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Rikki Tikki Tavi Story Lesson Plan

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1 Lesson Plan (based on AR Teaching Standards) Teacher candidate: Chrissy Davis Subject(s): English Topic(s): Rikki Tikki - Tavi

i Grade: 7th

Circle the Blooms Domains that appl :




!r"ansas #rame$or"s (complete S%Es): or Common Core Standards CCSS&E%!'%iterac &S%&(&1c )ose *uestions that elicit elaboration and respond to others *uestions and comments $ith rele+ant obser+ations and ideas that bring the discussion bac" on topic as needed& CCSS&E%!'%iterac &,%&(&- !nal .e ho$ particular elements o/ a stor or drama interact (e&g&0 ho$ setting shapes the characters or plot)& CCSS&E%!'%iterac &1&(&2d 3se precise language and domain'speci/ic +ocabular to in/orm about or e4plain the topic& %ength o/ lesson (speci/ beginning and ending time): Start 2:25 /Finish !:"5

5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Learning Goals/Objectives6Stds 4-8 The students $ill create a short stor /or their journals& The students $ill de/ine +ocabular orall & The students $ill create a boo" co+er /or the stor ,i""i 7 Ti""i 7Ta+i& Considering Prior Knowledge Stds 1-5 ! Students ha+e some prior "no$ledge o/ the stor St"dent Gro"#ing6Stds 1-$ 8 The students $ill not be grouped in groups /or this lesson& 8 chose this because 8 $ant the students to $or" alone and later ha+e a group discussion& %eac&ing 'et&ods6Stds 4 ( !-8 1e $ill be ha+ing discussion about the stor as $ell as creating a boo" co+er /or the stor &

2 L)SSO* +)SC,-P%-O*/.C%-/-%-)S0Stds 1-8 Proced"res 1& 8ntroduction: state o#$ectives% activate #ack&ro'n( kno)*e(&e an( e+,eriences% en&a&e *earners% connect
,revio's*y *earne( content Pro$ecte( Time: 5-7 min'tes 9ournal )rompt: 1hat /ictional hero $ould ou hope $ould come to our de/ense i/ ou $ere in trouble: (a /e$ students share)

12 Lesson Content3
Pro$ecte( Time: -. min'tes ;ocabular <Spar"le= Students $ill all stand and starting on one side o/ the class0 8 $ill gi+e the class the /irst $ord to spell& The students $ill go do$n the line $ith each student sa ing the ne4t letter to spell the $ord& 8/ the student sa s the $rong letter the student $ill sit do$n& >nce the $ord has been correctl spelled the ne4t student in line $ill gi+e the de/inition o/ the $ord& 8/ the student misses the de/inition0 the student $ill sit do$n& This $ill continue /or ? minutes& The students $ill continue reading ,i""i' Ti""i 7Ta+i and pic" up $here the le/t o// o/ the stor /rom the da be/ore& Each student $ill read at least one paragraph to the class and $e $ill discuss the stor as $e go& The students $ill create a boo" co+er /or the stor complete $ith picture and summar &

$2 Clos"re3
Pro$ecte( Time: 5-7 min'tes E4it Slip: 1hat part o/ the lesson $as our /a+orite part: 1h :

42 )4tensions3 1hat happened $hen ,i""i $ent underground into the sna"e hole: Compare and contrast the di//erent characters in the stor & #ind a theme song that could go $ith this stor & Dra$ a picture about the most important part o/ the stor &

'aterials and %ec&nolog50.4 Student boo" Dr erase mar"ers paper cra ons or colored pencils

.ssess6ent -n7or6al A/ormati+eB @and/or /#oth are not re0'ire(1 8or6al Asummati+eB

E4it Slip and rubric /or the boo" co+er 'odi7ications or .cco66odations 8 $ill slo$ do$n m lecture and use lots o/ +isuals /or the second language learners& The can also ha+e their peer helper e4plain an thing that the dont understand& #or the hearing impaired 8 $ill not turn m bac" to them $hile 8 am teaching and 8 $ill spea" slo$l and clearl &

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