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Examen Science Tema 3

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Write True or False: Invertebrate animals have skeleton and back bone Invertabrates can have symmetrical bodies or irregular bodies Invertebrate are oviparous Sponges can move Sponges dont filter the seawater Worms have long soft bodies Molluscs are covered by shells Arthropods have an exoskeleton Insects have two body parts Centipedes and millipedes are myriapods

2. Label the pictures Worms cnidarians echinoderms sponges molluscs arthropods

3. Label: Legs Antennae Thorax Abdomen Wings Head Mouth

. !omplete the texts !oral "ell#$li%e marine mo&e sea anemone

Cnidarians have !!!!!!!!!!!!"bodies" #hey are !!!!!!!!!!!!!animals" #hey have tentacles" Some of them$ such as !!!!!!!!!!!!!and!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" are attached to rocks" %thers$ such as medusas can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""





Invertebrates are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" A !!!!!!!!!!!"hatches form an egg" At first it doesnt look like an !!!!!!!!!!!!"" #hen$ its physical appearance !!!!!!!!!





!!!!!!!!!!!!""have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!legs" #he body is !!!!!!!!!!!""into two parts the !!!!!!!!!!!!!and the cephalothorax

(. Write in the correct place: Millipede lobster butter)lies crabs )l# tarantula shrimp grasshopper scorpion spider centipede bee





*. +ead and ans,er the -uestions

.pider Spiders are arachnids$ not insects" %ther members of the arachnid family include scorpions$ mites$ ticks and harvestmen" Spiders have . legs while insects have /" Spiders dont have antennae while insects do" #here are around 01111 different species of spider" Most spiders make silk which they use to create spider webs and capture prey" Most spiders are harmless to humans but a few spider species$ such as the black widow$ can bite humans and in2ect venom" *eaths from spider bites are rare however" #arantulas are large and often hairy spiders$ the biggest species have been known to kill mice$ li3ards and birds" Most tarantula species are not dangerous for humans"

)ow many legs have spiders got4 )ave spiders got antennae4 )ow many species of spiders are there4 Are the tarantulas dangerous for humans4

/. !omplete the sentences: Many invertebrates live in the !!!!!!!!!!"but some live in the fresh water and other live on land #he !!!!!!!!!!!""live inside other animals Sponges$ cnidarians$ worms$ echinoderms$ arthropods and molluscs are !!!!!!!!!!!"" 'chinoderms are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"animals 5lies$ butterflies are !!!!!!!!!!!!!! #he arachnids have !!!!!!!!!!!!!"and cephalothorax

Crustaceans have !!!!!!!or more legs

1. Write True or False: Invertebrate animals have skeleton and back bone 5A6S' Invertebrates can have symmetrical bodies or irregular bodies Invertebrate are oviparous #(+' Sponges can move 5A6S' Sponges dont filter the seawater 5A6S' Worms have long soft bodies #(+' Molluscs are covered by shells #(+' Arthropods have an exoskeleton #(+' Insects have two body parts 5A6S' Centipedes and millipedes are myriapods #(+' 2. Label the pictures Worms cnidarians echinoderms sponges molluscs arthropods #(+'







3. Label: Legs Antennae Thorax Abdomen Wings Head Mouth

. !omplete the texts !oral "ell#$li%e marine mo&e sea anemone

Cnidarians have !!8'66,96I:!!!!!!"bodies" #hey are !!! MA(I!!!!!animals" #hey have tentacles" Some of them$ such as !! C%(A6S!!!and!!!S'A A&'M%&'!"" are attached to rocks" %thers$ such as medusas can !!!!M!!!!!!"" Lar&a adult o&iparous changes

Invertebrates are !!%;I-A(%+S!!!!!"" A !!!!6A(!!"hatches form an egg" At first it doesnt look like an !!!!A*+6#!!"" #hen$ its physical appearance !C)A&7'S!!! 'ight di&ided abdomen arachnids

!!A(AC)&I*S!!!""have !!!!'I7)#!!!!legs" #he body is !! *I;I*'*!!""into two parts the !!!A<*%M'&!!!and the cephalothorax

(. Write in the correct place: Millipede lobster butter)lies crabs )l# tarantula shrimp I&S'C#S 7(ASS)%--'( <+##'(56I'S 56, <'' grasshopper scorpion spider centipede bee

A(AC)&I*S S-I*'( SC%(-I%& #A(A&#+6A

C(+S#AC'A&S 6%<S#'( C(A<S S)(IM-

M,(IA-%*S MI66I-'*' C'&#I-'*'

*. +ead and ans,er the -uestions .pider Spiders are arachnids$ not insects" %ther members of the arachnid family include scorpions$ mites$ ticks and harvestmen" Spiders have . legs while insects have /" Spiders dont have antennae while insects do" #here are around 01111 different species of spider" Most spiders make silk which they use to create spider webs and capture prey" Most spiders are harmless to humans but a few spider species$ such as the black widow$ can bite humans and in2ect venom" *eaths from spider bites are rare however" #arantulas are large and often hairy spiders$ the biggest species have been known to kill mice$ li3ards and birds" Most tarantula species are not dangerous for humans"

)ow many legs have spiders got4 'I7)# )ave spiders got antennae4 &%$ #),' )A;'&#

)ow many species of spiders are there4 A(%+&* 01111 Are the tarantulas dangerous for humans4 &%$ #)', A('&#

/. !omplete the sentences: Many invertebrates live in the !!S'A!!!!!!"but some live in the fresh water and other live on land #he !!!-A(ASI#'S!!""live inside other animals Sponges$ cnidarians$ worms$ echinoderms$ arthropods and molluscs are! I&;'(#'<(A#'S!"" 'chinoderms are !!MA(I&'!!!"animals 5lies$ butterflies are !!!I&S'C#S!!! #he arachnids have !!A<*%M'&!!"and cephalothorax Crustaceans have !#'&!or more legs

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