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His115 r3 Appendix A Clash of Cultures

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Appendix A HIS/115 Version 3 Associate Level Material

Appendix A Clash of Cultures

Complete the grid by describing the characteristics listed in the left-side column for the five groups named. Native Americans Economic Structure Northern Colonists %arms# manufacturing" ship building" machinery# trading !ith &ative Americans 'for beads" cloth" coo(ing tools" hunting tools) *epublican party Mid-Atlantic Colonists *ich farm land# large crops of !heat" livestoc(" fishing Southern Colonists Agricultural# most of the economy !as from farms and plantations. +re! ,cash crops- for money 'tobacco" rice" indigo for dye). Traded deer s(ins to Europe +overned by a governor from England# legislature made up of people !ho o!ned the land Lived on plantations !ith slaves# belo! slave o!ners !here !hites !ho !ere farmers !ithout slaves" then blac( servants" then freed blac( people" then slaves est Africans Trade 'rubber" cotton" precious metals" oils" spices)" human resources" diamonds" manufacturing

Trading of e!elry" food" !eapons# villages and$or families o!ned the land

.olitical Structure

/ne chief or tribal council

0emocratic government$party

1ings or sultans ruled# chiefs" ministers

Social System

The men hunted food" the !omen stayed at camp coo(ing" and teaching young !omen# men !ent out to fight in !ards# boys !here taught to fight# the elders !here loo(ed upon as !ise and !here the most respected

2lass-based society# .uritans and 3ua(ers# did not li(e the idea of slavery

0iverse# a variety of religions and people from different bac(grounds. Social life revolves around a village or city. Mar(et to!n !as very important

Social system consisted of families and villages on the savannah# most 4est Africans !here farmers. Men dominated the land but a lot of !omen held dominant positions in government# some !omen !here enslaved

Appendix A HIS/115 Version 3 &ative Americans valued family" embraced personal differences" valued peace and 7uiet# valued religion and spirituality 2hristianity" 4aashat 'or 4ashani) *eligion" 0ream 0ance" +host 0ance" Longhouse *eligion The church '2atholic) had most of the control# .uritanism 2hristian# diverse$freedom of religion" 3ua(ers" 2atholics Literature" music styles ' a88" bluegrass" country) Literature 'poetry" tales" histories)" art" music 'mainly related to religion)" community" believed life !as sacred# respect for elders Main t!o religions# <slamic and indigenous. <ndigenous remained the strongest religion. .olytheistic and animistic

2ultural 6alues


.uritans and .rotestants# Anglican" 9e!ish" :uddhism" ;induism

rite a =>?-!ord essay in !hich you examine one of the follo!ing topics about ho! the groups clashed@ The differences between indentured servants and slaves

4hen !or(ers !ere indentured" it meant that the !or(ers had to sign an agreement that they !ould obey the terms and conditions of the sponsor. <f you !ere an indentured servant" you !ould !or( under the sponsors !ho usually had great po!er and that !ere very !ealthy. 4hen .ilgrims !anted to come to America" they had sponsors !ho paid their !ay there. <n return" they !ould have to !or( as a servant for that sponsor for > to A years or longer. The sponsor !ould provide them !ith food" room and board. Even though the rules !here tough and the !or( !as harsh" it !as not considered slavery. <f one !as to survive the !or(" they !ould earn their freedom. The first indentured slaves came to the Bnited States a decade after the 9amesto!n settlement in 1C?A. These servants eventually because a very important part of the economy. As the need for labor gre! larger" the price of servants also gre! larger. Since these servants became more expensive" many lando!ners turned to African slaves for a cheaper" profitable source of labor. Africans first came to America in 1C1D. Some African Americans did get ,sponsored- and became indentured servants. %or a !hile" there !ere no slave la!s so the Africans !here treated li(e indentured servants. As soon as the la!s !ere passed" any freedoms !here ta(en a!ay. Bnli(e indentured servants" slaves !ere brought to American against their !ill. Almost all of those slaves !here African American. <t !as an estimated C to A million slaves that came from Africa" !hich deprived African of their healthy men and !omen. They !ere brought to 6irginia" to the 9amesto!n colony. They !ere forced to produce and harvest crops" such as tobacco. These slavery practices continued throughout the 1A??s and 1E?s. Slaves !ere o!ned by masters or slaveholders and could not earn their freedom. Some slaves !ere re!arded and granted favors for their good behavior but the disobedient" rebellious slaves !ere punished brutally. Slaves !ere (ept separated# the field hands from the house slaves from the s(illed !or(ers. This made it less li(ely for them to come together and plot against their slaveholder. Many slaves raised large families but slaveholders did not hesitate to sale or separate their families.

Appendix A HIS/115 Version 3

/regon .ublic :roadcasting. '5?11). <ndentured Servants <n The B.S.. *etrieved from http@$$!!!.pbs.org$opb$historydetectives$$feature$indentured-servants-in-the-us$ AFE Television &et!or(s" LL2.. '5?1=). Slavery in America. *etrieved from http@$$!!!.history.com$topics$slavery

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