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Part 1: GENERAL ADVICE AND TRAVEL TIPS 1.Dont go off the beaten path before vi iting the !

ho"# trinit#$: Ro%e& '"oren(e an) Veni(e. The e (itie are tr*"# re%ar+ab"e an) #o* )ont ,ant to %i the%. -.Neverthe"e & %a+e ti%e to pen) a fe, )a# o*t i)e the %a.or (itie . Rea" Ita"# i in the %a"" to,n / 3.T* (an# i ,on)erf*". There are h*n)re) of %a"" ,on)erf*" %e)ieva" vi""age an) p"ent# to ee. 0o,ever& Ita"# i a "ot %ore than T* (an#. 'ro% the hi"" ofLanghe to the tr*""i of P*g"ia& going thro*gh the (*"inar# haven of Ro%agna& #o* ,i"" fin) fe,er to*ri t an) a ,on)erf*" "an) to )i (over/ 1.Tipping i not re2*ire). Servi(e taff get pai) a high a entr# "eve" engineer )o. In parti(*"ar& tipping peop"e #o* per ona""# +no, i (on i)ere) offen ive. In genera"& the attit*)e to,ar) tipping i that #o* (ant b*# a per on off& o be %in)f*" if #o* )e(i)e to tip. 3.Pi(+ po(+eting i an i *e in "arger %etropo"itan area "i+e Ro%e an) Veni(e& b*t it not an# ,or e than Ne, 4or+ Cit#& Lon)on or Pari . 6.Ne, paper are bo*ght )ai"# at the e)i(o"a 5ne, paper tan)6& an) )e"iver# of ne, paper i rare. E)i(o"e are ver# (o%%on an) open ever#)a#& an) a %*(h part of the t#pi(a" Ita"ian %orning ro*tine a topping to the bar to or)er ane pre o. 7.8at(h the treet bi""boar) for a)verti e%ent of !'e te$ or !Sagre$& treet fair * *a""# )e)i(ate) to one foo). If one i ("o e b# #o*r "o(ation at the ti%e #o*re there& )ont %i it9 the#re ,on)erf*" event gathering peop"e fro% the vario* to,n an) erving the%ati( foo) / :.Date are ho,n a )a#9%onth9#ear& a",a# . ;.Ti%e are in)i(ate) in -19hr for%at. 1<.An) #e & ,ere %etri(/ 11.4o* p* h to enter a p"a(e& an) p*"" to get o*t. E=a(t"# the oppo ite a in A%eri(a/ 1-.Airport an) rai" tation have p*b"i( re troo% & often ,ith atten)ant ,ho e=pe(t to be tippe). If o%eone i g*ar)ing the )oor of the re troo%& #o*re e=pe(te) to "eave a fe, (oin . 1>.Re troo% in a"" bar an) (afe are for (* to%er on"#. ?r)er an e pre o an) on"# after,ar) hea) to the toi"et/ 11.In p*b"i( re troo% & toi"et paper i a rarit#. Ita"ian ,o%en a",a# +eep a trave" pa(+ of @"eene= in their p*r e for thi rea on. 13.4o* (ant ,a"+ in a (h*r(h ,ith a tan+ top or ,ith hort on. 4o* nee) to be proper"# )re e) to vi it %o t ho"# p"a(e . 1A.Cre)it (ar) are not ,i)e"# a((epte). 4o* (ant pa# an#thing that i "e than 1< E*ro ,ith a (re)it (ar)& an) even then #o*re going to be fro,ne) *pon. A",a# bring (a h ,ith #o*/ 17.P*b"i( phone are no, offi(ia""# e=tin(t. 4o* ,i"" nee) to (arr# a (e"" phone for an#thing #o* nee)& fro% (a""ing the hote" to re erve a re ta*rant. If #o*re going for a brief ta#& * e #o*r BS (e"" phone an) get a (a""ing (ar). If #o*re p"anning a "onger trip& "oo+ into getting a SIC (ar) an) * e it ,ith #o*r 5*n"o(+e)6 BS phone9 %o t (e"" phone (a""ing (ontra(t in Ita"# are prepai) ervi(e & o no nee) to "o(+ in a p"an/ 1:.8hen * ing an Ita"ian (e"" phone& a"" in(o%ing (a"" are free.

Part -: S0?PPING AND ST?RES 1;.8hen ,a"+ing into a tore& e pe(ia""# ("othing or hoe & in %o t (a e #o* ,i"" have a hop a i tant ,ith #o* at a"" ti%e . So%eti%e #o* ,ont be a""o,e) to even to*(h the thing *n"e #o*re tr#ing the% on/ The a i tant ,i"" fin) #o*r iDe an) )o a"" the ,or+. -<.If #o* enter a tore to .* t to ta+e a "oo+& %a+e *re #o*r intention are +no,n to the per on in i)e the hop. A + if #o* (an .* t "oo+ aro*n) ,itho*t being ha "e) b# a hop a i tant tr#ing to %a+e a a"e/ -1.The r*)ene an) bit(hine of Ita"ian hop a i tant & or (o%%e e& i "egen)ar#& e pe(ia""# if #o*re not a iDe <. The# apparent"# (on i)er a iDe 1 !over,eight$. Dont ta+e it per ona""#. --.?n the *p i)e& tho*gh& hop a i tant are not pai) on (o%%i ion. 'ee" free to ab* e the%9 the# probab"# )e erve it an#,a#// ->.Store e=(hange )ont e=i t. If #o* b*# o%ething an) )e(i)e "ater #o* )ont ,ant it an#%ore& #o*re t*(+ ,ith it. Choo e (aref*""#/ -1.C"earan(e a"e in reg*"ar hop Ita"# are not ver# goo)9 * *a""# a 1<E& -<E at the ver# %o t. -3.Shop ("o e for "*n(h bet,een 1-:><p% an) > or 1p%. Ever#thing h*t )o,n b# 7:><p%. -A.A + #o*r "o(a" hote" for o*t"et tore . ?*t"et tore ,i"" have ite% pri(e) at a %ore )i (o*nte) rate.

-7.F*# hoe in Ita"#. Even ,ith the )rea)f*" E*roGDo""ar e=(hange& "eather hoe ,i"" "a t #o* for #ear an) the#re rea""# goo) for #o*r feet/ -:.In "arger (itie an) %etropo"itan area tore are open on Sat*r)a# b*t ("o e) on S*n)a#& an) another ha"f )a# of the ,ee+. In to*ri ti( re ort tore are open S*n)a# b*t ("o e) one other )a# of the ,ee+. -;.Fan+ are on"# open in the %orning an) for one ho*r in the afternoon. 4o* nee) to ban+ in the %orning/ ><.Nationa" 0o"i)a# : Han*ar# 1 t& Ne, 4ear Da# Han*ar# Ath& Epiphan# Ea ter S*n)a# Ea ter Con)a# Apri" -3th& Anniver ar# of Ita"# "iberation Ca# 1 t& Labor Da# H*ne -n)& Anniver ar# of the in tit*tion of the Rep*b"i( A*g* t 13th 5'errago to6& A *%ption Nove%ber 1 t& A"" Saint De(e%ber :th& Ann*n(iaDione De(e%ber -3th& Chri t%a De(e%ber -Ath& St Stefano. In a))ition& ea(h to,n ,i"" honor it patron ,ith an a))itiona" )a# off. >1.4o* have to ,ear p"a ti( g"ove to pi(+ *p foo) in the pro)*(e e(tion of the gro(er# tore or o") "a)ie ,i"" #e"" at #o*. >-.4o* bag #o*r o,n gro(erie an) pa# for the bag.

Part >: '??D AND DRIN@S >>.;;E of Ita"ian hote" in("*)e brea+fa t in the roo% pri(e. 34.A a (on e2*en(e of I>> above& Ita"ian re%ain the %ain a*)ien(e at bar for brea+fa t. Dont %i the (han(e to get o*t of #o*r hote" b# ;a% on a ,or+)a# an) or)er a (app*((ino a" ban(o 5at the (o*nter6 ,ith a (ornetto& preferab"# ,ith (* tar)& an) eat it tan)ing ,ith a"" the re t of the (ro,). 35.Capp*((ino i not forbi))en in the afternoon& it .* t fro,ne) *pon fo""o,ing a %ea". So%e p"a(e ,i"" a(t*a""# ref* e to erve it to #o*. Dont get *p et& .* t e%bra(e the (*"t*reJ 36.In or)er to be ab"e to get the ai) (app*((ino& in %an# p"a(e #o* fir t have to pa# for it o #o* (an ho, the (ontrino 5proof of pa#%ent6 to the barten)er. >7.Ita"ian )ont p*t i(e in their )rin+ . If #o* %* t& a + for it& b*t rea"iDe the#"" "oo+ at #o* a if #o* ,ere a Cartian. 8hen 5ifK6 the# bring #o* i(e& the# ,i"" en) to the tab"e a %a"" a*(er ,ith 3 i(e (*be for the entire tab"e. 38.4o* (ant or)er foo) !to go$& *n"e #o* are in a piDDa p"a(e or in a ro ti((eria. If #o* tr# to ,a"+ in a re ta*rant an) or)er a %ea" to go& peop"e ,i"" "oo+ at #o* a if #o* ,ere (raD#/ >;.8hen eating at a b*ffet or fa%i"# t#"e& it i %ore than a((eptab"e to he"p #o*r e"f a %an# ti%e a #o* ,ant& an) never o+a# to overfi"" #o*r p"ate. 40.Aperitivo i a ,on)erf*" tra)ition #o* ho*") not %i o*t on. Far that offer anaperitivo b*ffet ,i"" (harge #o* for the )rin+& b*t not for the foo)& ,hi(h ,i"" range fro% i%p"e (hip an) pretDe" to ophi ti(ate) ,ar% appetiDer an) par%igiano(*be prin+"e) ,ith ba" a%i( vinegar. F*ffet i a"" #o* (an eat 5b*t )ont forget the r*"e above/6. 'in) a bar that erve an aperitivo b*ffet an) hea) there bet,een Ap% an) ::><p%& an) #o* (an +ip )inner if #o* ,ant/ 11.There are no )ipping a*(e in Ita"#& o Ita"ian are not rea""# fa%i"iar ,ith )o*b"e )ipping r*"e . 1-.8hen tarting a %ea"& brea) ,i"" be bro*ght to the tab"e b*t neither o"ive oi" nor b*tter i erve). A brea) )i h i never on the tab"e& o brea) re t on the tab"e("oth. 1>.Spea+ing of brea)& never ever "eave it *p i)e )o,n on the tab"e. It (on i)ere) ba) "*(+ an) *nre pe(tf*" to,ar) the o,ner of the tab"e. 11.Never& ever po*r ,ine 5or ,ater6 ba(+han)e). It (on i)ere) an offen e to the per on #o*re erving. 13.No )oggie bag in Ita"#. Ta+ing ho%e the "eftover i not an option& an) "eaving foo) on the p"ate i fro,ne) *pon.

1A.Sa"a) i (on i)ere) a i)e )i h& not a tarter. No %ea" in Ita"# ever tart ,ith a a"a). 17.If #o*re invite) to a ,e))ing& be prepare) to eat. I%agine a %ini%*% of 13 (o*r e an) itting at the tab"e for 3 to A ho*r . 1:.Tap ,ater i never erve)& an) )e pite the fa(t that it no, a afe a in the BS& peop"e +eep on )rin+ing bott"e) ,ater an) re ta*rant on"# erve bott"e) ,ater. 1;.8hen ,ater i not afe at fo*ntain & it ,i"" a# o. ?ther,i e& ta+e a)vantage of the on"# free ,ater in the (o*ntr#/ 3<.Coffee i not a !to go$ ite%. 4o* en.o# it at the bar& an) no paper (*p i provi)e)/ 31.Chee e i never eaten ,ith fi h. 3-.Sa"a) )re ing i oi" an) vinegar an) that it. There arent )ifferent t#pe of )re ing . 3>.There are over 1<< )ifferent t#pe of pa ta& an) ea(h region ha it o,n. Ca+e an effort to tr# a %an# a po ib"e/ 31.Frea) an) pa ta are never eaten together in the North& b*t the# are o%eti%e in the So*th. 33.Re ta*rant (* to% are a bit )ifferent than in the BS. Sin(e erver are a"arie) an) )ont re"# on tip to %a+e a "iving& the# )ont (are abo*t t*rnover9 it i (* to%ar# in Ita"# to ta# eate) at a re ta*rant tab"e for the ,ho"e evening& an) )inner ,o*") * *a""# ta+e "onger than in the BS. 3A.If #o* )ont a + for the (he(+& #o*re not going to get it. Ita"ian (on i)er a (he(+ p*t on the tab"e before #o*re )one ,ith #o*r %ea"& or ,itho*t #o* a +ing& "i+e an invitation to "eave. It i (on i)ere) a no9no in re ta*rant & o #o* %* t a + for #o*r (he(+ if #o*) "i+e to pa#/ 37.8hen or)ering foo) at a re ta*rant& *b tit*tion or (hange are * *a""# not a((epte). 3:.A"fre)o a*(e i not Ita"ian. Dont a + for it/ 59.'rapp*((ino )oe nt e=i t& either. 0o,ever& a"" other (offee )rin+ ,ho e na%eStarb*(+ ha to"en * *a""# %ean o%ething )ifferent than ,hat #o* thin+ #o*re or)ering. 60.0ot (ho(o"ate i a )ifferent e=perien(e a"together9 it )en er& %ore "i+e a p*))ing& an) it * *a""# or)ere) in the afternoon& a a %eren)a ite%. 61.Appropriate * e of grate) Par%igiano (hee e i "i%ite) to pa ta9 an) pa ta ,ith either vegetab"e or %eat a*(e& not fi h/ There i no grate) par%e an (hee e on a"a) or piDDa. ?((a iona""#& "iver of par%igiano ,i"" be erve) over bre ao"a or(arpa((io9 b*t never grate) (hee e/ A-.Nothing b*t por+ i (on i)ere) appropriate %eat for #o*r piDDa. No (hi(+en& not beef9 on"# por+ in vario* for%at 5pro (i*tto& a"a%e& a" i((ia& et(.6. A>.Chi(+en i not to be eaten ,ith pa ta. That it. There i nt a ing"e pa ta a*(e in Ita"ian (*i ine ,here (hi(+en (an be an ingre)ient. 64.Dinner i pa t :p%& not at 3p%. If #o*re h*ngr# at 3p%& go to a pa ti((eria an) get a hot (ho(o"ate an) o%e pa trie . If #o*re h*ngr# at 7p% go to a bar an) or)er an aperitivo. Dont ho, *p for )inner before :p% 5an) that ti"" +in) of ear"#/6. 65.Dont %i the (han(e to tr# piDDa in a piDDeria& b*t be a,are that piDDa i a )inner foo). The ver# fe, piDDeria open at "*n(h * *a""# (ater to to*ri t on"# 5an) the piDDa i probab"# not "i+e"# to be great/6. 66.Spea+ing of piDDa& it i (on i)ere) inappropriate 5an) %an# p"a(e ,i"" .* t a# it not po ib"e/6 to a + for a p"it topping: ha"f a piDDa one ,a# an) ha"f a piDDa a )ifferent ,a# i .* t not a (on(ept Ita"ian piDDaio"i are ab"e to gra p. Part 1: CBLTBRE A7.Co t Ita"ian *n)er 1< pea+ o%e Eng"i h& b*t %an# ,i"" be e%barra e) to ta"+. A:.S*n)a# i a ho"# )a#9 an) not for (h*r(h& b*t for o((er/ 8hen the ga%e are on& #o* ,i"" ee p"ent# of peop"e ,a"+ing )o,n the treet ,ith their fa%i"# ,ith a ra)io g"*e) to their ear. So%eti%e a #o* ,a"+ )o,n a b* # treet on a S*n)a# afternoon #o* ,i"" hear a %i= of (heer an) %*%b"ing 9 that the ign for one of the tea% (oring/ A;.?h& an) it not o((er9 it footba"" 5or (a"(io6. 7<.Gir" ,at(hing i a nationa" pa t ti%e& e(on) on"# to o((er. Dont be a"ar%e) ,hen %en tare at #o*. Cen "oo+ at ,o%en a art hi torian "oo+ at the Si tine (hape" (ei"ing. 71.Thir) after o((er an) ,o%en (o%e 'or%*"a ?ne an) the 'errari tea%. Dont even atte%pt to pea+ i"" of S(*)eria 'errari in p*b"i(. 4o* %ight be verba""# a a*"te).

7-.Ita"ian te"evi ion pen) one )a# ho,ing o((er an) A )a# ta"+ing abo*t it. ?ther progra%%ing in("*)e p"ent# of ha"f9na+e) )an(ing gir" an) inappropriate n*)it# (o%%er(ia" 9 an) o%eti%e 'or%*"a 1 ra(e & per priorit# "i t et above. 7>.ADD*rro& "ight b"*e& i the (o"or of ever# nationa" ath"ete .er e#. 8hen #o* hear ta"+ing abo*t ADD*rri peop"e * *a""# refer to the nationa" tea% o((er p"a#er & a"tho*gh it * e) in genera" ter% for a"" nationa" ath"ete . 71.4o* ho,er at night in Ita"#& an) #o* (hange to )re 9*p ("othe before going o*t for the evening& ,hether #o*re going to a re ta*rant or to a bar. Da# ,ear i not (on i)ere) appropriate for night ti%e. 73.In Ita"# it i not o(ia""# a((eptab"e to be )r*n+. Peop"e boa t abo*t their a"(oho" re i tan(e an) no one ,o*") ever a)%it to be )r*n+. 7A.F* ine for%a" i the nor% for a"" offi(e an) a"e .ob . 8earing a tie i (on i)ere) appropriate ,ear for prett# %*(h an# ,or+p"a(e. 77.Ita"ian %en )re ver# ni(e"#. Leather hoe an) "a(+ are a "ot %ore (o%%on than hort an) f"ip f"op . 7:.4o* (an ee a "ot of pee)o on Ita"ian bea(he & an) nobo)# fin) it hi"ario* . 7;.Top"e *nbathing i 2*ite (o%%on in the northern bea(he & an) %ore fro,ne) *pon in the So*th. :<.8hi"e in the BS te%perat*re in p*b"i( p"a(e i )eter%ine) b# the one ,ho fee" hot 5an) hen(e he i the one ,ho "o,er the te%perat*re in the pa(e6& in Ita"# the one ,ho (o") i a",a# right an) her re2*e t ,i"" )eter%ine a roo% te%perat*re. :1.Never& ever give (hr# anthe%*% a a f"o,er gift to an#one. The# are (on i)ere) the f"o,er of the )ea)& an) on"# bro*ght to (e%eterie . :-.8hen entering o%eone ho* e& it i (* to%ar# to a + for per%i ion on the )oor tep& even if #o*ve been invite) a"rea)#. 4o* a# !Per%e o$ *pon entering a ho* e. :>.Line 5at the po t offi(e& at the ban+& at the bar& at the ba+er#6 are never rea""# "ine . The# are a )e("aration of intent that #o* nee) to a ert if #o* ,ant to be he"pe). Ca+e *re #o* )e%an) #o*r right in "ine if #o* )ont ,ant to be !overta+en$/ :1.P*rp"e being the (o"or of "ent& it i (on i)ere) a (o"or that bring ba) "*(+. Avoi) the )ar+er p*rp"e h*e for evening at the theatre& an) it )efinite"# a forbi))en (o"or at ,e))ing /

Part 3: DRIVING AND C?VING AR?BND :3.Driving in Ita"# i not terrib"e. @eep #o*r right& be (aref*"& b*t %an# Ita"ian are terrifie) to )rive in Ca"ifornia& o #o* ho*") be .* t fine/ :A.0o,ever& )ont even thin+ to )rive in Nap"e . Roa) r*"e are )ifferent fro% ,hat #o*re * e) to& an) )e pite being in(o%prehen ib"e to %o t& the# +eep the (it# going. 4o*) be the ,ren(h thro,n in the perfe(t"# oi"e) ,hee"/ :7.4o* )ont f"ag (ab in Ita"#9 * *a""#& #o* ,a"+ to one of the ta=i tan) ,here the# ,ait in "ine9 * *a""# "o(ate) ("o e to %ain attra(tion . ::.If #o* (a"" a (ab& #o* are often (harge) for the ti%e it ta+e for it to (o%e an) get #o*. :;.Ca+ing a !pit top$ a"ong i)e the roa) to re"ieve one e"f 5P*""ing over to the i)e of the roa) an) peeing6 i a((epte). It )i g* ting an) terrib"e& b*t #o*"" ee p"ent# of %en )oing it. 90.Never )rive on the "eft "ane of the a*to tra)a *n"e #o* are pa ing a (ar. ;1.Leave #o*r "eft b"in+er on ,hi"e #o* are in the "eft "ane. T*rn "eft b"in+er off ,hen #o* ret*rn to the "o, "ane. ;-.Ca+e *re #o* re pe(t the pee) "i%it . Contrar# to genera" a *%ption & an) e pe(ia""# in re(ent #ear & po"i(e ha gotten ver# tri(t abo*t pee)ing. The# ,ont top #o*9 .* t en) a pi(t*re of #o* to the (ar o,ner. If #o*re renting& #o* are "iab"e to pa# the heft# ti(+et 5L-<<M6. ;>.If o%eone f"a he their bright behin) #o*& it be(a* e the# ,ant #o* to %ove to the right "ane o that the# %a# pa . ;1.Fefore boar)ing a train #o* nee) to va"i)ate #o*r ti(+et. 4o* ,i"" have to va"i)ate #o*r ti(+et )ire(t"# on b* e in tea). Ca+e *re #o* a""o, p"ent# of pa))ing on #o*r tran fer & a Ita"ian train ti%e are& on(e again& %ore a )e("aration of intent than a et r*"eJ ;3.S(ooter & bi(#("e an) %otor(#("e hare the roa) ,ith (ar & an) the# ,i"" Dip b# on #o*r "eft an) right in a one9 "ane roa)/ 96.It har) to pa# for ga ,ith a (re)it (ar)& e pe(ia""# after operating ho*r other than on the a*to tra)a. ;7.No right t*rn on re)/ ;:.Dont tr# to fin) a (*p ho")er in #o*r (ar. If it %ore than 3 #ear o")& there ,ont be one/

;;.Eating in the (ar i *nhear) of. Ita"ian ,o*") never )o *(h a (ovete) an) o(ia" thing "i+e eating in the %o t *n o(ia" p"a(e of a""& the (ar. 1<<.0o,ever& that )oe nt %ean Ita"ian )ont "i+e their (ar // A(t*a""#& (ar are (ovete) ign of o(ia" tat* . A a (on e2*en(e& garbage that #o* pro)*(e in the (ar get ta+en o*t i%%e)iate"#. 4o* ,i"" ee peop"e thro,ing thing )ire(t"# o*t i)e the ,in)o,. A "ong a the (ar i ("ean& ,ho (are abo*t "itteringK Thi "itt"e g*i)e to Ita"ian (*"t*re ha ha) o %*(h *((e I have tho*ght of a fe, other ite% to a)) to thi "i t. If #o* have %ore& +eep the% (o%ing b# e%ai"ing %e at vane a at ita"#in f )ot (o%/ 1<1.The perfe(t )rin+ for a piDDa i beer& or o)a. A"%o t no Ita"ian )rin+ ,ine ,ith their piDDa& ,hen the# )o the# (on i)er it an overin)*"gent p"ea *re an) * *a""# it ,i"" be a par+"ing ,ine& "i+e Pro e((o. 102.Pe to )oe not be"ong on piDDa& on an),i(he & a a i)e to a (apre e a"a)9 pe to on"# be"ong on pa ta a" pe to. 1<>.Cartini i a ver%o*th& not a )rin+. If #o* a + for a Cartini& #o* ,i"" be erve) ,hite ver%o*th& * *a""# on the ro(+ & ,ith a t,i t of "e%on in it9 a )e"i(io* aperitivo if #o* a + %e/ To or)er a !North A%eri(a$9 t#"e Cartini& a + for a Cartini Co(+tai"/

Genera" Phra e in Ita"ian

4e GNo: SiGNon eeGno P"ea e 5a +ing for o%ething6: Per 'avore pair favora# P"ea e 5offering6: Prego pra#go Than+ #o*: GraDie gratDee9a# 0e""oGF#e/: Ciao (ho, Goo)b#e: Arrive)er(i ar9reeve)air(hee Goo) Corning: F*on giorno b,on .orno Goo) EveningGNight: F*ona eraGnotte F,ona airaGnot9ta# 0o, are #o*K: Co%e taK +o%a# ta

Ita"ian Phra e : 0e"p& Prob"e% & Dire(tion

Do #o* pea+ Eng"i hK: Par"a Ing"e eK par"a eeng"a#Da# I (anNt pea+ Ita"ian: Non par"o Ita"iano non par"o eeta"9#ano I )onNt *n)er tan): Non Capi (o non +apee +o 0o, %*(h i itK: O*anto (o taK +,anto +o ta Co*") #o* he"p %eK P*o ai*tar%iK p,o i9ootar%ee 8here i ...K: Dove i trova...K )oveh ee trova the toi"et: i" bagno ee" ban9#o the tation: "a taDione "a tatD9#ona# the ban+: "a ban(a "a ban+a the neare t petro" tation: "a taDione )i erviDio pi* vi(ina "a tatD9#ona# )ee airveetD9#o p9#oo vee(heena


ib"e re pon e :

T*rn "eft: giri a ini tra T*rn right: giri a )e tra Go traight on: Va)a )ritto At the (orner: A""Nango"o Go pa t the...: Va)a o"tre The (ro roa) : LNin(ro(io

The traffi( "ight: I" e%aforo The ign for: "e in)i(aDione per

Ita"ian Phra e : A((o%%o)ation I have a re ervation: 0o prenotato *na tanDa oh pra#notato oona tantDa Do #o* have a ing"eG)o*b"e roo%K: 0a *na (a%era ingo"aG)oppiaK ha oona +a%aira eengo"aG)oppee9a 8hat i the (harge per nightK: O*anto i paga per notteK +,anto ee paga pair not9ta# IN) "i+e a roo% for one nightGthree night : Vorrei *na tanDa per *na notteGtre notti vor9ra# oona tantDa pair oona not9ta#Gtra# not9tee P"ea e ,a+e %e at 7 oN("o(+: Ci veg"i& per favore& a""e ette %ee Dve"9#ee pair favora# a"9"a# et9ta# IN) "i+e to rent an apart%entGvi""a for...)a# : Vorrei affittare *n apparta%entoG*na vi""a per...giorni vor9ra# af9feet9tara# oon ap9 parta%entoGoona vee"9"a pair....ornee

Ita"ian Phra e : Re ta*rant A tab"e for oneGt,oGthree& p"ea e: Bn tavo"o per *na per onaGper )*eGper tre& per favore oon tavo"o pair oon pai onaG pair )oo9a#Gpair tra# pair favora# IN) "i+e...: Vorrei... vor9ra# 8hat ,o*") #o* re(o%%en)K Co a (i (on ig"iaK +oDa (hee +on ee"9#a Can I have the bi""& p"ea eK Pi porta i" (onto& per favoreK pee porta ee" (onto pair favora# Can ,e pa# eperate"#K Po ia%o pagare eparata%enteK poo 9#a%o pagara# eparata%enta# /

Ita"ian Phra e : N*%ber < Dero tDairo 1 *no oono - )*e )oo9a# > tre tra#

1 2*attro +,at9tro 3 (in2*e (heen+,a# A ei a# 7 ette et9ta# : otto ot9to ; nove no9va# 1< )ie(i )ee9a#(hee 11 *n)i(i oon9)ee(hee 1- )o)i(i )oh9)ee(hee 1> tre)i(i 11 2*attor)i(i 13 2*in)i(i 1A e)i(i 17 )i(ia ette

1: )i(iotto 1; )i(iannove -< venti ventee -1 ven*no vent9oono -- venti)*e >< trenta 1< 2*aranta 3< (in2*anta A< e anta

7< ettanta :< ottanta ;< novanta 1<< (ento 11< (ento)ie(i -<< )*e(ento ><< tre(ento 1&<<< %i""e 1<&<<< )ie(i%i"a -<&<<< venti%i"a 1&<<<&<<< *n %i"ione

Ita"ian Phra e : Da# of the 8ee+ S*n)a#: Do%eni(a )o%enee+a Con)a#: L*ne)i "oone)ee T*e )a#: Carte)i %arte)ee 8e)ne )a#: Cer(o"e)i %air+o"e)ee Th*r )a#: Giove)i .ove)ee 'ri)a#: Vener)i venair)ee Sat*r)a#: Sabato abato

Ita"ian Phra e for Trave"er

The e ba i( Ita"ian phra e ,i"" he"p a #o* to*r Ita"#:

Arrive)er(i 5ah9ree9va#9)er9(hee6 9 Goo) b#e 5for%a"6 Fene 5behn9a#6 9 8e""Ggoo) F*on giorno/ 5b,on gee9orno6 9 Goo) )a# F*ona era/ 5b,on9*h a#9r*h6 9 Goo) afternoonGevening Ciao/ 5(ho,6 9 0e""o or goo)b#e 5infor%a"& b*t * e) often6 Co%e taK 5+oh9%a# tah6 9 0o, are #o*K Sto bene 5 toh behn9a#6 9 I a% goo) Par"a ing"e eK 5par9"ah een9g"a#9Da#6 9 Do #o* pea+ Eng"i hK DovNP...K 5)oh9veh6 9 8here i ... Per favore 5pehr fah9voh9ra#6 9 P"ea e GraDie/ 5grah9t eea#6 9 Than+ / Ca"e 5%ah9"a#6 9 Fa) Ci (* i 5%ee +oo9Dee6 9 E=(* e %e No 5no6 9 No Si 5 ee6 9 4e Prego. 5pra#9go6 9 4o*Nre ,e"(o%e. So%eti%e * e) a a po"ite phra e for per%i a ,aiter a#ing QpregoQ before ta+ing #o*r e%pt# p"ate. O*anto eN... 5+,ahn9toh a#6 9 0o, %*(h i ... O*anto (o taK 5+,ahn9toh +o 9tah6 9 0o, %*(h i itK O*e""oG2*e""a 5+,eh9"ohG+,eh9"ah6 9 That O*e toG2*e taG2*e ti 5+,eh9 tohG+,eh9 tahG+,eh9 tee6 9 Thi Gthe e ion 5QCa# IKQ or QIf #o* p"ea e.Q6& *(h a

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