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Day 1

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Heidi Mingle Subject/ Topic/ Theme Number Hotel Day 1 Grade _1st Grade_____ __

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

Number lines and number charts Understanding number relationships

Learners will be able to#

&ompare and contrast the Number Hotel and the (")) chart $ssemble help+ul strategies that ,ould allo, them to play and ,in the game -ropose reasons +or ,hy the (")) chart is a use+ul tool in math

cogniti!e" # U $p $n % &'

physical de!elopment

socio" emotional

* * *

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# 'CC(.)*+.( &ount to 1.(/ starting at any number less than 1.( 0n this range/ read and ,rite numerals and represent a number o+ objects ,ith a ,ritten numeral 'CC(.',.- 1rgani2e/ represent/ and interpret data ,ith up to three categories3 as4 and ans,er 5uestions about the total number o+ data points/ ho, many in each category/ and ho, many more or less are in one category than in another
6Note# 7rite as many as needed 0ndicate ta8onomy le!els and connections to applicable national or state standards 0+ an objecti!e applies to particular learners ,rite the name6s9 o+ the learner6s9 to ,hom it applies 9 'remember/ understand/ apply/ analy2e/ e!aluate/ create

II. *efore .ou start Identif. !rere/uisite 0nowledge and s0ills.

:no,ledge o+ patterns in the (")) chart &ounting by 1s ;s and 1(s Understanding ho, to +ollo, directional arro,s
Pre-assessment (for learning):

<outube !ideos assess ho, ,ell students 4no, their numbers and ho, ,ell they can s4ip count
Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 6applicable to this lesson9

Teacher instruction o+ acti!ity

Formative (as learning):

Students play game ,ith each other Monitor their o,n and their partner=s progress as they contribute to the acti!ities Summative (of learning9> &lass Discussion
Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of 5e!resentation -ro!ide options +or perception" making information perceptible YouTube Videos Written instruction on board ocument !amera -ro!ide options +or language/ mathematical e8pressions/ and symbols" clarif# ( connect language Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of Action and E4!ression -ro!ide options +or physical action" increase options for interaction Students pick t"eir spot on t"e floor in t"e classroom to do t"e activit# (in t"eir pairs) -ro!ide options +or e8pression and communication" increase medium of e)pression Students sing along &it" YouTube Videos (!ounting videos)' Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of Engagement -ro!ide options +or recruiting interest" c"oice$ relevance$ value$ aut"enticit#$ minimi%e t"reats Students &ork in pairs so t"at t"e# do not get distracted from t"e rest of t"e class' -ro!ide options +or sustaining e++ort and persistence" optimi%e c"allenge$ collaboration$ master#oriented feedback *ame made to be a competition bet&een t"e t&o partners to see &"o &ill &in'

1 at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" 1 at will it ta0e 2 neurodevelo!mentall.3 e4!erientiall.3 emotionall.3 etc.3 for .our students to do t is lesson"

S#mbols on cards s"o& students "o& to move on t"eir game board


-ro!ide options +or comprehension" activate$ appl# ( "ig"lig"t +einforcement of t"e ,--- c"art'

-ro!ide options +or e8ecuti!e +unctions" coordinate s"ort ( long term goals$ monitor progress$ and modif# strategies S"ort term goal is to get to one end of t"e game board .ong term goal is to understand t"e game board and ,--- c"art better'

-ro!ide options +or sel+"regulation" e)pectations$ personal skills and strategies$ self-assessment ( reflection Students "old eac" ot"er accountable &it" pla#ing t"e game correctl# and fairl#'

'aterials6w at materials $boo0s3 andouts3 etc& do .ou need for t is lesson and are t e. read. to use"

Number Hotel game board (")) &hart 6@or &omparison9 $rro, cards &ounters Dice 61ne die per group9

How will .our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

During instructional time they ,ill sit on the carpet in the +ront o+ the room Students ,ill ,or4 in pairs +or the acti!ity

III. + e Plan +ime Com!onents 'otivation 6opening/ introduction/ engagement9 ,escribe teacher activities A), student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in0ing /uestions and7or !rom!ts. Aegin ,ith the counting songs +rom <ouTube> &ount Ay 1(s http>//,,, youtube com/,atchB!Cu<#Tt,DG,jE &ount Ay ;s http>//,,, youtube com/,atchB!C_a,:l%Myle$ &ount Do,n +rom .( http>//,,, youtube com/,atchB!Csr-4tdF4_1E Gather the students together to compare and analy2e the Number Hotel and the (")) &hart Ha!e the students participate in a class discussion/ ,hich includes re!ie,ing and +inding ne, patterns $s4 5uestions/ rather than pointing out the di++erences/ to prompt students to e8plain their disco!eries o+ the Number Hotel/ such as> 7hat di++erences do you notice bet,een the Number Hotel and the (")) &hartB 0n ,hat ,ays are they the sameB 7hat strategies might you need to 4no, in order to use the Number HotelB ,evelo!ment 6the largest component or main body o+ the lesson9 Students sing and dance along ,ith !ideo

(8 min

9 min

Students compare and analy2e the Number Hotel and the (")) &hart -articipate in classroom discussion and ans,er 5uestions

(8 min

-air the students into partner groups to play .et /e 0ut using the Number Hotel game board To -lay> There are t,o e8its out o+ the Number Hotel The students must e8it the hotel through the ( door or the 11) door %ach player ,ill place a counter on numeral ;; on their o,n game board Using the

-lay .et /e 0ut

Together ,ith partner use the arro, cards and die to try to get to one o+ the e8its

(: min 1"1)"1?

stac4 o+ arro, cards/ players ,ill ta4e one card o++ the top at a time The students ,ill then roll the die The number that they rolled is the amount o+ times the player mo!es in the arro,ed direction -layers may mo!e up/ do,n/ le+t or right 1nce the players ha!e mo!ed their number o+ spaces they may turn o!er another arro, card The game ends ,hen the players are out o+ cards The player closest to their door ,ins Gather students together again and as4 them 5uestions Ho, is the Number Hotel di++erent +rom the (")) chartB Ho, is the Number Hotel the same as the (")) chartB 7hat ne, patterns did you +ind in the Number HotelB Does the order o+ mo!es change ,here you ,ould end upB Does the direction o+ the arro, change ,here you end upB

(8 min

Closure 6conclusion/ culmination/ ,rap"up9

-articipate in classroom discussion and ans,er 5uestions Try to identi+y di++erences and similarities bet,een the di++erent number chart representations

;our reflection about t e lesson3 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement3 as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne4t time. 67rite this a+ter teaching the lesson/ i+ you had a chance to teach it 0+ you did not teach this lesson/ +ocus on the process o+ preparing the lesson 9 I was unable to teac t is lesson to t e students directl.. ,uring t e !lanning !rocess I ad to alter t e original lesson a bit. + e original lesson was to ave t e students blindl. !ic0 : of t e arrow cards. + e. were t en to la. t e : cards side6b.6side and move ( s!ace !er direction arrow. For e4am!le# If t e. got left3 left3 u!3 rig t t e students would move t eir counter ( to t e left3 ( to t e left3 ( u!3 and ( to t e rig t. I t oug t t at t is mig t be too difficult for t e students to do so I c anged it to be t e ( arrow card at a time. I tal0ed to t e teac er about t e original !lan versus m. altered !lan and s e agreed wit m. modifications. < e told me t at t e students were able to easil. com!lete t e activit. and learn b. it. I t oug t t at I transformed t e activit. to ma0e it a better wa. for t e students to move around t e game board w ile understanding w . and ow.


Conte4t O!tions 2 + e Class as a 1 ole =ariables Individual differences> 0akes1.ipton 61GF"1GE9 .evine 6.))"?(./ ?.1"?.G9 Cognitive and )eurodevelo!mental differences 2ridging361H1"1HH9 0akes1.ipton 61G( " 1G.9 .evine 6.FHI J Table o+
Neurode!elopmental &onstructs9

Class Overview based on observations and data

Due to the +act that the students all come +rom the surrounding neighborhood/ they ha!e many things in common They ,ear the same type o+ clothing/ eat the same type o+ +ood/ ,atch the same tele!ision programs/ etc The only di++erences that 0 can obser!e +rom being in their classroom are that some o+ them learn in di++erent ,ays

There are no students ,ho ha!e been determined to be ,ith a cogniti!e or neurode!elopmental disorder Ho,e!er/ there are a +e, students ,ho are slo, to complete simple tas4s This may be that they li4e to ta4e their time though and not an actual disorder

Learning st.le differences .evine 6.G";(9

Most students are !isual learners Ho,e!er/ some are auditory and 4inesthetic The students= lessons are planned ,ith all three learning styles in mind They get !isual e8amples ,ith spo4en directions They are then to do the acti!ities by physically mo!ing around the room to complete them

<tudents wit disabilities I,EA 2ridging361;H"1H.9 0akes1.ipton 6.);"H J?(?++9 %ifted <tudents 2ridging361H."1HH9 0akes1.ipton 6.);/ ?(."?.G9 <ocial Class differences 2ridging361E;".1(9 0akes1.ipton 6)".;9 .evine 6..;".FF9 Et nic ? 5acial differences 2ridging361(?"1.19
0akes1.ipton 6;;"H;/ )F"1(F9

T,o students ha!e $DHD and need special T"chairs to sit on These chairs 4eep the students sitting at their des4 ,hile still allo,ing them to ,iggle and mo!e around 1ne student has a non"permanent hearing problem @or the time being the spea4ing teacher ,ears a microphone that goes to a headset that the student ,ears There are a +e, gi+ted students in the class 1ne student is the youngest o+ all the students yet is e8celling in math and reading past his classmates There are a +e, other students ,ho=s reading le!els are abo!e ,hat a +irst graders should be $ll o+ the students come +rom lo,er"middle class ,or4ing +amilies They are all on reduced or +ree school lunch They also recei!e brea4+ast at school ,here it is pro!ided +or them

The class is not !ery racially di!erse .. out o+ the .? students are Hispanic or Katino The other student is $+rican $merican Since there it not a huge di!ersity in the classroom/ the students do not ha!e a bug understanding o+ di!ersity There are 1? boys and 1( girls in the class The students tend to separate themsel!es by gender ,hen getting up +rom their assigned 6mi8ed" gender9 groups This is ,hen they come to the +ront o+ the classroom +or discussion/ line up to lea!e the room/ or eat snac4 $lmost all o+ the students spea4 Spanish as their +irst language They communicate ,ith each other in the classroom and hall,ay in Spanish They can understand and spea4 %nglish The teacher spea4s Spanish and is able to gi!e directions in Spanish i+ need be 0 do not spea4 Spanish Aeing in a class that spea4s Spanish a lot has sho,n some di++iculties

%ender differences 2ridging36.1."..F9 0akes1.ipton 6.GG".GE9

Language differences 2ridging361.;"1;?9 0akes1.ipton (1)G".(.9


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