Math Lesson 7
Math Lesson 7
Math Lesson 7
UT! "#S F$ " %L&#$T% '$ G$%" F STUD(#S Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns three to fi!e e"ements# b$ describing% e&tending% comparing% and creating patterns using manipu"ati!e% diagrams% sounds and actions. SL ) Describe% e&tend% and compare 1' and 2' attribute repeating patterns (P)1*. L#%$*(*G &+#!T(,#S Students will) 1. +&p"ore ne, patterns %SS#SS"#*TS bservations) -ndependent ,ork 'roducts) .orkbooks. L#%$*(*G $#S U$!#S ! *SULT#D "%T#$(%LS %*D #-U('"#*T Math P/0 .orkbooks Math Makes 0ense 1eacher Guide Penci"s/co"oring utensi"s '$ !#DU$# Prior to lesson 2and out ,ork books (ntroduction Time Assessment of .hat is a pattern3 Prior .hat is a core in a pattern3 Knowledge .hat are attributes3 5 mins 2a!e the students raise their hands to ans,er these 4uestions. &od. Time Learning /pen it to 6Making Patterns7 .e ,i"" go o!er these Activity #1 4uestions together as some of $ou had prob"ems ,ith them on 8rida$. 30 mins 1hen comp"ete 6.hat is Missing7 1hen 69se :"" of the ;eads7% 6;ead Pattern7 Assessments: .ork books. !losure Time Transition To <"ose $our books and put them in the bin% $ou ha!e Next Lesson unti" - get to 1% to get back to $our desks sitting 2 mins 4uiet"$ for Mrs. /"son. GL ) $e/lectio ns /rom the
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe