es&ribe" a Qpi&ture of a health# #oung man, (ith a goo" sense of selfB a(areness, a ten"en&# to(ar" s$epti&ism, an" an inner strength or emotionB al stabilit#.Q
The in&i"ent eventuall# le" to a rift bet(een t(o best frien"s (hi&h laste& for several #ears.
6r. ?. llen )#ne$, astronomer an" prominent ufologist, tol" ne(smen after meeting (ith Walton that he believes Walton is Qnot hoaKingQ an" that, Q)e has beeB ma"e the subHe&t of a lot of unne&essar# an" unfoun"e" a&&usations.Q
+rom left to rightC Travis, 62 '(eene#. Meorgia Fmelin an" 6ana, at "inner on lo&aB tion in %regon.
The re&eption Travis an" 6ana re&eive" on the set (orme" Nui&$l# as the &ast an" &re( &ome lo $no( them.
?ames Marner, 6ona en" Travis on the set of +ire in the '$#. Marner is os li$eable off s&reen as on.
;ome. +irs in the '$# (as (ell re&eive" b# au"ien&es all over the (orl".
Travis WaltonC Q ll 9 as$ is for on obHe&tive &onsi"eraB rion or all the evi"en&e. n#one (ho (onPt "o that isnPt reall# entitle" to an opinion.Q
62 '(eene#, after varie" rolls in films su&h as 5Fight -en %urP an" UThe /utting F"geP, pla#s the philosophi&al but overl# &urious Travis Walton in Q+ire in the '$#Q.
-i$e ;ogers, logging on the north Aaibab above the Mran" /an#on.
;obert ,atri&$Gs portra#al of the liNui" metal &#borg assassin opposite rnol" '&h(ar!eneggerPs Terminator (as in"elible but, not to be t#peB&ast, his (arm interpretation of saltBofBtheB&arth &re(boss an" famil# man, -i$e ;ogers, (as ever# bit as &onvin&ing.
Travis Walton, :eonar" Nimo# an" :.?. :oren!en on the set at Wolper 'tu"ios for filming of the series pilot. The *neKplaine". %ne of the most impressive a&&ounts he has hear" to "ate &omes from Travis Walton, Nimo# sai". Q9tGs a bi!arre stor#, but ofter spea$ing (ith him over a perio" of several hours, 9 felt he (as being truthful.Q
,ol#graph eKaminer an" former -iami ,oli&e "ete&B tivoB sergenant Meorge ,fiefer a"ministere" a test to Travis Walton Q fter a ver# &are ful anal#sis of the pol#grams pro"u&e", there are no areas left unresolve" an" it is the opinion of this eKaminer that Travis Walton has ans(ere" all Nuestions in a manner that he himself is firml# &onvin&e" to be truthful regar"ing the in&i"ent &ommen&ing 1185875.Q
:atter 6a#s
1ente tamen, 3uae sola loco non exulat. =QThe min" alone &annot be eKile".7> %vi"
hat happens in the (a$e of events as eKtraor"inar# an" profoun" as those of November 1975D fter su&h an intense perio" of nonstop assault on the sensibilities, &an life ever be as it (as beforeD t first, 9 (as in perpetual "oubt as to (hether or not 9 (as even going to get through it. 9 live" ea&h "a#, ea&h hour, from minute to minute. 9t (as bur"en enough to &ope (ith that b# itself, (ithout loo$ing be#on". %ne sunn# fall "a# 9 (as a #oung, single, "evilBma#B&are gu# full of plans, relishing the prospe&t of tomorro(. The neKt thing 9 $ne(, ever#thing (as in "oubtC m# future, prior relationships, people 9G" thought 9 &oul" &ount on, institutions 9G" ta$en for grante", m# pla&e in so&iet#, an", right at the beginning, even the realit# of m# o(n per&eptions. 6a# an" night 9 (as (ire" tight. "renaline surge" &onstantl#. The images of those re&ent traumati& events (ere &onstantl# in m# min"Gs e#e, (a$ing an" sleeping. When 9 could sleep, vivi" but &haoti& "reams (o$e me nightl#. 9 ha" a tremen"ous amount of inner pro&essing, sorting, &onfronting, a&&epting, an" a"Husting to "o. To "o that, one nee"s enough time an" pea&e, enough spa&e an" sleep. n" 9 (asnGt getting it. The spe&trum of rea&tions to (hat happene" goo", ba", or in"ifferent$ept me &onstantl# off balan&e. There (as a &onstant torrent
The -a$ing of +ire
%ho teach the mind its ro er face to scan, And hold the faithful mirror u to man. ;obert :lo#", from The &tor
fter a number of #ears, things began to Nuiet "o(n a litB tle. :etters &ame less freNuentl#. ,eople "i"nGt see$ me out so oftenespe&iall# reporters. s al(a#s, there (ere programs an" arti&les pro"u&e" b# Hournalists (ho "i"nGt "o an# firsthan" resear&h =(hi&h of &ourse (ere the least a&&urate> but even these (ere fe(er an" farther bet(een. 9t seeme" safe to have a telephone reinstalle". t one point the "isa"vantages of having one ha" heavil# out(eighe" the a"vantages, but those a"vantages (ere &onsi"erable. 9n to"a#Gs (orl" itGs reall# har" to &on"u&t #our normal "a#B toB"a# affairs (ithout a telephone. 9f problems "evelope", 9 &oul" al(a#s have it ta$en out again, or have the poli&e or"er the installation of another line trap b# the phone &ompan#. The poli&e investigation of that earl# series of si&$ threats ha" put an abrupt halt to it. =/aller 96 ha"nGt been "evelope" at that time.> 'o, 9 too$ the plunge. Wel&ome ba&$ to the t(entieth &entur#. What a laborB saving "evi&e the telephone is. oneBminute &all spare" me a t(ent#B minute trip. ?obBrelate" Nuestions (ere Nui&$l# resolve". 9t (as mu&h easier to sta# in tou&h (ith frien"s an" relatives. n" 9 (as gla" to relieve some of the isolation 6ana ha" been en"uring. Fver#thing seeme" great. 2ut then, right off the bat 9 re&eive" a &all from this gu# name" Tra&# Tarme.
9 "i"nGt broa&h the subHe&t of the ab"u&tion seNuen&e be&ause it ha" been left out of versions of the s&ript 9 (as given. Tra&# re&eive" his &op# of the letter at the offi&e provi"e" him b# ,aramount at the stu"io. )e &onta&te" the others an" arrange" for our &onferen&e &all. %ver the neKt several (ee$s the &onferen&e (as postpone" three times, then "roppe"
5+9;F 9N T)F 'A37 b# ,ete Ao!a$ )et there be lightnin. )et there be thunder )et the heavens rage on high. %hat is this thing burnin. through the darkness0 +ust a fire in the sky. ,ut on the backroads =igh in the timber =ardworkin. man, just gettin. by. $hen somethin. changed my life forever" +ust a fire in the sky. I saw what I saw +ust can.t ex lain it 6on.t you think I haven.t tried0 But who.d take the word of anybody %ho s eaks of fire in the sky0 It seems my eo le $hey don.t know me $hey turn away when I ass by.
$he most useful iece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue. ntisthenes, 445B105 2./.
s 9 s&anne" the foreB going for basi& threa"s to tie together into this overvie(, 9 too$ to musing. lthough the i"ea that rural people have an# inor"inate interest or belief in life on other (orl"s (as refute", there is one goo" reason (h# the# should have "evelope" su&h a greater interest. %n a moonless night, at higher altitu"es, a(a# from the ha!e an" light pollution present over even smaller to(ns, the uninitiate" are stunne" b# the vie(. :i$e a billion sapphires &ast upon the bla&$est velvet, stars are then visible in su&h greater numbers an" (ith su&h vivi" brillian&e that it seems almost possible to "is&ern the threeB"imensional realit# of the vast "ifferen&es in their various "istan&es from us. 9t is sobering to thin$ that an#B one &an vie( that maHesti& panorama an" retain an# illusion of our absolute uniNueness. What is the star nearest to earthD 'urprisingl# fe( people &an &orre&tl# ans(er that Nuestion. 9tGs not ,olaris, not lpha /entauri, 2etelgeuse, nor ,roKima /entauri. The ans(er is, of &ourse, the sun. -# $i"s rea" this to me from a boo$ of ri""les brought from s&hool. 2ut the effe&tiveness of that Nuestion "emonstrates a prevalent min"Bset that 9 feel pla#e" a part in peopleGs rea&tions to reports of our in&i"ent. The earth, sun, moon, an" stars. 'u&h is the seNuen&e of mention in most
2 2 Tra'(* .a/to)
goo" s&ien&e, then turning "o(n mu&h too Nui&$l# into the realm of absur" nonsense. +rom m# present position 9 (oul" never presume to eKpress m# opinion of (hi&h &ases are not authenti&. 2ut 9 thin$ that (hat goes un"er the hea"ing 5ufolog#7 to"a# is in realit# several "istin&t phenomena, some of (hi&h are ps#&hoso&ial in nature. 'ome people, rather than "efen"ing a position on *+%s logi&all# an" (ith the s&ientifi& support that is available =as 9 have sho(n is possible>, tr# to eK&use the subHe&t as a spe&ial &ase, eKempt from normal stan"ar"s. 9 ma# be at o""s (ith a fe( of m# o(n supporters, but 9 believe su&h a position is absolutel# unHustifie". 9t (ill onl# su&&ee" in further preventing the subHe&t from being ta$en seriousl#, an" in pra&ti&e &oul" a&tuall# ma$e solution of the entire m#ster# impossible. When 9 (rite on the si"e of s&ien&e in this boo$, it is s&ien&e as a &on&eptual i"eal, not as it is ostensibl# pra&ti&e" b# some. =Fspe&iall# not as &oopte" b# pseu"orationalists.> +rustration (ith evi"en&e being reHe&te" b# mainstream eo le involve" in the pursuit of s&ien&e has lea" to faultfin"ing (ith s&ien&e itself. 9 broa"l# "efine s&ien&e as ta$ing the best prin&iples of thin$ing an" of the &on"u&t of inNuir# an" appl#ing them to anal#sis of the universethe entire natural (orl". To impl# that the elusiveness of the obHe&t of stu"# Hustifies "e&laring the matter outsi"e the s&ope of s&ien&e is eNuivalent to sa#ing it is something outsi"e of naturesupernatural. 5'upernatural7 is a &ontra"i&tion in terms. 9f #ou first "es&ribe the &osmos, universe, natural (orl", or (hatever, as ever#thing that eKists, then there &anGt be anything else. No matter (hat it is &alle", (hatever eKists, exists. n" is therefore a proper obHe&t of stu"#. '&ien&e is not perfe&tL rather, it is forever unfinishe", an" rightl# so. 9t is b# "efinition tentative in stru&ture an" &ontent&ontingent an" &on"itional in its perpetual refinement of metho"s an" that (hi&h it hol"s as 5fa&ts.5 9nevitabl# there (ill &ontinue to be ra"i&al ne( reor"erings, 5para"igm shifts.7 2ut en&ountering great problems in stu"#ing rare an" ina&&essible phenomena isnGt a (arrant to aban"on #our tools, it is a &all to refine them. We have before us in these pages mere fragments of some of the most profoun" issues ever fa&e" b# the human spe&ies. n" so fe( reali!e it. 6is&overing (ho or (hat is behin" this gran"est of all m#steries (ill inevitabl# refle&t mu&h light on (hat an" (ho we are. 9f han"le" properl# it &oul" have a far more enhan&ing an" unif#ing effe&t on humanit# than an#thing #eC eKperien&e". 2ut if (e are unprepare" it &oul" have the most "estru&tive effe&t imaginable. %ur o(n earthboun" histor# of &onta&t ma"e (ith isolate" so&ieties b# &ultures even minimall# more a"van&e" than those &onta&te" has been largel# a saga of the 5lessBa"van&e"7 &ulturesG near obliteration. 9s this ultimatel# the result of fla(s in the visitorsor in the visite"D lfre" North Whitehea" sai"
2 4 Tra'(* .a/to)
publisher to ma$e appearan&es to get the (or" out about this boo$, but on&e thatGs a&&omplishe", 9 thin$ 9Gm "one. 9 "onGt min" people (riting, although 9 &anGt guarantee a repl#. 9 use" to tr# to ans(er ever# last letter, but 9 shoul" apologi!e be&ause 9Gm still not &aught up (ith all the mail that arrive" in the (a$e of the movie. No( that this is "one, perhaps 9 &an get to that. This boo$ (ill &ertainl# provo$e mu&h "is&ussion. The &omputer net(or$s have alrea"# been bu!!ing about issues herein, an" thatGs sure to in&rease. bove all, 9 sin&erel# hope to ma$e people think. s mu&h attention as 9 gave to the &ontrovers# issue, 9 (oul" not (ant the most benefi&ial &onseNuen&es of all this to be overloo$e". The tremen"ous insight into humanit# 9 believe 9Gve gaine" from m# eKperien&e is but one of these benefits. 9tGs (hen (e resolve the meaning of all this, the phenomena in general an" m# eKperien&e in parti&ular, that 9 believe (e (ill have finall# hit the pa# "irt, a&Nuire" the ultimate point of it all.
/overt 6isinformation an" /overBup /onspira&# Theories ;e&onsi"ere"
/ever think you can turn over any old falsehoods without a terrible s3uirming of the horrid little o ulation that dwells under it. %liver Wen"ell )olmes, 'r.
or a long time 9 (as onl# mo"eratel# impresse" (ith various h#potheti&al s&enarios &on&erning se&ret efforts b# &ertain po(erful agen&ies to suppress the truth about *+%s, an" to "is&re"it b# "evious means those ma$ing su&h reports. )o(ever, "evelopments have a&&umulate", espe&iall# re&entl#, (hi&h for&e me seriousl# to re&onsi"er these possibilities. ThereGs a Ho$e that goes something li$e thisC 3ou $no( #ouGre be&oming paranoi" (hen #ou &anGt even trust those (ho are out to get #ou. 'eriousl#, ho(ever, 9 believe 9Gve been prett# &autious about rea"ing too mu&h into &ir&umstan&es =as 9 "es&ribe" in &hapter 11> regar"ing unfavorable o&&urren&es in m# life on the lo&al level. 9Gve trie" to give the benefit of the "oubt. 9 (oul"nGt (ant to &ommit the same falla&ies 9Gve suffere" from having use" so unfairl# against me. s previousl# mentione", *ost hoc ergo ro ter hoc =after this therefore be&ause of this> is the error of assuming the necessity of a &ausal relationship bet(een t(o events merel# be&ause one follo(s the other &hronologi&all#. :ong before the in&i"en&e of su&h things rea&hes the &riti&al level of roof, b# sheer numbers or the &hara&ter of the evi"en&e, the# rise into the signifi&ant range of strong likelihood. 'o (hen too man# su&h 5&oin&i"en&es7 begin to a&&rue, mat&hing up unsettlingl# in &hara&ter an" "etail,
2 ! Tra'(* .a/to)
it is time to re&onsi"er. 9n m# &ase there has been an a&&umulation of suspi&ious happenings, some of (hi&h 9 (onGt #et ma$e publi&. 'ome are still being investigate"L revealing others simpl# might not be (ise at this point. 'ome of m# earlier, mil"er suspi&ions began right after m# return, hearing about m# &re(matesG apprehensions &on&erning government &overBups (hile a(aiting their stateBpoli&e pol#graph tests. 9 re&eive" some a""itional information on this Nuestion from the erial ,henomena ;esear&h %rgani!ation = ,;%>, (hi&h (as &on"u&ting tests on me at the time. The out&ome of the -&/arth# pol#graph episo"e an" surroun"ing events intensifie" our suspi&ions to some "egree, although 9 primaril# suspe&te" bias an" in&ompeten&e as &auses. When m# first boo$ (as publishe", 9 (as anno#e" that a (hole page (as someho( "elete" from it. t the time 9 Hust &hal$e" it up to some $in" of -urph#Gs :a( iron# that, out of the entire boo$, it Hust so happene" that the omitte" page (as the one that, to man#, (oul" have perhaps the single most "ire&t bearing on the vera&it# of the in&i"entthe &on&lusion of the pol#graph test 9 passe"O The boo$ ha" a large initial printing, (hi&h sol" out almost imme"iatel#. 9 began getting (or" from people from all over the &ountr# (ho &oul"nGt get &opies an#(here, in&lu"ing "ire&tl# from the publisher. 9 &onta&te" the publisher &on&erning a se&on" printing. 9G" ha" a ver# amiable (or$ing relationship (ith them. The suggestion (as put forth in (riting an" in a &ooperative manner. 2ut su""enl# things gre( a little &ool. The publisher &laime" there (ere still boo$s available out there, #et 9 $ept getting reports to the &ontrar#. length# (ait ensue", all the (hile getting unmet reNuests from those eager to obtain the boo$. Then 9 repeate" the reNuest for another printing. No straight ans(ers. No se&on" printing. No boo$s available, an" #et (hen 9 reNueste" that m# rights be returne" to me, as provi"e" in the &ontra&t un"er su&h &ir&umstan&es, the# sai" the# &oul"nGt un"erstan" (h# 9 (oul" (ant a reversion of rights (hen the boo$ ha" 5mu&h selling life left.7 9 (ante" to believe that ma#be it (as Hust "ue to some $in" of internal problems (ith the &ompan#. The# ha" been going through a merger (ith another publishing &ompan# at that time, so ma#be that (as it finan&ial fluK an" &hanges in personnel an" priorities. 'till, the# (ere a big &ompan# an" their a&tions seeme" to run &ounter to their o(n interests. 9 eventuall# su&&ee"e" in obtaining a reversion of rights, but the (hole thing left me Nuite perpleKe". ,?A an" /'9M%, have been $no(n to attempt to "is&ourage the publi&ation of material the# oppose b# appl#ing pressure an" &aigns "ire&te" at e"itors an" publishers. 9t has been sai" that a &ensor is a man (ho $no(s more than he thin$s #ou ought to. 9n the pro&ess of getting this ne( boo$ publishe" 9 a&Nuire" the servi&es of a &ertain prominent literar# agent. 9n the &ourse of preliminar# "is&ussions (ith
2 # Tra'(* .a/to)
"is&overe" it.> /ertain aspe&ts of that episo"e (ere suspi&ious enough at the time, but information re&entl# has &ome to light (hi&h substantiall# strengthens an 5ulterior agen"a7 interpretation. +or eKample, this agent even gaine" a&&ess to 'heriffs MillespieGs file &on&erning the *+% in&i"entO We "o not have proof that ,?A (as behin" that en&ounter, but thereGs no "oubt ,?A (ill resort to ta&ti&s involving authorities as surrogates of his aims. ,?A trie" to turn the +orest 'ervi&e against -i$e. )e trie" to (oo 'no(fla$e to(n marshal 'anfor" +la$e. )e trie" ver# har" to in"u&e the sheriff an" &ount# attorne# to prose&ute us &re(men, (ith an avalan&he of repeate" phone &alls, letters, an" 5(hite papers.7 %ne (hite paper resorte" to a number of uniNue falsehoo"s apparentl# espe&iall# tailore" to a&hieve that en"L as far as 9 $no(, no one else re&eive" that parti&ular publi&ation. ,?A has institute" su&h 5si& Gem7 use of authorities against *+% proponents in the past. ne&"otes of su&h a&tivities aboun", beginning in the late 1904s (ith 5the Treatment7 levele" against 6r. ?ames F. -&6onal", a highl# regar"e" ph#si&ist at the *niversit# of ri!onaGs 9nstitute of tmospheri& ,h#si&s. +or his proB*+% stan&ebut perhaps in retaliation for the "evastating &ritiNue =partl# in testimon# given b# him an" a number of other top s&ientists "uring a 190@ &ongressional inNuir# into *+%s> of ,?AGs boo$, <',sIdentified, as pseu"os&ien&e,?A laun&he" a vo&iferous =but ultimatel# ineffe&tive> &aign against -&6onal" in government &ir&les, (ith the allegation -&6onal" (as misusing nav# fun"s to investigate *+% reports. 'till, the evi"en&e here is mostl# &ir&umstantial. We are investigating this further in an effort to &onfirm or refute this h#pothesis. Then there are the &onHe&tures 9 raise" earlier in &hapter 12. ;ea"ers ma# (ish to return to page 175 to revie( the various theories attempting to eKplain *+% &rafts as being of this earth. The belief in government suppression of ufolog# is (i"esprea", goes ba&$ to the beginning of the mo"em era of the phenomenon, an" is more alive to"a# than ever. 1995 national surve# &on"u&te" b# '&rippsB)o(ar" Ne(s 'ervi&e an" %hio *niversit# foun" that 54 per&ent of meri&ans thin$ it is li$el# that the fe"eral government is hi"ing the truth about *+%s from the publi&. Tales from former government personnel brea$ing or"ers not to spea$ out, an" rumors of sightings of strange vehi&les fl#ing in an" out of &ertain militar# installations seem to support this belief. 6o&uments have been lea$e", +ree"om of 9nformation &t suits have nette" tantali!ing lea"s, investigative Hournalists have "ug an" publishe" boo$s, groups have petitione" an" pi&$ete" the government. s 9 sai" in &hapter 12, m# (itnessing the presen&e of beings (ho appeare" to be human but (ho (ere not a&tuall# human (oul" seem a &hallenge to the tremen"ous o""s against su&h similarit# of form arising b# &oin&i"en&e, unless their form, an" ours, is a result of some &ommon &ausalit# be#on" our
,?AC *ropagan"a +ob krumbles or *erfi"us +anus Aalumnior
'acts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. l"ous )uKle#
ar$eting an" pubB li&Brelations (isB "om (oul" a"vise against in&lu"ing mu&h of the follo(ing material. 9Gm perfe&tl# a(are that 9 &oul" &arefull# $nit a brief summar# of m# best evi"en&e together (ith eKposure of onl# m# &riti&sG most blatant "e&eits an" a&tuall# have a mu&h greater effe&t "is&re"iting them an" persua"ing people of the realit# of the Tur$e# 'prings in&i"ent. 9n"ee" agents, e"itors, publishers, an" others have urge" Hust su&h an abbreviation. )o(ever, m# purposes go far be#on" those goals. 5Never eKplain. 3our frien"s (onGt as$ an" #our enemies (onGt believe #ou.7 There is (is"om in that observation. 2ut 9 in&lu"e this material for neither frien"s nor enemies. '&ant possibilit# eKists, even in the fa&e of su&h over(helming evi"en&e, of persua"ing an# of those entren&he" against me to &hange their vie(. +rien"s are &on&erne" that merel# bringing up some of these &harges (ill &reate "oubts (hi&h (oul" not other(ise o&&ur to man# rea"ers (ho "onGt $no( me as m# frien"s "o. n" the# are right. 2ut 9 (ill not resort to a slante" presentation su&h as m# &riti&s emplo#. ;emaining true to an obHe&tive philosoph# "eman"s a fuller an" more balan&e" a&&ounting. Maining a&&eptan&e on the basis of emotional s(a# (oul" be of no value to meL evo$ing a fair, rational eKamination of the fa&ts, even if it someho(
1. 9s it ne&essar# for a &ontra&tor to provi"e an 5a&t of Mo"7 eK&use to a &ontra&ting offi&er before the +orest 'ervi&e &an pro&ee" (ith a termination of that &ontra&t for "efaultD ns(erC N% 2. 9s it ne&essar# for a &ontra&tor to provi"e an# eK&use to a &ontra&ting offi&er before the +orest 'ervi&e &an pro&ee" (ith a termination of that &ontra&t for "efaultD ns(erC N% 1. ssuming that ;ogers "i" (ant out of his Tur$e# 'prings &ontra&t, via termination for "efault, is it true that ;ogers &oul" have easil# a&&omplishe" this at an# time b# simpl# (al$ing off the Hob an" not &oming ba&$D ns(erC 3F' 4. Was it #our normal &ourse of a&tion, after a &ontra&t ha" been "efaulte", that the +orest 'ervi&e (oul" rea"vertise that &ontra&t for ne( bi"s an" that the original &ontra&tor (oul" onl# re&eive his 14 per&ent retention mone# if the ne( lo( bi" (as eNual to or lo(er than the original bi" pri&e, an" onl# then (oul" the original &ontra&tor re&eive that mone# after the entire pro&ess (as &omplete =a pro&ess not un&ommon to last four months or more> an" onl# then after the a""itional time nee"e" for the &he&$ to be pro&esse" an" sentD ns(erC 3F' 5. Woul" #ou &onsi"er it to be 5"ishonest7 or 5"e&eption7 if a &ontra&tor of #ours ha" other (or$ing &ontra&ts, other than the one hel" (ith #ou, even if #ou (ere not personall# a(are of those other HobsD
-i$e then mentione" the movie, the nee" for a&&urate "ates, an" the fa&t that this information might be use" in a boo$ of the same title as the movie. Then -i$e sai"C 5'o #ou sa# that #ou (ere %h, 9 Hust noti&e" something here. 3ou might have these #ears ba&$(ar"s. 3ou sai" #ou (ere a&tuall# in pra&ti&e in 1949, an" #ou sai" #ou got #our s&hooling in 1954.7 ?-& /o, that.s not" I was not actually in ractice in, in, at that time in .LK and .ND and those years, I was commander of a -riminal Investigation 6etachment and we, uh, obtained the first olygra h examiner, uh, with his e3ui ment in the area of jurisdiction that we covered at that time. And, uh, so we sorta got ,+$ just like every other iece of e3ui ment in the detachment. I, uh, wanted to familiarize myself with it so I knew, uh, what was goin. on, just like you, uh" 18 ,kay. ?-& <h, recording e3ui ment, uh, wireta e3ui ment, uh, finger rint, uh, latent! finger rint!lifting e3ui ment, hotogra hy, the use of the s eed gra hic that was, uh, uh, you know, o erational at that time. (o my, my interest was getting to know everything that I"was in my outfit. -; ,kay, well I guess the recise 3uestion is, when did you actually receive your own ersonal schooling on the olygra h0 ?-& <h, let me see. MasideG %hen did I go to olygra h school, do you remember0 =m0 Mbackground voice? .'ifty!eight#G .fifty... Mthen, to 1ikeG I don.t know it was some lace in the late fifties. -; )ate fifties0 ?-& @eah, somewhere around there.
,eople (ho presume to un"erta$e the business of separating truth from fi&tion ought to be s&rupulous in their o(n statements. %n 'ace $he (tate, -&/arth# ma"e several untrue statements. )e &laime" m# brother 6uane bo"il# thre( him out of the hotel (here the ,;%8 &n3uirer investigation (as ta$ing pla&e. There (ere man# (itnesses to his "eparture, an" 6uane never tou&he" him. -&/arth# also &laime" on the sho( that "uring the pretest intervie( 9 tol" him that 9, m# brother, an" mother ha" often spe&ulate" about ri"ing in *+%s. ,?A repeats those &harges in his (ritings, "espite having rea" the trans&ript of the pretest intervie( an" therefore $no(ing the &laim to be false. No(here in the tape =(hi&h is the total of m# (or"s (ith -&/arth# other than on 5+a&e The 'tate7> "i" 9 refer to a belief in *+%s b# an#one else in m# famil#. n", in &omplete &ontra"i&tion of -&/arth#Gs an" ,?AGs &laims, 9 absolutel# "i" not sa# on that tape that 9G" 5often7 thought of ri"ing in a *+%. Euite the &ontrar#. -&/arth# brought up this Nuestion entirel# on his o(n, apparentl# &oming into the situation preHu"i&e" b# false rumors heG" hear" in the ne(s me"ia. =+or ,?A it is Nuite a routine ta&ti& to &hange 5ever7 to 5often,7 5some7 to 5all,7 et&.> 9 "i" eKplain to -&/arth#, attempting to be absolutel# a&&urate in response to a Nuestion of 5ever7 thin$ing of su&h a thing, that seeing something on TI ma$es the vie(er, in a sense, live the filmma$erGs fantas#. = gain, 9 "onGt thin$ an#one in our so&iet# &oul" &laim the#G" never seen su&h images.> 2ut in spite of his ba"gering on this issue, 9 ans(ere", 59t (as no burning "esire, nothing 9Gve thought about at all.7 )e presse" onC 53ou never thought of ri"ing in a *+%D7 9 ans(ere"C 5No.7
The onl# eKamination soli"l# s&he"ule" in a"van&e for +ebruar# 7, 1970, (as m# brother 6uaneGs. 9 ha" been "is&ussing m# rea"iness to be reteste" (ith ,;%, an" ha" given them a tentative agreement to be teste" along (ith 6uane. 9 (as having problems (ith m# &ar. 9f, through no fault of m# o(n, 9 "i"nGt manage to ma$e m# appointment, ho( (oul" another misse" appointment loo$ in the (a$e of the abortive arrangements for the sheriffPs testD 'o, sin&e ,;% (asnGt &ertain 9G" ma$e it, the# onl# ma"e an appointment for 6uane. Naturall# ,?A rea"s sinister intrigue into that fa&t, alleging a plan to 5test the (aters (ith 6uane7 before agreeing to have me teste", alleging a &onspira&# (hi&h eK&lu"e" the eKaminer but in&lu"e" all the ,;% personnel present. This is absur"ho( &oul" one personGs rea&tions to a test have an# bearing on the out&ome of a "ifferent personGs test (ith &ompletel# "ifferent NuestionsD The fa&t is 9 arrive" (hile 6uaneGs testing (as still un"er (a# =interrupting a
=,?A snea$il# &ir&umvente" our ban on his en"less letters b# sen"ing -i$e one in an meri&an irlines envelope (ith no return a""ress.> ?ust li$e ,?AGs for&eBfit of *+% "ata into his plasma theor#, ,?AGs
9 (asnGt a(are of the (i"e liberties allo(e" to maga!ine e"itors in re(riting letters for publi&ation. 9n their "efense, the# &ite spa&e limitations, Hustif#ing their &hanges b# &laiming the# preserve the inten"e" meaning. 3ou be the Hu"ge of (hether m# inten"e" meaning (as preserve". 9n the ?une 19@2 5:etters7 &olumn ,mni printe"C
3o >aughing Matter =e## Well"1" *+, *pdate DBAntimatter,C Mar$h 19P-E 'a" the mo"t ludi$rou" pa$) o# lie" (et 'ritten about m( 3o&ember 197< experien$e. Well" did not "ee me or m( brother B"taggeringC drun). M( brother and % did not:and do not:drin) al$ohol. % under'ent a batter( o# p"($hologi$al te"t" b( a number o# independent expert" that indi$ated no neuro"i" or p"($ho"i". BAntimatterC ha" been good #or laugh", but % am not laughing at thi" one. % am not 2arol Burnett. !ra&i" Walton Sno'#la)e, Ari?.
All I ask is for an objective consideration of all the evidence. Anyone who won7t do that isn.t really entitled to an o inion.# "$ravis %alton 9n +ire in the '$# Travis Walton relates in his o(n (or"s the best "o&umente" a&&ount of alien ab"u&tion #et re&or"e", the stor# of his harro(ing or"eal at the han"s of silent &aptors an" his return to a "isbelieving (orl" of hostile interrogators, eKploitative press an" selfB st#le" 5"ebun$ers.7 Travis re&ounts the struggle to get a fair hearing, an" &onfronts his "etra&tors (ith a stinging rebuttal. No(, the real stor# behin" the hit movie from ,aramounta "etaile" eKpose of the &aign to suppress WaltonGs stor#, an" firstB time revelations of startling ne( "evelopments.
/over illustrations an" author photo -i$e ;ogers < 1990 -arlo(e . /ompan# 012 2roa"(a#, 'eventh +loor Ne( 3or$ N3 14412 6istribute" b# ,ublishers Mroup West 9'2N 1B50924B@44B4