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Sourabh Sharma: Me@ Sourabh - Co.in

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Sourabh Sharma me@ sourabh.co.

91 - 9456434250
12 July, 1985


A Position in Information Technology with a growth oriented organization that will offer career
development and advancement opportunities utilizing my te chnical and analytical skills.


 With 3 Yrs expe rience as web developer in Java Te chnology and PHP technology.
 Experienced in all phases of SDLC and system integrated using Java / J2EE architecture.
 Good exposure to Domain areas like Multi – Le vel Marketing, Operations, Education, Payroll,
Tours and Trave ls, E-commerce.
 Experience on MVC Architecture and St ruts 2 framework.
 Good exposure Object Oriented A nalysis and Design(OOAD).


 Web Developer in Inventive Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Sanjay Place, Agra [ May’ 08 – Till Date]
 Web Developer in BSS IT Agra, Bharatpur House , Agra [ Dec’ 07 – April’ 08 ]
 Web Developer in I’ M Advertiser Pvt. Ltd., Sikandra, Agra [ June’ 07 – Nov’ 07 ]
 Web and Application Developer in Commerce and Compute rs, Sanjay Place , Agra [ Dec’ 05 – Feb’ 07 ]


Java / J2EE Technolog y JDK 5 / 6, JSP, Ser vlets, JDBC, Struts2, Java Beans
Lang uage ‘C’, C++, Java , PHP, Java Script, AJAX, HTML
RDBMS My SQL 5, Oracle 9i / 10g, MS SQ L 2000
Web Server IIS, Tomcat 6, W / LAMP, XAMPP
IDE’ s Eclipse, Ze nd Studio 6, Dream weaver 8
Tools iText for PDF reporting, Apache POI,
ArgoUML Modeling Tool
Operating System Linux (Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora10), Window 2003 / XP


Successfully comple ted 4 weeks (2 JULY’ 07 -30 JULY’ 07) t raining at BSNL (BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM
LIMITED), Sanjay Place, Agra and prepared a small module for reporting of called phone numbers in
Visual Basic 6.0 using data reports.


 PDF reporting in PHP & Java,

 Using Apache POI for Excel reporting in Java,
 E – Commerce Module in PHP,
 Really Simple Syndicat ion (RSS) implementation,
 Excel Spreadsheet R / W in Java and PHP,
 Customize Google MAP using Google MAP API,
 Linux Server Administration DNS Configuration + hosting Administ ration,


1. Master of Science [2007 – 2009] (Computer Science)

Awaiting for result and aggregate 68% up till 3 semester from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra

Institute: Institute of Basic Science (ICIS, Campus), Khandari Campus, Agra, (U P)

1. Bachelor of Electr onic Commerce [2004 - 2007] (Electronic Commerce)
C ompleted with 72% from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Agra, (U P)

Institute: Dau Daya l Institute of Vocational Education, Khandari Campus, Agra, (U P)

2. Intermediate (2003 - 2004) (Physics, Chemistry, Math’s)

C ompleted from Uttar Pradesh Board, Allahabad

Institute: Radha Ballabh Inter College, Shahganj, Agra, (U P)


1 . I’ m Visible [ Local Business S earch En gine]

Platfo rm Linux (Ubuntu)

Technology Java,
Front End JSP, AJAX, Java Script, HTML, CSS
Middle Tier Filte rs
Framework Struts 2.0, Struts Tag Libraries
Back End MySql 5
Web Server Tom cat 6,
Team Size 3
Duration May’ 09 – Till Date


This project has three main modules, which are as follows:

 Administration Module,
 Visitor Module,
 Customer Module,
 SMS Manage me nt System,
 Advance Filter Options,
 Sche duler Management,

Administration Module is responsible to create masters of the whole application such as categories of
the business, location and nearby locations of the main location and add, import and e xport the customer
in the entire module of the application.

Vis itor is the basically web application user who goes to the application to sea rch his required categories
and elect one or more service provider those are already enrolled in t he application. When he selects any
one service provide r then display the whole information about the service provider with their appropriate
location at google Map. If he wants to sea rch more for particular category then he can use the advance
filter option and he can search using the nearby location feature s application provides to the visitor more
than options to e le ct their category and application also provide to the visitor some refine categorie s,
vendor’ s vacant jobs etc. Visit or gives the appropriate rating quote to the customer.

Customer is the main application user who just uses the application to cre ate t heir proper de tails, post
their vacant jobs Offer quotes and send SMS to t heir customer and schedule also. Using the Diary option
he can store and m aintain the digital information system of their clients and colleges


 Feasible Analysis & Testing.

 Implement the Database Layer & Business logics of the ent ire application.
 Design the entire UML based Application, Database and its re la tion diagrams included use cases of
the existing actors, E- R Model of entire Database and its relations.
 Developed the user interface using JS P and S truts2 Tag Library.
 Worke d with t he collection framework and implemented ArrayList, HashMap, etc.
 Worke d on validations of the va rious module in the application using AJAX
 Also worke d with HTML/DHTML, CS S and JavaScript for GUI development.
1 . WPIS [Web-based Personnel Information System]

Platfo rm UBUNTU [Linux Server]

Technologies Java, PHP
Front End JSP, AJAX, Java Script, HTML, CSS
Middle Tier Servle ts
Framework Struts 2.0
Back End My Sql 5
Web Server Tom cat 5, Apache 2
Team Size 6
Duration Dec’ 08 – April’ 09
Client Dakshinanchal Vidhyut Vitran Nigam Ltd [DVVNL]
URL http://www.dvvnl.in / http ://ww w.dvvnl.org


The W PIS has five main modules, which are as follows:

 Tenders Manageme nt & reporting

 PIS (Pe rsonnel Information System) Module
 SMS Module
 Email System Module
 Payroll Management System Module
 DNS Configuration & Virtual hosting on Linux

Tender Management is a web-based solution that allows publishing all te nde rs of the organization from
every department & it’s reporting according to month detail, expiry Date, and Extende d Date and news
paper wise.

PIS are a web-base d solution that allows identifying an individual (or personnel) and finding the
information of the pe rsonnel. It also incorporates Corporate Communication, organization’s Manuals and
Circulars, etc.

The SMS application gives the facility to send text SMS to any GSM / CDMA mobiles.

Through Email system, a user of the organization can communicate through e mails with other
departments and the outside world, can also access or send information re lated to their daily tasks and
schedules me eting(s) / appointme nt(s).

Payroll module is having facility to maintain complete re cords for e mployees, their salary and attendance.
It maintains employee ’s comple te deta ils with designation, category, allowances, deduction and complete
attendance record with gene ration of pay slip.


 Designe d JSPs (some of the m includes quite com ple x eve nt based ones) of PIS Module, Payroll
 Applied Client side validation CSS, AJAX, JavaScript .
 Wrote SQL for PIS Module, SMS Management Module and Payroll Module.
 Implemented servlets and va lue obje cts.
 Implement complete Tender Manage me nt & Re porting in PHP
1 . SMS [ Sh ort Messaging Service ] Portal

Platform Fedora 9
Technologies Java ,
Front End JSP, AJAX, Java Script, HTML, CSS
Mid dle Tier Servlets
Back End My Sql 5
Web Server Tomcat 5, Apache 2
Team Size 4
Duration July’ 08 – Oct’ 08
URL http:// www.smsswift.com


It is the we b applicat ion which acts as an SMS Gateway. The system is designed to be integrated with
Email system, othe r corporate systems that require SMS se rvices. The system follows complete MVC
architecture. This application gives the facility to send text SMS to any GSM / CDMA mobiles. The
inte rested use rs first registe r him / her to this site and purchases some SMS Credits according to the SMS
Plan in which s / he interested. This system also facilita tes to SMS scheduling (the user can also schedule
SMS on e vents like , b’ day, we dding date, etc.)


 Designe d JSPs of User Manageme nt, SMS Management and Event Manage me nt modules.
 Applied Client side validation CSS, AJAX, JavaScript .
 Wrote SQL for User Management and SMS Management Modules.
 Implemented servlets and va lue obje cts.

2 . e – Q & Q Management System

Platform Fedora 9
Technologies Java ,
Front End JSP, Java Script, HTML, CSS
Mid dle Tier Servlets
Back End My Sql 5
Web Server Tomcat 5, Apache 2
Team Size 6
Duration May’ 08 – June’ 08
Client Hindustan Petroleum Corpo ration Ltd.


The e-Q & Q Management is a we b based solution that enables online inspection of retail outle ts (Petrol
Pumps), online follow up and conclusion of MDG cases. It provides automat ic reminders through email and
SMS alerts on sensitive issues, like, irregularities obse rved during inspection so as to help Corporation stay
one step ahead. This system facilitates real-time MIS and reports generation in PDF and Excel format for
user at e ach le vel. The inspection can also be done in its offline module on internet unava ilability and can
then be uploaded at later time afte r doing integrity and compatibility check with the master records on the
se rver. The inspection report is uploaded to the serve r in the XML format.


 Applied JavaScript for clie nt side validation, CSS.

 Wrote SQL of Maste r Module.
 Done testing of Master Module and Offline Module.
 Fixe d some bug issues.
1 . E-commerce based website named ‘Electro-I-Auction’

Platform Windows
Technologies PHP 5,
Front End AJAX, Java Script, HTML, CSS
Back End My Sql 5
Web Server Apache 2
Team Size 2
Duration De c’ 07 – Feb’ 07
URL http:// www.umbrellainnovation.in


It is an expert syste m which is based on Online Auction of Electronic goods implemented with Mailing
Syste m. This application facilitates the user to do the auctioning of electronic items as per his/her desire.
The interested use r first register himself/he rself to this site after that s/he be allowed to make a bid on
his/her desired ele ctronic items. The user is also communicated through the e-mail id which is provided at
the time of registration.


I am an extreme ly result oriented person and have the ability to work in and as a team. Sincerit y and hard
work is inherent in my working and have a gre at aptitude for learning. My distinctiveness lies in being cool
headed under st ress conditions.


Father’s Name : Dr. P. M. Sharma

Mother’s Name : Smt. Malti Sharma
Marita l Status : Single
Language : Hindi, English
C ont act : +91 – 562 – 2276802,
+91 – 9358913009
URL : http://www.sourabh.co.in
Mail Address : sourabhshcs@gmail.com
Address : H. No. 45 / 6A / 6A, Nagla A jeeta, Agra [UP]
Hobbies : Linux Administration, Drawing, Sket ching

Place: Agra
Date: (So urabh Sharma)

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