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Bhairava Ashtakam

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Bhairava Ashtakam

[Bhairava is a fierce deity and is the guardian of Varanasi city. His origin is interesting. It seems once Lord Brahma got very proud and neglected God Shiva. Lord Shiva burnt with anger and his fierce anger reframed itself in to Lord Bhairava who immediately went to Lord Brahma!s place and pinched of one of the heads of Lord Brahma "those times he had five heads#. $his was a Brahmahathi sin and the head got attached to the hand of Lord Bhairava. He was advised to go to Varanasi and worship Goddess %nnapurneswari to get rid of the sin. He did so and as a result the head of Brahma got detached. Lord Shiva then appointed him to guard the holy city of Varanasi. He sits there in several forms. $his octet addresses him first in his principal form of &shehthrapala "guardian of the temple# and then to the eight different forms located in different places of Varanasi. $hese temples are located in Varanasi at' &shethrapala Bhairava or (wara Bhairava ) &asi Viswanath $emple *uru Bhairava ) Hanuman Ghat +handa Bhairava ) (urga &und %sitanga Bhairava ) %mrit &und &apala Bhairava or Lat Bhairav &rodha Bhairava ) &amaccha ,nmatta Bhairava ) Bhimchandi SadaSamhara Bhairava ) $rilochangan. Bhishana Bhairava or Bhut Bhairav Bhairava is worshipped as an incarnation of Lord Shiva by some Shaivaites and as his aid by ma.ority of them. $here was a time when the fierce branch of Shaivism -nown as &apalia-as considered him as their deity. But this sect has almost disappeared. In this stotra the ashta Bhairavas are related to the ashta /athas "mothers# vi0 Brahmani /aheswari Vaishnavi Varahi &aumari Indri 1arasimhi and +hamundi. In South India it is a normal practice to ta-e permission of Lord Bhairava "whose temple would be outside the main temple# before going to see Lord Shiva. It is believed that if we worship Lord Bhairava he would protect our assets and wealth. It is a practice to light a pepper lamp before him and offer him curd rice on &rishna 2a-sha %shtami days.3 Kshethra Pala Bhairava [Guard of Earth Bhairava]

*a-tha .walaa 4ada dharam sasi dharan *a-thanga the.o mayam (a--a Shoola -apala pasa gadha dharam Bhairavam 1irvanam Gathavahanam $rinayanamcha %nanda -olahalam Vande bhootha pisacha natha vadu-am &shethrasya palam Shubham. 5 I salute the leader of ghosts and Ghouls Lord Bhairava 6ho wears the red flame as his matted hair 6ho wears the moon who shines in red colour 6ho holds a drum spear s-ull rope and mace in his hands 6ho is nude who rides on a dog who has three eyes 6ho is always happy and e7uberant and is the guard of the temple. Asithanga Bhairava [Dark Bodied Bhairava] $rinethram varadam shantham munda mala bhooshitham Swetha varnam -rupa murthim Bhairavam &undalo..walam Gada -apala samyu-tham -umarsya digambaram Banam pathrancha san-ham cha %-sha maalaam -undalam 1aga 8agnopaveetham cha dharinam suvibhooshitham Brahmani sha-thi sahitham hamsaroodam suroopinam S%rvabheeshta dharam nithyam asithangam Bha.amyaham. 9 I pray the dar- Bhairava who fulfills all desires 6ho is forever who has three eyes who blesses and is peaceful 6ho wears a s-ull garland who is white who is the Lord of mercy 6ho shines in his ear globes who holds mace and the s-ull 6ho is young and nude who holds arrow vessel conch bead chain and ear globes 6ho wears sna-e as sacred thread who is well ornamented 6ho is with Goddess Brahmani rides on a swan and is good to loo- at. Krodha Bhairava [Angry Bhairava] $rinethram varadam santham -umarancha digambaram Gadam shan-am cha +ha-rancha pada pathrancha dharinam La-shmyacha sahitham vame garudasana susthitham

1eela varnam maha devam Vande Sri &roda Bhairavam. : I salute the angry Bhairava who is blue and a great God 6ho has three eyes blesses peaceful young and nude 6ho is armed with mace conch wheel rope and a vessel 6ho is near Goddess La-shmi riding on Garuda the eagle. Unmatha Bhairava [Frantic Bhairava] $rinethram varadam santham -umarancha digambaram Hema Varnam maha devam hastha vahana susthitham Gadgam -apalam musalam dathantham -edagam thadha Varahi sha-thi sahitham Vande ,nmatha Bhairavam. ; I salute that <rantic Bhairava who is power called Varahi 6ho has three eyes blesses peaceful young and nude 6ho is of golden colour great God and rides on a swan %nd who holds sword s-ull 2estle and also the shield. uru Bhairava [!eacher Bhairava] $rinethram varadam santham -umarancha digambaram (angam -risna mrugam pathram bibranam cha-ru pana-am /aheswaryayudham devam vrusharoodam smitha vahanam Shudha sphati-am san-aram namami *uru Bhairavam. = I salute the Bhairava with the deer who is li-e pure crystal and a destroyer 6ho has three eyes blesses peaceful young and nude 6ho holds a hatchet deer drin-ing goblet and a sword in his hands 6ho has the armed /aheswari by his side and who is smiling and rides on a bull. Ka"ala Bhairava [#kull Bhairava]

$rinethram varadam santham -umarancha digambaram 2asam Va.ram thadha Gadgam pana pathranch dharinam Indrani sha-thi sahitham Ga.a vahana susthitham &apala Bhairavam Vande padma ragha prabham Shubham. > I salute the Bhairava of the s-ull who has a shining body 6ho has three eyes blesses peaceful young and nude 6ho holds rope Va.rayudha Sword and (rin-ing Goblet 6ho has with him Indrani Sha-thi is being well praised and rides on an elephant. $handa Bhairava [Fierce Bhairava] $rinethram varadam santham -umarancha digambaram (hanur banancha bhibranam Gadgam 2athram $hadaiva cha &oumari sha-thi sahitham Shi-ihi vahana sthitham Gowri varnayudham (evam Vande Sri +handa Bhairavam. ? I salute the +handa Bhairava who is pure white in colour 6ho has three eyes blesses peaceful young and nude 6ho holds rope Va.rayudha Sword and (rin-ing Goblet 6ho has with him &aumari Sha-thi and rides on a peacoc-. Bheeshana Bhairava [!erriffic Bhairava] $rinethram varadam santham -umarancha digambaram Gadgam soolam &apalancha darinam musalam thadha +hamunda sha-thi sahitham pretha vahana susthitham *a-tha varnam maha devam Vabde Bheeshana Bhairavam. @ I salute the $erriffic Bhairava who is a great God of blood red colour 6ho has three eyes blesses peaceful young and nude 6ho holds sword trident s-ull and pestle in his hand 6ho has with him +hamunda Sha-thi and rides on a corpse. #amhara Bhairavam

[Annihilator Bhairava] (asa bhahum trinethram cha sarpa yagnopaveethinm (amishtra -arala vadanam ashtaiswarya pradhaya-am (igambaram -umarancha simha vahana samsthitham Soolam damarugam shan-am gadam cha-rancha darinam Gadgam pathram cha Gadwangam pasa mangusa meva cha ,gra roopam madonmathamam bada vaalai +handi-a sha-thi sahitham dyayeth samhara Bhairavam. A I meditate on Bhairava the destroyer who is with +handi-a Sha-thi 6ho has ten hands three eyes and sna-e as sacred thread 6ho has protruding teeth fearful loo- and grants eight type of wealth 6ho is nude a youth and rides on a lion 6ho holds trident drum conch mace and wheel in his hands 6ho holds sword vessel Gadwangam rope and goad. %nd who has fearful loo-s wears s-ull garland and greatly e7uberant.

About The Author Name :Mb :%mai& 'Shri Yogeshwaranand Ji +91991732 7!!" +919#1$$3$99# sha(tisadhna)*ahoo+,om

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