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Name: Shana Jeter Date of Lesson: 10.22.

13 Lesson Title: Lect-Dem Pathways and Space Lesson Objectives (Leaner Outcomes)
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:

School/Grade Level: Evers Elementary 2nd Grade

Perform short dance sequence after the teacher demonstration. Create own pathway while performing dance sequence with a partner. Verbally compare and contrast the differences they felt after dancing using large and small amounts of space.

Student Learning Standards: (National Standards/K-8 Texas Dance Guidelines)

National Standards
Standard 3: Understanding dance as a way to create and communicate meaning.

K 8 Guidelines
K 8: Perception: Creating a variety of spatial relationship leading and following a partner

Standard 1: Identifying and demonstrating movement elements and skills in performing dance.

K 8: Creative Expression/Performance Perform short, simple, repetitive dances utilizing locomotor and non-locomotor skills.

Assessment Rubric
Lesson Learner Outcomes
Perform short dance sequence after the teacher demonstration.

High Level of Mastery

Students are able to perform the dance sequence on their own, from memory. Students are able to create a clear pathway from teacher prompts.

Acceptable Level of Mastery

Students are able to perform the dance sequence with teacher/peer prompting. Students are able to create a pathway that is unclear yet different from previous pathway.

Low Level of Mastery

Students are able to perform the dance sequence only by mirroring someone else. Students are not able to create a pathway that matches the prompt.

Create own pathway while performing dance sequence with a partner.

Verbally compare and contrast the differences they felt after dancing using large and small amounts of space.

Students are able to speak about their dancing experience using both vocabulary words.

Students are able to speak about their dancing experience

Students are not able to speak about their dance experience.

Differentiation Strategies: Alternating between moderate activity level and discussions as well as partner interactions and self-exploration will reach out to multiple learning styles. Keeping the students physically busy will keep them engaged throughout the lesson. Instructional Sequence

7 Es/ Time
Phase 1

Teacher will say, Lets learn a dance! In less than a minute. Teacher will demonstrate, students will follow. First move = walk. Second move = punch. Third move = wiggle. Transition: Teacher will say, Do we have it memorized? Lets find out

21st Century skills /Cognitive (Blooms)

Blooms Remember: Name 21st Communication and Collaboration Productivity and Accountability Blooms Understand: Restate 21st Productivity and Accountability. Initiative and Self-Direction.


Phase 2


Teacher will put on Boogie Shoes and everyone do the dance a few times for memory. Students will repeat the movement during the song with the teacher at first and eventually on their own.

Transition: Ask students to find a partner, one partner needs to stand with hands in the air, one partner needs to sit next them with hands on their head. Phase 3

Blooms Analyze: Examine 21st Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.


Students will perform the dance as well as be an audience member looking for pathways and space. Students will alternate roles. Teacher will explain the etiquette of audience members. They must be quiet and respectful, they are looking for a pathway and space. Transition: After everyone has had a turn or two, ask students what they saw when their partner danced? Teacher will ask students to turn to their partner and discuss what pathways and space are. Students will turn to a partner and discuss what they think the definition of space and pathways are. Teacher will lead end the partner discussion and allow students to give the definitions they came up with. Space = the area you are moving in. Pathway = what direction you are moving in through the space! Transition: We are going to do our dance again, this time by our selves. Think about taking up as much space as you can without touching or running into your neighbors. Reach out really far on your punch, take big steps on the walk, wiggle as big as you can! Students will demonstrate dance using big space, small space, backwards and side travelling pathways with breaks in between. Teacher will have groups alternate between performing and audience members. Blooms Understand: Explain 21st Communication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

Phase 4


Blooms Create: Compose 21st Creativity and Innovation.

Phase 5


Transition: I want everyone to find a new partner by the count of 3. Has to be someone you didnt just work with.

Blooms Analyze: Categorize 21st Communication and Collaboration. Flexibility and Adaptability.

Phase 6


Students will find partner, sit down and tell partner 2 things how was using a lot of space same/different from using a little amount of space? Teacher will call on a few students to share.

Phase 7

Transition: Stay in the circle we are in, ask about different pathways. (zig-zags, loops, random, etc) Teacher will explain the rules of freeze dance music stops, dancing stops. Music playing, you are dancing. Teacher will give students dancing prompts such as use a zig zag pathways, use a lot of space, use small space, use a pathway that is a shape, etc.

Blooms Create: Invent 21st Creativity and Innovation. Flexibility and Adaptability.


Resources & Materials: IPod, IPod dock, Boogie Shoes song Bibliography & References Gilbert, Anne G, Bronwen A. Gilbert, and Alecia Rossano. Brain-compatible Dance Education. Reston, VA: National Dance
Association, 2006. Print. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. <http://www.p21.org/overview>. Fine Arts for All Students. Cedfa.org

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