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L Coa: by Janet Ramage

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Chapter 5 Coal

by Janet Ramage



5.1 The fossil fuels

The next four chapters discuss probably the oldest of all technologies: the burning of fuels to provide heat. Already familiar to our pre-historic ancestors, the combustion of fuels still accounts for ninety percent of our present-day use of primary energy. The term combustion, however, has a much wider meaning now than in the past. An internal combustion engine or gas turbine may seem very remote from a log fire, but the fuels used in these modern systems have much in common chemically with wood, and their combustion involves essentially the same basic processes. As we saw in Chapter 4, the process of combustion is a chemical reaction between oxygen, normally from the surrounding air, and the constituent elements of the fuel mainly carbon and hydrogen. The reaction leads to the release of energy in the form of heat which is carried away initially by the combustion products. (The burning of nuclear fuel is an entirely different process, see Chapter 10.) As their name suggests, all the fossil fuels were originally living matter: plants or animals that were alive hundreds of million years ago. With the passage of time, their remains have undergone chemical changes leading to the solid, liquid or gaseous fuels that we extract today. Oil and natural gas have been called the noble fuels, by analogy with the noble metals (silver and gold, etc.), and whilst we may have reservations about the results of using them, there is justification for the name. They are amongst the most concentrated natural stores of energy, and being fluids, are relatively easy to move from place to place and very convenient to use. It doesnt require a detailed technical analysis to see why we choose gas rather than coal for household heating and hot water; or why we are reluctant to adopt the electric car when our present vehicles can load hundreds of kilowatt-hours of energy in a minute or so, store it within the volume of a small petrol tank and deliver power at a rate of tens of kilowatts. In contrast to natural gas or oil, coal might be called the ignoble fuel. It is indeed a particularly unattractive energy source. Compared with oil and gas, coal is less convenient to transport, store and use. It produces up to twice the amount of carbon dioxide for the same useful heat, and this is by no means its only undesirable environmental effect. A large coal-fired power station can produce enough ash in a year to cover an acre of ground to the height of a six-storey building, while its flue gases may carry several tonnes per day of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. The ash, if not carefully isolated, will pollute ground-water with a variety of unpleasant substances such as sulphuric acid and arsenic, and the flue gases are claimed to contaminate lakes and harm trees hundreds of miles downwind. Its extraction leads to land subsidence and spoil heaps or the environmental horrors of strip mining, and is still responsible world-wide for the deaths of hundreds of miners in an average year. There is obviously no difficulty in explaining why coal consumption rose less rapidly than total energy consumption throughout most of the last century, especially in those countries wealthy enough to afford the more attractive alternatives. As Figure 5.1 shows, world coal production in the year 2000 was about three times that of the year 1920, but as a fraction of total commercially traded energy it had fallen from over four-fifths to about a quarter. There is however a compelling reason why coal is unlikely to fade from the scene completely in the near future. It may be the least desirable fuel, but it has one over-riding advantage: there is a very great deal of it.



Figure 5.1 Contribution of coal to world annual primary energy production, 19202000

5.2 From wood to coal

The early years
Archaeological remains reveal that coal has been used as a fuel for at least three or four thousand years and in many parts of the world. There is evidence of coal-burning in Britain in the Bronze Age, in China and the Middle East over two thousand years ago and in regions of the Roman Empire (including Britain) throughout the period of its supremacy. In these earlier times, as today, fuel was needed for cooking food, for heat and light and for industrial production. (The use of fuel for transport, another presentday requirement, arose only much later, in the nineteenth century.)



During the Middle Ages, the main energy-consuming industrial plants in cities such as London were the lime kilns, burning calcium carbonate (limestone or chalk) as the first stage in the production of lime, primarily for building and agriculture. Other relatively heavy urban consumers included the bakers and the smiths or metal-workers. The initial smelting of the iron ore needed charcoal and was generally a rural activity, carried out in the forests. (Charcoal, a secondary fuel produced by the partial combustion of wood or other vegetable matter, is almost pure carbon and burns cleanly and at a high temperature. For a more detailed account, see Boyle, 1996.) Most citizens of mediaeval London depended on simple open fires for their domestic heating and cooking, and three fuels were available. There was wood, imported initially from the surrounding forests and later from more distant sources. There was charcoal, commonly known simply as coal. And from about the year 1200, there was coal itself, extracted in the northeast of England from surface beds or shallow mines. Carried by sea to London, it was known as sea-coal to distinguish it from charcoal. The varying fortunes of these three fuels during the period from thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries offer interesting examples of the ways in which economic, social, technological and environmental factors influence patterns of energy consumption. At the start of the period, coal was often carried as ballast by ships returning from the north of England. Delivered directly to wharves on the Thames, close to the potential users, it was a relatively cheap fuel. But coal fires producing sulphurous smoke were ill suited to buildings whose only chimney was a hole in the roof, and wood remained the preferred household fuel. This was also the case for early industrial processes, although there seem to have been occasional policy changes. In 1215 King John insisted on oak for his lime kilns, but by 1264 his successor Henry III was ordering sea-coal for the same purpose. Then in 1306 Henrys successor, Edward I, an early environmentalist, issued a proclamation banning the use of sea-coal. It is said that the penalty for failure to observe the new law was death, but recent historians have expressed reservations about this oft-quoted example of excessive but ineffective punishment (see, for instance, Brimblecombe, 1987). In any case, the penalty became irrelevant when the situation changed again a decade or so later. Diminishing supplies of wood led to a steep price rise, and the cheaper coal became the preferred fuel for Londons growing population, with consumption increasing despite the undesirable environmental effects. The next change had an entirely different origin. The Black Death, reaching England in 1348, killed over a third of the population within a few years. The available wood became sufficient for Londons greatly reduced population, and the supply actually increased as abandoned arable farmland reverted to copses and woods. As a result, coal deliveries to London remained almost constant throughout the next 150 years, despite the growing population. But in 1485, at the start of the Tudor period, came a change that proved very important for coal: the re-establishment of brickmaking in England. (The great mediaeval brick buildings elsewhere in Europe show that other countries had continued to use bricks throughout the period, but in England brick-making had almost died out with the end of the Roman Empire.)



Figure 5.2 Ornamental brick chimneys: 1. East Barsham Manor House, 2. Hampton Court, 3. Eton College

The new coal-fired brick kilns led to an increasing demand, but equally important was the fact that brick chimneys were resistant to the hot, acidic smoke from coal fires. In a short time, the wealthy were building brick houses with many fireplaces, and coal was their favoured fuel. More modest dwellings gradually began to have chimneys, and in 1585 Elizabethan London was importing an estimated annual 24 000 tons of coal (Nef, 1932). By 1680, in the reign of Charles II, this had risen to 360 000 tons: an average growth rate of nearly 3% per year for 100 years. The environmental effects of this fifteen-fold increase were only too evident, and they attracted the interest of a new group of people: the scientists. The founding of the Royal Society in 1660 had provided a forum for scientific discussion, and several of its early members applied the new investigative methods to problems such as the deleterious health effects of atmospheric pollution, or its corrosive effect on the fabric of buildings. One member, the diarist John Evelyn, wrote a famous book, Fumifugium, on the subject (de la Bdoyre, 1995a). He was so concerned about Londons smoky atmosphere that he tried to introduce legislation to limit coal burning in the city. The king, Charles II, at first supported him but seems then to have lost interest or perhaps other more powerful influences prevailed.

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution has been the subject of debate almost since Friedrich Engels coined the term in 1844. There has been disagreement about its causes, its effects, even its dates; but for our present purposes, it is worth identifying the starting points of three important strands: 1698: Thomas Saverys first steam engine. 1709: Abraham Darbys use of coke for smelting iron. 1733: John Kays invention of the flying shuttle. The significance of Saverys steam engine was that it used heat from burning fuel to produce a continuous (or at least repetitive) mechanical driving force. However, as well see in the next chapter, a century of technical development was needed before steam engines were to play a major role. This was also true of Kays invention, which should perhaps be regarded as the forerunner rather than the start of an industrialized textile industry. The new spinning and weaving technologies developed by Hargreaves, Arkwright, Cartwright and others appeared only in the second half of the eighteenth century. The great textile mills were initially powered by water rather than coal, but the growing mechanisation of the industry was an important factor in the widespread adoption of steam engines as they became more efficient and reliable.



The work of Abraham Darby was of more immediate relevance to the coal industry. In the late 1600s, a renewed shortage of wood for charcoal was bringing Britains iron industry to the verge of closure. As mentioned in Chapter 3, Section 3.2, charcoal was essential for the smelting of iron. In this process, the iron ore essentially iron in chemical combination with oxygen is heated together with the charcoal, which is almost pure carbon. Under the right circumstances the ore is reduced (de-oxidized) to metallic iron, the oxygen combining with carbon to produce carbon dioxide. Over the years, various attempts had been made to use coal instead of charcoal, but its variable composition, inert mineral content and impurities such as sulphur led to very poor quality iron. However, the idea of using the coal to make a new kind of charcoal was already in the air in the 1650s: came home by Greenewich ferry, where I saw Sir Jo Winters new project of Charring Sea-Coale, to burn out the Sulphure & render it Sweete: he did it by burning them in such Earthen-pots, as the glassemen, mealt their Mettal in, so firing the Coales, without consuming them, using a barr of Yron in each crucible or Pot, which barr has an hooke at one end, so that the Coales being mealted in a furnace, with other crude sea Coales, under them, may be drawn out of the potte, sticking to the Yron, whence they beate them off in greate halfe exhausted Cinders, which rekindling they make a cleare pleasant Chamber fires with, deprivd of their Sulphury & Arsenic malignity: what successe it may have time will discover.
The Diary of John Evelyn, July 11, 1656 (de la Bdoyre, 1995b)

By about 1680 this new, cleaner fuel produced by the partial combustion of coal had acquired a name: coke.

Figure 5.3 Coalbrookdale in the early eighteenth century



Abraham Darby was a maker of brass cooking pots in Bristol and a member of an extended Quaker family, some of whom worked in Coalbrookdale, a small Staffordshire village close to one of the largest coal fields of the time. Developing an interest in the potential of coke for iron smelting, Darby moved there, and within a few decades was using coke to produce castiron, not only in the form of cooking pots but as large cast-iron cylinders for the new steam engines. (The splendid cast-iron bridge that gives the place its present name was completed by his grandson, also Abraham, in 1779.) By the end of the eighteenth century, Britains iron industry was flourishing, and the countrys coal production had reached an estimated ten million tons per year.

The nineteenth century

At the start of the nineteenth century, steam engines fuelled by coal were already supplying power in mills, mines and factories, coke was in general use for iron smelting, and domestic coal fires and kitchen stoves were common. But Nelsons fleet was still wind-powered; transport and agriculture were still horse-powered; and houses were still lit by oil lamps or candles. A hundred years later, the start of the twentieth century saw a very different world in those countries wealthy enough to adopt the new technologies. Power from coal had become dominant in nearly all areas of life. (Agriculture, still mainly dependent on the horse, was an exception.) Railways and steamships were providing transport, coal gas was lighting buildings and streets, and electricity, the new form of energy that was beginning to play a role in the industrialized countries, would also depend largely on coal. The story of the developments that led to this changed world is mainly told elsewhere in this book. In Chapter 4 we followed the evolution of the scientific ideas, whilst the two greatest technological advances remain sufficiently important to warrant separate accounts: the steam turbine in Chapter 6 and the electrical generator in Chapter 9. A third major development, the production of gas from coal, is an interesting example of

300 250 200

8 7 6 5



150 100 50 0 1800

4 3 2 1 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 0 2000

Figure 5.4 UK annual coal production, 18002000



a technology-based industry that grew to great importance in many parts of the world, and was then almost entirely superseded (see Chapter 3 and Box 5.3 below). One significant consequence of the changes described above was the continued growth of coal output throughout the century. Britains annual production, still rising at about 3% per year, had grown from the ten million tons of the year 1800 to more than two hundred million by 1900 (Figure 5.4). It is an indicator of British dominance during the Industrial Revolution that the United States reached one million tons for the first time only in 1840. However, growing demand and an increasing shortage of wood for charcoal led to a remarkable annual growth rate of more than 9% a year, bringing US production to about the same level as the UK by the end of the nineteenth century. The only other country with an output approaching these was Germany, producing a little over a hundred million tons in 1900. World production was an estimated 800 million tons and rising at about 5% per year. In 1905, it would exceed a billion tons.

5.3 The resource and its use

Estimates at different times during the first half of the twentieth century (e.g. Jevons, 1915; Brown, 1950) have suggested that total world reserves of coal were between five and ten thousand billion tonnes. The present annual rate of consumption is about three billion tonnes per year, so the coal should last for well over 1000 years but such totals must be treated with care, as we shall now see.

Types of coal
Coal seams result from the accretion of layers of plant material, initially protected from atmospheric decay by water and ultimately compressed to a tenth or less of their original thickness. Seams throughout the world that have been mined at different times have ranged in thickness from as little as 300 mm (one foot) to more than 30 m (100 feet), and lie more than a thousand metres below the surface or so close that they almost penetrate it. These features are of considerable economic importance. Coal, like all minerals, is essentially a free resource, waiting to be used. Its cost arises in the processes of extraction, treatment and transport to the user, and the cost of these three stages depends on the form and location of the coal seams. The nature of the coal itself is also important. The earliest geological strata in which coal has been identified are nearly four hundred million years old (Devonian), and coal is present in all strata down to less than a hundred million years ago (Tertiary). The largest quantities are thought to lie in the Tertiary rocks, but this young coal is less valuable than the deposits of earlier periods. As we shall see below, the different types of coal can be characterized by the extent to which the original plant material has been physically and chemically changed. Obviously the age of the coal is a significant factor in this, but other geological processes, such as subjection to heat and/or pressure are important. Depending on all these factors, the resulting coal can range from substances in which the original plant



material can still be identified to those which are almost pure carbon. Not surprisingly, the heat value the heat energy released in combustion varies considerably, from little more than ten gigajoules per tonne to well over thirty. In discussing the resource, it is customary to divide this range of types of coal into two main categories. The terminology varies from country to country, but the most common name for the upper end of the range is hard coal although Australia, the worlds main exporter, uses the term black coal, and in some national or international data the more specific anthracite and bituminous coal appears. The lower coals are generally referred to as brown coal or lignite, with sub-bituminous coal sometimes included. A further sub-division of the hard coals, obviously of great practical importance, is based on their potential use: steam coal (or thermal coal) mainly for power stations; coking coal, mainly for the iron and steel industries; and anthracite, for direct use as a natural smokeless fuel. (Section 5.4 below discusses these types of coal and their uses.)
BOX 5.1 Mining the coal

Figure 5.5 Coal cutting in Lilly Drifth Mine, near Newcastle, 1953. The miner lying in a slot only thirteen inches high, hacking out coal with his pick, may seem like a figure from an age long past, but as recently as the 1950s a fifth of Britains coal was still got by hand.

Figure 5.6 A dragline scraper at work removing overburden in an open cast mine in Decker, Montana. The size of this machine is revealed by the fact that the yellow vehicle just visible at the bottom of the pit is a large caterpillar tractor.

This book is essentially concerned with the nature of our present fuels, the ways in which we use them, and the consequences of these uses. Details of the geological processes which led to their existence and of the technologies involved in locating and extracting them are therefore generally beyond its scope. However, the extraction of coal or any other mineral resource is an important determinant of its cost and also has environmental, health and social implications. The following is therefore a brief outline of the main types of coal mine.

Surface mines The two main types of mine are usually referred to as surface mines and deep mines, but the depth of the coal below the surface is not necessarily the distinguishing criterion, and some present-day surface mines are extracting coal at greater depths than deep mines in the past or in other parts of the world. The term open cast, commonly used in the UK, better describes the essential characteristic of surface mining. The coal seam is accessed by removing the earth and rock or other overburden above it, a process that can involve some of the worlds largest machines (Figure 5.6). The coal is then broken up, possibly with the aid of explosives, and removed by mechanical shovels. Various forms of excavation are adopted,



depending on the nature, depth and position of the seam. On relatively flat ground, the opened areas can be in the form of long rectangles, with the topsoil and overburden placed to one side for later replacement. In mountainous areas, ledges contouring the slopes may be opened. Or in some cases a single large pit is opened and the overburden is then moved around within it to gain access to different parts of the coal seam. The ultimate depth of excavation can exceed 100 metres. At the time of writing, just under half of UK coal production comes from open cast mines. For the USA as a whole the proportion is similar, but as we shall see, there are significant variations between different areas of the country. The quantity of coal extracted per worker-day in surface mining can be many times that in deep mines a factor that is reflected in the generally lower cost of surface-mined coal. The most obvious deleterious effect of surface mining is on the local landscape. In principle the overburden and topsoil can be replaced and vegetation reestablished, but this increases the cost of the coal, and has not always been carried out in the past. Most major coal-producing countries have legislation requiring rehabilitation, or laws prohibiting surface mining on land where rehabilitation would not be possible; but these have not always proved effective particularly when they conflict with economic or strategic considerations. Deep mines The more comprehensive term, underground mining, used in the USA, is a better description in this case, as the category includes not only the deep mines reached by vertical shafts, but others with slope or drift entry. Getting the coal is of course less simple than on the surface, and various methods of extraction have been used over the centuries since the first underground mines. The longwall method, already in use in Britain as long ago as the seventeenth century, has proved suitable for mechanisation. Two long parallel tunnels or roadways are first driven, and these define the parcel of coal to be worked. A tunnel connecting these two roadways then exposes the coal face. In the past, before mechanisation, the coal would be extracted by hand-cutting a deep horizontal slot at the base of this face, along its entire length, and bringing down the coal with the aid of picks, drills and sometimes explosives. The miners would then hand-load the coal for transport back to the mineshaft. The first cutting machines had appeared in the mid-nineteenth century, and a hundred years later, Britains first cutter-loader was installed; but manual operations, and in particular manual loading, remained common well into the second half of the twentieth century. (In the very early days, children had often hauled the coal underground,

with women carrying it up the shaft to the surface in baskets. In 1842, against some resistance, an Act of Parliament prohibited the employment in mines of children under ten.) The fully mechanized present-day underground mine is very different. An armoured face conveyor perhaps 250 metres long stretches along the length of the face, and the cutting machine works its way along on this. The cutting machine, or power loader, has two large rotating drums armed with steel picks. The cut coal falls on to the conveyor and is carried away along the face. In the most recent installations the conveyor is articulated, and advances automatically, together with the roof supports, as the power loader moves along. By the end of each traverse the face is ready for the next run in the opposite direction. The main adverse environmental effects of deep mining have been land subsidence and waste tips. Tips can leak dangerous chemicals into the ground, and also present other dangers. In 1966, an unstable waste tip from the Merthyr Vale mine in Wales released an avalanche of sludge over the village of Aberfan, engulfing not only houses but the primary school, killing 114 children. Legislation and technical advances have brought improvements in more modern mines, and the closure of many of Britains older mines appears in some cases to have been followed by successful land rehabilitation. Accidents and lung diseases have always led to high rates of death or disability amongst miners. In midnineteenth century Britain, one in every five underground workers was likely to be killed in an accident before completing a full working life. By 1912, when Britain had about a million miners, the likelihood had fallen to about one in twenty over a working life, although 1913 saw Britains worst mining disaster, with 439 miners killed in an explosion at the Senghenydd mine in Wales. Towards the end of the twentieth century, the death rate in the USA, with some 160 000 underground workers, was still more than one in fifty over a working lifetime. It has also been well known for many years that miners, or retired miners, suffer excess rates of respiratory diseases compared with the population at large. Establishing the exact relationship between these rates and exposure to the atmosphere underground is obviously more difficult than counting the deaths and injuries in accidents. Nevertheless, it is perhaps surprising that only in 1950 was pneumoconiosis formally recognised in the USA as a work-related disease and that another nineteen years passed before the enactment of legislation on dust conditions. (Chapter 13 discusses epidemiological issues in more detail.)



Reserves and production

Africa 8% Australasia 9% South and Central America 2% Asia* 23%

Coal is a widespread resource, mined in over 100 countries in every continent except Antarctica. Figure 5.7 shows the regional distribution of reserves and current production for the year 2000. Note that figure for world total reserves is well under a thousand billion tonnes far below the range given at the start of this section. The main reason for the discrepancy lies in a more restrictive definition of reserves. The reserves of Figure 5.7 are those which geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be extracted in the future under existing economic and operating conditions (EIA 2002). These recent data also take into account different heat values, using the method described in Box 5.2.
BOX 5.2 Assessing the data In Chapter 2 we discussed the problems that arise in using data from different sources. These problems are particularly acute in the case of coal, for several reasons. The first is the continuing use of different basic units: metric tonnes, tons and short tons (see Box 2.5). This involves tedious conversions, but it isnt the main problem. The real difficulty arises from the very different heat values of different types of coal, mentioned above. Some data sources ignore these differences and simply add the masses of all types to give one grand total. Others divide coal into the two main categories and assign an average heat value to each. A total heat value is then calculated, expressed usually in million tonnes of coal equivalent (Mtce). The following example shows how the method works. Data for the year 2000 World hard coal production World brown coal/lignite production = 2860 Mt = 700 Mt

Former Soviet Union Europe* 11% 22% (a) Africa 6% Australasia 7%

North America 25%

South and Central America 2%

Asia* 36%

Former Soviet Union 9% (b)

North Europe* America 11% 29%

Other values Average heat value of hard coal = 28 GJ per tonne Average heat value of brown coal/lignite = 14 GJ per tonne One million tonnes of coal equivalent (1 Mtce) = 28 PJ The two heat values translate into 28 PJ and 14 PJ per million tonnes respectively, so the total heat value is (2868 28) + (700 14) = 89 880 PJ = 89 880/28 Mtce = 3210 Mtce This figure of course differs significantly from the simple total of 3560 million tonnes, but the method is increasingly adopted as more closely reflecting the true energy value of the coal. Some authorities use a similar method but with more than two categories. Unfortunately it is not always easy to discover which method is being used, or which heat values or even which conversion from joules to Mtce. And even such reliable sources as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the World Coal Institute (WCI), British Petroleum (BP) and Britains Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) differ on the most basic information of all: the actual tonnes of coal produced or consumed in a particular country in any given year. The data given in this chapter and elsewhere in the book, whilst drawing on many sources, are in the main consistent with the BP Statistical Yearbook, 2001, 2002 (BP, 2001; BP, 2002).

Figure 5.7 (a) World coal reserves by region, 2000. Total reserves: 745 000 Mtce; (b) World coal production by region, 2000. Total annual production: 3210 Mtce. Notes: Weighed total see the main text * Excluding countries of the former Soviet Union Source: Data adapted from BP, 2001



The coal resource can vary greatly even on a local level, between adjacent countries or different regions of one country. Table 5.1 the shows the known reserves at the start of the present century for the countries with the largest resource, together with others of interest. As the table shows, even these economically and technically practicable reserves are sufficient to last the world for over two hundred years at current extraction rates. Table 5.1 Coal production, exports, reserves and R/P ratios for selected countries, 2000 Country Reserves (thousand Mtce) 179 103 88 74 69 55 46 33 25 13 6 1.3 0.1 745 Percent of world reserves 24.0% 13.8% 11.8% 9.9% 9.2% 7.4% 6.1% 4.4% 3.4% 1.8% 0.8% 0.2% 0.01% 100% Annual production (Mtce) 856 174 747 231 233 178 85 58 63 102 5 29 3 3206 Percent of world production 26.7% 5.4% 23.3% 7.2% 7.3% 5.6% 2.6% 1.8% 2.0% 3.2% 0.1% 0.9% 0.1% 100% R/P ratio Annual (years) consumption (Mtce) 210 846 166 593 118 720 245 318 70 295 310 123 538 124 564 35 402 5 129 86 1245 18 43 57 31 21 233 3280

USA Russian Federation China India Australia South Africa Germany Kazakhstan Ukraine Poland Brazil United Kingdom France WORLD

Note: The data in this table are weighted values, taking into account the differences in heat value of various types of coal (see Box 5.2). Source: Adapted from BP, 2001

The USA, with about a quarter of the worlds reserves, has a reserves/ production ratio that is about the same as for the world as a whole. Its coal lies mainly in two broad areas, east and west of the Mississippi (Figure 5.8). The reserves of the two areas are nearly the same in terms of tonnage, but there are significant differences. More than half the eastern coal comes from deep mines. The mining costs are therefore relatively high, but are in part offset by a high energy content per tonne and the proximity to industrial customers. In contrast, about half the western coal is surface mined, in some cases from very large beds. The Wyodak bed in Wyoming and adjacent states, for instance, stretches for hundreds of kilometres and contains an estimated twenty billion tonnes of coal within a depth of 100 metres. Western coal also has the advantage of low sulphur content. However, its average heat value is only about half that of coal from the east, so in energy terms its contribution to coal reserves is little more than a third of the total. Chinas reserves and reserves/production ratio are both about half those of the USA, reflecting the fact that their annual coal production is not very different. But coal supplies two-thirds of Chinas primary energy, compared with less than a quarter for the US. When we also take into account the fact that China has four times the population of the USA, we have good example of the disparities discussed in Chapter 2.



Average Heat Value

Anthracite 29.5 GJ t 1 Bituminous 30.5 GJ t 1

subbituminous 22.0 GJ t 1 Lignite 15.5 GJ t 1

Figure 5.8 The main coal fields of the USA

The high R/P ratio of the Russian Federation is worth noting. It is a relatively new feature: a consequence of the recent fall in industrial coal consumption following the break-up of the Soviet Union. The rather surprising fact that Brazil has large imports despite a very high R/P ratio is due mainly to the need to import coking coal for the countrys steel industry. India is in a similar position, with the worlds fourth largest reserves but needing to import about a quarter of her coking coal. The history of British coal during the twentieth century offers interesting examples of the problems of forecasting and of the need to interpret resource data with care. In 1915, Jevons predicted that in the year 2001 Britain would consume 350 million tonnes of coal and export a further 400 million tonnes (Jevons, 1915). (For the actual situation in 2000, see Figure 5.4 above and Chapter 2.) He also estimated that Britains remaining coal reserves in 1915 were about 190 billion tons. A mid-century estimate (Brown, 1950) was slightly lower at 172 billion tons, but some eight billion tons had been mined in the intervening thirty-five years, so the discrepancy was not very great. A more serious problem arises when we look at the year 2000. Britains total coal production during the period from 1950 to 2000 was about 7 billion tonnes, which should have left more than 160 billion tonnes in place. But Table 5.1 shows the reserves as just 1.3 billion tonnes. Where is all the missing coal? The answer could be that the definition of remaining reserves has undergone a major change, but there is another possible explanation, related to the fate of the British coal industry in the second half of the twentieth century. As Figure 5.4 shows, annual production had risen after World War II, reaching about 220 million tonnes in 1950. But it then fell almost continuously to less than 30 million tonnes



by the end of the century. This drop in output reflects the closure of over a thousand mines, leaving just eighteen major mines in 2000. The closed mines may have been economic (or marginally economic) in the past, but would almost certainly be uneconomic to reopen in todays world coal market and many are already dismantled, flooded or otherwise beyond reopening. In consequence, although most of the coal of 1950 is still in place, the countrys technically and economically accessible reserves have fallen to less than a hundredth of their mid-century value. The Australian situation could hardly be more different. Proven reserves of hard coal increased almost four-fold between 1950 and 2000, and there is obvious potential for similar growth in the future (Figure 5.9). Including all forms of coal, the reserves are just under a tenth of the world total and sufficient to last for almost 300 years at current rates of production. Moreover, the rate of production in 2000 was over three times the rate of consumption. Australia may be only the third largest coal producer, but it is by far the worlds largest exporter, selling coal to over thirty countries. In 2000, about half the exports were to Japan (the worlds largest coal importer). About 30% went to other Asian countries including 13 million tonnes to India and most of the rest to Europe and the Middle East. Coal is Australias largest export, and investment (half of it from foreign investors) has resulted in a modernized system with dedicated trains running from loading terminals near the mines to ports on the coast. The fact that Australia can then send the coal on a sea voyage of some twelve thousand miles and yet sell it at a competitive price in Britain is a striking illustration of the relative importance of two factors in determining the cost of the fuel: the nature of the coal seams obviously matters much more than their distance from the user.

Figure 5.9 Australian coal fields and mines



power stations 73%

coke ovens 19%

The uses of coal

The major use of coal in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries has been for the generation of electricity. In the year 2000, almost twothirds of world coal output was sold as steam coal for use in power stations. An input of some 2100 Mtce of coal fuelled an output of 5400 TWh, about a third of the world electricity total. In energy terms, this represents 19 EJ of output from 59 EJ of input, an overall conversion efficiency of 33%. The second important user is the iron and steel industry, consuming around 600 Mtce per year about a fifth of world coal consumption in 2000. We have seen that coke plays an essential role in this industry, and with presentday technology each tonne of steel produced in blast furnaces requires an input of 600800 kg of coking coal (Box 5.3). About two-thirds of the worlds steel is produced in this way, with the rest coming from electric arc furnaces, in which scrap iron and steel are melted together. The electricity for these often comes from coal-fired power plants, so coal is again an important requirement. In most countries, the proportion of coal used for purposes other than electricity generation or iron and steel production is quite small, often less than ten percent. Figure 5.10(a) shows the initial destinations of the coal consumed in Britain in 2000, with just over 90% going to power stations or coke ovens. In terms of final use, some steam coal goes directly to industrial plants other than power stations, whilst some coke shares with anthracite and smokeless fuel derived from coal a relatively small market for direct combustion in heating boilers in domestic, commercial or public buildings or even in open fireplaces.
BOX 5.3 Coke and coal gas

direct use 7% (a)

solid fuel* 1%

* Conversion of coal into smokeless fuel electricity (all users) 49% iron and steel industry 32%

household etc. 11% (b)

other industry 8%

Figure 5.10 Uses of coal in the UK, 2000 (a) First destinations Primary energy supplied by coal: 57 Mtce or 1.60 EJ (b) Final distribution to users Final energy derived from coal: 29 Mtce or 0.81 EJ

Figure 5.11 Coal being discharged from a coke oven.



Producing coke Coke is produced by heating finely divided coal in the absence of air. The coal particles, no more than 3 mm in size, are heated to above 1200 oC over a period of up to twenty hours. During this time the more volatile constituents are driven off as coke oven gas, and the remainder, almost pure carbon, becomes liquefied. As the oven cools, this liquid fuses (resolidifies) to form the coke. Not all types of coal, when subjected to this process, fuse to produce the required hard porous coke. Types that do are called coking coal. Producing coal gas As we see in the next section, the volatile coke oven gas is itself a fuel. Today it is mainly regarded as a valuable by-product that can be used to heat the coke ovens or for other purposes in the steel works. However, for much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Britain and other coal-rich countries, the situation had been very different. Every town of any size had its gasworks, using the above process to produce the town gas that provided lighting, then heat for cooking, and eventually fuel for the central heating of buildings. In the gasworks, coke was the by-product, sold as a fuel for domestic boilers or the central-heating furnaces of larger buildings. (See also WCI, 2002 and see Chapter 7 for more on coal gas and other secondary fuels.)

5.4 Coal combustion

The composition of coal
Many of the unattractive features listed in the introduction to this chapter are due to the extremely complex nature of coal. As in all fossil fuels, the constituents that are important for combustion are carbon and hydrogen; but coal, unlike gas or oil, cannot be analysed at the molecular level into relatively straightforward hydrocarbon compounds. Rings of six carbon atoms play an important role in the structure, forming layered arrangements that incorporate not only hydrogen, but significant amounts of oxygen and nitrogen. The structure also includes differing quantities of sulphur and traces of other environmentally undesirable elements, and coal always contains some inert mineral material with no fuel value at all, destined to remain as ash. Finally, all coal incorporates some moisture within its structure. A full chemical analysis of a sample of coal, called an ultimate analysis, lists the proportions by mass of the main elements that are present, usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. These analyses are often in terms of dry, ash-free samples, excluding any moisture and inert matter. Figure 5.12(a) is an example of such an analysis, for a type of steam coal that might be used in a power station. However, at the most basic level, it is the relative proportions by atoms of the various elements that matter, and as we have seen, different atoms can have very different masses. (Table 4.2 in Chapter 4 shows that, for instance, a carbon atom has twelve times the mass of a hydrogen atom.) Figure 5.12(b), taking this into account, shows the percentages of the different atoms as we shall see, a more informative picture of their significance in the combustion of the coal.



nitrogen 1% oxygen 5% sulphur 1% hydrogen 5%

The ultimate analysis is undoubtedly of interest to the coal scientist, but the technologist needs answers to a different kind of question: Does a particular type of coal ignite easily or only with difficulty? Which types are suitable for use in power stations, and which can be used for the production of coke? In such a complex material, theory cannot yet take us from the ultimate analysis to the answers to these questions. A different analysis is needed; one that reflects the value of the coal to its users. Heating is the essential feature common to all uses of coal, leading either to full combustion or part-combustion, or to the production of other fuels, and it is the sequence from heating to combustion that provides the basis for the most common characterisation of different coal types.

carbon 88% (a) oxygen 2.5% hydrogen 39% nitrogen 0.6% sulphur 0.2%

The combustion process

The amounts of inert material and moisture are obviously significant in determining the heat values of different types of coal; but there are other features that play important roles. They are best explained by considering the series of processes leading to the complete combustion of a coal sample.


carbon 58%

Figure 5.12 Ultimate analysis of a dry, ash-free coal sample (a) Percentages by mass (b) Percentages by number of atoms

In the early stages of combustion, as the coal is heated, any moisture in the structure is also heated and evaporates. The moisture content can vary from one or two percent to as much as a tenth of the total mass in hard coals, and twice that in brown coals. The heating and evaporation both use some of the energy of the coal, but as Box 5.4 shows, this loss is only a small fraction of the total energy released in combustion, even for coal with relatively high moisture content. As the temperature continues to rise, a range of gases is evolved. These are called the volatile matter (VM), and arise from the dissociation of the coal structure. They carry most of the hydrogen and oxygen in the coal and some of its carbon, and consist of carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and a variety of other hydrocarbons the bitumens that give the coal type its name. These are fuels, releasing heat as they burn, and as much as half the heat energy from the coal may appear in this form. Anyone who has watched a wood or coal fire will have seen the spurts of intense flame from these little jets of gas. The combustible part of the material remaining after the volatile matter has gone is the remainder of the carbon, known as the fixed carbon (FC). This is effectively charcoal, or coke, and can burn at a high temperature in oxygen from the air: C + O2 CO2 Depending on the type of coal, the fixed carbon can account for virtually all the heat output or no more than half. Finally, with all the fuel burnt, any inert material remains as ash. A high ash content is obviously undesirable, and the best coals have less than ten percent ash. However, coals with up to 15% are fairly common, and in some countries as much as 30% is tolerated if the priority is to use local rather than imported coal.

This analysis carries a number of lessons for the designer of furnaces burning solid fuel, a subject to which we return shortly. It is also the basis of the customary specification of different types of coal.



BOX 5.4 Removing the moisture Energy is needed to heat the moisture in the coal to its boiling point and then to evaporate it. For simplicity, we assume that this moisture has essentially the thermal properties of water, and that it is initially at 20oC. The energy required to heat one kilogram to the boiling point (100oC) can then be calculated using the data and method of Box 4.4 in the previous chapter: energy needed = 1 4200 80 = 336 000 J = 0.336 MJ per kilogram. The energy needed to evaporate 1 kg of any liquid is its specific latent heat of vaporization, and its value for water is 2.258 MJ per kilogram. The total energy required, per kilogram of moisture is therefore 2.594 MJ, or about 2.6 MJ. Suppose that the coal has 10% moisture. One tonne (1000 kg) of coal will contain 100 kg of moisture, and the energy needed to heat and evaporate this will be about 260 MJ. With 10% moisture, and perhaps 10% inert mineral matter that contributes no energy, the tonne of coal will contain 800 kg of actual fuel. Assuming that this has a heat value of about 35 MJ per kilogram, the total heat energy released when the 800 kg burns will be 28 GJ, or 28 000 MJ. Comparison of the above two figures shows that, even for this coal with its high moisture content, the energy lost is less than 1% of the total. (Of course, purchasers of this coal will no doubt wish to take into account the fact that 200 kg of the tonne of fuel they are buying is either dirt or dirty water.)

Proximate analysis
Compounds consisting mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are characteristic of living materials, and in this sense coal is in closer to its origins than the hydrocarbons of oil and gas. Indeed, the different types or ranks of coal, from brown coal and lignite at one extreme to anthracite at the other, can be regarded as members of a sequence which starts with wood and peat. Figure 5.13 shows some members of this series, analysed in terms of the four constituents appearing in the account of combustion above. This proximate analysis reveals that the percentage of fixed carbon is a factor in determining the rank. As can be seen, the heat of combustion (given at the foot of each column) also tends to increase with the rank of the coal. Other properties than those appearing in Figure 5.13 are relevant in the selection of coal for a particular purpose. As we have seen, anthracite is a naturally smokeless fuel, suitable for direct use where other coals would not be permitted. The low-volatile bituminous coal is the steam coal whose ultimate analysis appeared in Figure 5.12. Any of the bituminous coals might be a coking coal, but the proximate analysis alone does not tell us whether the fixed carbon agglomerates when cooled, as required, or appears in a powdery form unsuitable for coke (see Box 5.3 above).



100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% GJ /tonne




increasing rank moisture volatile matter fixed carbon ash

Note: The relative proportions of fixed carbon and volatile matter shown here are generally indicative of the different ranks. The ash and moisture content can vary widely between fuels from different sources, and the heat values will vary accordingly.

Figure 5.13 Proximate analysis of coal and other solid fuels

Combustion products
In the full combustion of coal, all the constituent elements shown in Figure 5.12, and some of the others present as minor impurities, undergo chemical change in the heat of a coal fire or furnace. Carbon and hydrogen are the main constituents, and their reactions with oxygen lead to the main combustion products: carbon dioxide and water (initially in the form of steam). The quantities of these products can easily be calculated if we know the percentages of carbon and hydrogen in the coal and the appropriate relative atomic masses. As Box 5.5 shows, the combustion of one tonne of coal with the composition of Figure 5.12 releases about three tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In terms of the electrical output of a power station using this coal, this becomes almost one kilogram of CO2 per kilowatt-hour. (The corresponding figure for a gas-turbine plant is about one third of a kilogram per kilowatt-hour of electrical output.)

ro wn co -bi al tum ino us bit um ino us hig hV bit M um ino us low VM ant hr a c it e sub
24 30 34 30

wo od

pe at ied -dr




lign i te


or b



BOX 5.5 Carbon dioxide released in coal combustion How much carbon dioxide is released in the combustion of one tonne of coal, and what are the consequences for the emission of CO2 from a coal-fired power station? We assume that all the carbon in the coal reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide: C + 12 O2 2 16 CO2 44

The relative atomic masses of carbon and oxygen are 12 and 16 respectively, so the numbers under the chemical equation are the relative masses of the three items, and we see at once that 12 kg of carbon produce 44 kg of carbon dioxide. Each kilogram of carbon in the coal therefore releases 44/12 = 3.67 kg of CO2. Well consider one tonne of the low-VM bituminous coal in Figure 5.13, which is also the coal of Figure 5.12. 10% of this coal is moisture or ash, so each tonne becomes 900 kg when dry and ash-free, and the carbon content (Figure 5.12) is 88% of this, or 792 kg. So the mass of CO2 released in the combustion of one tonne of this type of coal is 792 3.67 = 2904 kg = 2.90 tonnes The heat value (Figure 5.13) is 35 GJ per tonne. Suppose now that this coal is used in a power station. We have seen in Chapters 2 and 3 that the electrical energy finally reaching the consumer is about one third of the fuel energy input, so for each tonne of coal used, the final electrical energy is about 35 3 = 11.7 GJ = 11 700 MJ One kilowatt-hour is the same as 3.6 MJ, so this 11 700 MJ is 3240 kWh. Burning one tonne of coal therefore releases 2904 kg of carbon dioxide and produces 3240 kWh of electricity: just under one kilogram of CO2 per kilowatt-hour.

There are other combustion products. Nitrogen can combine with oxygen to produce oxides of nitrogen. These compounds (N2O, NO, NO2, etc.), known generically as NOX (or NOX), are produced mainly by nitrogen from the coal, but nitrogen from the air may also contribute. Any sulphur present in the coal will readily form sulphur dioxide (SO2). All coals contain some sulphur, and it can account for as much as 5% of the total mass. In the high-sulphur coals, half or more of the sulphur may be in the inert mineral material, and can be removed by washing the coal. The remainder, however, is incorporated into the structure of the coal, and inevitably forms SO2 as the coal burns. Australian coals, for instance, have relatively low sulphur content, but even 1% in this form releases 20 kg of sulphur dioxide per tonne of coal burned. The consequences of these emissions for a large coal-burning power station are described in Flue Gases below.



5.5 Fires, furnaces and boilers

The design of furnaces may not seem the most exciting topic in the world, but it is certainly an important one in the world of energy. As we have seen, all but a tiny fraction of our primary energy comes from fuels fossil fuel or biofuel and the destination of three-quarters of these fuels is a fire, furnace or boiler. (The destination of the remainder is the internal combustion engine, to which we return in Chapter 8.) The efficiency with which a boiler extracts energy from the fuel is a critical factor in determining the fuel consumption of systems ranging from a domestic heating boiler to a 1000 MW power station. Better design means a lower fuel requirement and therefore lower costs and lower emission of carbon dioxide and other undesirable products. Or in a very different context, better design means a more efficient cooking stove, lower wood requirement and less destruction of valuable vegetation. This last example can serve to illustrate the situation facing anyone trying to design a really efficient solid-fuel boiler. How much wood is needed to bring one litre of water to the boil on a fire? Common experience will give a rough answer, but Box 5.6 shows the results of a calculation based on known data. As the concluding remark suggests, the stove shown might have a fuel-to-useful heat efficiency of about 10%, which we can compare with perhaps 70% for a well-run domestic gas water-heater and 90% or more for a modern power station boiler.
BOX 5.6 Boiling a litre of water How much wood is needed to bring one litre of water to the boil? Data Specific heat capacity of water Mass of 1 litre of water Density of wood 1 cubic centimetre (1 cm3) Calculation Heat energy needed to heat 1 litre = 80 4200 J of water from 20oC to 100oC = 336 kJ Heat energy released in burning 1 cm3 of wood Volume of wood required = 15 600 106 MJ = 9.0 kJ = 336 9.0 cm3 = 37 cm3. = 4200 J kg1 K1 = 1 kg = 600 kg m3 = 106 m3

Heat value of wood (Figure 5.13) = 15 MJ kg1

This suggests that one thin stick about a foot (30 cm) long should be enough. Any reader who has tried boiling water on a simple open wood fire will no doubt find this result surprising, but the well-designed stove of Figure 5.14 would perhaps need only ten such sticks per litre of water.

Figure 5.14 Boiling water



Much research has been devoted to the design of modern household boilers, and many interesting ideas have gone into the development of simple energy-efficient cooking stoves for combustion of biofuels. Unfortunately space doesnt allow detailed discussion of a range of systems, and we concentrate therefore on the major consumers of coal: the large boilers used to produce steam in power stations. (For the other components of a power station, see Turbines in Chapter 6 and Generators in Chapter 9. For more on the uses of biofuels, see the companion volume, Boyle, 1996.) Power station boilers provide a useful study for several reasons: At their best, they are amongst the most efficient fuel-burning systems we have. Their waste products create some of the worlds major pollution problems. Interesting technological solutions to some of the problems exist or are being developed, but are still to be universally adopted.

Power-station boilers
The starting-point for the furnace designer must be the sequence of events described in the above section on combustion. To extract the maximum energy from the solid fuel, both the fixed carbon and the volatile matter must be fully burnt. As one part is solid material and the other a stream of gases, this is not simple. Modern plants have of course long abandoned the person with a shovel, and operate with a continuous feed of fuel, so the solids and gases must burn completely at about the same rate. The purpose of the plant is to produce steam, so another requirement is for the best possible heat transfer from the burning fuel into the circulating water. Finally, the system should minimise the production of undesirable byproducts and include a method for dealing with the unavoidable wastes: ash and flue gases. Coal is of course the main subject of this chapter, but the following brief accounts of solid-fuel boilers include occasional references to other fuels. With the ever-growing problem of disposal of waste materials, the versatility of a power-station furnace becomes increasingly important. The aim is a plant that can deal safely and efficiently with fuels that may have very different physical properties and will certainly have a wide range of heat values.

Grate boilers
None of the boilers to be described here is fed with large lumps of coal. These disappeared with the person with the shovel. In a grate boiler (Figure 5.15(a)), the fuel is in pieces a few millimetres across, which are fed in from a hopper or on a conveyor belt, and move across the grate in an upward flow of air. With this arrangement, the fixed carbon burns on the grate and the volatile matter in the space above. Radiant heat from both reaches an array of tubes through which the water circulates, while the hot gases from the combustion pass between another set of tubes. Note that the few tubes shown in the diagram represent the large, much more complex array used in the actual system. Boilers of this type are still used for coal, but mainly for biofuels such as wood chips, processed domestic wastes and other



flue gases

flue gases and fly ash

coal or other solid fuel

volatile matter air fixed carbon air ash pulverized coal

fixed carbon and volatile matter


(a) Grate boiler flue gases

(b) Pulverized-fuel boiler


air (c) Fluidized-bed boiler

coal and limestone

Figure 5.15 Three types of solid fuel power-station boiler



materials that are not suitable for pulverized fuel boilers. Increasingly, however, they are being replaced by the cleaner, more efficient fluidized bed boilers when systems are upgraded.

Pulverized fuel boilers

The plant shown schematically in Figure 5.15(b) is by far the most common boiler type in present-day coal-fired power stations. Plants of this form have been in use for half a century or more, and when well run can transfer over 90% of the energy content of the coal to the circulating water (or steam). The essential feature of this boiler is that it uses pulverized fuel (PF). The coal enters the furnace in the form of particles less about 100 microns (0.1 mm) in size a dust so fine that it floats. This pulverized fuel is swept in a controlled flow of air to the burner jets. With such tiny particles, the fixed carbon burns out completely in a very short time, so the volatile matter and fixed carbon burn together in roughly the same part of the furnace, increasing the efficiency of heat transfer. Another advantage of the short time that the fuel spends in the furnace is that it reduces the production of NOX and other combustion products. However, achieving these ends requires careful control of the air/fuel mixture. Insufficient air for combustion leaves unburnt char in the ash, or carbon monoxide in the flue gases. Too much air promotes the production of undesirable oxides, and also reduces the efficiency by carrying away more heat in the flue gases. Considerable research effort is being devoted to the development of online monitoring and control of fuel flow rates and particle size, but such systems have yet to be widely adopted. A serious disadvantage of PF boilers is that the ash is a fine dust, and without measures to prevent it, this fly ash will be carried into the atmosphere with the flue gases. (For more details of this and other pollutants, and the methods used to reduce them, see Flue Gases, below.)

Fluidized bed boilers

The third type of plant in Figure 5.15 uses a rather different principle. Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) is regarded as offering solutions to some of the pollution problems of coal combustion, and in addition, the possibility of burning other fuels cleanly. FBC plants have been in use for some time in various industrial processes, but investment in the development of coal-burning systems for power was at a relatively low level until the 1970s. Work then accelerated, and the first plants came on stream in the 1980s. By the end of the century a few thousand were in operation, burning not only coal but other fuels including a variety of wastes. The following is a brief account of the principles of the main types of FBC plant. The means by which they reduce pollution are discussed in Flue Gases, below. The essential feature of an FBC plant is a thick layer of inert material sand or gravel, with particle size in the range 0.32.0 mm. This lies on a base plate that has many small apertures through which jets of air are blown. At a certain air speed the whole mass of material expands to a depth of a metre or more and starts to behave like a liquid. Objects in it will float or sink, just as in a liquid. The significant feature for combustion and heat



transfer is that as the air flow is further increased it forms bubbles that rise through the bed, and the particles bounce around as if they were indeed in a boiling liquid. In a power-station system, fuel particles are fed into this bed, and because of the constant motion and the air flow, the fixed carbon and the volatile matter both burn quickly and heat the entire bed. The tubes carrying the water to be heated are buried in the bed and/or the containment walls, and the excellent thermal contact with the constantly moving material means that good heat transfer doesnt require the very high temperatures needed in an open furnace. This process, called bubbling fluidized bed combustion (BFBC) is used in the majority of present FBC plants, most of them in the small-to-medium range, with electrical outputs below 100 MW. A different system, circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC), was developed a little later, but the number of plants grew relatively rapidly to more than a thousand world-wide in the early years of the present century. With this system, an increased air flow drives some of the particles out of the fluidized bed, into the space above, where they behave more like a hot gas. A circulating system constantly returns them to the bed, maintaining the high temperature and increasing the time available for combustion, which allows a wider range of coal types and other fuels to be used. The most advanced of the fluidized bed systems uses pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC). The present PFBC plants operating commercially are based on bubbling bed systems, but with the important difference that the pressure in the furnace is increased to about ten times atmospheric pressure. This means that the hot gases from the furnace can be used in a gas turbine as well as raising steam for the steam turbine. (Chapter 8 discusses these combined-cycle systems in more detail.) The largest PFBC

Figure 5.16 Osaki Power Station



plant at the time of writing (2002) is the 250 MW Osaki Power Station in Japan (Figure 5.16). It has two large beds, between 2 m and 4 m high when fluidized, and a furnace pressure of about 1 MPa. (Hitachi, 2001). Pressurized systems using circulating beds are also under development, but have not reached full commercial production at the time of writing. (See also DTI, 2000.)

Flue gases
We have seen that the inevitable result of burning coal is a range of combustion products. Here we look at the quantities of each of these that might be released into the atmosphere in the course of one hour by a modern 660 MW coal-fired power station, in the absence of any pollution reduction system. The figures are approximate and will of course vary with the nature of the coal and the combustion process. 2500 tonnes of nitrogen. This is four-fifths of the air drawn in for combustion and has passed largely unchanged through the whole system, except that heating it accounts for about half the energy loss in the boiler. Four-fifths of the air we breathe is in any case nitrogen, so it presumably remains harmless.

700 tonnes of carbon dioxide produced in combustion. CO2 is a minor constituent of normal air and is not thought to be harmful to life in the concentrations produced by power stations. However, the cumulative effect on the climate of the CO2 from all the worlds power stations is a serious issue (see Chapter 13). 150 tonnes or more of steam. This is the other combustion product, and some also comes from moisture originally in the coal. Not condensing this steam accounts for the other half of the lost energy, but the flue gases need to stay hot if they are to rise out of the tall chimney. A tonne or so of oxides of nitrogen. The higher the furnace temperature, the greater the production of NOX. These contribute to acid rain and are damaging to health, but at present the world-wide contribution from power stations is considerably less than from internal combustion engines. From one to twenty tonnes of sulphur dioxide gas (SO2). The power station of this example would produce about four tonnes of SO2 per hour from coal with 1% sulphur. It is this sulphur compound which is held largely responsible for acid rain. 1020 tonnes of fly ash. Otherwise known as particulates, this is the fine ash resulting from burning pulverized coal. Its main visible feature is that it is very dirty, but the tiny particles can damage the lungs, and may also contain poisonous impurities.

There are two ways of dealing with these pollutants: remove them, or dont produce them in the first place. The second is technically the more elegant solution. Fluidized-bed boilers adopt this second approach for sulphur and the oxides of nitrogen. Most of the sulphur compounds are removed at source by introducing limestone particles into the bed. The SO2 reacts with this to produce calcium sulphate, a hard inert material that can be removed from the bed. The production of NOX is considerably reduced by maintaining



the bed temperature at under 1000 oC, instead of the 2000 oC in the hot gases of conventional plant. Fluidized beds will also release particulates, although in far smaller quantities than the equivalent pulverized fuel plant. The flue gases of FBC boilers that operate at atmospheric pressure are cleaned using the methods described below for PF plants. In the case of PFBC, particulate removal is an integral feature of the plant, as the gases must be cleaned to a high standard before they can be used in a gas turbine. For the majority of existing power station boilers, the practicable options are more limited. Improved burner design has reduced NOX emissions to some extent, but fly ash and SO2 remain, and are dealt with by removing them from the flue gases. Although there are several techniques for doing this, relatively few coal-fired plants world-wide yet reach the best achievable reductions of both pollutants. Before we criticise them for failing to do this, we should perhaps place the problem in context. Three thousand tonnes an hour of gases leave the boiler. They are hotter than the hottest domestic oven, with a particulate level greater than in the worst ever London smog, a concentration of SO2 a thousand times worse than downtown Los Angeles on a bad day, and enough moisture to cause it to start raining in the gas stream if the temperature falls below that of a moderate oven. Any cleaning system must be able to handle this hot, dirty corrosive mass on a continuous basis. It should remove most of the pollutants (about 90% of the SO2 and 99% of particulates are current aims), use as little energy as possible, leave environmentally acceptable residues and be cheap. There is of course no such system. In Britain, and in Australia with its low-sulphur coal, most effort was initially devoted to reducing the particulates in the flue gases. There are several ways to do this, of which the most common are bag filters, cyclone filters and electrostatic precipitation or some combination of these. The principles of the first two methods are respectively those of a traditional household vacuum cleaner and of the newer cyclone type where particles are thrown outwards from the fast-spinning air. Both methods are relatively cheap, but they are become inefficient for particles sizes of less than about 10 m. In an electrostatic precipitator, the fine particles acquire an electric charge by passing near a high-voltage wire and are then pulled sideways out of the gas stream by an electric field. This method is effective even for very small particles and for most types of coal, but the capital cost is considerably greater. Flue gas desulphurization (FGD) to remove the sulphur compounds usually involves reacting the SO2 with finely divided limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3). This can be a dry process, but more usually a slurry or spray or jets of water are used to bring the limestone into contact with the flue gases, so that the resulting insoluble calcium sulphate precipitates and can be removed. All the above processes of course involve costs. Electrostatic precipitators can add over 5% to the capital cost of a new power station, and FSD as much as 15% (IEA, 1999). The processes also use energy and reduce the overall efficiency of the plant, effectively increasing the fuel cost per unit of output. The issues raised when we try to balance these costs against the costs of the deleterious effects are discussed in later chapters.



5.6 Summary
This chapter, like the previous one, has involved a journey through time, but with a different emphasis. It has concentrated on technological developments rather than scientific ideas, and the history of coal as been the story of how it has been used. We have seen how the inventions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries led to an almost total reliance on coal as the energy source for an increasingly industrialized world. And although king coal is no longer dominant, we have also seen that the mid-twentieth century obituaries were definitely premature. It is always interesting to look at past forecasts. A hundred years ago, coal was going to be the main fuel for centuries to come. Then came oil and gas, and coal would surely follow wood into relative obscurity. Then we had oil crises, and the worlds enormous coal reserves were going to rescue us. Now we have global warming. To the best of our knowledge, however, the oil and gas resources are indeed more limited than the coal resource, and this least attractive of the fossil fuels is likely to remain the one in greatest supply. It is possible to burn coal cleanly, reducing if not eliminating the pollutants even the CO2 (see the final chapter). Or coal can be converted into more acceptable or more desirable fuels, including alternatives to gasoline (see Chapter 7). The merits and demerits of all these possibilities will be discussed; but unless there are dramatic new discoveries of oil or gas, or dramatic increases in the use of renewable energy sources, it seems that the resource-driven choice in the mid twenty-first century could well be between coal and nuclear power.



Boyle, Godfrey (1996) Renewable Energy, Oxford, OUP/OU. BP (2001) BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2001 [online], BP, web site http://www.bp.com (accessed November 2001, no longer online). BP (2002) BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2001 [online], BP, web site http://www.bp.com (accessed October 2002, select energy reviews). Brimblecombe, Peter (1987) The Big Smoke, London, Methuen & Co. Ltd. Brown, Frederick, ed., (1950) Statistical Yearbook of the World Power Conference, No. 5, London. de la Bdoyre, G.(1995a) The Writings of John Evelyn, Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer. de la Bdoyre (ed.) (1995b) The Diary of John Evelyn, Woodbridge, The Boydell Press. DTI (2000) Fluidised Bed Combustion Systems for Power Generation and other Industrial Applications, Department of Trade and Industry [online], web site http://www.dti.gov.uk/cct/pub/ (accessed October 2002). DTI (2001) Digest of UK Energy Statistics, Department of Trade and Industry [online], web site http://www.dti.gov.uk/epa/dukes (accessed October 2002). EIA (2002) International Energy Outlook 2002, Energy Information Administration, web site http://www.eia.doe.gov (accessed October 2002). Hitachi (2001) A Large-Capacity Pressurized-Fluidized-Bed-Combustion Boiler Combined-Cycle Power Plant, Hitachi Review vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 105109 [online], web site http://global.hitachi.com/Sp/TJ-e/2001/ revaug01/pdf/r3_109.pdf (accessed October 2002). IEA (1999) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Power Stations, IEA Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme [online], web site http://www.ieagreen.org.uk (accessed June 2002). Jevons, H. Stanley (1915) The British Coal Trade, republished in 1969, Newton Abbot, David & Charles (Publishers) Ltd. Nef, J. U. (1932) The Rise of British Coal Industry, London, Routledge. Ramage, J. (1997) Energy: A Guidebook, 2ed., Oxford University Press. WCI (2002) Coal in the Steel Industry, World Coal Institute, London, web site http://www.wci-coal.com (accessed October 2002).

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