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Portfolio Rubric

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Georgia Southern University Higher Education Administration Program Assessment #1 Rubric: Portfolio End of Program

Student Name: Ephane Joseph Evaluator: Ephane Joseph

Program Learning Outcome Rating 1. Candidate is able to demonstrate the ability to reflect on program participation by compiling an introduction. Does Not Meet Expectations 1 Candidate provides fragmented or incomplete reflection on program participation. Candidate provides fragmented or incomplete report of participation in program activities. Meets Expectations 2 Candidate provides proficient analysis of program participation. Candidate can clearly and succinctly incorporate program participation within the context of overall program activities and requirements. Candidate provides a welldeveloped reflection on program participation Candidate presents the three key assessments in the Portfolio. Key assessments are clearly and logically presented within the context of the Portfolio.

Eagle ID: 900271443 Date: November 9, 2013

Exceeds Expectations 3 All aspects of Meets Expectations proficiency in this Learning Outcome are demonstrated, plus the following: Interconnections between program participation and program activities are clearly articulated. Points Earned Comments: 3 All courses I have completed are listed, including how specific activities, assignments, and projects have been beneficial to my learning. Comments: 3 Seventeen key assignments are presented and discussed in the introduction of how they were beneficial to my learning.

2. Candidate is able to document participation in program assessment by inclusion of key assessments in the Portfolio.

Candidate fails to include the three key assessments (Selfreflection, Professional Development Plan, and Historical Monograph) in the Portfolio.

All aspects of Meets Expectations proficiency in the Learning Outcome are demonstrated, plus the following: Candidate demonstrates the interconnections between the key assessments and other elements of the program.

3. Candidate is able to identify, develop and articulate a plan to correct any reported or perceived deficiencies and to improve any incomplete or underdeveloped skills demonstrated in the Portfolio.

Candidate fails to identify any reported deficiencies. Candidate fails to identify any incomplete or underdeveloped skills. Candidate fails to articulate a plan for improvement.

Candidate clearly identifies reported professional deficiencies. Candidate identifies incomplete or underdeveloped skills. Candidate presents a logical plan for improvement of skills that were identified during program participation.

All aspects of Meet Expectations proficiency in this Learning Outcome are demonstrated, plus the following: Candidate us able to demonstrate the interconnectedness of the plan for improvement and candidates participation in the key assessments.

4. Candidate is able to demonstrate program completion by developing and writing a summary.

Candidate fails to present sufficient examples of program participation. Summary is fragmented or incomplete. Summary does not contain all the specified elements. Summary is not clearly written or needs editing

Candidate presents a Portfolio that contains numerous examples of work completed during program matriculation. Candidate presents a Portfolio that contains examples of multimedia presentation. Candidate includes all specified elements of the summary. Summary is clearly written and demonstrates candidates writing ability.

All aspects of Meets Expectations proficiency in this Learning Outcome are demonstrated, plus the following: Candidate is able to demonstrate an understanding of the program activities and the candidates assessment of the benefits of program participation.

Comments: 3 Strengths and weaknesses are identified and plans to improve weaknesses are discussed. Career trajectory discusses professional development plan. Comments: 3 Summary discusses a final reflection of the program including how the program has been beneficial to my professional development and how current courses are expected to contribute to my learning.

Rating Scale: Score Rating 4 Does not Meet Expectations 5-7 Does not Meet Expectations 8-10 Meets Expectations

Grade 65 75 85


Exceeds Expectations


Overall Rubric Score out of 3


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