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Learning On Our Feet: Ms. Taylor Knight's Class Schedule

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Dance at the Curley K-8 Teacher: Kim Taylor Knight September 2011-June 2012 Overview The Curley K-8 School recognizes that a quality arts education is as fundamental to a students learning as math, language arts or science. Dance education enables students to develop communication skills, while discovering their unique voice, ideas, and feelings. They will also learn self-control while becoming creative problem solvers. In addition, movement can be used to create interesting and challenging work for students through all subjects. The intention of my work at the Curley is to challenge students to explore and discover their movement preferences (signature) while introducing them to diverse dance styles and forms. Students in my classes will explore Rudolf Labans elements** as a tool for movement analysis. B.E.S.S. is the acronym for body, energy, space and shape and serves as the primary tool for our explorations, performances and problem solving. As students discover and explore a full range of movement for their dance building, this expanded understanding will be integrated into cross-curricular.
**Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) analyzed movement in a manner, which is applicable to drama, dance and other movement forms as an invaluable aid in the development of performance skills. He developed kinetography, which is a written method of recording movement.

Ms. Taylor Knights class schedule






M T W Th F

5C 2 Redden /SAR 4B 3 Rivera ^CAD

Nason/Leary PD K1 Kidd PD 1 Ciardi

Arts Service Team Minaya /Murray 4C K1 Shea PD 5C 1 Gable K2 Cronin 4A K2 Cable

1 Caban 3 Rivera 2 Muriel 5A 2 Burke

^Curley Ambassadors of Dance-3rd/4th grades

Performance dates for 2011-12 (tentative as of 9/22/11) Concept Theme Assessment/Grade Body: September Bones-Muscles-Tendons Dance Macabre (1st grades) 1 What we October Our kinesthetic understanding Video of work (2-5th) move Performance at Fall Fling Friday, October 14th at 6 and 6:30 pm Dance Macabre performance for children October 28th, 2011 (time to be announced) Energy: November Parts of Speech: Informances* K-2 2 How we December Speak and write Online portfolio** 3-5 move Performance Nutcracker: Friday, December 12th 2011 at 9 am (a 6 pm show is planned tentatively) Space: January Math and Movement: Poetry of Feet and Street*** 3 Where February Dance across the curriculum Techy Extra + we move Performance K1/K2's Valentine to the Community Friday, February 17th, 2012 9 am Shape: March Poetry, Painting & 4 Pod-cast Why we Performing April move Performances Art Show (April) Touring Company (April-May) Dance Fest (May) 5 May Review Tba tba June Integration projects Movement and Literacy-Movement and Math-June of 2012 (K1-K2) Performance 1-5 June 8, 2012 9 am and 6pm All That Jazz *Week of December 8-12th ** 4th-5th grades ***1st grades +self assessment through the use of apps and technology (4-5) Unit Month

Grade-Level Expectations Performing: Participates in dance activities and demonstrates an awareness of body parts, control over movement and expressive qualities.

Composing: Explores movement in response to stimulus to express ideas, feelings, and moods. Appreciating: Responds to and communicates about dances. Interconnecting: Integrating dance curriculum into other subjects. BODY Move safely within a space Consider and explore the way parts of the body move Develop vocabulary for describing dance Experiment with travelling movements, focusing on parts of body Devise actions that form the basis of short compositional sequences View the dances of peers Demonstrate the basis of safe practices-Body awareness & control Element of actions performed, using variety of body parts to perform actions Perform all basic movements, demonstrating control over body parts EFFORT Explore the elements of dance with awareness of effort exerted Actions of the body, dynamic qualities of movement, timing, spatial aspects and relationships Use of technical vocabulary within dance making and appreciation SPACE Body shapes on all three levels Travel in space in a variety of ways explore level and dynamics while travelling Manipulate action in space with control Skillful organization of element, relating to process of composition SHAPE Explore body shapes Use body parts and levels to explore theme, story or mood Create movement phrases by combining shapes and movement qualities Show shapes to others in the class, copying shapes made by others Relate relationships to joint shapes with partner(s) Perform movements in unison with partner/in groups

National Dance Standards K-4 Students will perform/identify/create/observe 1. Movement elements Non-locomotor/axial movements (Bend, stretch, twist, etc.) 8 basic locomotor movements (walk, run, hop, etc)

Directions-forward, backward, sideways, diagonally and turning Shapes at low, middle and high levels Define and maintain personal space Movements in straight and curved pathways Accuracy in moving to a musical beat and responding to changes in tempo Kinesthetic awareness, concentration, focus in performing movement skills Describe movement actions and elements

2. Principles of choreography- processes and structures Create sequence with beginning, middle and end Improvise, create and perform dances based on their own ideas Use improvisation to discover and invent movement Create a dance phrase, accurately repeat it and then vary it Work effectively alone and with a partner Show evidence of partnership skills: copying, leading, following, mirroring 3. Dance as a way to create and communicate meaning Observe and discuss how dance is different from other human movement Take active role in a discussion about interpretations/reactions to a dance Present their own dances to peers Discuss their meanings with competence and confidence 4. Critical/creative thinking skills in dance Explore, discover and realize multiple solutions to a movement problem Choose their favorite solution and discuss the reasons for that choice Observe two dances and discuss how they are similar and different 5. Dance in various cultures / historical periods Perform folk dances from various cultures with competence and confidence Learn and effectively share a dance from resource in their community Students answer questions about dance in a particular culture and time 6. Making connections between dance and healthful living Students identify at least 3 personal goals to improve themselves as dancers Students explain how healthy practices enhance their ability to dance 7. Making connections between dance and other disciplines Create a dance project that reveals understanding of a concept or ideal Respond to a dance using another art form Explain the connection between the dance and their response to it

Benchmarks for K1-1st grade Body Awareness: Dancers move safely through space, alone and with others. Elements and Skills: Dancers use bodies with space, time, energy, shape Form/Organization: Dances have a beginning, middle, and end.

Communication: Dances communicate feelings and ideas. Response: Dancers talk about dances using dance vocabulary.

Benchmarks for 2nd/3rd grade Body Awareness: Dancers maintain body awareness while dancing in groups, with partners, and individually. Elements and Skills: Dancers build movement skills and use dance elements alone and in combination. Form/Organization: Dancers use simple forms to make dances. Communication: Dancers communicate for a specific purpose. Response: Dancers describe dances using dance vocabulary Benchmarks for 4th/5th grade Dance Making: Dancers develop strength, flexibility, and endurance, layering compositional elements with themes for group choreography, demonstrating self-initiative, and collaboration skills in class, rehearsal and performance. Developing Dance Literacy: Dancers expand their vocabulary of words and symbols to refine their understanding and communication of ideas and themes. They practice constructive criticism using dance language, and explore the elements that contribute to expression and meaning. Making Connections: Dancers illuminate their relationship to dance by exploring different cultures and periods, find shared elements among the arts, use video and interactive technology to support dance learning, and analyze the effects of dance on body and mind. Working With Community and Cultural Resources: Including a variety of school partnerships with dance cultural institutions and community organizations. Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning: Students make inquiries into the variety of careers in dance and dance-related fields. They begin to develop personal goals in their own dancing. They visit local dance venues, and learn about the physical and social benefits of dancing.

Bibliography (partial list-please check website for complete list) I Was a Dancer by Jacque DAmboise Dance by Bill T. Jones Yoga Pretzels by Tara Guber and Leah Kalish Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais Online Resources http://www.edmodo.com/home Site for 4th and 5th grades https://performingartscurleyk5.wikispaces.com/ Wiki for 4th and 5th

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The dance room has four rules: 1. Space-use the room safely and stay inside the boundaries 2. Sound(s)-One voice at the time, listen when others are speaking 3. Self-boss your own body, stay safe and in control with your body and voice 4. Serious-keep your purpose, and your mind focused

Classroom policy Students, who receive 3 reminders in class, will go to a buddy room to reflect on the rules. Assessments will be made based on students in-class participation, performances (see page 2) and online portfolio work (4th and 5th) By participating in all classes; dancers will receive either a 2 (developing) or 3 (proficient).

Kim Taylor Knight-Dance K1-5th 617-840-3612 storyinabox@gmail.com Website for parents: http://curleyperformingarts.weebly.com/

Fill in the following and return to homeroom: (please print!) Students name: ______________________________________ Parent or guardians name: _______________________________ Phone number: _______________________________________ Best time to be reached: _________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ My child may be photographed for educational purposes: YES NO I would like to volunteer/be a chaperone: YES NO
By signing the above, student and parent are agreeing to the rules of the classroom.

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