The Plural of Nouns: Boxes
The Plural of Nouns: Boxes
The Plural of Nouns: Boxes
B a b y
M e n
b o x e s H e r o
Most nouns make their plurals by simply adding s to the end e.g. cat -cats, book-books, journey-journeys Rule N.2 If the noun ends with a consonant plus -y, make the plural by changing -y to -ies:, activity-activities, daisy-daisies.
Rule N.3
If the noun ends with -ch, -s, -sh, -x, or -z, add -es to form the plural:
Rule N.4
Theres one exception to this rule. If the -ch ending is pronounced with a k sound, you add s rather than -es:
N.B. !!
choose the correct form witch witches witchs skies skyes skis
With nouns that end in a consonant or a single vowel plus -f or -fe, change the -f or -fe to -ves: a) e.g. knife half wolf wife knives halves wolves wives
learn more
Nouns ending in -o can add either -s or -es in the plural, and some can be spelled either way.
a) As a general rule, most nouns ending in -o add -s to
solo solos
b) The nouns which have a vowel before the final -o always just add -s: e.g. Studio Studios Zoo Zoos kangaroo kangaroos
c) Heres a list of the most common nouns ending in -o that are always spelled with -es in the plural: e.g. Domino dominoes potato potatoes Hero heroes
Irregular plural forms Some nouns form their plural not by adding the ending s/es, but by changing the letters in the root of the word. man men woman women child children ox oxen mouse mice louse lice foot feet goose geese tooth teeth
a fish two fish a dozen two dozen means means a species different species an alms alms crossroads crossroads
a salmon several salmon an aircraft two aircraft a series two series a corps [ko:r] corps [ko:rz]
gallows gallows