CH 16-17 Apush
CH 16-17 Apush
CH 16-17 Apush
. Cotton ran the South before the Civil War it was "King Cotton." The entire southern economy was based on cotton. 2. The South had develo ed a yramid!li"e social structure. #rom to !to!bottom$ lanter aristocrats% small farmers% the white ma&ority 'who owned no slaves(% free blac"s% slaves. ). *ife as a slave could be wildly variedsome slave owners were "ind toward their slaves% some were immensely cruel. +n all situations% slaves were not free to do as they leased. ,. -bolition 'move to abolish slavery( began with the .ua"ers. #rederic" /ouglass became the main s o"esman against slavery. -nd William *loyd 0arrison rinted "The *iberator"% a radical abolition news a er. 1. Southerners countered that northern wor"ers were treated even worse than slaves. Slave owners% they said% had a vested interest in their slaves. 2orthern factory wor"ers e3 loited then fired their wor"ers. ID !TI"IC#TI$!S: 2at Turner An African was led a slave rebellion in the Slaves states that resulted in 60 white deaths and at the cost of 200 blacks in the aftermath. He was an African American, and his life revolved around the principles of the Bible. So&ourner Truth A renowned speaker who spoke on behalf of the living conditions of the African American slaves, ruth was known for her resonant voice and that she had ignited the controvers! between north and south. Theodore /wight Weld American abolitionist whose pamphlet Slaver! As "t "s #$%&'( inspired novel )ncle om*s +abin, a prominent abolitionist in the $%&0*s. He was known for putting together a group called the ,-and .ebels,
4arriet 5eecher Stowe )nited States writer of a novel about slaver! that advanced the abolitionists* cause #$%$$/$%'6(, wrote )ncle om*s +abin. She was a ke! figure in the abolitionist movement in the $%th to $'th centur!.
William *loyd 0arrison 0arrison was a prominent American abolitionist, 1ournalist and social reformer that was also the editor of radical abolitionist newspaper , he -iberator,. He was also known as one of the founders of the American Anti/Slaver! Societ! Burned the +onstitution as **a covenant with death and an agreement with hell, /avid Wal"er 2alker was a Black abolitionist who called for the immediate emancipation of slaves, and also wrote the ,Appeal to the +olored +iti3ens of the 2orld4. He was ke! to the anti/slaver! movement because he believed that the onl! wa! to end slaver! was for slaves to ph!sicall! revolt
%&ID D ' #DI!% (& STI$!S: )Cotton is *ing+) Know$ 6li Whitney% Cotton 0in 1. What is meant by "Cotton is King7" 4ow did its sovereignty e3tend beyond the South7 What im lications did its rule have7 5+otton is 6ing4 refers to the heav! dependence and success of the cash crop cotton in the )nited States in the late $%th centur! to the $'th centur!. his made the southern states wealth! and reliant on the crop, which led to the high demand of African slaves. heir immense e7ports of cotton meant that man! other countries were reliant on the )S for cotton, which at the time produced more than half od the cotton e7ports in the world. The Planter )#ristocracy) Know$ Chivalry 2. +n what ways was the south "basically undemocratic7" he Southern American societ! was more of an aristocrac!, in which the citi3ens8 wealth varied. he amount of slave owners who had more than $00 was ver! few, but the! were the cornerstone of the Southern cotton industr!. his meant that those with 99 and lots of slaves had more opportunities in the financial and educational world.
Slaves and the Slave System Know$ 8ne cro economy ). What were the wea"nesses of the South9s de endence on cotton7 +otton was the onl! crop grown in the land, which meant that the land there :uickl! lost their fertilit! and nutrients for soil, or 5land butchering4. Also, the entire industr! was high/risk; where slaves are prone to running awa!, in1ur! and other e7tra e7penses. his meant that the cotton plantations itself was at risk. The ,hite -a.ority Know$ :eoman #armer% hillbilly ,. Why did many whites who did not own slaves su ort slavery7 <an! slave/less Southerners and some northerners supported slaver! because the! knew that the countr!8s econom! was heavil! dependent on the cotton and slave trade industr!. "ree Blac/s: Slaves ,ithout -asters Know$ 6manci ate% mulattoes 1. Would it have been better to be a free 5lac" in the 2orth or in the South7 63 lain. "t was better to be a free Black in the =orth because in the South, a free black would run the risk of being put back into slaver!, or accused of being a run/awa!. However, being a free black person in the time was also ver! oppressive, where for e7ample, the! could not testif! against a white person in court. <ost of these free 5slaves without owners4 were mulattoes, or emancipated children of a slave owner and a white man. Plantation Slavery Know$ Chattel% natural increase% 4arriet 5eecher Stowe ;. "... lanters regarded slaves as investments <li"e a mule=...." 63 lain what was ositive and what was negative about this situation for slaves. Slaves were treated as propert!, which denied their constitutional guarantee of natural rights and human rights #-ocke(. his increased controvers! in the congress and in the public between anti/slaver! and pro/slaver!. he slaver! investments were responsible for the loss of almost 2 millions dollars in the capital. However, slave owning was a strong investment and man! owners made lots of mone!8s worth in trade and housing.
0i1e &nder the 0ash Know$ 8verseer% brea"er% 8ld South% /ee South >. 0ive evidence to show that slaves develo ed a se arate% uni?ue culture. What circumstances made this ossible7 he slaves enchained b! white owners were mal treated and were often flogged and beaten for low productivit! or sometimes 1ust to strike fear for the other slaves. he! were housed in slave/huts and the! had a sense of communit!, where the! were all going through the same oppression. A 5slave culture4 began to develop, and +hristian influence was prominent in the plantations, where the lamented 0od and ver! often referred to >7odus #slaver!( A call and response techni:ue was used in biblical preaching. The Burdens o1 Bondage Know$ @eculiar institution% 0abriel @rosser% /enmar" Aesey% 2at Turner B. Thomas Cefferson once said that having slaves was li"e holding a wolf by the ears% you didn9t li"e it but you couldn9t let go. 4ow does this section hel to e3 lain this statement7 Holding and owning slaves was hard since man! of them would rebel and slow their work down to the bare minimum. he! often sabotaged e:uipment and messed up the crops. However, the white cannot let go or rel! on a different econom! other than the one the! had been using and rel!ing on for the last centur!. .ebellions led b! slaves like 0abriel ?osser and @ese! of S. +arolina were often ended in bloodbaths and arly #2olitionism Know$ -bolition% The -merican ColoniDation Society% Theodore Weld% -rthur and *ewis Ta an% 4arriet 5eecher Stowe E. /escribe some of the early abolitionists. Ane of the pioneering efforts in abolishing slaver! was the A.+.S, founded for that purpose onl!. he! wanted to e7port the slaves back to Africa, but b! the 608s all the slaves were no longer Africans, but African Americans. 2eld was a post 2nd great awakening who gave simple and easil! understood speeches about the inhumanit! in slaver!. H.B Stowe was a ke! abolitionist who a daughter of a preacherBabolitionist. #Seminar!(
'adical #2olitionism Know$ William *loyd 0arrison% Wendell @hilli s% /avid Wal"er% So&ourner Truth% #rederic" /ouglass 1F. 4ow were the attitudes of William *loyd 0arrison and #rederic" /ouglass different7 When dealing with an issue that is moral and olitical% how rigid should a erson be7 0arrison was the founder of the newspaper 5 he -iberator4 and in which he had strongl! stated his strict position in support of the anti/slaver!. However, he wrote more on the self righteousness rather than the cruelt! and inhumanit! of slaver!. Couglass8s impromptu was soon to be on the scene, in which he was much more fle7ible in his works. Among others, ?hillips, 2alkers and ruth was other famous abolitionists in which literature and written accounts took place in this movement. The South 0ashes Bac/ 11. 4ow did the South defend itself against the attac"s of abolitionists7 he south lashed back using their argument in ethics. he! had claimed that slaver! was actuall! positive in which the! had +hristiani3ed man! of the 5barbaric 1umglers4. he South soon began to debate with the =orth. The #2olitionist Impact in the !orth 12. 4ow did 2ortherners view abolitionists7 /id they have any success7 <an! northerners were in favour of the Abolitionists8 <ovement, but the public wildfire didn8t spread too far, or heat up too man! other states other than the vicinit! of the geographical north.
Chapter #13: -ani1est Destiny and Its 0egacy Big Picture Themes 1. - boundary dis ute with 6ngland over Gaine was settled eacably. +n the long run% the H.S. li"ely got the better end of the deal. 2. Te3as finally &oined the H.S. Since the Te3as revolution% itId been hanging in the balance. -merican lawma"ers finally decided it was too good of a riDe to let sli by% so it was anne3ed in 1B,1 ). 8regon was ne3t on the list of lands to seal u . +t was shared land% mainly between the H.S. and 6ngland. -fter some negotiating over the border% the ,Eth arallel was agreed u on. -gain% the H.S. li"ely got the better. ,. The election of 1B,, saw Cames K. @ol" run on a Ganifest /estiny latform. -mericans li"ed the idea% voted him in% and he went after California. 1. When the Ge3ican!-merican war was over% the riDe of California that @ol" had wanted% was obtained. So was all of the modern -merican Southwest. ID !TI"IC#TI$!S: Cohn Tyler Harrison8s @.?. D became $0th ?resident of ).S. when Harrison passed awa!. He was the president responsible for anne7ation of <e7ico after receiving mandate from ?olk, opposed man! parts of the 2hig program for economic recover! #Amer. S!stem( SlidellIs Gission Eohn Slidell was dispatched b! ?olk where he was to negotiate the <e7ican recognition of the .io 0rande as the border of e7as and )SA, the purchase of =ew <e7ico for F million dollars and purchase of +alifornia. Cohn C. #remont American militar! officer, e7plorer, $st candidate of the .epublican ?art! #$%F6(, D $st presidential candidate of a ma1or part! to run on a platform opposing slaver!. )sed slogan ,Greedom, Gree <en, and Gremont,. ?laced second to Eames Buchanan in a three/wa! election; he did not carr! the state of +alifornia.
Ganifest /estiny he American principle that stated that Americans not onl! have the right to take the land of the =orth American continent, but that it is their dut! to )SA that the! should own 5sea to shining sea4. Cames K. @ol" he $$th president of the )nited States who was in strong favor of the <anifest Cestin!, and was in term and in decision for the anne7ation of +alifornia as a free state. His e7pansionism led to the <e7ican American war. Webster!-shburton Treaty A compromiseBtreat! that stated that <aine was the boundar! of the )SA, and successfull! settled the disputes in the boundaries of )S and >nglish +anada. America gained lands from this compromise. S ot Jesolution +ongressman -incoln #to be president( was in favor of a proposition in which he wanted to find out >HA+ -I where shots were fired from the <e7ican troops to the Americans. his was due to the :uestioning of the validit! of the commencement of the <e7ican/American 2ar. ?olk responds that )S soldiers had died on American soil, but in truth it was actuall! legall! owned b! <e7ico. The Tariff of 1B,2 Also known as the black tariff is a tariff set to protect the ta7es of $%&2 an!thing at 20J. Treaty of 0uadalu e 4idalgo <e7ico sold the ).S. all of the southwest #including =ew <e7ico, +olorado, )tah, Ari3ona, =evada and +alifornia( for 9$F million so that it would not look like con:uest. "t was drawn up b! =icholas ?. rist and sent to congress. he anti slaver! congressmen passed the treat! and signed it on Gebruar! 2nd, $%K%. Wilmot @roviso Cavid 2ilmot introduced an amendment stating that an! territor! ac:uired from <e7ico would be free. ?assed the House twice, but failed to ever pass in Senate. Became a s!mbol of how intense dispute over slaver! was in the ).S., +alhoun against with his compact theor!